Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), November 20, 1841, p. 3

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vost offivk notice rpjphk next mad foe eftaml wilt jl in htfstnl m llii cmfcr on saturday fat min mini nt 6 rfrlockft i m- lcmquuifbc forwarded ly hie mail on sunday evening bul tlic post m islcr will m4thvfl ihrir hcing in lime root deacon pm 1 r ouve k i m 17th nov ltui st andrew society the annual merlin- of the socelvil1 be held j the mansion ileus on tues day the 23h lahtllltl oclock p mvvhen i oft bearers for tac iwstt ewlrd and ibe reriw for ine lal year b- inlted person desrou of beconiir me marrs will llten be mopwcjmj balloted for a gen nil allrajancc i kwm- wnn secretory kiiton 19lh not 1611- mackiistosli cloth asnjikir ankle lo be sold by lhe yard coals cloak or capes mt o order john ardllam kinsmunjonovtlstl hist noilec whereas the merchant tartar of kingston have falsely ft presented o their curtomers anil ilic public thai uvc journeymen wish to obtain exorbitant pri ces for ibeir work the latter beg to state that by the present mriktl ihey only want 7 l34i per hour an j protection from inpn ution as heretofore practised un them by their cmpocers tm jocavtvmc tailoss or kiostox n ttt ml piano fokte for sale tkolj hand in most excellent ttfrr and of nod iw apply to kir francis millie corner of front and store sifris opposite to mr kirby kistonnovotmslt 41sri wanted to rtftt mdl house io 4 era ttat ti4tl oflhe toftonr in store stierl would be preferred addrejs v 2 at ibeoflceoribisfiaper kindlon nov ifth 1m1 41 10 mutchants and crucers situation wanted by i yoon man who b bad a link experience in tbf aboy- line be tut a jjooj kowg of book i zu account sdary rio object tunc ukrd fo on tinie letter adjifssril w al the tort oifite mill be tilcndrc to kindlon mih nov ibm 4ly shehrfrs sale mijind dhlritt w v rf a to wit mm wrii of kci pacida issued out n i ivr majestys coon ftf queent ivmh arj to me direuod tgaiih the land and ivftftiifftls of tvtl- ibm j mr kay t the mi oftbootm mo adam and juhn spron i havoiixd 4nj lahen irt cxcctitiofi a belonging to the aij william j mkay a viuap loi in pth hein a pari ofthe brnkcn front or iir eam hatf of lm numler ten in the fifi cometmon if ihc ttmltllrb of ernctown nnii contaiion by a1 measurement nintfty- rro square rnl hwc i wll exjtfc hrt tali at the court hodh in ihn town of kingston at the hour vlt2 oviocu noon in wednesday the tenth day of november next a medonell kherift office kinpton 1 i l ii 3ri i p i iih i mh day ol decmbei iwxu kington nov 20 si sheriffs sale mmmj distritu w virtue of a to mm wril of fieri facias twwj out of her ujtfttpf court m ltcni bench amj u ire fcttftej apimi the lanils ami tenmen of william j mckay at ihe auil f william bradlory i lave sircd ad taken in execution a heioniig io the at1 wilham j mckay u certain lot in the villaje of bah long pan of the hroken from ofthteat half of lot nn 10 in the township vf ernclown in ilic incorporaled cor lemx and adjmton ond in the midlainl dlrtct containing by admeanrernent nincljrwic quar rolrf which t will fxpott fel w the court loose in the town of ktm- tn nt the hour of twelve oclock noon fin monday the uvcnv second day of novem ber wtau a mcdonell siicrrift office kington t mill aot lstf i li thi above sale it postponed till friday the 17ih dav of deeernher next kngiort nov oo 181 xiiekirrx sjli mfanj difhcr ji3v rtrti era wiuof to wit jo fieei fia iiud wtoffltf mqestyi cuti of queen bench th4 to me ditched eainl ihc lands and tn menu of william j- mckay al theait of wil- ivam walked john w anderton wihiam for rjtb and john b fooytb i vive tied and friikn in rxectition aa pelonin to ibe viid tvilliamj mckay a certain lt in the vii neot bath heine part of ilie bioven aont of a evi half of lot no 10 in ihc township e eiret town in the incorjraied ojniirt ol lenox and addingtoh and in live midwrf district containing by dmramemem nine ivoae square rod which i will evpoe for tale at tbe court house m the town ol koif ton at the hour of 12 ovlock noon on fiiday the tenth dy of decemvr nerl- allan mcdonell smnff k i hherips office xlmatt lotlisept- iw1 the above s1e n postponed fie lth day of december next kintnoniail wc keele sonctton in ciiancntt 6gict of mr duffitrs king street enst