tii chronicle fe oazettc jv imfni dosf amftti ovssi- uiay pipr tftttus iwnro it rvallitien st thjg ormer aihu ami bftooi nhxtr khufttox cludii 0 fllc arttftlt0pl os wednesday saturday trr twenty smilum pa anmx jafrswf bvejty descbipttom of letter preai printuiff mam ao mot jcstcprtmcvu cxitim a rue ctapmpsiaetreofticii ako on mi0s dlama cjjronick oette and kingston commercial advertiser vol if xiii j kingston canada ukwnsoav jily 7 no a chwhicic cazrrn stationery warehouh coswan ur ftm af0 to4i ti i i uutw cahaoij wboffiufcutcoflftnlly flhin mmm i writing papavrs from su i j kj j fsotr- tri trj i ii 11i stationery liar i1lask books school book ft or jtt xin ana itlci in til ill ranch n f d m at uvi abort f- rni aiaprrior rating muh is in f1 optrilion rhk h uooks be i to i i f nturf and to 3 alyle inferior to twoo 71 roouw hook hisdi warehouse tit i w it o drriav j loftionly ia potrd l mrs itafivnaiiiovifofrh oimkis- omit ullie kinston apfl 2 im o pritttio orrtci ufmy ond btatlonetii m mir eirftkmfftlmt tmtrrsh and north american ho yaluailste a ms hips of 1j5t too ruithro and 440 ifnne poirrr vjtr 10ttutt with tht lorj of tkr mwirdty rltathttp ceiuinanilej by 1 c kiiiauu ulltatfilfti ic bcuuavp titepoms iolvtfma c- ii kjcpkjm will uil from holloa and liseriool rail ing at halifax m lollou 1841- fr hwott fr hohfax ft tiffl columbia march lit kirch jj cjledoni miirh 1th bfhuttibftmwdi 16lh march inch ards match i9ih l lit april 3d columbia april 4th acailij auiiufta ajoil tjth flrilimn j ai1 00th coluiailna may jtt my 3j caworeji mav hii li f may i6tb ite ib aciju may 19th clhjftoji jnc 11 june 3j coluaioia june jib af jju jonr irith june 15lh uriunnia junu isa colamhu july ul joty 3d cldonmi july la brrtamiij july ititi july lh acilia july 00th cilrilonrttaufum hi auiwl 3j columbia auml llh ata 1 anut llauut 18th britmnia aum iwh pjvig mofty 25 stcrlmcf fteo hlifj co lvtfc00lt ftotijfojkifi folirifmiil s1-5- fioin l4tif lo uot0 2a thfe ship cany cxprrirncrj snroi the uihcdlii ilin hetwern luioa aihi qnbifi lh mincflm with h1imiv scinakufccoiijiiraa 1r svms qrbre 7fe s 5 lfilvts boiioo pwatk mail steamers lmko ontario j rieo st aawreoce fwhg vmlc rr tatimttd that hi fl- j liiore ilic anoogciiirnia fr ifos soon lake ontario brtwn kifitivn attd toronto sieokikca cuoi surthetfajijcity of to ronto cspl dick from kicktov a wf ovt 7 nvjikk evening sumjav aitl thrtaktofi iic st gtargc ax s uvtork kenrnj tucvjay inj fri- ihivf vcvbmi a tf omkk eenin uvttncjay and saiulav lite city of toronto oin ftfm ai toronto early next jiy the akue steamer await the amttil of ihc hoalktl strf al kmfioa rhom toronto at lj ovok nowimiijty oujthurtjaj llfrc a m jf 0 w at 12 oclock noon tucuay anj frijay the cu f totcatot ai ic ovjocfc novn wcjclay aoil saiur iby tlic 47 mrgt aitt urrivc at kinnti raty next itiornin the aoc boat iall at cobourj aoil ptt hope each way ami iiht oty of toronto will leave toronto for niagara jnti ltfritm every mi i ii mi i i- ql s r- it co toranto in the atrofnoun river st lawrence- bttvrtn kingttq v pmijumii landing brockville capt maxwhl fom kinton al s oviock morafanf suit da wtlneby and frtjay fr id pickifvmiti lanjinr nt 4 ocltck ms 4n arrival of the mail froni mtimreal tuesday thursday and satur r glloersleeve capt bovtm ffoip ki a b oclock morn n j tue dav tliurday and saturday from dickinwfit landing at i ovioclv morning or oi the arrival of he ma from montreal wedficidayi friday and sunday ffopi arrange mcnth whieh have been made with tho tpkf canada siae and steam bft company of montreal iimcft- ters between montreal and upumj arrive at thoc pfice ln afternoon of the second dm doata call at gananoqiftei bncfaw maioand praeott ofjicninurgh mattija and wdliamburgh ench way baggoot and prtfts at ar risk of tht oxiufy tiflltu tooked and 9tum for a jwgtt like and river steam boat office k r ixt may 1si i steam hoax wlll at the opening of the najga otion commence plying on the bay of q01nte beiwixt kuwttm and bclltvlmt oy of sown from kupiou nlondays wednesday ot friday