Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), September 29, 1841, p. 2

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uu judah nd m fw rr lhc ear we have tw dft iiltaum will cm far will aj uubh nr j o lnt 1 wiu pita j tjioujh co wlt a ih thine jrp u iflnj jn tt0m tcetealui 8hohj cdi mi ouuwi i adl at and note afraid fe jehoaja jhoah i my my itmflh and my wt j be aho m aatcn it iii m otor0 tauten til nmi h 2t roi ir 1 gonjjoar moderator mir ik the storming of ciudad rodrigo froa cwinomiilej whetetcr th levity of he ptriot m pat at all 0 btfort us no reurctotd it effrettial- ty tot 4vmmt4 btl of th cathedral toll- j nil acareely rt iu aotet 4u iuay n lht dialanc beo ihe mtb lt ounn ww heard tttulinr along lb ground v trw murmuring vhrer ran alone ih 1 ai d nlet of the for h 1 r i atoc fi avert n 1 tcbl and r v- llwi 0 lht ground j each m 411 rcad hi tap more firanly town upon hti btott undp with lip onipred md tadfaat eye waited for la rord to i t lif thr word njich pi jovd n vthitpir fttam rank 10 rank and the dark nau inevd nn whm moment waa that mitt advanced to in foot olthc breath the oviteiooariem that ihe nir inabnt fiom uffril raoantaof iki vul plain aireitaf pt- lira wet moving on the lectin that l word the flame of the artillery and the fth of tei would apriug froan that dent cloud and feath and caanae m eery ih j t our l inn can enneeire be jcatl on all nidra tht ltirftf i filfnl ihomim cf honr ihe year on- a eon remd ito en ninu ce bc ml iiu to all were kd minxnn bthe hitifd lnftf tobeme n whilr liih abore l ibr drrp pervadm aenthat eaith haa no rnflon flfftn enb lo turn ih iron bal alb wltfrtf rndtn miij be irjmkhici lch hiii w a too jvll for wntda we fol- owe noiiru aon h lrf the dark frmt 4 or ir r uinp iat tbrotivi the itoom in arfirin- at tse jitchj the pxiiy wiln ihe iddr rof j kf ihe fiot already on ay lacki wfm brown in id the forlorn boj pri4 trwam ah t ltl ik atavpl lb rave quiet- y nt men vidmkinnon donl tfw scarcely lud he rl whea a enm- it whnfv chire o to orlcrj had not en drawn wrut off the whiinr eillrl mjj not hare line k th wall hn idden v a avri i 3mr tnjrat llh ftoen the rammu jh iht tiujnu tow- the rvr an ttil ibo whatf acene before at w x mjht 11 1 ffi- on onr ikm ibe dtik ranka and jilpin tmvoneta of ih enmy on lb oihr rnnuia4hric llh tofumn cona frad tike oid uall lw acithbcvj alon he jlli irll f pwutij fatm tbe t ecii lifm lhal ibmbird ivitoa vn baid hi miiup while the lnj crv ofovr 1 11 u he tjjft mlh ibe tfineh tf iniw j 1 tclbhjr- tht lejhfjn udiont not r tilths le ih ujtk jniped doun olbe a rmd in bfhih ihem when a loaj ini- thuadeirpt alon the earth abia- n eeektin noiie fetowed and frm the uk ditehaaorbed anj irf m lithinin kntnt k- ih flje from a rolcino and a min tx- dodef huadrcut of atjtlll and bfudtal acat- ted ai the eronnd were iiited at ibe amrinoenrnl the airarurlckd with thr whu- rithf luaet tht muifcftry plied incramntlv rona ihe watte and ettry niti of the leadirf xff of the t ft ww mown to oirce hvhac thitdieadfol cotatrfiht wai ncmf forf oui eyei thp diffnt attanlu trt tade 01 ill tdm lht whole initrt tt teemed t iioukil htji kroin etery hml arose he ytlla f trivph and trie ihonit m the a- aiuiil- a btim tai ipn ti r lira teh trramlitoh lit m iki- duci a ndn daikriururttcded o he nifht lire bill fioaa ihe midl ol tht lnona he atnimj criea of he wounded and ibe i lenl or ttiy hrru male way there 7 mkt wiy her cont hfl1vavin iuti4u indh we and i kajtv manr ihe fofni minccrft tvnie foe a franl w railtiat h frtdti nin of ihe lihrt wiitlid aei w upttt itol try faaibk hgl w quob ih iri- er a a peoof 01 oie nrfeiuiix attention patd 111 riljtd ro maltert rvhnecud am lj th ujiuurc hthi hern plriird lalel tj equala in dutit faclweeo- lhc pehiee hv bat j indie and our otht colonic i t lo mett to yone mdif and eaeea1l in 1 at1ny ior the fouotrie kheme foe a t of rat 11 ir i od lor pcn uic iiitee pe 1 of that m 1 ri cu- tj 10 i voco aid dtci irri fee all ihmvlh itt province i hall comnenre mj whenvr aith no 1 uthr ttttnd ofcrjano from kandi th tpttai to t ifs- a m mauon taat jm feite ibr c-ifi- of the mabanatle gai r riter aid bt about 13 ml lone whjt a ru rf loofetl se foebeaa teftwo 2- in tfre atajkht rn puu of india from srvpov jpau to ihe bay of f h i at poet noo f40w- law w ri r t urffj ud colzroon tia novld open all the mjtore tertitoer arh ii about rhc of ireland probable imflb about 2tr mja tad hraiwhet mjt be pjpjfltlf lo banalnri nviyt and ti jt all foudraa4e eilic- 11 x mndrii ahogt nervnte tnilf on a i dead ireei and a tcey rich country madrai con tain vif itimbiani ptooj 2xh iriinuist on the eatxeen hoc of the cmvu near lhc rrr mliml nao of the vjwtair of the kuft ftflwwuax i i of lhc watf r lo hiderbad bf niaama caol taf about t33 inhabiuntt and thence in in real river eiln a probable lcrgii 250 mttea a forai 10 aoeno town the jjrral eitc noditrrr at bnh the eier bceonwa natiablc foe ateamcek abinrt le aaanc uneth u i line um opvn a bee irart of eouejlre la ihe tea cowl conuinioj abuvl tfentj mtuon of ifthabttant v snealf on the tapu a ae aeaport on the wraurn t4e oflndw to najpoof and anoiona on the wide ana a lerv thbvliri of the goda- vrj tbi ia the ant line to yoite the oca on the eatleen and tern idri oflnjia and would be procmtioonihettonf 11 7- a inn to join tse abntc at paf pore to the mi t nerbodda about 7ui nlea in aitjh 10 con neel thai r r nith the vajoftnih ii infrght he jo miira ioa and would f- the two through a rwh 14 populoui uiriiorr- t canibar 10 lljderbad on lhc indu tlu lie uoold ovedrdte yte ihit countrf tht ttaaplrlr njnj ii and cf the mouh aed naejton ofue j- dm hui it arcniitucationablc ift botc tine eouh be practicable