imrtlttl t il thr ivopir t ml miry i xjjuov jjiiifatoffwrttfw alitimtik iloceruilrvf nvfnmii lth muiinucsuoii idhravir te iralur i fctsrnni of irttrfs m mvecon1wrtl rial j lolur 11 onliiol- ih nhiu etricowij snprje iki murine tiinrawd ctiviit irwtrlimu irnlhti mm a rv mean i rtrtl union in tsim v- jit jiwj ijr atiivr us liit a bj4i 11i i e null hith ton lo mtew form si ffiftvkito k t vl incics scarcl a 1 icqtr rt qt m j rrfte pill ndlnou snirrioi d yf vuw ltd thr re oaeeiuli i in f aha jrtninor lon brs v cil iii darili uwhfttni jj k rv rh 0 i ri rx- i it hit miir atj tv iberr ti tihf i rnoio u mii wv- r r ntfat ewhli o ny h le dv tf ujtvle ft 1 i tt mrkbf mi i4 r ib hi fir jnnn he mail t iiithhulf ih juitiuri hi bill toul pfiirifll f i it v ft mm i lttttft1 ri rrau u n print- il il 11 er v tft rsr j ftulmiwiohitoad iuue- kpf f ai w vur uwul m 0 jctltlmlk il 3 too l lmi tfj ft ftil m mt ww uiht i- it ti i mhw f lir nmart iul aten ih pr hk k p ipt hi m j s hv w 0 j l rv hiii jyi tsslml iwttu i- i lft rat witt cchnitr fixwhit td sttki hate ffwwthrl- l lt aj oditf titf iratufi hi w1htj rmiriim hklk mv mn wltctci r f 4umlt0 tin uriri htll rwlr4c 1 in hit ncih hrn cfllr piawif koa a0 u c1fi ta ur ai7ns ii4frhiwlut ivitri ion n 1 kiirln tier until furtltor nmico i tiiifuxluiiii simcr lll liii ant u ion captajm uhvmmomj t the unite states hotel 0j ihs sii t tmi oikcbs notice iie hihlfc nml lilitblhlt f ctininb an irnt rcxpivirully n- ilea the olympic c1rcls manqflicbl a s h ttnttt co in- hnil taking a lntir lbnjigli nil llic tuwft rnl viilafcorcatiajai httwwft kinuni 3lj luiiilmfl wlwaj ihfcl cuirlkkif in llic hhmdi rf september lli recti hi mihwinled ptttrofwp and i am liappy m y et the pwirf general fiflriuetiun in apfcttn to tis dtiwy extenrivo iaii- j r w 1i minmhemnnrjmihe i ui rt nmiinmce l lite mu uial trie great of- mini uiiuvhtu ailhtv whncmttn fi ihmii exciieiiic ihrtiui ctdn bt mmw hi tspcclod ophii ilie company kllkg the pwmltcf liaeing ciirfnplw with the leniis if km citppment air vm colk the initai rumwr ma is mff ronvofesant and tvtl jniii the company in a firw ihysi thittc nefftifmcft in company wluh afrty the tar- ljk n i60 n y nl ksiamihincnt tamw he rtphn nf viwww trvn nertly furnished wi iumut i tnmand flw tl ext- y bttwccq ihe purth of kthfon rv cv1 iteii sunbv tiimkt a tifduy bmung gj jjij sjrmrlo wto per knh knaia m iu c rionnmiral rhai w- titc wilt lupf iy kinrt rlkmw wkniivi h a f- evcr after e a of e rslj tlie cnion b mil bttol hpff paen- 1 r aitileiremely uvlladapte rrkivilitt the pacc n j hwhtmer i ipfiril fur haiif h tflflrtlhimjvf anjs hfuift 1 mtiiaiiuru dive piuti 1l buih l likeati performed dunnj the mgm- imofcti fffufl roehmer ax montreal can arrive thea y in three day 5 fiw rre or paae apple tft mr t pnijw ri bad oiiiee roclmtcr ihc captain on hoard r to mcpherson crane kmton aug 7 is4i minwi of ihe hiwirj lltbf futnlhnj ill tlr til will oftioic n f hlk kf kt fl- rrtkil 4fw q m l h jiril i wj tmpjjt ifikltljrfhhiuhetottrieiher uf l r tiiitrr u j tqfr liwjf ih u frintrd in lfr viawiw- m rapuu i riiit hr rr u a vp s 4 iu cotiuin m frl w 5 rt 5 s vr iooo rr i tht r ih nh cirtrayi ddtuonal nailer mtntj m kc k wl b fit i hb jritthr pj 5 th nfafrfflicii3t t cv pf t 04lwcofflwr now rt b objril fm vls m hh i iu menu a ihc ifopoctey lidrtjhklf i1 dwuw of the work lt1enfv t dm rirwnil a hill ik al vk t v 1 p nmituii kithe 11 in i he rutin inaction to an cfllukmll niidknre tlw reader if tli e jfonfrt htrm and oilier laperif lowr canada cmntlwl have ihmlailail a v rtiieineni ngwd by t v n u turner hwndn w injure the re putation iflhi company whieh was done thruiilt jatmiy fhnfl ttur having reeetvetl xnch wry hlrat paironajce in canada far kovnrcemve eaon their comjany not being kmnvn in these parts they have endeavoured to