Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), June 19, 1841, p. 3

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u til j m u1 h lohfa un emtl a hfth tatr liitl iltt dl ms isuiiu 1 im ln i 0tuofttv uismh ifirhst hk fnt a itifirj1 bin it ii hi it rtiiimltj iii it in ii r 4 iimm ji u n h tltlti in i iv uavftti kiii i il mil rji i rt th 1 vkifi k- w rh nasi r hrrn rindve i ihtc of aa bfca wwiiy otuj fa ill u ov lj inn j- iur in itimmlin iwrmni rj- initi li1lt t- 111 ifl whir ii1 smffhhuf 0 ii limr ifthulda l2hlnnoni homi aiul i llullhmt it i- f ih- g bmi hn fir rid ulittii f l lr of fiin tin ii lail ri aoe i thr ri 1 m d ii it cjninh t nihijt siiiiib i h hiu inotlvr hit aj ilrj hvhi mu rfr to is ftiti jtf nlimoll r lht tl ni irf k ihfiiivt if lti pt tlail th awriimul houm ijjvr lf ullfjlt mt jttt v ul if pthlkal of thr pi- out 1 fi latl it ltnn mi1trjd lhx plum lilfv linn lh t mnw ltui i tati ifc mmif 1 lm unii t tw mti4t lo f i iht iv t unjt j kith ih 4il u llmih if m h hitlni im tyrant vtht ptt unl- tf i in iv uill ho mhdr 4 t mih1vh th jjrivid it f- tlr el rmti im hir thjiiriiiil 1hiiim ii- ilir tii i4 lb- rt of lim annndd a ik ininilk if u4lth far mt ru i srnf oh it u b v itjthinn flif kit fh i 11k wiih4f rf id lrvurwiii tht lnh f jiiv 4nl tt ii thiutn iiiitiuild ly llrib f vi i t not tfut my ivjih mrtjit il i llir nil fotnitn i hvi uiiott tv r2lhra -pill- 4 j at mfe r ivchi iv 1 ij tjiny lur tlk i iv l t hh luc ljw bifvt lh rcr or hir uiiiuil inonr jrt turtw mi isorii llw- nrftmur bfiuh of i- wi ti mr riittil 10fftll tvlljl 4i lo itir linfua i tl- rrirktioft fi ilmn nd fwr durthf i f ailwvii- il4 ifcf 1 hhh r rt ju nj ii 1 attn wp lie raunlry thil tvi f oblnumlnr thc 11 li tod furnxd tfy mft from tfv prrvnin tlvj lmtiirr taiih uir drtlrh popubtton li lkmh4 mamljim v itut lht houu im nuil on llnwltrt jiij llrw flthenn thr fcltlilv vf tilil av now fp v l t if ih- hikb rrll to iblr rhiurn iv twulj jflu1 ih i jnui cf iv fttiv- iri mh h1irh iv ja uqtl4 s1 to the utff frvf ij unvoml prjliiirtn rjn thr pit- firvitcc flij it h hoi n vnfir aprof ttonnvill tv- ft ii it lrm knul v on j kriimplf thilviu tmlvfr 7- rrih1 mil n ipvmtj mrjwf ji u for lb fviur i ihr ovftfintv v a gr1ai limiiri i u mimb- m kuovrilioil i v i0mk f i v lj i iv rltti nfrjth rtlon itrturr h tvoi ira i ivovcnt ob il lottarim th tv thiirir iktimv ittut onplntj pi rili i hit ofnut wrlr i 4j m mfrtk ijui nnrmkvw piwd i whj v twli lo rl iniij4i until njmit j ivinmlfiui i wh timvn tv c- rulitr tu tpir nrvrt rf 1j r ji trf j toi m for jnwim j4 iviniftt fn ortul mtttfll ivlirrjfotitqutd ujitlooiit ihi fhniu iko1vj rr ill iiuqoivt motl tuvb t ihi i inu fr i jurats hxtx i n rftitf i iiiiii w to livkrg l pniltj i wvumfbd 4 rlt iitaoitiu if c in lo i uiiifol ii ski- j i lhinl offih- irmclk livi ioih i tt t4niifiit it ujik itui jtdih 4 hminj tinliti fi i trifkh 0nrj jnwit iv iron m prthli fc an uhtiti 4ufi uili nifi n ltlin- i i i r inn win hh i ll tii ij ibm i- ovmp ci nt i fnl n fii iwuinv itr ami j a xi lip mi titt of ptffrfl nuv9lrlqo- uwvliiir ti hnld on id uu hip- krur it tm i ivt rioit frwn i jiiv vc iv kftrnh nittnltf ililrt cm ut ihrv n- m bf llrhfsmtisj r h itio jrlr i urharmlm- ftjii mr 4 if iv p flm oritltticiiod iva rulf dhmrt nr itjkoi i i in htt in c pt nniti- rf vx4r4frtvni i tovtn m h inntt llil ivjm ha imnilocul th tiinr wiu lnii lh tnv oil lkik4unl nuv gf j h irvutrmm mil t url rie nct ivt hilt r thi onv lioirr 14 n nait rvrfyiitn- i imn lw nwlitd iv jiv uin nf ivif hiiwfn m- di uitpitnr h i noiuful iv part ikm 4rnvimh i iv tin uull m diij ll fcf ifet1 h i h nah i f i riltil a i h lvtmfor i h i t i ii ih iiuftttn i hir iwinmt tit 4y 1mti titt ou t r1 tw liii rh lfiniit ha nliirfi ilr inpr- rn rnajtttrl ttni lvahn l it h hniiul hi i r j inji v hdi t ptvj rudi uim itivti jiiirn- vr j i hound lo vhtvn thil lie ipth it not r ft oimlmtntaof mf culurricht l- vinr hit pirt oflhf wwl h loo invmlfitou for ij lot poj uitiiru lo uojcrititij ul u coetidrr whit thouh b the mult o mr cliriili docneii to let the artrtcullutmt prodtjclioni of uriiith north rr i hive 11 ftf idmiujon into the mukeu of url ifnuim uilhout nv pfoleclinx jty agiiitil i hi inuoduction of united 8lti wojuce into ihc matkhiof uritinli noilh xmotua one of the conteqoencei roold to the itipplyin of i rvil naltoo vithtbr brit morkel in ihe uni- rent for oie tod a ptincirul one of in ilipl comrnodiuct without the miehtrtl eebrvow- udmfnl intliirn and without hivmr the honor f- thit hoon to ihii riral nition with good tfucr it faiout done thin but if lcrititin for our own ijrntjit iao- iher iii mx t would be lojury to tbc bri tish firmer