Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), October 23, 1841, p. 4

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snrkirrs salr mm rvzfrrvf wr rfrttt w wir w writ fa as ir out id llcr mjctv or queen pififli and lit mc h fieri c jaisf tire iii j ij teirenients df ivi i mi j m ka ai the nrii of tmmn mc- a hm rj jhi sprwnstofb 1 ha ei pi iien in cxccubo i a monting lt iic satd ivyiiani j mckay ti vrj loi in limb hcina pan of the broken friii of iho km hair af loi number ten laihefiafi concession of the township of erarslowt nd rontatii- hy a ihneai moment ninety one square rd which i wdl exp s-nh- m the cav house in iii town of kcon at the hour nf ri oclock noon on yvednessbc the tenth joy of november next a mrponell shklilffs salk 1ww bkkuiiv vcmi- in wit bb ui a cms incd out of i majeslcvc directed ju vnv itenrh and to me directed a ihfaflsfj arid lenvinvi ffilic late ivk frnr dercavd a the han hicron of fieri or of itflhl liam c tunc f hit dealh in firfjijin medoiijtl duncan mc 1 atfxqihkf chshnin lcru kindlon timl u xtil further nnlicc hocilchler ihe large anj sheriffs office kmsim fth at- lb4l i- sheriffs sjle by tiit fieri lvlrw lavriw vjv trittto of writ of to wit j o fieii facias isiirl out of iter mjjfstv cftntof querns ibnch rvl la m directed ajain ihe lw sml tine tnakof william mr k iv at iheftailof wil- ljui walker juan b anlcrsori william tot svlli juij jthn 11 fotjyln 1 tvc seized tjken iti execution as bjoti7io to the william j mckivaecniin lt i hi ate htof bitsbh rftttt of t tkf fhmfdf lat 10 mid iv to n ton iif tiasii tt4 f dtolam will nrnl iciainont vflbcnu 1 wisliam plrawri dccweili ai ilic of 1 jvvii ifi alescainler cillcpi0 ilc i vuoir lhoscmnlittinl inthorl jiu- jw iio vount- haw izcj anti taken in iiii nihin a lioloognj to the jat is- ibm fnff tin sooiiiorly ul of lit no 2a1 in iik town of kmjinn comnring tlnrlilliitr fret on centre slnxi hr one httftilftil anj tlimtwofrel loctcivhh i n ill ejwwc for sav at the court flotm m llio tivn of kjnion at lle hour f twelve oviwk noon on monday tlie ui jav of december next a mcdonell slicnr oist j kinmn 25ih pu jsii cfi k rffion trit d4 t notice is hereby given vniic vu andiiltit codob pinners ol rl ilnt town in tif liicotpprati ciali f livot aa1 addinjton nn t in iv mi r mi diilrklj fhuimn b aaftawfeau nl iron future ro l iviiji i will rv tile rt w- cort ii iwlo ttrtch9f i tic iitmn dav tf d e m vr o alun vrhonrll i0tl frfij 1l j ilii iii io binmtu tiai d ounllv fei poic of a aiinteiii shekitfs salc jabtad ixincf y virtim nfi wty r twiri ji fiffi facij inofj ouioi jlt mjjfuc6att of qofpv hnch nj to m arklmiwmm hf lnds and trftr- mrnlt of wtlliam j aukiy at the ut of httja itobcrtion jopli jlin and cliak luijtflnyi fajire loitcd anj liken in rcu tion bwin- to ifif sanl wijlmm j nt- kfcy crtatn lot in ih viilar of ihtji jq oltofoie iffofcen fiomcf ttf m lialf of lj jv triip ia the toniipcf foni toxtn tt lntoforail cimmtirjt of lamx inj ad- huft and m te mmund 1hrici ewwain j by aimotrrcnrnt riniyejc fnaie oj irbifh j utll epoff or sjt m tsc coirl at the liour ftf f hoair in th lowi or kfajtiwi latttomofv nooojoo n 17th day dccinbr nrxt a mcl0nklt 0 5stiills oiticc kirton sheriffs muknd foxtnrt i wwi vl i wii 119 will i iai loned mil of her majh s1le tue it n jfpfl fe- it midland dipnoi court ano to mc directed ncvmm tsc land and leorrnent tvliirh wrre of john oconnoi deceajred at the lime of hit death in the hands f ann oconnor executrix of the bit will and testament of the taid jifchn lo be admmittercd m lle nti of timotny simcnonf i hac jiicd and taken in exeeution r- lelonin tn the said ann oconnor executrix of the w will and testament of the taiii john 0- f on nor deeeaedpart of lot no 3 in the fnrt conrciiion of the tofthlup of thdr- ivf in the vktofw diiirirt which i will jwe hr sale at ac court house in the town of kingston in the aaij midland dis trict on friday the firi day of