i fill chronicle sl gazette r rwftrvj siu kr jj ill hnt4a ahhiij a iiuiivi i im ottf inkii ii tikti hitfk arnrr r kiftvn i i ll 1 i i m mlkt weohesoay 4 3aturoay ttmtrt sfiti fa imxm tm weirae mn9fimrhimn4 hutmv mnimtw rrnfrif mi ft famiifc trw tlw nbeni tni n j1 futiie be mittlip adlwml 10 ti ubbi shi urtvv heed w ftwnniiltd wilhtfut dm aiuvuhi in tw liawu tubtribcd iklc lorn lovn risct jtjllft i i ten i h rrr jrtre of jjifriitifp six hni4nd untfcr w fwvl uirlvii ami ij rath aubwiparni 4t irlin tv lines and uihwt 3 uh hrt ntriiosi and lod each subkiturul insertion he mi lints id iwr line frl nvrli4ti uwd id per line each aubiuitil hi vtiuut tawtakr bfmcn mriatfrnfjif irwen ansdr j inw tntrifatui letter pre prlntine cljrcmidc 5 nette and kingston commercial advertiser vol hi j kingston canada saturday decej1bek 4 1811 no 45- ci1ron1clu a gazctte suuonery warehoue tomjiklt ov kino k aaoc sraiat ih wkm u ra v n irofr an well saetel st af writing papers fro suptr iluyal lo rlotc oad iwj aflkla 0 mutianttj urn blank books school books 4t in all ilt brarsxhc carried cm al th above it lablithmcnl a superior ruling machine bin foil notation by which blink rjookjean i to any pattern and id a style inferior to none in ttmawofw p printing qpftle ffook hindery ad stationery warehouse m hu reswmi m 4 rirxiuvd niffriony in twit 0 fsrcornvro- million and detpattk chronicle gaaetle office km- a j is j i t mnhrion j isuij i bwii llti it imiilitl tnttiii ifcr twj inft b cllfri iihl ojritir afc umi imi ohimnr h4 ill tu hlmlllitr tiln ltlimlkr lflftlm1 mkj ht r ltnriltlkl pnl wti ifcn hp ittti nt utiil ln ihfrt itiwlih ifjpttm ifcltith thi ahtwiii id ilfc lt bi i llir i iii t ii ml h lllm ih uhmniuj jhnputfii tftrifki owiim wlfn friim tbrmiofittr ihi m- inr iiuu iinpuuthit ti tltftlllh wa4i4nui li ntutid irin aiwlti nlvvfr tbr jtjn imil- kil hlw i i vtiiun ul iw mlkl urttibrt y lii inih itanmi mhf ii 1111 i j p ufciiij u pi4jii mmum cvaum bi h li lfklh4rfl ll tliulrtjtfihtt mmhkimm jhikir- t rniml lmuii in nil rul k htrni uui- r hb inlll f4w ijiiihh -1tri- k4 tj j fhli imlblw imt fwb v hjiukfrl ifrvliwttim ki4ui ulirt and fri li mum iit u iubf tw h- li ninjt klli idihl j fn fcj up v tlki tum b iw unfev vffeht tr wod whwfc u i l coloui if om ih 1 1 hw ri ik iiirihrlniihtvitiiu warlminvrnf lh i j rtrm n if 1j4 j t rivj kli fn vk nb w imu ifcnhih ktt rri vc- f pit ul iw im nwtiimli niv4vu i ra- tn f ihtull llc i4vmibim ci4k mtt1 vtjruw ll mijkih fcltc hv tx inuhblt uul ovvurhiafcvl auvrin nmj ii dljm t1 lbf hmrll qjh4l h1mm ivf fcnini mnf 11j ihit fmiim rfiin twhu no- ill lil cril fw woi 4 vmiqlpuua bt bvr hilnl mrs niiw ftl 4l mmik hi flu fmtila imnit 4j mi mftii it vut ribv ttf v44inu vkkh uttii ihi iiinw fiui brtumlmni ui7tul 1 lfcli w rfbt ur iktamfitf i horis fi- liibi utt hftad mvj r i u cti4 vfhmit t liukfpinritiil pthft4l frli r fphniie iii fully mu lf4l ihiif l iihii jmj him imjfct ltmi in ufllht lbamn hvlhf ll u ihi utfu lilt tnli ihiflkdbl ilu ivifi ruv iiur f t hi 1i mm iii twliil r- uir4f t r m tfi iari4 44 ir 4j j fm rii4vtjivi ift c kt pr miwii mv trtil hfitni m awl m rlu rr iruhliiiiiili 114 ttiinti likk fltl ob riloimx hit- trs fi fr 1ro pik ltiit4rl lb ti4 xrkati iiikifinir i ii ill mljlll lt twfrltfc u fl j hi at iblljuitj l4ltkultl 4mlfjktriu i- bmi ik- rvii hinlib bm nif nhf ithhjrtd tui lni it in it kfjt i mf mfitlkvr- ikr plt m hhi i- ll tth rftcni4 a imtaritirurr b ili h j1 1 1 kiilh4ii itrhc ll tbr- ntflii nl if l ti lrtl lnianlrti4 lj41 u b lhiif mrtlfml minitlam biippy 1 1 if ri f it i ii4 hw itthlbw f bi ii li iuyj tv 111- mmiiclnrurr t tjcoktaiuc flii tiv al u44 4j ili jni in iwi iiiu inh wl i lb iih hi- tbiitu ims 41 m lb 1 iiiitc iih- yi4vbbvuf i0 nl iifc- hui- lmfiti ifi rjul iblltj ml irtiiikme ib mj ibi- muntn ni it j r 1ti- p pm w lift wviikiih will m- ftlwl il lmf pwimpi tb tm iur f in fi labalv hh4lii4i kmhk mr i j abm nr4lm hib hi jb t4ritfi ifjh 111 iiili viih- b vi hiib4iiniiili nt af ih ik iiit- nivc inmi iiuto i it- lil ijlilthl hti tjilim- 4luib llrt ar r llt mii- 1 f lh ililu tlrril litu liteirl 1111 tl v iiiitl llliwiil tlhlh ll tt4 bt hitviuftff t fc t it nvll1t4hl oil ik iiiuimi ihh btir i bnt h btr 4t rftjm nbtwta briiiilb i lt1 4nii iaiolm hj l b neb m b win cur lil uttlniih tatumi i iil llwvl bam ll in il i hr mflti 1i m b rw- i4 i l -i- ml i 1 mtrtjj tit tlflfl l hair uwilt li umin rbij flthit ltj ifnli inlll fl f ij rllm4ll riwbif intrhft rlnult n moftttm4lilufuift ntw vb jta oiaj wy rtllh ako tbhrny ahib lin intfiik ri fimiir i iixbb hlll if all ibffiht l fr itvff ifwii lnft c doctor j iylf 19 fault mcdic1r1 tbr ntidiiiulv ir fcidinmtniiitlikj iiikitieiy uhi in iir wni ii i f i in ij utitrtl flue by fidnhrvu mmti i4 pmmma of ctllmo pfch aruamaiijfay bniima a4 by mrtm uu 1 d r im nj ri iui j r t r n ibruoitttb ihn tf 4pt iiwij hrpbml for