Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), October 27, 1841, p. 3

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i i m fl i 1tl mv 1 iil i 1lhlfr i v ihw i hat ti sji ivhtit kmiil tvm ltcti w imrirt air mllhtrihj kith brwfc mr iuruil mr iiiim s s lnvia k l uvvis mi llnlchln o p hh h iimii and htld k litrne mi j imk aodriatm mi anhitii ii miajjiinr urates nfmlpine mi lhw lliftoti chris hi i van itjrimii liiveliiri kriinrth iuuthaw iu iijm rul mn j kviiiick cha ian f hiitre i jahmin k i irfwh mr trmiirhium mr ayitmi au mother i a irvt mj dmi mr v li mcintosh nrimin mi miintlha rmvrr loid morprth injlvlfaiitt j hixr i w mv lleeoppef j d whitridr mij mivmls mi 1 ilqt lli ii w kjwaf1 tivinta mr i iauu1i r j f m vlrm two miss ivtefrj win 1wimd mr pojit i m pur- it r sir jo do courcv jilt in it ml mivanl air wims meautiif cuitaiu fliniiqiiiil j i eik mrs parker jlou t mtkv two flissv mtkiv tivmiai j l wliititjiv hie stunn n at halifax there are 9 nil oi vvjr now lyin it our liiitmhri much rml 4 1 number than ii ave been lico liue fur sonic nt other il is said e expected i this look warlike and wj presume il jui ilrpcnri on the result of mrlertils liia and the action of ibe united stj1 gov rmiment in ihc event of hi bviti cnirkbd whether these peaceful look in and beautiful pieces of hunan ingenuity ball go belching lire and lury alon tie american orft or dip ie on rrais- useful t rraudsof commercial pilcli an omc-ti- yen remarked to us the edit t dy tjjt be h ii vsj j i ol u r i vu fil one lime doririthe tut v jr lltc rjitctlion liitfu- rally lrirfc vhl uail will llitf ptikt fc join- villt play in ttie ctrntof a wr a niimburol ur joun i4tf tirrfiuilr ceitn imt he will inik 4 j4h into ilhx lue momtnl lhl hw- litilirf comriic in ouut lo eriy lliem ofl tind onv il ii ariirmrd liart h4nil o hnn oii finil ai wi uoitv ofolt1 iheir d tfticilfc may te mmwd in the nomina jmct whti ft dtttby tbt would bj for sotii utile wc eyed blue iiorj o l tfrfifiej oif ty piincr swtil in ham thtouji the yrtin iiiiruojom iiili i i f all the ewr lollteic arc 1iol ky ihe iaiisian enemp in kut bnmtffi which nol anlikly 10 b- elr- vted lo ihe throve of pnsee there i some- tiling brillurti in ihe idea l lbw riotl w wnuld not hrtivevii ajvive cur ftir yoims f iciiijs l calcubte tootttrtly jt lhcnnc- a j nuiiy thinpi mav occur i iiittjtiili ttam rch mjividunl ee 3nj a all w nl bite the riince evn if one moihl ta m forlunvte it might lie a wrll itut none of lli4m shoolil refuse a ol offei in ine etviit ol mlrol lonjei dejjyfj- no- trftotuoi oti i ilk l frm6000 i i cnadt wheal chnk- ri hanii llii week at 7 so uer 601u cash ii icareuj very hllre having btn brought u rntrkol foi wme time vast i tir eamplea eom- j 3ja2 4d and the beit pirctfa2i6d imi ni i oati have a ji anted m piice ia hi a jj pcrminot hat been realized ihu uik for i iji the c orient price for u i i 3 5c a s 6d- per minol sugqtm have lather an upward lendcftcy vol thia mukcl is arm at onr last quota- thm for canion younjf hyson twankay baa ult j 2d a 3d per 11 and is now held at 3 8d a 3s 9d per lb these pricei i i been obtained ibis week both by public and private sale old hyson if scarce and is notv hrld atfis 3d 56dperlb 1oney this market is still ijgfcl in conscqflence of tbc ant commercial man ner in which our banks have been conducted for some time past we think were he lefthla- lurenowiniektion and the administrator ol the government as anxious to establish a pro vincial bank of issue as wai his lamented ptc- deecnr tt pinitct would now meet with leu opptttiiion from the merchants generally- for the uanka have shewn plainly that inordtrto get a rmtfufrwrv institution info difficulty tlny will tatrilut the mercantile interest alto- kcthfti our bihks we blush to say it appear to ha just so many shaving shops and are con ducted in a most despotic manner as the livi- vhuil who is unfortunate enough lo incur the mverciyn displeasure of the one nin power 7 nftfnnswe tvcst ukiht lime in a liri niti or rvnel wiih uilitit vttrr cver- in j llie tntiftr harirl to p i flll tl sljm wltvn lints jfarkrjpijsj si ciaitsol il tlimuli it lie mivih will tniti in iti ftal ftf fin flur kw lo six thaib ofllffb im add om iurt of roc it or twrk mandptjndoneal- murwiicif liv lejillbv minlttfrt cftj firm il ii j i v l tl i flls- at rnilurc jld one pound ofhiin imii pnund oj jierjsly tow i1et ml hilntithii f i howhl rf pmili ftrtd four fnm h of fin samd a liirkoiy itih tllta we supp anv ind ff actual notil wnoil hrs wluanftfrl a writ n itivkury thi mixture