Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), December 1, 1841, p. 3

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11 tthkhkltftl tjaam- musicai ft vocal entertain mint iwn nkiitrn iinlv nrxtg tft mm a to ofmastkh iiimiinis u liltnl lilliiuiimh wfwiwtand 7 yrw luring mi ninrwru vinit pro viiun eu itipi iteiwlnra tor kiipjjiit on tmrrvw tbiimbiy bvehlf ivt m will do nmienied a new mumrui dramuiki eiitrctnininoiitj called the swiss cottage hnppiorted bydfetfer uutraingsmrs fftrf- riin m hif first iiprhnrtncco and vr hatchings logrtlitt wild gentlemen sltnateursof kingston hnmilum during the evening great variety or songs conclude with a laiighuue mucical protliirtmn in icaica master hutcatngs will appear admission 3s 9il children hair price doors open ul halfpan 7 commence it 8 precisely b3by the kind permission nf colonel eotrard the tpltndid band of the i4m will attend on saturday evening dec will bo presented a new dramatic enter tainment written for master hutching railed the little user the tig master mulchings support- ed by gentlemen jlmateurs during the evening a variety of songs to conclude with a musical dra ma c bkwifarta aukncr ire mvjcnrooi charlcn wlllmtr ytneent qlrrri nrv svaavvt rvai ivi d stu it ia ii tffi ira t ii aaiw iuuh tad ii inmimiilml wmrmtliliip i mm 1h mla nrpr mimn m 4 jta ft hhicit rui p idx ahlwui lm filirti mhit 11 pritirr nan mbjlut lwaa lltarpool an knur tp- ii j iriiifrrril iha tvmmim lent inn inrrn ii j nr ytuiiity n nm and ihr thai an mo bi dnito rooor iv- vtuilutmo1 or n n im pill til nwlhi c i i- if h iii dn tl wetn ihil ri tliiiv military a surgical instrument store the sttncribr respectfully inform hi friends and ibe iti habitants of kindlon generally that he hi removed his buinis 1a bioek street a tew door north of the clironi ch and gazette office m ihr house owned by opt jckon where he wilt keep constantly on hand a good assorlrnent of line and common tubie cutlery bcm quality ol pen nl fockel knives uerman sifreri fukd and bmihiti1 met ware with m my other oadi too nume rous o rnenllon which he is determined to ell on mojerale lerm el of familtrs and hotel keepers will find it their interest u call befort purchasing elsewhere also ron sale a quantity of the bet warranted cam suel axa from hi factory in toronto at be low ctt wholesale price samuel shaw brock strtet king street 44im toronto vvryfrcat lanuc a ftrs m amrfk rr- t tfifir eamhli fflwipiiciri mniftttnra ad will ii9nr ifur ihmd kuiem of tlo itofct tnd m rmd m tuirvmet which c w in huj in pcfnnt utimii ihhfdtopfu waintnu hfknitpl biotrio niili 0 cur kilj iit iultl iiviv who my fcf pnfti iufatr htnwtu lhrii ivbt mftvtllun ottltrt fl4tl fthlltl wftpunf ifi ruat onfteitco w1ul il i hi mmln m mt n wnenuemteilhcw will cftfiiitelii 10 ranvaid it r r mftt tjifin offttt lb cklap livrrnl catuih prdvlnriil scdtrlt 1fc aaft wrja mii 11 it v fcc ax c by 1 h juhfn- sim rtcrb utdiofiom cti ab p0 nj y lhe rnw york d4 ltpool of rrit ui fcn win my pftubitiirortvcir hi uetuijtiuuntuartriy sutmcr anwr mm ailr riktr men is received fo ni 1 uny hrikcntwii rvir mlnr 1 irrurj sroilind or wtln mieatvnj fffi i i k i aoti an auv j ml hi pumictijoa prtcci the roaon u i iiuh t i n xu srr nmaaii tkr weekly jfcjwn i f ji j u rr aaauu ibrt l ul t b 2 anri t on tu ifw i mi rr ipii lii tmviarm i f rr- 5u f w- wi j 10 twice awtok x 1 a thrice a wi 3 ii i per niut kul tin of prttth 3iy sr fcd on picnin it top- t- nw boomi ootvn ol oiwwn mo fuou bfr ii hoicb nw room now yb ud hi hciflvf t itt4nb uw ro4fo hilirot n tf c ko oioot wilt b otlcihkd it uuvtt ll l jc nri ii rcmition or irfmw ftr it1 r ihmui in bdrnacf oa ouk lierotxfl l london to commonalty of town of kingston at a court of the common council held on monday the 29th day of november is41 the ivi bill was read a second lime and or dered lo be published according to lnv f m hill cr c c- an act to regulate the duty and office of city sukvevoh rp here shall be established an office x to be called the city surveyors office ia this city and the common council at feast annually appoint nne nionrr and scivnliric per son tooe desifnated ciiy surveyor who hll hold litl ohice during the pleasure of the council il the said surveyor before entering upon the duticsofhis office thill uke an oath before the mayor well and faithfully to execute ui duties his ofticei according to the best of his skill and understanding j ii the office of the city surveyor shall be kentintheciiy hall iv the city surveyor shall be paid an an nual salary which salary shall be decided upon by the common council at least once a year and rfeyable quattrlj for all the services and duties to he performed by him under this act or which may he imposed upon him by the di- publlhhctl oil day t g u kingston almanac for 1842 onto covrt ter ab noirir public po1 hsob lut tor iho p of cind llm of tl- ihrre braecht otlhc lrjiliiure lov gcnl lieu gutcrnort atlxnlnklt- ton jte public dcpartmrnu and their head corporation qoccni bnck