fbnily u tm hv lri aa appfrwfiif4 wuiil sr6ufbkii tbv 1 iinij itotihr aiiurtrt fakulainl to p mil catb b4 ai 4n uciun itmjtj r b ail1nul lbf tb prvprialof o bvae vajuibb- prririimrr4ivij mi fjucaiahl ataof f tbo brat mimtai cvlwfm in ibv vil babbaiflfklo f i mi aa1 1 1 i- ukj by wbkllif hmud l i- lui r auinllf a lf atttkal i sf l r- 1 kaii ur r hfveaovb tia otf pialnn uiiiii nf vm fcxffcctuhant ajau rfwa fv ctrub qm fnnnwihon m apiliim irf blool 1411 boopiac 4ub biii hiiii pltruriay rj ialiaai 411 v a ulr i tlli afbftailflpij ba4 1 at m bc r almnnaf or44 k l ata jayftea hair tonic br iv r itim rrait aj braoly of in hait im bcu nil ptmui hk bn ii lt 11 4dj ptwrt lufilbaj nff of blininc f if ak mm- tomc vlrmikuok a ukpih ai nj ittaia ik4iijbo cn ik frmwial of htai 44 ftfl 40uf 4lihirb aaa hal nfaajbtlu ttiil l4i4r4irb vvjrblil tflbr 4ou ttvrta arid or4ai or 4if i t r javni1s ficah mlttativc alsam a crrui r r iftt hruo4umaqap4jj 440 lijjl lihh r a04 irtaafalihal f lb n bwili pma4 qvtiat brf frir flocu javke aativl rills for frambt jitta iuiomi mmii i afjoojm fa luuuool jitfuo j in a a 4a4 i a ah car4 whrf aa tftpviiii aurtnttif or rurpavc aac4iiar rrcuarhoaly by dr i jayne ko l sw- 4 4l aay 6a llall m k h hfk otrtm iniiij kiti4 i i wni macblaivit t bniakk bi laaisk otmcc t kofiiuo caaa4a dftjay3k maj exrectoact tfcii iaiaiamc 4tly fffprtiaf oar ulw aki uuh e n-i- ij- ii nc- ti iji i bnoii 4i1o ba r uiiifi atimiivj rpri- ol b loo4 hwopib cvci ctaiiavr hivn coaiuflip- nun ibrunac plnjfi i hfrun puo 4j m i4 ib4 btrati jilltutiy of brfnibiaf a4 pvety olbef illvw lf uli lvaj4 nl i j- q j t rt1 to iii ijiluldtt bloaitlllul 4 iiw cfjl u mn1 ihiiflof tbnv4aa0 aplh thouiaado fa a jif ilu m uoflrf lb mitljuvta aftttc of oawniaida ftiirhu4rrcvi iiitfbn4 or ibrloiu- o ibtojl i idnrti 4i01cvhy wt uibi mbou hicik ftuf 4 fnunf up of rbib of macr uj feonititwipi llt0 itn vi ii m ii of lb 0a klu wfcnb i ihiib i4i tiflbr hwoi uf lb wotl mbn of xit vmwi wbvb hi ibruajtbevrry part lir lnf tmti kiwiataai im14iault 4upfart lb iofb pajo arilautttl r 4tovvilj arrtaljwal ao4 afaljfa ifn ad a aprvwvlwo bod afur i wou f c d il th44cvf4 atbna two ol ibtf lirft 4oofa wit vif lb crvap or hni of cbimrrnin frvm lo iniau- i to ad boiif4 tiior 1 iinotr4uljt 4ulju uie i iil wtt cf wftcojmx cuuh 4ii4rflvil a4j cuff limlrt4i wbobov- ba iiva up n uii jinim aiiffaha wiib coauiuop bfcwo bna fp4ioo4 tn ik r1- atallbb u kir 4ja4tbio oaiicio fffl4rb m cfal cohb fbin a kt wh 4bourinf aa4i ir mcikib 4a4 lyotwtii ab4 tbat bii iiptwkf f l1huuttf aaomal 11 1 ti lii mihlt id tmitijisrnl dthfct of ib4aitlj nult 4 tk fioud by iiibaiibitliiin ki diilcvac imtm curwa of a4ihb4 iwroty yiaf 4i4n4ni bi atiaf twobvti4otlb mr woi4 i cnr34unwlrurr4nirihtiiahr cnapuvnt bj ofir i- a uli xjlmnl iilis vjbo iva u- liititl by brf fmnj ui b ft fo aimv ciumntp ackit riif4by arrr bollix dr rfaml- li ofsi j4ai sn4lb c4rf44 wn f rriiu ahi ii 4 to bcnujib bitaftrm aa4 aorwvl un mi i uhhealr0l1f v akjuixslvavl hllllhhvut iir the frtlwins ff flitira i 11 i yktri ai1li fb trrhllbll mlltlkr hllw4 mkunvvul tbi i i4i niiur mi ltttl british and north american royal mail st gamships of 1zso era bui the n h and 440 hone tiuift forifrf trnfa frw lords of the admiralty acaoui iluiiti i by k- c mimm baitawkia k ti culalid calkooktaj coi i m c h ejvoklht tv money t38 slerljd from hlifax from barton to lwcrpooi sv from hittifix lo boston thee ship cdty experifnceti sutgeomv the unicoin ptirt between lktoit oj quebec id connection with halifax scunard t co halifax g b- symes qucthjc 74i ss levvliybnato 1841 new forwarding line w if ffwil ar4fuiiir pb t jaja uir it i rufpi qtnf l4 ii ntitrly ia ay pfikrfof ta iui ibfwr nmiltbip 44 for allallata otot44 hlfuntbhktloa wfuf iuhct niiiiunrin- 4itbim fti 4a4 w4hlh nf lko mi 44111 m4ni40ly lb bnl mi44iiat uucrit irinl vofy nnicifiilh ynri fc wwjlliama b d uavroin otbi r crflfibraln mijm bo aii but tbr wr ate i44itv4 ovwa nijcwee of n gtt u- rflamva irtur4 ooly by dr p i 1 l no 0 tblrd iumi fbiu44j frir i rnaj by e m uvfv jnfal am04 1be nrsr 4a4 by wm hackirftoah cbroaicu it uu owrte kintniun caa4a ml i lafllf b ibr 44 for thmaki i4i uiri eihimj lui r i fttvo inilirw4 paawamahaa nitiniii h4fbt impuit mil tlby av it tilt r ir st s w4b abwm uilb 4ibrfr4 in 1 m4 of v14i a fitftx 44 aft atb kbi4 a ulblllltflhr akbio 10- ob alt p liwh ihu hif n biii rii 4 iw iifii ir- fav tn all rh fl it 1 4iik mat a l4lb t4h v4iai l4v av4fu4 ft 4 ri4 n4j44 kkili tbwy ntiitr a bhb hiviiihn- a4 vviil 1 inai1iii a infbkial mil 4nr ibr li till iui ruk fiu rh- ym4ibi fx va l ohih liiim ia lbf ftinnt ultirm 44lat ttbr lk riu fwf 4l ih li ffi4 aa init mil ai mrb 4nif4ia iihi n j ni iw flnrtu uittii lftln nl h jiip 1411b twtl fri- frrpir4 nm 44 hafia-b- nn1 irtiil at wm p mm w vutb pub n jb mciiiiir- oft ihatnnus olstnijiltlox an tnuf rlmmlb 