v oluv lnldt utpliyr v a repni ri flit ivnjr1 m l uuva courf at ihr liftv i aim ifrimtil wwhrp ng- rame met intlin fwtwj it vraj an actio bcount eym liatrrian co iorineijv nvm omr tnerdiaiti aoi hfifcet i ttvrmtii9f mm allmi tob n m vsu fanjftmia0mifrom tlie hnijie et tavti w venn- moutreaj ef wbitli atntiirnht m 0ivh lmliii is 1 liftlwr tlcllww nlaieei ira lltwn1 fliied fro janl bill amounted jji mv- tttw in p lytrei i iy a bijtftf altan in lie m 1 coi- oj ivjiph rmb hit mi tx daimili lat loi m t yea ivn coo 1 1 t jl irl j iiif srsci htiril nlfrfw wt j mtura mallei i bum m wittwm hf ath ntmffliiwt 6ii it 1 ajfjy tla it 1 gmliiy inc uwwftilv titmahd tonaie liatili id vkff lion he miifchirii tmj ttkli lodey are nvuv favorable and m tlifft ate oa1 order in ia k for sonc dear fifhon of rrniifalur cjnttiady woollen tern thr howa ii ns of iaiptrtl collon tifi mtrafblrovflaf err ii howy nt canada 1 mnv mw in hi fej r n4wrjr pclion propem of candi are in i l6nwllirowjebrtlm ft and dreet eh- h rif and h fmid wry pn ifii r p fiv a n v i t k miiiii j ni ii ma v veyaio a mriio cf the jnfnbiunt 01 th tnht w tfcit in cmmn with the ol irha- li m rf lsn peiiri we rtfrtl ikc djv death f ui 11 lonl 5tftnh jjhj nhibl c rubaii- thttf ion to ihvmlu prctidhtct elhc al- mimy irtrrmoiin yfl hwtt u in thr oncr f n uod ofktf gtrrrwr onml wl nnutd tiumblt dmotf rcpft for hi cnp7 hv ex- tftterlirjtif otj our f itiiodc fcr ik uncomiftj io- kriqie nhithhc mjntvttd for the olfjrr nnd ounnr ffl mfqtftl4iii 6a ailac ofacminl in iaswnn ite wt all rtaaj fotini w iht f i3witfltrn aic ihian paym wllfh lwh ii ml fj ii rtly wfm rti 16 a man 6 ot1in in nf u ty 6jrawn7 aflj olin f bu m jfcbof ut ls n intfof 11 today met lo i5 jitiu- sri lruj gpi ifte rinltr jjrflnitf cjlif satcd1 octoiiliu j0 1111 ican ancarta3lm trtfonpailof ihtfion biortmefukn ji c6 wahni hth itktz in hyl er of ny fnforiiy hi ilrjini tj artrtablt wih a r tnnu prna which jwirt4afajiiirliiy ihc pimt6 aroctionor pifi6il liaiiuof vuittifit lit- c4ftba wiwiifr ts m iwamhiw havt rnablltim hy hom rf cu twamihreitutla hjrmvjamwxiitikijcfr eil hatibl have been rckli t3 rrn fi ir n thit ili whl f- tb lpc if ir ilbnr r i0 etn- ivirb w pnid ugriatlta 13 ihr live- iiimly maltial ihcici 1111 of i the oiot itatui pnuw he hk art jiumtr- 0j aicciti mltcri a 16 lb- cnpnrmiv 4fgfi4lrfh awitiiiatj n c ii jv uoutrtl or i change rgnrirftnifni 11 himohcrcftun thr- bmniinin m- ijrfreiy drvvldlinreoetimaiiarirtriby ai1 p fxpcciailon cntcriamcd vtalcfi and iu rniimrtliii poinu hrij v ttihrjii in vuvfrn iv 10 tuttii wt wbicti f vrfi tra to ftfjaj tb s attain i- l isfmi f ifci ftis oi ansrfcrow t plinliift hd rfflrfft loaiikn tff ail ti iftjie payntnt w44 radc to them arton ini rrmt a rvi uo6n wlvrn itfcp pattic 1 i poci5 of oj liabra ii 7mj tolltmihjitvdfiuf mil 6ht i wjctrj oa thai ifcnrti tht riet liojiivuvtw fir ibtit c f i t 1 in wa tsc ilirtpjtppolur vii ht ftcbirr ra a pyiuni vflfrdmj hy b iarorihvac by oltjijniliti frnrlbt flajnlitt acrofdin to ibe ftioe a ilraliu aoi utoi bclttn iu15- jlaijemrdlfiji i ecu u piij in luc oi n cvbhiaa ajf irt carina if bp imnitii llir i jitk rhlrh be r mitlciil 5 sr ctnl6y if ho ii rd- incftu cfms rwr eertl bn twn pi 1 thrr wr n t trtdiit i on 3io avid if a iv p tinit a- ieedlby wtrt toum ony 16 rrriiv cooj lilb4bf wtf vwtuu ib dtfrhtjtfit io ael m4itcjitfc ajitti without hi tiui1 oai fion in rte of ih 1 r n li- pstiihtia isjwi tj ihc difch inl lo rmii iiivcban in6nty uiitimid oiftii nove hytam nif6uhip1 ainil fotj amb mtnt tbitlbt rfpfy iii4nl ij la uk aaitp wbirh tw f rc at at i cvenis but tnlv amli nmex m ibt cam mtkij utmtd tvaufj contujci unoiibcel na atlaeliw ifccy wtfj4ivfn lliv inif r of io- ufoclifd arrmoti puif ia amn4it la tju cji- on f j itc rtnittuiktrf in bittt ttftsm4tswfard rirtl j1 thimiaif u illsr plpf th r mi ibrn at briber ihr bll paw in qikfllm w3j ukh a onr asfrv irfrnj4i6l ww uairmlj in ntin if iijo irmiktktm catdiivd 111 tbi kltrr ll ipti j rm ihr tvijrnft lht ai tu itnt ibt bil ivii drviadj lo ix mouhtf jtu vaibf mtcfclhti wt eoiuidtrcd a nan of ty fil cril uk ckjil ia f4tl ad litioon colon ol cazciic f 2ij i soptcrbcr rnmatn an fjjnnat attcle on i- in their iiiiaiii meaut toa iittleof ill pajlicol r unjitmflof ihr province he h3 vilh mc truth of the change occa- koftfi m lli blate f parlies bv lie recent rioai uk n f rj ailkrli f vt- c further parumlars of the affair au janton uneuat or ittgtiijries-tfnmrard- vest or cvion btmofled sua- mission or tjlflciiinkse fcc fcc o safvrdjv tbn bi nfn mtcd franri mai hn iiltm itv li if june and tit- in die from uron to u i7h rf maf lvc lutr alacaii ptrr mly ta ih 2ii- vc ara thrtffo ifvdcbw rmidj tvt bn 10 lb nwrn- ifl pjf lootcoi tiiehhair ktcc from maeao jt ht at thfl inoenii of ton- j tvljaf idtrf hjndmtidmnlolh wii ef jatki were thu jmottdtt rrnrwlof h4tik- rica a tapced m rarai v rtsli it nll bff ti in on n i i 0 w be ifr- ovinmikid tpy mtiil micuiciliia1v iil iit rrd um uv4 lhl rrt y thft a caifn bo- nilik in ifiel t rt ild rrmm ir to report 10- iinwfmnl of mmiiliiir m iht rfajaimft v ki fhte a ae ir- eurreaci at ljfton oaoff riuy ib tt pi m ataij bi 0 lo ui jm r iir urriifn ihn no ulcr eeoofu rhm l u b tuir uen woj frm crtcnn4of s ibfiua uianaaowr it ft ikir ii h oii i imll la ml anf water frit therfor trar ot ua tm matt tnkin fcatum mt lb ijrvriptleo of kiara f bt imiutii indian pillemtnt