Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), December 1, 1841, p. 4

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shkrifrs sale wi vsfir t9 y vmie of a to wit fif ivric oi rett facias issued am o her majesty court 01 queena bench and in iuc directed iri 1 the land and tenements ivtlliaoi j mckay si the suit 01 william uradt urv i taw seized and taken n execution a bcorcing to he said william j ml kay a cmaa lot in the village of oah being part of the broken front nlihceal btlfvf lot no 10 in the to cf ernctawn in the incorporated countte of lenox aitt aldington and in ihe midland district containing bt admcniircment kiiwlvwo rquare rk which i will expose nr afe ai the court house 11 ihc town of king sinn st tue hour of twelve oihv noon on monday ihc twenty second dsy oi novem bcr mm a mcdonell mm jv sheriff office kingston 2hh auut is4f 1 15 the above sale is postponed till friday the i7ih jav of december next kirptoo nov 20 1841 sheriffs sale midland dttrict my virtue of a to wir mm writ of lien farias issued out of her majesty court of queens bench and to me directed against the land and tenement of wil liam j mckay et the tuii of thomas mc- adam and john sponsion i have seized and taken in execution as belonging to the said william j mckay a village lol in bath being a part of the broken fiotiiuf ilie- east half of lot numw ten in ihc firs t concession of ihe township of ernesto wn ami containing by admeasurement ninety siukikps sale mulhmj dhtruu t wfcy virtu nf a to wit jtp writ nf fieri facia ikftiiod ml of her mtjcy court nf tjuivns i and id me directed aptni ihlaud audtcnvriientsrsfthe late william fraser deceased m ihe time of hi death in ihc hands ryjohu mcduueau duncan mc phewors and alexander criisfcottn execu tor of the last will and umamcm nf the raid william eraser tfrwwd at he suit of rflfait gitterjb- akxamlcc cillftpu the friittjpr cemge molihit and rotiort gillcs ho tc younger i have seized and taken m execution an belonging to ihc late wiu liam fraser the southerly halt of lot no 237 in ihc town of kingston comprising thirtvthiee feel on geniie street by one hundred and tnirtytwn feci baric which i will expose for sale at the court hmic in ihe town of kmlon at the hour of twelve oclock noon on monday he 27th dav of december next a mcdonell shcnfls office j kirghioncsihseplisi 5 shektrrs gttel uufantf zktfrkfi by vittotot writ of fieri facia usued ontof m m court of quren bench sniitome difctrflapiint hrlinds and tene- mrnlt of william j mckv si the suit of hujh robetuon joftoh umsh and charles ian wviii hare tcized and ukrn in execu ion as be loo in 10 uw said witliam j mc- ky a ckio lot in the yilug of bath bring patt nf the biokrnlront of iks 1uu hjlfof lot otnin the townihipofernrsltowna ihe incorporath ctir of lrnnox and ai- jmrton stnilin liic mtiirii t containing hy stmeaofenrnl nittyoae uste ioj uhich i wilt rxpose for sale at the court one square rod wliiylt 1 wil vpcefor j hoac in tht town of ktnsioo st iht hour of house n ti town ofwelroclock nooon r- fc hlh day of at ihe conn kinpfoti at the hour of 12 ovlrk imkhi nn wednesday the tenti day of november next a mcdonell sieriff v d slterirts office kingston 9th august isk i2z the above sale i rtp ti fiday the 17th dav of derernber next kingston nov 20 181 shertfrssalc midland dilnci fjy virtue of a wril t bvf j j nffien faciei is sued out of her majestys court of qecn bench and to rot- directed against the lands and tenement ofjamc camjerain and james frascr at the suiof thoma u- anderson and william walker have seized and taken in esenitinn as beonga lo ihe aid james chamberlain and james frascr pan of lots number nvenlv and twentj one and the west hafnf lot num ber itventy three in the fifth cimcouon oi he toavftthjp of josuvvjuui midland district whieh i will expose fr sale at the court hon at kinplon in the raid midland district on monday the fifth day of july next at th hour of 12 omocfc noon any pertoo or persons having haim on the above described