1111 chronicle gazette iflh li vrui itlltli 41 1 uk hi i 1u k fenul h tmt i mlftjtl til r 1 t ur wionisdat batuftday rl tvrwjp ntfflfrffi rr rwiiin j f v jrmif il v v7y yuktrvsiifiurt rrvriint ita ftfrtimtt tarn 1h sbovf ivllh bill in fiiiin- br atjtrjl udlwruit inavllialim uuur u bi furwirim iii u14 amount fir ih liuw su bun tied idllpttt torn vnvn mm i j u ii at im 14 11 to iv chranide fc toflppette tkf vf mrttlufmtfit six linra and yinltf ihi first insi rtion anil 7d th uuuijii in- nl044 titi upjri nndrr lit id imi mhrtion lm each aubsruieut iurrrtinti over ico uncv m per into frrsl iuftio and id jkt line each tubirqueol inirruon and kingston commercial advertiser ncc hep mcc fpk scd utroqtio irrfcu imor ttt frunrifory advtrtittrxtnh from arvaserr rrufar cuitorsxn mutt b puij fer umr atom wb letter frees friatiaf ufct vol xxiii kingston canada weiesdav november 3 1841 rwa so royal maiu steamers lake ontario ud river 5t lawrenca ihe public ore infrnnid lliat the fol lowing are ilio arrangements for tlii sermon lake ontario betxcten kingston and toronto princes royal dpi codeu niagara cat suilwdanj citvof ronto capt dick f ft o m kingston a i half post 7 unlock ev n in sunday and thursday the princes royal at 8 ovlock evening tuesday and fri- day llie jyivgnra at 8 oclock evening wednesday and saiufttjy the city of tvronto and arrive at toronto early next day the above steamers a wail tic arrival of the montreal mail at kingston from toronto ai 12 ovovk noon monday end thursday the atijarfti ai 12 oclock noon turadny and friday the city of totonto at 12olock noon wednesday and satur day ihe pinass royal and arrive fit kingston early matt morning the above boats call at cotjuurg ami pwt jlopc eoih nnv and iie xfrfftf taw ai will leave 1841 new potwarding line kra me wwr 5 lawrence to alf d frum montreal buockvillk kingston and the i htm mediate places ross m atth ie co a jailrtef astonkosco af brviffc fy kingston with new and improved bjres will be prepared at the opening c the navigation to give paage to emi grants and to transport properly of all des cription with increased safety and dispatch- freight upwards chargtd for by weight at rotes rttucd 6eow the tariff pricts txacttdfor years past the subscriber from the facilities which they poe3j and thrir determination to do the boines inirusioj to them satisfactorily trust that lliey will command and merit a sliaie of pohlic trport signed matttiie easton co james ross henry easton january l 1811- 53vy hi 1 llfe me0io5u- ii m nm hdkjw i m ikovbuii ft then hacii m ii ih rtitiij j iei wf i rij ikiii r the tffrci of uukjh lhprtofl utudlr j i- v 1- ll0 e 0u nliktlitftfccqa oaublly cl trr df- opriun 4 vciwb ihr their oniriimbbuftioatn iftf j ihfiru ttflifc ifij cotlrfucliaf o loiw nj vigour in nmy huudfcu cb iavrbecu ln pwli4ic ih blhibhl dtjtftttut wimcii the jiumbm flbidir 4 ilffck if c pumttl fllikl wiki w rjly amil4cal vmcipli p l a ufbfta wslcl 1 p to lifr hapmai rcuflimcj t ofrlk v tur i f l i tiootit fttm ttc thh vtir alndiri tttiou impjulit 0 rwjiui tnftlj lii1j rountl ititm j o rimou uui hirji j ei whkklou jmusata qiy pnvvhi ckttm ibcmi njtt mntk cvilrcvj mtff- fiftj4u pifhljct iual voii oil with 11 it iiim oriu v twdrvdjiirfhottfiiji ltl idihiiiitiil iii thi fct ii wli lnuun 10 til ft abl iflfwitti wfcn ixsmiiw ifcr itiimtt bowdi r ivr itetlh rl lttatx ike prtjutliccoftlnft wuiibftfrin rj iihi kif jimlx ocjciuu ur iimjicjt pru- fftrrj afctl tiimtlitf ihc public iy iutritt pcrqtf tic coj ajaci ortbc lir mdml udc the lfdgtjv nj aijcr hui toy ihn uki ibc litcr aai ok oft ir rcuu7 tr ihc iimhry ort tlir blooj moffats tea- life t- ao rhonlt bit- f of l4c it r 1iwnjpin- 1841 transportation 10 and from newyork by th lake and river line vh oswego without stop 01 transfer at albany vu h itkt lit led i v i i 1 1 1 r j nd lite tot btfwf pmrf iixuiaj ik bed by ibciiif iioarniicd ti iwj t fri ofh ilm ml inmupliknil nuiunii ihc ln nti tf tit riif p n ibr ii i iii moart yrftlfe ltf mdu4c f bfi tho- touftu i t- j jii r ajtvirifi rcmrdy for ljn hj huti in- j j i tti i- ini or pptulc hnbui a ud hittruu foljaf ill uat pcr uxi0 uttfuur and munchl coilam dihfrhon chki avrtor all kiui craitj mfav kifrt ohuic cruj4iua nt lnj nt4riiui nii fuuir mjaip1lf cnunoa fvld aul inline ni ami nout vilirr ioijdiflu ivhib alqici ihc huoun fume in fcurfc aur 4iikdlmil t thr lt- mfitwt puiv btxji aovkfaiui ntl iiiiilviful w kiuifc uti is iie rvcraml a dittti phyuian innuiihuju aiitciicthtn moffi mrdical miiouj tllcd nf nnmnc mi trt th j paimr i t fcfw b raw j1s i fa vo mlimjijkkafvim lw uitrmofkat nf wkwcim i u ionic r a inaitrroidvitirt at a rcfrf lttf of ma fithoutad mutivu w p iluniijj tc picwih month atmnrt t fc fc oiiitftmjitkuvlej iff kbawa it- amtoajurpftrucc r icunvomliujicui aa w a wbawlciaaa aaaja