nttwi a it kt 4 mi hrfiftftfcv la h j fpiajf i iiiirinl11im in ef lnr mofhit fli k h1 h i4 kt p lw htfcaeosnj ft una arr 7 f its rju i ormvlpmlh w rj m ihr lwu pi hunfcbi the wciii kit ocuhi frr 1 puryw nf 011- jhaar ttltttnd hi 1 fumi r itv drl ik u lu doubt t ul hr ntti4 hi 4 rdrtlor ikchanl anions qatni a hi about 9 fret ik dcr j in u fji eernd a f n r cl to he btk i lb bmsa y aeiuvsnl drain tbr nwrawd vm lead- atony cmlff and haa iilr and firnilj ntnlmf fa ormr tirrenorl seoilano chi monday tail mi lnqucat nee insc on ihn tody pf uabttli hfmlrmw hliu verc 0f ofthoe am furtunaie ftmalr or amidv cwpanttum jtenv f vho dd thrnrnm- before in ihr liable of tir m k mrfnnhli town tvdf ccnecd had been hid- in in opt ihj at the cod of the attblc for acecral dais on swafij eteniny mrkiohci found tor ljn there nut eahauiled from ttpoture to thr ekiurt of ftr buej at ihe rune atmor i itt a uto of nudity and hid her rcmon d nto hfi liable for abetter amonj aera triw on eins out between 9and looctueh toeec now the it feiutd hw dying vrrxbcl 1ul the dreestrd tame la her death fcencttremeutanjiour i- anclrinenrr uf lhe j rather 1 1 rr ovf toun to tf hi the iffi u lijfk ikaiimb mtain r this it lb iu4 bm t ihf li i j during tv thon period of incite jni 74f llourr ui tut pumhw4 ha bcrn iinutrtr 14 fr the mhbx vttjj ji ni ihd flirt i iiil llii im nr j t it inert llt atl wur lua kbit mv uuj hc iti ik middle b iid to be ciomj fur the uwi tttll id trrwe 1 ickf r tny be km 0i oft the fc of ihc dtft st llftm l pmoii t ibf tn u ihu dmr itlkn nccu prowd ikn ifitletd ot iltumcaiuoni fedtttrtx btllt dlwfi k mrokwld be md by nhniiplm in ihi ln for mic rtlief and ujrl of ihc poor nd dti1uu ihilllmti to be 4ppr0nritf ir olkd tiii- pfctxri or wtc rio aid jlib iw ttihtbiuvtt hvmtd dcurniuatd 1g retnrt lo lho ludn tivri niidt of d momultie ifcpir firlin4 tpvn mxb mciiiwi- jet lb aimi tueot of the tubuo in btbuf offlne poof tf dtllluu me lb- rtjwl picture the ttuirily 3nd loiimti luikhbih tbtuptin tubteribid bi iitnuvfoe le iia for bil ludiblr purpo lutty 4virlw ihc piiil utcutntv 4 fhilinlwpv j e0 lo n1 ftl1oehhtm in thr ycn ittg in ihr h itu of ihv tnhibilaatjofknitox on mihkv sj t ibc r no ir rrfotroon fur ih rtr in nj pkr or lu prorinec inhrrhj 4i 0b rurprd at di not uba iberctf onoiirr eowhr i la- riiit norldf ic4iv ueu b jd protabl il w ktbf j ibt livrr i not muth mt fwr turh tn i litj hheef the trfeutrit ef life jc to rmu ol iikd nritirrnro wc and in our diilj wiu niat hhonre rill m ha ultooit jviii 4p4 frum enrootin hovtbr beyond ibvir ciu trait krov the tie rfeble commence mm i 10 ihe titbfcrtplnn li imw i liltlo dbt ihn a hrje fundiltbi ri4j bvl in ordf r lo brn ar tu ibin full bhore the pvbtte i ouu m ljt lu- htrjlcbrilikllke tflttn ilj nr n thir rmth ehurehn collection in uijifcf tf tht tmck wtlkt kvn lbatf i mit a hmt r ibis h mnirc i4o the mrm of 1 dfh u kit yniruicd w obr faf knjloidccmnixt lji vof llfc chrvnrfli k lunhle m eoitonj frnm the nil pjri of i feplj of join cipc j a il a btrre tt sender w l n-r- v i i fi il ihii hi viptdd ha klrortn i mneb it 1lj in jkjdn hi ty ao be voold filn hftte v io mini i df4m1 b 0 tfrfnavbinj ilk sfiumijs 11 1 i ui i to tttaeciit nhj he b adunnd o ilullb utnlili of ntr fitlnf ner ih voluof ni2 would be inercwdrten inovf h the hifebl el ihr ctiret j jjo aitcidof 1wfct oor ece retfondral a low of senncr it it e well knum a prneple iji th ripidity ev f jllmj to- ev it ei4tijjud b tjte hliafe of ibr ovunr wl 1 cannot tec bal cfftfl the h of iht dielancc ki on tvir nfvfj tbin rfitfanrc ijnr- if utter it to be eon4rrd a hwj bdc it aa tiil ktlb fth iitrfia tifcxiu i otivr heave uodohfli i 16 1ljfrtllbe n cofad of trtm f ovtctnt ami ik dvievnl or dit- umc nnd thepub in jk mjftbtf cftecondt eaif u found bi avliiptin ir hywi u the liev in accondt bj 16 112 nn trt touf cnrrrfvfuunt alotcr ofieeitc nk 19 uu l fn or if be picim he may dct pen ik nhjara nter a uttlibrf in ivrcwe fju of ivfit wckj ihi illusion in lkc hbi v th fill lir ibclaw of fajun bodic f would not tbe 4ttt fill wilk tbx mt eifdii fer the nett h tktccnt m ifl form rl did tr vrnl lo bi own iielluoien prieipi- ad ao fall htth a ireat- ce rnpldtte aler it h drvifovd bo reel vjt in ihn tame ratio ijoum th coluteat of w aire 4vi nuh to thai the aim cnimuiv of vh wovld fall to the niagara kiier at tt nrrcipttalrd fcooi the lair in ihcaatnc indanec of lime 4ppqa en mrtah of tun dnerc ere to mill titca at w ditunce ftwifh othfr and ihtf vnr of ibt aaillt had fatlcf water of 8frtlad u othi l d4 ppoee ato ibatibc rtaltt after piopclun- the oat he i cofiirtcdin tin aaenr rhaatlio the wbcdtbalhadlfifthofnfallntmbofibctthceia ii tha hae ntot iur 1 accoecinr ta f opinion itk fthcel llat bad 16 feet of a tat mid hatr at much aofe talcr than the otter aa tt differcner betntil o- i half a doir i1 ma cexwoc scnc axd 1 btlker that th dtfir- ence betern ih weifht vf