impose on tlw people by matuiheir company to lie the bowery amphitheatre wliieh i eoinidcrd it my luly lir voniradiel il nevei having own- led a dollar worth olfliwk orevrn tratd- ed with ihat popnbr company they i laving failed u eel patronage hy that div honorahle mode of deeeii have now itiiro j tired another dl sieaier imposition iu m- a hanilhill in which the prineipe fi- ttire reprerent the addition oi an american ianl nvm a theatneat company mr oconct taitoootl man scr e 1 am certain the are not anpiainted with ihe rliarai ler ofthe inhabitant of canada or tley would never attempt to roll them woh ueh a miratde hotubog do they pre tend to think the inhabitant here have never ecn a theatre thai tliev ahitid ad verlise paying tiagdw comedie or mclodnun n in dirty cirrus ring under ti dwhi rfili migpfu tiivufc- 9uttiitrti iim in rloct rlucfc ut rereivrd and tx safe a most fulendid oworimrnt of kight days lir jfran and me pun v in plain gill and o- c cmi the rnut no- dern lyle warranted to keep gd titm at no 3 garnma umldine j limox kingnton aug is41 hii hoick wises- os ur at the wmrnit wutofafftof th rrher front street pipe old poll 6 qr ciko 2 llhd tuprrirr claret 6 jr cask howard co utjdta w ocuvrt wb madeira i qr crtiki tuptiior poit 10 rjctjve in do qr cak5 do siniy 5 o oijoriar io 10 etaktu chomiuizar j05 b hall kington 15th aou 1h1i 1 j lxes rvrrpoot najs u iw boxes tontret soap vi jo lonjon v cili oait sut n b ctiiv vvtl 0 at all lime uj t and their tog pige to and from steamuoaband park- el fie of rfirjfi v anted a student to the awhiieeiural pft femofl a fie wi king li- ippiv to mr bbowne piirr1 wl april 1841 85st r j5 25 jo do do iaiiuoii jienn cjiwicj london dip candles pol iilt liy j0sk1mi b hafl kinpfond aiirwrf tsu i c ihet five villa lots for sale each of 10 acre ocinepmt nflnl vi m loc loiuiuivn o ik iheirajtney have never attempted any thing township o puubwrgh ofdiekirul nor will they that much to tlnrse lute are dehghtfuhr aitnaied on ihcircredit alihooh thry have made their the banks of ihe st lnirenre with the company aprnar mre ridicotoos by sdmooo island in view and have the mail vcrtsfigatich imprwibililics to an eidighu nad to montreal in tfeir rcr diatant five ened community th american pant i ntikftfrom kington ihink wi fail io atiraei any great attention apply to when the public are informed that they iliunsit s41lkry warehouse cornrr ot stiff frtil slrrrt koston oyiorife mr rtvsfaini of mr art jrv uexancttr dixon of trio nihrtfuti inforok the military and geilryol kmtut and il vi inily lhai ho ha opened a brine h of hh emablhment in the above prmics where he wdl lr eimlantlv irpplrd with a vey jtlflflsth avwrtttcht of iviwrrjr htrnts maiw isvi av inimirtri1lirert from ihe beil house in rreat itriiian md which will ontitute a firi rati enghni elaniplimen1 all saddlery fcr lrpt ai dn above e- lahhvhmrnt ivamnletl rnfih n p ewrr ilwtiwtoriitf mamies c ton tie to order frou the bvtl english lailnt aoif repaired hy wry iivm wtkmen kington iih sdy loll sim piumc notick fnoi indelited to coilrn ft 1 rrgnsihclds miller have jut reevived a small consignment o tanned sheepjktn and sotrtn ansmms kirskiss m siile harm4 leather ffw to hand 7 boxea superior twankay 3 do do gun iowdertea r do do young hymin 1 do fanry catty boves sooetionp llbea the whole will be dijocd of at a jow priee kmtvn 7ih aug stl 4i loe hotel fhlancako reipccthilty mfotms hi lnents cm j the public that the ihore vhtpirt and evtciiiivc eilahluhmrnl nruly efeeled ami iurjtoy adapled a the kuiopejn pm pi jcf0infnod4livii u now opened for thr flteiiiiotiolconijim the lomni have ben ocwly htled up with new fundturr of the most motion ui and norxpriue hat been inatcj to ronolt the comfott ot his guctu the plan y oreemiiknt ltr eon ren inter as