pumrnllr tlwlih jf i thurtdaya k saturday eacti rnommf at 3 otoek prcdly macphersonfc crane notice the steam boat kingston caw harrison will commence her regular tripi on thuraday next ttio 22d innt brthwa kmpton ami the bead of ihc bay r juintc u follouss up w attos j n kington on tuesday tliundaya and saiurdayt at 9 oclock a m dotfnw t ks leaves the river trent on monday wednesday and fidaa touching at am- herst lofand and the intenucdiate place on her ivay up and down kington hm april li-t- u 1841 new yorivnrdlns linc kla 3d march kh res kia the fitter ec lawrence to a9d from montreal brock vilik kingston am tmc jnteaattmatc rlacet ross mattkee ot co of jwrcol eastonkofccolaacaxtfeikfen with new and improved birge will oe prepared at the opening cf die navigition to giv passage to emi grant and irr r properly of ill det- i ription with inereaaed aafetj and diipatcit of rofra rearfed mow tht tariff print txqfttdfor yttrttpatt the suwriliewfroalhcfacililleawliieh they jwehf and incir determinaiion to do lite bovine intnmcd lo them mtivfactorily trut that iltcy will command and merit a share of pu i sped matthie easton s co jaiifes ross henry easton january i isfl myy steam boat notice the vaftaifr tattcjikon will until further notice pty be- t ween th fullcing port prca- cott kmgtion ogu wellington co- iurg pon hope bond head harbor port darlington whitby toronto hamilton niagara lemrton and queenttoo uewanoa- lave prcaeolt jpftj sunday evening at broevvilje aame evening kinpt- i- isovjoch noon oawego monday night 10 o and on tuedajeall at wellington co- hurg piirt llipe bond head hnrlxir pirl durlington whitby and arrive at toronto on the tame riin leave toronto on wed nesday morning al 7 odnek hamihon at 2 clock afternoon and arrive at niagara qucenaton and lowhitonaame evening downtvahbs leave lewhton and joeenalon every thurmby mnrningaltovioek niagara 4i0 8 oclock toronto on thursday afternoon 2 ovioek calling at whitby port darlington bond head harboor port hope cobourg wel- lmgionand arrive at ouego on friday noon tea vc 0weg in the afternoon and kingflonat toovck on saturday forenoon and arrive at pnracoll the rome eveoing f- all baggage and parrel at the riak of the owner unlet booked at freight sicam boat omce kingrton lolh my 1s41 for sale by the subscribers k boxea ppv jmw 30 bbli canndawhiikej rhatrae commercial bank m d 1votice i hereby given that a divi- x dend of four per cent- on the capi- til stock haaihbday been declared pay able on and after the firt day of juty next at the bank office and agcncicn the transfer pook will be closed on i k- 1 9th june and reopened on thuraday the lat july during which period no stock can be trvnaferred by order of we boon f a harper cathitr kvngfton 25th may icul mwt notice is hereby given that a third and fina dividend of la 2d in the pound on the truateauie of mr archibald mcdonctl laic forwarding nierchant at kingston thia day declared payable on the lat day of june next apply a the office of mr t gianup store aurct opposite the comfoer- od bank kiagrium 15ts rllfi i-i- 9i34i b lank deeds and memorials for ulc alloc chronicled gazette offie for sale or to rent by the subscribers avery valoawc property at beltevule adapted for vmnooa purpoae collins k haines king ton june 26 i ml report of thl directors to the company at the anklal ucctlo 01 tug jhrtlins ftwsutn fmuiual jfirr ensurnnrc tcontpann june lth 1641 the boaro of directors beg leave to report that junng the year june 7lli ls0 to juno 7th 1841 pvamm have iued 30 amtof property insured 3063 0 0 amount imurcd last year 56v37 0 0 0 o 7s3 q 0 total so000 amount of premium note on hand balamx in ijietreasury per latt year rcfon ending dth june lil 153 4 8 trie director beg leave to mnanahf a uxtl for the information of tlc alcrabc of the company a for the inhabitant of the district at large a general statement of the fund and anair ofthe inatttution and to aubrnit the following remark in convenience of tlao eparalion of the county of haungf now the dthct of victoria