Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), October 16, 1841, p. 1

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chhonioli gazette t t vwm ll fy a m jfjl e nil riwimt1 ii i iii mini tumm ii t u hlth i fctfis u i i s i s w t i i ii vvi dmf im a aaiuiidayt f 1 t itfft mis ftii dutiful it ihriiii uu w jtj lv kpwri int n iwiv yisimttfll in ailltfp i heilt aitttrrtd i ih m old i n i in- ftniiiwd mill jul ik menul fu 1 liuw muwriutl mki i iii i mi il s i cljrouixk stationery wareboiuc ft- ii ut kin u toff r tt- tit vnm t kpi pii lind bvtvtj ndl mv4 vtt rf writing papers roan siipi r itwvat ip v i lb ku i a m tlt 1 it 11 ii i t h fill i and kingston commkrcial advertiser and himii r- mllt iiient in i ii inwfimii ami t iltmtli ivbi tail line iiil ml a lil llfm rtiou ud mm i i it ulih ti iiii rliwi hr liii itih fl id tr tw l1 inmriios and id rf line enh u1i in hi in mum tassftum mrtribfmtdu aim rnieyr wp rrrevtrw emrrosm mil frr futirft jeani anjvvvsf mjsu tilirftij lottcv trcs triutin ncc rcsre nee ropiilo se4 otrouuo t vol xxiii kingston canada sailulmv octockk hi jsii no a i at u blank books school books c j m ill iu lirauihrt rairw on al tin above e talishincsnv a mpwiiuf ftulm macliin ii in fultoprilinn uy ujiiiti blank book can be iulel o jiy jiatlr in anl in c style infeiioi to iion i osbnmirmii n pkix71xg ofrsqh h ook histkhv nj stitluxkrl f i tt d ivtxrit lu in point of vtfuftq ittttvn ant tbi4ttrh chiomck frullt nificc kifttcud april sllbll 1 m inutisii and noktil amillihmx r l v a l m ails t k a ms hips of i vi ions ihiilurii iidj 1 10 hoic ivwcfi mlcd ti k- mlmkb aiuilllij com w rrttaxklai ctlltonm con hka c h kjwklxs pwa0 mitj icw surliii fion llakbx to ifivritvi1 fwffl baiiii to tivrrpool 8m kim ihlilx to iteton sj- thtc tij cunt evliiew iirtin thr unicoi ii jiliiliclwrrii ulou nil qutbrfj iu coiincrljon aith lbtiti s cunakd co luiifu it r stmes qiirtec 71 s s lkvls itatfli trlal of alexander mllgo1i continue p ihom l ctlkomlcll royal mail steamers lolo ontario 2nd river si lawrence fhh k tnmic nrv mlwmid lint lhc ou h timing nrc ibtf arrangenvnu fur this scaauii uke ontario afirrri kinfton and trnio hixiiss ryal cultieogli niagara cain silivrin citvok konto cijt lu rnuw kingston ailtatfot 7 ocmk lvniii siimlny anil thiirsiby tin ftftunw fvt at 8 nvnfc riwuingq tucftfaj aiul kri jiiv iht vt a i ii ivvii n 4f hi i sjhmbw tho cvjp j tvftnhtm iml bfrhx at t trim to iahy iicxi lv tlw ilmvc sirnmcr nvatl us amvj uf llv blotittvul mail at klpgdott f rom toronto i isovavie nmmimnihy afijtiiurxiky tlic mngrtt ai ii ovwk nnm tujay and friilay ilu iy tvtotlft al liuvlnik noimi wodimwjay ami soinr- diy tlic vjiyar ititjaf ttd arrive at kingim uariy ftvm mnmla- ritc nbnvu loau roll at cobuttfi and pun tljki oarh ivay and tin- citf of toronto ivdl leave turonln for niagara and iui1nii fwrjf mniilay murnitij sit j fhnck oiwl ivjiim io toronto in the alicmoon river st- lawrence btlttrrn kinystvn 0tidmim4 landing brockvillctctpf maxwcil ktohi kingston at 0 ovwk morning sim- day wvdneiuby and tidoy pr in dukiowtii liftjin at nvlmli mrninjr nrun tin arrival of the mail from aliwiircal tucwlay t liumlaj and saturnv ii c1ldersleeve cnpi ilnwcn from kinghtonal uavluck morning tucs- day tbilohfey and saturday from divkimmrtl landing at ovtork mnrninjt or on tin ai rival nffhe mad rvom aiiiml wvdiiotalrty friday fnun nvihiiikmiu utmlt lillu livn oade willi llic l aoada siaro mid stvam itnat oniiany of minval imvcn- yrlhumvn monircal and knignnuamw it ilioio dace tin ibc aftvmmm if the ei rmd day the aliow roau al at ianiimniir ftrmkitimai1laiid knvrnllutrdrriurh maiilda and williainslniill vavli u hv- btifptt ami pmth ot lhc rik ol ia owner iha lottkid nf willed for trs freigkt lake and river steam bint oflirt t kiitptnftp m may i8il a farm for sale in ile neiflitiftrlioihl of kingston ilic cdfiiul of united canada the farm i beautifully siluaurd on the bay iifqumie eight mde from kiflffloiti euniaini- four hundred avreas one hun dred ami filty of uldrh uevarvd and ou- ilfr etasvniioa with gnnd fence the llmm uion it i a large and mm fthmjiotli cotltgp with niimenm aiart- utenttffil for llw arromnioilation if a m 0ctahle family n the front nf which wo ienntlah seventy feel in lenglh miilicienl to nrutcet from the most inclement haon fn tin reai of the houe and mi front of the kitvlicn 1 a never failing riring t water made availahlvhy a nuinp for 1 ho ufil f inttle and dometii uricf the on if01tf arcemenaive and rnnnnihliuu he grvliard in a jood and bmirmitak con- liiion there i ahundanre of water on die farm al all season for ihe ic nf stoekj bende the princ lodftjdj the farm from u neijoliorhohj locution and proximity lo the kinglnti market is deserving the paiticular natee of mtendrog purehaser term and anv oilier information requi red will he made known by appuing k thi otvn e or to ml graham nf clutnptomo ki jmtcs i ii sharp bktis ti inform his fiif n 5 ami the public lht in loldition to h alidad wp soiled lcli m has jiil received from tonjon a rttvfwpcfiw ijimtiiity of lutiita cfnttrmcns ond chmn boots ano shoes id a invmirir ui h knuril calf ami moior- o sw whuhcui w nuiioftiiiedtn oitee 11 th- hfit 4yk at will depakl- l i rlntf ml bwlt w 1 huitosrlihl aigl ltica oveft and terminer oct j in our bit m cftry jarc place to the ovrin- mim ot willi luiv e attwmr gcia and in infa ili f w puwiih lhc trhyk ofifw ciiiknc en the pari of lhc prosecution and mr sm rccrs oprninj adjrvi for lhc arftan for the rrtcf part of thu report w arc itovbtco io the n- v com- adcr1icr gd chr it oft tb pcoceution catko 10 uv lai0 l ivni mvvr onorn rnkk al bvflalt kjj hoi ihriv hi noir 38 ytavi old irat xu owmr othr caroline in 1s37 she wa ivfr in ibf hip canal at buffalo on lhc 2ih of december i m when the iri brought out and run down to scrluswr mudc ecral irif to and from navy i 1 and laid up for lhc aboul t oclock ai stnlotfcr made faat to the dock it wa a frjene d rk ihcn toe auppcrj cl a watch j uial on a ntiamboat and uxni 10 bed nocr line a tciki orteimboa1 