mi chronicle gazette pypn i- ntjfm swsrv so rml tiik nrrtrtt hmh aim fc inin inkvr mnmtrt r 4 li r m rveht w1dnk0oay 1atuiiday iwssv xkwinm far ffiiium tn niirifurr favf j tjodrrra jrsdarr rjrfitmtj i rnf pfl frioiujff wrm trr ib term will in fiitum a slrirur odhr in that no orders need be forwarded wlthout- ji- amcairil for lh urn bubcribcd atsiunt tones roun rtxcn johi oukiailton chronicle alette and kingston commercial advertiser pfk v iv w i far i rruv si line irj uuuvr- ft tiu f- insertion and 7 id each subsccjumt nt arrtioo ten lines 1 i under 3i 4d am mteruou ami 10d each suboequenl insertion over ten lint 4d pr ikw flrtt brlioo and id per luic cuh sabaroueinl i f ml r tim ir r f mtttirmau from tfrtntm or trroi fww musf i paid for trarn jcfiuij r inserts- letter premi printing vol xxihj if e br lfo p w ctfmax kingston canada saturday november 13 is t 1 fno 39 chkoniclk at uazetti stationery warefaoom i tl or kivo k im rot isovar wvrt v r 7 1 covhrunoy ow band ss k ii kuiw suck cf writinq papers from super etoyaj to wouy nasi rm ibe ttauowar hb blank hwo school books 4c in all it brancbn carnni on nl the above en ublrabmcnt a superior rclmv mithuc b in ml operafion bjr vhico blank book o nn be ruled to tny pollem jfi j iu a 3y jc iofctiottodofkt tju cwtewlion c printing office b ook bindery and stationery warehouse in this etoblijmjij gh9 if o decided fupcridrifo rn normr o rsrcnmwoo datum and detpateh chronicle gazette office kindlon april 1841 royal maii steamers like outamo xnd fitcr st bwrciicc xvjhe public err informed ilial tlic fol w lowing are ihc amngemenu for tltia season lake ontario betwttn kingston and tornlo fringes royal capt colckoli niagara cap sijiucdnj cityof 8ont0 c3it dck t ho m kingston at half past 7 oclock evnrtlftg sunjay anj thursday the princess roynl at 8 oclock evening tuesday and fi- thy the niagara at 8 oclock eveotng wi1nefby und saturday the city of toronto ill arrive n toronto early next day the above steamers await ihc arrival of the montreal mdd at kingston fom toronto at 12 oclock noon monday and thursday the ategaroj at 12 oclock noon tuesday and friday the city tf toronto at 12 oclock noon wednesday and satur day the pinctss royal and arrive at kingston early next morning the above boils call at cobourg mil port hope each vay and the j city of toronto will leave toronto for niagara und lewiton rvcry monday morning ar s oviyck and return o toronto in llie alicrnoon river st lawrence bttwttn kingston dickinuns landing drockvillc copi maxuvh fom k njitim at 9 oclock morning sun day wedncvlav rnd fndav rnm 1iekhwhl 5 landing at 4 ircluvk morning or on the arrival of the mail from monrcal tuesday thursday and satur lay h gildersleeve capt bowen from kingston at j oclock morning tues day thursday and saturday from dickinsons landing af t oclock morning or on the arrival of the mftll from montreal wednesday fridny and sunday from arrngemenls which have been made with the upper canada stage and steam boat company of montreal papsen- geri between montreal and kingston arrive at those places on the afternoon of the second day the above boats call at gananoquc bnwkville mfliiland prescoiu ogdenhurgh matilda and wiiliamshurgh each way baggage anj parrels at the risk of the owner unless booked and settled for as freight lake and river steam boat office kingston let may si 1841 forwarding line bkttish and miktif american royal mail steamships of 12511 tons buithen and 440 hor5e power voder contract xcith mr lards of the admirotttf acapia commanded by e c mnrrn bftltanxia h b cuupuuip calcpou columbia c h kjlokim pagc mm j 25 sterling from lfalifdx tolivrroot from boston to lirerpool ld5 from efiliix to boston 21 thnc ships carry experienced surgeons the unicorn plies between pitlou and quebec iu connecttnn wilh halifax s cunard co f r g b svmes uebec 7u ss lkwis boston steam boat notice new i r tlic itiver st latorence to and puom montreal brockv1llk kingston aki the iktcbmdlatk places ross matthie co at montreal kaston co o brockvdtctf kingston with new and improved barges will he prepared at the opening cf the navigation io give passage lo emi irants and to transporl property gf all des criptions with increased safety and dispatch freight vpupards charged for 6y weight at rates reduced below the tariff prices exacttdfor years past the subscribers from the facilities which ihey powew and their determination to do the business intmated to them satisfactorily trust that they will command and merit a iihare of public upport sijned matthie easton co james ross henry easton january 1 131 53yy 181 transportation to and from newyork by the lake and river line via oswego without stop or transfer at albany this line ia mmpostxl of first claw lake boats travelling day and niglic performing lltctr voyages wilh the ut most regularity persons shipping by thij lin may rest areured thai no pains will he