Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), December 18, 1841, p. 3

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1 m ro nil u due 1 1 c wtltdv 4 limiikll i m i winch pbw usa srrit i d 1 1 klit i lssa tss uf it pjcmrftowj lf ch ri tg ha order of the day mr day 0 rejoicing for the itlrlli uf a rrlucc of waits 1m tttfi itty ushered in by tbc rbqppf of thr urvml rimrcb ull in the loyfl i r ii im nt mi m 8 oclock mul to i contiiiuoil every two liuurs llirnuuiut iij tlii all shup anil ordiiwr lvr f burnvns ajuih be cucd iluriih ihc dy 3fll tlic iriijisis will -s- ii i i tlic court house to be ready to roceccl in rocrirfi i goftfwhut iloti pro rvdl bv the band tfilc mil regt with ihc pfturcw to her majesty at 13 oclock precisely wittier the direction of captain jackson tlw marshall and they siwt re tum in like order fih a ron salute to be firatat 5ih tliewverftlcvmirtittirliurprd wiih iik arndmcnr rpecling lite ox to be roamrd and wrved up in the market place whirh iordcru to be fitted up for the purpose shall upon the return froo government hou give their entire at tention to these nrrangemontit the ox to be served up al 2 oclock precisely jlh a signal for the illumination and fire works bv the firing of a gun at 6 oclock will be given at 10 oclock ft the extinguishing f the light 7th the town hall to he fitted up for ihc accommodation of the children fur a repast to be given them at 2 oclock any donations from the inhabitants of provision c will he thankfully re ceived on the morning appointed for the tijoichfg at the town 1111 ami my orfimunftdtion njittipg the ame may l- amrewd to the secretary on or before tuesday the 21st iiutani john counter mayor chaii li n ofgcncral committee w- iiowsell secretary comhittesof manaocmcvt llixworhi nv mayo chairman itdlin fallf rumltled ultaad her triil u tin nest cessr of i h i quartet 4j j elhptac crfed with i1j ftwltdl fum urdj f i rvi morning jaeaea tboruion cekid of i umud upon robert vyrbetir and oned 10 f nv j h gbi 5 cub for boor dfvflli and eiceerrr dtrlnd o cooorwe w s conger esq of cobourg hae been appointed shr rirofthi new dnjriet b y mcjcyea eatdiitricl judge and drj gifchriat mfp treasurer these appointmenu rc understand have given general saiisfactiun the annircmtry of the buute of gat iowa hill waa celebrated on ihc 7th mil in uv city of toronto br a public dinner i the absence of sir allan mcnabh dr king preaided several loyal toasu ivere fivca ani apprepriate apeechet made on the oc casion suic of valuable pkkehold propertv th r rabschbtr ajrs to ciesiit ta puuk c ii as bss rr v r jtrotrfpf to hth by public autis isnuify nsst si perly lif iru hon uin i on tburs4sy tu 6th of onurj tlmlvlasvia pmaoli pre i fm lf moroaly mag ad the secoog nttmber of this woik has just reach ed ua it ss published in boston and ably edited by charles w moore oq grand secretary of the grand locfeof mamchu- sella- term two dollari per annum pay aueiiiaiivance mr 11 il jr mi linton u williarnvjn u ferguson j w bmn j brownjr w witur dalev anglcn n bleiden fe 1 mtitukjii 11 j 11 jiill tr robjwn webber mr kendall alottflssk j a mvdaimm niekalb mhalf 11 mattnrlftne w rrtvsrll w rowselu tae wmtktfr- on thurwiay u0hs1is i ait a violent snow torm commenced the wind blowing a gojc from the eal it roniinucd all day revterday and lal night freezing hanl at tlte same time in conse quence of the bigb wind the snow has drifted so much that our streets nre in ma ny place bare this morning the weath er baa moderated and we hope soon to have sufficient enow to afford good s l i j 0 corner of ofsji and jobnmn strtvbf no 1 consiitlnt ofj i th new sowu orcujiu mr iv lrno8aft tbomssparkr esq surveyor osmfll 66 frel frontay 10 tttt acp at ut lov trnts of 70 prr snnoni sad if oois vacant can bv rrntsd floi xi0o btcflt jt thr rrnjcnrr of mr j scobtil imcr wo tkt nrw lrre building mcwly riccth the poer static asmgnow occiacd by i e the lower tnirtntsnls as a crfocry sod dwtllin house bsmi 19 feet front by 35deo at the small rent of x97 per sanun ttnd if cant in the tnteingsnrtnx could be rcntrd for 140 no 3 the boiling recently erected used bv lbs jr weoteysn as a sn4y school boot kirt 35 froat by 40 fevt deep laundiftjr purchasers will dp welt to view ifct snore lots as rbey srs wrlv itvste1 anj ihe buitdinrf are all new fot further particu m snfilv f if tv idler ooil paid to jas linton astc h kinptou dec 14th lsll b of ate s native of scuiijaii itr teft li i in i ri secom