u 111 vim wuw v iii- 1 iill h 111 utluii h st ii tit ln mi41ttl hm tiili inn t it h iiijiii h pi b mult h rriii h i in- slv vtioji in hhi mi41ttl hmin 1 s wjfhnlstlt4l hhitir hit fiivli im h pi m i iltiij li mir ilmi 4 uim l kr mflr thl luri tw ml4lilf lln ih at ik i nlinliil jin urtfteclrl rtmcrtn wir iv king i vhihs1 fil mimlh ili thl uillithil mn thf ii mil iiiikuiiii ujuitin itwrv ml i tl ltr i fflinw frihmi uiifn uitiulti i in t rult thrin a fff umf- ilil i jid on ifti mill nli ulltflilt j i i rtfou r i i md wii flinch ihp wu ni lr iv i frftttjavd hh lilm njutig sftwbulrfwuiinltnrmm in rtirit runtriii tn w romlii mm illiit ifuiiuitmid miry ho vify hh pallim in litwitfll p4tj ii lfi v trttc rafretlfti ihrtiaitttlhviiai mm utulr mm work- diurijeclc ln fca lnu i hntrmin iniiwlrtds il not hmmni4i v tllnil tcoii- rurol pa greatly u ijjpunf tir r wi am vukm frtnticmrnfiri- tkf sin uhpj hctn iuciiitj4ii n kijpt oiiavcoviil i mlhidrum and 4 noiftsu npstjtt hr ioi utv vi jim nyfttfi d in iii ij lirw al dm ar tff ios tear lio dr v isitd in iiy mahn thil mlc juf imn blunt vr arrtil vitjuj jilt my uitv wat fifilhlt ujtfll ihrom bdy rtrnld 10 mr will hut chiim vi x poi eup end ocr r llir hh irartitt ho knl lfl m a proof of tcr auludi- au tnt wsfr oiitf io l f iri 11 it ik it i 111 1 tl ilid utvfb ii with dr wlmnw arc hit t4uw of- w vaid j uil lo ttv cil ff liicohi 4bo tritrr tiuiiitrcdi ir blind mtd tfb rui rfilrfid ftt- l ifdid and in jiv ri uij r mi gn ucfvallh m0 in liitrmn at tlut tiiai curd i iwlbf sir vcur olkd ttborqe wb n n limit t7flr ihocicbcr iwl jfr rkllnml fa- enrlirfi tnkt to the ktort yf iltf jirqcjr flflrf advertiser ofmvntrtvl affimdof intnr lw fivord me with your lni j r rjcotiiioiii3fi uiticr fpl 0i qjkk ofoiif cilj rh9f i luvc fcvon m liiit feh vciortcoffrfoilahlr dutin ftiy viiil nt montreal in c0rurqunc of my ii4ifi mo or i ii r1orrd to s2ht thoic uo nof owy fqum not bt binfitttd went wtse if nt qmtr miitd whijp umur hi care sikh n oif ncc exprrtijuf pol mi my mt toiil noi n rny oilier cornidiinfttt thju wlial i found your calllinitf oftltglh lud i keen iichfifc olmvf inwtjiny rpol fltiic to certtilnocbluufffavlwikownttt i itiiht have giircit the dsmlcs hmj iiilviicrs ff nearly ttvenly pfrsor who hal not ity lvi thtirrihl bul hjd pnij ntly aii thtir etrift in vdq io ptbap4 the tcfy gtnuian nf jv imwho hjt injlurne fumflh to ltfll is pfjitjy y r d tc r roun civ r5- 1s lllhrqttituftrtit v rml uiic die itlour llm a tj n-rf- tticy will jirohtimy iujiici mi to pv coot viil firfoie 1 iwivf of cjllllj wtllta nf ihrif m nrls u hr wheic i hlttvttl ffi w riiiii w vriw a cm4i of tiiic when i ifupovn i ury atie training for awlm j hid no dnhl oiry cvtlidilhtimbcty liii ihyw iful i baj one in oneifinnlh vjrliol 1y ml p- rkftui bf sbl tnoin th wriotf liv ivi- r- it ill i iii ft kmoii to tot eaitw of tt hkntetoa timttmdm tiur kktloicng to my hirty ic4aor of the j7th to inftwi thn t cnnt4iiied iii 0f o llu ihlli i rmittiil loaijt jourvififiinnicint vvtok a dsih- kitt filvtfhool wbin i ctfltrd uul rit ojrftfft tchtfrrjtituttttitli wurfi i ilrff him t flrtivtvdirmfjmy tticrrfnt jirctit of hf trfd 40 nrl 541 jfrjiil mt thn 1 hal tttnsz id rriot niout frrs v those witkii mutuj iu u hr slioum have flddd o arm i 1 wiji vriiluic toij lliit many whom hi- hiiuindrj vrresl only ro bttttr put who vied from some cruc or other whikt uridvr hi x 3ijry hifcnurr on his honour uir faor of your ctty must fistt m hit otfin hca9 n il i wfrji known thftt his worship enjoy hi tvhel rrpsfauor ff honour and inliuiivi vell jktnlpnce of all hi cewitetntt eif et ihe ctirpre lludnl to which it would h wvjj if they tried to rfeite 4thly shoutd i fvor liiike a second t mi to your cily i now prom hm lo d wit i hose who hrctfne blimlt whim ftundinj on ih- elio and of ihnsc t m nayv rejtorj l rint by icol veiy rtlpvttlullj in jvrtl john wumam cjtiut ktngilonoclohcrmth 181 1- wrre in ii j0f kihrw ucujklj 1 uriiytjj lii i0i h ll inn i lk to mwi fur ttio ban oi uio tuwu f i tthich in im ftiited lohiai will utlrnd ihnm il-i- su tuj junpitttj ererr dy tt noon lor the be mrtihut prihi of relit in the jivor u1icktj with awtur vruwujiralnltumth joitlf coukttk flfflgw kjnfvloo qtl mj iwl frort il ctnd tiinct the ton of mr j o sahourin trader iho ha i t i unable io mktortlucc motilh poi taken 1 wtyjlher a ut roource io lr willimt the orutrit- afur htttn- applied lh remedy for the htorioyft the boy could weu enough io wilk iboul olone and there tva evirj- pro peel of hi buiniusthe total rceovtrr of mi tight thit fine little ho now mci mff ihing from the cohmereitl fctfiiiirtu thomth ucourttwet jw wih