spared to forward all property wih the greatest despatch and steam boats will he employed when pravlnble ii all caes for mo a aultirient number of vewll ore enn netted with this line to cnnrc a apeedv tranamiion of goods to the upper lakes and the agent at cleveland will be prepared to give every feilily in the for warding of merchandize destined for the ohio canal- charles smyth 3k i f- smyth i 9 broad street n- y c- n miming st co cleveland ohio references chnrte smyth nathaniel davis william buckley smyth merrick st co a b allen c j j cameron j j flecharty co thome avery h wdurnfnrdco o p slarkey co wnim st hooker snnderson murray luigh citlor j mittleherper co lltflnter bot jigts tub mbiffioql ibaiirffp albany do sacfceta h clayton ogjenjburgh mcdonald st co gananoque toronto huron o utira syracuse cape vincent morrigtown brorkville st catherines somluafcev o firtt class lionrdin house to let for a term of years posses sion given immediately those extensive and eoftinoiou pre- mtmr near the majbiofl hn hotel m store street over the buiflcs place of the subscribers bctnnow finished irentf an excellent opportunity for the opening of a m- periable private boahoinc hoosk they are vituited in one of the most central and eligible paittof the town contiguous to the steam ifot landing and principal hotcb the uuildin is as ihoroutily v7c proof z it is pos sible to make it and consists of a cellar kitch en urge dining room three spaeioiu elegant private parlours and twenty bw roams the increasing business of the metropolis and the ejeat inconvenience bilherlo experi enced for want olsuch accommodation offer grel advantages to such persons as arc calcu lated to conduct such an eubiscment application if by letter postpairl may be made to armstrong greer kinston qslh august jh j7z he sobrcriber beg lo inform his ob somera and tk public gcneriryiitai ir forther notice pft u- iit received a part of hsuppliewof fait tt ivoihe following puf ta prea godn per spartan from liverpool and eotl kingston oswego wellington co- caledonian and mohawk frorn glasgow burg port hope bond head harbor port and he daily expccls per great hrilain darlington whitby toronto hamilton i douglas a large supply of lund fancy aiagara lewiton and quccnston upwards laves prescott everj- sunday evening ot 6 oclock broekville same evening kingston monday l2ovfocknoon oswego monday nighl jooviock and cio tuesday call at wellington co- hivg port hpe bond head harbor port darington whitby and arrive at toronto a the aame night leave toronto on wed ftejidat tnorninga at 7 ov lock hamilton at 2 clock afternoon and arrivrt at niagara ueenstoo and lewitonsame evening downwards leavea lewicton and queenftton every thursday morning at 7 oclock niagara do 8 oclock toronto on thursday afiernoon 2 vlork calling whili7i port darlington bond thead harbout port hope cobourg ilingtoo mjm at bwgfh t non leave oswogo ia hic ooada also magnet and courier the remainder of hi manchester and yorkshire good the whole of which wm form one of ihe best assortments in canada those ladieaand gentlemen wishing to supply themselves with filouming will do well to rail and examine his stock of bomhazeens siks ctotha as they are nnt to be sur passed in rheapnes of price and goodness of quality likewise a large supply of new carpetajust opened some very rich pat- terra wat wilson kingston sfith sept 1841 26 moffats vcoetaolt lifb mdlc- tlrtr mcime tre mdrbu4 tot ihtif imc to lliett mftnifftl 4 mmr ulio ia p j tvi r in iiinri mlcrtnntirur3ml tonduttifl atwuhrcktnl idiir khc vieour lo oy tundrtd cotiilrd cii whic in u himiijjb taa n tntm vty mptm rr dfiatv a putfl lv imrtian rrcsm t fitht ut sfccu of trl v- riu win ajtun atrnwiia iurm nil no wr jirr ijily uniiutintcj wiifc tb bftm- til dliiloop4iclhircifla upon whu tajfty trceom- pammlv nd iipio wwu in cfiunilr ff t life mnlnj tecuftniicnd ttmiw in ii mm of ttfy foim a drtcnpiio twtf iitl ommlaa is m maai from uif caw r iw itoattclitnd lohii the vaitovi impurtti d cftiillbo lmaunur ituuaj round tfciav ivj it mnqtihcbvilandvt wliulu irtl is lbc cn olutjii of oir i muiunn oihf ijumirttilj nik clvakvu twin amhrt ntb cvllc4il itiatbia ttlthl n piuiluf r it4tnun cchutr im wuh 1 il liia ofcvih w audlvb4j4rria wioi hfeianwiftrit dablr thn riuxi nuvtn to nil nguui nanmo whariamifif tkr u uii tewtur- ijitt flbij bcihc ltt puj4i orhor wtukhfor n rl tnem iifiput tobtk indtcmo or ffirjicini aft mrt tad tkijwttw ifcejiihie tj iavuai feroii thr n n- 1 ir m of the liu mc4kiov i io cicaf tbc kidncj idd utilff tf tlin mrtai ia hcr satl ujc 1uc thr bclltbfdlugb ofwkkl cbtirvjy dpcod qp on tbc icuuniy ir ih uilrv l te blo which tikia hitj coloutrvmoib mcyffh fed the lbx uefirf p ihto ike lcrl mbl puo lied by them n4 avurihwd b rxd craipj rrom lrn utbcn ffjhn irnly hiwj the tta rvcvj r t imrlortin ttiimti ftniirmmt motinu the n iili yb tlu in lb nomum cbec fc mortbt