tui a alc aj the time a ded old u i4jfl to be tftf- t cc of the quantiljuf wticr mnmtw ihr talu of nuara whelher lj remain u owe aee oe be iiittd hofed iplufor ilht cwnoona wacka ai h c i pflajt t n 1wr i itkhovt laeto diaf bi m doat l iht tmblinff in octto ut at uw i i tha incandiark ettred i n acmnk l u bajulri and thua crept un- t r llto main butldina l k nm jacor- rnj oil hvsu bhiof itrrtici vould be in aln- nn i te k born foid il1 anabla the mlicr- eattlobabrouihi u jvalieo although a taman nit lakinap on tocadtj nlhl on iiplttoh hat ii if ben nfutd it tno f0eh oriho kte 1 tv d itj with a bocli of malchte in bee hand roett hoqtt and gaol rattotto ot pctl on wedtoadtj morntaf itst about 10 o m town wtt tlaeidfcj br ho ttf tf art t ihit r btiltatf batn um ajtcctrj to ot la i the inuuunta with the fife enffnn erti t t ciw j t the itou 1 tatrtion vai i- ido to aero tht i- r l at oto p wpot of ill bciin accomphahcdt bj looofecaiinnt of da cnflne j but 0t tatiea rtrvd iaapcrceptibl tmutenlbt uihusanjfiaaicrotthe building t and it ivtaoot mh th reof tunl into sum thai ii naa wlietcd the had ii aueh rapai r ibtrfwil i oble ticelkm of tot ant andlhoooeeatiowof ifco kn- whlrtt lept im caatoa foe a cooiiderahat utat in check thee fmallt r- jrti the fctildioc hat l-t- nod ovlboutet ua rear trcro aaerd ha ilov thn in oripnated ere hare not ctrrretl acce- tnaedow do o brlkete it il ateu loonn by anj ona we hart hetrtt 11 aaid that it took frota t rott in iht fatavan ecll cerrt lmf of cootrcfutiace bad been remorrd iv niicf i f l i- ijrr i i- i ctark or tha fetoa and bicb were held in or tod or the balldlnf t before the act communicated hi that pact of il we underttaod iho court houto acdciot ewt xioco bt atao mvnd m um aluaoce for a rather ja eirououtanct cattcctcd with tbaf cajamltj aa the ftel that t pubtfc oeclirif had uiocaur and voa to hate bacn hold at iht court houae at 2 oclock of hoc day oe artncta it aria bawlowtll turf tee of for ml a f a fire coaplnr aitd amkin otbee arrafcatot to neotcct the town iitdilcinkf frota thoratafoof 4ee fertb cour po1 office notice thcrtell mail for eovunj will u domed at ihii ofuoea tuttjay ihe 2tat intttnl aieotbxpm robt deacon p m- kofl r kingston mlh decern itmt the confectionary casks und glasses atlrermdy itjmtd a r- sold tt priuftte sole will be sow to morrow v auctic ihc subicri- bcrx wiuiwit rcwree in lota to suit pvr- rhum j linton a fit b kingbto dec 15 18il evening sale- rpomirov evening tburdar the itiili intt mi 6 ovlork al the mtakriher roomat a mat variety of splendid framed pictures arrtonr tvbicb are 60 or 70 vieu of car a n sceeicrr prinnpally aon ibe st latvrcacr ami a great mnny othrr a 1 o a variety of splen i pockct bibles purer bokf teaiaoieitu arj other wodta mam he james linton a 5t b kington dee j5 1841 commercial assemblies r ri he mtna of the otfftofl cocnmartio l fiiroiofarr have pleuure in announcing hat a ball will take place at ihe briiula american hotel on friday tfniag thv 31l intt in conm titration of the aupkioih of the krlh of the prince of wales iobn hgreer fcvcrefarv k 1 1 rt f 514i 48dl frtna the reeff sruhfttckccof dec 24 lttaunti anp unrauuctxdattk9in to desfltov the cit1 of bt john dp nu lve toaeejtt rnapd e of ih- depel laid and ntal ritnd d citacna fw uw diirvction of a hhokeii ihalaaoii roteciard h the inidnht jtkfdirt iktwrrt 7 and ovtuek e tundar ihn an alarm of far hub eoundrd nhich naj fuuihdto peoccnlftoen th loe cutel t tliii de rccuun a nutr of icraun dweetcd ihne ttepsbt lbe 6re a jot under brfurv d any material difhire- i oratrd in a outhor in iv rear of mr mtva dtilbu trvn ihe fl athrrd on he epol it jpfira ihat no mi- ku kea in the budduiftt and ihat it n at almoti nrotw for ana peeaottain adituttanre itant br iaj carcmrd unuv hcrcretliiolhicirennurjc anport wut eiecuuted that tiinicy chttrrh had btn tel on ire ubich pettvd lo true ut w appnarur ih afort hrkarckedihittru torehof ihr ukvftdiarjhjd been applied to that taeetd idifiee wtacli tin- half burnt curu and ihr aenrrbed trooduorb ftatn indicattd sjtar m itmjt one of al hindona near iv uf tin i-j- vji- tiid hreu forced and atnac eomburtiur m atrial ulawd in- idi ot the tinieli ditcotiry of lb fr frtrjvd the deairneof lbr ntitcevint uflm oynlud lw wrih scarcer had he fir hi- n ntrvihd in ihe cwch ufore anuria r jliiu taa jiein and alfecf lucna nouaowiaf nlyti o nhee thcv iht4ttlitt- irm abpr lntirinat humid nkh ih- ti prei9aun u be rrem fnw ahun- tin ibnd 4icv vthiehhid iium itd u lb mivt pw- 4tohf the arehitaaetwauaual nhn v a peoaevdrlf loikua- aow bfmar nmu in f c ui didtrtm itta f i n im trie awuu vif rlaut ff ihw iifn tf iaaitj tettvi i fin vfvu il eetiaa eiliu l on iu twi and ili ittt af fiitiiuo aulfcftroai f- i- a mii mill uwn c j mplt vf trannihl1ivr t i ir fican fm ataauj nnd uv fijita- mu lrmhl i uir i hiita a i r 1 vl nala fium latest imporlalionsi fashionable white