Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), June 19, 1841, p. 1

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thk chronicle evoazette i pktuiukk it ihm iwkiecbhp w hq klcok canada wednesday satirday terr twti 1 1 smiluxcj rut uw eyekvdeariitionof lotter pre prutia- miiv ao moit cicoiiroviv vmtctto it tmc clifcosutk l ui cmc oil ic chronicle and kingston commercial advertiser vol xxii nee btffo nrc popj scd utr kingston canada atuudav junk l 141 1no lok chronicle l cazotit ktatlonerv wakeiiousk lnkf him an mhmji stall tilt cios wu toutujttly rrj t i n ii l whiting papers ttm finff h if i ttit j j i in tin sutivnry tint lo blank uooki fchoot iooih lu t or au ato ut in ill its brsneko carried on il ih ilo j ublblunhl a tnptrior flu mtt i uift full opt fa tun ii ttju la h uooktclflfc 1114 i aft ptlltro an in sly it infciioi lonoot 7w coow phtstlsv offft j ook msdery od stjtiwtl warehouse tntko ljjottitacnf- if a aw4 mperhnly ia oumf f jtifito cno driiafr a chionwle i- fjjxtltt uttitc f i kmofuatnr tftil i ekitibtl and mmril imehica r o y a l m a 1 l st e a ms mips ot flsq ml builhrn and 40 ho tam sijrrfovrtrr vamw ocafne uurdty acauii cftmunm by ci mmn kniitti r cuuu caliom lbumaut c ii ejchitt witt mil from blonnd livcfl4i1 ih l imiua j lollou 1841 0v itotc fr hoi f liver columns match lit mitch 3d ctlreonin thick to briuftnu l6lhmkq ibth acailu miwh 19th c decani apcil lit april d columbia april 4lb arid ailltth apil rjib hriunma apusm cohimhi my 1st may uiiunnu uv l6lh wy u atarfi my 1th may iolh cjuisub june 111 jun 3j lohimfcw ju lib aetdli jm itth jn isth itlunnia jmftt 3lh columbia jaly ll inly 3j ckonm j ovnn july ib july 1jib a wy ih cwonn aiinut hi aaut 3d colimuj attidil 4lh arabia atiuu i6tb auptnl ifeh uiunnia atim i pawmooty xisurlwl tlilih to lirfttool from urlolwvhf tvt sjp crtv pcimcj iiifsr yclc in nonnrrthhi uiit iuiimx s ttxahinllaiiix ursymka qn4r royal mail steamcs lao oalario u4 rr st- lavresco- vic pauic oft mfviiw lhat the w- hnvmg arc itic nrrtoiicil lvf iliw lake ontario fotvrta klfon one vwk slgeoruecbpltwuliniauara cm spihrtfamcty ok to- rontocti dkk a hatf jat 7 vbrk wnin- suftjav and tliurbjr iik a7 0 at mock kwoinji tucjay anxl kri- iliv itic viwpfr at s uvbrt uvottf voipby onj mimliv tlic rfiy y prmi4 nnj ainvr at ttnbi rhy nrxt y tlie buiw siraikn mirnl the mim vf tl mohtml mm 1 knton at ii iivock ni mjuy ood dihrwby at is ovwk sf tiifjay orj tvijay iik tvfjr 7wa a i irtocl ni iviictjyawj satur- jay the st titt ami arrive at kuitn ifihy m nfrtift thtfa1niv tiou ii at oiuinrj ami port hofv vj way anjiiic ot uf toronto trffl ifsm mrnony mttrniit tt s tivlcl mhi fiiuru 1m trifttftl hi tlm mtiwrtlu rives st lawrence ffiicfit sijnf4ww tending urockville capi mmii fom ibtmtvil al 1 uylovk imnrnifi sun ibv wirjrttjiiby aivl fn1ay yntn ukin latidmy at 4 oviocb mni if m tlw arrival of the mail from muiinraljlvay thindiy and satur ay h cilderslceve capt bwj kwtti kiiionni9wvlock monin- t- div thufway anj stunjar pfom ickbmii uftilfi a oclock uflniiiji uit tin amwl wfti mai run mmixvnl wcdoeayj friday ai j siiiiiy ifin irfirwnw iirh nave been male villi iho ltter canada staff ml steam boat company of m nn frvatti r leiwen montreal atil kimjau at tltoac pbcci on the afternoon oi the reerind day the 1kvc bh eal al ci qnf brockville maillandpk ufjo matilda and waiamsbikh es my f oitj parcrh t th rik of tht wut wi ooarf iffw or fr tight uc and rtaf sicam boat oflire kmpttin inmay 181 i stka1 boat notice the steam boat kingston oar harrison will commence her reguhr trip on tbtinday next the 2tu inl between kingston anj the hadof the bay of quinte a ivijomi r w a bds leave kington on tmtivn t1urdayi and saiuday at 9 oclock a m- itownwaads leovet the river tirol