will iow admit ol mm udorin metier vou plei end way h i with a linus it look tvllvr ihsii paint nd ik is durable is slate it will stop mall lek iu the roof nirvent ihe mos from iowin nvrr nnd renin the wood an renj l inrombns timcfmn sjmilt cillitir upon when liil upon brick work il renters the brick impervioi to rain or uvt joe thinks the aniliti as thv turned out vrst wnkjwifl lij defiance to the piatlttit shells al tlrvnu they can nrvei he scattered hy mmepmcr not yet explained dy r clerks he thinks should make poo j sotdiermh y have so much uniting and ionnrrmarehini uv thinkon ihe ronlraiy ihej would rrvkn briteraaibrc fiom their cpcrienc- in making scs and minain the ictils eitner eaa iv would prove brave wlflwfj for tlicfc is not one bul wuuld run after eifht we arc crj much pkaacd lo icam that ihe cor- poraiiun ofthi town lute niohtd 10 elwih a ivttee tbftt for ux monthi from the lt of notcm- icr to ihe later uaypetl hurt are mawkf snnd to be fur b constable h d irv- trrent high bailiff he athofo to be clad n iniifom simi lar to follee in otner rilirs and to b- imil2rl of arwim i p samvcsi tulv llijh tfnilitt roncnr caillit sub constable jamks bnornv do john shaw do- jortx faislitv do the masratc hac in ihe mort omin man ner put the uuirdhvurr in mf vf ihe tjaol al llw- eontroul of ihe comftotl council fee the above per- d loierto a a pwl 8sauiho wev ft rtlftnd that ore tonn ard tne dutriel mili lale ttill sit daily 10 iry all off- co cnir5 under the noike of the fwle thi much needed efiiri 10 prce jocd order and the public inorali refleca bfch credit on his worahip the maor and thr coawaj and wc jioe the puttie uill lend itvir asbtanfe in promotinf ihe tucccsritil horhinj cf be rrr ponce the artltdeaeon of kingston and tbe airi tririlmimatfref st georges chu knowledg with many tlunks the gilt nf a very handsome chondalier for ifee centre of ihe church from john walkins el- ni ihe banbof knows to his coat for frrvn that day lu 3ank accommklation ceases vviily liuth is tlrane stranger than notion rcaort continues as formetly quoti d the following document has been inad tcriantly omiliej ftr several publieationa point frcjcrick oct 11 ttui ve the jurymen aneinhlftrj at poini fictkrlck n the body of mr henrv lav ety doccased humbly slate to your vyr- slnus of the qnarier swinn assembiedt lliut four men of lite 14th i nl have tjtftil uiree hy in search of the bojy of mr henry la very by which their clothes fee was injured beg that they ftluuim be remunerated out of the ditrict funds fnf llicir praisetvnrthy exertion as iheae men avued nrs lavcry from her perilous aitn- ation ftnl afliinvarj founj tli body of ihe doiavj wm chesnut fortran james mckklvy john montgomery john mclennan alex- maberey donald swanson john young james moore thomas mccoxnelu william burk donald durand ceobeverly geo milne fhc court lmvin ijkcn thrbivo me nirbl into coaidcration nnd folly ojrrc- tttff in opinion uilli the cnriiruvs jury in ijt to the hijhly ntcfitonou and nraisc- wnrihy conduct of the noncom minion j iiftcmlond prtviiies of tlic liih regt- on tin oriomon refcrrvd to hereby direct the tivasurvr of the district to pay l awn of fttty shillinp to the following persons ami in be equally divided among them viz corporals e twill and d mullin nnd private jack addison and william high isaac fraseb- chairman q 5 m z lord vitfuiiru melville dcd al melville castle near edinburgh on ic i7tli ttu in h- 70th year h lordship suceeedcj in lus titles and estates bj is eldest ton thrt excellent ofliccr lt col the hon henry dunda of the 83j fkinen a g ihrnm well nnd favorably known in thia coinmonity the h columhia met wlh roujh tvwth- tt but mad a ftooj poag9 ronideriug the reason of the year having rcorhed hali fax in 13 day ryfn5on uwww have uvc chaoses to note since our last except in ihe ntiec of oats which now sell freely at 2s p we miderstand that some ivcrc diied of yesteiday tahighasc 3d flour and produce to the amount of 35000 bb have arrived in fori since oar urday which is bein speedily transhipped by our fomvarder for the lower fort flrurirnffcc monlrtoi mrtttt for the tfcefr rarfinu- vrdayociokri22ih- mtf continue firm a former rjnolalionj hour the nominal pko for canada fcne is still i5 9d r harirl ne sales of conse quence biivebcrn ellected ihi week ovei33 hnwver at which hkure uprva of qwlj h rls dunked hnds within week amen- on i been sold a ilwov rwl ih week than last sbsuarverjiparceb frarn new wheat wnj t williinlhchnl lew dayaut 3ts 3d- ki faihi cal wh discotinf all- tcjener- kxibc