and colored flf- nred and prinled otpt atrkn chsili blond saiiraf and momtunc a fa svik ball dresses giuunrll satin and fancy dtcaa 5caifi and handkerchieft kid and silk glotff embroidered and plain silk hoae white and lilack 3a3si soa3 a select a- rw of whieh arrived at 12x35 csl wywz jt ific clone of ibt davifation nut will be tom 7retorowy owpor coa ow wtaml eiton urcm 15th 1s4i 48di ross dodd merchant tailor lately from lornlon wheft bt hia been cor many year taraad in tbt nod la- thiobtbae etubfiahnwnu with which he haa formh a totincetaofi for the purcioae of btin supplied with the earlietl intelligence of the ciaftgt of faahion bera to aatvounco lo the gentry and inhabitants of king ston and thr actgaoouraooii that be bu corenvenced btttintaa u a mer chant tailor i quarry street iwo dooet uc block slreet wbert he trill v keep oo hand a complete aaaortmenl of west of en6land other cloths eerteya caaaimerte pilot braeeia ttrwda v teling iw ccof tbe newral and moat fuoiooablt fabric aod pttterd ii d flatter himself that from ibe expe rience he bailiad innavaland militaky uniforms and it ladies riding ha- bltsaad spanish cloaks ibat be will he ame lo p7t perfect aatiafacii in my qtdcn urith which be may 6 boonced kinraton 15tb deecmber istl 48ei tenders will f- received at the sture of walter mccurfftifrs esa un til moxoat the 7th iueiant at noon from pcrtooi wallirap lo contract for the rktiveiy cf five thousand bushels of sand at the new seminary in the part of iii before the fire day v may next the sand to be of lbe heal quality dean h t free from loam kinnton dee li istl b utter 30 keea packed butter of a tu t llv for atlt z hucucaldeb deceaa ib4l salt 300 brit ooondaeo oaltfor aalt lav r foe cah by decern 1l hughcalder g rind stones 0 ton ohio beal urfj sumbm aaaocud aixea for tale by huchcaluer drcfrn 1811 groceries ice a general aisottmcul of gfoenki uqoon tod choice winct n wood and bottle foe kilo unaauauly lew for taah or approrcd credit by hugh calder decern 84l glass ware 0 cuba tommen and winra aiaortrd aizea and outtilae soboxei aod half boxct windaor glaaa tor jic very low cor caih hugh calder dttetttlw- h wm ktodart a sons piano forte manufacturers to lien afaiaafr aho mi aoai mxili ko- 1 aoutvrurvledoav tt w rowbklt harmiruen ap pointed aeenli hy sodart soei for the lain of their pianofortes i ctrodp wnll be happy to recti re onlera foi any of their faalrumcnlt to he imrottrd from ene- und pcrtont who deaur to have pianoa tent from enelani by the eerleat sjtrin vcatcu tboutd fire thntordcraifnmediately kintslteetcrotlo and ttrxb mrrh kiie hon december 15th lm to be lkt and pottetflioa jpven on ibc lei jan uary next a room on the around of the new alone tfuilittiif ojpoaiir lira foravtht retidenc in gran street for in ofivc or a shop ennuirr mitauc il thit oflke kinnlon dtr ii trt 4hhi 11ish 40bil whiu frth 25 do salmon trout ihli f1lt catch for tale by hugh calder decern i4l commonalty of town of kingston an act to rtgviau the ifuy and cjecr ociy otatitwjor paraed deermbcr 3 ibilj whereas iliadcairablt to regulate the dulinand office ofcily surreyor be il therefore enacted hv the mayor alder- men and commonalty of the town of kirn nn in common council atarmbw j thai the conamcui council tilt i appoint annually nne ptncj and tcienlilic prrton lobe rieiinnmed the city suiteyov who ahall hold hta titonttiofi dnrinc tjeaiairi and uho ahull keep an office it be ealled the city sajt- vevoiopfielnihectty hall ii that tha afttd snrreyoe before entnine epon the duliet of hit oce thud take an oath before lbe mayor t well and failhfntty to re- ritr the taid dotiea ccordin to the beat of hn tkilt anh tnrrtlarajin iu that the city surveyor abau be paid an annual ialary wbvch aaury thall be decided upon by the comirrcn council at icaat once a year an4 pjihle tuaitetly for all the letticr and dntir to be pctfotmed by bim ouder thh act or which may be nnpeued upon him by lbe direction of the common council iv tbatilahallbc thedely of thecity sor- vevor fimi to awiti ihe common council in lay in j out and rcfiuting he tinet of all avbaitet ill pa and dnrkt second to tmrey and deairnate the rine of a mrret for the erctioo of boimmtr and to locale the buiuinra in reference to the rttret third to nt vey all ennnd rrnuired for ihe opening widrbioy or ttraihlenin of any alreel road arcnoe or pomk aquare and all rrenjndt in ihe vicinity which my be atvtrd for the benrnti and arfvjrtajejcf nny atich ira- proremenu v to take and report tbe level of ill ttrrcti lane aeenitrf urbeo rrnircd and lo autrry lake lereo and make maa and profilet of all lota directed by ihe cnmennn cooncil to be tthcil redocnl or levefled and inakr accu rate eitimilra of the rtlfioe exraaiine and levetting or reducine fifth to atirvey and admramirc alt week done for the common council by contract w olhrrwite when required and in make ettl- malttt atatemeati