Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), November 24, 1841, p. 3

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hv1 rtahl lh nhih i mvn muli iqh trpmvl m imlihhri nut an may im lrmt di iliir iuii during tltpaiitutk wiittaft ivly hnvmjt ni 111 rkn irrst hv ill iumiiiifi yr ilw i in st hmi joint ii u nmrwiifi iiikiiiuiittiiitly rv rfonl dibdi in uiu town on tho i nt h i s r t j aonkw lili only aon of cruulopter aran- irons ki barlater a f jeara and 2 tnofiife i r t j town on annda ecug fail jamki mc donald rirmlylndltvdrhbilwiabk rifm hm m wwdi if u he r ewiiirdr i j rrrmwih punt i neerar j bj the tartlfjar and j oommunllj u c on twajar eaorritna the 2d r inivit 1st timl guil viiv prvsiilvm tin ullirr otytvy boarcrs for llit year arv n fidlowi f roramcrt n wen j- a miirliuim rail k a mnrjivr efr- j kiwiu4 m iiodgkiason we if tbmfi hod uruoii senior porictrr of lb london gazette at mr itta cti aful t abort and li mil illness arrnj u belated wire otlievt col rnsurrip iu tiinii st ml try mr ii m willi jimit nilmin iv john stcwmti m jolni mrliiionl jnmr mfarianpi fmnris hctidtrn hugh colder rod row lhgh kraser duncan alvkny william mrlntusb llonry sharp aftliur mcdonald r hrae i christie alexander rusv duncan taylor ffltt4mt d melnlesh 1 fostsfant secreturtj m i pagsi ctomc ctmmlttc of man- jh 36 jcera eden w adjiotnl ai v in km indiin ih lm j l 3 cply regretted by tit family broiacr officer i i nttkdt kobcrt fulton cameron hfe ofllcr mn- jfjlj ltd k- i r n outtm 0n of anu cam ron e of toronto u ofthctdih hirhndr aged 22 year acd 5 djjj j 1 j i cvftunillte of in kingston market hriejrfoy no 4 fotir per mt 30 0 porcivl 17 5 iwf roilc rye per bushel on coin iouiors kowls per coo pie 13 9 16 3 1 1 1 3 0 74 90 0 t of 0 f 18 0 30 0 23 9 0 0 n 0 30 0 uo 010 100 0 john sutbtriaftdj jnhu king standard jtttft at o preliminary iniviing f ihocromii- fcfo chohn o form a provident and savings bonk held ycstcrjay 3 board of direction were nominated vio are to meet tomorrow at the town hall at 3 ovioek p m- for the pur tose of choosing a board of manag ing directors tliere will be a very interesting tempo rancc meeting held at the union church on friday evening ncmi at 7 oclock for the oltftkk si gotto mk editor will you oblie ectjl or ih mcmur of fire ccflpnxe la tlu pbee b put i-klr- the act 4 and a victoria rh 41 a omud in bufjiv uaicltt for the information of the prblte 2enermt your odt vfivn a salamander wc cheerfully cnmpv with the fequrt of a sabmnjrr the follattins m the act referred to by him an art to itiiral accmn aet rtrcto mcnlicned nd to cmpt th mrmbcet f compnicj d firrctcft linmtv mtvmud from cr a jforj and in th ittililla eaecpt io certain ea- psihsftfrintr w4i- fvdettbaail itfpvfht mpn rd by uw uvjuwrtt of tiki lt hrovmer ef i ipei rnida in ihc yenlh jr of the heijn of hi laic majcbty kirtj crorvc fourth and intituled a dct to mokt further ofd moit tfftttuat proruton yr lae rrtritfton ofoccinu hyfire in the uvtrat potict tbkfii in fan vottitre in order tr ettend ite proyuions or the ne to 0c whole protinre ot canada i be it therefore emctf d hr the queco mwl excellent majcflr by and ivith the advice lirtd conxntorihe lcfilatifc council and of the lcgulativc astcuwy of the province of canada coatitvud and icnhkd by virtue of and tinder h authority f an act patvd n the parhamrnl tt the tnitcd kindcrd of crai bniain and jrc ia inlilolcd rfrtfi to rcuritt th prov tw bivw ipoacrr conodj end fir thr 0nrrnenf ofcancdtt and it ta hereby vutciri lijr toe authority or the rame thai the ofrctaid act ahall be and is hereby repealed jl and be it enacurd thai nhtnerer any com- kny or comninie ahall hive bciu renljrlr enrol i in any city town or place in which th furma- lianofcompahua ofricown it by lav jmlionad wd rcgnlated it ha11 and p b lanfulfor the cporaie authohuvt or board of police in uli ujiy or tuwrt or n there u no meh anthily or lija j forthejuttice of the peace or the pbukc tn hich mt li tow i way b aituale in oncril quarter sciona avactnblcd of the majority oflbcm bca alificd of the crficacv of auch pfcina and ateqtms their enrolment to dircet the clcritoftse sale of building lot lf ill le told by auction on the arcmim tf on wednejay thf lit of december utu