ltpen revetted ilvfiae tttalse of the oveijfjt i the i fihimor tic ffrf of jujiej at week ftiaith ihf conntrrabrw tl amis aprd the iff comnteaccd in a boue occupied by four ntint hooan to newgate tiree rj fuj mi 4 tth ptorie m before dseuerd thai i ane the tin of the ufper horr a litlte firi pcriinrd in tf itwk the are paiard 14 the neat tujr maw the whole of which a corwumrij including th hiwtr of mr fouer i mr ivn duculnj h hip 14 uftm the moat taiicot ttuhnxnl of the kind n the aland the i rested in volume ml fury 0i jawtl of hc tireei c atici tbe parisd- tciaed upe the ivi aete oo fcei rt tpcalif le of burning rwint freaa miii mdlett at shr earth end ad lb iteblet and vetcrtbiy cerloture of mr moore la the dwvllin boutc of mr nathaniel hill the store of meter hal moor the dwetiifj house sd cilentit stark sstth otib- idhmro oo the aooth of mr john nelson and ere- rj ouvr ttcine on lb west eio mr cetut t bra woof un fdled with rwtiibk matte but voxd tl utcd j 4ltwff0ftl th narrow which citjet he iqoarr jolt dotjrrd uaj i j wapcdimrwl 10 the progreat of the eono tar lion which here aiaomcd in chreir nf n ttorm of iff of wwh wo pow of i a ruec can con an l 144 the rcalilr murk thor ptuniulrotffltihkhrot4diioiifuu mi -l- he hor rot of the ccnc tbe building ware loflr 14 befog otoatlj family rulenca fittcficd the oer atone ued it equaling boater the back premise of cod beva computed of looj ttor ea thrdt ij all eiwr i j- o hi i for etlffttirt nierftnlik rroo 4 tcf3tf ulrd knhoioniil prodocc bnu afmfkon l r mrrrufkfltf bridet eir or narto of tim vtortd f- occorfoos4uon win j mltfclmi inoincrpiaioftbelown twi u furtovtlj bvmt on otfcuol cwmto ibc kjildni of mr hvdlrr tk cvttom iuw meofh lodsvr it cfii mcnr ufcillt lr ipn mr tolkmku mr uiffi mr carltnj ukd mr winter where ill course wu npcdctl hy 0 wide open ipacc whtrh irininitd lu nnp oo ibtt ilk of ike vrrrtp the drnltjoo of ihia bne ttm wtn- m m i mr wnivwmwi erd all tne i u ji- 1 and aloreo from tiwj croat to the ei ett lo thctarna 1 pike wtuch f the wharvrt boncnj ihem doww lotbe nuri c4r sacb wu i i dercenew during n appe- nnli wvatubk appetite fu dnlrvrtkm ifctt il krrhj brao the 4citutioft of one buiw bc- fo jetnofsetoc were aeen notihj on the tewo of the nei or pkrewf bvlvrcn the ro art ii 3 ud throuch ihc jaiowvie of the next oor connel avoad nuucinf ihc kfcrifue apithj eriored lj a dewot miu of opcculvn una looked on if r wo on rshibtiioc l up for inmcmeol aoent wjnai i jwfltiee be cicepud mahooi wnoot oetrte and oarvaa ihieunre o net deal of mercktndtte and properlj weuu not bare been thrown uto ihe aotet eieo ofur ow store oi4 telura had ubcn ihe flt wfthell not dwhl opow the pawvl pori of tbe cvcnl which rctato a the uovhmwikri of the creard nd the louea bj robbcrr procetdkwn f h- miriufi hi arbiter firlof ki pener h ihe bat mcdiem of mwoj ad criterion of j njjtem uooreaoier eolooica the woen at on former dtd uvir beat tod ii wa to wow met aure owinf to them tbai meptri ffdaona btorea bach ud beeo epahool bt fljinf tp froai n coov acibk omu wre aned hod the bceft full on ore vevld hue aawd the olvibk -r- aaamh oiiblvhnc mi on the ith end ooulh wr it eidafihrunnfrornmr derrehv onwuct lo rrtrce to ihc eflccuofiho mpon h m cvtmm houte we ire heppf lo h il in aw power iute thtt ihrovih lie cxrrtiono of the flec -r- r1prh t v aotll- of p a awe wthe lo mr darrrfra onwend- u rtierefc to the effrcu of the fci wpon b m cuitoco hetijc we ire happj to he il in our power totute thai throofh tha eiertiona of the ks fnyfhfaitw lheicaieiporto of tho official ead f rtfra c rrotl wre and l reoocu oo liuk credit i the depart- bent rmenirj tkt ly ce enibtrd lo rouroe bajnam oror the store of mr robert armttonf oo mohair mate m rmareoq rhe uodinr howtcjot l- km tir the chcol coo- uiauo nrvlj jos ein wa conered io aafr- i wrd the ua shaw tew hor in tne iwu pluodcredofa portroa of baa aiti proferijdarhir the u ho area the oocuplod o aclon icvtirnilodbrthoanltrubrrij krai iowiorborotjunhajfaljhorre mkm t 1- r f ofihefreoehahipiofwtr i ii i tltd lhf niertam ompi 1 aemahrco to iter the pro nc oftrw dasaea wrb howerer leoaocd v oiotk fdpe4aci of boamo effort macboftheprmehjreteoedfromthebwrft- c and cxpewj boiminp wm toicn- tht otawpil bfjftjf ppfijcdoribbfl luiied i proctimolion callin tipco all peiooot baaidr n ihcir coitodj anv nb peonertr to frtwt ibeuifictoibr siiparinteftdem of fckt and paioo aotiee thmififltrilsctdifty nea wboutt ikooldbr fojiid luvaftf my of it in lhir potauoa woum b crjflamrfd no ret- iftaip l cler tahicb crjoamnncmrt vrith a hcjm 0 wood i and u utwinejbvilw1efu of lhtiad1corpimmlit o rtmiir thi wheel wh trt i motio lirnf ihc beam lo which the chmoinherinreloh aturhed and frojnihaprieaunewewrt well okuhtcdi to answer the ptrpoi foe which il at mlendvd the iefitoriainnithmwpcioirtlncej tuhchcimintdiiftkvedai ui ileal af jmbiaj a ihc twnmienof pvjmitj 5eft- tttsrl thro- jfafthhrtpf eompieir whefr- he had thirfiomflhifl humoiout in rhvfnt of creiy srnoh peraoiat oft mr wimir ui into ac4ka- lor of initrt bclnp announced he anaje the m- liwint iwjjdoanrta here eomea mr ivtorf collector of uw ajrar joa tojirc him whalcrr hr irca fjdtlot j ou to m it without ara inaoaeoert tcr lfoh hit niwa wpnler k acuom arc ffawy 17 d r rarh wml ujt whrev tlhioncr jiaterurr l anl k4in at hort ji katlrow jltfi a il xiw nictiox roa xikctox the hororable dumtnicb ditj sorouirrd 10 the lefsru aawraue jctterriif tfit- mr mim icccftitro of tht oehee of collector of the cu toronto md ntoicd o otir writ for ihf eleeiaoo of a member for ilia tow in the room f ihit gentleman wnich wat ordered accord injlj the wril we bctie n will uiw odaj and ebo election late place carty b ihc wceb afier neit at feeacat k ia underatood thit mr secret wy harriroo will offer himatif aa a candidal for the racaot aealj ad witl rcecire lo aippel of a coo uderiblc portkoo of ikt friendt of both the candt- dairi ot ihe lau lection at mr maiahan hai de dared hi intentioo of not cocaine forward aaio a4 bf forfith tiii ii it la iaid alao r lru hjfv ifanbtm a political principle literal jl tcnativtiooal hate won the ccwcnce of all car tkj for taoaffh he ia one of the bmrabert of lord sidcfthata adeninirtration wiih whowa mr bald win iprcaiaij hia reauwai cordiallf and wiihoot diarrvtt to actj jt he it regarded with equal revprct br ipae whote altj to t4tr soacrein and hrao h ofiarefabu attic hmeaj tn the mother coewte are unaueotfoooblc hi rtcewt pvrchaot of lend in the immediate