ccay iirtw sorrlih l oh nj 1 ttwen in ui ljfeaj of he fxenrora 10 beted hy in italian raltiui kfta imldtlhi own alpm aid terra w sir ioe- daunt covld noi uit s iiack vih attontthwci at hr conduct i hut it wit rj rime hrn for cenjeeiurc tv curionij the adranetae party now armed ard mmi fortunately m cnwi trvdicil atudenl na amonit ifttm mho n rttandj ctttrvdhia prefiuion i tfllliibcf thenom he aiiurtd hri lbad m hat glenro wi italibee dead nor motlall t l tvrii nrj it- 1 in hit cnntcitiou a iftafir man who h nl rvrived m hlmic c4ikfttab wavf ninthly f tv plank ni iunu ttraajta ard hi afiuhrd to the dottcr had nwtvl a fore 1 three tatfvtiluel and tivrn fatm btvadai ionn of a wat1p vlitr savtilh ihit my ol cwaa wgj with toaumliiiil 4 t hd h en mitm skd in iii tiin efthcaviuion of inia ti prevent lw teciurone of the rt it in tin aflrmoon th miniar hactn- fried his lhom with tthtidfauf from a niihtaoiin o iu vilm th- dmmiiii4 riivr r nit i ltak of the trincmc by i- and l il marcd hill in oor ij hin 11 tiraber fcl th tiil iiwlil nj i or auiint tui o- mhtf i nhvl wtrfcdarrtit coriue arii jimi a td hy tase iiinri w d ivip itj 1 hr yrotinecf canada tfrrrnin- of a road ihroo a tlid coniry taneatuieu ditrrrtion ported himself m atonvenif lit ulinn in ifce g ilu miiiipi hlfi wtii h th fud btafchill f aid jallery the front jpllfiy tain occupied oovcd of diiwj am l mitnaied at ah hwcdviie a drt 1 i miit ird uj c fttti fwi l jm t ekiftilidwdkifcltfctjtftmollhit cotmrt hy th- collfitl uflfntfl pirsemlvaftct lhil00 pr mu tnlthi miptf thil lilt dilelui celiflnif31titlvreeflr ijimcoi n rjr f mv peiltfw of irw ad unx y dauvkd m btbm lidin v i mffr emmencej hr otofwlon ik an1 iuk a t v fwtf vf i ih iiu mil fti4 r il mhl bank afl the lseurrf rtnufiitt tlall hokeeir ilu wkwh i ofifiift j ufiiuff iml gibr ittinlir imm ci-tiiinn- ml wtllt bn1 miuy um r wliv- jthlurtll j niiniiti 4 ae- dc4i fst t i- i to tifc tit ntueli ri pjw of in rtiir in j tie iinite tixw mj if the llaiic of xx mbf h cmcmt ibltdm a rommi ari o deofliiuiie thetovi f ll bporcjiue tob fcjjrt imif tktr rvf l thr tu4di t wperih l f rtfflbc lovk c awoitti am th jti njvfk r- iiii thlt tu tlrn hc imt usbt 1iablitf t teei- ardtrtti 4i5 rouci 2iiiti t i iy ijt lite tonlii fij ftwie n iih u lie li- x ifplu r nrvr e mm1t virslil mr mo rrgir tti on ttc 5ifj tfa prliiitkofv lirtltiir onj rtttrfv rifcn il ihtt i it4ef thcvwii i nd ibi uh4tt at mr ta tahl crj asall wikti pi anj jtiir in lb wij bnk bovl alull ftt an ur be uable 1 reiain mud pfddm u of flppmrtw hi hihd horn hi hnn be icd rf 1 1 ij p i b lh gmor ofthli fftam 01 anf bvrtettmcikm ffc wirml faflnjm of the sjjsueonlrttfri the huf uk winl mi be uftrvitr icai toe inrj iittubtoflbwiytoi pf i bwi tw ihai mr- idnikbaikdtunijl mmmgmte ardniintieoi sb jutde tknr7 h- hi iflmti friend 10 drtiftt dkamimiy ki1 v pfomot adudeksua fe- cffmtlfn jv mitiwr a 4r4 irrv-wa- plmid in heroin a rqu jo- noimnnr mml nurwtlhaftmafl i will kepl k 1 iore to be nnencd a 1 hotcr d alwkii n itith cj ifie do awnke it willtctcrly ed to be- pirird part ofikc aajkfoad alkid d to ha bn n u ft eaf and hj rvqttirt 10 irpiif i him one the 10 aid mordant u mfpoifpnj pum uji ccrciaherecoierodhia vthv and eouw ui a rrmarkf tv wovdi to hrt cottpaniw nmite of bit tjtit- fation iluitif aifety bjrrlt wn auo 0jniij lhcuchtbbllf and ftjonij ftr th aali f all pjr- tka the tx tarfiaf ea ffoectkd 10 the piae of ikir datjflatton qa tbnr afrtvaj mr liixy ijwo httfllwlt lofpctire 1cjio 10 pri and ca hb tiunfir n hreopinkn vrutu avl tbarran- mtr mth1ueh ih ajpmrrd perfectly fmittw- uibrt i um a time aa the ature c tbrrgi fir- mitftl ckini flrrn and aiotht h iaj ui hi bid rjceiwd ret rerrt auryiwand hf fia if bd tb ft tf jovibl eom fori in a quit apimotui ojvfli 1010 another defined fjr mrtdsimf v hn the roe of 1m1 eventful d prrmttcd th j mlffi3ntortllm atthitrroi iteeerrorf he eocld ei i dwuifi- e- il vicw rirayjm eonnfctcd mh mr lr j ty cuadact fron ikt fhonwaiof tw aitafl owiid hi utimi idaava ton but jucrvf feit nimikiitkivrv ordinary f aeronac ami ap laxplu tiiitro ite tamfrtled fot ukftroy hd hebeeo iff cub aen h ecald oottutr imi j nrc in ich aotkiy ft ipetfin mm jf it mmed ito luthtimpofib4ethktihia vria nttrvud btuie xrofctbof lin dv iuainunee h f- re- md that 1 ttu b rw oc4i hv dd o hlai ttf bueerirdraeluiir tcfi nroj jk h fflftiltrr4 twoiiloilvtyeir- flhc vbjtflmi ritvrc ofhrrneinfrrj rdib iic lutr truiridafuf the fi ofthr rvuf fr ro aif- t tbid fftkuiv irpavatftdw rruarltabh an artj uhonrrv nid tt4baic kftoavn wft mcrtjum id b r hlnfj eri- poiaffom cmheod rd ri utnth rnrjifmolhntifr t jlrirvrmnie al iv r mh tbin ceni tya o- lit jij lr lv- rjmtidiunt ml atlrcf t v cmlhni ifit fo htnr tim tht- ip xva v in- rliiialui 1 vrep in the amliefiee tlun uvi ii- from h monimi rfur ilirni pdly lb cucf pd bcckkeeporof 1 u1 of ai s k j ti j i bik ait ihii oee an caeh stci and ilhin ibatpofbr dwronirtht ravnonbd mb orl hfrm dif- from ilw eommentcaoeni lbatol fjl rn iovji u n oti