tilt chronicle sc oazette thr bifitqt ktprtf seuhuu paper tst tls jftlf frfo u rvbwmnattiic riccoftino mora ami shock ttft k boston ckada om tilt artllhook or wednesday saturday trrmu twtvfr btmitpttj rift asm i im adtvnit eybfty dcwkiptjonup letter prcm prlattni mir stf moftt t tri lmol lv lmaatc9 at iht ciiftomicic ltrrc o nrr ao on hcaionagij tkus chronicle l hiiomi lil oaztrri stationery waftehoube 4kette and kingston commercial advertiser ife c m ppal utnta vol x x m 1 kingston canada saturday jitly 3 1941 no i m of m- af iuci him war ti ktpl lifnllj i rf every i vcriptour whiting papkbs from sum rtoyaltonoteraftdevsry wtivl- in lbs stationery hat auo blank books school woibjw of all ttlofl 1d jiki x fcinraktatfl in ill its rr i carried fl i ih i bve i umiilrarnl a super hblittr muunt b in full operation by watch blank books cm be rvlsd to an y pattens sac ia a slyle inf tier to mo tju cctbiaorin o prixtjxo oftkf hook hihdkry and stationery warfmoube wtttr avimvu- a if a drcidrd htfmfrfal y in eoifu tf occommv dof ion awl iuipqttk chtouii le v j i hi otter kington april j lm british am noiitii american royal mail steamships of 1250 torn builhen atj 140 hone power cvdr totirrdtf wit me ers o lae adtnirojlu ac api commanded by e t miiiir pkitanma k h ctclasd clwxh m colittbr lf c if ejldmni will sil from boston and livvieoau ing at jutiux a follow 134 l fr bosjfosu ft habfos ft titer oliitnhia march ih mirth 3d caledonia msicb jill britannia maicb ibth match ibtli acaji caltdoms april lil april 34 columbia acsdis april j7th april 19lll columbia may kl may 3j caledunu bciunnia may llb may i8ti acjm caledonia june lit june 3d cojiatntuj acadia june ifclli june i8lh tin tan si a columbia july 1st july 3d caledonia bnunoia jaly hul jiy kr aeadii calejonia atiatl l auoi 3d lulamia aja auuit ifilbauvii lh briunnta aut 19lh pamebf mftihy 1 sliln iom ualilaji to fpirerpool fioirt mloj l liverpool sli5 kriooi halifax lo bloo j0 ttlee skp cwtjt mpffifmed sureow tfte uncvmi h iwero rklon and i i- tt inimir1ti wjlh hifi g h svmks qarbee 74 s s lewis boloi much 19th apriuth april joui may 4th may 13th june 4tb jane 19tr july mb july 20th annual 4tb royal mail 5teamk9 bte qutrio said rivo st- iawrcic tjhe tublit a iflfikntttd hat ibe brl- ioh inf are ibe arrdngcrucnb for ibb lake ontario bruite kmilqn vntf tvtrmto ktjjeorgetcanutivolivniaftara cppl saithcrltal city or to- konto dfek from ktnttrj at lliw ial 7 unlock evcoinf sunjuy and tlirtoy the 47 gtrt at s iivhck evfumg txkijv anj tri at ovwk everjpg wnooat and sumtjftj tke cly of tvronto ftml arrive at twronio ahy next itoy tle dbovc steamer onait the arrival of the montreal matt at y r rom to r 0 mo ai 13 ovovfc noon munjay anj thursday ihcvroo al is oclock m tuisjjy dnj fnday ilic vitytf toronto al i- uvlock noun wettncvtot and satur day the gevrgtj and arrive at kinglcfi early rwl mornin the nlwvo boauoll at cohourg and port hope each vrw and the u off o twvnfo wui leave toeooio for niagara and lcwirton every mi uday morning at 8 iclock and return to toronto in ihc aflerooon river st- lawrence littvxtn kingston a ditkinsntct larnfin brockyjlle cpt maxwell fl kingston at 9 oclock murnmj sun day wedocaday and trfday frni djckmson landing at 1 nvlocfc aerninp for on the arrival of tin mail iron montreal tuc jav lliuraday and sattir jay h gilderslbevep cip- rwto from kiflrionat9oclocl morning tuet- dar thursday and saturday from dickinaovo lanjim af i oclock morning or oo the arrival of the mad frucn montreal wed neadav friday and sunday- from arranententi wliitlt have uee made with the upper canada stage and swam boat company of montreal paacn gera betiveen montreal and kmpion arrive at thoe hacca on the afternoon of the second day- tfct atioe hoata call at cananoque lr i t matilda and williamahurh each way bggs oni parcel ot the rxtk of tht qutr unless hooked end settled for qs frtigat lake and river steaoi boat office kindlon laimay lui