october next at the hour of 12 ovhieknnon amcdonell slieriflm d ihenlta office kiton johi 30tb june s1 t te above alr r postponed until monday fast day of novcnibrf nrxh rwn chclrta hospital have been ileaed to diivet thai att pensioners command who are paid by the cum thai amvarhentfc an onvcrof nt ihc nation where they eivc ihc peoiim lor the pur- svtio eerlan inurroto ordered in te put to toetn ivhic will otwrwanu le eofniarvd it siea of tw moflv service and other jim dcpohiied at chcjea hospital mibovirw fetheir idenitiy bring clearly etauwhei this examination will lie taten bcuvon the u october and 311 ixcmher next and llmse pensioner who do not appear withtfi thai viiud fur the purpose of being examin4d wilf rerei n further itfttc of penioii beyond the 31 at december isi until ther unxvers have been sent to chel- fca and a nohficaiin rccirived lliat inch tnmvn prove vaiifactor in every ease the vfulomt will he ijulrcil in exhihil the printed insimciinnfl and in nddirinn thereto if he have one hi parchmem certilicate from hi regiment cmmiriit kmton undoctiher 1s4-i- i ninni i 1 i- steamer tnlox captain dulmmono will pfv between the port of arn l v hesler tomotenruig uc folhmv vpwjirji will leave knjrion etcrf somby ilicxjavt onl thorlay kvemn after the arrival f the mail slcambnnl from mmitreal jotrncira wdlvave rochester land ing every fonday wrdncdaj and friday eveoiiif nfut e arrival of the packet boat the lmon is oell fitvl tin fir paen- g rv and exiremelv well adapted for frcighs thessagc to and from rorboter ts iperfoimcd during the nigh i paawnpera from rochester for montreal con arrive there within 4s hafli and freight generally in throe days- fnr freithl or passage apply to mr t- phillips rail rod otlice rchcter iho captain on hoard rr to mcpherson crane kwgfrlon aug i iwl clo i clocks clock cst received and for sale a mot jdendid ajatfmem of ewrl dav three da va and tlortv lltntr hrat and and mnnilt timcphce in ihe moi mo- dern tyie warrantcl to teep gin j time at no 3 garraita riiiiiluii united i y 1 1 states hotel 5weg0 m r rbv jvndnl eblishmeni is now fi vf c recejimn of vwiw the thtse iwf mttf hwujfced ihrooghom a fi from ih ck ani ihiful htuam f omm ftdn h ve piaxa m h34 v both ot um i rfcnc traveller x 3 jjai mtilm cana k falbulvatoij iveaieir swcp ill find the route svracoiscio ooego per packet and frv by sieamboat and kail road a m j expeditious ami ceonomeajl chiw jhc sourribef bdpn joy ftnet auent tcirrfl h ifoue a ik- t ralle reside h to traniienl visitor and penmmbi boarder j foreman mt ofti tirrn iocaoor n b car 3f will be in attendance al all lime to nnvcy gut a and their bag gage lo and ann t steamboaland pack ets ret orem wanted ntt answer j ivioden clock- and miiti i the reipam tilt and 0- c ca kmgtton an hi 1s4l jjmon mm rololcnl specimens he nolenel trustee in the eoate of mr 1 thompson oners by pri- v0le tatag a are coetmnof geowcal spwsmen rotuhied hy mr- thompson in t oice winkfi ox satif t the wholeule wnrcboqk or tae sqb ktibcr front street pipe eld potl qr ciuk di hhd tap oof curcl qf cks ibmrd ot co madeira tjcurcs weu mffein qr cwts npetrttl pol ol w ho do qr cmfkt do sherry ilo vupciinr do ifjvks cvmjipi ne jos l hau- kindlon 15th anul 1hh 16 4 6 a 6 90 n 10 6 25 10 150 ow liverpool oap ito ooxc joutrrjl bo4s ithf ae vhie actn a airono- t the uoundarv lin- commtmnew james cocrt montreal 2iih aug isu is ihe 1 mri 1 btllukhs brildcrs for sate at ihr snwdbtrv auction is boxes ic tin 20 do ixtm an excellent ariiele for roofs collins haines lantfimmffc ki soih july is4t biilltlln lou ti- sale oxr lot on li jr street between k nrvr mn- iut luili bv mr lhkfitond thai rf cpt f slmfotir ktvl aitittrryline 4h by pi i vale 50 do linden otthd sjap do london inm camtri 25 do lou n oip cndlc for sale bv joseph tt ham kinlond aum1 i8h i five villa lots for sale each of 10 a en heingpnrt of lot no 6 tn ihe m jonceon of the township of