4iii m4hiii m 4l4i fi uui4 to hlcb iuint four4lt i4fimutia ainf lb ait mrn i 44 rbni n4 ibr m rnvj r tav4wi vj wt u m r r it a it ply to lbw aft maa kl1baa 4rr ltwrf lio jqof1no covotafau ii oiat i avmki kx wlthavl tfuiu4 lbf 4hl lmbbifirat4lroain m hcoaterl hoopiif c i iaa a ftlili 414 itactablf 4llct4c 4n4 fbv of h tfutt am ml bif m prio a rrl4in a p4 hnoitj frvaivolfta wui 4poohral wil kitainji cum croup it jaiaai an4 un euura n b iaaa bourwtbe liii if bun4fa44 of eu in ivlll be 4ir4 auaiibuj by aiwaj krrpinft il o kaimi ritj vj eeptrr cwttrajcy foe baid ai no ft siiia f4 4ufal fiih4irii4 ba4 uo by wm mnr i inrkbt cbfanb uf il oov kmplon caabiu for sale at thk otnwhihrlw ri fc boxes loimjmi and liverooj sr a ito taich 510 cigars eonautms of riiitcipes healiaj log c c 10 hoxeb lvciitiiah tobacco 3 kega hui jo j homs rrlukotaclo suar jo ilo refined oo- colllnsfi hmnes- inrblon nov 17 mh1 10 rvihe siiwiicr will ijuiiii llbc season br a coimjiily tri iheiccciji of tru chc- mcali perftimeiy 6c ike which coin ing from the nioi lesixcublv kntish l j may be jencnjco ujjoii a genuine trtc corn- kuii jttl uepailiihtil will be cooitnctco uiicr the immcjiie bunctinunrjancc ol flic lbfi- ber wbos object i v the u of gooj nutc rjik by a cai rnanifiiilalioftt to intlucc con- fidencc a fctdi ihii mot imnoitant biancb of the biuioos j w brent druggut k ajathrttiry kinjjatrctt kingston 31 for sale qaarls lake huron while of tul iiiisfatl catch hugh caldeb kmprton november 6 18l newfct attorn pallloors tov ks alpsua larfic vaiicty of cooking stovia tt1ic aucton room of the siiihc ribon to be otti t a very tnau advajicc tilhet wlioltisajeot kcuil collins ft haines knbhnov i isii 10 to mkkciiants and grocer situation wanted ky a youn nun who b hail a jillk eieiicnco in the move line ne hii a ool knowuiijje 4 ifcvnb amt iemint ntljiy no object none 4tkj lot pflioc iibm ielltrs arjiliud will ht- attrriovi tn kiiiuiuh ov ittll w the if1 ouieu jly worms work worato reoo d troubtrtorue ann iiri inbbbii4u o thn iih4fbaaj bowi vhkb oan nufif ia fc4ll jir ib lvn af cbiljnn am br jaywes j- j vmlxlmljtmmilftu if pffaafalloa ui ilir rrttutvj alilr anoi4 vid4 rfwntki dy-ryp- 1 aiinhacb 4nu4 apprljl ioolit ovtcr aa4 acin a044bility pmmrtusi j am 4 4ixtioa fio kiufarodt cbliacfl perfumery the subscriber hastecttived a aupply of choice li j i i ifustcrysdi0u which arc tbc following essences sweet brier spring ftowera swett pea hedvomia or pervan esseficcj hotcdii citronelta ho geranium marecballe latender lily of the vaflcy honey suckle roy af coo d t ne d royal extract of rocs flowers circassian cream queens bouquet bouquet d arabic eau de portuaj cologne ventabtc esoeil dc lavende au milkhcurs amhroaia veibena herfomp and j-mi- 1 serbian iswcet bast verbena perfume and e a tract j esprit de rose veriuble pomade divine pomatum gold silver and bronze inks amber preiton smelling salts fkc e j w brent kindlon 14tb october l8fl 31 itjrivate boarding at mr duf- mt fih next door to bryecs store kio street near store street a vacancy for two gentlemen kingouift hthjuiy ig wanted to rtjot 4 ma house in a cen tral part of ih town 0o in store towel would be rihfetred addres y z at on office of ihb paper kington nov likh 1841 41z woc keele solicitoh if chancery qjto mr dujiir3 jenyt slrtrt east of the meratt 8uarr kingston via the river sl lawrence to amd prom montreal brockvillk kingston axo the iktcimediati flacks ross matthie co at tmfurmt i wi ki lo at bfcdniltck kingston 1th new anj nnjroved bargrs will be prrpareit m the opening cf ihc navigation to give passage to emi- grant and lo lranaiort property of alt dct- cnptiomi with incrcaocd safety and diapatch prrigmvpvartkciirgtjf weight at rates rtdvctd mqq the tariff prices exacted for xftarspait the subscriber from he facilities wlnrh they pcc4es and their determi nation lo j the bmirtm intnited to them satisfactorily trust that they wilt eornmand and merit a share of public support signed matthie eastonj co james ross henry easton january ish myy money money money at the maticheser warehouse wholesale retail lam8ton buildings store street kingston messrs j mlvtfon reupcctlul ly calllhe attention of be public to their immense stock of pall and wioler dry good which they are now and will be receiving until the cloae of the navigation direct from ihc manufactories in england tcwisliliie of heavy walerpicol pilou plain f mixt and diomond beaver cloth double and mma milled weit of enjctand fine and surhf broad ctolta camimciea doeskim mixtttfc buckthina and prince albert cord heavy woolen tweed foreit clottn l and l rnbureht an immense assortment ol french and brit ish merinos plain and pnoted orlean para matta bcyrout iajestine and ciri tartan clothi and a variety of new and fabtuofiabte cloths for ladies tall anrj winter dresse a well selected stock