chronicle e gazette a anif n rirtrt stmt hwftfa iwvt sye imf ltaarnf i runt laiiai at rnr nvrm iiatnki ph hsfti ft nam arnaaa nafttiavvn t 4 mnmhh v m vvuv wionttoay a batunoav fateav nbfluqei pf fnnua m ifffr fifyviifv unif fitttttff suttniptwu wtttiffl m fnepwiiunhlr jtrfctt tw aba tssuji will in future h attelly adhered l u that nu wiltn need b iwwaidcd without the attifum for the lima aubscriucd aistuif enrtr roun ttsjcir j ii h t t k t u ii ton priif ntorrfiiffh4af sii tinea and uuuer r ml iiiarrlion irj 7d covh eukacournt fai aki tm ln and under 3s jj fint insertion ltd hm each subsequent insert ico ql ten horsy jil per line firsl insertion and id per line each uhtrqurnt h v ruoti tvf minifury mrrtimnti from ifrflncrrr or wrrw customer mutf xe paid for traen aincjca in or insertion lotur prcm rriotinp chronicle aiette and kingston commercial advertiser ne hf p m dtr ae vol xxiii3 kingston canada saturay october 30 1841 fno 35 cjroicle a cazetti stationery warehouse bwuttb uo k iwci rr ii miaul modi f writin0 papers from super bora to nouand ca the mtftam un blank books jchqql b00k8 f n all its branches carried on at the stntn tablishment a superior pnlinr mirliaai bin full operation by which butrfc book can be u 1 j to any puurd and in a style infer ior to no 7v ccmwrxarion of pristitsg office book bindery and stjtjofeby warehouse m this etimmnt if a utidtd superiority inpmt of otcoamt- datian and despatch chronicle gazette office kingston april 21841 royal mail steamers ontario ud ftivof st lawrence the ihagc ore informed tlinl the fol lowing are he nrmngeirenls for ti senson lake ointario btttcttrt kingston and toronto princes royal capi colcle ugb niagara om suilicrlanj city of ronto capt- dick rmtfu e t cstoit alhairpt 7 ttdock evininc sunjay and thursday the princtss roal ax 8 oclock evening tuesday and fri day the jvttymv at s ovtock evening wclnoday and saiunby the city of toronto and arrive al toronto early next ny the above steamer await the arrival of the uoawol mail at kingtoo from toronto ai 12 ovock noon monday and thursday the jv iagtira at is oviock noon tuesday and friday the city of toronfot at is oclock noon wednesday and satur day the pinccss royal and arrive at kinerfon early next morning the above boat rail at cobourg and ioii hope etch wnv and the 4 city of toronto will leave toronto fo niagara und lewuton every mrmjay morning at s oviock and reluru o toronto in the afternoon rrvrd n lawrknpk bcttretn kingston dickimon landing brockville capt maxwell from kingston at 9 oclock morning sun- joy wednesday and friday fmii diefcinw landing at oclock morntnc or on the arrival of the mini from montreal tuesday 1 hursduy and satorjav h gildersleeve capt- bowen from kington at if oclock morning tues day thursday and saturday from dickinson landing af ovink morning or on the arrival of the mad from montreal wed neday friday and sunday from arrangement which have heen niatc vm he upper canada staec and steam boat company of montreal paswen gers between montreal and kingston arrive at those place on the afternoon of the second dav the above beat at gannnoque brockville maitland preacott ogdenburgli matilda and williamshufgs each vay btggatt nnd parrels at the rik of th oumtr unless booked and stttltd for as freight lake and river steam boat oflirc kingston 11 may 181 new line vta tftc river st lawrence to a5d from montreal brockville kingston and tilt htmmbhati flacxf ross matthle t co or ijmrtdt eastonkossco at brockvilu kingston with new and improved barge vill be prepared at the opening of the navigation to give passage mi- gmnla and to trsnspon property of all des criptions vcith increased safety and dispatch freight upwards charged for by weight at ratts reduced bttoo the tariff prices exacted for years past the subscriber from the facilities which they poweas and their determination to do the buinei intrusted to them satisfactorily trust that they will command and merit a share of public support signed matthle easton sl co james ross henry easton january i isll 53yy moffats veogtasle life mdicls- tlui mc4kia tt idcblcd for owir rm kjicitbmrrmtnmoiiuc actios in tnfuiaafiaat u oflrfr mc coadvcijbs te l fatml roar mi- tjor in raioj ayoftttttiflj wukl lnviwkmrpumlf and in almott ttry tptcitt tf i tht utntn fiimci nmr r rift of paaftia i- sxm feca r n- irwnlxoi b0p4rmai mabw fcvui tipcquiat4 vioh tbc br arincipt wpcn wtiib utv ate toai- 41 kt to ly m 1 h who wflfc p and from lake and oswego transfer t kitttll and north american royal mail steamships rf 1 1w hr power indrreotdrt lttttnt u vj w auh cmurwti it jed bv mttlcn mlejiukis acadia kaitanma llatcdoma cotomata passage money felivcrnool from boiton to liverpool 8135 from hittfox io boitfti the ships carry experienced rzcnris ib41 transportation to newyork by the river use via without stop or atalbanv- h is line iscnmposed of firatclak lake boats travelling day and night performing their voyage with the ut- inn rtbilnrivi prrtii shipping by thil lin may reat