pritr hoivever n 3- w rr mua twi m ui ri ii tb0 corpwau ul rr hji v to m it i our n cr to lofbrid ibooc h a0 af- llekd with diaeaaea of 0e crca 4nd cvpaelally im blind rhal mr ulkhh the engllth oculiil will par cornwall a thon vuit on his wav from mon- treal to klrigitoo ho inicndt iwnj the totrntt phce on the 13th jojunl mr wjlljsm it now in thk r o that those who with to avail ihero- cire of ii invaruawe acvicca will have no umc to lose mr wimlimi huosanc umn hate been crowned with tbc grcitrit i n in quebec sod montreal mr william uing apprehensive the oswego canal will be frozeo and he proeotcd fom return ing to hb house at new york huuld h riil aor ooter town in u c tbtecferc ho ataiu hitnsclf of bis gand son to supptjall tbow afflicted with weak ness o diftneai of tsntj or iottamauona of the eye or cvc1idj with bra iteiaedjcs nci 1 2 3 4 5 qlj tht tacne ai if mr was preacni at 3 per packet which contain hit treatise on the disewra ef tbecteaoq tir mr willisou j rpo to bo at tsaald on the 3d noteeaberroroiiahxtks at hamiuop on the lh ish nd 14lh t al nia gara town en the 15th 16h and 17th at lewition on the idtht 19th and 30th at chippewa on the 21 t and 2d and at cuttilo on the 2ii where he wdr remain for a few dija which lc lull annoanee on hi arriral tht editors of all the nwpape al toronia ird the othc places racnijonro iu uc above notice arc rcquestrd lo copv it three time in each of their pijcr and lokrt before the birlfcjite ind mr w jr will pay on hii arrival luulxr at bah 4 a suosdav hv by kt rev v s hae- pee mr w- mcotoi mcnircal printer lo maar eldest daughter of mr d- ruilan cf thii toffc am waahintoo on pav of bdtiouv frver john forajih eq- ivo octro ary afslatfl under mr van norens admindtration the last public sale for mi veaaon ol me 5oe o htjuh frasero co wiul take itoec on tuesday the 9llt dr of november proximo when a very largv and well hlectcd assortment of 7tf sugars tobaccjis lioaors ipjnr c scci will be oflercj to the trade upon reasonable lerma town and country merchant will find it their interest lo give their attendance a audi another opportu niiy for laying in their winter supplies of groceries will it present itaelf again this reason catalogues will he ddlfem a few ihfi previous to the day of sale and the good open for inspection iilch fraser co kington 27th oct 18tl 34ni soikku the member jrd frindi of umj kingatun tuial abulncnco society purpoec homing unfit first soirvo on tkum- iv 29th inat in rjwa atientiucnraor strttu next door lo the brtish whig office the chair lo be taken at 7 oyloek and tea to bo aerved up ni rlf pil 7 during ho evening the meetnig vll bo enteratred with spcerhea on uie aibjeet of tempo- ranee from variou fricid of the cauae from town ndcouniry il isexpeced lhata chotrof vucaliitt will aing ircveral piecea of music friendi fmm the coun try are respectfully invite lo join the committee having given tba management of the soiree to mr keiller feel confident in saying it wij bo got up in a eatiafaetory manner single tickets fi gdabdy and p- ucman 3s 9d to be ha j at the following piores chronicle office d kellers g hardy v j f- korruws j d flryce co wni haycock the librarian of ihe mechanic instrluticnor any of ihe cominiuce by order cf the commiitev alcx macalisterstyv- knpton oct sotls 1841 an english lady wishes to cggc hersvlf as cuvernets jo o fonnly she ia fiillv eomprieni to teach the usual branches of an etjjodi eduvation together with music the moil rftpectabh refer ences can be rtrodtced address a h at this office piratnaid kingston 23rd october ip4k 33ti fhhe subscnter is now red viif hrs b fall tmkridionof superior 0ctaf caasiinerca pbiand diamond oeavers and vcslingsj whidi he orrs on the moi reasonabje term jchn olipkant mfchnnt toiler kingston ssrdflctober i8tl 33gi gritxlsloalc ton list ohia grindstones fa saif subirribcr hugh calder- commereial wtnrf october siil 33 information wanted any information concerning andrew miller who left scotland in june losit will confer a great favor on his wife she is now residing hi the 4th cmcesjion nf the township of brock at the house of lnhnmrnval- it lost on saturday evening the 23d instant between the end of cataraqui bridge nnd mr marks h- a bundle con taining a new made frork coat whoever will leavt ihe same al mr mortons bar- riefield shall he rewarded pdtsburgh oct 26 i8u wholesale dry ooods warehousej corhcr of axorx amd vmhi pv1he subscriber has gvohhl from glass wvj are rcquevted by dr dham omtlat t ilfr inioau by the mlblltol note addressed m it by hit worship lite