property are reouccj to make the same known tome at or before ihe time of sale a mcdoncll saeriffm i sheriffs office kingston 3rd april 181 soim the above sate is postponed until the fourth jay of december next november 4 1841 ijcccmwr nrt a mcdoxell tttrift it d shnill oincc kindlon inthm 1811 bb bl sheriffs sale- mimnljlkmrt vjy vitw of a writ of toit l fitri facisi iurd outofhcf hijtatn court cf queens lfmch and to sir dcted aitui the landt nd trnr- meal of williim j- mckay si tht soil of wil liam walker john 8 andttton william for tytb and john b forty i h i save seized and ultra iii xecatioa as oetonin to lot fsid wihiaotj mcksyaccrtsin let in the vju uof sstbeinf part of ihe broken font of tbt eit hilfof lotko 10 in the township 01 ernest tonin the jncorporaied cynti of lnoa aiflajffaa miir dbtrkt cnutoiii- by sd measurement nine tyone innate toil which i will expose for sale t the court route in the town of kings ton al the tour of 12 oclock noon on friday tht unto day cf december next- alian hcsonelt kmff 1- d sheriff ofticcj kinnton lothbvpt ln j slii the store sale is posiponcd t3i friday the 17th d of dccrmher rexl kineton nf 2n iomi notice is hereby given ftliatlhe lnds and others commia- a jioners of clielen hospda have been pleased to dircclthat alt prksiock in this command who are paid by the com misariat hal apjnar before anofhvcrof tiiat department at the station where they usually receive iheir pensions fur thv pur- hte of answering certain inurrogaterit ordered to he put to them which answers will afterward he rompred with th re- jjsteiaofthc mens services and other dkruments dcosited at chelsea hopal with a view their identity uem ejearty cstamhed tliss kamination wil he laven between the 1st october and 3ht december next and ihwa peninncrs who do not appear whhin that period for the rmrppk of being eaaiined wflf receive nv farther iim of pamiim beyond the 3ji ifccember jl until their answers have been sent to chel sea and a notification received that audi answer prove satisfactory in every cose the pensioner will be re quired to exhibit the printed instructions and in addition thereto if he have on bis farchment cert6ratc from hi regiment commissariat kingston 2nd oeinber isf 1 4 t iw lcj the house ami premises in barrieficlj at present orrupced by the hon mr day pncsmon on the 1st november apply at the chron gazette 0bc kingston oct 2nd 1s41 ilt engraving copper plate printing mm peabody late of new 0 vorkj ivoitld rehctlully infnrm the public that he has commenced murines in the above line next doer alnve ihc rein deer inn head of store strvri where he will at all times be ready 10 execute mien in hisiinct cither on steel cnpper or nd and he jiopeb from a ikofosial knouedge and striet attention to liusiuei tu incnt a sharq of pnblv patnnafe x b diesinltins diwfplak mark- nd visiting ami weildin cards neatly ex ecuted at the ihorlol imitice huildln loin for sale one lot on mil- direct between the new house jum huilt by mr hjihland that of cant glatcw ryjl artillery being 43 by 6ti frel a beautiful situation for a private dwelling 4 lftli on hidgc an barrack street conve- rient to capt ghsjowa new building as pr annexed wan t make luurms case i u economy hose vishto have cran and bright jip uugh ile wia- at a very 1 tm cnvne will uh h tot nwlis stove pipk pint njr hesi pipe and wiii winter wiiho prrvc them ti neither will it ck lacqiire ornish amvhaf nk t r 3 or 40 v u fnnhlonahle tulloring kmnbllrlinieiif i tbilton would respectfully in- ferm the mhibitnls ol kinjon that in conrrvicn wik thrir houtc in toronto they hare opened an establishment m the ahore line in kin slreel exactly oppote mrrs bryce co where they puinosc lilcep g j d- eet on hand rvery article connected with thrir bn iin is hlrc thrihgh ihe ifaieffc their present lock rntjls of a choice jiher nitention and pre ailment of blue black ifirismc green nfl jirrincthe summer 0wt jnd brown bmad cloths wooldycd uire one fourth ihe leiai waefc bicwn ant a variety