this cmhcn cn be oazltte iv lug j rtfaiwsl kmh mvfaly mf m ttnfitk hlmrrfr0 ll ivhuiiiu n tin omc k comnmi vr amu imtftk ptkutj klnoktoh anaua on tiu artcakoonm of wednesday saturday ftmf turmrv siiiluxes nwatmm chronicle alette and kingston commercial advertiser chbomcle gazette jtatiohert wabehoust coajite 07 eim ad frftocv atajtlt umi7 cauba wbert it kept ccnrtintlj n aimi srety 4ff u nation of writing papem from supsr royal to note- and every artkls in the stationery line at0 blank book 5 school booh v ft of all jumt amd mil kviiky description of letter prcis printing matly and most l jfcol t igvslv kxaxutltd at thl cliltomcfx gazettk orricki and on ukajosmdle tltrms nee bog n i utroqno vol xxiii kingston canaba saturday august 7 1841 no ii in all its branches carried on tt the abort es tablishment a superior balio macbloe u in fall operation by which blank fiooks can be nried to any prntttm and in a style inferior to nooo 77i combination of printing office book bindery and stationery warehouse in t ha establishment git it a dtcidtd superiority in poirtf of accommo dation and despatch chronicle gazette office kngslon april 2 1841 dkitish and royal m al north american l steamships of iflso ions buithrii and 410 hoth power nil r contra t trifa me lords of the admiralty acadia commanded by e c milixb bhitaskia h b clclad clitdoyia columbia c h- jows will wit from boston and lircrfool call ing at halifax a follows 1841 fr boston fr halifax fr uryf columbia match 1st march 3d caledonia britannia march 16th march acadia caledonia april 1st lth columbia acadia april hlli britannia columbia may 1st caledonia britannia may 16th acadia caledonia june 1st columbia acadia june 16th britannia columbia july 1st caledonia britannia july 17ch acadia cltfdfrnia aurum 1st april 3d april 19th may m may isih june 3d june 18th july 3d july ulh august 3d match 4th match 19th april 4tb april 20lh may 4lh may 19th june 4lh june 19th july 4th july 20th annsl4tb acadi auuil itiiuaiijiasl ichi britannia august 10ih passac money jc25 sterling from halifax to liverpool from uniion to lireipool 125 fioin iuifat to iloilon 20 these ships carry experienced surgeons the untemn plies bctwern piclou and qurbrc in connection tvillt halifax s ccnakd k co halifax g bsymes quebec 74 s s lewis boston notice the steam boat kingston capt harrison will commence her regular trips on thursday ntxi the 22d inat between kingston and the head of the bay of quintc as follows upw ards leaves kingston on tuesdays thursdays and saturdays at 9 oclock a m down w ards leaves the river trent on mondays wednesdays and fridays touching at am herst island and the intermediate places on her way up and down kingston 2lt april 181 8iz 1841 new porwardin vtb the line royal mail steamers lake ontario and hirer st- lawrence and fri- i r n fhhk public ore informed thai the w- h lowing arc the arrangements for this season lake ontario- between kingston and toronto steorce capt siitherhrid city of to ronto capt dick from kingston at half past 7 oyick k evening sunday and thurstby the st george at 8 oclock etning tuesday dav the aiagorn at s ovick evening wedmtd 5aiunlay city of toronto na mv at twnto hw next day the above steanivrs await lire arrival of ihe montreal mail at kindlon from torokto at 12 ocikk noon monday and thnrsday the mtgart ai 12 oclock non tnenby and friday the chif of totonto at 19 uvlock soon wednesday ami satur day the si georgia and arrive al kingtmi rady next morning the above hats call al cobourg and port 1 each way and the u city of toronto will leave toronto fn kragara mil lewision even mrnday morning at s ovlock and return to toronto in the aficrnucm river st lawrence bctxceen kingston dirkinsons landing brockville capt maxwell foro kinpion at 9 nylock morning sun day wcdnctulay and fndoy fftm dkinni landing at ovwk morning or on the arrival of the mail from montreal tuesday thursday and sattir av h glldersleeve capt bowen from kingston aloclock morning tues day tliuriday oihl saturday from dickinsons landing al 4 oclock morning or n itie arrival of the mail from montreal wednesday friday and sunday from arrangements which have been made with ihe upper canada stage and steam