an faihinc at tie tnoatlofttit s fcuwiroct whiilter no ticrdur bat crer been bjfoie and nn oe per- j kp eee4 on buiin anl ihr nccut off th riiwn camal thaa tiifc laal u waiwl liroitirnaocb w qlarapprhtiiou ard not rvirtirijii eroh a a jeifniille itfripli6n th cobatl nrilhrr eontryailiact aant on tral imprraiion hlftff narfuinuhrithrtuii bj ujteb ont ean he aiiitiljqijt garf r- ifvf inr f vopeei on ib- hl car- l 1 cnmw rhauj aji oanprao r caatt inik- on tb 4tt diy j fehtner irfi c and ncfll wnnsoa n au riicr tthlfeccxci jd mr- coawr arl air met k lno amern ianfc i mndofcl on ihr fuetof- lin bndcfkij tv mob bro tgljitri lw jl h in lha ptuidcr in ijflqitenee that tne nucccsior or lrird xptoi mtti ptaiilpwlj sydenham woulj be an out and ogt tory sir nbltertbevcoii1d tiiy hatw lwrr th batvbonii tutuflitrti aatmt ewri ibm t i t ih njnovn irn hi bcvi crrm ami and 1 lai fmmiij nrtiiik muchadirr ebilly icoolkn nhirh wcro tfwrd m ui- omj4iif jw- iiaifi hat bceowif 4 prcv to the nob oallrdml h cunrrwiiim wtre iil in t ttt nf th faetiri ami in oly troop t11 it ofih- imhfforol lnb l il h the malri 37rh k j aljrffcet itor inem and arti riiitoe horfj af r oir hjm figmin 1avn p feion nf ihr terv to th norili of canin aid jriftn ill too tanif voopn iito th- rw wlth leal bis bmbirdrd fo ih 1nfii h tomid fivn m a roe fc on ti wih a suvrl itlseh it it nid araj enlp1adp anr porii- krrwed irirriuy flora lvk4ai bji ttwj tfi la on ilral4av rpwi qarinbwd 4 bcaty otonnctwt tfi thr satrr pjl of the de ii r iin fore iy ifot iha nblr uit ar mrjti cjntm f in peio f ihc ijt h brr lhat on tin l rarft in th rairniwj hoittii anil ihr h n hi- hrihfio tnd at intdfiv mil oft ofih- n imi4 i oif t ti 6 nsji fi ihr flf tjwiiyi ihit thy pfftivtoe mdhom lolrtd irfurfn if nhh a id all itiituf ilaf itttr prltrifbv iv- britidusii tb jtion h- ey r pticidr jil hut i frft r cr 0 nti- an 1 irw- fe4m tinian 4j1l h foe f di ti iird i 1 tvff tfft r ix utd p faju it ajiaaf fn r fitld tv nohr ci firj rafti fpv br tbr cnif u impnmmi orcloki lanj nil jf omtjnr rrfiteoi lthl lrtc ikri ir- rnntrd to toaiba ad bi jand nll eoinc 11 and ond lotrtt htil impot will lie withtl doard tor a jl ulflls tn llrtrrtftl of th- en iriihdtawui troan rntitoa anduadin theoth maeao or ilonrwii itid krnkuurt4f ntiring ind tbt port kft 0o ft tht trade of arrf r itan ad othr ikuteal boi- i tfirtir jth morr rapjitr af oan rejaitt m torincr acthilt bot ocn thed rnual bo re- mtmbr red that vhn ra with cinfn rn dntnji fvee mote otl u aow nangpo ole- to kvyeoo irrbtftiufit m lrfr and thrac nioicn1 will korp up hk rxriohfil arid ebrth lh dfrc to lulon to imihiimi ar1 iheio seftrat ditortee mul hire a ftirtou tfrt tvdimmili the fmn oplt af ira fur anoth r ar ah 10 pol toj fr tl pteea la v ainuiaetiircof ho moi eap of canfun tei in foei ilitruno tjinp uluii aad haw tin prrtenl dilvulttva arc la wiiuiai il mnrii erth crfniiu hut ifcf uriter it fa hjpr thai sir hf tnh and ih nifjl eommaod f will miirt id jdjtron to uip pitifrnt otdjtarr bl ifntihm- lill bi dvne to n wtwc the raaodanaa if lb titv 1 jntooirmi kfl uiihifnwd hc will lhrv levari jiii ihi uit odlerm oiae t apear to iv t n or and ih rihe wli ibat iton orcrd im -flbh- to ur iwult rf ih- bfilih forecr aiio hrsntlv- maabeed thtt tr th bir lfaerjrriif ih mspduiot vcncdratbrfurpeikd after a af r in flt b arcr mw rihm w-fc- 1 our luitflitvo jt aid iljrf bl mr i vudi aiid hi bill ivere attwa mi 1 ii ice fillolu- m hf- anl rim the mil a proteirj ih luioiitfhy no humm repituil the rttnlt uace bat mtnly tqttf the decant ta vtbe urttlfot mlbvi furitj tv cii- lion for their coaidrealioa w whrtbii ihr bill rrmittcj lo unhoj iva luth h hill at the rlefvrd i eaa auhaiird w tntf accortn to hit inrtnimioflt if thry tbou bt it wai be would reoinmend ihm to fin i fat the defend ant if they tbnuht 11 teat nal iieh a bill thoy woatd bnd for tbt paimiit an4 the tet ditl trout be for jur anoufil m i hill itomc cutntct aim ac yrcjay the cauof oortor king affaimt tlesaoyfl fifth rviyratul icie ara eirc oji 6t mr justice marauay tbt rate wm apued for he iniiltby th- attor itfj rjmtra in a movl rlwjurrt nd feftiue speech- powerful tn iu aeoey of hi client interest u- lemperate in it expiration lowatdi liiialandefit l he leaned rntlrman eacj the vtikrk librlloirf pubticati6r kua arc fjiiill- to our tcadeit lite aotstiaee of tacm uini ibal dr kin- bat tike a bribe of imamtrttm flotn ihai mmicuate pttjofi mr jvter uakon lo omani te lircncclhat he i j trtly took cm in uicttcdfcntje thl hr siv ue of hf esiiian 3 a ait irate to itillict abittary pnnithmenl on aid haikoiihat h- u i tln j notorie ty fee kff draper after fcujy alhjtiint tvlkectlovnce be uetiu aildiie coneued wufc a forcible prctorrttin en tb h of ibe lthetty of the rreii abttf int to deinonttation that 13 the exetci- cfan ufthijdcdfirrttcc 1iett wat actually fori in tit own feta ami calling into exutence thoe pnal and aihilrary rttiiitin which ivottla never he beard of so ion at il 0tisnd i rotation within trgilu mlt bcunji the ttiasenl were then pro- iloeed and the publknion of tlit paper and rnn- ftffion of hainan of mi share in thr tranm lion proved w- itlake made a etral tlfirl toabake mr kinfmill tesimooy bul apparently vvith oj jocce after iomijetal artumnu mr darwin aijrcrd ihc jury for ihr rfefrnte tbe learnrd pentleitiaii ahoieed nmeh mitrmiir in in of four and ihn s mi and ctfikrretj tfie