ml tin chronicle s oazette iitiuth jtitiu o fviuiw m jm pmck ihik1 kmtston il ida 0 it c l iknftm 0 wednesday saturday ftrmtwiam smuinoj rvn mw n tvriirr l erv pbsciuitiok oy lc u r press p riatu a1 ftctosat will npmnclejfl j cm nd kingston commercial advertiser nee ttro wee sed kh cllhunicik 4 gazette rfatjuneht wahkhumit ilkttkiwat rue urt vj ally rvai vol xxii kingston canada biwesdav jum 3 ww tno luj nttlwi am vihtll amkrlmlf rot at u ail st kajish ips o ijat biuicn m 1toltoitc tonrf 0fcrftiwf itukllu tarji tke mmoltf atalm tom iiinijcj tv lv c i mlllc ismissmv it jf flki aht t3jitonj colvhtts c ii ifjvocm mt ill no tntn boston ami livrjelj cll- tt i ji lldilaa 184 k itoos- ft ndijvtt fr iter riwwmi mitrti til maun 3d cadm march 4ta biiwiiro ittb march hub act umk i9ih gurfpmltjhwhj apilw cdghu april ith acdii amii zth anil 1m mtapui apiit jqtb ittlomha mar hi mv 3d olejonia may th tftiunoia my 16th may 18b actdia may i9t oumwjuv 11 jon 3d coiissjisj june lib atsdu jane 1 i jane llh vrbanta jo j9tb ol-j- july lit july 34 ujonl july 4th bnuit jiilv 7lh july iwh aesjjb july oth clcjan ay- hi uul3j fttvafc- algk 4tb atdt aucml l6thau islh oviisnnia as 1 a vij tlvt vm u imw id lurifeol vrorn 1nmlo l sl3 viom hhfa to lotion n tfcwt ship carry rvpiiiued srtft- tli vok fi lrlwri isacu abj 4iclttfi0fntliti wi htu siliia0 ilksvmks quebec royal mail bteamefts laic ontario ud luo st lawrtaco fmlir ftlmta f iifraksllbaille w- l aii if- ifio tbi takr ontario cjii sukhjcltv of to- roxtoicbpldmu r kg m el ncston alliullpavl toclock evininptsutijayinj tluniati ib si- g m s nvtek etafc tutby nd fri at i vmn ewmtof wiukmjay tvj aioftjay ihe vit of twnto otnl amvc aittmxitocjrir icxi liy tfc afov stoonicr nvrai im whval rf ritom toronto al liuctvk ntfcwfmitaiby ail tlnnjay al 2 ohi n ivrfay tibl friilay ibe cilf f tviotfa at 12 oclock swfuirtrjaj-anjsalur- ur itie vi 0ff ami nrcive at kiiti siity xt inwninj thealnkvc lwalrll at cubuvr ttlh tori hope and tlie cvljf o tvronlo wll lve trvnlo f niagara ml livihon fvery mrnjay uutiii al s vlock aj lum t tmmto in the alicrtiooo wves st lawrence drockviltci capt mmmmi pws ktit al h mock mofp ftwl bv wcjclay jnj fmby pa ni uickiotnnrt mnjtn at 4 uylotv mfnimf if im the arrival of the mail tvoio maritmltociby tburjay m j satur ray ik gilderslreve pk btvt from kinrmoiatocofk umir tue- tur ttiutuhy aiwl sitorjav from dickinofi kanjtug al oclock morntng ir o the amviil of ilw mail innu muucol wirdncbyt frijay a ltd sua j ay pluol ananemenl iiilii have been nalk wwl be um ciiwh siy sicam hvai cnwymif vfuoiilfvat paacn- ffr briween nnircal jri kmiuti arrive ai thoac ilacca un lle afwouw of the tcftj jay- the above ifaai cal al cannftogjttf brockvillci manianj foamt ojicimnvj moliu afl wilbnwjh citfh way btggtgt pwtth l rt nk qflh mmtt ths tawmfllwjflr at f night uke anj rver sieart boal otfifc j kindlon m uy iwi boat will at ihcofietimc m nnirtt commence plnj 00 w hay of qu intk klwixi klxutml 3i utllrviltc 9mn kinptotfl monday weieiiji ffidavb belleville torlay thurwhy saluhlaya cacll mormnf al 0 oclock pfecmy macphefcson fccrame wiiicii kucoc4 w wltltinu papkmi ffwlll bu 4 f 1m t iii tll uth ilahr books school 8005 a ofr alu aihii a0 lii lvojl tfehst33kt inallltf trifchn rticdoonililo it ublulw rl a kiptiiot htn muku um mufaiiftn ty ninth mm paafeicmti ntnltam r im io a i i i k l i 1 7i uikarun c frifitisu qfrttt b ooje mnmr r md st4 tlasl i- f wjremouse rtfilwuml ii ii a svappj nerfarifv injuwt aau fjffn tfw oviojrl ctiiwiick4imiiuhfficr f ktnlon apl lli- i w notice j tiig steam boat ki ngston capt mntimin jjl commence bif rcguhr trip on ttiurajay next ikrt lj