of the market sjuan kingiton dr if vj i t rfngl cjcrfti-nuit- rcu wunesaes atieit the great brnefll thai ihry hnt received from tbu gcnucmwi rvmedira hut it la sometime said that tbey tie unknown here and the te dinwny u gm op fftr the oeea- i wo tberfoe refer h patlc to mr r wtmlff lelun fcwjt df- wu- liains here is an one xeejrt ion able vritncfti known to every body who efldcftce u itrooj and taotltssive wbo vaf realojed tofirhlby dr w so as to bo tola to read nd work at i trade although 33 yeara hae cupsed se veral other have received benerit one was a ladj who wffercd agonising pains nighl and dty in bar ayes for tour years froro which she could be relieved by all that was dons for her ilis believed that her sight a deploy ed by endesvouiiiig in vin to remove her pains which dr wa remedies relieved in a few hour w hod the abova in tuesdays hrald and in justice to dr williams we transfer it to our columns we cannot but rrd il hut exceedingly fortunate that at a tuns when those base slanders which have been published throughout the united states ae brmx inlm- d need into this province with the design if i were possible of creating an imprettion lhat dr william pretensions ire not founded in tiulh testimony of this character is obtained io falttfy he base cvtracfon of an bme the public ft f t hi a letter h lf- cient miithout any thine futlher bein m for ourselves nothing of the krod was i us ed we have wilnesmd elsewhera he ijiut- icnlly miraculous erteefs of dr williams re medies and no c0oru of the kind atludca o which could be made would either weaken our belief in the efficacy of hi treatment or in the identity of the individual- ncwj to ore editor of ihe beitirfi whig s p r mp in in m i r- l i l r tle tiok a porxrftph uufkdcd to injure the rcpula- uan of dr wllkiami 1 ihlok it mj duty dul genikmtn it kiogiton io titc ihb pybtic te the reie ifl03 i itlended ore vaihij phi p pi aftd ware nho wec ihc kififs ocululs for kferal onth bl vhout ieccvi 1v tfcm held eonjotuiion rcipeeiins m c v sdihcd fi to leave london un then worse itw li isvaceonwiud attn x few dij if- ktrds i i t1i il on dr willuipj itho yu jej to my eae at hi diipcnmv and in the cctc of setco wceki i could xe to read ard vroik tfarouh the kkvmia of dr iv t rematned wilfc him a ton tiom a his confidential pcrion to ercj rcracdees to ihn robdity tjd ouve drtlinjauhtd centif ho ere his patienu in londo and who 1 knew were etsred or henrnttrd bj lua mr web tier also work ed aiber needle for mi lid v 1 btveiecn hutdredi if not ihomandt of blro people cired or cresth be ftcntled by dr w aoon whom jfrc screrjl aol- diet who had been dtahircd at elpt on accent of bhiidnos and a woman named sir love who was restored to itjht brdrw at ihe sveof 103 frart who declared in tnj hcaine thai she hod bin blind fee a great uune jean- mj nifc was present when the old bo fcc nled to mrs- williass a chios lea poveupi andaaoccrs the grjr iresaore she had left a a proof of her gratitodc irq v hisc aj rnvsclf art eceiao thai the tea pot cut snd aauecrs now with dr williamr oro the mroeaiwctih at the attsoeertary dr w paid a visit to the cite of lincoln alto where huiwjrtos of bliftd and other one jfj eicd at tendrd and manj were under cay ono vaoenaiioo btioj in ltueelo at that lirae eurccl 1 rctnaie sir voor oheovnt secant george wustftlt ywor ceare street kfrtee 2thociobrr 1641 fr wit6nj f ar nhm frsur fo thr editors eftht 7iuui end adirrt utr of mont rtet a friend of mine hsi favorerd me with your paper of yesterday containing an article got up hy a quick of your city who- 1 have reason to know felt very uncomfortable tmlbg mj tt at moctrea1 in cortseouence of my harin mote or ls restored to sihf these ttno not onfy could nof benfittcd but went worse if not onile blind tw tmder his care soeri an oltenec on my pat could not he etpeetod io produce any other compliment iban what t found in your columns of tbe 26th hd i been inclined o rnrre w any report relative to certain oculists so cotft tartsrsttst i iniht have fcieen the names and residences of nearly twenty persons who bad not only tost nvjm smirk rri sgii fsssx men who nd inltuence enough to insert the compliment they paid to siryours very res pectfouy i wrxtuwv p s if httewtmm do not leave me alone tliey tvill probably induce me to