wnietp boive axure u- that cliarle bojsrt jnlnj to give pju effect lo tse prinripte orrvieesenative govtnmrnt aa laiil down by lord duriism snl by sir robed peel in bit aie fpeech m u w0lrt of ronfiitenee 10 miniater also thai he ivaa atvarc of the ooeial degraiition tn tvlncli iho frencb canadiana a sieli bnj been rfdncej hy uvo untucceeful rebel lin and of ilie ncraily of exientltrg in ihetn in orjer to jwcacrve them from ex- tcnninalion the prowctlnn anj seiparby of the executive in common with lieir fellow utibjecta nf brituli otin the elitot f the gazelle pcrhapa jopov mt from thf neceaitie of the peel ailm nsaira- lo thai sir cbanci dgol will be at kot 0f librml a governor general of canada as lnrj syilenham an j furthermore ojl ijngeiiermajy shotid boje that sir 0n corf nf me expert of ais prtrftssorj uitm a iltihr rvrvfi jlr t wnwifd d nd wflvmirfrcr iborl h harejktcu mrc e tilrncr fco ih morriwrijd b fiance cfamaodaran in copn to the ritti a in b11 a b reached wbrau h uhl1 mr coolidk irai t- p onionicrrkd iflio tfce eiy a foi iv mor tioi ihaeh uth a cnri metn tail cantnlt frr vhimpay g fwr ril f lh frcncli falyirrd w 6 caweaod trim i0trpr wehrf 5 on i be eaalber ti of t n h pafmernd ere were fifamij bf li f tij k- rrrcty matlred ibtn- w nof ihem iod ihn erri twm r cintcri nann t4 to canton to dented ihtasrm ftbtointrjawoaod ue ttin-o- hwftm in b rcm nam thai the re- jv n frani cf factor eiettoinr j mb lbsb tbrr lndeemidvu ifallt dntirnkd to 6- dchwd toiler e numaaw on bord an hrt p m mean mf e r ll roofl- lon hd no otavtmea of b 0 s tbcfterllbe cooo h bbcy w j up ar4 remained ff r l fait n- c wtotc t h in j lhir naaitwo eh dnaetnt er lroo sl rjt hrrebttl tnoeireiiher hatebem eenon jdar oacrittdcaotinj totntrap lb epkk in pifuofi rr biv nfanton anj fcr do tbs mitly il ro be ncenorfrrroy rtt ne treie tent u n en uvumlirmbmd oatiraaomavi- a ftdij iviuilcvke wnvi p ffixncbnare ooart stond kar ti v lnr vpnlte futiay srlcni aiharc tnrendlh- scale- f son iblm orial fsbrojrv iloiotl nine be cuue and the narl cniorcaaimae hi- u vai cjj ve prilihd a cniurabh lenth har iriord a noijee 10 the citiie thai ay iii2t er rejftti fvr iio belf thr tbjd tlin alioit feoin nbhaoreraflidutlbe mu to ome or tin twtftermurw o bv ihe pre- hoh f edand rllic rrnrcti to the aat h nee lb fire rift ihitl h r tt ih war ii cldna wat eid j- vc note bar btn eiif i t be d a at 0t ta ljte i- it at mir oiikk tfct ihr nirt fairly bcri cat rj inobe lud tv wc jeaaint an on ftone vpan fc 6tbr fn proxeulin f ihreal th- 5yphuf ad abater hap conpit 1 ly dlr0rrda jiafl n m tlf way padj nhmcj fire rjiy hd born ien aaonj the driuh tbippiiy and u it to be hoped tml thi severe example wrf bate e drjired ellict ii xl plmipotcttiiary has alia fruvd a fodaafij o tnc people of canton niin ihit haingnrr vloecatiuiirrf itach- eroul caalt with by ir ioror cooionei he bktkii to drive ihrm itil their ifoopi out rf caaton uim the pevfjl inhubjaniv lotat- h ion niihptfi l in od r iot to be made to tuft r toe ihe fylv of ihr nvaiidarim v vmitudtoauit in tot frrrgotng aeeoonl of thf nattilities at cantifn that h m b alstriw after the fare had arlrcd at cantoo fat pleed oppoairc ike da4th fi4ly wbvb the chioxtc bad ttrtofil fortiieo j ii fiom bhrnee a rttc at eooii il anad djh faoihesnd tmiion n v- cotrnor and ei yrer oel 2a ttputtition 4y surpassing him in he cdop- ticn of mins for giving satisfaction to im coionittt itinr ibt jfjrj leioen tmd tei n oltrnceoft w dtwn ihe entis oniit clitntm h aboiat a ejnaiter of an fcntir bey returned with a verdict for the defenant quebec mercury raitatc cocncsrosocncx 0 twc qtirrc c irrn ayoj eftan oiasi oe 4 ism the wwt acic about ctmil say a piince rt wrtlri will ue urn ere menie cbristma cotn tbc change in the minfctry ha e9ed umt interest in the city trade r dtciiltjiy improving nrrji y and money if ii inrtisrd drnand fc tbt rcmsikt i ftppemj frem a itain- jour nal hrre bllsipfiotnl- nnl wiji no itaum ltc nidfb ajlijfottion to your radtj w thp anj toof war blwetn the pteaefri internment and vit peg opp fcas hern ralruhject oflhcprwoalion tlie cabinet i ifmermirw n an tally profoalion sons aay ih- th jotiml whife itit wlisscryahsmanp- nnit frr tirocnslinmin when the country ii inch dirtieuliis there i femithin to lt tiij o tiath sidr sir r i eel sbnom have a fail clunet at rcatfohow wbnl he ran d but certainty the com l wt and other topics bie ben lansrjbjled thai one would think he mut have made up hi pjjoii tin ine- a jtte ljt pljn artiu felif hjjuv lerff- iitian an etjl no onm anj iaw am mri i btli than twill an i intcotr kteui imjti nfcoiie be maile for tbt praple wsicn ibtv cotnolain fiflf how they fuller 21e fur 7ifl il t with much saiirc 1i ciat weeanijte patityly that ilit for bem hut he raid a hevv ttn to rnti rri bi mnj he kornird evry tnianl lmlrad iu rnits in riil mr ii vihej the jry to belivc tlul hy lr kits ditty iaciices the ell- t i oi iit jvliitm meriiy manl j deaj auq- on tu hi vw tktn e lliu f s tw ivfcoanh cillril in wihre to prove lire mith nllntlrrliajirafl a mr felix me m inhuman a wrlty a timrr of i lmtb of abovmh hi rvr been tir m tn nin avrvtrln hatlat ittitej bt reeeih of the bib of ibc two tfriai by the hat tor j tin enifffltn onavrvtlita riil tto nrlnation anl kfl lite hex witboui tear in any fivjf1 iitipnvitn tf ii ierarity uhind svrtal mhm npjksiieit rnj 1 eavi jjlttjitin tmnii ilia