ol ifoadrsof cas- r j r m icrotfr assomnientof roodi conmfm of vel- i mj ncftriitfrtif savmgat lime k the vft rint jnj phift frfnvu cht imvingofmoa the vamh may he had and the diflrent pdlernsof ivool cjhmercs 3l the repeel ttiumith io in pint suitable for winter diamond and ljain heaver and half pint miles with directions fur cloths fcc the atovc ootl beiiu imputed 1n4i united states hotel oswego n v this splendid estawbdimcnl it now open for the receitinn of visitor the house has liccn newly furnished throughout and from iw elevated and de igiitfiil siinattun commands from the exten sive 1 the nict ruamficcnl views boih of lake and rural scenery traveller veiling canada rtt kingston niagara messrs ii v kowski bq0kseuer8 stationer rt kingston brock stiik king tracttt toltowto riihe subscribers have jutt receivi u fall imparl alion from j4on j of a fcry lare nnd vaneif aiioilte m 5 ihintkd books and pbia stationary i mey h 44 s 44 g4 ride stieet xlto one lot lyin between store and grave street and near the hiad of store stieet being 5o feel wide on smrc and tw on grivs street and 175 dcepi the aw will be soil in one or in sepsratr lots to suit purchasers th ivliolo if the above chers a fjrorimr oppcitonity for such bftrish tostrnre soull buildin lot as they aresutuleri in tie mou healthy siluahom nnd in trpraable irljbkqv bonds for further pellicular applv to j tintoxaatb kinesloo au- 31 tsh is public no trceiahcrcbi mjdlat distfttct ft wit fiven that by virtue of certain writs to met directed i shall attend al thv court hnue in the town of kington on wednesday the 26th day of january next at the hour of 1 1 oclock forenoon being the second day cftho sitting of the court of the general quarter sessions of the peace and thall ilien and there oiler for ale in conformity with tho last clause of the 2nd section of ihe provincial statute 7th william 4th chap 1 the land in the lowatfatm of camden fredericksburg katadar rich mond sheffield kingston pituburgh port land bmh borough bedfnej hinchin- brook kcnebec0o and pahneru tnn advertized by the troarurerof the said confectionary henrv dumhteaee to inform tae pub lic that h still krp jor sals si his con- recfiotiary block slrrr opposite memrs ii k w kovsetr book storr all kin of coxfectiqxjflles cd pastry nude of the rrsy test materials and in a supe rior lyr which ht oflrr wholesale or teuil li the lowest rilef aso a cuanity of ohio honey in the comb y hphm mynvnwl wednrxr u llc hvtlll umbl clf 22 a farm for sale in the neighborhood of kingston ihc capital of united canada the farm is beautifully situated on the bay of quinict eight miles feoro kingston contains four hundred acres one hun dred and fifty of which is cleared and un der cultivation with good fences tho houc upon ii is a inre and com modious cottage with numerous apart- mentsrit for the accommodation nf n m pcclable family in the front of which is a verandah seventy feet in length sufficient lo protect from the most inclement reason in the rear of the lloutc and in front of the kitchen t a never lading spi itij if water made available hy a pump for the uc of cattle and domestic purrww the out houses are extenve and rommodiootf ud the orchard in a good and flourishing con- diiion there is abundance of water in ihe farm al nil weapons foe the uh of stou orjie tnospiittg indeed the farm from it neigh boriiood location and proximity to the kingston market is deserving the particular notice of intending purchasers terms and any other information requi red wiljbomade known by applying at this office or to mrs graham of champignon kinston ltfa june is4j i03x to he had at m c f prousen tin smith shop near nfwsjtq the court houe october 22h- s3a prixess royal fresh oyvers alway on hand at the princetf jlal saloon comer of quarry and store streets j carruthfrs kinpton octorrtml 35 card hmalhisoiterchanttailor becs to inmate to his numerous cus tomers tat lie has received hi fail supply ofwestofengtndsupecfifte blue black and fancy coined cloths black