neighborhood of he town for the pur- rot e erceiinj a rcaideoee for hi umrtj t enliuea htm tt be renrderrd aa our towrwaft and con necta him with oa ihoox ora manaharr whoc m rraticoec here htite potiion of the towo h harruoa aa r admin i lo attract to eterf eial d iodvatria bj o commonit j cf interrat and ire m loae the krice of mr meat popular auttitica and loaj ccakired him to a nvmrrou il b impcfceibae not to leel thii n ialucoibi member of lofd ftratjon wi hare it in hia power i the comnacr- pticeij of kanplew bought forwad in the hootr a drtfree of cowkralo wbifh oi f lite worth member with all hie ical aad aaknowlrjxcd aoilitfi could not hate aoped to e ewre the town haa now an ccfw ellcalin which wur lata worthy raembcr with all bit real aod aeinokjjcj abiltl could not hare booed to te- the town haa now tn oaportuartj of iltcrtio uaatnoeof the immenae benest conferred u poo it bt tht coirni jr general hi rlreur it ai the eat of coternment and wo are pcraaadtd lhat it wdl be embraced viv cordial and jiatcfyl cathoahsm iif ofhc dvkt of i- r- btitftpift on saturday afternoon his grace ihe ookco wfllitiftoti parda ml to btir- ford of the bombarjmont of ttb t ptctiir appeared to afford hh grace coaiijerahle aratiftcaton kb graxe who vaj in plain clothac bowed re- fwalrcjlj loaeweraifltlctefi whoaledhim octat c i- eiincrd h tje jadiet lo talcb a rimpae of ihe dulce who on leavin- iht panorrna wa loud anrnaudrd br the if ectainn atormwed touaj ihe oor in burdrf and who followed thr pliant hero to a hruae hragnceeoraaiamlj pwtttftx hia twhijhal lttwfw theaalution to the propir afieaoieoaehmon-n- at a aiojenle pttf whieft rvawhsl railei per hour ttotjld ran oreta rfmanceojsoilmileatrdayofwhouri and at ihn apeed woum reach british india from london m at 8 dayior tufl in chm io ii datvrr from gibraltar loth cape offroojhope in lorlajiordon tjuebec to cape horn in v uyt or nee round tliclobe m5tdajior7timmrondlhefilobe in one jeaior amim eouil it the earth lo the naoon in ahrtol 0 montb or fim the rarih to the iinin4fxrata which u neailr whj woof miteutecnock advcihter borlii7wc inrofmochhowert fottif yott of eltja- pirnotafmhf emiinr vearai held rr mori- day la when the whwin mtrttan m raoarecri or tkc ikviiok the aujirrieo of thae who twte predicted that ll saaaioo wl bo a item oof and prcaet the tamo wretched aapect of inanitj and foil wwh put dajt diaeraced our aflalire proceedtnft arc daitt tccooaiof lea idrlj to he fulfilled ladccd arf wjw not onl from the debate of laat ni bat fp am e tone of etcry prerejn drbik wo ttunk it mutt h idohiird ereo be the moat prejudacod that at tittle of a fflfft of a peril or of fartov or otffonal p1r if haa been duplajed on both aide oftlie moore ai could ha been evpected in anj reprracnutire aaaemuj in fac it ii new evident that the rowntrj and ihe irkadt of the prorinoa of o may plate lha aaoat aotalch coafenee in iheieaafer tnddiaerclion with which the uoitad le- cliuv wal tffta iatf to the coniievratron e thr tav hv a wrattr in ue qatbec galic of the itlh intt receded htrt ycitcrday aaje m the peetewt ri of ihe poniry rc took with satkty for a anamy eapreatroo on the part of the houae of aaeawy ia citoe of opriht and plain mllfh too hjac eeetaa to bare uken the earlreu lpponunji of xralfjwj thi wrier aaw that part of the com munily nhoa tieaa he aactta io ee for a more drettic aa4 ailufacter manifrauiion in fj or of plain ovalin could oot hare been eihibtcd than lha of yeerd in rrfard to ihe erect noet- lion of arrooortaav coerraaeafa form for ebteh we do not btfctend to hate much rartiahtr bat htnjtf a principle of whmh t can irjtjuh no dread on lltwl or rational rcrli f ii mecl imtejct what we are row eutd it joca the priav tipte on hc3 mr atlorotj general draper ji- irrda aroaaecd it to be le iniwtion of the go crnor t awl of the imperial auiboriikalo conduct h affair of the protioce theevbaieir a lictition in wharh there aecwad to be no dilccr rncc u oo on tithcr ail of tse houk easy be tocalkd wohah1y iuterettix and wathuereu- itabtc to cty honorable mrnber ah tuok iarl in it it a ekarcw away wr woold fin irnpr mail of iw that acowej ituu to kaaejav the naajaa vf tempcrjie aid jndieioui r itatfo r wlrlbt th pirrt w toprd at un irjtrrmr tt pattritr lahrn wp vm itr 4iubu mht he eiprvd cjrh lre to late i far al kaal equal 10 iwodulura at ihia rair two cnmtuc pluffl on the lwe and aaakine art four inpa prr 4ae bvy wwld make dally it ttatwr or wif in lhcear rejual lo l per day or 1 ibo per amn ttu neutd k a handtome rvinunvralki lrt wc hue no doabi ttiat oor eihaav of the oumbcr of firra talrn nrh trij tt 100 low and that the actual rtccrpte rontd be ramrh rrjur- to the tniblar thrrr wewd be inhaeranrnu ecoueh to rrcoorajf th ondrrtikin exerj claia wouldi and a ronirniinf and ar in taking a6vltrian of it tl onl irtrrc t that could ai prrieaj coaa plain oe on any tenable rrouanta claim compeaa tion fra thr irdalurr ea innl ouon the intf-wi- tm of a t tttctinc ovtt would be the frcof- atjtjf end tkxmjtittf fnirrrif aaomniaaff it mut ve adinitlrd would well wh ibhl their aj ii ox rj il jpftaej id him ha the nllemwi had oeetwved a ry matrnal a lothe rrtrfaatfm pifljwch a wotd eare if rw1mhe frcedoan ijona there meaoed lo he no qiaettioo wotiu ak the hen member f ihey upoacw lo allow the coainty of middle corrrrrlon lu the report of the debate eat men day on theubjc1 of the adjoutwarnt mr aelwru b rocnticord aa harm aeceaird a motion made ly mr slmpeon to adjoarw until faro urvi f- aaorrvw thiala a mir4akemr alnin atrmu oppoaed the motion for adjournment in all ita alagc and ho with pkaaore make thi correction at kt rrqjet u he no wiih to mureorcient any cnr wv thok mr- ajlwin thawh we may dilt r from hm in opinkej on rainy pointa a rioter debater and aeooably woutd hate aooae anfiucoce n ihc ilouac were hr not to apeak quite 0 ofkn itlarafoa fwaoaica arfifuliun we are lad 10 pereeite from th montreal pafee that the mact aera of the montreal htechanica inatituie are tak insaaeinttoauaeharacvcii claai toibc eub hhmcni and fw that purpoae hate cwjaj da french tcaehcr to meet the mtar who hio aijciified thir iatcwtaon of jquk the clta a elan of tlilt kind attached to the mechankv laatiulc in oar town would perhap be aa uaefol aa the evhptmy daa lately rvoticed with thaapfoation by tome of our ccctcmporane thcnreecnt influx of uuri freea ihc lower difitm of be province afford an oxeclknt opportwnily tor making ihe acoeaaary ar- rifljcmcntr- provinciau