fihi bf im v ibo had e tryod au hope by iticir radkal tlltadar u riulu aru a aootc iapif idaiwiifc nw confltkncc lo rn ih uj r c hl lltllslrt tbillfe mclicixiieyit vrcetibll pcpaiaiton they aro brh auct n uoi opria ilaah ii- tumc iihi tfcfttodja aj f ftpidly un til ta vecrtuoat of iu v auoll acrinvp jjn- i lh aai parifvhj ih ktatdj vr uircaa iiworuj- will a tho lrc diciqi file reliii iu t0fi pc of tiatc ihao any tr prccftpiii la ft jadafuc lnnmmitorj rlwlamibli fm orv j-in- si hcatuivi ktantfuin l thchud faniia u c kmlcoc lalbailvha- pcuto aad in ovcry dttav iot tiom iavttty td bat buoil ditordeftd noma a tlir uc cf tuaf mclkjatait twv 10 w btond dubi f rrailv uprtif to ny mtf aode oliainiiii alt sir 13o6tat uki of i patirftlj n iofa pairtktlui in lai pf than aturlly ktia ifl ihc djrrctioat it itoot by a uitir oi by aayibaj uat he fatmxtcaty hv ir iho 1t he honra 1a i irilji u alquc br iy 1 fair uial it tit m nalrl hi hc iv1i ohoottuhhhcrlar life mpdicnt wttliu- owa cait ii i him tall or cnd to mr mi v5 in i jf ruraa apyoflbc mrdj i ucnt in i 1 ikiual acnaaai alctllc juldv io l- pih ubulircd rlj i iijit j- il thevv tiad rauncia vr mf cairaotdinry caac for evftp t acb oic ciaily ticmlarto an awn moffil medical bw fm bv broid- vi3 i moftilrthc blco a i ii c i u i t rainlb lint- i eompoj of firit c ai mftidar imnrmnj 1 b ti vuhk anj rcluni h r aire bait mhi j 4 jufullio iii ftie itcfflodm rives sr lawrence tbitwftn kftitxl n fr dicfanions lntfing bb0ckv1lle capi lxwcu fom kingnii ui 9 ovtnck morning sun- iltay wijiifsdnv aptl knibv r 01 lhuli ldlltltii ttl v ajvk miming or on llie arrival nl the imaip trotti alontiva tuesday i liurwav and saluriv h gildersleeve gap uowen from kingidti jt f oclock mirnmgtu dav tiiultttay and saluijay frcm dickinsons landing ft oclock morning wr oti uie nrnvil of the md from alonlreuf wcdneiday friday and sunday vrooi nrroncfncnu which have been made with ihc ifyptt canada staff ami stcut bol company of montreal pascn jew between muuircol and kinvion arrive at thorie ptaceii on the afternoon of he croud jay the above bnais cal el gannnocjue bmckville maitbnd prccou oglcnahurhj matilda and vvilhambhurgh each way biga and parrcts of mr risk of tu owrur unless booked and settled for as freight lake and river steim boat ofvc kingston 4 may istl ng day night perfonning their voyage with the in most regularity person m ping by ihiit liirt may rei aured tint nipains will he bpaied o forward all prnpety wimi the krratest despatch and sreani feats will be employed when practnble in ii cawi for juoifa destined to poiti on lke ota- a tumrieni nomber of vessel are con nvvied with thi line lo ensures franmiion of gooiis to te upper lukaii and the agent at clevclad will be prepared io give every facility in he for warding of merchandise destined for the ohio canal charles smyth j f smvi p- i srr r n v c- demming co cleveland ohio 8 refertnees cliarie smyth nathaniel davis william buckley smvth merrick fcco a b- alien rihcpfirpoacor epiinnx mvic rally l ry oi diatain nod wj be ivutij him m tcrcua mftimhai riin holih it irtat uom ihc rvalct docam aa tl ciuci ibtrcvf pric ucrnu fur talf by mr moffar arniti cdt4u jvt ml th jawmm ire jod v alte1t mk fa pbbj ry cchff uifinrirf jiiru iuolitj j fdi ajttfpfmfur faitl 4 4f4- fllwj afu cvntun surivmryittvi ftt t t- f kjrir i am i0u nactorjayxsfamilvmtdlcixt- tlw midicoa arcrcbaimadtdandctkniirt ui c b ihc toil iltljwl poi ta tha trnilrt sui bj mimcnmu pitifitwif aitd intniiu rffocr fhjti- ciaua of ihc afjftadvava4ualktihuli and mini dwuwi im bj mv hen titnrc haniluj crj fhrtobb drtlolmiuliom tacy aiccahhlf j f faaajly uc id n acwrcd aa vaiccftud ainiv t uiuud siaan d lh air admita vr hvidli ij cuic ihuh au rnmilv tluid rvei v mihoul ibcu 710 4ijopnrf rihra viluablc rtjiraiu r f hb ritmation l ottr of ta trft medical cvlkjc ti hi visiird slat- d hi had lifter n rar vifwriracmn aa ciioov end divcfuavd prat off by luch lr baihil bbwil oopoflumiic of m a u k t tnur octlikaak j oliir rcmnlic- ik1 cawjtod to hoorino couou rofiirciiujavsfis tv peclukaxt ii ohol tn lha t 1 tltiiblvpftpaiaiten m lictiu lfkwtii couj iiio a mijj mil imcuur 4rtaf aad vhoilcac iu dur- lioa iorr thaotinc ball wl prodim a cfftain and torcdjmcorcfy m one ua j will clttamtr efcirc ciop imraal aad tovnr kiwiia iu jviraa hour in kii aur i h hvc vrhunjcd of chj- iirco lj b iavrd unuh by uiwai ltjmu- it vn ribndtcodjr f cf ciifs fr al at so w ian jid 4tfrci death av aias tamajttf lore hare lhcir litdc to fjll and bower to ariojrr at osc oorlh winda brcalh aad to act oat all thou tut jt iuoui fo inioo owo oh death j youib and th optnio roic my look lko ihioj too cvonoui for decajj am iinilc atibcc bul ihou art none oruv that wait the ripcod blood to tciio lhtir prtj wt know nlien moona aball waoe when