iiiy ihem a second visit hefoie i leave jor enlnd they sent two of their youn- quack o ihe place where i attended the poor who appealed as uiise t a couple of ilin tvhen t dhveovered they were trainin- foe doctors and no dodm tbey called it hnmbuftery when they ease that i had dnrw in one month hat thy did not ex pect io be able fodoin theii whnl ivn per haps i shall be honored wiih simiur lauuage at rintfon to tht editvrt of tfa mqrtt timtt aad mt titer in my hasty letter of the otth n answer the calumny contained in y outs of the 16th i omitted tony your c omtnitnicnl wiote a delib erate u ue hoorj when hr slated that i tatted muserfle fittbrcltd kmm hkh i defy him to prove duine my successful practice of be tween 40 and 50 years indthat i had charg ed enormous fees to those which resuffed m wnxthirkell wholesale and retail groctr storestrett begs to return hit sincere thanka to ho friends ond the public for the ve ry liberal patronage ho haa received since hie commencement in hcainean and also i inform them that he has relinquished the veiling of dry good and in order to keep pace with tho march of improvements he haa made large additions to hii stuck of gro cerfca which will be found upon inapeorion to be very superior and us completer aa any in market the very low price ul which they have been purchased will enable bin- to erll fully ma low ff not lower than they can be purchased ehiewherc kmprton nov 14 1841 39im to let the strtctous new shop nd cellar in slore street opponuic the lamb- ton house and adjoining meoar morlcy cvjenbiea tlie dwdlins attached il i expected will be bniahed by may 1st and hi olaobe let if required the building being of stone and cover ed with tin iiiauranc can he cheelcd al a vw rate john uowat kingston nov 13 1641 39z newrst mttkrn pkl0ur s wb also a very iimtmn cookiho stovk it the aiittvoh room of 11 3ubsciihr ti be sold t a ery small advance either wholesale or tvlau collins haines kingston nov 17 lu q for sairat the fj8ckihehs rnn oous london and liverpool 60 dowmrch 30000 cljean consistmj of nncipes regalias lor cshm 10 boxes cavendish tobacco 30keapiu do tfci llogshtls musosdo sugar 10 fcolllhsahjunes kinsaton nov 17 itml 40 o mowat attorney at law solicitor in fihanccby ic kingston orrickatthe corner of clsreexe aridcrm stri near the court h j november ig t8h 0s sikes hydrometers made by james adams montreal- t also s arc haromet ers cskt ron aikaron ffa w bbwrrti jtiagovrfc lottkky of horsed and clocks f mie tubaciiben fesoectfutl ouvr io the 1 nuhhc the chsnees ol a lotter to be drawn at mr cornehus donohue tsteift icinxsion on mondau evening naeember 2lh neat u oltows vu priae t aspanoftrsirattpones eld value t do 2 7 aweiican made clock war ranted for one ye 3 5 do ia do do do dt do 4 5 62 73 62 do 9 2 do 102 do tl 2 ro 12 2 do 13 1 do 14 i dg do dn do do do do do do rjo 77 do 55 do 44 do 32 do u2 o m do 22 do l do 22 do tt do do 11 da it msb two hundred tcheb wo doltsrf ahd a hair each euual to 500lhe surplus money to beejfuwed a the drawing will commence at o clock p- r to he apcointeu bv jon apply to kinjsun nov 151841 mgrjfnn notice public notice ts hrrhy sit thsi the proptiftors oft napanee mill5 vrtllj on wjtohtcsdat tkb id oav or dcecm- otmatmsextoffcnhtlkaseor that r1na- ble property to fuhuc conifkiliion at twelve oclock noon on the premise tdr property consists o a grut and saw mdl several valuable building lots and mo hondred and fifty acres o land or thereabout a u of about 3 feel with an abundant upily of wafer- can he t all times depended un and a succession of privileges can be obuined by the construction of a new lucewav fhe lease will be for foci teen or twenty- one year a m be destred and posscsslon it on the 1st jimrty neat plan of ihe premises may he seen at the oiceof the suhctiber of whom evrry rrcui stte infoirntion eat be obtained either person ally or by letter joftrvs- caktwkight vrnlon 16th no- l 40hi lattst fall importation grkenshields 6t mtllkft k1n6 street neor chrvult 4- coree ojce have otopenrd direel from london a fresh lot of ftdttba stole squirrel back fostered musk and pich muffs and boas squirrel tail boas tluck sihfriu lamb sbms grey do do du- austfican dog do- lustre gennelt do do flibbit do do white do do orleans cloths of all shades all of which wilt