on monday wednedy and fridaya inuchint at am hert island and the intermediate place on hee way up and docvn kinjlon2lrt april isll su 1841 new forwarding lluc rta lawrence to atd f ilqm montbeal brockvillk kingston aico i i1 rj mi ruexi ross matthib co f jfotreoj eastonkosstco cuifrochtfrvabioii with nw and improved btrge wdl be pepparcd at the opeoin c ilie navtji tion in jive pajooge to emi grants and to tranapoft property of all ue criplion with iacreajed fely and dif patch fragmvpimrtbdutrxni forty weight at rotn rhtct oeov fae tariff pricticxatttd for pet pest thr sithmtiticr mm the facorttc which ihiy pavet and lhif detenu i nation 10 di the bonnes intruvted to lliexn ttauvactorlly uxjsi that they will command and merit share of public auppnrt simwd matthie eastonaico james ros henry easton january i 1811 s3vv steam boat notice nil ooeiiiflg3iro ibniririi captaix tattcason ill until further notice ply be tween the iultawing pod j jrea colt kibjfjtob oiweon welington co- burt pen hope bond head mirin port darlintun whitby ttconto hamilton niagara fjwutnn and queenstoo upwards uuvlink rrovktitie imc cwnm kindlon m ii v 12 oviftek noon 0eg monday ntjht lonvtork and on tnedayca1l at wetlinjton co- hg pci hmct bond head harbor port darlingloo whitby and arrive nt tnronto on the tame nght leave tnnto on wed nesday mnrmn at 7 oclock hamilton at 12 ouk afternoon and arrive at niatar qeenlou and lcwutonaamc evening dowtrwaftd leave lcwirioo and qoeeniton every thtrritay morning at 7 oloct niaarado 8 ovlorfe titonto on thumltty afternoon 2 ovlork calling at whhby port dnhirtnn bond head harbour port hope cohuurg wel- r i jr arriire at oawpo o friday iiiioa leave ovirego in ihe afternoon and kingrton al 10 ovock on saturday fopfooo and arrive at preeitl the uk0 evening t- au bafgagc and parcel at the riak of the ovacr unlet booked as freight steam boat ofice kingston loui may 1 81 valuable farm for sale the subaenber ofer fk tale oir hvndrttt jlerttof vuluamt land in the toirnthtpof frederick burg midlamj dminci fifty arrcsof vtiueh are tmder in provement the quality of the toil if excel lent on ihc prgmirta are a mw frame dwelling hoopc two frame barm and ww w two storvuwc the steam ljoai plying between kington and the heaij of lite bay of qtiintc ioi daily the a botfj properly i beautifully situated oti the anre ofihe bay of quinte in a well kuled i r having thu advantage of good oad schoou and place of pufcfip wjnhip dxunt about 2s mile from kin ton is from napanee 32 from ptcion from bath and 4 from the villajp of adol- phustowp to any perton ditpoted to carry on mer eantile buiioe thw property would be a octirabx acael9ttion tuch having seen car ried on there for many rear and the pce- ti occupant being atxu1 to leave the p the prcmttc for omc vmhc pail bow yielded a rent orxso currency uer annum ail will he sold modcraie apply to the proprietor d l thorp pidwt in wm anderroo eq pottmater on tle prwnim or to anthony b hawkr ei chief emigranl ajeni kindlon june 2 1811 90i to aftrefajift firmer milter f diiul- let brtwtrii nnd the puttie tn tntrvl the suhteribert beg leave repcctfn lj to infucin the inhabitant tif kmg- non and u neighbovrbood logeiher with the m- r community ufmumreal and qnebcc that in eonnection with tler laud agency nd general rrgtry ojtre ibey have commenced a auctioneer cvnim- im merrhanuand rlmkers and lope front their mcjl known kipe viability and a rtriel attention to juthi ami the inicresl of their emputyer ibey mav receive a share ot inc pumic r thev iiarliutdtrly beg to call the attention of the merchant of the upper and lawet part of llc united provineo that their premise fotmerly oc- rupicu by john il creer eq wtilehtrt cnariotvheing built mhitantially of stone afford