i-jnu-tyi- ljf j j from fir hail crou the act wfeaa btlaafort hoc etui tinge the oldcn gtio but who vhtll teach u whe to look tor thee 1 chuomcl av cazkttac stationery warebotim coajia of auvo k aaoc btbxbt wmttvp whayc n kept eooouajf oa baat ma ealavatrb aw tftu auvud tock af writinq paper8 from sup r u074j to kouad avof artatat bc suuooarf lint a1io bunk books school books k lu all u braoctmj carried bt bt aem fi tblihment a superior ftwbg machla iain full operation by which buok jjooki can be ruled w any patten v l in a jtyle inferior to rtoot n urtbination of printing offlch book bisdery and stationery warehouse in this irauaotiifpre it a didtd jtfpenorifv inpoinl cf atcommo- datwn and dctpattk chronicle gazette ufflee kmpton april 1841 i miscellankow frooi ihv 1 rti f ii 1 i jr cuardun october 27 rnt ruiodiical jfcs or canada- p acading forth wwedo todayj hie dm num ber of ihe thirteenth volume of u canitoit guardian oneofiheoijch tod ofloat wjdclj cir culated j 00 foal uu 1 hd t jouroaii m ihc protiaec it mar ovl bel l lf t v v fcd nopponune for h w adcm z porltj ouhl o4u 0 be wio penou who io a real dcsfce are rcoiblc for the riht control of public opinion ju public aianners t froliriuv undmi ihcae tlckt c eomoacoihuoo we ar rot backward lo avow ih la ioifllpgcce and morali l p f canada i not a tep behind thai of aav oliier iu um wofld ihc tc otour iniiutloci and tfce teinporal circuouiauxai of ih tolonjiti j if cootadercd lot lhosntkacoorucprciea uia ibeir bih position we aa not prepared 10 lay piiih certainty what caurnl the circitbtioo of canadiao jouoli baa rcajt but trodi all vt latcar of other ccnirua wo do not think tt ti mjwbcr eiccedcd ttw m- toninj newipapef aulistiu arc fjom an fnvutb journal and if procrlj reckoned will bo inlcrca- io to the colonial aa a ground of contrail and o- cquncocftt 1 paru baa now opwrdi of 27 daily paprrt the average aiu orwhch ezcccdi 90000 per diem white london bu onlj nine daily paper wilb a rale of about isfiqo per di- no auscknt data cxiita fr computinoti arfal anj degree oracfuncy an for atatat so v ii 1 1 i by wm mcl 1 oilier xriitva ciujt wormjj iruiibjovtnc in vf t4jh4ut u kvlau4 to pic- c- albany do snckeu h clayton ogdensburgh 5c j- mcdonald co gonanoque cough ctovp uhvll expectorant a laluaue rckdv for ddi comunantionatlhnt a blovj iiccnuflifbioarkiot pkunv and matm- aildoeajkifcfylfaoftij nr r a rolacd brtuir of in hair and iich ivll potitivc i brimg nrtfbaironuld hodi anj pit iu fiihjc mr of wfltfu crcy frke ronui aaff layvebjrmk vermifuoe imj certain ptcparation an ih removal of viom di btlttistl and noiitii mmicn royal m a i l a 1 t a mo ii 43 fifs3q1w bmtheiand 440 hofr powrr ufidcr contract with lords vf the admirahg acusai commanded hy k c hllwb cltltansu k- it ufelaxj cauumattap 4 columbia c ii eugmtxf passa money x25 stcrlinj from halifax loliwernool from boston to li w poof f 135 fiotn halifax to botoo sa these ships carry experienced sureonj the unicoin plies between victou and oucbcci conneelinn with halifax s cunard o co malifaja o bsyhes quebec 74x ss lewis boiion- steam boat notice- j cnmcrnn j fteeharty slco tliorne 2t avcrv ii w durnfifdco o p starkey co wnile st honker snnjerson murray hush caldcr j ftlitilebcrpert co ilolliatter boi toronto huron o uiica syracuse cape vincent morrivloivn brockville kingston st cbtherinea sandubucy 0 at of aoffti ay pcijti our i attait foer and axur w jut of apcoic ftni all jir l i mi i ottad itofjiacb anj buwtf rvi otf ftaorlt3hliud fijcaooctl jaye car minative balsam a rcrtaia cdrcrof uiwdiw ditkmcrc0inpliiiiufliarrbcaadyfq twx chvlie ciampt ick hcadac our almlcba cftote- ra mvibuti and all rlcraafrnirni of the tomau and loecu ncnhit nvc lion ovr fnrcwocev jayfics sanativk rltlb for rrmxlc diaraact iver complainijp cofllircnt fctru niiunjiuon ob aruetiont jirrai ut twikln at aad in all caca etna an apomtl aluiuohvr or i r ri ru- rcuiid fticccit cpfeirdonr by or javvfi jf 10 south m riraifalrlp6ia and may i had if e m luff rttml accol 6t worms to rmiv ibc ad danfcrom inhabitant of tit lomechand oowb wbi n o ofua intaatr lae iiflt iitdirov the lvci or bddrra uti or jaynk tuic vfckrruok cttuniandaf pirpatanoi fur ihc icmval of bv tartti ltnd t wuffti lftprp- iauuf stoaitab wnnit afrpcuie rafaaolr rvr anj auccdjiijt bfluiifuaihiadawruandoraoa b ie hj wm iacliauivh cbroaxh t caitu otlic xinlon canjv the fcnotlkal prcai of canada aaubjccl which must be grateful to cv7 patriooc penon iuffici enuy acquainted with it j aod wbieh b lo ut impcf reel a aj bt our ltiotlcdc cfiuelaima on i he obaeralioo ocral approval aod patonajc oftbc public p ttr dicorcrr of the art of prolioj about the laidrjlc of tlij giftocnth centurr of which the ro markabto fautt roual ha the honour wai u the brcaiiii fwh of aolarlibl on the world a acene