of scarfs and shawti conjislmt of bordered and wrought thibet cobourj braganrajbradenburgband tartan shawl a very iplendid assortment of evening and ball dreuea gios de naples satin turc- black and coloured satins plain and fijrurcd fancy handkerchiefs and scarf black laee vails blond giuxc veil wrooght french capes collars and culri white and coloured sat tin slavs linen lawn md french cam- brick handkerchiefs linei lawn irivli lin ens 84 and 64 bleached and jpey sheetings linen and cotton bed ticks rose point and whitney blankets maneillt md polar quilts while and coloured couoterpinea cot tor sheet collon and woolen h rul heavy scotch plaidinga white and red serges green and red baizes welsh salisbury and koch dale flannel white and coloured plain and twilled realta shirtin crossovers turkey and navy uripes english prints navy blue dfusets steam loom unions plain and twilled basin moleskin bcaverteens and bufiio cloths and every article ibat is usually kept in a dry goods slore to be found at the juunracsier miircaouse lambton buildinss store street furs a very extensive aortrent of fur compri sing martin fitch squirrel south sea seal neutria and sable in murti boas capes gloves gauntlet mills upwards of 500 fur caps in south sea seal plucked oiler martin fitch and neutria a wo 300 pairs buftnln robes j 4lriiutt0n to solicit an early inspection of their immense fall and winter stock of british dry goodt tbey having been selected by their house in england and bought for cash when the british markets were very moeh depressed it enales them lo otter to tne inhabitants of kingston and the surroun ding country their immvne stock of good at uoprecedenteii low prices jrhutton will sell wholesale british manufactured dry goods lower than they can be bought in montreal n- b mftssas collik haines embrace thia opportunity of introducing to their former customers the above named gentlemen they having rented the store which they lately oc cupied and be to recommend them to their especial favor being able confidently to assert tost though they when in the retail business sm ai av if not lower than any other house in town the above mentioned gen tie use o from their very superior advantages will be enabled to sell still cheaper for cain ouly iyo sec ond prut kingston october 1s41 35 ort hope whlskyfor sale joseph b hall kington sib october 1841 21 thisubfiirileeitbevc tfa bovksifiehsefof 5le novels marryaft work in one v- lady ble- tiqffon works in one vol- r0s work in one vol coopers novelty lh vols scolls works in 1 bulwer noveb in tl vols- pckwtet bo i vol nicholas nickkbwby i ol iver twii by 8o 1 vol su ichta by bo i rot michael aimslrong trolloie i vol de chttord or um cetutwl mai by the author of treraain de wf tc 3 vol thegovernessbvlhe coontc f ulewintn x voh the youth of hakifwi w ihc a thor of shaspeare and hii ffsfma 3 re the pick nic paper by bop vol tie secret foe bv euen picketing 1 carle- ion a tale of seventy six 1 camrvon the courtier by the author wban cte i vol births dealha ami utflifjlw by the author of saying and dome htas vols the parricide by jc author uf mi 2 veds vyj day life in london by james grunt wio of the wood by tbe auiltff of gabyoz c vol colin clink cha hofi- ton 2 ots priiiti hnll a kcconl by ihc author of blackbeard 2 vols cousin geoffrey the old bachelor y tlieudor hook 2 volt the renurfctinn a rw- i vols m ii by miss burney la janegmya romance by milltr2 vol the huaband hunter by s author nf the wife hunter 2 vols tc drrwmr or modern school for scandcl by ali gore 2 vols fronccacav hy l- e l 3 vd tht fnght b ellen picker ing 2 vols the flying duliliown vel hy capt morryai 2 om jli ruslibroot or the poacher h cnpi ur ryal 2 vol grcjalcar a romance if ic mohawk by c p- holtinaiii 9 vols bor der beagles a tale of the mmppi by tbc author of richard llurdi 2 vm howard hinckney by tho atlw of clin ton oradslmv 2 vols tlw luke a n- d hy mr grey 2 vols the hisbtfy o s flirirelotcfbvhenlf2 vols the ab bey and other talcs uy mr goee 2 vnl jack sheppardby aiatrvorila 2 vtds the marrying man by the author of couin gcoffry 2 vol night and morning hy e l buhwris vo ernest maliraverv by e l bukver 2 vol charles tyr rell or the bitter blood by the author of the huguenot 2 vol tbe man at arm or henry de ceroiia dy the author nf richelieu 2 vol the gentleman of the old school by j p r jane 2 vu the courtier or the day of charles ii to tit anil f mra armlogc jt44 woman love or tlie fergusons by the hon e phiptw 2 vrfi the fatalist or the fortune of godaltain 2 vol the and rre ftfd imbiiin h that tace a bjron mel cabinet minmer by mr qm2 vol k wm li 5 wu mercede a romance the day of cis lumhua by e l flulwer 2 vol cecil or the adventure of a coxcomb 2 vj horvc slices robinn by the author of swallow barn 2 vol fielding on socie ty by the author of trctnain 3 vol