of 1 ir or i- m ri- j aeunte auti aaent cl lb affjin the atnl ceof muitoftf or the apr c anoth or 61 hen i uinfc i med a of ad tbh be tranmjhed 10 ihr bon anlhoa ttj jilt rftrr rrnioj w uw to rdi va flll rrlkd on it baa bflfl aidr in w 0 dinj or u rj atonenu mu la befoee eaeb umm of the htratber to eeed he ueal c9hlunl6 iv and u jl etd ihi c w fncu prlu alfclhltadito ibe bj4ii tbt kpft tta tvad kai uo4olei of oe racb vt it cjtntii awn atd b l eoud uat itthaubc th- ftrtf hi7 i cmttrttottvn xpvxrra or vj- prujfl r on tmmior the oart uux hll bmnto hctmd 10 her u andjie f i itd cfnmuaoer 10 e to b prepared tihdaf imt on the b4ctd f lh bloimft a nliphaiitedrad vnha mtal bd kjm ifl49ited by anj other bank for tdroinrei rf th h pliailu otticc 4f t ffj indufirr4taid beiiiktiilfillly fdw hac61 ljfc thji l j comjn toiheeduwoftlrt mvuii ceue fffkrowhwim aav thealttmionor th mhk havt i m u dirid throurt th ritif rf mr melted 10 ihr isnaof the peo- pk rihe intlstaufrhr jihmll4i of h pmm theearofmr mrld h oud tnmpabv ahdrkii ft iiavllrat fi jmilf ttlatj far 1 1 ll iivrrf rc iki h nptrriiniij in u een a mitf d ibav- tatirr evmidfiom lb afliiltiu r4cn mor h cvmfa ikriiid bi th uvfnof aa chin tdnvrd limx4ntneiaiolf jit r 1 m irtaw mttfrt ti of if mtiyer t en wf tton rre ar in ditfi jiart oflh proiinee in ifr vii diirivt a ntll m in piu of tjihtra ihre butftla 0 aionr ur iiinj miiua tolihr- vai fi erwtmdctc ironiamrfoorilirt na v eiijfm nj dvsrcrrd on ihn ftdufth rirjd ii pv d llna tbv lei tftkf iht hi- in lir rv ntd iciridcrablrdiiutfeehorkni mil t hcsr in jit n a toits of rranil baldrt urijbi ftero rn lor aeoniiij i uvr i 0wfifr- rr ifnme fwaattcni eili n if jtt tla of 3 ft fv rotd iho qtiirrjin wifl el from 1 ti ih- iitf 0 khh nnii h djd i fcr ifcin v h nd tliey avill wuh h hrralui il it ivniha auppte of hon it ltr dtlf he t0hot iihlfh i ihf rret noitutc nr jl 1 heh nti ein iv prornr j thv- aim piid car breikin raiie l41ri u frtov 1 m 36 the lke fe br- i aldlafi fro ttlg 7eerdtt in it nirdic art a lid i1 hr vn alth ifielr2 walls frvm ft 10 s3pr dir i4prhr j f a liy hi ii will not earn half itllr vh4 mieaihm raad i lh v tvrttrtl arenid ofttirxt pafu ofx4 aid ont prt vf liitivrn of a njil thr etii of drebn dfiinin form- ibe ftbah- meni utib mtkin th intai ud undfr oidiary evmtioiriiitiif o jtmiid il kut rowr mu- dfd fj4iida th mitr th i bofafftfj irdrpednt oflow rrj hllk build n 1ii or lar rulierl ar eutn tuh e i r drains ihi eaat of ulitxh vim tic- f imit b addd 1vri oflonriitt ub t dnlnn ijr el 4ifi rinrr nf iiv w n-iti- rvfr f oh klmf 11 fij l4hf1im h- hldlh o hs irkmhb anl b 1 iire of iu h widahih paeiv t 01 tnl iv tofcitt- ifkivp t in j an rvr ih r6l in- hi r 0 j i a rnor of tan profcei allai lot of fear ad taraaanvrduhkit to brf 1 cniniimthili r lud w- nj jrafatoeonknlhfriin idiv hwj lff bamurw hhatttlllv th hfojitfijirraj th crnfd fcilv ad as 11 emeid hi m ofhvid baftand titdefta rdtklwr nr rad will 0t rxeed ih folvtti liuiatc 1 at tho tide ur voarf pillo jmff lil 1bl jvfcf di 1 b rar 1 incum wfeliibr above rratr hk rod 1 new a he eitd of ngmju jatitfofidjidmf w qjn pj rvjalttr tff 0 tjfaf y- irviiij rtp3i4 rirri jr ioy expend rf 4i- 4a eift itpewi hf a- ih riff vi wfcl fcatta iii 1 1 11 ltd t s l d cjmtti tf aiaao wiaraijnf dajrnrrafo itri bbljlfvbfatodaiartrf 1 v i ml tmo tirhanit of th ii 1 aj rant alcaarrv 1 ihiti jute vf th jvaor firflfttoiiiuhipoftlfd fuhk in tlr fpriifvruik aaan ntrlit masi- 0 d otheraof urr m a uk pttu irfr thr firclirriiaoftra thit iyuwrotrae 111 ait omiona sp tin in liv tnckoi jf a lr linn tdrrvd by alttyfw prrnprf lit ihi tn mi njrli humruk h llv tovmila ordwln umrh bttfte ftrma pw t ib lud rmtoo evmouuifi n ncne of jvlle ti himiiramt r4 th- 0 f llaui aboi lolr r110 kp f 10 iiu lnllmrf ihr tioviffcof in rrw and whth i iv ir ilettro ajv mcotfinfa dot ly him thi irl of dlt okhit pul ffd iv igmti1 pftiat uttvk 10 infirm ih tiii0orof 1u klnpj arfr ftmiisihinof thr prmh f mrr mllulvv 1 r- 1 i 1 f x f vmfl h j i timi i hc r ji 31 2 qritfi u- limnii ih tr liiit tttih lrv ii t- 0tio d win tii kiht av h a 0 yai ui k uiinl ilirl lii ulri o i14i- nlra 14 rnuat i iim 1 t m av ll tv 1 oo 11 o tf ii rj ih 1 i l 1 r ma ulllv w m iv d mi ii-i- if a u ll ut j i efiirai r 1 rwi vtrf a mirnhinijd ftdld 16 lb pivle f r iji d if ri trkn utl a tlitfk uojj fiy the tjmc praetl ik- drrfttfut vuf rar in n 1 mfi4t adctwinh in ibe oonthof oclober inform inn fa ftrefi mr rae uim john h tilrr of dai loo had been itlrjrtilly wrtnted by w smith j xi hiny r j btanehad the t0 forr eiii rnaof ibeuniid utr uv li inhalium d nation lunrr canada j ord n iih ahrprt it athirl beint mdr by thrid tvlrr bo had wn rnciird by ht netttbora tvarrjut wai uid ivr ihl anpljcni06 of thz afj smiili hairy ad iilai- cfcktd a few d aflrrtrar1i a bimvr of or frrin draiton cayr to mr r6 jd ottor the fiwl r tu coniiabte 10 nhonithf trjrranl had brea kd dreiatd n bo informed ruin thai ivy bad twetvdj fn arreiuo fliiehard in bta nno hnnr in dray ton