bo submitted at very low price fall winter goods wholesale and retail j i brvce 4t co have now received ibeir fall supriiu whitli cooaiat in purl uf tho mhffiftg nt b a cauu ilmmiihon l erchonttallors egy io intimate to his numernuscu lument that he has received hi fa ix supply of west of england superfine rtitt black and pa iey colored cloiha black coasi mores lwkakins dojakina blurk ord blue plain beaver cloths blnrk brown and diamond beavers of the most prevail ing fashion together with a 6n assort ment of fashionabtr winter and atin veal ind kinjptotiovl 30 1841 33i government sale to be sold al ptffll ant lion at the comons satiat slwrr tele dc pout 00 wednesday the 1st diy ol drcemher next he followin articles in apparent good older- vie 6771 vrts flushing 4myds blue pty cmh 7911 do kersy i si 4o scarlet 1711 do tlloi all of which wit ch ascrs sale l 1 oclock noon 4l4wdsbl s3 do st bepuluoin lots to suit pur iadlei faibitimable clok varied asoohhvni eropritmr tonans gate plai4 klaio eod f ornd mcrimii itttwl o- sariony ctohi u bo anld cheap it deykesftcos tlo second price jfini r allen 30r votcrtimeat contract tttfotlcei hereby esn lh sealed x tpnders wiltt teceieed at kns- ton dock yard uolil ruesday tlu 3wa newmtxrj tul ftom ndl perious w my be willine to contract for dcliverm- into h- m dock yard the unjemealioned number o spars b william gunns cabinet maker and upholsterer fiverf tfoorioriourjcei new iuifdtii- elnqston n b all soru of furnitiire r- n io decorations done lo order qitoniy inocncfrr sjxi tenrt top bull spsrs red pine h i no bfeet 17 in 78 71 lo il 4 16 ll h 36 16 11 n 39 21 14 m 12 22 15 u v 30 15 t m u6 11 u 59 a 14 4s iu 8 u 44 10 8 h 2 40 16 15 11 a 13 9 bill tilt friday to let a spacious shop nd dftwlwi ih toitaue accommodation in tear recently built by the subsciibct opposite mr- kourii v iu quarry st forpaiticfliiapr r chananhouse kingston sot 13 uhi 3m one crapulent india rubber shoot- t boots one to do do life preservers for sain ly josephs hall kinpton ootwhci 9 1341 55 mort hope whiskyfchsaie si by joseph b hall xpptoni 8th octoher l41- 2 nominrshe should bare added u fo aim as i will venture to say that many whom he has attended were not only no defer but who ticd froiti some cause or other whilst under hia care 3nlly his censure on tns ilonrur the mayer of vour city mult fait on oifn affr as it is well known that his tvofttlf enjov ihe hiheit rrnutaiion for honour anc lntein 1 r as well as prudence of all his conmituents except tho clifoe alluded to which il would he well if they tried tr dsttrvt 4tbly stiould i ever mske a sccotu viiil to your city i now prrrni him icrepoit ell these who became blind whilst attending on tne clique and of those who were and maybe restored tu light by gentlemen youcs very reqpectfauy in hasle johk witliaats ocuul kington october 28ib irml tv utal of or william the ocoibt haa tenni akd the xvorthy rrls went out far woot but cojoc home shorn ttf eominriierd a prostevlion ijt tr williams nhich ended rn iho death of im pretcoded society whkh v v 1 dr willi ws was aecfaltwd of at the eharge brought aairli hicv so hat ihu mailer ended itsppears la be the opinion of an iodcpcndanl auericin jury that the people ean take care of their own health and 1 own pocket and bl crcn ifthepcan not xhrf at tratt are of ihe opinion that the learned medical frjterniiy already vufhekau overburdened bv ihe va weight of their 0o iwienee eid multi plied dwttea thjlt noi bae the addiuonaj lead ieo posed upon ihem of lakin care of the health and moncj oflhe cormntinuj it is a bet cot general- tmorrn that mr wi liair under prosecution for praetiaing io the district of columbia wtihotit a lieenk from the medtcfl society ihere afictfiv prtu ntrvnf m flttt john wiltisent of the r c ditpnair london aeivallj brought an aetion iainil ihst mdcsl so ektj and protcd in covrt that the members had foe feiled their charter j nhich utfjuccd the law re porter to mate aa bow that the vorthr fscullf wen out for wool and caow home horn of their sire nelh tike santou niiomj honorary oculist to their ma jcsgeathe kiartof the french and belganshu the honor to announce to the nobility and cen- iry of kmv1on thai aa his numerous visitors occasion crest uneasiness he has accented the offer timdv by mr and mt webster