mokfar iirk cill w am ilhknu i tir m m w uiru u aiiirvat l i ill hll i inffc hi pf ml i ffl1 i pm 4i ljulm 0hly ijff 1 jnj lv cm 4l4l mln fiti cftftnl h f1ci 4h jrai4mjd ht jl4 lrfhihriir fri ritflil f fi o fcr wmife nutijfd t- vn4ihplw itrtrjiejl bin iln m iil rprc torn irith rr ci6lcitv to r j fc itl bit uidmntfto m muw- n tjts mukgufc fdrvit tatlfl mfnnw tlvj oml r inrbv orf 41 iw nw tfmit jr ie ropirtly hpi ik cre ow wj offtmtf ltlfh tfri14a44mhf jlllif 4r1 ithfflul rf lri uf4oltnpilmud lb ift llkr lu mwituprt rietn w nfiimr human nhrrprtcoiii to fttiiim iuwinihvf rlmwabm ww tf tiplsa llaiurhr llrti ljnr in u hel f h tip crtti hitoi hnfj isj nplii a rvi rfr dilto p rmn itfurt f he til tlurjt rl t ttirfcjlc 4 tlnw mflhfrt httfyfmr4 ltbbntft4utl mptru l j tt iiitl sttr nrii all mr hhii lff hrimnltiiiief liratif nukuf iixa tirl 4raiic 1w j rvitiol 1 1 nvl bt hwpt t hftj mi mvtjul i biu itttt llni fia- ihil h lf i e n rvd it m ke l ov fratratf lurintl lil de ii i ft be 4w4tt l fcitov klhtrf s ml ir- 4i f if j tnfu- l mf mktlfrh hi fw procwt oj ofilk mj cl mul 6rrnrj miui mr will livw fi il ttu urtil rfjf i5 u-i- ttfv ciufhfld pthtf reh itfwu mvltit ml wim i jf m rtfamr jiminnri re fi j iv pilmfr wao i4 jjilion f a wry ctmttut v tijfmiirc aiwinrttt f jfrwt and utit- f chafm auf firfivjfl aaj oi fofnon ktivtoft lebnjff cj is 1 1- com1iercial bank m d wotjce ulcnrby gimhaiap p- rlitfiljoii uill be majc lo fe lcu- tif at it mxt stion ky le pffvmlcni j fcior aoj conr3nv f ilij commercial rank itftlic ulpvana dttrtt fcv nrt acito and kkor laki ami tkaxskkk t uj vfjf kiaion c9ih april i harper h the subscriber as oft hand and idlift at ry low price jut excellent jssofl jx8st of stapl js i ticj c f i in tba kcwsinm atfjmmn jhf willard king stacgt duncan uffkav rjtansfoktatlon tt nkvvokk iiv tiik kiver uhkp via ivitiimt stop uk at albany iiis link i cntnpnw ol pirtttin lake boats irftwfltng 4t im nifhi pgffipfhltot ifcffc vpg mill itti tn ntofl icfudhly ivfuw lnnr lir i fa lin- may rcl amifcj tlmt iiv kia uil in njvil in fumvitl nil fijkiy wu the haavt ilctjl h aiulsicam 11att will lm oinploycd wkl pmrtvub u ra- fr cxnk jourcd iip imu mi lak uxta- iuo- a rvlficicninnniicf of vcl arc con- rcclld withtliii lflo to cjmln a mwlhljr tranvmtthort of uoou8 to hh ijtfvr lake aiij ikc agent at ckvtbrail will lc pjiarcj tofivccivry facliy in ibc ktr- hvaniwf mcrclianjift 4minc4 fur iih ouii cannl chasles smvtil j l f sutylh i9 bmal strwrt k v c- domminc cv cletvlaihl oji rtftrtnut chartc stn il ntliaimt davir william huckloy sintis mettuk k o b- allen jlj j cankiof j ncctnrtr cn hit f nc awiti h ivdurnrurjcus 0 psiaikcy scn wtiil k honker sanjcrju murray hiii cduct j- jlnimierfcrfccit huslirtcr bvl alkiiivi ilo sadvifui of ay ton tf anlmrh lijnattitfue- tukwftla hurvm o tintvtt cape viiieniti mlktltllihvil hnkvtllcii kinfrlun st catwiirtc sanjutkcv 0 lit lib tl m- ol l 11 itt li mmvmii sj jar iurl ik kfbn- tirwj tip lutiijvii ji umf u i iiftl jwf i jo mlrrrwtl i ill birt lrti il jvj iii v1n tf twnki hi ii vijii ifjwitp ir kc- atri iuj tmi 1 j wvr t j v iivi illam kcilij sji a vrty fittti 5vin rrjfhwlt ibuvon lillliiitubl liyiimi strtflwjbwh 5 ti scmijh smpf i caaikulas iihmcc uitmc ubff ij 1u i mil 75 9 lirrcr i iin us- ran lcij kack per icc rl c-ii- hli lurl t lands for sale t ot no j eai lalf h cnncei d a itnti of l3c line in the tawulilp f vmit island ctrtiuimn one lumacr acwitj rol nojl in i lib ctfftccjjion of town ilup of port ian j cunlainiit two lluonn acbcj ii no 3 in slli ch v outli uf tote lint in towiiti of wolf iiaiu containing 0 huxdwo arnra por panic tar applv to edward noble kington 7tk nov is40 ilmui in 1 till ale jmim i r rcravivr alllitmilt uii smkj satiftt k wn v wm il fieri ciat mt1 rt n her malj- ltwit i mo m i it temii lit 4f wflliam 1imw i ivdliam chcrtioj