in pfoportion to the extent of tni- led slittf nroduee which would thtn he brought in eompetilion wilh him jwty free from a country the lnu of wbich on in nveu coutd he purchiitd in fee ninplr at the puce olid mnuilty bj the british farmer n rent i third conirqueikt would be injury m tbeie colouiei in proportion to the extent of ameri can produce admitted into them duly free for cc ii oaumption luceeafully rinlnr and thereby lunpteimn- our native indottry it were eji preiumpliotij ond inxrititod in cofcniili to make ivcb cllirn m ihe mother country u tbt cont lined in theivpeccbef mr c thil ii to pecmil uoiied sue orodtke or the produce of inyfocfipn nilion lo enter her markrti duly free merely beemte lurh foreign pmdoce raided through loch colony and beuentted ill merchant and forirardrn in ihfi rtfpect mr cirtwricbt hu one fatther in fat oat of thrie two clutei of peojje thin they who know the luuect heller would attempt to tbeuueleei a more intelligent body of men than the mcrcbintl of montreal end especially on thii nbifcl u pot in this proeince yet they a few wteks aeo hid a petition mide out arid it is now leeeieiag lieniturei pcayin- tfaal the imperial gorerciment will eaute a dnlf lobe collected on aaxerican -rii- on entering the province and thif no doubt became iher would not be r0 vry tmmodetl at mf cirt- a r it at to aim a blow at the prelection af forded ihe bfitiih acriculturiit and bnd owner b- ihe britub com utf if the british mio- itiry deem it proper to alter thit taw it become them heal lo do o not the ppeonle of cinaci nor of any other colony to uree lhem grain beinr tht principal exporta from the northern stales of the union and manufactures ihe prin cipal eoti from siilain as a re ciprocily the united stile should admit btitiih mtnufacttites duty free when eritain admju her frain an attentive peiuiajof the addresa of the house of aiaemwy dated 4lh may 1 83 of the peeb of mr cartwriht ai the tillage of waterloo the c9th january 1841 and of the remaiks in this and peecdin coaamonica- qoh will show thai if the british government bid acceded to the prayer of lhat address the forwarding trade of this province hod been materially injured thereby without to the de sired extent benefiting the canadian firtaver vcaute it prayed for a duty on grain and on nethifl rise j white it is by grain that the for warder i chiefly benefited particularly wseat white the admiifko of that article duly free in to rmrik penilsr liflli or no insiity lo the iu- p u ueuf inuiui4d bylhe dc tnnd forexportatiei the same attention to hre docornenta will show ihst ihe piinciple marntaioed in the speech of mr ctrlwrihl would be injarioullo the rjritith ajrricultutnt and a presumptuous interference ooour port with the uwiol thr mother ccmntry highly bene ficial lo the united states and would he a con- ucivalion of the present unprotected state of ikulture in canada even to a debtee nrilher expecled nor deiited by thot whom tuch piin eiple at present appears especially to benefit hich art the forwarders let its have a mo derate but not a pmbiblosy duly on nil fceeiefl produce toroor local consumption lei wheil pass through eu waurs free two reqiiesla thai bolh the farmers and forwardeis witl aree to bothescnufaingoutoative industty a parmer rifjbu 1h11 china- tvoihlhr iah iglir oflv ltuwunr important nrtvs kkom china in anticipation uy the ovekland maiu we are in3cbied ti the morning pt fisf the following brief but irdputicnt ormvuncc ment the mvfltl ufuie ovitsand lnjia mail at munsctltea on tlie otli uli baa ntn importont ncwifrom clnna the uutnliy datet mlwj utofmay or fckjthi llic boguc luri vr4rv ukii by the urinji who marched on canlon krjnn bessj bcvp nrni in disgrace to pkin flic emperor vill not yield rcmforxcmenin luj leer cot frvni calcutta from im tunc t accounts have been rttffa4 of lhreon- nencemenl of bosiitiuea in chmt our troof look possession of lue fort of hogueon the 25th of february and of the factory of fan- ton the fwipcror detcrcm nation not to ivimi h ub jones a r plenr iiifnmrine the pl ibm m u start tit he will lfaotw pub lic al rtiont mntlnnnvo aelenion of liic ml wwarltiiy ntf dttitubiy utvat t bvtldhvo lots in ihvtrt faewaaaal of ki lid rfmxllo ostlni ihccsaotl of the futih pnrtkularf vrifl appear in future i oitarttuvpc juftc i7ih 1l roksalii ax vxcellfntfaral with f t from the oppttroenl totv qwtbr jjiuiu hshfd bj iwljioritf at kindlon ptto vince of canada kcattahv oimth kiii hie caeelkncv iv cotrrnor uenrral h pzeawd to ram a lince lojamrt jtur lf mrmvr ot the koyal cofufc of soxtoiitf leo- don to aeicute fhjsie unjfr h in leo- cans cera difdirbjto mli