mayor it will be seen that this edrbrated enlsh oculiit has armtdjn wip and ia prepared to relieve thai afflicted with 1 ic or th t olheercacf of hj remedies ite can speak confidentlti aa during a restdcocc of i inonihs in new york while the doctor wai pric- liiig ia that city several instances eamc under our operation we may venture one imiancr a cmitttman with whom v were well acquainted hid become totally deprived of the uic of otic of his ecp and thr other was in so bad a stale u to ihrca n ir ipecdy tors of tt alto whn he applied to mr williams under nhose earc he continued for same lime and was cventaalty restored to ths inva- i- b1cing of perfect sight wih bothejea- we ai- had cecalon to remeoibcr tws from fcu bavin fjenilyrspressd hmklf in tbe warmest term oferatttode in nbtlm to mr william for i he wt efc mt wtvta m su mi- ittld tahor at his present residence in schcol r i tom 9 to 2 a m and from p mp si ihe town hall at noon at ihe litter plaer he receives and attends lo the poor this mr wit it ma h uniformly font without remuneration mr wjjiami we understand will remain krc for i i r ivl v but aa there is a ponftility of his leav ing earlier wc would advise alt who are affected nub my of the diseases li wbkh he ore is subject 10 make an early ippkecuork ti tht editor of th news sia i take pleasure jn announcing through tbc colimaa er mr journal that mr william the i fi ocjtiu trrivd in town am having uppltrd to me fjr uie uie of the town hall rrhicb it been vrantcd to will attend there during i stay io kiislen every day at noon fv ihe be nctokot purpese of relieving the poo afflicted wtib dicasca of the cc iraluitouitv sony coontcm 3fyor kingston ocl 20 1841 from the canada times toe son of mr j b sabourln trader ho has been unable to sec fo three nomht put was taken i- 1 his father as a laat resource to dr william the ocutisl aflir hstin- apposed tho remedies for the five days ihe boy could see well cftoorh to vatic about alone and there was every pripret of hts obiainiojthc total recovery of rns sieh this fine little boy now aees every thim from the commercial mefengcr though we ourselves are blessed with eacellent ejoijfhtj we car easily fmiiginc the pleasure which llw following tetter from his honor the mayor of this city wilf afford to those sulicttd with disc assja in the eyes and cspeeblly to those afflicted with wind- nvt and are now recovering from that dreadful calamity as dr williams in compliance with the rcqucsr has contented to remain at hit prtarnt icdioy until the 12th october we are requested to inform our reader that on the 13th he will pro ceed to kingston of the route whether by the ottawa or the st lawrence due notice will be gi- icn by dr williams montreal oet 2 loll rlrrp having been present todsy at the metho dist chapel where you were in attendstee an and adininisterins relief to a great number of poor peo ple afflicted with blindness and other dbeascs of the eye and bavins heard from most of them that they had derived great beneftl frc tin- application of vour remedies and being aalltficd in my own mind from the atalemeola vbieb they usdc that ourremajfting a week or ten days longer in this city would be or laling service to great number pmhrm at their soticiutions and on tbeir bchajt i rccjueat that you wilt continue your benevolent ex ertions smopg them ss ions as your other eogagc- nrnls will permit the ihsnafutncas which the poor people manirest towards you must be very gratsfyin toyour feeling 1 am sir your very obedient fritca mcgill mr wiuumi the english oculist n b- all persons afflicted in their eyes muit 4tply to him persomlly or by leiler poet paid for ft reeeive- no other at mrs baymon pnvatt brdior house school meet near ihe fubbc ifliecst where he will receive visitors fram 9 to 3- e nd 3 lo 4 p- m mr william wdl aucnd it tle town hall eraj dsy f tho poor- kinptonort siim1- r t j el noon for rfcebereftl board and lodifiug wanted by four or five gcnife- men in a re extable private fa- roilvi for the winter within five minutes walk of the government butldinsk ad dress x x- at litis office- kings oct 26 1841 34 information wanted t of eivakd leetch who emigrated from the county of armagh ireland to canada faurtern or fifteen years since and who is no supposed lobe living within ten milts of kingston any information he will tive of himself by letter directed to his broth erinlaw johrt chapnbrw poslolics port hope will be thankfully received by bis f ii ends poil hopr october 25lb iftll 34 published by order of the common council the