ihjl did not id a uighlwatch thi na about 9 or 10 odocl lire of the natch mi swan storing was anikc about 1 2 nvlock by hands on the boat rciarn is from niagara fill and co npljinin- ihl ibiir knh were occupied by tlranjem whohudcomr 00 hounl to ukc lodging for the ihl direclrd tome oflhr lodrn tugel up ftid giw the hatidi ihiif borllu t lumcd in rgthl ml o aroofed by 00c of the watch nulling hia head down the companion uar aid calhnj that a boal xu coining dtreeed u11 to let no one ccmc aboard wilbcut urjir from hlmorcnol appwj it- wentawav but oon returned and exrlunicu 1h1 tbcc were rtf or fire boali coming fuu of jrm tfhf mm jot up hastily and ivm oullin- on hi boou w in 11 hi attention rrcicd by a iouc aborc l lhc rvporlof one or more suns or ptol with oh mrifc of men coming on board 1xjti no wojd ihbtinctte drccd biui ret f coin pklly bcttirc moving fhd hlabcrb accurcdw papcrt anj rurud for oh companion way before rr aching ik uip 1 011 io give nocjuartcr kill the d i vuiilcea n nc norda to that ffict catn afftfhl wiit ahead wewrll atird t n vv sdv h nit inok imil di ike bcl no could ajylebf nji alrmd ami oi up to otc too of tbe aliir wtwn iimiw one latidiii on the cylinder look hun a h hie ahoujdi r and haukd him back icllin- hiui uia to o cm uttfc or lhc tuiaihmbi uoyld ldj kiio 1 j 1 k 1 r from the aleni anotltrr fcriui llo bow ruthed by in mich minibcr it to ctoac tlc cabin 4for and cocnmciiccci i n in ahyovrr lhc whwlaliaf there waa a cluh oj twoa anjfjwivfderablc firing lie well went down uetvwancl poiied forward if ov boiler to the boir of the boat to make hi tfrcjpc from lhc forward baleh j ibcre wa a plank bduvr kodin 10 the deck while aundin- by l aw a man iirix down into the fire room t who hjrmj round cauh hold of the pobi and com mewed workup at the fire ai i uptcoed with the intention of 6rin up gelling up u4m and lhc boat oft aw that he nu butily engaged and atariil back he dkl not ce me i ivcnt back to the cabin uirf and aceockd on ihi hand and feet carefully intending to ya away bforc t reached lhc top my hiad briiahed ihc calf of a man leg i thouht he felt it and threw him mjf uenw rhr ctfbin door waj now open i weirt forward aealn ran agairut a man in l tic dark in iioin o wlton 1 fopioicd in tv onr of uk a ailing mrtv he poke and i kwn him donl now rrcol ki hi name bul knew he waaonc of my men we rtonirj each iunrj ainl raeh went his way- vvcnt forward to the nlch and aw uv man in ihc firecoom l raited up caught how of m man uhonjd terrctcdhimaeir crouching in the bow of the boat it id him vf hanl askod what he wdo- and iffftlpg doun stream i ihouul lhc lnluh were after mr and could not cicapc 10 i winl un io tlte incn kfcrc nit and id a ignlr a i 1 i 1 i how doe it go f tltey amwered and i knew they here my own men i inquired tot kr tm brotfrnlaw t aald ihcyhad ccn nu one in a fuw miiiuk ifigeainc alagerin- along i aked if h wa hurt he 1 j ih y had cut hiui almott 11 puce i put my arm around hun and caught my haid full of blood i rapd him again and boro him awat ii had before bcn dark about half the ly itmidrd orcr i eovld recogtiixe a man i knew t- well four or ave rodoht now the burning tcatnboat made alt a light i day i dtd not ace darfee aain that nighf i aw him nrxt morning tyinx on tbj wharf oti i back be twreo the rauroad and the warclwiiac dead hi bead ballerrd hit brain blown ooj hu arm crot- cd on hii breast i knew that night a nian wi kill i j bul did 001 o duwii to aec linn the ball bid majj a amall note where it went in and a large one pcrhap an inch whom it came owl in the front part of hi head i taw hit cap the next morning it waa a taktte cap a ball had ptaed through it it wm iuged on the back id durfeelay in the morning with hi hrad from the boat he appeared tuhc uerw turned orcr from fai face to bi back undtntood he had been turn ed over that rnomm and bh out jn a waytove placed ia a coffin hi blood j braui t near hi head ihe lalier tcattrnd abul the mautt i ihink wa made a utile after 12 oviock t ihmk ttl or ii ay men boardvd th caroline from fucyjwl boatav the men on board ihe caroline were not armed the watch waa not armed to my knowledge of crew and lodger believe there were thirty tbrce ten of the crvw twenty three lodcr who cuutj nd no tniirr uc lodging at ihe lavcrn or at the fall and hii no chance to go up that night and had hiitcd two or three friend but did not go durfce wa not employed on ijic boat he took nupcht there and may hare aiood watch though i da nt know it sciilaajvr u in the town and coauty of niagara about lo mile from the fall inquiry wa macv ihe next moming far th per son who were thji utrhl on b jr tlav boat there were nine mtniatf l o were taken off prisoner hi the oail4iu lhc other hate not inee bcrn bmrd nf to mv lhinnttflre tie that d j thai i iu n obwrre did net go rhore al chioer don know whrihrr there were a ood many men uvns or if ow were armed j think iiefore he left bwbtuv ilav lad been 6rin between njv inland and cnmcwi mr sj- lid vou inn nd before you left duffito lobaaf f bnatao ud a to be moti mrriccahle toihen laaianl operaliona 4n leaniaavwlj mr spthcrr s 1 thin you ran take tanac to thinkalitik jau ieanla- nr jer dl you ec men 011 naf versed jbout jtloid brinv ing he aid he belonged to tlie boat i aaw the man and kiww him aw a age driver aaw hh body tlw next morninf and knew him to be few dnrftt tk man whrvtaok hnn ptilledlunt along told him u come on d ek or he woxiw blow hi brain cut niihmni fonjhcapriwioji tbcaptor bad a bdt on t uni jerking him along by ft edmr till tkey rchtd hie hatch the unrlve atippid first on nlank portly turned loek 1 urundid to on dek and surrender but eon rltrf tiller cabin anj putted off my overcoal ad rut my lcad uirough ihe hole d iut to d n i aaw fbw men clench and ar tuid hi bo t na bau jnuue v inn for the tlwrt and uugglin to gel away 1 ihik kiw a peel bnfc uvough which fire is usually ihrewtiout whtn lhc engine bftoffcw iiitrtiovd to naul through i jump into the water and wim a4k0r pokid inv had out and aaw a boat full nf neti