and dii barnttcro pod aurnici banva and i heir oaccrt clergy maturate school i f auctioneer foenarckrt steam boau e price pr matj 3 per doaen 3t u2le copiea 4d persondelpouiofobuinimjih ben almanac pobliibcd m cmidt weal thould loae o time m purchang the above aa a lunltcd cdilion ottlyhaa kn printed cfcroalell lc gajttie office kinsitoojnov u7u 4li wholesale and retail grocery establishment jvo i tjatralrsbuildings is d christie egs to return his sincere thanks to his numerous friends a the public fur the liberal encouragement he has re ceivetl since he commenced business and would intimate that he has now received the whole of his winter stock of teas wines liquors c c selected hy himself with the greatest care lo great advantage in the jtfontreal new york and boston markets all ef which he flaucrshimscirwill be found of the very finest quat ly as he has made it his study lo procure a firrf rate article sole ly for familjf use and from the large stock he has laij in and the advantage he has had by going loth liest markets he is enablcj lo aell his goods on very reasona ble terms d c would respectfully invite those who have not yet mode ft trial of his goods to do so feeling confident they will find it lo their interest and he would assure the pub lie that it wll be his constant endeavour to merit a continuance of past favour orders from families promptly attended to kingston november 181 43z rfrt sikes hydrometers mailc iy alum auaiiiw also sarcrharovuters 40ckt rot ktm ntshttrssf notice- public noticbi thtuha proprielors of ifoo napvnle mills will on wcoxcsdav xhrtuvrot icc- ctaita wcxr oilvj ifo leaeof that valui- ble properly to pobfih cornplion at twelve oclock noon on the jremu- the property cooat of v crist and saw mill several valuable buiidig uu and two hundred and ftftv acres of llm thereabouti- a fall of about 32 fcef wit abunrtant iupply of water can be at ie depended upon and a succession of pfivitejje can be obtained by ihe conmociion of ncotaceway- thc lease will be m foujecn or twenty one years as mav b desrst and possession eiven on the 1st jantly a plin of the pie al office of tba sufaseiib site informtion can b- nbtaind eilber person- ailyorbyietler kingston j9thno- is- 40 commercial baik m d dividend of fou p cenl on lhe i h instil this day been tomwi r bank its offices onj agencitr on and after monday the ihirdy ofi n thetrahifer bo wh b dosed on the i8th dec- and rekifned onthe 3rj jany by order rf the e the new world cditeo ftt park otnjamln flhi3 li journal of llteealure 8e- 1 eoeoamand tnuilucnec conuowc to la crsata in the fof of the psbtle a iti mcriu becomo mors wldaly foam tjie moi dlingutticd litc- rajimonof both inamnkaand enslind aio engaged as com- thtim to tu coluair cctldc donald miclcod whatl in laniasj trancu j gfiiftd in creflmn and bfsntia majcfln lb ciiy of mcsico ft liw corropondcnlj of the dm order of oknt in corilantio0p1e africa and other parla of the world who wilt giro lo tits new world an in terest ard value which no other piper oo thti conli ncnt cm poka proof tbcdi aod copka of popo- uf worki iarucd frora the prolific presi of enfund are received and titco lo lhe readers of the new world inadancaof their ordioarf receipt io ihia country an new djaeorcrfc rid adancei in the j sciences and arta and an early place in iu column each number u belshed by one or mors superb cngkavjngs on wood done in lhe bctt style of the art these errangt menu for the ratiucafion of the rradefs of the new world uhich render it withotfl a rival in iwis or any other country bare been made al a tast vi- licnat espenae aed the pfoprictofa feel a confidence thai they will meet a full reward from the enlighten ed people of america the columns of the new worm are uncontatni- nalcd by party politics and its ample pages unsoil piano forte por sate faecond band in most excellent order and of good too- apply to mr francis mijtijran cornet of front and store tvirttji opposite to mr kitbyv kmgstrtn nov soth lmi 41ni o movvat attorney at law solicitor in chancery c kingston orrica at the corner otclarence and grata street near the court house nosembcrlfi is4l r fasia wl trfial wiu aa mas a canity lr ofth institution has m by proface and improper jeau salgar allusion swrtaed glared wt3bte at lhe wrslljioi aeplimeati thus the new world is a kingston 52j ns uperf1ne tv refke rd iarpeb cashier 42 si a hereby jfiven that scaled to contractors notice is tenders wilt be received at the office o cfuctembcrnfit for uiiljinjr a gaol am court house at bracmfe- also ten- den for taktn- down the old buitdin plansand speciacalsons may be jeert by ap plying to mr gussford brockeilte 7i nov 84l m notice orricc of ctxm or tiic pirmt xiocston novrmbrr 29 lil notice is hereby given that the coori of qenerat quaker stuions ofth peace will be held at the court house in kins- lrn on the 20th day of decembrr next at 0 iv in the forenoon pursuant to adjourn fnent for the purpose of receiving appiictioiu fromj and pmtbg certificates