without reserve a valum boildin lot for- miof a comer being lot no- 33 oveiumrinr fctt front by 134 deep upper end of johnson direct a few lot wc5 of the dwellinr boost of mr g 1 mclean on the opposite side and einpattorlotno24 in stuattiflllf the wte jf eligibly situated t jr a printe resi- dnee ond i worthy of he attention of intend iff pnrebnsm condition made known at lime of sale sjjc al 12 oclock norn j linton a b kiostcm nov 23 1841 piano forte tuner orders left at mrs huntera shop eor- ner market square will he promptly attend ed to kingst 2n nov ik4l 42z just publisfiedand ftr salenotice of the 0emh of lnrd svpkkham by ihc pftrsts 0 bkitich nomii a ciuca willi pre- fitory temarlif price 2 ramsay armour oo not 22 front strccl jayncft family mcdlclnfw just received at the chronicle it ztlu office frao mpply of dr jaynea mcdicinei the ready lata of theae mrdicinei unco ibey htvo been offered to the kinjraton publicf and tbe oniecrtal icknowledctmrnt of ihcir rfealln poveri by all who have uird ijjcm ji a conrioeinft proof of thrif ulilily they arc not onck medicince but prepared by the cerebrated or jayncof thludelphia for particulars e ailvcittiement on lint page of this paper they are for sale wholesale by e m- luff general agent sackeu hor bor n ynndsl retail by wm mackintosh caronicic tr gazette ttfkti kinctopc and also by r d scarlet ogdeiiburgh n y and bv t m readc frvncli creek n y superior atttt 1o be aom by hf onrd coati john ml inadr to order imiujuam 1l w extensive auction sale o rrhe subseriber are prepared to ji and execute any orders for boo receive nojca ftc- published elher in england or the u slates individual wijiiine to have ijooks early next sprin will require to hand their orders before the 25th december next ramsay armour co commercial bank m d a dividend of four per cent on the capital stock of this institution haa tin day been declared payable at the hank ita offices and agencies on and after monday the third day of january next the transfer book will be closed on the isth dec and reopencd on ihc 3rd jany by order of the brard f a harper gwater kinpton 02d nor is41 the new world colteo by park benjamin this ence rtdlucovrn journal of literature sei- ence art d lntelligencej continues to in- create in lh faor of the public a ila mcrita become more widely known the moat diaiiogutshed lite- rar men of the ogc both in ameicaand england are cnaed at contribulors to ita column ccude donjld maicod resident in london fraocif j peace for the district to jraiil to each mnbtt ct grund lo bremen and brant j i mayer in thecitr of mexico it ha correapoodenta or the firal order of gcfe company a certificate lhal he i enrolled on u frame nhiehccmlfit c shall exempt lh iitdid- k i mnt atiu ui continuance actual dtiu a ueh iircnjii from 1 1 i in time of peace ttotn crvini aa a juryman vr a cotaltebk atd from nil pariah artl to n office anj law cuitom or uic to the eonlraty 1oin ithundin 111 protrdld always and bn it enacted that it hall be lawrulfor ihrj corporate authorira or beard of police mi an cilj or tonn or if uicfc be no turn authorities or doard for the justice of ih- pcaeefor the tlutrict or the inajontj ol them at tnj general or adjourned scatfavam upon com ptattt to ihcm made of nrgket of duty by an indi- tijuilcrris tire ctpany totxjimne itito ihe a aiid at any aufh caum and 1 jo cj any tndifduxl of such company hall be cotftd of breach of any of the rule 1 llv miuc for ih w nwmnrwhra w wvbah ajf the uorld iho will trc to the new world an in- tcrrat and valie whicb no other pper on thi conti nent can poacaa troof aheela ard copies of popu lar svorks tailed from the proline preas of england arc received and gwen to the readers of the new world in adancc of their ordinary receipt in this country ah new discoveries ltd adraneca in the semees and arts find an earlt place in ita columns fach number is embellished by one or more supejtb engravings on wood done jn the beat style or the art these arrange ineots for the gratification of the readers of the new regulation of thcaanie to strike cftihc name or any world vthieh render it without a rival in this or such indifkdualfrom the lul of such company nj covnlry have been mtov at a vast addj- tbftfccwroatl rhe