but ml while on th kinti hijhy laj ing teoaa onjton to here and rrirc ia eln- cjjng ih iironrrio thv midnce of mr rar 10 ppcar before hjn a jmuee of th peaee diy had bern itlarfctd bj a number of armed men rim ifmof nrhaniptairr tj nhiin eonwnw reaeiud the priaoivr from imir harda wiilr lhi tuiffi watjulimrooc rmnr apdeby arrind irjd ataled lhal he had bx ruiiiv d by sbeul lt ty mm from new hampshire and amon lvm n jiiaticrofthc fr ofthi n of wijnalk afid that ha naa obtitd to uic to ihe woed tocnabehu tavape- aflrr mr raehadukcn the kwfll depoaitrni of thj6 peeaooa rrtaiirr to ihe rexo of hi privn- c biancnird adaoaae or tbeoi m fcfl hia hoo- 00 ibrir rtlurn borne ct c baek in final but and mid ibat hj were examine and en brinj n- kd ho wereeoodn aaij m the new tlinahtrc leuowt uponfomjootof bi liouae ma ltr iai the penon before hm ifemcd invhe lushnji about gf if rodi from the boje br arvrral amid men on borkbaek he therefore went ot o raw them with thr latrtion of djin hit duly si a ytrrjf and not with tfa tpetation ofthvout rae lhal fouoed eui uoco hia ame il on uv rpofhr wia imrdtaidj tttld h oix of lb to atandoff or thty aiotild ahoot bim and vprfli bin eirdaormt to prvuadt them 10 retijt oraeeib1ihr iii- 1 1 1 j i ir d in ihr llrotftle rrerr- d a dn cut on hia hrad from a aabre and ft awaee jffkr of the rame of vojr ubn elraiocd iocs fill him m daoerou4lt uoudd ly a aworj on liv nek and by a pimoi ball in ihe troin vt n ralabota from mm1iu mft irm a1ml at ih aaine miant ctd by the ajtjiuu tot wiihout rf del mr ra- waaoinuhd u ool ifihm of ih itimeof awrwh wiih a drawn- a word nod nottiif bad thr intfrfrrrflrr of lfpj of ihe american ta uomi bia tumidrrin himrtf iwaoticr aovd hu ia lie wa howorr awi at rly injrd 1 thr d bj thkkk aid lioai hiaibr keind n ihe nif for h life that took pla ami ha cfraf ihiee iiu httlrnd from th itfu iimmh qiaji aawdt v a a ti6na ihr naob pthm ia wagon ns tnj hid wtult fr h ou60f ihd vhjw rwto to ih- urfn in 4 ifma vrriaonton tvir ariyto rulbooi m krw llitnp- ahirt indhfl wai ihrr unh rruarh difficult nitd vo tiiaaeeoo uwpiri of hi 0 pn hi flkintmi tiv pdtliannfih miwhre of vumum e ltn and tit rtd in r turn htnw m orjvaorirhirtafiteofamnifstmr fuloutrai axif loorootr moi nelir em rrtf ui u in tlrau v caatvd in th- pro- pr tlivlioft tf hiidkil ffan thi bdi i j i- rw thil i thrw fflf4 mr ita i ti1l n tfrfi r tnoorh a enmmioio ithud h thr crni- mrt 10 inquire lvo the atfua avid hi kierlkr in itfivf laprtii v jn wrnt aparvttitivtt tf iv f- trlrf maiuirr in whvh h prfoiiul i- tri it letairaniein laikehi m r riid ir wjkfihilf wbtta cl jc jtirl of t rranei ij ml i p frftrf x oirlou bfllflf iii v fori l i bt ht iv ihit im tv iv ti i if rtwn n lawaof lhh tralm mtl hair urn afttai i trtmbruv llvrcdl rfpfr ofmuln tnd tbifali tancc n hit imedult uatnl lly rijhl noid latf p ti fhj ititii k f i rrh th iw rvntrlr 4lm llml iwwll uf dcdanf of thn ftbclt of jidtfoav tou d uuthd h hoartti h ih iy iv vu m1 jinii it ri n if nr d t hi 11111 n tw lltcanuf 1if o r 4 1m hf h 11 iiiit 1 titi ildmi oa ti itaddartua nd t i ifi d ii i f hraatl 14 n ii mtnn tfcj 4n4 if 0ifj t r m urvill lf utf rfn adtncr uthitr i m ill il t n tu1f ld n t tig ojd mril r a mmiiwifi mata 111 1 1 kj 10 uw adtr a- iitaetl 111 lb pilvtl ulr vi ittlr xj j ml mm ba l 1 avwuiatf ld and hijdw j rjrt ha t fecaril nx jjd lint- r 1 i l trrlfipi r a f dl of c ire 1 h len na d i iny 4trahl 01 r i-ii- a ri- ait r road en be zrnerj1l to j b tlif a ui i i n fartvr nuid ih- 4 iifan or 1 11411 01 r l of il a in ibiia n f hi pvnl d f ndi la xw m lod n jcii mtelnntjd tttail t it i lmti 14 i ht ul4 if yt ri- rirrd fi in lumplf i i hia itsil nl iijidu bit un hi aafnaf a md ne ln onl v e ar dioravd wih an1 hi jrfare irtpihy kotn vihf irnwaraii u iflttain at a tit t pffaili mm il nuffi ijni 1 by n itlbrtjrt- mf ti r itr ii atj ir itkoilmt of hf btvt pithci- plra ui toii irufcn not nhnlt imutt if rnt rieajitf r vtiltc ira enfwjlr ciiir lihinhd- it ifiiil 1irilhf itiilitt v rt p4mih il f ra r ir mi nwf 1 ik itwi n t f irotiwt th ewkd i a1lod tr twnun rnlly and frviwlh- iimnil kuhnwwtoluh inrd llt ir an tiutton r wik1i if nil projfh manad or i hij- rwvj ilwr a htf rnum lionitit pinu nhm iv piilr jiahi ti dolb1 mr nwriee of tii l uatri on a rjd an i d i6viailit tlw niy hptti tftawiet n ipwhiiy f i uniliral ulichni 1 wiokjl ivanlfiitj hnr oftrviwil 4 i ti ii jfit n in iv lovet i or i n ltr tf7 i 1 nvm if i i ftlawk s lorawi 1 m h irirtr uf ih fewlahti lidl it pioivy hjll forfru and faetvum of rourd 0 and jlse any li or injury hlrb th- bank d ihr aok hiu br rcooftr- teti njr ihe bond or t miii tobetajpen in tint bhiif m oat hni t wilt and be 1 entetd lhateaeeyi hie aiid protirtcial bait nj ban eorfoml or epirt cludm mt frhinry hoiit j50t th iirhali ah naj be rhip r parly hiu lithrrb owe ninhn mchiniy coit ihrmt 75j and waa ereetrd by violet or prrromblwi-iii- vx6 w lr any anti or 41 fc w rw vi n noi fif oykf nofi or penro on hi half of any tneh ai idtt in