for uw rnoal part enuloped iu dvfcai where if ari ii n ii linown much aitj and appuca- tiou were required and tlw knowledge obulned lm- iivd and often uncertain the lriicribcr iniht bo correct j but sk labour of transcription waa ao lc onerouf and ipcnut lhl ihc aoutce of die t ltlsubkribc iuv i h k piiy life and workiof cffl b jsh 3 rub life and tiiter byw pier eq 1 rot ttiw l f by henrr fielding i mba of marearct darulaoo br vvahir 1 ol iife of paul jonca by ale fcouc 2 toll skelehea or biitbb si b lo brovsham 2 rob life and wrltf l s by tho ti moore i tot t 4 lpo or henderaon campbell ici rfyuw uohjmithttj jam prior t vol h halin by ihr bet 0 r clt coir of na- noteon br the dllriatimf ft of count gamrnont mhon hsmitlon iwl daiiiciit pcikh lm- mra bhcrtoj 2 ob lieofrtinoo with hit coreanodece c5m23idl3iir ths capta1k patttnsoxj vvill until forthrtr notice ply be- ww nvcen the following porn prea- oottj kingston 0wcgn vclington co hurg port hope bond meaj harlior port darlington whttbv toronto hamilion jiagara lewiaion anj qoeenston upwahds leaves prcenll every sondav tvcqiltf at 6 oviock brockville ame evening kingston monday tovlock noon oswego monday night lonylock and ot tmesjaycall at wehinjton co ftirjr pon hnpc bond heat harbor pari 85nrlinion whitby and arrive at toronio rn the fiarne night ltve toronto onwed- 10jm mornings at 7 orlock hamilton at 2 tlock afternonn anj arrive al niagara rqueomrton and lcwiionsamt evening downwards- leaves lewiston anil qorcnston every tliurmlay morning at 7 oclock niagara do 8 oclock toronto on thursday oylimk calling 01 whitby port darlington bond hud hitbow port hnpc cohourg wet- bngionnnd arrive at oswego oh friday noon leave onwcgn in iho afternoon and kinpntin at 10 eyoek on saturday forenoon nj jirnva ot prcjacolt oil name evening tt ah it 1 ire anj parccla at tli rivk f thir ownrrv unless lioukcd a freigln steam iuit office t 1m- jroncbit rn si obi aadlb and afternoon 2 tlvtl lii- ijohlhllug houai to let for a term of years posses sion given immtduiuty those extensive aad commodious pre- mi near the mnniion houie hotel in slorf street over the business plflce of the snbcnbcts heinnow hntied preivnti ecrhent opportunity for the opening of net c if euble pri rate boardim llooc they are in on of the most central and eligible put of ihr town j confiuous to ttie steam bpdl landing and principal hoteh the building is as ihoroafhly fire proof tts it hf pos sible to make tt and consists of a ouar kitch en large dinin- room thiec spacious elegant private parioars and twenty bed rooms the inercasin biinra of the metropolis ami the icat incontenitoce btthetio expfri rncrd for want of fitch accommodation otter reat advantages to such person as are catcu latej lo conduct such an establisrment a plication if by letter potpairi may be made to armstrong ot greer kindlon 28th aiftttt 1641 17z the aobscriber beg to inform hia ct- tomeos and the public generally that he has received a part of hisaopplicaoffall goods per spartan from liverpool and caledonian anrl mohawk from glasgow and he daily expects per great britain douglaa a large supply of land paney good also magnet and courier the remainder of his manchester and yorkshire good the whole of which wm form one of the beat assortmenta in canada those ladies and gentlemen wishing to supply themselves with mourning will do well to rail and examine his stock of bomhazeens sieltf and cloths aa they arc not to be sur- in tiripnesnf price and goodness of quality like wis a large supply of new carpcta just opened some very rich pal- icrrs wm wilson kingston 23lh sept 181 26 engraving copper- plate printing mm peabody late of new york would respectfully inform the public that he has commenced business m the above line next door above the rein deer inn head of store street where he will fit all limes be ready to execute orders in his line either on steel copper or wood and ho hope from a thorough knowledge ami strict attention to business to merit a btiare of public patronage n b piesinfcing doorpiatca mark ed veiling and wedding cards neatly ex ecuted at the ehortcst notice jfral atcat satiru iuft wn mftwaimi tannic j oaieiu odkr kit0 canada d jaynes exfectoraxt tl tarsam trdtetna 11 dmly cbietio- sw of ibc aah attoa- nd otijfui t il j 1 11c i tr octia kiowu a twi udltror aiasjui cjfc saitunf n cujfti cruupr hum coaiump- rbavpyi lrne nan and vtni hmiiv c ttwmfciflit ad tv ot r j jjcuai d iii fn wd uu it w il ukibfajrr brm a dueaac wtua u nnuiur jlttlil aon tmwirs to a prtmniutr e wnv nnfccn iunt et fvniumptioa h at sj2 9hiff tawal feitooi of liu inawt di of tin 1lu r i tm jl r or potato ambtti imnnir y c lu t ril u irtasn ilipj ijaoiodajamtftaaorth ruocvkia wlitcl line ifirifl hpfuiu u the wmi mt vuii vctidi waali e- nfi truu tun tmd cipfctvraai