tredsurcr o me 7wn of kingston in account rtirrent sfifa the common council for the mf w eadingslit augvu is4i rttlt 17it x a sl si var 6 tn balance from last half yearly account 40 10 ii to cash n account of sssessmrnis for lcho 68 10 0 to cash for procerds nf discounts obtained ihis yar 2775 12 d to cash for proceeds of markeltclls 60 2 10 to cash on account rent of hucfcmm stills ii 0 0 to cash on account of rent of ouuide bulch- ers stulls- 9 17 6 to rash for rent of mar ket lots 83 10 0 to cash for rent of butch ers stalls 61 15 0 cboicq wines qr cask amcrior otj port 2hdds ivwarj mtanb mti- tlcira qr cjsics rmvn sherry 6 tin do f jo 7 casks loptfta pale sherrv in bolo 4 rnsca sfa flrtwfi j in 4 ilvhuuonli marsh madeira intlo 10 dojoleys snrwingchompapnc commercial fiarl- 23rd urtober imi 33 came into tlu enclosure of liter snh- tcriberasnil sized dork red cow ivilh short tall winn two feet long llw owner is recjuestc to prove iropcrty- poy charges and take er away joel storges ti kington sf j october 181 33ii iaxgstos napanee macx- damked road notice is icreby given that a meet ing of the tomrdisionersj of tire olid- land diatnc held w 6 to csh fiom district on account of loan to con struct drain in clarence street 150 0 0 to cash for licenses carlorin 39 0 0 to do do livery stables 43 10 0 to do do theat rical exhibition 23 0 0 to cash fnf finrs 106 10 31 15 0 0 to do for frontage of drain 5 0 0 to sundry small sums re ceived 7 3 10 tocah fnf prnceedssale of hos imtounded 15 4 1 x i 6 11j ck i h a a rt by cash paid lo retire bills discounted in 1w0 90i 12 11 by caih paid to retire bills discounted in il 804 17 1 1707 10 0 by cash paid for con- stutctins pavemrnts and drain- 1419 16 1 by cash paid for expen ses 61 is 5 by do on account of his years salaries of officer 181 9 3 by cash pard for interest 33 19 6 by do do lent 26 0 0 by do do expns cs of fir company 49 6 8 by cash paid for printing 57 0 6 by do do for fines re mitted 1 5 0 august 31 by balance 23 2 1 ric ttirpike trust will be t lvh taern waterloo oriiucs- day the 23d novaibcr next ensuing t lohe mlu rontfideratiorithe propriety of having the toll gates n 2 3 and 4siluated on the above iianrciiruad moved from their present tc anoilaced elsewhere also lo consider the ncessily of modifying and altering the preset rates of tolls collected on this road cias ccmmixgi c j kingston oclt is41 33gi j v st pssllshsot a ssumon o r e a c h ed in st ceopoes tisffsl on the dcth of lord vpemirm v lh u w n ajrsot a li chi to jlis lvcrilauj prisiu ramsay alwour co kingston prwcess boval fresh ovstjrs always on hand at the frincrss royaaloon corner of quarry ant store streets j carruthess kindlon 0tii 0 isil 32 that vert pacinits ond desirable stone waroue no i llardys bbililmg front srcct pbhgtavlro gven immediately for further part ratal inquire at the sale rooms of colirs haines kitigsion isth vt isfrl 32 information wanted of wiluam rankin a native of the county of aurim ireland and arrived in kintrstoiriam fall his son john mw in kindlon isanxiouto hear fro him ad- drettj george wohoj barryrield kiristot losl oifiec- kin5slon si the upper pi of iwo houses lo let fronting un jarry street ertjuirr of alex smith bx american batnm- kmgston 0m h 1s4i- 31 k sthet received per gow titond from ltverpno ond creuf britain from london a cowmotnt of dry goods which will be luuntl worth the notice of the trade the goods were selected by a perron long acquainted with thia market and will ic fotind bold in price nnd style in every way suitable tho stock consists in part of mackinaw whitney rose ond point blankets cloths cnssmcrcf kerays and tweed diamond ploin beaver pilot cloth scarlet crimsun and whrto flannel red and white kereey and printed sati- liurrr red and wliile scge green baiie and druggets mennos orleans and printed saxonya cnrpctinj ond hearth rttp shalloons silicas and rolled jncconela splcnjid r i r irt of primed calicoes llniwti and bhched cotions hqjaius nnd twuled stripe shirting fuct jicconei and mufi muslin and lenos fonev vesting tabinel ond plubli mombliti vvlvct and velveteen quilts counterpane and rose blanket thiul ftltasaton prinred and bordered shawu sciitrh u k and slupherd piii patent carvoav tuvlcd sitliinj and 0aforgi tmi blue tiirkry red and shirting si rip 104 c4 and 44 cotton and ltraen shcctiis india bandannas and back silk hdkfs buclskin mitts lamb wool glove mid hone ltdtlw wocl shins drawer stc etc the subscriberi inatriktiins tiro to self low prices so thtreforv the stork will be found bt conr clc