desmr mrtti wheriibo p lit til appeirtnce fftiitj a orsttisnei or i li in tesal prlitsotts uilth lfu ut in o ibyth mutpats life pills and puoimx bit i tit the perfectly bwtall lutctfjt wtimtfm f atil titty p eirt ij d iw it rat m0pmt1 upi muh- cincs snovatramavirofoum is a refer- f rwuihr cxperivnca ifiiny iboiusnd piintt i 1 saiitftcionn prose ruti rr m cseni nji 1 ft tiutaatiin1icd res hsto cc 14 v 1 de1r mii wliefiiha orient h in the ivhtt ihi ir in ol kfc tori been tt jjicii h jnd all kip by their atcd csl iitnli awh j m luhs source vfjnrat jtrtrtlo l mp and ssjh bifti wmii eonls4ske l rivitfa i mnl t u t4 hi a rfiitlianvt to t fihw- cutitar im ufe medicines r mrstvawfi- taclb prcparv th imiwmi plssi n their 0 f ib im ttmeiwiiiivv neiief nimb pn ileermhiid i n crtttaltdlucnmmtliiiifr tad imm us tilth tniptfjkrijwi fi lists rea 0 oi lfmtfj fpn i djpcps the wc mcdiiiict wu i lehefsfl shner eplc of mm itimmy ohir pretcrrne a tyrandaei uinjlvv rfccutnsusin lfrfflfsst sjttj sir- strtplnv- s hvhjftftir mesnhift nuine in ur hcvl fuss i cfcit fuinle no pif ed appetite ojn y dmo sriir wn3 wnpmr f le w ihwrdere kim dih tg mat ntr use ihn mdori n rpied u l ikiimi afrflm greatly suptrr lo anjr other awl irr1 tml ah mr mffit sasol biipsnentsi tiskrpa jlr m lawf them orcjr accoijmf in th ii- itww ib lnn b7otppar nofiiv t by nvlhmft ikt st wtl rtny a ibnt favof twt n liawtm run cm1 ill hy th ruhof riimnsl ilu rcftdrr nmvatlj a4 d ih vtht oh ihc lilv mcovinct tttm hn r i ifa icl km uw iod 0 mr motfntjm p j pcf rttv tihr xlcjitl mnl dtflifnnl i0 m if i titth puhaih f riii tcitftiy ho i i ir li nlomivrfmra vrry iwonj- riuapf jirv nfiftf wtp owi rtcly mu io li muili uvjtjl ofti im 7tt dw rdiuxafe lafirimi arf ifui v tf i ifer wt oifwr ro a try gmerei cftrf erf mi iff 4u0rffnr cflfrups and tftdt- tifli ap a tnfr tfnj frire oivfmcnf aitifa cntj tntcrifoa fanry utf tomwi statvintrfi jfoot jfiumfyivov 4 kmkhi flfinf 22 1641 sheriffs sale midland dnt wu ot i to wtr i bu hvilol much i mcai isfoetl oii cf hot fajclyj divuict cohtl of l1 j dirfnci ftiwl to mc uwrtfd jpjmm tur ctoto real nl prw0i of jowph ucu lnwkt -n- atncoaiifrorcoftceakj lvlior tiiff levi untrtioi the utu of twcnlyfivo iotiml i have stizot all l he etdici fl 3ft well a pcrttmil of llie ohi jovplt gcorgo louclv iflclujin lie woi httlfof lot number twelve in il tmiu conrrsmon of rtchmonj anj unvu 0m aj jvwptt cconc louckrimun v jl i the- jurivjictiva of the tail court arj put ii bal m the action within three raknjar motith of catic the mmj hanitto be di chrpj all llw fcal aiul pergonal estate of the ij jokpi georje louvfc or o much thereof a may be oeeewary wbi he hui liable for the mohntj benefit acid aiik- tinofttie wjlatm a mcdoxell skriffm d sheriftt ofllee kindlon 12th aprilf im1 t km m commercial bank m d oticb bfcewby given that or p- jtlu itiui wih be made to the lfb- lalun at its nt sion hy the premfcnl director anj company of the commercial nk uf lb mitlhml drftrict fr an actio tncrctrtlle capital of the loitittition by ojer raflarper kintonihh april 1841 s7 the snbnerllirr has on kan j and selling at vcrv low pricea fv exckilest assqr tuent of 5taplo ftad r al v ciydj in the new slon adnmnej mr willanli kis mm- duncan mckav kinimi 26th jinitify 184l 0s shkrlfrssale mitlund dtauict dy virtwofa witt 7o vf u offfed facia mie j out of her majetfy court of queen bcnrh and tome dirclcj againrl the land and leneinenttotjamca chamberlain ami jamc fraier at the iuit of tlmjma r amienwo ami wdham walker i have cxcu and taken mi execution a bclonpnf to ilic rtid j a me chamberlain qnd hwc fraer part o lot nlimtef mrwtj anj twenty one and the west half uf lot xum- iber twenty llinre in the fifth conceion of the township of freijerkloiurjh in the midland diflnct which i will export for sale at the court houk ai kington m the taid midland district on momlay the fifth day of july next at the hour of 12 oclock noon any person or person having claim on the above jflmrthyil property are rcoierted to make iv tame koown to mc at or before the lime of sale amcdoxell sknfm slrefilt oltice kingston nbiv coons he slblffwiefl are nmv receiitft hy recent iifivla