a tafo dtiiiuiry foe the reception of all kind of mcmuridiic n b i hulner punctually at- icmietl in ordrr in 1he country tat 6rf f fffintt ffitn j c godwin k-p- f h hall kiimait 2ith mar 1h1 lw jtlftcastle turf clc jucfr aitrcl8ll hlfftlmht darcv e kjultonesq- trtftawti tttc smmrrorr ntwcartu ur gvoht s boult e donald uctmvn esq joux caiawrond ta j s butt eq vttllm wtlltn eq ik covert ew wm cellett esqn tttofurer i7ur5tday sueaiay 22nd june thi codouu- fiati of 100 true for all horae hed iw roto an j a di- uncc- twoyearohm featlnrr threeyear old to carry 6 tl tiil four7sti 9 un five 8tt4iu x8tujibs and aged sat hone bred in briiti north america al lowed 5lba the winner k be lutd ftir 2w ileraandedwlhin oncutiftrr of an hour after the race enlrancej tiir rf swtfftbj of 5 each frith jb i wadded by ihe cluh tor foaudroppedin islff and 13and owned m titc province 6 murth before th day of running the tecoid to ave h enirance three tear old to mcry s at 31ln four y i7lb filhe allnved iu heuuoe mile- 7 jockey saddf- a mlf for hack that never uuti tvmr heat unie louuu the coure second ii- cjuv 23d junc trie innklercn platv of cjo iw for all horc heu one mitt and a di- tatue two vear wits a fcathrrj threu year old to carry su four 8 it illx five bt pi lb mvttfct 41b and agei 9 it tib hurc ired in bttlivlt north for sale by the subscribers- 35p 10 bufs upper canada whik r h3tt rae commkrc1al bank m- d tajotice u hereby given that a div jjl dend of foot per cent on the cap tal stock ha ibii day been ovclartd pay able on and after htfint day of july next at ihc bank it office and agencies the trantfer book will be cjocd on saturdae the lahh june and reopened ort thurtday iho lit julydurng which eriod no stoik can be tranjerred bvotkt ofilwboar f a harper cataier 0h3w will at the opening of the navig ration commenre plying on the bay of quinte betwixt kingston and diy of sailing from kingston mondavi wrdnttday fit friday bdbv4lti toiday tkthvdnya saturday each ntorning ot l uvlork precme macphkrson kcbaxe kingmndmani 111 70a kingiton 25th may 181 notice is hereby given that a third nd fin dividend of jt 2d in the pound on the trutieit of mr archibald mcdoadt late forwarding merchant at kgnn thit day declared payable on iho hi day o june next apply at the office of mr t glaodupp toretrcct opposite the commer cial bank kingitofl 15h hif 11 9124 b woods saddler respectful ly informs the sflddler and public that he ha received from england tuperior article ofsaddlvry ofevcrv de crlpton coiiiprifing manufactured and un manufactured which he will oiler low for rah the trade and public wilt find it to their advantage to purchao at no 75 notre dame street montreal jji nvc70iv awraiseh commis sion jifmcujyi akd qensh4l agent tb y rfauily tillct lux aetvine jef tu the i ilic in the above eaiacitv auriog lkb that hi hope of ivtccm orv jcivvlj nfi ttieir upkrt hi determina tion t to ue every energy to merit il and prove hifatclf worthy their patronage it u in intention m continue a wrcklv sale of horses fmmijfg stock ten at mr hi i every turdoy ot 1 1 ovoc he truh that a it perma nent cftubjifthment mut le hcncccia to the community he may tod inrreaing encour agement in his endeavor royal pavilion thr propnelorortheabivc tablih went bepi 1ea to return hi amccrc thank liiihe ritxea if tornaio and h1 public m phtnl for their liberal nittw inctf be ha opened ii and toacuoamt ihviti that sou r a are ready every day from ii to 3 a ltd 1 other nvfrcrhmcni at uw lnrt eat not icy in j he has fitted up aeveol ar- borjr for summer accommodation where they can at all time bo furnished with the varietieofiheseonvix fuit pa 7rie3 jtllics ice cken roma pux- chts mtt julcf sfikhftv coblcr sodx v gincea been leuox- adec6o the submriber