luariy unikr i o i n coiled j went into ihe j went bark aw a boat there full of men armed withprrtota eulla and tiearding pikea the pamlcr ef thrh boat had gt fvt onboard lkcuamboal nnd lhc yawl naiawuig- mg to the current thi wa mar the bow of the rlrjinboat ard on her ouiaidi from llic dock ii mi itiiitm wa about lb fid long tooled out half a moment and concluded tlwrc wa no chance to eaeapc iherc backed out and rcliimcd fo the cabin roerjlcetcd that 1 had out one of lb tern cabin window but a day or two prciiou and ihojbt i eoutd remote it and make toy cacanc there weut aft got on a tockcr and commenced working at it got it looc o i could tee out aw twoywl boat one on each idc of lb lum with a guard in each backed out again and went into the main cabin to act a e trcumtance aboutd tndi rate fell rheboatmme from the whaf felt it waa now or nrrer ran up ihe atair into the engineer naoajlj and fell that the boat waa not entirely eat cit ntcpped out and aw ito one atanding there thought would irtl veitlvrc out justyci but would wail a bitter opportunity atepped back out of ihl in the engineer room heard a great noie at the hern lieard a man cry i4 her off fire her tid 6 n 1 why toarl you cai ber off where ihe rocket v ii pro 00 forward at ten or fifteen feet aw three mmi standing reaolved to aurrender to ihcm went un tothefiritonc who had a word oti guards ilte ccond had a boarding pike the third wa rcaling on milord atenped a near the ural a 1 dared meaning to urrcrxkr aawhiaeyc wander from me aihl found he did not miilrwil me bul mpposcd me nnr of his own parly had to make an effort to e- fiiin from apeaking i wa ao near it paeei by ihrm wilhowl reiuncc through the gangway i paatcd on to uc guard near the atern of the bor where i came to a man who hailed mc mat loo who are 0u t do you belong to the boat v epntd up to neak to him told him i did not be- lon to the boat but aehore wa 0 weak i coued haidly apeak they taiod to come toward me whrn jomc one bohind me tired a pitol they tum td to eo where it wa from and i darted by ihcm around the whee1boue owl of their reach and fled ashore aicppcd over the dock timber covered with 1oce board and off to ihe rail road track aw there 4 man iring w ome men whom i uppo- cdlobeabiilih guard walked on the railroad track tlu i came near the worehoue the dock waa rig hi feet wir on tho river and lhc warchouie al the upper endofit lhc wbelhoueorthc boal w near the eentre of the warchouw it wa a tory and ahilf building trom which a gale had waaftcd nraitranihe floor the dock and the warchouvc were both built oter the river the rail road ran rety near ihe dock 1 followed the railroad track till t emc near the oihrrcnd of the dock where 4 ihe tmilk olmadbftaingtc track runnm diagonally rom j nurat and lluffalo railroad down to ihe w barf t now alcnpcd out on deck and did not meet any cle wpnt forword at ten or uftcen feet a j ivojmic v iii 11 ii mt verely woundd djonally aero forearm auo a rutl wound of ihrcc or four inchc iu u hout dcr hi cioth- were cut in piece in many place there were tovtl other wountkj johl liconanl bad a wound in hi forehead sj ivano storing an ouarr with a club or musket cipi harding had a severe blow over hi head winch cut hi cap through aa if it were done with o razor i do not reuutleel that any oltwr were woundtd lean myr bont down thereto make cnvncy a usual she had formerly run fom buffalo to orand hbtil tonciawanda hehloacr cmppewa in ca nada and back oractiidc to gravelly day i had owned her for about a niotiih tlii dy 1 ran u dlack rock dam tormawanda sehlomtr aiwl navy j -i- r i trip frcan schlowr and baek 1 carried pomvngrr and w tut freight w a offered look a link freight over to navy is land but brought none back cpl appleby aekd a commander for me the navy inlander had no iiitcrcat in or eotrot over the boat i went when and where i pleased 1 mean to soy that hc dm not belong to ihcm in any way i tlo not think lb man j saw lying dead a j came offthc boat at night was jlurfue i chink belay ten or twelve feet from where durfce was found i think i heard fourteen or fifteen lrota find thai night bul will not be positive aa to the number 1 think no man on my toot had awordt the caro line w as boarded at her two lffgangway bow and stern tbcre were ulu iu her cabin l j am not certain that hc bad hgbt on deck or in bcr com panion way tkough j bbink there wo there wa light in the companion wiy which could not have eornefrom the cabin or elsewhere the lights were put out in live cabin by u a soon alio waa board ed to pre en t the aatailanla coming into lhc cabin the companion way wa o peculiar that a stranger could not get down it rtaddy in ihe dark cvossjtsrooonr y mr spcnctr the light in the eoinpanion nay must hare been extinguished before i came there the second lime j had only two regular hand when 1 slirtd from ttuffjlo mr km and a wack b who actrd a uiai i mhilwliimiiu ihskbi isoom ippieby went with me a t wu unacquainted wnh ibc bus- neas j only know how many perwni were on the boat from hearsay i dd not inc anv olhcr bode on the dock ihe nvxt niomiit nor any appearance lliat anoih r had lain there 1 do not know ihe name of anr peno who were iniinl from the boat thai niil i am not noitivc ikat lhc cap was vcorched thuuh i rtnemucr lliai i was a1irbed that mom- ing that ii wlfj i have been reveral lime before examined on ihi matter do not remember that i ever tj i or did not uu ini the can was scorch ed the caroline lud been frozen iu bbrc thi af fair she had been idle all umdr under an at- ttbea ihcre wilh whnn ion eo ing your boat down fas ittw lew ianasttvsjfj dr chapin and olhcr t ma wie ijtkh with thum on utu subieel- mff were trwopsfn be ihm that yn should have a bond mdennir af 0j wowtd wing her don n t inf i dant remkr ihit i wa mr s were m rcfernd 10 an eaceulhc com miltee in cuffjtot ins i betkve wa- tfr diyouiow whftt wit ibc bminc of that committee t in 1 understocil that il wa to help th nay inlander mr s cn rtriiaase th it coinmttee f ins 1 could trn mr s uo iciu w lion