pitthurgh thee lou are delightfully emoted on the hanks of the st lawrence with the 1000 inland in view and have the mail road lo montreal in their rear distant five miles from kingston apply to william craig kingston full joiie 1811 09 astudbct to the arehueelural pro fewion apply to mr browne jlrthittd a fee will u squired kington2lapn1l8h bs dr cmv beauiifu knitoa sheriffs sale midland drftrct 15 y virtue of a ivlft uiedout of her utjcmf court of quceo hemh and lo me directed again the land and tcnemenu of jaioeft chamberlain and james fraoec at the uit of thomat b anderson aikd umliam lvalker i have eizcj ttud taken iu execution as hv in the aid jame chamberlain and james fmtfi pwl of loi nonbcr twenty and httml ne nnd the f half of iol nom- licr tweniy three in ihe fifth concession ol ho township of friferirlcbtirch in the midland district which 1 mq expose for safe at the court h005 at kingston in tlie r m dtrftrici mi monday lite filih day of joly next at the hour of 12 oclock noon any perswv e person having claims on lite above dctcnbvtl pfopjriy arc requested ro make the same known lo me at or before lit rim of 9 lo a- mcdonell sheriota office kindlon 3rd april 181 ftim the ahnve ale it jwiiponed to tucdav tlie ifl day or orioher n shenttv ohice kinlon july mlslh tin almve sale is foriher poilponej un til ihe fourth dav of novemlier next ocher jstl sheriffs sale midund dhlriel bv rirtiw n fo wit i alb writ of ficr fadah imoed out of lief majesty cmir of qoeena neh nd to mc dieted aaiitt the ian is ati- tiimn of umfiam j mckay a4 the uit f willinm radhurv i i avr teixed and iken in exrruinn a heiftl to fh- tml william j mr kay t o reriai ii in toe vilbc f aali of the htoken fnnt of itie eat half of it nn 10 n the township of rielwvn in ifv in corpora led conntie of lenox and adjmpon ami in tfto midbnd dhritl confoiotng by aixnacafurerncnt nirctyonc fatrare rio which i wrtl expose nt ac at ih cnort liwrt in- the town of king tu at the hour of twelve oviocic noo on mvmfjt lft twenty erond day if novem ber riefii jb mrionell xatriff w ft stirtd office kntvn ah ani sh j j f u oite mi lyin a i ml llwcrn sae ai i j s j onsi ecs lofkctnrly io inform ihr inhabi- lantsof kiamon and its vicinity t that he may v contucd d4i1v at hi residence in ttonl stiert nrt deot lo mr ficoilwin ho leh fiom dr js profrtmona emritrtti hr t fl bimtcll he u be cmhlcd to attord ev ery sglifaciion lo person reuirinj his mji lance dr jones would particularly calf ihr attcn lion ol rarcnl i the rormtion and prtsition of their children letlh a conidmiini murh neglected in this colony j thes- he itndeilatir however defective to make grow up in peifcct rrutaritv ant heantv in cm of toothache it has tfwm bcrn ljv mndy to avoid the ecrucialin- irjve ejirribnnofex1rirtion naljv iroited to hit british sftdlery warehouse ciirnvr ol stor iij ffoot sircctf kinptop 0yoit7e ac ftfrwt of ac hon jjtn alexander dixon of toronto rcspect fidy infrms ihe military and gciirj ofkinon and u vtelnlle that he iid opened a llanch of hit establishment in ue above emiae where lie will he constantly tupriicd with a tffre superior arfonment of wrfivry harntss whip to ac itttprmd direct from ihe best housea in great britian and ivhkh wilt constitute a first rate ength establishment ah saddler olc kept nt the above ea- lahhthment wamnted engfiui n b ever ifsrhpiioniifharne c made to order fom the best english leailier and repaired h rry superior workmen kington 6thjoy is4i 2im pitbuc notice all pemins indented lo ccnlins flalne ire requested bi call and settle their acromts on or bcfre ihe 1st kovcmbff nest all accounts remaining unsettled afterj lime will be placed in other hand for ectnn folunst haines kington l3lijoy 1s1i deftfstrw he ldieral itroxaiji which has leen extened in ibeulcriher has induced him to decide that m w rcmoie hu family to tins ptaee a sve he can procure a re sidence he will he t m llr imlein house