exoelknt jetiht ve ran ctily uotrq the plctiurc ivhich ihefoholny tetur from hit honor the major of j l j eiit if ill afford lo uute iii l 1 with ditcawt io ibeeyc and etpceuuy io iheic afflicted ivlih blind i eta und urc now rttovcrlns from lht dreadful iuiaunli t u dr williama hi cotopluncc wih uic rirquetlj batcooteeutl to rain at hit prciem rottbot unlil the 12ih otlobtr we are requested ti rnfuntf our render ihil on the i3ih he will pro d to tfiiitori of the route hoihr bj thf muawa ir ijw si rnwrence doc notice nil be l vby dr- witllant mifilrwij oct 2 il sib hrig been pfeieni loday at ibe mclho- dl ciapet where you were in aucndtncc oo n j irjimtitrif- rtlierto a great number of poor pcu i v fflid wiih blindntjs ad ether diteoaea of lte cje lf bavin heard frotw mot of them that ilicyhad dtmdijieat tcikfit tvom the apoliealicn vfyour rvikde and being auhed in myon mind frcim the tutemcitt which they lad that our remnity a week or lei day pmttf in thii city would be of luting ttrviee to a great number of ihim at their solicitation ami on iheir behalf i rcquctt lhal you will continue your binerolcnt ex ctwtl afnonj theto aa un j a your other eogagc- irieniwlt perdiii tbethaoirulncaa whkh the poor people roaoifctt towards youmuulever gratifying loyovrflelhija j ana sir yotir vcrouo ptkii mcglll jfrol mr waihunt the en1ub oeolist n u all oeraona affiiekd in their cyea autt inb to him personally or by letter jol paid for he rceeitca no other at mr bayinona private boarding houte school ttrct near ibe public olecta where he witlrcectvc visitor from 0 lo 1 2 i m apd 3 to 4 p en mr- william will oitcnd al ibe town hall every day t noon for ibe benefit of the poor kiiigtpn oct sv 1841 1 te corrwallovfrrnr tay we ac inppy- 0 have it iu our power to itifoiio ilnte lto arc af leud yri dikatea of the eci and especially the lhndlhat mr wtlluro tie cngtab oeulist ill ny cornwall a ibort iu on nay f moo- kn he intend leaving the former pluec oo bo lsh intum mr- vtllitmt it now in this town to thii ihoc who wiih to avail tfum- rlvcs of t invalw jble services will hjre oo time to ie mr ivitliams humane exertions have been rrowncd with ihi jrealcat aticcfs in quebec acd mjotntfl mr ivdlitm being npprctemn the oawcgo iril wilt be frozen ipjd he prcientrd from return wnm ai t4w viifcj iwm liitiii vuct town in u c therefore h nt hfrnietf of ht j iid on to supply all thusp atfl juxl nith weak- nr- of domrt nf khi or intiitnaliftm nf ih cyo or eye- lid wuh h it-inrdionos- i 234 arv 3 iht aine at if mr iv present at 3 per jtvlcel wweh contains hlf treatise on uv dbcasea of i ik eve and ear mr williams junior hopes to bo at toronto on the 3d november for one week at ifaimlion oo ha 12 h 13h and llth at nia sar totrn on ihe 15ih lfjlh an j 17th at 4 iwbtoi m ihe ldh i9ih and 2h t 1 chffipewa on the hi aaj2d arid at the 33d v box he n ill rcmajn fora few dair ivhkh ik wilt announce ou ins arrival throiit anrioooced in tursdays herij has been altered lo the abow the editors of all ihe newspapers at tnronto a d the other place nentiooed in the abovo notice m reeducated lo copy it three tloie in each of their papers and insert before ihe uthi ste ai mr w jr wilt pay on his arrival fall winter goods wholesale and retail jd bkvc t co hftvc now rcccivcj iheir fail supplies which constat in part of ihe following viz cliinrf brocaded figm and iuin gro do nap uopd poplins colm and blk saiiiwltos silk serge black uml cold silk velvets slins ribhons and artifi cial flowers bofataettaa quillings edg ings c rolii silk hihj wonvted frin ges cbilttf otuman figd satin meri no nell and plaid chm de lwie lama merino and silk hdkf- plairt and figd muslins silk cotton and woolen hosiery white blk and colm silk kid cashmere awl lambs wool gloves ladies prunella boots and shoes cs se3 0 glens and bos clh remca seal- ttt and plush caps beaver and silk i hits gentlemens plain and figd stocks and cravats blk brussels and ducajie silk hdkfs blanker white and red flannels real welsh and salisbury do woolen serges west of england ami yorkshire bro a dc lot h s in various colours cassimeres kerseys tweeds c blue browi and invis green pilot and beaver cloths blue diced beaver cloth a variefv of rich winler vesting blk and covd mcri- noes indianas nd orleans cloths plain and figured watered and dbdua mo reens lastings aiwl shalhkn london and manchester prints ctltcotfj mouse de laine saxony and orleans a surgeon u unavoidably crowded 00u died in il ioien reaterday i r the 29 h insianl mndauo wjtchkll a native uf ui ounax of rfscouindaedo an english hemlf as lady nmdci to engage gornes in n family she is fully