katnble in the fcwtatep of don quixote 2 vols cromwell an historical xovel by the author of the bnitiert 2 vols- the young primma dunm by mr grey 2 vol woman tsd her master by lady morgan 2 vol tlte fttiiet husband by ellen pickering 2 vol the ancient re gime a talo by j p r jamee2 vul the cunvicu of lrsnancna hy the aolhrtr of trail antl stone ofbe lrih peasantry 2 vol tbe deeralaye or the firi war path by mr cnopcr vvol the tower of london hy ainsvorlh 1 vol guy fawkes by ainawath i vol the sketch 2 fot onctehridge hall by genftry crayon 2 vvlth rnbjnain crusoe harr lorreguer chcrics omalley ten thousand a year valmtine vox oic c pelliam the dieownel devereaux paul clidbrd last day ol pompoj eugme aram the stuoent ligland and ihe kn- gltah uiengi codolphu alice or the my icries by e l bulvor the curiniiy shop bv box ramsa armour fc co fronl street kington nov 10 111 the subscribers are prepared to rccrivi and execute any orlrrs for books r ntimthed either in enlaid or the fj surteh individual wislingtohee llook early neat spring will require lo hoidlhiir otder before the 25tb december next rimsay aamthsu it co kineaton 25th nnv iml c kenned y co importers of dry goods beg to intimate to lii inhabitants of king ston and iu tktaltv tlal they have now got their fall stock lo band which will be round large fshiooe and meet in all ib department they would reoecifur solicit inwcliou of tbe following good ih will be found ex cecdiogly cheap broad ueaver pilot cloths vesting tweed arid motckn gentlemens stocks svj silk hamlkfs a urge stockof gentbfnf bearer hu print gingham and merinos or lean cloth ptiinaj figured delaiiies plaid 5puu andembd dresses foutnamrnt and piam cloaking hosiery and gloves black k cold grodc fc fi lj black and cord saturn 6 jjg ttow ktbbons plain and figured a large as4 jj thread laces buck lace veils cotton and linen guitu thibrt and filled shawls mainelblank tme u d per and 1 owelhnp a patrol ewtm 6 smmavmi kiiivton 2uiboct ti 3 lament roa fsm aicht onouaaie aaorne oeomb t am uf datwovftle by g tt of london tl ti trrior ehkf in the raoraicia of bte met ihe roeontheredfrldetbaukafldlriio the jay land of ok sun and the rrioas of oo were alike to thai dskaain in face of tiofoc pf ihc lore whkb bt bore to hu on natt land donisbcd fear from hi keart and jait ilrekih to biibocd tat tteam of hia svroed ere lighted the way on lotofy or death ia the bit k araj whrjl lb lr f lft ieiory i uaaix on high nd the jeoiusof freedom looked doivo rrom the ak with a smne of appro al cxirelm wa head while the banners of honour waved om tbe drd tkand a ih for ihc brave ho were ekkcniiij arouud on ihe 6ew nheeethe anjet of death erer fouth a ihsnqwtt p p by ihe urord of the slain in the riojid thai cold never asorc mrield it aain atid 4ul a he rode on hi onward career with a foeman n front and a rrek ihe rear adding honee to hotioe a hoat in hi train ivhich ia ijnhu1fd uc vraa in bnhtnesi the aaaci for ihe hejft that u bravest and hardest to move hi ihf niouhiit cf dunrrr b safcvl in lore vnd waiih ii iii friendilup and lundet to all and such was the vr amor chief ki hia hall tire hia toici dkd aay tike be souc4lof a lute and thv uast of hii wjftrump forercr was mute now tbe tears of jftlelion are shed oer his xraie and bis spoil is shrined with the soouoflhe brave rrrreaocii montbly magaiiite tub clcnrtovs av ma woirxuctoki it a part of italy ntioriooily infested by the pic- tvresoue plague of tbe lartller btdilti aimj it a rather sobtay inn two youn rnghihtnifi here jtti for supper and rsawlwawf eamrl tjey vtere in a private room and a few logs blared in ihe ehimiiey v for thouh the untrnelkd novice may dutotiuy kline bin rin to be unlnonn bericath the blue lulim skits l l jri mi wf4wjb4fj in january with a ild atorin ffoao the appniiaei iwiili arotiwt hira nl he ltu find his erro ttir louns men prcteotcd a complete eonlrat to eaekother tbe elder wassbsblandrauur ipaj t ttiiure svithliht fiair a calm saaciooi euftu- naiiee d pccntiajlj dtbueale mniw te oth er aa nobly furtd and strikio m appearance with msrud fratuns a dark icaucsa cc a toher nfonrad ctuun4 with ndundisl wck hair hyimajii tlnnl rtltaarfrfsm a n to f puili i for lie did not seen tune three or twt andtwinty rtut there trere the traces of ptwja lame i arid huinpbaeked ai1 tn- ulcnroj wbok eoutrtenancc changed and in a rvnur mtisaed voice heaaid oh then i am wro i houtd be glad to be of any uie lo bcr mar tuunt rtiat taj j- j 1 dooi see bow we cootd refuse swb a nlaal requeal ard an nproieled tooian after all claims on nse cerlaiiily particularly txe more fa lorcd por tion of the sc ho are lamed and defofrskd jar- rt has drawn ao enjajtnt a portrait that i lows ace the oeiginal hert la she 1 indeed sir in bcr on room sbmrtny with cold ajsd she ia jreat sorrow loo aa her maid tell me i bebno she ha just