manvcompovel it mittt i think it t been calkd the eomntittc of thirl r en mr s and now do you m that you cannot name the mtmbem mihai eommiitee t mr hull inicepoo the witness hid alreadv raid he did not kno the court allowed the iiur lion finally lhc wiie saul he knw mr 1 phelps acominim of that enmmittee iho mr 1 r 1 a lj- tuurt h l lv tailed n ih mr impi about lakin i10v down to navy lhid- don know who va cashier of th committee- pjilnt w tatttli ii ji ii ul ih boat a good many worker at i nelhu- htlidpay fbr ih re pair bough her 1 jlm 11 mac mennt in ojnhrdonto fjoarauu clycl 0 a to tw below the ice but du not gut h r ready in seasti dont know thai tjy lund wa jnbibilrt w fore lhc eaondilion int down tli re uncvrnioaj ihtre wasomrboim hire- know ery lm itn tlw- cnnditiow or tf up of iv- affile at rm- 1mv l pfitl i nteatro djot irn nwieli kowl ft i belnse maetoiaicpoletb j h whrlev- tendid to b own tpw wlieied the rpilitiwi was tofrcecanjj wfclt duj would suceeed timet exami fwtmti by mr 7 ti not a member any ociety or body engaged in lhc patriot ewrpnc ovelined io have anv bond of indemmtv went down to s hlont r on b own taurine and foe own gam was un acquaint ed withnannlngabat and felt murb vnriowity iu iu mhaia the mob the bo nrdurfc eo was round in the back part arse lingular in front probably know the eommitro ofthirleen but dont know them is belonging that committee dont know pomlircly that therei or waa any iqeh committee tsehmi n shr wa boohl at last by mr btooton and me i paid the money and she became my boar with an understanding that s might own half of her by paiing halftbo money the boat wojeut out of the ship canal on the 27th and iwh 1 htd no bond of iitdcmoiiy did not ask one no otic else had a righl to oak one a bond wa talked about i did not sec any i did not kooe of any when i concluded to go down after a ood deal ef parleying i understood that a bond was to be gitcfl it was to indemnify agiint all damage which might be sustained by cutting out the boat at that searon of the year beiieve it was lo be signed by twenty eilirora of euffjio heard that tc signed il took on board at buffalo wood a stove a caa containing heavy artielra do not know that any ihing m put aboard that the collector required to bo put ashore again only a few persons came aboard there one man had a rifle but i think lie did not get aboard at uuitato touched nrat at black rock dam took on bowrdome freight there cant say wbtit and perhaps a doxen nun dont remember that thej were armed except the one rifle they miht liave been put ihrm off aboard a scow lying at navy inland did net obfcrte thin muchbut woj looking at the machinery was from h a in toip m heiwcen buffiloand njy island slopped some time at eloek hock has petitioned goiernmesit for indemnity for ms boat docs not understand that his claim rould not be allowed ifhe was carryin atore to tftif island thinks hi eluni will be allowed ran back and forth to sehlossxr ibrec tunc that dav i intended to run up to black stock dam every nighi but was informed by the engineer thai lie could not go up that nigh a ihe machinery wa out of order so thai it wootd be dngerou several engineer went down with him to see bow the boat worked carried over a good many ihmgs to navy jslaiwl from sehlosscr 0 iix pnunder cannon a horse some straw sonic lumber board did isot know for whom did not ask it was not inc custom some musket went over 1 dont know how many might hare ben len or fifteen thee mar baie been a hundrrd took over provisions aho thought he should not be rmplom there more than a week supposed thr men would be otf to tint tide did not go 00 the iilind then had been ih re ihric or four dii before crossed in n mil or row boat taw shout 2j9 men three with 10 or ii eannvn some were montiied they were seitiend oter the istsod didnl know that ibeeo hod been any firin- understood van kcnsaeuir commanded jonl prrtrnd to ay ihat he ehugtd reulnr fifv llat day wlho niijhl kic takesi eight or tin holurt wa not sery paiticulir about price dont re member tint we got any thing for tarrying the cannon or the eroiiiom r there was so mush bo- a ttfthe engineer on board it is lhc cu1om of th- lake that an enorr goe on board of any boat roe sj they cam nry pfeased on board the ciroiiiie tbtfy wl i naiy island aud returned with him ity mr 5re4errdid you lake cannon ball from ivilfccooiisj lursioec not to my knowledge donl know what the ealrontaincd it wa heavy bul f think i could hiirliflcd it oii n t take any iron punehins ai a suhtule for grape that i know of ilfr 5ftrer one more i will ask you did the collector rcforei let you char from buffalo as you at nrl stated t no ifc tnl me thst t might carry any ibf tig to naty iwanond hat my only risk was lhat of capture hi the trsh water mr iswf u as ot iho navy island affair a matter of great notnely and general conscrsation so lhat the risk you tan would naturally be ipekcti oft w111 it was mr speattr ar you eeeurin you dot not lake a eaak of mitt pvwtsm from blarl rnek 10 nay island t wits i il- i- know lhat i did the e lamina i ion f mr wells being closed hie court adjourned aatxn ny bare had this alumiooa fr pssartiteij lhat uraander m sz2 edition int to destroy i wa nctise in ihe affair wl tin eaeitctnent ibrougk 4w w am and at xh atage of ih proper to trnlurc an opinio folbin trom appcaranc have farlhce lesltmone to reouvra must reeotlecl u- a p s one side of the cfieknce it couuvl for bv prionee to f and 1 ihtuk 1 do noi orcr ling lhat i have c mttn dividual nhi wit do so am ibc same nnnaose all i hi following- to narking tha f same quiet a jcalcrdji ou j0 mwhnv4 nrdr of arangesnem for cn ibc cc the same good ordnr is v 7 stitlnrsaof the court b io lta mcctinginyoortaateilr wl vidua move until leare is grauied by the f iheaheriff is chiected to lake charge or priowr and they leave the court room isedw h h lft and reporters the itneaar t rw the persons who hoee eouie to jcar uv lw a lhj jucvca d ir ocioott 5- xsief j ftcttiriijt c fthi camtihc and that be ih tin crvftfrd u ffi ted