vrtftll lir imrahi htit bn ibo- iou mj uini and pnroovfterd toicnif n r mjj rur divppib pupuboo orior hrijooor lvtiu nd fcinllrtrutrc ill ttm pvr aoitctr imeuof id nieuncbolj idknedci jitffhff cboln frveitnr on kind ravv worilt xlbina rj tooth trurtf ur tavcufeu or mcibik r mtit bj tomfjaini bph thruui rfifi omaion ovuhj aal i aflvmu abii v ttoin otltar ompunu wbrh nttct ike hvtnn oamf bifevarft atttdwiiijioifl lmhwum iv- wcfi niihccmjntntly lutcmijt to mkh o tbmt in the iriuiitil ftfur diliiiu anmlli tioot vnivertir rwiim tltrjn moflt mrjullnul ttjmj dimxic giutl pi lellb tih lih impair i rdtif b kt d mottit rtiudwtt nrw vovk hm l iitttitihf for ikr prie f riplmning irwrr fnij mr muittit thvixy orj nni will fre ruvtid aiwty in rrviicf inpciooitv tchibf bijik u ifflvlf gu tn ifuliiit dm w bd ilic tvjf ilrc pnee l tmi fr talc by mt fti m n ihji jh t 7e ali alf f mtft mr tu ay k f4lmtl efa tn jiri i- y gnrrfnj fliii jtuwf nihi ef drvgt any jitilitim atrt f4rri njjti- jtr jirrvnl t r7nij ai mra tk urtd rfcf nflrfaafwrfm i juv 4 octorjayka family medicines tft mtdtctnn aiercimintrinkdnmextitdfcivrly uo b on ttwtl iulal um io tbc v ii i suin by ajincrti 0oraf id prmovau c4clli plui cii of the amiy and eitfr nd on horpjuljd aln bvutfi ai1 pilip j mi iiit- lji1 ckrtntihof larioub denointiijiiott tlr nc r4ftry ktprcd fir rn0y ujc nd fcuvr pwuxrvj tvc hrnhu iuj cu iiuctti no renily felioutd frc m niiuui iwnt too ff oiirirtor a ihre veluabk fenaralton rrriicd h oiucaliun 1 frnt tf hc onl mrditnt couic in ol l pi ted stoirt ond hafciicnccn ycr rvarrncein no i ri m ci hod practice ay which he hi ki4 mjilc ippartuiiiic r uigirirf o piociicol koawldr cf rtti t fcd orihe rcohin bni wtiuicd to rc- rnoc ihftn thr m jaynl5 kxrpctora o vlulu remedy fat ccuibt coui fuuformiun uthm taiitjd of wood rfoup imopippcrtuj oonihiu pkordy nod iftm tiniinn of 1 f ln n ihrool di0kull orbtcktnf and it djea oftic folmnlrv okim riicellk ftowtb ondbckuiy of tbc hoir which will ouute ly hrutg ntwbairo w imi oad fmrvatl io fil1nj ct of imnloa 1 1 price jaynes tonic vccim1fvge m nfrfunt rc oiid ccftoin fhcponioun fi lh tttooval of wormi dya- acpm ior itemaih fever ond nxtacj want i t and mlawiot pfdinliir tnn it iri momorh eml hovil- and urjaft of dijvttion ftkcaocl jaysts scab miwativ 0alam a crrtim curcfj towc1aadrutnirhrcooaplaimu iar rhulic cdachi onr tomicb rae- r norbu ood oil dnrruat or ike mid and feowfnii bjfrvotf apv iio e trie wfu jmn sakativcirtlls for rvale dicain uel dooaplffjmo ctrtttvcocai rctrr htfliulm ob tliucttnni ijrc or the akin fc and m oft cotci whvrr on oppotnud aiuioahrc or nqnltvf mcdtcioe i u rtce eio npirdonly byoo jaynfc vo w souih w tcei nd bob be aa1 nt e m lff general ncaitl baiu liaflr ond win mackintoji chmmick ooxi ti cnficc kioqtoo coado nrjaynko txpkclorant tcaiovojdojoe klltfiro iv y 3tttpl iu- the eow1 aur ialhf 00 wuitdfifl ltit but- been kowb all hbomtt tvr mlilluf afetkoia cuwck fytiin r blot fixii linf crivi af jliyn vnn tiin chtrmir rbun hufuncm wi amjorcnia uthcbrcb1 didlriiny ol ttiroihio aiidtr uvet dtteow or lli lonj d on su and do olut ti iu urutnu aitinihilt o di0te ninth it aoatinlly iuiriax ljoiion upon lbuuaio to a pcfttuthre jrare ttufvr lb ikrn nm of commiamto ia u wa ultd bf n tor uat aymptani ofibi ttii- biiik uait jrr i ciiiij f if ihrlmii or throjl lkirmd- orbfcbihia- a ti -i- r ini i huriw m 1 llt it- il n tin indmmidtivn orifcc tir km which line lootn idrr m wn4tr i wjimi luhr nr r tixt which rou throofbevrry part o4 ihc hi- tbia ipctrant imdwdtaulv buoput ihe tuwh p4tn inrlmiiin rrbad dirlcuity of 6ctrtibs aod prodscco o frtc and rati rtocciorbtron nod arurc ia toon eotird it alvdw tun alkb ta or ikrrr larjc dote will eurrlhccrihiporhivfo of children to fruta 19 roinu- ln lo on koajro 5- imoutlniely rj- l vialpnecorwlroopinr coii tod it h oped cur kondrcdi whoktva been iitco upk taf ii pby uciao 01 jonanihc cnautahoo hove keen ircdio perfect health b h ret jonaihon otic l frcbident nf t cthe ohio y wo labour nx under o lvrro cold covh nnd kobrbcneta ond ibit an difficulty biraikiof wat bofrc uh lie fell hmoeir in imaiioeot nxri of m t oftccouoo but w ptrfectly cured by uhinj lbiaeapele dilk- or lialciq n j wn cared of athtoo or twenty year tiadmr bv ukinf twobaiilcflhi medifiop mrw fbj3 brtoofoui woredoftheoonw coptoit 07 orr koitlc yotjwc lif aalrm who woi be- litudbv brrriknobuae tar fooc will cttatunption w- p rffu rettorh pf three boiilr dr kmd unuf 41 abjjbji sltti cafoliftb wa rcattr oltctrd byornuib hooreoa d httfbm m lhrtunfe ounnririukim toediciur found pr maotot rc- litf theroowir crrhviei rrooob prminf pkji riiniadnniirsinihud of i he mrllicdm soejrtv doled motlr town vo aiut jt iflw llr javo ir jr note uern ut youi falt- ifiahtht and for ail oiucki cirsoid inifam notion or ile iuoxb fonuaaptn hino poin ano wrakoen of the mrtiijit 11 jrtidcdlf titbpimrdkielhii teied very nrrwtifttiu