boat company of montreal passcn- rs heluen montreal and kington arrive river st lawrence to an i from montreal brockvjllk kingston and the iktsreoute puobti ross matthie co at yfontreat eastonkossco ot bndcvillcfy kingston mjh 1th new and improved bargra ttw wipiwpnspaicd t ih opaniu oi the navigation to give passage to emi grants and to iranaport property of all des criptions tvith increased safety and dispatch freight upwards charged for by weight at rates reduced below the tariff prices exacted for years past the subscribers from the facilities which tliey possess and their deiermi natron to do the business intrusted to them satisfactorily lrut that ihey will command and merit a tohnrc of public support signed matthie easton st co james ross henry easton january 1 1811 53yy steam boat notice moffats vegetable life medicoes- then mftkifnt tail kculik tcttoa in pjrifjipf ilic ipu 0j filing st ofje t ihl cantlatltor ihtm uiia itccucd tor nd vigour ta minv luiidrtf rdlkd cfttn wkitli hve bf0 biftttf pcmk m 40 lltnott r imfka f dihr c ivlmli be bunun fim 11 htb t the effecu cf i hlr r s ffcrnii v bite t- r rr ly t puwil ckoovsfj i hr pmo jguti ad wbo w plcviotuly xiamtilrt wn lw brtuli ruily dbitcioplicl pfncipk apofi wfeiek wtj re om pomivlil na upco wkft lhj coaiuatfj kf tftf lik mtdjoim irfvmmev4 twtvn iriivtmi r mi jtnpui their am opcnuoi i loftoottfa friwtbmurutf iumnachdi town tbr vifiofli imtiriijn ml crudtun toaiuftuy mtdlaf rovad tlica f to nni ri ii 1 i l tot- tijw 1 pnit1t hnt ihm iiuj kut tucb olttoj ftvin txlainl a to pnibm umqai coiiivc dc wiia u iu lrin of vvtli 01 awsilrn drrla with iu immincai dieim tail nici m wu vmvvc io am rtflu ii mi whoriicmni tht- uvmso totltaf- cr death kbj bfu the ptcjuiku of ilot upufou- d cxn knsi ock umjicioc or icotiftt prt- pmrd srl diiin ifer public by ftomnt ptfrrtk th ftttonil iffret of uic life modicinci n to cknt ihv li lr 4nj bfi icr and by tin atom ibv i ci 4 ilie ruoi tl4pcdtqp o tac frjuurjlj of thr uitihri orfout kc blood whkh lkca iu hi colour from tbo cnyofthe iio ind lie lub hrfe it pmift into the ejl twin pun tied by then nr nonriblinj bj food contflg from clean toeach courtc freely through tfc vctui rmeivj ve ry prr mm rin tnunif4ifttih tmobqu the bms nci ftfinniir in the mootnif i mo7fi vtjcuble life mrukiue hire been tho- loufhly luted id pcooouimgi tovcmja rrraj for dytpeptj flntuknc pjftiitio of the hft of pelitea3itolii nj m ir- 711111 i ill tra per aqiiciy bniiir nd mcuuchoiy eoiutew diitrrhtfi ehoki fcetpof all hmu trn iith naj ouu mpioii ruimy ultm ore 1 aeofbutic empttoa tn4 bl co rheum cripclu cud won cold ftuil itirtupti nn noui vter cowplatnu plm nfflici the bumaa fnunr lfevcrll axuetlreubitly the life mtlic irt fcntc beo mouemjotitj muttuftit tonuei uittmuie riirir ii m4lm yltln lmot uiitvefftlly peeicrtv ilit mofffcti mrdtcal mnxt1 ifeiinrd pi dooif- i- ift thr hllk mmfuft cdittd by w 8 wojijli ffoadaaynew vorhliai wea pjbtuhed ror the fmirpm of tlpuug raoir lkwthf ktii ibeoo of jnefcrt oitj iviu be found bifmj iu- ureitini topritoih rkir beuh u lrvit tbc i 1 t k nv ihe ckutct lticriqf price j tt wortm luvrteiale riom trit ivb- pr price i ctnii the ceshngh w captain patterso ill until further notice ply be tween the foltowrng porta pro- colt kinpton ojwego wellington co- hurg port hope bond head harhor port darlington whitby toronto hamilton niagara lcwijton and qtieenston upwahos lavea prescntt every sunday evening at 6 oclock brockville same evening kingston monilay 12 oclock noon f mii monday night 10 ovlock and on tncday call at wellington co- bott port hope boml head harbor port darlington whitby and arrive at toronto on the game night leave toronto onwed- ncday mornings at 7 oclock hamilton at 2 oclock afternoon and amrtr at kiagara queenstoo and lewiatonwme evening downwards leaves lewiston and quecrrston every tlirjraday morning al 7 ovlock niagara do 8 oclock toronto on thursday afternoon 2 oclock calling al whitby port darlington bond head harbour port hope cobourg wei lingtonand arrive al oawego on friday noon leave oatvego in the afternoon and kingston at 10 oclock on saturday forenoon and arrive at prescott the frame evening r all baggage and parcels al