oai trial it nouu be hn- n uiv cidouee which wei ball loinorron c same rffce vour tct they have only mii be uvevaly of te an iificvr if ilscy can the lw nndri uf duty in i with a reapectablc in- jiny inorc arc here for 10 do is to submit the ih the hit tlicre in ict37 was on l caroline t schlosser went in her from wualo start d about 9 oclock m ttve morning at rhlser about 2 oclock made iwo tnpimmlbe iiand and back made foil to ihe wwsu iitf place about 6 oclock hit- w oeloel about j msnutea afltf lb haur h- nnd cap kennedy nha was on u eh w lb turn saw boats approaeliing ho fir imprtson wa lhat they wete indians uv ifcaax oae woooar and the morc1iue prcienuiigaeb obwrtalicn when first seen ihw were nearly l uu bow mh 01 the bland trie island i iii rod witness told capl k to rail uvm urom beloir he ww- mediauly did u al this m hr wia a man on board named nicholas he blki ihe boau asking wju come lbre the anwer was friends tbcy immedialelv sprung rt hvir oars nulti ng bird to reach the camine wvi nicboui bailed the frl yawl waa not oter ihe orfitar rod from ihcm i one noit pulkd for ih bnw of the steamer thvy ran aft lo tee who wen in the boat ivlrn he got aft lib impression s llsal lhc officer had reach d ths dick he sot osover lhc rail a little aftofthr an vj cy in- lime witne reached him th -ii- r had lib wuti drawn and was in the allude of triltng tin ulcwt hien aoid lo lw mrn come on ekek bov armed men ihen leave th baat and bwnl thi teamboat witness ihcri lurrwd lo go 10 ih libv cabin in glte ihe aurot he ivund honeicr lw alarm had alieady licoisght most upon deck witness ibrn irfl ih boj- i 2 alvn he sfaj not aenwd- neiuvr lniwdy or nicholas whs irnod l did ioi jp ao sensfl wilh th ir ee the tranter nho were n bvd saw no rrsisunier u preparation hi nstiunee eecu4 no attack whiii thr maje fsl at nsih 1 n ciimosnan in ei a warh 1 nh on oaid of awibitik did not dueiit lleaiatfatiwrre afo until he went 0 noi hud jr warded wtm that he ktew of tlwr waa txmfumpii forward hnt he eanuoi wiar avadami bul 0lt t how oseswd uj l iljr rahin saw durfce tlu next mornmj dadp about 9 oclock r mw him lite rtrnlng hrfoce wilne taw four or flee boata approaching whikss when he left the boat went some duianee up and aw that ih- caroline was lowtd olf intn th stream by iwo- boilt whjle osi board lie heard ihtf oitieer sy lk the gangwat lnn lhc damned vaukeet nn ifyirter the ntlicer had a s nor j and bell hunk two slloll wltc nnd ik re waa clashing of j word fcc ivom rjarri ssvr durfir i r afternoon dnrin one of ibc tript dd nol apirrjr tu bv aiding d1 not know htm before that time wiiuj bad nc itot bean down iu ihe bo it wfore was not hird or employed a a hand nn li- ri had iwen on a esm- bnal tno soatun jnd that gave bun a right of free 11 a went dwn to sre what waa going on doc n t1 reoi el that he did anything bv way of assrt imsei on ht passage pirhip or persons went nu board at uunalo i sum- thing were put on brutd a barrel or twutw aw think sohbe wa put 011 tnjjrd at trw kfacfc except hip ior 1 ino or nvire men were laku on bmrd al black fei nm hid a gun on their way touched t tonawm- jj ten t1nnkt nothing w taken on board when al naif mand some few things ire put 01 stsorci dkt iwt lnow ikil awe who ntreem hoard thbal reinairml a ihc blind frwm nji t lland wtwt lo siitisr aiid took on boanl some frcigh a ciihoon trjn bef boards a con side rat lc iiumber of men ervrsmd over perhapt l- or w doe not know ichvhvr any were nrmed iurin the course of tb- jfo 00011 lie isr one or two mukfls in the ladc rahin wilne did imt land a iho bland a good deal tfa our at behlotvr ihy were roin and coming nil ihe wbdewannt mileled whr11 he wa loomix ihr camline he aw wo or three jru ahwe ii lore hiis wiihnui iiiieirimioii it wa the rsnsisij before lij c4rvttw trft cultalottal ho tint hcad he wa niwg dawn frtfcrkb u wmoii r l buffaln and did fi in dobemb- r l37 wa at schtossr atfieulat wbn ih- ciroliue wa dstroyed a map wat irw ahtnirri to tl wilnes 1 thii b a oe rtel map nf th idealities of setshwec navy thl cic th on ill island near sehluh i calkd cor- sitv wh ip lb ajtaek wa made ow th caroline h wau 111 ird the wart house on ibc dwk is 10 or dc- wwt- from th- point oftlwdoek to the riierbirebtuor 7dfl tin nrcr floor of lw ris- bnck of um rail wav is ft xcerra cross exsmb tld l 1 s4 w iii tl its t jl ottii tlv l tiv th wan hl pefhit fite rr sis f ni toi ii h4tsiii4iau ia m sid ifcj4ir he first knen ntilic attek b a pertosi cttitig hii subm wsiue went out jid went part of ute not tftnard ihe narthuse uc wa not armed blnew tnos inirfee had known him fr a nunslr of y tar ftrsl saw him aficr lhc aturk ten or fifteen niiiu- hii waa after lite brat had put off on uiejr return found the bodv on th rail way be- iween the rail about i or 11 fed fnsm fov ed of ihldovk he h onhifaee wilhhb bead from ihc titer witiittm tumrd him over to see who be nas he recognized hiinbavinj a lamp saw the ivoundin th- hick of the head lib wiincss brouitr ami cant appleby wirc u company with bin on rtheeinn he thinks it wa caro hajj-er- lv and nut appleby lhat wits wills mm whew he dbcnvcrvd lhc bods dmfees rap lay near him saw the body afterward in cuftilo it would bo atarpysoottni to reach durfee from firld- wilh a moilcl went on board lhc caroliiv with durfee after the boat wa lrt made fal did not see any arm on bard nor tar in wv turw of her people field b a brother- inlaw of wiinnx it wacapec- rd that an attack would be ruadc on the bou and he looked for arms bwtfouid only one ciuskcl which kreleroi bold of croitrj4minn resided at outtalo wa at schlosser foe llsn nishl and nai ooblin bii broth ctindasv field was donn several lme brforr and remained several day each 1 1 i oner rbc is land wainiidcd and before ine attack he may hire been three day at a time and nent tiro or three time while there small boats were -iin- and rclurnin- tvy were from duffalo th frejjht was generally provision a taccc or ordnance in a seow wa taken over saw no armd men o ovrr wa on lite island once or twice il was he day