with anv jooda offered this fd t mack1deb klgtnt kxigiton 21th october 161- 332 n hand at all limes and for sale ai the kingston brewery ano distillery ale of a scrnttx quality at one sailwg per gallon also recified tlroigh vcpptt uitls well known by the conminivr ol ihe article to he of the jivrtst manufacture there being none othei ird 4ut artt- prnviflr cnnrn nigh wines proof one to ere whirh article rua retervei the preference in the montreal markei alcohol f at all times on hand for sale notice regular at eust rner can fully depend on their being supplied throughout the ensuing summer at one shilling ptr gallon the well known keeping quality of the air during the past season will serve as a suffi cient recommendation for the nest orders left at the store of mr arthur foster will be punctually attended to jmco ivroittort kingston brewery 8t distillery 22nd octoher 1341 j mnro hurficullurnl garden and nurseries cncece sear1tocllsta konjwe co v v agkeatlvincreasedstocfcof fiuiltrers ornamental trees and shiobs herba ceous i ants and a urtt assoitmenl of rare green house plants and bulbous loots constantly for sale the stock of peach ad cherry trees on hand at ihr- pt5tnt time is laie ofyounaud ttmjty growth and wtti mostly cultivated from bear- inat troes in ihe nursery or vicinily they will b guaranteed to be true to thn kind repre- l sented n muitfrial trs pnj sbrtisrf rraov fttni ol ituc stxc cat k j hed odrni with due reftrrencrs or money enclo sed will he gircfully executed and trees and plants packed in a secure manner so that they my be carried tu any pari of the country with saftlj fretu oyitcrs for soli and kept cvntartfty on rnrf et keillkrs confectionary bpock btjtcct books and stationery thr suhscihers we jlforvrrwt cojerfofliu now rrceivmj md vcotirife from 250 uotcs canada plates las k by joskhl b ball rinkton ih ocssjter i94l greenock and per vougtom fium london a urceand well selected aasortmeni of ptatri and fanct stationery conrisiin- of post foolscax hott and note pauer ilanv cooks taj let eor trm of trm that uairfatv and cnidodjoua eussj lately hssd up uoder the kxcltaoge fur store of tho suhtcribfrs id quarry street asvofith- airable siiuaiioo for a grocery pioisaiwi or vraunlling eslaw mem is ootur w found in the city p s none need apply but tho of saav for fa quills btetl peru wax wafers memorandum j qocaltonablo respeeiabtlity hooks pockel booksplnkinbothes and pow pjirl 3p al lhe fvt mart ctrr drawiu puer of ver size bristol boards drawing and sketch sook drawing amt wri ting pencils sable and camelhair brushes color boxes and colors separately slate and sijic fenciu copy b0ol ruled to every pat- leinacolc v9 a further supply of school books particular ly those published by armour ramssy montreal viz moxor sptttmg ook wtuttr spttlvt tiook the enrixsh reidr aritl- sneftc ifotker i ifietionory a new and hancsome kditton artriyilcrcronujior the con- tficn schoj atlas atvl a variety of primes also a eoijerahle adiilion to their rlock of books both ei1isa wd american putlira- lion a iii of which will appear kgularly in ibis psper ramsay armours co front street kjojatoi oct ci 1311- w wanted a yonrg lady lately from eoand sutiation z governess in a rxapectalle family who has been occu- turned lo tuition fdr several years past she is perfectly competent lo tench all the useful branches of n english kjucaiion including french and hltfie salary fot so much an object ad a comfortable situa tion a town residence would be pre ferred address posipaid s no 4rj po1 office kingston ktngstnn oct 23 184 1- 33ii i begs to inforrj that in adci or strayed lie spaniel do stolen black and wtfw spaniel do- with cur ly luir the tiht hind icj nearly blacky aniwerstoihe name of sailor wwo lost had on a chjtn collar marked j a gordon esq lieut royal ny w ecii o oon shore fwn the slcamcr st george at comr on th26lh svpllash any person leaving the above do at the otice of the kington chronicle gazelle will recrive a riwm of five dollars knton iuiocl itml 32 furs ladies flt gentlemens of every de scription are offered wholesale and rttar low for cash or approved credit ml greekefc knjiton 6th oct 1841 wanted fipo engage a cooper by tho j year none need opply bat a food workman james morton kingston brewery distillers 11 october 1841 h sharp nfortn bis ftienls and the psmir itioo to i i fliijajjrvii s- sorted stock he has just received mvsum a very superior ruoii1y of lcdics ccnlcjncns aid chsartei boots ano shoes also a eery superior lot of english calf add mojoc co skins which ci be