Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), August 11, 1841, p. 2

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fa wlh rt ard i ueb rsitfft jj uviij be u4j ii cortro ef and ec wium ip uv justice of ihc f for lh dwtricl k sfld 11 from 1 lie said ucjkpifrtrifj treasurer appointed n- ittfotsttvtawtimlk- rifjrt power anj ulhori and thill b mh f 10 all th duk ob- as utd liablblar which iho dlttrei treasur er atoudfor theme dfcmtf 9 wtjmatm or tizr wb- ifjh jojr u ijia jul rt uj rirlpiltfc i i- th j al iv cvfttrolcfcr aecoun vlvt lv jutiicli of tvpoacv far rhs dtric fci ilaoll lkbn4r ihc3tfrtofadat4bwd i- alitor hnvtet aft lief- cmpowin1 u make iryl monir hilt b rahedeiiher bj nin nhwli i up to tmttuh rxwrt of ahv public work w wwks 5r uinil ittavs tf py vfuf of vct of spmmkl l atsc cd nd lerird on real or panal pcry or both withu eh hmit of uch 0tfc w i vet of eh property opon ih owner and oc cuilcrs thereof forf w tfolkctfan ot and aeesuntin- ft all loll rac nij awmentt thr aainwrty ofsnr auch mti1 ijbciirniftl till lit- waftbvi nf cri ofihtid jlrri assail al thend nf tk lvw lluvrmoruj kiu j ivii iroujt of llh dntirtd thkb ibatract oi the receipt and rapendilure during lbs preceding year j and all such account no lra mihcd thill by thft uk governor be lad bona th two houicof ihi legislature of ilui provide at uu soirofi of tbi provincial parltamcni flliir ir th ircrsmisaion tf ih iid account imprdcr raised uour xlvin and h a rnaclvd ton no costfe jrb counril 4 of th hui in any cae r ceire or be entitled w anv mx ami i rfcll bclttrfbl for u gotcrv si pfqun foe b lime brr larrorlnitii- and nub lh d- rjen w coa of the sttrtre council j li tlaill in kit act uc 10 ditl jb and in council orcoug i bckrnins to oeh dvct rcpnv- tftioijanf tobnr aj maiur and lvi i tjt ifnpoi asd mcnmnfh raonw pernio tfukortbt hwfnd jtrnon vftbj 0-t- r t tv i jtlvfwsjdw thi oar- itittfg usttwabd rcmriiuetv cwiirol of rcajort rt4 icoountafch ro lh jimics tr pcaer fw lh pyu to ctbrr 4dbwij u pu rjrai ijw jftrir tniurr ppoicsi lr nj atte dthet yb t4 jueucot44 hate iwn f thu act hd not been papkov vxx atal breeflacied tht ore durlct tecviirvraatf fi boolr to- be a- fi lliat purpofl- tjiee tri aecounma lejmoloeoet b hitn r ctr d and paid att for hh h raay be 4cc0nta- me to m cuurf oe 9w auditors hre tnif r ctiniieeiiii and oztb voynl eoattff te irbxbihtmsatlrufebrea receded and paid aicd ilc took ro kr jbtt o 31 caonabkc tmi b r taum w owftbcr of lh l v pu nrcrj tojtjue with atl vi i nper eeracwi nnm hjlt four a io cterr m thl wop iikin oo month fr em jtrtr ty n j ibif 7 m t-r-i- i h tart itlr b lh treari totbc tpitt aodonj be paud larmmlw pebtutei for the pufpou of oj inni njuitcd bi todteo t 3d if lb id vrcourna h be fend to c ram hjijltamrneuowodbt st pj j r iditofl ad itrr tic ld aocouattbntfbnbqte ji- jtwuajj aidi 1 39bn tiill mate hir nphi mtson to ise coimciii l qvxr h fnetinbjtletobrfracttnd rrpw tsalt br opiii ii ur v u- th njit- tat of any ia i l v ill lo btf cutiitid to eovi thcfjori hiwm of ieh rwnablc fee fcr uieaaea n be council aball ei- tblh 7 xwi provilfd ajieajaaodlfca it enacted ihi n i dilt ict iv i j l r l c r i tv tiiltj u any alarj per eitfufr rectifier rmn nhalci w fojeamy aana prtorakd under ihe direction or como ofthcr dt couiieil ot ay motflec forubjohbe diall bc accouniabtc to tie piairet auditcet vtil m and until hi accouutt l mtt been duty audited apprcud and allomd by ieh dliteeet audtoe ard in eery bond anj the aeeurity gnvo by antturhtceatuef for uv luiceaecutioe d mi otfnr it i be etyrety cov- mfmu tb v ill riddretnt- aeeosnu to rneh a-it- ftiimt ih- lin ii r- prrrrivd bi fl act oe trjitta he time ard tenei ihrh tha br prvwjbcd bvatiy oilan nbimbrirrrce 1 1 that betijf ttidm curb of a act o lic nun i i force aa may be incwiren ftih lbs prnujant of hi ceetiooj ihit be arb sreeb rfokj xxxii ndbeh enacue ual lvfe ahall 1 3poutcd at the drat qaarterj nvfc n rjch yeae foe each diatrlct two pataqaj to b and be eattid diitrrft attjiiora cm of who aui be appofot- idby the warden cfln dirkt ad the othjr elected by the council presided aticar thai no prrren ahall b- appointed or elected auditor nto ijb- j abttnur tf u cwftril cruw ckib or tfesiorer or durterc of ibe khiii nor any per 3 who ahall vi or utdtrectly by hjtn- rff or in coujvneuoa iritb iny other pcei on jn uwe or inierat ii ny contnei or eonrojioctt rlth b r oi behalf cf veh coiroeit and d alo twl nopenon apovited or elected an auditor for i i- dfotnct ahill be capable of actin a inch un- uahcabalrmreprerioui1r maek and aubieeibed brfore any two of the counciltcet or iueb oitteje who are hereby luibarized lo odnle tro ame j an oath in the word or lo iv eccl fclloin- tbt uitoaaymy fl 1 a fiharinc been apnuinted ir elected u the cae mi br j to the office of odkor for the dusrict of jj beeevy p r and wrr that i irill faithfslk porfbrm the dotica thereof aordifj to uv brt rifwj jo4jtfjt and abthty and i do bxreby e4eaaty docbre and eie that bare not j or iocurcetly any hjrf or vntrrcai nbzt- rror in aaj contract or cmrlotmcnt n ith by or einberulfof tbt oouefl of thei dwffatj sj h t me god il and wit enacted hatciery pcrn tuthorijjaai by law vo enaie an htermation imtead of lnc an oth thav make auch afirrvalion in rreteue h wbtthby tbt 4ct m oath b reouircd ua h uiin j and tf prm uinj cny oath r bjtvsavl vr maktnj ary vpt fa or uliiftj mcti oslh tij ily awear or rm falrly auch petsi ball br dcctad niilte cf wilful and eorrijpt perjury anjpf be liabk to thj pitrvsnd pcnalieabr 1m proitded for ikat cttnee jv andbeit recw lh dt of oie j in eaaa of th aj dtitrie to xcainc aettle and allow or re pert u pan all aceounu vbfch maj be aeunavfr upon or oty concern their dletrrti repociiirtt ail whh may folate i any ttatttr or hirts urivtbf conioi of or urthw the jgdiclioo ofibedlrvki cimaa and ban tbn f nnshkud whrther ruch ooeyunu rcljt to dvt o i tbiiijr ef or to tkr ditiet eontactcd i brv ravr the aad orat day of iaflary 16 uid a to a amine and audit the aceovnu of ilw 7o ift t ffi4 7wohip r r j r rr o be ipjhrtea pj jjbj auonce on vho aforesaid act ef opcfarliunmt of upper ca nada tftd lf account of all tfbif peraoni a- j nri liul fcpecliie townabipa j and tho aid auditor ht fr th jjjrpote ul aiorcaid b aubatflutcd foe tha town wardeoi appointed undrr ua autborl- tr of thaad act xky and be u cucfed that it bl be lar- fol f iy avanjuptraehof thr id diitneta re- re wnh the approbation of the governor of jq pr i foe the tame bewr te appoint io and for b dirittct annac v and proper pcnoti to be axd t alld tbt durkt aamjwi p whoae duty it jxm boaa aupcriate nd lh eaecuuon of all work der owio in puruane of aoy bylaw of the coun- vj idh ii ind to tale care of all tund cr bcluie to w and to examine rbftupofrj wi-jtj- v j j- to nrforcc the obmrrahce of all contract fur vifn cf wjfki umlerukcnoc or on behalf of t j ouina and report nnuatty or of lewe if oed be to lha upon the atate hi prorentp and of the nacd property i such dairict and all tuch annual or cire reoru ahau bo laid bj the vonjm before