competent to teach the usual hmnrhes of an english edocation ogother wiib muir the morf rrfpemblc refcr- earea can te wndtmil adjrcii a b ot ihtf ofll pnit rantal viis tiki h wn messrs ii w wowsell booksellers stationers 1kb l 332 23 5 3 s q2 3 to upper canada collegctl cltockstkcrt kingston king stbebt toronto fjmie sijhecrihrr have last received from mr wjuiams bes 0 inform the rmmi ihroosl ilc columns nf the chroniclr that he il eoio teoct at action for luta ogmlt john hronn- v u tceftmfttt 1 atn wiriitm orilisx the irim of dr william the onll ha lentil jjr 7he norlhv faeultv hint out fr vvall 1j- r mi bosdc shorn they enmnn d a fiweuilen afalrm dr william hili endid in u j of tj wh sneinr lnrh insiiiilfd ibr hr v i f 1 fuilttd of all itir r ut hrouhl famtihinv c vstdil li jpjxari l u roe efmon of an uidcperdn anvifcpn jurv rtist ihe neoetc can ijt eare t lit ir en kalh pdrfibtit our fcelms and thi urn if therein 1 l are ef le epnin tlul hw kamrd mdtol fralerniivj ulrrdy auttitit nlj crithidpd twiudhioflhiiroiu keio mtu- swucl rnett s 31 ctwwwe london hsmduooii thm of tskinrarcofihe betla rxd v tv bre and ranej slorkof prlntkd inooej of the communiiv iooks od plain and hncy stationeky it it a fact not generally lootvn lhal mr wit consisting or tistn ihal under prommmfi for nraeiisiny in ih- wflftf of r litratnrc ann school books 9 it 3 frl sl account botrtaof all tim and inuns fooh- mvieel 5ceic5 ihcrc and tor prttj4ff w te rtf i mj m n 11 jon williams of ibe kftlisrs papers of an qinltie idfllfflt hroutht an action aiiiau lhal mcdnal s- p m awl fjl drautn- papew and tincili dtfh and fntd in eoorl ihatthe memlhrs lldftr- i waters qmlu cic c- frjud ihcir charter nhich induced ih iravh i porter to state aa above lhal the worthy faculiy weal out for nool and came home shorn of ihcir ifenh lihi samoii foail persnnsin eoty citeummancesdtnicted vhlh minfatm requiring mr wllim reme- cotlon and woolen yarns linen and cotton tick tabic and toilel covers quilts and counterpane moleskins vel vcteens hnd gouoil velvets drtjgge lrnal supcfiinc fine and common carpets hcrth ruv 44 54 and 64 oil floor ctath linen diaper hucka- tnck betl and titble linen iruido sheetings onaburgs ducks bags plain and twilled bagging sail twine c c c also brown and bleached canvass ll num bers ofa superior quality j i b co have much pleasnrc in rccomnvending their present stock to the notice of their friinls and the inhabitants ol kingslijn and its vicinity gtmenitsy it being largc selected with great cfc and when the british markets were much dc- proscd they arc enabled to sell at very low prices they also invite the attention of coun try merchants lo the fact that all their goods being bought fr cask oa im ported by themselves direct they are en abled to supply ihe trade with goods by wholesale at as low prices a they can he purchased olsewbere either for cash or approved indorsed notes kingston 30ih oct 1841 39ft i thr old rtihiird houte of hrtk and job printing neatly and xpcdi licufly executed in and rrinling iso coppei plalc engrv diei no 6t and 8 or hi remedies m for ih for he io- account boks ruled and hound lo any nauem cure nf deafness mutt ipply 10 iertonaty or by ineri owr p cieeano other at mrs rivmos piivatc rlpardin houte in school street kiiton until ihe 1 9th november when he leaves ft otucr towns in u c and all inflicted with wealcneor inflamma tion of the eye or cvelirfs or dioinrh of zhl ate- may purchase mr williams hroedie no ij 335 and 9 fom him or his gmpmi toal 53 pet packet we are reqnrs ted by r- willtam oeulfrl 10 ceo the followin from the newa i tlidar fr wiufam by the rflllohirijiiolc adjrcttej lets by hit worrhfpthf matoril wilt 1 n 1hal this celebrated english oculist hat arndin lonrn and ts jirepared to relit e ibose ujllkltd with diseases or ihe eye of ihe efficacy or his eentoidiea r cin soeak consovntl aa durin- a reavw of six months in ken vorx hjle th doctor sorac iispn in usal city sverl miaoccs came under oor observalion ne may tcnture one inslane a uenan with whom e erc well kqawm hd bceomr totally ownd of the use of one of hit esr and ihu oihce vaa in 0 bad a aiale mt lo inrca- ea ihe ipeedt loss of it aito hcn he applied to mr willlainn under vpop eare o continued for wee lime and wa ce eituajiy wmtm to iw hitbleblcssuar of perfect wghl with bothered w ute bsd ooeaatoii lo renumber thia frofo hithtng fniqixalu capeased himself in tha virmett terms ofpsutuile in reference to mr wdawh for rototcryof hitaifbl mr william may bj w aahed either ot his nitsenl residence in school treetrrea 910 t do ov and from 3 10 dp 10- ai die town halt at noon al i hr