minufactured lo chr in the best style an with despatch corner kin and brock slreel kingston sept 10 lul ftlgi just received sf for sale by the subscriber a lare assorlirreht of srovescoiisistn4orcoosinz psrfer 0ticc anii gothic stoves various sties stblcfs aieotlfred for satr so lotvtbatpersorrt vrishlruj lo supply themselves will do mil trj call imme dialfiy jas llxtojc a kb kingston oct 4 184 wc keelk sottcttob is cftanccrt ojsce of mr duffilvty kin slcttt eoot of the market sounre kingston w wanted lotlging familv address b c gentleman board and in a respcctdblo pnvat te d of the office of this ngslon ocl 15th 1sl 31 i trees and plants will bs deliveted on ih erie canal one mile from the nutsery or at rochester on ihe steamboat landing ifdcsiied culoue can be seed store or can be s mil if rrnuesti addrss crccre monroe co y had at the rochester fit f applications psr asarowe jugmt 1841 e e x3526 1 6 mmej buhrowes trrrrrr kisslw3la adjtblwl aionjsz found a little hag tmiainin a smallsum of money vurstse tvevksago lcf a shop in this totvi the owner can have il by proving pfofhmy and paving the cots of advertising apply at this office kingston oct ijt i 3lii rp he underineri havinz been appointed a x commiliee bx he trustees ol queen couegfi for the pwjm 0 mocoriat plan of a college lo be ertciu tn vicioity of litis tawa m to inning i0 arcbltuand othrrs that thejr will rrcer jucbidan asmay be submitted to them o her next toeiher such plans as may monday the 2w drcem- her next lolher i 5 of lhat parioftbebuiljinj s erected nexl mtiltff tiic iwfjf jnjkl wi be given u the prison whose plan nf is adopted hythe trusteesa c hf lhc ntal btst plan foe pellicular a hf d ct of sssg t h application may be mad to mr a p stclt lacy f ommercial fa km ton h orl john hamilton john mowat a harpeh it make loud this case economy economy those who wish to have clean and bright stove pipes through the win ter at a very riding expense will ue ii bayliss black lacquire r stove pipe varnish- a single hnlf pint will hesoqicienl fur 30 or 40 feet of pipe and will renin lis lustre through the winler without further attention and pre serve them from rust during the summer neither will it require one fourth the lime occupied in ie dirty process of btacklead- ing therefore he saving of time is the saving of money the varnish may he had at ihe reperrtwe tinsmith shops in pint ond half pint bctftjtiv wth dircjona for tu l- had at mr g f prouacs tin smith shop nearly opjkiiiic ihe court house october 22nd 33z sheriffs sale midland dithuty f hv virluc of a to wit b writ of fiei facias issued nut of her majesty court of queens bench and to me directed against the lands and tenement of william burke patrick modipan and william chesnui at the suit of the president directors and com pany of the bank or upper canada i have seized and taken in execution as he longing m the above named william burke lot number twenty nine in the fourteenth concession and lot number twenty five in he fourth conception of ihe township of pittsburgh and as nlo belonging to the ahnee named william chesnut the south half of lot number two in the village of barricfiold which will expngc iir sale at the court hotic in the town of kingston on thursday iho nifilh day of september next at the hour of 12 oclcicfc noon a mcdonell skrijfm d sheriffs office kingston 9th june 1841 the above pale is postponed till the 57th dtcemcr w ort hope whisky fbr siv cy c kennedy c importers of ory goods i b2fa v mitiii a aiv ston and its vicinity that they have now cot their fall stock to hand which will he found lais fashionable and sclcrl in all it department they eoufd lespedfully solicit an inspection of th following goodv which will be found ex cccdinjly chrap sroad heaver 6a pilot cloths veslins tweeds and moleakini gentlemens sloekf scarf silk handfcb a large slock of gentlemens beaver hals prints tinhauis and merinos oilcan cloths plain and fcured dclaines plaid spun ami emvi drtsst tournament and plaid cloakins hosiery and gloves nuca i eoim grosdenaplcs plain fifd kuck audtold aatnneti joseph bhall kindlon sih october 1r41 29 o lutestrine satl and fijured a hrje assoitment of thread laces black lace veils cotton and linrn sriirtins thibet and filled sltawis flannels blankrl table lincnjdia- pen and towellings a general assortment of mojl fkorcs kington 20th ocu i8h- 32 credit sale of groceries venes liquors c at the wholesale warehouse of the subscribers no 4 judys bnijdings front slltftj on saturday the 30lh irvst sale 10 commence at ii oclock a 31 sufiarij