h oittnct council at the ejbarterfy moctin nea afire any aajcfc ropoel ibatt bane kvo eeccird to- r jier kith 1 h i f i prctbk eipenx of eajftox 0 tijnaipnj uch fed propcrtt during the then cmiciit or neat cnun- tea protdcd alirajm thatao peoon thill bf ap- pointed to b ucb sur tntrv and nnul be thill hatbuen caaodnnd and declared qubxed fct the osce by j board pf vvort rv jia province or by jene otjirt cfvilpmon or raoa to be ouned fcr t s t j r by the cotcenor of ttut pro- xxx m b il ceracfej lha it thall not be uwfoj f r any pcraootobeu at lhaje utncnwe that uae of ma4bfal abmfjmjnhr cttatodt nor hal lautulfpr lv v- 7 uchrtilriel ot to b jpveaty divwt f fianc ac the anae diatriet j b liji thau h crtpred nor thali it b uwfurkfurvt ijur ls t yliare dirattly or i- vtn iirr or wlrwf rhnlaocir either b r i i j mimr ukany ettct for txecu- rjij aj wfc to beertaaunly for oroa behalf o hr cowwif of rueh dietekl li ard t ii inactod iht it tbafl b i in fij fjftj l3l i in laid di trart rpecl7re1y u eqate bytawa for all or ar u lb fojrowjnj purpoora tlui u tay for the mak n toaintanlo or tan bt or aaitun rood jtenea ooanonbcatiqn and mranrof trantit mthin toe v of the dartrict or fof th opplnf rp al lrrth or arrrunr pf any road 5rcct or epamu- okntaoo withiq the bail afored i fmi lb emeiion prenerriuon and repair of new or fiillo brklr and public i fi uw purr banc of tweh real properly ntuale within oar laattl av rfh tatjlj dtu reapectirrlr u bvnnqujrcdi to ihr unc of the inhabitant waa alhwance poflt or emolument ftrva icrricca aa tuclt councilor or b b b-n- aaeh councihor tubrerdfroiiuehpeeionalnberi xux and b it cnaetrdmhat all and tawf awted to oace a hereinbefore providid ahall the pawce ard atlirt i itrh br an act or aeu refji to arerr ui aanr oe eefuk nectl n force nitbn th wi of th proiioccniehoe to taa and brfrr pneaerihed fw tuch officer rcpttinty t foe d ier 1h aaaoiint and tnaiwr and um and at on o eiremianeea lhii opinio warrant oeu a men- all or anr of ihr aforeaid coun- werr caae of a devolution or auch u- warden of le dutrrft wheroia aoch so1utio ahall hate taneo place ahill wtfiiri im dart afwe aneh dinotulion iaue hi warrant in nime cf uee majeaty her heirtor suec undct hi hand and teal di rected to th cek of each of the artcra townohtp ccipened friih diatrict requirln uch clerk to procc after du noie in thia behalf to the klfctoea qmed a to ba made in i 0 i baeribe thf oatha of offler a h-cvin- j roerly coniuturcd ibv proiieiee cf vvt caruda a dlatrei ot cancui or c now veated in th juatve of the pvaee for lb- ae- 1 a auch tuui reral pltrict wrth regard to hjhway and bri et of rzerk i oonneced ihrwiih and to h appoint metof surreyorr of road nd oihr rad olti cti cr to lh mai 04 any rate or airjmeel fif any piivat canceled wiih anj of thj tubjret eonejroi nhich pawer it htvby gnen to the p trie cj 1 1 to ne brl 14 oe to th enaldn of arr urce raikt er relaiai toucbia am tueh abject thill frow and afer the tali lirt day of j inuarv one ihjuand cish hundred at1 orr bceoenc and bi rcted in and may be exoremd by th du1rct courii for tuei dfrtcta uipowtl tonmhip ncill f the taid accordir of pavmnt of all alanra cr other remuneration of diitrel officers to b appointed unde thr ouv ihasty af thl act t for dictjinfa- ih- amount of iur fee or emol ument wheb rhatl be rcccirvd by th tvrtl tonnhp ortlcert wlihln th- umivnf ncli ih- trkit tepectivr1y to be appointed or cket d n purjoance of any art or hr law no fitfea or which mar i jvr be in fvree in tlut pari of thj yrorinee to thirh ih act anpliea s for eiimahvi a rate of eonam station to be paid in money s each peraan bound to prfofn staiiue labour cnany road within u hni oroeh labcir and fordieecins how auch vm- nutation money ahall be collected terifd und ap- pudi for pforidc adrquate maana for ihr relief of n diaawed or inftren rf3hn a toirh- thip in th dituiei by the tone bitajit of auch toirtaalrip v and for pforktenp for any othtr purpaae matter or lhlnf nfclch that tc cap ci jl ubjm to the drcctiwandeoriirolofcijaald diatrlcl council rcapectreeiy bj an act of iha leiufure of tht phaiuco t but no well bla itill ieorwae 9ny pintahutetil of inapkvononent oe any peoal ex cj pound xxxvtii profidej alwayr and be iwfciaef ordained and enacted ihit it ifutl not bj larfui fur any aueh orr council aa n- rrvi j lo ianpov lay oe lev any rain oratment whatever oa any llandi or tereaarnu joodt or chattek f or prr- taaaletute bdonjlo to her majeely ber heir or tuceeor xxxix peo jd auo and be il enacted that in arring any rae or v whh ahall oe ieried undxtbs autharity of thl act uh propony only fhill ba arecd at ia now liable by lau to h aa ktted fjr rate in any oittrirl and that in enalcifi tieh ajcment all uch property ahall be retpee tlvdy valued at the rate at hxh it it py iw di rected to b aiued in mattr tettmn of aarf tw ai aforcabd fv aitp 0tnet but nathin sill be runttued lo htnit ih- to- vjtoi uliieh mar b raited by p rnav by the poruion herein before couuki bo entitw tn elect on or tvo t councillor r n nev election ahall bo gar ernrd by thowi rule an protiiona aa are hrre- inbefore provi6j for the election of councillor and la ail cue here tiacb new election of coun- e i or after a iio jinn thill take place a ofore h period ir frutt acd l l l couneiltort ahall icate thr rett ip certain proportion aa heretnwfcee pend ahall commence upon and bj aceuivdfroroie iri monday in january next fotkowtnc aueb lxtioo and the retirement of i in br 6rt and aecoud yean afktr auch rtiwft ihlhbl iherroft proridl auatv that it elecuon ahall u all reap be regulated bj the ilull not b ieeeafy fcr tltc eteresae of lh ald i peihiiobj horeuhrfore ectaicied with reapect in powers whihee in rrtatioo to any old road brrd reiimaant coonciuor to be enmnd at the orothrforh eonineed with any i iv sr lh l firtt clecon to tc held unde and by tajin- cu creciiort or performance of any new road bridge or wca oeto any other ueh aabject efihe i bjoinj to i t tinrt 1 mprorutg ofniy otflr contcnjcnt pay uw oie cf uek ptutr pnet 0f the real propef- ty bttoipjldg u oucji datuacv n l uy tvoted to be awful t oit ad inuab tnwul pay the mfrrfatitsuit i4 manajrmctkt if all preptrty uwfnrthe aid dittrkt pof trrt4t nr for ifrx h capcutea of r rnatamod ub jha saltjaiijvatiou of jl- cboa uw jjf ltrrtt rteptetlrel a in or ota be ivrrjpafw by dreud to b dr mjrt f uw dtrfrtcs uf ha untekt fa uvuannww of ijm rv aaathv pnwaw for fha tupfjet of achor raa ntjautq m mw pcrtvii awk aowatnajuwrj f v r 0u a f r i h rein contanr d tb tct amount of th mttmit rate tatd by any dhftci couucih pr- xj i a1wt ihit ih am to tca tf i aur bylaw thail be limiird b ucb bylaw and auiil a 1l rvjrtii be apporltned and ateidei itly upon h ptoprrls ctvril ntl hnd lull to feinnt tiilhin th locality in mebuch it i- be raitcit according to lha lvalue aailned to uc1 pont by th- iicmtfii iin aferaaid hut l hill bo lawful fur nnj diatrkt council by anyimch rti a afvroatd to dirret that tnc wibt uiuli wiiitin th iift flrill ik raed and nitl f rh pan- of th turn to b raied umlr aueh