from the midland district the company have been deprived of a number of insurance of very valuable property but on the other hand they have the rati- faction of mating that the additional intor ancta wbicli have been elected with the company in the town and country nec the veparation have greatly tended to make up the deficiency wluch would otherwtae have appeared they beg further to taie that alfeoaia the cumpnf ir itniaiitrd aumc aerioui kwc hy fire requiring a gaat er call ut the iremiiim ntc than hid been antieipateil the confidenrc of the pub ik in tbo kiabdity and utility of the intlitu- tmn continue unahateil wlf h is no doubt to be atuibutcd to the fact that thoe who have insured in the company aincc it commencement have notwlhrtanding the unfuracen event which hart oerurrcd paid a much 1es rate of premium in a cmra- cjtng length of time than they would e done with any other cimpany for example a ceond cfcj houe inur- nl in any foreign company eannot be per fected for leaa than i per cent aav 1000 for 5 yearn in the mutual pany ueh 5 01 w 0 0 insurance cow an irihuranco can beencrledat therateof 46d per jeioo amounting tn 5 year to the company sustain ed lota dunng the lat dycarsamountingto li 0 30 per rent on pre mium note in tht cue on note 5 13 10 0 leaving a aaving in favour of the mutual inaorance co- of 25 ft 0 the director in conclusion would re- apeeifulty urge upon tio community the neeewity of weighing tlo advantage and aaving which och an intittluon if proper ly conducted mut afford lo the diatrict and to olic it their individual rxertiin in bringing it to the aame degree of prosperity which several of those of other district ex hibit ornciai david john smith q president pin tcronf john r forsyth jomh mow at fom s cabtwriciit jnacph hmlci charlc heath and james williamson david j smith esq treasurer william twice secretary mlors sjtlobs look out for sale at collina haine coni- miajon warehouse oppoaiie arthur foster grocery store n fir rate clinker built copper fastened pleasure boat isieet keel and 5 feet beam adapted either vt roving ox miinj witli sails rigging and spar complete in perfect order and nearly new built last summer by an experi enced builder iniendine purchaser may be accommodated with a boat house if re quired on reasonable terms auo 2 second hand piano fortes of ex cellent tone and in good order price very moderate kingston june 23 18u locz merchant tjllor has received a very superior aort mem of fine and superfine cloiha catavea and tesfinfi imperial axo hiutaur dntlt alo a elcct aort mem of summer trowaerinp kingston june 5 ism wis forwjrljfg 181 the umlcrwgned vrithnew and effi- cknl mcanii have made prepamuon to caitt on the forwjtrpivo busi ness betwixt kinplon pretcott inter mediate placet end montreal ny way of the st lawrejfce under me fret of fekouson mgibbon mostmeau mcibbon l feruuaon kicro- freight of good upward charged alto gether according to weight nrd at rate aa reasonable a thoe of any oibcri in the trade tf ffrfiusx jftfix mibeox monuoai aprj 20t lit j j the latest afrd mot from cmo wjir messrs j ov ft hijiton dircvt from manclie england be acquaint the ptthie frwrally that liaay have wnied the well kf p j occupied hy vrr cotitm 6 yirt lambtuti building aireot and they hopn ly lrct attention vr lojeiivr with other advniages l to merit a continuance of that 1ronnge the late iceuptefseiutycd ltamj r h rvapecifidly mvitc the inspection of rho i kneton and iu vicinity to hv exienuve aort- meat conaisting of vl description of british ilonvfttvrtd ooonv suiiable m theeaon their sfw am been hud w undrt vers- favorable cr timance having been bought for cah i rnc when the markets were vee mucl1 deprecd- ai arc in conflation wwl imc oi the most extensive m eatab osenta in manchester wic of which mr james hutton ha fot iho la wo year been actively engaged wjjj to enumerate the varies article comprised in llteir assortment atatrct it lo aay inat tley will have every aridc uua1ly kfifi m a dry good store j- 5c r h- also off at