at present rmiom olincral teeth far superior to tm ordinarily inserted by dentists diwav on nnd entire sets cd which he is pk insert on the un erring princips of mphene prtattm which method n atifactority levied in this place jnyiiikjlatnlly mcrlieiiim v are for rale wholelc by e m lttflj ticneml ant sacfccts har- bor n vj and at retail by w mackintosh otrwcfc 4 r7csrc uue and afin by r- 15- searles oilenshurgh v and by t m reade french creek 4 tv see recommendations in another co lumn for sale the rienont country residence nf i ho suhncrdier one mile from the town nn the lake shore consisting of a comfort able dwelling house stihfe carriage house stc with two acre of f and fur icnn which will be accommodating enquire on the prcid-se- smith bartlett- kinon july bth 101- 0z cokdatie spun vafin oakum the sobaciibers are epectin o receive daily- 6 coif irauserftom3 to6inch 45 tan ed corj4e fiom ij to4 loch to 3o i yw ff venb 5 3 sml 4 inch manilli 10 umhirs oakumrstriaaniy the above w ilt h sold on libeijl leims to snv poison puicii r- the whole collins ihunes kiaslosivmlhadost isii 16 totlazo for salr amtt brick collate deli chtripmyitoatrd on the biv f h4tlowoll a qua it r ofs mile fum the town of hklost and 40 miles irom kitiw to which place there is aslcatn- lioat daity the phec will be sold chan md possnsion given aloftcci appv lirre to creensihelus k miller j k j miller i co picfon- kingston uth auust isii 13 m kingston ju 7 ds coldey dtnfist i4f 2z dr nicol rntv mtusotoar point strc hnxeh street nccrly opjmit corrifrars advice to ihe poor ffwui ftom 10 at keillers tvfoitcsftu tnd rhtu cvnftctionarifi bttock street will always be found a large sup ply of the most choice assortment of conficiionary together with ten cakes ol ail kinds- pivm coae sptngt cat pound cava jflfusfcvstnnfsbfaitcjlltingtstfce crrentf superior ftingtr berfrmti me fountain ividfins coc in eery tvperir syr or bbitisu foreign dry goods kingston nolle ijlxtkxkh k aociiokiutvatthestorc j of r if k t kac on tuesday the 19th october and following dayr when a complete aftortment of dry giids crme net llqtiors jewellery calf skins cotd roanf curled hair c trfl be offered in lots lo sun purvhaser a liberhl crctwx will be given hy furnish- inj endorsed paper r h trae kington 1st october 1841 27ni c9 an 1 is n snaral the wit fptoiiintr recenllv i hrd cf ste 5ifri m7 ifftittve sv jr termjv srcl tt ststlrfrr ihr same wdl hf sold in one or discovered it purchaser 1opt leofth above nnvrs a fjvorahle j this important dovciv dr- h h nrotided for such tfffml insecure small inmsclr with various sett oflnstrumenu r notice ten that a third am fioa rp lots to bit by a siiaph iplijtion and hsviiiif stvtfd the decay r4 restores it to it former usefulness for ded uon bfiildine lft asthey are situaw in ihe most j i m05 modem and approved principlrs keallhy filtiaiioasam in respectable neisbour dr j is enabled to ty that owinc lo hi hh jnnssestint ihe secret of mavm ihe incorrtipti fav nlflttr pliroijri w fl m 1 bl toketsm teets he ran suuply anv rtrffi- j jpro rvfc h ciency of the month andruins so completely as kmloa ao3l ish isr to jircrent lie posiaility of dctcrtion ur j aho be r to asuce tho luwk ihst hit professionsl services shall be rendered to all mp- noucc given thai 5s hereby given thai ihe undersigned pfrts are duly appointett lo carrv raft effeel ibe larf will and testament rf he lale mr g ii luioer thereilire all nvotat indebicd to ltc isrwe of the late ftlr g ii haines whvhrhy boml note rr oiherwe will plcae pay the undermen- t tone j panic with s linle delay as pot- iiewise all perui havin on the mom remonalde terms new g nam hie said acroum diilcaut thomas piisliiomiblc tailoring jutalh is luac nt i t bilton would rtctfully in form the inhabitants of kmsroa that in connexion wth their house in toronto thev have opened sn establishment in the above t m- v sfr x tp0ite mesirs itate wli preaenl their