Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), November 3, 1841, p. 3

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il a i 1 1 ik i mi in it- liwimwtl 11 x itrivrllfi i iiitttttltmhtihitilttitnattttlii m l iwi l urijiwn hi tv mfl thai immnhhihlkiir haqhlrti1 lw uv hfhiu iu n lil um uumll ngti imal nv alilm- m i j r klui i ivejilamr l t m i mn i m fait i min tlntnm ii inr1 ph ithift t i r li i la 1 v am- m tit ml t h lii xvlktutf i hf ikri i lfiioijit fha uscfteratl ttfttlltor im nrii1ii h h imiwi- mil me tvlil mifttr hint mh atumt mioilor uja uaj nftli rhial imnhml ul ml j lli rum n juird v i own vmt hiiim itiurli r irthrr xnv ttwfcv tuntutelt matin r kitt iitilit t r tear itiuwil mh nvittttt mfou el i hunt mr imiiomloi lu-r- nould u rhral tlii- 4r r jinn- i fc- fntv jecm- fall iitwit him ihr niihutit mmrtl wh libritn l m rhwrr vcatmw ftl thai da tlirrc la a meir fimralmutn ttntt rruli ik obtaini j at nnr mtirrwwfit aitd ifthr brfnnlmlwn warnlrig a r mitm1ce o trimtu u ucn lo gc each mn 3 luul to j dfiftli shillm in it prxul mj tali iv nbtl 1 fill runtilml irat many nmhi would not rhpkcrc a tsmcru g ouhrk nould freer the avminit of qui iuiht i- auad of iht ttuiirrcd trunk wlwih now cruwnv il trou ihmk hie hint i pujft ihwvti ool worth cir culating pkaae girc it jee wi wtduciday and tfltea auction sale of dry qoods ke si ptc will bi sold no pfttmv neat the 5th inalant i tho subscribers auction utfin largo m siirrftl cckalfttiko oft itmid cloths flannels uy inj scarlet over m knil drwcfi uurmiry frockt i i mid u4 ner- li9ii a private il lust frntltnci rlvitav 0 mf ifonttdi mute f t tvetk rtrfina rnni4 ocicliir 20 14j- itactwc alter our quolaiion lhi kfvr lirth fcicrifiloav m 61 a 3b 3j per rt i tow uic mh re hi price iw poi a u juj a so sm for poru uk frnncr ralc baring kmcilij ihn kvek wt avail rf ihcjautrfvr jargts fiarvtu foiir trjc prcc cfihia atopic b atk0 tol litik ifiec our laal rcik iik aaarltct it honcwr kmcht frrmcr fer bolb canada and anurcaii fine 5akf canada rutu tjftfltckd to a cvn- icrable iikm at 3lm cl jkr baml attial pl cell hate alo ehaiid handt t our ul uoialio ia r 33 at uhkh a alc j 7w barrel nampirtd a fe da ajo in american e hac i0 alt of cvtqucncc w note hiia neb avvcral iarccl havc hoer brcif llafid at ij a lss 11 my barrel ftlncti j a ilkfcl impeoveoknt upon aat cki pri c f thrcf ore- part r i o canada rliancd liand early in ih vajclal b lod per 00 ita piii u ndrtclion upon our ju ejuotauvkt vciram vj to ij pr tuthcl saan ronliuuc ilaltonarr at ivrnht ijuotatior- ttt- thii marlet ha aunxd ruitir a brniie lotc uib ned and nricti mfiv be d to rwj frcm id tu sd k r lb lur than lat cjiioud tian- ln baibeirtjdato wasltfdpoelb bypoblie ale end uoaniry vcun- ujion at the aifcu bfrt canton made haa alio m i n told bv auciion nl urioei niflpftj fvti 3 aj a 2 4tf uitia ftow kvi ai 3i i all jlmlhm furmcr lird at 3j jvm a 4 her lb avetnrxho dtii hfd bt it drawing on ly i jo jter eoatl pniium ihti uli and on ien vutli ai l niu ofltra comcnrcol dank i ibe mtulard dimrei an j iv pcoukj uinw ol vpe canada e now be -n- tor oaf p hje the nne f iv litr unlirn anl arc iit at iuo per etftl dlii iiary ewfi f ff f fwfral arrd i i v mtcmliirl mtnlrt tark batbrt cvaud ueli nn exciicment rvneelm lvieh halferom many dtchre laln il n in thr ial in i pper canada rarfvarnla run bein mad- upon ihm nac ijitcihlinu d t jhi altcttbr montreal llirn 11 llote knil drawcra w kitmarnoekt and fur cap xitiptd shiila lpe chenelle merino and killed fihawla no crcameaue and sealette hljtgift urace ferrltta wrilin wtthimtt kliritura paper windwrabem steel pn ulmli wtlh a eancty of other aiticltf for paricularaaoo dilb sale at 1 oclock j linton a ev b kington not 3 ihi i to printers wanted mmtdictchj two orlhrct com posiioj steady ejood worlcmen to whom tbe higheat wifm will be given apply to mr- r walwn punting officceornrcffiont aw school streets kington kingston lat noeembrr 184l 36ii ri hc r dm o itr e e- married in ibia tonon llc ttlh tttt br k areudacc rfwnptar mr iuhti tfcaria jamt l rijn h i w nil r4i11a1 at droekviitr the 2lr ult be the ret smart fhtrgc mdomll fej ofcoftnall at law iei5arab jcuntdaumrf vf jvhn hciky eq ofths tame plaer ai hoanburh on ihe 2d l by jarfctj wil- latnt mr anwt ft maednnald merehanl of ccrntiftll to hnnnab eldeil dauibirr of jantea rf eie frthr gle near ivhiiawilowai- on