casi- mcres burkina doeskins black and btuepain bevr cloths bbik brown and dinninnd leavera of the met prevail in fashions tvitcr with a fine nl- menl ofahionble winkr anil satin vest- ings by ihemselves from the best market in un nnd and their at ran emenfs with some of the hrst heusrsin london will enable llirm to fur- nib their cumoincrs with iht newest goods on j tra ton able terms in reference to the cutting sad making de partment it will only be necessary to say that ino exertion wilt be spared to maintain that stylo which hat rendered their eujbihmcnt vi popular in tomato n dfj ec t b flatter hfottetm thai their knowledge of naval and military uni forms will enable them to execute any orders in that line in a superior style three 01 four ftrsl rate journeymen wanted immediately cit bilton kingston sept 18 1841 23im 1 book binding n all its various branches neatly and expeditiously executed at the cho icje gazetts office corner of kn and doek street a superior ruling machine in constant operation leather murray has for sm sole harness leather calf j kiriptorior 30 is11 35z kip and morocco kin lining and willivm johnsox nespectptlly intimates to his friends al l public that he has re mold to the throniclc building seeothl dour from the rncr on brock street north side of the ma vet square where he will imt bmiinr wholesale and retail cash tiid for hides and skins timothy and lax seed kington dei 19 hmo on sale at the wholesale ivare- house of the subscriber pmut sthtet hapnv lowait tponal who call upon him gunpowder souclone yoiinft hy0m9iui kinptonpi- 19 ism farm to let i n the tovrwhipof seymour newcas- tie distriii consisting of bet ween three 1 four hnibvu acres of cleared l and and tuwj dejcoplion of budding required h tn extensive farm tvah a lajge stork ot irproved slieep cattte hoe- ea kc r and all the usual imple- an for sale tth t valnablo farm conuin nf 74 acres with buidint thereon deli-hsful- y ojlcd on waterloo hilj within three nulc of kington hcin ih nortb pan of lot nun- bei iitriem in m v w concewion of king ton fronting on the nspanee macailamixed road and paftty in the vilbge nf waterloo terms made known on application at the office of messrs cartwriuijt ceddfs twankay teas inthetovnobpol seymour eweas- rrfiofl1 and tie distrii iifllpi ofbetween three i sugars champiignc howard co and welsh is madeira port sherry claret marseilles and ether nd alt the usual imp svs wiiloccaenthde on the eiae 3 pluand cut tobaccoes to charao 1 maccaboy and rappee snut aprdv ii i cigar various rades 400 boxes liwrponlamj montreal soap 200 ikixcs london sperm london dips won wick and muum candlei 50 package wax tapers 500 reams english wrapping paper lohhov drvcod fish kingston aoxutt m iftll i9i and krpt constanttv on hand kinrstonocl 0 isil owen miller mills coach builders stohs jtitrft kfimartoy- a kb at thfir 3l0 established stand ircara fie district as in road tax up lo 15 6nh day of july i8t0 unless audi arrears amwoner pid allan macnonell stenfm d sberila office kington l3ihnnv ism jo sheriff saler judjond dittrut vby virtue to wit hi writ of fieri facias issued out of her majrrfy court f qins bench and to ok- directed againsi the land nni wncment n william burke patrick madigan and william chcsnut at ihe suit nf the prudent director and com pany of the bank of tpper canada i have eaed and taken in execotion a be longing to the ahuvc named william burke lot umbr twenty mc in ihe fourieenth concession and it stimlwtwenij five in he founh concevion oflbc twtnuhiji of pjluhurh and an al lcmngin to the above namd william chenut the south half lm konbor two m thtf vtllap- of harricficld which i will rnpoc fr nab at tl curt f 1 in ihe twn if kinptol r ttanday thv finth lay of scptetttef nejxt at llie hourvf i k nnvm a m unkll jwtiir oftr- kjjun tm iiahi jajo in pomd fill ihe svih fsr x hand at ali limes and fur sale rt ihc kingston brewery and distillery alks ofasrpentur qc vlitv at one sittung per gnlion aio rectified rhrough copptt suits