keep auvay on hand vvinea and loor of a luperlor quahiy anrl pledge himtelf that every exertion shall be made to render the roval pavilion evert way worth v of puhlir patronage william l stewart proprietor toronto may so 18m n bbubid rroom are attached to the etablrhinenl 9tw forsalet thfi suhcnber will lee p roninntly on band dunng t easron of nan- gat ion water lime 1 patter of pari tu ram ofiontjp i and j whwce j all of winch will be to j unuuaty haw for cah or thorl approved credit hugh c alder commercial wharf may llth 1841 notice thesutwcribcrtbeg to inumaic thai they have taken those nremiaco fur- mcriy occupied by mct w il 3ian- ning kco 210 st pul st a few door faifrom st nicboutsi in which ihy will carry on lununc a genaatand co million mrrcfainli thev inviilmhc attention of buyer to lhcirtork of drv goods whtrb wil be found unabtc for the canada mwvt blackader to montreal may 11 amrrca a l ujr f jl the bo j ws a bct ibieflt or run mii i f 9il lmt loiwi ii- gvi l miteandadis- dcr entrance 3 jlliji saddle ortd bridh toe horv ov 0 ic nertcaie dwinci bmprtatoihedayiaf runniog anj winch net l given rmn- w q otjtc ucftimen rider heal once round ihecnirr entrance 20 wivbt f fny 25a jttma tkqtliac hoocn for jbsq h mild enirance 3 to go lotbo wlrtf t mchlj hflflc lv bijemranr- weight the jtow svxtpd c cofip p added for the uaicn ii m aj 1n fnfmcr heawonef dinncc- to mum nnd dim- ttlie rleof the tecond dayn the i7ur4 shirt of x eathjp p with 4 ivliletl liy the lajie with no allowame weight ame a uo queen plaw cf rider heat one mile and 1 iiitkv to name and close on the evening rfbar econd day- murcxar4 gemtng allowed 3 lb win ner to pay cnt wwarot txftnmn tlie iotim ivbbvw1 and steward in alt catotobc neat and they will be htm he tly ealabluscd lule anjiawvof the club rider rufttura out in comptelc jottey atyte eutmnr to be wade and paid at iir alhtoi hel betwcn itc hour f 12 and nvlorft r ii monday before the rrc tv stau tlcji oax at 1c ocl0ck ajallan stt f iter a n b handwme ttand ha been rrvced by ae club and every reparation made for tb a re on m nation and graii6ca twinof ihf-iihlie- 9 10 vols books for sftle including a complete et of id lomfon hncyetopdia tl wxtfk t of sbktpearc scott and other stand ard wriieti a aim a tupcrior london made riflvand a cock gun the whole of which oay be teen on application to the tubacribcf thomas jones hctou ifiis mat ii kji daouebreotvpe messrs ramsay fori woom respectfully inform ll lade and gentlemen of kinrton that uiev are m io emr4i of an eleeanl and occurate ha- guerrbotyfe apparatus u taking mmctiire portrait- they wall be ready 10 receive vitltum and to execute order on friday the 3 id iifi in ihe covet rivvat yned where a lomwoihiiu mariikc will be fitted up for ilte purpose thu dicotrv of ihi atfonuhin and muft beautiful art wa made by m da- guerre of france it ronil lit throiving thcimapi if l- titter by camera otacu m upon a niate ofjilwr coated with 10 dine where by the chemical action of light il t retained and ftxed thu ifijucin a hfccjie whote accuracy the afti anj engraver can never hope to imitate far um excel to have portrait taken the applkan u required m fron one to three miautca accord ng u hi mtensiu of the wn ray- nt the time tlte whole i an intricate chemical proccr and cannot be fully de tailed hervt htt the xienii6c and the curi ous arv repcrtfojly invud to call and ice it cflta lour of atteribnce from 9 ococlf a m to 4 tviirk pm kingston lftu may isr 3 new crocerv store he snbtciiber beg in inform their frcnd and the public in enural of kni4ttn and 11 vicmrty tlmt they have commenced buuoet in that ttuvv next door tit mr ramford hole store street where ihey will coniaoily kerp on hand a choice a nmot of proceriet tea wine l- t