unprccedenlcil fow prices a large srfc n kem ml de clot iii v sftntalrh for all ages adapted cither summer or lvi it alsn rsi cloth caps j k r ii solicit an eady inspection of tiicir aonm mu feeling confident that qmb ty anilpnee1l boasjcll a to afford llnasf who may fee n with tlveir support everv aiila the motto upon wlrli they intend ww l nf taudl profits osfir refirrsf ond no cvssaf n d me- cotin o haine embrace tins otiportonu of introducing to their for mer custom ike above menuoned gentle men and bedo recommend mem to tieir eapeeial bsh wnj able tonfidtntt w asert that mt ty wwii in the retail business oh love if not itnver than any oilier house tmvn the above mentio0i gentlemen frt tneir very superw sdvan- tage vedl k- enabled to ago ciill cheaper kn a new importyo estibltsumevt ckexnedy co woul eoredfully announce w the inumtanls of kingston and the wrrounding hinirc that they have opened tbo prmisc firmerly occupied by mr jarktonwith a laigc aij well tcltfeted siock of staple faxcy pry goods purchased in the 3rtih marlet on trie ntt aslvmltapnsh pllhvl ond wlnvvi thry are jetrrmml to sell at low price n b tmy waasm particularly inviwthe attention m intending purthar to tlieir tork of cpkf prino r u i i i tueany nth parasol laces ihsvssa dunstable md tuscan rumnel which will be found imcidlcntcd1y imv a eenem awortmctit uf haberdashery and amallwhw klngstrxi kington lih jwi bll- 1w card f mh e iidcthigntd having entered into partiersfiip repeelfully tniotm dtcir friend ami the puuie that their jiifll at- tentton wilfu dtrccled to the furtlkiouco of the interr of thoc who may be phraacd lo eonftdo item to their care aaaueineer or a rent whether ai public salt or by private contract it is their determinaiuu at all time go obtain the val ue of all poverties real or penonal wluch may be cooruiitcd to their charge and im- mciiiately tpon ahj iving effected to hand over the pneeeda arising i herefrom as corrmiasiuo merchants tlscy beg to remind itenuns jiving at a distance thai their intercfu will never suffer hy their be- mg absent and that they are nowprcpre to receive umguroent to any extcut of any dcscniton theweotly sale of horses wrll be con tinued as umal in which thcr hope to be cnrouragrtl gentlemen purchasing of dis posing of flock will do well to inspect heir i tats ofliee tngmrcet next door to the flftfli of the pcoie 1iiomas jones john sherwood doyle kmgjtoi june i 131 183m a farm for sale in me nmghbortiood or kingston th capital of uniied canada the farm is beautifully situated on the bay of quinie eigfn mile from xinptwi contain tour humlrcj acres one hun dred and fifty of which i cleared and un- uvrcultivattou with onesj fenccst tim house uion it ii a large and rom niottious collage with mimcruu apan ineiilsfit fir the a ceo in mo la lion of a rtv iveiahte family in ihc front o which it a crandali sevenly fevt in lengih suflicicnt to protect fiom the most mclcnnl season in the rear uf ihc houe and in front of lint kiichcn i a never failiitg sprmg of water made availabfo by a pump for ttc kmo of eatlle and domestic purposes the oui jloiisci are extensive and com moij tons and the orchard in a good and flourishing con dition there is abundance of water on the farm at all easons h the usq of stock latjesifiepnn- indeed the farm from iti nvhborliond hvalion and proximity to ihc kingston market is dex the paiticular nohco vc inwnding purchaser terms and any other inltirmatinn requi red will he made known ly applying at this ojnee or tu mrs graham f champignon kingston 2ith june l8tl lx for sale at the subscribers auction room i case cartile 200 yd g cord thread in spoofs i case pmaand needle i rfrx ww aatbirn i bale irmvd rtojlen pum carpet- vo pcce white and bed flannel 350 do breached and hnlf ii lea bed can i a 30 do russia duck whisky by the barrel salt do do hoes window gjasn i case tamboured muslm coltansp 6 do needle worked ir i dozen ururels ace jo broad clolha beaver clot h stripe can- toon and variuu other articles which it w needless to enumerale collins