to inn ale and ficer house keepers in ihis district for the en- iulnx year at which lime a general attendance of i m rales at least one from each town ship uteoueslcd persons reccivin certifi cate are require d by the statute to takeout their licenses on flf before the 5lh day of j-io- iary hei otherwise the crttiricales will be null ahd rtid pf for renewal of rate accordinr to lhe foim no 1 and hoar whtf nave hot been licensed ihe present year foim no 2 everv person will recording to bejrhuired at the time or takin out ms cerlifi- cat e lb jirnvide himself with a copy of the amended rules and regulations for the govern men of inn keepers cy order of ihe conrt james nickalls clerk of the peart of the district certificate no k we do hereby certify thai a b hat conduct ed his house for which he obtained a liccns last year lo the satisfaction of the public ami that he has maintained his good character for loyally and sobriety and we recommend that his license should be renewed for tbc coming year rection of he common council v ii shall be be duty of he city surveyor to assist tbc common council in jaying out and regulating he line of all wharves slips and docks vi tosflffre and dejtfjute thr rap of cci r flic crecfion 6uo7opuatf locate ihe i i t in reference lo the street vii to sifrvey all grbdnda required for the opening widening or straightening of any street road avenue or public square and all grounds in the vicinity which may be assessed for ihe benefits and advantages of any such im provements mil- to take and report the levels of all streets lanes avenues when required and to survey take levels and make maps and pro- tiles of all lots directed by the common coun cil to be ailed reduced or levelled and make accural e estimate- of the filling excavalingand ltellin or reducing ix to survey mj admeasure all work done for the common council by contract or other wise when required and to make estimates statements and reports lo the common coun cil x td talec accurate and proper maps pro files add diagrams of all surveys and work lone whenever he same may be required in relation o hh duties and business by the com mon council or any cocnmlttee thereof xi to keep a regular day book showln- theaerrices rendered bnder each particular sectioo of lhe ac order or resolution of the common council xii to file all maps surveys level and diagrams when completed in bis office after having numbered or otherwise properly desig nated the same ther lo remain on record auo lo collect and keep in his office such maps urvcviu inmrlirnent and documents at relate u toe duties aid orocc of gtf j 6uvcvor xlil the cily surveyor at all times ball exctbsirely devote his whole lime lo the work of rhe cortrntfn cnnncil or the duties of his oitkc and he shall not perform any work for piivate persons so ion as the common council riiall require his services xiv in all cases where improvements are to lie made in any of the streets within this city either by excavating fitting pitching le- grapes- choice lot winch arrivcj ai new york within this molh for sale by d christie nnvembcr is4i 43z scotch whiskey very tuperiue article of real xml campbeltown whiskey imported direct from the mcdowbum distillery d christie afar feet souare west and orih of engj broas clofli ihe best speciroennf briiih manufacture brought to canada heavy mot beaver and lion skin cloths bom and fancy vestine- forsale on the lovvel terms at deykis gos 38ni jajncs family afcdiciiics just received al ihe hmniclc ga irlte olfice a fn supply ol dr jaynes cigars- rust received direct from the importer p in boston a very choice lot of pinent- ttfej princtpeand hnvanna cigara ror sale by d christie nov 1s4i 43 a lcirions freih lot whirh will keep through the winter jiil receiver by d christie nov 841 wora square 43 just received a large quantity of naval lace i in- 12 inch wide h mathison merchant tailor kingston nov 27 1811 43z tutor wanted wanted a gentleman capable of leach- inj- the rudiment of latin and greek with automatic and writing apply if by letter postpaid o the rev- mr a adam son amherst island bath nov 2fitb ichl 43ni medicines the itady 1p of bese medicines since ihev have beri b lhe hinaloo rublic and the unirrttl acknnvjedmenl of their healing powers by all o have used them is a convincittc proof ff their utility they are iwt ojuack medicine but prepatcd by the celebrated or jaynes ol i hiladrlphia for pailiculats no ailverlirmenl on hist pse of this paper they arc for sae whohale by f- m- lull general agent sackeu har bor v and airmail hv wm mackintosh and also by rd searie30gicnhurgh n y and by t w heade fanicb creek n y made so unexceptionable family nenapapcr charle9 0fr1ally ii publiihrd in lhe now world and ail new aubacri- ben nho cotmtuec with the prtaeol or 3d toluaa- i3l reeeirc the lit tir thla uaicoitabk work grajit ttftiia tiittt doixana for one car or 5 for two year psyal- irtariably io adance for cither the folio or qvavto edition postmsatera are aulhcricd to