parliament house of asscmblv tvtapay zrtviq jone 16 in mt laat number wc pre an awtliae of the de bate on the ailoorrtment quration the following eiplanatory remark by thr late sotirtor general mr baldwin on that creation were oaaiued for wain of room we wow cooy thorn with pkarwre in jewtant to that enueatm m nirupivtwit mi bttowiw upon the qucotaon for atljouni mewl rote and aaid he had no intention cf 0070 inf the dfotiofl but with the pertaiwron of the hotiac he wouueaplain whatrnifht perhapa boconudeced an ontirfywcv in himr bamitti eowdaet in m i mi avtrltxatiov ma- sictiwiafupon the qweataorifor adwrri- meni rote and aaad he had bo iaic auon of oppoti aw the noton but with ike permiailon of the konac he wtvjd explu what cnifht perhap be cenunvecii an awooaataeaet in hi mr baldwin conduct in not declaring ourin the euteutaton of yeavrdav the prineipara which 1 so id govern rv pobilea corv enact he would avail nmacif of thi the firat aa- portunnyhrhjd htd of eiplajnrra why he had left hia seal cm that occaaion haiine tendered hia rr tiewitioo of the atuajion which he hid httd urdcr the gotrrament he had waited for ihe artiiouee- meneof the acttpune of that rcottacw- ho lkm not have made thit annouoeemenl but for he bpesircwt wnnl of coarteaj which aueht be altribotcd to nim or by tome nerbopa it itjnl be coaacwrd that he wai ahrifdciu from the performance of a public duly he thought h due to the hoae to etptaib why h had contivjed ailent on that oceaion ofeouraeteeoal4tt3taveal to thequetiion aolon at heeoounued a member of the gun rnment with- owt at the aajse time ithjavriwl ihe gctcrtuwet aa aomc drjrce paructoatcir ira the acntimenta n hkh r might take oceaabn to dearer lit cotau only content hlnueaf w ith xrvnr hit tote and that tote ui r jirrjifti tn hit eoftasere 1 v though he wfrje am further treaoaa opoo the time of lr houae ai the preacat aooacpt yet whew the proper urn emttd he would tc ceepard to j xttifr the coarae wh he had talcn boar hear bflof he would be oeepared to re to ihe hogoe aeaf the rnuiitry what the houae and ennntry hd ray t paafticatieaaancl mtfwrwt h woum arvrjj 10 eiery hon member of that home both thoae who had dane ha uk honour to place tome depee- of eonfiuvncelnhripolitjcal mteyrity and at0 thov o a bom he had umifixatty btvn nppovoit to tuipend tmrjudmenuand tnldvchcoat doun he woulil 03 y rmiauoa to ohm one nord of adtke to lhor nincm borh in that htutc and iwwayre who hid dor him lv honour lo ripreii thrtr 3 in h political inlcrttt and he hoprd they wcom ewri in the atjne i i mmvlf ridaan matfr of the utmott inaportancc thai thrj bm ajway vncfcanhtvvnifra or taoaviofr and he belictcd if 1 ms ahbuld be tcoiowmi they would jet hate the talifariaon of briw intfrumrnla hi uv rrieiicration ofowr country aod of plaeine thf ad inlirj of the ilttlnortiemmnm on a linn ami are batit on a footin of reiwal juaticc lo all hear hiar near hi honj mini ijw of el but i rtu ri main ttnreprernicd dufirig the paio xt i uttr id he rote nol for the purpose of p thepeeieht awoticn but foi ihe par p t alitinc thit he tva determined lo op- p eciy apphcalioft or the itatjirtof new writ unm proper previa ur r- made foe te- wto the freedom 01 eloctioni at i005 at he had t honor of a ft at tn that houte he lo the foil tlenl of hia power woold protect ihe frcrdvn nf election iv koauxt1 tid it wai 1 all awrpruin that tvie houm he aei uftirmal ay foe a law waatet thoulj hare for ita object th teewnot tolhe elcctortoflhu province full protection in is exereife of thai klectieo franchiiea naeaar oflhal dcritton wa imptratieely tomrftt tkiv eoocorred in ihe opinion that the fruclionofthefteeoorn nf clectionv wa a mravtre which irentrej thctreatoeat atten- lion thatriotanf a mott iiraceful chaac- tet hmoccorrcd lioih in the upper and lower potmo of the province wa perfectly well knorvhtn all thaaich ifialahin rxrnlhad ihe pnctice of vinnwc aaj intinaidalton been catlied that even tr ntcmbrrt of the adminivlraioni in orte part fk canaja at kail had heen pattiel to lhrr hfw hcaf he wiahed il lo be on- devrvj however ihl he wat far from be- irtvtnilhflt lheieprfentaiiveofacofititutioei- 4 ereien had taken part in any fueh pro reedrnt fl1 ho had hoped that hu excel ktwy l h1 i ium tsr throeip woahj haee nade loaae recommcrtdilion foe th p venlio lnr rttmtcdce he thnuyjvt the oua would be fully jotairied in defenma luf wiurtj elecliow in all future caaei until a bill thoclii pasatd bwl althootb under the orculrv circomatwiceo by which ihe aeal foe havwr hj u tacajit h ivuhi appear that w houae i a bouod loiaatiea now writ leanaei x l no n follow that si hmaic fc 1 aaaie a new writ in a allhooth the cottntj ofmlddleiea wa s wmttaa occauaoci the ftceoe of tbeae faot it h01 mkn j b 0 eaefu riot hear bear heir d for the present amotion he did ool applirl r l c jj grn daaecn laid that after the word rreewf if thr mama i it mr sufl anored that the clerk of th ttoaitehe attthotited to fumbh the hoote ww the tanout neuraapeis pltshcd tn canada durinc tse stfhoaw novae oaaaitatv ounc trftr tuvuoav itth jape- motlonsar wr simpeon that th select cowtraiitee on kuht and rrtouuont prraeoi their report j ft ivld by mr hi tat comeatttee of the houae on aame br eedw of iv da sir a x jltcrtfr aeceauw by mr mnet for irate to lake wp that ivee in the ordr day relative to the kent elcctiow si j n aawdwfo areoravd by mr rvm that in j retwm be now referred to a cmibnm tne whole houae houae concurred na ceh of mid reeoluticna- sd rtum laacndcd aceordinly wr iaru fee ceweaitte or houae to-aaor- row at to fyi- 3 reporter jlfe iarofcommutce 1 prrriteje 2 hot- ettala aao chaiilie 3 court of jwce pawie aecownt j oa school and edjrauon rv jaidiwajawr ruj land and sco- rval riehlt f prirate ku u account hd inierwal rrlationa of the houae that toe number oa ihe ictpeeuie commituv left ma yrjoorriicetleeoflse whole jlcajic a to printing for the houae jewho have craped aiaiwadvcnm an cezimbt a lun liu eills read first timr xttkttid teeonded by kr jtomia- ft vote oc future dew willi dt ithbn had itur fallen from ihe hon and leamei there ctl be no dotlbtf of the rifht liol 1m3 houtc toexcitim iuown dfc- e would not differ from that hon geo- liemart in p x lbal d iay at the prr morirftl w ltv hf wl l lt nece l0 llf of wl mrrf i b twill w a hate rtoftibjlitv that a rjolec rature mihlbe required his hoo ttad drawn very truly a dratinctvon bc- f catct of violence and the cate of a seal 1 t vacated by the acceptance