wcl known by the consumers of the article lo be of the fumt manufacture there bemf ncne other distilled on tho ame principle in canada hlsh wines proof one to ont which article has received the preference in the montreal market alcohol at jt times on hand for fje i notice asjessmenis and rcgidar ale cu turner can fnljy depend on their lcng hupphod thftuhwt tftttftiuin nmmr at ont shilling pr gallon lhe well known keeping quality of the ale during the pal veaon w ii serve as a uil ricnt recommendation foi the next order left t the mo nf mr aithur foster wilt be punctually alii nw lo jambs morton ajhrnon brewery es dtilery for sale the pleasant country residence of the suloerihcr one mile from the tofrfl on ihe ihtkc suorx cofrittnr of a cnmforl able dwelling house sttbv carriage how sic with tivoflrre of land for term whih will le accommodating eier i smith bartlltt kinon july 26ih isu x rent will be in- w lrt tenanl w ww of the farm ttsiinmnials tcr and ahilii vvii bf rvrritrel apply bv ictier poi pa to g- s- bovltox emj cobourg ortllisubscrier nn use spot d campbell june 2 isrvl r tae kitvof chronwr vdtoroofo pc tiiotarr requeued ii mtct ihclue untd furthc ifitintetioat s herefcj vr that the vmlenngnrj lmnns are ty appomtcd to enrre nto tilecl thclatf wdt and testauwnt oi he lai mr o h hainrt therefore all persons imithem- the estate of ihe late mr fi h hiinc whether hv bond sle rrolherwie will dejpe joy the undermen tioned parlies wit as little delay as possi ble likewise all persona having claims againi tlio said trfalo willprcacnt their accounts diiyauivntjcaled fr tnvment thomas ahaines ei tailor mary pisprookhaixes kitcuttix kmtor lsto1er ish icaes do do do 2ft riifks cntnmotj tumiers 10 do aborted classware i din leodufl patent refmrl tare sail carani and iial india rue slarch pcpficr piniertn ri clmvi coitcv mt rutins ivune barley saleratu5 pirkle stmeen pipes london porter dry white load cod ad whale 01s indip blm conama sultpetre vinegar 3idaies com brooms peppermint kinjwr cordial lemon syrftp london mottled and ftney stented soap paste blacking c ec tic an assortment of staptedry goods joseph bhall kingrtun ovcrnlcr isil- 37z fall buffalo and the western slater ill lind live route fmm syracuse to oswvgo per packet and from ibcnee by sieamhoat and rail road a most desirable expeditious and economical dump flic stihscribcf hupes by slrict atiention to render bis house a 1 de sirable residence both to transient visitors and ncrmancni boarders j foreman lotto mc eoh tartrn lockport n b carriages will bo in attendance at all times to convey guests and their bag gage to and from the steamboataand pack ets free of charge forlvjmdhyglt the undersigned with new and effi cient means have made preparations to erry on the f0rwj1rdimg 0vi- ness betwixt kingston prcscolt inter mediate plares and montreal by frtf of the st ulwrencei under the firms of fertiuson k m motitvtat mcisbon ferguson kixcsfojr freight uf good upward charged alto tether according to weight and at rales as reasonable us those of any others in the trade aiex fer0u5on john ugibbofl montreal april 2cth 1811 piano portcm- francis h g milliganjcn htenfqochec piano forte manufac tocy begs leave to inform the inhabitant of kingston and its vicinity that he ha com menced business in the above line ami hoped by asidmty punctuality and atten tion combined with moderate charge to mrril a share o public patronage piano fortes guitars violins vecordi- ans and muucal sntilf boxes and mimical inairiimcnts in vneral repaired tuned n b any inairument made or repaired at thi establihtent m tie warranted lo atjnd fur si veirs fho milliganjtm coritr 0 vonr oit store strtttt nnrf opmife mr rcunrt 0a- mm m a kington sei i- jsil 2sim btrs ferns biffstn iotoim hertiiends i and the public that shn lusrrceivcfrnm london lier fall tuppiy of ladies and chil- dien hoots and stiori a lew dozen pns g nllrmcn a dress bcou clnih bool and india rubber over shoe kingston november 3 1841 361 first class uourdins