it nl liii tor aiij com if lph fhiiaib i m kxmilnw la k vi ijm it h jn i id tothtr hrtrrt wjjiiiii ii uii mt the ivvti laor f iw hani av ai tihl u pkksu ahuivaicmkai lunmkf ac fllb utw rvfvuv tvfrtrt liiitf in id- almi- nhmicj william unrlc oil number tvm niw i kminntti ririmi and k kwut ttrt w mlio kihtrtlicoir- tortnjnp if jvblmi aiil a h wtt llltf tt anh wilf cwmit luc soth am ihlftifli harnrfihi ic cirllfl i a numl- ij wlikll 1 l to emiokjtfts md others wish- im tulvctte themselves is nedute hvsiyess the v rfof sale his unex- piled ieaef9 yttn rfth k 21 in ihc mb cnnccnttin of ihe toitntfatp of krericktibtirgji wltli grnlant- saw mill erected thereon the farm a in t hh hate of cujuvatioa arvl u now unovr dm ivia the follow ing itrrtltcta of kail wbeai mbgtjid- igfn 39 buai- vu poutoet ami a quimiiy of lixlun cora rv s- f iv- hij ww uo j h the umfnig iiork vi 4noj jnit hongfv j youn dv j j of oxen 5 mifrli coivpj 7 yourg cat tfita catixr 19 sheep 0 fcij 3 feature and i luaibcr wmta 3 litjiure and lunitvr scrh pi har- -nwivc- ill oftnebctslenrjih alylc the above wilt be od very lw arl on ieakinablc term the tarm ia 22 mile vvcm of kiripinn conuuu to the ma- j lim2ctjroa rir fvnher parkealjrs apply to the sul- fcfiblf t lle premicr george cot vedenckburghjufte ii l5l 99l notice jv be iojd by pnvatc wjr lotxo i0 in the 1st concession of hc town- f kmrnlon anv person of prtroo hi- anv rlaimaon the ii property arc to nt ibe me to the unijefmjfved on or tpfc ibd firtt of jiilr nex joseph chadw1ck krfin june illhls4l wm to proprietors of jvetcspapcre cttrk oar jmmuf 0e kmitoo ltth jone jk i the proprietirf of newspaper ptjb lirhed in ibe province nf canada are requeued to fomarj to lha office dunr c ilie sefroii x copies of ihtir rerrtive pa pc4 and during tbc rtvet of partiament one copy w c lindsay lolui ctkdu pite subcfiber beja rcrfetfuully in in- fimni lii fr tend a nl ibe public usat tia removed h oaico from toronto to itoa wbere be continue load aaa id flij general aevm and hopei by l attcniion anl imegfily to wt a con- unce of thtfir pauonap vtry 6veriplifin nf busincm attenjcd to r public offices alio buying atij p f land proeworr- patenuj proecit- ajimr uadcr the her aoj devicc ke traatfer deed and mortgage it memorial ilraivn jw qirrjeet next itwr to vr 4 mm 3 rrj- fvti mot james henderson 1 ton jihjne licm 101 12 for sale ot no 223 in te town of kinpton attnated in barrack sired wild comniodiolh houw auited to acrommtlale two families andai prcrenl leaded to her af ajcttvv govern mem lot no five oi dttwra aiite of the grand kirer cataraqutp in the tomiubip of kindlon on ibe montreal road within a few minuted walk of ibetown f kirpton ami which will be divijed into lcutu voii purchaser also lots no ten and eleven en the wcataitjc ofthoaaifj river caiaraqm in ile faiil tmvnahip of kitortp with abou forty acreaofimprovcd lanj with agomi hntiae and barn lhereon erected there ia a t i i of upon the rtbirb are luaied abom three a half r a i li til ruf u montreal koaij for pamcufari apply to the sobneribcr who will point out ibe premise john mclean kmpton itiu march tt ite v a card 0llins haines beg to retitrn their mcerc thank to their irienj anj llic public jnerally fur the very libera mipport wlncli lia been rcnoerrjthem dur in tbc tiim fikir year j dry liwls mcr chann they alo be to recommend to iseif favoorahto oolicc mcrkf j ft k huitoo merchanu fth mamhciicr hn land who bare tvatcil the prcitoe ihv taicly h cupiod in tlio lftinbton fluitdift loreilreci and who uroc carrying on hie mc buinca c jc h- bel ruiifideni from the rvvpec la bility and hiipchor advailrje potvchc by the merrry hullo together with their lsrteraii natmn toclf liw ami for 0h tbat llier will 5e rtti faction kington 27tli mavp btl f- t4vc 1011 j ivix t u lavrritoof tai miiiilreal