tvwhr tbej imipsr tokrr emoted foe lavment ot tck ronneneo sfiifci adi h- irxs- i neir preseni ioffc constsuof a cbotcc in s lierdiv g a1 dividend ov r le late forwarduij tnenham at kingston this day declared payable l f y thl june next apply ai the of mr t glasup store rem oppoie lit commer cial rani kingston ijtbmay is- 9u9h jiieugiikn fram lw h cvttip ooritoeienwf osr w he lo aroiiaint the gentry aud rutieoerai ij or kin trftnn that in onne in torouto h- hi opened n m lire k s second dvw im quart fh ani wl oupniite lo wessfs ii v hook store where he hopes io me- wn sh ot nohtic nannate wie sslft flilttu v hatid or made to 1rilrr w kinjsloosth auj isii marv km ion haines exmthrr fosbrook haines ertvtrix irtoclovr isil ie a farlfforsale in the iievhltlhhid of kingson capital oltuiicd cana la tiie tam is uaiitdofly situate on ihr bay afqiiirvot eiht me from junptnn fotiiaib kar llnivlrvil acre one hup- jrcj and fifty of whcli khesml nnd uu- iler cultivation iih coonl fenees the hnmeuim it in lare and rom- iqikuotat cottap unit uioirons opaii- ineiilfit fur the arroiiirrkdftiinii id a re pc roh limily in the finht d whoh ina verandah svvnly fvi in length milhricril ro srtitcci from ihe rmi toclemcnt ot thenrnfthehoi a richer failms sprinj of water imroedialely assortment of ijiue tilck invisime crren olive jnl hvown uroai cloths wont dyed black utown end a variety of hades of csv- simeres in vestins lly have on hsnj a cboie- asjotlmrntof ftod onistinz of vel vets fiarl and plain tins french chenes anil the dilferent mlteiis of wont cashmere suitable for winter diamond and plain heaver cloths r th above rood nin impetlrd ty thrmselvcs from ihe hesi markeuin bas- iinf and their aiamjemnts with sotur of me firtt heikiin london wll eninc then to fur nish thir cnuorvers with the newest geodt on rcanaahle terms in rrfereuce lo the cutting and making de pnrunenlt it will only be ncesuy tossy thai ao cacilinn will be spared lo maintain that hyle wlieti has rendrreil their es1miuimeiii n n lii a- m torres n l tl 1 u atter thenwlvet thai ihrir lnfiwfede of naval end military uni forms will rrubie hrm m execute any order information f john uclka scolbml who iit hoot at urenvikc about 3 has not nee been heard ol yean idil had on blue dot hm vral any inforroator will be thankfully receive hmwn of hamilton am e hamilton jth sept i hjtrticc ia hrrelrf iv n xi scrnmce of the deaf hnelaie mr c ii haines alt tasjaainv krfih of g ii haines aanted a native of ft or inst off a ccw ago and lie is about 33 j wiih mole- respec ung him hy gunu wem paid it 26 indebted to the co bv note iwoki iel1 or otlirrwi i m ret nor lutl ercrnsiiitclih miller an nounce lo country merchants and ihe iublie generallc tht they are daily ex- peciinf per ship cacsioria favo rite teeumneh and fc rainhow from g per sooter johny and jtt- rnaica frim liverpool and pec doug las from london a large and welfseccl ed sinck of staph and fany dry good suifalde fr ihr fall tmde hhiih tlnv nie determincj tn dispoac of wholesale and retail at a ial advance km- street kington fiflui sept s1 or sale hy mir sultsjcrilicrs johoxc fnsli lrmon 75 harrel liverpool salt b- hr raj- kingston i3ih juty isi- als f valtijililc inrni for sale to lc sold wiih immediate possession lot no cs m the lrt concession sophiaalitirgh in the ivmce edward disinct tin ilic hay shore formerly known as scanfan farm on snc of 0 acres of which ahoui 70 ore clearcsl with dwelling r house shop barn and jsvmi out htnhhnp alio upon the water edjc n newly erected 3 story siore house and wharf well adapt ed for an extensive forwarding biisiner- this properly is ion well known to retpiire further comment for terms e apl ro rlie nffire or mein forsyrn siuttlrburt kmton kinsion jitty irlt- 9v2 the provincial jiisitfee dv w 0 keele 7ory at litr nnd wrwfor a few copies for sale at hc chronicle st gtam office f salt or sale hy h ft s jones kingston july j7ih 181 