assured that nu paim will he spared to forward all property wili the greatest ttepatch ond steam boats will be employed when praclable tp all raca for good destined li potts on lake owta- rio- a vufkrient number of vcwela are con nected with this line to ensure a fpeedy iransjniaiun of goods to the upper lakes nnd the agtnl at cleveland will be prepared to give every facility in the for warding of merchandize destined for the ohio canal charles smyth jr i f smyth 1 19 broad street n y c demuiing jt co cleveland ohio references charles smyth nathaniel davis william buckley smvih merrick ico ab allen cst j mcdonald btcogananoqu j cameron toronto j fleeharty co huron o thome st avery utica h w dumfnrdco 0 p starkey co white hooker samlcraon murray hugh calder j mutleberprr ft co hollister bolt is p w tay conilitniy i tb luc mcdktaa iccdohicbj lflctci m ilim orcvrrrofo4 iecnpuort tajrlft omaluui i utahtn front oiecoaikoruiv itomachacd vvwu ta laficbi tmpnittjn aanl criathm ntthmly aaottiac a- round tlicb au4to rcmov ike hirikftcd c wi nt jttt 111 itli a0olii 1 i s t jijm qibtr parubtlj dtlml ibcis kdt4a iiii coufckj r i i 1 1 j m io pfodticd buituil toiiivr- mti wiui all it train of oil at itjlrn diinttr t iiatnuibcm oaacrrv thu m it all kion m j i bow irrtjrath fnjiuoif on4ircini a ib afalatt uak nhijotn ot dmjicmra art rcil l mr i jidcl to the nblic bj ifnoaagt aeroa the rttond tavt btoaftm amkim to cttmh sal vtjiifftrxj uljff d r tbit attain cbc litul um 1i oic mohmh action of wtiich cmirtu jcfod up- oe ua refvumy ot the uhm- orian tk bjd woirn ttaviuid 4oar troaa th ateayoriha liver aid hc lun brbrru pattc i a to the it ir win pun- livil by thn asl ikiurjlicd b fej cnin from a ikan vtonacli coonn frwiy tarob tbr tcai rmt ry pari of tit t fua nail utumphiauv kiuunu ibe lifln- moffati vcjctam lttc mcjkm bare cr hm iqjjhl inim aad pt40mmi a wramao tr f djipcpaiartaiyjfm vn or it iwnjat of r nit heartburn m4 acalura revilrttnau ill ia per toiim uofuor iad mtuuto dimitei chokia rvear all lladi and conuivptiofl mtruj b om icoibuuc enatioa anh bad i i u c old aud lajtiunaa and vn- rioua matff cosplaiau whkl aobct uie human framr infctertb af uc tlkuliij t um life maiicibk tm cr dkoitccnncnuv tutctttfut o mimh ao that bc ricrand aua dmi u phnklmi atowtt uaienhy prrtrtitwittfi modtai medical manual rnnd 41 11 dntnnuc auidr of lcalih tub lulc ifli i runul bvwb v frdauwaynrw voikhi uei pucltlicd ror tb anrpfrtv r riplaiamf nurv fally j mollti tbrorv ofdikiin aao wilt bv found h lrrcatiattaparaoaacclinikaaltlt il traati tftatb pfe pfbd limiftnil i iyvil c o prdneac bi ibv tkr ordaubt ai wftftf r arnm- ny tbouiaoo pn 0miftwr pirn m cft to th k00l e wb lft p kat 10 an a ftat cura by ib cxcfuiiva ad juj rirtit or unjf tanr iui uta fia life mkibaaou lailbmbcnd tkjodil hj1 fcoflc uct bappy rtului are cottitvnct ive worod ukrrk lovvttfat rorwbymr moffi 1u af 4llir f mt f drug 9m mrjctimi rtf cjurrwai aj ffiffu lww stutnf tfwfcr p kiapion 2u ailll1 1 pr t f i t i j j- ij in- upon he naw eauoseoce 10 woiarbd io tu arfcii ukdictart to ts lit t m cni pf veoltabl ppiaie tftts plw p ln ead at tvc a- tkhijbmufta tyidly uf- is ji byoonanj iwilaiiulah li and t ua bhoi fr tin tmatrf caf l r upep- a ibe life mem r m 5uru taeaorttna uwr nj- 1 fei- andaxk idflarol hheaaiatkri feven of every rmi- i fihe imartlh duiilcii 11 lvuair raiuih olm kuiulcrey iicpmc ap aetjie and ia n- u ariajtrui aalmputityor tb moo aamfav alrji tc om or ur m- i j alrraj prored lo beroad miahj rrctjt tuaenof ui olkc ofttalairih aumr moerl fia patlrnuiitoba particular iqukiaxibcm itpr awwht w 101 iretuoaj a iwi by a newitwf tvocieewfty mytbinf that h biviveeaay lay it- chur ravr bui be bopaa to am cicjii timein tweieiuhe ara omi trial j ibe 11 1 1 he ihtc know wketaer the lifemedktnea wlfaatt k oraj caac t trokt biio ealiorieaaho mr placr ano ao cuira copy of ifef f manual 1j r t 1 mcauc oaida loraju obaid ftatuitnajtyko win ta alnd bwoaram vary aaov aaraerdery eatei ror cure ami lp oroc aeih umilarto mi fatat lricatooce ia x w rorb 37 l way rjlyvpjlmrct frtf nv rrn aivrf- aea f aaaral a a afa aa jfturifaa ftiiwy d ury ae gr albany do sackela i clajton oplcneburgh- syracuse cape vincent morristnwn brockville kingston st catherines sandubkey 0 jstcrin from halifax tht unicoinuliesbeltvcrn liclou and quebec ircqnnecltnn with haliivt s cunardatco c- b symes quebec 74i s s- lewis boston u steam boat notice- the captain patterson will until further notice uveen the following porta colt kingston oswego wellington burg port hope bond head darlington whitby ply be- pres- cc- harbor port toronto hamilton niagara lewiston and quecnston upwards lswiprescolt every sunday evening al 6 oclock brockville same evening kingston monday 12 oviock nooj oewegn mondav nigbt 10 o rluck and on tneodaycalt si wellington co- hurg port hnnc bond head harbor port darlington whitby indarnve at toronto cm the same night leave lornnto onhed- neday mornng at 7 ovjotk hamuon at 2 oclock afternoon and am at niagara