iht biiifc eotjwivloti or copnrtrwnhsp luut or reitita ica 1 il ci- ithip ihi ovtnine any bill or no of faeh bant nw ametican fiufl vajniultov wcdaf with j frinl who combine prac liejl witf i- fiilinc knowwe ml by whose aijuier e are enabled to jic a netly accurals iiifttf toa o her she ijo reel 2 jaevs wiilcnj lol tonant can c6us6qiitilly 10 uuodffc th wel- land conjl sho eariei i io ton draw when htit2feet 6 incb with her machirwry inadfd about setdcpihof l 1 s iei hc b loop licd tvilh an tntmn main- tail tiid toah the captajnadmtu both are talawft and i- intend to reduce them during ihi win ter she hi cuu on her dk which more ihan mike ttp fat hie roo occupied by her machinery betow and which ate neat and com- moiliu site ij a p1enlid looking vest the chimnry bein vry far aft by nc mean detracts ffom hei aiieatance sho waa built by metara rronwin a crocker reapeetable mer chant and forwirddt a oswen the build er name iavwaatliofi doolilllc and the ii coirmajtdcd by cpliitt kjfu hawkins whoe readinr lo ive erery kind of iafor- malioei together iih mr tayloiibe engineer cannot he loo iiihly iikn of sb cot in- c innatpjl thr 8 11 if hr pfiwini- r pru 6f on jfj rund th- uii oftwintv ltiraj oe aav k f ruit lx in unfut mir e prth4 f viridam trtfottieref ihr ofih fro- rpam ormdv n h aeeordioj to law 1 ft k lm vii loduinvft- lb -uiiir- rhi ilmirh cmcrvd t- sdjbrr p i iftw on n n t mttva4t low i tail f tlrvtv lhal baib mfld mtf add fjd w u i itv odvllh pi f 111- 1 imoi n rnra inhi of a plaah rnwl lotwr wuh unr el iind a ui vliiitd v iw nfitr f hiwrrawr mil tith irinf1i i emntavfj fo iws p n to sir j hn cdhattir h drrlifid it t j i hi mi retail of in mt ltii aon at riraiii idimin t nil jial h lv4 ii rtilil 11 ihisk iitll into iotw titi iwnur nad hi nririhifdinthfwirwytviiihii im i m rilrwiiii t ivviroid u wi ruin tlv ulitlt r roid i emmtmrld at fllon tr t 1 ivi iit iluratib mint dff filh hij i 1 itttd n i aid fiiio m ii r uk rd h- r j it rj r firii ri b vl n f to u -i- milt iiirriti r ih 1 fiii ti y 1 nd sr l 4 an4lmlt 1 triwlby irim vv- io bz rttrt ad iftmlliiiatil ml r iip ifhfiiij 11 hiu rtitm th ih d cnn- dbiarh i f iljf il tlaac oi ram 1 llidlr h1tfl lh ihiuk fonti f n tejirxtni t ti 1 d en- i 1 kani intrvetoe rd ih ulirh kti anil amevittof i hi hi- d crtn ii- tiinfiu of llm i nlrn ant tdi 11 a ajiitawait 1 jiituar if thall ih t itifti m imih it- l t usv- llarliaf th w lti3 ii nniih p lhh4 if icjlatlui jrj corcfalion or coaf tntjhip peron or party whh ihall br p i abb to bras or on dtmmd u 6 thahmjf ee ivau artf bill nee or writing of any knidinr 10 l u d in tlv manner of a t iuk nrr or at a uhilitute fo mwifr or asill draw an htt of tehiic no an prton body ce ldie pnl or eorporale nithin thjt protinre nhicb ahall w tv t0 brarar or on d manj h at h and nwh thall b fo a le sum ihm ftftj puridt of innfl eorrency tf hh f rofi oa pain ef forfi efiana of pound cf like ivfn1 enr- rnry ibr rnh ountv ow and l t lw nmoiint of ani nkh orataory not or bill th aim 10 le reeoired in a vit or miit liotfhi by tic t nd m u- miihntr in it- fhimrof the taid bank am to b cjrir1 hi lt d cmmittion on aetount ofli- oron of ihr jj lanlf mv pronhdilnie and bo il enartrd thit noihir hcrrin rom jmiit thall be eoafrued f p 0- hiliat lhdraiin or i4iij of any 01 drafl nhuh jial vj nf a f tv intended ind uxd fo tin fjrf of nilmrmh- any dptii or lulanre or il hi mi fcttr ol nl ai hr credit of ihe xwrr r iiypirii hi ajtd not for lie pv0e of m u di l w iv in eatj i4v t ir rlreuiaud in th t man- nn i 4 biri in- art tli tm 1 nivj is lw r si yn ill itn jj si his th or dlmtlt rwllh iii tan id idr ufiot fjfi if ih rnad ir lil ithr h m mill i tiu 41 tli hhl rrthm lb am tiifl jrvi tioi in a eonprtit and i ritr d i jm r jln lair of one iwan will he in n iir iire iwari atfwall oaad ad mtd a nd m ivtdamuid nraj tltf 1- fift tw trar air r i itriiaiwn and few mite forll two ra aotstiu b cvh- auntly rokinf ihe kr tom miu nti ut in thv rid jtd bb alto ralins 1 t- ne nddl from uxid ihe nnirh hitt uvn firduhy u c6nlitd wuri of httt iim m ih c nrt eraii oltlbr mivd oprnin- wattf 4r lur ihe nfh year ih ro mac intrc to h hoj that it f urhtiieni 1 ihit up nifi 1 hiri itlfiirli1 ptekjv alvjt inj nrdu in deointfht rolid me ml i d aqnl jin dn t rrt iinh ii tivenlrj 4jrl thi wllel ilnmi tfd tr u inmj yardtlw ionrf rl nfthrlil rajfil bteiin a toij naajs ialij luj tlrauji- oai it ihf opioebr titl fnnl the mad imij be lull tbinetfjt hihi fflvel fii- ivnm inrqualitiri on i nrfarr ad mil had den to any aciihror 10 an dhib nny lian uam i wiihout fnh mai ai- fv lot tu intra hmr aho tf ih nt alm 1 tn ij i r ku lrr ome imlt coitn oftvoihih of n nair rut m br laid on hi firl mile of maradami l rnvd niiit in t p ptr cntvad tiamcli lliat on vmaje mryl mar tcnnlo j conflrpll in 11j no rpv n hlrr m lery lshi 01 lniij n ih- 1 iti in wn 1 ive of ihe rwl i hi 1 th htltn rhini i- ta ritfitf f if lii a r crw vttt 9t ii lvi r rt 11 w ii i 1 tint i 1 u trioui in hi rojd t llhmil- llv jl u