cunvqarnrc of a trael of bud ealbd la ov lwf a tnoirferff 5ivfai map m thure the litllr peef tntcrurnin- if pracleaut itrobtblc tenih about i i mile anolpvr ue from canbayi i eonwrt hn cut a- i niih ihf upper uit of the ujw nouldfoltoie the reur of the mjhe 10 iu natief wrh tatrrlorv tib hoac of the hol a kre rtwarj of the rjanea prob- twptmttj a hranfbto fraroda and mh be male le riic of tth hrjd cmh a mr lhc netty j jj iil f titry rih 10v balaoee a ha port on fat ijt nuleouhitfl frofri cin j n beoa t haclka narl tried art ocer jo lht frnal nj it irhl came h apokt ihe forlorn ruftpeof lhc ihl came fntttard at a fo lumiing reck- oifrmfh jr wevrn pirtofbbjl and the heart offkhirio cenjrcrbotroxluuu nuvihiunirj on the iffef ife thu upum hnn all the preue cd fppi ifi c stature f an cicelleiit pott on thr atotdinp a trdiout t of nearly jtaj luv it nould al 5 iauh the enal 1 j r bweuaovn ihe a braneh mgiil bv mad u ialeutu pruhahlr nh mai ma il tti it liichnow tibial 0 fudntih sswowijntaarta unkhnnutllat oiu4fftjt nrdofn 10 lituh enu rrie probililr kfth 5t imlvi i tkr banka of a lietf i and l-rt- affi by orthi fw tare locdiiha aihd lluniitrporr iofhlon thit line nould tmirt the uatrri oflheuanc and tb- lndu uv tnu lrxct eiirrt tndiv in n course it notfm croit the ulledt ilo a large ettcr u ifc- punjab length abo1 ww mite a branch niehl be tde to jmcrc ure rittj and fothwrhuj the court of ux iofn join no a neai cwteh on the eaet coaif twk itaaat ouj lhreefue naihe eommu nicalipn uie ii cancer and the arabian fen ad one from the oxnt to flay of hm- al ntordin a daifefcrou and tnv fltijii- aid abo imhes tuo bnea aeroratathe peearttula ad otttreen tarr niritjabk ner dnuin- itito daflrrent otaa i thun bf to betni bace your no lle a ayitefu of railuaya for our kattena tlaifr 10 11 1 ooearlf 1 mj n 1 nnn l grille ad ropui count nvt 7eunpirc of mm doiait uitdrr driio rut or inimnc ckilmu- ulaaihrfi mttj lukth au i-t- tiep i j j artl unao prru of w racial of he coun jtfa and pataaul l in ao laer a filj fee inlreprif 1 l india hinl hap lihtmr la- hie lea nood ad tarute to to had for iv cuim and ihcuh lat nt leail to tr eonahbrd it boj be j rijin rimii if t iiti- tft nourci ce and e wtnjaim our intnaemc llmpfc in the jat amnplbd wkl pl ihi ml um4 ih lonvctceil cjurrtinti at in the pociibimy of nirialiv lb ri f knihrali- we art nv l ph twelfth fana minf lo run over j am the im cnnflif rrial anil ioitical af voiita tn i alill annte lht ffreat vkautafei ra wntrenite tailialioia which ihn oinm ol tgcl nan ilion olf t tnffreat jjrilain mid to aynpjithut humanity wh r ertf il it to be found let im hope thai while othm ntttmii are ulbinrf tbae llmtja kitaml willbcdoinrtbten rf fn itn iie iwc- a eceu- drrablr vntiui uv rciunilf aictcd en uruolf in ronuii no 0 lh u4 n flnprovnt of ih diuhtrr of on uf br oarmwrt of uu- hauilxe of fr and of toi c viiennicnl niih a b1i an of inh family 1 nfeceabl jlie nunc inlv hn n enlhdaf brint accidntl hvaultfiil and arewroih in her i9jh yrat and one of thr rirhrrl hiirfai m ocljrun a wff fi ported itut non v aerim at ar in uouhl be- rnr pritrtmjurno vti aavji tlun otjtqq fr ahiiinn kn3ih mtnet thr yono dy btaav jiaintid uirti kr awncin throufi tlf ediun nf hr m ltd and nceel corrrtpoefdrnee had been ciretrd on fjr na-vtot- prior 10 lh elofrmroi tfbieh uoh place ahotit 1 anonlh ttnee oit paitha coming in knhrul dieeet hf an antnerjt bamhl the father of tk jnun- lady aan dutoreecj bitdiuth tv flrm and ledriin the routr uhen h procoid- rd dnvel lo knnd brio moet inlnajtelr ac- 4atfttfd urilh m van de urwr the rritiah mkuii ue ike l0a no lime aplytn 10 hlna fo aa4tance thitfunclianara iinrdifj1 dernlend hi attach lo the polnre rtn n odve 10 erocal their aiilancr and nat naormq obtainid the cement of ihe f touae jirerctotf to aluw of iv accaie ofnv mnr pdee banj made vve nf 11 diacorer- nc in r in- o of iv rorin t0 of lhc inapeetori ofuv iaion mc muhca and partndjje iretr employed n ta rfairi andafitro treat deal of troubv and carrlron inavelo huivi aoreredd a raring lhrfoitiiea 10 lie saraecnjrad soou- hll ow heal ana inef had iopfcd at on hr arriaal in lamina prom lbncc they were traeed to ditfer cnlhoteuand rjji hnret q ihr ncflcnd and al otne of uawh aftmmla vih only brvn nomini- i taken nilb thr inf n of hlmdlnj thoie in -re- mfitoflhem atlirllht parlyruai fnuij loeaird in allanaterel jteentvpaa ttrf inircbir in thr eovrae of hit iuuiirica eertmied thit lhc bann hid he put up al no lca ihm ait rhurehrr and on ih diy tobfrqtacnt to iheladya cintiir ah would kite been marmd at a iwfitran thlm ttu m hlorhoud of fcdfarrfiijjt of winch a imian fa rhc eitrjvfntn inprcice ttulie him2 d watered the retreat of the lad r toil no ume m eomiuvncattnf with her parent a ho aevmpaotoj hfcn to a tujuic offolc from lhc umdow fluli llary torwl walrb 1c naorc naena nf lhc inmaletr in a thort tjoae the lady rtaaj ihowed hrr if at the nuwttn uid rvr uaa in- flanlly ct0iiii4 by iho yovifx lady father after eraitua a cthaiuaarabh time lofttrr ihe fentleman nhihrfdetomd with ihe ladfwftlncbonaeae im mediately he waa mil of tihl the father aade haa apnarantc lufore hie alonvd daujhtei whim he loot u 11 alt jlmm ad to thi- ruadtfcr of the tdkv mlunlr on lhc autr t nn- saturday a potlektje wai ordered ami the father dauter mil and a antpielnr proeerdd lo dd- rr nhprh plare ihe lallcr wraow dnl not larr till tnday xftcrnnon hnf v en ihe y runt lady i hrr flfcrr lafe n board a cilu- pal in ri p ri owurie rn ih- ilotf vn been lta rrnfuund wyl tnvd that ihr ayntb- nan hlurheounttlvinunt lj from liruavl rr reiulli hm a nuniot tf auue ttnincc n iv- uu gaan oarmrih nb iuaker tfau ont arlaia in j drunkard to leave olthii rmnou ham of drmhin intnmcilint