sitfctraiti orrick kingston ivji jv h his eacellrncy iv uorfor ckwral bai vn pariaed lo appoint edid glmi fliquire to be judge of v untrict court ind jur f iv snc- ate court u and for iv oiitncl of tilboc coiuduwion dated hth mac i81u nicnitoitrs orsree kinguoo fehjunv irm hat cichlraee tv governor central haa been kto6 to apooiht anthony 1 1 m of ktntfun uirr to be coltcetor o cuttoms at lv tort of toromo coinmiion dated iblhjuoe a stcactaari orricc kinplon isa june 1s4i his eacrllroev iv ikfmor cetera hu vn plrucd to ippoinl cmaiaforiiin tvjxra william c gwrt roniar i- j wattua tatr an and ii oeajcif r- so v n uedtcal board to eauua l person pi for lkcnet to practice phytic burpm 4tc m uppor cuide punusnt lo prvtiociar suu bq ueo j eh 13 ccsudas4rmdalcd3jit ma ibmi p mcaittav orncr kiotlon loth jaoe 1s1k uw tv goitrnor fjencra ha bren pleucdio fraul a liccucr to mlv kile to practice land sortcting daamuwaa datad usi msj ihi a refutation of iv charee prefcrrtd iawt meun ikjmlrnan h murtij m wrdnrda itimwniaii- i un locwail jtd mil u- uakijti on wcctacsdaj iajutucc to ihil rrspcetahlr linn stone house ra barn hoot etouae ate in jj cortcciaion if east iouhbo rihigh r icrns 30 of which trci and inelinjcfi o beiuiiful or ehardin u bearing situated on the mar- rin of lr wtai altj ert disunce if 14 ftw ffcm kingston tn an excellent roj an tn a j culli rat iri for of partieulara apply 10 mr j walkcr thomas jones tffeflf ami ac icnvee kirtf strrel 1 7th june oricn twtfi sold byjvct10a by mr jones ef0ncrav the 03rd june pee- f j tl2iivleekandonthcspotn beatittfu lot of land containing one fourth o acre ad ninthly aituated on the rijjht htfrj aide of ihe belleville road with in one hnd yanitnfihe toll gate on lb m waiwinglona collage y rvrher urtieuaro apply to the ar- trnjsreel i00i for sjle itvcnting car wilh sleigh finnen aunervor hore harne saddle fowla c complete an excellent tum ithit tlse property of a gentleman n3donlvrauetie hia no furiber use for it apjr th0masj0ns kingonjune 17 is4i piano fortes mivp- wind profewor of ihe piano prite respectfully inform the ramic ih at he lit lecrived two supirioc tone hm touch intruments from the best makers in new york wheh he odn for sale and would be leased i have iv pumie call at mr jw h ijicnas torecoiie and examiae them also loneiot- xewmtsic inujutm t8th june 1811 jolx tit of 11 tnrtdfi t thr mwui i tiwr itirii hins t i i h a th i i diirru r th- i ii utif i taohiiui hii ut vi v tnjtniiifcjuntj hm rid aeausw h r ritwdim dn44i tin- u ll i auv nc ie e- faae u k mn tumr ni eomnnu ti ihall l nru siti n iv uuho of a bet b mi-cra- t tmf mtrfit i lir av mmiliip iiii nafi hvntiii anlra mjii al sangt a it mii4 w n th dlth tenia wan eiune iatora lluvi rnirffi di itvl niatiai n mvi pn duniiuu mts virmfl rkr kin a uhlj -b- i ju- ii prud- fcliifdasl tlvuorftl larld ha ill to hesund is- ln under lhihi hie nem4lhmcftav frnri fa- it inr hrrtm bvjttldceaiima i ffted li rtsiti iuv uw ftnw ln ylillil th- lvjuah n 1 etrriplilu ci ihs iiitn hai ttaintr nuv ul lr hasv iwiibty ru ll i- ltl 0u laitnukbs a to rhti main nn uurlit ivki n lp i 1aii lo our one ef peouuttoii loom m reprtsenfatipii f tiiv cwi irrf duriti ihe week a rumour has sce ihe iwialarfllnl iiitd cift rww assembled lneofa cnion between ihe atliratepresented h sr allan vx4b mf neilywi and mr win an 4 numberless hare leen the proo i taribm oi ise ijis if ii alienee sn a uioe aiij inpbam ic allan mcnab waa not n ihc jfoose velterdlv and hai we on postscript saturday 5 p m we have just been favoured by gentleman with a copy of the laining the following our read eis will perceive thai the news is j furnished them in fifteen idays from liverpool 1 the columbia arrived eight days latek from europe highlv imfoktakt intclliocncc from cllipfa tlte british in pos session of caktok at i j oclock uit evening the ickrnph rate no tice that ihc steamship coiv7bia ciputn ju4kin at below when vit dticotmd sbo ua ue i iitlymtlei distant and mm only be da crkd l the gtaao a htilr put acron he waa met jcst outside iha ortt by le acadia hich hd mld about twohcvvnrenouatj tbs cctv bta lift luffpcci on th afternoon of the 4lb inn and baa therejore iccocnpurcd her puun in a bt- lie uer tuclrc dap including hrr dcunlion al 1 i t 1 fu havirg made ihc best puaaec wtloul eacep t cion ibat feu been mad umw the athusbc and haing statt the gaxt wsirua tv deriatd heenrrealhd home on mgrnf busi- j wmoli hrt nd eemsttientlj t cms take no put in ibt we hive received our tot of lvrpocj grand aaid irving diion in schich hi ill- p lo ihe morning of ihc 4lh and loo ked new allies cnusubis day bo emgizat j dto theewingof the 3nj of