exccleney sir richaej jntfkmn aominiatra tor of the gnrnment anj suito proceeded in presenlt yentenlay morning in h31 steamer traveller cnplain harper r n tn routt for quebec hia evrolenty ill wceni the rapii ol the si lowrenco in one ottltf encon pro peller hq wil eemnin at qttebee vv tl ufivtu kltiig titiwfnhrf ocjktul the steamer irorn arrived al qo bee on salurjay nfji anil ef agrin on sun day for pfcthi there tn uvait the arrival of sir cbarte bagnt ii ir ineninineil in come of the englith pnjrr iili wtoi irutli vc jo nt kioiv that the war steamer vfrx ivhii h b to bring lis eveellemy tn hali fax lirij been onjerej ichmrrh lit trrrem nno of thf ot where capiain vniii was m aurvey and by jvn en ihe charl the exnet positmn of a met viij have durcd mr c jir- manner as h ltn niitnitln jqf brrfl bberatej in tbc i- i cc itkad breonte bul teo payable ital tk chse pcd coinnrn ejnfha prtabl jxj of fluir paehhocrs anj 0 had breo puntcd ttotj de had ceens a nsv and daj were ltr oi dicrs were etn iwv i nvrchnts wurvhuir- freoeh fly 10 ihe moi prrseniril o eootitrd isf gr ruoikr cuu kunchfdu a newt b aid u w a ihqmu t o mau fota teoei trading to ih rrti i batrir aid piooi t ttery one of ihwn tou re aodncn io ih hsn 7v tole ittftl idr fion northern end of canton ie of frnibcatiun jnl 0 re flanied on dotfh ai l hd been unit 4 saaa- j an imnicne nucub r of l li mi i ilten ihe phifkrt teen ihroon tip hv an rwitjinllgcfc anj re- iia already pnared in ilirjl aiidatiw irjwuultl oc3iuo a mx vf a few ilay tn bamwin ajain aiitre the jnry ni length the mftna of lt cxcdlonrv ninsilbe and by the dejrt floruit mw in white- t ifuti he nanv io white- vrasli anj irtafcn detent lb vttatjcy of ht fehv viinahi hewnl ibal ifral ltfrejlce iuittlual wimhe num slay of lilt utoe iefnfr sf slieitets then rfm i an r a eetb of lue rmt totinepn- j iriinihiebqneirt are to pic tbt ivfnet aftenipt 10 lie the mcnlrfrs of the executive cwntil we tnutront mil priced tnicrruv to quebec 10 await the arrival of the sotgritw gener trav rortaletbai iirjul ty cc- wrj brik rrlil if3eha tpm bi- a tej svajon is iiat j rawy an iiiict arc nin fr fc canjasl cntt wmotti iolj freely nit the uorthdoajilieflnytf veryvull nticff ahnul ih ftnte a fdnijrv the jva tadr i talhft nwe bti than il rasthejirenlatei ttjtin- jal jt biam- hle that any tbiu7liidvi gouiu ran b received ii- yer frotn oolofff ot macao cnv cvja trt hanfkl vnib i lsj 10 i luja p- ri eaoi tnv ioa hte nw ar rnllrtr r 38 16 wsnn1vavf lm txpetii hmtiutr aott vii i k- ny eterifi ro cv- jtej inerrit tbt botonof vnlvia sutv bint ahafrs tr o a ihtt iinfouatc option silbi iim imisbyl en and ijnsnded fioi li jm ihfv liad ukrn 1 vetiit t rr li rl u tie hamd olletfta ierjar tnnjd any pmn lnkre hial jr kin ly mailftirtlhmas loliaihaktn tbcirddi3iiie iry lire 5fjispriitinri ael rnlmihieod ntym pti ilmr rhvni bolhi pr mnsli mr- rrr t bim the ihin it ln atasirdf- jif ilislon hintun inmned up with lihtfsliaj jrovrihiil mtjojliality rj clvpttavddt til seuet yh 1 turned their vet- lotalry the oibj umleratand ihat tba iorj of wfift arked btfwl a the manamrnt and entiiru snppe- iff al the pohlir ivoffcl i ihe ivnvin of by ihe government rjnj laiml by ihe leilaturcin its lat ktttoaj yet it tilt tui lir ni 0in- to iuocit- nearlt tab s lo 1 rrom rtiblicv ivsehoevr nfra wih wisl ismih urrrbanv en bnic j j l m 1 tt r tit u- rt irr j aiieliofvd msn iyphitr iv tateki and i was phfoid ihii ir tubufiif of camun orrsnli d sn snpcirane ofmthvi uswal 0111 alt ivr mnoi ralli h v tk jc lo peacotl f unci v n kv ll ffflrer cant 1 i j i r ho umerr lhtr ril iv jtr faenrtf aft ith ihr ntion rf mo rdaru d nlii koen aflr ifr ah s ilodftte ru1 tuim iod ffen tvir noeouj in it mifw r- 3 snd aoebrid n rt to the tonojit iv if ivhiu r rir lur dj iinr fbr thltipe tolui nruihauoifior at s mf mt tn loecr tiiae oflthl in the jireetion nffatfvltaj owml im moon sjhi io- etd fconi stvrl i- raft or jblai flmii tfoii i tim wnhtviidenjojheschionrrfc nbirh wvrt in eootifs r itt da ihe ld ttll ruinr- and nilinp aih r wnild huc brought lhn ittarer ta hi- fir of thr ivon lb compnr aroii jn lrr fihrehh v ihtf im ond ufti tl m ti tihirh ihr f iit j e r one u oifr lvrvfore obrl la d lo tnirr03 ijvi bitrr reurtijt lb fje nlti -stxuea- earn btti lh aa ifth fa h hiaj rr toboaidb fcs voaketr etme tun irwrn th 1 out rf ifirei wir e- eotd opon thr renrl which wai murnrd nilh teeteal the chines haw defend nl tta plane iw n h jpirt j w ji osallil carritik f v mwhmtfs niti lvrttrif hwrefrin mn ita the lot in uld r f 7 bd anitali aedsroundd vf he fzcrioc ki been v rr scitv i nir r anril tei jt ratarw fv- partietfbrlr aog ih taal pa- ilil w iciit bihh ir il ii iter ne o uvr to carry ibe fart and creril other outi d bnttolnai p ntl twenty days later trom canton te nms pr awntneelf pouiat ihii morn- ii- as to ih 1m orjjne vr non fid ait the sw t id a loi- and tedtain pnvt daft ihr chma sra nod at ani pslnl vas overtabto tv tov hiatal que nhrh kfi cimon tttfiri ltc ad b thu iva ir low w camj pann 2r in lb- narrant obtained vm flawin aj- cjtic j iftftfmaiioo frvii ais to ik sfraatmet laa llliitr- paa ihe chinete had aerd to pv s nnhns dalln as a fahemfnrn cii ojc mll- eisn of rskh bd wen dltiirrcd on vaard urr m sis h j tvi titit plate r e i i- inihly fm eih 1i1 i vflt ot 1vi t moo hiaih a ibaoiafld ckhoirbdintj u r vl friondv fr l tatty inutlijeoce ofth- arrftal of lliv fuhfti