sirnoru on you lell me how lo do it f taij lb alavc of hi arnaelitr qtakerli sjii ion ml ja to open ihv hand lrunknnlcontintt me of thai and i nrn- trite yon upon my honor that i will lo at on wl -rn- lukcrwrll men j whenerer thon lind ol any veie of mtoitahn itonor in thy hand epen the hinj that toitlaint it btfafil iaehea ihy montbnj thoo wilt nttci be drgnt am th- toerr na n pteaitd with thii flam au- neiliat hclnllowej i anj at a opr nn 1111 p ti lttly into tbtjtteh- they reach lb i mj mate towarda the viaaon of rtorarifra m on inapirineher ahwl iptlli afirf ihcot fa fah trrmnndout for scarcely hat- to rtathtl lht cnatnbtifl mint of tht ram- uri whn the rati cotnoa eaiinftan like nine mfhly torrrnf bore eown npnci our rr vow commenced a actnt to which nnthlnf i vrr htfoie conteireal of waf could in any teret conapnf e lht whole mund tore ilh tomsuatime ofvetry dtadly and dilruo livo nliivance was relit open with tran a hnf tnaof mamnry boonded into h all itkc plinvv of no weight thr ringing cl- mir rf the 1 1 1 howititr the crachtint of llt faatf h uaauaiatdinter lht ahotjuof aeh- mte the mnre than fa vac tell of ihov vtiot ranka aon tht 3ead ainf the din vert nihcitd made uii a maa nf aiahb iatu onnda amotl oaaddenintf thttt ttcir- neat o w ttmtted lht mulilalcd lieaefthe leain uf altooot chuff w dy if time the thtrd diettron had i and he crubofout ihrrkr ir riv uaa treadfol etray rriomrnt oomt wellkoyirf eadjr h dead or root tally wounded and latl place w aupplitd by aonae gallant fellow wm tfrrinpnt from tht tcadtnt fiiea would atarccly iat hltrrrd bia eheer ol en coo raceme of e r hi l r waa laid low many a toice with ehoie rotct i waa hur would tweak np- ij ear t lone of heroic jitfl al the nit notnent burnt forth in a deahery for ah n hour ih fii htful carnf coutmued frrah roopt fonfiniially adtanrn but aearctly ml ofrundw made i lb earth hrtthed nrth ita eoltanic fne acnlhat terrible banir v no man pan- in mm lb haoet and the nlr would leap inn ihcwlnrzin hat nd tltc- httittnx eir nf ih a d h jriltoai at lie rllnti mn n t- 1 i finrt omit v bayonet ttui 10 nlia it th hannrtciiej a vhnte lrwn c brer f til arcnl toialravtd umxrs iihtv 6rm monnd aifl ftirwnn whit led lhe fmhwn hncienf ihe bflt ennd eninjet otn ih chajtn all the nhv f tpfin timnluiiiaujt after him the mro mttwa aadlyan a iapf wilheain anulhrt- tjaatud awuua ihem a foriou ihoui r i 1 1 it the ki ttith ipnnjin nyei the dead prl bounded like blond buiiija on ihi rcy manuhile hr t tiembled v- 1 dh ite lumji of ihe arht atjathn wtna ariii feettl ilr ear breach tame ilian loan in ilnl nf tb rv iv uainn tnwe im r k iil llij 1 imvihrr mid hrnt v ild ibe rrnum mm man wita itw i he tnn nfn ay for ttmait nn upphcannf lvk av aaaarcy jl wa the tat alnij ni trn no i drapair at lht invunt an yp4hovaw4 1itthr fudcllhwnjeralk h ait ibe te aj lorn upramrurta baatarll tn b j hr rmtatntut t the nrvfnr d w r alike the tklaaal fwnut of the frl mjim had hn initrd by a ihe 11 im a tingle- alreaki d ith 4 ura tlme nnn tt hn rjr nd iftdrin the ahiflel tith- mmdernfi minbel were ilted pi dpayal iv il werr t- ikr rin and wtat f- lvn hnth rda almd iranm by itr ania ih- pnt ir mil nomnirit li r il nftindrdirinra1ecatvd uikar tb 1 c jafi i- pretcnntiont which lvakt tve publish il of malta and in apjtearant ttya captctin mrryatof all ihe acrati ralcmnd dnaty tonkin acea t ever hat ten in anv part ol thr nxnlj miir to and he ikh nbnd of cominn wtittfi suna between lbm ber nf lht jialm for apparent tcillity tie mar ef attenaion i ayt dothl a pjmat jrl ntnt dev- late than malta but tl it aoderiiiedly volcanic and hear itch eint iratta of reeent ctup law laval il rfuiy iandoi tin fl rltie it pitlendt tn iot milling inni ihan a hvap nf notitrentof lat iant nne ot al wherpn m dta with il flirtaaliit pal ite tt tarreeit hilniil letomettinih tic linbt it ieao nl hatlle liy elaint tnl erkn fthin mnr an i w rjm iijiwlirtnablv diop4 intrd o at ijch a fm hnkini rdarc z it if inlhemiimnc tch 4 atrn lb tap ita rt marn i i mltirttin- lo ace lwf cl kadmli contrive in taftj the f nmfnta of litir fnlliccratiu villa litem makin of every pi a hme n i valltt wdinej wilh on nf ihf naot areeahi inne in ih wor ld a pjentlfnan welt known in t vjull of letter and diplnmacv and wim ilimidi he mith fitej 1 h um vnieiy m lnndmi and paria ant awam bt gladly reteitii in n- tter ai one nf it mvi ncconaidiatiol mem cbnotia tiivm a we of ihe chwiit lo ajn i- iinnrjf tn thi iftltant pnt hat in hull j per ion of thit ilamp can newrr b tail in patiirtc hirawelf the wide wnrm i l mauuw- and thoujli lht rane of w h benevolence mil bt limited theit aa ih re why the circle of ao food a mn inan hul tvhe otair lftt1tftiwalw uai h f it nn iric fi wiitetih at an i have art tied ttf lhc eat ot hi itfy 1 mha timet coniimmt m paitful wrcre wmih fat lea than jratti fr the henriu of ihot who may be awvi r l nh tbo jitcate l t rulenjd far0 akee cjlnaut jprvirvuf jifor maiwimc d laj ft nigral fn via cat t le v nmiaavj linn mvllimo flat by hrllint tl ftw tvinl of innur tiling rlnc in ahrxn madamt d tatmjii in avt in br iwn lintiac mnl in tlir hceanlpj if iwr rfiond3 tfrienf rriini irapanif itirit when three irfnir intiialrc inn wtrc tauylil aibc lnj ilifii u intna lix whiali ivr is wanhtl far maibme b c wt roiinleyliinira tin hly trry ocwiiinj ill inix lnovll itlkcllfl la nn 1 nt tl olhflc new mtkiav ivimtvi the trdiom f hie lo wo finihit a aatjhc ilnvcvj in ma bin ih r ta mirhrnv ymir inhirad ha ktl- i int rai i cml ynj my ntcara- mraav karr rvherif unit nd iv rnritrrrrtmllere is a wiip rf j vinm nte re i nin ful lite iih nf ririltir fn conrk reid ii feeler rlrrvna1 itailrfmui nacetiininnal fat the tmaattlajllnai ont aiv nnhint