and reporta o ihe cocnmen council sixth t to take accurate and proper mafrt ptonlet and diagram of all amveva and work done whenerer ihe urne tnay be reouiied in relation to hia dotira and uiaimm by he com mon couarit ne ny committee thereof seventh to keep a rernbr day book ahow- ing the aorvicrt tendered under each nailico lat teelion of tbe ael order or retoluhon of the common conner i eisbth to ale ill mani torveyt leyela ind iliaerami when completed in hit often alter havinr nomheed or otherwiie properly detic- nated the tamr there to remain oa record atto to collect and keep in hu often curb map tirreyf inalrumcnla and docomrnltt felatn to le dotiet and ofiicr of city surveyor v that lbe city surveyor al all timet that exdoaivtly devote hit vrbote time to ihe woak of the contmon council nr ihe juliet of hia cr and he thall not perform any work for private peraona ao tons at tbe common coun cil thall require hia teticet vl thjl in ill catea where impfovementt are to be made in any of the airerta within thit eily either by excavating filli npiichin levellinf forming paviflr or fliinr it thill be lbe duty of iht cily sorecyor rptrvioot tn the eommenrine of the uid impmvemrdtj to tubmrl lo the common council a prefitr ahow- inc ihe depth and height of exeavatine it f hire if any in front of each and every lot which may be affected by aaid improvement bo crocs lection nroalca ihnwin lbe vridtb of carriage warheisht ef curbstones abov the arcller arch tit tlreet depth of aond oe athca ml width of aide walkl and tbt level elera- lion or depression of oripotilc pittertas the east may be and it thall forth pi be bit duly to ac company laid promet with a map exhihitin- the number offeel an1 iaches of front and drpth of each and every lot with the name or name or the owner a thereof if the tame can be ascer tained bj him which pronlet and map thall ae rrfcrred to the common council and afterwarda fitrd in hit office vfl that no penonihale hereafter erect any aaiimm in thrt eity unlet ihe ranee of the aaid building with the street thalt have been first laid down by the cily surveyor under ihe penalty of firr for each offence v1il thai if anyhuimui hereafter lobe erected thall project beyond the rane of ihe trtetfso laid down by the city surveyor the person treclin tha same shall within three days after notice it jtiven to bim by the said surveyor recoovo lha aaid huidine to the tanje to laid down at aforesaid under a penal ly not to exceed fire pounds and a further penalty of fire pound for every twenty our hoars that the said buildin thall be continued beyond such range ix that every peraon erecting a building that shall be bounded on a street shall nay to ihe city surveyor for laying down thv range of the same with the street the aum of five thillinvs and if any persou thall erect such building without ittbein so ranged by the taid surveyor be shall notwithstanding pay to him ihe sum which aoch person would be requited to pay if the service had actually been per formed x that il shall be the duty of lbe taid city surveyor to give notice to lbe partita offend ing or lo the mayor ot sitting alderman as lbe rase may nquiteof any ooitructiont nui sances etc existine in the public streets squares and slips of the town eoutrary lo law in order to the pcooer removal of the sacro or to the punishment of the offender xl that it shall not be lawful toe any per son todiaiurb binder molnt or ill treat the aaid city suiveyor in ihe performance of any order of the common council or of bis duly as required by thtt act xil thatany perma uho thall offend against any of tbe provisaont of lh act ttull on con- j viclion befote the mayor or ny alderman be nned in tuchsum not to exceed five poundt tor each oatenee at ibe taid mayor or alderman shall deem proper j and in default of payment of any tuch fine wiihcoila upon dutrcia avadr aaatk prtcsa shall be impritoned in tbe gaol o the midland district for a peiiod nol to exceed thiity days unlets the amount of tnch dtttrra he sooner paid j counter pout vuimk xfamiuprv imta caujrn pikel jim vittttaa ami pbutif torov ate r fvr sale o the cbmniilo iklaswlral offi trac7 socibtv the kincstrrt atatliaur to thk uclicirilx jnacthocittr or lum tuy have on haul nt their ueiausitary very extensive slnik itflhi soeictye tok pumirntiejian mhavl pet samnlh schawl arid family mlhww kntyn lrnhle 181- ii 9l w kowskiel booknclltrm mid simioiici uktit k btikft hlngton aaub king vrmix toronto the i have now received all their fttl uiruiion frmn london euiisietpiif of a ver larjc and well aannrtcs stfk of plain and pascv sta- tionervonj 1hinted uooks tahrirfictr coneeiion wtlli the old en- laliiitlicj firm asfiaelu rosvasw st sox statiosem 31 ciikarator lomom liyeatlnmnitvantata io the purchatr ufj their stock window votx inil envures them ynpply of very beat arttcka anj at the mint ritert prievf a ostm vattiltv