m hw w1uiams md- fumerottiulhrr cvliitior mihl he added but the aitnie ate ramidtrrd tufflcicol evidence erf i ertni utr fjifca ppf c4 oti by 0 p jain xo io kouih thud slrrel rriee l fnraole b e m luff cronal aecol 5iekcu hmtw ond w wi mackintosh riinkk gbittt olbce kibjioaf njdb ihlor teciofthccad y taejr oudicol aifblint ouch hi moffata llrt ll and fhfxmj bit- trrs- therorectlrabrt ulttctiftttai of ahen f ordieoe by the iiacdmoffat ufmflwcinea it 0 lonrt a iwr ofdobi o axftteme to the etporience ofmo- o irouiind polypi 11 auaraetonly oioe dunne tl irnai aniatn -u- ftay en- hundred citet tav cjortotmkoowrdo aobwiiwaitl tfto poueni to 41 kmonobbk cjfccud a pcriribihtnt euro by ihe tii udtjudictdf uoriko lifa medcinea ooi jjd bcyort all hop pfy raulti ore 0 oouree or aivo otcert w m iotplrr lin wiik cooqdcoee to reewid tko tm ofbtr roediciea o bn fcltawtltilcpa tlo lify medkwrsore phiely vtgetable 11 n the j i ww barboool to teeoprra- uoo t bid like iamctrr mdiy u ao the mention iftoj 3rvio f y bc ton bf nvb- oiuot bunoti ood avimilotioj witk and ajrikiof txo blood for i rrn in acfbtated cac ortnpep- ii the life medmw i 0 okr tpoceortiroe kio peete npuon ib favor oadafuct inflamvttn bkroiriatraci fcvrn or ercry dticrtpion suk hiei ktortbwrt duaineta in 40c bradroiniin uf clrar flatulooty impwiu if- peute ad 10 evert dooobe oriiiaf from 00 inpunty 0 the blood ditordertl itou of tbc atomocb lb ute or thetc mcrficinrt has dya proved lo be beyod dnubt ttttiif toaenor to 0 uodc of ireotrkbi all sir moffat niotkia paticoti ib tor ponicutar a iivin them atriclj becotdioe to toe direeitooa it ib not by a nevtaopf ootiee orby ooylkini ikot bt bireurlfmoy any m heir fatar ibol be hope to jtiio credit it l blooe bvtketeolla of a fkir iriol ii ibe reau 1 an totobd oodon be wiah to koow wkcibtfr ika lire medlcioee will uit m own eoaol if v kl biro coll or read to mr mctati oaot n bb ptece ond pro- ctlieo opj v 1 udcl mioual dnifiaed na 0 do- nieatic ctaide 10 hjlb 0ob6tkj fratuiuttfaw hb will uutb dad r i-rn- i m i nl tatei for rurf oodpehbof aome eiicit mrilarto kit moffaiameoobveinkbwyorkjlsarobd- y hoofing couih tofotj jaywes kx fcctorawtibj without excepuoa th moat lataibtc prepaiatrorto ubt itcootrrti r- x ccairk into a mild and traettk dicoi ood tboilfna ita dura ivn mvtr ueo uoe oir ood prodoraa a cartoio ond pecdy iecover 2ini jiuf to ooe teo ipoooful will lirurnly cure crotom infant ond yoone lhfldrn 10 bblf an hour to ib lwr the lie ufhdttdtcda ofclil- 1 be 4ted bioumib by olwoya kfcfdoj it ob hand ready tor ever eaoereocv for aak ot no so sautb jrd1trei phudelpia and buo b wbb moek- ioioh t 1 r s wmu ouke kibfton cooado worms woiais wormfto remove iwk iwtiit4t ind dooerroir ob of the nmacti and bowels wbtcb bo oftf nioaii ihc heair nmjrtirn tbr lt f childtco oc dr jaymis tuntc vctcmiftk t certbio and th pripatawii tar the removal f la- vartoot kind of wmffia dkprp- ua ooitr stoviach wn or appetite ifhulr m and act and debility olihe utoatb id blotd orooa ordijcvtidii foraotebj wm au r r x coictie oclic kmbiun cajnu a matancly in irrvrceetjaol drag clic- micak perfumeiy fc cm h which corn- in from ihe most kicetame english houses may be depended unfi as ermine the com poundin depacttnent will be conducted under ihe immediate srjpenittfndance of the subscri ber whole object s v tbe ue of food male- rials by a careful manuutation lo induce con fidence ax regards thrtmost impottant branch of ihe btjiioc j w brent druggist ev jpoejucory ktngmreet kindlon 31 t perfumery he subscriber a recetred a ptffif of choice ejlisfilrfitmeryjamoor which are tbe i i essences sweet bier spring flower sweet pia fledyosmia or rrsifi essence bghiltok citronellji kost geraniurrif marcchalle i vernier lily ot the valkv honey suck1e koyal condon koyal eltacirtose cc fc flowers circassiar crear qtieen bouqut bouqgtl j arabf i eau de poitu 1 clonenlable esprit dc lavem au millefieurs amtirosia verbena perfumnd extract persian sweel us verben perfurmand extract esprit de rose veritable pomacb dirine pomalnrrtf gold silfr andbrome inkt amber presloo sdellins salt ax kc c c j w brent juij 4 apothecary kindlon i4th octder 1b41 31 m nr fmlay afternoon and kingaioi al 10 ocock salujay forenoon and arrive at preacoii tt amc evening k all bafaec andfcparcela at the risk f the owner unlcs booked asfreignf sieiim bat office kiiojjmon loth may is4vi- j engraving copper plate printing m peabodv late of new york would respceifully inform ihc public that he i commenretj huines in the above line next door above the rein detjr inn bead of store street where he at all time be iridy lo execute mder in hi linet either on sieel copper or wood and he hopes from a thorough knowledgr and strict attention to busine lo merit ohore ofpumic patronage n b diesinking doorplaies inark c visiting and wedding cords neatly ex ecuted at the shortest notice moffats vkfirtaile life pltls