jtfkfie- d r6wids eiaatjarni 0 n in 1 mipon 1 ihtkjptn llo tahl- intiw adnl fl r it irr 1 n ml n i mid ill vi irh lihimi ih hilfrn or o ft rtim fl ihiji to fun tti1iinimiiv iv timur niy be if tw t uarvldir 1 1 i rli il ih id lhat cn 1 ill l 1 i 1 ibaratdn ihan a tjw rfatil il nad i- 1 ut mtj car ami in w aavhinia til u- ttatl t tilhfi ai oiiil are 1i t and dmulwt iiu ijl ni b r r ifuc awn bh djje by rl tiwhtkihiw hwvtnrird i tjrhtr4i frin il will tijl ifltiil iic luiintlli di i lalug 11111 lift nt ihfbj nifai o o i41ar iti lit tr nd nl f i h hnr iin11 jflu rtattli iwifwetof nnjiiliwa iiiiniht itid 1 tki ann rf n wrii ir d 1 unl it 1 ih lwt dd t rvarbrrof1l1 lutt- 1 t i r it tr 1 1 h r hih 11 1 r s r 4 en tt t h t m ru rt u ih t t jm1 lt lh- l ml r i- r 1 1- khlh d tlrd vi inrlti atleal rnaui1aertu i htijlta artdrh t ij h h ivtwlhm 1m ll k twillnlhi in th 1 in n am dl hr mi htim a dii nu he 1 r 1 m i h 1 inlninlttf k evt- an nini u 11 liott h h t ri r triba j d rr d ill ofl i 1 hi mi nf 1i 11 i itw 1 vrasrdi b i r nin n httfpiu jrt r 4 tilmill oil ik ii nn hrr 1 1 1 y iil iii nd hi iran d ih ti t lrt4i il jt fiit lh ra t i iitkv niiiahrtitiirrkdiii pra tmla w riiihp ttrnti toil d b ii- si r nfv tut 1 s 1 hifitji iii kmhi i ltitft i imcit i rii 1 i lh imj tljibriit r llf il imt and rtff- l ihi enij ar lb ptpr k hunt nfmiraiah i ie an ib411 n umi im hp 11 djmwp illiirnd awlv llrtrhlhl u l iii h a m rkifdjiii vl si abdft wa s- itril tn pn t rhwit mil will 1 ttiht lt yr ltti a il rmitri ti tlrlimtfena in th 1 m ami in ih nttt ji 11 iiir ilh j h s ind mak taajo almiiiru r iitdhyah ffriuwlr iliathu uf r uthhm id i1jt- ln i- 1 1 h 1 iihtfv i ii ni i l t- i- i h rtf ml m nhoitil h iih ti i in 1 ma midi 1 nrl m rj 1 rid d i- lik i 1 ir 1 in ihall iki v ft 1dt ntre 1 1 vrth l il r 1 ti otr i id vl atmriiat oflii l ii t fk inl a in friikr uf th p rf rmmee the followui mini- h th laardfrr vrnirt 1vih iv- ml i 1 la tnntf viaitiri fnnifi t by m llnaid r 4i1 4 vtrit 1 i7 ala- taitr m alhnata tftrmavtm1 b j mith pa ir ml tv tii tiri rrfltiaieteom- pofil 4 dkot rti t 1 1 i ftncui tvtiniiof fi rrxrr i 11 1 m t-frert-a1eait- dnw l iti v m 4 lr tttilf mai br ntib ibr ui it lvatne al lf trv c j lo tav- euiiii of rw atta4it ruiid riit ith 1 1 1 111 i- tn ll fr xi j tf f mt notch i tvy whim thr lfcrj at hit that aiir nht nn arotil tit- v ii l 1 1 pirtj both na t- t ijd iaw pf ft it n pit 1 lh i ilim o pltnl ottr tnarji elitn e 1 ni vh lliat on 1 nr ohuipcm in 11j no nrtn to il foravtintrar and thina pkmk roatl mil nire in in only and probably ro tangle itnh fcfc rvtai from th- pr vi t i 1 1 r 11 i 1 i ttlw irni 1 t 11 ml afnltvi r i imi1 ftn ihe m h rv n lr ajy hi id 1 twu 1 itit u tiftu mil tliilrraf iniftil fr tha il 1 tiiri 10 ant ei ih lit lort an prr m id il iif hihrv imj oponiv ronll ut it 1mi ihed m it cilln wid vm rizhijnf iv aaid hmmetil 1 h mit llfaaw aafaaut otidmtnd htiriii i infcl citr nei if t n il il ard ravai i nr hah ih h t 11 i ii itj 1 nainatl n r 10 dlt i iiv the aael ihir it ft rant itrii itit 1 i vt dpfca- iiimriiiiot4 hj d mdtn fn j if fay awful ibronr v nttianjbon ui h are d joy kun itt ilk lmd i td aftoirp 7 1 n rreai fc l lroy imera dima il wool al auburn the ivul eric on ibe locomotive principle with about 100 pipe ninnin throojb it and when the team ti ditchar5ed into the funnel the draft i osccjiriil coniuioi j ahou tntlhird of cord of tv6oj pi liou and appears to be perfectly afc fmm oecidrnl hy fur the enine con- litt of i cylinder of about i inchc diameter each uoikint at 5ib to about hone povt- ej and the connecting roi coifimunicate direct with ihe crank on the thifi of the firoprhcrj on which are twn coftl wheel connected to- xelhrr to govern the motion of both lbaft ttn wheel work on oti each idc the rujjcr and aee i feet ts mche diamrlei wmking to- ieirdracti other on ihe piincinlo of actillin the enin maks from t 5 lo 75 mmkt a mi- nute conutitl the propeller travel at that pfrd the in ij imnty dor jreat credit to ihe tnanuf-ieturer- no pmae hihen spared she enrtally tvnrk with mud al about mum- nreyiute aivl ider favourable ciiciiniuince ivill piopl hie rvi l in hi mile pc luiur the optimam thai ii6ttl did tim ai in tii voyi fin n otivcto to kinln more ibau ic hourol limt she left kindlon foi tint fu6 tvti uvlnrlay niihl lat about 10 1 niiitrj thrte at1v in the morning ilfliitred lif lktklaid look atrmhrr cuo hftjhftyt b clik the anio jay nd irachrd kington tal nih thurblay between jo and ii nckck sh im b in i limiltmi and up the wcl- iind canal with cafoeino iuicplime mo- tintiwi itinitiantircanal more than occur h vril livii tohvd pi the awbtl rnaiuipr vn im- infimir i ln or ihm hcivy ttrt i mhta l i d w11 niwl i jjiuuiuy 11 inii ay lhal rtwiti uw winti he hall uilke nliv ailtratim in ih njehiniv v witcl li conii nitii ol fn- lived and aun- ii a cliic gomlcinan n a man mn iho nmori wore cmw in m af hlwfl juinliftfsuj pfrai like liiui mohjj likelv allow lhl 0i3nnvn cnunirrmnft tnf the tei jujct