lost her husband pcor lady 1 heard her sobbing myev this link picture at cmcc roused up the belter part of a nature rru7y any thin but harsh and ckraroy after conialtin with hi frirnd wrote a fest uae stating the ptraaure they hould fed so ajturdiot we any assistance adding a request that ihc lady wowld coeisent to oeewpy their arartnaewi nhieh they wemld at once raeale for her reception and whaeh poiracd the comfort of a fire should thuk she is aocactrufli peeutisrty trlklsg and peepoaaealng ia her mder wi you thank ao 1 why do jou smite u that aatirkal way v because i firealy aeiiee if he raa a girl ai etfhteen you woom dreun- her nianncr to be ajtrc- te4 ad diaagnstable for aay part i cotutea 1 re- uiai a rouah preivdiec hi faror ryvtsth aasd waw- ty 1 am moat iroprosed by the very eatraordlna ry eooloea with which this lady so the rjeea sbayk first eomnaiui a braawatrl she decbrea lobaeafawch vaiwc to perfect ttrarsgera and secondly rocrvuly rtauesu ibe said stranger o any emcrgetky o nkct ihrir owo propertyi for the taadihk purpoac frpann uf nwiii rus lirsfi but whether ii b frtpomminf 1 jb wot eaaile pre pared to aay oh that m a very narrow new of her eewdwet tr me it appcara a proof of ptaal oobknewiof imwj ivou rkuuide sras basccrtaaajy mtwsj monly cntaiwd ssarsneri and a iirjnb sreet vtsic ila tciea are qstitc iaa4cal adeast ua afreeta af lb vaiee ref4wd mordaaint and usty re lamed to their feesaer oceu- pauon vhea jarriaeaisw to aitrod a wiajier to ta gienroyhad lwswaaj the exiiston of ihe pa pers before alluded to and hia idea were recurring apausiemt he had obtaiaww aaauwuiieai af mtortaa- lo uirir former channel when an extremely preuy tivn reapreuwg mrs lioetaay tshe tnsa a waiow ed denanea from beneath ila projeeung brow and le lmhi kae what sin of mine or of any aneeatoft 1 noiiocr aaid ihe elder young man half uyf was idoocordto be your friend cknroy to attend my breath in preaching pi ace and patience to a whirlwind charity to a miasnlhrone and gentle nen to a lucifer of pride and obstinacy t m you at least gte lucifer credit for a roc temper or sou wcwld be more select in youe cpt uatta but mordaunt lam thorouly wcaiy 0 mankind tire i of uw world and ofeaislence 14 so yo hat c loht nt a uiouiand liuscs ccr uinly mankind nc rather otaape rating and prr- hapa womankind atill more ao i but oh 1 a to farm i have renounced them for er er interrupted gknroy hiauly keeut taj own tnntfcent utile bur4 and an unpxtcndeij wo jj twee and uicre who admiu she is forty noth ug shall eer krapt me to converse with any tf tike aeitain mereensry creaturea 1 now this girl ecn miulib wai 1 remember one of the most v orooi arid disiatercskd of created brivga wbeh ahc n as liitk more than achtld is now evideouy be come etaetly like the rest uoediy hcartkas ava- ricus her father seareely laid in his rarc and she write 10 nse aboul the family property while he ihac he snauhed up a idler tin with oihrr paper on the labk and was peuluuli proceeding tn a similar strain cf inteetire when hi tenant entered and approached bitn ith ome hc itatson and einurrauittaeit m lord be btgan but his imatsent master intcmiptiw bun at ibv first word once for all jarvis wail till im io england or wait till you are told before you call me by that title what bususeas bate you lo know i am a jw int why why ate jow know ni told me your self your ancle was dead and i know you rnuai aue- ceed tn the ajtle and you arc loo proud of folding a peers neck cloth not to announce the fact firihwiuvrcry well only take dare to finish the family history jarvia dont fail to inform ihe world thai in all hu man probabriily otv cart oruknroy will hate about eight hundred aycar u herewith to suptiort the dig- hity of hit coronet be sure ou mention thai jarvis tnrned a pleading glancr touards ha naai- tera frkod who said w ilh a smik well now thai ou hate sulfte gently rebuked ihc amwtioui san ity of poor jarvis wc will enquire hi bjawatasj nivh u for i think has rnuiii num- t full of miltrr pet kins lus my matter is busy and 1 rawht interrupt him said jarri in a subdued tone of course you do replnd ctenroy mor gen- ilj bul i ivpeosc jem easil help it wn what i the migher aomethkig t it waa not without hwulitm and etident misgir ing that jarvis anally unfolded bsa miation a fol lows an r lady who ha juai arrirej aud was oou acec4npanted by aaranu had seat to en mfai wrarther ihe gentleman wouu permit hi- ear- ruge to set onl ai tbc time with thrvs on in w ceeduig day aa she waa under great apprcrwjuion oi the banditti ctenroy stepped htstilt forwardi llstr you eea thi ladr jaxtia v v sjr lsshc young tcry eagerly i ihe hand some v why no sir i can aay that less i for she a young ferrule entered ihe room whose skep asourn- ia dresi was in striking rootratl with her airy and somewhat cctcrurttathdcauanour she curtsied