v ft t wtvi w a x f c ii low a any iht ettnutuliment m lowu they beg ain to nlfrr onondaga i of pari waurtkmc anj whitky by the lri at verj reduced prim for ch a sltarc of public patronap i rcrpectfuue votiched daniel ofjonnell go kinlon may 29 iil ml j0hnm00he sons church and turret clock manufacturers 1 0 o n john wood cnroaowrr watch and clock taatrr ljegrefcifnlly l hutt that he ba been appointed afcnl to the above very eniiueoi hooe and that in own personal experience will enable him to execute on their behalf any order with which he may be javurej a 1it of all ihoir clock in diftercni part of the world a alto their pneet may brccnou application nt hit honc no 105 st pom street motfe4lmf 3l iu 96ti tnc toronto fatfioi tat ckmrh kington chfoku sni4jcu cixetf 14 tvcfcet lltr et htll fkac rf uie nlor fur xhttt f tod knd ihtf mcokiu to ihc con4cik1 mtmo tm 1 arm a lade lst enwd a few cae of em scotch martilade and fwr ae at r cotfa confection j c front street toronio s d an a great vnrieiy of other sweet- meat oi iir and lemon in cxiellc nlcfi at tloo doar and a half per box ty iiimjtmv tsjk kri fiiirfioavtf 181 the ifpdcoigned with new and eft- ciem hae made preparation jwy ihe forwardtjtti bd3i- aess betiixt kiopton pitkott inter mediate pu ml montreal bv wov of the 37 1lwrejfce voder the firm sv- mgltwox mwrara w bibiv t fekuuson kixctios good upward chaigcj alio i arfj tn weight and at raten a reavmable u e 0 3fty olhcfs io iie trade alex- fkrgus0n john mtui0n mntitrri april scth 14i farm to let n the towothiji of seymour newrat tie fttjrfrcentittingnflwuveenthn and four hundred acre of cleared land and every detcrptmn of building required on nn exteniivc farm j w a larg stork of improved sheep catilc mnf- ffaj x fit etc ond m the uual imple- menl of huhondry a the pciprielor will ocrusionohy rontc on tin the rcrl will be made cay to an imjuofing tenant and wil he taken in the produce nf he farm totiironuu a to eharar- ipf and anity will be rvrjumsh anfhl il lv letter pol pan u c s jtovltm bioji colonic or to llio suhrnlyr on the pot- d campbell junes isfl iti- llwiutfvien chntnirln ntono p lrioivrro iktlvo iiiflbll bbtnnfhhiii notice the truee of the univeriy at kingston are hereby required to ince i ai st anpjicw chtncnin the town of kingiton on wednrlay the ihirtieth day of junr iexi el ju ovioei in the foremton to take mm rnfthidrraiino variow matter im portinl lo the interenu of tlie institution u u0rb1s chntrntan banrdff triuteet l perth iaili may 1mk 95u 11javvvtvi joi stojve masons m t coed carntnufh wh vtwawulcgcn charles hales ivntmf to let quane street oppvito lu william d tons eaqa shiip one eoom and ccilar poeion can he had in a tew day apply to akxamlcr smiih ikitiih north american toon kingiton june j ifttl dni on sale several valuable farm itoitihog pnpi in iviirj a bm an cxccltcnt tavern stand with t acre oflandatuched lobe kl on bvildixg leases many plot of land in dgiuc ilution and on advantarcoo termi a pew in the episcopal church for term opplv to thomas j0ne3- kirif ttreet s tore al reel t june 2 181 w five villa lots for sale each of 10 aero bvingparl oflo no 6 in the lit concision of the township of ptlbburgh thee ll are nvbihtftrly iuatcd on lle bank of die sc lnreni wh the i 1000 ulanj in view and hae the mail 1 mad to montreal in ihvif rear ilitani fiw rm si firii kingston vppcv to william craig kiitfton th unc ih fl tmc lattst anp mow imp08iyahy wv9 faom enqlanq hy uij of htue messrs j 5 k hcftov diieci from minchotrr elglad u- n acqoaint the public generally uiat iey battl rented the mil knowr premise- btvjy uccuhcd by loi coilini ov ffainc lamltuu lnijir siotewcel ami they hopo by trirl atvnton to bumnc haplhec with oiher advsmagr hey ptle ha mem conunuamc of