bnw r irm halilca t afiwra viu- lhc cniititn- linrl dvat my linsiij suit tan kad l irljef rilixn ijd il- and t how il ha bn lrnl i lrftiit ii rv hi f vn rita r intant hcn h timeivit ntatnl sin libl hnire what iihnilma7tolitiihin il-l- mlnow ne4finat ftjiw cinena fr lf ci im iln i imi rrieij doul tv nnr wwrd mi ii p j ii in fir uitiii hht ivllet eilirr ad saunhrd tiev ntuf ania siii bt h amalter at nn pi than at annihr mhirrfor w reiei iht tilt fiaf inly af ii a peio i lol in o at horn we ftautj tmi r wnvrr ran i t 1 1 r fit jfid ii w- in f-rf- alhu4li rlafriii tlh fnf muunnaj me f tbis ver nrteirea firmn an i why unimn we i ti hc witn aaav till all aw ii pi al ami mated rt immen vrmo th uactatl miafdvu naiftatjonrftitr irriiktis a ihott iimefnihtcftpteatrf iw t- new parha a sraf ltemni i ih a alramtra at hxtos fr uelea 0it tjfs fnnftll nhanttl ii i i i 4f rf ihi ntetiia 1 ml np ta i he lrraavo 4 hi and tii jrdirab mn uill ij kerfql tranunaatihil f nil r frnir ndirl f jlirr ih hiaofthe tii l- mf thr run t jilrniblrd the hpv n til alrj on jetuinl ol in r n d u ht h taller wljih nn- rilnee jw w the 1 inuiitv dtfr it t t tnlofl v and ilp i of ihr i4irlekatrig rrl in ill ihair ofolin 1fimr ltt in fvnihrf the lndin niv whfc- thai poilml nm pient elw tr tn rrmaikam e trlela prat ij- ninti tirre an i abaw htlu t k jwd mlr in w h hfr ul hv ih im i i- ihn flit hj w i i t a i ihe liil k rhrv i i ipnr aiiit nf rtnuudej r i r imit ivii ih b- nat fr fa nr t iii ha ilttrmeanutl y h uhlt u u- i a- shfd irv till atliedlc iti ihr t rmlli ii ih r tp r tivfiia i iiv t iv i pdlhh i i ijdiifi i hm uiltil llt avtri 1nd t1 in iaen lftit mt ni ihn r- it tvtrivr ihr u i i inrr in tt ph tmbi luawlid t id llla i i tuvi tt nrirrp slwft mn and man ihinurhiii all lb i- latioei of j hr- f voa will iiivjfuhy nnt ihe tfrtw iiv frniei hi tfftl iv r tu which ijtey prueh ih mot m all p- mm v jlrjf umjf a wtajtam fhp hrmjatik a vrflke fitm uiia i lwa knif a f n wiuvi ulnail uln a wi- m in r i itrir a ak thuanwj 4w- i hai hf r r- fwriu mnffy ufrjnr tiiil tl nili mity ft hi tltilwa uf n rniiileav unfit teal of netei mipjtni d will yuly pilenr naul hli intadn tefi trm ml iiia tl ipn rdidti la m i f r ji lurr all ti1it tuvii hi liv writ- m liptf a ltti sft fthtnttintry ibyittrf rarnva laftiawul at da i j tviiliiflj in rimwib inrtntu iuhpuj hrupnnil ni hm 1 pru ibrta av imil il rn jmrl id ii a hnwai- mi i radii n hut lanijirj in it ii jurtxj rfpa inwtfniafc rrl hhninr fiw liaajtlj iui t j ih lib tivu fttultr ran naliithumlhiirt1ala ii v r im i- ii- vtrm 1 nnit hi h iiat itiinidtd tmli nn i lb iim i id itpt i 1 1 m ip nihl id mum t lht t nt- fttifiviwai 1 j ft ai t unaaet ilih n1 nl ihaniui wi t u l l hjiip i t inj wev r buiuji 1 diralal it ast i in i tfiwam h e h i bj tl a4t i ittit llnt ilh 4 ii pl lean- is i i ri in ipatair ttrh l- h a i wi li 1 et i vat lhi- anii ihi n i a ntial hli rlrl ml n rr rvml w ani- iri toi it vcalinill i i j pl i l a 11 lit a ill it p iinivl ml liunhm thl1 lta lift d lantnm r awkl ui mint rml hi lim al j- pimc 1lto- lerfj un ihi ft ll 411j lt iu ti i m ilmim hi at llw hocmiti na mi rr rninei ntoimr- fince iv arriial of rhi diiai thhv mryais smr fbeanetrraai hnw of dvour p im ha hem fun aed m pw mm wilh ptj ov lerntc rc lo hip nation and tu p fv j h anion hre htthhoru raoiii flrforann ftot only annonble to untiih fctunxt nt hn 11 i frar to nrnauhf tu tburli ihrrjil mtlm jinrj iih lmmcnt 1 1 wh k me aaaall party of udat xtlrmrn in the cifuaj kial llirhittahnl raceid a ed of iitaiion to th- kj 11 dtllcuonnennr ottturaday but aa um ueiwnt at that vce eii nttf nd id ma rhip from the liorcrinpn ptooac ro afier ten ovtocb veiteruay hriwrrn elrrr tl i ire oclock ha facrlhner jvuunl fatrjlnd nlf k m m rrv miral he of ajirat ntrca1 in your rtajrr 1 ymi ivll mtthiiirit give it than trtrr the duke o veiungiori i pretty tvcll of accord tvia sir roicrl piu- but the duke of dtiekinham nnd nnej or i0 other ullfa- toriwan- rfllittr tlireaicnri on the corn iqw a ihcy have aaaciitd ibtir intention 0 aviihrlraia iheir iiipporl if any alteration i u n j tbi 1 folly we imm have no violent opposition to lite hnown withe of lhc pcopai laruje a toii anodtraie conciliauiry ahavrrnnacni tlac inclination and the power to ttuiiy ano promote the general adiatiingc u the only one that can long keep ii finding here we warn wholesale reform b rctorm out not hazarjou exjtc- mm rth mfjmranial dair u nut j rtm fof clin not olavt improve- kojii llimrta on hoard im mir pclc from f nlhaiiluteuuhrdlnhnnnro tit ha 1 a 4 koyat ificnnep cwrvetrd ihe pit rjvouh h t cannch be tacnitd bul lhai ihe arret iauifiecnt tcwi and whn ihra nrf reieed came j aign of lht fjottaervalive lo power ha nj- ritutri hflj etajpwm tftetl pon puwe aemean nn itv- ciuovi im ir an aho ei e i l t 1 l trwouxb iivm ir the comnndn u coronel r i pr peapie know im ibey can jone k if i r 1 npfrsj ijmmmo cniure ivtriselvea fvpect t hrittae and jl tlv trrnjlk ihie flwripj itiij of lix woria after rlaiteal jlcr macar 1 reercre7 a rojal sa- i ditphtmanrun the hihjnu attended a al hour ircn in h m lllfbnpa ship wakhriirr and m lule aid that uilftafi veataja iat treninx mil ftitjn liraiid rail at 0- uowrnuh noor of wi aiait to tfa trty th unu of the la fletlc roulr ii lhrr and enliteno the jay paety wilh tome ofln ml nvi i ofthc reat modern oeofrffora of compoiinf he prince pad a fpirootaorlimiiiof uitncain- vhr keauty of an uterooojti ia a moil faveinalin acaotpherc and ne doobt aot ihat many a e dwrwe nrd laneieiai thefme tteurcrofth venehoficr- aif imoiha in ihe may dance ketan time iih n nf nhlody at tt had a the far famed nwnt of pari aui mm to be aoft ocenla uf the french lanuar haa fl a aot impeachment wlitivin