or account jfookn all riasff inul ruling foolaeap ixikr rj note paper if all cpjalitio plain ral ilt drawiits pnr bftj petiole wavwafcrs qnilkvtj work if gen a l literaj vitfj filsd school bhiks rf 1l uavuv also a rrtl variyiv til chim onhs iii tme clintniai and x liwkaiiijil vi jitiittisfy exorutrvi ciipernlaie eu vcar gft iin nrjtlv ay f- vine and iv ruw unal lninl in mmt account uo pattern miirtppjdevuand memorials lor sale ordci rroa kdlautl cvc older reseivsj fur every article nertcil tvith the uaineaa to be itnpincl roni englano orvhe unitf d states to ensure to arrival by ihe cask spnn vcatels tuy amclc rveju trssl irmn entarwl the orursalioutd hcpivn twsaf lliv the hl i jnuarv rarttl kington dei 1s1 1848 a propietic vision it caaiut be duuhil for a irnfaiit that astfafjfr aule afur ur mmf as of ccnitai nnj ruecaiidl himtuffjdl by ihe hsicuaitv tvt ih better rrculitiou ofu catfsassci thi otltf ovranxc- mmtof vthlch haisted at a cri abouuli d atrikltr lo ibv cooirt rttal yroforrilj of in lnitcd butn wioav thrae tattuu utresira ui l uthnud in v ivrm of a ualine intinv ttcn nhcb th lo uf the lniud sijt wall tvcsflw reipnaibb in any other form ii at vlit imr r ifi imh uu piaiua ham inuai be pervi d in lulvnkuimt pcojalvestekrrijwuth rtlif but utorart aj that a aimilr tiulo- mj eeeur lx motl tf nee a specie rana mtth yoieina paper im widen in be eatrvd or ronuaclrd ivni lbe amount of speic on hand kib headland pfrrid in rn and aot until mmt vi evnel a tettkd eererev ihoipi 0rietwiu4n a j oiia nhithaa lrfd thrvnh the ii- inenttrjnal warhinn the jtrataim han j dittftiluti udlreataoovtd in hi3 it the coarrwnent follow not- miax5tek mh nertrtefemit aanl councocea uh t fttsrainfuc for jihuit is h ylkd foe waxuituor tin iirdourn aluc k captula are oiraftnj aross tek thnutand fokty tnouand ool- v and yricc of tntki from t o dvllar to 1 i s saupfltca dl be arnt in the order ibej- are ra- qsjtatav easstswea nily w earlt couatiiunicatio cnaurea chance an rrthr of lac above maxninernt loturirt frliwarnfjabremafwedciuatt and at loturaea aold h be nuosenberil muat u itdrrttaod are drai blkly and innvr the au lhorituf cnmmimiorr opouittd ity ihe aaneim wcttltaawil 130 aroadnayaavailstrelncvorl kxtesvsivk ckisiiit sale fjf dv cvous vc on turaday ihe jlat intum and mtowmt dnyavill be aotd tl tbt slotcs of ihe subwriu to clotn vfjafaw coxsionmkkts a general ascettnenl of dry cnotls cniiaittiny of fine ad atperhne hhdau clutll fa- ahitname tweed oeavrf and forrst cmh printf orey and siram loom shutinffannela and scrxot wilb a ereal variety of niher mti- cles in lha dry comls line ao will bs aold nl uie aunt time iwo eatsfj maueted station- ery three caaes school stales and a qtaattity oiwraifpinv paer 4r all of which uill be ihavvaed l wilhoul leieire for particulars see hand blln tcrma liberal and maie known at life tunr of sale sale each day at 111 oclock precisely iiutih caluerl kinraton ilthdec 1611 for sale afhabbls- superfine flouk mmi 50 bids oalnaealby h allan nt co at their bakery in brock sttect formerly oc- cutiedby mr john shaw kiiji lirth pec islt 47i jr sale by wm simpson at hia stores kine crt 280 bbb fin- and sopntfine flour also 50 bolt oatmeal kiticston lolh dec 1s4l i7i looking glass rorthalt and frame manufactory imik suhtenber baton hand and ii prpn red to manufac lure looking gbiv por trait mi picture fraaoes of iilt on the various kinds of woo a slyte thai cannot fail to idea um frames rcffill mav he fmid intil j rnnrr coneenirnl iocs- linn can he nbtamd in clsrcnct st a few joy ibovemi hunwiaobinet ivaterooai wft bovle klusrormdeem ibll w for sale lot noala siineirdon clarence slreel in ihe centre of the town of kioaton for tcssm aptitv in thos k1kkpatrick rinmi iuih dec lelk v f mcixtosii iture mi mie iened i mure in mr hnleya uhiraal the cittiognf mors h i nndri tlr tjvaj of tbt three to lft that cligimc duelling house in wore svrvcli tiiticxieil wilh the prxroirtra of lie suilnnribcr formerly the reaideiue of tuofitm crccr emi for brnnn apply lo james liltlgos kinghi ori 1kik 28i strayed came tntn the encleure ol ihe luhsciiher joul ibrve moulds lss a amall red con four years ow trie owner is rrnnralnl lo pioyeinopeitt ml chile aij lake her away mrntrral road kington milft dec 8 l4l j playinu cards for tale bv ihr siahferiert cvld en a m- elkd motil harrvand kiui1- lmerplayiiitfcair1s ramsay rmour t co- klnalni8th lcen ihl wnilfjista 01ncaiia lottcin t claaa afae l4iobovaoal ahanria vs onsaturdajf jar i l27i onlbera 11 pram calliat- ifil scuoae- s slrsyn fn bel idavsamtftlvol lopmteof iw o eekt of mil w nio or jo tt s1x to of ishtt 51w r tirlcta 5 acsriincateofreaieof 2rickcej udl be acnlforomlo- ansyassftj proteeoon virginia uufujm lottkry cb a rorlftttobs dn ttaaraandeii yaj on saturday january 141 7i nnmbrttli flraivn siueo crand neacnae flw ivw sj f4c0 3 wussj fihp s yr- us of olao of w 2s of 30 3w pri- ea