frm louden lirtr- iw and fifaww tlhrr spfiotf rufpjv of stjiplk pixcy dry goods t lml eery thine umiatly niitej in that line amongt which are the inflowing kmc and slivrune cfolh camrre fancy caimx am tiowenng verting in 0 vartciy cajimere tamhroon and summer stutf- white anl hown linen drill silk andcuitrtt lining tadorv iririimng uf etrry jecription dnimesue ctrflotit white shirtmjp twilled slirtmg sinrt cnon cliccuaml ginghanaf mocevkin beaverteen and velvet ftramlntt satlevji land ti- ticv irh linerrp lawn- and handkerchief blark 5t cnlourcd suvti ami cabant brown upland ami holland shirtid- printeil mtf9linaftd cahvnes boinbaxen merino and saxony clothn pihio ami rfieured orleam clothe plam and fnnted moittclme de lainc jit a li reeri a emral aorlment of silk t kihbont lntt iotrtt ifwirry 7orvr ttcwrcartnv- rtj and tntdtt irarts ln byttep1ck1ct rlo bae 2 if a 2 in crey domttier so do water tu tit cotton vam 10 jo superfiner imperial and brutes robert armour cv titln5lk n ew uoods vi ttnted ai detfkt co chimhumnc 4in in kilk am whalt mc aa4r4i lttlrrejln iin victofia nctj cmna utshtvjtaitetsi ins chintz ombvci and to emigrants asd others wish- iho toloctte themselves inm- ttbbidtt business the advertiser ocfen for aatehis unex pired leant of 9 years of lot no 21 in the 5th concession of the township of frejeocksburgh wiih grii and saw mills erected thereon the farm s in a high state of cultivation arj now under crop with the following 56 bushels of fall wheal 14 bushels spring grain 39 bush- ds potatoes and a quantity ofindija com tbs suseriberwtshiof to change hr huu- ness will also diixwe of ihe follow inj stock six- 4 food draft horjes 3 yonn do 2 yokes of oxen 5 milch coiw 7 wung cat tle 4 fioger calves 19 sheep 50 hop alo 3 pieantre and i lumber wagn 3 pkratore and lumber stetlm plough har- rowitxe all of the best english rtjle the above will he rold very low and on reaumable terms the farm mites wst ofknton contiguous to the ma- radamjfedroail 3rd april lhhi im sheriffs sale m dtand dtiirut hv virtue to wit lb writ of fuai facia issued oul ot her majestys ditnet court of the midland district and lo me di- rerled against the lands and tenement which were of jmcnh muter deceased al the time of his di in the n of bar bara mofer adminifltratris of all and sin gular the coo1 chattels and crediis whtch wcrv of jutriih mwi lrro l the time of hi death to be administered at ihcsuitof horace ycomans i have seized and taken in execution as belonging to the said jotepb mocr dccrased at the tune of his death lot number seven in the second concession of the township of loborough in the taid mdlanj district which 1 will expose for sale on monday the tweny fourth day of may nem at tlw court houe in the town of kmgrton tt the hour of l2 oclork noon any pcrton vr person having claims on the above described properly ore requested i make the same knuwn to me at or before the nme of sale atmelmseli shrift v- d sherflti oitre kmon 54 february isrvu j m sherifps sale to wit mm wni of fieri i facia issued out nf tier majeslyv court of j4cenv beneli and to me rlinxted agaiflat fw further partiealan apply to the suh tiuerditb george coulson fredencksburgh june 1l 1811 notice nno be sold by private sale lotxo 10 jl in ihe 1st concession of ihe town ship of p ir j- n any person or perrons hi ving anv claims on ie said property are to present the same lo the undersigned on or before the first of jutv nexi joseph chad wick knrston juno 11th lll 99nt to proprietors of jvetvspapers curk of tht ssrnumy oniee kmton 6ili june 1811 fwhe proprietors of xewipapc pub- x lithed in liie province of canada are requested io forward 1 1 ikes office during llw sctslon slxcopi ol llitr rvmc l ji perv and dnnj tho recess of parliament one cop t- s b- lindsay loiui cryy f susieriher bej repeciridty to m- form his friend and rs j thai e un removed hi olkcc from kmgaion wriefu he continues land and general agent and strict attention and integrity lo merit a con tinuance of their patronage every descriptor of huuoem attended to in the public oflicet ato the buting atul m1ine of land procuring patents proecu caim umlei the hat