of the matter ond thi beinr ttikrn fif rantrj it hnppcri that nil nan countrymen except mr shaw have tvlieved iri theaiiihenticity of lae innia r shaw in 17si aswrtcil they were -ptir- iouft having prev- in 1777 jiat thy wcrc genuine he having mjftve lime heore eoiteriej aoror of ihem himself j ai mr shawdtwo npiniofia exactly balance each other the tveighi ofhn evidence is equal ho mr macgregnr haa some interesting oh servattons nn the origin and language nf ihe caledonian i here he expresses nnifiion flometvhnt stmilar to tsoc of dr suaiion in hi fawjh lo prrvc the celtic origin of ihe greek and latin language mr alacgrcgor translation agrees jin for line with the original we extra t tie address to tho sun page iso 0 them that irate ileal on high hound aa my fatbera iron ahitd ithroec procrcd thy chcrin2 bcaau thy laatut- lijht ottmt thou cooiett forth ha beawlrout milti the star eoneeal from u their potba the moon nithdvawt pajcortn from heaven ad hid her yndr reteil jirt thou art iimf em th journey wha an atlend th eoure i the itiouauin oali trill rail the hitb and roekt contaac wiiii are tl ocean ob and itow the m on i ion on hirh thoti alone doai alnayi iriumprs eaultw in ihic unriiiniiiiihed htht wrtenteoreaudarlnroand the world with iburider hoarao and hfhtninr jirr thau took traiiriotl on the trife and tmilett midal the rleoarnuj war but vaifi to tn i all thy ujhi 1 ahalt tec thy eotintrnane no more or ith nihou tprcadat ihy rolde n loeka on ihr fare of ibe ctoud tn th ra or when thnu irxmbkal in the weal al thy dvly gate on tiic main wo cnnlially rvcnminend hr marrjr gors lranfaiiin of onian to our reajor tht wtmt ilring the llirec m ilayi ha hecn very mild vcslerjay rain fil i torrcnis diiing iho whnv of ihe jay and this mnnrirg a irnt westerly gale pro- vail the ice which had prcvimttly fnn tsl initio bay hm iliiappeareii the xnv riatiin mat leaii however 10 be mfcy nearly rloaed for the season the stoam- orvort withtlraivn from ihe varinua routca including the ridenu conal- by lat iti an dfk 4 iii0iiiin ill it 1 of inaadafnied roail hai br more i rrlt lit j a hon ms for the nattinl vniprttiin l iiv nac rial i- hia irot now m 13k 11 ino iik t of iu oriihal ttiliflanee- 7 nrtom it ii rorvyftfiii1 rra rw 0 on or diniry mfe oronrf 1 i r nxwt roonaf tat ap raf j ih- i tn rtr 1 to t mjrm4 t ihult r fi d mil li mrmpg aift 6mij4i ofu- r rttai- f fant tm jtrfr liroitrstow itlheridonltr k road at fi eecakktf jil ibrm at v prrtoti imwinif- dittlina draituf id- rf 1 nw j 1 ri ad lending to ktnt hf tr jii ti w ill lai niueli 1 d h nn iht a w ii a i ivll i it wart haiti road or limlier rimd on far anrr ijr h lottjt1 nrrle mi y hiljf bad i itvmluit lacadtmii nnl et imtih le j wejr to ii ofwhlf atd fo r iufnrvni u 1 tufieiof uv whwdhntiidl mo ibnti linn ltrj or wltk ujitd an f are u re pind th ranirtau iliwi with mtrlibt mhiia ml t yrl lhy nrt t cit fi tititlf- hh of i t 11 in snhttth 111 iiri rrtitn bin al iliv i- m11 u neolwud lint ha i h- no luw prier at nhii h tint ran v fn un d in tb i p r pentiir wir n it cn i- vntd ji dl and in l for trrjlttn r tnwrr thtn ti h no jk 0t cauvitlh it piof pi mr dl i adr li itfpl oik r hti r j 1 ij- i vill v attl t ptttr i m mi j iiilt tivl hfidv lh ihmdinttatlx 1- ir t it d ti rrt vtltrf p mii hlucn ami iliik tn tii 1 mailnir if lad tjutitttt v i titn r nib mi t dal tii in lr miie htlltthwi ii e nu ihi j 1 nac t i1rprr tn lifir eaidon i il ljntinrv nt frwk h 1 t gh rnn iii rrotil i iv the aniun1 n mirv rnei nf ihi piirtir ut mrihird hill ii mil olf r ntd fr aa i- r incod hy we in ih- iaad atitn i 4vtrni ii klirk of till rritilri f tite mikll f 1 pitrf tloiv r nhnrf 1 i ft r nt ni 1 p ill ilr f i j 1 alj 1- t- ill- 1 t dwrr ol 1 i h drajtb i 111- 2ii iivi rm r im i t i r- uvrrjlthia tuitl r iiiti or ui thr rtnft irajrftarficdnar h iliihir dlicjtiufi l 1 n iiii rniaal tief lnafin rfrj ei- f th notef iiratid a optntimit hif in frnnriirttiav 1 ifa tiwd rttti nf il id dbntif di himofiii ml i l 1 1 1 lr ikatt faeliiret ainl alh hn 1 lr ri mn h ca taabd ran u t iud nut xnhijird 11 eh arrl ruaj ji 1 1- m1j ml mil jvtih it m i fm per mil v i fjtr it a ttihf tot tit rf f 0 vw41 0 jlrruiri ai atfcvt f ihi ijiru tifitt tkr flmnafr fwt i ii aiwtrff tifj h my fnrl lti old fwetl lualrftfl i ltpvar cf naianlv i isnirtljiviiivfatul l m iv atnlr il mrnif ill f drapt ci1rtirtiin h t will aiunl id hall ihi aitiinnl if ih tell mrwrli n p ifi in n an miril itnd di lint h 2 hi far i i4uail ir- 0 m lm t tij nrind pi iily a tij all tlir tf lj rintminiti l mj hault 1 tif lt il by in d ddmii rnin i itili iwtrttnoyid road tin pan limi idonlj 6f tniu r n da k i 1 ffef 1 4ft 4 i fn hi itnifr t t m i h t a rpjban ii 1 jtjw n 1m 1 till jl utfj pt l lvh kw hf mi aa till lie ti tae lt wtcd i- hrjintiu lvimo 1 1 t u i il hi nn i7 i iripwtr v a bum tr 4 trmfi f a i 1 sr itih 1 1 j itrti pnvi 1 1 4 rmtn hi si 1 i 6f n ttf 11 v w t o i it i 1 it 1 11 it- kit tinfn 4 hi bank uriksl tv fdltii ng acopt if l- till