june both ekm1tbt there teas umnchfoiindaliceifor ylwmm g edtbeame tci had advanced 3d per lhtourjtforlbe hoosanj and e olhet ntinskd eay though not aurditisthit are daily cement and for l mccneni s re- the purpoie of ihe injemems and j tbe n bj ihfi columbia ia of gnt tn- titsiltlctilcd ineentors- icfcst the political condition of great britian ia nearly ibe aame aa wbei the creai avettern left tbe whole empire was in a stale of intense excileinent such ai baa no been equalled aioce the lime of the juetvm bill eight yean since the cninbtry niil held jstwtwt of lieir atatt parliatoent baa not been ilitaoleed nor tvai the probabitite ao great that it wcruld be aa at the fat account sir ifobert peel ap- peara to hoe met with leta mceeaa ia bis attempt to overthrow the wblp tban his frtendi anticipated no action had been bad oo the com laws that waa to have commenced on the dih the intelligence from china is highly in teresting the lverpool papera of the m announce the english as in posskn or carrrok in parliament sir robert peel introduced as he had pf- csly annoonced bis intention lo do bis resdti tkm ovclaiin the want of confidence of putia snenltn lh miantry on the evening of tbe tba mocioo of sir robert peel of coarse eli cited a warm debate which continued up to the 2d tost at wbku lime no rote had been taken there it nothing further atoti the eatta hij been digriced and sent in irons sir george bremer arrived on the of april at cilculu lo confer with ihe govrmor- geoeral reinfoecementt were to prorerd to liinafefthwith t their reaneciive pa fvxeaa of parliament b lindsay op k ajy extensive auction sale or dry goods groceries hincs li quors tvbucco 5 on wednetstkiy nexi the 23d instant and following days nfthe liharnbertbeingabout lo remove ml w asnv wiu aicjiwmitj tier martsioo house hiftci in store street are desirous rf elownij without rcrve the vehote ofthcir reaforialde and well selected stock remaining al their present stand the goods to be offered trill be found well wor thy the notice of the trade whose attention u reapeclfully requested to the sale as every lot otsered will pottvclv be sold terms undee 25 carn 2b tn 303 montha- 50 to jcioo- half at 3andhaf1 at 4 months 100 10 200 lulf at 4 nd half at ll months 200 and upward cfuarter at 3 6 9 and 12 months armstrong gbeer for ihe chrouifile l gnirtte rrorrrnng dutv again 11 troueh lattcrd douses small iict do appear kobn and furr u gowns hide all waoncrr there wai one thing which in hit ryes was ifirore imparlance so ihe iracraof upper dote that was baling british tiiila tain any protcctinr fat frreofmtisicvi olacrr iaviivorur mr c said he would ptrmnse ihe resolu- tiwi beheiinand frelin- that if il wiaonee acceded to all liat aerkul twist can reason- vyc1iibiisnttajocd- thm the attertieei above quoted in lic lite adniisnoei of our rain into ihe mwiietj oavtbat aeikulturish on reasonably rlaim is directlv l viriance with tv prater o she address of the house of assembly was iited out in irv il fotnnhniclioo jthas lianee in the piseie ofmrcv speech lfn the priaeiple nf tu prayer of hie adresa whhe receanmeaded mu1 lessor more reo from ihr eacellence o the fiwtner in so ii csinccs a tudileis change of fntiment ii part for which it is dimlcalt to aoiat trirtftitjsi eprrsiion aeiitst a protecting jw of any km whatevei without riualifica and without any exrrtinn from one end laiheotui mfvotir of a 710 tin- duly howvvvr no terete is the more at mr caitwrilu has several twhasariitvi w utidrrone nebanseon h m v a uta- u ut msl tjrout of a j iwyitie fju a ihe cate to proprietors of newspapers curk of ike rfutmltft offut kingston loth june istl the proneietiea of newspapers pub jished in the province nf canada are req netted to forward t ih oolce during the sevaiovi six po pees and during the one copy w ioiui stationery ivrlfi hiir nreinl a lie fcjpplj mh cd kancv stationery tmmiiriijef ousrf article- ik fol- kvpeics r m r feimio r in j r mi feolteip bijhlv rlainl do i fc tad and 1 1 prccd iruo nnn idue aid attd ydjov and muc swi imc kingtnn i9llt june 1s4i 101 fkesh araelvalscheap goods at tltje sasdw waiplhais3n start strttt comer of montreal stwt the subscribers beg leave to iniimaie to the inhabitants of kinescon and it vicinity that they have opened lhat shop lately occupied by messrs jandtrig- rey store street wiib a large and well as sorted block of llnen ox woollen drapery mercery hosiery lacete leleded by them in the diftvrent british marteta with every advantage thai cxpen- enrr and capita can command and being thcniaelvea manufacturers of a variety of tbe goods which they now offer foe sale they feel confident that