remit aubacriptlona fce ofeapnsc ranj individual who will procure fire neio lubtcribtr from tht commencement of the preterit lolumc ahall receive hie aiath cop for one year raba toeachulllbe aentacopj of lhe lit ok of omnllej the remittance mutt bs in new york or neuengland funda pott paid or free ad dress j winchester pubhahef 30 annvrett new- york n b- notes of the bank of the people mon treal and qjictce bank rcceired from canada aub eribcrs el par 42w latest fall importation grfexshields st miller kims street iyrar chrmxxde tf gofette qffut ave just oprnd direct from london fresh h lot of muk snd tih a h p p certificate no 2 we do hereby certify that a k if a person of sober habiu- good fame and conversation and jtlso a ood and loyal subject of her majesty and thai he is a proper person lo be entrusted with a iicnsc to keep an inn which we fur ther certify is much required in lie nivhboi- hood of the house for which be desires to ob tain a license and we also declare hat to our knowledge he bat accommodation for travellers rcmiired by law we therefore recommend him to the justices as a proper person t keep an inn sheriffs sale midland district vb if virtue of a to wit s mm writ of fieri fa cias isaurd out of her majesty midland diiinct court and to inc directed against the land and tenements which were of john oconnor deceased al the lime of his death in the hands of ann oconnor executrix of lhe last will and testament of lhe aaid john oconnor lo be administered at the suit of timothy simmons 1 have seized and token in execution as belonging totheeaid ann oconnor execulrix of the last will and testament of the aaio john o connor deceased part of lot no 3 in the firsl concession of the township of thiir- inw in the victoria district which i will expose for sale nt the court house in the town of kiuplon in ihe said midland dis trict on friday the first day of october next at uin hour of 12 oclock noon amcdonell sheriff mi d khenfta office kingston joiii 30th june itui the ajoe sale is postponed unlil wednes day the 15lh day of december inat kifftoitreembcr i istl veiling formih pavin or flagin il shall h he doty of he street surveyor previous to j he commencing of the said improvement to submit o the common council a profile show- in the depth and heiehf of excavating and lilting if arty irtfronfof each and every tot which may be affected by said improvement alsoiros section profiles shewing the width of carnage way heisht of curbstones above the gutter arch of street depth of sand or ashes and width of side walks and lhe level eleva tion or depression of opposite gutters as the csc may be- and it shall further be the daty of the city surveyor lo accompany sard prohles with a map exhibiting the number of feel and scffitii and depth of each and every lot with he name or names of the owners thereof if the same can be ascertained hy him which piofiirfand map shall be referred to he com mon council and afterwards filed in his office xv no person shall hereafter erect any i-in- in tbia city unless the range of the said building with the slreet shall have been first laid down by the cily surveyor under the iiy of five pounds for each offence xvi if any building hereafter to be erect ed shall project beyond the range of the street so laid down by the city surveyor the person erecting the same shall within three days after notice thereof is given tobiro by the ciry sur veyor remove the said building lo the range so laid down as aforesaid under a pentuy not to exceed five pounds and a further penalty of fiva pounds forevery twenty four hours that the said building shall be continued beyond tueh rane xvii every person rrcctinga building that shall be bounded on a a tree t shall pay to the city surveyori for laying down the range of the same with the slrcel lhe sum of five shil lings for the use of ihe common council and lhe city surveyor shall report to ibe common council quarterly a detailed account of all fees aod perquisites received by him for ser vices under this law tor the common council and pty over he same to tbc treasurer and if any person a hall erect such brjilding without itsbeingso ranged by the city surveyor he shall notwithstanding pay lo the cily surveyor the sum which such person would be required lo pay if the service bad actually be m per xvjji that it shall be the duly of he said citvsutfeyortogive notice cither to he parlies nrtendinirorlolbe mayor or liluu alderman as thecisa nuy reqtlire ofaoy oteuuctons nuisances c existing in the public street- s and slips of the town contrary to law in order to the proper nmoval ofthe same ohothe punishment of lhe offender wants a situation a young man who has served his time to the grocery wine and spirit trade in luc mcuopotoof ireland wishes tor a slinlui situation in his province respectable refer ence can be yiven by applying to charles hairs esq kindlon nov26lh lftjl 43ni he subscriber is now receiving large con- nments of the following article which he will sell