j umtt kjitcy tutiarra pmi hbtli sujierior huun 10 fwtrllfamty kmim 1j4c ifj mi pjii wine in lt uvi llndviiatii ip is ocuirt u lit 4 tmuvnhih tbj4itwett iprtiil mitrily in lib j qf i jb nc draught ivilrt iftl i cvcjf mltblc sit wtmtfh- i iimiio white lra cuyiic- i aw- a urneial arl t nt ihiv cooi otfirinpuin anil faary coitou urilbi ttikracheti anu imi itbhrj ditto aliu 5itin ttowiat lfatm hi iwi ivaird crittui pr dnwiit wtols ctool vfmtre ut s liimiit pnatcj llaniiuielitf uinbirtf iij- ptak tablr cover pitnicd jrinoctp mjnj- rin ttirh figured frruvin vivtitiu liitici liv df lb jifiwrji uitlkqt rtratjin evrt kou4hlto lruiankrlcrivjrcniuoik ricji nj lib4 wuilrd mtivlin cotu rntirlt votuts imta mi i ditto two ml vvhmt mil ctpuac for alo tbe town of kiniim ih t miltnwn uf umh- to urirmidi- m llir liibjinunt nf k i it iiiimtj uml llichrhavv ipmil ikw mm lately ointpicil liy me tt j h icysuwsiftir uithaibrur ami well a- mulul uu k tf linen wiiollen draperv vaa mitneit cv av ictvem be them in iliv ibilwm hrmm every advanj that fmi- ripimitund mil bft r r iiiim i fir lft4 i uv1 i f t j im lmblf l rtl pfcft ml pnmp- h- 111 i t p nl ip hi mi itif in ir ii i 14 f h m thufplar tfccr itym sipltsmur nei at the hour o w wi tioon mrdoxfll saprin office kii wrjune isr nn fcv rkei w ofi chi- nd t apiul ri ilf llinitoiviji iviiiiuilvluart afa vbtfiuif if th the xljrlrkll muttifi sbarfjilk emuthjcred cbrfk vunft one ctc iitr lifcu tvlovi gutlotvif mwrrly uihiam sirlme hlrachfd djwi 0natur4 ttj- 5 and ji viitty of othir arthlc in the ciocey ami dry cootii iiv for by justill iu hall kington lltli janr hll m messrs godwin hall central jlgent tnu juctionrrfs beg to announce to the public of kinpfon and iin vuinity that tliey are now prepared in addition to lbcr utual bininevf to invotijpie antl aljwr4 ilinpulej or intricate account to arrange anch aa may be far arbitrntion and clue w far a may be practicable bankrupt estate iic fclh claim upon the government or upon cor porate bojiea put forward by petition r othcrn ic without delaj kmton 5u june isil 100 kousalk anexcelutfar stont house rami ir1 luirito u llit ti col 1-otiijblhi- rotiiirouiiri arrv x of winch are cleared anj ir charj in toll bearin matcl lihrh ktttuk ol lloiib ihrfiih f m with uautiful or- on the mar imfldimame on an cxcvuem ilfi wind loolvlei oivy nuw olur ftr vfv wpitp niy itvr them fvvlronltileiitltilillh with rl w4l fiml iheir wnwliv otn theliieapest emporiums loi dkv goods m tlr iwiiite kektt waddkllfccv kmslon ittlh jtttic hit i tin rmiik r ih new grocery stork road and in a imi ofiuwhi to mr j for further parto- phy walker uq ilie a li 10mas jones 7vif ni dutttonttr 0iee king strict j ime ajal kun miwic if ulle turn tut the voljoiuv ifi u- apply to nunc c ner 4p i with sleigh e hame f mnplele an excel leu pcciy gentmant of a hat no further uac far tromas jones kirton june 17 ish the on 1 the barrel rhtkae r or ok it i si i a r o ri k n dry oooss kingston at millers whflltvth ami arftfl otftttftmtj drock titcst lilc tlljtl uloicv urrnnulclll of coofecbonarv tmihcr with tea cakco1 all kind ivwn cffie sfwftjn 04ti potflf cftr jttficuttrhlifanrmantijtt cvtfm sptrfor ginger btirfrm tht fminui hvwmj oal fl wjf superior ryr v illy ol torale sutnh vill keep consiaatty onbacvl duri tsc ain ot navi- ajion wair r lime pfjiterof pad yj oftorilaea salt sh i wtorky j auofwhuh will r jj umiiittuy tow for cah or abort appro vred hugh c alder commercial wharf may llili iu1 nfitice hesurncnhin b to iniimatr lhat ihey have ttii uiwc orcmie tor merly nrcoped hv mear w h man- iip coil0rul si i few joor eftl from si nrhjst- in whirlt tiny will carry on luine 3 gtrurvtand com- mixtiun attrtkutis tliev invite ihu mention of burcr to jseu stock of dry oods whiih will be found amiable tor tit canatla market blackauer co montreal