and act v tranifcr deed and mortai wfli m drawn ojsfpqwflrtvfrfrf ntit 4t tv wm wiltvrct dry goocv store jambs hendeftlon kindlon isthjune lb1 10j lji t0let a two story houivc in an a ry and plea- siiuatiin in the rear a t scotch cliuh wiih a eool tur heeso tnile snd exrllenl wv attached f further partiojlan enquire at ihe oflki of ihe bnard of works kitifiln june ifiih 81h 0jl ovsaleurtolet the simp dwdbnj irnsw assl lile- it itne lalclv oti imcd fv mr r- lbu at nupsnee- apply to atnaupueitsoni saioer lllh fell 141 ifr horsks rucmt mil w eifksotytf km iiriher hcvmatinai apply l- vard tavern on tv ifamosi twl ndi and tenement of peler indoer juhn hulvman and nrrre itrowniin al i lliimttt nfthf ivvtivnl direrlin iml cda- ij ttie han ift ia seized and taken in etoculion as belonging to llie ad peter wiodoier above men- ttiortfdlbe east half of lct number tair utn on the sapanee river and in the sixth concession of fredericksburg in the midland district which i will expose for ale at the court house in the town of knpton on friday ihe twentieth day of montreal may 13 ihtl 12 th e subscriber tvdl receive and exe- cuie orjeri cither for knanj ire land or scotland by charging a moderate com mission wm wilson kinplon may uth iwl lands for sale ot so- 1 eat half 7lh concession north of baac line in the township otfwotf island containing one hlmkci acnra lot no 2l rn i4lh conception of town- jiip of portland conuining two hlmiklh acres lot no 3 in slh concession south of bare line townhip nf wolf inland containmr one hundred aches fur paiuciitanr apply to edward noble kiaptoit 7th nov 180 40 for sale iot no 935 in ihe town of kington j sitimied in barrack slreei with a cvuiniuiou lluu sotted to accommodate twofannlrf and at present leased to her majesty government lot no five on the west side of the grand kivcf cataraqm in the township of kinjptoft on ihe montreal road within a few minuses walk ofthctown of kingston and which will bo divided into lois to suit pure hare ra- auo lots so ten and eleven on rte west side of ihe said river cataraqui tn ihe said township of kinenton with about forty acres of improved land with a good house ami barn th fn crcctcj there ia a good well of water upon the premises which arc tuahd ahout three and a half miles frtm ihe town of kmton on the montreal rad for particulars apply to the subicriher who wiu point oul the prmie john mclean kiron isa maechi is4i sncioc wmou ist tmiely of juprrb ciis ttnlcl hoi crp ami llnn srtatns scahr lappets and nxw mouf hurt cc tlxin ldnjon piinird ma mwtmlet prim uw qim ol ladia childa bhu and svcl a catice aicim io lt4a- rsabtt slot i htt and celoci n- jtl j o trcmh ai4 skoub cantbiies and caasjnic ijptnffkcmrb worked muiihcoiik capes cuds and 5to- nurliei carved the newest pitlerm nuftufarturr eqiul u hi and klfss i i- v t kkdcimi niter b0svet themm fasiijnnafik miapc of tutcan dn- uakr ut ton tnwi c a larm asvklstcnt par sois and silk anouinfjiiam vm1kella brojd clqtftttrc4stmeres tnii department it ntrir of the paruruhr notice ufputlhaierv rhe stock ranrd an- cvtciimtr and will oltrtd in tuch lew tetrm thai rannol u locoaimauuan imrncdt ate kale clay c it cyist or aio siprrrni wool dy writ of kntinj black a tkneral aeetmcnl of drv cofld5 blur uiac ami lrdly cloths- rompriun plain ad fancy cotton drills tbebestmaoufscurvorkhiiedilw uswcachutl and ha f bleached ditto mill for sle 10 hhi bright miiixovsdo sujtr 40 bms do do do w 40 dark do do 3 hhds kef ned creibcd 5 do lei- paunl doubte rcjiticil loaf 6 o irle relrd fo 11 bovef imperiit teas lu tfarsbtwsnfcj 10 io vcun hnn 15 toes do do a be assatted llutobacco 1 tv cavcndirh do 3isi healia seears a very choice article nut ua 50 in each kc toi kabucos likcooiparauo do ttyjuo segara variovs iadff j 5 jatiiftpcrior alaceoboy souft 5 h0e svolch isaulf u cat salerslus 10 iitct carobns rice is hai m india rice i jibe pepprr ii aoes toadon stirrru cm ucj j waa tawit uhi a liverpool so is montreal do t asjnrted fancy co 3 tooacco pipes fio ftivrs schiedam tin z 1hi superior llollaniis do 10 cases pale brandy slacks n madeira and port wfaej in r cas uvms aipdsirain jr cask oclavis and