ad phckmx bittthstlio lh crlebntr which tbericrlu0t jrdtctorb uw jifj m- o mt trrry tirr in irbuu tlr aumbii rrom m jibmc i 0 mattrr fiialr wth jlunu hithlrbt prf- bon tmv bvcbmo haotm by thnr fruit teur o4 niiimitii finii-m- ly j nthriicv tho rouhofthpcfloub jo rj otcoiinfrbb 1 1 tn rulm obh litr affri uofts a rij srtllrj pbirj ifbtuomtitin himjm af we oihiiobtc hraifmhn whi state ria flout calraitby arafnce of ib tffctn mjrv- cm irbitll3 the siranam iiknirnt to ifcjmw in oeu cat hcoth j of wrikncta of the frbuo or j aod io u nimi drbnrincoia cr health tlfbr nwrifbavr lovanabir rrord rrnrt ooti wcmy itmoly ttao retofc votoub ftaltli i- r omui- -ii-u- f npii a biftflc trial bill flar ih life pmn bt i n r h- 1 wiltrri v i the rrmb oftoaqpetition in iftf fitmiiti occrrry pbticnt jjth lftpllrorrbom m imvm wftiam p 1 roch oror4in tn w n tlic phfenii buirinh btk uftj a3roa withfvjidi nkimmb prrmfrh nj bou whovraou ond iruil ol wm d mokkatmfjialobvr to1wj ow yota jf d ncmo or mkiiai untm uity i u j i nfll of joftn moffvibnbiofi for cbattlltou dlstrlpltlov art imfjb riling littl nanpl1t rntitbl moftbfb m1icoj mbbii i 15-1- uur to hcoltouiainj kcurat iftftntiitiie0 cnerjftin thr nott afravbt 4j- and iba o bpprovbd rtmodtct bt wm b moffat afok to ttr afrnt kingttojs xn irtio on hand at al times and for ncle at the kingston brewryano distillery ale of a superior quutr at one shilling per gallon also rectified ihrough cc sftfajwell known by lhs coriaumera oine article to be of the jttfwf mnnufarturejireberngnone other disitlfed on ihe same principle in canada high wines proof one io one ttrbift rttcle has received the preference in the montreal market alctjhol at all times on hard for fate n oti c e regular ale eustnmctt can fully depend on their being supplied llrougkout the ensuing summer at one shillng per gallon the well known keepinf quality of the ale during tbe past m will serve as a suffi cient reeotnmendatioo for the next order letl at the store of mr atthar foster will be punctually attended to james morton kinprton brewery distillery 22nd ottohcr isti- 33a nxcklx w kov9 thz aishor and m houtrciee in a eltr io like aouth of froice which wo will not namcforjprcoeni ihcrt lird af j v s hij t kiad otaiftblc old man oerere lo hiraoclt mvl inl to other io food i o ehrluuc hot owj body toted hira iii hotiic wa ft model of prat- pertly ond hoiplulitr it wi ainftfd bj n old houtcl- m iji- l-h-r- in ft baehcloro eatibuihfocnt the tuprccoe minority u cxcrciacd bf s mjj mi- pichard the icrj niodel of houbckcrprr end ererj lhig went on cdnirimj unflv r her ado in titration- her ontr lourcc of uoa- blc wii her hublwod o drunken ruarrebomc old man who al ihc time of ogr torj wot corricd ortbj a dropay produced bv ht exe a few dtp after his dealh the btkop wenl up to hi houte- keeper aportment lo poj rwr ft tibu of condolence well mj dear midtm brgan hb tordfhip 1 hart colled io endeavour to eonaofc you in your af- dklioiw you rnbit not trierc loo deeply we are all mortal you know ond 40oatr or later wo n to ihe end of our cortmr pitgnmaje your hvj- banda ia now ended it woord hare beetj better if he had not apent o much of it in drinking but olill the mercy ofheaenha no boundi u your lordthip ia evry rood but to ay ibe truth i wfta not i i k r of nay htfbind at all i trill not deecjtg joo really i aoiwcrcd ux biahop your lordihip know that my huibond wai z drunkard and ihat be uted to beat me aoct sold my clothe to buy liquor wilh for my own pari 1 am only orrr he lived ao long thi irai a kind of funeral oration foe which ihe buhop waa ho rdly prepared and il wa with a tike astonishment that hercplatd that ia not a iciy ehriatian frame of mind im afraid did you noi lore your husband v a your lorahtp would not ak me that question if you knew how i came to be marritd you mull tell me ill about il aaid the biabop with ihe curiobtly of age- and your lordahip doeaoot know anything about my a ujuatui continued ihc housekeeper in a met plain 11 1 an born at boulogne if it plcaac your lord ship al nfieen they called me tsc lillac beauty bnd i suppose when ctehecnt 1 waa not much ur- vuuslua wjhu t richard t ffay ci lier but excuse me mid ihc old lady drawn f or sale by the subscriber tons superior oakum joseph bhall kingiion 6ih september j8i choice wines 6qr carta superior old port 2hhrj howard uua lu- dtuj 4 qr casks brown sherry 6 do do pate do 7 eatk superior pav sherry in bottle 4 rases o bro wn d io do 4 uvhotvarj mvrt madeira in do 10 dojoley sparki champagne h calder commercial wharf f 23d october riua j 33 i back her chair i am oini to lell you a lore aiory and 1 afaatl only tire you go oo repealed the digniiarr we are hot h ofua old now can ltk aboot aeh uortacuae with- oot danger there litcd in the nllac a jouns man tall flnetj- fonoed wilh blup eye and eurlint light hair i uiiok i can mc him iow all we rjrl used to pull caps for