reritncaic whrhnay bjvticfn mated team indiridn as afjreaid shall hast tional expense and the proprietora feci a conddenc that they will meet a full reward rnm the enlighten ed people of america the columiv of th new worjj are uicorilaml- no e flee l in cxeropin him troin any duty or ftv in the next preceding section of thii act mentioucd provdcd always ncvrri he less that it shall he the direeticn of ihc cormwe aihoriiii or bosrtt of priier or of the juiuc of the peace for i he thi- natcd b party powtc and us ample pages unscih triliasarvrrsaid npcc4vclr to consent to the fur- cd hy profane and improper jrats rutar alluuona or irreligious sentiment thut tre new world is rcadc an oncxccpuonablc family ncnspaper nation a aforetaiu of any fire company in any such city town or puec as aforesaid or w ovfrr the same until circumsunees may in thrir opinion vender it cxp0irnt that such company should be formed and hit ihey may alio in ihhr discretion from time to time dbeontinue or renew any och company or companies s j on ae caaol sw learn that anotvr cs- pfiment it bout to do tried on the erie j a of propellinz boala by steam engine the rri- chcjtcc escnlng post sajs the nrluknown ad en tcrprising packet boat proprietor haa built a sjvbavi- ot at rochester to ron between that cut and v and that a fair csociocot of ita power swill be made within a fe day ji boat of this deacriptjon has been placed on the schuyllleanav w hie b use phdxdclpbia papers ay wilf travel at the rate of i miles an hour without injuring the banks fttfipefer genius mix up as well a jou cau the frippery orcoldsmiin prflh the filth of our rsn den pjndar wend them with the tunotcr offjvroa tappiu all w ith the pontile or cobbet and the cos- flume will not be far nronj hash up the mewphys icsofshclucy and ilaaitt with basj acntimrnt of kirk whac andififuk tf jvjodsciueezcoftocomys anscrrontes and the cootcrsation will do if you can bullr like johnson on an emergency jjc rr ula in ytr haurs and fiekle in your diet mwukc nay- and forget ur and iryou are not batfced a genivij you will bean eccentric the imiution is neary as good as the oripnal and will purchsc ejl the necessaries if not the luxuries omite n 6 adwel afauapas asadoccsdent or a tripin the nasau bahoon well reporkd and well eotitrarjici td doubly arecoorosous adjuncts to genius poyrrfrnc road o rncon a cold froaly morning an unrortonatc spalpeefl was ltc in r i sltcndanec at school hen he ayu severely repri manded by hia dualtsv fajlh tat its no fiuh of mine at ail sir said q n itnofsiillofmincaiailatalj toe road sa s tlipprry that every up i took forward as in hoeksrarcl ohvoii bi blackguard how cart that br i if you walled in hut fashion you msrf could tie here by any meana no more i utd sir and so i plsjcd the ruad a lnrk i law mdinj tackou thesehool and made it fclfrvu i as fii hocne ogam how cana plater for sale joseph b iialk kinrsloii lib october 11i 250 k charles omallr v is published jp the new world and all r subscri bers who commence with the present or sd rolumc mil receive the 1st volume of tlua inimitable wort stis t i tuacr dotlaits for one year or 5 for two vcarapayabu invariably in advwee- for cither tbc folro vr qoavto edilsonav posiaiaster are authorised to rc subscriptions free of expense- t1 any individual who will orocurc fior n subscribers from the commencement of tbe present rolumo shall receive the sixth copy for one year bj to each will be sent acooy of the 1 at vol of q the remittance most be in nesr toli or neweagland fuuds post paid or free- acv drcaj j xvinchesterpiibushev 30 annatrtrf newyort v b notes of the baak oftbecople mon treal ami qucboc banfr received from canada aob seribtrs at paf 2bi caledonia water t1he subicriber has maila arrangements hy which the public may be fttmihed vith the above at b reduced price it valuable piopcrtic have been verj exleuivelj tested by the numerous visilors at tbe spfings many of whom have testified io the moat irjaterol man ner their aene of btnenldcrivej from a use of the water the analysis by dr chilton places hey ond a doubt its value in virions chronic disvase a very frequent cause of failure ia discontinuing the osv of a remedy this so far aa icards ih caledonia spring water will it ij