ef of- elyfii he mr ihaper thought that the i j l vas a caae in which the house should m wc that a tonttitqeacy should not be for iweer hiei i rrtrrnrrerntid wva tcferenrr a of violence ana uio case ora scat teen vacated by ibe acceptance of of r and he mr imner tboufht that ihe lallei wt a tasem which the hoota should ukc r lh3t f ftf j not be tor on rt ntepciertte with reference to tto i adaitniitmliofi hiein pirttoituofrjotau and undue ia- terfetv in elections ilii quite clear thai if the pt i ratios is to he made answerable fcr j tonj proeeediop which lake nut at fvrit ll 1l j j 4r fact a ft adniftiitrati lau htc r j so that ssmow eimeally desired hy thit hot 1 mr ii haa been already attain n lftj 1hi ni r h t ground for the hon gentleman leav- rl hear hear he would add one other man lhl lhl hon gentleman was belter ww thft hiaaitlf with ill ptaclical ques r-ttuliaah- -a- oj l cotton wa adopted dbb 1 mr hincjrj rctprciin aj f enteriotj upon the trial of cooiealerl ehkln colrjlhcc lb ccordmt law ilccdf fourteen days were allowed i before any action could te haj upon ition on contcmed efecuooa law 5 preseoleda petition ri of salary for a licm lv r wper a discustion followed hy whieh it appeal thai according to the view of tbr lrfiiac akicrnbty of the late province ol twer canada anil which hae been tempora rily adn ho thr kuf noretilionfor a trw rt noraey can be irecivtd by tht hneue unlit itfta received ihe aaiulionof hia ea cellenev sir aux hcmi nm he thodht live nuealiot- wah regard lo contetted election il he disposed of- he had had the honor of prelinir a petition complaining of the elcctiem w ihe county of kent and he vm preprei show authorilin lo prove thai the clerk town m chancery rnielii be io- itructcd 0ldf t b retwrnint uhcrr to amend renew heir and devisee act to be read second lime 00 weeuaraday oeal committee oo rale and rcjldauor report proeeaawlo tit again tomorrow jlfr irboda for hlent take hia aeal speaker informed the hcwtc lkt darid itohlin bad eolerej into wwoaj reeoeeataaee aa to cfcetiu for lcnoa and addin retted upon so gnod a footin men wonen and alone v wrie whit we iked hear hauj aaad ll is toe want nr tv- ihti this province watinent and friinj wn d had become as some hon ejrniuman had def icjiiedcre- olreonbilily to there signaled it like a jimled iree if there were any sacrifice of irlntiptc required for ihe rn poteofohtaknin this loan he foe one would be aauawll hot hi looked upon it lhal b ob taining the money they should onlybeestab himn the character of thr coeintij ttpot a foundation of perfect secority and liability there was another aebycl which bad created a frtal deal of anxiety and that is the ques tion of local self rovethnaent he mr cam eron had been mvrn lo understand that i here mirtii be a machinery pot in naotton by which the internal repobtions of township reard- inr oatute ubotit and other matters of eorte- qoence any be belter managed he had no dotabl soch a bill woald he prepared by ihehotc as would aaeet ihe view of he fcntlemen it waaaiobiectof very ccmijerame moment to the farntera throughout the country and one in which ihey feel as deep an interest a tbey could possibly do open the subject of the re sponsibility of the ministry he hjrcastsroji would not trouble the hoarse with any more reanaiks at the present moment having noticed the leading fealtltc of ihe speech of which the rrsetul ions were intended to embrace what miht be denomina ted an echo it withcnsurtttc1 by wr wilson that the committee shoo id tbe and the revolutions be allowed to be printed col panrct owereeta that tl the rcaolotioni were nothing more thus 1 aimple aruincenee in the principal points contained in the speecb he thought there was very little necessity thai ihey abotird be printed tc principle em braced in the resolution were as easy to hr us dcrslood at it was impossible to controvert them ft bad hilhctto tern the practice in courtesy to tbe head of the everivnent to reply to the speech freen the throne as expeditiously utaoslole he waapenvaded that every hon member wa folly veepared ogive his vote in favor of the adoption of the resolutions if not it would be aa cuy to state those objection at onco ai tn post none the matter to a future day and aa ihey had iced thb evenin- for the consideration of this subject tbey ahouhl come forward manfully hear bearj ond discuss thecjurtttandrjec their vote trponit there wic no difficulty in the case it was a mere ac- quiesccncc in the speech such as his rtcet- litic had reason to expect from thr house mr if t jocks mi thit for one was sorry hat to much dehv fhould he eonsldered neces sary he would hve beeri prepared at a much tit meed u clittnl jhn baldwinelro carlet hereby eeu william cam me tsn samoel y jarviiete tmaahrmiwliv hoo j s macul alexander uljsej mjor mactat franrkmcayley evj c widmreem d win proudfoot esq hon auf tuldwin jetse ketch um esq william cavlerein honj llojna aujdt macttth 1st lac drv and ai a mediae of the aforesaid director held at ihe tsanfc on he followin- 6xy wm pmud- fjm rwaiininimonly elected president ef that institution for the entum year a eajriows circumstance waaohservedyestrr rlay afterooo by i rtleman u was iiaunr lhiow enclotiir or si jam pait on the wall surnra wh huckinrham place- a dieh haljuat hatched aboodof yonneonts with that irknctivf orivmaj for the water nn- tirrauothemtheyooaduckiinmaa soon aa ihe ahel waa ourlwadd1ed lo hr water edrr fdwrj by the otd oar que of ihe little rv which had a portion ofihe shell still on it ack waa about lo make it tvsl iltempt on iw fvot- iis elemrnl when a larce rlah tamped up above l wter srittd ll and immediately l 1 el thralddach teeinc this instantly drfh aflfritaad upwards of a rninat- bat csmr up withowt ii she then tool for toe lime tmrn- uhmr councrf we spent omr lime ealeity fnrencow in una kout and were much pleaded with the calm and dini tied ana iter tn which the wines waa conducted the member were in a ccntutiiltcc of the whole house on the consideration of tbe speech from the throne eery spirited debate arose on aa amendment proposed by the hon mr qars- ncf mr sullivan spoke with hia usual ejo- fiurnec and force aod the remarks which fell from ihe hon meson de ttlaejnjcre ferguson and ulhrn were excellent ilwaj pirasioio notice lwf courtesy and correct fteliag towards each other which ap peared lo prevail amort the member 1 of dittrr- rnl origin and political opinion the hon spraher presides over the couaxil with