qucenaton and uwintonsame evening downwards leave lewislwi aj quecnston every tliunojhy morning at 7 o clock niagara do 8 oclock i toronto on thursday aaernoon oclock n catknarat whitbv port darhnglon i ilea first class boarding honsc to let far a ftrm qf pear posses sion given immediately those extensive and eommodiou prr- mw near tlie manwn lfom hotel in sore street ovrt buinr5i place of the subscribers bein finished presents an excellent opiortiinily for the opemnor ares- pcctable private boaoinc houst they are aituatcil in one of the most erniril and eligible paiuof the town conttnous to the steam uoat landings principal hotelf the builihnr is thoroughly fire proof af il i pos sible to make it and contists of a cellar kttch- m lart dining fioorn three spaciotu elegant private parloura and twenty bd roomt the incretiing huaintis of the mtmpolis and thereat inconvenience hitherto experi- for want ol well accommojatton offer reat advantage olrfi persona a ire calcu lated to conduct such an establisement applictimiby utter poupairl may be made to armstrong jc greer 17 t kingrtooj 2slh august 1s4l he oubocriber bega to inform his cua tomera and the public generally that bat has received a part of hi supplies of fall good per spartan from liverpool and caledonian and mohawk from glasgow and he daily expccla per great britain 6t douglas a large supply of lond fancy goods also magnet and courier the remainder of hm manchester and yorkshire goods the whole of which will form one of the beat aatorimcnls in canada those ladies and gentlemen wishing to supply themselves with mourning will do well lo rail and examine hia stock of bombazeens silks and clothf as they arc not to be aur- pasaeil incheapn8of price and goodness of quality likewise a large aupply of new carpets jutt opened oome very rich pal- tcrrs wm wilson kingston 28th sept i8 26 engraving copper plate printing mm peabody late of new ft york would respectfully inform the public that he h commenced business the above v if- next door above the rein imgion ailing at whjtby port darlington m store slrect where he d harbour port hope cobourg e mady l0 cxccule cvrders nd arnve at oswego on friday roa leave oswer i d kmgrinn at 10 bwmk oo saturday forenoon an1 arrive u preaenhc mc evening rr all begpp and parcel at the risk t tscs ownent uflkrw booked o frog steam bftjt oflice j i iftfctt lrh mav ish 4 in his line either on steel copper or wood nnd he hopes from a thorough knowledge and strict attention lo business lo mertt a khan of public patronage r n b diesinking doorplate mart- ed vmtfu ind wedding cards neatly rculcdal the fhotioi notice doctor li vnls kamilv medlcjm tkm msirina r rommroif j a4 tur w by ucowtl ldthitat pcramn ia tle uaitr4 suita minifui afoavsavli and nr ciaaa ottkr arm and avy nj oa usffalah aail alma notnardbr mr uaa akfaj huwwed ckiafuaaor vnijt flu ifi j tht art aaptttialy arvpartd tor rntf uit n4 have atbrvil an unpiicmantcd p- p u 1 a s i v ihrnarhoxil uac umicd 9taua and lhryair adratf takulalui to arc- aerva aaalth aud tutt rfiacaia fia family aaiould i bf without ih ta pktpnrlor nrtaaaa valuable prcaaratinaa rccvd liia rducation at or ot uic aat madtal caorcea in uk uln4 tut and ha fetal mts an jon ctpaiivoccia an rklinai aal dvrrmrivd ptmalka tj nuch he liaa had arapta appoj i feafonm a nricucal kaolrda tflhbb and of he racnedica beat cakuialh to re- nav thrm t ptaparauam iphnii t jaynes expectorant a laafcaaaul rencj pm couhi colda cafumpuan auvma aptltjdf ot araup hoouinf ctml plcuriav aad ibflam wu of tba lunaa oi roatjdifflruliy of brtaiotag ait j alt dtaaa of iar rjinionarv ortana inc it alaojaynes hair tonlc far the praatrvaiioa frowih and baaaty of kair and avbfch wu pcfuit- h i in- i f mj oil or napc tr fn ai jayncs tonic vrmlfuoc ntcaaul aad certain praparaiivn fi tht rrdtotval or tvofaii 4a ptait aour atfioath fever aad afuct want of appetite al lldiaraac or jtbilhf pcal1r of uie iomath anii bowa aud orianof tlijntmn f ilea m eta jayslvs scar minative kalsai a mtaapj cira for bowtlaajjtimuiarmmplaiiitbiltarrhaiadyaea- iai ehlie eraipa acfc headwh aoair atonaih ctiv r- lij i a4 all rtrrsoi imi ot tha i mv 1 r i l r i l au frre 60 ta jaynes sanatlvt fills for faaale dnrin uvvt offplaiot eoauven frr insaroaiiaaa oo luaiumia itwara or the akin h t caaaa mm a appomleh ajtetoanvp or rurfauc uudicino ia i ptlci i eti rrtpaicd only bf dr d jayzf e p soolh w aufirhiuitrtpia and mark i i i l lltfk ocaaral af eat 5alei harbor and wm maekiataah chroakle h- gatcuc odl kindlon caaaja ditjayt ia li i r r p vut of iht nso aaioai taluuf aad voajeirul cuiea ihai hn evtt been haowf all wboharr ttir watd ii for aktbiia coun bpiiunf of gtooii ttnopiaf coajfk craap or hiwa comunp uon ptrurti j llnm aadaoremh oftlkbteailt dioicitlt of bnailioj and erity otner diteaar of the luafa and braaat mi and do aitrti to i la uifutara bronehitia a dicaao whirh u aanaally aweejiitt itinutbaa apon thoutanda to a prematura tfatahrvf th ontahta iuhh nt onimptofi ia a waya aore4 vt