the caroline wa attacked- the musket al field tavern tea fired once he capl kecler wo near him lltwn he finit ktebr ranol of ihe house and fired ii could not sec its direction hie caro line was tn on fire saw jit iwu the cam- iiitenhenoh fire roondtd oti cornet island and fiimbiasi ajmand a f w minutes there b o current ofaboul ilvo miles at ihe pniiil tf ceriwhs nam m n ittt ltc isjtia- uy th ice whieli tll 7 r mnjlnnih 1- 1 1 3 h r at w lime iu lit nhj ioeii ui t im llmli us irrntld rinf aofti- fvr it cck s ice lion b in run doun w ihe botlr of durf e ofler the m wu flrrtl the un wjt fired by kcle after the ca rtsjbnc was cl ott assisted to cut out ihe caroline from ihe see al cuffdo she wa cut out 10 i k pass ners between iwffalo and sehlsvaer w a nl emptovrd hj any cue to cut out thr boat al this lime lb re was a rait rod convranre twice a diy betitern iuivalo ajid ihe flls paio schloser the car were very mueh erond d 1 ir boat lie v dersood was employed to uk patsvnpes up and down the rbn dd no knowsh was oi- to na vy idaml rhc rail road ears were run wiih het power and cutiltl no accommodar llvr number that stisjhd lo jo at tbal innc tlure was c eae t- menl at lh lime and n reratlar hora- express wa employed ivtwei n unfl il t and scmuskr even those n ho kept ibery stables could not sipply the denrauei 1 uk hrse express was 10 brj cailr intel litjiee dio nol understand lhat an invahn wat tube attempted from nivt inland 10 ihe cmadt shore lhc ex pre was kept up until after the at tack had ken mad the ttntney ueneral objeetrd to the manner of ihe rami iiuamillliilfc the court wseud ihat counsel had better keep to the point as much as possible ih wa deposed to allow a ood deal of in sdjltion to fact wveh 5h bear oh mrw- hhtorseal facs of th drama might be y th entire jtincd yet h aduce lo ides wa to uj as brief a uiey ji it any ef h larti ik irau wjttsff the case ctieitiil counsel on both can itsses fulj rrsd- al sehlosef and keep ihe latcrn so ofln lulsdiw to- hccolbei lha dcslrue- ison of ihecarnlhse he 0l out nf bed he ssw liurfic saatsiht ab m one ii i vk lyn on the whicf be wilad ise lay with his iwad from ih waif r psrtly on hs f ier a ball hd psved ihronfi lutlrjd wvnltnnt the bark psrl of lw head ami came out al ihe frofi lie bain were blowti out the ball he think rnlercd from th bsck of the head he isr abuts four feet from hw 4t tv dock them was nol n reat skal cf blued he was on a ptmk the stain wa ms lite board ih blood mhl base run throah the ereice j hi cap lav near the head partly on hit 1 ar lhc cap the cap the cap wa subo loed on pjii ol tb peupl at 1st rossdiie in niaai coi rauiiid tnmks that nohuj abvu ihc jxun untl thi di jvw h vofir dct at dottjl mid d d 1 is litcembr 1 j il ho is an rtitnn r and flg sicam coiiim cihin i n iftft was italibg wxiabbaftd ibfaohn itceimntoi the isuak w at sis ih diti iu- alteoi iaa tsin hd pwi alci titne he had lain down s in jiisj 1 had tlti abator in a in ijjr 1 br khrj rr eo d nc or ftsr 1 mm oncem a lu wlifi hs jun on his vltowl dcr suppose ih ihn- browht nctc to att ihe abmt two kwrs navr lalanj people viyiint rra here an objection hai mide b mr llatl lo the minuultsst of hie rross exanonalson aiidilsv cort asii kiitcel couuscl to keej lo uk mnalm- o thr people tome nf lliem srho nere at seitbif mr badba ilour ic hie eip was bunl jul round the edcofttie hnr about the size ofacpur ter of a dollar thcbvd tow feet hy ujmi three or four twl iram ibt end o lhc whaif ftjt rma vid until the uel day it w 1 inrsi d titer wbch h saw il 111 thr uilrrniis wa left or fifeo foit frwia jlwlsgf lr etdrj it a lle alarm and ihe man whs fired rather lirrd at nudum lhc isioini ai4ly i wa soon told bi fv boat wat burning at tlsc litm and he noted ihe ds anvd bs wvre 4pj4ehui tvlis lw n rcesion of ihi gjo dck baunv turrc seasconlatwn or ft lbruaet- ex ii fto tbre were mditi and dpuy li wcnl tutb afcranwir aed mw a ba w marshal at btthnue at the ttww thi- cannon were j arm d tn u amr4c ud mtis nri- ihcwsm earred otr both before and after ihe attack on tl board a v aroaiji j ilu fanwjy ih r rajij caro int pun fired ad so tie on ill bt h d ifs h hjf ihc cone a to lb cannon refer rrd lo ne j h 11 fum a da iut eslol ay hi w o tiwht wa sbsjii tisrssr lfrc and two afur lire attack tisc fsi hfentd at ihctiism it im tmuwdi ly 01 beef and pork went ot after itour went oirr be- lire br w not armed ihrt wfe k frtf juiaili ehifd bfwe ilu firl alarm ihel hits cmtsruauntfrim eontmucd saw but ruc ca t qu uu c m le rsjaurt of a sun tlflvi ui a 111 i after jjnaav was a deij h n p ne ctiirwminiilimt urnt onbrdla tao n ar clark ic ek d im uid n t assist i sijmiei hid n l ben dwn b for of mr saucer at to what witness jw uunois tttc island it i admiltetl that lie tland wai in n- si vtsoii tf ihc insurgent the atfnray tjtieat siid h was n4 w sltinsj thai ih court should be uicd fur gentlemen toutitainetidnce bctur suibd for aivtwr forum flic teamed cmiesel ti the hit side was not sulfered to proceed in such noti ivlf h fore the bunifu wtinns season itte 1 t 11 t about a week after it was taicn novae- stow of flurcasiin mr hall obclud 10 t qurstioes i la wtvs tu jamci if 0 ii al seailhrss i la vft sf u course lufore ihe suprcnic cuort mr sincer roniesuld that he wa hessblpf4 enrrect tture tho c un said it was surifcicntly known ihit au himivni foce were at lhc lime of ih hirnin on the isljud mr spencer said h wsthd to show lhat there srere between 2i and 30 pa ic oferj- 11 on lhc li ij the court ruled thtst ih eutjcl lor the prisoner could not o into ihj inqui ry ii- would however note the objection of ennnsvk thfc waseannonadinjou both sides before ih derucuon o the caroline ma c ktolyljl atoahoj at buttslo and dd so in d cemmr 1337 wo on bosrd ihe caroline hrw tin attack n made wat in bed wlwn cal kll li llto ssiik lie im a tutor he suited a t vl a master he was merely a paciron bard il carulme paitl uo passav it it a ctjsom a- njpn sailors not to pasticy are called dead k i wa on lb watch wlwntheau tack wa made he called to thoe in lhc