the risk of the owners unless booked aa freight steam boal office kingston 10th may 1s41 new importing establishment for tfde bv mr myffii fit ffftmhv yf llfclj 4 imlglajudx va dtfifi4 vttf of n ret irenrice aur uiutfrwgt e mr4iriii krmt fmrai nnt wtttm iee jjrf f via ni amrf fdr nj cfhn sfjftneryvhk r j r kinrtn arir doctor javses family vflolcots tlictc mcdtfinr nre ree omraended ml ctcntitty wed by the iti n i pnom m the untud suie by nunieroui prprritoi mnl pfttfmiu of cmjuli thju- ciftnt of ue ar and svy nnd ob kotpiuli joj atai- hoiirt fcnd lry u ibatt three burlrd clervaen of eno ddiominithooi tbey nre eiptenty prepared tor umtly e and hnte ifi up ittoamm popituniy iiuxhoiii the vmted sutett and ibey ate admirably ukulatid ta pre ktve hcalta awl eoie bente ofjndj attould evt be wicioyt them the ftoanetor of lho valuame prep4rai4cn received mt iji nun at on rf the i k j collret in the vriwd siuit i u j ha ta rifleen trt eapecirncv in a eitrraire a 1 divceaocd i by which he mu lud ample opportanttc of hjhiu a pmetkat kaowujt ordiaraica nfuk rcokdic bat i to re ji r them tbtve vtrnerirht fout nf jaye9 xrctorakt ealuaue remedy for couch colda comumnuonfuinwa ijuibdj of blooj i roup ftoiir linmatui plcuetay and todim- nation of the i ot imcat mt ultj u iffwurfprfi and all diboaet of he rtlmnary orao ptierlll ataowaywfc hair romcfor the preaeration ftouonnd bauty of lae hur and which well pen iv bnnj i rjtoet rw i bald bo j frio id pioet iu fithnr vermlflok ft pleiatdi laft in for ihr naut al ul vuh jaynr3 tvnic vcrmltuae a lcai and ceriom pre panttoo feir irr n al of woeui pepii awe atoranh ferer nod mr nt of npiktik aod nddiiemk of diltr rjpccially of the ttoainch anl linvi m j r i i f i m fn jaync scar minativk hal sam a tenet curefot trtfwetand tiioraercipujlti r rti dyvft um cludictrrafvpa tick heaoarhraour tooicb ehoe fimci and all derapfeiaent nf the ttooiach and bowih nenott aaeeuoai h fric 60 cu javncs sanative rims tor frme diaa i i rr v eoetivrora eftvct amttliaaf ob- itruetoo dtveami or the akm te in all eae wbeke aaftnomted alternative oe furfatuc uedkioe ii rutrrd flk 4 eta r- -mv- r by or o javnk no so south 3d rlreetraiuddpva ni cnay be h f e m ituff general aenl vaatv haihor and w mackmiobh chtoniik v qatcttc ortke kittpton canada mrdietnc ia i grr on alvrnnon ot the at imm places bcrond dav the above boal call at gannnoquc brockville maitland prearott ogdcnshurh matilda and wiuisimshtirgh each way baggage and parrels tit the mfr of the owner unless booked and settled for as freight lake and river steam boal ohw kingaion lrf may 181 steam boat c kennbdy co would rerectfuly announce to the inhabitants of kingston and the surrounding country that they have now opened the premrsfca formerly occupied by mr jackson with a urge ard well selected stock of staple fancy dry goods purchased in the british markets on the most advantageous terms and which they are determined to sell at low prices n b they would particularly invite ihe attention of intending purchasers to their stock of cloths prints mouslrndelainee tuscany cloths parasols lace devon dunstable and tuscan bonnets which will be found unprecedentedly low a general assortment of haberdashery and smallware king street kingston 18th june j84 102z ntlj rlfattnc dmt of the mo ftitoft bin nod nondrtful tum thtit have ever been hewvrn all ko have ree oarditfur atinta coirh spitttrc f h ii cnrfa ctoup nr llin colump tmft chrome riem t honraenoa prnn njotci ofucheratt ditticully of vtriln and cvrij olscr dikftae of tbc lvnta and hrrmt caa and itp otu1 to in oitfolhraa broiichitie a dmtave which la annually aweep4 thoueaoda upon thousand to a pnrbaikiic ve oihfrr the jnmavcn ilh of eotittinpla im al cuied by m theuiual amptotn 01 tm dif broncwmaare coojhjaorrno of theludfi or thfot boofacachjdiflfculiy ot heathtn atthai h- clic petar aptming vp of pllrfli or rtalle nod onjrtiuea blood itiaan tnsamnutivfioftheilneaaifl whkliliaea them rdeof the laml of the wifcl luhva o nti fiuu hhkb mm throunef sft ofthelunr thu ctpcctorant lmoiesjutely rptruee tbe eoufb pnn inttamatind forr and ifuriilty nf bratlh arad producer ft f tee and taa eiptorbltoft at near laaoon tflu led it hltvaxa tvrta