yeo- foundty and in very eititirrd language coreyrd her en ul reals thinks for ihcir lindncts and inltma led that it would be accepted only genueaaen she eonunuedj m you mwit not think or eruiitinj the room ihked my poor eniitess has bnea ao sadlj frihtcned and coocdcs so little in foreigners thai at this aanment jarvis ihrew open the door and announced mm lindiayiua sonorous mice a momentary spasm of leiatlon crossed gtmrnys countenance and he huddled up the papers on the ubv whiusklicory mord sunt long accustomed to do the glfbui forbiseecentrc friend ad aneed to meet the lady thai she fully nstriled that litk her dignified deewtraestl at cec declared in spite of her persons delects and infirmitfc she waa a latl and stately woman and would have possessed a fine figure but for ihc deformity which was quite risible eren under the largo bai the wore her counteaancc also appeared handctac bol it waa almost entirely concealed by the deep borders of her irsenjrribi cap and a green araade nhkh eotered rwreycat a few dark lock sprinkled with rilter escaped from her head dress and with the general style of her sable ature seenvd to eon- tradicl her bring a widow in her sreed 1 feel r atrcrmly indeuid to you gentlrtnen the said a lie motcd forward slowly and witheridritt dilticul- li far your brtwafl lindeato aeounlrwoman aid irot rwilunrs yen mty rtffd me souscu t a an intruder jet its no meani madam eaclalmed clmroy quite relketcd by whole appearance and admn etng to place a chair pray honour ua by filling etown the pretty waitanganaid instantly ottcrtw her arm and her anistreaa kancd upon it aa she accepted the proffered chair gknr i waa nuile teoched u you are not well 1 fear he raid in a soft voice not very well certainly replied ihc lady but in facl i am alway a poor crtpplr and the imilrd very tilllc fitted for escaping from these terrible banditti of whom we hear ao much how- everj it b not exactly for myself that i fear har- rut she eontmued apeaku to bcr maid bring the red boa harris whose movements were aa agile as uvasc of her lady wee deliberate vaniibed in a mouxnt my mot ne for requesting your society in-nsor- row mrs tinovay went on to say and for ihji mtroi5uctnf miself to jou tonight ws llere she he ila ted r and looked towardi jarrit who waa loitering in the performance of some of those ittnumcrabk trifle by which a serraulcan general it eonlrite to remain in a room if it appcara desi rable a alngk word frocn gkiroy dismissed him in a mument mrs lwdvay bowed r ilnow- ledemeal and ccmunued was a great aaxiety to omit no precaution that might ensure the aafely of avert precious deposit which it in my hindt and if i might venture lo oak such a kindness from strangers again ahr beriuted and ap peared considerably agitated both mordsunl and tiknroy upproacbed ber and their looks mutt have assured het she need fear no ditcouraing reply harru now relumed carrying rather a mean-jouk- inr quac box with no appearaace of unusual se curity winch the placed on ihc tabk and retired in ibis box gentlemen are artkira of uie rel est t atucnut so much to tne as ouwrs r and i would reqnct of you if nol too great a burthen to lake esigc of it for tomorrows journey it b lined with iron plate but ha been purpcacly rendered insignificant in appearance to avoid suspicion might i ask this kindness from you vndoubtcdly replied gknroy cordiauy and we ore honoured by ihc charge tel he addtt with a smile 1 cannot but w cmtler at ihe confidiug dupoittion which reposes thus rcadatj a trust io perfect strangers however i may feel you merit jour reliance on us at these word at ihc surprise and concern of the two young men ihc lady burst into a sudden lood of tear they appeoat bed and gtrwroy spoke tn her in the kindest and mot soothing manner af ter a very few moments he rcprtjacd her emotion sufficiently to speak excuse me gentlemen hc said my nerve have hcen much ahaken lately dnl with regard to this box should any attack really take place to morrow allow ao consideration of my safety to come into competition with ila preservation oay 1 will even venture to atk you lo neglect your own personal effect for its security at least t so far aa mere pecuniary value is concerned and 1 feel aa- ured that when use moeito which prompted this request can be eaplaaord you will cver regret havring complied sriih it- raking ahe aroae carefully aaded by gknroy and after exchanging goodoight with sr kcory mondaunt she irrcptcd ihe foraicra arm unul hc reached use door where ilarria wj awaiting ber on returmn to his frknd gkoroy raelsjenrd thii is altogether a very singular sort of adventure mordauiit r waul can there be in this boa i tltcic but not a recent one ahc had eerfrae to luty with a brother in a exmsmption who bad clkel aft pattrmo a few weeks before ihe w rich sarsair aaut extremely lielced