hoped be abated by the reduction in price i he price will boxes or three doaen 55 of one doreni v 9d wtlhool the uox 8s panics endirs their owa bottles will be fur- nishedat6a j w brent fjesir kmgaionnnr ii ih 184 1 totetc consignment i of dry goods groceries fnr stoves nnd ready nisidc clothing at the auction room of the subscribers without reserve n thursday next the 25th init sate to commence precisely at i oclock v x each day terms libetalta punctual attendance is solicited m bargain may be expected- the following compriaea a pan of the goods o be thus disposed of 1 case for cap rj cloth trimmed fur and s ready snade ctothinr worsted woolen merino and cotton shawls printed catrtoea merinoei and saxonvi neck handkerchiefs pocket in threat vaiiety a large asaoil of india silk handkerchrers fjanoeu serges bootees candlevrick pilot beaver and broad cloths waddinr batting linen threads spool cot ton cotton balls pins in ft variety boots and shoea black sballoona bomba2in printed floor cloth factory couoos steam looms bohbinela bock jack and check muslins cotton yarn gjovea hosiery irish linens moleakina apron checks ball bleached canvass and many other articles in tbe dry cocdi line not here mentioned and by fat too numerous to particularize auo a large variety of pawosjr ono coawnjrores direct from ihe manufacturcvs and a few second hand stoves lao the following gnkeiirs 1 hhd hollands gin 3 pipes port wine 2 do mkli do 6 baneb turpentinei 6 do htb whirs 3 do oil 6 do herrin uelween 2 300 boxes 5oau 10 boxes starch coiuns 4 haines tfiltficutrevf n b collins hnes assure theit fnenos that tbe whole f iie above will bcoflered with out reserve cu tkey aow rccriiawaosivrce orovrj to close the various consignments remaining unclosed from the summer and fall business kingston nov m ltl 4t fresb oysters for salt nnd trpt constantly on mmd erf keillers confectionaby brock street ort hope whisky fof salo josephs hall kinpton slh october 1r11 29 a- s r sale hy tbc suhschber 4 tonv superior oakum joseph b hall kingston i6th september is4k latest fall importation- greenshields miller king street iw ckranidetf gette office have just opened direct from london a fiesh lot or say hable squirrel 8ck initcied musk and filch muttsand boas squinel til boas black sibestan lamb skins grey do do do austrican do do lustre geonelt do do rabbit do do white do do orleans cimhi or all shades all of which will be submitted at vary low prices kingtton i0 nvi notleo hereavs the aterchnnl tuilomof kinpintn have folaoly reprcacntcd to their cuitontiura and no juhli thnt tho jnurrwymci wih to obuin exorbitant pn- ceafor their iokk- the intter leg to mnie that by the presvviit atrikc lliey only wool 7 l2dper houoond prutcftionfruni impo- ution as beretiore praciised wn ihcm by their entptoyer tut jocnkm tailona or ktmosfom nor 20 j64i pfano forte for sle rrond hand i most excellent order and pd rie aply lo mr frncb mtttiaoi corner of front and siore streets nfwit i wr kinplin nov r tlni wanted it rem mall house in a cen tral part irfthe town one in store street vroldle iefetred address y z at the office or this laper kingston nov lhimi i s to merchants and grucer itoation wailed by a youn man who ha had a hills experience in the above line he b4s apod knowledge of books and accounts salarx no object none asked for some lime letters addiesd s v at the post office will he attended lthl 41 v kibfttsothxar shbuffs jle midland din w h v of r tn wit bm writof fieri ft- cbsistfuvd otitf her majesty s midland district court tfrd to me drrecled against ihe land and nnemcdta which were of john oconnor deceased ot the lime of his death in the hands of ann oconnor executrix of i ru last will and testament of ihe said john o lo be administered at the suit of tmolhy simmons i hac seized ond taker in execution as belonging to tbc said ann sconnor executrix of the laat will and icsrncnt of th aatd john o connor dewasel pari of lot no 3 in the first coneessionif the township of thur- low in the vioffa district which i will expose for saleit the court houe in the town of kuujslifi in the said midland dis trict on kridov ihe first day of october wm thirkell wholesale nnd rcttail crffr sto re street begs to rciurnhis ninccre thanks