aottlrt a fewhaskeusvperior cbamparte superior sherry in hhds and qr casks cognac hrndy draught patter hollled ditlo at lonrfo pickhs enhh cheese london p- efnt tabic slt ivrasfilij paper ireiervcd oranes citron and prune almoojs kuls indian white ltadmit frut curraab pips tweed f casbm cretin printed cotton tfilio tits ofvariour widths iif- cjlr- torntin to o ati a a hopes by m august next at ihe hour of 1ovlock noon any pawh or person having claims on the above described property are reiuesied in make the same known lo me at or before the time of sale a mcdonkll sktiiffmd sbcrllts ohieej kington lh may 181- j 2im i ml transportation to and from newyork by the lake and river line via oswego without stop or transfer at albany this line is composed of frsicjas lakeboats travelling day and tight performing theiroyacs wiih ihe ul- iinval rvgolarity pccson shippmp by ifcif lin may rest i thm mi pains will lc spared lo ftieward oil propertv wih ihe rreatcit dciiaich and steam koats will he employed w hen praitil1e iu all raes fisr ojs detmco w prnta on laki oma- hid a rulficicntuunilcr of vcsu are con- nccrcd with tin line to ensure a pcedy irammiswtri of goods to the dmjh i- r and the anl at clevrtaml will lc preprej ii cue cverv facility in ibe fur- wantine f menhamliae demvd lln- ohio canal charles smyth js ifsmyili llllrmilsuivt n y c demnii ffr evivandl io rtfwntt charlen smyth haincl dvir svilhmn durkky smylh merrick co a ii alvn a card cotunssk haines hcjio return uicir uncere thanks ui their frcnij and lite puic generally for the very hberat surtei wheli hi viirvih ihir- ittti lw par i i i im1 chant they aw beg m recommend to their favourable notice messrs j u r huiton merchania fron manchester eng land who have feared the premises thev lately occupied in the larnbton boodmgd sioremreeu and who purpose carrjin on ihe same business c h feel confitleni from iherespeeia- tiility and supfuoc advarlajv possessed by ihe messrs huttons logeiher with their iklerminaiiro toscil low and for cah that ihev mil give alisfaciion kingston 27th may 1841 93 0r sale that valuable ami splendid proper ly kotvnas wards tavern situated one mde from kington on ihe macadamised rad with complete vtablme ami oflee of every deunpiiisn anexeeu lent wei nf water d good caruen wtlh fruit treo n great variety which has been under careful cultivation foe the last eijlti years ami with between two and three a ere j of ld attached tlie hhv is a two story stone one in admirable order and well adapted either for a private rtsdcnce or a tavern for further particular apply to charles ward on the premises ringhion i ith jtmc issvl 9i use fc 1 shijc cauimerri doeskin ttuckskint and vmof f cloths wbile and colored iiin and fanry drills cantecnr con mcrakins camblrli lam- tns jeans ic figured satin and fcy vria able linens ihertlngsi fcrni- tobi tc rich dimask tabic jothi wth nialmi tr match diaper ditto dovhe towelling and toiln covert beautiful specimen psialed od clota table coven embroidered cloth a linen an cotton sti insh shitting linens uid ready made shirt tuikcy slnses lenir and reatu foajr cloths and sceh hsuanes cbsnu arwt striped kiurr calicoes dim and quilu all kim ci plain anj igutcd white aa ed miujtct si iks satin tores dacapes isscnnns mdgroiir sfatfmk figured as plain bocuiet silks id ccius sa tsns k tafarhntaij rvoirrproof coar cv cors gealleosei lonoon waterproof beaver hats gossamer lk ditto pilots and thrashers fasbvonje stocks of various dekf iplioni cloth caps mena andy hunariaw qctans vaj- ifssflklhvaj tamoshaulervfcc a lirep iely o honnel and cap ritbons thrri nntf ration lace i fdine sik jj- fnnes lisjcthrei silk merisocomoa and woollen rosjnri crnume welsh fuoneli clores imldauietvlcc bahy lt cv every descrtpvlox rj-hb- haina7ine and a genera aort ment of fily mourning fklinjm collar- cirl lesiiktte n b mci suppiim will ereitinue to ar rive nsbt l close tnr navaliee kjs msiecf sat lttlatnf iruv cvcondred vjsh osly iarfmjmasv jine l-il- spun dowlns linen ditper colored counter i panel dumiu prints cbinu printed j dnwin printed ilaudkercbicfs ginhirs da 1 mask table covers printed jacconet mamia- nn rich