brla a tu the aid c b eapedient prodded any tctal amount ef raui or taici ictird for diet pur- potc in any one jear on ih- wild land trithm lh dittrki ahall not cxeeed tuee pence currency paw acre xl and be llciaaetcd thul til erutine rate notr lawfully impoxd in any ditlrict f jf any pur- eite within tbeteopc oftlu power ctth- ditiiet aneii and in fjeec on the aaad lint day ofjanoarr 1812 thali continue in force and tball be paid orcr to and received by the treasurer lo be appointed uudw lju act for uch dittrict and ifjftji be ece- leckd by the collector of the trreral tonhip and place nithin the dlttricl until it ehall ba othrwl- provided by a byuirof the uric coun- cil xll and be it enacted that all lawful debt p4 llabtuie of any divietel or f ih- juttice or treanurcf fr th- ame in repcl of rueh dutrrct ihall be atauincd and paid by the district council thereof upon frten and after ihr 6rt day of january lf on the aametcm ard conditxirvt a they would have been payabln by or mljlii har- been enforced acaimt urh diriet trcaaurer jutrr nnd ill fffttt oflfafioi and liabtlilkn of any ktnd whatever due to or con iraetcd in foe of tuch district or to or irt fator of toeh trcaaorcr or lahttecfl in rctpcet thereof and all property whatoerer bloninj to 1 oulrict thall at the aid time become veiled in and due to and may b enfored by the 0tiet council on the aanae lenn and rondrtion a they hould hae barn dac to and niiht have bec enforced br ueh ilii- tkcl crth jutifu of the pcac or treaurcr fr thmovpiflkl act htd not been pakedi proiidid always thtl it thill not be lauful far any ltvlrict council toaitemonr bj any new loon or t ia- e or auharc the itrue of any bill notr dv-lcn- torr or othr tranferav4e or ncjjcciabte tcitllv foe h payment of money or in any a to act a i dialer of to auhan any period or pari to act aa lurb xlii aradbe it enaerd thai all aunwrut per rentage frantad to any collector ojjveaurcr by u law now in force on m- ccnauwd or re ceired by him which will after the aaid rltt 6y of january ia2 be ubjeei to the diipout and rao- trol of the diatrica council ahall form ard after the taid day continue to be allowed toueh collector or trcaturer until it bj oclierwte ordered by by4aw of the council i aubject alwayt tolheproittion inbeorc coenlioncd a to ihr auditinr of th aeoa rrlatjrc to tnrh monirt and all ramrie wapea allowance nf any kind now nit to any tonw- hp olbecr or to the clerk of ihc peace cor any aervice performed with regard to matter hereby pheed under uv control of he ditrat coueit ball ecntlnoc to fc altowrd and paid unlif it ahall be othtrwite ordered by tech count xuil ad be rt enacted that all nilrj order andrculauon of any kind oade before the day laat afaretad by ih- justice of the praec tor any dnxscl rebir- toanvratr tentnent road pub lic norfc matter or lhtj iweby plarrd utndcr the eontrel of the dlrtrtc couttcl hall remain tn force and aafbotf unlit it bo olhrwuc crdrd tr a bylav oftbe dbihct craned xliv rovided alwaya and be it tflultfij that it ts ill not oe lawful foe any attrh cooncil to pati any bylaw far pcrforniifl aiy pabtfe trorw not eoottttneed or ordered to b euenmcnecl brlh- juauet of the peitc ffr tv dtriet befarr th daj lat afureaadi without haitn iirat rrelnrrd an ett- mate cf roch wcrk prepared or tamined nd re ported upon by to jtriet uruor t and if the cot of meh ork will in uk- opinaon of the taid surrcyor exceed the um of t rurreney auch earimaie ahalt alio be eaamined and reported upon by the bonrd of worit foe lb pro- liner or by ome competent body or priou feu that nurpove to be antd by lha cutwonr fl the pecn ince and prov4v4 alo work to be eceeuied in purn 6t law hall b exrcuud under a contract in wrriin ineonformtit itii aidaubjerl toaueh aetkceal re lation at thill from tiirtr 10 tame be mad tcurh- m- the termi and th mod uf execution of any toeh cootract by lh board of work of lh pjcnee xlv proridrd alwayt and be it maeted that an authentic copy of cvy bytaw patted by any uiitiet co hnj forthith after thtf pairrc ibercof he taneniad by lh wjrdenof lh dm- tretcr ihe chairman oph durut concij who ayinitaupnirdhitptacfitolhseeroyy ihr protince who thall on rcccm of the tantei n on the copy to iinpanf it receipt and hall jay thr rg is ccor o the pro- ituec aij no iurmiaw thalfaa an faece untl i i vjtiii day after an nuthm- lk copy lbicormi1 harr liecureccitid ft afore aid and it hall be lawful for lh caterer of thit protince by and wiih thr adricc of utr majoatyt execute council ai any lime uhhin the aatd period of thy day by hi order in council to dectae hu tjwmtmo of anr ueh bylaw and uth ditallowancr tocthcr wrin a ertfeate under ihc hand of ueb ocerrury of lh provnee etrltfj- nr thz day on umch rvrh hiw wu reccirvd at afofcd titt with alt conrrnirm ppecd be iim- ovd to the ivonfm ofth datrit whercfn ueh by- tiw o ditalbiwcdt jnu be rwd and of norflvel and prurakil alto thai any blaw tvputnao to iv bwottln landvr to rny of the protuiont of thl ail thjjt be ivid and of no i fleet xlvi nd u u cnoetcd that the aj 0lrki council at uir oiriarly mectin aforrtakl hall hatt powrr toauihriar ard drrret thc linj ouchvuiof money by the aercral toinlr or reputed tonrhip ur by any locality uiihin eh iitriet repetirty or tn may be rrotiultr rw u unl of all atvrirt arvi account dni lo tonititap ufont 4iij otur p riim by tueh toui- up m lfr1 itfwmajip rrfrctli i i lo dr- fraf i- 4 aiiy nv it f c i may i i p fim 4 h rrpt n of intv o i- any oiee ttieh aabiect o jforetaid uialany tepwof aiy sorvcyoror 5e- vcycrjofkoadtahauidbamadelo or dieoctedtobe made by th dlatriet council or thi any othar fbr- taaliiyofaiy tiod non- roqatatte abxitd beobtcrved ncr bll ihi intenentlon of anv court or otbr u- tborhr whataotacr oe nf j pecrou to the paa- in of inr bylaif to b made by lh dittkct coun cil may upaa laeli infjfinailon and afr aneh w ij y aa ihsy may dxm auieicnt orovr and ruwr b a bylaw that ny ils be don in anv tuch b halfaacbreaatd uiuc the jiutweiof the peaee tuld hire ordud to be done in the aao- bhlf after ibefcrmlitiei and crdcnce now bj law ee- quired m llkr eatet had been obtcrved aod adduced any law or statute to the contrary ootwithjtafd- in prodded aliray that no aueh bylaw a aforc- ad thall becoatky iathlawin frcio the iad puriion of ih pruoc cxeept in ao far outy a auch law are hr- expretty itrrogated ftom or miy baineonatarot with the proidionof ihit ad l prodded otio and be it enacted that h- suveyof of kaad to be appocntcd by th diilrict council ahall hate the name pouer at ae by law fttrd hi tho stm of it oiji oow apponitrd by ihjuatie oflhr puaee fur lb dltnei eteept uhrrc tueh pot r be ineoutlent wib ihr prnition of ih ae wv ih pmvtj hi by carf- rdon th- ttd riittriel couuedaml nothing in thi contamd ihall be conaimrd u antri or iiml ihz pomr of any jutlice ot ja it ire of th peac or of any court with reamttoiv enforcement oi any penally impoid fur any uirucr nainl any le retalinv tovaada itol incontinent wrb tbir et- lf al b- ttotueied ihit nolhtfi in ink act retained ahall eaiend to any turiprke