house to let for a term cf years posses start given immediately nctkose emeniive and commodious pre- j mttn neir the mamion house hotel in over tho business place ef he nnw hnlfsiad presrnts a opic it vanvrtv or works or general lileralure and school bo account booksof all site and mlines fage l teller and note paers of all a plain ami jgilt- dratvn- paper and rwt wiv wafer qoilb tec te ijook and job printing neatlv and tm tiously executed- coppetplaleenpann ln rnutin account books ruled and bound to any rtttn mortgage deeds and memoriab for sale 3a i ba circulating library kinston lft4t solicitor in chancery aim notanv puslic kelt to jama frostrs fronistrttt kmgtte r h t rae of bhitisu roiuugn db oooi kingston f lor sale by ihe subscribers co hoxe frvili lemons 75 barrels liverpool salt r h t rae kingston 18th july 181 3d store stree sllhm tlf7ls iplil collate for sale a small biicl cmle delightfully situated on the bav ot ifillowell aqnaiter of a mils fom the totrnol ikloa in j 40 olkf from kiatton to uiihnlace there 4 artcar- baat daily the place will be nm cheap and pohttoq vtnatoace apply brie to creensmelds miller jj milikrco pirton kington islh aff 1sii 13 j let irra ti rrd and ciplj i ii stree e wrrt at thu oice kington june isil i wp s iihds for sale from ten in fifteen acres of lind about two miles from town on the bath road pleasantly situated adjoining mr cuffjirift farm it will be sold in one 0 more lots to suit puicbasers apply in edward noble kingston 5ih april isil stix mini vcrdicr il 33 ciioick wixes sr hix tlh wholesale wirehouie of hie sob cnier frront stfrcl lhsotdpoit 1 6 qr ck lo 1 lib- npritr claret tr ca ilonard k co aladcira 2tt 0rtarei wcuh manvirai 1 cj casjrj niprrtv poit in khvrs do do fr lvki do bhenv ajc sujirrinf do 10 uttkfts chamouiir jon n bail k ui ln ltii auiht isn removal british saddlerv warehouse lokkirrr iianiinijolm smh villne park lot for sale r 1 i subscriber ha for sale a few de h sirabte village and park lois near the town which he will dipie of on ac coin n od at i n g icr m smith bartlett kinnton july 2iiih ish gx to iet- for a term of years that beautiful nnl conmtndioits rerep lately lifted up aftder the exrtiottgc fir smre oflbe subscnhsrs in quarry htred a more de- sirahle smiuatiri fir a cfucorf provisi 4 victualliir cmalilislimcni i nolto be lound in ilte cdy p si nunc utvd appv but those of ott- uesiionablc rxpet ijiiiiiy tor fort her parlieuar appy al the fur jtwt where furs ladc fjcnijvincn- of every e cripton are offered wholcalo and retail low for cash or approved credit m l ireenescai kingston jllh ocl ik4k to lkt aspaciow shop ami dwellin wtb iiiiit iirtinoifitini in ii4c recrnily huiltliythe sabfesjiwrt npimite mr koufkv intjuarry t fih miiruw apt4v in tt ulanakhovsk khuitfukov it thtl ti nr i fhus m11 mhllkr imld u u km ruer ifrif iijfnnv id thi h- h ktimivd hil luiv whir f hi ejiuymiirl lignite mr rk tsiry r n tkl 1 to lrl tlllatvligdje dtvttlrln llure in slre strcti 1 riunerttil iik the preffitmv nf in s filn r lirniirly the rviudiiiic tiiriiai fiiirr ef fr trruc npidv t jamikujjics kmr or 11 l i queen 3 college the undejinc coinaiitwo bt cml- for lac uv toitr- to in rcti town ixntin thl tbeywi rere subuilm t lbem 0 bei nrt together t part of the tvttdin tiie an of 50 prison urhose pm s hy tie trw tt pfan for paitrfuhn a hulldinxsad other ir be made to mr t 1 taiy aiiia hm aninrd a l tusters ot qjn le of morurin i of a in tti ttfitim- nf liis a architect w4 other fiih pbn a may b monday th- j dtm i pciiratiofl o ti1 ae ereetej next spin- r will he jiven 1a the l jec ideations is adopted j xj5cy i uka 4iitii iii issfia howard matvh ftla deira 4 nr casto brown shorn 6 do do pale do i cafaj superior pic sherry in brxlfaj 4 eas di orown io in io 4 foiiwiirdmar4 madeira in jo 10 do juievv sparkling chatufiane hlgh caldep- conmcfriil wharf 03rd uctst isl tt an exc itent oaitudv fot thf oprttuv of 4 res peclable miv kntnivo lliu they are nttfilvd in one of the ni4l cmtml and elitble naihof