fiored peruvian victoria striprd peru stresses the ncheal without exception rter brought to thismmkelcbildren work ed cap and robrt worked muslin collars real btusstlt collars ditto lace cufl ditto manlclcttt muslin shawb silk embroifleied check muslin one ewe superior lnndon cloves poliosis hosiery ftrawn sicking uleacbed uawv otnaburts hroten shirtings andavaiiely of other ariftlvi in lb uioeery and dry uoods line for isle hy josfcph b hall kinslon 1 llh junr 1911 iuu m waltr gkhkith 517 bf st roenrsisu rwen end ol mam si ctter wiuaksau dm tain gtioceri proliswss pajstx mti v ntahuhy fafr cut chiuie 1vuaccu warranted ccuil to ihe best rjoih maaufacturcd in the united states cbxeitlu ctlmmifsio sirrtcmat will supiv all orders addressed to bim for uoos in ti line on si ravoura2e trreir al any offars vtfvahl life piils anh ilukmx uirikhs fs b niilnj uic- in i nnv m t jv utiitrm m iuii mi ctffj dwsjif m ii h itmnan frstise is liablr s mmiir unr v mh wtl 4i ry mtisuceitt ecriim tbcy bmsssi kown fcs lliwi iibii- tbos pvd nk taf t- ubicd sjr ihrii tlics daj nut uitu by iikli of ifc crtiuviit li eatsiif cuhttfl ilpris fawv and um aftreim aalls kk- senm lms i i- ii- viiftv iiijitjah rv assssss isasssattall ol thctljids cnlwahcy an- ptree of the ski ferenu ocbdity tbc itck iii rr i to tt 1- i ifeatlb errrr kd of ireatnttsi or uic desive orpins std ia til ftsasstl derinensai m mntb thet ij- eosi hse irnnrnuij aml certain ondprf revrjy they riof siorocs hclh to ihe mt rsssaastsj o astni mil will plro ihrlife pttu and pif i hn beyutu its rvteh vfcorcpiiton ibmin4iiois c4 ceciy poieol ictnr lf pill arc ij tn tn k scents so crlft and 1 catfejaeconsvig viir lei and the ffboti crca m sol al 51 oe sfeach hiibuliibfcins ffpsferf ad s4j bsu aw relnl at wm u mliffapd wejvl khlwv j hiasfssv neit yotlt k c une are rmiineitiv juiohlrfse jnil oijbo mrtrii iraiue fok fiklttrnuis l3lrl0tf1ona mt i ii brrv sspsuas tsaiiilwl l auituv s al miniuf jtf j a rin it tutr ltitllitiiintq dtcoiil- siibtthi iiiri i c lnc iiih s ilrnf 4iieasml ilrmo prtrmenedi ly tvil ii mill- ail alj boctott javnks family nedl- cjnes hiese meduine arc rreom niniiil and rxtensivcly used bv the molt in- lellient persons iu the united elates by nu merous pfofrssoc and preiidenls of colec ptis rf iio army and navy and oo llol- suk an almhnuseartjhy nurs ihmlhiee indrcjcleriien i various denominstiont they ate tsyttty pfepared for family use and have arinirtd so uhorccedi nted pnaulanty ihroujrtiout the united slstri ami they arc ataiinldy ealruhled to iniertu health and cute disease no family should tvu bo without i i hem the proprietor of these valmhlr preparalion reerirrd lu ediic4ton al one at ihv best medi cal coltecin th united slate anil has had fiflrrii ycat expf luftee n am eslensive and divecftised iteaeticc y svhich he has had ample efpportuftilit ofaerjuirinf a practical knowledge if j and of we icmcdics best calculated j lo remove l hem these reparlious consist of javnbs kxpkctorant a valuable lemedy for couhcohls consumption asthma spittui of blood trnup hooping couh bien- chilis pkarisyand indammation oflhe lunxs or tbioitjjilliculiy of breathinz anf all tiiseases of the pulmonary organs- price si ato jaynes hair tonic far the preservation etowth and beauty of ihe hair and vlucli will positively bnoj new hair on bald heads and ore vent its fallinr oil or ttinin pey price li jayns tonic vermifuge a plea sant ufa and certain preparation foe lh ie- rrmal ofwoimr dyspepsia sour stomach fever and aflue want ol sioetite and all diseases of deathly especially oflhe sloiniich and bowels and ofjo of digestion price 50 els jaynesscar mixative balsam certain cure for bowel and summer compliiinir diirrb4 dycrnary cholie cramps sick head- khe jour slomach cholera morbus and all cvraornenl of the stomach and bo well ncr- vnyfc utjcctionsjc puce 50 cb javnps sanative pills foe female diseases liver complaints coiirenets fevers inftamatlonsj obwruciioos uiscase of ihe skin fcc and in all cases where an appointed al ternative or pureative medicine is required price 25 els prepared only by dr djayne no s south 5d street philadclpma and may be had