fix kiviirn t ma le nvailauo cntlv bn dr purpfw ihui are extensive au eomtmnhom ly a pump for iho i ijjt to hr let h- i rgrnis preert t i in ihr vn u if t lsj ex jjvi iurrifll iimi mr fl- use ir om ui- are oxlenve ami enrnuvihoii and ill oirhard in a pimil and ihrurishin con dition there is alrttrvdaiiec of water o the farm at all sc fir ihe use of slock ieihttic rjirm indl ihe ynrw from in neaddirhooil h i and proaiiiotv ta hf koiiin mjiw t m ikrvir2 ihv paiiiioar rstnvr f in hn ptireltbiers ti viihi mid atic ti r infirrnation rrooi red wdl sv rnfttlr kiown by hppkiitrat flit olhwnr tn iltv oihiiui uf hi kir eflilijnw 1 g iflll inurnevnen wanteil ftt sjhsiriie to rail awl seiiv ih mm wiih as little delav as possible and i ing claims against iho said v ttl11 v present the same kmgslon 1st october h commercial he siditeriher hep 11a motel dilton 23im kiftvton sept to icasr aruilding lot on jfairatk ftrsxt near the arlillcry b meek clc forty reel frotd apply to ceo a cumminj fso kint llih sept mauittomcm on rrnn jt oiei for the receptie company nms have teen newh ed wiswilh 1h 8m p wanted icivate uoanluirva iady and hvo cloldrrn in privaie hoiw addrcrw j hni thin mltiiw rl ii i h in- jmn tame fitne hinmon eiillvnan n repfc cnfl ish l iy rivatk roahdikc ai mr fillv ihm ilitorbi llryir strxe hiirst nrur stern sfrid varatti twl kuir iiii ritbjid th ihr kine i fir i the sohcnher s friendi and the pu he h ream from mr ives the ircg hive esttuuimenl on frnn whci i now he rooms ew furniture nnd tw u pared tmiccure the comf of hr 5 tje plan of the hotel i- r r convenience and ihe ripr 0f 0b fniron that he will avoid p n commodafi snrh a- mnv j him oith llloif patronafo the loration t il fr lkto4nrih or jslrwitrs l foriili walk of th vut- inil poldii uini ycl pnl i ftw i -jii- tahh- llomd riiilatdv tiiuinuhhitvd u ion im iiluatrsl either wlhin n frv nmenl others flly inr tt can beihmq- ltkkv ffprhtrf for s lo jp at rcduecil price high caldbr commercial wharf kington septeinler isvi- iinij furlc francis il 0 mill1can jcx- lateof juetec piano knrte manufac tory befi leave lo inform the inhabitant if kingston ami it vicinity that he has rom meocinl bvrilwm in ihe above line and hopes by ntynhrily punctuality and alien lion combined with moderate charjc to mril a shore of public patronajje piami fones guiiars violins acordi ans and mmiral sntilt llojce- and miisicnl instrument in general repnired k tuned fl any instrurneni made or repaired at tlur etablisliment will be warranted u st 41 ltd for uix vens kho milucaxjrrr cwv ar mh nsorv rifrw w nniir ksrstoa sept uh 3m- for salkob to hrnt bv tin simwimmkrs f vkly valuahsv rrriporiy at lb aibptvrl fir vtmoii purihi- nollcns k iiainf he ihovcf slovcal stovea the subscribers bej to nntify the pith lie thai they have been appointed apms foe the disosal cither wholesale ur retail of the above mentioned article by a larp zntl rcpcvtamc manufacturing estab lish men i ami that they arc now receiving and txpecting daily lo receive a very largo and well selected siock collins haines ucfroncnj kingston july 2s i wi fe a a r- haoooafillcj solicitor in chancery asnuawm asvv ana notary robkec notl ri yjfltrs froscrs ffontrtrcct kingston o h the subscriber as on hand and selling at very low prices an excellext assortment of staple aod fancy goods in the new storo adjoining mr willarjs kim street duncan mckay kingston 36lb january 1u41 tsor farm to let in ihe township of seymour nvurx ttc disinct conhing uf between tltri and four hundred acres of flearkd land and every dewrnplion of jluilihn required on an extenniix form wrlh si targe stock of improved sheep cattle hon sea ate et e and all ihe uiual irnp meats of husbandry as the proprietor will occasionally reside on the estate iho rent will im made easy 1 an improving tenant and will he taken in iho pmdiirq of the farm testimonials as to charie ter and abdiiy will be required apply v by letter