at the montreal wholesale prices and cfyares vii c ix c tin plates canada plates in wood boxes crawshay sheet iron no 2 i2j13 13114 ll 17 20 tons hoop iron inch to 3 inches chain cables frying pans bellied pots camp ovens with or without feet suar andpotaih eoolers and kellles glass pully painisjoil turpentine cut nils of the best qualities pecks and urelow wrought nails horse nails slralons supeiior stoves do cooking do 3 river cooking 66 sandersons cast steel axt fj 4x with a general assortment of english scotch and american made hardware 150 botes canada plates 2000 tin bucks 100 tons scotch pig iron john fraser stow street kingston nov otlh 1s4i 43gi to lei avery neat store in quarry street fit ted up for a dry good or retail grocery business with a good cellar posessioniven immediately next door to mr collars shoe maker and opposite mr wilsons new build ing enquire on ha premises rent very moderate kindlon 27lh nov 1841 43 o information wanted f john ottawav jun who left flint mich in august last for kings ton if c any information respecting him whether living or uead will be thankfully re ceived by his reutives- john otto way flint genesee co mich caledonia water the subscribe has made arangcmenli hy which the ptwic may be urrihed with the above at a inluced price it valuable pioncriies have bei y tttensvely tested by the numerous visiws al the spings many of whom have testing n the most grateful man ner their seme of nefit derive from a use of ihe wale the isalsrs bv dfchhon place beyond a dcubt value in tarmtis chrome diseases a veirequent cauw or failure is discontinoins the of a remedy this so far astegansthe catjonia spring water will it is hoped be abaley the reduction in price j he price will hehocs of threa doaen 5 of one dozen 89di lhout lhe box 8s parlies sending th own bottles wiu be fur nished at r3s per xen j w nrnt agent kingston notaihwl 1 to let the spacitus new shop ind cellar in store steel opposite the lamb- ton house and adjoining messrs morlcy fit jenkins the dwelling attached it is rgpfrtoil will beffnitied hv may 1st ami will also be let if acquired the building being of stone anj cover ed with tin insurance can ho effected al a low rate john mow at kingston nov 1 ittl 39 removal j heughek hairdresser wig maker and perfumer begs instate tribe kotilily crrrtryj and public generalv he has removed ran brock street to svoix stm directly opposite mr ikomas mostta dry ooo4f 5ore enslish perfumery combs brushes c ib treat variety kington oct 1610 w 5ay sable squirrel back instered sg in r l- i tiil doss black siberian lamb skins grey do do do aumrican do- do lustre gennett do do rabbit do ifo white do do orleans cloths of all shades all of which will be submitted at very low prices 0 0 4 0 wllluft guns- cabinet maker and upholsterer next door to mr- jtouravs neto brtildutg citaarv stftcct mdfgstofi n b all sorts offtirotttrt tiade and lnle or decorations done to order 250 boxts canada plates for sme by joseph f hall kinplon ilihoclobf t iw1 piano forte tuner ojcra left ai mra- hwnirra sltop co- ncr markcl square will be promptly attend ed to kingn 2ind nov 181 z bbtnkets an extensive assortment of r whitney blh and mtckinmv blankets at drykcs 4 compnhyb hn are preeminently distin guished for sitting good jjrtieltat iht lovett prictfoi k il can 6e import id- sbn k s e caw in boots onp ppesi on rvers india rubber shool- di do life s slr by joseph bhall kinplen octrti g 1341 fi5 i vst publisiir- nhrors n if- detr of sntmtut not i en of by ihe pun or btfran bjh amckica with p rjiorv remsik i ramsav a fcco front street nov 22 ia grindstones ton best ohio grindstones for sale bv ibe subscriber hugh calder frctls oyter keiuers cv brof k streft take notice purchasers of do goods arc re quested to try the glasgow warehouse comer of store and montreal streets wicre ilicj will find on extensive and varied assort ate rit of fall and wjnter goods comprising every thing thai ia new ami fash ionable lr the aeowh at extremely low prices the subscribers have imported very heavily in every department of their btisi- nesa and feeling confident that iheir goods and prices will stand comparison with any other house in the trade respectfully solicit an early vail from intending purchasers- the lowest prirr aked kingston 6 nov 1 37t kingston and napa neg macad- mized road toll gates n the 15th of dccomher next ensuing the leases for is42 of all the toll gales on this road will he ptu up at auc tion and sold lo the highest bidder the sale will take place at whctplcy tavern waterloo ai 12 oviock noon d gate no 1 kingston bent for ihis year 910 gate no 2 near waterloo proceeds do including keer ers wages 264 gate no- 3 ami creek renl t to do 125 gate nn near four corners ernest town from janmry hid the time of its ercclion to 1st nov including keep- er wages 71 gate no 5 napanee rent this year 27 every other information relative rwenues derivable from ihe above may be had hy application to horace yeo- mans esq waterloo or