ro iii fricsifjn und tbe public tor lie ve ry libcrul poirvnoge be lim received aince his commencement in riiamcks ond alao to inform them ibnt lio boa relinquished tho cllinr of drygpodsi and in order to keep pacc wilh the march of improvement he has made largo additions to ins stock gro ceries which will ie found upon inspection to be very superior nnd as complete as any in market tho very low prices at which they have been purchased will enable him lo sell fully as tow if not lower than ihey wn be purchased elsewhere kingston nov 14 1841 3im t steamboat notice- he hiver miil stamrf swill un the close of the navigation jav this port for w dickenson lanrjinat vast seven a m stead or 9 as heretofore lke and river t strnboal office j kindlon gth nov 1641 n ewest pattern parlour stoves alsoaveiy iaro variety oj cooking stoves at the auction roomt of the suhjcritwi to be sold 1 a very smalt advance cither wholesale or retail collins ft haines kingston nov 17 18- 40 fall 4 winter ooobb wholesale and retall jt bkyce co hstt iv- rsscsrivosj thatif fall 8uffw wbtclt exhaust in pasrt f lu utowii to let the spacious new shop and cellar in store sirc opposite the lamb- ton house and adjoining messrs morley is jenkins tbu 1 welling attaehed it is expected will be finit i by may i and will alo be let if required the ii j being of stone and cover- rd with tin insurance can he effected at a low rate john mowat kingston nov la jb1 39 0 mowat javuoagasao attorney at law solicitor in chancery stc kingston orrtcct ihe corner of clarence and grass stmt near the court house norcrovcr tfi tt41 40i lotteuy of homes and clocks fphe swiiher respecifuuv offer to the 3- public ihe chances of a jotmy lo he drawn at mr cornelius donahues tavern kingston on mondav evening norembcr ftttth xl as follows- tni viz chine brvcadcvj figd and plaas cr d nap cotm poplins cord and satinettes silk scfge bbck asad o i silk velvets satitrf ribbona ma art if clal flowers bobiauoquiurtiga d ing3 c hola silk and worsted fr i ges chin ouarosvn figd satin jvlw oe nett axid plaid cltint de iane lama merino ti silk hdk plcin and figd musji silk cotton and woolen hoaiary whit- blk and copd silk kid cisfatrsere prtipcli piizc 1 a un of tint ratepooesc vears old value 10f do 2 7 amencan maifr clocks war- next at tlin hotn of 12 a oclock noon mcdonell sheriff m d shcnivs office ingston lotii 30th june lml the abo re star si postponed until wcdncs he i1 day if december fltxi iojtod novonber 1 1841- day ki ross dodd irlcrcbaitt tailors y ately from london where he has bal been for many years engaged in the most fashionable establhmcnutviih phkh he has formed a connection foe the purpose of heing supplied with the curliest intelli gence of the change of fashions bgs to announce to the gentry and inhabitants of king ston rfnd fv jftxgkbourhotxl hat he has commenced business a a merchant tailor in quarry street two doons from brock street where he will alway have on hand a com- ptete assortment of west of england other cloths kerseja cassimeres pilots beavers tweeds veatings c c of the newest and most fashionable fahric and pattern- 1 flatters htmaelf that from ihe ex perience he has had in naval and mili tary uniforms and in ladies riding habits and spanish cloaks that he will be able to give perfect satisfaction in nnv orders with which he may be honored kinpton 10th november im1 38ni take notice irrchasers of dry goods are re quested to try the glasgow warehouse corner of store co jrfonfraoi streeti- where they will find n extensive and varied sussorttneot of fall ano w1nterg00ds coenpfieiuf evtfy thinr that is new and faah- ionuble fur ihe scaaon at exiremely low prices the subscribers have imported ry hcjvilyift every deparlraenl ofthcir busi ness and feeling confident thtfthoir gods and prices will stand comparison wilh any other house tn ihe trsde respectfully solicit an early call from intending ptsrchacra the lowest price aakd krr waddell co kmpton 6 nov ml 37z shf3iffs sale midland jhtnd j virlne of a to vyjt mm vf1 facias issued out of hcr coud of queens bench and w me wrj against the lands and tm wil liam j mckay at the fui thomas mo adam and john spronstorr have seized and taken in execution asw lo ihe said william j mckay