inl tanvcen knpin an jio bead of the day of qumie ab follows up aftds leave kmrn oo tuebv tburjan nj satutda at 9 adock a m bdwnvfaud- leave the river trent on momlnyt wejnctjayti anil frnby i v an- timt jand anj the intermediate pinteon her way up anl ioivt kindlon 2jl april 8u 8 to 1841 new or warding j mm- tia ihc hxztr at lawrence to awo ritox montreal brockvillk k1ngstom avo ikc imhosoivic met ross mattii1e ot co oj jfonrrnf sl0n with new aoj improvej bre will be prepared al tbc opening cf ibc navijptioiit to give pac to emi mnt and to transport property of all if- freight vfmrr49thtf4 for by weight ttt ratts rtthtcttl ulwc lae tariff primtractttlfvr ytanpait tbe subkrihciv from ilic faciliie wbirb ihey iojxv and tbeir detemiinaiion to do the butnea intnitfied lo tbern atttfactorily ural tbat tbey will conimand and merit a hare offtiwic mipfhwt sned matthic eastok c james ross iienkv e aston january 1 1s1k myy steam boat notice 7hc ip isainr2cl w cafta1f pattkm0e ill until finber novice ptv hv twteri tho ii nvr2 porn pre colt kingflon orwejo veltinjton ci- bunj port hope boqd head harbor port darlinclon whitby toronto hamhon niaara lcwiston and queenion lnifh pivtcoil every sunday evening ai c oclock ilioilillr una evening kitfton monday iiovlnek nnon oatvri monday oihi loocluck and mi tidavcail at wellmftoii cv liirh pin hope bund hirol harbor pi darlington wlutly sttj arrive al toronto ua tbc aje niglil leave toronto nnwed- netday mociungi at 7ovi hatmltoaatc ncjotk aftefnoon and uirivi al niajaa qvccntwn and ixwioniaroc evening dow h w alio leave leiviaton bnd qiecnsion every tliuraday mwninat 7 oclock niagara do 6 oclock tomato on thurailay aficfnoon 2 ovioek ctwntt wbiiby pott darlingti h j head harboor port hope cobo-jr- waj liftgioaiand arrive at otvcgo on friday noon leave onrrm in ttie afternonn and kinptonai idococknn saturday forenoon and arrive at prewuilic ame evening t3 all rigc nnj pareeltf at the risk of toe owners unto booked a froighi swain biiat office kington loii may ism for sale by the subscribers al k boxe- r 3av 30 bua upper canadawhcy ilktaus commercial bank m d wjtotice w bercbv pven thai a bivi jj dendoffour pirceniooibccaw ul stock hmihrtilay been declared pay auetin ami after ibejfraf day of july nxt the bank iu oftcceand agencic the tranafcr book will be closed on saturday the 19th june and reopened on thursday the lit july during which eciod no stock can be transferred br order of the board f a harper cmmta kgrtoft 15th may ls mw notice r hereby given that a third and baa dividend of la 1m in the pound on ibe truteate of mr arclnhahl mcdoodl late forwarding rtorcbunt kmgrton tbia day declared payable on tho day of june next apply al the office of mr t r jfi storeairect oppoalc the comnvr al bank iti mtr 1 912 oal r woods saddler reaoectfol- y inform the sadcra and pubuc ihn he baa recetveej from england 25 cue uperior trtioam of saddlery of every ov mcription comprising manufactured ana un m be will ofter low fee caita the trade and public will find it to their advantage in purchase al no w nove daroe sticct mofltittl rl tijk kkroltt uf the lirectoka to company at flfls avnuat ncltihi or tmi fhtorm alsirict ftiuiual jftrc nuvnitt tfoiitpaiiy juiu 7m 18k fwihe hoard rf directors lrg m leave to rcpiti ihat domty the vear june 7th lw to june 7th llpoik bac ioed so amtof property iniurc 0ti3 0 0 amuufil lutured lau year itflot 0 0 0 j 15 0 total csojooo 0 0 amount of premium nolca em band 473 0 0 balance in uc treaaury per latt year report ending ill june isil 13 4 8 the director bj leave to pumilio well for the informuion of tho members of the company aa