road ptem by law uidcr lh t rontrul of th fatjjttjbw loner of ad in u firod aecond ftax iucbctcctxn tbaibehad lx od bvit enacted that j- uy any cluiro powee pritueret myi 0 lw corrora r-mn- nicipal avlferit of any incorporated city or toen crofanr tonror villar withtn wlueh any botrd of police or othr munieipa or local authentic onaytocrbtithd proritled alway that all pow cr and aitharli rcawd at th time oxthe pattm of i hi act in h jvlieea ofttw peace for any dtic- and unit of the nature of ihoie hivby uanacrredfron uehfuterio the ditrct coun cil may be rjed by ucb d atriet council with in any ueh cil town oe vtllaje aa they miftt bat been excreted by auch juaticc if thb act had t not been paairit d a properly of what kind ooerer now tirt to th dittrict and lyini within ant urtioity toin or vittaye thall be i retted in and ajtll o unr th control of iuub i dirriel cfruucll be aia manoer u olhrr uo- jpeny brlonino the duict and all dbtrict rate or lav neh are ow laufglly imposed or laid by the j of lh peaea for tbi ditriei on any pron itm any property within tuch cny town or vili or any money nayahtrto th j dmrirt hi iku eh rite ihall continu lo be pavau- loth 1arer of the ditvict and thill if i w of ivl fund until it be ohrwir ordnrt by brlaw ofih dlriet council and nit tuch rate irl lax atmihl be now uvrfbflp latd orimpotedff weti jmvnret may b impovd or laid by rhr n ceijacit a they miht r- i had ot been ty oiatricl turntke tnttt it ill im t itwfntli miulr in tntit ttfcl tll hi been by uietaidlwe if thl act varvji xll and htnaeled that the irordt corer- nor of thai pfri whorer they occur in thai foreroiny nvtmota thall b undmiocd a ujrti rnrw t ne l i ulin tc h rood eoprvhndin ik gotemof llrutcnant corrr uj or rrrtnn ulhi li- iifivxrrmr hur t eieute the office of lunc- ftlii pwiwof catpony mhv tneuroarautl ur othrwit or to i 0av mivi4nl or iiomb of iudirdjatf nor to ar tc work aetivd th u rd cmvoro or phrvd under h occlusive control or to anr po tin toot ujcr tne lonac uoicrnment or tho b vincial work or work u control of liar majealy i military iii hhtii lil and be it enacted that juiricc nf v peace fur rteh disjcr and the iurrryor of k 1 i therein thall nilhirt after ho taid 6eat day of january one thoutand mm andforly tro dlirer 0cr to th counfil of the diateict of to their clcrfc or ueh peraun or oi n a uch council thall appoint toeeceirc ila anae all and every the record bool judgment report order plan docaintentauittrument add writing in their cdatody poaeon or power ap- perlainlnr or rdath to fc road llibway and bldc ulthin tro oitriet or toaiy naatteri what- eier hereby placed under the control of aueh dh- teict council or of the ttneer to b appointed by ihrm and if any prioi or ofnerr thill refuse or neglect to djirer a aforrid any aueh rrcorj book j ud ment rciorl order plan document ut 4umco4 or writing oi ftfocratd utb ptrion uftlcertaiitl o held xuilty of a mij ineanor and hill bfiftd p law sch ec nalor of inhtntatit frre lule t hidtand ipufhom- nime of cindalc rrt on lh lat aki- ment rtjllforihe of j abcdefg1l jfchi llgll 1 patrick 0nh 1 dnd ttoyj 1 puald scu 7 i peter jonc a mo sejuiv i- 1 ft ftjjm china direct we learn fon captain tumarco of ihc hip auitr arrived hit martiua iwdap frona canton that immedbty after lha fall ortlie eovut fort the city of c fi i ciacuatcd by all uho could af ford to leave lc r vith uaajaa their f mi lie and pronr and iac h aibor kft china ttreet and th tor pr of ib tuhrbi w err deleted ihopt eloted ahd trrcetyany one to be aecn on the newaof ttie aunk upon lh bojuc rrarhin- prkin to oaata aaiibfdelion to lh- district council or to anr pirlr airierrd or injured i th- emperor oilercd ifteee rm commnonrr ruronylotioeinmrt autlainrd by lh ditrrl f e h z c to by uteh parr by rcon of soeh nejcei or rfuat eurminate 0 tfzhttt reaein m hi etfxl tlnl h- and be itcfiaclr ft f al nr- boih powers eu- not land one or the otjr mul tialw impotrd by on bylaw made by any p i eonfjurr council and with regard to whwh no tpteial po- vition it hereby maete may b recovered wtb cot oi th oaihof one edibj- witn oihr than lh lieofrcutor by tnminary proceeding bforc any two jut hcc of ihc peae for ihr dvriet in which ueh fine or pmilty ihall hai hern irapodf and may if not totthwtth paui be i by i v and av of tho 00daand cruttu of th duvndv indr uarranlc4 lh juiice or one of lhn nn pno maaey of turb penally htl ihihv to ihc informer or iirarecutor ami tft other mohv io ih- dttriet ujvj il r t tfew ti orp par eton of i xr whch cine hj hilt beome a comptient valine and lha whol i- or penally tball bolou- 10 ihr and th ill a thall the mokty i the rate ftl rnenljorxd b j paid oi rr to lh treaurerof lh dralrlcf and make part of the fund thercdinfaithimu liv provided alloys and be it cnaeud lha r pcraoq ahafl be deemed ineompelent to be a trit io any procuion or tult for the rcepver th krhn v ordered in chain to the capital tried a a iraitor for having a radedhmetf mueba toovct the phmpotfnii- ory or to litien 0 the ccaaiert of hon acuoy too of the imovfa ehuaelrr rraehed canton in time 10 behold th ueecaol the britiah armi atd in tbi truce d tanclion a temporary trade captain et aa at canton pretcrted br a miliary ttard tallin- the arrival of trunin thr fi npceor cphew thu hourly etpececd and who woumbc eomprlld by forrr of ncecatiiy to ane lh arrangement made by hi eollea- r rur w niar are itauvxdio the joroo ha above cantui im few miten betow oad xat unimpoiwher cy witlenain to iniure th afey of foreiiue ln to chock aar treachery on the pari of lha vj aulhciritica ihe othr vutel arc at th b macao and hoox pftosplxts of the agriculturists cnder a conservative govern ment tc verdict of the couniry i prpnouneed and ihn voice of the poplc hat coultaned ihc vote of the fait hoieof comnaun that her majcaty preacnt muiitcr do not potaeaa the eonridence ofthe na tron- tht lha rrottlt mainly allhbutabtr to lord john rrvaell attack on the agricultural iniereat tli re cannot be tho atijhteat doubt aa hineaa th orcrnbelmini majority of cornlaw lupoorirr returned by the ctttwf and havlof thu dilodrrd the enemy frona thr nantaja jround they occupied and ecored tho key of thr ir portion 1c may not be altogether uoarofiutilo to examine 0 littu into our proprct undrr the rule of a conaer- ralio cabinet with si roomr pmi peinac minwter and llrat wiih rcraxd to the corapotioo of hi adminiitralioo the fotlowint ha born very reerally handed about in wellinformed circle no a trobablo gee at it perronnci i firtt lord of lh treaaury and chancellor oflh exchequer sir robet t peel sectary for the home department lord sim- tey- forefri drpartoren earl of abcfdeen colctnial a fiirt sir henry mj i loo chn nee ii or lord lyno rirallordoflha m 5 r jame graham ofthe ccmncillord melville p- itclmtof boardjwojkd lord el nboeouh lord privyr at lord wi prraadeat cf the board of trade lord aahburn- bam payroaatce ofthe force sir e ifnatchbull docfey of laneattee earl de cret seerctary at warvmr rierrie poatmaater general dute of ufkioharn tim abova will probably form