in aerf jjood tpjufth if moaic bni food 0 lore iir n v tv rineej band at oe of uncunmon aicel ir- dijt jinfiif n n an mane for u toncri- only iv at hcar thai cocaffiotatc oojfaa will loar hare the honour of ederum the prince at dianer al the rn- w m the yaed arhere unj ato be r i rral ir jvrcoaijh diekaon k r 11 the stat of the array and olhtr eucat of dlalfnctfon tl ia alio rumoured that i oacer of the army and nt ointy i a ball 0 hit royal hifjinrti in ih protince buildin on a lealc nf naatnireace and pbr4euir neve fn equated bcrehliftj moenuaj pi scpc i wiiitr ii at 11 tfravathu4l na-raifl- lc mayor aeeoaipinicd by t amrnacn hwcr- drr and cite maranal wail4 opon h royal hih- nem the pnnec dr ioiiitillet who tovccnded to rcecere thrm moat eeaeionaly in the adrndi cabn of uv btif p4t where hi woranit iiur a ihort frefac rad and perteolrul ih mliaah addi i t ffi niuef ravanra fv ptw dr mnepjr rtftutirv of mai ifjtr fjamttfm jftyrrlya sn ohhf jlclfr iwa hv lb mur 4 and conannn caaneil ravenoftb cety of ihhfaa had wi d uw tma il f cotir royal lihrac on ihtiorer ae0 fiel aumitad u1u1 a jlki fiv in in4inf vdcowe in tir t if a a 1rinee of oaf lllulrvu llout f fe a hh in for a hm preiu umilty rbtf- hfcrd 1iee nhluaof aaaaly and ux 1 nu happdy wiviptji- betirernthe couru if pam and of lnhfw tlouh a rrmore irtndrcr of ow liwh fcnt- pirc daatance doe not ainainih he la- if aatrctnui at and toial attarftwnt t ihe peno d lfm of tor stelin the quren i and a rmarch who t your it utau lather haa avuv eanvtly enruaatrd and prewrtrd the pef aw irarunlq coiinrtmn to whieh we hat idrrtidfaotfa lo command our brt frrna of reaprei t nji tjlal ihr tajthim of your limil llhnrpi amone a may he altrndcd wth okaaae wc offr raluuiaonf on a tirit aa hojw tint abroad aa tiidetj the wn g might have done if oxonicllftd ilie rajieab ha j roi erubarrnaujej ihem o eternally tlie ditcract c in rmo nf our rveihnorsng raarithea have ovftninej not to tax ihtir fcllowciiiwn ihcy av thai arytttptire rata tmororemenfa the frencli gazetlo reeemroend this example aa tviv- thy of beirag fbllo quebec mcrcu- ojflce ot m cuam af fcmmar qikbee numher of anfranta rndinj the loth inatanl from rglarrd 44 irrlind scotland larer fort pre t ioualy rrforlc to ame period l yea 18th sepaeenhrr lji arritod rina the week 71 n a 4ii a71 ujii ffilfcfu fl ltf incrcarc in fa a r tail 431 c- buchanan chkfajonl oar cnnit yeun hoyal lltfhav wilt w raae r accept uv tlmrnl ot our hijnf at conaatmn 1 arufby iuanajt of the cilf mayor hoediana councdj stceiifc kimxll lahfai n s neplcmlee ft lfl- ii p v tt hhatuha 4 ansaifc attli a in uaa lunijl d j ilaathntb la ilwe an auf etprca ajh iratificatrnti at thr aaaaawttjiu wtua whieh hr thm waa bwoed by the 4 iie auvuaiarv ad traord 10 lv emlemrr lavaaamrgfuv ftnt r- inrrwnerd at uw lint all on tn in rtoiacd incc hii arnul al lint pt tkt mary 8w to ion rw fit jtnrtltf altrrtdcd mu at st vi xmjih mwm d celumrd tu the j 1 r j afh raoon from a ride to windaue in rt the hatli of ouf pfcvivte buddm hi 1 1 1aij to be iim be ic jcrcttruh unlli -rmy- ih sj4 ii rvei ttn annual lutftft look tii ulay tle nalhcr iva pm- hiioitt ae tvaili a trafy inveare the tittn ftf nitmntlr armtd wiui hnlithe lurilm 11i- and lhc iliuhyanl hilited ulrnnt r a ltah of eiyinme in veev prinreii- ianaiy jidiv iii ah cidnfa prntlvnvi rivptbairi ienine3netlirrajpanee willi pmr ftiiittfo liuwiailna hiih aftrraih atial inliaih imernitxej q a railtilttt nlvnliiindn thr- mltey rmudm r tiat- imt lnafj tloi tirdeat- antnttir ny kml ipi nrl n rrmh aain hi hi rvit of uv xiijlainit uf ifalirax lmluft thi iflxfare winch arfaivj nnt icfc ar- n il mky litie nf mntirnin fiartht fir ni ihe adnirnl id ihn taiinn haa nittil her iina iiraranra nnj it liie nuval nnaineni nf ilie haripnr lb iihitrsromietrm nr rnt qi r- rr ralltfc ban- rmlrfi sept 3 istl injr cnur cranfwvnre sr rn- iaall aft4rl yticirrr nnianre friii of a riuntmre t hatttt nh whitia ihr avt iuf sir rialltlt al wmiunr 1 tin- rtjhi ifihtmm jbriiki in an aiihtraee rn tujlai ant vivhta liave fully naa ictflnfj of ihe rnnfijnee en tt in r rbcrt pel nnarta rai tt rrinvr he the nuuu rifiwy ihw letter will tin- a raiide in the rnm al 1 xhua evenkra fjt m anil rntilaiti a lit h nniih f ihe new il r t rmvtl rnvjk 11 vaaatn urt iiihl i i vn in t 1 tlirae tv linvnioh raattr whj tins alttt sv fimmd thi- f teftqifietl tlac pumn 1 am paek fiifnrmyii pvhou taf a rih m a iaialadll ihry haiilt faive hn h edliee al chaianjnitli b aftrrri we arc axire that inr mpa mrt intaady icieivtel in nliide i iv minpoli in tlirinwr i end vnti fiiiiiinn jaj piipocd ib hmnmrr rnur- pur- a nn tvinnnnt unvanl 141 nnimr tiia- viey nnmer- i rtaalatj nit ml j siiira in lorn lnavl stib ijmih m vtati atdlfml that tin c l rtw4uthni ned lev ok maurana iinly ml m ii lalire ih ttl upj h rln h i heivav lhrv lull fa jar n law fnmi lb tmi- ilw r lljir j n ahumi 11 n i r urw til lti h l rart lrile lnl lrf1a irini 11 ih a nrv u ipft at l pfl iltr vijia a kl liti itj i ri n h lint aitti nrijnmo1 1 ijnty lure uhieh iit rei rive aliiv laiiuhl 1- irmn 1 an 11 faaurfrtf lravlnttdthpia uiih latetril in ii pirphim at hrti i paahlrlvt fr in 1m1 ittt nun linn- niltrllt lva1 itnufp 1 r ninl in ihim pajf t tl 1 itml tarrl taa i ol ti hatv ii tn itn- kl hi talml tiw tubjojiaeaj rcaotiiiion o mntiot nf a idrrman fcfrie nccomjil by councillor voant ataa aoopleij nltt ineftiflf of the city council on tuemjay een afierific olfietm notice of the death of hs erecelkn- cy the governor general transmitted to ihe hnnoobk jo maynrnf thi eity nnj published hy til on the 20th inatanl had been read preawnl ameemen drc klcu atr in the chwir amcrnicn ftttuc anj touift councillor uac kux 1 1 moison anj ammvfa