the 9 ri ultimo at m nticad nct idon savulury dunn eej eeurittl to rarah mur ttiduw of j w howplirej c and daughter of thebtej c rwlfenatdoi kocf franun and late ol que bee die d al qutbee on on lh 2sib ull captain john fttt late f h u t6h rcjimenl on the 23d ulr at barien of coruirpiton mar garcl the tatarcd wife of dt qaw jonr and cnlj diuhir edr h smjih m p pajed 22 at monacal on the c6hult after a mcl painful ard proiracird illnem uhieh ihe boe uilh bceom- in rcsfnalion dame marie anctline certhetet eontortofdr rene jtph kimbtt e m pp deeply drpfcrvd by all who had the pleasure of ber tequamtancc ai montreal on he 5h ult- afteraiom atjver ciere iflpcffa jom ivanet charles third tn nf litvt col napier sccfetar fur indian aflw ad 17 jean ard 3 months at toronto en ihc livh ult of rapdeeniuinplior jfieh iaae biuu i vounijr ton of ihc laie wen furniture sale at the auction rooms of he stibscriher loiaowf rejeroe on fjudav next the 5th noeemtnr 1841 hie property of ihe hon t wi c murdoch and athcr gentlemen ira- vis lhr town for further paiticulars ec handbills sale to commence precisely at 10 oclock auo- a chcjnul horse ant mareexcr11ent rnmcb saddle and harnett perfectly ound and have been ridden by ladirt ilciehl about 5 hns the mm uy of the hont w c murdoch an excellent nnd very superior set of london midt pax harness adapted likewise for single and tandem several very excellent and double english hilled bridfe5 and 2 coitipieu aelt of hrws clothinc collins sl haines kindlon november 3 iftll auction sale of horses will be sold without rttervc by the suscribers on satvnoav next tit fth nrtemberin ihe market ratfi precisely at 11 oclock a m- four ry tuycricr end vofunue horstt r i x 1 handsome gray hurse by harmtto- riiinrisin 6 jeata perfectly sound quit in amle and harness and has bean rode by a lady heiht 15 hamii 3 inches the property of ctu srhonswar of ih3 queens dragoon gti mis 1 grey colt 4 years old perfectly sound 13 taml3 inches in height strong and vell htpert ihe properly of lieul hawkc of iho qnen dratoon juan i beautiful rlack make late ihe property nfliut hawlc tterfectlr sound and docile 1 very superior and strong c ii e s n u t horse perfrclty sound and steady in harness and a sood saddle horse the property of an oil- cer in the garrison collins haines liwrtuwcrt kinfton hi nov 134 1 notice is hereby pven that in terms of 3gth section 3rd 4tb william 4th c 69 stave appointed the fire proof and ttlnf warehouses ol mr john h greet sat- oiiid ou front street in the town ol krrt mnn for the wdfehoustn of all roods liable to duly without payment ol the same on the firtl nttry thereof under the conditions and for ihe ru noses of sh acl 3rd 4th wiltiam 4th cap 59- tho k1rkpatr1ck collector cmlom house port of kingston i7th day of octohei 1311 j ivotirtf rilheneal mm lor en stand will be rlraed m at this oibce nn monday the hlh instant velock m hobt deacon c- m post office kinlui niiml sfidi uniidlas lot to be old ev accttqtfy on monday nxt th 8th instant seravl viiluabu uuilding lotbvz pail uf lot jfth u4 fronting nn bailie mrrel immedituly iposite the site of the government huimiuca the piopeity wttl be fold without ttsrrvta sale at one ocloek i m tetma cash and remainder in a veur with interest ja linton utfiorier kinrston 21 november ldh 3tiji mrs kehns bes to inform her friends and ihe public that she has received from loudon her kail ttfpplt of ladies and chll- ien boots and shoes llso a few dozen pairs gentlemens dress bod cfolh booiand india rtibher over shoes kingston november 3 1811 36i r subsctiber is ptepared to atlc nd to all x orders for the hnildin or repaint of row or sail boats at hi former residence near fer- xuvons point wolfe lilandkonpcsitc kingston ah order left with mr kichard scobell will be punctually attended in william h sm1thers ferguson point 1st november 1341 36z a situation wanted by a yoqw x who is an excellent ac countant arrlm a ool hand and uho flaiters himself fiom the allentton which he hinvariihly paid to his business that be tvoild be- found uvful to any neison employing lilm addre x- yatlhe office of this paper kinrlof ilit nw mm m 4n english lody wishes to crgt herself ru governed in a family slic is fully comrteient to leach the usual limnrhea of an english kduvalion ogeiher wuli mtiaiic the moil repeetollo refer ences con ke prkiurecj addreaa a b at llifa