ofo bv g turaer2ol j ef joseph brant tbaendjikccj by w n s of eminent briiab ur h if vol utra of dictated tl bj ji av st jon3 lot lifvj maawd b rev ceoec ftuh i eat ft lor4 b b hn call cm 1 ol ui lho m bi- luh pjnkfa byjo ufc of alraandrrlneurearhcrer j niliiama i ol lift it napokofonapiik by j- g loct- bjrt 2o1r life rfwflpi oy jame tv pauldinr 2 ola lif wejaon w bobert soo- ihrr efej i tol lii f sir imc rjitnto bj dafid wrtfwher 1 j wemoi of bouvniti frdhkkn urillen br ip oa- lea of tbe pdian br b b iw 2 f iejaona of ihtmnr jnhinvjobimeji j jot i tic 111 ev the foujtt r innadianoo iv rtt briailuat aad products a fici mkiiii aad aii- iioou cltird j oir tunfrdn jrt tar croup or i or cluun ta fruin h uioa- j to an lnur uc n imouthiitly jjm mr jvroccfrtfcocpjcah anl fft aipvcdf vure ij whoftavviccn xivtnupbyuiir pbtiaaiaa lw ili coduopuoa fcavala roiondlo et henna bj v jonauun ooici d rrmrat nr oinviiio fcy lr w labounog udcr r d buafaacu and inn m difikaltv of vif wajjfral fcal he ftu hatsall in mmin i e ortmnttrijtir iuffkiiios hji peffreth rucd y 4t iu eipcetorant mn dilkfa of alrm ft cared of minut of tneaty ycir imlinr j k twuuvulnnrtbuinfdktne mn waid fjjj fak enfrjioribe aaasa eomlaiat sy ot oiit icu jady iltoof 6tim wbo wm br lictcdj t fruodi jo b fir fotc will ooniiiuiiioat pieilj rratored by ilm boulra di kaail- l jamr soiitb carolina wiuxiratl ouveied fc7 bararnaia and aatfattai or the auttpiam h i fs4 lite 1 tpit- i vol- life and muirap gf wiw bj the he wp fire 2 vdl li men of m jrvhn borrow fcto- alitdcr lljmilion w tty br a mckvv r l p wiu cinlon br jjme re i tf uf bt tleafieantratelkv ilf f bfl ohn barrow etoj i 5 jtid liu 01 r i jtl tj yd df robert lorrti by jimct dead iw hr r uvea of uts b j stricblandol amlourico freer kinilon oeiobcr ft loauieoriaift mediciar foand lurmincni re- np ui ik rn mfljajli rsmeard thfsvoiio ofth mifii li wwlloil molemtn va adfitfitlsm ur ocar sii i bavr bren vnz torn ctpcc- miani tvuvi in my praeuejfor the lut thrttt innl i j ntul olj iiiiirnmniiii f if tullc iv lb btaut a widttffr the tot fndeni haitero uitd van rncetfiu gr 1 rw williams mi d umc inht bcaddad but the jiwt iic old rtd tuotor ut avideoee or iu mil telv v- w ivufp oearrnl aam strict furr od w m r- jf ii kgkt a llfe pills and 1 1 sovih third moal every dirw tu h fraaa iw jahrhh ajmetcvirr iaiheat avr- rmb of the rredjc torffsste ciiliva and lir li sitodrviii favviihin in eaacj ef cotl ailvoiioaa ann hyajblwlfjttato1 hcadah impute hlil 0uifgdunnx fppta1 w taj skin pajmu s sejsa im fimalraih orji- 44ic ktalth ff v h lis ir xaai aadiootrnep lfl hrahh 1 mrdriminave ma prond arertam nd cslj rsaantjr thy rrai 4rvat brk lo thr aaol mjsmoaawianfmaai iai m puibltrv pjlfa and foam ahlad yftasi xu rchoreoniaetiioa zjthustrm ajg ihnea-prfflrtnt- aorentp and airatuidiu tmw itt i nr nsasi ai cjch m ccd new ynh w ffslvaa uatj bar th r mile l j4tii matiary ror gratuitous jtriuvtionah ml- r rhtiafmilrba9tmrunu mcdual mm- ijhu olitu c 0 ii- ajrituinroia3aboneoi nr mt r d mid ikv mnt appid mojtal apidr to the for sale hy the l tonstipcri mi joph bhall kngftton lothseptvr 1841 the suhscrilw l be conlaiitlyint d chc micals perfumery h h coffl inerrom the miwi elable bshah houses may be depended wwui trie com poamting departmni b ciiucled under the immediate superfrioncef the sdbccrf- ber whose object isj he useof good mil rials by a careful reputation induce con fidence as regard 4hl impf twi branch of ibtedcm jwblrnt tyrvggist awthtcary kinlfert kirtpn 31 pkrfvmekya the suhkriber n reeeived 1 supply of choice engliahkrfumefyou5 which are the foilowioe esvce sweet bner spring flowers sweet pea hedyosmiaor prsian esaecf eglantine hoyerna citron r ha kojr geranium marechahe lavender lily of the vall honey suckle royal condvnec key i extract of rosea flowers circassian cream qxirenboturc h boittiuct d arabie eau dr potlujjal coiono veritable kspril dc lavendit ay milflcura ambrosia hnoirlcdc whicb were aeeible anrl not in many idjweasf rodc atattabte and tbotf vhieb cfe only parlldly sir iaac ncwtoa gt from the de- lietntof ux apple lb thduht whieh openr tbe lkantr rwroa ftujfri r lutivreivs tfl j utility of moteaote ij and an toteltcctual and moral glory wrjpa uid orld unipeajtablc arc uie bentfola derjred froa the diiroic r j t commerce politic acknetfj liurature add rcliioo what triumph wovld luther have ochicrcd in the refor mation without it and ht progreaa would the english rcioratcrt hart made t what advance would there hse been aaon- men in learnm lanuaca and philosophy 1 we muii not purine hi topie but i cannot deny tslc the ptoa aimutknoi h before tie introduction ofpnqon ihc itudmij who rctolted at the idea erfanuuhtn in lbe aloth of monkcrj had acarcely any cope for na indottrj and talenta but iq the puerire perplexi- icofo