of qravt strit the use ol all the best part of their house with board and lodgings during his slay in kingston as a smalt proof of their eratitude for restoring lo sisrhl m- webster in tendon in the year io0e whose sight continues lobe flmd as well aa biaintainrnt them a nart of 608 and 1809 in bis house sitaocffiucaorse there fore ofler sunday next all who desire tocon- sull mr w naay call on him from 10 to 12 and from 2 to 4 oclock id have bis opinion with ovi re the poor roost attend at ttsua al noon il thetown btb- midland disrurct jrbtjr no- to wit mr tics ia hereby given that by virtue of certain ivriu lo mc jireeteti i shall mend at the court house in the town of kngton on wednesday the 26lh day of january nft at the hour of 1 1 ovrocl forenoon being ihc ivcond jay vf the aitung uf the court of the general quailerswiorwof the ivare ond sjiall llien and tbtrt offer for tflfl in conformity wiih the foal clause of the snr section of the provincial statute 7th william 4th chap 19 the larrd rn ihc townships of camden fredenekauurg kafodar rich mond sheffield kingston r 1 r port land loughuorough brdfordf hinchin- hroetp kcnclec osn oijn and patmera- inn advertized hy the treaaure r of the said disirul as in arrears for ueftmtnta and road tax up o tie first daj of l 180 untett aueh arrears are sooner paid allan macdoncll sbtrif m d sheriua office kingston 13th nov imi j 40z for sale at the subscjcttsehs an rlejsnt kos wood round cornered crand action piano forte metal lic plat no 3899- vanufaciured by n rrnsew claik new york and has ben pro nouner4by competent judges rne f the avreel est toned ind most highly finished piauosthey ever seen also an excellent blacic walnut dnint table with ocunjuiar iesj 3 leaves ant 2 ends aiso a black walnut side board with pedestals and drawers and best patent locks also a very superior buek walnot sofa wilh round arms and legs feather pillows and damuk covering and in addition to the abasia mahogany tables marble tops mahogany arm chairs with rockets mahogany sots arrd french bedsteads clocks looking glasses and a va riety of other furniture by far loo cornpficatcd to detaiulo be sold low for cash atout stores collins haines kingston nov 17 1ml 40 grocerfesi wines liquors constantly ois band wholeleby the suhscribert tobaccos plug cavendish nailrod winks purl wine madeira wine stetty claret do teas joun hysn old hysootwankay hyson slclo imperial gunpowder souebang bohca sugars o horhds muscovado si- 10 do refine do u 1 patent psilf 2 do do tubs- a6i pepper aboice starch candles soap greerf coffee rosited corteepiprp molssse vireear pickle turpentine snull cigars of every grade kaisins holland gin s brandy also a large consignment of cordae5pun yarn and oakum collins haines kinptoonov 171841 40 the whole of the spirt to bt delivered at such utace of rlkei al the yard as shall he pointed out hv the sinstrin tending ship build er and subject to hi mpeelioa snd approval vtwecn ibe 1st december ltvii ami 1st iruseriia be opened it 13 oclock at noon on the day abore motioned and to eit- presa ibe rale per fool rfaltf currency tlie names of two reiaonsiblc penwns urllinej to enter into a bond for he faithful nelcrmance of the contract must be fi tenlers klkostosf 1 1 15th november 1841 in the press and ww itedily he pub hshed ihe kingston almanac for 1812 which will contain hvides ihe cajendsr a complelc post oifiee list 01 ibe piovmce 0 canada list of gorernorslaw oepartmenlrlw courlr and terms- maiitresfuhie offices ncoce c chronicle gaielle oflrj r kinjtlon no6 1841 superfine tc refine weal tnj north of england broad chiftti ihc beat spccimena ofr mtnufacture brositht lo canada hwj ws r and lion skin cloth plain ril fanrj 38ni kingston and nanee m acad- mized rp- toll ctes rfn ihe j5th of dfcnhftnuncnminf f hcleasesfo iiuihl ihe toll gflie on this road will i p auc tion and l lo ihe hhetl bu the sale will taveplw l whelpley tavern waterloo nl 12 avleck mon 70 0 0 4 i 0 0 15 9 f9 0 cale no 1 kinplon senffor art yer caie no 2 near wawrioo gaic no 3 mtl cm kent lodo 5 gale n 4 near four corner ernest town from jinuary 14th the time its rneciion to 1st nov jljj keep er wtr i gate nopneeo rem this year- 27 evfry oilier inforniauon reuuve io tjie reventiorr derivable from the atw gates may be had hy applicauon