mavth a t umliilicr um to infofiu lluir ii ji inl mil the public to pucnl f i i vkitirty ihrt hw j italv rouiinvnol hunocm in lhat hm i t ihivrui mr bamlualtf hotel ifcw svl vkwiv they will cotojanuy kvp on i i j rlwra atmhtmiii of grovcr te h im una uiuw kc wlucji llhy will pwi a low rmtlltv olher chftwihincul lit town they ui jsottiotter unoiujja saltrbir vf iin- waterlime anil wbiiy by i ho ui at very explored w ice forcath a ilmim ui public paironase ivpertfullv married daniel oconneliklio kmckttii may 29 1 841 sta farm to lei in the toirirjnpot seidour ncwea ite dbinii eonvim of betuven flne and fimir hundred acre of cleared land and iirrc ilcknptoin of uioljin rvipurvd on an cxtenivc farm iviili i jare stuik of improvcil svvp cyi u i lor- vcv isc cu r- diij all the uiuji impc rocntj ol bioliunuvy a ihe pnirhutr will occasionally rcaide on the kia1c ibe rent vill be made eay to an iatptvring tenant and will be taken in tiie prtluc of ihe farm tetiinponial a to clitnar- tof and atnliiy will hcremiirvl apply bv letter fort paid to g s uotbtov enp cobourjf or to the lsubcnber vn the rpot d campbell junes ish the kvaa cbnmmb irtil toi tn pi tujt r rvvoki to uuocl ih tfoit imll fjilur imkucajhmii aiarmaladk jcst airivcj a lew cae of gne settle marmalade and for 1e at m- cott confectionary front street toronto n 1l ali a ureal variety of other sweet meat orjtw anj jcmon in excelle onler at three dotar and a half per oox toronto3itmay isik mr t t a to let two story houre in n arv anj itaal titration in the rear of the h churrh aiiu a good four hone iil excellent wel attar ed fitrther fiarheular rf ibcbirdof wort or juae i9ih 1si ctspaleobt0lef l ios dwelhftf houae and bake e lately ocupd by mr r ve amacpi1ers0n a 3thfcb um tffii cnqnire at the for sale that valuable and sipicuovi proper ty klwwiih avards tavern julualcu one mile from kington on the macadamize4 road with complete tabjins and office of every deacnpitoo an cxcel- leot well of water arrriojgaiden with froil tree in great variety whfrb ba been under cartful cultivation for the lat right year ant wilh between two ami thiee acre of land aiiahpd the huue i a two story stone one in admirabc order and well adapts either tor a private rjcwjcirf h tavern for further particular apply to oh a he ward on the premie kingttoft llih juie isi 9h up llousr to let beautifully stuaied in the per cml of grjvcttrtel containing sruom kitchen and 2 cellii wilh k gooj weil of water gaijen anj orrhard appy to t a coruett kingiton 5th luce 1sii 4 br nicol from 0auimf1w plaint street off charcb treet woriy epfwitc the rrfh ft p currvril advice ra the poor ratu fmm ir to j eterj inorron- except sgmby d s coldev dntitl rci pen fully loforrim the inlahiant o kmgton tlial he baa arrived 1 1 town and will be found at the lamb torfl home kmgrton may lsl bs i ejjiilrtcrieerwill receivct anj ee- eniland ire g a moderate euit orattt cither tor j nr scotland by charge wm won kmhffj may 11th ish 20 for sale acres of land otikr from kioiton on ihe bath itoad whfa a loinj spring dutiable for a brewer nr di tiller otoj a beautiful building pol ap plirjtton to be mad t thi orlice or to lle fubtrt nber thomas ward h njiohmay 5j ibil n piano forti tuned it repaired- e x s m i t ii rhtxj forto jpfc- of toniniu ivt to acquaint ibe inhabitant of kington that i hai com ncnccl buinc in iltc move line ami jotpe thai by atrmt aiteniimi to order and a ihu- roogh kuowlede f hi- prvlet4mo to mero lhat jiatainae lie ban been to hberally rurjcerl with o tbc la1 ix year in tiron to mr smith abilities a a toner can be tnown by emiuirmg nf mr j w llrem when all orovr- lelt will le atiemleil to mclalic plate put inio pano forle ibal will not keep in tune kington aprd 3 zsii jfa walter ttreeii s rcikllth 517 ntoji rifiictliu wrjt nd ift maoi m lrjej ujihihii 