post paid to c s boultojs rq cobourg or to the subscriber on the spct d campbell june 2 181 rv the kington cbfosiclc tad toronto p irtst rerrnucwed to tricri ibe above until hnf uifitruciioni to let a good yard slicds and stable in store street enquire at this 0- 1 kington june 2d isil 6z vic iron just received and for at a reilnred price by kingston june h et s 161b 181 jones 2002 t forfyjrdtjfqmi he underpinned with new anj efli cient mean hae made preparations to carry on the forwjjrdhvo busi jfess betwixt kington precoh inter mediate places ami slontreal bv way of the at- lwrencei under ihe firma of ferguson m gibbon msxtiiusl ipgtsbon 6i ferguson kixcstc freight of goods upward charged atltcs gether acccrdtngio weight and at rates as reasonable as those of any others in the tr ade aien ferguson john mgihbon montreal april 26th 1si villngo cv park lois for salr e stibscriber has for sale a few do irable village and park lou near ihe town which he will dispose of on conin odaiing lermtr smith bartlett ti for sale that vihwtile farm cormlm- rf 11 acre with uiiildtoxs ibercot iltiihlul- l mtvalrd on wr- liill within three miles of kingston hcin ht xflrlli pt of lot mrm- bcr lotirien in thr second concnilion of kin tnn froniirit- on thr ntiaiiro lacailamid rit and jiiitly in ih v1h45 of vvateiloo teiois injdr trwi oft ajijdicaliivi at the offiir of mcis cart wright ceddks kinffon aiiiof ii lml i leattier jmrrravlraafcr tir soles iiarnew leather calf kip and aiokocco shifts lfjsva and jwiwritr wbidiak and rejd cah paid fof hides and shins tiiiothv and flax sml v v n trei kf lw c a sit fortrodrce the subscriber will pay the highest market price for clean merchant able wheal pease oat delvered at his stores on the commercial wharf at ihe fool of store sirect- hugh calder kingston january isii 59 kingston july sfith 1841 for 20 8 sale by the subscribers boxes pipes 30 bms u tier canada whisker fi ht rae fjlhe william johxsox espectfully intimates to hitt fhend and the public thai he has re moved to ihe chronicle budding second dour from the rorner on bmek sireel north side of the market squire where he will be happy lo wait upon all w ho call upon him kirijfston frp- 1- lw book binding in all iu various branches neatly and expeditiously executed at ihe chhon- ctt iaxfnt orrcc corner of king and ilrmk srfvet a superior ruling machine ia eonmint operation lands for sale ni huaild victoria platrlct canada company have laojs for sale in the mest desirauo pans of every township in the midland bdj victoria districts and in the other district of be province list of which may lo seen at eiery puam office store and tavern in each township the company term- of sale nre onefitth of tlie purchase money in cash and the holance in five yearlv iustnlntents further panic o tars witli any of ihe printed lis- of landc on sale ran u obtained by appf yiof to r brd birurall ej aphojcr or to ibe compan s olbic at tiwonlo the canada company take this opportunity to give notice to pemon who have purchased lands from them anil who may be iwirms of nlfin the sanu i that iviih ihe object nf gvin lisopa partv everv f n ilirv and accominodaihrn ilier will ruilstek at rheir office in tomnm all v- frfcl im fn i- mr v iii siroms il uipofinj ol j lie vornpany will ihus have an extenwvo opportunity of altoaljng informalio o persons who may be seeking improved lands either for themselves or their friends and of asti- inr their settlers in disposing of their im prorod farms free of a ll charge the commissioner however dues not undcrufcc any ajenry whatever connected with ihias buinws beyond that of ajtordin every mfrmation lo intending purchaser full and prroe rartiewar staling price terms improve mcni c to bcsem to ibe crtmnisioner at torouto all let- ters post pa1p canada compjnvs oltire toronto filai may hul mml itk sale from ten to fifteen acres of lnd about two miles from town on the bnth f i pleavanily