to horace yeo man eaq waterloo oral the office of the commiaaioncra four ccnererncst town twoavhseient aureticitl be required and ibeir naniea girn in at the time of sale by order ol the board ccumming c m it november 9 1641 removal s h e u oh fi n hairdresser wig maker and perfumtrl bktis in state to the nobility grntrv and puhtte generatty th has removed from brock street to store srnrrr cfirecify of pouc i jvr 7nomoj rfdsons dty gooii store english perfumery crrd brushes c in rreat variety ktajtlonoci 30 ww 35t treat distress in eogiand the subscriber has just received hia fall supply of dm ggs which have been bnueht in the sngfoh anl srntch mirvtts al unprtcedentku low trices the teater pail have been purchased ofrjmfcrupt ettaus at half their original cost ino be is therefore enabled to orter to m okkateu bargains than evbh he pt icnlaity calls attmlion to the tolloivinr fvrry aificle here named he is confl 4ent will he fooml by jujjes to he at least 50 pri ccn facoir then crrg otktrhcutt broad cloths of every nuatiiy an color and of superior roakr lilotand beaver cloths of assorted coldtssorric of them very silendid gto de nspfcs ducape satin turk- plahj and all other silks incluflin some nner than hs ever been bronchi before into canada french and eadnh rihhons that ste not to be enuued in style or noalrty to bis rih- bons ihe subscriber in pailicuur calls the at tention of the public merinos of all colors and qtnliitc plain ahd beared saxonies and oilcans cierfbs of splenilid quality watered and dnmk moreens in crimson scarlet fawn blue green orange and every othor colour an extensive and well chosen lot of mnotrtinc de laines the greater psrt ate imported direct from france therefore j ihe subscriber has every confidence in recotn m and of every site red while g een and yellow flannels socw saxony and welsh flannels particularly fine and irinaifcably cheap wintrr glorrs of eveiy drferiptior and a very large stock of woolen hose an half hose direct from leicester scolch and lancashire series the lgtl nd best chosen trrk of pimted calicoes rn he movince rtrbbed and 1 casineres tweeds buck ant loontlni some of ihem of peculiar fine neit molcikins and fnsliani remarkably low winter vesting of iplendid patterns in vatcn iracambrcon laid saeonan4 aehotte ar- foitnmt of horned and plain sitins and sorne vei pendid satins for ladies bonnets an4 dlefbm jreonct mull and book muslins rhife and eolihticd lenoi rolled jscconcts of eeery eotout twum and plain sileeiar rt- atta driryamd turkey sttipes hrte hrh li- nrn shirff urm cloth and white arid cofoiod cotlon shrrt lambs wool pantaloons and waistcoats wonted comfoiters and braces me am loom factory and swinsdown cot- tons while and core connlerpanet and quilts and 4 vrry lrrj lot of cotton and woollen rira brriseh rmprrial ktddermin- ser and scotch carprlnt of magnificent pat tems and superior rjuality alo some vety fine oitsel well worthy of immediate at tenten french and scotch camhiies and ihe latest arri bctc lisortmem of blands la rs and collin- sonc very svinerior frenth ed in lces chenele and thibrl sliswu ind llandkerchiifs and some very fine ban dannas amongst them will be found a few pieces of real indian woolen and buckskin mills sealet inl grev snow stotkine linn and cotton tjpes w d drab and butk linen thread cotton balls spools shoe thread bonncl wire aod an innumerable quantity of other small wares and the stock of furs conilsof mutt cap boa and trimming in eeery description of skin a new and most beautiful article hi colored svnsnwn trim- minjr peculiarly well adapted lor trimming of dresses for balls and evening parties and a few very chc4ce real swantdawn boas auo a very are assotlmcm or tire ready made clothing inclurin coils vest and pantaloon of every style and nmonst them will be found some pea and monkiy jackets of superior malo peculiarly wr adapted for saimis wear an excellent asioirrourof crockery of the nr west put terns roi dinner set tices break fast and tea seryic and in one china also breakfast l tea service a few hhdi of hollands gin and cogniac brandy will be sold cheap to close a consign ment wm wtlson- rtinslon 13th nov i4l chiur brocudeii figm and plain gro do nap cvtd poplins cold and 01k sttiiicucss silk scrgfj black arw copd silk vowetj sins ribcjooa