a race end dignity peculiarly his own lb wlit honandleaift- uipmiajr thai pwrdi 5he then spot where ihe aa if to make i attjn dred after i bnt come ajp aa before kj a 1 the hlh waa jpedl0beaai trowt with whch ihe laieabounoi a l number of the luninaer by the athlnnion line the youac one had cu appeared tuxvi cfnrt fata etrnvd inlhia iua may it civtim wmi asmh m cros- trho rawifri in the trinity nf itithnp ehurntnv hy f au haa invented a maebjns foe avharhnwt mast can wiin thr attpl ehnrnfoi va1 mil al the ua uit- rii s v l patvjl ifh fl 4 t the rajaitj with trharh ihcfanuitea for loeojao lien are now incrraainff in canada i truli uimivtar tap aiiomniaaaeomrreiwrjninninsa mlpattal from th- otuwallotclloihr horn ol bhtwa ai thr frrry h 1001 on iv tlh ii mt at ptrlodt totuitthr rntajarlroartweof the boal twj aa aoon tf a tceond earriae raw he prrwarcet il u to btut hotuta for each rjattcm the montreal traaw- eript a n i at niriabc wth what rapidity thr hot a rather wr hat cideeirncrd haa tauht aua citiarit uv talue ufthr onmiaart tawly ataiud bf plr thrntoa urthouunot be twrpetanl thurtly to are a tat rtajr of lu uvwipiion turtrrt m kutttm to run ffofh litis a bay io vvmll taiernnrar tr toil untc ealrinfat tha fouvwinf tutton for rattew- u i oppotile the llotemrarnt kouvlmr j illei near ita- parlitmmt lowruv llavrsawhfrt fnvrahr landlna plvr nf the loaj mrirlfrrry hotand ihiacr so prcrrd up sevn rrel si ivard- a r viiedoj eainij m hm ratr mi run i trraiwlpai tfllhffnj smk tall wtmjmidiv jane the moose met iv alinule were read st aicaw vienaa moved that a nr be retnrl foe ihe couitly of midiliese mr dvntms said he did not tise jot the pur pose of oppoln- iv motion of the hon and learned entleman bnl before peoeeesn- with ihequcsiicmha wocjd observe thit it whs his intention shortly tt hriu in a hilt for securing ihe freeeom l eleclmn he cemrijered it ahtohslrly raceeary trial tuth a bill should he parsed before aov new elecln should lake plice- hear hear hearo he would never theless support the present mniinn with the under in jm aun on new application of 1 aian- ir nature shum he made peeviovs lo the n- iiotnettonj of he measure wnich he propord 14 htio forward ct psukccaaidhe was sorry lo interrapt the hon member hut he really thought il was altogether out of order lo interrupt he passim of a measure of this deacriplio which waa so ialimmcly conaecierl with the privilege of the hoatie andthetibli and liberties of the sub jects of this province mr htacas ororrved that ihe cd jenlleman wa mrstakea in his hem friend wa oat of order the route nf assembly had ia former instances in order to secure the freedom of electron refused to allow an oppltcilron or the kinmtil a hill had been pnted providinc for the ite urity and fteettom ot the couteenplaied electinn the hon and learned and ajlant col ia himself tarrfecilr aware that there are several peii- tionsto b heoueht into ihh howsa al iurwracnl session com plain int of undue return cm tbe rrosnid of tiofenceand it waa hitr hindi frim onvjctioii that there are aan placea i the province where it i iotrwmme to hole rleetrona free from riot he mr hinckt had no dioaition to ostr a frcilous opposition hear hinr col pkikci aud 1ia the ohcervaiiona nf ihe hon unntlemaai wowld ho perfectly applicable had not a law been poised whieh prnvjdei e- peetaly that any person upon acceptinr othre under the fjavernmem shall vacate his aeal mr momsttaidhe would merely an en i ion thai m fjittand the practice vrtt in all case in louth il waa considered necessity to move lhal the aclott tithe house fhoumbe siirnuvd until pioper proriainr were made tn meet the cieiey ot thr cawr but in thr instance he mr m realty thenif hi there was no nrcetatiy lot turn a course he coum see no ithwsu- mrnl whether lo iaauinx the writ ii nnee kut if lhn act of viatenco whieh were rpo- ken nfhadrenllv eccmred 11- i lout woaitj not oakle mmtj jualiliew aj withholding ihf lutatof of a new wril wutil such n ineaaure pasted 1 th hoi nf hit it mh hr u rh lib rclti if that returtrin oftlcer hid c ducted imrlf m ihe manorr it bad been rrp- rrientc nm l would he bihly improper lo escape punish- i htm that fatthowtv he allowed irienthcarhar uol i tikc fc wa n bis intention to oppoio rk motion or the hon and learned fien tteman hut a he col prince had a know- ifjm ri particular of the ease nc could 1 1 p x lv ptejudice to be created ajn4t 0 rrlominr olocer whibt they had itntliin h houw upon which to form iheir ni exer4 ibr bare assertion of thepelit p inokiftfiatthe petition itlf it vould he fotand com r adit lory in itself charn- ret urninc officer with f rand in not mak r in ln eery next ten tence iiir j he rcturnrd mr woodily a mjniiyf ttflythree hr would protem aainll genltrinan tprakin warmly i aini i cl of thai oliccr upon ao ins- iirrfcct l ailhry were al predentin p ph wirfmd ir- att it would be pro per to bpit h select coanrrliuee to eerjure ao iht f s 1h k ottker hj rfiacas takd he thought it quite compe tent fc r house to order the return lo be amenjec m goswcli aaid be thouhl it of wtty reit inr that onamatltr of thi kind titer l l coriecrly mr eoaats prewotrd and rrad the pctitinn of ucer- l ej elizabeth his wife prayina divorce on the ground of incoen patibihtt kra rum petitions rcceived frraenled by mt eeifrosn iurahr of rouviue hot jl h iew of aondry itaowlaritj of the province to be naturalised mr jfona of oe wrtt do of andrew joba thursday june itlh lll- sr attajr mcnab desired to brint refore the house the question of the contested wee lion for the county of kent he conttcered ii was not for them to sit i in toil house whilst there it a county of thr province unrepresented particularly as the member who waa really emitted to lane hia ir waa i t- lendancc at the bar of ihe houtn for ihe pur pose of hen sworn in and of takiisjc his lest and of aasittinc in these delibraioni in which the house was enlaced ho thought il was mfuy impioctei that ihey alsoutd continue to exclude a gentleman fron hei leal in that house they had no rshl to procred with any birtitteta until the country 1 properly rep resented siraui hating ineverj that thai mjjlwtl he taken up leave was emoted nod ihe clerk then lead the return and the house retard itself into a committee of the whor uponil mr tacttaasat was callrd 10 the chair sir auaje then proposed certain resololir for the coniideiatinn of th committee lh purcoetof which waa thit mr woods bavin reeeiveda roajori nf vote ntjhf mi wc mr tachauucr