steam boat will at the opening f the naviga- gat n n commence pljing on lho bav l 1nte botwixt kikgito and btltrcvatt aiyi of 4 vroro kitigqtotii mondays wednedaye i fridays belktletuelaya thundaya saturday eaeii mornine at 9 oclock prcimm macpherson crane kingiond march 181 70i notice the steam boat kingston capt habris0n will eommeocc her regular tripoi on thuraday next the 5d inat bettveen xintoit and the head of the bay of quintc aa follows ifw a rdi lcavea k ujn on tuesdaya thuredaya and saiuruoya al 9 ovlock a m downwards leaves the river trent on monday wedncniy and fndaya touching at am herst laland and the inicrraediale ptoceajor her way up and down kioptoo 2lel april 1841 84z 1841 new forwarding line via the hiter 67 lotcrenc to arid morn montreal br0ckv1llk kingston axd tilt imtejlltldlatc flactt ross matthie k co of v- karonk05scv of titockvulexntan with new and improved baria a i j prepared at the opening cf tbo navigation to give paaaoge lo nu ranu and to irvnaporl properly of all de eriptiuna ivitji ihcrcaaed oalcty snddiaiwtch frrtfat vneorcfr charged for oy wei gmt ii rotes reduced mow the tariff prices exacted for vearspast the sulrtcriber from the faeilitiea which they poc ami their deiermi nation to do the uulne44 lovrustcd to them aatiafactonlv hj- 1 that they wilt command and merit a aharc of public aupport signed matthie eastonco james ross henry easton january 1 1811 myy steam boat notice hekort of the directors to the company at tub annual atcctlfg or tilt jhliljiirti ajtstriet jhutual ffivt snfiurantt ontpftn t board of directors beg leave to report that during the year june 7th 1840 to june 7th 1s4i polictea have baued 50 amtof property tnaured jc23063 0 0 amount inaured laat year 6937 0 0 so000 0 0 47s3 0 0 the cap7aiit fattkaso will unhl further notice ply be twecq toe following porta prea- cott kington oawego veington co- burg port hope bond head harbor port darlington vyhiiby toronto haradton niagara lewiaton and queenaton ufaros letc prearoq every sunday evening at 6 oclock brockvilte aame evening kin- mi y i2 omork noon oswego monday night 10 oclock and on tuesday cai i at wellington co- hurg port hnpe bond head harbor port darlingtoo whiiby and arrive at toronto on the same night leave toronto on wed neadoy momingtt al 7 oclock hamilton at 2 oclock aoernoott and arrive at nveirj qucenatoo and lewiatonaame evening downwandtp leavea lewialoaj and queenaton every thuraday morning at 1 oclock niagara do 8 oclock turofllo on thuraday afternooo 2 oclock calhngat whitby port dahirlon bond head harbour port hope cobourg wel lington and arrive at oawtgo on friday noon learc oawrgo in the afternoon and kingntonat 10 oclock on salurday forenoon and arrive at preacottthe aame evening f all baggage and parcels at the rtak of the owner unlet booked as freight steam boat office i kingatoo lofb may i ml for sale by the subscribers gw 30 bvi upper caoadawhiakey r h fc t rae commtlrcial bank m d 1v0tice ia hereby given llist a divi- i dend of four per cent on the capi tal slock baauaaaday been declared pay able on and after the feni day of july at tlie bank ita or and agenclea the tranaler book wi be cloaed on sttorday the l9lh jutte and reopencd on thuraday the tat july during which period no stock uo be tranderred by order of the board f a harper casmer xinghon 25th may 1841 hhi notice is hereby givea that a third and fina dividend of la sd in the pound on the truat estate of mr archibald modonelf lale forwardmg merchant at icingaton thia day declared payttyo on the lot day of jufieoext apply t the office of mr t gbaiup stcealreel oppoaito the commer cial back kingston 15ih miy 18tl 9124t r woods saddler reapectful- ly inform the saddlers and public thai he ha received from england 25 caeca superior articles of saddlery of every de scription compriaang manufactured and un manufactured which he will oser low for rah the trcaa and public will find it lo their