athnft two ot three larfcdoari wu ewre tlie croup or hivrt of m in frwir ia min tea to an hour a tune it uoeue4iaietv ldbjura the i lolence of whoopi couh nn- ikiv oapvolf rure hundred wnobaie been xeo op by tbeit phtifiaai iocurlilo with com iep lion hae heo rdiorrd to perfect healtb by it ftt jonathan oomfi d v rrciident nf 0fnjle crtlvf ohio ay he a labonrinj jji r a irvn eo cuoh aod boineac rl tbal ala htloltrof birathirc wai ot that be felt liiinaeir in tmitunent hansel ntalafftlalff auxkattoo butna ptrvetly rund bv thieawm dilkv of salms k j wat cured of aathna of tveentr tai h 1 by uaift twoutiltoflhtmelcifte mra waul alio of olrrdn w eurdof the aanw complaint by nop rxttiie a ouft iki ab 3 ill l wm be- beved by bee fiieod to bi fr nne iyjui cuntumption tena prtrectly reiotl by ibree botthra or hamil- ton of st jinn soutlt carowri wm eeth atfcctio by a roufb boaraenna aod anrrn of iv wdi on umer a bottle of thu medinnrt fouad pejiuirht rc- therihowitrertlirieatria from a piacuun rhyai- cian and a much respected ilrrsinian of the mdomi societxi f mtntii vein n vn aufuit 21 issh dr jhyne ocftr sit bavc we uaha your hi pre itirnot citr4mvly in my prnctierfor ihe iiat tnrae roootfti and foe ml aiteckeof otd irlammauvtt of the ttinet coiouaxptton ultima noin and wrakftr of the bleu tt ii decidedly the bet nieurne i haveeter tried vey rc-peeifuhi- nra ii w williams m d konkroua otner cevilscntt miht be added t hut the boee are caftdrrrd autjkicjit eiijence of ita treat ur- fhjlnra rieparrd only by dr d jayoe a south third 6tree rhiio1phi riiee si kfk by m lltkf funeral afiot saewef harior and bv wm mackintosh cbtomek bv cnitte ofliee xtniton canada mtjtffats lifb ml 1t tersthe islmij ls and rracroc bit- uneetai sm trr xciet afliacmc h the uh lanolonee me of mof at i gj 7ptriic ya aaa tier ofdwtt a woie dunnjf ihe preset moai ftj moltl wture the fiatitiil coac io ttw waowkdje or v esjit er by th rbbuollppeanao etf f tu ysbffl tj sm tyad u hope rmt luiitt eifht or con by their mr aource of ere hen eoafur i rthe la such b mr mmi impire fcl re a ntu hia fcuowcitiken the lux me01cin prepaiauon tnejo tiop nod ot ute aane sri tbe mereiiofta oftle pfj movi httmora and me blood vor tbn ratc fa t tbe life mediei tpacc of tiom than andaru inflammatory deicnplion ski hefth ibc beaith vnna ta lb t petite and in every diev ihi blood adiordtrrd tit v rrcatly uprrrr to nty all mr moffnt a f in ukmr ihe aulcdy it not by a utwtpapwr nf if may aay id erinw jim uae et t dk4ieno to rt m veoetabll jaad pteatut jn ther operft bujb ei6c immbv n- rylb off nil at n mo or witbftndpifjina tbe liavnid v of utapcp viliie rhef in a horter ft peticnption la kcvti bcumattno fereea of eery hitrubarti ouiiaeaa lit l1 klttuleocynna4iie1ai nnnl from n impurity of or the toatavh tbe s of protcfl to be beyond daubl mode of iriatmeol patient ti to he partntjlar idibxiothe diiettoitt it lie of by anything that he addivtli umt hehofxato rain r ultt oft fatr trial iv ihe tv aod pro rjiftitd a- a do ratoitoaalr lifemedoi wu fut fv coll or acad to mr m n m p rtiica cojioftb medr- meatjc ooitfc to hthi wnl vitll theia rind eutcta v eonorornvr i caac for eue aad uehi otin 3edtat nirvc iaaffjsaiwiaxawiafa xmitto bit 31j sioaj- hoonra couim ex rkctorant t- iout eieeptiom the mot t lalnabwpfcpaiatronruv- lieoutetu hfwftiaf coii nnd ahoiteni iti dum- uin more uan ooe tuf g rrodore a certaih m pecil teeoverr rroailfilito oneira tpoooful y ceitamly cure crom l i ctumua in hiraobour lobh jure hr bnatfieih of cml- rfrcii willbratfij anal a fcepf ealrfor cver mwy t y- ioih 3rj tuevi rhij triai awl abo by w mara bjd wqub worms woiim3 yf w atomacbtod ho wb ofteo impair the hnw aattroy ibc of mm uac f yxm tomc verirtv peepatatioai for le reroal cf urf af ndaof worwi djapep- aamir stomaeh ant apflwtiie tafantitr r rvcr nd aeyr aaodeaiiuy of iwtlnad lbjfrfaani orjana koraale bj wm m chronicle k caictia odlee kibttoft caaftj t tnu transport atwn to and from newyork b4 the lake and river line via oswego without stp or transfer at albany his line i omposed of first cla lake bojs travelling day and night performing ihirvoybgca with the ut most regularity preona shipping by th lin may rest afford that