wai callvd to the chajr stt allah ihen proposed certain mnlou for the coratidcialion of tbe committee the purport of which was that mr wood baring received a majority of votes at the tate elec tion for kent u appeared by the return should be permitted to lake his seal in the house the learned xtnuemaci then proceeded to state that there were several kr lior con tained in tbe petition with regard to the im proper conduct of thr returning ulhcer and if lint gentleman had bren tajitty or inch con duct aa had been imputed lo bien be oqnt to be made an example of hear hear he sirallaoj should desire however that mr woods should juil aite hit seat and lhal ihey thould he fumtthed with a statement from him aalfoftht citcomslanch connected with ihe ejection the rtaaauliaais wereetdopted by tin coan- mltlee and afterwards icportcd to and acoptcd by the house friday june i8l- the howie reserved itself into a committee of the whole upon the speech bf his eatcellen- c mr moajjs was called to the chair of com mi tire mr caaarwnv anwt 3w f rtnvrvtt wwv senltnc certain rcwtuhtmi ui te olnptfon ol the commiitre upon which a reply lo hi bl celkncyi speech should bo rounded al some hon member mlbl desire further time to examine the refoluftont he would not preit their adoption at ihe preeent moment hot wsnld content himself with reading the ame and i y- in thru upon ihe lahle them for the conttileratioo of hots memhen allhoujb he oehesed there woou be rtothin found in the relation which eoum he considered ohjeclion- ahle hy any hcei member aa they were merely in ufswein echooftho speechand he would now uke ihe liberty of m alias ft few h conduct of hmielf and thnre whose duty rt remark upon the present important crisis in excellency and tra ihe eartter prrod to jjd into the discusainn he thoufht tbe more correct course would have been for the gentlemen on the treasury benchea lo have been prepared with an atnwer lo the speech aa was invariably the case in en eland aa several hon gentlemen seemed deiirom that the resejjtaoni should he laid upon the tl- we that hon memben mtchl have an opportu nity of examining them he would recommend ihe hon mover to adopt thai courte thai the hoarse should not he taken hy surptoe and forced into a vote without due connde ration mr atty cm ocotx laid lhar the partia- mentnry course io enlrland to which the hon gentleman had advertrd wat for miniaten lo be prepared with thn address in nswr to nvsiwtt lorcedinlo a vote without dee consideration mr auyccti orvoxiraaid thitlhe parlia mentary coune io england lo which use hcui gentleman had advertcdj waa for minittrrf o bo peepared with the address in acawer lo ihe speech from tbe throne in that the hon gentleman wu perfectly correct he foroc as jong aa he had ihe hororofa seat in that house would defer o the withes of anr hon member who mljit desire lime for considera tion upon taj mbject and he boprd therefore bla hceij and leafffed friend from essex col prince would not divide tho house upon thr adoption of the rescluttai on this dar bur would permit them to lie upoai the taote in complianec with th withe 0 boei members mr fivchaarah omtld her te call upon the tbe gentlemen who occupied ho treasury heoehet to itatefovihc infurmaiiem of that house the principles upon which it was in- tcrrded that the government sftwd he carried on d9 the meirrhrn nf the eaecutive gov ernment acknowlede iheir re pnti ability lo canadian pnwic opinion as eipresscd by rata jortty of ihia houae for the advice which they cive lothe head nf the government so far t not to remain connected with an administration against which a vote of want of conftdence haa pasard ia the am em sly unless in cas of an immediate cvvsculton ofarhampni wtllihe mms mes fsihtiispsu h fshs- pie of retaining olftce when ihey cannot maintain a majority in tbe house of as sembly f in rejatrcm to the case of melend lo which slutton hu been made il would be better tbalthe british ovcaamtnt shenlr be swamped altogether lhatt hat ihey should auf- fer the iraaltest rdury to be cone to that indi vidual mr tin- cor iratamit sard he was very happy lo have the opportunity which waa now oirottfed him for the ant time of cfitrrinw into an eapoaiticocfthe views which would uide injred h- htrdneduj liort not afcw mic onia 00 tile msn 1 v twraihi ty mul be devoid of ibote feelins vliieh a 4 man of honor he mthl to cultivate and h little respect for that hichet tribunal whtth every one mutt reverence but there is an other important principle to he cccnidcrcd la covrtninrnl should lake on itself the preparin and brinin forward rtich measures as the wants of tbe country seemed to require ilia to be desired above all thin that beiween the govrrnment and the people thr re should ckwt the arreatrt posiime harmony anal mutlultooj undrrslinding there can he no good govern ment where the government si t war with the people her hear j and in this view i trit tobreil in fvw words the conctusicni at which i have arrived ft is the duly etflhe headef the guvrrnfient lo preserve that harmony by all the means in its power because it 1 lor that officer to account to tbe home government if he find that he ids hem led astray hy incpaba or dishonest adviters he may relieve himself of ihem by their dismiml this is one mode by which harmony snav be restored but it mivl happen that difficulties may arise which arc unavoidable it not unfrrnuentlv happens thai the goeernment has been unable to earn out the views which they betiev lobe for the benefit of th nustic ll may happen that measures carefully dieetied well calcuut ed maybe defeated by causes over which the gove rrnnent has ro control and this brine me losprak of arothrr made of ironn hanconj which is by dissolution of parliament bear and lastly there it another course to be taken when it occttts that hirmewy is brakes by some- lhin emaominr from the hrad of the eover menl himself the cooise then lobe taken is one which rests with myalty hear hear this much he mr draper had thou tht it ne cessary to to say in reference 10 ihe vtrws en tertained by himself and those who act with him as the advisers of his excellency and he would at the same lime disavow my decree of responsibility other than he expressed hear hear adr baldwutfolowrdutrepltotheaurgrnl bar we are omigcd to defer the rblarattoa of tut speech bll wednesday r irw of temper ism mcnai was ol opinion ihitl a pe nature should not be entertainre be tn mm moots tlid m err oute if they wete