f iiaines kingstmi june 26 lg11 tottlt cmiuiken oy uuo ajcatmu aupad throtjqtlovt till worms till ktiljuwlno mkmohjl is ailb mittkd with iaiinnstiissinrs tii r ttuacij and peace mav ck hultirli- ii ti tiiim am tiiiiuium ti hnotvlllhit of gou ollt avljtll eelvoit is 1 1 fs4dttkl trjui ihiltkuvtfi r oi i0chfil ami in hitn wih otv- uiuihi r ht bcsf u kad aid llj uk hr t l cor i ni i2-efaw- ktio tlulthrvhfh ihm uvv are ll sosshmj sfthc mtriirw- ari ctr tii i3adtlisibr uiiioncsril thrj hwt jieee t lhc tutor hpti h l t mutt nd uu ii i lif i uiu j cotunmniir vt rwajayemjlllti j juii chfuusw v oh rt wt 10 u 4 cmnuili dffnlfcj mofassj in uic hiifti tf the rv otcj rtriinrot out br crryihcri uacuac t imxaji uid bft rnua com zit a- u o soi jr4umltrr up fustw mlmim of utt li i tiwj siul f rsvt nndrmj to uf tkttpd of tier uh jrrrst jebotth mij bo 1 tkv v ik- 4 uu n- v 7 fcinj f n m chorfl teuj in prifiitg for 1 sro sftcnrh it nvoum se u rtai uip ot grt m tsrtasas i chrih sinl oiling pevfk mo himsrlf et ir tht ihm teftmjsnf t mw lit katsii thi ft hiw i fvrinvj f tklf uxy hjl ilrnw fvh pif praisr ii jvesm aranssrts joiojof of masvaahtj eph hi ii si winch tss1d find read rsac in ik heart cf ovrr jurist ufcto kim ist it jh tu do e i tundar0r aboo u ihtl e a l or lhv cuning totfishtr uut orucih in vi fcr afi v tuttf in lie cattrca tt cst jrwv iiihfi hfuiout4ml amen i jflwii irsjs in mhr mints fe ae sac of fw torifhif cod i a beui in taemvrltrt svljcu of rscr 2 at bctnj ptcimens of ritt to ourt whthfr stelt or ak 3- a ts i ir jr tuiiivnu hrrhj m aewasb dn out to ihir f lsjifmn ra i li u tim- i ig pn iii loi p bucrrl 7 fctpei of tscir octnc cicj uv ore op- pocuj in ted ouow christ to oral iui ssn on hl- kakcf hod snd 10 il1 triu ujj on bchilf of mm ri y- if t il i l it to ihc btfcr of these futiuznt uist uv u-ii- tiootthj u ofgod is now cilld sn oiscuf sort hohorlik out eon sc eoaebttij uit of tiaj the lords remembrancers its isii 6 tfssnnb vl vilbitistobr fesstdlmt tc to be sold by j1uctioa vtjtss juposvd uf u ffiuir tiiirklj ortae 2thjulf ism rpwo valuahle uuifding luis 23 ft fisl- ae hy ys feel in depth well ajapted for wholesale store situate in the inoi lligiue pan of kfrcslnrfronhnj- broekot opnmite the market dace fur further pav- rieulars apnlv to b scod ell kingston june 30 lttll fj boarding wanted in a rehewi famdy where there are nu children board- nj lor neveral vouiig men of slvady iiaihu who will ncrornmndate lbe to the tuiwtmuvo vy juj i chmti lu oct son wilting to receive them no obseehon to a short distance in the country aittlnms hy letter t lo j c v at he oloe of tin ram kinum jnncjfi ish 103 ssiny tjf4ijvr4xsrctwhei hu i r i lo tfht 1 1 it eoiat i tii hmi jij ii lrsu os ovlioiiiit40d of 4cnvs t tint ure oro jnuustuuvi cf nhofn it i mat nasals vc slid satherto hue c asfjls iptttm nr nsinc john iri 91 il i with ut ssch uf aurrm op rocoitrsuaf ihdrnuift ike spirit of fpr llui this inrmorijl ii li 1 pn t rr o tf ins ocrvrid to tome ehrtft ion in gbsjas ihot thi osjtct roiht kie grcolly t iii m t netsli rxl sllot4l my ihe scsee of aasssl o wnk durir sthh i portion of 1bh thnustf w set partocsy monvn j i- ty sll ho in tscvx plv cnl dsjn iaw nsfox of jnsh ctvti or tsrty vjth ihoir snd ourt to bv sociit n fsaser for ihcuc 00cu vhrrcikilh lls filorj sundi s- eilj sfsxioud ahd uhkbihshvd thnfflx bv dnr u thr bcorts of hss fooplr ccvorts fur pooler kite olrodr won trird on umiud triu o4 utit cst kawuu be an rr courspwi tvinobo i rv ompohjie ttton m ihi hoc for ok odiabcciocnt of u ltodctmir luwnnsa tlh ihrrc frdfi yrutfons of uc lords oror- lljllotttijbc ihy nomctay kivfcso cos mi be dr on rortji os it is in fc n m uvy urc idlr jr in ihcir inyort oo usiy ouht r thr inoovi owl the suuuncr of the cn frvsmtrd by ihc people of jwd n cokervi jl is urtyoxiblo to jie u in nssw cf ihj kinil jrsjswat beyood ft h in rerd to uv tub- vt iriih tthicfa ok glory of jcbosh nomc may bv foutidirod i more cspeeislty councetcd the pjqssrsss owuuc i suioituo kssrlaf it lo cods popli 1t uv help of ihr word and