the town citutiuoits lo the steam hoji litidiii1 nfil pinrip1 ijcuds the huilditi is as thoitirhly nrr uroof as it i pos sible 10 make it 4td consbt of a cellar kitch enltre piuinj ant tne jar tcain bnnir three paeiu ele and twentj lld rooms huinrjof th mrtropoli- awl the jrcat inconrmiencc hitherto fjtpfrl enced fr ivjnl olatteh accommodation olter reat advantage to uh peisoni si are catcu laud to condfici sth on tmabsiiement anplicjlion iffav irttei postpaid may be made to akmktkoni oreer k4ni94on flth amha iwl hz office of the ii at fctilwut cfmpnv nu v t c 1 u i ic k 1- jieriliy ve tint in ac- 1 the t i0hn hamilton john mow at r a harper commercial bsni 1 kiniton oci 1ll snwnbci oltera liis sincere thanw 10 the inhabitaniiof kingston for the itet tod ihe iublic generally lor the very liberal f siiprort they have hirhiri given lo liis es tabltvhrneit and in annuunving its removal lo sttre t feet nearly opposite iu tht scotch church he vhall there at all times he hapuv to attend to their command james bone cob proprutor ac ay kfrfion 4th nov ihf 37k the propoted ccl of rmation application may 0wntn4 acting scerc- i i h0vf liecool ooap 100 boxes montreal sap 50 do loitdon lmtlrd sp zts d louden jtim can lie 15 do london up caadus f iile by josrpi1 b hall kintonc3j amfttj 1s1l ltiz fotr bales carpets just re- ceied and for sale by kini in joseph bhall utknv tbu 87 markintosh patent india rubber cloth g t b1lton have j reeeiecd a swisf article of the ahc uitids male up in any slnpc ivhlrh jl rordatire with a resoltilu hoard of uireetnrs of ihe kingston larine rtilwijtj a third inalirient ff ten per rcftl n ihe newly aioited xlork of the company is railed in and payable at their iffire un or befretlie tenth day of decern her nrecntde to their art of incorporation ncd c jlnkins sccf w roth irkelt jtlwesalc ami retail grocer store street eos m return h s rinccfe thanks to ui riemb aod the public for the ve ry tilieml rlhnry be has received mce his com rm 11 re n rent in bushier ani also to infitriit iliein that tie has relinquished the milling of dry fiiiinh and in order to keep pace with e march of improvomeni he ha- made large ahhiinns to his siork of gro ceries whicli wiu be found upon impoeiiun lo lw very miperior and as cniplcin as any in market the very low price a which they have been ptuvhikrd will enable him to bc fully an low if not lower than they can be pmvhaed elsewhere kiiislon nov u ism 39im uienor uhiel itiry wi mjy be drsired t bilton hinstito soremlirr i iftil 36 wtithrf it ly swell ihatin ron- x uenee of ile death of ih- late mr- c if hainc nil crns iflflcblm thhc pirm of c ii ilnnes co by nnti- ba dehtor nlhrrtire aro reijvrtfujiv 7 wuriteiliocallatidtteiiw me wth a v tittle iklav aporssiliiand perons hav ing rbmn aniutl h aid firm wilt please pnient iheame kinton 1st ohacrt iu ffjat you sale bv ike sohrubrr a stovks carilii t aortmnt nl t cnnkin ijilnf linlble stofrvjrinui sizes which torijhmilihvtimlpvm irisbnw otriei am ai ttirtr bsiji tliemtelvrj witldn will to call immr t notice to ship builders be kingston mmim railway cui pany prnpi lw let that pnt kfttr ms- irlon t 4i linton all of i heir ktahijimrni coinprnin the ship yard with two rauvtav ererted thereon one of whieh hi uilnhlc tor hauln uu steamlnat nnrmiilft ieselsofibcfarim utbef work clasxlliat now myt1u ihe lake tb lurmiiolj eiiinuri ind bargee the ktlttw in pefil ilir andin fullnjvr- hli alims alsii the yard and radway at mattrrn hay apdy ul th lli oflhi kingpin marine kndwuy ci if in lutttrira paii knetun 1mb atvrii ml ifi ujftjjfth k the liberal patflontkc which hns ucu iiwrinr ban mdiirrd him iri family h cxionded to hie t deride thai wilt rrninvc tin place u hftori as at keillers tvtoleie nnd itrtnil conftcticnary bnoctt street will always he found a lano sup ply of die inotl vhok0 ar ofciuifertmnary ingctlicr with tea cakes ol al kind plum cm ffjftmx clr pound orkt jruhk crwtsj superior gingfr ijrtrfrom tht fountain iivuvii oder in a try xuprrior ttytt wfantejd