scholftitic pbitosophy as little adapted to cil loflal tl sfrtaati oftbo heart at to prociote valuable koowlroe btft aincc that important rra in the annau of learning every jnditidualj even lbe poorest of the muira tii has been enabled to ob tain without difficulty the works of those grrat matter in practical and ipecdbijvc hies thek cjreck aod romn philosophers he u taught by j ifw same insirueiori nhtf formed a xonophon and a 1 sipio afkl can hold ronrcrse in the rctircnvenls of hi clumber witfi the ecubraied tsgt ot antioili with ncajly uie sjateadvsnugtsa if be actually at with socrates beneath ihc shade of the fuocttfc talked with plato in tb lyeeuh or acvcmanrtd ftmv4rdl4dal mankind then pouesi the prtfav anj loud and ion ihotild be the boast of britoi and all of ri- lh origin that to them it i unfettered unless for purposes of licentious nets and blasphemy and free dons fid these would be tyranny nevtvf dd r james mcintosh tiller a more welcome r nobler truth than when on the trio of peltier he with ss uuiti asm laid the pre of england i atill free il iajuardnj by the free conititution ofourforc- olhers tt is jgardul by the hfirls and enlisfncn this can caxdi vx tbcm iay it with ihinkfulres the pnas of canada if not employed o masiirc works of 1tcroturr and science but chiefly on p riodical publication c ue not amen ihorc person however who cstol ihc one to the dcprc ciatiouof the other we would tht the idtinc ment and araalth of society in tfua country weft vuch aa to require and fariiute ihc acqtilaition of uperior andeapertritc works till then w consider our periodical of iet ithportancc and use to the population- the mode of communicating know- fat is ffdajucnl popular cheap and acrrptablc aad bcttcf adapted to a nen ly- formed and actite eemmunitli than enc more erudite and covtlt and whit iv eemmunicud is varied no vcl ij ti cable to tu eircuntjncc of the reader the ca naiiian nvmpaoer a midiatdrc home hbfarr and caubcrcad by fjur sellkr in nfcvf hours and hi ban afrcihone bftrff whffci if lf johion sto the preference to s volume auclcolly porlablo to be earned in the bosom and read ht the nvcsldc i inueh nsor may the weekly hect be preferred- i- h worthy of notice that mjijirf find litlls en- eourapmcot in new country but ihc few we have are creditable to ihc publisher the mechan ical execution ofjomc 0 our journal njight be much improved while iherc are oibem which arc fair specimens of lyrrhiesj neatness cene- foliy lhcir jilerary talent t in odianec of that of their reader and has a tendency lolmprotc ii- thif editorial manaemcnti wiih very few eaeep- tlons u committed to ycnllemcn of jolcluicncc whose aiandiox canadian society i respectable and bcihiaklto their honour not one that wo tno of is the conductor of a ifcenuom or an infi del pp such ao alarm n phenomenon haa yet dually circulated in the united slates but i proba bly doe not fall far bort of joaoojooo the total number of papers isiucd in grel sriuin and ireland in 1837 was ony 47248003 the vrcelly issues of lhc srtuvh pre of uer camds 29 theearlicsl spanitb newjpaper his pubbivdaboul ibc cm- meneementoflbecishteenth century jo lsijoonly lvropoliucal ncipapers were publish ed and but a fcwycarsasoonlyj2newpaperj for a population of 1200 qqj there are about twenty newjpapers and diyjojrnalsinportuaraijdoneatuje axore the balc number of journals lo tlaly exceeds 260 few or the esisunj papers date back farther than the commencement of the present century the greeks rblisb 9 4 at aiheai i at napoli 2 at hydra and 2 at miilonghi the government gazette of corfu is the only journal published in lbe ionian islands there arc about a duien pen odtcab iu malta mol of tnem neckjr atgibral- tar a goernmcai paper 0 a vctthatiwrtwijtft b pubushed dady th journal publiabcd at cow suftiinopie in january 1811 were the tarjrim vakia a 50ernrjenl paper and the dieredet hava- dia 15 vul turbish ccntainin general tnfor motion in tiw whole caleal of africa there ara 14 jourital ooc bos appeared at algiers regularly ainceiu possession by the french in iw3 two are published on the western cm at the aovcrican colony of liberia there are ii political newspa pers at the cape of cood hope hairwbieh are printed in english aad half in dutch an olficoj uiua was publiihed in persia iu ij ll liutojraphtd in calcutu there are 8 english dai- lr paper 3 iriweekly 8 weekly and 9 hmduau- nee weekly at bombay there arc 10 english pen- cdcal isued seraicckly aad 4 hindustan pub- ikauona tro weekly enliab paocr w pub lished at canton bdl arc now removed to macao from these ealcuuuon ct appears that the uni ted state publishes more newspaper than cren england unexpected as the fact may be united canada we conjecture contains population of 1100000 and supports we bctscve more than 30 paper