a vlla bath bcin a part of the hf fronl of lhfi east half of lot number in lhc 6ral concesaiofl of the townslip ernestown ano containing by admear toto- one square rohich eror sale at the court houw j town of kingston ol the hour ol no nn wednesday the tenths offlownatf next a m shcrifts office kingston 9th august 181 hi the above sale ii pom li friday the 17th day of december kingtorij 20 8tf sheriffs sle midland district wt virtue ff to tcit w9 wot of fieri facias issued out crt her majesty court of queena bench 3 n me directed against the lanls and tenements of william j mckay at the aurt o wufem bradbury i lave seized and ken in execution as belonging to the said william j mckay a certain lot in tbe vifrg of both being pari of llie broken front flwcln half of lot no 10 in ihe township of metown in the incorporated cok oi lenox and addmgtoo and in e midland district containing by admeft wwyso square rods which 1 will expose for sale at the court houae he ttwn of king ston at the hour of twelve oclock noon on monday tin twenty second day of novem ber next a mcdonell sftcriff m o sheriffs office kigton i 20th august isi ib the above ae is postponed till friday the 17ih dftv of december ncit kirgstofls nov 2ft 1s4i sheriffs sale- midland district iy vlrttw fa wiil of towrti i tsv fieri facias issued out of her majestys fnrl of queens hcnch and to mc directed anl ihe lands and tene ment o william j- mckay at tho suit of wil liam walkers john b anderson william for aylb and john b fomtii 1 have seized and taken in execution oejonginj to tbc said william j mckay a certain lot in the vil lage of bath beine part of ihe broken front of the eat half or lot nx 10 in the township of etnest town in the incorporjtcd cniiniies of lenox and addinton aw in he midland district eontaininrj by admeasitrement nine tyone square rods which i will expose for sate i the ciqh house in the town of kings ton at the hour of 12 oclock noon on friday the tenth day of december next allan mcdonell asrsstv sv- d shcriflsoffife kingston in 1s41 j sill the above safe is postponed till friday ihe 17th day of dccecnhrr ncl kingston nnv 20 icml solicitor in chancers ofixct at mr dvtr king street east oftht market som kingston to lfct a spacious shof nnd dwellinf wilh luiumr iccommojkiiob in trn rewoily built bj ih subsenbet opposke mr routks ioqumfjr st fopiiiliapilv lo hananholse kinpton ov 13 lwj 3 one cof pattol imiia rubber shoot ing boots one clo do do life preservers lor st hy j0 hall kmgton octolff i fill cr sikes hydrometers muric by jnmcs adurtus montreal also sarcharometers loent tor smnsto kififstrttt notice public notice is hereby lvt n lhal the proptictor of ihe napanee mills will on wcpkcrjav tub 2m dav or dkcm cciiacuxcxtjoitcuhe lease of that valua- me propetly in public competition at twelve fcloc noon on the premises toe property cortit of a grist and saw mill several valuable ruiming lots and two hundred and fiflv acres of land or thereabouts a wl of about 32 feel with an abundant supply of water can he at all limes depended upon and a succession of pfivllezcs can he obtained lye the construction of a new haceway the la will be fur fourteen or twenty- one years as may ba desired and itttft0m jvcn on the 1st january next a plan of the premises may be seen at ihe off forsirrmilpr of whom cvv trnt- site information can be ootained eiiltcr jfcfson- ily or hy irtlcr johns- cartwr1ght kinston ltuhnne i84i hi 1 snted for one year t7 do 3 5 do do do 55 do 4 4 10 do ro 44 do 5 3 do ro do 33 do 6 2 do do do 00 do 7 2 do do do 22 r0 8 2 do do do zz do 92 do do do 22 do u 2 fo do do 2 do ii 2 do do do 22 do 12 2 do do do 2 do 13 1 dn do do 11 do 14 1 do do do 11 mfta two hundred tickets at two dollars and a half each equal to 500 the turnlus money to be expended the dravina will commence 7 oclock p m- judge to be appointed hy the company apply to c donouifce kintlon nov 15 1641 n government conlrnct otice ta hereby ffltm that sealed tenders will be received at kings ton dock yard until tvesdoy the 30m awffioer 1841 from such pcrsous as may be willinj locantract for delivering into h m doclryarcl the undermentioned number of spars c liimbs wool gloos lavdios boots nod shoes merrs nnd boys clotfa cremen s t