nu pains will be spared io furtvdfd ill property wih the greatest despatch ai steam boats will be employed when prtable hi all casea for goods dtined to wits on lake on- rio a sufficient numbr of vessels arc con nected tvith this lin to ensure a speedy transmission of gtods to the upper lakes and the agert at cleveland will be prepared to give ever facility in ihe for warding of mcrchaitlizc destined for the ohio canal cha1les smyth jft lp smyth 119 briail street n y c demitutig si c crtmortrtttw s liefertnees charles smyth nathaniel davis william buckle- smvth merrick n co a b allen c j mcdumd cog3nanoque j cameron toronto j fleeharty ch huron o- tharnc aven w h w durnfordico o p- siarkey fo white hooker sanderson moray hugh calder j mittleberer tco ilo r sc bolt agts government nollec sealed tenders will be received al the commissariat otece kingson m d until noon on wednesday the 25th day of august next from any person or persons desirous of entering into contracts fur sup plying her majestys forces ai prcsque irfe wiili bread fresh beef fuel wood and straw tor bahhack bed- imnta for one year from 1st october 181 to 3chh september 1842 the tenders to express the rate in cur rency in words at length for which eaci supply will be furnished viz bread at currency per lb fresh beef at fuel wood at per cord of 128 fl b peundleof2lb the bread to befresh sweet and good manufactured from fine flourand baked in 4 and 2 lbs loaves the fresh beef to be of the best quality ox or heifer and no other heads feet andoflal excluded but no suet with drawn to be cut upn pieces in a clean workmanlike manner fuel wood lo consist of equal pro portions nfcound merchantable hard maple black or yellow birch beech each stick to be feet in length and none lew in di- anetcr thai 3 inches at ths small end and every cord to contain nnt less thai t2s cubic feel english measure the straw fur barrack bed- hto ti le enl airppt aitrnif onion m w beaten straw to m put up in bundles of 12 lbs earn the bread fresh beef fuel wood and straw for barrack bedding to be delivered by the contractor at hia own expense at the respective barracks and quarters of the troops unexceptionable security subject to the approval of the commissariat will be requi red and the names of two responsible per sons willing lo enter into a bond with the principal for the faithful performance of ihe contract must be given un the tender payment will be made by check un a chartered bank the tender to be marked on the envel- tender tor supplies to her majcs- force at presque isle forms of ope tjs tender can be obtained on application at ihe commissariat oihye where any further information will be afforded commiwsarat kingston m d 22nd july 181 7b i albany do sacketsh clayton oglensburgh syracuse cape vincent moffistown brockvitlc kingston st catherines sanduskey 0 1841 united slates hotel oswego n v this splendid elablistimenl is now open for ihe reception of visitor the house has been newly furnished throughout and from its elevated and de- igfatful situation commands from the exten sive piazzas the most magnificent view both of lake and rural scenery traveller visiting canada via kingston niagara falls buffalo and the western slates will find the route from syracuse to oswego per packet and from thence bv stcartiboat and rail road a most desirable expeditious and economical change the subscriber impes by strict attention to render his house a de sirable residence both to transient visitors and permanent boarders j foreman oc of the ealc tavern lockport n b carriages will be in attendance at all times tu convey guests and their bag gage to and from the steamboats and pack ets free of rharge s ill at the opening of the gatton commence plying n a viri on the w bay of quinte bewixi kingston odj beurviue- days of sailing from kngston monday wtdneeday fridays belleville tuesdays thurecay saturdays fth morning ot 9 oclock pnwb2 macpherson crane kindlon 3d mtrrh l to- fob sale or to rent by the subscribers avery valuablo property at belleville kinptto daplod or various purpose collins haines june 26 1841 wood surgeon dmtitt will remain a few weekaat the mansion house sore street- kindlon 16th july 181 it 5 