latter rteeitcs and attends lo the poor this tisios hss unlfurialj doiu without rcmuncrfi mr williams we udttano wih remain itftt foe aath wcaa but oa there a postibilily of kit le ojearlwr we would adix oil llh any of 0c disease which 0 jniae an erjy apulkcton to the editor of ihe naws illbe sje4turr mannoonrin- thregfth t chlu- f v letirns tht mr waffim ftl moilages deedi and memorial for sale nb a circulating libraty the subscriber have jum received for sale from stodart if 5on gctden sqcre london 4 splendid piano fortes h st w rowsell ifrorfc 67f atingalon kiagiloos oci 30 18lt js a card h malhlson rerehanttnilor egs to iritimatc to his numerous cms- tvmera that he has received fall supply of west of england super6ne blue black and fancy colored clothe black cawi- meres btirkftltiq doeskins black and blue plain beaver cloihs bnrk brown ami iliamond beairrro of the moat prevail- ing fashions together avith a fine assort ment af riljfrimjl tftvr satin vest kingstou0cu30 35z fire company meeting the member of fire compsny ho i- are requested to meet n the town hill m tuesday evening next ot 7 clock for the purpose of eteeting offi cers for the ensuing yr a punctual and general ottendonceureqiiwed who ore ijivrted p dcmrous of jomtng ihe lorn- theeycusaec fln d0 soon aievening on apph placi he pony ration to k walter bales secretary ngtton oct 30 ip4 extensive credit sale op fresh dry goods at auction w ill be sold at anttioflll the ware- hotitt of mrsst coons loutit directly over iheii store on tvmxtk9th day of november nf xt a lame assortment of fwh dry good of this falls importation con sisting in part of th following vfvf i bate twilled rrata 5hirjnei 4 cases assorted dark prifila 1 bob bu sched steam loons jq ifoxi btf u mcfs wlvrl cap eoo doien sit ihread w dt assorted linen thfcad 10 de vir silt 10 do lambs wool vcsu and panuloflm h pieces prnicd saaon 10 do jlr- 11 and ftgurxd orleans 2i do fmc irbh iincn 0 do linen ltn todoacn linen cambric pocket ilandkercbicfs 1 irunk silt handlerehufraisorted ano dezto cheek cinghsm handkerchiefs 20 byi 40 pkees attorted moltlilnt 1 b te m pro ted cohvas 1 bale rusiia duck 00 pieces bleachvd dilat 31 lot and 124 mereelci quilu 25 104 white coumerninct 2d 104 trileido 20 hairpieces blue black prunella 35 piece red white and yellow flannel 4 pieces sathbljrr rlanncl 6 do ervn hohand 1 case containing j tlerlin valve buttons as sorted 00 dozen round eobbn 00 cards 400doen couon edging 20 l ihrend e igins and insertions 75 doxcu loom insertion 25 pieces lisle dt- 70 pieces goolimct quillins 10 3taid64 bobbinel 40 mull and sarcenet mulins loorieh filled shawb ji pkecs 1 ribbons 20 omen chilji en pools and short 6 prunella slippers 3 india rubbers 12 boxes children boot and boolekcen 30 dozen childrent grey ee while cotton socks piece bhw net 1 50 cambric dresses 0 pkees silk and worsted tartans 5 pkees while pent 5 doxen mecno and fnibei muqera 3 pieces leniee boot web 30 doeti new collar and cntl 4 pccct green braisf for veils s uiceca inured sjupj vrsiins li pkees faner bonnet silks 5 scotch holljad 5 derrr detri 10 foriiusc prints so moutlinc de laifte dresses ochenilulre do 4 piece linen tickjar 2 cotton do 6 ends silk collar velvet together with a rest many snail ware altot xttctel to aiirive iu tim i i bale containing 30 pce doeskines teds and cassimcrs bales 40 pairs snorted blanket 1 bale pilot and be aver cloths in calling ihe alnlion ofintendinputchaa- ers lo ihe above sale the subscribe trg to state that messrs cooss o co have expret- cd heir determination to make the sale every respect 4 satisfactory one lo all uvho may give it their attendance the good ui if be put up in lots to suit the trade and the terms as under very jibral tmf under ahcash over 25 and ooer x50 all over 50 6 months by giving approved efloised not when re quited collins haines 1 hrsn a s mm a monjivf mwhcvi munkvr at 7 11 a manchester warehouse wholesale retail lambton buildings store strect kinq3ton- messrs j ii hurfon respectful y call the allention l the public 10 heir immente stock of fall and winter dt good- ifhieb ihey are now and will b receivingunlil ih eloifoflbo naviajtion direct from ha manufactories in enfjoti ontimins of heavy waltrptoor pilots plain mixl and diamond jleaver cloths double and treble milled writ of enrund finr and ffme hrod cloths cassimerts doeskins mutores ouckkint and prince albert cords heavy ttoolen tweeds forest cloths flotbini and ukemourihi an iomenso nssortmcnl c french and brit ish mefinos plain and piiitcd orleans para- malla iyrout palestine- and cjun taitn cloths and a variety of new and fashionable