m j yjlamtnl sackeb har bor and wn mackintosh chronicle k oa- aetle oftee kingston u c to lease mjor a lcrm f ars three lets in the m town of kingston situaurd in crave street appjy to thomas a corbett april 23 issl sbji fo let a large house and back mores ivith a copacious yard anc out i houses situate in stwu street the budd ing pre located in il most central snd bihinsa nart of the iivo antl an well adapted either for a velse4esaie esubjiu- men t or an extensive reail business apply al the chron ot gar oflic kingston 2nd march im1 70z h f rcwsell stationers and bookseller of toronto beo resruclfully tvannouceo ihe m- habtlanls of kisiysarr and the pub ic generally that they faavt opefemj on est- ammhfiieoi m ihe auie hne in broek streci on the rtecinif isiey tcunied by mr- samuel mccnwan truccr their prvacnt atoek was iinpoeteil dunnj the iph autumn and m the arrival of the first spring vessels from lomion and freouerritv ilumi ihe season ihcy wfll v in receipt of new supplies their near connection wiili the edd csiauished firm of sanc rowsctu c sox stattorns 31 cmcapsidl lo uovives them advamaps in ihe purchase of their slock which few possess and en mirv them a supply of the very heat articles anil at ihe most moderate price of wen received for any article connected with the business io he imported from enrjand or from the united slates to ensure ihe ar rival dun n tlie present aeaaon of anv arti cle required from england the orders should be given during the pcesem month mortgages deeds and memorial for sale copfxtfijatc engraving if printing ut ter prw printing book b sc neutiy e jeeufee ir din a circulating library s in preparation and vill be ready foe circulation sb soon a the catalogue can be arranged and peiated also just opened larje ashorlment vf new music from london consisting of sonjrs duetts quadrilles waltzes sue eke kingston 6th may icui 89i wanted a student to ibe archiiectunil pro fession apply lo mr browne frcaifrc a fee ivill be required kingston 2 apcil ifhi 85 pig iron tot reeciicsl and or sajn at a reduce price by h iv s jones kmpion june 36th lssi 100c leather j hurray has for sale sole harness leather calf kip and morocco skins linings and btnrings wholesale and id for hides and skins la seed kincin de jfl js0 retail cash timothy and t iii lainei spffnff ju an 12 olber hof mwn at thf fount prices rocbesjr june 1m loiasj 8 lt iisup ci lcl eautlrully situated m hie up per end of ravestreci coutainnf s roomi- klrhcn and 2 celbrs with s j vvcllof water fann anl orchard apccy ss t acoriett kmetl mi jmm 1rl iw ik nicoli rfgft toiol street rkj isivrnw r j jiiiiri j cvetiany c thorns i aviry ii iv llvrssfnnlfcga th t sfartey hc win lhf ssfnsirsuei mmov jlurli roller alliany dn saiiull nayum orkiilurgh c4rsys the lvhliti ort atreot rrrlistsrrfasrr hn- frsti frneit io iu verv isirtssssje cxerpt sunday isnanunuu j m i x jltftl j ilshrih fumntu lluriui o tlira syrarims bfsr viner murruavo rseirclvisv kiurriin st ruiv vsmihnu o i inksl mti if aasjbi i kindlon ili jivl will le fill loldey nmieet i d s- ihnut fully ir furrii tin hint im has ninvil lom at lire lamfi- kotice the lanaer of the montreal cab ccny leis lo inform ihe gentry and inhacianuof kmon ihat all orders for cab sih be received at mr s oy- v dl stott street whew they will be mt with the strictest punctuality and jcspath bv the undersigned james bone kmsstot iml june 181 loix tv l ejsjrr or i i erm of years a corner lot filiated m a central part f ihe town am well auaplvd i- llse erection of private doling for further pariicutars apply at u rhroniclc and gazette office kinpior june luh i8h 100 messrs godwin hall general tfcttb ind wj9ftfottm eg ut anfiimnec tn ihe iuwic of kiaftiini and its seisiily chat they me now hriarctl in ndihlinn m their imtal hifnos to invhtratr ami adjim dipiinl ts m ihhiit rtltdl f l m be for arbitration and close so tar as may be practicable bankrupt estates c e claims upon ibe covernmenl or upon coc- porate bodies put forward by petition or ulherwise w ithoul dea kingston 15th june jsif icox wanted y a yorng man a siiuaiinn a fletfcisj a lr goods store or a jfik kcrer rn a counhns