for the inhabitant of the dittnct at targe a grneral atatement of the funua and affaira nf ihc institution and to submit the following remark in corucqueoce f the eparauor of the county of hating now the dtnrict of victoria from iho midlanj diatoct the ctvnnany have le deprived of n number of insurance of very valuable pfopeny j buton ibe other hand tbey tart lav ih4 faction of waling that the additional kalav- ancea which have been epccied with the conpany in the town and country iice the fcparation have greatly tended lo imjfcc up ihc deficiency which would otlierwiac kave paertd they bra fnhrr to tatc tbat aivioogh the cointmmv have xjttattttnl aume aeriuu loea by nre reipiiringa n ercatl upon ihc premium nutoa ihan bnl been anticipated dujcoiindcncc oftiie pub lic in the atability and utility of the irtmhtu lion conlinuea uoahatcd wbicb i ni doubt to be attributed to the fact that iboe who have insured in the company mce ila coffinvcncemcnl lire notivilhstanilin ih unforrccn cventa whtch have ocrurrcd paid a much lev mh uf prcuiium hi a gefm itondirr length uf unv than lley wtu1d bare donu wiili any irfliei company fur example a recond rlars houc in-fur- ed in any rrfftfh coiupany cannot w per fected for lew than j per rent rav x louo urayeara x50 in the mutual inturanee c ti pany auch an mtuftnee can be c flee ted at th rate of 4 6d per 100 aminmiing in b year to i i 5 0 tle company iulaiq- ed 1o during tb li 5 ycaramouniigio 30 per icnt on pre mium note n thi cafconnowxs5 13 10 lrnvinca aavmj in fivnur oie mutual lnwmtiivcii the dirertors in conrlu tpectfully tirp upon ue necewity of tvwiu il -vi- vflurh auch an inttutttm h piper- ly conducted must aftml tn the dmrkt aid to aolicjl their individual fscftvtta in bringing it wthciano degree of prnptrjiy which recra1 of those of other dittfieu ex hibit office a david ji sumi ei pueajl dlhbctons- jor r foaavtit johx mow at john s cantwaictit just fit bnucc ciiars hlathi and sahu wiluamsox david j smrn ftq tirasurer william twice secretary jtl0rs sailors look qvt kr sale at cumin fckihrv com f mirwon warehouse opposite arlliur fwter clrocery store a firt nte dtokcf hillrjeperlaiened pleasure boat 18 reel kec and feet beam adapted either for rowing or utot with sail rfgmg and spars complete in perfect ordcr and nearly newhutft bn autnmef by an expert enced builder intending purrtafcr may boacrominooatcd with a boat house if re quired oft reason terms also 2 second hand piano fortes uf rx rcllcnl tone and m good order prirc very moderate kingston juna 23 iftll 1 is mawmmr mercujwt tmlor has received a very superior aort- mcfil of fme and supeitiue cloths cwmtrts md i ffiivgi imrsittat and milttart dmilis ulu a tekcl asurt- mem of summer trousering- if t 0 ion wotih re- cooimitnity ihc advantage and rm lat a mor from pncland essrsjbt k hutton griterally tbjt ihey mlkvrtti k owl preuiit- ijitclv stureitreel ami thev ijicr ttltohm aaiatft every description nf kingston juno 6 14s4i- j7 an experienced accountant and bookeepct oners ins renters 14 ihc commercial and trading communiw of kinpton in the way of atsialamc where- ever it may be required to bang up ac counts in arreur to post accounu or to wnte bill of parcel se c copying corrertly and expeditiously performed apply at the office of uu paper- kmpion 1mb june is4l 100 starch fajk boxes from the almidon jiw factory no i warranted equal to tho best london starch r nr sale by joseph ii hall kington bthjuncj ithi- lou j i ffom acquaint the t uwm rented the wvl occufiied hy mi lamb tori butuitx hope by trict aitiit biisnes hfruwl with ottef adwn r p if f ni eonimuanee of r patronage tlie