1ioi jn groceries prqiisiaxs pjihts mugs ship viujrlery manufxiwrrr nf hrotrt cwcrafrj ertrc fnr cor cleirin tobacco wrratei rfloi w ihe brl btttic manulmtuird pn the inucj male ait j ftkkkuai comm llttlox mkiu ii xt will npply all order djret to bin far uoodi in hit tine on h fajvouj abb tf rait a any other ilouttf ant at ihe loucit price kochkr june l ldl ul3cn kotice fphe manager cambm be ef the montreal cab company big to infivm the gentry amj inhabttanu of kingcon that all onterv for cabs will be received at mr bov rfrrt sadmtr slc strtt ivhrcv they will be met with the hnriet punctuality and deiaich by the unuerinej james bone knrton ifth june ish tolz p to lkase or a term of years cumer iot mtuausi in a central part of the town and well qibpieil fr the ervcivn ol private tj welling for further particular apply at the ctinmtclc anj gazette ollue 1w vaiaabiefarm fob rae- he surkribcr offer for ale oo irnow arm of votuooh land in the towfttm f fredcrickiburtr mullaml drttiicl fiftvore of which are under im provement ihr quality of ilo oil a excel ml on the rrvuiite arc a new franie dwemlof hoiki lw frame barn anj viarf wilh twostorebiiuacisfttwiikh the steam moata lvm between kinpwn and the head of lb bay of huinto atop daily tlie aboe wftmf i beautifully ail ua ted ohthetuwnilh bay of quinte ma well 0icti neighbowhoe haviftthe adoniae of footl roadr shooh and place of public worship disiait about b mile from limp rlon lb from tp ifwi pofton l frsjm bath and v ftn the yilbfo of a m plonttown to any perr i to earn on mcr cimiha lhineiu property ffoum be a deiralle atm iwn aich havio- been ear- rivxl on there lomany vear and the pre- aeni occupant cing atniut to leae the place the pciiie for ome umc pat have yietdcu oenl of xso currency kt annum aiul wl ua old moderate apply to he proprietor d l thorp picoit to wm andern er poilmavter on the premiae or to xtiihcwiy b- hawie ep chief emigrant a ji kuvftoii junfl3 ll tfx ktntiwi june lnh ism five villa lots for sale each of 1u acn- lempart of li no g in ibe ll loncepun of ijn township of filbburph i hew li1 are delif hifotfv iuiate the bank ofthc si liwreiee with 1000 1laml in view ami have the floaj ft montreal m then rear ditunt mile from kingtoo applv to william craii kington fih june 1sil to ia settlers 4fb others the undcmtjnej oflor for sale tiventy improved famw ii food tituatimi in the township of sidney amebaburgli murray and pern several of which are beautifully mtuard on ibe bay of quin le and maor f bote barnf rreharijxc thereon the aitintion if ibe above townhiw in relation to ihe jieaeut seal ol government nee j no cerumen aho several liutjml acre of wild laml in tlu above am idiatvnt towntlop teriu reatorttole applteaimn if by letter post jaij to the suwriber at the trent adam ii meyers iri june isii b71lh hi ik nail fue hajftbd good stojfb mjisoa ril 2 roorf cwptnttrtt ia wjc will le jien tharles hales klaftmf5ch lime isll 517 whom the hi iv piano fortes- p n protokir of the ptim nxr rrtprirully ifoo tb pamic ihm he hat ircrived two hrriiof tte mtt toucb inmrumcnu iimn iv hrl makerpn in new ytk tvlithhe ulfrnfor mrjr a4 wnum br pfrd to have ih pabbc ill ji mr jo if guipn tiorr rmio indruminc llicm tt a rtoiof nrwmlilc junr i8il 101 wanted by a toufci man a ftmatimi cletku a dry gonj strw tvae book keepeyt w a couniioj houte refc- reneeaio cha rapacity eisen applv to e d l n x v c ihb4p h chmn kmjieo uivq lii except ion a i q tlo pavmehl of ihc1rouxleeo blwk dfficj ferrule 41 tbc tn ilurroir r two iir lhrie years agreed upon erurily will be pveri for principal ajvply at amj memorials iromrle fcgurlto cruet fqrnjirdta untlcrognctl wilh new and elh- cicnt meani have made prepamtion is furry on the fortfmdijfg bust aesjs betwixt kington prrscoli inter ntediatr pare and mootrral bv m f rv xt