those who ntay favor them wifh a call will find their warehouse one of ihe cheapest emporiums for drv goods in the province kerr waddellco kingston 16th june 1841 lolnt the subscribe begs rerpectfully to in form bis friende and ihe public that he has removed his office from toronto to kingsioa where he continues to act aaa land and general a pent and hopes by slrxi attention and integrity to merit a con tinuance of ihfir patronage every description of buvnesa attended lo in the public offices also ihc bucinc and selling of land procuring patents prosecu ting claims under the heir and devisee act e transfer deed and morrgages vrith memorials drawo james hesdersok- kingston isthjooe 10 101 10i to let two story house in an airy and feasant tuatjon in the rear of the scotch church ith a good four horse stable and excellent well attached toe further particular erwiiri al tin office of the buard of ttnru pool a kres superior do do a p it i tonic poolice wove foolsci aoir pnr rnsr irnt and tunc rfmr lic aud mnih cllow and blur uoe pest toe aid ph- urge and small itnn laid iitlou and h p i saprrine atnih thirt wlloif t and pit post super laid rrtiot and ho jwl pp l a pjji estra saiia pmi pker sd plin i rmwistd and pi- fttrr and ote taper eo- jourrd btark jfr asck twdered port and etr t various hrradlm htilrid silt letter id kopfi atfaea pane notr pa- vr hth eatioi nin in colour or aeld on curttrclvmw artct unljjl v r a sa rietr of iwe lpe roeed ajnjptun ebtci op- for utters notes dkawing pa and drawing ma- 1xriau witmint finessvawin- paper all silts roujh and soth ff fifii craon paper i london vid tr drawing boardij eosound sml ejairoff l irvj its lhfttc drng lioot setd slw uh book itfnnt hres aefcceas nemans ccdours and cocouf bote rartvi paktts and mibs afvermsi a kmm j landons drau kwalt pmkk pfiravi tn1 ituir d hatlv pn- he in tin for ianih- t i-i- variuh re trarin pafcr co- fds flat nd rouipd t bslpt- iqdun lot pur eolnwid 4 cf mathematkst nwsii cc diitereni qauifi pariurl k new clfxkntifi u cards and t plain gits kick rdjed l b and hihu ylaad j cyj of hjfrd and nan vdtanrcd drahinj bocia ard caoc hr hijhte g i prrforatrd distirvnl rotnund ood ron and lunticaclr ovr ano tortoiw h cards of riccltint coal- ievlat retnid ual koii salk 10 hhls brihl muscovado snjar 40 bbls do il do al dn dirk do do 3 hhds rrftaed crushed 0 do lndun palcnl rj do single n lined do h boes imperial teas itl cheats tsvankv 10 do young llvaon is botes do dn 35 krjri isaosted jlue tobacco 1j hors cavendish do 3uh regalia scears a very choice put up 50 in each bst 51100 fabucov jncompirahte do wflh sejanvarioixi 25 missuperior maccohoy sauft 5 ooxes scotch niulf hi ctajhl cmlrtilus 1u lirfcet carolina rice h5 hnefiil india rice os uuek pepper 12 wives ijcmdon sperm candle h wax tapers itaj uwfm soap 75 monlteildo w asserted fancy do 30 tohjccn pipes 50 rmm schiedam gin j hhds suprrior hottaodsdo iu cases pale bandy ivac fcftnmi mji and 1ott wmis in atlkl 1 ealcs welsh made ha in nr cask octaves nd bottles a fesr basket sutrjor champagne toperior sherry in hbdt and qr casks cognac brandy drauht potter dottled ditto ate loniln ptcklikntiih chrrse i iwdoa h tent table sail wranpln paper preserved oranes ciltois and prunes almonds nuts indigo white lead salt pctre currants pipe clay ovcacc alo a general assortment of dry goods comprising- plain and fancy cotton drill unreached and half bleached ditto mih spun dowlas linen diiper colored counler- pne dnbcinpriftta clitnu printed urese dublin printed hoasfl kerchiefs 0a mask table covers printed jaccoacl manda rin rich poured peruvian victoria striped peru dresie lhe richest without exc ever beoohl to ibis markm cltifdrro d cap and robes woiked muslin collars real brusaels uollari ditto lace cuffs dlud manleletts muslin shawl check vuslin one rase tilores ftultrmt hosiery rrowu sacking utraehed dowlat osnabures jtrocrn shiflmjs anils vaiielr of nthf articles in the grocery and drs coeds line for sale bv joskph b hall kinrston 1 in june js4l lola covernment notice scaled tenders will be received alihe com maso net office kingston lill jiiii on monday the 3th july next from any person or persona deniroua of en lennjj mtii a contract fur building two ranees of binasppeocsf case mated in masotr rv iear fnn henry nf which sjiccilications nd conditions may be aern everv day sun daya excepted al the royal engincec of n after the 21st inaiant uiiexcfhionauekctiriivntibeet m the apfiroval of the cornmimanni mill tie it- tauircd commiasarist kingston 15th june 131 ioois comprising a rasa driiens in filed ant h it rmdeii t ji 1 rnvi rack exeptice awai silk embroidered soperor