families and jiion drltranf of aecommojitions mticonncct ed with roulir hoarding may hive soittof risittafltlft and dirt i umiibed therein at all tinui ami in any manner areabfr to their tatc the bell servants art alwyin allcnd ance and the uiitith and fi i hngaarf joken in the houe l i- r i tit then is a rrslauraitt whcielhc best piovisions of ihe njaikel will be fericd up on the mt appfoved in j fashion able style of french and enrlish cookery the choicest winrs at reasonable piierr i ii connect ton with hie hotel in an emcnsirtf fiithin elrfldibmrnt on new slice apjh n al vjsooajifo hours for the o of his gurct the kkuijoo of the hotel t admirably suil cd to liimiiess ot rdcaire bejn- wuhm tv ininulri wm of wjistiert ilie public offices and ilie uatlrry the moil airy n healthful walk in the city thr proprietor iftatefully aekoowlctlinsj ihe mjiiy favors hr lus i f reccivcj from his pations afxrri them that he will atflid no jmn o accommodate michas mav slant him a call fa any style of expense of economy that may he vst vjil io their with r br ii to jd way new york the moiitrral caieltr qcue mecnrf the cheoimlrk gjjeltr kviton and tw i1o pa uki ml pirate jaseei thai tcrtmmcoi ten unwr ric fifd uuir till to f tjniwird i jtu a li- pen llpitt ire reitielei1 to rail ami hltle their aerunt on or before ihe 11 nuvemuf nem mall aeconuis rvjuainin unttkd after scd lime wilt be plated iv dckcr hands for edleelmn tollrnshaikes kington 13lljuty 1s4- f d1sxtistry iav probahly seen him already a he was altaelietl to the real bmvry atiphuheatre tte terine cooy xto cofie- ieooor dollars remitted potf usr io niit asaastjut the people ijbarj d lat aeaon when travelling in canada a a it4fv boti enr j hafjinu mnn and driver of a bacetge ltvarilrnittuihaoa- mr ocnef mr riabey and c memicuatl- how w the india rubber boy have leit the com- tejli iu mr- r h cir bank pant a theatrical company they never l a oodcy of tbcjrfjj ha the public can jwfl by thrs tate- lviluam craig kiftmottj 5th june l8lt- ofe lr j s joitr bfus rdpcctivrly to inform the liihabt- lkobl of kingston ami its vicinity that he may he consulted riily at ui tttodtsk in bnudins i0l for stilr one loi on itide street mhn ihe new lloine nt built by mr luihl and that rtcftgtsnw koyaj aiultftanijby froit street next dot to mt coojuin ho bifore they are pitied out iheir money trtfaclion to priwo nqiuin i vwofthc coinpitriy art il coiner into laficc i6 rrl 4 bouliul iwautihti 4 loll on hfpw hill bartari tfiml ral lltaow new nitdinf at pr iiioxed rifin situation for a piifate strrrt conve tt 7 3 j 40 u w 41 kits mirrt also fiot lyinc between store ipii tnwii will aiofy the inhabitant what will fotfove n n the olympic cirru will vwil sarlceir harliuov waterlown oweeo- ami several other town in the stale of n v htwi tmitt iif1 lx jhhlfl r canada sylvester ma 01 et leyrtv kinpaon sept 27 is- joym otie fi4 mm between store and grave irel and n- ai the brad of stoir strert beiiij 0 fpetwiwoa storr and 65 an cure lrerl ml it5 de lite sjinn will be sold in one or n letwfhte uutouilprcblrrs the whole of the inve ofleis a favariml ippottitoiiv for ieh a wih lo serine small lihsn ms f lh are sttuated in the wosl 4llh itimlioii nt in respectable orilibouc- ioo fo kmfit hilhrr mtlictitr apitly to j linton a kh 31 ih kb mj it iiaito rum rancis h millinanjcs hrtvuf qiirtw kano forte mauufao rc he kave ri inform ih- inhal iiann of ui1ou and il vm mile that be ha com- iiininl 1u n- i the alwe liie and p5 by awidwile punrtiialiiy and alien i uttiuned tit inolerate jnri9i to tieeii j nhueid puhlu v trooics j- jiti forte u irt em evordi m and uu4eal s hnxo ami miiftieil otmimriu in ptrtoli repaired tlinetl n b aov liilnoiint niale nr npaind i tbtt eiihlitiiiieiil will be wamnled j uaiid ft ix irarx v uk mtlliganjix vttr i