taekel wtwl brine afntiftm m rttmftiulay rvmnf hc fuv rhttism ttiiiof trired airtira of lb- avo- yar rreoi oafljal irtj lh t ime imw nnd nrcr treafmto ofcitiinr ny fm nt ill ftlmal iu tw btk it the bir wmn nter fimlbeo 1if 1 m r l enough toduimt uo1hmtj irithout our nsvu rn- the sxfmtl we coy r1 bot artkte tam ihe lm numwr of thr vtiiiih vi uv notice 1 merely to cornel ihe mitcpresr mar ion which il caotojnivc 4 d nolimovtbe jvtra on tuesday for the purfotr p 1 ihe intelligence brought by ih coftrnoia hieh nas not of ibnek fmporiance botrnoror 10 lav before toe readers oflbc cnroniefr 4 gitltt fifttt th very iwpalsol news fro china hth brfwvjt did ml reeeite on m cid ay oibt ttafov iil ttvjrid j tb news by the columbia am wtft pal in posiion of on sonday morning i j da before um ivblfr tbi altempt 4 1 oir ton ra hn wrrnlf sod h cooird ibt chini nrm from uj but neilht i lh magnanimity to aeknokkdje the oareo of hi ir inform ati an hedipie bstfng sul this njh we fau an fic our that we bvc anneuneed tba arrival cu slid njlhbd the nrwt broum by the totieii od ner yrsi jseaiee dirig lhs whale eon in adrince not only of ihe town prioli jt a say journal in irpr canada ad nc are happr to my that our h cocreasd shripjoo i t eofiruict u thi our ritiiom f djlj appecu tfcj eics a lieutenant of the shp rje nanse i d 1 iot learn hd it noorud b ky carried tlf b a cannon sj 1 n jnn fou id in th fei crc rt ojndoror uasa ptcs eie njw ad pf warrior i wcrknstro frs a ier frion accdoeetarcd a few d hiiee to a boats t of ih svakhy cas tle to nrrtafrc or rabr fire jonw ebiiotd lo perhcr vavteen drlfiir icn the seal fcy cswskl oifft ritarsrcond bir vn lo atuld pi dn ibrcavod from theus l tnstrr nmd wrlk up- rl a ftsr ojlune mrti frana t- canton tn ward tf 30 hind tiai ttft 10 tn- ih m cu of uav a ertcc whirti war mpnik cat el j beta h nt xi bcinf lotted atlrsrc al left in ilwr 10m- om jf uu son burnt ou bo ttw ut fill j conboi was not on fire ft no ih tosi rrn ihnt in ordrr lo aroid br d in- any fut uie daahmsm ijm ibe fi aaaatatain naab hoi dod lu ia t bee on lire abo and lb cutler aceoidarji rrjfhcj tocnvh lilt tu teonl sraj fund to te tlw whh cvji- blr of all defcrptiuo pottkul ilv fiovd r ami sowo uflbe bv crre trpr u raf m d soine er l to lb cutler lh omi iras thrn n fire to andihccuiuecaaipitvit ltieitnd ii wit lethc groin ut ihiinorism hitt tlnr re bid net tttew nri wln alt at on he hh pram cf th i h aid 1 a june wiir ua craifcw mirfc u ihe i dm nt anaf s waati 1 i- wten ih m pjnl trikisry aid irsi zl t jriil cmffittijr i t eh lo cmrti tbcrf j rrriuc toi rty wih a 1 11 oitj porc d ij nisbs i si mlliori d fbr to b pid at a rmom fie iho ctt- i bin onr t fminnf i m iv mi uvfll flli pj fr nnsvl thv tlr f ik- v li- 1 um is mv fid imiiit 7 di ia tj in- rr md n 7 inilitm ifcsi i ii trltsuaf 1 ldro to be a 1m if nonvjwihnldj i to h rrir p htt win n lb j nil lhiu 4 i piid icond- 1 ihe bvriirch fkfttt to proceed oude th 1 ill d i- 1 in rltft 10 be hf ill rm ulil iifiiir betieti b tw9 tuir tflvtf flre sehd lvoreijrd b tb d-rte- iinn nfmw anih u bjban im lac retorka lu i aul t tineiinfohjll rojjt fjt pirtrr 10 rvk it viao niflnoii tbat ofthe cwieisiote tit tjaps ha rrtaroed to thsr biprcfnruloihe 1 ih tnf bavei tftrtd a t it dlfrom 4tsnte in lh marshv ronj bjek o tb ritr tji ohfclrte m n s ut m- ihv- w vvjt n lakui llwir icjpi 10 h b i id a koenardtiij coiny is about to b foroid 10 rju bee to tarry p t jinn between ibst cit 14 tne uopct lakesa notice io ntilsonr camiv say i it twei lo bo d isirei tbt a fatrardinj co n asny ihould br at onee cublulirtl between ttrbe 4tdib lpvr lsk as it icill nskierially af j to h tcincieree of his poti suavm ajmnl 101 omiany not o n operation it hi aatiifsetv tut air cirjil haalrcajonineod batldnj ofbifffjol bcaapsri cieunje yt goal fciriaceijnee ie jo direrl to lafc erie in rxftrenx tay parajrass tb jec co 1 mr disld bge by his spirited conduct j- d fomitrj oaof uu reondt dtrtios of a w 1 niti or tail yreat cjoinccial city fi raeva7t5n lbibeews1i offti icadv we h- ibittb c iiol bhia m wit ita wamsly jad qnanfmttr a d aid thai qoeuc wilt ns lsi3 he ejos rd s th iwunc and ua 1 j n jtivr of the cnnvercij iiierit of ciftsdt hhrh il bif boo ihsi fjshin 0 rrtfreseot it 11 wwirtfa not tvith bu ayr public soeclr oboulj bu irn d which mi mirtac aainai hurpiniod i-u- h bj irvilihjp hut haixte mav p dcc a nrr canaliit ut aid nf hit rvi iv cfrcluolly norlilt- out a oun from bch meh ml iwcatdtt nlnt attai3 lo lb- tril- and ptosporil if ur city en great lairiiim cnimofuns of unti4 camj op k 1 hi irllb a ircnktidnit kvo fire ito to i ibgliiad ocb trouvlsmc vitltn v puidr in tfc- basi jt f ti jrjvts a ii dfsdftil nsenrcr fit badlrliirt arrfw efil h sajul b r wi ibe iti ij h j bet rrcw in ri n r e to tf dlfltd in il fett thaut two mi itvm harwsj i tj wl ral oilsis jtier uh i e 11 r mdihl nihi mfrc oftpa mflvees will nl itnj itinlvc tla isjj r nliind tit jiirtntil lrin h hhety f alfjir- imnn in tv h i miy iiliiive lbctutjeu nt rcj fi ne jolbrr frvm b ims thr onrratioii no rb i d id uric bill tmff ftl iown 1 ifarttl bdljlin li- lvh lb ifiino wcr bio- inwo oil fc n fe uas nuiid to be ihh ih t cr kfiak rjrci tier icried lo tbr liw i 0 ieik t r ti mipt h pin ssiprinr fcm a lb rh li n wn atn tnwhiatfv t r tti 1 1i o orcmbl ef ik r- n wbri w j th n faltaar rrhi evscticd fmn hrtit i ixt fftrdkmn m a mo curlatc rtijhih