that potrouaz- the late ocrupierenjiiecd mbmlji 6 r h rftpfctfgllv invle the inrpcction ufilie inhabitant of kitiln and itf vrcmity tu lher cxtentive ttott- ment consisting of every dcicnption uf british lanufctuttd goodt umiable fur theteaon their stock ha been bj in unjer try favorable circumstance bavin be n bruehi for cash and at a time when the market were very much ileprejd alto 1 hey are in connection s nunc 4 the mot cmcnivc matintacturir eiab menu m manclktter m one of wiiich mr jamr jlutton ha tor the bm ten rear been actively engaged i m unneceary to enumerate tne variou article enmproed in thru avtortment sufccc ilto ay thtu they will hau curry article usually kepi in a dry goo store j r h aln ojtcr at unprecedented low pre a jar st nf head y made ctotjrcsuitasvfor nil age adapted cither for summer nr win ter alto u largo aoctmcnt of cloth caps jotr h lolicitau early inpectioo of their atrortint iecliocvndcnlthttotrau- ly and price will be toeli a to aflofd lhoo vhn mav favour them wth their ivpnorl every anco u we minq tiirv inteml to act it thai of m avitk return and no cndit n b mewt lvhni 0 haine embrace thi ofiportunitr of introdueinf to their for mer customer the above mentioned ucntle- nrfn and beg 10 recommend them to iheir etpecial favor bcirg able confidently to anerf that though they when in the retail boiinec aotd an low ifnoi hirer than any other houte in town the above mentioned gentlemen from their very uperior advan tapr will be enabled to ell ttill cheaef knjion 2d june is1 9 collins and halves c merehanti and auetionee bec to inform ller friend end lu pubtir thatlltry have leased for urm uf years that tare and conveaki ftre few well builim- owned hr i dupuy t roroer of brck ami wat- 1 ifneti exactly nppotite mr arthur forsti r lvloieale and rriaj grocery rluol nirnt m lite immediate vicinity nf in furwardir etluhinent of k scute ivq mcmit orndcrton and mumy vu mrpltcrvn and crane n di c- and h will be ready any 1ibj from ihe 7th june inu to rcreivc proper entrusted to iheir charge kintion juisesili ibhi to lytexdijfg settlers ajfo others the umfcrned obes for tale tweniv lmroed farmt in good litnaiioo in thetownliipof sidfry ainehaplurg murray and percy several of which an beautifully rituated on the bay of qntu te and uianr of them having food houtc- bam orchard o thereoo the lifiutiou uf the above tovnthip 1 1 relation to the prevent seat ofgovernmeni need no romrneni alo ttttral thoutand arret of wtkl ian in hit above and adjarcnt tovtnship tersn reaoitauc apjdieation nf i tucc post paid lo the subscriber at ttn trent adam ii meyers ittjune 1ul 97id a mh fv vbtba saem no oiimki bncoet proatiaj th market squaxe john betanpr confectioner rcrtoruteur patlry cook emd dittiltef kespectfllly bcio return fan tinceie thank to hit numecout friends and the puhie fur ihe jcnctou and liberal tuppnrl he ha received from them during hi lun rvidcncc in kipton deiimv ffnisorinp hi 4abhmont ahoiiu nf uie ustmingoodtcd tratrunap with whu h it ha hitherto been favored he hat uuly fit ted up several neve apartment in a wry commodioo tivle foe the rctcpion of hn ueit ond hope by siriit nttcnton to merit a contimtancc of nubhc favor the vietoka saloon will at all time be found amply tuppficil with thechmccrfioii fctionarr of oil kind french iind english pattric in the high cil perfection ii e and ice cream- sponge cke and plum calrt orna mented wedding cake nade to order liquor and tordia in real vnricty iced ginger beer and 5da water from it o fountain lmch and other refreshment at all hour a cparale fuilf of anmeiiu fur ladies and vfleel family panic famiie can be ac ronirnodaicd with any iji v of confectlonarr tor iemary parties on the thorictt noure alto patrk je- jier uljnc mncr