fcfrffvcciiiritvrihe hnw ffrttttsiln k muhuion morrau m1h1ikon l fekguson ktr freight of gooxl upward rinijpcu alto- iit acconhn lo weght ind at rate a rearfinable a ihose of any oiher in the trade alex fkrcusojt john miumon mcnlrealt april ib lh r whottioriia saloidm no ilgautitfp ihitihx- trontini the otarkct square john iictnnpif cnfrlrunrr asorurve pqatry cod and dhliun espectfully beg to mum h tinvef e tbanli to hi mniierou wetl and the pouic lor ihe enerou anj liberal o-vi- he ba receivvsl from ibm tluring in long jviiknee in kmeton devifiu if render mi htc eiablibnienl worth v f the tliniuuihed patronaje with whieh it ba bitherto been favored lie ha hiiely til led up rcvcral new aparimerit in a very commodious siile for ihe reccpuwi of lb guest ainl imite by airie aiieotioi toruent a rtinlioiiiince of publie favor the victoria salooit will at all time ic found amply aupplied w l- the thmcc ton- fectionary of all html french ami english patfnc in ihe high er perfection lee and ke cream suone ciifcc and plum calc sfm men ted wvddin car miute to order jfttiuur ami voidinl in treat varieiv lecil ginger ucer ainl soda water from the toiintaift- lunch and other reffcahmeotp at all hour a ivparav toite of apartment fur ladter and raajtwl family partie fainihe can be uicontmrnlatcil wilh any rjupjily of confectionary lor primary partie on ibe j ioiivt notice aio piiairie jel lap blunt manei etc- c j- ii leeu ataurvd that t he rjuality and peal vvbrty 10 lw found at the vieiorj eimipriin- j it doe many of iipc dolicacte if the vaon calciiatcl to pleate the irnwi lililivu uiie wilt not fait to erurc for him the uvciilej preierenee be imho loiig enjoyed an j whieh it will ever tic lit tien- uoti endravor in ntent kington ht juticj kil 9gi6i m tlirw mbrtoi if out riiitt in- im k i abii iti iil twioririeiim p m raiiwh tvv rtnm i lttj h kitil livi- aioel in unirtihl4 ljjl lkrlil t the li1l mil- n4 ihj jit- imomy rjltiiutv to 4oviv liftithi m fnir jiei- kv uiinlj hvll on he dut ihiit mptrt r tt vilm imr jlpirjtiti it i 1 i lt i h m t i lltr im 1 b i- rnl imhtjc to lkr btirlj sule m4 hd mteill v elf1l in j t 1t 111 e jir diviwfj h4tl tlvwlioli lbjbjiildf niiikktiobiiii l iiihit a lutli t liwul je ui fiuvmk il ui tit teuiei t i j1tuiuil to ftmmr ihriii tint piojli rnnit ol jiis imjitiknt j vmume tmvt fl vmul41 cvvtubtllmt 4ttwl hootin uli in eili pi ui i iittmiiutoi i i ih ion w llfltlt i i wdlbinj t i till jit 04 m ibe lv plk j aittjavmrs llmit tun it i- r the ho vitiivji ieijvlh jhd bribty e4 u ilii n 1 nil i will tttivrly hftnr nr bn u imu hi titf td nvvcnimvfjuraidortinpi i y imril mam u- d imli t ah bfiit mi u u li i ami nwbwjaath twha p ttltwiw p f l4 f i ilv fji r 11 r ym hi- up jwfc v m l toil i t hi o r imik iiim ti la wm ti im ii mo rl iff hi mr smiiah pn vui ttt4h wm ulltotlpo nod no dm sjrfio wtvutmrii ji doling ilff mjvin tin y wdl v new hitjflttf twir ncmr rotne if bi iri thiir ujio lit utt irrriral ui ihe foi ndno ami fit ijurmlf i rer ip- tf tom willi hajpi c mimlh j xi nir utt ill i rultoi ihtil oib ilpr vkiimikl ujeffmtluci vin htf all i ii11 iij jil ril lhc tluitickh j ittr hi ih k trh kiir iittjm a id unu oi j j iitfhi4tjy o ltfct1 vi j l iili- phvwil jamscr minat1vk malsah1 ii jih cute fur wwel ami mmer rninohiiul iltrriwi duuty urk we a inl itoiiucbj lhchlt litvikj mj j 11 eviij in uf the 4toiuatli nj bowrs nrr- imu jf1itnic pure d rb javnlts sanxtlve mlutjfet frmale ivci ronjliutf rotiven fever inll4jnmiartt ubmrut trout ik of the vim iis i il raw where an apuomij 11- irnidiive or purfutivc intlkine a tiuirn pi ice 5 t ivrjurrd uiilr itf dr ojayne no iou i ltiudrluliij nd may be had ole mlaff icwral amt sjcilci hat tor ami wm mcllhtoh chroaku i ga- f uhfc kiitton l c p to lease or a term of vear three let in the town of klnptwj siuated fa crave street