to bo called upon jyee ao- they k lrctitleninn hud tyarjiiatiil m irnprti ir n i ltim- hy ih lo aever couat of lh h um parties would hi ih o do 1 laughter m tnmoh suggested thit it should be al lowed iw upon the table without akins an tmmedi action upon the luajtct of the pe linn trw embrii michl have in opportunity of con im is ta mairiare is that rw bondofaoeiely which thotild oot ho irtkrw dfl wilh j yiuta cnikurrcd with tho hon grntte- man in e was loo serious and im ftstlani a her lo be harshly interfered with mrs aid that however serinw the tuhiect rf n peti lion miitbl b it was certain ly a seri matter foe i hai house totefuie to receive rf rlilon iipon any subjrelthry were bound tvrall elitont which were re- sfllntr wded mr v irx comciiled will ihe last speak l twould ho a dauseiowt pre eedant tv house to rfua to receive ihe pctilicm mr ph wa oppwdln receivm th tilitiii iu tmhl rot in md nut an induc- nl ii4 wif cmr artairs- a luwecpenment h aboot te hr made in the govenment of canada and one tinder the operation of which a cecal repoti- bihlydeiolves upon the head of ihe ppvern- menl in this province the dry wi parced soil is not more earner for the coining iborfer ihan all the ftrffh of this country for lite e- lawihmenlof the admtnistrsaon of the gaum- meni cfinis province oponsuch ahasis will ensure ill itanquilliiy and crmtectuently ihe emensiow of trade satd the happiness of all classes of her majrtlys subjecu the an nounce menu whvch hi excellency wis ple ed to make in hia speech from the throne waft be satisfactory to every lover of food tie vernmrm il has lor beew expected that otfteers of the government would have prepa red a measure lobe submitted in the l upnn this very important and too much neglect ed snlijrcl of edocatioo tbotiwh there formidable jifficuule to be encounteted jffi culhcs which have been found to be almost jn- nrnaemmtauat in eneueid we need not thefe- fore be surprised thil those difficulties sboud in tbts t have been overwhelm iniv- there ii r a divarsily of opinion upon ills leibject of education aeupoo vi i ry v this laau it is well known has been the a tn t rl w i rett- t hobby which many meuvheis bave amttte themselves with rid in e lothe house of as sembly tor the teat fifty years he would ufo- ceed to read the resolutions and to notice such points as were of moat importance in the coenmenceiuent of his excellencys speech had been noticed ibe action or the govern mnl wilh respect to the case of m and we certainty thought hit if we rtessed a little of the patriot of tbe ancient romans and of ihe simplicity of the scotch hiibtanderf t still more decisive course would hnve been pot- sued with reference to that question there could he no difference of opinion upon tht lusr- jcci should mcleod be executed he trusied here would be an unanimous demand for war m tbe breast of canadians and be hided himself upon heinx a canadian ha believed there existed a fc ding of nalioeat pride which would nut suffer an indignity to be ortered to a subject of her majesty without demandirae the fullest reparation hear hear anoihl sunfect alluded lo in his excellency rprcch was thai of an alteration in ihe post office de partment bjr which thepostave upon lettfts sent by mail would bt materially reduced this is a eery rral boon since the reduc tion of tho poaiito urut foreign letttrs had been made it had witieed the jo and f ra tification of many a poor man from the mother country upon receivm letter for which f if merlv ho would have been obliged to pay fie nhilhnfs and the charrre now beins scarcely move thaeiasmany pence upon the aubjecl oflheloanofa million ami a half fmm en- loud which hi eicedency hod bectvt ttrt rlrritmnotiraof tlv llout many hon meni- mrs teemed fitpejtd to rent it en meerint upwr ii- rnl camion fer btosn part v lad tafltid ihtnm rriit with ldww cciwncr inu 1 crt place he woeiu eteebre forlhn informslinn hoth of those who act with hiwi and thon whn act against thatsofon only as he could ive a cocttcienliosts luppott to ihote meastjres which the headofthegovernrnenimiht deem it ins duly to submit to that house so lone only would he continue io hold otocc under ihe co- sncol near hrirj and be driired to be un derstood as explaining the views in which every one of his colleagues in ofice entirely concur red tbey were such at had hen rltaavirtl and determined 011 amoeif themsrlves uthoul rsference to any other pat ties whatever for they had felt il to be due to themselves and the country in the hrst place to understand each other he would now state hie view which be entertained respeciinc hie dulie of lira ex- cellertcy lle looked upon the governor a hftvioja mixed character liislly aa hein he represenative of royalty and secondly beinone of the ministers ol her mely g rcrnmrnt and rripoosble to the mother coun try forth tailbtul disclurrc of ihc duiiei ol hi station a mrattiinlrty which he cannot aoid by saying that he took tha adeice of this mas or of that man he looked upon it as a necessary cocsiesuecce of that doctrine hat where there w respooiibiliy there shall power be atvov foe lie could wot admit the idea that ooe man sbottld possess the power aad another be liable to thi reapomlbity in a matter of this importance be trutted that hon mernbere would indulge him in referring to notes that be might speak with the fjeater correctness here the learned alt cm read from a dee patch of lord gknet- dated 5th december 31 now sir these were the principles held with regard to tht res ponfibi lily of the governor as laid down in england triere wo hive a proof that the cams principle hu been adopted in this country mr draper hero referred to a ajeo- cceding of tbe house of atscwhly of n scotia the next questiop that naturally arise h any division of the lubtect is tbat which relate more particularly tothoao who are the ministeis of the crown hon gentlemen aitldooae ihc i v to hear in mind that the principles which i have laid down that refponsibility and power mtitl fa hand in band is one which cahoot be contravened and that when 0 msn is called upon to answer for the exercise of the power which has been entrusted to him n a particu lar manner he can not and dare riot transfer the responsibility into oilier hands when i con sented to become an executive councillor 1 took upon myself the res poo 11 bit ity or advoca tine i hoso opinions artdtwo measures which the head of ihe government rmsm think it hi dutv to recommend to the country and 10 