advanuge to purcbajt at no t5i notre dime street montreal 3gi total amount ot premium notea on hand balance in the treasury aa per laat years report ending ton juoe lu 153 4 8 the directors beg leave to uuhliah aa well for ihe information of the members of the company as ot the inhabitant of the district at large a general statement of the funda and affairs ttlthc institution and to submit the following remark in coriaetjueace of the separation of the county of hastings now the district of victoria from the midland district ihc company have been deprived of a number of insurances of very valuable property but on the other hand they have the sah faction of giatirfg tbat tbo additional insur duces which have been ejected with the company in the town and country since the separation have greatly tended to make up the deficiency which would otherwise slave appeared they beg futihei i that although the cumpany have sustained aome serioua loaaes by fire reouirrg a great er call upon the premium noles than had been anticipated tle confidence of the pub lic in the stability and utility of die institu tion continues unabated which a no doubt to be attributed to the fact that those who have insured in the company aante its commencement hare notwithstanding the unforseen events which have occurred paid amuch lesa rate of premium in a corres ponding iiiti of time than they would have done with any other company for example a second crass huue insur ed in any foreign company in not be per fected for pm than 1 per cent say 1000 fee s yearn 50 0 0 in the mutual insurance cora pany such an insurance con be effected at the rate of 4s 6d per 100 amounting in 5 years to 115 0 the company sustain ed loss during the last dyearvamountingto 15 0 30 per cent on pre mium note in this case on note 5 13 10 0 j leaving a aaving in favour of the mutual insurance co- of 53 5 0 the directors in conclusion would re- spcctfoily urge upon the community the necessity of weighing the advantages and saving which auch an institution if proper ly conducted must afford to the district and to solicit their individual exertion in bringing it to the same degree of prosperity which several of those of other dutrici e libit opfic sri davis john smith esq president d irc c to sis johw r fomtttf john mowat johh s cartwimght joseph bruce charles heath and james williamson david j smith esq treasurer william twice secretary tll ls rrt m most froi cnolano jjy4jyocirorc twessrsik r- bottom direct tb from m england beg to acquaint the pswic genersiliy that ihey have rented ihe k p lately occupied by m- coffin cv hants lambton buiwwi slocesirtci and they hope by strict al l business ogcthcr with other advmtnge they poasess to meni a continuance o that ptronage the late oc c u p ie rt en joy sr messrs j r k respectfully invite the inspection ohjie inhabitants of kingston and iu vkimiy p llc cxtcnuve ssaort- meat consisting of every description of british m ofrvfatrsrtd gaods suttabte for ihe season tv slock ha been laid in under very favonbte circumstances having bcn bouglil for fu and at a time when tho markeu wen very much ovprcssed also they are irionnio with rome of the most exionsk manufactoring bsttb- menu in minchew m one of which mr james hution rrs for the last ten years been actively eom it wftccry to coumcrato itawosal articles comprised in their assortnwrt suffice h lo say that they will have cwy article usually kept m ley v dry good sailors sailors look out mj1 ok sale at collina hamcv com- m roiaaion warehouse opposite arthur fosters grocery store a first rate clinker buili copper fastened pleasure boat 18 feet keel and 5 feet beam adapted eithef far rotoing ot sailing with sails rigging and spars complete in perfect order and nearly new built last aummcr by an experi enced builder intending purchasers mar be accommooaied with a boat house if re quired oo reasonable terms also 2 second hand piano forte or ex cellent tone