him he waa what our parent called a wild young anon his name was augustus and we al used to call him handsome guaay he soon in- led me oui and when my father weni lo parb and my mouwr out of ihe wy htji aliraja at mr side when one cla to be an old woman and ha a s jrownup yirl to take care of one rails at lama but still that wa ihc happksl time of my life j i remember il a if il wa yesterday i waa proud or my gussy who wa ourblllaec wau and he ooon quilted all the other jirl lo pay his court to njr alt isdonuttd of blran to vour tordshp no doubt my father d mother would never bare agreed lo my marrying 0 w0 a frltow as he was they forbade htm the house but we used to meet of leu in secret he would prool around all day only lo get single look of lotf and then ofi bow happy and proud j was oct day my father hod sooe co uw city with a load and i slipped out to try to arc augustus for a moment we had not seen each other for a fortnight i met him on ihc high road if your lordship knew what a dtfighil u lo meet one lover when one i just eighteen and ha been parted from him for a fortnight you would compre hend how one feels i forgot father mother ere- rj thin we stood under a tree by tho roadtide looking into each others eyes wc were ao happy hat wc dad not even apeak a earl came alon it waa my father he w us he sprung qui and be gan to bcal me for havii mrt augustus again hu order i am certain uil if he had attacked augus tus himself he would no hare rcaislcd but the poor fellow could not bear lo tee me aurtcr he attacked my father and they foufhl desperately my father f up a atone and split open augustuss twad he or the other snitf heu the ow mao such a wow that he fell aenielcaa w ruo run augujtu aaid i if the police should eateh you you arc lost he obeyed me fled and i hare nerer ecn him sioee my father soon causc tbanuavc idc a oreaoful ocit dcuridined to marry mc of and easily found a mvi who wa willing to lake me without any affection in consideration of a good dower when i wa tired of being beaten erery mornin- and nihl i became madame piciurd i nf rcr loved my husband he knew that my father used to beat mc and he follow ed his example wa wandered orer the whole of france in real wnni ord misery for the most part till your lordships kindness arc us support that ia my atory and what became of handsome cuasy 1 h thought he had kuled my father and left ihe tillage he wa a fad of courage no doubt he enliited perhapa he j now a colonel general or count who know untc ho wa killed in battle eul 1 cannot beliere he i dead j i hare been look ing for him throe forty years leaped er cry mo ment to hear him knock el the door and see him come in with hia graceful figure hta mild blue eye and waiting lock so then you auppoor my good lady that your guaay it jut the aame no a he was thea t so i fancy ptcaao jour lordihip t why thai b folly j your augtiatg hia grown old like other men by this lime hia face must be wrinkled hi head bald and his figure- bent doubt if you were lo ace him now you would nol know him 0 ihata impoaoible i i cant belieee that hei ao changed but ot any rate i should know him among a thousand put him in the msddlo of ao ar my and iii lay my life id reeogoiw him al the rery first vou arc mistaken madam you dwell in fancy on the you i h of twenty flan not on the old man of auiyai and augusta himself if he wa to ea you be would nol know you to prorc tbt to you you hare both of you litcd jx month in my house without eltbstr erer upecujn lhal ore other w what 1 what doe your lordship mean 1 eaked tbe old woman anxiously to ii nt- you margaret- am your a u- ustuf madame pihard aprung from her chair and held up both hand t rhe could notbeucrchim oh dear ia your lordship handsome gussy cerumlj tbe handsomest rount fellow in the rillc yea margaret fortyore year ago wa it you that i used to meet down in our garden 1 ah yea margaret h wa the rou u the annate tam wbxteupoo i uke addiaeu did iul my avgavs ty by a atiffaitenec- aa oyportuuily tvr a boo met bowercr oecurred nhieh 1 bad nol rirtue iuacvt to resist lord l taatntioued ural an ota bdy an eooaiounce of his kept bee booki sa de- lacted bcoeasf the male author ia one and uaa female in another i said 1 ouppooa w rtawow waa i did net want to increase her library av- togctherthe eoutcnauoo considering tta aruararr of ladies wa loo maoolah- a pcpya any la ass memoira pleasant but wrong a great portion of matbewa eourutaobcot waa the eompoaiiion of smith he soya mra matbewa ia cornel ia stating tub b page u m that 1 received ootruns for what i then wrote but for my subsequent ectort rfa wa it you your lorruhipl mean augustu counirj cousins trip to pari air eallooning and 1 mean tout jvrdahip ual mj father hit with 81001 the dignitary took off hi eullcp and showed a distinct scar on his haven crown 1 can tell you all in a rijry few words whn i j thought i had killed your