it the uaunl lynipiom ol ilii diaraa bioalitaata coub aorcoraa of iilnn or inroat hoaraencaa diltlealiy nf ltaathiaj attn koeiic fevat a apmna up ofpujrini nr maiitr and omrtirw oaoud itii si indinunatkiii of la line akin whkh haea inii- i htn of ukr n how or thv wml tnw or air er wbkft run uirovfifccierj pari oflha loji- thh capcetvroat imtncdtattlv aitppicv- the cvujh paio milananon ftrr iliokult er breaunni and produtn a free nnd eat cifkrtcration and ocnrc taaoon asveird ii alvraya uira atthum 10 i thiec itrf dotea w cur the croup or htvdb nf chiurcn m rrum ift ninj lea lo an fcoura lime h 1 inroad j air l fuii ihr vbotcne rtwitilurj couh and rftcii apreda cur hundred who haic uotn jjvaa up by twr phsciana a ncuramc vmh coaaorapood have uann raauavh to perfect health bv t rav joratlian oolnfd d rrc9f4ant nf granvtlr cefle i u r aayj h i ui r i coder a tevcre cohl eoogh aad boirtrucaa and lhat hia rtiflirulty of btraticc uri j t- l e fell himaelt tn laammeni danger of imadialr r l but araa perfectlv cured by uiia thit e a pec tot am mre dithca ofsafcaj s a rured of aithcna ot twent year aundia by unina iivo btflilca of una aanlicme mra uv4 alaoorsalem complami by one bottle a yoejaa ladyaltonfailtin who wa be lieved bv her ftued to be far mm vmiii innj miin waa perfecily rclorj l three aoulra- dr kamil- ion otst janra osioi carolina a j rttxit arreted byacovhf hoaratneaa and aonara of lu lunx and on aani a bottle afuaal cardictoe faom permanent re lief- tke followioc cartiltcatr i from a pracinina rbyai- ciaa aad a muihrpted dnmoos 0 ihr mrtbont sociciv lirl modrll auxualu 1sjj dr jajoc dear sir i have thtn uan yuut eanrc toraat caunuvvty ja my piaciicr for inr latt diear momha and tor all aiiacka oiolda mflam nation of iho lun conkump4ion mni i- and wentaeai of the- biaaal it u decjddly the br4 mnltctae i have ever triad ven rrtpcctfijuy yntra r w williams m 0 nueneroua other certiiicatea t i- but tae aboee is cnaldcr d lufllckni rvjcnce of ilaercet uac ftilaeaa rtepbted aatav ny df p jayne no- sotjih third stret t rbitidrlphia frin fk fnraalc by y m i k general ani karheti hrhur and by wm mackintosh i rnoanle h oairite oflice kicnoi catwtu live pills and fc calebrny avbch moffats vegetablk fhoimx bitters tlw trr rifcllici meutcfpea hare aenld ia cuttnf moat every ilmom ta which tle im4n franw ia liame it a iiniit r in j ii l fc r with alnioatcvtry intrlheeai per aon they became known by ifcur fruiu imfftpom arwfca have toatifved for then uey did nut urtvc by ibe fath of um credjloae la cnaea of coat ve new t dypepata rollout a ad lieer t i r aatbma ptkt settled fan rbeutaauan fever and auea obaunalo htarfm bra tinaijie stac of tie t- ui unhealthy appearance of ibe sam net v cua drbtbiy ibe sickoeaa tnctdrnt to fertile m du cau heajihevity hnd ofwrahneaa ofihr ui-dttteor- fana and in ail featral deranctmeoia of healthy thac nrdicinae bave ibvarahy proved a certain and apeidy remrdy they reatoro vijorov health to ihr noatea aauited eoneutuunni a iuit utal wi olae tht life pijla and pbffnu aiiierabeytndtnereath ofcompetjtioa o uaeeaiiianuon ofevry paueot cjthe life pil ara void in boie price cent a5 to the anc and tne pacanix outer in bouka at 1 or aeacai with full di reconoa prepared and told wholciale and tf n at wy a moffatetmediraion1ceanft irroadvrny new ycth w 0 ivon are genuine ualea ucy have ihafar ai- m i vf john moflireatinaturr for oratuitols dltttrialtron an mier niivf litie pjaphktealiued mofta medical mann bldieiened aa a domtinc guide to health caniatmruj at urate jfoimaiion rnn-rfi- ih- moat prtvalrni i eaae and the awfci approvid remedtaby wm a vjoffat appty to the ami kintton aoih utaq f r sale hr the subscriber t tons superior oakums joseph bhall kiwtoft ish septemfccr j8u hnomira cf ex plctora thoailricepion the moat alvabk- prepainir in utr itcornti hcpinj coual ttu a ntitd ad irable diacaie ait thottebi ita dura tion more txao or half and prolore a feriajn and apeedy tecotery romhatfio oar tra apoonfol with certainly cure cir t infhnt nn vun lhildilp iu half au hor loan mjr- tle livca if handrcda of cltl- will be invrd aunuu by nrava hecpiot il on aad ready tat enrtjnj or i so anlblrditrcft tniledclphta naylao b wdmhi intwaa chrvtuek ajait oftce hiitpioa canada mantoataatat v4kmv worms to renwe ukae tt trvuhloaoim rt4 danveroua tariabilknu of ijie tumacannd bowi which ao oflan impair die healri anddraitoy the ipvm f children inc dr jaynrs tonic vermifol a ceruin enj aafe nceoaauou for the rcitovnl of ie aartoa kmda i i a aour siom w ufantik faee r and oe aaddchitay oftuaatnruah and bnweiaand ardiicuao foraaleby wm marhialoab ea caictie omce kiafaioo canada the subicrjbcra hetcuilln conlintie the lial of books ihcjnatc for wft biografhy life and warkaorcowpcr j jrin s mraaca 3 vola lift ard timea of mnicoae bj mark n paereaql vol life of motaah wild ha rreal by hcnrv ficldm- vol jjcrnoira of x z ir datwnoobj waaoaantdal 1111 j- life of paul jwie bv akxaeijef mrkeniiej 2 oh- sketcbaa or bituh slatvanoroi bj