f vfe 5frcrrr wpit kmpcon sejd i lh- 25im clttlhu i limtajtv v sursictl intnimcnl stork itllk sownhr iepectfiilly informv hi fiiads the ifthahitaok eoerallv id otoi that h h opened a bianch of hi nift in mi ol lite hone occupied by mr t1iftht fjjtwii a ssddteiy warrrwmr oiivr i slr ftonl slirrl where i ill iril k hand n lcneral vnii wiit nfq of hobtiualily which he irfll 5 i ot nioitc t itm yok hams so ifrfr if if ltl wjhnled ci1 ste- m frtm fan fatorr in toronto at the twit wlrtit- rir riher tlinvimj ttetred nd lomtii- urftldlo s shaw tu sttti 7ioi sw4 xtrt rvo- j ksvvi fj mi for 5imi a j if if r- kttu a r salt bl rvtarid ftfrv immi r auir ivi fall transportation to and from newvork by the lake and river line via oswego without stop or transfer at albany this line ieoaipwd of first clos lake boat tea veiling day and night ne r i nnmng their voy age wiih ihe ml most rejutariiyi feoonn plnppmg by ihin jiin may ret aursl thai no patn will te pirrd to firward all pnipeily wib the jeealiht denatrh and steam boat wtl u imrlotid vjien prartle in all rae fr looiudemmed io firtla ou lxi oxfa- rn a uilwient nmuler of vcavtb are eon- neeled tith thw lme ennuie a iovdy rruntiiibhtm of igo lrt he jer laluv and the acnl at clewlaud wdl be urrttrvd hi ive every faeilily in the for- wanliii of merrhamlixc defined fur ihe ouo cuiaf rifarijn smvtii jn ifsiiivihlribrdsireein v cthiiiimnstvtvielanohio m iis aais lance dr jones would patticulifly call ihe aiten- ttoo of parenu to the foimatrvn and position of ihvi children ieetli a ronlrration much nelciled in this colony ihrsc he mideilake however delcclive lo injlc 510 ii in neitcct trnhtrtt ant hctit livtiv iri nrii 1 mr in n been dfjy tmly to avoid the eentiatin i oneratior of rtralioo untally resmtcd to imt 1 iiisriiiironroiiv and without om co leheve lhenitrrr liy nimple aott1irtuii trcrnik ditfovcrei 1 and hjviu muneil the decived 1 leiotb remorrs it lo ib lormer ustfiilnem for this imoortanl ditcoveiy himself with vaiiousseif iki he lilra pruiri wlurh ha uvti extended to ihe puoacriber ha tmjucot him lo decide that fie will remove iw i lo tin iace aaoon a lie ran procwv a re vidrwc he will fie fotid at de unubtnn house a piwni premium minrral teeth far mixrnt lo mi irdioafilv iserte hv dentins always on hand entire set ot which he is nrered to bitffl on ihe un erring prinei1o of atmospheric nresmire which urelhml fir ha frativfaelorrly leelvd in hi is ntuee ds kmton jut t isel coldev dr nicol from rkflllmton touat strcr chorch atrrt advice 10 ihe 1 frail ftom 9 10 vntif r titvn thai a the most modem and anctnte dr j is cnahlcd to say lut owin to h nosein ihe secret of rnalin the uiroimili ble pfjceriain teeth ho can nijdy anv dei- cirnrjr of the mouth and us so cotnolrufy as to prevent the nowibility of detrcti dr j alro or- to assure the iumic that his nojrfcional servicer shall he ndrrd toatl hjf on the rtlot reasonable term is hirvov ttvn thai a hnnl and lioa dtviilend of is l in the pound nn tlw tfiartemaii of mr amujuld medoiwtt lirtc fomardm merrhant at kinpton tin dav declared pijahe on the 1m day of l nim amv ihe offiec of mr t ci inwrk i cb skw- z ivrd minerpw tial bank sih may 5l 02i nviv kaslilonablc tailortiiff kslalilishitteiil- i t rilton ivoutj nrrtf1y in form the mhatiunt i fuoori tlii in ceiirren wth thrir houe in totonto ihey hare opened an establishment hi the above tine in kin street rxaeuy ofioiit me 11m ce ln tbej iupeac tnurn h vny aiti 6 j l 04 1 lurtd kin ion jlitxtllin n iamlon voir cutting o yrruineiim mvfftuttt n u arqitiinl ihe oniv and lhjit iiitsstrnrral- ly or kinton i connexion viih lus store in toinulo he h rnel a btaiwh in brock s second door f hwx u anl urarly te to ew 11 rowelli nook ic bv to ql w hare of ic pmimmgr pppol ninre wlirr- wi s imoi or snaj kinitmi