uw cabinet the itu il ii nndftood dsclinot utopff oiter bet irill jrre hi bctjt odnce and aa tittaneo to th premier on all occaalon sir gconoz mlrilw juataid will aueeeed lord svocmiat oa governor general of canada and ouroher north american province for which ap- fointotcnl he tt id every reaprct adtnawy qualid and moreover it would rrraovo him from thr po- tibilitj of cohition nit h hi col lea cue on th tub- yccl of an alteration in the corn lava to which it will be recollected ha cxprctttd bixntelf in one desre dipoed at the late manehfrtcr election at member ofthe gnrernment not hatln- teal ia uv cabinet ore lotntioewd gi lord sewrdf roden lord chaniberlaio arl of liverpool lord icuteiunt of ireland earl of hjddingron lerd chancellor of ixlind sir ed ard sudtt secretary jor ireland lord franc it mtt mittrr ofihe mint sir teorje clerk vkcpreaidcnl ofthe board tf trodr lord san dan a tiofovy- general sir prrdtwk fojicek solieitorcenerat sir wvellbaani fc4tclt lord odv orate tr william ric sokriergrnerjl fur scitiand r duncan me- nclt llppcvdoublfwl whetjiersir rjrrt ptd will propoir a spraker in lh- place of le sifla isft- vrr thit rnikrnan durin hi oteupiuey or th chitr hat irco orral aatitfictton to both lda of ihr moua mr gjtinm hat hoiicr been po- kfa or a hi s i e- cr jn ihr preceding litta ihe ia no name obnoxtoui totv friend of native and colontamfiduilry bitt ootnhkundinr refrrrin to tht rat pincmle in oiieti via it- 4iiiiamk mfih uwnl ptw- tccijen to lbs ariculturmlj w mutt not deceive ourcrea into h belief that it cat- b maintained uittteut a ecrioua ttu from lord jost rax- teivc neopoaitioo of i bxed duly of egb thillifv per nuatter on foreivn trhrat we anticipate no din- jer but many other achetne will bo bcovighl for ward for the modisealion of tho ning corn law aa well by comerrativc a by whip and whitti tome fw ofthe former returned a town mem ber ore pledged to an alteration and ated duty many oflh tntter ditcplca ofthe old tchaol will aland rirmly by tho britith fanner aaintt every opportcnt and under all rircumuaocf sr kooeri pal aluioith in hi tomworth aneech he distinctly ptedted himtrlf to the principle of pro tection on tho lidin acnto yet did bo alto declare h wlmneoa to entertain inetuiy on the anbjeel sir r i vl ilerot ihc taat conaer- vatlvtf cbnei ha auerted that nobody approrei of ihr peetooi uw mr cioefifone eonncew with h uine pirry proooam to loiter the cradua- i politic apart from moral of moral not foun ded on religiott of religion etot dcredfium rercjalion corimrvalive ntincipicf to anort comptebcnd every duty o our neimxhj cur country and oui kin- nil urilb refrrcntoocod aaoursupwmfl ruler anil judge ia marriaof if hlom life on tmnwdtr t t oerff ttiu knover- tutra vte viltun m r rioini on of hirei and couaimot jritey to afiv prtl cuctt juurrr thp riiol triibi sir rooctt reel brj ri od ltly ltl talodctlapofotftdcnlf ear eemnnt ar prrarne of utuo oui fuiiiriftr tnrrruj pnoor oom latl au- taiitcbriotfi 11 y 0 kc lady aucuil iwri wrr prifat i uftttnt- hon n m uocluion ofr trrvtuonv ue iwin mrit iiit tothr hmf irjncr or ihr rxi lon evramr lrti n w riu trhrr ahirmi atj emifiajipaam naj cvtn to a bvblr oiri aittnuit xntiit unr lodl hmmih rnter ocov j piineet aatutia or ctmbudjr j bxa uey fmr ttiritmyhi rictllroey onton nirmnn ikv of ritodjotv ind liutic oruiihjeiiiiii4 lvrartdduhfn ofhtilmv aiarvu nf ivurui manput of oltlvi e a i4coof uibnjijr eael and c0unvi i jfft tln awtih clriarwiii and adrtia vu twr uf el or mi v- pjrt forj adoiatoa atitcfiarrncr eariond ciuoir 9f ourlii i wnanoajrfrrrr lwjftaj lad tajnwr and mrnouravlril cnuawj rlinr m lortta mt lll vlmouot i r nii hna ounuruim fottnntv el nj caitil ortj sr grfir 4urmyra mmkny aur krt nnl lj tm1i lri k o toni lity mivr ana muf1lrr sraletrr omi vouut cthee i i vafvnliii rurhtt ctrl nnl cnootttm ciavvu hoanurcs crau llnwiieet ludy piotlil ilea- ntrcolooco milovi of i aa liri fi fe and a tiiujriua vcr vitntml vteauutnc rowrrtrourr lnrd dhabf mr wt ti lowi r iftforturawa cnr jkoii mr an4 1 sarh ittltytfhl mi caytey coloirt tnd liy nliee hlj luvc lnuil ror karl nf xotaiiaon lfy aitr mrni vnuwi aj vttcoabretp0isafiahdllnmivfane rvj ooattrbaoi of frylf4 0 t tady aiiruatn fia ltru oicarcovorpamrrdxndu ioey nvfcar- in- htrbir i 3tp ni hrrrrublc cm l j ldr wi rovncii lu frvd rrrfti tvruchcouiirtviairid rtofuv- erpool iftt ht twitfx vixohbl ami vifn tvr p- r li 4jpr my r ttrtmifri woi bribnr citlr jb lmlf anne cotuu ie ll aum vit i llf b rjrjmlsi rntt uijpid im siuum i itotmat tjkj ihr if rh ajir n farl rtttl cnvhtrt f ttia- kenittr eltr ftfi iffib h fllff l mi gouinurft and noaa ootilbm mr j fht wn ryi lj fhu jrtliu pml fj oliu p- lf inj mi lairinr mr ff acd mt iv mr 0 s iin ai 13 riat hna orwife 4 fi oiw tea ieal mr o diwt ate tle iifrut vrrr lady rnnre vunr lnle clrmrnim m aavfjia vn rtbantv tivrtwo fl k ia rapiflj tal datrn to uw rtim wrddtac mm nj nw1y iflmftrjt ihe ti j ui hirru tt rwrmddlrcoor qv j tmny loptufikrwfwy rnjoii taeir i kirht fiiarr 0i- mil pni auutunr cumt-le- wma lani iuniflmv ri m m clor whm i nuut uty trlratily fcweintujirir up ird teaie quirr i dwit i- wheat at p o aa to ihrn th aver at are t b3 laatead of 3- lpord if utnaoy itetty auajac jsjio hr a fir luriv p f cmirh wr atd would rerulatc da tic aecordinrly wltiltt other miiatjl of more or lo mpvthj ucl x variety of attention inclodmr a mivurr ofnied and ducuatrng dlitie the nxed duly to he tt prr q rtpf on all foreign wkai betidrt a vary id impoiiofz wbm tn average rfriee b loi uhch ihall drac gradual ly till it ecar altorthr o oon a the i rite to boh ah thai propoiition cnatin froaa ueh djuirtertf an o man indicitiont ol o ttron irndcitey amonjvt palitican to male aome altcra- lion in the prctcnl ivtiem wo ftcl that in the tothardaof sir faoesf pttt uie raue of native indu- tr it aofe and thai t may coot in ur ao we eannot loo frcjirtr nor too eireieatty djrrcl lh attention of codmrvihte lejitutortoibr abute that have crept into practice and tn ftroi frudi committed in tho eoncoeviono ttrrrttjei traoe frooa wheh th farenrrtand the public ard trjually auserm 1rt lhkcr-rin- et he irwlv tjapled with atf roetfed v rrr any attempt t 9pm o atcer the djurri ofthe lluetuxlin acalcs reifubjih auo the aixe on broad and wo fuel pextuotlyj ronvined tfant every clan of the community wilt o preovlnclal parliamslft liol of assrim tobwit kvktct foifoiitii hvuercwl into w ortft th noyl canadian rrimrnl for stvice ift hitn1i ntlh amricithr intended forma- lnn of tvhicli ae announced xrvernl monira tuto jla wf rt amtttad tt ottiildiihtftent c01- lil of i iietl col 2 majot 10 mpitai 12 liemeraiitsscnii i piymmer adjiiunt i fiuaririloamer 1 ureoi 2 aaimantnreoiu i regimental fa recant major 1 ii-rnamrr- nreavnl 1 qmilimnaior acreanl 1 armonicr- aeilceaul 1 achoolmaslerrr mt i hnapital- erxeant 1 otdedyooinclerkjlu colour rr- tanla in arrcant 50 corporaf dnnn mjor iu diiimttrr fd ftfrr tnd hrt rank mirf m steam cdvinl nnfijfaiioii emi likely lo take the place nf ihc prcamt uioje uriih hoiaa piv- er llkiioler steamer