whereat ihii couneil have learned wilh wj rcpni ihf famento remim at king- tlnn on the j jhii i- m p cf a k otlcitey lhc riii hon charlct putct4 tliornwati baron sydenham and tneontia lnvernnr general nf til her ma caty province on the continent iaf ntnili america ortof tbm lhc hcmlacri of thi council du vw in nu mine ftjc the sitae e of cne mnnthaa tvcll rtvertled tribute of n- iem to ibemernory of lie tier cacd nnue- mn and a a ipatimony of the hjf aerito ihcy entertain of hi public and private tmnh and the conaumniaic wiadom cne p and irnoanialiiy dtvplayctl hy him in the mrnjuci of hit adminiairation in brilinh nurtb ameiici cvctijacj j f skxton iromabt n v gipeeaa latkk from canton aopnf tdg iddi m ccttfmlfus of the tforicfa arirn n cnrtp tvlvrtat sjmfioo 7hnnrureofv tttttuftttfor pciin the ihip klofpila t jpt kan f on left canton may 17 macao lmh and wi urreckrd on brieanlin thoal oil kittle k- harbor on the lut imlanlm s patupner on board arrived in lht city bat nihl via imonmouih n j and haa kindly fvjrmhcd 11 tulh tbefot lowint inform atirn our lail iblc fom canton were by lht eben preble cinee whn b nothin rcry lemarbablr hathaipecrd mnch waa pn prepamtion cart ipllintl ria however amce may m had ati pnlmvirvr uilti ihe kwn i itow fog a ii mandarin n im va ieitoayj ihat cpl- tllioll lfiull cavi hu h milt tvptvin ilioll fvpliid thai on the paymrrt nf faftiiaatl he would deleer ihem up the kuan chow frou mrptiicd al neh ltm replied thji ihr meior would rveer mhc auch a 1ieily and thai they moil bhl ft will he teenilectrd lb rum lbolla aral avirajtia atuaiada millmn wtmh ha note been anatcwd in lweili1io strml hun vearh of war wet oil the prttlotatt and iapl ilcalweal cotnmandin the akancrd tiavn had rndrr m aeef any lltth ol hoilility on the pail of h i to bniahard the city and tint lo eae ihi ilwft tnoukt to abr- lit at in aflianf at lht aaoae tune all nefro- protrclioo tofortitn- tea tvei hub nnl arirce and onlv lo he r u 1 vy awlan noaaka of imriti of any deeripbnn hr t hm c feelme trry an- cuw erf peaewed himiutira tiie mandorina will not allow te i cnme in the ntjwm fullnf tiriar mldrera llmft taaaam hrtran heae nurady and atumhem r deity airirine jut a ih m- iidj waa leaving macao wa tec arc n n enilhtrah hi caulnn tnniif hettijj lhl ih tfcinep had commenced hmiititara the kf- ir fapl ruiotl in the airamr winnie n the iblhi imnnd lo cftatofei a part or the llilil fleet waa n leave on- kon- may j5 for ihe coat honnd 10 jvhm ti e mnnaence holiliiei tli ciroot tv flnfpiuuai nour m chi na oh had 100 ion nf tea m and rftip aart yaad hre at ahoui t the flo trda ifrui k the r halfpaai ua- uvlock nl ua abandnned al oruk avini ev nifttj f te arhrnrt niid1n a i anwef nftnel titnia rf j vtr mmhy took ml the errw and la nderiil ihem etfiy lettscf in ha power- eatc vntrr the rieliminaal va rnhner nh ihr rheh anf the irrtail curt j t maenfi e mvnn q nrtrn hoy aiwit iti veaiu p who tnn n a lniy with lln- reephimi nf ihe jreiier srt nf ihr rht jiriii lan calilv carl af the hiiihvr linh mid aicarly vi hia nsi ni lrv ijiiharc ii tahrte na an alaloder thr wwui- nn win h have luen ifaerrimaaj in r fit faatar learn 0 mil m nil ndaliily vt ihr athnlc u lafiu lliei arire lht ie tlh uimixmi jr i j ii lit a in thr mtolaffp district assize wl hat much ptcaec in joan ada w taw fvrujinj charge b hw honor hfr- cittr jcf rict koairaao to ibe gaod luc al the cfcnia oftc anrs hi ledsi harin b f f i l vxaj rnqintrl of rln grand iwj m foaeatair ano gortaaiatih or fit gnfo jeat- atthouh the nujnhrr of caaca on uc cairav r if not tealer than bar been uiuaj oi pjmdar oc- etiom in that ditdrkr ju will i i to cam thit there arc aome charter of the moai aerioua charac lrr and amonj thrao not lea than three foe ihe ciianc of aueorr eina no farther hnolrdc of iheatt fwi vn the fact uat uv awtntn are ehaered with nwjrdre i bare no rvabia f anlici- anj partjculae faetion or difficult liaelj 10 be prcacntcd to jour coniideratiou and ahal ovceeior abeum from noticiirj anj of thoaf diilinc- lioni which hare been rtijed in a arrico t cava and which hare eatabuihcd in rrrral rcry clearlr ihf boundaric bctwca jwilinablc riavta man- ibwfhtcr and murder nut ain in the leaal ale rt awtr ttt the cikkncc which it to be laid before ao i cannot forcue nhat leal fainciplcu naay be anaottcd in the iniratjcauooj and in al tempt an j paucwiar dircetion uiubr lueh eircumauncf would be more liulj apuhco o pcrplci than 10 aaaiat i wih theecfoe only aay an encai termi that there ia no more alronjly marlno feature an f craal 1ar whcuke wc regard id principle oe ita oraftkal admicuaieation kjn the n and krotuloni cart with whtth it iffatw iuelf lo the protection of tvanan life bt arardi fdr lb moal pecmapt and tohmao inrribratjon of ney ehrrr e boaaiciue jn eirland from whence happily foe ar lv e pvancipha and fraclict arc drawn k in a uriki- eharaclcriiuc f uvlr juiuiurucwee ikat nhtntver a murder a appaid to hat bev com- milled no iiuncc a aaarcd rao labour thlntht loo jrcat nor antihini in ahort lefl unaunplcd nhrcb may aecm litrly to had lo tne drvctjon and furhmrnlbf the cdtcn- bidi iv paurutir cavo of dut whach 00 meh occitiona aclaalf lha nhtare in ajij decree rharjed with uaecieortaon of f- hrt j j nfourvl la animate the n hole com na nit v pnciln alaean 10 trj ckctiou whtt h can aaaiat the officeea of iiticc aa4 lb tn- icect lalcn in cjeh cireaaauiuracc that pccma lihrlt to m1 a clac to ihe diacoiry of tuilt it w pne rat and at lhc aame time o minute thit n anaii car i the euloeit ii unatde to elude ckteeiion it will he htput for ui if that foba- ihall br- fjeeaer maintained in that country i late aunc fn hnen andtrcoath for toaoofc ith iddiann upon thc preptation