cabin lhat boaa were apn da not believe him at nrl hewatowt toel returned after an absence of one minute and kicked the djor saylnz with an oath that if they did not zl up they wonldsoon be hurried up witness arose and two others one of nhom was leonard wilnns went 00 deck and 10 the itarboard nn m abaft the wheel house where be saw a boal full of oscn armed the boat sea some hfteen feel from tho carejitto the men wvrr pullin fast and those in the boal fired uki sinlols at the caroline there wa a man between tr iconard and himself who fell leonard then started bock and went into the cabin there was a lobc lamp in ibf cabin way witness then slatted to tet aakorc be was op poed by men with cutlasses and irai unablu tot 0a shoretbere was a boatbetseocn the srharf and the lratnrr and men were cllin out of lhc yawl witness then started for tit oilier side of ihe steam er to o forward and ret ashore that way when he zyt on ihc starboard mic he aw one of th men frous the boat who hid ured into the crs were 01s ihe rail getting on boan iob- aw caroline i lie then the man who had prcviouijy fallen when b forward be hsn the elaihine of airords or cutlass e ho then thoozlit ui it the partita tbcauelves ha ving me srerechaged sriiheach other and in the contusion he l ashore and went through the ware house i aw uurfee a short lime after the caroline a itfit ik t rbl hair r head partly on his tar the hole in were similar in those in he head thitk was ined in the back nan of it be fate afer keeping it a vcar to the brolher of darfcc the people who were m m bowse al ihe linsr of lh attack were not armru lbr was only one jun in uv husc tht uu as fired by a nun who stood about lea reds from hi hvonc nd in a direction toward the river be 6rrd at hie men n ho were taking the boal off the boat al ihe lime wjj about ten rod from lhc line ef ih wanltouse in a line from where the roan sood wbtt he fintl or shot wowui lure onc twenty sodt fr- where ibc body of llurfec ur supposed ihc ofcrrt offiiioj imgun waatoatrikesomcone 011 hoard the caro- line wtnlrsbr was sfmilm donn from when- durfec la ihe bulki would hare yaasd him five of six rod nvirwnvraud wnh ike msi whu fmd aslmihl his indoeod llwm income lnruhmjs cm crllnlllro waa al schloowr when lhc t lud wa noaded si was a week or o before use allaek there was prrmi deal cfpa-m- nelwrcu sehleivr ami nasv isjasni thy wve dtilr car- rthslg oter m the island prvbion osd siismiimn ef war a jtreat asnil1ae of people al ihi time at sehhstir lhc provstnm were braiithl in wajeni and hv thr rjil road ran j there were rrany pteee of artilhry tatwu to ihe island he a ihrre saw left saw him on bis face witi had not boen aslttrp when tho attack vcas made he went on hoard to steep not beinr able lo fet lodints at the fall be had a small pocket pistol with him not londcd did not know any were armed no fire arms were discharred until after the allack was made nee arms could not hac been dichargcd on board without witness hearing heard case snan sas give it to ihrin god dans n them oils he thinks a said by the man u k firat came on board fvorertin iesf thn wti a rlbe imti- btirn 15 m th uin between se lu jid tlrmi ns rnlun line broke the 1 imp some oic havit cried out 4i put out theli5hl there were two lh below and he thinks one on lhc forcea lie which 1st bvlrevts was al0 pnt ou sot no boarding at the bow i left carle but saw atv bout on hie nccr wh n he went irsl on deck dgrfee wa king on dock with trtffcct twelve fet from ilse river d d not assist in ietng it use caroline atputttlo hear f the dcstnjcl of the caroline tlifs lived al schlosser at fields wi awakid b line noise fr cut en beo d rot djwn lo the main rad as sjon a possible h ard a lauil ruisc andveral zuns f 1 r l 0 1 nirhapt four or five shots dil not hear dislissctjv th clashing of arm ftruaiiid 11 the road until ih boat was hose c iwe to andfimlinr diwn after the boat wa tea uu fire three cheers were zicr ant the yawu re uirnel to the canada share saw durfce mi af ter he appeared a if he bd mmcd o f cc after sin way and il wa 8 or lofct front where lb boal lay threap was near the head of durfee d mask of burning it was called a canjdiau cjji url of red or bruwnub color i hre wis blood near the head not a great dal wa near th juu when h wa ured from near ku tils itwas tired in the direction ef the lcam- boal thinks durfce wnuld hxre been ten red from h direction of lhc shot the man who firtd it n as about forty rods from tb warehouse noticed cnovih to know thai th direction of lb- uis at or 8 rod from the warehouse thinks capl law ton had lsso pistols crtw jfiinej wa iwo cr three rods com the man wba i r looking at ttve steambajt at ih lint ilse fie en bin d th train boat hut rust brkn rut 1ie nun si ho lfed was between wjitks and ilse w jo uict rcsidis iu niagara was at fctds at semoktsf when use cuounc sra dct oyed the pun tint w a fired wa loaded wiihpvwdr en lyj it wa mciey flej to alum troa whs raw uslroyin the carolina dont reevltcel who load- idil njmlrr on s firvil wat there uul ltc boat wa coat off from iho dock j went 011 jard the caroline that cecnin not see any arms nu on board about 1 1 oclock al nih cjoiicnrtirned al use time of fhj alaek litd at locator happed to br at schlosaeroul of ru- ri ate had ml been to bed ihit nitt 11 id uvnatlhe falls and rol bsek u 1wldt about i oclock distance about three mdc the fait tn pit lojtn at firhfs went on board uv boat and fared uv same use un was 1 a il at fwld in the kiteh n bclicict ihe man who loaded it preured the powder from mr field aaw th charr put in mizht kive ilrunl soie ih it niht bu think he was mil inlo- icalcrj tlr crin if lhc uu sia to alarm uiv pitolt on himtd the crolme thuks hv first invnlioncd ihe load n- 01 lsr uu 1w nest day the mn nho utd the cii load d it cannot tell to nhomhr pokr abuul the fmnder at ust fills thinks isc lom for lhc fail time loiliy to mr v kmmon ihit ihesun had only powder in saw the tin frrd ihink il was about four red from i tcld the huh wmtt iu 6rc it iu the dincuon v k wan