by the suhsrribcr ten cihi limine cnrrieniefa ot joiners thomas overknd bmblw memt of s7oc street jcintxioncet9 mi tllhc mm imiovh cloth murin- ailirle l be m hy the yard coiu closhs or fanes mai le onl jdlln gakuham ilti a kintno vf nov ih in can procure a re- 2i tou i 4ini ihmiirk ivi i l i i h ui hi- nil 1 hsml ml ky mkjiji 1 ml lb will i fmind at tho imblmt lm40 at prtta1 premimit min rd tvih fnr ajawm fj trsum orihunrdy mcivl by ljeiifj4 edwnyn on hum rtitlni frbi ut vliihbrw iirviurrd fi itumtl on ilo utj mmjdn nr priuit ad t trmnl pnj irrimtf prim ijih ivbirh uhilhld iii 111 tin pliic- l s 8 1mi j kif rit inly 7 mil rlldkv tlir iruinclnl jiiurr w c keklr jluotneynt 0hq4 aviwor a frw coptilbr me at she cbrmidoft nilti otiri rnr knle dbk t1n 0mfud nilr iiihill caldmlt mvriid wharf hnrfrinl wharf j ihsepftwher ikm for sale by the subscribers 4b boxes pipes jemw 30 bbb c canada whishev r ht rae ths subscriber mas on band and selling a l very hw prices as escfllest assortment of staple and fucy ooodt in the new store adjoining mr willard king sritccr duncan mckay kinjjsmn 2fiih janmry i8-vi- bqz pdas skins- the behest price will be paid in cash for all description of st ins for exp-c- lation at wm wilson wholesale store in n i3 1su 39im the subscriber is prepared to sttrnd to a orjcrj for the auildinor repaim ef row or sail boats al hb former residence near fer gutons puinl wolff island opposite kinsw all orders eft with mr richard scobell nil be punctually attended to william h smitiiers ferguson point 1st november isil 31 smiths cwm iior si by h s jones kipjtah auusl 3hl ii i pl iron cst reccved and for sale at a reduced pricrf by h s joxe kingfion june l6tb i8tl loox j ih thk steam 110at kingston cakt habuton pljs regularly brtwrn kington and head of ihc bjv nfuiiiflivarollokj v p wards leaves kingston ori jtiefdys tlitirsdavi and mhjftfl vrk j gr leavt the river trenl on mondays wed netdays nnd fiidaya tourhin at amheitf bland and thv intermediate places on her way up and down kington sept 1 is4l chronicle gazelle is pubtiticd every wednesday and satur day at the oihcc coiner ol king and brock street kindlon u c tcrmt prr ennum jvcy 5atfjin odroncr wc af rfrrtrmii six line vnd under 2 od iiist insertion 7 earhmoejucal intcrtion ten lines and un der 3 id lint iilscrrion and ld each subse quent iftoertion above ten lines 4d per tine jorthc lir1 insertion and id per line or ev ery mbnuenl insertion ad rcttis mends without tfi ittcn directronsin- soiled riioroi nichiirsed according w rrraesfrri that oil mertiscttmlm cv handed tn on or orrvioi o iurtdaa and fri- daw r7rrmii- none received after it ovlock on the mwrnn of publication a liberal discount made to inert hant and oth ers who advertise for three month and upwards any person procuring via subscribe to the paper and pam- ennou for the same snail be tnlitkd to a seventh repy grarti country produce received in at the maikct juice agents pay men tho mcmahon esq wj mrkay d cameron 1 to hem v jones esq ti wbaker em samurl clarke uo tliomas scot p- m joseph keelcr kq tliomas dcinorcm esq p anderson ks messrs cj john taylor iq wm korkc lq william macitosh fsq george lhoosc esq andrew poitci fcq tlmikji binr jnii allan mephenwnliq alex- davdsoii l pm alien p ii pvrrld 8mart esj allihrii jonrs lq john ovwet p m w hflbrrhmi ksq tlroree lvon ivm i hcpoiirll kq k meativfwlp m fmte hhtiw l- jnfin kidirituni p m cbaa iwrrv pi m- neil stunt ks arelillnim m hnul eq ii menirtilrnt sidney iv ef kj iv i mitimifn pi m j dnulr p m mntmimsrrsiunil p m s toupa r fcv n tvri mm i ill amelissbureh oath belleville brockviue by town camden east cnhourj colborne uemorestville ficdciieksburgh faiiinoque maid la and pic ton lunrotler matilda montreal murray nrtumre niutmrj piilh piul hop ptrrirott quoliec hivetteen kichmond st audrrik fi4ritirm jltk nuoihs palls hiree nlvvi tnmli vnklra hill whiiraiysii viuimlhm it wilton hpiishi pl4iiktitt4l lmlt 41 i mm m4im m

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