of alrtelou crnrter nhlr il ar jea thr abrrrweef cr4oua and moral tvcra imdi di- reellr to candler crcrj inuecat nhxh tl h ih- oli- ret f oeirt j i aral guilt r-nwuer- ral h ihe proipcct of impunttr and tlnw wbjie pvucular ewty e wrrtac latal dlatvhition i a lo be fouard in coforein the law cinnal nfoxil nith cauk coufajraaeirr and of coanur i ol wilh the me hope of mpeeea un ivt are neither im nor rnrnujcd h the eoopcraoon of ihcir f hh i r i idunotbaou trhrtnrrfilhircuiecajra to ntueh i refre hna been connected in any oveern with tui rathe uadctiled atalc of iuatic fctlpna iaaich m tobcecpettcd arovld continue f- a coertidrralle time fr auth ceenta aa it waa our r jrlne a fw yru a to wiuwa- they are perhapa rauv ee to be traced to cirtumiianeea of which th cue- ral efeel ia eherui and rncourau to ll roptc wfim-p- e laoiifci ot totl autuua h- hadeankd lauauyh ml lclalre pftcjljawpne tinj ft- auaincn- th of ih ineaiiee rflk lneia ft ii rhouni ml f obcia hrii h hbd in nfv alia it w pfoae tvi hfaabanavaa oftaia fd coumyf hail th uuubtid lm to fuena im own opi ion if h we wortltf of f jr late ladthcr lo ana i t- oyeaa- i iimti bl ffn tt act uou bail 4 upon ihcir mcrlta for pracei had been brout maincd ml for jjd haviim the mere formal ccreuaony ucan tin uv ork uhach h to a ciftoii moir lare new a th nnn i njaritai midn5jc u hut iar4htv lt iptantrtt bhi iml hw iahr- ami laaw av an the hpneul mdir- we tnv rre ihi rhnn if irlhera vripeph air it iriv4lrlv lit ran tii hvanal w tinjitiuui in- nimr mw id irrr tn if nlhip haaavm fimn ir iiur rmnfiatrllat tar ptxnt dninly iii miu laailt rp lulnin invo brtlaitfevii ulwai jraan imttturr of rtd in uvie train tiv late ehan- a in iv potiurit hipajf fttt nf kit xtoia proaiee hiar ennfiered an inaporlince apoo ah portienof it wtaru it lejovn lo a rafd inrrraa n io ponuhlion and teahh i and art may cartel 10 and niln tw a cirr ponding inereaje in th umbte ofoltrntia in i iff trading town eri a potul arelli and weatih nxrciwj lhc irmp- ulaoo to vce arc nj i i and il ihe mf ume the oiportanili f u arc more frequent and more actjjbh toletp pact arith lhic ihfe mut t an incrcavd rhanc on the put of uaoac hhjr duly it ia ajfjpuff the ian wlvelhe il he fur pceaention or foe punihmcn and hain a it our urptin to hire a eotutiivtion frrr not mnatiemcriy hut in truth and a of i- which ha i- wnn ih nerjl adiiilration of rnaiawi ii mutt be our own fault if ih mean of eorfcelion do not rite pn proration ta lhc evil- wh n i r to ihr recent poltkal aneaturer em anal- from the ivpcriil gjivrnnunt whlch baa cten al maaac a iuibl ehinfie na ii eotou nity i anlend nothm no than the pian alta- km which i hare madt to ihem at a fwp eon nertrd ath our dvuv laf- tvr arc it i tru of fjrtoaaufereatinxachtieicr pn eriry poieit nf iiru lobe ltlnao uiih nditce ncr hi anj prrvon who triirtj rb- pnajfion ofthi treat and aaluibte ctfraay nd anecrel iarica ita proa- preity vu it ia not m thi place and no waeh an oceaaion lhal p can ir he heeonin to ram eicn a he mait tmnrrate farit what the lrflla- lun ma rtiarrd ar ihe ft ate nrdriiird with anp ciihee to praih or rtine il i the kn of coufla nfuaiirc to pjtdd thi civil aitwan and thot lawa usirh ihe con4i1iitiial aullwriiiri fnae caiavlilndi aj livy ate nrver aetin o imirea alia fof n amlannlainl wrfhtnlhir hlftpet ajdnre of dutt a wpvh hiy are diot4bnaajli lj ul firmly rnfoeein- the lw a lava find han tmg nn only fre trvcnt ffom ail drarraein atqurnf but aanithvj ao far aa tt tan pntajut be dn thr niai4rrin tlirr by word or ilml i any uitl rcriled fiiafa a wdl aiiwrtiauei apriu v in all rnmmjriiei and uonpf ilv tw am in niefion nnh ihw htfjrrti which ifl to umlrrn the intihrn ofbit iriuinalr tu1 utuw aau ar yur conrrm far iv h- dmmrmrinn rd jhi- liire will lead aou fill lo rwaf a lhii opinion our dutr nu mil nnt h rutprivd ihit i cannot rrfrr hr ir livt lolh rhahfra in our pmi ril rondirinn win h hitr n rrriil1y nia and are now ttttl in prnvi wnhnul ndaertmro pjut rnoluel hr diap ralrw a limine proiidrwre wmh withipp u laat frw invr and vine i ra hrrr lnn a fiimmaiimi aitiui hy k hv lurr ha dprird thn tnifry of ruler h hai pnavad atuid ti au availing proof of ih que v and rurpa inn uf uaiffi ir4iiitdlir t aon ian niild ta nee iutlly 4w thai it rn dlnml mrnnijtfvhrnaim hju it o1f ian rrnnd tu k alrntlma1 by nnt ahr thannv tf ai nar ol buf rw rr pan nt jvau ariualid in ill h r n ulan imnnj ami lhr4ihnul ii mil dinvn raiewwre in peowatrlt i kt ivij il hi rf ifrrr hj ura halt miim- tain ha ell nptm wtwch nil feawant cinni m 1 fnr rn tm tat imultw i itirlun elmlit tv 1 ihrr twtn in orta ida hil at rninal inalltioa of an albu rrt th wnh thi hy in anr xtuet ahrfh rrmed m pvr iw i l1m fnr raavanf ih- trafea uf atodnfun funirewruir th p ant ar niin- raanaawalla if aiiiilin f the 1ie atwrrtf nhh hrht tthaw i eawt nnwe ucetumi f anii il n ana hr fnihtw 4aaaipurui f h viwu tv hl nbin lf lni pain j i tirntal hr laaf m iiiunl lrltilc aiat iiiiri i thi riatr 4adwi and iflii in a tlevufrv fjr connno kid bfdvet ibtti i and ih t the uncrrua proof ha valu- nth ao be derital otil ihrouh hl bl of cipfwnec- ttailhjw irue ia it lhal e uwaj o what a o may beinf forth how etriku ia uv chan- tbal wthaecnatiieaaedt that rhnrl errcmony uhith wa rcqvd foe pcrfctaa ah labaur of miftj anirout anonuai haa been p rfurm- by aafhjv the toiet hwb waa ahaul ivonacy lo lht amc bled jtatalure a uuduul aelinowlsllocnl of their aaaawjntu la now ailtnt f eve twt hand already tl which waa to bae kl uh eal to on- weo of uofcoown import to the future antitart of ihia ritinj country and whawrerr icaam th ctp rience of their ilfocta may tciaeb mnit now b er- eclvcd by other atauomm ami by other governor avciaocduut