london waiter s griffith 517 tivgate strct hiimir west end of miio st ridr uhoi r svi dtasua in groceries provisions paists drugs ship cnanteryltt 4r manufacturer of brou4t resvfrrofed extm ine cut carsrvte tobacco warranted ecjual to ihe bl ijr maauuciuied in the united slates and osaieftal commiauohf merchant will aiiffplv all ordett addressed to him for fjons jp his rp rri as favnunole rm as wr aiie sovseu prices roehetrrjune 15 lwl m- cark i ptsi cardcaar plaiing steel pev qthluplte vprtvio and albert sterv nickkbr clsjs patent ntw rsvrn jaaassts loron k mxdan s peerj a tiillolti marnum tnim and owkju u yrm v rreil ty of 0ue knd mor- din aedboftnhv- a lar iorimenr of dvmv itoos wilat p i luluo improied pof pttrs sitpersw red r cotoiirfa sfakng wa tnt opcrrtne rrd aim wax aufnrflne red assied colouirj iftr medallion wafers inks and sh stands re plony and pronie inl itanda plan cind ranfi ink glaameat pemet ink pocket ink ottl oftee tlat d rrd ink sn fcolil mornoa cooving la luavi ahd morntaos pjlmk al rid lait rvuders mttruoiit cop sp ink ponders mlaccilsneovs ca silter and tmiivien rotd papre loroo colourrd and fan pawr i tisaur paper co loured and plain tsmml fchrd aivj and scrap eol dtsm bool 4o and xto j find hmihrdfor pmate journal and diarks mrtaltie mmoeanduss bonla plun and jilt rum morocco and plain ctauvr puclirt eki aa w uithor rtnout url eliips rhvantli bound cmtofttd flun poruottoa iv- tapr distmni tateadth coloured bilk taiu for lanwtv pxni pnrparcd pamlnnim for petiuvrt and dttda dilrreni uea and of thr hnet qualiit gald border and gsai paper omamrntii rodter pcnkntie lleli 5 sena ijjnrord letter boara filrii scrren ttastrs muc paper toy books if all dneripuoea bbeklead ttncil slate and slite pencil j porcruan stairs i inau r kijbbff pfttenl and common noey and boor piper cuttrra rukr wafer sundi ke ke blank bookh cunijnincofluvr jirurnab day books of an i perfmr and fin pasyr bill book ried he- a book itv lw te fae orderi ao ukon fw ccovnl book of all knds wvh win tulid ust bound by mrwrksrj bimlrr mlutast bistksand nithax ttv i- v tj f ttt ordwtrv uar are keft ni sand er uiadf sw aatr orilriti room hitd lanrnulsjvxtu hll all kinjuf su j uouc17 abaf jfca flafer tfnrf p ftiut- i cei iurfy jvlv akmolr 8 co igot dr r lie c f mmt notice rpbndebs sill berereiseii by the ti manne railwav cocnpanv until the 2sh innant from thou willing to contract fue furnishing materials and perform ins the carpcotcr aorttofa stone warehouse nntv 11s course raf building by them according to plan autf speci fi cations to ho ttn at their office kingston june 17th 1841 loldi wotice 1 1 1 k manager of the montreal cab 1 company begs to inform the cemry and inhabitants of kington that all order for cabs will be received at mr 3 boy- jm soddler store street where tlwy will be met uiih the ainciest puncutaliiy and ilcspatch by the undesigned james bone kingston 19ih june 1841 lolz family rooms to let at ili f lnliia pfinjfc 1 jy situated oppomte the atw hou and within a fevr yards of alt ihe springs are three silling ronms and seven good bed rooms fumuhed or not r- the oects panla may require ihey will be let by ihc month during the watering season if appli- catinn is made immediately meals ear be had at the new hotel if required visiiin- to the springs has fairly com menced fur ihe neassin and ihc waters ore again astonishing invalids with their surpri sing effiracv yyai parker cauottb springa juno 7 ls1 9x tbi silpieel merchjlyt tailor h as received a very superior assort- menl of fine and superfine clotrsa cuinmrrr and ytiins imperial atco ltlrtanv dulli alvr a uelect assort ment of summer trowaefingfl kineatonjisncl lcul 97 i2i an experienced accoontaat and jdookeepcr oflers his aervicca to the cnrnmercial and trading community of kingston in the way of avstancc wbere- ever it may be reouired tn brm up ac rountsin arrear to post accounts or tn writo btln of parcels coc e copying correctly and expeditioiily performed apple at the office of this paper kingston lth june 1sj 100 government sale will be sold br public aucbnn rn ifonn rcutf2lal fital ihc ma- ttatiln exceptlnr the brick and ihapjb vnrk nf the ranee of arrack bcll dincs oulaiile fdrt henry vix the sah- e and lining doors ond lninga rinnra and joist suir caaes rrnftimbers 5t tin coverings celing jniss ludsm paritions btcwilt be put up in separate lots tn auif pufebaaera whu will be required to remove ihe hole pievioualy to sauarcfay 3rd july nr the aame will be forfeited conditio gut pkleatlzocloek- j lintonj jrrfionret offie oj orrfrwnce j kingston hth june 18il messrs godwin et hall general agtnii mw vcfiorsrera eg tn