al the office ofthe commissioners four corners ernest town two anffictent sureties will be required and their names given in at the lime of sale bv order of the board c gumming c- m r noverrurs 1841 for sale at the subscribers an elegant fros wood rotrnd cornered stand action piano forte metal lic plate no 3s99- mannfaclurvd hy nu- rnsi clark new york and has ben jro- n on need by competent judge one of he sweet rft toned and most highly finished pianca they ever seen awo an excetlenl blac walnut dining table with ocunjuiat legs 3 teavei and 1 end auo a black vjalnnt fine board with pedestal and drawers and beat patent lock axfto a very superior black walnut sofa with round arms and irgs feather pillow and damask covering afld in addition lo the above mahogany tabm marble ton mahoany arm chaira with rotkers mahogany sofjs and french bedstead clock looking glasses and a va ritty ofotherfnrnilureby far loo comphcaled to dttail to be sold low for cash at our stores collins haines kinptonnov 17 mi 40 15 9 19 0 io lhe gates great distress in england the subscriber haa just received his fall supply of onr egs which have been bought in the envlish nd seotcn markets at unprecedented low prices the prreater part have been tmrrhtsd of bankrupt emx at half their original cost and he is therefore enabled to offer to his fiienda greater bargains than ever he pat icularly calls attention it lhe fmlotvin list every article there named he ia confi dent vwll be found hy judge lobe at least 20 pet tint cheaper than any ofwoasc broad cloths of every rpialily anl color and of superior make pilot and beaver cloths of assorted colorssome of them very splendid gro de naplc dticape satin toik plaid and all other silks inctirdin some liner irian has ever been brought before into canada french and eftttsh ribbon that are not to btf e quailed in style or qitafily to his rib bona the subscriber in particular calls ibe at tention of ihe public merino of all colors and qualities plain and figured saxonies and orleans cfotbs of splendid quality watered and djenak moreens in crimson scailel fawn blue green orange and every olhor colour j an extensive and well chosen lot of museline de linet the greater ar are implied direct from france i here fmc the subscriber has eery confidence in rcconv mendinthem both as la colors and qmlitfes blankets unequalled in tbx fincntts of wool and of every site red while 0 een and yellow flannels some saxony and welsh flannels particularly fine arid remarkably cbeap winter uloves of every description and a very large stock of woolen hose and half hme direct from leicester scotch and lancashire serges the largest and best chosen itnek of tinted calicoes in the province ribbed and plain cas5imercr tweeds buck and doeskins some of them of peculiar fine ness moleskins and fusliansremar6ably low winter vesting of rptendid patterns in tajeft- tia oambroort plaid saxony and a choice as- sorlmest of fisured and plain sitifu and tome very splendir satins for ladies bonnets and dresses jacconel mull and book mostrnc n hite and coloured lenos rolled jaccnnels of eveiy colour twilled and nlatn silecias re- jatta derry and turkey stripes hne hisb li nen shirts lons clolh and while and colored cotton shirts lambs wool pantaloon and waittcoats worsted comforters and braces 5iriut wefw llkf- 4fltifiiw tons white and colored counterpanes and qnilu and a very larje lot of cotton and woollen rugs brussels imperial kiddermin ster and scotch carpeting of magnificent pat terns and superior quality also some very nne drugged well worthy of immediate at tention french and scotch cambiks and the largest and best assortment of blonds la- ces and quilling some very superior french edin u lace chenele and tbibct sliawn and handkerchiefs and sotfie very fine ban dannas amongst them will be round a few pieces of real indian woolen and buckskin mitts scarleland grey sntfw stocking linen and cotton tape vt b drab and black i inrn thread cotton balls spool shoe thread rornel wire and art tannrnerable rjuantity of other small wares and the stock of furs consists of muffs capea boas and trimmings in rtery description of skin a new and most beautiful article sn colored swansdown trim- miri peculiarly well adapted for trimmmv of dresses for balls and evening parfir and a few very choice real swansdowo b6s also a very lare assortment of fine reaoy made clothinb including coats vest5and pnuloons of every style and amonst ihehv will be found some pea and monkey jactels of superior make peculiarly well adapted forsaflcrs weaf art excellent assolmenf of chockkrt of the qcwfcvl fcwm sua saoimt av4tv fic-i- fast and tea service and in fine china also breakfast and tea service a few hill of hollands gin and cogniac brandy will be sold cheap to cjose a consign ment wm wilson kingston i3lh nov tfttt lll si wholesale dry goods warehouse corncrof stok ako qcfrat s7eet ths subscriber has received per atcfuiwk from glasgow blond frofn livcrpnol xx tjreat britain from