in th i iuu 1 1 der si istr i c at way 17ei c rethtlil wth ihiir h miwss their iirrsrnltnrv conilofa rhoieo of blur bufc in rharle smuh tltane naihauwl pavu ilo withain ruhlcy ekruh smvlli alert il n co clay ion a b aiifo ogaitiiircli 1tjmvdumuv1 0 tannnoiiue j tainion tnrttnlo 1 fleeharly ol f i llunm o thone ft aver l ii w dtrflifonietuoj svranim t p stekey btcd- arh vimvrit wniio u hftnlter olorriiown saihfjfuii muirav liiinvville lloih cmihr kingston j millleurf 4 co si cathennen llofffioef h litdt sandokey 0 aoortmrnl t1ire and liruwn brojil toih j ifbcit ihoun and a rati iv ofall imerr in vtahtofll they im choice asoitmeiit of gnoit ror vch kijnretj and ouin kiting vt pstrhhf iti1rent patten el wo suitame for wiiiux dijuaiid an loth k the abuve nnkl by lliemslves foin lire u m3ikh in kns iufc and thru attait meiii itvlhtnoreol llu jilfl jloirsiiu loan will luihclvio llkir ime liieen wivued ulrf oft as on baud a hnj ofvel ueh riiriw 4hittepe4i ait beam in z 1 101 i ted 0 information wanted f john alrlkan a native of seotlaml t loi va fef or lojt 01t a boat at hinivilk- ffckn a and iitts3 rmi suut uvn w id lie uf aln1 33 years old tad mr b ewhr uith m-v- p4tn verf aur o rnalm mpcriill him hill ha tttartmu derived ly conn r-ihiofamit- t exrwrre pa d haifohanumti wi- w itli cilh in 1 c ii haiti firm of j h ofi ilieir uvtomers iutli ibe nvwcw t ioa oq i reasunalilc trims n i farnce lo lhc cultu and wnwiije dn hel lo rail u rainninl it tiifl only he nrcrafv inwe 1hl ihkiwh a peo po riulkm iiill be ttid in maintain thi i iix elainn aainm ijle which tm reodie their fhahltlmifntj puvenl llwnrnai w porniuii 111 toronto kmmtitl litl t n it ofttll flptitrt tirvlrrs that their knnwjnle f km and militatv ti foiois will enamr lliem to etrciitc any ordeit in that line 01 a mjprtiot stvle thirf oi four imnla jminonic wauled nnmediilely i uhy gfreiij that in eon- ilieihitli ofijtetale me rchon- indehtii 1 1 the oinc kcu hy noe lt rsvfve nre ivneel fully t witti- the aroc wiih a il- and nil peror hav- ific said finn idl p4c mkc isil 27 t vnltumrj laini for siilr u fio sdd nilli tpiritthliafe mieintt k-i- ii vit r t l1l 111 liux hot no 4k m ihe ophtajiiiih in llu nne ifou alo 1 mi ho i my sliore ftirinvhy lmovn a uihiih fafin rrmwasj i m0 aos of oh aliiit 70 atv rlratna tviih dwvllins stiiip harn nd iid mil hutldiri ii thai harliw ftlj rwly iirrtrtj rv stim iirel wharf ttr athm to ltar fpini lot on imirack strert k nenrllw attiunv ba naik tit kotljp bdwanl oimrni f rvnsu andy lo tiro a bmmiiitf kn voi kiostoop llih sent iktl t coatmeral hotel uk sifhrri 4 to mfwri lnendf and 1 m inc iubhi that he list hiihsl frtuii mr i mve ehiafillhmrf it r kti tjllv n 1 tlrei 1 loilor tun i rn 1 j- iv row hi ltrnjrilo u 111 ml k if 1 li i 11 i 10010- to loijini nlbr iiu kv n i i l i the steamer vulcan 1 art n wim wve m he in ho ll ti ik itnn inn jon- if m fur ikmkvifxk oroinson mflsv winjet- ftfnivi and will lepwi hki-ie- ito hlrmnm on in mointom t tin fi ot 4 in ms tilltu r iiv hiimioamir inh ar ii war- 1 1 lie vi 4 a hi w bid rfiii 1 hi i 1 aiildi ihiii iiv 1 i- i it iil to lil mjimi mrimtnv 1 ll i s ltm lite bre and exien- nn from street ubicti now 01 for th reeeption of omipany he rmm have l fil ft ew kmmmre r rx hil lrro pares tieun rirfuftirt of iiuj di the phm f on hotel i prccmmenl firf ronvriormv and ivopneuar aanufe hm palracw llmi ih tv- avllj p 0 ar m utowiel nay ratrtsf linn with irtehr phtronco the uimmh ntliuuauy mlm either hr mmnoi or jih rf 1inir ivlhin a lew mimk mlh id wv tawwhryp1 0ww uml ntl4ie u hmf rrferil irnrtd a loiv viiim jt ilianw ran la rom- i ital ifihn milmlv vooiv ivji hi ym homi j- mjnnv layiits family medicines are for le whoteifale hy e h ltiit general agent saekels har fnn n v and al reiail hy war mackintosh vhrontiu v count ojkre