dinvae itytkt cutirt n str am ho at at the tlm- was cut off from use dock and wa moinc du the h wllhat fll ennnt til hlhl liht on d ek at thi time kn kscel m tk cd c rwb r ite of ih carclut hat ci ei wj mfesp wh the alann was vn h vtb an kd hi ihe pin of un 1 i m-b- ou deck t onpirt tf k clotliinr and nas in out wis n h wa met la aiimd snew ami drrcn tiacl into ih ebn suu msd lo lie dn nou im matt cs r ajid iha lvatci wilh a tnord and wa asked a inultitnd- nf i ie kkbm ii tlwm jltsie- i rat lis 1 owfflpmt of a r i p were trtlm h m u- lud at ih 1uu a manic it reoai tar w t ulueh lorslusmn at hs twirt while lin on th ma 1 1 1 a mm came 10 hiw and ra u k il ner fuh dsifnid 0u of a bitch and o iuc tltonw mat trashs fnc malirasses weri ih 11 lofc is frjr msdriieatli him they look a iarf7 e ri brrkvl llliirr il with ctothet stindaw bxr sc x and k apotvd the lump and set il on fire thu hred ch butt one of thcas j4ej what sliall j j 0 uiisfilbw bilj we ku s r it- s j wmosjuiis is is one ih n said wstant dead kt him go abjrc wstafl was at ihi lime slajrir inhlqj on th door ttty weak thei mide inward vk sentrt near tars gangway wh would mrt lt hmt pact ii turned to uv onoeer aiying ibit thes would not i imn pas the olnccr ordered a mtn to condjct ihos asharc lie was a toul built man has not sees any one that looks like the officer siic witnco m othtce and mid ks way up use eattray trad until he met mr well and soma mat hi wonml vrcrc under the left arm and the h aid bladf wa well aequkiinud wiih the careline knew or no arm wui oaboard nac men amed tiunki b would hate known it rf there had bvn crootex mined thee was a irrhl burarr ii the lalfcs cabin th- lamp usd t urn ihe bo 1 had been in uk during th ermine know of other plsee it w h eh use caroline was tared ihnki v 7 or s ovil rtsse wih ii werataku il wm thrswa out of vv cabin wiowst twenti of the attacking party were in tha lajics eabio l i not meefany one wbn he lef ih boa until hs fd in with wells thybsd coal ostbtr f jl nm be foie witness lefi the boa but she came to aain a litleboy awjfhstsg 10 the boat hi thinks war still oa boar j whn h left perbap the bsy was tt or 14 years of oe b ipvd io cut lb carjune cut of the creek at ttustilo adjonmid for dinner aitkivoor acaaiox ga vhii jyjc6y rcaidca in gnffolo waa of board the caroline wlun she was attacked took charge of her by reo iel of lha owner he scroti tf i bed on board of bc ih it nih and waa eadvca be fore the attack he bad rxtscvd the first watch was awakrd by the watch callir- out lhat a lot o i boal were approaching al ihe time be was iwt bcrih m the njcdkiiv cabin bs jot up sod fv i on hf boot and icsp bb pantajoons were previoo jy on th nntr noise at tb tiuw wa made b those wly were in th e bin and re dr isn willie then described tlie companion way tn stcsri lea lne from thetmuaniin o lhc lrercsb ore lufj nurow or nibtjsw atempt d wr out ortueonruinnuai ta rvaehthvdck cav hard nf tea lnfr bim the door oniro a 1 1 rd n siepped cut a tussle 1 ni jc i a tv dn w a ilos duon nirc remained on the ay two or he emmuba harj h- wsrds sbitr ih iv tumnd vanke 9 0 h dunnj yankee rave 1 19 onarur flir m jaea nit knots vrfcrh the lost ord t wa tine i bat or to d sebw- fire a- ins u vjon rs c notsv ceased he mad attoihrr altm t to r nch ihe door and jit i ope- aboai a f si t a maw in id a pasb o the doom en ttisde a ihrutt ufh a drksirnrd and eftcltim evwi with you the awor j siruek hm tsnul cif oft two button from hs si witirja sard barkanl went bejow atwl had ihe u- us tb cabin put out jt manned below fl start ism recolleecd inr tfure was a chance tf rsea ihroujhui- rnjl house ol out through the mcicry ws hf poten ihe upper dec lhrc ttawlra1 a man en hh promenade deck lizard a oe bcw tb were two boardot m w r hue thrub whm he mad- hi ereape fran lh carotsne whu ih rt il he h rd some on v ood damn thn nht has become of the sivpounder cktt was lore b icre ntbll soaia on sol fetch ifr- lib hiae h ui look for mc damned yankees scon a tbo party cn red he thought he wa d sec vcred and jumped foi h j hdin place sio 111 wat r j w n down and whn hi rose some on siruek him he swam orand jt uidr hr wart hiue until h hid an opportunity of rtnehin m water and uvn pocd d lo ftds tivern ti- he we 1 itiiek wth a bardsn pike saw ih to who ravc him a war wiih ih sword v hlr h u 0 s ihr companion 0 cabin uirwtval ih ijinc there teas a tsm lihid ncorih- isoar about iwc f i frani ii al thst lime wilnes lhuh it wv ihprisoiser mleod bd b eo prctoujl liro- dued to hm at huftmo was examrsid ibr day f hsrtt sewtscr mtcmety on i saw that i was mr meteod 1 inih have krn mb a ar iu ereanej frons the boat and hid raebv field b returned lo ibt wmf trhrfu ihs i pufe ljm dad saw ihi wun saw aha ih cap is in near saw lilvod and brains iin- 01 th tloek m finmont ral d tb body pariafl otei thai nlv tvyee prn wercon bssrd h ctrnliis none of whom wrrc armed trin it hrard th lvl sert he wis bclw it wat dircc u afer he ws call d ihinkt ho hrard two uiis bo fireehr si mil isrard acveral tivtit tho wai relurncd fruu boy oa the boat call j lith billy in lud bei but could nut i wrjshtm n iheconljliilion buiilkoiorbuil of mn since he sra 12 oe 13 years old crrtiiejenicf tiimk the boat was at nav t land when h last ih hy thee was on iher boy on beard called lokc walur it uj stid v wat taken oter to canada witness 114- e nl vrd by well lo 50 on ihe boat 1 tho ens i menl was to take die bat to schim ffand rrinrre 11 the meriin lie projosed to return by he ctr in tic mrrin dsd roi iak- much frtim from schlorer dutorvliinp in tic conspansnrs whs and one forward when h i f the d ek th ismf in ihe companimi nay bun mar ibceiliur lid nl mark ihr fealisre of ihe mai nhi mad- oe ihrns it him ei thr fairway it wa onlt a sipn t4lsnr ii uithci wtl nol now vat il wa klr ctrril 1 rvovn rcttdos tn rintrdiirua re4 d 1 rtwr tim object or linn was to piltrnt the par- in cjnda in uceember is37 ai chiena ly from corning up 1 nded bar at the hause of smith knons tl 41 r

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