gwmah week ptttwal thmnk the dinal swamp ci1 l tho nt of 6 milox in hoar without proltlern as much ripple na xn ordinary end at boat and tbtit removing all doubt of the rtractiniity nf iiavialinr cnalx wrthout injury lu the bank she ia about 50 feet loii and 9 fret bam her whfel one on etch wje tvoek horijfnn- lallj and cnmplelly under watrr urilb tto- jction on eilneraide the depth of the paddle to trial the whole of the machinery may be eon- aiuvred ax entirely confined within the boat thr phitouuu nnnooneewber arfival in that pott tyhere xbe make i irip asith av- era scientific- fjmrtlffh n 5ht il to vnit new votkthu week ketvaifk daily ad rortiaer- avattl trirroree when mr wilbeiforce was a candidal- for dull bis aufr an omtahle b wiltjr yoiiladyoleied the tomptimenl of a neve xown tn each of the wires of thosr v men who voled for her brotheron whicn she itu fainted with the cry of nlit wither lorceor ecc when she ploaaantfy oeisri- vtd i thank yoo genticinanbiit f cannot cre with youjfor really i do not wrtli lo bo mm uvtrfrforctforttxr oe- ia4a pe th nhole upon thr bill to provide f r th vcrnmentof that pal of lha provor ly conttituted lh province of up ctjdi w i eitabtithmmt of loeal or muxdetp ihn z in hon mr it siitov ad pr tm o the adoption of ihc evvrul ebuvur 9 would prrhap l prop r for hhn io mnty i tlv tervaiioti upon tb oaiurcofthe mcaurr tl j ject ofihc inll b 10 put into the hij 0 tftttwi iu roajrmeni ofthir rwi jj nititra to accolih th ot a fjjj eoxtrrn part cf the prottnce i rinrnrd m nance wa paaaed ome time agi j j j join- into operaicm thnrrwri bt to place lb ivctum part of lh iroi aatne iboiinj there hi bfei n i except uc h a ttw rcpochvc ui tna ir iw s ent pad of tha prtnee reerd itiryaav wcatrnt partharinj herrtoforo lj ii rdda lownthp oiticer it wai ooly oeci irj in lh plm whvh i hiw cow ih h f ii tx thl commlu r in tin cnttrti irt o i ke r here iivic born no auehlh ii bieaen wxnnecmary to rro on iudirida i rhiracr machinery of thla meaaone it i r tscrcforcj that aome alirht dilt mode in noneiftentialt i tho min are the amo il mar ueoro i oucataon wrttthr the bill a u ocm factory to thla houe in all it dehil vt 111 mitjrfuf fiiitnj cooa l rm at knt tiuftthlhnc lodccleh era of hut kind houd bpadopldam vrittr mr viccn jh h had b r tt ran pain in exatofor lh- ordmance f upen ihia tusjoct and he wo to to y u vaj ueha chaacter a o mancouf ipopof had been poised by a cl of men vhidd not raj wttbc peopl d it a new mirh m of zn rnmt had bcrn calabliabrd for orbkli ihp u exawplc in itv nhote elvilucd w j hon me hinxtaox ad it n irn ftrf ctjj no precedent for tboac inalitotion prhiily it ut form adopted by the ordinance ind ita roilo platod by iho bill but thee ttvc tauuilihf af preeedlj whkh were aubitu onch would meniion wra iho at- urnra tv great prriepl of baa tm frn tet taxa tion atrd cxpendiittrf- th only ricrencc wa council were to be mida bodic r uontr 10 jirc hrm an rvittence bciond h pi ynr mr vtet tm rarry aya n i iv pvatt cyicm and that u whi mowv in tlid senv lud ireland in fran ane in l4tnr cnat bi i woald lilic to har lh- hn out ihc autory bctmii thif nmva nanec orlower canadi win ofthf urdrntrec t i hill iwl f uj cliuc but will nlioe tnra lit tum tirtt the favrnor efirtl iccordn- to hi own trill hy pa 1 uiel ht apeuinl ewtnin of hce elt he eontrou tit mt tin of h br 111 lh- ponrr 4h ditmllttn u r and ihre om rathd th munirt tnitirior for lb pcopl ll houn ii rad id nolvr a il irrrvlltivapa cjjtwa li will m wh are no mre ihon rni have o ribl to 507 tbmietvea that th remairdr of lh ruvine rtlmm pan and n- tr pr i pj r the mini litlvriil fr ih rrw ireu d irttteo- rtqjrjl d a pltjn repo immu it v r- ue t 4tn fj cur bustifld interesting for formcttu ia atitrd in a foesn paper that m zuu d rector ef lhe arlculloral sneiely of darttand in li3 planted hro plots of toundof the same vtt pjanis hod xixe with pntaw when flwcrid the loiforrts tvere rrmored from thotc in rtn ftclo vtliifr thole in the other wer left untouched the former produced 476 itjj lhe latter onlv 37 lbs revert ch anr aitefc by- mate gererj u of march at ftrcet sic cordon bretka one to aiach iii or ptltrc orin anr suit torthere foonforcemantbul nackkd to return about ebiert of anr uin of money pavabie lo lh sir lluchtowrh arrived on lh- cammantvinchfcf oftha land aa cone to benjj h rdaeted lhat all rale imposed by t f t cotiieil whdr lh authority of uu oil b- collected njd recoircd tfnrrd nl in lh imo s njr by thamc oeriecrat ery or any ou o money pavaoie to in treaw rer oflhs dtflrtcl by rraton of auch pertons an i r oqfi dsrtrfett or a mmber or o5re of th f m- or in their employ proriektl uch penun hlveohr and mon immrdiae in- tcrnt iadhttieilt cf tuch ul or rrotecutioi lis lerwd ind under lh liivfiftly ifrittosl etcep in oear only o turh pro- no- mat h- inconugitai wih the enactment of thi tajtattkav f nn l counell tvworrrl recovered and levied fn lh in to wih ri to lh taaae l iho byla by hhieh tky thall be im pocd qmi may rn rtx0ard nin cot in any coortof c jf i vi and be it exacted ihat all mm of money now payable out of fund of aty dittrwt for any th im of jum whrn the n would o north sofa to make atralbtr dam4ration upon the cap ital pexin the loiioflv clrncvnh variou enrate- mnu wji eatimalcd a 20 fumo men and abou lpxectof lanoon the ntattf admiral ke- in defence ofthe eue fort a did lug iron frxwiiion at other rate nor pubt- oibr madirin of htji rtv the captain of biih irantport arrivin a lutan after th u- render ofihat iuandtotha inew wit alain oo landing tbc day after the t of the bojue fort reward were oflered tr thr ipturc or dettruetioo ofefituhhpt 9ooc0i1h jvljobwrfwa tie hip inra irwrr saorjoo f ir th admiral or captain elliot if vrti alive and 3 110 for cillier of their head te were bh and cat tho hon marehinta would dal only for eavh and fitted on beinr paid before iho hat wrre dolirerv it waa believed thtl lhe arranemtnt for trteoold not jaat ion ihil th foreigner wotitne avain comvitrd ir i fjrpcvr nhtiaoever not within lhccnncnf toleiir for macao a larr irampment ofchi ihc power of thr pjvriet council thall enntiriue to be payable out of he fnndt of aueh diitrict by the treasurer ihrro before the pain of thi act until it bcorhrrwitcdirceicdby any act of thc jvuviorial fiflatufe- lvii atd hr jrenaeud thu iho expente of nfynjf and eoll-cii- nd mamvn- the ra and izxf impdnr to r maied in any dulriel thail ww the tejfimfa c 1 tu n wwbjfr mu ifwr be ma- payable cttvo slriff corcner c goo3 or to any other onteer or peraon for lhe sup pnri cae or if of tho prtaoncr lo tho ltnvt ciol or for th repairing and maintaining of thr court house oe gaol or for any oihf puf potc whacvr eonne i h the adntinulralion of jiuike wihn lh pitteict rbajl form the srcotj nose tr drfltanec creatine crorw ip waa vi frvli ant ible frow thfctorica al a lilllc entertain thv looand tho amber traa daily in- teatwerevory ttauytfa market havin- lecn kept huu and utjc j jnfiv tjcnt away whn the urildi approached the rile th current reoorl on tor 2jii or april na