py rr- we find the mlowk oanrapb iv llc nvnt ino ciunrnittee of supply nu tvtftol nr n otd tnoeuinsin the u d- ntnev buajji s tttftw sotne diseiiwan mr wtt- 140 uijfid to ttl forurdknaneeiii ihe- i j- oiibsi and ulif loxiiij ij fur ojarrn oflindfor ii jsrnwient use in ktnton canartla tlx rotes howrv- wcic only ccnurj not ofpo- rhnt revsl o tbit a rihiil si illianoa niti lo frat ef iv eii daetustivi he neji a b nf ppjvh imibhu t h aiiifi m h- the jda ha dlftth vsl ktrlt tlimfvttitrhn br ci the jwy ii iv an weivieiaufk the kistfiton trtfit mttbm tfviery brld lbir il sf en tburrdqt riiiin iu iwalnun t jr when the t i nbch n a fitted up crflj fo lje con tb room na utll lighted jid intirj rwd iiiih rcr- tiot imit ifoto t toot ot fcrtt r- jtt t ft a r lajaiiv ube cs are nyinthis jrthcr aowicjn ottawtj tnepiiceaof ttit ulrc srtilt e41j mi nnirinil 1onccirr cot cn- f tli aftefncn at j 10 11 unit j sjtslunksaftxi 10 canada j j j comoarii al 4 ntaniiiilv urhihh xoffi aehean has- at l cunaifio rotir lonth lo 3 v nvi thtir per bt- j 3j to 31s tn dutv ci f a fn v j f ban1 but eofieitit em stitl bt nnfmftcd si ih lowest rale of 3jd pt barrl ontof th rsru aetof ihe newa jwiiira- 1on b i rnilli n r 4v te rmim jfiruif ml en drrarnor- pttitmial injinj f r rorieliaacl- lavhisvritfrj hue vejnsoiilaidi ix on j ui rilirm mffisa- m it u j n it 1- i jy riijv tn mb j w mi tr jrbnf si- uly tvvnui im nutiaif aj r- luii- ilv irhojih le i i kr da t r li uro- lea 1 hh rcfiu jmaicdubly mimd ibe eluir i 1 trnv facrney ivhlu crown anltbrklbii x it jlw rvr fj vanctiten tlj rrcidutof ihe uh i abslkon suri no citfid io ibe ctfssf iotoikitaet fcimr iwisnatrsl pfndinl ofne kwrj4 jcriy bti5 uijm to jtt j frvmi disofitio4 tht nsycfag eaj nithprjie sij driver ad afstr ft few rfnws t to ihottj et hr held flv mcjbs lb snith ctuirnati a ii j ittafeil lon haa been o iin1 khtrjtil hi ik to h- aboiol of fire million mrio la meet ilc de- htincvinlht tcvtnur omil tby i 1 0n a n lauin u tie eveision ha mrf 1 fi rrne offrjnile well at wat eiti ircil t will ire at rch ailji overnmfnt achrmiy ttantf anakitmiiloiiurentfmoiisd lirru- of pud is acutely an tvi ut i rj na torjhl in hit ct air jvael nd vly jv have hnrd at uj caatit wit lb qntttavllq utat them wiji narkd rltatimi u cotftnin ion calsl k l tje m may if rznd ft lmij utm baakavlt an i of lb tterrt ha mlo fiin j anil 9 oto htii- a xj yisnix j 11 in u uriifalba dvesni in irtya l lo tkt nnioa1 ralit fmdsis pt stnaof ihii wlwisilkbl hir 71v 7wm mortjaaif tttti afaocbi of 11 fjvi werkil iamm4f u 7sj f fjmj fvrn- vw tart iioi f iit r t siet1 mj mi it ri u jebsdl ie in riy rn iii ginti tvtcm kin i t ioubmledwlil on rrnis irlkieiser tl tatnrtan bekv ret ii motile btmi ircvetftot j be bint due ol ihr inmr in inv wilbtlhfirf tbe luiihiniiieistoi liro fi i w m w ul hnn ktv wiibm thtnit l sttl nnilinaniv piie uuhari wrote eni anj lfc winkll t iav iieeiliir cinujt jfit r klaaiaihl bib eiciuvi isu r sije j atbliid to ynr llcrllence ffij mk1i iic nawbui i lure rreeive frd iu jv jliei t ibe tuu t xiifral trnmrrimtli it ftr umi ile eri- et t b ibe bhj j4aaiiwl fni llm swm lerirttnmlimnm jataw aild ttflw iu tntwy i iv fairj slilrs jn iiilmintv it r pie uitb ntt ulj fcwltjtrn rtepa bat p l t bbih il nuivlnij bin to ibe j in 1 nbvf ftl ibsabii w in r1ifolltjtd thai rvirc ult alm wo roiht an tfial v i l m nr l- bsara oriel lr i 11 ik rv-rynnlb- in lir j fiait ra mriimj i- ili vti jft ta wlneb t ai ii fan mimronitlsm fnvir1 hby tbdt ajhei iiftorajn pivko vfn iijiiilif i nd in this am nm j aioutioi f hretvitb u uuit ur i bnr u- lcrf lifv i i v ii a h v 11 lli ui ocklrrvd a rttj txtawt ad juu in jwir th fyl ncoljibik t i i up bj mr kvijh r in a minim r jul n itr ru pl credit on tain fmknun auliiir lu mi am tin- moh cmcaiial osfariineit of aine afb r ts tbr bjrlnq n 1 addrrtwd in pucenim v n noo her cf s otpejocn both from tchii atl ecnwmi nhufftfl op the inlvrmff lha mrillag ta uir hocr thti asno an rvcjbrt cboir cf 5vt inr- preset who np appropnalc 4te fccin 00 tvntp rnte al intcrcsu ulwcrn the ifrtehv tonacl ihe of hit uinins bloniw mp ili if fiuit w band d rund 01 at aanir ti llkr iri 1 j il 1 11 of lhi jvcc ibroofb the room nbck mioki were tbbd io uv sck we ihould ihial ruaily ccl ngtt pmci of nhstb fulle a udh i re lacbra tir rliole oasoloctsiilhout the ilihlrcl jf ii j all m tomjor innnrlrt- sirr nvurh n4 nt ttt rfikt pviiusvn if ne jo not te anoilr soire 5 on m ibe rourie of l romm bine unojy hip anjets of the suckc 001 tib we r alelod atiili 4 m twn m tmjrliy ctrbiit from mlml ad it imiirvjh rr 1 sbnfl ibwt on a nil to li lrnib rr nfi r kbsrblh will por d upward m mijnd isim 11 r hia ti ri 11 uai z v ii itl ipiil i irtiiii u n warm rr mtimnojhu limeimrf onbr i-fcm- col of tirt ii4fd- vtlb jhilbtlm ini s ri ua pmblh bit tse andlhrv th lien tiijt frnatha si aoilor at stuniui ihe en jihd arcing bi h lor sw n i hf b tfuljumj nltpdnn of wh n tb ilim fimbp aid lewfd 1 in at he a- tio tbutrtno foanskni iawrlijrf nodasi ard 1 bril eahiron 1 aiu lbeen lov wue sertid wnh p lirpt 111 diiej pin trhjmr net at usj to inor m af nn m itr ire b aen fmbs hit llseop ii m h hvfju i rd tr in lb tfirni evs uitriim it itnsnl h mnibir rliu a- s l ifrfor wtniv- nj d trucd ami 1 1 ftiitd it it 51 m her 1 in iiiim ft ihr afnrc nvio- rerrravj a in o tb risp ut n4ivit3 jotrprecl hy l rui ti ii- tirt i ot n wit nr i bivd ui jai i fimsi ih- imthn