ollice fii paid ktnfanon 23nj october 1841 33ili messrs h st w rowselli booksellers stationers and ito upper canada college erock street kingston king street toronto i he suhserihers have just received from 11 the old established house of samuel romtt if son 31 chtaptlde london i vervlareand varied stoek of printed hooks and plain and fancy stationery macintoshs patent cloth gfc t b1lt0n have just received a superior aiticle of the above goods which they will make up in any snipe which my be desired g t d1lt0n kindlon november i 1811 3ti consitixg or works of r liursture nv y hoo books account books of sit stzeiam ralints fools- j cap letter and note pinera of al qualftiesi india rubber plam mill flit dravrmf papers an pencils to let a two story stone house in hrewerv street inquire at tbc cbon i gazelle orfiee kingston 3d noy lewl 36ii kingston mechanics institute atvllie juatlerly merlin- of the members of the kmxaion mechanics institute will bed at their roomsou monday the 8th no vember inatant at pl 7 p m by order of lhf committee jas henderson scrcfory wix warera quills c fa book and job printing neatly and expedi tiously executed also copperplate engrav ing and i ri uting account books ruled and hound to any pattern mortgages deeds and memorials for sale n b- a circulating library the subscribers have just received for sate from stcdort ev am comci stuore london 4 splendid piano fortes h h w rowsell brock 5freej kington- kingston oct 30 1841 3z to sportsmen i a match at hfctw shtamini will come oflat john norionh turf hotel at ihe ko race coniseon lltvrsditf iht9th dy sntftcmicr irmi- tuvnty or thirl ptii i ir ons aruahrady in keeping for ihe mtlcli a irspon the most fpprovrd principle will he ereeled turkeys and fierse m fnr those who f triple in rifle shrtin and fiom tbe anangemtritaa good clays apoil riray be pecied the porl w commence earlv in th rliy iforrnscrhrh mr a card- ii mathlnon crchanttftilor begs to intimate tu hianumemnacua- tomera trtot he has received hia fall supply ot west of englond superfine blue black aiui fancy calm ctoths block cwi- mcreis btirfciiiii dojskinff blirk and blue plain beaver clorhs black brnwn and diamond beaveraofthc moat prevail ing fashions trgclhor with a fine assort ment of oabionable winter tfj satin veov ktnaion0c30 161 35 fall winter goods wholesale and retail j p ukyce st co have now received their fall supplies which coiihjst in part of the following viz chine orocarjerl figj and plain gro dc nap copd poplins cold and blk satineites silk serge black and copd silk velvets satifw ribbons and artifi cial flowers bohineltcs quillings edg ings c rola silk and worsted frin ges chiiir oluman figm satin meri no nttl and pud chiiii de lane lama merino and silk hdkfs plin and figm mutlliu silk cotton and wooten hosiery white bik and gon silk kid cashmere and lamljs wool gloves laxjies pranellh boots and slroes cff 132 gs o mens and boys cloth cremea seal- ctt and plush caps beaver and silk hats gentlemen plain and fig stocks and cravats blk brussels and ducape silk iwkfs blankets white and red flannels real welsh and salisbury do woolen serges west of england and yorkshire broadcloths in variotts colours cassimen kofoyo tweetlbf sec hluv brown and invis green pilot and beaver cloths blue diced beaver cloth a variety of rich winter vesting bik and covd men- noes indianas and orleans cloths plain and figured waterad and damask mo reens iasiings and shalloons lchkioji and manchester printed calicoes mouse de laine saxony and orleans cotton and woolen yarns linen and cotton ticks table and toilet covers quiltsafld counterpanes moleskins vel veteens and cotton velvets druggets imperial superfine fine and common carpels hearth rugs 44 54 and 64 oil floor cblh linen diaper hucka back bedand tabic linen irish do- sheetings osnaburgs ducks bgs plain and twilled bagging sail twine sic fee etc also brown and bleached canvass all nunv bersofa superior quality recomrrrrjnding tlreir present stock to the notice of their friends and the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity generally it being large selected with great careand purchased whenthebritish markets were much lepressed ihcy are enabled to sell at veiy low prices thev also invite the attention of coun try merchants to the fact thai o their goods being bought fur cash and im ported by themselves direct