announce lo the public oi kingston and iia vicinity thai they are now prepared ia addition 10 their uoua hosiija to investigate and adjurl disputed nr intriedle accounts to arrange auxh aa may be fuf artufraiioi and close so far as may be pmciicawe banhrupi fuiotea itc kc claim upon the government or upon ror- poraie bode put forward by petition or ulherwnse without delay kingston 15th june i8il 100a report op the directors to the cowrutvi it tilt annual melti- op thc ftjliianti lufstrlcl fhtilual jtirt ensureincc compein vsk 7fa ithl th isciatcav ol tihr thki tieg leave to report that during the tear the manufrtlufr jon7ih ituo to june 7th j4 bavsj isuued pnliric 50 amjiof proeserty insured j30g3 0 0 amount insured last year 30937 0 0 w ul si to leas k term of years corner ituated in a central part nf the town and well adapted foe the erection of private dwellings for further particulars apply al the chronicle and gaaettc office kingaton june 15th 1wi 100 mahogany axd waufvt furniture collins haine beg to acquaint the public tint they have josl receiv ed at their large rooms corner of brock and water street from toronto a consign ment o maaoranf and blaek rvottwt fvmiturt nf imerior description which they now offer for sale al ery low peicea peworrs deeirusis of aiippljing themthsi wilh furniiiire will do well lo make an early call jim illliistl total so000 0 0 amrjont of prtmisim noses thand 4783 0 0 balance iff the treaury aa ptr last years report ending 5th june 1841 i a3 4 8 the director beg leave in publish tvel fur the information of the memtttfeof ihe company aa for the inhabitants of ihc diatnct at large a ffencra statement of ihe fundi and affatrsnf the institution fiitd tn auhmit the following rvniarka lb eonseciiaeqce of the separation of the county of hasting now ihc district of victoria frsn ihe midland diatriel the cnoipcny have been deprived of a number of insurances of very valuaue property but no the oilier hand iher have llio aalis- favtion of intiug that the ndditional insair- asuut11 li4m tvsu kitvvkj 11 ttli hiw f i my m the twn iftl tomlm inee ihe separation have greatly tended to make up hie deficiency which wmitd othjcfstsae havr appeared they beg fuiihcr to state that alihhigh the company have sustained som fcrious losrta hy fire requinnga great er call upon the premium notes than had brer anticipated iheeoiifklcnceofthe pub lic in the slabilitv and utility of the institu tion continues unstated which is no doubt to te attributed to the fact lhat those who have insured in the company eince tit commencement have notwithstanding the unfctrseen eema which have occurred paid a much leas rate of premium in a corr ponding length of lime than they wovld havidone with any other company for example a second hasa huue insur ed in any foreign company cannot be per fected fue leaa than i per cent nay 1000 for 5 years x50 0 0 in the mutual insurance com pany such an insurance can be effected al the rale of 4a 6d per 100 amounting in b years to ii 5 oi the company sustain ed loaa during ihelaat vearamouningto 24 its 30 per rent on pre- njium note in thia caseonnotc j61 19 100 leaving a raving in favour rsf ihc mutual insurance co of 5 0 itie directors in conclusion would re- apetifully urge wpon ihe community ihe necessity of weighing the advantages and saving which such an institution if prcmer- ly conducted must afford to the district and to eottcit tbeir iadividual exertions in bringing it 10 the aame degree of prosperity which acveral of thoae ofolher diurscbi ex hibit orric e tt x iavio jokx sattth esq prwiiie dlltxctlll jowi r fomvth jomk mowat joitn s cabtvcsiiciit joscpn baucx chu- hxatu and jam v iimof david j smith esq- treaiurer william twice seeieurt- utkffitlvb importation new go o i s oeyica co sraciots wmoiasalt as rirau smasi cvneroxing and qnrttmu teflsv rtv of aulis la uavicueitk lhma cnpvanobind siltms scarfs lappts asd itasitkerciilefs v 1 de la net london printed meslin chinti cambric and manchester piiati a lars- iuanii of lactiou and caflldjeni mum nod eboca a cjielce article in fndrin itume may while and cofoied salem and jiin 10 french d scotch caebtici nod caoissie nnilherchifs worved muslin couirs cpei caff aad fla- machi m 0 carpets and rugs netvrst fiiternof uprrior kiedrrrntster equal lo uruswli bonnets thr most pashiable btpcs of tuscan dun- alihte devon tissur c marrr asvrtmrnt of parasols ind silk andcixtillam rmojcellas broad cloths cassimeres this deparlrnrnl is dfrnvinof ihe particular nnticc of pure hasrn thr oek is arrd d raimjire and srill be offrrrd on mh lv trrsns that cannel fait to command aa immeu ale sale it cokmt1 of