of every description hating a weekly eirco- utmotimyjjjwq coitsidcrioj the small aura- berofour inhabitants the short time mot or them have ufsd in the countr and the conscouent limi ted mount they possess we xhlnt the eircuhlion or canadiaa papers eieeeds in proportion that of inronmatioy uro tsas boaeo tsthe nunc of a district and thersforo ulkiit- 10 s chinese merchant about teas i should ask lum for fkbca conjou or obe souchoai or bohca pekoe in contraoasliaelion froea that of another district in england il la koown as usa name ef the lower grade of ibc congou or black tea tho tea out is sold in england by the eat india company i divided into twoiorts uss ciateo to hca and ihu fokicn obea canon jscam la made from cootoa 0t of taw teafsowo in the prom of oaso cajaawtssfvesd tea tne sduitsture it made to ciuiton the eniai ty of it defend upoo the quality of ccsou lea mixed with jt we ocr icccpt it sith lets than ft loavs of coogou and it is learedr escr iwaov wia ptss than luths xfei woptns lea is never esportcd to eoglaad in lis thstinct stale- the poccsv of makio canton bobca u thi the wo pins tea comes down to caoloo in lob generally aod is then put into basket wbicb are ar ranged along the idc of a loog narrowroom in tba middfeof vtheh u made a large charcoal fire this rocm is then kept abev ihree days wiu the door shut and a vary hot are in it nhkh i colw by uso cb nese the process uf firing uie lea it la la fact done to dry lhc leaf surbekntly to stand for expor ution to england after this flringi il t then ta ken and miscd with the congou tea in a lrgc are house and picked the mode is lo shoot out lbs lea from a number of those baikcl upoo use iooe oflbe warehouse and tbenshoot a quaotitf otcoo- gou lea orcr it and so layer upon layer aod repack irwneetiitoiaechaau fokk ijaro is a tea contracted for by lha hong merchant with oic company under use ntrae of so eond congoo u undergoes no prepsmbo i in can ion but comes 10 that place in its original ptckaga and is exported in toe saolc ai pokien bohca il is dirlitull to dlsltnguish belwceo o lovror grades of congou and fokicn eebca aj oo seal at f- u is often inferior to fokien bobea jfdatlovjwrttfl wrwawyrnt into green toa by means of prussian blue m chopchoo means a number ofcbeau made n lame time all use cbct ibsl coeae vrith tlw disparagement j but to reader nhom honour bduc ooour to canada to ares or v i and let but the higher lbe honour the more imperative is duty and the heavier our re possibilities this w know will be readily conceded by our numerous able end respected contemporaries ec il then our purpose aright to estimate and apply lhc advan tages of our deration for our ownpcaonal improve ment ot ihc country beitourpurpoe todisehirg our obligations to ourselves and lhc f ubtic in a spir it of wisdom good- will a ltd liberality whn we cannot think ajtc to differ with reluctance and always without raocour b the grind palladium of canadijo civil interests in our judgement lh british conitilutiou jtfiej benefitfenl wiacj aad glorious i sod our reference to ue iniliiutjoi of other nations without invidiousness and malevolence tbere dwells not on our wide earth a more fncodly rsosrtcd man than ue true briton ad uwik god the people of our adopted country r british and no part of ihe divine law dff they with greats rea diness obey tbanj faar cod aod honodf lh king- be ft our purpose to coaoicor mr pub iu ood what cwero said ha so apphvation here t we ibould all of u therefore propose the same d and ever cere owk hii own interest fn particular to be the sansc wio that of the communi ty ii gcncal bo the intellectual progression of all elatse aa objeel nerer lo sight of- fcc peace and virtue strenuously inculcated for knowledge without these u a curse but he wao stops short these practically denies uie privileges of lbe ton- kcfldcnt dispensation under which wc live sndis not a lrue christian the peculiar divine and renovating truths of the eibk should be recognised promulgated defended and in this way the mil- lenjum aatcdated for it it to be supposed that when this period shall eonse uw frcsa will be conse crated lo christ mi cvii in all her msgoi- ficent in t tit u lions and 1 r jk m commer cial seientisc and religious be blessed end to remotest generation bee population be dutinfuisb ed for thvir tvisdocs christianity prdsperily and bspincss same marks upoo uwm a j l tea is lho taw grown u use dutrict s gankee heen it might be foklea tea as beiitg in uiat province but would oot be called fokian cohen atdwi b a dblricl ofiladf from wbence tba truss lhat are oetghsally called lbe caper coogoo and uas orange pekoes eoeac crourfa and aftaufaeturt of tea- the tan troa we will consider as an eversreec and diss when tw picking begins which i sbout the month of may la wilt