they are en abled to supply the trade with goods by wholesale at as low prices as they can be purchased elsewhere either for cash or approved indorsed notes kingston 30th oct 1641 s5ni extensive credit sale or fresh dry goods at auction will he sold at aadtan at tkewarf- houst of mesar coons loutit rlirectwover iheit store on tucaut me 9a day of november next t t bre aiiorlrnenl of irert dry fjoofc of ibi fairsimpottalion con- urtin rn part of ihe following viz- 1 bale llci keaita shirtings 4 caae anete4 dark prima 1 bale bleached iteam loom 2i piea rejtu sfrrtin 26 dozer loi j and enen vrlrei cap b00vfin spout thread 25 do aborted linen thread 10 do sewing sill 10 do flxftbt vtiva arid nlpc avtceijrlvd saxony 40 do fln and figured orkan 25 do fine irrh lincn 8 do linen lavn lodoxcu kinen catnbrc pocket handkerebicf i trunk tk hanaurchkfa aiaorkd jodcien cheek gforoin hardkcrchicfi so b lu 40 p4ceea mclcikina i b fa improved canvaa 1 bale russia dikjc 20 piccea umu dinlas 3i 104 ard 124 mcreotea qallt 25 04 ivhiu coumtrpanca 25 104 u toilet do 20 halfpicca btue black prunella 35 piecea red white and yellow flanncla 4 piecea saliiburr flannel 6 do brn holland 1 caae eotainirj- 7a ikrlin value buttont as aorted ictidotcn round bobbin 100 cards 400 dcxeo colion edjcnjt 20 ihrtd e tjioja and imcetiotii 75 dozen loom lofrroou 25 piccca lble d 70 piccca bobbinet quillinp- 10 24 and 64 bobbinet 40 mull and sarcenet moskru joorfeh filled 5mtvr 20 piccca ataortcd ribbona so doacn chiwrena boon aod shoes 6 prunella slippcri 3 india rubber 12 bore chittlrcve boota and bootckccns 30 dotco childrcna grr u wfoite cotton socks 5 piecet blocd net 150 cambric drewea b piece silk and wonted tartani 5 piece s hite penis 5 dozen mccno and trubct muhten 30 piece tciicc boo wi 30 doecn ncse coltara and culti 4 pteces orecn braise for veil 25 pkeca tpni and satin vealing 6 pkcta fancj bonnet silka 5 scotch holland 6 4 fcrrr donlai 10 furniture printa 20 moualioe de lajae drcaaea 20 cbcnis lure do 4 pseccs tincn tickinji 2 cotton do 6 ndt silk collar velret tojctaer ith a reat man amall trarea itaoeaptctro to aksive ty riarc 1 bale cnntaininj 30 pieces docthioc tnecds ard cauimcra 2 bales pair aaaorttd blanket 1 bale pilot and btivcr clotla in calling the attention ofintendine purehh- era to the bove sale the surcnhen her to itata that mrasr coov co havo cxpreyt td their rfetermination to nuko the sate in eeertrrprctamtifatoty one lo all tvhnmay rive it therr attendance the cootfc teill be nut up in iota to mil the tradcand the ttrmf aannder ttiy liberal tcamlllnder mcash nver x25 anl nnder504moilh all oter 50 6 month by giving apptoved endorsed notta when re- nuued collins ha3nev money nofwvi monkvi it in wancheatfir warehouse wholesale retail lambton buildin08 store 8trcht kingston messrs j rtinrrron rmcthl- ly call ifacalltfttiti public to ibnr lnmenic slock of fall winter dry ooodi which they are now an will he receiving oulil ihe dote of the navi direct from the manufaflortet in enhv wlttnt of heay wterpioof pilot flai miat and damond beaver ckthi double w miutt weft of england fine and aprr6nc llioad clolh cassumerej doakinj mxl uuckkina and prince albert cordi h woolen twcedi forest cloth- flubiny uxeinbyrshi an immenae aorlmv french and hht- ish merinos flain and 0 rleanaara- matl beyrout paterf curtl tartan ctofjaf and a variety of new and fashionable cloths foi ladiea fallnd i winlet dnm a well ackcled slock scarfe and shawli cdnslstine of bordered rooftl thibet cobourpt brastniabeutsband trtun shawls a very splendid awcf r everfnf ball drrssfa gros rfe naples slmtorck made and coloured saf tainaad figured fancy handkejchief scarft mac k lace vjij blond gauze vh wrought french capes collar and ctfl while and coloured sattin slays linen u nd french cam- biick harnjkerchieft fcnfii lawn imh lin ens 84 and 64 meacv 5heetin linen inrl cotton bed ri r and whitney bunkeu uelllejand folarquilif white and coloured cownifj jjokwl skaft chiton anrl wolfn korje hu- havy scolch matdina whir hed serea green anrl rd baitei whh salivbury and roch dale flannfb wtltftd coloured plain and twilled regatta sniriit cios oven turkey and navy itripes n wofj navy blur- drutsei steam loor union plain and twilled baling mom bverteens and buffalo ciqihf and ev ailicle that is usually kept in a dry goods s q bc found t the manchester warthoitf