suaerfne wnnldyril west of england blarfc true kile and altdirt clnth tbe best manufactured yorkshire ditto ia every usefel shade cassimrr- 1 lv lra jve cajhmeretlef puclikis ind summr cloths white and colored plain sod fancv drip canloont cords moleskins cambuu last- injs jeans 1 4c fibred satin and fancy vesting table linens sheetings furni tures it rjch daenaak table cloths with napkins u match 1 draprr ditto doylias tosvellinea and toilet coven beautiful specimens of painted oil cloth table covets embrosdered cloth tad prinird cotton dilln linen and cation 5beetiaes of tattoos wicih- irish stinin linens aad ready snadeshiru tuikae stripes checks drriej aodregarai lnn- clnlha and scotch hollands chinti and striped furniture caheoes dimeliri and quilts all kinds of plain and fijared white and eov- edmoslirc silks satin tnreadskpes andgrosdf- naples figured and plain bonnet silts in cord s- lins c t jv 1 m rr y cemia av gcntletoem london waterneoof lltavrr hal gossamer silk ditto pilot snd tnrasheis fathionablc istocka of various descriptieco cloth caps mens snd boys hflnarian octavn voy agers ait bees tam oshantts ke a lares virlv of bonnel and ca rthor ireid and cattoa lace at edgias ilk ais elf and frinres ul thread silk merino cottnn and woollen hosiery ttfnuioe welsh flaonek gloves haberdaahery baby uses of every descrtpttox frv bombaajnes and a xrneraj assort ment pf family mooromi incluclln- couars coits arsd chemisettes w b futlber suppties will mntinoe lo ir rive until the tw of the naiitron fvta jfujincato fail etlgbtttjnt eut oa acreroovr bt mdixttd far cash only and no second price jane 1811 life in the woods sew places in america can nflordbct- j er sf rtn lift the he emoted ctuhn the 1 tkw varnnnia f boukx lv nr eolkction vt cotceid scrap r i it v1sgs kc uc44jnd tahuliv rrrn jh6rntii ke ha uit ifts lask pkfd vu mkmoitims riir nrr stray horse came into the pastures of lot no in thr at conccsnimi of pilbburgh m the early part nf last week a lif ht bay horse with dork limbi the owner re requested to call and re- mose ihe same un provmg pprm arul pa vine rbnr2 pimriirfl ifth islav imj pig iron iust received and for nale oi a reduced prvoebv hcas jones- kinptoa june 16lh 1841 i00x starch boxes fiom the almtdon factory no 1 warranted rtiual to the bri london starch for a1e 1a josrpii b ham sfirton mb june ultl lova 100 apecinrcab wond caft cbwr ihtt springs thoufh situated as they are ia iic cen- ire of a dcne fnrct ihey are hy means destitute of merits welt worthy of public at traction the dm new hold will be opened on or before the 1st day of june ami lie pro prietor hneflproniea to all his viriiurv besideu the iiua and whcnvome wavr- good dinners delicious wine- cln rooms and comfoalsle hedf tojetber vno all that kind and oblifin oucnihncc of servanrs hch it always rvaicfial to iho traveller the amuaemrnts will be a oytocl lr table a piano forte for lite ladies 0 spa cinsis boll room furnihed svith muaic where ihe innocent and healthy excrc ol dancing may be enjoyed almoslcsw-estn- ine and many other panimes and taorh 1 at such place the heticfictal ejects of the mineral wa cr baths are insaluablo to insalids anl luxury to all that take nem ihey are fie- en in a variety of ayr and even the ben efits of owisamwo may be more than re alized from ihe saline and snlpbtf bath the subscriber has trol pleasure in 6e- ing able to add that he has made arvanc- ments with ihe agents nf te ottia company to run one of iheir steamers exrmaly foe pawnrra hurior the somroer months ihi trill etrane vifltors fm montreal toircrehthe springs tswtrtnn in one day and u svraa tlve spnn stage will meet the steamboau at at piirot fncfnne a maaali the ride from tlsencesoihesprinpiepsciuresoe and de ual visitoea from toronto kinpinnawl oft ev places abnvc may avail thetuelve of ibe improved state of irnvel via bjtnwir nto tfstouti lhat interesiing and majnifireni line ofgovemment worka the bim canal which communication tvtll bnd titilot at w i r vithtn nine mites of the sprinpk where coacbea will be in read iness to convey them thither at any hoot of thefc arrival nothing within the poseer of ihesutarti bee will be left undone the enstiin aeaann lo make the caledonia sprinp an apteablc and a favorite reaort wm parker caledonia spring may 9 ifil 99 at kfillers ifjwcioe cmrf retoit confectionary dllocff tftfict will alwaya be found a larje sup ply of the moatchoscr asenrtment of confectionary tcsjethec witli tea cakeaol al kinds jptrm coe sfwigv cuke pitrfld cea- jeftutuatirdnfomfsjcreirmi r ftfmty btrrfitm t ftntnr t vbv in imv reri vt vtm

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