nnd plush cups beaver and sib hats gontlorrjen rliio and figd stl ond cravat blk brussclls nnd ducoi- s silk hdkft blajikela white and rrd flannels real weuh and srisbarr 6 woolen sorgos wtsl f eriglood td yorkshire broadcloths hi various colours caosimorsa kersc tweeds c blue browrj tod invv green pilot and baver cliiha bit diced beaver cloth a variely of rati winter vesting blk 3 cold mtr i- indianas arrdorluns clotba plain aivd figured warrtsd and daiaasfc m rtfens listings and shalloons lo b and marvchcstcr pnoled calicos motuu da ldine saxony and orleans id fi esses cotton and woolao yams limii arl gotta ticks tabu and toiul ctftef quilts and counterpanes moleskins vt- veleens nnd cotton velvjts drugget imperial superfine fido and cocouvj carpets hearth rugs 44 64 aod g1 oil floor cloih linen diapev htn- beick bed and tnblc linen irii d sheetings osnaburgj dudes bap plain and twilled bagging s twina c fc fet ffmoasss quantify length butt t op william gumvs cabinet maker ano upholsterer marf door fo jlfr houres new fivitdttigj ttcasry s t re t f efnstotv p b all sorts of furniture made and intc- or decorations done to order midland distbict tuurlic to wit m no- ice is hire by given that hy virtue of certain writs to me cvcccd i shall attend al the court hwe in the loun of kingston on wednesday the 26th day of january nest at the hour of 1 1 vthvifiav t oirv t stnnfnj twy uf the silling of the court of the general quarter sessions of the peace and shall then anj ifrtftj oiler for sale in ronfurniity iviili the lost clause of the 2nrl section of the provincml statute 7tli william chop- 19 the land in the toivnships of camifrn frederic hsbtirg kabdar rich mond sheffield kingston pittsburgh port- land loughboroiih bedforj hinrhin- brook kencbecosn olilcn and politter- lon ftdvenized by the treasurer of the said district as in orreart for sesnienls and road foxftip to tsebrstday of july 80 unices such nrrenrsace vooncr paid allan macdongll srumiffs office rintftofi spars rtd pine- i wo 84 rltjsiniltin as 1 27 13 si 2 k 16 11 1 36 16 11 h 1 39 21 14 h 72 m 15 u 1 60 so is as 3 56 16 11 ct 1 9 ho 14 at spruce 46 jo 8 t 4 44 fit jl5 13 1 8 f 6 tu h 2 3 13ili nov s1 40 for sale at tiif subscribers n hose wonrl rood cornered d action plixo forte hhal he rlatffno 3899- manufacluredby nu- rto s cfarfc new york and has bn pro nouncedby competent juders one of iboftwert- esi loned and mott highly finished llanos ihey evct cn avso an eacejient blatk walnut dining table with octangular lrrs 3 leaves and 2 ends assn a black walnut sine board with jvdeia and drawers aod brm latent locks amos a very superior black walnut sofa with round arm nd lgfeahr piucws nd damask covering and in addition to th- nbotr mahnany tablej maima toj mahogany aim chain with inckrts mdhosny ut and french bedsteads clock looking ghasfs and a va riety of other furniture hy far too complicated to d tail to be sold lov lor c m i our stores collins fc haines kingston nov 17 1841 40 the whole of the soars to be delivered at surh place r places at the yard a shall be pointed out hy ihe superintending ship build i and subject to his inspection nd approval between the 1st deeemtar 1841 and hi march 1842 the tenders to be opened al 12 oeloclc at noon on the day above mentioned and to ex- press the rate per fool halifax currency the names of two responsible persons w to entr into a bond for the faithful performance of ihe contract mutt be x tenders kjxcsvo1 yan 1 5tli november 1841 j almanac ftir 184s jk the prfss and will peeditr b t hsjresi the kigbtun jtiffixsxc tor 1812 which will contain beside the calendar a complete post oflice list for the province o caaada ll of coveinofa law departments law coutb and tenis magistrates public offices tc oic c chronicle t gsielt office kingston nov6 184l j 73 superfine refine west and north of england oroavi clotlis the beit specimens of british manufacture brought to canada heavy pilot reaver nnd lion skin cloths plan and fancy vesting forale on the lowest terms ot deykescos 38ni s fibocekies wines liquors constantly on hand al wholesale by the subscribers tobaccos plug cavendish njilfod- winks port wine madeira wine stiirr clarei do tes yuung hysn old hyson twanfcay hvn skin impeiial