lamblnn buildinja store stteel fcrs a very exlcnvive aelnieiit of fon compri iin martin fitch siirr south sea seal neutcia and sahe i ml6a boas caps govs gauntlets m- upwards of 5u0 fur cin south s seal plucked otter martin filch and ncotia rx 300 pairs ruffnlo robes j tu hutton seylokiiicit an early inspection oftbeir iirrnense fll and wsmvi stock of british dry oods ihy having been selected by their hou in england and bein bought for ctsh wheivue britinh markets were very much depresd it enables them to ottei to the inhabitant of loncstonand ihe surroun- din country their imnnse 2tok of uooth at iinntecedeiiiil lnw 1ms jft r hutton vill sell whovsale btitlsh be bought in montreal n b mcssas cot- fie hiikrj embrace ihi oppoituntly of intrdueins to thrir formei chstomers the aboee fned gentlemen they haeln rented the storh they utely oc cupied anlbeslo tec lnpin hf especial favor brine a confidently in asirrt that thoueh ibey whrr n the retail husiness sold as low if not lower than ajsy other house in town the above merlonedritlemen frnm their very superior adevnt will be enabled to sell still cheaper ftf cash only no see orui price kington october fl- 35 horistts holms for s1 by the storihcrs iho property of the hon t wc- murdoch a chcs- nut house jii1 mik excellent matches and fast in saddle and urnrss perfrctly sound and hate been rijden y ladies the hoises may be seen at the stales of the b a hotel coilins haines kindlon 30th octohr 1841 35 removal j he ugh en hair dresser wig maker ano pttfumer begs lo state to lb nobility gentry and public generally h has removed from brock street to srorn sntcer dimity opposite mr 7nomca wmtil 2y goods store english perfumery gunbs brushes c in great vanelv kindlon oct 30 140 35 tf j- rilht subacriir li now receiving hn folllcnporiatiunaof superior clothi comiinoret plain tntj diomontl beavers mi veaiina which hej offers on the mct rmaunoblo torma john oliphant met chant tailor t kingston 23rd october 1841 33gl grlmlttoncfl 1 ton cea- ol o grindtonea for bf sale by ihe subaci ber hugh calder commercisl whor i october 231841 x 33 fretti tftiut for 3u arut kept tontttrttj m be4 iceilleits confectlokabta ni stiitt itlc- jhchawk choice wines 6qr cnska superior old port 2 hilda howard monrh ms- tjeirti 4 qr cak brovn sherry 6 do do pale do 7 casks superior pale sherry ih bntdei 4 cases do brown do in do 4 u marah madeira ihdo 10 do joleys spirklingchompfne hugh calder commeri wlisrf 23rd october 1841 33 came into the enclosure of the sub- ccfikrra umall sized dork red cow with d skhort tail ahoul two feet long the- owner is requested to rove property pay charges and take her swav joel sturges t knsdton23fd ociobcr 1841 33ii kingston and napanee maca damtzeo road tsyotice is hereby given that a meet- a ing of ihe commifttitinera cf late mid land district turnpike trust will be held at whelplvs tavern waterloo on tues day ihe 23d november next ensuinc to take intu ronscteraton the propriety of having the toll gates no 2 3 and 4 situated on the above named rtwi moved from their present siieond iilareri elsewhere also to consider the necessity of modiryingand altering the present raica of tolls collected on this koxd chas gumming c m r wholesale dry goods warehouse coftttlll op store atvo quarrt stltlct the subacriber hss received per jwoaawk from glasgow blond from liverpool end great britain from london a coniignment of dry goods winch will be found worth the notice of the tra the goods were selected by a person long acqustntcd with this market and will be found both in price ond atylc in every way suitable the slock consists in part of mackinaw whitney rose and point blohketa cloths caes i meres kerseys and tweed diamond plain beaver pilot clrth scarlet crimson and white flannel red ond white kereey and printed salis- hurry red and while serje green baizo and druggets merinos orleans and prinlrd xohys carpeting and hearth rug shalloons s n d and rotted jncroncu splendid assortmeni of primed calleoet i vvwry a new airfhaii negates and 1 willed stripe shirtings buck jarconct ond mull mtulin and lenot foncr vesting tahincl and pluli moleskin velvet and velveteen quilts counterpanes and horse blanket thibet muffler printed end bordered shawls scotrh shawla nnd shepherd plaids potest canvas twilled sacking and osnahurgh ttvo blue turkey red and shirting siripe 104 64 ond -m- cotton and linen sheeting india bandannas and black silk hdkfc buckskin mill lamb wool gloves and hoae lambs wool shirts drawers c e the ihcribera uiatnictiuns are to sell al low prices to therefore the stock will be found lo compete with an v goods offered this ml t macn1der dgtnt 33i kingston ort 22 1841 smoimniion wauled of william rankin a native nf ihe county of anliim hclainl and arrived in kindlon ust fall his son john now in kintnn tsanxinusto hear from him ad dress george motion barrytield kingston post kingston 2cth ortober 1841 33- jinlon 0120 1811 32 rwhe snbsfribc o lhc jva yor b aoft in kiifl on irrnun- drg country can li- lhc engravibj of winder cattle- h wjl st oft of ihe nilcriie ramsay absaour fcco f street kington qrt8cwi s the last fblic sale for 1hi season tk stores of hugh fraserco will take p tuemby tlte 9th dav of november proximo when o very hiwawl weliecied aaawtmrnt of teas sugnrs pomwift liquors wines 4te vc will be offered to the trade upon reasonable lcrm town and ciunlry merchnnis wdl find iiheir iateteti lo give their attendance aweli otoilier oppnrtu- niry for lacing in ikrft trilrter snpplifsof groceries vill nut psent taelf again this season gliogueill tw delivered o few dajf previous to ihe day f sale and the goodi open for insneuion hugh fhaser co kingston 27th ml 181 34ni to let for 3 term of years thai beautiful nr- roimnodinus rcec intelv fitted up under the bxcunga ct rur store of the subfcribrrd in quarry sireet a more de sirable situation for a grocery provision or victualling etlabliihment i nolto be found in the city p s niim need apply but those of un questionable respectability for further particulars apply at the fvr mvrt where furs ladies gentlemen of every de scription are offered wholesale and retail low for cash or approved credit m l greene co kingston 5ih oct 1811 wanted to engage a cooper by the year none need apply but a good workman james morton kingston brewery it dimillerj 1st october 1841 h sharp begs in inform his friends and he public thai in addition to his already well as sorted stock he has just received fiom london very superior quantity of ladies grnifcmcnj and chidrtnh boots and shoes atso a re ry superior lot of english calf and moroc co skins which can be manufactured to order in the best style an with dnatch corner kin ami brnck street kingston sept 101611 21 jcsfecetviafr jwmmef bv the subscriber a taree assortment of stoves consisting f cookin parlor oidee ani gothic stoee various sixes which are odcred fvr sale so low that persons wishing toaupply themselves willjo will lo call imme diately jas linton a tt b kingslm 0t 1 iml confection aries henhydumrlebep to inform ihe pub lic that he mill keena for sale at his con fectionary block street onpnsite messrs 13 w rowseirt book slote all kipda of cotftectioftmues and pastry made ofthc very best mateiials and in a supe rior style which h oilers wholesale or retail at the lowest mies n b- plum savoy ant wedding cakes maile lo order in the neatest cunrcr and kept constantly on hand kingston oct 20 1si1 32 w c kefxei sucitor in chancery office at mr duffiws kintr street east of t ac market square kingston kmgitaf cei j iml 3 1 sheriffs sjle midland district my virtue of a to wit j mm writ of fieri fa cias iarued out of bit ibjftijr midbnd district court and lo me directed againsi the land and tenements which were of john oconnor dectnsed ot ihe time of hn dratlt in the hanfn of ann oconnor executrix of the lat will and telanirnt of the said john ocunror to be adrntniftered al the mit of timoih simmons 1 ha seized and taken in execution an belonging lo ihe said ann 0crnor execulrix f ihe ith xill and lestamerilnf the 33io john o- connor dteaed pari of lot n 3 in ihe onjt concession of the tovnshtp nf thur- imv in the victoria lilricl which i will nrhse for nlf at lht court hnuse in tlie town of kingston in ihc aid midland dtj tricl on friday the firat day of october next at the hour of iv oclock nnnrt a sheriff m d sheriffs office kirptn loii sotltjone isi- j thehovclnsrutd 0n taciday lh 15th day f kotmk mu kinlon neeemher jj4 q sft cada plates for sale wv by oseph brari t wanted y a singc uentleman boafd and lohing in n reaped able private famdy address b d ol ihc office of this inner kir firrgston oct 5ih 1s4l 3 id i ort hope whisky fur sale joseph b hall icmgiion 8ih october 1r41 29 