the soit f gfc to til it up snd ciilirge th p cf ucsi bcil i arr in suj noik of puthb ttjrf rccjuirc to of lbs j w l j f t t ond uni j 0 rcithuvmrorgrict usjlfsmossj und r to bsr tht bcautf obiurvct ui imdsancu or rre id ptftimu the doion of uvr cbocb osov b util thr should infill lorusus mvu ls e am hmjct oris hi nn housr oj he j uv tmp i jtsussatsji and ptrrr it of ubitsmoir olrmrtr to him john si is 10 tvr llaw d ifr hit be rnirs a s refiner aot purser i iticwfhjrifpjr uk nms of lei sod as uvs s44oitd tlrcrihsioirt a ssssf lussslssl lod shfttftrsortn rihtcouirvof mol issw i ihrv nsr kaok how to tpmtr n ibo prcooy iftauvnlr i thoislj br ihr pra v is o nlu- jftmimp to li ctoctrinr oesjsip di ef4nr and osmit of ihr churrh mat b brought is b noiivoa otcordsnu sriih tba worj of cos monr chrisusas indord our be at a bsm tosarhil is uso precise stncaisrsj asodd in all thr rvwtus hot thy esoocsorso rremf in pcaj misssj ul mi of cod ffty be sdosscontasl o ihit throosaout uv srboh cbweb ib form of lb hwe anil ihe fasbion ibereof aod ust rouirsovl usssioc sad ov cminesin uvreof ml all as ftffmf uttroof sd m the oidiniicrj i- t r iik all uv feemt uvrcof and all utr laav ukercof oaav it both dsusstilf anoiss aad eanrftui errk aiiii ii qooitjooo erf at r hue bsssjasltsi ibot of ooouovcrsj umrs a eau of prrseemooji aaosof tvoumitnot t srtb whik la try uvrbwt- unid prayer u ustun to unuboartr m rotrd v- lansal tbe oni i ii ofgsd is tb tnea sm in loio ii o jfim ssesns of ssanircstiot dm at icsssar4 forjjobntssi 3 sad ovrofore tmjit to be bthlj prlsol and ashnanl j tsssw by avms the rresl fnlrecosor btmoovams u use oon sa- ssr set u aa eisasak ofprijiof coribsa obje j f4c are ultw t less 1 prtasms j t otithfir tuanl thb uhscuiukk ylfi ii infniin his fiirml tnj the fullic tsii lie will ooeo on tunj y nrst the new ahj in tltocbsltecl tint coor to mr john coys witi a etncral and aery snnrrior assortment of lotbtiy gthltemojfti vt rsrums tkoit which he osier foe sjic it irimwahlr orits the nhove good htm been m4lc in bh fut lre under hit own uopection exnrcai ly fortbu mrket the ursdrnined has mo hiiiilisa in saying that they are uje rior in roiitt tothofotiotettst and woilmamhip to asjjf of their kind evei before olteied in kingston a quantity of excellent leather au of va- liouabindi ha hern imported with lu assawp upon whir b tuperior workmen aie cnaed there hv enablinj him to make to ortlei any ar ticle in his line a ahiue of ouhlic patronage it reaprelfutjr aolirried william gibson kington june 26 ichl u3j wotice tlw lndersgnei havn heeofjoly ippoimid curator so te vacant eatc and succesion tf ihtf lam kobert simpson esquire in ul life iinw forasrriy 0 tbocily of montreal and lately omu city v theproyrnre oft anada merehant all pciaona bnvbttd to tlic said baltics arc required to maktf i medtaioiiaimenl to him at the olfico of oeorcc rlirmtftcts st pant slrtit vmrwj nudall person having claim ll said esutc are fetiuested lo prsjtent th account dy atteoted oi ihe hoc lynni the atmidon starch islas failory ko- i warranted emial to the bet mmlon aiarch fur vale by kingston joseph fthjunc is1i illl i00x t nm ptv cixt fsefkekiinas- r- 1ik sulrocrjier hq iusl rereiveo a siinirleuf english perfume- rittnlvt soans cmtibs ivory and sjieil ite ke- all ortvhkh liavinj vevn purrha sed ftom ome ofthe fioi houses in london are ttinfidently rccotnmended a of a very superior description- j w brent drugzisf kingstreet kinon june to 1i i03z removal armstrong greer have removed to their new premises adjoining the mansion house hotel in store sioaei next door to mesa juhn wntkino st co where thev arc notv peon- inenn entire new stock of staple a ivv dry coft3 groceries txcs uqrolcs e c- ut wlsich ll shtu mvitn pomc alution k v 2 144 1 ci tct thtsr case nmtte ibjt described soa i it t made e krxsrr of uvt rjk j nli but nuoo oao tnjd hsic 1 not kept earnest prijer asssu ustrrroec aw nsde by esch belietec for him tclf iklt he isa urotj ii sjct aird in uv loo trde f otif lord and svhivur jvitft ctifttm v r u ii