kingston and also hy r i sirfe ogiumshurfh n v and hy t m- reade frvnch creek f see recommendation in another co lumn for snlr the pleavani country retmwnre of the thmiihns hit ttiftc 4rtnuuie1o4i 00 the lake shore consisting of a romfori aide dtvelfins house slibte carria houe ju with toacres of land foe jrrm which will jc accommodating enquire cm the prrmnc smith bartlett kineon july 58th 1u s7 cohdaur spum varn oakum i 1 jwhbrrsate eictlinj to receive x diily 6 coits l4iiset fom 3 to ti inch 4s trted corskse fmm i j in 1 inch 10 3 to 4 yiitspnn v4in 2 3 and i inch alaira id uoo4lehlkumheiiialily the afove will he sold en hneral lenns to any peron jmrclumn the whole com irs iia1ne kmton 2 ills aijut s1 1 ctittnjrc for salr 4 linihktotudelihlfnllysiliatrd a on thr rji of iriljumrtf a ipiaiter efa mile ftorn the town of roln and iii milrv rron kinstii lo which place there is a straw 14 un j be jjkcwoio oi 1l010 4dj ikmkh given alonce ippiv here to urgfixshiktds miller j j miller co iiclon kindlon 13th auni iso 13 at keilleks ivatjcxnlt end ifottiif vmri f 1 mortl drocic street well alway he found a large sup ply ol the rnott rhoire asoririseiil of confer 1 ion a ry mgether with tea cakeot ail kindtf vim cofre spont coir pound cwal jtltttsy biolu mgti iff octfflla sftrrtr tin utir from mr fountain tvcddfttg cakts in a tvryjtfirrioraryc it ii t rae wlaofissalle jlesgmtoira op drit1sb rorcign dh7 goods kingston hor tal 1 t private boarding at mr iv fitlv next dte to rivrev slr4 km s reil near store sireet a vacancy for two senilemeti kindlon mth july ish 4ac ivoilct fjintbxsivfi aueliontn leal the lrs of r hfct hainntuelay the llh vmer and tututw in dayac a hen a ni apmjiiiiient of dry oinui urore- ik liljuors leellery lf skint colm roann furled han stc will le ofreredin lots lo uil uiireliaver a liberal credit will he given hy fumih- ing endorsed paper r ilt rae kington ut e tulier l8ll- ittpi nolier all iteroitm are herchy forhid irunliu uny rhrn or pcrbom or any imm- lcr ol oir laniily on my avrnunl after ttiik ibltl without my urillen nnfee henry ham frevlerielklnirg ssd seituiihcr lw afm itrnniioictm mlllrr an nmiuce lo ountrr merelonu ami ibn puhhr kenrrnlly ihnt ihey ar daily r ieenjt per shipi caledonia m eavo rrie teeumthhnnd j lujtusnw fiom fttafow per souiir jhny and ja tnaira froin livernoitt and jier dmip- la frmi lnndon n ncp ami wrllmhj e mirh ofslanle and km y drj tuntfa miitninv iw ibi kill tranvi hi u tliy no ili l t di pi tf ulil nb rnl inini1 m i nil rrlmlh knj- suit kmion sufb se4 1hm slovcs mtovcs sloven i the suhscriuer lcg to notify ihe p11i1- jrc that they have been nnjmiinted agent fir the disposal either u1otelc or retail of the above mentioned article hy a large n rerctawe manufacturing erlah- imliitienl and that ihey aw now receiving and expecting daily 10 receive a wj jap and well relecied iork collins haines jucrronrcrti kmptonjuy 2s is4i sx solicitor in chanckrv a2jielj3r axt xij not aav public a- j joatet rvarrj vorarrr7 fiiirgttva tlic subscriber hs on hand and celling at very low prieett a excellkst assor tvent of staple and raney good in the new sfoffl adjoining mr wdlard kinc street dvncan mckay- kmgmoo stitlt january 1811 0x fqrirjfrftjfgtslu tub umkrjiigned with new nnd rlti- cicnl mean have rnnde prrparanons to wiry on the forwjrdljfg busi ness beiwiat kingston preseott inter mediate frincc and montreal hy wav nf the st tnstrejlfcbi under the finn of ferclsfin k miibu0n momheu- multtron 5 fkktiuson kivoitwi freight of qoodi upward eliaigcd alto- gellver aecordmg in ivetghl and at ratei a reaonatite as thofc of any other- in ihe trade alex ferguson john muilttson montreal april 26lh 181 hat vaiuawc farm rmambji or 71 aetcs with ruilum thereon delightful ly mtuaw on waterloo mii tritniu three miles of