cloths for ladiei fait and wintei drrtsef a well aelecled stock ef scarfs and sliowls consisting of dorrlered d wrouh1 thibet cobourg biajanaa braienbur and taiian shawls a very splendid assormnl of eenine and ball dlfawi gios dr siffl sntin turcfc blick and coloured satin plain and figured fancy hmhuhiris mj scsifs black lace vails blond gauxe viits wrought french capes collars and calstv lil wd colme1 jtatlln stays linen lavu french cam- biick ilaridkerchiefs lrien lawn irish lin ens 84 and 64 weachrd a fey sheeiinx ljni and cotton bed ficks rose point and whitney blanket m polar quit white and cooutd cnunerp ines collon tfhteu cotton and woof horse itus havy scotch plmjmjrs whitrifid rtd screes green juj btillmljeei welsh salisbury an j roc h dal- fbnneu wbilt avtl cofoutetl plain sne twilled recalls siirtintcrosoiers turkey and unf j stripes eoitisl prints nary rlors l jii steam loooh isniont pu111 and twilled baling molesfaiui beaverteens and buffalo cloths and errryaiticle that is usually kpt in a dry gooj sloe to be found at ih htwatffty store skel rreaouie lsmbton fuib btiildtnjs a very extensive assoitnenl of fun compri- tin martin fitch squire i south sea seal neutria and sable in uaw boa cap glore gauntlet mitn upwards of 50 fur cap in south seagal plgckcd otter martin fitch and ncutic alst 300 pairs bufttlo ilobcs j r huttox c to solicit an vrt inspection of their immeise fil and waiiit stock of british dry gods they having beer selected by their houfr i england and hsiii bouht for cash when thrltritith market were vejy much drpretfi1 it nales ihem to offi tn the inhabitants of kinston and thr ttmoun- dincouliy their i mm me stock of gwds at unprecedented low pitcd jihhirrttx nrtfwmkdn manuraciured dry goods kwl lnj they can be bouht in montreal n b mrssris ctuustl haiiies cmbratr this oppcmunily of inlrodm to iheir formei customers the above name tbej having rented the store niih they lately oc cupied and be lo iceornffo ikem to the it especial favor btinf able evilritly to assert that though they when in the retail business sov at low if not lower lhn any other hoose in town the auee mentioicl tnllemen fiom their eery superior adranfn will be enabled to sell still cheaper for 6 only no ste ond priet kindlon october llt 35 ho horses for sale by the subfi hers the property of the hont w cmursfofa a ches- nut house and mahexcellenl matches and fast in saddle and hairsj perfectly sound anil have been iijdeo by ultes the hoists may be seen al the slabltf the b a hotel collks haines kingston 30th october ml- 35 removal tbihc dlsriber tw nuw rrcvin iim awl fill imfkrlatiuneof superior cloths cnssimcres phtn end dinmoml beovera ond vcotinjs which he offers on llio most rcusonohlu termi- john oliphant merchant tailor kindlon i3rd october i8j 33g grlnilslonc stfk tone licit ohio griniutoncs for a f sire by ihe subscriber hugh calder commcrcral wliurf f october 23 181 33 choice wluefl eqr cosksi superior old port 2 hhda howard marsh ma deira jr casks brown sherry g do du palo do 7 casks superior pale sherry in boitles 4 cases du brown do in do 4 ctu marsh madeira in do 10 dojdeys sparkling champagne hugh calder commercial wharf 3rd octuher 1341 33 came into he enclosure of the sub ttriberiiiall sized jork kcd cow wuh a short rail ahout uvo feet inng ih ownvr i requested to irove property py charges and rake tier swnv joel sturges tji kinjjton 23rd oriubcr 184 33ii kingston and napanee maca damized road notice is hereby giveo lhal 0 meet ing of ihe commissioners of lie mid land district turnpike trust will be held at whclplv tavern waterloo on tues day the 23d november next ensuing to take into considers lioii ihe propriety u having the toll gated no u 3 ond 4 situated on the above named rvad moved from iheir pjsent sites and placed etowherc also 10 consider the necessity of modifcing sod altering the prcsctrt rates of tolls collected on this road chas gumming c v kington oct 22 1841 33 inform ulii wanted of william rankin a native of the county ot antiim ireland and atrivrc in kint3nia5t fab his tnn john now in kinplnn s angina to hear fiom hin ad- lreccotge moitoii barry field kingtlon post office kindlon otio 1sik 32 to let 1 t t m m for n term of vnri that lieouliful nnj tiitsmassliow receas lutely fittej p under the ttxtliingc fr store of the subscriber in quarry street a rootede jirahlesitualiun for a grocery provision victualling eublthmenl is not to be found in the city p s none need apply but those of un- queailonable respects biiity for further particulars apply at the fur mwt where fura lodies conllemen of every de scription are offered wholesale