apply lo thomas a corbett april w 151- stigi to let large house nhop and hack rtire w lib n eapacivu ard and out imiikt lilnale in store street tbc bud d iir loiaiel in the mot ceuirjl and butinet i the town and are well adapted eillwr foe a ivholerate ciabtiti- nientoranexicii4ve reai1 burimi applv al the chton o ga olbc kinuo nd march 141 70 the um 4vuuirwi finol saml rljmiit o so sratlomnk 1 1 cm irnon y ipov uij tkhhi ohaiitore4ii ihe purhate ofhetr murk vbicli ii w mk and m- mire iihcii a uppu m ho try hvirt aitirhv and at tl timii imttkraie ri4v order iclcmsj fur any ariirhj ronreitcd wib ihe lovmn tit h impiktcd lnm eoylart1 or ton iik lrm1 slalr to rhmtc on nval durur tin jrerol man hfiny artp- ee o iioi i iiin ettvland tin or lrrflboo4 ire juaji dcrji ihe prearoi momh miinjac dve and memorial tor sje copptrplwfr tnwtrix a pintim let tir vrai pfinfifith liuok binding cvf i aivtfy xuud a circialiii lihrorr ir in peparatpor and ill be rfy bir circulation a oon at tliecuiajouu can u arranged and printed jot opened larje aorlmcnl of new mlsicfrum limlon voevtrimt of sonp duetu iir1ilhw waltxe e x kington mh mav ltl ql wanted a stl denttoihean bitectural pro- j fcaiton aprtv to mr browne rrairrf a fee will be reiiti red kmton 2t aril lil tr pic iron i vst received and for oae at a reluced price by ii fc s jones kinion june ibih lm icoz t leather fklcrhay ha for sale sole harness leather calf kip and morocco ara liitinja and ihmfagh avhihvale mid reiad cah paid fvi hide and siin tinjotliy and flax seed ktogton dc19 is40 gash for awp snktirihrrw jf isafavl pw to pbodlce i vav iln loftte jlerliunit vired alio urf at tin iible wheat pcae b oai ilel sorr oa the cnumireial w foot of store street hugh caldkr kintiti jamiarv ljh tift t jjiooo wanted l llorrow fura kmajftffrl to be aprre1 upon security liir ibe ptymetil of ltf prineipl will be gven on untm in ihe town of km applv ai um otalc cboiiil-ti- olliiv kmoi 10th feb jstl lands for sale ix iidlavid a victorin dufiicts he canada company lia and fur sale in ibe meri dciraue parifr of every twmhip in the midland and victoria dttiririf and in the other dittnct of the provim c ui of vvhieh may be een at every put oaiee store and tavern in each townrhip the company terra of sale are oncfilih of the purehae money in cah and ihe balance in five yearly lntalnkeou further particular with any at the printed litt of lamt on sale can be obtained by apjilyim- to rkhard birorail etq atphodel or io the company oftre ai toronto the canada company take ihi opportoonyio give notice to penoo who have purchased land from iheru and who may bo itotmua of selling ibe ame that wiili the v4icci of fivinj llwc panic ever v farilitj and jcctinouoiltimt they will register at ibeiroiv in trtrotii all such lanj whivh ibe prewftl ldder an tlnootn nf ihntinf tf the cmnpaiv ti iniit tin ehttjnitt tiiuit i aietiohfij nitroiii li tihh who mar be nariinjt impk0vf4 land eiav im ii jm l or i i l id tfnd nfak t- injf iheir settler in dvjmiiir if their proved fnrmr frei jf allc1iarl the cnmimonir hfiwevtv ibn urthrtake any agetu v whaber ertiinrrled ivitb thm btmcw utmij thai f attonjioj ererv infurmaiotn tn inteih j iue poevha full and previa parbeu ar riaiin prin ivme jmpioveuieake to le ent i tle cimoimtouivr m toritntu all let ters pomt paid cnaila cixiipnv otter t tnrini jlti may i4l- mwi william otch johnson 9 kspectfi lreoii and ibe iiublie that hi movtl tu lb tovt lrhli the l l inuinaii in hi haa re- chrnuirle uuildiu ennd mer on itrotk streeh north ido of ibe marlei square where he wdl be happy to wail upon all who call upon him km sept 13 isio hrlflsm saddlblty warehouse le3candeb dixon tenedfully inltrmihc military ami tieniry of kingston that be i making the moi ixpetliiiu arrangement to open a sad lery warehouse in kington in ionmttj4 