lonr as continue 0 member of the fovetnaerit one oflrrt house i shall consider it my bounden duty to follow ihe same cnureoand whenever f hnd tbe head of ihe tiovetnmenl and iht mtniritr of tha crown droiroua of propoiiqdinf maniuiei which port honor ami dt that few il mttiaijon ren vthn t cannot conscientiously sup ly point out but 000 uath arw ttt it it hearl thrc nttet in ainamvc legislative council j lite is the antwev to the adaea waa twcuthl up tbe houae wewlinto coeimiitee the pararraps eompriiint for a loan to tlw n- tent of a million oral a httberore 3an the word n immedtc was proriedto be ioertcd mli priuv and the srivxsa tooaeajaintt ow amrtmrwt nhieh wa lots 0 the paraph relanc to the eavrinon of lo cal aefovernwent in lpper canada it wm aaked whv ou meaawne w confined to upper canada- it ua tiraained thai in lower canada the protition awtdt ea3ted- on thv ooeludine port of the sevcch oeawe put am amcndmrwl i 1 propcaeo br mr qkicaaet modify i tbr cowrlwajn traraph eofar aa to re- comaarnd a rr itae of tome cnactnsenu in the act of lnion to the aame an amendment waa put by mr joliett prupoaini to lorrl ih- word htatr aefbre uv eaprcasion of oow a to th aarian of the lyrwjyrpv uirtiunj- coibrnrnd a rcriae of aocne efkieteaent tn the ait of unto to the a asne an tmendnl wat ji br mr jui- aropotinr to toacit thr word nore before the rprcawton cf oowiion at lo th mcclaof of the rropoaed rncatwre of uoversvtatnt mh iotistt in twppcrt of h ajncodweat raid in french that be hoped and evpeeted alt rmaa the prudent and saje counaelt of the gotcrnmrnl but that on a rncaawre of erpenmrttt he would net express store than a hope in tvpwt of h ameno- inoni cxprcaixn- hie opinion ital lhe rruuion of the province nver could prosper unui all por- tiona of th population were put upon an euu tl loat- ing iindaethe act of union he hrjicvtd that law was not the cane- ma mounts atfted in ahat paruvwlir th- boa mover ef h first r 1 lution eontid red that at at oftprorlncewcvcirotonaneoual footin ma qcxsacl ct plained mr avdnot wish to rntcr full now into the dareuaucm i be would baa ihc opoortuutv wrln the uauo act m brourl itnaawrtiaieu under the of the cowteil but i hnp that afirr ronvr tncdifeauoa m iw art iheeovitrj wilt prosper front the union his objection wr re comprehrdtd uachr t i h wteqiieiilv ef the reprcacnution 4 the 1 prcion of the trench lantuafc in pttblle hecould rvapowd to the area when the lower part ofuv province ta atunod-wrtenrk- bare rtt rid of hir pertenl ditcaatenu ttahoa rocctacv tiid he had opeoaed th- tjaion when it waa aa 0sew t rvpi ai op uv ivsjanaf wawu4ao1lmruponer to make it work lr iwu to that mdhrthvutht aomc modlacationof the act would be fcoad neccaaarv ma fr b mnnr lfhhon rnenabr hiiwa hat the antwer to the idtfrrtv bir at from any die cuieei on th detbta of the art of union when brousl wravr the iljcwion of ihe council he w f rrrcr but i find from rtfeican in hi esecf- ienc ptibtrhrd ccer ondrerr as al0 from tia sitrtchfrem the throne that the eye vt nad are bcol on this treat eotftat 1 l would it bes wdl to ottinn tma cvxrwaent before it haa bora put 10 a trial when how ever p that mstirri uada wuioii the hew tnrmbtr can caperta hie ofau ion on it- lu the umnttme it it lobe hoped that the reat arl of ititlalion iln under the mnctra of tht ipnryrial priaaent ill prate adeeniile t itaetd thhon member wjj dxe io bnj opat- to ul kf ihe lxei1arecincilbe bbtatawhl 10 ca hi ormiion hthe it with or ho 1k1wv i hive no hetijtou to evpeett what mrmwalt bar i wowtd not drbar ajfroaa smpja to ih- lttltu uv caarrttion of ooinatn on ita detail al us- reeoer opporlainitr now wu a coaai r tint the uanott u riccc trr frr tit ood ot ihc froaiaee 1 cnidrv usat if ee this ftat dc- lieh rae measure whh ha receitd 14 aaneiioo of th- dnith kartodtent and h tutuj fee trial we urdth- 4 ajrjon tooe wh or ihini w than afpr to have torae doub on the ax of union i irutt that tm yeeal meiaare will be al lowed to 0 fsrward wthwl q if after irbl fjutt fcund thm wr vius trek frewi ik majnafiuuktr of the lmpeal parliunent ueh aavnd tar nui aa thhiu he nrcesri tor theae roa- aat 1 hope the how snewtve will not prrst hit ntendment lo a uitition tf the bwajvaw f tie hou- wiahan aaaendatent i thould prrftr that of mr jollirt using th caprxaaion ler no tiny with ilii kseelarwcy we hate great hope and rt- 1 j- ltl r beco pubucti cxprtaacd br toataaawio mateecdit b to be itas i aaaasl preaaeod to jrv tie aimiaiftjaricei rrral cetct bul at tho aaawa tavae 1 havw no otgeciion to the esass- 4on of a eoni opbaion in thoae who eotcvlaal oawi attbe bsavtdl 1 aball divide afajnat any aiscndment on taw anower if peace be prv- ereed w tha prcrriaoe 1 hhvu no doubt the union will work wctl whan that act it brtxizht for ward aa detail i am not prrard to ear 1 wixttjo with ft ihrevr thkk ami thm but the amendment appose not called fee at protonl it wema to go rippiae w all our peat dirjecwcu u dwputc we rrial foryt the paatda the peiorat or prore onrralcfial fhrt the twrteou of the impertaj 1agamcwt if i it iiould not bo preed to a dtrbtcn th svcsjim i tsnould hart boe m yoateruat if the objectioo had bvoa prat t soxjj tuil ihe atealaneation w truat that ttxh wtll he thol i- but now rt would roeaaf h doubt la tha w safe councils of the farwat gotvmotewl nona of i troae lotaka u be excluded wberj the act ef uoitt coroeo wcavr iiawii1wam v ma tcokshax ttttwa i nerex talcncled t a be mi op jj1a would refer u to tha sawt i i havo rvfeua to the prraent to what t ow c rwrrme f or uw a urae it amara uufair uaal the lower aavtjuf of carwda ahouki oot he rwrjrn ed wt tho tso t a the otmr dtrwao il i 1 n c 0 n pop- atation whkh ia of frrwrh capo i catwaot s- carro 1 th public documents ihowld not ha wlif ln in both hatttarc4v 80th tjd bo eosr tittered i owe fmnilf on rrfreur ecnaal toaulsll 1 an thia account and to make tho union weak wv i aroum hnre the enaejnent modlaeal i aatt if h tori for louiepaal bclore u tlraww i am uerauadtd in the beat nstaj to all ewrtiaa ipeak to thw bt ht oftbe itapertal fargan it would een to all partis ma v s- becwwsa 1 feel our si to we proowwcftl on a aaaat unooruiil jj iw we h earrlredataprrle pr he watt vecaite w am ol a eritia tha m ur titf liiwl i wwh now that rrej tasi f iot b r opcmin obution id iprcl rrron st aeasafauv w thrown mbrboaedritrpt prtiicrptai xw wt lo act aa ton of irttona aa jjj 1 woumdeprvcawuvorhoforaw wlaiaoitnhwifteroahaetaj the m0uihr ltn jiltd to ttnwtltt i