lord 5rouham 2vot ufcndwritinciaofurd bvroo by tho maa moore 1 vol utcaocc or heoderaon by john atlon i vol life ef peharch bj thom campbell 1 b life oftiter uowamith by jim x ol m t warren hjh by the rev g r glatf 3 4- mtenoies of na ovleon h lli ducheti dafsvaj 1 vw memoir of comi ciaoamon bj lowj hamilton i vol emincitl french wruof fevmfs aiawasjx roll lac of jertcraon wiih pirts hi corrcapordence by g tucker 2 voli- ut of joacph brant fbajcndaneetjby wla sc 2 voli uvea of emiiwnl griiiab lnwyerabju- rooc 2 tola uea of celebraled traveller by j a met atutuj bl john 3 vol life of mihommed by the rev ueope buah i cot life ot lord byron by lohn gjii 0 i vol live of be moat eminent bri tiih painter by john coiinnehim 3 vol life of alexander ihe great by ire rer j william i vol life of kapok on buornparlcj by j c lock halt 2 vol life of woahuglori by jame k puwin2ou- life of maon by robert sou- th y eq i ol life of far lajoc newton by david jml 1 rol memoirs of bejamin franhfin written by mroetr i volt lien of the indiana by b 8 tlvatcker 2 aota memoir of the firoi joephiae by jin s mene 1 vol the hititfft of charlcmajiw by j p r jamer ecj 1 vol lives of early ptavigiiora i vo life and willing or hri t1 t ltt w p pje 2 ot umiiimla men or modem lime i rl lft of pefer the grenl by jhn baro en- w akyrckr hamilton lfe ofurnrnoifofe pmbvas mek- 2 hjl wul clinton by jmea rfl cf d ijieafacantraveherj srr frana bond hejd 1 vol lfc f rob burn jamc purrie uvea of the eajlsnrf b ague slricklarad 3 vob arm0ur fc c frvnt street the happv home transited frv tae print fir the wumm advocate i lovt the hearth where evcotoj bring her loved ooe frocn their daily uah j where virtue spread her ptfti w ard vke fell acroeol ncfer bakt where aneelly riop upoa u- f the bloomtnaj daughter gentle tong likeheayenly otute whiaocr near kite thrilling heart the atote prolong for there the father ait in joy and there the cheerful mother ecojleo i and there uac laughter loving boy with sportive trici the beguiles and lore beyood what workunga know like euolight on the puretl foato deaceods aod with its cheering glow light up the chrisuao happy toco content oven t spreads her holy ciln around a rcling- place so bright and rlooniy sorrow find a bales lit gating at so faaroaight the worldt eold sclflahocs depaels aud discord rear its front oo more there pitys pearly uardrop start and charity attends the doflr no biting scandal fresh from hed grate oo the car or teald the tongue there hind remembrance oea to dwell and virtues meed ia aweetly mg and human nature soars on tigh where heavenly spirit love to roam and vice a it stajks rudely ji admire the christians happy home oft have i joined the lovely one aroundlhc heigh and cheerful with father mother daughter son thai brightest jewels of tha earth and whlc ihc world grew dahr around and fashion called her seorcles theong ivc faneicd it staa holy grouod and that fair girls a seraphs ong and swia aa eirck fade away upon the bosom of ihe deepi when pebbtea toased by boy at play disturb its alill and glassy 1p the hours hax aped in pure delight and wandering feet forgot to warn while araved the banner of ihe ntghl above the christian happy home the rose that bloom in sharons vole and accalj the purp morninga brjlh map in the shade of evening fan and bend its c rim son head m death and earths bright one amid the tomb may lfc the blushing road decay but lij ihe mind ihe mind stall bloom when time and nature fade awaj and there amid a holier sphere where the orerungel bow in awe where sit the king of glory near and eieeutc hia perfect law the ransomed ofthc earth with joi shsll rik their robes or beauty come and find a rest without alloy arod hie christian happy hotne ancf why do sot ihe rcjuneot of the line cnnlribu uieir baretovrdatrcoobledeg he hhjsc memu- ry it t intended to perpetuate wo a general ocecr lu the eritiah army ard shatl he oloue be honored by the canadian militia 1 thori are in this coun try including the sister provinces not less than twenty different corp of the british army and were the subscription raised by the militia followed up in the some spirit by the line there would soon be money eaough for ihe purpocc a feeling of de licacy may have prevented any application to them bu the country have not the lea expected that the would are this hae evinced a attire to be associated with the noble undcrulbog tbe hrgy kbnt nusn of 25 ha been subscribed by the command of tho forces sir richard jackson sir john har vay whose name and gallantry in thi country is eeond to nim only who i snouroed a martyr by the canadians has subscribed not lea than tt and even lord alytner one lo whom the province eouw have do claim beyood that of hir having sub- aequently governed the country in which the hero bad performed his gallant feat of arms and died ha transmitted ihe ceually liberal sum of 23 the only other officer or ihe regular service of wham we have any knon ledge of hating followed the nohk cxaoiolo of the above