w ith in eiablihment in toron h which wilt unplicd with every arti cle of solhif ond arrtrif lhat can eou- nituie a firt raio eaajiwli elahbliment toronto wellington buihlio apnl litb 1841- 81 25i book binding in all hi variou branche neatly and epevbiuuly cxcioicd at the chao iclc fit tjtvtt ornctjiornvr of ksm and urixs street a aupertor ruling machine in eonriani opcraiion f oimt milter iv ju8i coach bcilde rs from london be leae to inform the inhahiiania f kindlon and the pirtlie generally dial they have opened a branch of their ru fur sale rom ten to fifarcn orixa of lind abmit tw o mile from town oolite bath road deaaiif iiuaied adjoining mr cuihvriphl fann it will be told in one or more hat 1 uii purcbacr apple to edward noble stix c rs me c liron tcl isuul atrcl kiuplan u t john t kkittlltn c rrm s twiiitv shillir- jf atoiu l r l i rthvd irriy vcjniy nj si1ur- ltltuibeecotnri af kiu uhi brtxk txflirr f paid in a-j- hlonth if fod ir- vcaccor wlhin i ik lnt tu0 al ihi coj of lle year twcitiyfive shilli frtn tr wrptharwjjnl si lino and uiidcr26d liitlinmi linn and 71 b tjltviicol iupettion u n linraail uii ifrr 3k hi artl inuniooamf i0tt uh ute- rpami tiixiitou above trrj hn 4d per liae lortbc iim micrtioo aitd id per line farer crv lubtrqurnt iakrtieci ad vrrti meat wit lout irru7cicircri0flt in- ilid fff ijrbi j 4id chamr accoftfinty it o ntvtd inuj dt jticfttiiemtnli at acidoiii vnor arnutfo tundoaaiia fn- iay emu not rrcriicd after tji oetcck on the moipim ol publiotioo a liberal ditcoiim inide to nirrtbat and ota en who advert f r i rr- l- wr ur ijjt any pnral prorunnr ix tatnrribci to ihe paper and paying cmiuavvn for ibe mr t shall be entitled to a seventh ropy eroif p3counlry produce received in paymral at tiie mjilct pnee agents kinptiflsii april 181 o town in store street u seolch church and hope lablifbtrtcjil in hllle almv i hi by ntrivt aiirniimt to hnine to mnit a eon- hnuaiee nf lhat liberal und diinuihed patronage whieh ba been bervloivrc tc toxvcd upon them for hie lat icvcfl years ai to o i to k l for ailcanarortmentof brits kas single and dochlk phae tons light wagons ibe late fahier workmanship all cabb1ages ranted twelve months kington mav ihll oe k- matcrial ol j t ami bert built to oiat war bell hanging g f prowse copper tin smitt pfumer ud rdl monger fiom mon- iivnl int i- i- inhautani of kmpton that he ha cu1dihcd a branch of hu bwrine pr thf reent at llie corner near- iv opjuimte io enlih church and refcct lullv miliita aha re of public patronage copper idl worm c made on tle honet nmkct an aorlment of tin wareuiion pwl bell htrnj rm the latent iinptoved principle at remarkably ow price a vaiy of hedge ft flo-y- jtettlt cookfac stoves tftrj li- r and nio rprru a nom- lier of sinffr double ami cokm- stow exprealy for renilnf lor the ensuinf eaan the military ami private families requiring any particular devrptom of siovrt by an earlv apnhiainv ran renimodaied knkivn iune lill mm bh tar mtlilahotifm wjmikiy tonia parker eq hemyjone iih iw baker ew samuel clarke m p hhatll jieph a kcrler r tboiiii ltemototf eq julin jvatderon em lltjllfc m huctkmmlt john taylor e wm korkr e william macintosh george brovae km andrew portroti fitrj- chatk bhbjm ets allan mcleimnt alctdyidnn p mut taylor etq david srt eij alolirii jours e john lucnrlu tl w iwrtwn georer lvun el- mamedatialhri j jlfllttkci fjq jairsliawtem d chiholn kf joh41t4tait rq nrdstute arrbitommrfaulie d mr sir oh ew- sidorj warner d canarien p hi jdrasalr r4nn mri4iunh f tl umliar www p micitiainv amrbxonirjti bath brlleiiu rruckvilk hrtown r j i j r n f e cijoar- clrir liatorrlville forjerirktburb rjinanoqir ilamimwj pit ton ltneattor mitilda montreal murray npanrr niera penh port hope preteeu qurhrr rivrr treat richoioai sl artaars tliltvm i raii tow vutifill we m sim luvtra