father i ted aeoealhe frontier i look refuge in a corneal the good ftth- vr gre mc cducaiiou t wanted to go back lo t france to claim your band when i beard of our marriagr i determined to uke order i abandon ed the purouil of my youth and deroted my- aelf to study and prayer i returned to france i preached some thirty year heo 1 waa rrtminjled lo the ee i now occupy vou must slay wilh me margaret we are both of ua ao old and o chang ed now that there u no danger in the remembrance of the part you ce now thai your fancy wa fed by a mere allusion ihe objeel ofyour firal lore before your eye yet you id n know him nor he you nolhin- is lasting in this world my child all ia nbaty and relation of ajhrit madame piehard continued to be the rery model of a carcfol housekeepet the servants stood in awe of bcr and beticrcd that she wa eraiy for they often heard her mutter to ivracll when she though she na alone h oh dear 7 hia lordship toy handsome cuwreh dea- oh dear comic hllckllmxil- prose and verge by the jalc john smllh ec in two roiumca o ceond rdiuon colburn the periodica uteroture nf the hsl thirty year contain no small portion of the best and moat char acteristic productions of the age the most gifted men were tesrled lo pour v ji ibeirthouht through so convenient a channel although doing o seem ed to many aoquandering of the material for per manent works that peculiar intellectual move ment bowcrer ha awakened and diftuacd though to an etnt unknown ia former times and tr men who took part in it a well a their work will be re membered a hain rcreted the apirii of iheir time with eatraordinary truth and efleet one by one they will emerge from temporary oblirion nd with a much of their labour rescued from the chaos or magazine and rericwa as may show what piril they were of lake a recognized place in en jlish literature of uaoac who wrote with ao little regard to the future one of the most renvarlablc wa jarnca smith the author of the rotumes beftre it he wa endowed with great and various abili ties of which men saw rather the play than he worcing tot is an se ad freedom io whflf he did which imprrs us with the idea lhal he could haie done much more there is no straining of ur pointt no feverish anxiety he was uilty apn- rmllv without erfort and he flung the produce of h mind frcm him with a carekaoes and profusion nhirh afrowed at once a conscious ncas of power and dlbrfgjrd ofit most commonly corctd rcwartl io fact the essays and poem by wnjchhccan le famwal were but the amusement of hi leisure some of these drawn logeiher from ariou quariera are in the present volumes the ediior ha used a wfre discrctiufi in not putting forward every rag and tat ler that could be scraped together bul only sueh c i aa uie il would wish to preserve the eaaajl he has collected are full of humour knowledge of society anu character and teen a caams without a particle of malice the epigram aongb od poetical sketches have infinite wit and comicality end show great powera of eri fie itlofi tbc most fantastical rhymes et hitched in wilh the oddest idea a naturally- aa if the author spoke only in mere metre from hia cradle- there ia a short and judicious biographical mr moir prefived and a few charming letters addressed a mr torre holme we should hare been de lighted wins r volume of such epistle but the fault of ihe ediior bgfrbg no tntojf atfflt a one ao rare and o much on the right aide that wc are much more ditpoocd to praise than to complain vht our mace dae not auffe its m amr pfowabroaao tmu ii ail 7w j indulge much in ealraels but we cannot conclude our short notice of i hear pleasant volume without few cjuoftiofj from the idler i dind yesterday with e l eulwer al hia ne residence in chartc atrcet berkeleysquare a splendidly and classically rilled up mansion one of the drawing rooms ia fe simile of a chamber which our hoot riiited at ponipeii vae candela bra chair tables to eorrcaporsd he lighted a perfumed pastille modelled from mount vesuvius a soon j ihe cone of tho mountain began to blaze 1 faocitd myself on ta habitant of the devoted city and as pliny the elder thus iddressed bulwcr my supposed nephew our fate is accomplrihcd nephew hand me yonder volume t shall die a a atudetu in my vocation do you then hasten 10 take refuge on board the fleet a masenura von- der cloud of hot aahe chide thy longer dels feel no alarm for me- 1 shall live ut aiory the author of pelhamwiil rescue my name from oblivion pliny the younger made me a sow bow moore gare ua an account of hi meeting some few year ihe dueheaa of kent and the princes victoria in a country bouse and singing duetts and trio with uvm the queen he says had then a small thin voice but wa a very good musician her mother an excellent one a cal van islic lady whose brother had turned unitarian waa reminded that he notwithstanding wo good man that very circumstance said the sister prove