oe un ttdcr r- je i mtf t mftiity rtn- but bmpliiitli tub lh oetnclty 4t 4 in bi rbm lbr innl wrr i fir to lln ih iv frenj tw biicjitt ib ii rial i ilu if hiita il aeb lie bi nie j nw on iiibitt of ibe no iv 1 mp l un lb brm tbu ibevlly tias intrl comoiaiwj it lv lae tn en int arr wr 4h iikj inoupa in uj tin mransv fm iupjio tab for 1 or ijlf ibnuiti vi nire cojihlnptniv rrivnidralliviilncubic bvl b rns teml it hi r pcvltd t mcao tbil llann anil ana thcr lui tirrhjnl hid dirt wi j jti vf trucv toal- a runn el h thi ad i4fvr rn n th rile pi i- t i tif f jp rrn oftlr ii 14b- rn t a il ftliu tsltu fovf lamric h pui lptm hi clnscm uh n ii o 4 tojcv hj aeliauv imi ef r 0 i t 1 ivklhrolt may k p mx1rrtiirirvj4cuebuijirsni f fialtivmm mncndo hft fintnbt i tavchnbit- rrd i initlita trrn da- ii m s mcdi airifv j ratntta f t canton 1 iib aboorttvd ib ir v j p ot luilhm w niactv lai est- shin vvrr lb tvci rfli escoh iii th 1 chiin i u immi i rrrri i lei ulrfthtnu fwrsn r 3dibil mbih lmrn frtiirar ttiry t- otte nit 1 t nifh rdtb citvatvf w tot ldr itiniir cohl ithtbv into v matai- jtatkdrvui wrre iijistinj nreticf4 in miuieeitl imvl ftftm t i eforrta uil lw tsnwbdidii toih l f if 1- arrival of tfc bnals at 1 lute aem a vwtd them on thar sa- t the 3j ie irerli rf i- fttaafatnthertl bi ii ms rinr arj stranr nciwr itrutj rnatniaev pjltffrtj wfj fimtjtr v j f ju- undr i itnrw- racnl il mnv 1 tut ti wribtt y titl i vp c i htldkuiii prs4 ur 1 f tli tn tin rra w baj maimlotlwcit i f l riisooil zjd bitr utid htr rstrti ib fsrlbt wio or t- i lattef mil aimrr h is sonh a ar imiotpmtijuil rtif trlt ivjin lc the re h- bad b- ml mi oj lnn 1 ilutm uns va livtv ns- bsl imb 1 bc4 hrm imbmlftbm f pi mr- teuton u iwfaaw hrffine itll pr1nrll ttji rlr 11 b j uln j nt it elll ifwhn ih hic ral 1 n ijeeo l en- einlun il 1 ni ihejicul irat it in uiitbiuir nd ln ercv 0 r l- iih nt n rwsie 1 1u1 jln ftmo uvvtr t lb tlfr bm 1 lj b atani- 1r miu tin rpmt h oal and hitu bnl nih linir klwelhe ieebi hbt tn rri m rmici iltini nmipnnrid r wiiitmbil i the bid 1 n nir nf kaitl 1 e z oppose fnb and o rl lbhi t hv llfv r i snd th- sitamee aito shvinas nwth m ni t jfitj trio ibi ciine ot bvnsv iiv j4r rt ii2 thm bie li- 1- nhit s- d ih r n 1 i fjitii t b d ffii d- 11 t ltm cbpr- f itc bd i air at ben tt- i llvtk tfdtcrthjil si3i u- upuifd cr f ey wr bsomnnjb tiit riurovt irfjt it fi h f-iftu- i rre ib 4cl rtrmt r -itntlitn- 1 ti v ih llr ilts cwj i h lu-losl-cr-v- wrr 4i bctarsrl cnni htil ij 1 ofd t lu i pi rftrf irt pjrb man u ibmi fd r t- ubiihwi irvpesron wbntiij hvvkssi ibj r aaln kx h ffeorri r r i isil ofulltlir er i tijmdu fl iwfria4ntcii- two m hpenv psrlb r h it bavstfrnyri rmrtktnr ertl ab i lamit emiiaih ifv r 1rkvfr a hirr dild mwa ii jii ru i s til nl ii hmiv l 1 ihn ir nnroi jt u hk ri d thaap ptniinl t r t r tif r- f irsjufc ninilri i h were in r r f i1 ri i 1 rh mp mim le ltv- id ib r i 1 11 b m nilein b a jt pfemitjii lor i sir f fsii 5tibo nbi eommaidd rb njiii frret in tw abcettltfew uojjh urcimr efnd at ho konuiiilic 1 1 b jvir jihi eas iwriitd at lacao ut his own rru iiinrifrtriicel mvr itfat i ii i7j d i j itfi na wteaoi onr d b knljluver fi r- odi ilie almrl wjrtm ranton cfril mtin ht ll i ibd a noj lb tionf srd rcrmiim llu tj riiiot had been sjob 4 otsfc mert mr- rttosi jiid ivsro initrrr- hidaborrcn bpe ill ix million dollars 1 hr- n ttil sn til e- aad one ii rccnnlk thn f e ad eft lit rhrf exrtjfi ibvcajunoa ji heralat lvhioa lf ninrud sadabl uilh iaebr for ivna c i- in to pri d ivnm ihrrc tu irlnd n jhdncbtsfurin- ajinerali j j ii biting calf ed jj bj tb d-roc- faianfifu factor serrnled tohunl in un iui of thr tim ml t li nin rittjrr 11 1 subject a n- i tit i j u ii o pro- r d tujtjn or nil j i uhit3 hod re cafaanstr d lostou- kne and nejiind ihit ucs s i oil lb pwl it be cajus to iorrunt fv ilsrn eft uj mij wrt srli itier k- innlj lrinirrvd mill ft slietotmvfciivuf i on imi jitnr tb cider were sabi pv- o jntl vfnrc raf atd lee ftr- tf nttn ttrsn aij itncr hij biti fci i ti n i isrlpd if- m fnusiftt- a pc npw in tii- ljj sn n freti m if i fhjct i rfssilvii wihd unavsioof t i i of- ij rit tlcr nt n nt atir ifi t lh trc o jieil at mm vteiibv il bad cured vsf jpjincpiloiflictiiiiooe dr i i 1 ml rue rtrnitii i 1 him ua rbuwi shi hammi iutr ilhvr k- sim il ivhiril ti 3l stjp mtli rrvnivir tr rchr 11 capia d is can- ii ms libuhhffl 7j f sir 1 b ul tu n w m fb ii i 1 inli 1 f r kt j mrit tjiv aamftvil i fr- bv bcir vtf rial- hrod ivbwatfla j tim le hft rraf ihr cliinon n i3n ue- bf flrbi iu ifem terv tn hriie t buad iivbaihr t r c llll attwrtf v hf nmiftj- wj rnehyti npttt m uui inwbsb tr n ibi r- i- 1 1 lid i jbiiiicifit r t t ill l ii jr tse r w l li tfin 4 f marfii wi ft utnnuhn iiii rn irrisriptwliu hnf ii- to rn 1 it eoubtn a tt ne it cf lh- 1 hi f m lb t 1 r- un iv i r r i i t iilrj j prl i tlfn 1 i h i dk beji chlt and rvrb mr riiffiny ibw viii iltih mj tvltd fc 1 e nir d pii v 1 j b- iriftajt- rob kil mial rs ii i- iii i ii j 1 i ji a 1tr troi i rn in r itimrehive ii siib tchr- llj vmlitii- jl bjler w iv inn ii lr ltifsrir- t v mwi t j i lili- i thir iaiitmn t s mtnittb ii kitf it quifl rer1 toiiivblcl i llwdr casiuii be r hal oore jnriij ay nnwtwc4tbe presbbn an church siluatcd in lb- pubbe lejoarr fa wiat oineot wn on sutdar isljm hst ctretrovr4 bi f i- t i- v a iwinl of r jj fur the aprchevaion sod tonsic livnef lh p