od artifi cial flowers bcireu63 quillings edg ings stc rola silk nnd worirted prin- ges chiur otusman figd salin mori- no ncttnndplnid 8l4vht chin6 do tatte lama merino and silk hdkft plnin arvd figd muslins silk cotton and woolen hosiery white blk and colm silk kid cashmere and lftmbi wool clovc lndios pruualla boots and shp4t 33- jy oi s3 d muna and boys cloth crcitk seol- tit and plubh c6 beaver and silk huts ctnilemen plain and figd stocks and cravats ulk brus5lb and dticapc silkhdkfs blankets whili smcl red flannels real welli and salisbury do woolen scrgca west vt england and yorkshire broad- cloth 8 in various colours cassimcres kcroys tweads ic blue brown and invis green pilot snd beaver cloths blue dked beaver cloth a variety of rich winter vesting blk and colm meri- noca ituiiairas and orleans cloths plain and figured walrrrwl and lainaak mo- new lastinga and sbilloons lfindun atvd manchester piytted calicoes monae do laine saxony and orleans cotlon mit woofei varns linen and cotton ticksy tabic and toim covers quilts and counterpanes moleskins vgv- vetcens mmi cottin vclftlf drugiotsv imperial superfine fine and cornmon carpels hearth kuo m m wvd 64 oil floor cloth lntm diapef hucka back bed anrl tnmc linen- fih do- sheetings ovnrfburjp durkft ti plain and twilld bagging sail twine c sj c also brown and bleached ctavtiss all num ber of a sueriorquiility j b t co have much uleasnrc in recommending their present stock lo he notice of vheir frietids and usc inhaoitants of kingsthi and its vicinity generally it twine large stlccled with greit care and purchasrcl wlicnthe british markets wort much depressed ihcy ne ertbltd o sell at very low price thev also invite the attention of couit try alcrchanu to the fact dial oil their goods being bought for cash and im ported by themselves dlnpct tbey arc en mm lo supplv the trade with goods 6 wholrsalc at as low prices as lliey can lie purchased iucwlierc cither for cash or approved indursed notes kingston 30th oct 1541 35m steamboat notice- riret msl steamers will till hi tfle ctoit of it nit this port n dickenions landin past lerrn a-mji- u t4 f ftsjhtjelofs likeanjbliei j amioal office j kineptoa 6ih nor i84t take notice purchasers of do goods are re- 4ucttd io try the glasgow warehouse cornrf o stir end itimttlu 5ffsrs where incywill cnd an exteoaivc soj tajie aitineot of fall and winter goods comprising every thing thai is newand n looauc fvr tbe aeaaon at extrccrtelf fince the subscribers have imported -ef- heavily o every ilfpartment of their brjii near and feeling coofijent that their gckcul and prices wj atunj comprivn with arrt other house m ihe trade respectfulljr whi an early vail from intending jvurdijw the lowest bre asked kerr waddelufccn kinstoa 6 nov imi 3a ross dodd merchant tailor ately fftm london where he hi mji been or many years engaged in ftr init tatfhiorcablo estahlah roc nu with whirl he has formed a caortrlion ltr the purrtos of being supplied with the earitet iotelh genre f trie chstfgc of fashions bcgsw announce to the 9 gentry ano inhafiltants iff king- ston t ac xtihbomrhopdf ti at he ti- rommeneed business r merchant tailor in qdabby street twndoora from brock srccp vherc he witl always irave oa hand naiv plete aworiment of west of england other cloths cerseii cawimerep pitots beavejts tiveeds vesting to tc of ihensveft and most fashionable fahric and pattern t batters himself that ofl iltc frience bbashadia naval and hull afty okiforms and in lajot rlolng habits and l bfalfz f ii cloaks thai he rjl be aralo t perfect satisfaction in any orders ftritb trabk he may be honored jy kiagstor io november j8i 38nt on sale f the wholesale wajie information wanted vf lvdia cox fiesa wrlford notlb loosaitf t england who il is believed sailed f iiiii liverpool for amenca in april ls40 and intendvef join lo buffalo any in formation resocctiftt her roold be ihiukfulty received by her sister mrs thomas wells cross street kingston kindlon nth novjtl 39 removal british saddlery warehouse robert chanonhouse ssddlc and hatnrss manufacluttr refpecllr informs kis fr ni and the public lhat he has removed his emahlihmenl to lha hour which hss been recently built opposite mr roufk qusuy st kington nov 13 1m1 3d blankets i a sextensntacmcniofrore u a w- 1 yri 1 blankets at