and in good order price reiy moderate kingston june 23 1841 jcttx til sflatffitn merchant tailor has received a very superior ataort- roent of fine and supernne cloths cosrtsserej and feifittga imperial akd military drills alto a sciect assort ment of summer trowacrings kingston juno 5 18w 97 i2i forwarding lgsvi- the undersigned with new and effi cient means have made preparations to crrv on the forwarding bvsi- jfe betwixt kingston preseott inter- mediate places snd montreal by uav of he st lwreyce under the firms of ferguson mcihbon mwtmeau mfjtbbon a ferguson kiscstom freight of goods ivu charged alto- gether accorcung lo weight and at rates aa reasonable as those of any oihcr in the trade alex ferguson john mgibbon montreal apru 26th lsil j o- r ii al offer at unpncedented low price- a tat smck of r e a d v made clot if v c suaabtefor alt airs adapted hther fur summer or win- e i a iat aswmasasvvsr vrana caps jfitr h- so w early inspection of isscir assortment evungeonlijenltliatqusili- ty and prices wh 10 afrxj who may favour w ith their support every satisfaction the mollu upon whth they intend to an of tmoll profits quick returns of credit ifi b mcasrslinscl haines embrace this niiportunilr v rodocnz to uieir for mer cutomcrsthavementmneduentle rucn and beg lo vmacnd hhtib im their csicial taror tfw awc confidently to aweri that thhig4iey when m ihe retail businem sold aa lwi lowtf in oilier house in tttvn the above menimncd gcnliemenfromwiro upcrw advan- tapwiljbe enaj to scl sull cheaper kmgalon 2djae 18h- 2z new importijfgbstjbllshmzryt c ksfnedt co would rececifully announce to the inhabits of kingston and the urrounding county that iboy have mhv opened the prcms formerly occupied by bjrjaekaon willa nrarard wfflsvkcled stock of staple fj- w goods purchaacd in the shli market on the most advanlagcoir wij aredelennmedl n 0 they w- jvanicuiaily invite ihe attemkn of intc fwfcawnj to ibeir stock of cloths mwrinhwane tuscany cfoth- ueej devon dunatable and tu burnets which mil be found uoprccer ic wn mmsmstm of j to llf luhabltniity of klngntou willi baptist society rxotir m cfjmifd itt krpl fjrcfo lo ttrt upon uiid nsnsi in fcrtn prcfciwd for uk purov a ptaresfdtiaaa wocjmffor imrssm u ujuh utr ot jny ut hir fcltoii0wacn ho mj pie fa or ma j and it rcsienient toivorthif iu ihtm u it prrtuimd lhal the riinjs imporuin ot uiit iv n i rn vjii lh r lut if all 1fki w yofi iu weurca iharc eiblie irdipa- un as w jewniarr avuuree io uvwe whs unit tech to funisin i with umiuvcc chntiui sane- ttlsiti ta creel a ubuntial fir- uch aa n ctem plated wsih hi a mi accommodation for ihe itrk uoo ot the foasjg wib involve a larje ripen to uanh defrajior wnka in njdiiion lo vhat ihev ean ihemwtvn frenidc r ochcr rraourera ae atailame than nch aa pahlie ud chritian liwralitv maj sup i1t sinruoacd in ihe urljvm- ly lieir fh nfijmin aiii immedtatc neilaof the help of frtcodi at a tfuunor nlj ihe nmre ttj be 7 j partln roruircied wiotux undertaunc will ierv thoetlj wall upon uw hihabtianli aaj ruicunu of tbo fsllowiiafl doniii j a are nctcaowledgeov a friend in elaa by itridi jhn gil muur qnd jshi tr jtutt ivknili inrilaad by ket jolut dtr sew rriend in lctceter rlmd bj k har ris eq john lqen iunrj ninartcr g h flaunrs g h haiufccss t a ilnlm samuel plufpcn sibki roraue cfj john trniiiur f wumms bos of f aswj anictr from lrxxatrr n- lutd rtlimaird latue i vitiffttttfl n nd ulhvr ulofiuj u om 4iii tu l by pewawfh nberijljoi by wit k issswj dy pr an j -s- week vabfcripcitxn by aliu llani a oonalimt by pfbawsweek auwchpuoru by hiss jtobcrthit kuijuofi smm iil 111 fatrest e 944 71 0 0 00 10 0 oo ou 10 0 u 0 uu uo uu 00 33 00 jj j u 13 uu 13 2 4 2 1uu luiiti a general aw and smallware kinc street k j 18th june p habcrdasbrry 10j card thk llladsw04 having enlcfed into panncrhip resperlfully tnfcsru llsnr friends and the p nttl lhcr al lenhon willbe ducted lo the furtlitranec uf the intcresls ortw j te p