late occupies en joyed messrs j h- pectfullv mvnc llsei inspection of il obaoitanlt of lvii and ltd vicmiiy io out consisting i wmmmfi4 oo twubk for thescaion tbifmofk has been jiiij m under verr biveflw cnu instance having hem boiarht for ci artj 3l a ime whcn the markeia were v mwcu il ab30uey are drmu the mori xlcnaivc manulatiunng ertnb- ments in mancha mr james hutlon 1 lor the last ten years been aebvely eafaed it ofinetcaifr to enuiurrato the vt articles conipnscd mltieir ahortfutni aasrt ii aj utm tliey will have ever de utually upi m a dry good slore j r lit alo al i low p ires ala swefc of ready hade clxh1 jk 0 suilabt fur ill age- adapted eif 6 simmf w-n- ler also a larjc assortment of cloth caph j r h va an early uvpttbtso l their assortineh wing cnrtfijeriiilial ojnali ly and prices w bcatieh o ab wwo who mar bvv e whi lher upwft every aiifaclm the muu upon which ihev intend to i that of wwf pfjih ovuk rttvnu no crl n b jle- cohns hatne embrace lhiofpoituirtf iniioducmgto the t for mer cosloiki t above mentioned ucotle ncn econmenj them bi ihear chcoal favi- ltmg able rotfvfr lo aen thai iti iey when in the retail naher house town tle atnv nwnboned gentleinen ftsimbcir very irperior advan- ti wit up enabled u el still cheaper kingtonyjunels4l to of lite lull it uitlllttrj 11iir baptist society mupjfr rcrjni i i kim ltb wsrsa ivaa lit cwni j gvati u f- k lj irbd wr uv p iw ilhtrimw i mi aiidtii itrfil 11 ii vf h lh iii 111 im rtui tnhfuitjt ml um ilifi niul uv vbtfii if itcni- iillxsri hwvuhju yaafor liry trtljiict 1 fh bosl tx h r utni nr orni fill if ttlluphtuhiivnrii hko jt itf hut liir ll ii ftfnii timn wrihhi fpllb4h ibj swill fyru tntl kill w tunlitj thtitj toifrrr utitjioul rdirt sofh i fttjldl vilb uiulh xvhm4 jtior sjr ita pirv tioii uuk yir 1 kn4fic ugintxio n jt jifojolpnlfcla irtw t l f v inwfho proiu nqoiur ruurc vr momt lluntursis pumie ld ckriiiliwtjlilj tnty otr t mikhhd th iwd nskittg ht ijinr frl ldfitvt4iiut jtk umhiimu fccwrj ilv ittouf jftni jl 4 jittiiftf irtfhhf morrrudilj kplwd ptri ofintf ud kith tlvr ui4vrulht h h uftl hall upoq uk inkjhiliro ltd flijcilll t lav tvoii to hihc eaalritailmi w fo be sold by alien i jn ithuiiy hesekve aiibe sy denham hotel uear tv im i wejmstuv jul 7i jones 4c dofki fifty ullluisglotliwuigtuije- vvrly attnrel situated on an mrattnii c conuiijudiiig iltc wt hcautiiul vatwj u i la lslcahi suiruuuiliiig mncn m the irj i ijmt i cemlcflieil who are budding und iniprovmg them within a very thort itiianrc of the centre oi the i wn in ilie ikighlhioui of the hou of tasrtiui lmwrawillftuj tlie fjovemiocui lluue anj furming no iiii unide able portion uf this ra li w uswlli tbo fsluwuaaj doaatisius esc 4ckaow ledged are aereiy s d do 00 new importing establishment cwesnedv k co woumrtsrectfidlyannounce in the lnhbttants of kmgrton and tlie surrounding ouhtry that ihey have now opened the rimc formerly oreumed by mrjjrhimfi fi vn wr4l 4cm staple ft rwer my cwm purchased in iff 3 m f nuat riving animvwh they aredetermineiir p fl ii tiev particularly tnruetlte aiienlioo of nswjtf purclasen tw their rtorlof clolh- mtj meahlittuv wr ttniatiy fjiwp pahjs uces devon dunstable ami bonnets wlucfe will found unpreniedly low- a eoiral sortmcni ol ifaberdhsiiery n ii i ktaltwai kmt sireei v a si 0 i tnlind vr rmli jvb ull rttf ntd jiort flirr lunrp 71 fnetdt m kngbfifj r fat john dyer jwic mxi rrirtp4iuiciicr nstfajnt- avliar- ftt si jhi ftvr juir muusu h ilswrf ii k ilsinr kttl t itsmh vajtatl injptws lsmv ktfrvkf iuq jh toua iidp ft ttjv- tl hf wimim tslve cj rr nonoinihutiwd oftvrf jtij v itt u iw tth ij f awmv i wii ij mt v hsiih 0 wipinv