london a consignment of dry goods which ivilitae found worth the notice of the trade the gcmls mrt selected by n ficrsoft lonj acquainted with this market jtnd will be found both in price and style in every way suitable the stock cmsrsb ift fiart of mackinaw whiioey rose and point toanfceft cloths csssimerekerscrtndtved diamond 6t plain beaver sc pilot cloths srarlct crimson and white flannel red and white kerrey and printed salit- hurry red and wkite serge grecff baiic and drufgets mennos orleans oftd printej saony carpeting ond hearth rugs shalloons silicics and rolled jncconcta spfendid 04s4rtment of printed calicoes brown and bleechect cottons regatta and twilled stripe shirting book jacconet and mull mitslin avtf lencs poncy vevting tabinef and pusk moleskin velvet and velveteen quilts counterpanes and horse blankets thibet muffler printed and bordered shnwlf scotch shawls and shepherda pliida patent canvag twilled socking and osnaburgh tivo blue turkey red and shirting stripe 104 64 and 44 cotton and linen sheetings india bandannas ftnd jv- suk hdkfs bnckstin mitts lambs wool gloves and hm lambs wool shirts drawers c etc the subscribers instructions aro to sell at low prices so therefore the stock will be fotifid to compete with any goods offered thi fall t- nacnjder jlgerd kingston 20th october 1841 33 tali ii dttewi to tih iik r eiv dtwmu ib i awmki t- j n- i v ta sf mf it fcainavfi lumit i f wsva w ftnmtu cat to f eovnii iavnii r i wttsj- tda vvlaic ilt nu rbw f4 bu im m n wim ji ir f trit 9j islfmn4ff venveputd j t wea tar aiyh r ajhuaasaw li t i r aw hpiairaiinai ar t tui of icivf t ri ii m btajll lu t fcfmphkal r r f i u ft ivat r ita iiir irf i i l r t isssj it y ue sfiluani artay it eaafrimmia i aiiw wli cat let i ie oreach k wiu b a omi ar 4vr tugtiut ia ue umxi to mafetirf tm t- p aitrotrj rf lut n analut ormb4l1iamrmi 4w tru bv crrrj- thiih ftj bweufij nmhi la ibt mitiaei u lai iear ik nt ofim pvuc ptr hii- pten cba wik at um tj imriua trrurt u vauiou io llc irouciravi bpai n li wr turivd la iaa utaitr ultttl r rhwr rb p0 tnffttrd i iti nw ibnciv iltv mvt i irmijritiinh timt h fi j a lh l1 tflll r i tl es aruii ifl ihrfoutiuij for a ioppi r mi u l-ti- hkas it ftf all 6j oe auiw vr esfmd f f tt ri i bui ii mtrian u le able io tiaie uwi we ba im tiilttmmi wutt mr trum lu mfotuii mti acm cncranv wlrc platn ve ioaiflioed aawb loii ftv orihtmitifcr li-lafa- bv uib fr 1i lf0ij nmi04lnt r li wrfc t- n aibei mnitttof hi fciflo cat iit 0d uiuttfptr htviihrah thi we ibm i a r aae allboafb feri f t pit i rirji b db a s civ j vxctura wv ate coatjni luvt wifctp taab ci p ta eual uitwi ia bssatyjot to cnpae tui thai in ymmy tb rnclitiii it bcioaaeat a4 it sshrai to woik altav in audiitn ia ibevp vc bsv 1 it4 ihe varla of 1 ll sir- idclutint rr r s 04 it- t rr tak iafe cw b to 4iiappoiairai to rjrus t 01 ittlhtriy tbc4fnil1be niial to aatbuf bvbultf4oitwc are aue iwpwf to r rv rf avmarr tv bcauufdl wrtnin will iui t r i iucorotlalam suoazim ineavvan iftai wc tballbe hk to tbiaa asujiiif vi jbi iontotlicouitt thvmiuicavaihdotlapcaata trial a bf s f ft aataa of tart eirxauo ta eoadtirflc ot ihe frtai pr uiaa ooami uiai otlo rhjplictoc iie fjain j our cofuon atieaa it i i r tail o ii or i c aa tet hasl m fnpel tor om rutfuber ia bkt br no ul w h ft nfi- lumi i t for tbc laal and cobasciiuf tin rt mai at h mar raw r iocreac vf hat uive ia is jb cvlition cr not m ojoo asuou cories mom h- lv aat h1l boio hart aa cajva vtr its to o lh1m vjppp iij i ir omr sftnha mtt fc babelasocrtr 4no ijtioil tod ptiuajucl arraarrio t v til 4ft wo hi htcb av ssjilii aa4 writ a l diet b4q of vwik rot m vui ipau rrratri t ia laii ii r the wtiir rcad fame of 1w fcmrtti u a audifui ruaaotct of iw ihimur of t v wt thatl teteno uta ibeu bst so llal vith r nv li vt i u ifj widpei i lab the way ol itimv mu lov ac wotjrf a trvtr aflrn i ftrla le nay oftibfi 1 v diiuie atd ct a ikff via 10 1 r iitbif in llua coitnui kttrrmug enlttua ipa aa ajiemcm boa 4l tero made it ml cititneit ir4 nrcmplitcs aul i 4ttnrtf atla foe a fju juppty of kcnbratrrrj law virti tni rlwwctt aoj li ot ijtf rti j a ihv moil flanfird anj hefaal u tbi a wm an rj pwfl ht popuui md atttatiiit raure la it wofk atid wilh ibe antr wuhvttl ha thy iairrturcd will olnayibe nottl a amz tzftiif cjtrt frr i cotiplrtr r- iii iae al mntt itraiiiiaotf wli or our lajv ui i tlrt w tl tm r ibyn wiuta icaaiifu1eejt4iiret alatoorfaal ioif aj ovall jlm ne uas bine n gtncrofo wbca ha tts tketiltflfr opo1ar wtifi uoi trv p r ovial ill wotb th iet boot if liboo in uita nrci yvaas iner aata a atamir v-lc- 1 rapuuta or ihe ntafjiifttt itu- far wim ba a aujevitnt bsaamaaj fjf th fwurrv but ixal ii mav be uro ibat ooabinr aaa wle1 uooae i maiotaio every 4rpaetaac3ii l wul to rlcvaieisr hieraxy aa wctl p the putiai dtfartmrttt w bj lee to uounce tbm w iatf wriien bui that ibe amnota rr nadiof mailer ill h rr l i- rt i- fc r q at hl tm fn ub t nod y irr b qjore than aay ofthe othn ibtco dntui amfajioea and aboul