lhafl- chtoct- xorern- mmi had laid in tt ei i lieu inlendm to uie them fr tw coeitevanee naop tr avbar lf ih mowi ineriean eel at fundoranyouokttoiv whampoa wwe jip kw preble lowell surot of ihj pitiricl rj hamilton spidj oneidi ken- ohiittl stimatrh amlbrvle barque flori da at macao 8hp lcntdailei front macao on the 2lt of march and huiio from uoamnoa on the llof aorj both viii beuod for new york the american ihip i mm i chirje upin ihc ntriei fund and thall k pail oui of the amc hy lh treasurer before and in pre ffroee to ahouehara whataocver except the expene for mint lhe fimt chirr that all ctehu and habiliiir t of lhe ditriei creatrd before tho aid firjt day of january i si and oatutnrd by any liv uiel ciumcil under ine peoiion of ihataet hall at th time and in the condition on when llirv thill become due arid payable be lhe third chirr upon the prtlriet funda that all umt of money now payable out of the fund of our ditlrici fut pubie purpotea vihtocvcr and 5lh0f vork lonidii from mac ao vjr on ikr may bound to itottoo the iter for now on thedihof jurocaaeofcoodhope laiitiadc 30 ouih and lonyiluttx7 coat the akbr exjierirtkerd a tnnt viotent jif wind with a ire- tnrndout aei and at midmcl while under elotc reefed loptaiu a ea trurh rwdder and broke the utter and before tlte piouid be jot out of the rudder and another lill- i wanl of thirty minutr and oinj thai lime the hip lay jn uv lrojh of lhe h k va makj- utorouli breach ovrr hrr the bulwarks in ny pure purpoica vihutoever olhr ihan thntc beforu mrnlioiwd in iw eclion mnd uot wiihin lh hfn vr atorboard nar- eopeofihepohrvf ofthe ditrei council r lrr p foretopmi j bkw to rcf lorn tlta fjunh charge on lhe dittrin fundi i and ivii htm enj eapc dirtrtrd by anv hjlaw of eh diitrict couudii to be paid out of ihr untrri fund thall in the otuer in hteli tlrei sill be rlu rrrtrd to be o paid foeui the nfih ilnrjc on lhe ud latavau livtlfi airtl he ii cuarlti ihnt uottwpjr tn ihi act thall be roninred io repral nr anvcl any rn enjctnviiinr itrovlrion of any law in force whwti thai pari if ilu prentnc- to whirh thl an opfdtr or ciy ourr rthl uthoity duty omicmfon nr tithty of llvrthyconfrerrrl or iupotrd upn any offirrj firiflt or pron or in- rtctleto or hfojul whuiofanf rhttrie pan or twnhlp cnvr widr nt o tr owls m rh rntrtment or pen vuion iiimii hr inroiimrnl njibor rrpunin to i ixowm rrarlnvnt m provmott nf ihi ar rw lit allairmuhut oflh ouytla nt ptipnarr iy tt rr r i i u bl tniin rd iftvch ikrjsr on lhe ohh ond the thip mi of jijimv ittiiyjr 31 muih hiol7ttrnnle ihc bariur nutor cantni iw from cajciit- t tasnjml to llomonin v wirr taftu ttlutmif k a imji rril l- 4itiu latin ftm 1 111 1- 1 fhal ihr trl a k uirvw h i i ilim 1h wi 4 u4i 1uv hfehlrl wli1 1 m hinar n it rnin nn lii trlfiniimimir 4rtf7ia4fr luk tnut i frvatpttr liib i r i int frftifw aav i ii nr matpvit n m wxeisni har i tumrtj rarelr mocc a to neutralize all the interoted and dlunro euaeiunattoo ofthe anticominw leaur inaimuch aa the people will obtun cbap food wihoul yotnto a lorrin market for it the aricoituriiia bare riacn in uieir miii and manifeatcd their power and now they natm fairly claim to be allowed to return to their outet avocation and iprovcrnenu cortdent ofaccuritv but that may noibe as yel both landlord and le- naal put atill carefully rratch tho pacta of evenia or their joint iolerett may be eoro promt ed in the tuugglc of politieal pirtnanahip sir jlo- ocif prti vpc arc penuaded will neve fdll ieito the miecrabld error of encouravin the import of foreign corn for tht xuirpotc o foaioe it but ha will have rjreal difrruloe to ecntend wiu in the eonqucrinr of wliieh ths agricultural body and rraore especially the owner oflh toil outht to rrdrr hlm all the aid in tltr power thefahin- oktin the revenue ceraioned by llbtral miamanaement ha to be rccorrfrd a return to the old rate of poataer vmukl to omc extent ettel thw and hould aoch a mature bo propoictl lei evcrr county member vote in faourofit uny thoulii we be athamed to aehnowkdfc uafoolitri mitoke ccimaailtod in the premus or hciilalr to relriere our error t ru bboee all if it be fuad nccesaory to impose a property not an ivoaie tax let the landowner propcition in a spirit ofoirne and cindouf- ths rrpetl of the com lr wcrnm ruin ihm nd for a vrhtle al lrtt beneat exrluivcly th fftinirifurrr she rrnry jobber and lhe bttaa a pofxty tax would reach lhoe jn common with th former and properly gradated prra irhatl on pemont icaat ablir to pbr h nor would it in point of fact r ruiir fill altogether on propriy in lh fimi imtancc it aw but in th end it would ha dittnbuted through cvvy crade of our population though in veh minute dtjrcc an aearcely to he fcc- the pretent chancellor of lhe evrhrqucr pleadrd empty cosrrt a n excuse for thf mmvrial onhuht aaint the ajrteuttoral wi imsn and shtppiej idiercnt when sir j7o0rrprrukca ofiee he will ind a uenuryex hjvited by ww cxtravacanee and 9 revenue im paired hy tvhx tnisrale tpr wilt be the creit- eatobitaclc to hit governrneeit and hi adverta- riet hape that they may prove rrnnranountable tn him the wbi could not o on wrthout imuot- in nrw tura the told us that taxed we mutt be but if to let ut at toaai be taxed by ihoe io whom c kvc conmenee and kt u cheerfully ubmit to a tax on pjamta raihr than expoe ourtelrca to uorae thlnt enjtiah contcryatne journal what ia a cokaarnrativct theouealior i answeierl in thr following varar a lale f i paper caorocfer n n hue consrrvativc is he frtrc cemteirofsiy the faithful lo god and hr couniry me 1 i the inatituliona of hi cmmiry as asmm not for hie mmndixmcnt nf pariy km for the prolrctlnn aisd kneat of all he euusinhebleingihey have aeco red for heir native land and gusnu kfcd tint to i hem to a or poftcriru he condemns exper imental wcnlaiion which n i i bin ami fdf tharjows ho tefutet 10 exehnp pructml fvaifirif for arjlilftj ibeorin he knows hi nielil as a member nf free state nnd firmly maintain them he knows ittsa duly n urjecfandpcrfmmsitcherullt heieraiels the noor and hciplr- not art biirdenj upon lhe umf tho rul i to 1 1- cepta hey mmislrr lo tho initio and eonfoi- cnceoflo rlfife bsit ox a sacred ehnrre to bn ptokited aoniieirid jfr ko rs ideu nf from life at lit spririgi por i three weeks patcthe 5prin navr ccsentcd a of life and nnvaliou hitherto un- knowi at tbi olaec the unuiual number of ar rival and ekoorturoa have kept tn in stale of pleatjnf excitement which we hop- will ool eoaao with the approach ucod weaiher now come the month of all month aojusl for drankin iw 4 watsr and who em beo refufdlsof their health a tortftec in prevent acaion tor viitiijj lhe sprint and lasting ihc enjoyment of reil lir in the j cery day avid fnnher evidence to ihoerejat ins fme thii the water are i ra uirin- no ini lid come in v am but rercire benefit more ou aceordin- to lhe tin ihry romalu under the mdu- ence of the sp mnny have left the place witho a few day nat carryin evidence in their fleet of the all healing and invigorating power of the waters rtheuntaium cannot lire a month in the aaffle