gonpotvdtr souchong bonea sugars bo hoshds mucovado sner la do refined do 4 dot patent pails do do tubs atfov pepper alsnice srarcb candles sap grern coffee routed coffee pipes molasses vinegar pickle tuipcnlinr snuff ciatsof every grade kaisins hoefand gin covnac brandy auoa larjte consignment of cordagespun yarn and oakum collins haines kington nov 171641- 40 kingston and napaneeai acad- m1zed road toll gates n the l5th of dccrmhernexteneuing the leases for 1s42 ofall the toll gales on ihi oad will be put op at aug tlonf and sold in ihe hlgtiest bidder the sale will lake pi ace at whelpieys tavern waterloo at 12 oclock o noon e gate no 1 kingaion rent foe this year wo gate no 2 near waterloo proceeds dn including tccp ers wanes 26 gore no 3 mill creek rent rn do 25 gate no 4 near feur corners ermff town from january i4ih ihc ine of its erection to last nov including keep ers vvogr 71 gate no- 5 napanee reni this year every other information relative revenues derivable from the above may be had by application to hoface leo- mana esq yvolerloo or at the office of the commissioners four cocners ernest towo two surticient sureties will he required and their names b al sa ftv order of the board c gumming c m november t ibm 0 0 4 6 0 0 15 e 19 0 to the gates broun and bteacbed canvass all nun bsrsofa superior quality j 0 n co have much pleaidra in rccommendidg llicir present stock to tl notice of their frienis ht trj0 illlssswil ot kingstua arid it vicinity generally ueiiiff ihnrei lbeniiwith grrm m v purchaser when thebritish markets vrtrr much depressed they a a crallcd i- oll t very low prices they also invite the attentioo of ow i try merchants to the fact thnt oil bu goods beintr bought for cash and in ported by ihemsclves direct they am et abcd lo supply iko tvewlo witli asiaja i wholesale at as low prices ai tbey cn t purchased ouewhere either for caifa ux approverl indorsed notes kingston 30th oct 1841 sssii blrhkelas an extensive asaortmrrttf aw whitnevi bath ad macwnw blankets at deykea sc c0uptair who are preemlnkntly disstt- guished for setting good jhtitt the lowest prietor hhal ii tn ac imjm f a 38ni wholesale dry goods yarfuuiaf cokhck of stoke avtj avahkt gl he subacfibet has received nrr mohawk from glasgow bteetd frim liverpool and great britain from london a cftnaigninent of dry goods whirl will ho found worth the notice ofthe trad the goods were selected by a person 1wl acquainted with ihrs market and will t u found both in pne i f i dstyse in every removal j heughen hair dresser wig makei ano perfumer begs to slate in he nobility gentry and pumic genrrally he bis rcnoved from brock street to store sraccr directly opposite a7r 7n- irvsonf dry goods store english perfurnciy combs brushes c ia ereat vatietv kinpton oct mr 1840 35r suitable the stock conasta in part of mackinaw whithey ruse and pemi blankets ctoihs caasirheres keneya and twe diamond plain beaver h filot clnlh scarlet critnsnn and white flannel red and while kerrey and priaied saf- burvy red and white seti gmn baiae and druggets merinos orleans and printed saxony a carpeting and rleafth rugs shalloons siiiciss and soiled joeconek splendid bsstrlment ofprintcrl cifixv orown ond bleechrd cottons kegaii3 and twilled stripe shirtings bnok jacconet and mull muslin and lenos fancy veating taline and plush moleskin velvet and velveteen quilts counterpane and horse blanket thibet muffler printed and bonjeird shawls scotch shawls and shepherd plaids patent cacvae twilled sacking and oanabargh two biue turkey red and shirting stripe 104 64 and 44 cotioi aad liosn sheetings india bandannaaand blaak silk h buckskin milta ufifaawoql grovasiaiid hotse lambs woo shirt drawers ftax ice the subscriber instroclroass act in sell at low prices so therefore the stark will br fou to cosipcte irti aav goods osared thi fall t macnider jpasv kinpton 0tb october 1b41 tfa gofcrnmcnt sale to be sold at public abctim at tba ccracsjr- sariat slorv teta d pool on wrjnssa tbe lt dayof dteecahac aaart tha fo4aavav snicks in apparent good otrjer via t7j jj foshing tyutjcotcmfc rjo scarlet 79l o kersey mifda pilot alt ofwhich will btpoiapht hat chaseia sale at 12 rtvkwo r ilux xt

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