the lane unuuot tbo five dohlalt mooiblira ntually preaeot taesfaaiieiof ul itarc tbeetfore to eai atiocvioa lo m abet thai hia mofx will proeut tbo aiuaction or fw ej eirot varid offitffrf matter aad aottuiberor fvhlft svt mi ovaar ef rafratap b tiery tiaruace n d- it fi be io earva il a paci for aaaajak wm ha flllvabvlio4 nnoeiivibe j v r wlattbcr ia raaajd to iki oomber orbutrteof eajra- rivet or lb aiuojat aod earfetr r lueftty mtutr kit u entphaucaay a ladai anj gcnjttawa aff riat rtmib ftiij ljuridnl un tdrttrihakuuli deoejtoniitw tu r v bhrabwr iki hh i r i t i r l j ia tifiw than thai ofthe three doltar maaumra aaavtallr aa the writ eiurrd tot tbt i- tr will enabhr ataa i tsfsstt ao aohiat and eamir ofvirruot rrf itr tf al io lf fit dptur if- p tj l aa ta ljt oivrihilrtrn addiiiio ui the inbutnft wkote tuftrt aod articka baea m mb ea- irfi l maaaioo ajjbst faew 0sva kio be jvremed aia addj ofwotth sad ao4o ta tlat aat tarrly ate l wrhatt 4e ttrrmjia dwtrktas u- r to iaf rerfr tvi tboe ofnotfraio tii ta cottca af mi k iik n t v l hra ata s 5iphltj ur k c v i xm r 3 s r p k h- chrtkrnucembaryo r mlpij 8 dadlr tia tbt aoaoeorsaoejiitt a y tr j sprar iv aullior r inward ridoef mra c ca- met c budau mra t j vwetoa a afcjwoot i ft loeeti ftoben lw- v vm- o j s b n fercieal wn laoivs i rm a s whlrda met i s danaortxc lrl jtophrm kvaoa a btvalab w g mr i si lowd i i i ri au tbdt ofiafite rrof joib iml rsilad ttofsc ploohtt fhrok f l l v l tl- i h i v c j ftccnoa f- fhilad s w staca ton pbilad e armiir toj c ratlad ruh dtaaiaia new yoth dnolau jartow- cmlaw j f qae few yort j roaa r a jfhaia al koda rda ti j i ti i- r sajumoiej av liow waaluoetn i- i j r e hji 01100 1 f tiutio w kaebrn author of crootwrij fur j t soodmtfreh sitoei ileravatj prittibolt mra v f- howard xrt av martha thajcr c g nailery j kaatoti s d aadenoa j w fofey h j vvrooa s w tvsatojt a- m wiu da4v f ds c w tbrpion j h s a a rrvint n adliota to thi brimaoi array or aartiw tttth to fmote the d tamrea or a hotofaaaarba 1 rlirn r f ji f nlj ni a l if n l will ivc worth aadrkar vvh myw f7ir rtir tn- wtllknuwo aotical apu rainl4l ciuimm a iso lati wat and tla kfafrt of u hat a had m tva us enamra iy any arias putriihej 10 aay mataoa or vbtv tir aajbhaf praiaca to prj a aww tenet ut tolrt ot lt s7ro nl rroi bit known atiluiea aa a d- pfior ui scaaeme and i fc aauch mat bw rhad afssj freib u01 jivmajottlnia thrppuliiar of tie mtfativ farm ay be eapeeted daimr ilr rtjrw frvn oto aivr of uie well known aitklra t to of old irontidt bcaidc a varti rx choice artklea la prm nod terar from vartctj hriietaifehrliktj coniiiau- loet 10 ii penmini ot ctfaiike or tbo eoyauy utfi 1 i eiitiea viiiiintit abatl nil j for fa a djitjnetitr eharae itr of the wotfc aad b uo ca 1ce n- 1 licujirt ot efiueal aeomra arrd trpote htos etubiild and ltd vm where eand to onr fm aaaeitt aod an loncl reariraa lotlcptnftnor j cfboov rt i tp44irt to bo caodnl and ulj free from the wanr cairn wblrb aaarha lha bookutvr bar i but tiall u iinmiliatand ttetrtif fun timt jsilit x voiv tvi1 be maatawai o- lli itstaf the itohih in iv rfoarltt of tha unioat- tou inntt juiaat bubftrife wijtcaattamtj rerorfo it aa tnai laj aa wrll aa lh wio ksml ia fhdadflhia 3ae et ttrme ts f ivffirir utti eaurv deaa jcjui f uinlt 1 th mbsissttas asd tail laaa ibe eheapiii work in ibe unln wbilr al iha ianf litaa t m aunoua to briiir 1 wisi fho noch ofnuvcativ ut- r 1 ic aa ih u- i fiwiu trtm ai wlicb bo esa alfoid il rt in ibtlrrritf atrle fbr iha torre dollar per aanona in adranee foi t of taro copita tearlr fot lite rlntfora totatiaut ii taorr mt pah no a tahacrtbrr mavlsa wiibot ih mowiy tr the osbm of h uapooaibk afcnk fot uaa icfrmnrtliuatt of ihna who mat wih to aubteribo ibe alivr or the follow finradrtoiia ocoodiexb uae ttl- v i r f j i j 1 aw m vl rr fit dotlarij eaah m 6f ptraat grabisi k- wtftpifi r taa saiaidej etcpto fuat r jrar will be foewaird of tt a dollar cnth fice of roatajv fiea eoocaa af ciaoit acaeaaioe oe crobadft afaiatio and fre cnpt of iba saiurd o jrroovi lhorolblj vsftse ratine lor ec rrauaj foil tor on tear for twedl otan caab lao pio of tbo jftfaiiso witf as fwwajdidj nrf a eos reajtt to uu pottnimtr nrothera ftiwarjiei taemoue f poaipntd ceorotn obaham- w eofaxr m aad chraot aiila 1- ikocekles wjnes liquoks constantly on bantf at whdmlebj the subseribrrs tobaccos flue cavrndiab nallrod vvinesa porl wine madeira wine- sherry clartt do teas young hyrn old hyaotitwanltay hjaoit skin jmpfiialj gunpowder souchong bohea stfciaftsa 2q hounds muscova4a scyar jo da refined do 14 do patcnl paiu do do tobs auo pepper alsfiee starch candles soap crern colfofroalrd coffer pipe molasses vlflcw pickles turpentine snult cijrrs of ciery pndc kauics holland gin cogaac brandy ato alarceconsinrncnlorcorda5espun yarn and oakum collins haines kinjslonov t7itm for sate by the subscriber 4 tone superior oakunti joseph b hall kirifatn 16ti sepffrviber 181

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