informalion wanted of edward leetchvrho emiralcfl from ihe county of armagh ireland to canada fourteen or fifteen year iince and who it now supposed lo be livintr within ten miles of kingston any information he will jive of hinurtf by letter directed lo his broih- erinlaw jnhn chambrm postofljce port 11- will be thankfully received by bis fiienrls pen ilope october s5th 1841 34 information wanted any information concerning andrew ftllller who left scotland in june lat will confer a greot favor nn hi wife she is now residing in the 4lh concession nf the of brock ot the house of john mcneu 34 wanteb hy tho snbcriher ten gorxl house crpeniers joiner thomas ovebend burmer head of steve stnei kirfman ct p im3 wr hand al all limce and forbear the kingston brewery ano distillery ale of a supcnior quality of one sniffing ptr gallon also whisky rectified through copper f i7a well known bv the consumers ol the article to he of the pvrtst ntanufacture ihcre being none other liwiillmrltjiniluianu prinr icnnodo high mines proof one in one which article has received the preference in ihe monireal market alcobol at all timet on hand for sale notice regular ale customer can fully depend or their being supplied throughout the ensuing summer at one shilling per gallon the well known keeping quality of the ale during the past season wilt serve asj a suffi cient recommendation fnr the nexl orders left al the store of mr arthur fcaur will be punctually attended to james morton kingston brewerv fit distillery 22nd october is1- j 33z monroe horticultural garden and nurseries- oncecc me art rochester umbos co k v a oukatlyincreascd stock of ftuit trees a ornamental tree and shwbs herba ceous hani and a lare assotlment of rae green house plants and bulbuus tools constantly for sale the stock of peach and crerry trees on hand al the present lime is large of yoon and thrifty growth aid were mostly cnttivacd from hear m trees in the nursery or vicinity thc will be xatanieed lo be true lo the kind repre sented ouamenttl trees and shrubs of many kinjs of lare riic can be surlird ofoetl tiih ue references ormoney enclc- sd will be carefully execulcd and trees and rlants packed in a secure manner so that thev may be carried to any part of the conntry with safety trees and pitms will ee delivered m the erie canal one mile from the nursery or at rochester on the steamboat landing ifdesiied caialoues can be bad al the hochester seed store or cdn be sent in applications per mall if requeued address asa rowe greece monroe con y august is4l 33in books and stattoweat- suhtcrihera are now rrerittitg per cdtdonie and prreiu m oreenockand per juougsot ttom lcaacam i large and well setectrdtaaorlmaat of ptjov nd fasct stationery owaiatiof f pestf foolscap pott and note paper blank o quilla stctl pens win wafers mrmoradm eoks pocket books ink in btmtus and pow der diawiuz psper of etery size bfatattatiaml drawing and sketch fioolti drtwlnjaod wrt- tlnr pencils sable aud catnelbair bruibee color boxes and colon separately blttt tiwi slate pencils copy bookn ruled to eftry aatl- tein uc tec alfo a ftjrthet lupply of school bookr aumjcahi ly those nubtishrd by armour raamij vix irfowrl spellmg book jhiflrt sptflmjr book the enrfixn reader ipaurmjamal a-hl- wakert ltictionary a new aodhwulann k- pilatis a considerable addition to their iixt ii books both n- and american pubba tion hit of which will appear regularry to ibia ramsay armollrltco front sired kingston oct 211611 stolen or strayeti a black and while spaniel do aritb cur ly hasr the right nuid lea nearly blxct answeis to the nime of sailor f mm itavi had on a ctaln collar marked j a co nltj esq lteul rnyal navy w seei to jber shore ffom the steamer sl george at wboobr onjbt 26tli sent last any person leaving the above do at the olnce of ihe kinpton chronicle gacetle wilt receive a rewra of five dollar kindlon lsth oct icml sl c kennevt co importers of dry 600ds beg to intimate to the inhabitant of entr- ston and its riciiiitv that tbey batr ooir ol thrir fall stock to hand hjfafcwu e found large fashionable and select ia all ill department they would respectfully soltch an inspectteri of the following good which will be found e cccdinly chrp groad beavctl 6v pilot ctotbts vesting tweeds and moleikini gvnleinftv sleeks scaisilk hutdvf a lare slock ol gentlemen heaver hauj piinis iringh mtnnos orleans