of stju t2 of it au stc ikkru ilo taharct in proportion acerwietuofaparascof 2 whvlc tckcu kill be acnl for si3 shares it peoporlteai sktikginia mokncatla lottcrtv v cuaa b for isavo be draun at atttandna va jan ia 1842 7nnnabee 13 prann cal- lota splendid schtm si2sl 5looxklaicxki 1i03 jo priau of 3000 u sjoo o of 3qq lwpnaennfdoit sl00 tickelaten dollar eertificat of a farl ae ef 26 tirfcett irill t rent for 130 shan mi ffoportaao for s at at the scbsciubeks an vlreuay roii wood round comtred eattd aetaon piano forte metal lic navina- 3w tlannfjaturrd hy u- rrnai cui new york and has hen pro noimcrd hy cuoapntm tudrs one of ihrsweel- aef ened and rwt lnmy fnitheif rimns they t aa kvti alaojj an eacillml place walmtl diie tebse uith ocunular bqpa 3 leaves and 2 ends aiso a iluk wlnol side uosrd with pedcalals and dianitt aaid bem patent locks- arso a aeitauperjor rtack walntil sofih ioun1 anui aradlera fralhet pillowa and dmaak cove liny and in addition lo ihr nlove mdhoanj tables m aiblc tosn malostny aim caaav wilh rnckrra mahogany nas nd french hedtlcads crock looking glstiet and n va riety of olber furtiiture by far too complicated loduilto lko4d low for cosh at our stores collins ot haines kinlnn nor 17 l4 0 notice left on boaid lbe steamer llrockvilte black leather trunk with a bra plate addfrssed lo samuel heny and a card attached to a miap ove lle lock oldres3ed thomas fwtotv the onnrr is rtquesled lo prove propily pay chiton and take it away lake ami hirer rmiboul olfcce ktuttnn 1th drcenber istl to ikt a spacious shop and dwellioj- wilh suitable accomiodlioa in rear recently inaili kj the sialisciibei oiipotilr mr r in ijujitv tft for pirticuurs auplv to r lhananhovse kindlon nov 13 uhl vlltclkla htllejlcrc lottery hm a foe isai to be iraatn at hmihi 1 v ota saiurdav 22d jan 142 7i nutvurt ij uran ballots grand capital o0r wkjktk um tloo ufimi fooj slooo t ji lo prix c ef s1k0 10 priis of fl lt peiara of ljo lufmetofsexi ioafvot ioofsiii iool p id esjoo oof 5150 63 of si00lc tirbcta only ten dolti a ccrtineatc of a paek- ajr of ii tklrta ie aant foe l l i in prfortaoav vircinu ktmirm lottery claaa it for itvl io beumao al alesantria d c on saturday januar oi 162 s ntur 12dran ftallott li slo0ot salm epritesofsoamomiaeaof too0 20 nriaea of510u iajrt otoni pnict tf 00 to of 9tfk bo of f i0t xc tklrta 0dj i0 a certincstc of a pwije of 2o larbta ji br acnl for 140 shan- u protortioo state of nev jcrsty lottftty claat afor ls42ube dravn al jceaev cite on wednctdtv the rju4i janavtty iis42 ft numbers 12 draw illfote schnw 20000 i0pnie0f5l2i0 lohcctoooloof wo oofjiwl- jwofsl tt ticvetannli 5 acerbheaicofaoaofsl ticketa kill be km for witt sto mivi ia hooorriosi commercial bank md a dividend f f pw ecm m lhe capital su ofthaa institution baa this day been ik pmud at the bank tfs oficcs an 4 agencies on and after mmiday the thrnl d tfjtjmrt next tlielrontferbool wiu te c lh isut dec and rev on the 3rd janv by order rhe boa rj f- a harper cuiaiv ntn o caledonia water the surocriber has made artanrnaents- by which hie public nsay be furnuhed with lbe ahnve at a reduced price- its valuable eftcrlics have hero very ealrnsi vrly tested by ihenumeiou viailoss at the spring many of nhomliave tesiihedin ibe nott ctatcft man ner their sente of bcncnl derired front a use of ihe water the analysis by dr chilton placet beyond a doubt its value in varinttj colonic diseatca a very frequent cause of failure is diacoeilinuine llie use of a remedy tbitj to far as refiatib the caledonia sftrint wales will it hoped be abated by the rejurtum in price i r price will b botes of ihrec rteen 35 of one floarn ft 9d without the it 6si pat lies seudine their oaci bottles will be fur- niabed al tie per dozen j w nlshft agent kiulodccetnbr4lh i64t i the s4htcitber i now rnceiviac large coo- tanmenu of the following artictrt which be will sell at the montreal wholesale prices and eh arena xix ic ix ite ian plaits canada plates in wood hoar oiwthay sheet iron no ij 12113 wj i4 1516 20 tons hoon iron inch lo 3 iuthet chain cables frysnc pnnt bellied poti camp ovens with or without feel suaf and potash took s and krtuet cuu putiy paint oil turpentine cut nils of ihe beat qualities pecks and bcfelow wrouhl naill horse nails stralons superior stoves do cooking do 3 river cookinx do sanderson a call tkcl a iron otc with a general asortmeni ol entbh scotch and american rnje hardware 150 boxes canada plalrt 3talfirenficbs 100 tont scotch pie iron john frascr st orr sireer xmrtnn nov 27th wu 4si freh oysfcria for su osto kept coitifonfy on ano cf keillers coxkectionarv tkocit aimer ik havtno iww if hi and quarry street surar loaiea in which a general and wrll i- kcledtaioituirntof groceries of toper ior quality ii rww ncered foi safe by fiiiri at itodcrale petces he takes the liberty of retprclfuy aoliciimx b tupptt kifiealon npt 8ihdrr ibll uh boarding