situobnl adjoining mr cimvfthi j vnc or ma inn ii will uesotd iu rv lots lo suit purchasers appv lo edward norle klngrtoir 2sih april lui 86 collins haines commfsssoit jcreltaitts auotiorlsier8 corner n broth and wotrr strttu opposite mr arthur former a jrocery and tri the immediate vicinity of k scohelps esq and messrs olacpherson co and sandcrsnn murray for warding establishment t n otice ship ituiltlcrs i m il to he kingston marine railway com pane propose to let that port of their eetauhshnteni omprisine the ship yard with two railways erected thereon oitc of which is suitable lor hauling out steamboat ami sailing veslsofihe largest class that nw navigate ihe lake the other focmall sconuers and bargo the werk is new in perfect repair audio full oper ation also ihe ship vard and railway al hatters bay- appy at ihe ottrc of the kingston marine uiilway co if by letter oi paid kington 10th atigust is4i 15 q f liarnls tanwis hi j qubarrrts wbalr oil isukrgs while paint for sate hv joseph kiiislon mist aogmt 8- cutlkkv hall 16 kin military i surfflcal iiiktniniciit store ihe suhscnlvr respectfully informs his rttfs and the inhabitanu qrneralty oi tlitttht- hoprnrda rianrh ol u irii louse occupird by mr sjbllery warrhnote mtstftcss in uh efthr atranifrr txwm a a xlfrtfftli slieot whetr ur wilt cotolmly keep r hsnd s ccnrrtl awh merit of u wtic fc ih ndian hiasjcrate thasj rok sale nirss4lhs tim wamnlsd al se1 avs liii his l in tnioiito si ihe krwcm rtlih jr wft f tlfdrr rcriivrdanil prnm ly iilktmu i s- niaiv a sf wta wrrrf fwtfvn koihi i mil r the steam boat k i ngston caft harrison plvs regularly brliteen kington and ths head of the bsv of uuinly as follows v v ward s leave kitten on jucsdn thursday rad sahv l s av m ilf u ak us leaves the rivr hcnl on mondays wed nesdays and fiiday tochinr at amherst ittand sm the intermediate places on her way up and 4wn kington sept lj ish ru chronicle gazette is publishrd every wednesdaj and satur day at the ofhcccornerof king and brock street kingston u c terms per oinum fvcntg skittir in adrontr vrit r r h t h six liiesanrl under 2 w first insehion nd 1 each siihfeoitrnt insert icn ten liner- and un tier is 4il fatal insertion and lod eich subse quent insertion above tn lines 4d per line foi the itrst iitscrtioo and id per line for ev en subsequent insertion advcrtisfmenuwilhoul tertvrrn directions in- soiled siit forbid and churned acionlinly it it jtovnuti that ctt advertisement it wntfrd in wi or prctwv to vwwoy oud fni- ssau euninz none received jjter ft oclock an the nwnin of publication a liberal discount made to merchant andolh- ers who adveitise for three months and upsrants any person prorvriu six subscribers to the paper and paying onnbtriy for the sajne t be entitled to a seventh copy gratis pjcountry produce received in paymcot at the market price agents the memahflo em wjmkaysq thorn a iarker ksq hani jones ki uw baker ete samuel clarke rjq f h hattskhl joseph ai keclcr kmj tliomns imnoirsi kssji john aittlcrmm kn iffsamcimcimau john tiylor ksn wm koike ksl- wdlism mscinloh ksr cenrsre bror kn andrew hortcou- lsq- chailrs hvc- j allan mclherson tr alex dnvidson hq jnsiai taylor for dawd nmimi ein si- iau w robertson ia ceone lvon fq jalmmrlhnifall j ilmsrkeikat james shnw f- di tliihhidui km jidniluiuil foi neil nliinir kq an hibnfd mi fnll fl ii menlrsj fjsl nijnrv wtmiet tmi u- 1 miiieiiio l m l thimulr iv m tiioo ju mjrliilaiiil i oi m mk it in oi alpheu jonea jidm binelj iit o i i at 11 1 ameliashiireh bath brockville hvtown camden fast crfbour- colbomr dernorcstrille fiedeiicksbvar csninoqae ilsldinund iscton lnucsster matilda montresl mum ay nsjnnee nijiriira peroi tort hope rresroll juebre hirer ternl itichmond st andrews shaoncm ille nmilhs falls three ltnrm ivronln unkleeklttll wetliaotrasi vilhsmiliwn wi1li lutrville fi mklom m ivtl btsswo i tn i

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