lloue refc- reure a ir rharackt nnd rapacity oven apply to e l l nt thu office chronit gakoice kinrion 20 lspi h8nv cash for produce he subsvriler will pay the tnfhest marvct pnv for clean merchant- ale wheal pcan oats chhveeed lit hit store on the cnmnwrcial wharf at ihe foot of store street hugh calder kington january isii fpx 1000 wanted to borrow fira term of years to he dfreesl upon security f the piyment of the pnmipal mil le given on uniiieumkrvd irurhrty n the lown of king- anpie r r fukf mini uat uiim kiniion joth feb ish 647 p m ih the bank mtfond da rn the foe director dinrcta gore v rttijn- bank notice letixci oftne stockholders of cure dank will lake place at in llauiilb on monday the f auu next at oon fur ihe poqiosc of electing rfllic ensuing ycar a the aci rh tfc t rae or br itisii rohclgn dv cods kingston at hklllers ij wrciir rni rtfaii convciorwry oaogs trdct ll auvais be found a lareo sup ply nf the mswl0ee asvnrtmrnl of confer tmn a rr 1 1eeiher with tea cakes 1 4 all kink j9 plum cwtr smrst cm pounj 0ae ten oclock jthfiautonftjttvne manct je cen sttfxfit ftaljarf bttrfron tne fountain t mcjiaf cvars in t very tvticrior style w william johnson estectfclly intimate to hi fricrnu ami the public thai he has re- moved lu ihv chmnide ltuidinc second dooe from ihe cmicr on itroek street north side ofihe market squire where he will be happy lo wail upon all vho call upon him kingmtm sept j9 110 kritish saddlekv warehocse a lexander dixon mpeeimiy juv inarms ihe mililacy ami gentry of kingston thai he u making ihe meil raneslitius nrranemi lo open a sad lery wareiiovse in kingston in conne with im tn talishmeni ta teeon to ilnelt wilt be mijspliesl with every arti cle of 6vry on flornnt that can con stitute a iw rate en tih establbment tocontrt wellington buildings apnmitii m1 j s105i lands for sale iis midland victoria districts the canada company haver lands for sale in the most desirahlrr part of every township in the midland and victoria districts and in the other districts ofthe province uti of which mav bo seen at every post office store and tavern- ineach toivnship tfse company s terms o mj jfv tdsjvwb ot urv purciiasv mooey in cash and ihe balance in live yearvj instalments further particulars with any of the printed of lands on sale cars be obtained by applying lo richard binlaaliv eq ajftaty or to ibe companys osco at toronto the canada company take uw oppodunilj to give notice lo persons who have purchased lands from ihcm aod who may bi desrous of selling ihe same that with ihe object of fivini those parties rvery laciliij and accommodalmn they will register ar their office in toronto all such lands which the present holders air desirous of difpoving of the compnry will thus hare an extensive opportunity ol aitiifthrtj mfomiaiion to person r who mav be sesking improved lands either for llemclvcs or theie friends and of asstrjl- inj their setller in disponing of their in peosojfrms free op all charge the commissioner however doca not undortake any agency whatever connected wiih this bonnes beyond that of attcrdicg evrry information lo intending purchaser ful am pivcwe partieulars stating price terms f rn prove men ir 3te to be sent to ths- commiioner at tonntti all let- ter rnt pan i ikioj ruopaai j tmse tiorjio ist may 1l 94tt ink chronicle gazette is pstmuiied every wednesday and satur day attbr fhare corner of iqttg and brock ilon v- c street ki jll iwiomkn elmfre lt otavr ins ii iml steven ca hot uih si has tisi tic a i lie no rfrt t kimjr ii kay iu- aoi42 rmrtirii 2j r mmr iwjl stin hp i4 i t enpnfi jiin2j 1 hitlsumr ti hi sli l kamv i lillll llil i jta il i l nlscauikn ti hr rilirr saik mt ijhij 1 nnlr 1iiis i iht- llatli rimiunih iuiiiblr fit a itrrssifni las- iuiifut ihuuisse il as- mal rf hn ihii h tt the 1 iwi ii k btst bv i iuu as iv4km mk junks as jn pvvure in i hii lhit iiii sn iidi lt4hir of sslverini them at i ttlun nnrwnv nvceton i antutiuliy on ufrifjy htutf rvthnthg lots in the tow ti anl environ o knilru ami cirruivi hijiriiii ass inspection nf the dnn c which nay lie secji al hi ntnye fiinliei irncuars n ill appear in fitjre ndintsenx plinfi hihtks