tnfnwwtvtlb ii iamitii lnriti itv la- ion td vailiatn it iwlim vatbwtahlilff a lri ln win hit rilhh h niwjflttt r m il in 4i 1 il 1 t lpdit i ttohhh lt i an a hiil l tn in hn lioia ti- alld ihr oanlj irh v 1 iti cell unrri lsl bt lrf iavno iranti iv ir i imiaratt h aaal hii th ilt til rutinl of tin litkitlattin itflfftcd aiall ih irtfiidatin armm f ih rtlm d ijimlii tfiflwtd atd mwnl 6w f h i ilfwl r tnr tfnlmrit nf in lit 1 i- artnt of ihf i nlid kwinhwn l iftrh himttrti amlllhfdtnlinbj fu k lr fc fanryu ili r u fi rfri i- 1 vnmru iii lili d it it irlhviil r irht it 1 1 1 i 1 i k t iii in t f i 1 ni 11 1 1 a 1 i 1 1 to ii t 1 il if 1ini iis nk d rl a ml vi- l i kfrtail 11 hr it t i i i l ih rlh ii iiiinnaal l in lal 1 1 iml ii d u it 11 i a t ii nn 114 kjmlii hi i rin r 1 i tit aillra l 1 1 t i i t 1 ilr llanh sil1- i litla 1 dl d lit jailml ihi ho t poi liv h w 1 t ai till j 1 1 n iu nj ih i w i it pn a in hto i in 1 it til l n htia ii i n 11 fit i 1 1 11 i v i i 1 i r-nwdor- ri it lay rf ih- not ih jjhk nlr n iivmo in itttlit i t i ji 1 nil miili f hi ril rrirr i 1riki odl mad i nd il 1 ih toiw iftt kftin rvaiaua a j di ittii1 fnh 1 w 1 tu- 1 frm n hi aitinicjil anuria 1 let alurtfaltl ini 1 1 l latdnrr itr snenritn a miiitit nflrt- unftll til aawr and in uulli hi pniia in lk- 1 tcivi pialatajittwit bad 1 l i i xttd itlit trt t l il lor rh ni ivr 1 dt i j dit ttrtnl o ih rtjl awl in itiliit nhvi fchall em 414- ir vl- will i uili rn- fr luurr nj n a l olwr ivinl ml i 1 alviii it fl- hi- l hill irbin tin r tii1imifih iii4ii n lt i litifonr riiinr smh ivmj d d nn f hn mitimmi ft t il in 1 rhme ii t 1 i ot41t 11 lllll i- ht llkin frtirll ti 111 rrtvnlalbaai tn mh iti mi mr h ii titr tlais hnm citajibbj 1 l nl 4 i 1 iii baaar l nr i 4 in th nl lwinidtw 11 litmih l t t mli it ikhi m- 1- i iiv liindtnltb hil m hn v liwl lltlkhltttxlti it 11 h i ud i4h i i- i it m w lt ih ii it 1 hi- x rj i t 1 it dntefilo i t i kc ik htl ii tf 11 in hi ftd a- ihf ilitrjl nn v f rrn du in ii l ii j w raid nllrrtndiht 41 b 1- heiit v it- ni h t slittlaii ii otat widsftbfu1ntt 14 nif ronmi rai- ji ihitaand idnfldt 1 1 u jj nnuf li i i nunrd 1 tmrii lv ririti a rn ltnhhillmoatd li h n mlln t rrli i e a anaxfrt tli- jdft i 1 it h i hurt iiiiott iir ih- rln fn 1 einirtrn n iv4i ij miik 11 d f triv fmal nj emji m mi thai hi iuaitn nalixetl wji t sieiilk h 11 11 wdi tn proeettion i lltll a ril a an choral i irorrli ihi iiii rtf rmtinvdto lav ii- l n- i ii- mr jnth irlrin rvkw retvrn hblttii itfuni indrttii shv1 10 lfc lirr tcklkl of lairk adt lirre fir inlit i in brii- 1 i 1 i ih avn niit hf is uj bafltit ih 111 1itl h all dlni- orra- riifn ihe nrielr nf hi awdrrtr tvowld ie moi hinpl to ofi0alr jh emflinferni ill fiirthr hafitrvv d ih hvpt lint hi prineiple of imiiy and htdivtl tw whhliaalbriiftlqikiiltr prearh- hittthed hy all oftjv mvrt of st andrew so- iil lojllhir at th mn the 0i7iv mvocau end sjdrnht and frmottue twirf haw l nehvttwk ihe rvivijti of ihe tliixv littt mrnliev i in ti- itli initiid t jiiirnal it ih amy conducted ly iv briitfjct formeiiy of ilie calctloma snapi it ill lie r ilnii rn i th ped of ill toasel mercury 1o wlmm ive wtli every ajiirris kcelrral- he ilinki i iitly twomil an ikoii in hia new enterprise il i always wth kiehnmthnvrrmt murdoch and family f thiaitre wc notice men of lability ain with ihcil isiwah sic nijnianlv fivlinp ronneriinj lheinclv wvhave isi s all the pailicuvn svhkh wil c psr 11 u in h neorv in rnah our lead e hpfjally 1in- in the welt and ut wrt total an tiuiatc judgment of ihi rciil im- linrcmeitl n h cinrnetcial facilitiv tljfl ull hi no avkiji jtny nccajly for timainin in 1 j1rt cnond up in liiftjur fot daya o aceka tviliti lor ainl tho faitvr and metint at fiodeiicli niay thin hia wheat arjil llor rifk ah aahesj on m md ty rnnoim aa w iit u thnl iby ffiftaruvat m011- iral nni a 0 h uur nf ad vice will reach hr mtchtnlj fjn ii will hn dimiitwhd um nd ihe crxtnf ivrihl in llic nme pro- y lion 0inf theae venj will ivve mon i a snam with uy 00 s jn j 4 ill ictirnini isronrh th iti an i the welhnd lo any of tin poil on irak em the st clair and iho llurnntnilcinj her 1 urn voya with ho ion in tfi liy ihut conlnlrutm to icduce the onlktc nf cjoiliu and diminilhiit ihe en of iut intjhdb addin lo the richctof ihe farrier ettadtii the jufines 01 the merchant aid ittcfejjn 3 the wealth of ihe lloi ncc nrviiw the rcnuino konijiiii nf ottan literally icaniatej hy paliiek maejjregtvt m- a snutli c ltintloti and tail edinhtirglij istl 1 vol iq mn rice 12 writing tn nr arc th wordf oftnilod r jo0r time i ertne f ihe r idb mr wh ii i th rti nn- ihr r i t iril y ton ii tt tjurw emliality pietaileil i t 1 p it irtnlt roinij and th poll rrirfd 1 d withthr htrtiitjii a hitrhtdnr iii lpl i a rinnnt of lh- dntitriidrtaih lmltt rrdi nn mr ffrtr hie 1 1- t il h lh- f i4 k tr rirh hatrf ftnit rwji in tit ir tip iv tbatfdhmat m aaw hrhrf a fdl repeal d ua ieit- owe lilnd i i ih 1 id 11 ri ii il ie airl plitl ipri- t- jnt