diatinguiahcd iudi- viduals is ll colonel aircy of the 3ath who prior to his departure for england became a subscribec to the brock monument fund it is earnestly hoped that the officer and men of the english army in british north america will not after thii expose of the inadequacy of the means already raised lyriitate to come forward with their ottering at the shrine of merit or one oftheir most distinguish ed suldier as for the country generally who have the name of brock for ever on their lips but self only in their hearts and oa whose promptitude in seconding the effort of the militia a very natural and stroo but vain reliance had bee placed il will be later seen nho have j who have not coatnhukd 10 ihia en- nentially canadian teatimcnlal it ia intended to publish at the completion of the subscription and in lamphjet form a list of the name of the several subscriber and the amount subscribed one lo be sent to every private individual whose subscription paid in shall amount to and to every com eaandtng officer this will show to those who are immediately interested in the matter who do and who do not support the national project in which they themaelve have o nobly engaged in the mean lime it i intended to publish imme diately the oamea of the cveral mjllia ftegimenu and amount subscribed and nent in by each up to the period of publication broekriue new ero- ttic itlts or tiktavrcai thre is a curious and iotertaiing rxaajooo eto- neeted with th bells or llmeeie4c cathcdral t- stoey is prettily intd v will bear npetabasft i bj n iit msajd brotntorsgwailyfron italy where they tier c manufactured b a yooog aaoha svhogrcw justly proud of the ajeeesifol icault of year of inxieu tot i ex pe ode d in their proefcetionv tbey were eubvcjucnjy purchased by the sbttot cf a neighboring cocrvent and with the profit of this sale the young iijin procured a little avbasm he had the pleasure of hearing the tolling of naw bells from the convent cliffy and of growing old i lso botn or doeneatic happioe tha bfttan vca was qot lo in sastnc of itaasjatayeaav whether civil or foreign which are eha iwsaljwia worm in the peace of a fallen land the good hahan a sufterer among many he loit ha all and after the poising of the storm found cuasaelf ireaer vrd atone amid the wreck of fortuoe friend comlly and home the convent in which the belia the theft- dwvt of jui skill were hoag were raised to the earth and the bells were earned tu another land jhe unfortunate owner haunted by bis me encrrcs and deserted by his hope became i wan derer over europe hisbair grciv gray and hia heart withered before he again fouud a home and a friend in this desolation of apirit he forated la resolution of seeking the place to which the tresuaarw of his mensorr hid beeo finally borne ho sailed for ireland eoccedd up the shannon the scaswl anchored in the pool near limerick and he hired a amsll boat for the purpose of landing tbeejiy waa now before hm and h bclwld s- atccpae tifung its turrettcd head above the acnoke and coit ofihe old town he sat in the stern aod looked fondly toward it it was an evening so calm and beau f j 1 as to remind him of bu owq mijvc harerj in the sweetest time of the 3 ear the death of the iprio- the broad stream appeared tike on aanoooa mirror and the little vessel tided through il on a auiftibn uu hilr- umlrcti from the catheral the rower rested on their oarm aod the veasel vrent forward with tho inpulav at reeeived the aged italian looked toward the city crossed his arms on hrs breast and lay back lo lh seat hoeae happiness esriy rccollectiooa frked family all were in the sound and went with ft ta his heart weo the rower looked roond they beheld him with hi face alill usroed toworda 1aw cathedral but with his eyas cleaned and when they landed they found him dead f mr and mr s c halln ireland kingston october 4 1841 the 5obscnbvill dutiittho sewnbr eotislantljm w chf mteala peifumery- the which ccrm- in from the moat t english houwa may he depended tff n atftiiie the com- poondiit departrrtftl will he conducted under ihe immediate juptenoaitec of the suhacn- br whose ohject isy lhc of sood mate rials by a careful rrawipiilalionto induce con fidence as regards ii moatimpoilant branch of thebutinew j w brent kinjstreet drugif e apothexaru t kmpioit 31 pjerfi mbry the sutaciiherhas received a supply of choice en ferfnmerymong which arc ibe following esfexces sweet brier sfariag flower sweet t f i- 1 or persian essence eglantine hovenij citronella rlom geranium marechalle aaamisaw lily of the vj honey suckle itoyal condcud royal extract a rosei frowew circassian cream queens bouquat bouquet d arakj eau de portugal coloitie veritable espril de laveu ao milleflears amhrosin veibena ferfurnv an exlraet persian sweet sas verbena perfoav exlract esprit de rose vcriuhlu joma djrinc tomaeuin uold stiver an 1 kronze inks aoibcr preston salts m- fcfe tc ivc j we brest slmr ft aa some undue i m patience oeoas to have been msnifcalcd at the imputed npalhy of the