kindlon bring the nilh pail of la nucn- bei lomtevn in the s conception ot kinj lldrvj frontine on the napaiirc llac jdjtni d rool na mltly in the villas of walrttoo terms malc lnonn on npnlitmium m tf- omcr of mess is caktivriisiit gkddksi rr for sale 1i ib sttharrthrl haft nn liaml it iim wihiu nk warrhostse in uiwi sitri t getmenl of whili flannen nnd 5 fnj miliuiy stiul and urxvtrt j pko r- khirinels and a very cmenive iivmiilmnl q woelen contislin- of line ckitlm ud cvi mrrra aka lilo and hvavwl clolh suium for ihe latl trade which will lie sold at crejik reduced iiier foi rililh srnds hyvoi rect imported direct horn ihe mnoufjciurcis by birnarlf j w uilsun kington sept 4ih i fill- n- 11- order received and rtcroud m m nail nf ureal jfiitaoion 4 modeiitr cooni sjoh farm to ltt- in the townsjiip of seymour newri- lie uihtt iel eontiislin of utween thr ami four hundred acrci f clkauet land am every dernrrimn of itmfdi rhpured on an esteiiive kami wuh jarsti rflmk of improved sheep talilv hr svn e 1 and all the uual imph menu of litishiiudrr as lite pmnnet will iktawionauy rxsiih on ihe intale 1 rent will he made eay to an iavyorii tenant ami will lj taken in ihe prodm of the farm testimonial n in rbsw ter ofhl aluliiy will he rtiiiirel apply liy rttr iwi roui lo fi- si bwltovet colurg or to the sulwrnlnr nn tle pot d campbell june 2 km ftt the kivia chrotdrlr mdturoroo f tiol arr rijuttd to irucrl the apan uulil uril pitfpbllssss to lkt rnckl yard shed and slihle stod street inquire at ilu4 olliee ktnhon june 2d tsl rj pig iron ust rceciwd and fur sale nt a reiluro price hy h st s jones knilon june hith isrl loual t vulttc ev park lois foi sulr the suluurilier han for ale a fcw d sjimwe village and folk lutsi ivrai the town which he svill dpo of on m 1 onm udiiling term hdiith barttett- knjln july 2hrli js1 s for 20 sale by the subscriiiek 1om piprv 30 dm lrrnnnihityhk r- hstt rae kington auat ii 1811 lv leather jmirkav linn for sale sole harness leather calf kip and morocco aim tiii ami bring whialo and reuiil cah paid for hided and f timothy and flax seed cash for prodcce the suwnber will pay our highest market price for clean merchant aide wheat peae oats delivered at hu stores on the commercial wharf at ihe foot of store street hugh clder kindlon january ish ji william johxsox jespectfcliy mtimareoli 1 ami ihe puhhr thai he has re moved to the chronicle ruildtu peroud vut ivom ilieeorihv on ruk strwi north tide of the morlvi suare wheie he will lie hopiiy in wait upon all who a1j upon torn ktytan sept 1810 book uixdintt in all it various hmmdie neatly audi expnlitiounly res uled at the cnuon irtr cvaxbttc office comer of kmj 1 r mf i rl ti machine m rmmiebtnl ohratiou for sale from ten to fifteen acre of lmd lliiiut two mile from town on ihe hall rood deasautly iiuatel adjoinm mr cirtwtihr farm il will he ohl in one or mure lot lo ut purrhahn apply to edward kolllk kinion 2sih apnl jssvi sti collins o7 ha i n es ctommfiisiou jocrchnnw atj4t3meek8 corner of hrork and uwre vi7rci oppisjie mr arthur forjiecvtrmeryaml in ihe imrnrilrule vieimiyikf u somi ehijj and mvitsrs marpheion v jo and sandermin almrriv for wonhng eelal lirhmentx notice to ship builder fhk kington maiine railway com- punv propoc to let lhal iait im then elahhhment louuinin the shu yard willitwii uulwav edited ihensm one o whivh mutatih lor hauling out sleamhiottf and kihn2 vriovfcl of the li rt elasw that now imvfjt1e twiake tliewilnr for mail trhtmttn ami kii-i- the wfl 1 now- in vtfeii repair ml m fiitl 0sft- nuorli aimi the hm yanl aitdradwoy al hiiuerv ray apply al the office of ihe kurion murine railway co if by letiee peal uaul laaus fob salli twin d si victoria istriil the canada company inn uanb f safe in ihe nnvi iiwjrufal uin- of every towmdnp in ihe