cloiy5 plain end figured dlilnes plaid spun and embd dcrsan tournament and plaid cloaklnja hosiery and gloves ibtttk t colcrcdnplasaftafe bjack and cold satlnnette luteslrih satin and gauze hibbooa bin and figured a large assoitmenl o thread laces black lace veils cotton na linen shirtings thibet and filled shawls flannels blankeutamt lirtrj dia pers and towellings a general assortment jf smou- wtfr kingston lh oct 1811 i to contractors tenders will be received antil mondar the 15th day cf november ipxj fa cor structing a wooden bridge on tht ua nanoquc river at uananoque accorjttteto the plan and specification to he seen al thuquk the tenders are to be addressed to tht secretary of the board of works and art li be accompanied with the mtttrfl consenlof twn solvent persons who are willing to become arcu rity for the due performance of ibe crttracl anv furlher information may be bad by ap plying at the office a thomas a begly seefttnrj board of wrks kingston isth oct 1841 i 33 owentmiller st mtlls coach builders puoi4 losdok etorestariet kakcstoat aaaaniw t make loud this case economy economy hose who wish lo have clean and bright stove pipe through the win tcr al o very trifling expense will nue hi baylies black lacqu1re or stove pipe varnish a ringlchalf pint will he sufficient for 30 or 40 feet of pipe and will ariifaift hrstre through the winter without further atlentiemi nnd pre serve thchi from met during the summer neither will it require one fourth the lime occupied in the dirty process of blockwd- ing therefore ihe saving nf lime ia the saving nf money the varnish may be had ol the respective tinsmith shnp in pint and hnlf pnt bottle with directions for use to he had ol mr g f proiiaev tin smith shop nearly opposite the court house october 22nd 33 sheriffs sale midland district bv vihue of a to wit j mm writ of tieri fnciaa iettctl out of her majesty court of queen v bench and tn m directed against ilic lands and tenements nf william burke patrick modipin and william chesnntat the suit of the president directors aod com pany of the bank of upper canada i have seized and taken in execution as ho longing lo the above named william burke lot ntimher twenty nnc in the fhuriocnth confession and lot number twenty five in the fnurth concession ofthe township of pittsburgh and aa nfn belnnging to tho a hive nnmed william chetnut iho south half of lot number two in the village of barrxield which i will expose for sale at ihe court ii in the town nf kingston nn thursday the ninth day ot september next at the hour of 12 ocf nek noon a mcdonell sheriff m b sheriffs offico kington cibjonchlsij j the abor sale is pofpind til the 27rfa tftrtvrjf o ne cac patent india m boots rublict stiooi- ao li ft one do do preservers foe sal fa joseph bhall kiopston ofclcf 0 is4i 29 queens cottege harm been ape the underiined harm been appointed a committee by ihe trustees ofqueenh college for ihe purpose of ptocuring plans of a collrge to he erected in the vicinity of this town beg to intimate to arcbittclsand others that they will receive such plsna as maj be submitted in ihem oil mnnday the 22d decem ber next together vvith specifications of that pari of the boildina in be erected nexl spring the sum of 5tcy will be given in the person whose plan add specifications it adopted by ihe trustee ahd s25 cy ror the next best plan for jniticolar as in the proposed cost of building and olher information application may be made to mr a drumoond acting seert euy john hamilton john mowat f a harper commercial bank kin pstoit 4th oct 1s41 princess royal fresh oysters always on hand attbo princess royal saloon coraar of qoatrr and store streets j carrdtbeets kingston october 20 v l ss to lata hat very fpacious and deairmbls slonc warohouse no 4 hardya building front streets foaaeasiod givon immediately for furiher partreolars inquire at he sale roorrs of collins haines kingston 19th oct 181 u lost on saturday evening the 23d instate between the end of calarnqui bridge nnd mr marks fmtrse a bundle con taining a new made frock crat whoever will lenve the same at mr morton bar rieficld shall i rewardod- pmsburgh oct 26 18h t to bo let the house aod orrjmisoa in barriefiald at presfnt occupied by thai hon mr dajy poewasion on lo 1st vvintw- apply jj the chron al go oflco kirpmortnd ih

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