eli uihkt immu r trie 11 othir bc- iktiu now oh ihr eartt thai isty in hfcessrner mat w rpblks of cuiil sj cer tii fr sdomm ihr doctrine of uod oor ssttvue i all uiir to ii 10 nd htun their fata sj bite kfvrv mn ihtl d hnvir col troi may jlorilv w isintr m lit aiet mau t6 tlu is a ponii of j haasirfsasan fjf chrbtbos an the jlt ofllic cattb mstt s 13 ihr llfl otuiorsd tj 1 1 il t jo tbliiilfol frik asj sqssv lo i fifrt rlifla of uv rrwncd itfjt qi asv hf rrn mejntrv i- piot llk j stx fpbvlu ii lj rhilnp 37 lnllksui 1 3 col t 91 ice te li i morecrtit a caw- tajtucd diy eph it is 3rd uvrrforc mr i no stroiii be ttuetfd nor i h neidfid iht w vu inn ia fuft iiitisnrr bo and uhcre tn ssask oftiwd arrj for hrskur e kskovuvmttf tj tlie 10d irtouctli ok r ovl are huil tim- tf paul tjili u i tut he bsd real eonlkct evii for uvin si tvloe ud laotlteia thattui not seen hvftccshibv fldli cii it- i tto sreasin fvsl 4 jtler or ynejiry and nefprssiub tn ituat in tchhtesoti kiih the mfcrouhm cfu u stvrfr lorr uhcnfore ne oolit nrrui croktomikc uv rrr of uto aptla oorohntu rtrd la one iith w tlsrtm i it l2tvc way iaforyou ibai oor cod would esssd jou orhy of this eallsm il fulfil the ood fleas- ureofhss oodjie nd dai at of faith wra h lord jntu christ nay be floritkd m tos ard yt in hnn sceordjr to uv tn of our god snd uv lord jcaaa cbrut- h cvwtsaits shovld pray for tbotc soh ntum taey jla4 iinacdiatel s3ajb0u it funiurs and kmjrj tliat uv susrit of uv lord auy be noured tot ut upon lht out ao uiosc hj are b toueertrd smonj thfw may w 0scrled snd itmic 0 are alrcsd in orisl may be cmirjsoeh do mcte stork initrueuop and jwsvmmenw be- 1 an ordinance of god hu seork oahlu unite iiipesyer tint it may eief jbcrc dc obsorred sod btcsved ao a ipsmal mean of ssuinumiri estend- in- taaocnce of true nliioa jefkti 1 j ratusm it 19 gen si it coop- heb 7 ps si4t thai ii most rc- pmjrvrjl ifjjhi sisth nbwh da old tcsiissero cros the heart at uv fahrrs alunbeiumed lotheetiivlrt and uv heart of ihr ehrtdreii to uvir fuvskj ajitsgod i csjb and smltr list raeih it li j istk- j paasjo ahkli atusovnhttrred in uit form orproptmxy smaj yet be eoncrted at lh ihc0e otx into a peovoisc v cvittjnp nherrscr tly are wfao eaeb inebresof uv cdflaiotisrrattn or bstassm fjmjy larr cmai to pros ibr thov to srlssssj llicy thai iutj riisuil j t ahori ay the apostte that hfu of all mctiiejuon prater pilrrast0sv4 and j rnrn fr b ivjof thinks be made fbr ju bxs tor kjw otd jtrf all ut are iit authorit that we may tcaj n i and pcoceabte life in 1 k1kxss andhcriy tot ihif if ooj snd aectptabte m tlie sirhi of iwl our suits 1st tun il 13 it as very re nurfkas ot uu hesd to observe thaler whra j tariird aoiwv to bbjos uvy err ejquswtkd jer sail 7 to sax ihe ncccoflhc ity whither they srtro etrrscd eaptir od to pray i to m lord for it- cksd rosrmescnt it an on i nanre of god and u to be honourrd as suck rom if 17 and socssr it i etprtsly peedie oa tfut the kingdoms of oj ncrsi thill uforoc the 1 liiiddossofotsr lord and of hit chrui kv ai is sndihit mduhrs tull isvass osa is savsi v5 lx inland thit trv elan ujptndfgi ite of kveei liuaskni4rtac cfnuxa i th racrvd diy cf jt uh s ltjplf tjlsl of lt rsor ssisvhiwtsj lot osrnssst bs pfuvjr ir itii m uv fnhty a4 uahy of uv churr il wold w uvir urjvnt jsci at uv throno ofrrorf lhit thi ord imst sdj iuty to uw church twrrrsj tnch ossajll be saird acta il 47 and out uv rtril chorrb- of tbrtfl tavouitwul u wilkiotin ihr fearof uv lrfrd snd in ttx of m- floly oim oat be mutupcasd aetsis- j for lht end uic peomih thould bt fidft r sfbicroiji to be brio srovstsd out the i poured out ihroujh jtui chrbt lo rrsidtr lb jrdaux4s ovibe gosprl ca ctisal oot only forth vdicesiioa of khtsers but for uv eoorentoo of suner yj c tao3 stir up ourselte and one abothrto such pilrhof rametict ia ukli matter lhit id jaci restbjk the aort of tt csitaaft we jsai rrfosc to let bun rosscepl lless u ceiu laiii- sis sod tsniibf vtarbbsl scenes sit hsse warrant v ii sial sl y we sh jl pvt ibo msurr 10 a srhrtbrr ui ixrd