httaeiiptmt tj mo llsnrjiklithn s uonilis cv prtiniswixi tititctiflm s ms uolirruso j- 1441 77 10 0 2i 0 ivt u 0 1 2 jo ll w 00 j iii to 11 o v ho oo u n 00 ao kfipii j w ij h 2 too 1024 r bw n indisputable btlwitl be given mai pluu of the spot may be seen at the peinci- ssl lluteu the term of sale ar v hbe rit aul iic muatiois u food that combined wiii ullver advantages thii must undenia my be one of the bert opportuiuov ior m svslnreut tefore the public any further particular that may be re cpiired will is g ven on applicotnir to tho mas kihkpaktick e barrister u lav ur jones doyle autuontm teriu 0nc6lth cah the residue i be paid durn tin ensuing four yt sale at 3 oclock precisely kmptunjune2sih lol ir iojll li isihj ir il- ibu i wanted it the srusckuier- 31 1 n coo norse joiners liberal meat will be rigvi ami cuostaiil cinplov- ktaamhjmrsm- ih0mas overexd sim stntti dentistry jmtkee of qiiebee ucrcsnr to bi brnther the late dr j mckee re spectfully begsleateto oflerhwprofiuiional aer vires to the ladsrs and gentlemen nf kingston and it vicinitr he mvkce having devoted hn attention solely to the theory and praciue of rn- listry lir the tat thirteen years lutberv him elf that his operation will be performed in style e jjji o ibat has not hitherto in any quarter been surpassed a hv numerous engageinenls il not permit him lo remain mure than a bn jm i hose who may le pleased tn favour him with their coalman an respectfully re- uested to call oi him on hi arrival of which due nobec will be jiven in about en rtoy a np it superb mineral teelb of tirs uwn manuicltirc certlftcith k tlie oitdivciicdhao htid iiccjiioh tu employ mr j mkcc of qnebe- snr mon dentin eiihrr peisonallv m our bmilicr are therefore enabled fully lo rc- rnmmcnd him a a first fate ptaunioncr in tlin line of his pndesion qucatc sit sipitd- j uoujv k h c cnsrirt ctaabctl p tv itetwll cik tp s loclt jjvasiii ilppp rtjtii tnmjn mux kourr rprv nu rmr mm t cwn j ft ii j jihs ltoin stasiaau ivftion hvml liic pi acrl ktpkurp l 0 1t rihri ivvofj jisbtom us mil n liilliie 0 miclor ilh soii j ii i ksp 1u 1- mhuinbuip c lotliiiiks a- 1 unison j ssmirl a w cowon jfl h1i j jsnrs j r jimn lih rom- apait- a kauai for sale in the neighborhood nf kingston capdal of united canada the kami is beautifully situated on ihc bay j quintc eiht miles fronj kiuestun contatits for hundred acres one hun died and pllfj of which iclcaail and tin- uxl utl tltiotij lvttotndi lcicv hie m i it i a large and moxliouj cottage uitli tuiipcroti tisentsftt for hie acciimnfodathin of a re- v table family in the front of which is a verandah seventy feci in length sufficient lo protect from tlie moat inclcmeai season in lite rear of tlie house and in front of the kitchen u a never failing s rng of water made available by a pump if uic ue of cattle and iui ptirposea tle out hmie are extensive and cotuinodious and the otvhard in a good and flourishing con- diton thnn is abundnce uf water on te farm at all reason for the use uf stock besides the spring jndeed tlsc farm from its neshltorbood toru1soo ri pruximtiy to the knrtoii msrketi is deserving the paitkular nutrce of iiiieudinf purchaacm tcrn atid any other inlormation requi- rcil will be ituxle known by applying at this oltire or to mr graham of champignon kingston 34th june 1841 103 new wholesale and betail warehouse ekecnsuiclos tv miller i poicah respeclfttlty ajnn to t inhftmiamf kngston and iictflbirw thai they hnse received an cminsivc n wdl leserird assortment nf suple anj f ey dky uoods unable for the marik o loch the are selling at extremely low p ecs their stock rum prise ccy th ikw and tlrtaiil in silk