mopfati veutaulfc lift fills awd iwbfcu bitthktiw wik chfbnit trfcick licac ectllf oi hfllicinra lavt acquired ll fvrinj al 0vii aafft ur l which ihe hgnan fram- itauf ian mitcr lamilliar wait ateittai rcry inmrmprn aon thej rcama kmwt h wit rfiuuiim z- r hac ultff ti 9t thaid ibaf 4td ovl lirt vc of ihe uiot oruc cccouloui caoceiuvf i 0pfp eilborjparm liver afttluutatini iika ciol ranu hluflyutn fcra im aic obunai habast uvputt taie qfflflui uflhealuiyrrofiw ajtia n- oui otbllittt u skknot iftficwm to t r in deli cat htiliavrry llm o miuqi of ttc uicttstor- ani uctaaemeau of if rttlil uilw fkha havf lavatiabtr prutttf a ccriairt aoj t4j tmr thrtrelorc tiofoii vchh totraonri- btlumd corlujlulimfti a win tnai will rtacc ut lro fittt and flibal a ailura mrjwi ibt rcb crcompfution n vfnni- ofevrry umi r7thc lif fills arc aohl tnc pnce so ccavi oo im floacb actofoiitf io lha ill and im phaflik l utrr 11 oonkt at 4 or 4 each wih rji 4 wmmimmi aaldwhouaak aaj reuil aj wjj n b cnf fdu0c joa huy hra ibafan ai- fm ufrffari ir oaxurr f0h gratuitous dutriputjoao wr caucr ulc punpflwi fiiud moffara nlll- aj dtticttj aa a dortwic cuirte to heajtft cadunnirt auaieirfoiidaioocftfirupilir i- fiir td ii4 cvoai approved rflcadaoa ty wm d moffat apply u uic anv ijauaapiia for sale by the subscribers aa boxes pipe mw 30 bw l ilfoy s h- k t rae goverunent xotlee ealed tenders will bo received at the coniu ti office kington until noon on monday the 9rli august next from any or persons desirous of entering into r contract for supplying for her itfajeslya service 2 barrel of freh sweet souih cvhealcn fine flour oftfmbm quality lobe warranted to keep sweet and good tr ix months from tbe date of delivery ito her majestys siorcs each barrel to hve the brand of the mill m which the flouis maru and to contain 196 lbs 6ur each otherwise they will bo rejected s00 barrels to b delivered on or before the slstatfbmp 181 1200 barrels tv te delivered on or before the 31st offftfaer i8l 800 barrels to delivered on or before ihe 30rh apv 1842 the lenders to prcsin words at length the rate in halifm current y at which earh barrel of flour wili delivered into her majestys stores at kingston and fori henry unexceptionable security will be required and the name bf two responsible per- tins residing tn of kingston to be given on the tender whs will bt willing to enter into a bond ffitblla principal for the rrue and fanhful pesnce of the contract the flour to be q lne ex ofthecontrtcrort bo approved by officer the tender to be tender for finpr forms of tender may bo obtained c missafiat offieo commissaitit covcriimcnt notice sealed tenders will be received at the commissariat office kingston m d until noon on wednesday the 25th day of august next from any person or per sons desirous of entering into contracts foe supplying her majesty forces at ganan- oque with bread fresh beef fuel wood and straw far bati- rack bedding foroncyear from the 1st oeicaier lu to 3ni sep 18w the tenders to express ihe rate in cur rency in word at length fiw which each supply will be furnished iz bread at currency per lb fresh ceerat fuel wood j pcrcofdofies it ft per bundle of 12 lb ijjrracs bedding al j the bread to be fresh sweet an d good manufactured from fine flour and baked in 4 and 21b loave fresh beef to be of the best quality ox or heifer 3nd no other head feet and offal excluded but no suet withdrawn to be cut up in pteves when required in a clean workmanlike manner the fuel wood to consist of equal sroportlons of sound merehantable hard holt black arid yellow birchand beech each slick to be feet in length and none less than 3 inches in diameter at the small end and every cord to contain not less than 12s cubic fcil enlih mevsure the straw for the barrack bedding to be good sweet sound oaten or wheaten straw to be put up in bundles of 12 lbs each the bread fresh beef fuel wood ami straw for the barrack bedding to be deli vered by the contractor atliis own expense at the respective barracks and quarters of ihe troop c unexceptionable security subject to ihe approval oylhc commissariat vih lie requi red and the naracu of two responsible per sons willing to enter into a bond wilh ihe principal for