w hotheads muscovado surar 8 do iondon jatent loaf sugar tobaccoti 5boes tavcnrlih ana lajies twist to bacco 31 kes phu tobacco soap i0o boxes london soap 250 boxrs liverpool jo go boxes toronto eo setjars 3500 havannah ciis i mo kealias sto 10ouo piincipts do 15c0o assorted do itio 50 hove lofronj siarch 10 boxes pips 1 box spanish float inrti rr 3 sro lamp wicfes 20 jis snuff 30 kee rsin so bar- ccflee sbuil filberts 00 boxes ground ccflee 10 boxes ground pepper wines i 15 casht win various 12 qr casks do 9 pipes do port an i mrfrcra 5 cases claret 5 cases pieklis 4 lieices cider vinegar 6 bar- leu spirit turpentine 3 casks speirn oil 5 boshvads molasses liquors i hhd coniacprandyhennessys brand 3 h klv 1 hhd gin best brandy aiso a lare variety of glassware and tabh lamps collins s haines auctioneer t kington lth october 1841 32 to contractors rrienders will be received until monday x the 15lhdvof novrmbcr nexl for con slrnctin- a wooden bridge on the ca- nnoqit river at gananocjoe according o the plan and spciiicalion lo be seen al this office the tenders ate to be addressed to ihe srcretary cf th board of works and arc to be accompanied with ihe written consent of two solvent penonswhoare willing lo become sreu rily for ihe due perfonnie of the contract any further infoimalion may be had by ap plying at the office thomas as recly secretory uaard of works kindlon 1kb oct isu i 32 sua- li or st vnyed n saturday iht the 9th mat a ilm red eolored cow hai one broken horn nnd a while face any person jiv ing information ciihei at this oftiro or a ihe resilience of the subscriber ih stotv sirect at mr jaa rorisonn will be habo somcly rewarded thomas maxwelt kingston tm 16 181 3lii the orhce of teacher of the p1- trict school in ihe tosrn f lon don bein vacant ihe trusters will receive applications from peisohs desirous iooolaio tba situation the applicant will be refcuired lo stand an examination bv the truster in claa sics and mathematics and the ottttl braitchea of english education a meelirfr rf the 4a sausau will lb hcld n mrnii november to aptioint the teacher bexjn cronyn m a chantt an of the board of yvhufre oftht london ihttriet scnorafc postponement the alerting to examine tbe candidates and appoint the teachers will be held oo ihe 1st of december and not on tbc 6tb nuvembcri aa above owen miller mills coach buslders from tqvmjv stoiikstufitt uixostos at thfir old established stand one rnso patent india ing boots one do do preservers for sav uv joseph r kinrcn octover 9 ll rubber shoot- do life hall 1 government notice steambqj1t tttajtspot on lake ontario river saint lawrence to dlctfensons landing and bay op quinte for the year 1842 sealed tenders will be received at the commssariet ofnee kiniston m d unul noon on thundaytae isfa as ff wyovtmoftnerti from any perrooor pe sons desirous of cnlcrlrtg into contracts rr the fuhuwinf service namely for the transport of troops bpgati and government sorc from and to the various stations on lake oniarin ond ffiw st lawrence to dickensons landing duriaf the season of navigation of 1842 for the transport of dilio ditto dilto from and irf ihe various staiions on the bay of quintc durirg ditr qlso fur the hire of steam veesel when exclusively recju for the service of tho government during ditto unexeoptinrtnblc acmrily subject to the approval of lhccoaniisariotwill be rvqui td nm tlu name oft wo respectabtej peraooa willing toenier inio a rood with tho prin cipal for ihe foilhful jwrforrnxnoe ofthe cfar irae r ntrst be ven on the tender payment will be made by check oi ehar tcred bank forma of tenders mayhcohurnedon ars- plication al the ce office where any informalror w be obtained commtssoiat kington m d uihoct 1841 j 32 government notice qaled tenders will ba keaieed al s thisolfice until 13 oclock on thursday the 28th instant for the supply of 35 cloaks foi the first incorporated drayoons a pat- tern may be ten at this office the price to ho slated in halifax currency and security to bo given for ihe dne performance ofthe contract- commissariat kinrston im october 1w1 s confectlonarrtss henry dcm8febecsoin- tv i lie thai he still keeps for sale at his con fectionary brock slrem opposite messrs h v rowselps bolt slortall kinjsof cosfectioyaries and pastry made ofthe very best materials and in a sopc- rior style which he ortcrs wholesale or rstail at ihe lowrsl rales n bplum slvoyud weddlvg cakes maje to order in tile neatest oanser and hept consuuilv on hand kindlon vr co 1ml k

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