midland an viehrm dimin l- and in the olher dimrie oiiik pcovunvj tvi of whieh mav u wm ai every rh olliee store and tawi invest ihtioi hsircaiiuilij km of slc are onetilth of the pureham nume in cadt nl ihe hafancc in five yeail- inatiitaieni fnrthve jiftieulacix with hi of the printed liu of laiultc on sale m he ohoined hy applying to rii hard hinlnatt er asphodel or lu ihe company olli at 1onnnlo the canada company tae u opportunity to give notice lit rernt who hove punhad lainb fwmi them nn who may w uvhiiu of nvllln ihe lint wiih the ohjert of ffkh hoe pnrli fvtfrf fjiititv am aevo 111 111 ihf atom tbey wl register al llteir qx in toronht a iei lamuwhndi ihe pfrswtl himlersi ni diyiroti of ihpomn of thv coiiiiiar up cxlciwic imporiuihiy ion to pcrniifi 1111 uitl im have an alfordio- infommi iv syjirftiftfi imiruiki lands riiln fir theiiisvlver or ilieir riemf iml rffwistl iniheir suki in dfhirirtn of their in pnwvdfanm free of allcllrt the conimifouoner imwvivr iloen no underlain any arm y whiever uoet t willi 1 111 vtiid hint of aflr fidf and ore ie parliru 11 tern improwiiieut up to i commissioner at 1orxmto ters post paid canada comjonvs oilie twonto qh pay s lebufj priet cnchtlntlh mx let 9 mil rut citron i cic rpm p kmton ttilh aiiuej 11 l is 25 llarrcb tenners trl mubatrru whalr oil 6llirgs white paint for jle hv joskpii il kimtmoiijtsl aiigum irtlt mm ih wmtkkschiffith sk 7 fluffs strrrt kneifireii rvrl end id m10 st iinlrj iviniirais lamin utiocvhtkx provtxftwx raists imuas saw viunulkuv e mjioifm hirer of wrw rrfrrvranw kwm f me tiir ravrerns tuilaltil warrinted ionl fn thr rni iirmu injim helmed in the united sl mzctle 1 inddtvlied every wcflnesdiv and silut iiy althe tjlice ul kin- and lltori street kinptott u c 7rinvr annvvi 7wnig fnttitg in tulrttttc si line and under op rwi him itorilimumi 7 ech mitixrm oeilivii i n litu- md 10 ilrr 5 til lirsl inertiotinit hd ivrh suki ioiiuc i iih it ion alove hn lim ll pr ini lor the lird inition and id pci jim- lore n snhmpu- n 1 insertion advriliseinentv without ttnutn ireclionsm svitej tmfutbnk nd 1 li i vi1 ji t itniufy u rrotfcn rao h jjmtttfmtnt i aiwfrfin onor yniw h vvsrnw hm4 fr firo vrioup none received titer ti octnc on the mornings of jvuhfu niton a liwrat ditu euiitt iimile in or hanl amtotli tmwlioajdrfilirsi iluveioiutihsnd ujniarji an imli pliklliin f l ulriiliri lo lo mcr and pay 01 hnviuy im ihe same t ht iitillei to a seventh eoiv irir ff5cmmliv trotluce received iupaymen at tin nitiilirt oikc lho memiheo kss ainilinrh wjmikirb4 mjiii wl fikkitt romfllsttrion an will mipftdv nil movts adilumi hms m ion inr iui y hvsssjuun prast tj 1 olhn hmtm and t the lmrvl prices ilnrbrm rr junr v isp im 11 1 i in liuu lor n im 101 ifwr salt l hit stihnctilu i e 1 uuukestfriim laiuou npntot mrennnd snll u il fct km flh julv ihll tdi thoinas parker cij leiuvioiijs ymu tiv- raker kn sbpsuici blkr lq f h haltkq jiheph a kerlei km thotsiari lavsjieirvt e jolui aiohrson e memcjmrljhml jijin trtvtor k wmroike kmj wdluin mjcoiieh uk ijeore huhjm eii andrew toiteoo emj tlilles riar km allan mvlhrrmn rst alex nvnlmn ej jnriai taylor k ilvid sinnrl vm alidiemt jrmtrv lv john llkcjirll fmj w rnnrriihi khj rjsumr lsnti kmi jtiiimelkriiii1l j ii iuturf jmries shave ki fhimiolm lt joi haluol kti neil stunitfm arrlulnihl hh fdiil ro ik menirl krj jiiilney ivaiiiervsik iv rmueiiw iv m l lnydilr at iiueo aiaeuilnint i m 1 mii o llfc h sl i hi ilijrh 4rm i n ameli lulh ururrrhv iwkville rvlown vm n k- tjihr2 fotbou ik nri ttvtlle firdelli ihll uiokvoie ilrihtnnind pietoit im atrr mil 1 ma mihstfml mmtay n nurture i villi ivtl lltftsf ivareotii qitehre hiiei tirnt hlehnia4i sl alldieu mmmnihv smiilts folk lloie kiiets tonnilo nnvhrv 1111 wi lluivon willmnilinit witlon mr ih mite fionliiotiu i 1 11 1