tuned b repairitd lex smithriaisoforiemak- vt f 1itint les to acipiamt ttie 2ii liihafiilanu nf kindlon thai he ha emi nitict1 hiriiiro in theahftvv lnen hmt thai bv siritl airi i nrihr una a ihn- rrmni the rnli lnwhui f im pnji avil if mm u 1 n pn4itii ut rnnit thai imtrnnjp ii- ha lnvst mi lilvmlly fa viinvd wtiu it tin lal yvars n tonn in mr smiihalililtirf a a tsiner im lichimwn hy vniinri nf mr j llrcni ujpffvall imfcri kfi will le pllessslrsl let metalir hair put inln piano fvftes uiat ivsll nut keep in tune book rinding in all il v isranches neatly and cxpohiiiuty executed at the chhon- icle k tiavbttc oryirr corner of king ami bon sirecl a upernr ruling machine m eisnsiant operation eor salet from ten to fifteen acres of lind aunif two mile from town on iho rath kitad plonsanlly situated adjoiiiins- mr camsihfs farm it will he iod n om or imire hit losuil purchasers ajsl in edward noble kmen ftui april ssl sti ffcrms twenty shilling ir annuo if paid in ad vance of within the lrvt twe meaths if paid at che end of the year twenrjnve shilliar sit lines snj under s6dijrrinsettion 1 earhsubequcul msertsan trnjtuessssdun rfii bs 4d tirsi incrlion and lod each suose- queeit insertion nbovc- tea lines4d per use for tire hm issiriian and ij- nra bm flm tr- en suvhouriitintrftion vfverlise meats uilhout criirrritreciiorvsia sorted itunrhiir and charged aecorifiaels tt is rcijariivj that oil fill ri rrislssjuiji u htaft4 in aiior orenoiii fv j uvliv ura fr- day fir none received alter ttx ovsrxk on lh mottling of usihhcatkm a liberal discount mad tcenercbrisandotb- ers u ho adverse ivr three moslhsarvd upssanfs anyserson proeufine sulwrineis tothe paper and payinrrlnittjdjfsise ihe same sbilt be entitled to a seventh copy ritfis cosuilry produce received io rtajinctit at ihe market price unts neuasssyft e w saaus jmhapnmsh ll kindlon april 3j 1811 u jh liil tjijs mtt villa lots forsalc e tiainsi ism hftn nonon f i- of ii ttsrss- t tir lonks hhml iim uiilrs fioin c nf luaeres ni nilr irtl irilkliieh nn- 4jrl hho on j iv m uwmrrv with tlir u m upvj ami bam tin mail ted mlsvsf rrar htaiil five siiyfrmi iwi am i ul ili turn liam rram xhmi 1 ih- lllv 1 ii vi pil mtj to llorrovv fir isvss nf ifaw years ajivri1 upiui urny will u civen fur nchaprd nl k cattle olftcr set iils pianos jn rrtt iiami kirtttj i- ljn ftrtrrn m rln missiix ii it l flli iml roit sai s ly mihbrt jc sn v it khh ii a ixcing r ll wsrj t oaf m tin smt iu1irnii the inhubiiants nf kington sc has otamisjicd a llrnnch of hs r iho pnrscnl nt the corner near- nf rftlvsi i h vuevi liiiiitn irea thai biseimsa y iiprmtmtc the enpjish church an respect fully nd ii a sliareof puhuc paironar roppcf slilu ivnrms c made on tbe rdinrtvstl miicr an assortment of tin wareupiin hand llrlls llunr on ihe laloi irukoicd pnnriple at remarkably ow pries a varietv of itllwlh ft btky aeitx ctiokkvtl stoves tmj iujiesiif ofttncs ind nl pxpccis n nuni- lrufsihjv twlttiimsd cosikmsi stoit iwpnjv lir rfritini fr the ensiunrt ssaoii tiw mititiv jinl rsfsvah rimibes iycuiriii any parmntai ibs npin nf stoic hy an tarlv ansunlniss vsjh hr i etminiknlateil kii imus m lill- bssia th wjmhaven tstsssaaj iartr fjq henry jone eu baker tq clarke ens f ii nalle jnph keeteie thomas ivmoresl ksuj i an and rn esf mesial a j juhntavrvsr tt urrotlts kr william hiemtttth eivrje ilnsuse ksc ansfreur porieoo tsa charles bievr essj allan mrl alevt davihson ym- joslai tayloi ksq davsj smart alpbrus jiei em ji- f i w roviin hva llore lsmi ksa johnmcflcuteillesii jimllarkeuksfl jatii muw ei l rhishnlm km ldinltillail kv ameliaahoreh bath flelleville rroekitle bi lows canijrn kwi cssasb olborirp deirsoresivjlle frcde r ie ksbu i b fe r krr m nf ksn i m- kaol a ri xrliihql 1 mvnh stitnry u iiiser ik ijmcron i ftl j pry44f m mi n- n mptcurlaiie il- tvfits ns ri t ii mcpsism gassajwoae hauim4nd picter lvnrsicr- jtfalima monlrral muiras- npanee niaara penh pott hope iv scot l quehff rieet trent richrmond st andrr svs ffjiianenvilr smiths falls three kivers tnrenio ankleek if ill rsrj wrllioeron wdhamstoivn ivijton llrllrtilse pranlmkn m fori rfoinsen m mllti srtis r ii i r i ih i i ii