to confide them itr carc as aucionee whether at public sale or by ine contract it is their determination at a t ue of all propertied real or personal which may be conoifltee ehargc and im- bmtalelf upon bm jmg cuecied to hand over ihe proceed arising ihcrefrom aacommraairft mcnhanls they beg to remind persons lg at a distance that their intercuts utu icver aufter hy their he ing absent and tw ilvey are now prepared 10 receive consgiiais h y extent of any descripbon the weekly tau of horses will be con tinued aa usual i which they hope to be encouraged gcidcmen purchasing or dis posing of stock vij do well to inspect their lists office kingatret next door to trie bank of the people thomas jones john sherwood doyle kingston june 26 1841 i83ni dentistry jmckce of quebec aurrcssor to hi r l 1 the late dr j mckcc rc- spccifully begs leave to ofter his prufcrsional services to the ladies and gentlemen of kingston and its vicinity mr mckec having devoted his attention solely to the tlkory and practice of den list ry for the las thirteen years fla tiers him self thai h ia operations will be rtfrfurmed in a alyle wf excellence that has not hitherto in any quarter beensurparsed o as his numerous engagements wilt not permit him to cetnain more than a few days 1 hose who maybe pleased to favour hint with their commands are respectfully re quested to call on htm on his arrival of which due notice will be given in oboui ton dars n b sujerb mineral teeth uf his own manufacture rtftfrkrttrv we tho undersigned having had occasion to employ mr j bnvkee of quebec sur- peon dentist cither personally nr in our faunae are therefore enabled fully to re rirfinvend him aa a nnrttate practitioner u the line of his prutcsnon qiriec e2 vf j iila r r c charlr csmuii h w arnll cis t k lunrh jaa ifeitrll m o ttenjainin ivvtnaf suiir kobtaimi ulcsi noah rrrer rji ard koarn j b ft j joi jnvt wuiuaa in j mvwn uvotje rnwrton d ito k l btirra clk- k 1 mentiiamwrr j g im c ijfobift itowrt wtfjd asimpoi john cwi j mrwirt iv awell a w cofhrart i wuhv jrftvej 1r utorfe mxel j j v lliflfv jctt jaav gibb t alkmfooi fatter of the coifeaimcisl churh nb theofiyinaiof the above is in mr mckeea pojsrsion whicli can be teen on his arrival 103z to be sold by alctiokp without reserve at the sy denham hotel near the spot on wednesday july 7th hy jones gl dorlc fifty uc1lding lots fronung tobe- verjysireet situated on an cinincocc commanding the must beautiful vk of ihe lake and surrvunding scenery in the midst of the properties uf genikmen whu are building and improving them within a very ajiurt dntance of the centre of the t4wn in the neighborhood uf the houses of parliament and the government house and furming no ineonaioeiable uoftioo of this ra pidty fluunshing town an indivpuiable title will be given and plans uf the spot may be seen at the princi pal hotels the terms of sale are so itbc- ralp an il the initiation so good tfcfl cooibined with other advantages this must undenia bly be one of the best opportunities for ia- veslroent before die public any further particular that may be re quired wilt be gven on application tu tho maskirkpartick esi barrier ai law or jones st doyle axutionttrs terms onefifth cash the residue to be paid during the ensuing four years sale al 3 oclock precisely kington june 24ui lbil j03ii a farm for sale in the neipmiorhuod of kingston th capiu oftjniled canadr the ksrm ia bemutifully situated on the bar of qumte eight miles from kinptui ryinmlm rve tn- hn dred and fitly of which ladearcd and un- der cultivation wijli good fences the house upon jt is n lare and com mmhuu cottage with nuuerous opsrt meiitsiit for tlte accomruodation of a res pectable famite in the front of which is a verandah seventy feel in length sufficient to jpruert from the most iacjcmmt season in ue rear uf the houte and tn front ofbbe kitchen is a never failing s of water made available by a pump fi r the use of caulc and