c e j il feel apurcd that ihe quality and great variety to he found at the vn torin compriini a it doe many of the uvlicacte of ih teaton calculated tn please the mnl cttidiout tatte will not fail lo secure for him the decided ttccference he ha to innj erjoed and whuh it will ever be hi ttreji- uoii endratof p merit kington imjune ish 9gltii bell hanging fprowse roorr i tin svf plumber and belt monger com mot mat lie la a lvanc4 or j dutine for the prveni at the comer nc lv oppc4lte the ennh church and resiie lully solicit a share nf public patrnnte cupper stil wnrm madri on u- hurtct notice an avrincnt of tin wahekeptun hand bella hungon i latest improiej principle at remarkably price a variety of hedge boa neks cookijfg stovestfw supenor castings and also anect a nor her of siole double d cooking slate ejcprerv for rentin jiir the entuinoearoi the mititarr and private famihe requinn anv pariicuar devnnvon of stove by j earlv application can he arcoamouated kingnion june 9 1841 9sim wanted by the subscriber ten good house joiners liberal wage and constant employ me nt will be jiten thomas overend 5fore street kingtlno maycs is4l tui otten miller tip jtlilh coach builders from london beg leave to inform the rnhlhitania of kindlon and the puhhe gfncrahy that thev have openrd n hranrh of their ei rahliahmcnt in tin town in siorc sireet t little above the scotrh church end hope by tavirl attention to hutinet tn merit a con linuance of that liberal and dultnjruithed pitroiitge which ha been heretofore bc- towed upon their for the bit soven jeaf at tofwttiti n b for sa n mwltwul f brits- kas single and double phae tons light wagons fee to of the latett fashion and bci maicnal and ivorkmanthin all carriages built lo nrdef tvar- ranted twelxc months ktnnn mav lvl firb- removal the undertijncd itaa removed b- hnrdware ftau babbbm to tlie pn mie now occupied by mer arrnttroi c l gree ihree dime belnvr lite ou tan ond where he will be alile in a few dac tf viai jypuii unnt hiv utis4uinumi james bricgs sioretreei kington sthjnne isrl j the subtcriher havinreeeivedavc geoeral a4ortrnent of liouo r wtne tm fruit groceries drv goods 6tn liich he oners to hi cur mhff and the trade cnerally upon h itii 1 reatonahlc lerm hi opened hi nc whoeate w 1 in fronwreel j b hall kintton 7th june isil 90h for sale acres of land i miter from kmon mi the bath koad wi ji living spring tuitabk for a brewer or du tiller auo a iieaiitiful buddm tpot at- plication to be made at this office or to ihc rubfcriter thomas ward kington mot 12 1sh drrnicol rnoat oakunotox toiat street os chaasji aed kmrif ooaotiff rxe for r i cvrvrint advice m tlie poor graiu from 0 to 10 every morning except sundav awbnli d- sc0ldev pft dentitt rtsport blufipl fully tftform die ml auaitu 1 kmtion that he hat arrival in tnwn and will be found at the lnmu inn hon- kindlon may 5 is4l ss straw wanted the suucritr will pay three pound per tm fur any quantity of oo straw fit for hore beddinr to be delivervl at the government forage yanl john strachan klmnotiabess 181 b3m a card collins st haines belo ttmm their nineece lhankt 10 their friend- and ihe public generally for the eery libera tupport whiih ha been rendered them dur- in ihe pat lour year a dry good mer rhanu they aleo beg u recommend t llifff fjvoorawe notice meaert j 5c r nnuort merchant fron mant better in land who have leased ihe premise ihei lately occupied in the lambton 8uildintt store tree and who purpooe cjrryio- on the same huinet c ot ii fed confident from iltereipecta hihty and superior advarlage portesaed by ihe me hulton together with lh- decrminaliiin toolf iow and tor f4th thai ihce u 11 ivc tmitfriction rtmvrvhii cwt mac tsu fr

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