the faithful performance of the contract must be given on llio tender- payment will be made by check on chartered ban tnc tenders lo be marked on the envel ope tender fur supplies to her majestys forces at cananoque forms of tender can be obtained nn application at the com missariat office where any further informa lion will be afforded- commissariat kingston m d 22d july is s7bi to merchants farmers mitters distil lers brewtrs and the public rfl general the subscriber beg leave respectful ly to inform the inhabitants of king ston and its neighbourhood together with the mercantile community of montreal and quebec that in connection with their land agency ind general registry office they hnvc commenced as auctioneer commis sion meichontsand brokers and hope from their well known respectability and a strict attention to business and the interest of their employers ihey may receive a share of the public patronage they particularly beg to call the attention of the merchants of the upper and lower parts of the united province that their premises formerly oc cupied by john h greer esq which are capacioiisjbeing built substantially of stone afford a safe depository for the reception of all kinds of merchandize n b auction business punctually at tended to order f the country the best of reference ffam j c godwin k p f h hall kingston 24th may 1841 9yy government notice cj ealed tenders will be received ky at the commissariat office kinpnon m pf oniil noon on wednesday the 25lh day of august next from any person or per sons desirous of entering into o contract for supplying pure water daily to the troops stationed al fort henry the quan tity required each day will be about tioo gallons but will vary according to the num ber of troops secoriiy will be required for tbe perfof- manceof the contract and parmcnt will be made monthly on the certificate of the officer commanding at fort henry that the water has been regularly satisfactorily supplied by check on a chartered bank the tender to state the rate in halifax currency for which each 100 galons will be delivered inside the fort the contrac tor to find the casks further information will be given if requi red on application at the commissariat office commissariat kingston f 22nd july 181 j 7bi byaf s win a i s a a jo sugars s ni v ii m i s hmlf iloufe tt liar rrxa mum tt eova ti mua laiaun 100 di smvim 40 as kcp uo 4 a can prupaaiioian phtstrv3 sacsk5 t caaaa aflj w j j prtarrvca to ctuqua do piialv 40 ohtt do clpcra do curry rowdar ilo w l raoptr fc w lthk jokc ilo lffown sjnip o d salad oif sujar i it jr ictm 4 cafi hiaiil 0 do filuru 1 tfw coc4 spicks 2 bbu n jic 10 bf i fi rrs 12 do do pimriiio 1 bak clowa co mau maia 9 6aii hooi ciiuc r u i- prpynf is do do piiofuio 10 do d4 clovna 10 do do fc r 1 do do cavftoi cofreej 40 dffi jv 100 soit touod 5 liti covfriaf touacco 40kca boil i it 1 1 10 boirt h s j ial nail rod it 4o mtta cioar 4arl bioui joo do d i f do vw 11uhm1 f dlstjir bu mir ktci4 10uoy l raha 1000 pnkipi ivvrr 40 jara caitv widiam f 10 oo 5 salt 30 bafa l r wcaact taiik iciodolt orwdoatt soaps is bma livrpoot t do aihiiopccaud u d tooct miscpllanrovs a ca sirdinca for sale 4 st corolla i ka 1 oo roi uuler t pful 4 so j i 1 h jiarrtr t do pif ij sclluwhtkditot 1 if it il 4 hlia mvuoato 3 pub bnttfcfta 01 li il m uiic spirits 5 pa j- u 4 to ar cukado pranov 4 y ctiuja vi m braw4r 1 taoa cbaf4a sraadttdoi 6ls llbd llscmjja so v cftaka do 10 ttoica fichum locaaki uoikud w do hjibwlacuut wllts fc ff cmau act malfir tor to ttlfrfabaijoa do 1 hltit bovaxd mnk a- co do i cm do do jdoitirta i 4 d4ik0u is jo do porlr ado do bnawi shri 4 caaoa 1 dos do do fuy ifjf caaka paw do 1 caoka wiutj do do i i nj clorvt h caxa svlm so c clia4bpam i do raiaii icmaaopukspwltj is do johotl tool tola cmab arbiu wit s0cnatfcourilnalr crocuy 1 caok counr l20m w do do juhrt i ctak coaalf ckioa brtiklul off h 0k smocctow 0 do do cofftvt ft do do myftn nrhint 4crtb cfobi s do sbau tcaoou s a eta tea u ua ul3 vaslk 10 coako coouioiaa d- cativrt tilttokra aa v coot aaaonod raci boota it thoes s traoka codiju rtaod luorocari broit i pootfl j eo rock coody do spcna ctakjfa 2 calra i r 100 i i jl l hukci 4 fhaas mtnintn