that he la doomed man the devil is sure of him for hi waof offaiia that he doe rot take to trouble to eorupi hia morals altogether toowoouryt hot awe trip to america 1 received from 1000 a thousand pounds for you are the only man in loodou who con write what 1 want good nocutuec he naa in all money matters a liberal booeal manj but a rcry troublcsoeoe one to write for he wa whet bonaparte denominated mural the spoiled child of victory captious and timid aa to effect bt vrtfe aod t used to drill him in aongi wc shall only odd the last atania of a poean called chigwctl rtvisiied because it appear to ripresa the somewhat melancholy experience of ihe writer i fear not kate thy pendant srware there are who pray for lengtbof yoex j to them not me alloivm t lifes cup i nectar al the brink midway a palatable drink and wormwood at the bottom london chronic aao ftiwrai f i briish narj begaa bos career upon tbe ocean as an apprentice lo an bon- cstoldciualercapl hull of ntwport r l ob the first serious trial of his mettle he pre proof of those qualities ao essential to a esjnancuoinso and cotfraee hu master hip commanded bj tur master wo approached by a triratical sermoner full of monllurting fur spoils and fori loed ct t lluli iivtitiiii iati rv w iai xdtmd ubamaiir or his vcsklbut you- w waa 00 quaker and determined that the jm of bis blood abould not if he rould belp it be upon ihe pinles heaat after a ood deal of earnest entreaty and a liulc rspcctfuj force he oi the good captain into tbe cabin and accidentally fastened him in taking command of ihe ship he made hasty pre paration 10 run orer the ptraiehiut wmerarss bus movements with intense interest mrf looking out from ihc companion way and percervuvf the object ofoun wager could nol belp observing lo his jcs vfet ifthe latttuu t run oaer rtnf idsooner thee mil if put ar softs a littt wire ta ttaramtrtl charles obvrved the direetioo of ihc rsaaker lis ahip passed imuaediately over the acboooer wlaasv aunk instsntlj and every pirate rerisbct taw ear- ploil procured foe charles a eommuwion art ish nar and thus laid the fouodatiooj of hi and fortune rvine srarc a tt- some genuenvcn on board tbe siesumer drasood the other day says ibe nw york er entsrg mi were eon rcrsing about the wonderful powers of sfeam the great facilities it hadgiran to iraeltsog sotv one eciulcman remarked usata nr m-ff- leave new iork n the tnomin and arrive use ttaie night in baltimore thus being io fire stale in one thy only ave ii il ye sot v said an irishman present and it mceself who waa in nioc alates on mondas jatt the company were incredulous and called upon faddy to explain how such a thing could be pomlblct which he did a follows well ye ce gcnilemcn 1 wa marrsrd in mew york last monday momint at 6 oclock and went with my dear bidci to baltfmore tbv same day and sure be fore i got there i was after gcttin drunk a a baste so j persate i was in tbc state of new york in the atate of sobricly the alate single blrsddens las state of new jersey ihe slate of connumbial feli city that a nhai ye eall matrimony the state of penny i rani a uc state of delaware tbc ute 0 maryland and use state of jatoikation all in one day and the whole of which wa owing to tbe won derful poircrsof two gentlemen sngting in the tnames al newn lately could not agree upon the pcaxanee of their favorite bsita the horse ity aod iney agreed to refer the qucalion to a rustic whom they aaw plourh- ing at n little distance and accosted him ib did you ever see a home illy v whoy said hffijje w drat it j never seed a horse lly bat 1 nrstwdijefr down a precipice i ptxwaln dire at a late cfeclion at 5haflabrir7 an liirfaa made hia apprarance and happeoin- to oaj aoroo ihing in the crowd to the caadidate owof the tary party exclaimed from the hustings ob paddy ssovt go to ihe devil am much obliged to yer lon er was paddysrcply f ye are the first ji thai ha invited mc to your father houae ainee mr arrival in england till destiny ot icuvbleb a popular russian fable by kruilott reprtecuts an author and thief ui pardcaooium iney 4rt ia iwo separate kettle and the drvil has lighted a hag fire under that belonging lo use man oftcttar wraths the itht nngerrd hero u only enjorirtg a gealk da gree of warmth the author reproaches satan witji hia partiality but the latter ulifie rumeetf thus 1 you re a much retcr ainoer than tho thief hi ms have died wilh him but your will arrive foe centuries- the dec tasut lojc here is one or ibe neatest tunned apirsrns 10 us language imagine ifyou please a senumcntahst most graciously reclining 00 a sofa srilb tho list fashionable novel in her hand and her rsenrt unfodiog aa a pinchuihjon and be ore her pruotrata cm his marrow bone a perfumed youth of twurly wiuk eye upturned in agooy subliede sobbirur 00103 aay thin bul diapason my cbumtr i would die par then if thou wouldat only tasw for me ab -p- ri dikjrtirt