domestic purposes the ou houses are extensive and commodious and the orchard in a giwd and flourishing con dition there is abundance of water on 1 fie farm al all seasons for ilc uc of stock besides the spring indeed the farm from lu nergmiorhooj location and proximity to the kingston market is deserving the pellicular notice 01 intending purchaaers terms and any other information requi red will be made fcflown br annl ing at this officc or to mrs graham of champignon kingston 24th june 181 03 t kingston 2ftb june 18k british america fire a life assurance company tt o t i c e is hereby given that a 1 dividend of 10 per cent per annum on ihe cap 1 al sfirk paid n for the half ycarending the 3hh inst was ibis day dc dared and that tin same will bo payable on o after mondavav isthdayof july next tbe translcr rook will accordingly he closed from the 1st to the 10th dav of juy inclusive by order of the boartl t- w bikciiall manacixc dinccton british america asturancc office new goods he subscribers are now receivirtg bs recent arrivals from london littr- lyl and vftfff0r theit sprint atinnly or tiichsii ftbytvirjtl wfflrti eujdpriing almost every thing usually wanted in that line amongit which are the following i fine and superfine cloths as castiimerea fanry cni tiowsering vestings in creat variety cashnxres gambroonsand summer stuqv white and drown linen drilln silk and cotton linings tailors trimming of evcrv ilesrripion domealic couoos white shilling twilled shirting stripes cotton checkaaiid ginghams moleskins beavcrtccna and vdvcis grandnits saiteens 34 and 6s licks j linens l i and handkerthierpf lltark ct coured silcsias and casbans mruvri lmand and holland shirtings primed moalinsand calicoes ltombizecns merinos and saxony clolbr plain and figured orleans cloths plain and printed mouseline do lainee do do do dresses a general assortment of 5tus ribbons tare gou hosiery gtoxes hoterdaiae- ry and snail wares also by the package 60 holes 2 a 72 in gnat domestic so do water tnist cotton varn 10 to superfine imperial and brussels carpets robert armour ho montreal may if 1841 92 12 new wholesale and retail warehouse jus ttctt fas jwa fxm chrpbu ofie at1 reenshields miller i w porters resnectfultv announre id i- luhabitanis of kingston and neigbborhui thai they have received an extensive ai well selected afsonment of staple and fai cy dry goods suitable for tbe imsa which ihey are selling alextrenaeu low mt ces- their stuck compnaee every new and elegant in slk and wool shamr lace do- with capot splendid novtl di fgns in mouse line de laine florenn saxony and printed dretses printed csli- coes tuscan snd straw bonnets km nd gloves tn every variety parasols j gro de n antes ready made ivnrri r blouse coats fresher hats sm woolen cloths and cassitteres plaio an printed drilu mideskins and gambroou- summer tweeds and fancy veatings csr- petinga in brtisaeu imperial vcm aistl kidderminster beautiful tn pattern countrv merchants are invited in call and nct their stocks terms liberal kingston 3wi june is41 103gi extensive ivportatiohs new goods nave aaajrao a oct ices 4- cos sraciovs sntotcsstt ahu affrajs stosi conarr sffina and stott stratts sfttjrsfc c 4- l designs ia filled and pisja bstdettd i dians thibettockshs vic lout ncti c l crape sad filoot siulsls scarfs lappets 4kb lijsbkrcwfsj mouse 1 1 an dc latnes london pun led mualt chtnu cssabriea anj m i vil r prints a i a e qoaatitv ef sssssaw wmst cadldjsra assarts ssasl msmm a choice itide ia indian robber sujs while and coloted saleea and jean daw french aod scotch caasbrtta iskd caasjuic kandkerchirpi worked muslrii l nllan cspesj cujs ssjsl stf aaachers cabpets am sucsi the nearest patterns of asasssf giinaffssinalrf taaeufaxtart eraat to hrssicsli bonnets tbe most fajhtonabu bltspes oftoscaa den itahtr deroa i ii f c a large assortment of paftaools and slllc andulngham umbhtxlas broad cloths ft casslmetts this department u evserting