by iter eervanta btr laaseawai rd derormily arrase from an aceiovol in ber cauld- hood sbc w about twyfira year old kmr ble brenber name was campbell and her kwabaod bad keen aa otfjeer ha lac army wrlh waeaat tar had trawnd across the great oeert seme years besore m which occasion ahc had nerfylohor aaght susd fiever rule recovered il thssa pautkular rsewvrr- ed by jarvis with great urietiem oo prmriag that humaatrlutefledla lasran with wtsvaa left m furthtr taoft for cwiaasitymto taaw ifcstaafellow wjlw4wf and the two frseaia e sriying uas marvel lows red boa into tracer partamot rajjiad to their real il aa early hour taw wrawwaj ujrrawg taw uk uartt imm utftidiriew vdcirt- ingeoeril sir henry mordaunt was lauefa franker than hsa comf actio but on ihv fsrxaaaoo lcrrd glrn rjceliogs to mrs unvtaay w to a if conaeiow of ihis prvrpa4rsmm in bar ftiour ahe drew him aside saying 1 bow aervaata ess urtaanallsoruorf i u but my old tmikr ia errfircly perwaaded th e4aoe af tal aacj are kague wstb bai4illi and nkoresrver rxistvea be last night cnerheard an ernrtsavesit ot an attvack omasi to he understasid itajian we adlawifire re ally may be cornet in hia supposition j but at ail ercota i wbhed to ssxntion that aamld any ua- fbrajaorj eircumtuoe ihrow the cualody af that box cntrfelj into yeair hand t efllrtat h may be corheytoorajarm he will explain the rest a variety of strange feelings iwexpueabk to him self erowrkd on lord gknroy aa he listened to thi request and asaisted mr lindsay to enter her ear- rigc it was haodsomc t but rsstireiy without srni crroriotiaai- the pretty mr hvrki flmnod ltracltby her lady sssle the owl fcjtkr awstinted u appropriate seat with an anaiofss ouwlenanea and the liltk party act out on a srmmy a aaominr na eul4 have been seen in any part afihe world wih ay thing but atreeubk mtklpatlorw sir hersry mordaunt indeed whose calm tempetaaaewt reasst- 01 instinctively the idea of adventure or peril found amuaement in ihe c4ieilue wluew gletwoy alksauj- 1 both for the cocafort of iheir feltowlrvtcwr and use safely of the red ocur some mite had lrd mvnji irslarvp- tiooand fusing passed the regiaa of danger tha ttatelkra bean to abate their vigilance and vjn etd cartcl ihoughl his alarosa wcra ursiamneleal at last they descended a stocp hill and at ihc bottom entered a narrow rocky rkale much otctftosrn with tree on one aide of ihe road glenroys taken era had caught sight of a figfti pentad on ome of the very loprnost crag a the carrtagea wswrd down the hiu it dbapfvtarrd a sbarp wbiatfe rang uirougtj uv getrgc and the motncnl uvy had actual ly entered it a party of armed meat rushed anon them and commenced an attack in a mens at a usual all lbc italian servant fled and a ssauat at o quite unmolested i the remaining parly were ao truly employed old barrel mr undaay but ler fired down on one of the two mesa attacking her cftfriajc with such welldirected aim thai he shot the robber dead oo the apot he re in turn a itourd from tbe survivor who prceectcd to open and hn the carriage white mm uiielsay aswl harris tprang out of the opposite door terror appcareu rntraeuloualy to re lore that lady to tcmpcirury aeuv vity fornnfsereeivioguse altisataon af her reltow travclkrv she rushed toward tfaeea with uncovoravon spceel the carriage eontaiotn mordaunt and gknroy had preceded hera and they aact tha at tack precisely a their several characters might have left bcr to expect use brvt apoatulalcd and ranger lialod with impcsturtablri aecavity waslst the iv ry glcnroy darted forth with a piaioi in each hand and offered a furicu rviatancc to the twa earn arko attempted to sdte hi mrori ihe first piaimhot atretctsed one upon the yfoursi wksai at the aam tnalarit the second man flred aa grsnroy th ball alruek hi ano whaehf in a momonl hung useleaa by hu aide and ihe brigand waain the very act of stepping forward to scire him with a aulelto ia hi band when mrs ltnuvay irrivcd she eutht the falbng pitlol from glenroys relaxing arerers pla ced herself before htm and partiajly supporting him with oat arm held oul tho wfarsoa in a steady band eaelsimtngaa italian n on step ia advanwe aad you arc lost wrrrirod tuan tcgona la yoor nvcnv begoaet jarvb nb iu r i r i true erfglkh faahioa with naldtva awn weapons now fiew lobistmaalar mordaurata froon jced him and at that brsstant a largo prj of travel ler were seen coming rapsdlydown ihe hilt itus waa the aignal for imrwediata rarrra ta watch tha mimluvfvnn r of their number killed and anetthee racetally sveaincira the whole seeax4h attack the eocabat the 6ht hid not occupied fivoiiuoute gknroy atu now lying bleedsng and inarcubk in meecuuata arm whs was for one an urrjj bereft of compoivra whik mr lindsay hung over him wcesuog and wringing her hand in uncontrejrabl anguish he isdcarlfaheeicutbtd ia ihc most piercing at-