nal 1 iuvuj 1 in dltitii juhne njirmtn- iwrtions 4trlic livrminc tivtc il ldit5 n ohiiiig ivm in hio wc hae ta iv npl of a lite of scivee to cotnrnon ente a an ad ofjntiiee diip- proted ofihe onroorieoo manner in nhieh the for inr wai tivatcd hy ih latter and he ean te rrj woraw thtl it hould vbmbwf 3 re fly in ii ihvr pirit wr tntttl rritaark honctce that ihe indilfeikc ofairh a ipiril it neilh cordormalite tootir u or our praek irnl m thill iep to aeeil kriamaie brrtt il 1 by a orita icur reetitxd in tonn froan inji 11 r t r to barn thil the t 10i and llouit lnnr nt thai dc tji on ilr ll out d iirojed by fce to ptiaanz are th ii of hy lake thr bilnt lid- oimorii tin thr rrotr aatd h tlda whi 11 riit drtn tlie nn nn tw tibitt tjtprtof the majauin jrar- p m thif wnrk hta out under ihe patron- by nflltf llhlaml sncielv of london l 1 1 l ui ti 1 it hi mi vfafdtt 4ii li rih inranal iw pad yt ri1 in ui- ilmi4r 1th oa u anj- m i ii i -il- t alnmvi li setfim il rl- i ft il t i r i r fr r ihr ii tiditaaii sanrllrh li it fllwin tvtnit if 1 h li wid p tailtfi r 1 id ii i it t uii i hur- i 4 i a h 1 ll nj r t hut i ii iviiltirt 11 x hiib ihi m i iv 1 i- it b t hi imit 11 up ii ii f j hdi u fl a 1 l u ink dial lla 1 i in 1 ikil 111 1 jatt r4d hot mt t 11 r4t it n itip uf im li 1 inn l din l srtl aj ht j 1 1 u t i ih i nriiirt nlifi in hit fur at iltr lim 7 1 hi rt ihtin vmnti la mil io l ncii 1 1 mnvr trre ifniiiii- ntar h ii mil iriit l hin on th in id id it r j iruiir ia j ni nflife h inn hi d ritit 1 a in ibbour ho itfiir 1- rrtri1 anil rnmrtrlil t ih- fin h fllllv 1 ii ij hi in nl i- nnd and h fiv frhlntlj 1 tintnl pand a tf fii l lvyd itllh rvlhs dl rjalul it aihl il iii vdlnl r i it hpprorl a fn d w tittu in lh im- irtharly a tkiitm it usl iiih a enaaniia a 1 naf il ti rii- iti- ihmih hn hat fa in thil litd lalh n hf i ii i- 1 l hi iiti i iri- qiiviilitt f 4 irh iill hik ins i it wnl primil ndn and toil at hi iviifiid 4 hi pqraaai ihr alutnp 10 tv trri- i tkhl h- i411n nliitdvf llin wrijhl nf ifa aamltn4t and iwwv a illrtato m trk in in l ftviirrf kjt ltl- 11 id i t i th ii1 t iv illh p ttrti ith it fnfr filr- oftjir lu dtfttti mr an iil 1 ilrh in ihr fr nbara fnim iillerm- icsd ivi lt wh itvidi tar if tpil wlarj l 1 nan i n hm 1 1 4iim i 1 it iii t iii i in 11 nr ini 11 imilltaii 111 ml lr fot hi 4 na wi il r itin iviial iuithvl iii imi7 under ihe sur- milviiimv uf tin late sir jolin stnrlair ifart uv nro glad i 0 lln vnenildc ftann il lai cocnclly trnnnlatcil imc english ilic hnitnf oik liy alarheron being tarrtiv in a rry imlffanlenl v ay tihlnmt any rrrrl hi m iurai aiihl a if ho lluaiigtil nn icnler tvmim evvr iind him til the fame nf or trail ii ktfy imfiont in tin tjlilainl fiitm what it aa cbettiaiwi ilien liaaa nntiie jiaa liecn a iiiiiihviihiii ivurl jfied tlltnut a 1 300 or hu in tliefroeni htmr the iv filing bit pmilifi tiaa iiilijlitxd the viiing jdeaticd ihr old eiorcncd llie liiturt tafia- liiir and lirhlfnuii the hiila tf thv ftrld in popular hy all autf havmr rtecn an anntn in laic lime liat lien dial of itoiirur bi ahtrtn waiitm scovr tht ibltr ttf lilt infill ttf lik kiiftpvan rcptitalmiu w 1711 uhtn u jihtroh iilivil iho avi of a jitiklinrnvii laiipiia idhlh ivamlionof nr hjfabril hi aital i ionian lvnrli ami llttliiaa iinmr fiifiai the iktiim ttlii ii in iiwiiiirviiitt fir 41 ar l- had in h l h 4 1 kington 29llt lm william 1111111 ai liw morninj fully cninmilivj in aland u trial al the next court al general quarter sextons nftlie peace- rli a rged with stealing a riair al rhot- from mr clark uvcrn tn aiirc artriet and aome bia tveighu from the market iytgh houae a plated candlestick was found i- i hit fraon ivhicli haa not aa yt heen claiiiicil lay any rterson ittt dtteihi ctixaveih donniacojckire woman wan folly commuted nn a charge of stealing a turkey from the cofbell enj in the toinkip of kington cnhn mckadden wa brought up in llie sntiitn hotirc ly ihe police on n charge nf hong drunk ami difonterty during the n pit he wot auunnihei1 and jischaryed 2il decern william ilnnsrll ua fully commuted lo land hi inal nt the session upon a t haav of icainr a pair ofpoekel pcatola from llic nthtp nf ciar llntehtaon in alore atreet john mccarly wanhroupht up for liiaw jrunk and ihorjerly ajmonialied and die charged veaterjaytjlin toiws vm fined for an assault upon patrick kavanagh nnj bountl oier to kiep tin peace laae mall a vnlorej person not a tran iprto our ctiurtf of juliee waa itroufu up on a charge of stealing geeae from tlnma colhn tavtmlireprr on ihe montreal rvul mr hallv peculiar foible ia in the inim infficung in potiltry to which pmpfi ailv afitrnut hoal of the i our touhl bear nmple inttmmiv- hlat jexierhy iniwiaiinpihe mtha if i i vuliiuh in aaiil bt i- extraordinary obskrvk rilhksu i l r11 lilntrnltrrahv pririte4liinfw vi h ternu li svtw tir jimitiw ibybui walmil miiaiiiin iih kittj laajht rn4itrin tuiittartriitiiitt it v pt 1 wiiimii ipjtf iaa lamrw umos ieitnt 1 it 1 i 1 t r h i