will lx indredopeb uv srindows of brstm iid pour u out btoiinj uvt user icuuaeabo room rootsib u feeeite it closely cotmce with ous subrrt ii uv s o of jf i for uv srork of uv sstsuko ltiied peaur should be nad by uv paj of cod that as uv fruit of christ t draus aod reou nxtioti this intrtaot aft auy so bestowed ilv chdrch so as ikit usr benefit of cotpcl ram- istrj may li tspeicrx4 to uv full ttieot deslrt 4 both bv ihe moer sbvtiduht ocuatss of the tfolr rplit oct those already in ua esioistry and ov in cnasottptf kr offsttim arddcrovd unsavtts in ih ldi rssrrardes epk re 716 a- vh iotaloabie ca baa born porcnase4co at la ut piortned to be orstowctl jer iii i i aod a it i hr4imitd so ptr ia reomiadrd lo be astdii f il matlia att there aall s he il unites i on behalf of i ht who ore now rofacd ic n to uv will of lod u prcacbuur uv aqfrehabi riches of cm whthrr sssssssj jeiesor jsssassj usjt thry may so eomfrtrd amdst all tastr crbl name ami uiil imbeo f be ipredily h greatly toultiplad aa to correpdod in tow i with ile beeadlh ef ihsl c oauni art a ix gsotmtslltbc wcfld sad petoch to c 1 to hr errjlure 1 1 syceisl pyr shovtd ts msdc by si cst tiifs fvr the ce4irriioo of cods sarvat yeoplr ov most mnshsbl esesa srhtrii bur take pla utu ihe eomuf or cbr j tl is la be bit froi the dsd u the oftbc iiortd- sort- si li- i jl be o sf ik of esujoeriry v uv inline lor cu- jts j of uvicsii cm uourio of us- uivsk spirit eoeap itoco n it lj it 21 j efalb sss unporathl- lmlta sss tf dccpil foe pitona1 doinclst snd nsttottal zeek lit iu 1 1 v i of hslv sfvituil ryoktor sud ilunkslf j e 0k mott est at4 kicvd isa ail eocnsred with iv ii fbe nhok eireunuunces coaoeeted wtui uv rrtorjuon of israel will be such as us arrest ui mtentioq of urf loseonrrrted notdoo erct nn ptataij mt uvfby to magnify the wcud of cod in the etos of ssislind tb pronusis relauv to tbu rrest rsnl an s cdiei os lo adord the ssost sobd and th utaiot eaeoura toprsicr thus tt is writ- v bora ii fbdlmt usvaeaorej ap has isl y uvessldrro of isrsej sftiu abid skswy dun ttmsut a lussj fce aftrrwftrd sao the i cf lul rhufa mod sorfc uv lord thetr cod and david their i aod tear tba lord aod bj xa u uk iftitcr dsys amh ia h cswssly proesvetl 2d cor an is 17 that ovssl hxh eooceah chril frw uvoa aj or utm siry by uv lrd y spirit a proobsr ecsro sondvg with z- aft 10 it bearoasaly uj h desired out ail chruaian uv world wete itirrrd up 10 plead uvse and uv tse prtftstkvs ft seeos to br leudfsf ckaia why rorrey u br uifi on uv it that through ml r snsy be estcvdvd ta tba jewrcm si il aod is faith romeih by lioarvt rotn s 17 tnero osiht m a scfy partieuur manner to be unstrd prayer absmi gr vul- onwi ikit asro may bi rawrd ou aul ent fvrth by the churrhcs who like erckscl shall pfopbtey to uvdrybonc that thry nay tisr- ssasu l ii 12- vil along i lrael mfsf shoutd be mad fo ihc outevue- ofth- spsrrt oo all desk jod nr for uif drutction of vnlschriit 2d ttvtso il s iut saa- i for ihr tltf avauuon of sdotsuvj zctii its u l1oruv uoirer ssl encvuvosj ef ssunaltti aod he diffusion 17 ls viil strctchar- bcyoesd all uvar at rnui cvncctrd vttlh uv idy of uv i jirr day bebever should tocsi forward to th kmplon of slwry tuejf and pry for c oouunx cf ihaldsy nheji chruf shall be itsrjjediiiflamuelre tiling tcj on lawm thai ajfl not cod aid obey uot uv gat- sl and whett re sau be ui ho saau and aetnrcl in all uvm ual bese j 73 i 7 l o it nail u ihtsj sad sat till i thai uv dv suk eliaraeur td gostrnsre it ahalt bo f i f rl il ilv issssssssftsstassssssi b- sd 1st cor ir 21 2 vv aaibnr f the ckr euopktcd and lher o j i a el u ili r vrmrdaod s with hioatclf rosn tmi 33 ml ui j mrwc w bk ranuiti sn rct aa i of tbo gosoel sodiu lsa la 3 7 ps ttfl li finamr pjvebtks u ii l cenciratd fr ihc jinclriisntl rreuno i le mm- frr aullhikneatja heirs si ittbeeln sit ju- irrs i r ja r aiirrvrit rhoull ofni to t c ea- f acel cstnlilftu hvd jot bo thou la a fv cr f wis tf v ftksyffrrtd pti trofiufrireb rjcr i r a irt rf mli lamrsn ttdf t upou pilutairsof mpjtib