api ojiatl pry goods odla ma lnaot ssoaaj oat pmoeua aoota rtrlfcoitma bbon s j efk f ii and 0 1 1 bjartaf t lalt do tbt uij gooda crocicrj out oluiwfr wol h dijhtcvai m turaur lb otjq of aluiim oral aod otavwlai daja lknl trem rf sale to roaanwik coca day ol fl otlock a m aoo atood d jfcr uuoll catdgr cooimrtial w baf uatmsflj julj i to carpenters ud bulmcn tenders will be receiwd front ex perienced contractors aad builders for erecting an italian villa rear hatter bay fof jobif s cartwright esq accord ing to plan and srciacatjom drawn for the same tenders gust oext to be opened on ibc loih au- 0 brorne kingston 23d july 1s41 7bi to lease to 1easefor a termof yersas may be agrcxd upon an excellent build irig lot situate and fronting hretvcry street kingston for further particular apply to godwin fc halt land agents sc store street or to thomas hasten kingston 12th july 1s4i 4ii starch boxes fiom tlie alntidon factory ko i warranted equal to the best london starch for sale bv joseph bhall kingston 6th june 1811 109u too juyncs family medicines are lu lior n y for a1e wholesale by e m f general agent sackets har- and at retail by wm mackintosh caromrfe v gazette office kufofttma and also by r d scarles ogdcnihurgh n y and bv t m reade french creefc ny k see recommendations in anoher co limit builders subscribers auction inspector to he senior corornissariat marked on the envelope und conditions of contract o application at the com- thjuly to be sold ahanoome english chariot rrearly new ami in excellent order for particulars enquire of the qr mr sergeant artillery barrack kingston kingston 21 june su for sale ten years of the unex pired lease of the house and garden formerly occupied by the laic thos cogan situated in green bay point frederick for further particulars apply lo j mccar thy master b smith provincial penitftp tiary kingston july 19181 3w wanted a situation fur a man who has a wife and family to take charge of a farm the fame livd with his last cn plnycr ten years applications pol paid to mr g 11 haine kingston kingston july 27 1s4 i 8ni george hardy watch and clock maker mar the post office and facing the cw- bk begs kave to intimate that ha has imported a larjje supply afoou and sufirtlondca marte watches plain and patent icveralso enslish stationary books and superior scatrb quills 4c tc kintoi30lh july 1s11 wi for sale the pleasant country residence nf the subscriber one mile from the town nn the lake shore consisting of a comfort able dwelling house stable carriage house toaj with two acres of la for terms which will beaccomniodaring enquire on the premises smith bartlett kingston july 26th 1811 z to merchano a young man of conudtfvi orftiiu experknefl ai d pssrfmd orepiul vih jiox mcrcnnlile conflcctiso lf bfiiftiii ia cini ia b4ssinsh oftfturtaga mtrcanlits etblih- frirt of re fcabiliij upan tcm rauhnlly hfik ligeoi con be ntnx taiionobly rccakndtd aa lo chaructcr und xould hove no olcciion to act at jnt o clerk or laltimn makio od a net of capiul io hi employet upon froffol ork addrti totl pai4 ro m f pal offif kirjctv builders or sale at the jt rooms 18 boxes 1c tin 20 do ix tin an excellent article fur roofs collins halves 4ucf toner m kingston 29th july 1s4l valuable farm fov sale to be sold with immediate pnssession lot no 28 in the 1st concession sophiasburgh in the trince edward district on ihe bay shore formerly known as scanlans farm consisting of 210 aerea of which about 70 are cleansl with dtrelling house shop bam and good out building also upon the waters edge a newly crccte 3 story store house and wharf well adapt ed for an extensive forwarding business this protjerly is too well known to requite further coramentp fur terms 8rx apply to the office of messrs forsyth muttlebury kingston a kingston 3let july ism mh 2000 gallons port hope whisky for sale by joseph b hall kingston 22d july 1841 6a fiano fortes or sale 5 piano fortca of a auj perior quality and latest style wirl grand action warranted inferior to none manufactured hy j j mead tomato and mead brothers co montreal anrj which will he sold at reasonable pricta a the stores of john h greer j j mead kingston 31st july 181- 9tr n b also n assartmem efmcssf