dtykcft k company rtlm are preeminently distin guished for srtling good jltiult nf mr ivwttt prictfa which it coi tc import ro 3sni wholesale dry goods warehouse conrrca op stons and quakay stretr the subscriber has leceivcd per jtctfatr from glsfgow blond rvoni liverpool and gfiot britain from london a cohitgnmcnt of dry goopl whieh will lw found woih the noticit of the trade the goods were elected by a reron long occjuarniod witts tills- fftarkcl and will le found both in prico and siyle in yerj way suitable the slotlc consists in part of markinaw whitney rose and point dbpliel chihs cafimeres kerseys anil tweeov diamond k plain beaver i pioi ctnths starlet crimson and white flannel red and while kefrcy end printed sato torryv red and white serge- green boise and dm gets merino orleans and printed saxony carpeting and ieanh rom shalloons silifias and rolled jacconelt sptendid sffortrnent of printed calicoes drown and btttched coltmia regalias and twilled stripe shirting book jacconct arid mull muslin afid lenos s fanry vesting tabincland piitoh moteskin velvet and velveteen quills counterrvartcs and horse blaftkerv thibet muffier printed and bordered shawla scotch shawls and shepherds pistda paleat canvas m xviued srkinj and ofnabure tw blue turkey red and shirting stripe 104 64 and 44 cotton and linen sheetings mia bandannas and btask silk hdkis buclmkjn mitts lamba wool gloves and hose 9 lambs wool shirlf drawers he 8te the subscribers matruclioos ana to roll at low prices a6 therefore the stock will be fou to compels with anv gooda ottored thi fall t macnfder agent kimn 20th oitober 1841 33x oca lltaeveada plates for sale 4ju by joseph b- hall rtineiton ih october 1641 offirt of ihe k at roilwoy corrfjrfny ml aowssorr l4i wotice rs hereby giveii that ir ac- rordanee with a resolution of the board of dircclora of the kingston marine riihvvy a third instalment of ten per rent on tho newly allotted lock of the company ia called in and payable at their office on or before the tenth day of derem- ber agreeable to their act of incorporation sitsei c w jenkins rjctfy ahouse of te subriber faortr sxntt gunpowder soucbdng young hsoaand twankay teas reqriedand muscovado sugars ja- cftflnipaign htmim co and welav mut- wif pherrv claret mtw cr iites s ss iiffl tsa o dranjy tumqin scotch whrafcef 10 cases s i cavendish nail bad plug and cut tob accoes maccabov and r snuff 50 boxesv cigars variousgradc- 400 boxes lvercmdlandmontrtsoapv q00 boxes london sperm looa diff wsx wick and m i i candlcv 50 package wax yneni v 500 reams english wrapping paper lohhus drycodfiaii 25caic5 do do do m caesu common tumolcrs 10 do assorted glarsare k0 doz london naunt refined talie ailt carolina and easl india rice pepper pimento cassia clovei coflce ginger raisin prunes barley salenjof pickles sauces frpcs london porter dry white lead cod and while oilay indign blos copperas sohpelrns viiteegaf iolasej corn brooms peppermint ginger cordial lemon syrup london tnottted and anry scerated soap blacking x 6tc tket also an aftsorlmcniof staple drv p063 joseph b hall rtinjsbm november 1s4i 37z the subsctibcr rreoarcd to atteod to all orders for tha anildhgor repsimg of row or i boalsat his former rrfideace near far- gasort poirdt wolfe island appetite kinrstoo ah orert left with hfr richard scokell will bo mjnctislly attended to william h smitherx fergusons point 1st november imi 3gi messrs h rowsell booksellers stationers a crock street kingston am king street torokto rihe subscribers have just received tbeir fall fmpoaiion from loodoa coosisliajr pf a very larc nnd sarted assorttneat of printed books and puia snd taney stationery a oaxat vaatktt or works of genial literature aad kaool boks account bookaof all sixes and nrimes pfsu cap letter ahd note papers of ah qrajucs plain and ei drawing papers aad penrcits wax wafers quills fee book and jra printag aeatlr snd raaodi ioosly executed copperplate fcagrsriag and i riii ting account books toted and bound aay pattero mortgages deeds sad memoiiah for sale n b a circolatiag library kingston ocv 30 imk tti furs skins highest price will be paid ia cash i description of skins for escpoo tstionat wm wilsons wholesale storo in brock street krngaton nov 13 181 sfctt fori

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