and lodowu lor two or llittf tispectabst genlurneo on aaasajfttaasi tenri pomei ifnt to the llautr ofaormbly anj the new path asatatly a thit office kitiium decvansth inn 4gt i scobell architect 8l survcyofi beob to inform llie inhabitantt ot kineto hdita vicinity that h inlendt totlowmc the ptofvttion of an aicktteet mrrrr and vpjrriota m i i bad a lonjf esperienc n th practical deparlmenl hr halters titnaelf of cav in the deaircd tatisfacton to those srenllemen la may honor bim with their taron j invites i bote who intend lo build lo rail at tut office in johnson mrrcl and csaniioe hit plana 0 hnildiiies oic be hfneslon dec 7 1811 4fa 5t georges assembly room rntlk ilacubrr having atreil ati tiled by a hit numerous ftftfluv to opn a fm c and esse fot rrapeclsolv mechiaies annnuace hay inlrnuon of complying with the niciutton by fomrnnttn on saturday evening nest j and it will be nit entire atiij to add to ihe com fort tf tlinan who may patlonizc the teniiinrnta to congenial lo tbe inhabitant of our native lale- william cllostl quatry lieei kineston pecemlb is4i clpuatt j l received jireci from the importer it bunion a very choire lol of pment- el a prifhipe and havanna ciprs for aie by d christie nnv- ful 43a stlfateli ijlroxl kmeston shoul the end of aucust 1j1 a taree black covr wilh while f any infoconmion rraperlin her may be left al mr jainei bakers all iraaouablt eapmses will be iii j patrick t1eilnun xinfion decern ih ibil kii for sale ifhfi ohio hams of the bei sivwdrtcriotioniltliesubscjibetastore opcwvle the tele de pont banacka akchd chambers- kott dicem 3 ifeml ci am into my incloaure about naid-aunv- mcr a dark red cow ilarinr adverti sed be r an three poblic place at that ntne 1 uvr tjivy further notice that i with the owoer to prove peopcily pay charves and lake her away bf as in food order- jonathan ferris kingston and napanee macada mized fioaii- tvotlce is butur rlvtasj tnat al a mffnv wrfotesau ano retail ricockky establishment w t avavtastfal bviurngw aatatsre d ch ri8tie begs in return hi sincero thanks to tut numerous friendt and la publit for the jiberml enroursfetnent he km raj- ccived tinre ire eorarneneed rwtiraeaa aod would intiuate that he hat now rocttved the who of hi winter stock of teaa wines liquors ac ac- i c z h ior of ihe cummtstionrrs of the midltnd district turnpike trust held in kingston tbe slh ujtito tevctat alterstioni trad modifica tion wete made relating lo ibe toll and toll jales net ihe above named road and therefore the folfortin ufesoftnll will on and after the first day of january lch3 be colected al di the tjatr rtiablithed on ibis road via rihri 4swn hs ihre or inoic lioraes with tire under 4 inches io breadth it 3d do will irr 1 inches in breadth 64 v do b do do 3d jo do 9 do do free carriaeet drawn hy two horses with tire wider 4 iuchetan hrtadlii w do with tire 4 inches in briadth 4d do- do o do o 2d do jo y jo do freen carrlarra drawn by one bore 01 ho4tentrn 2d osot cow id sheep tj lhe prraenl rale of toljaye on hheel car reluroin by the hal h road and on lbe koad leadin to colra bay lo contmur the aamr tnetoilon all sleaeis whether drawn by one or more horses thall le rated al 4d oo ksshn tron the bain koad at uate no 1 3d and nn elcii from collins ray at gate no 3j iertoni drawing timber cei iwo steichs to nay d with the pritilexc of ictumin free until the expiration of the econd day l hajiird weight allowed for a loa jearrige included for every hundred wcjcht over is cwl and under3ucaal one halfpenny additional loslacr for every cwl over 3 ctal coo penny addi tional tillage vzi hundred weight allowed lor carrrares drawo by one hoiae fur extra weight ihe same as above no extra toll for additional seeiehl lobe charged on waeonawith tiers 4 inches or up ward in arijlh- the toil gate no- 4 aitnated near mr ul ties tavern ernest town will on and after ihe above mentioned date be opened to the i n free of toll until fuilher notice- toll qa4e no- 3 silualed nt prevot al mill creek to be moved lo the esl side of conces sion ioad whack meet the macadaatiited rood near levaslnn farm eineit town i rrrnoval of thit gate will lake place immediate- the exlr toll on over weights will hence forth be n i i v enanrcrd by order of the board charles cualmingjc- m december 3 ibml aah latrsr fall iwportat10n grebnsuields it millkr king street fivwr caronirjrv gortttr oflre have juat opened direct from loadon a rr e ill lot ol sack imtered mask and sable squirrel ra fitch mnfjaand bo squirt f tail boas black babe ri an lamb skins cray do do do auairican do do lustra gennrlt do do rabbit do do white do do oilcan cloth of all shades all of which will be suomilled al very low prices william cr cabinet maker and upholsterer i v r- f- jcri ncv vn ovajtmv iticar atjnostom n b all otl of furniture made and lalt- or decoration doft to order rkritj bv hmelf wilh itn rreslest core k ut rreal