committc ana w uliiml 0 m vr l wjhuf- lion of the subseribcr to the projected monument aa well as to the publie gcncrtly a few brief and explanatory remarks there are at tru moment in the hands of tho treasurer t u ridoul efo 2700 at interest in conformity with a resolution of the general com mittee pad on the islhef november tat j aod a further sum said to be at least of 290 in the hand of b holme esq m f- p cashier of the montreal bank being the antooot f subscription obtained in that city making tfc whole amount in hand something short of 3000 the eccnpcoiuoo of uk comaiiuec itself emght to be a voucher for the anxiety entertained by every membtf ofit to bring their labour to a close these consist of the several coloncla lieut colo nels and officer commanding militia regiment in upper canada the super inlenrunta of indian affairs and the officers who seized with the indian warrior during ihc late war to ihi body have since been added the chief justice the judges and the vice chancellor but the facl is ihere u not money enough for the purpose and il would not only be the height of absurdity but would most as suredly subject them to mere censure from the public were the committee to commence building a monument with a certainty lhat it must be left incomplete from wanl of the ncsarj funds by a resolution passed at the great meeting on quernston heights it svgj determined to erect an obelisk now from all the information which can be obtained thb will require ki xiow an estimate was mode out at the rjuei of sir george arthur by the royal engineer department by whom two several designs have been submitted one es peciaily worthy of ivotice from lu elegance of eon- ccption and the cost of these is computed the one alis266 13s 4d the other st 3100 sterling in both cases including the charge for taking down the old atsoourncnt and allowing for the value of the old materials which may housed with toe new thu st will be teen that any delay fa this nat ter rest wholly with the pubis aid can in no waj be imputed to the committee until the sum ub- acribed amount to 5000 it will be out of ill que- tion that any tep can be taken by thetn either with honor to tnetnaelvcj or benefit country tha several regiment of mttllia in upper canada have certainly subscribed liberally but why is not the aaroe dispoiiiion evinced by the militia of the uor province t tne nwmecy of sir isaac brock i identified wh the military chsmcter of this coun try and he should be regarded a ibeir hero not lea by the frcnoh canadians than those of 8rilih ofigin why morecrver do not the several militia regiment in nova scotia in 0r brunswick and innewfouiidlandconuibjtnrolhcfuadr itgen- erd erocv dtod in the ekfafw of canada he died net leai in defcrrct of brtru wft tarries nr svatran scorra advrcc to his son chuaics m i cannot too much impress upon your mind that fooo is ihe condition nhieh cod has imposed on us in every station in life titerc 1 nothing worth having that can be had without it from the bread which the peasant wins with the sweat of hi brow to ihe sports by which the rich man mul gel rid of hi ennui the only difference betwixt them is that the poor man labors to get a dinner to his appetite the rich man lo gel an appetite to hi dinner aa for knowledge it can no more be plant- id in the human mind without ubor than a field of wheateao be produced without the previous c of the plough there is indeed this great difference that ehincc or c ire urn stance may o cause il that anohr shall reap what the farmer sow but 00 man can be deprived whether by accident or mis fortune of the fruit of bh own studies and the liberal and extended rtceiniiitlon pumoulidgi rsihavti il makes jtc all for his men use labour my dear boy therefore and improve the lime in youth our steps are light and our minds arc ductile aed knowledge is easily raid un but if we neglect our spring our summers will be useless and contemptible our harvest will be chaff nnd the winter of old age unrespected and desolate agsin read my dear charles read and read thai which is useful man dcr from hires and beasts only because he has the aveana of availing himself of the knowledge acquired by hi predeces sors tne swallow builds the same neat which its father and mother built and ihe sparrow docs not improve by the experience ofit parent the son of ihe learned pig if it had one would be a mere brute only fit to make hcon of it ii not o with the human race our ancestors lodged in caves and wrj tram where we construct palaces for the rich and comfortable dwellings for the poor and why is thb but because our eye beeabkd to look back upon the past to improve upon our ancestors improvements and to avoid their error i this can only be done by studying historv and it with passing events egnparc taw or advctttlsino a decision has recently been in ad in england which we doubt not would be strictly followed o a similar case in this country i rem ihi it appa rent the necessity that adtcditcr should accompany their