of tvasrtieaiur natke elparchsaen the stock b railed avi eateruirf sod wilt bs offrrad on such law terms that cannot fad to coosaaad so isssaeov ale sate it cosmsts of fastth ifal wooidsid west of fngtaahl twt itt bel ji- iurto yrlatil rrt tsfel shade mfi i in t redi caaioseitttea uucksbins and aornotcr ckrtha white and cotoeed rtaii and faaej drhls caqtoods cordsj motcikicuj caaasku laat- inri jeans c toronto shd june 1su1 i03ii extensive credit sale by auc tion on tuesday the 6th juw next and lul- loiving dijs will be sold at the stores of llie subscriber a very general and com plete assortment of grottrits ujuors wines fruits fnxfary glass ware anil dry goods all ut wmts have recently been carefully selected m ihe montreal and new york markets and will be autd in lots to suit purchasers terms liber for nartiruur see catalogue h- calder uciionerr com w kingaiotiunoh isli dlank nttns and mejioptal 9 tmiwu tbteatcl4csrrltcofir for sale at the subscribers auction room 1case cariialc00jrda in spoola i case pms and needles t do fuslians 1 bale frinicd wool icn floor carpets 60 piecca wbite and rod flannela 250 do bleached and half bleached canvce 30 do rda4i dura whisky by the barrel salt tk- do 03 boxes window glass i caac tamboured minsliti collars i do needle horked do 6 dotfn brussels loco do broad cloths beaver cloths stripe can toons and various other articles which it isj ncchyan to enumerate collins k haines kmtcn junecf l8u collins haines commissi6ft jacichntus us corner of brock and water suttts opposite mr arthur foralcra grocery nruj in the immediate vicinity ot r scobclir esc- aod messrs macnheraon o co and sanderson u murrays for warding establishments fob sale or to rent by the subscribers avery valuable property al belleville adapted for varrotrs nurrtcaaee collins fit haines kington june 26 isil tavern stand the reindeer inn he cdore streel to let possession gwen nuinejrv applv to george webster kingston june 26 181 03ui lemons wis sale by affcboxes just received and for hfuloby joseph b hall kmgaien 2ih june 181 i0fi t r satas sad fancy tcst1ofh able unens sheetings flfkm ture 9u rkh ikvsjsk tabk cbmba wilb match daei 1- v- i 1 rr tosrelhngs sasst toiftl cvsersf oeaatitet ofeewu of paint d 01 clstt tav coven eolnttsdered cloth anj priaud caetoa aitto inrn and comon shceto of vahosa stsjtba- lrt ehirrfiog lmens sod ready sasdr iftrrst tuikev stripes gbeha denies sue hcgstut 1oiirt cloths sad scotcb housatds cbiiii and striped furniture cajaeoeff ajd qsujta all hbds of puin ud tirurth bsv sasd rolot- vd muslic- silks satin tirrcs dueapes arassssans and oresc ri dand pum botnaet sslhn ia osnlsj ta- tras ate vecmjtiosrtf wdtrjwaof cmb at c71 gsntletntn london waterpeooi nwvsr hst iefi silk dittof frwt and nrsssw- fashiooabte stoeki of varietal cmmptioui cloth capo- tfens and boys htfowrans csctaasans vst- agsls arctferl tauai sbnun u- a urc vsielya4 afaaael and cap ribboas thread and cation lace sx edging sik taaaeli and fringes lisle thread silk met iscocloa and wwi n hotiery genuine walsh flaoaeli gloves llsacniaabery c txiby linen of every description c5bisck bocnbaiines tad a general assort mmt of family mourning usuudiag cofjair cufis and chtntvttlra p b further supplies stilt continue to if rise until tne close of the nsvietion ftar avuimesso inat tooosrsti vtf osatrernroeconduerest fir cash only ond no second price june itht tktoticethe undersigned bavin i been luty sppointed riratok u the tacant estate and success ion of the lai robert simpson eaquire i has qfe time formerly of the city of mcastsesd n ktely of the city of quebec ia the rsotinrr of canada mrchinlajl fcissms asdabtrd to the sju eaute are roqiaisecl torsssko tfsu mediate payment to tunal tbo ottco ot tri v ruvnv tv st pumi sim montreal madajl rvtucsas liaivg ctain against ihe sss4s ascj reefoesttd present thek aecctiirttspdiijy aucasted tli- same ijaxe george rhyn as fsawsst quebec in juaw 1s41 0