ndvtnlate in the montreal new york and boston markets all u tvhlch he llttiera himtytf will be fnurnl rf ihe very finra qua ty at he has mad it hit atodv to prtrcure o aral rate irlnle tole- ly fur j- j itte f and froff the isrn stock he hta laid aft and the sdvtotafet he has m by lftf i i hesi markets h m eroittrd to trll hit foods on very reaaotia- bte terms d c vroofd reseujctfully iuvaie iboae who have nol yet made a trial of hit gnoda to do to fceiief confident they ftilf ft no il to irvir imcrest and he vrtnaltl amurv trae pub- k that it avll ijc hia cortstsm endeavour to merit a continuance of past favours of dm rem ftbjtim promptty mtndtd o- kioptm november 1bii 43a utlkrva m1l1tauy dk surclcaal lutrunicnt store fp he ftkwl ibei rripeclftlly inforreii lu i friend and the inhtbilants of kansas ten rally tbel he hat removed hit business lo kiok olreet 8 few doss north of the chrool- cle and iraznie oftcc iu hie house owned by f h it jackson where be will keep conaunlly ih haid a ipod assortment of fine aod commnn table fvlerv hem quahtv ed pen and pocket knives ueiman silver favled and bunnis mril ware with atany othri food loo name- rou to mention which he 1 determined bs tell on moderate terms heads of families and hotel beepm will find il their intetesl lo call before porrhasiog ctscwherr also son utat a quantity of tbe bvtl warranted c 5teei ites fium his factory in toronto at the low eat s i samuel shaw iateaaovmf brstovatr j so jansw fffrref hi trattttt- the suucfioer has jrast arriytd quebec anal montreal vrrtlr ootrse riipjc of lbe loltowing vaoeia 1 edilion of th stiem of dr ceewtissi of our iube jo nctn nnaj sun qtstbec icseo f tbeorj of the moo of pupplr of lire watte of the sova light anrt heat i stnt uoned by latter iliseovrriesj rf dw arkfessaeal bretvster ner -r- 2d the work ealkcnotijeoitonjjcns iba past present and rot ore condition of ibo canada comprising the union of tho canadaa one nurtiher montreal isss above 1300 copies of thit work jravsj beejn arfd j joenrrtal of a tossr rrom mrmresj ihroiifth tsart of rhe ii tern towrathpa waaiain wmt jaw anf m li tw preveniirag the detrlruction of wheat by ihe wheat fly ifettky taylor kiiiplm dec 1641 ht nollcc ornct or cinc orttii peace kininn november- 1841 notice is hereby given thai the court qenenl qwttr sriasoar ora wilt be brld at ihe court house in jgcp- ton on tbt 3lh day of december nut at 10 oclock in tbt forenoon pursuant osdjouin- meut ft tbe purpose of receiving atptrcaoet from and rranlinar crtibcatrt to loft alt iri beer house keeprn in tbii duuract rav at ra- sun year at which tiase a tffakassf attendanct of majiistrates it letst one froea each tosrn ship b tequeited ft rsoos receiving crrti- calr are reqtired by tbt stattlelo take awl their licenses on ne rwftort ibv 5tb day of jan uary next asthefwite tht certioctlea trail ba null and void appficsala for a renewal of their licenses will bare lo produce a certifi cate acfordinr to ihe form no- i and those who hare not been licented ihe peesenl jeer according to foam no 1 every person will be required at ths liravr ef taking oat rstcerltfi- lo provide biosself with n cm of iht amended rules and rerulationa for the covers- i i of inn kecpert by order of he cotjr james nlctcallo cferif ofae paorr ofw atarnf ansfria certificate no i wt do hereby ceitify that a- b hascasadncl- edhiabotyse or vimm he ontlned n lrraaa last year to the toiammi of the paie taai that be has maintained hb rood ehnracter fcrf loyalty and sobriety and wt recommend abut hi license aboull be teneared fot the cominf year a b c f d- e f f c h certificate no s- wt do betby certify that a u a n entaava of sober habits ejood fame and cnvertatioo ax d nlaoa pand and loyal abject of her majesty and that he t a proper penot lo be entrutted wrtb a dense lo keep an inn which see faf- thrr certify is much required in the ietrhbct- hood of the houae for which he desires to ob tain a license and wt also declare that to nor knowledet he has accommodation for travellers required hy law we ihe rorrend him to the justkev as a peaewr tariaoo tn kep an ina 4u take notice purchasers of dry geaotls are rt queried to trr the glasgow warehouse corsarr of stove osuf ironfreol ctfreeu where they will 6nal an extensive aod etncj aaoortmenl of fall and wintertaoods compeijn every thin thaiia new and fi- iooahtc f r the acnooo at extremely low prices the sucasrbera have inincj sjry heavily in evavy deportment nfiheir buoa- aeanolfoelinf coa6ovot that their roeja aod prieefl vrill blind ocnporison with any other houae in ihe iride respectfolly aocicii ao early call froea inleedins purchaaera the lowest pnee aakfi kerrwaddell fccsa kiit6noy 14i- 37a caution whereas my wife has icr my bed and buvd without any iual canst or ecoee- cation1 hereby caution too public against barbourine cc irusuat bar on my account joseph cunne pitlabur docetd i ifrll- 454