pcchapt uv waenui- of ihla aa- fnl diapenfauon in order to bfr c hnm t cor bo- ttma for the irjrpoie of ordvry apptieatiow th ercal imtm ahnh ahould he w prcaent to ut et the iceun nature of all that irand op oue tenure ofur andof ute nceewcy of lwancvr ready ot a manent lo rende an account m the wi author f all food of th uunvr in which wt ha employed our factaltbcav to the m ji jnhariun thr buiy crty every day almort mjt conrey aonac ko ton of um nature and wfaw i loot aeouoo me iri aoc ao few af uaoae whan i can remeanber aa haewaj aharcd with in in former limca uch dulrcj aj thtc far which we are now aiacmhavd tt ia plain hoa many a pa infill and i hope amprcaaiie warn mail hare been received by ih turritoei of trf f ail and on retain tenure of hiimvn life but vl- doin haa theee been afljrfd in ih datnaatiom of f retwjinee to lrilin- an injunction lo au who iwj elootd with autharty are contcojim in any deeree uac deauoy of othrn tst they flauil br pre pared at a mooiote wai u urrendr into ht hanftr of lhc great idler of the unairrae that leuat wh hwtknow can only hare botnfiiljtfiilk iarf rm urwnear haa been uveew h a atrict conformity iuatirr and by a ipirit of auwannas obeov rucrtotliil wdl of our creator which we iihrj from a lnoudf of tu attributes nnkh h ha indeed revealed lo ui by a mcuaou ditiruiation and awravareaato ut arrey hjur of or tirr rmindd in thaihaienly monitor uhhhe hw jarval wihk ue wc moat ncrer forr ihit uie t a harutona in ihe moral world no lea vihldc thin in the teat uterairona natnre ontee tibitijr war- rrftu- riy the fir al vuvoaina ovui tri like tlicwe tvh u mnirt is f icfy f nrval lie- eanrvriplr1y atilnuirjofaeitiouiad hrerner to nh it l iml inie i and even loaij be fore cmpaajajjf ind thrd ita lrht unnn mana it hid ivtaa divovreed by the art and jnad r t c- foumlitroui of a proplct welfare i bv tial in virtue bkrf al hmjh the influent of thi rval truth ahould peaade all the dvpatawnlj of owldic oaaly it i aboef all taunp incumtent upon ihiar to bear il ever in lawir mmdi wh ar pnlruautl with any pari hof ecr tubocduiitc in odmiaotertne the bnr the aeeurily ae have for whalevce wre aajwc here coniiat in uv fir place in the ct ci- ltaaa duty aelinj upon lhc coeaynuruty and ift the neat pbec in ce powrr of th ua to retrain and rwniih thi hi hem at all laacjl emnrar by cn r ailvtm itdl anaia u dnl tvr peom tr- hiaemijrtt tie firt ewd ior to huili ivivt for religion a ht niinrrlcr aed hitp neat bharrd tfrwnanrww that confidence if th ppl in thr ad unaifali athaft of rheir law wnhjul whieh uwy muvt be power for any prjrpoeof pentittmn- to up hold that confidence in tpmri of eid tlinnon may a avrririe in othr z tvh alwaya lr pipawbl jndcotiavrej htalpru but 0 um a ft tau he uyavid iv aocajfjbrrc iaaaft d ihr only bapt of prrirram al n to be found in the oranlutmu to abide under u eirromwirie and al allhinrdi by uarerlpriitpte of juaue n r iirrrpirrx aa your oalfc anil capreaacb n iko far favour oe arjccuon or mpr of reirard but lyrpin- car in vmu- th one rial nib- 10 di o i nltil our eoni- cnnc bp il to h riht ami nhil w ctn ih r- ftre jipatfy hi ib prhure tf ihat lrcat jvin by whoae frrj nwr nv sm- tiovul oul ivc i ad- ptiimitcr uarr in fatlhfuurai liuth uaarh- ujidin tne mlitd lhrt ira nauuj el d laj eveion ill llonoe tl r chirf jire pri llu- follorrn teiifcwcef ioamtdam uf ihr tt u- ir of rh coort j ar cnaauawauva miniliphtr puaprfuahona all in common gtl for ti ninntj mnhn jnnr 1- ttind r 0ra0i kavntrr v muntra aii chit avrrntontrfrdwejt rfu- -hia- foe th- inuruvr of patrick nolan er ieniit iifm-m- mnilauadee moaniroi rn enrnmou wajul fw ii umnfha t nrth will nn ivtrdior mufhof cathiw frri w td c- aatfiaral fiaidip arw aalin- anillni yk rrfoi fhaihd ili tuj wra k imjoin ll na md jili tw vtiirbfiot daelhn inmu on mojiv itlant peitavnlrw oiaaiar snrrt i irjjiri- yt c- frrum laniv rrr irmilr kq pvvtb miry iu inn vfraf ruiwi eninirrrf l ftuurn nf ft rt of unn siata 4 nw oa in4tctinii fmrnl laal aaauaana prunre c4ifia4 n tol we lie eriuh r 1ar f roreuor net aaanntq nn pnrarne priboda waa j vrn enpr il a ami n n fnuid hi hif hr otakitio ih it uiranaj ftmeuj rwtlrtfamuilaritltac uiuipiaho batl bond einehted and c discharged for abate rrarnn rffua afj hf wvnff of the mldlmd ihiirici ttaaaak on john htra load pav wlrralay iflrrnn ihe tirind ury prewnrcd llarfullowif lthvito aw rourl d ue aineereu i irani ihit ponf ov an rin onljirrd imhb dwuawiit nitl h prnprrly atlrndr 0 tin com limd ritarle of haf lliitriel mapalav wjhi ib tiimmnn to il wmim a n arliaff al- h drkrmv tn a ctanfb i of ncrohtor tiiriiiuvn jiiev iav the stite na- tmcgvk tvlirtfcj wuue arramv tn iv rrriunt- aai nf ih tif ij t ihr oan fthn frena airr hue ai 1 it t ial of it irvt ami lej bae roe wnt to uv cw4fl th kg eehan r r il ii j air awd ura iu i ihavtalji h nine ttinii rf hi- ruthin llua bail aiwlrothr meelbnipiiumafamncnhnl u kaarll m aiarh rubliu llr iawoarif lhre ill muth rall fcaenr- aurtnt nh n by ih jirvp pmli hima li4w uimhr timbi utpath lb a uipi al flu- hinda r xi jolinwun ifv llawb ntrmd jrv nmim rr ee mum m lhal uv wnun htl hue r tu ih pr in nte art7il4amnjt a llinaejrlidatvu th aid- ir aaj irr hm f i wfc fe if nf ip p l ulh tae lint iat tuar th ier itturm in tin ml jir mrannntnlp ath wikh nttt in uwrre rred aun of iw iwianf avntrvma mwriiaralti aird ih- rieal wul nf hlavh w n vi 1 fit ha tl- rtfde t r iih vlllmj nulam if fv mujuti tki iiiw h uid hnw arlt a- ipji tauartet ihit ji wriitt m ir ami i iiini hl am uuhbutda f inliiae iry uanaiw mu 1 ibw mil a m uur nafi vv thru of i it ma f t urn a f am di llul i nph alfiatl r ur hl i bvp au iti t vitt i f i- t m i mat dp

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