ts- bunaele with lte caledonia w4leya ducd at the vtcl slide filiroy hthorjon the 25ih ult much and justly regretted by a rin meronacircle offrtrndi and necjuainlanc to whom his kind heart uid tilcasiti- mannna had endeared him george ifueaorin jy oaed mytojrjs the death of this public spirited gentleman whose enterpriin tafents eminent ly filled htm a a setllcr ina new country will he rm- fell and drpord on the ottawa bver he posiescd oent for perceiriny where pua- ic impiovements were wanted for the benefit nftht country amowsalwayt the first toslep forward to undertake their aecempuhmril u mny besaidhefella tacrincc to his zeal in this line havinr relumed only the day ptevioo from bytown analoui to sec lhe effect nf some repairs urliicli had been made opca hit slides at victoria while standing on hip boom lo witness the descent of acme cribs of timber lie was struck on the back of the head hy an oar which cauhlnslinl death he ha ml a wirjn wed wife with three young children to bemoan his the remain of iht late george buckonan ef whose dlh we nolice lamatj werr met al the steam hoal whtrf on the hull aide of th- ottawa by a numeions assembly of bit ac- quainunccn anxious to pav their lost liirnilc of respect to heir friend it is but an act of justice to remark lhal cap johnrtnn of lhe 5tnmcr alhiof who happened lo be at lha wharf on this rde at the time in che hand tomcat manner and wilh bis usual good feel- in volunteered lhe use of his coat to convey the bytnwn fiend of the deceased to th iluft side where iho corpse was received rm boar fcnd carried lo ihc boryine pound oflhisiown where it was deposited in its narrow hgtite in piesenceof one of the largest concourse nf apeelaiuit wehve ever seen aiacmued on such anoceaionbylowp noticb the unfcrnirtoi hereby frvrija ftiy ptrvfin or fcrmin rontmctinij for fmililltig of htfttmorom ihinclaofin hia tticonni or for h in inhalf with ony otm ttil himoeir na ltd will nut ik accountable for nny audi trnnrioctiort nftrr thia notice okojk welsh kttjstvion ol aug 1ni oil t hopavl-aj- iiii- u that ilhot a v liner c dnthstc xspeial cuiancil soajrfnrii tfc providaalaw fiir ouf g rumrl nrfhvria na at kavlne ua vo r an ih- mautr slssj law or lha enforcfnc uvn iaat touh w hit a ppvemmot wbch ijndly rrlirve ml rem 11 sdi rcponiitilil a laoriin aflrr our in iifrria yet i confess 1 am so el5h ihii i sis not wsrtt li i xend thtt real olaniac to ijfi r tmidji ldono1drire that you abaji bcto irti tlnlll thr power of rcrulajo ycvr own hjj t sou ah ekl your coijncil fcjt mind you 1 hul jpp tht odienra of lhor council n l t slllot i shall jeflt to or ainal i i iiflsai a i please and t hs dissolve iheii h r i aroper and thu i 11- r- iwf it b powcr iltaatranfjt of pirer l eia lainty th- power of dan ivtv lit- v ii r from join more a lvtb ino th uijjr v act kui 1 thmk i hat a tl cnauh to ja uv- bs hau to pauv btwri ht ecrar rr thwi ret swrr nhh i prjfcd to bi lv i to uu prol the ml nwprupa for aa- ad mr ii taid h rae mrelr ir iv ri enr of issbrvbsj a fw remst tsjon 1st pwssscspb oi eat bill it wa ihat promiiveni nnd inmam air which ssad been arxsu1y locsvcd fbr ly th jpri hr was convinced th it irould pro a bvon u lit country l otrr lhe adviaec iihxhhad been iut be lhe paaai t ofrhe t bill hear heorwlau it forrocrli htl the rihl to origins money bih in place ef ct vre arc now to have tceal aeirjertxrrnwnl f hesr hear atfaraarrtjard uic ptuc lr h futi e currcd in it h- hotfm the pecalr srtsv p rcrtir eompeient to mana lhte own attr ft neverthetras he bulwvrel thero were oe itl which svrre lattleetvouible and vhrh he rotat would be 0 modified a to meet ih aproiajja of mat people ni itunttt orvrht m b tjfinim tome littls aurpri at th manner dn nheh uv kutk andlcarocet cntlemin nsd brtoghi icattrxftj rab measure vhxh ho seemed to n onr m sreal meaaur which the prop look for frrm tn gorcrocnent j but he roewi to tbuav j nereaiiry make tome tort of apoloy for ess inrrtietio he feel that it is not aueh a bill n lolr-ttt- mittedto ijc rfenutrre oflh faar nr j c wtkrvforo mat an poovt law absolutely astounded that an at n ntnra a blrooifl the confidence of the peol a vtwi bound io aupposc this f we hac btm repeal- cdty mfeirmed that ittii i tho eae oheutd have eo sidred uiat one of thre jreat maastir rermnl a olojy foe it utuoeaueiion il is prtjccjy 9ft lnowo that i am in fror r nutiepal corporations bull crtoi my feel ma asjamat the details of iuu bill and j ame ehtira lothohoute ihuecsins w the rveeuttoo hearifir lhe hem and karned ejtouvmai propow as wtponej iu wriidrratj dittereec mirht be reconciled and i would stsfnat that th commile rise mart pea and reeomtnend thu ajsswl to bo r fcrrd lo a- jcct commit tee mr somlor general dit rare a std fcr lhufced thr bun and kaem d irntuin to hi n- tremc sood nature and for hi ty lna1 orter lr licre himself and collesie from tr- tc d poajtion manifested by the hon and irwed r tlesnan was tuhly cecdfiable to him aval 1 gmtifyierr to the fechnj of him nil and hueav leaxoe however continued mr dot- n iheeoi uy expect from us theae biuut i bey lar decline the very liberal nnd kind citr- of tat ba and learned yntleman hear bear 1 ssru meaturo a a mcanum of immense mtier 1 1 haps it i the createst oliiral step which baa been taken by any oemnarnl ki 0r wy of sx i a lion j it i one however w bieh ovrbt ton ar have been carried intoctcli iho people ourf bavo been ion errihi rerrod rvjci in iiis lo monato thrir own real olrvv it i a nr wliieh i hare no hniulion in ovelaruc ctcud to confer vrtat berehj upon abo ttawnifs hi be borne tn mind that the measure ss cne of a rewl 1 chaarterr and i nuw putltiotho poodaestl any hon member wfiflher jn the ireotimof power of thl hind is nw a matter of r jaen deuce to retain certain clicck unoo i oprob that the machinery may be put falrrr n motian when tho pooote havo becosno rv a w withuva a ration of the vyvtern alteraltoeas mny r found ncceaaary and i ntaysrilhrrirdtbl municipal corpmtion they partake of a paliaw chorocr j i ivits uwmftom men rxsw uona of an ordinary ehnroctcr tho hen and w orable member for rirjwlieu ny tfcl bihjjjr ccdrntrd it ia unpreecvteiited in lit 1 1 hear thchorv and teaaird memwr obioct 1 1 poncrofdwallowaeteeetho bytaw tin wjj council belni reatcd i the v vc ji1t- andsbo power of mrta lb eouncit tn0 nt tmtor powrr than exm with rrnrd ltnre har hear ond as lo ima lhe warden ihp aiipolittmimt cf lont ml m ofcountlraln r i ii porno d en a i dent fiuppoto 11 ahoutd htnprn tf ihwbt di at ttrtet couoeil had uon rlwlcd ehanfea in public oplnaon weh 1 atouiil occur and tt hould breomi dittolvoibo lauialuro unn lh lolrtnjr the coutirlla also ba i jw o ijrht uu od uitjjubinojj ra councittteujaf ihtmsvlk up al vei kxrcuuv and with 0n nolhr l with rmptt la uss nrnor dltsmpj lulo dulleu tee jpij u hi sjssa lil prll lhat lb hao rnumtw ft ihat i it it atiwuy a raljlsjlrtnt a mdtr mlletd avy hon and mrjss iml isvml tn iw uutwlm a sssssajt rnriiwinirnduriiti ssf if hm 1 1 rtw- rsifj hrv- ii- iv ss

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