be in full leaf aod nearly ready to sboot out again with ihc young shoots the urat shoot on use bid coming out covtred with hair then form the 60c flowtry pekoe should il have a few day more growlb th bak bo- gins to fall off the lesexpand and then it beeomm the cuck leaf pekoe in this tree of course ifaeru are some young shoots which have mors assfay and finer leavesthey would moke the tarjloa tba next best leaves would moke lhc gtatpoft and usa next the cowjou and the refuse learce would auks the fojsoam generally speaking lhat may be considered aa lha way in which the tea would be made itii how crerj relate onle to ra- ttafan joe tcs fanners piciiheka a kjtcs in to- 1 way jw uvm a iucicnl rough dryibfi and cary theas to rmrlet where they are met by the fsa msxnufa infers much in uie same w as lha dairy f r m ars met inenland by tlie cheese aod butler factors the mandfaeturrn knowing the kind of tea ihax will best uit their own manufscture naircbasc from the persons growing if the particular kind they want uoic ihcy tska home and mis o mucb of this kvnd and so much of the obrr as will make the tea up to the quality they arc sccustoospdlo make eacbprsc- ticl chop thus il appear thst all use black teas are the pro duce of uie same tree taking the teas of lbe aama district tnc general quality wu raspeod very mtrfb upoo use season the cantata characters for souchong are amalt and heavy meaning omcthlft of a asssjl quantity but ery valuable i auppose jaarnaa i ihe best quality of black tea itrt ted ky the company there is also ihe fovraofif which may be se lected icavrsj ini lakes its osme from loo yoss or ihe parcel ihst il is doubled up is tlsrc ia also conjtfy the chinese characters w which are jtces jucq which oseans cadtfajly and or ibal usc process of drying has beeo dooc wllk a great deal of tare ii is altoomc limes called assss scarf or carefully aelectcd w generally reekoaj the powehooe rather better ihao lhc souchong pko mesa white hsfr there are no culrvea named but trranksy and singlo o appear and wc sincerely hope will never have to existence omon- us few countrir ire alike guill 11 ftrial niiwdtu v wm ns voibeoi perfumrand extc4 ivrisn tfweel h v rbrnj ffume nd exact rsprll dc roe writable foaiadr ivinc potnatum cold silver anil fcvonsonks- amber preston u villa tits ft c j j brent a- ti rs f apothtcaru p tame ess in thi particulsr without the icatt ayfan to be censorious we may however be permitted to re mark ihsl some of our papers ought to be conduct ed without their painful cronahties and petulance mrwm and with more courlety and generosity others the advice and was made the uvtirument of uniting slvould be nirircinullccua to suit the taitti or at a dialracled church and censer gng many souls unto kaal ncectulit of lhc propte and we shall not chriit jfawawra a young as in iler received a coll fro two diitcrent aocieljes at one lo become lhlif tori one iras rich and able to giro hit salary and wefl unrted the other ws poor and so divided owl they had driven away iheif nin isuf iq tab condition he spplkd to hi father kr asjsfct- ao aged negro itftant nho overheard what was said maov this reply massa go where is ihe leasi money 0m1 ihc most dcuv he look people ne hoc be blamed for saying lhat generally there ought to be a more marled deference lo morality and piety it u deplorable 10 sec io some tw the most vain and sinful amusements encouraged and eowteuucftfly religion not even negaiivflv -up- it may seem right to a raan to take no news papers hut the end thereof is that mart and his family are totally ignorant of the ordinary occur rences ef ihc day tae ortew oomoeesad jkf the play of uie evening was toon and deary aad use acsai- stsr of lbe fughl who was ia for tons was some- wfral celebrated in faoev circles is a regular graduate of the academy and a finished student of lhc science he was also known to be food of difplaj ig hts accomplishments 00 the stags al uas expense of and without the slightest regard lo tfur feeling of any performer whose duty it ucaovato tssirt him in this paft of he brasiacss oo the oc casion of which wc speak eery ntin io bh ecssv paii refused to stand befors tom in a setio knowing hb remarkable skill and ungencroui enaa- ncr ofusinj it trw cooseueoee was lhat too manager wss obliged to call upoa a lurdy irssb doorkeeper nuaed feier telling i peter 1 waoi you to go on the stare tooight in tosi and jerry and 6ghl mr svho plsja tom ftghthins w yea the prompter will un you al what soooscnl to o on usr stage and then all youj bars to do av to aland up like a man and ftght tour best- 0 irvtb iu do that am i ta hart ihe ginlle- man iir i jl fight away tor t few asiruates aa sreil aa you know how uvd uaia all i want of you aaw the manager 0 very well said peter voucsnght rsnr iou fcbrtf