and wnnl shft ijite do h1 r snlendij novel e n mnttattlnsj de laine flnrem saxony in j pnnted dresses printed ca roes tun and straw bonnvti bibb- ndllot every variety prar1 i fwo de naphn ready m v linen bmrtr coati thrasjier hauj ssnerb woolen clotlui and cainren nlmn at iiejnied dstls mnteskiit and gimuoi stimioer twred and foney vesting cm petiiir in bruaaels imfiekal ywmhl i and kiddsrminster beautiful in pattern country anu are invited to call i 4 inpct their stock tetena hwral kubpun ih june is41 lop the subsckltfett sinforin hiifiiraoj an th puui i qfn on tuss4iy mat s- begs thsths vii ifw hop i hroekflrrh nt door lo a john coyi vith a rensial and vrrr upni asaortoieol y vrry iuhi hfoticen hereby pven british america fire rv life issvrajfce compasw that a i hit oplil mikpaiii in hh if jif vcar endtng the 3hh iust was thi in lr clarvd ami that the sjmo will iv psyablc on k alvr misndavthe lth day of july nem tlie trashier book will accordinrly he rioscd ten ihc irttothe jotbday of july imlutive by onjcrofthr buri t w birchalu makacim hihecto brituntmtrica fnrriner ojirr tonmiu jjnj joik 1s4i 03ii weeks i wattr strtdt t lliri pu ot imr cvirttilji fhuit n h use oriinal of the above iv in mr mchveii poicaion wlnrli van i seen on bis arrival kindlon 2m jime 1sk i03x card the mitfp wfm fi parmerip respectfully infuiri their fricmh and trvpuhie that ibeir nnt al- teiiiion wsllbcdnvcicdto the ftirtluranec of the intcrestsd ilrnae who may be pleabcd lo ronftde ilienit ilicir care as auction rn ct afenls wheuier at public sale or t private contract it their ihrterminatioh ii hme to nbtam the vil- ue of all propeiien real or tergal uh may be commuv to ilicir cliarc j and im mediately upuijle uin eflecied to hand over tho prucej twisn ilicrefroni a jontnimotn merchants remind krin living their miersr vol ne ing abvntit mpt that iliey prepared uiiecciveeonvinnienu to any extent a auv ilcscntii the weelk jle uf llirw will be con tinued as nstin in whivh ihey hope to lie enmuraged cemumcn purrhainnrd- poimgof sloe will do well to inspect their lists ortiee kirnmtrcet door to tlie bank uf tlie people- thotjas jones john sherwood doyle ihey bc to ni a distance that er sulfrr by their h kmgsion jiistjti isvl is3 ki pickus sauces cafcnjjcfftd pickles c jo amr saureff for sale bv joserh b hall onjv june imi icta 15 splendid investment messrs jones poyle ha the hunor to announce to tlie mem bers of live provincial parliament gowm- meni osticrrv menhants and capitalist gencrallv tht ihey love received msirur imnmoolurfirf sale by pkblic auc tion uvtoji rrsrrit on ihe tlivunj on rutoav llie 2nd of july ncm kiglt plciltutl jimlilm lol itiosl ehtpwy sitttaled a l the weil end ol lln miirorns f cakadai purmng two fronagee the one on the lawn of the parliament uuimn and which must ever command n beautiful ww nftlse nue pittunrue and ammateil harbour the nther fonnifig an entrance imnt ihe rear rf us leet in width in a sohitpnous ami ptcusant situation they ivfll be found to be admirably asftlpin ftx m4 rw- rrmts a they are wiihin a few tuinntiv wal nf the public office nnd buness part of the town yet entirely removed fmm the thftroiirifare tktsu vahjahle uii are in the immedi ate nchbourhood nf the property of lite ven archdeacon stuart aid of that lately purchased ly ouivrnmcnt from the revd mihevhimr an indisputable title will be given and plans of tlte pround may be svtn at ibe principal hotel and at the oftve of joxes fc doyle auctioneer kigton june 26 1841- 103di to let il sitl slieila and samc in storo slrwi squire at this ottice kinumj gij n ur eloquence r t ckonik prolesorof elu- inon formerly if