and rclai low for cash or approved credit m t greene co kingston 5ib oct 1841 wauled to engage a cooper by the year norte need apply but a good tvorkman james morton kingston brewery st distillery 1st october 1841 j- h e u giien hair dresser wig maker and perfimer begs to ttate to the ivhility ofbtft ane public generally he lis removed from brock street to sione strtrt directly opposite mt 7tonter ilsowv f p 7rf nre efijcbsli peiftimecvmosuruahe etc in great variety kington oct 30 h sharp bec to inform bis friends and ihe public that in addition to hit already well at- joiled stock he hat just received from london a very superior quantity of ledies gentltmn and children boots ano shoes a very topetior lot of enxlish calf and moroc co ikinj which can be manufacjured to order 35z penmanshii chas- quim barber of practical ttnj onutmrtd penmanship now 1 the briiisb amerfn howu respectfully reqiicsis the paironnic ef the ladien and gcnilcmen of kingst he leaches ladies lu write a neat falinablc epitolery band which imparls cki to the prodijcuons orthemindin from 6 in 10 lcions at iheir own residenre wbcie several may convene together terms 3 for a course of lesini his tetnonial aa lo charac ter and ability are tio mimerviis for publi- eation but enn beei otherwise kingston oci 2m841 t he notice subscribed to the vev york mboriy in krigston add ihe surroun ding country can hive ihe engraving wind cattle by applying at store of the undersigned ramsa1 armour co fiont stncct kingtoo on gi i sir or the the last ifubllc sale for ibis seasor at th stores of h vull frasbr c o will take phee on tueday the 9th day of novmber proximo when a ven lar and we i elected asoriment of teas suars toatrcoes liquors lvine at sw ivill be oattd lo the trad upon reasonable terms town and country merchants will 6nd a iheir nicrci to give their attendance a such another opportu nely for laymg in ttair winter supplies of groceries will not prertenl itself again this season ctalogiieewill redelivered afew days prevafus lo the day of sale and the gooda open for insprmirjn hlgii fraser co kinpton 27th 01 j841 34ni lost on saturday evrntng ih 23d instant beiwern ihe end of caiarnqui bridge and mr marks housf ft bundle con taining a new made iock coait whoever will leave ifie same 1 mr mortons bar- ricmeld shall ht ttbnm pillsburgli on 2 lg ilottrcl anfl lodging wanted by four orfivcgent men in a ivv private fa- mriy for the wmicr wihifl g m walk nf thd governr bl ai office dre x y al this k npon off c jjn uz comer king and iiock street kingston sept 101841 21 justrbcetvedty for sale by he subscriber a lare assortment of stoves cwnln of cooking parlor 0nce and gothic slpvet varou sies which arc offered forealrso low that persons within 10 supply themselves will do will to call imme diately j as mntoxab kindlon oct 4 jcul c0nfbcti0name henry dumbte bep in inform the pub lic that he tlill keeps for sale al hi con fectionarv brnck sleet oppofit messrs h w bowsellv book store all kind of confectiosjribs and pastry made of the eeiy bent maleiialsj and in a wpe- ior style which he offers wholesale or ft- tail at ihe towem rates n b plum savoy and wedoing cakes a4di loonlrr in the neatest minrer and kept constantly on hand kington oct m 1811 32 wc keelet solicitor in chanceat office at mr dujfilfs kin street east of fu market fwt kingston wtnteut by a single jenllcmsit board and lolging in a nspcrublo privalo family- address b at the offireoflbu paper- kingston oct 1mb ibm sid wholesale dhy goods warehouse cormert of stohl akd ituarrt itacet the subrtnber baa received per foaoio ftoni olaegow blond from liverpeo and grrof britain from london a consignment of dry goods which will be found worth the notice of the trade the goods watr selected by a person long acquainted with this market and will be found both in price ond stylo in every way fluitoblo- the stock conaista in part of mackinaw whitney rose tnd point blanket cloths cassimcres kcfaeys ond tweed dlsrnond tv plain beaver pilot cloths scarlet criinsnn and while flannel red and white kcrey ond printed ssfcev hurry red ond white serge green baixc and drugged mcrioos oriearta and printed saxony carpeting ond hearth rugs shatliono siliciotf and rolled jocconets splendid otjrlmeiit of winied calicuca bown and becchcj coilona regattas bhil twilled stripe shining book jationct and mull muslin and leitof fancy vcsilnj tobnet and plush moletlfin velvet and velveteen quilrs countorpanee and horfc blanket thibet bloffietv printed and bordered shawls scolrh sbawfsand sbcpherdspius patent canvas twilled sarking and onalurgh two blue turkey bed and shining