ijtrjois of ih diabolical act gfht ctfjbrmtl grjrefoieni sott c-i- rofrflileod th li h m a hre poirjoi of ficoeer- to ia as dlroitd bj tre the is cstlinaud 41 abeo s3 mrtit ii 1 wiilt inueli peaiirj we iiv it in onr powvr iu mate ll3t the ijmeo reeciveil ty ilie riyat mail steamer ninrara da- nn- tlie lab tnc nrc but blight she pts recjinj on tiiury loniapn- to reeeiw vm bwrtfly rein anj will resume iter irvc tin the kiro in a few day carotttrs yticrf on miinday indian lnticat ivai hid j cut the lojy of a1nnler u wbo hej oti situriiiiy in tlie stiver 1 the cnrner of c niboitvi smv ite loiltinaie rsrnnmiai ivlo liovc been inaniog ctiir stnttn fer anine lime paat the jury tvmnmtl ibe following vcrxlirl that the aij avxanlr lxiviat came tn ta jenih u from 1 intentsrjte lobil and destituio titif living nesibee hum nor fricnd tt mttit day an inijttc waa held on ihe ittiv f jirtepli arisen vho was jftwclcl ivisin ne of the boret itn iliu itlcleaiil canal a few mile below kingtioo millfi verdict asvdenijlly drotvoed kingston market we have few rhuiti to rote in eurcliota- lioiinflal evilnrjay flour iaptettj firm hllflh jit milt and 7t jier ctvl o wheal ttiubt to inaikil jii have been n frw nidrf of htitrv jor whiiti he per bthel has lin s com wantie of ilav un- ll lh i ail tvc not clink any 6nyeti com3 oj lo tn llbrir iii iivm n innllr c il nt j di aft tfmml fr i dor tc iv f if mit n4 nr iiuvip cmj tvin r lb yr i ill mviitli to il ktkbllir inru nbijnci in lh r iifti imit lb i ii i wiiib 1 iat 1 1 1 1 uviiit ii ifiiojigi st flu micb-i- urrr ti ii iiinbl r h mtoiircl iith tfm bin u lki sfiiitii l -i- nr 1 llv tl 1 jr 11 ii m ibfrnr irs v jii bv iiobl b il oibmf bii tu diiiubt mubi ilmm itv ii tfii bi lb- 1 hoirfsjrovi i 1 ita r mnl mrr 11 mir- id il ni sjovrafiittss ii4lviard nfder 1 i- nrj bi-i- a6v- ti th ijr ib tbiprar k r nii- mmflft rbirctit t11 ili vcl iu ib- i mj 1 rrl frdii iu oirin lnt in of lh hit 1 nw faini i ui ri- ran li miriin im mi w hofn liis be njufrnni lhrtity 4 rt 1 ba nqtn hf atiiiin ltd ire hint r- land mifuirvii itt i br bt in irf h- riillmiu i- f r in n obit 1 men ll u by ab it mtln ft id bd hi lb d- kduh r im i l 1 mo ibt i i imiimlld iseoaboi i in mm 1 ibtilth ll cintl- i ihr- forces oatal 1 d pvii jnifd j tl vilmm 4 ie p- 14 1 r e d tr r 1 iv uinvi awd t 1 ixem itr 7m it m ivwv ve tlirimt ii rnr i t ciimh in tf 4 tine 1 n ih 1 j l i ib ii mmiisi iblt jij1ut m utmvtr iy i hi iii b 1 if m j i ih i r 1 m in 1 i i f miv w rt r- t ttlrt in i bn ihtbis uit v- 1 n ii 1 lb al jun bn in ip j tn ttrd ft a n mrl pn rlnv hn rufo e vn nd ivul jjibi 1 iv tivn latditu r n farssn 1 11 i- nmrl jl i it npyil ii lb f imit 1 in mjimjint bori j iberiiljiiii it 11 risnfpt ttt rnrc oivr iiwbi it enrr a boon m 1 intsh iu i- nn fiim rsiji miim v loitdomr hi plpit c b 11 fio ittflli nf ill lb ftiml nf mr tr r itsovci ofilri mut hue brrsj pjttarn tdifl hflvvry nnii aud retiumiinl lafurwiui nb h i lull nttiinpt 1 wiif in tlr tnn ibcl il ijj br bttii hvhl lu 1u- ubnbuv ii- ii usrshanr rrmils ti i iib in iajr enirt prtvkjrr e jts l int birr hmi1 iwiiti ft bm anil u 1 ib lotbes m dimirbr e mum bm- ri rlb em itbr rjfca 1 lub jl hip mjpvimtybtt n pxi scirti tis im b 1 rrm riinm ulbsnv wmi bi 1- 1 4 ib mfeupio hub- btin ilv c smi v 111 1 l h- 1b ill iv i 1 m him 1- i in ewi u km ii j m4 itll 4 fl iirffu td insji r ii lr mflstb r j tibntif- rtrs itir i muvi t ib lit 1 vr alio i ii ml im biwl umbili hffl 11 i em l tlh l tlll4 j1 rl m it tiiti h batl il id- ii b i eiiwinil ami mat ib bvr ijoriftinilclh belt 1 ib- ii iii ti vs nt ibfthiin ibjfcur mr i m tub t mi bitib i im lb bctii trttiii iheosi kbt i bt fat tl ui lll f th ie i til i b 1 i heall da lbtib lai rn tbt gtciiioilj ib- lr i un iinop burvteibr iit ii tin til tii ih birr ti tan t tb nliibcp llic al ii il imjif ll ir uul t in a ib r nbl tie m lite r nl ii- 1 nf lb- mm p im1 ttitiut iciii hm il lolkatlbl il i pini lb f it ibi t b tttf b thibih 1 i ii i- i t 1 us 11 i phlft a l 1 il t it 11 n 1 li il vhi hl t hmji nih p rrt ftnimt ut fill tict oal 1 it aa 1 a ivi v nnl supply puili io n- itlet cuf beef i j to 17s 6d pota- heifs s ftf to i sj per bush- t jmtiryrt butter 7j to at jer p ornt tutkeya 7 ntr pair ece i to 5 do tian i t lo is cd fcr cnciple im inrai iimii cor tuneitb or ntesa 0sv ffte ref wt aniaii the many arri- re tcliv hike imp riikv ilninuim ljpt stitun tii cliieisum liu4iruof svhml uil f ifiimy ena lt hie fmst iaird hi the frine llcts cii s fieim will amount ii tin a ilirlcim of ttn thr wtmlr imniinl icteited incr ytfbrday m i inibuvi wjiett 6530 burbel4 ilour svjiij hid reifti ja7 husheu n vn ilp in piin rout through rtrrl of rvh tbi mitiihiif ran ftnt of the achnnner trsceliitif and pomnlneil coniidcrahle irjnr lo lir ibuiil luaiths old promt nade drib thr lurniir cnnlinur nerntleil with ertft lltitl n iw4 has bi eoie her way thtoa l hiejd boms on ihe ohio 111 a norrm br iiu-l- li sniidusly tltiijen mlalei hint k ii ii vcullntar oi ihjl tjwfl irud n thn mvl inmc ft that jute ti roih nicety ksed j vrhilt wi ijiitii b line been ill itinnl bitinl in lh piliiiil folfni tw 0w1 mr mniehall formerly il ihe llth tlmili tfiijiiv iittl utiiy nf imin litnph nun livifnnl lu- dtire no iiiitiiet nf tin- ilmirli nt srittlnuid en iho f lluil he 0ltah imit iyrcniurnl e n libit ii if iicliii tinti iiieabt hrsuiaii 11 11 ill 1 c hi ni llllllll hi ill it iv it h tin 11 v