lsndon ami dumm ad recently at wathinctoti rv pcrtfully announces to mcri r of parlia ment ihc tcnitmen of tlir learned profcs- nmns and the ladies and gentle nirn id kingston ii vnviroiu dial he n ill de liver a sersea of lectures urtfoming anj exroijslifyiu the higher elcinruti of oratory in lliit touii a fodfl as tlie nccessar reimioaries are arranged fiirtlser partictfani hereafirr kmton 26 is41 103 removal armstrong greer h rtntoied to their nv prnmisesj adjoining tho mansion hm hotel in sore street next dor in mcava john watkins n c where ihev an nov ot en mean entire new stock- afandd and fancy dry goods hkocerles wines liquors e ike to whitu they respectfully invit pumic attention kinjso junett 1s41 103gi tm jtm nepsapic jt wbirh h offrrt aw sak m rrasuiur prir thr vif good hstbsjr hesn j c tit c fjtt lieund sittlrrhis osrn j u cshii unim tothl mmtiij and svoikmnhip is sns of their kv vrr bsfore cleif j in kisertsn a i4ntuy ofcrclkni ritheijcp oft liou fclnrht hu bfn ifripsrtrd wiih tbt or- upon whirb supenor vorknwn ttt rnrsr therpoy snamiag kla to sitit lo order anj si licit in bi line a hie ol public patienag ii reneclfnl william gthson kintan j mil hai collins haines commission fherchims comer of brock opposite mr arthtr furttcra grocery o in the immediate vicinity of h seotaus tsq ind messrs marptieron it co and c murrays for warding entablishmenbi for sale at the subscriber auction roobis 1c a5e carlisle otqyov 6 cord nreaii m spil 1 case pin anj needlea 1 do pi v i ii i i dale prsnled woollen poor carpets 60 ive a while and hod fhancs c30 do lurached and half bleanbcj canvu 30 do russia dock whisky by the barrel salt do ilo d noxes window g1an i caf tamboured mtishn collar 1 do needle worked 6 uvwei brussels lar do briwchnni beaver cloths stripe can loon and varsots other artidej svhicli it n ncceprs o eninnrratcp collins k haines kipcinn june 06 1s4v1 foi sale or to rent by the subscriber avery valuable prrsperty atbelkvirr adapted 6 var j collins e haines kington june 26 1841 circulating library bbortt street messrs h w- r0wsell hrr to nnniunce to the puljur m i ill- library mil be openiil for circulation on monday oext june 2sth 181 kiatfiit 26th june 181 lemons just reoeivd and for oif te by joseph b- hall kinpien aii june jsi iqsl extensive credit sale by auc tion on tuesilay ihebth july next anil fol- intvinj da will be scjd at live store nf the suwnber a verv jcneral ind cobh ple assortment of grorm liquors ifrnrr rwff crocrrj ghu wort and dry goor all of ivhteh hae recently been carefully selected in the montreal and netv yk markets and will be void in lou u mil ptircliaaers tcrma liberal for particular ace catalogue h calder auciontft com wharf kprln 161 for sale at the mtrscribers auction rooms splendid mahogany furni ture conaiaiinof i sofa i centre table marble tt 1 tcs tabic i four post bedstead and 0 chain collins haines kinpion june 26 io40 private boaftdlnl at hfudomtv neiliclomesrr j d bryce k cna dry uoi swi kinsstreet kineion 4 or 5 gen tlemcn ran he acvoauwhlated kinson june 22 18k 102a totice t l rreby in that the co- i nartnerthip hrvoli carriert on bv and hetivcen joseph scobell sidney scofifll builders in knon m lji iy ivcd by their mi itial alt arcounu ttitiiandint hotli for and against ibe sam firm will b seuled by joseph scobell who i- hereby authnrixed to receive and disrharr all ai ch iwmaoils as titnea our hatd st kiivplon this i th day of jn v 181 joseph scobell sidney scobell sou b phirrtx jsa rtchmiscoaril j w mm tavern stand the reindeer n bcml ofsion street to let pcwrsion ghth innnciiiatejy- appu t george webster kmst ft june ft 1k wtil