stripe 104 61 and 44 coiton and linen sheeting india bambnnaeond pvrk silk hdkfr buckskin milts lambs wool gloves and iw lambs wool shirlf drawers etc 6te the subscribers msiructions arc to sell ot low prices so therefore the slock will be found l compete with an v goods offered this rail- t macnider ill fcamksaaaastatjl iicih oysters for sole and kepi eontanitp o krj ms keiller3 c0n7axtwitat books and statiomebt thg subscribers are now rtxdvisg fsjr avotetav cojaafotiio sod frvomrtt arosb cfeaockap4 per javiur fros lftsvatj large and well aeledd sorrirsi afftsqi m fajmf stationery coasrttiag sf post kooucar pott snd note paper rasdc eeok m 1 steel prn x yf iters wrootmndnoi book pocket book iokinbotur sd pw- tt dtawinr paper of every rize bristol beartf dfjlssfag and sketch book lrstinr so4 fnf ij pencili sihle snd csmelbsir waavs oolor boxes and colors sepanlrly sau srrd state peneiti copy bookt ruled to etieiy pst tetn c ami a futther tupply of school bookt particsaljr ly those published by armour it ramsay aiontreal viz jaeors sptlltng foolr freotfera 3pig bock the enikqdcrwctiongcmti friasw mcfic walker ttiitionin- 1 r w mdhafidaoms edition murray s are gramwiqr the con- diirn sehool atlas find a vaiiety of priasr alio 1 a eonsiiicramn addition to iwir atock of books both english nj american publiea- lion alhtof whicfi willspposr repjlaly in this kamsay armour a ce front street kindlon oct 91 1b1k waited y a young ladv lately from npnd 1 situation aa governess in a rcspeelahlc family who has been accus tomed to tuition for eeveral yctm pm she is pericrtly compclemto loath all the useful branches of an englith educaviori including french and music stftary not o much an object as a corofinahj sllua- lion a town residence would be pre ferred address posipald ms 81 no 45 pot office kingston kingium oct 23 1s4 3sii khgslon 20th oiaober 1841 33 n hand at all limes and for sale at the kingston brewery and oistillery alb ofa surttuor qualitv at one sahing per gallon also rectified through coppe slills well known by the consumers of ihe article to be of the jntnst manufacture there betas nore ociei ditftilledon the same principle in cnnada high yvines proof one in one which article has received ihe preference in the montreal market alcotaolt at all limes on hand for sale notice regular ale eusvmer can fully depend oh their being supplied throughout the ensuing summer tt one shilling per gallon the well known keeping quality of the ale during the past aeason will serve as a suffi cient recommendation for the nexl orders left at tbe store of u arthur foster will be punctually attended to james morton kingston breivery distillery 22nd october 1841 33z on 1 ih hurticuhitral garden and nurseries ghly ii a cmtstjt moxoc co v y achsatlyincreased stoekof fiuit trees oraimcntal trees and shrubs hctba- ceous manu and a lare istoilment of rare green houte planttand bulbous tools constantly for sale the stock of peach and cherry trees on hand at ihe pretcnt time is huge of young and thrifty growth and were mostly cultivated fioo hear- n tree in the nut5ery or vieinily they li ort hope whisky for sale joseph b hall kingston sih october ir41 2b infoiinatlon wauledf of edward leetch who rtmrratet from the county of armagh ireland in canada fourteen or fifteen years since and who is now opposed lo be livin within ten mileiof kintloo any information he will give of himself by letter directed to hit broth erinlaw john chambers poslolue port hope will be thankfully received hy hi frrnd5 port hope october 95th 1841 34 information wanted any informalion concerning andrew miller who left scotland in june toat will confer a great favor oft his wife she is now residing in ihe 4th cnneeon of be township of bro at the hou of john mcneil wanted by ihe subscriber ten good house carpenters joiners thomas overend builder jfeof slore strtek kwffxencct 1841 5ps clotty fms rented 0iiamerttal ifaej and shrubs of many kind of urge aizt can be supj lierf orders with due rrfttences or money enclo sed will be carefully eaeciiled and trees and plants packed in a secure manner so lhal they may be torriej to any part of the country with safety trcrsanl jdants wkt be delivered on the eric canal oile mile from ihe nursery or at rochester n the skamnai landing if desired caulogne can lie had at the rohester seed store or can b sent tn applications per mail if icqiitiied adrimt asa howe greece monroe con y august 1s4i 33in make lcud this case economy economy those who wish to have clean and bright stove pipes through the win ter at a very trifling expense will use h bayliss black lacqurb or stove pipe