communications with explicit direction the ease 1 as follows cosirf okeoiiess oconnelt versus sfoaca this was on action brought by the plaioufl a newspaper proprietor against the defendant who had occasion to advertise in his paper to recover the amount of an advertisement which had been in serted fortyfive times on the ground lhat the ad vertisement had been intended for one insertion only the manuscript order was produced and ap peared indefinite- the ease bad been some time under consideration of his honor who m his aiil- icty that strict justice should be done between pro prietors of newspaper and ihe public had token ihe opinion of two of ihe judges on the subject and agreed with them in deciding that nrtetpocr nro- otirfori 1 tr stfifledi rorvftnuifle the itaerxtou 0 criotfitcnsrnif wc orderedor any tpeeifie nvasorr 0 firuj unfif me sovne torre ordered to 6c ttsta- afrown his honor said he wa oviirous that the public should be made eceuainlcd i rhis deci sion in order thai persons having occasion to ad vertise may be aware of the necessity of stating on their order the number of insertions they may re quire if they neglect to do it was unreasonable to expect jwwpaper proprietors to attend to jl whrch wos ctntry the advertisers lsstsj bwanes a vrrdie wihen enfred fo h rlnnrit caossiw cnms 3frwr editor with your fexmissor f srill give 10 ap public through your paper my vsw of the method or course which all fanner cnifbt to pursue to obtain a good crop or grain aod to per petuate a ood quality the same theory wilt hold good in nil kinds of seeds aod vegetables plsntcd i have made known to several inlcj v fanaser my idea ihce two yeara pat and all hava agstci with me my plan is simply ik every farmer ought to cms his grain of the same kiod thai is by mixing it on the barn floor with ions from a crighber but not the ame neighbor every toot after some year hjie elapcd he may croo wiih the firat again he having also crossed with om other dy osuing the grain in this way lbs btoj- som will be crossed in the production of the groin and a belter and larger grain will be produced on the ccntrarv if the same grain is sown for a number of ytar in succession with out crosairg or tnixin u is natural or reasonable to infer that tha quality and sire ofihe grain will drgenc role it b 09 nr3rv in nav ontoieri fee ftrrrwfs tb mix their grain in eowinr to raise a good crop other cause excepted a it i to cross ibeir livo stock which il u rrdl know will soon degennratn if not crossed farmers generally bclkve much advaauge s de rived by changing grain from one soil to another on if all depended on the soil this is an erroneous 1 1 aa all soils when in a god stale oaf cultivation except the pure nhrtc clay srill produce a good crop but when crooi seem to fail it u natural or man to look for som soauap aaj inthi infancy of his knowledge that wilt pceseat itsclftn bis mind which is most simple in its nature hence the pro duction of grain by the uosssm will not have enter ed hi mind for reflection to sec if ha cannot dis cover some cause there 1 have never seen a gocel ear of com on n single stock in a garden no otter stalks being near if i have a kind of wheal lhat produces well for soeee years then appears lo decline 1 mast look for other eausrs than the sod and this is by not mixing th- aeil was suitable at first and w should il not continue sounder a proper rotation of erops t it is hardly to be supposed that it has be come too familiar if i may be allowed the expres sion with the soil vegetation reoutrea tha 4me nourihrnnt no mailer what rt of soil jt grow on it wilf be equally beneficial to mix dirtrrtni hinds of wheal in sowing cross your potatoes garde oceds and all other ccds philadelphia sat urday courier jr the following hints lespeetiog ihc prescrratka of pork arc from a correspondent of the new genes- ace fanner m it b generally the practice of far mers i helicse to seam their old brine bcxoru put ting it en their pork and so absolutely nccenrarj it is supposed to be by aocae people that iseahing short of the price of their pork ssoujd induce then to use their old brine without first scolding it now allow me connctfotly to say thai tho idea ia erroneous and the practice entirely usejcos if your old brine is sweet and good and bis kept your old pork good depend upon it it will keep the new for what possible reason is there to suppose that brine which will keep old pork will not keep new alio it may be said that the brine is full of mat ter which it has received from the old pwk truss it is aod inerefcee il cannot extract tha best juicers of the new for cigm successive years 1 assisted in putting down pork and pouring upon it the some brioe without bring once scalded and the nicer iho brine the sweeter and belter was tha pork tha brine was always sweet and had paenty of salt at the bottom the pork was lavd dawn an lass atsuol manner wiih salt and iho old brioc poajrad inatat oni ts sctvantages m having ntarr fork tertd a laiaw cfhbof and treutls