varnish a single half pint will be sufficient for 30 or 40 icei of pipe and frill rettln its bistre through the winter without further altention and pre srve them from rust during the slimmer neither will it require one fourth the nmc orciipied in hc dirty process of blacklgan ing- therefore the saving of time is the saving of money the varnteh may he bad at ihe respective tmmiih shop in pint and half pint bottle with directions for use to lie had at mr g p prouscs tin smith shop ne oppnsite ihe court house october 22nd 33z sheriffs sale midland district i v virtue of a to wit j vvrii of fieri facias issued mil of her majestys court of queens bench and to nw directed against the lands and tenements of william burke patrick madigan and tviliiam cbesnut at the suit ofthc president directors ond com pany of the bank of upper canada i have seized and taken in execution as be longing to ibe above named william burke lot number twenty nine in ihe fourteenth concession and lot number twenty five in the fourih concession of the township of pittsburgh and aa nlso belonging to the above named william chesnut the south half nf lot number two in the village of barrie6eld which i will espoo fur sale at the court hnuse in the town of kingston on thursday the ninth day ot september neat at the hour of 12 oclock noon a mcdonell shtfiffm z sheriff office kingston 9th june 1s4j the above sale rs posiponod till the 27tb december stolen or strayed a black and white spaniel dos svilnuar- ly hair the light hind leg neatlj black 4uiweis to the name of sailor j when m had 00 a chain collar marked j a- oordon esq lieut koyal navy was kco to go on ihorc from tbe sleamer st- george al coboarg on tbe lioth sept lasl any person leavins the above do at tb oibce of the kingston chronicle 4v gaicue will receive a tewsro of five dollars kingeton jibocl lemi 32 c kb whip rid importers of dry goods j beg to intimate to the inhabinat of king ston and its vicinity thai they have now ot their fall stock lo band wbich will ne found large fashionable and sclera in ail its dr prtmcntiu they vould respectfully toricit an inspection nf the folsowin- goods which will be fooad e ceedingly cheap broad nz avcrt a pilot hottsm vesting tweeds and moleakiiis gentlemen stocks scatft si4k tfandk a large tines of gentlemen beaver hals prints gingham and merinos oi leans cloths plain and 6ured dclaiiies puid spun and embm dftaaes tournament and plaid cjoakings hosiery aad gloves black k cold grosdcnaples ptslo h 6jm black andcotd satinnette lutestring salio and oau2e ktbbos plafa and figured a large aesdrtmeht of thread laces black lace veils cotton and linen shirting thibet and filled shawls flannels blanket table linent dia pers ond towellings a generot aswftmtnt of small- wares kingston oct 1311 32 t to contractors enders will be received until monday ihe i5tb day of november nearl for con elttafukf wrththmtvh mi- 1 hirer at gnanoque according to the plan and specification to be seen at this offic the tenders are to be ailtir totho secrrlary of the board of wnrks snd are to be accompanied wilhthe written consent of two solvent persons who arc willing lo become secu rity for ihe due rierionnahce of the contract any further fnfoiriation may be bad fcy ap plying at the offle thomas a begly secretary boaid of works kinston 18th oct 1s1l owen miller mills coach builders storestrfet klffgstos ko at thfir old established stand one cat paten india rubber shoot ing boots one tlo do do life preservers for safe hy joseph bhall kingston october 9 istl 29 queens colleger the under jined having been appointed a committee y he trustees of qnccas college for the yuiose of procuring plan of a roller to he erected in the t iclnlly of this town beg to intimate to architects and others tlut they will receive such plans as maj be aufrmilted to them on monday the 22d decem ber next toetlr with specification ot that pail ol the building to bo erected next spfiuc the sum of i cy will he given m tn- peifon whose plan and specincations is adopted by the trvtteesaiid 25 cy lot tbe neat best plan foe particulars as in the proposed cost or building and other information application may be made lo 5lr a drtimmond acting secre tary john hamilton john ho wat f a harper commercial banlft kmitmonth oct mi 281 princess royal fresh oysters alwsys on hand attho princess royal omracroquifry and store aretls j carrutber kingston october 20 141 33 to lets that wry opstcioiss and okerraiblo siono warehouse no 4 harj buildings front street pfcason givo immediately for further pajticalarbinqirina at tho sio rootna of collins haines kingttoo ishoct iml w