mjic of the 5hin hkk far 4aebec trlt tbht for uk- ssi s oi ihi beard of as being saasfet ineji schuontr 0 lako kie ji ihc jioum mtrl hii eyj be s esmeitly reouested to return hotti so lus preience there will a of ailvsnutjo tohiotself si well oa tiiifrieada sod pplyiag to mr lousdau countetlot eoree tlae halifax he uill receive maumef mtalk lhevih ttmnhomr snd hear wiai snsy or of use to him any ptrioq arndirtf iofotmstdn of ihe u prraon lomf loufcoalr will cotier s favour ttml will lrttinsfujly rrcd f j to copy th tiit 17th tmll- a9 wm- stooart k sonss i kanoforte wanufactnrers to smuffttt ffrtrsnttrtfantf no- 1 ools sejsuuro lados h wi se rdirry commttticr os bacmkloiis h pnwer in edrt to tleir nuinhcf u m to tlir uperiniending the aci onnn xutmn of the children in the town hall mr js bnm jrlmr j d hull jamhnwau w ruwscll j b hall ecy of f ornmif fee circularl vrsltl the sultoriiy of the oneral coanmit lee foe carrying into eftct tbc iffoicfiei in tbe celrsralion of the hrfft ofr irintt fhetn wrjnidsy nest ihc coenesittce of sschet- rs appointed to superintend the opcrssaty si- rsorrinenu for the flrpastto be provrj for iba children of the hihastriu of he city at the ibsssi tta respectfully lolicit the cooper ation 9 the ladies jccftralfy for that porpcae lmiationi of rrotisiori etc will he timnk- sfottf received ay the secretary at jooclocji en the moerinc appointed for ihe irojfftj st the town hall j r hall sttrttary of tit coinuhfc kiftrr r b1 ejrl psrurvlan m handbilli lo be moed oft tucioaj ycewg wc ksve mikb okaaure ib kanun from oar ente rpriaiog tcwnunao caasaia gjdtrvkvn uiat en weofhfav out about ihee houf efaee the i ii brmf the ia nti tuimte jil ibuoi vr ux marine juava companj anfl be htooehee ai to sk ulw tht priwce of iveausi tae prtridemvs mt9gty give the exclusion of the mesaage in thladayapa- per it is shorter than such documena usually are ii is sensible and practical svitbout humbug or dap trap anj refiecis much credit upon prtshlcnt tyler who ap pears to be a man of sense and ability cruets peeesa j mi toitoa sia twetaftlogaod melacholr fart o aasass mf h u jour tiit ptfe thai 1 1 of our taeo have friw4an ike atroett of ms j- donoe ihc hott sorpoel of tin he ih i eella kudty oa ittj ease to sarrt utcaaaelvea aod produeo mthout ftiruvr ddy a heoae of rctofo for the avititvic toe op hentoore eimeos atoaaa w tidle for iu i rl vki c pjmwuais of w hb pofu of cansda toai aay well sab ht kdlior ss looj phill ihb rapfoach remau i bj raaolvtimii paikee at a mceltae of lha i v lanu otikri city it haj hceo dcurmiaed u tllwt eaic ib town best whoraoay said tlut a pvotk all b pm um etcomg of the oaf foltonia pj m n r ihe btrih of a prioct of wale- with anowavreerculwgeftkeaen ccrnipoing lbot i i ovibkfll that if iv mane j tai to be ev bcaeed ii teucclcd and irm m iid fxibc arte- loo ofa hoooa of tiadawtry it arould soavee s fae bouer perpoas it weeu be a uaiiog aaooorm vherraa bbs oiher like a lile thai ij uu ouu paaa aar sael se forgvittn cwr town aubtenbrd i bcket a upae of ana ihoutand pa j toifdatheeertiohof aoeaeral h a grant m a araa aaade by to fesviiieiaj uc-ili- ite the buildtrf eractod bul airae to ea tt haa ce been apfeopnaud to iti kjilimalo porpoi fee nhat ruci i eannol lell leal tear the tva- ieecicfaconrretlhhkin iwai thia boddms uiht anivcr um temporary purpoae ofa ctlree umu ooa u bo ftj 1 i n pu maav u he tmttru of lha lleasatal lorvos rt ike oum ot c3c0 par annum wee deeureed ii it new ee- b ihe joint houace of ihe frovtieut farljt sssssl bjbji there cao be no sbssij f hc otorht before lha ii of iin tit se that a earn fait f sssssssiajsl ifl that aeked the truilecf of qoeen cotlegs would be obiaiocd as a reetal now sir here wo wowu hsea o isrc fufta nwh could be aaaoa wiii in lha eonflrwe- trohota m r r r i pt im ihe aupart orili um it ox kmwior that jm mr editor istia a wirn hsuftat in tt the erecusn ofaeeh s bildiftf permit me to rrooeat of you to was j oar fir r- net ofrlf 0 journalinl bat o 1 prst ale ladiridual to aeeooapliali the avtjred objeet thai the nrproaeh under whit thai cily h r ifing maj be reasotd- toora a rweno to the took ol w rowell hsvingbeen poioted achats by aiewv stodart st son forthuleof thcirplanofortesin can j j will be happy o receive orjen tor any of thrii iftstjumrntip to be imported from eng land hie following ii a ltst of the vsrioua irulrarnenti with prices in sterling money to which so percent anuu be added for cost of nsckaeee diflercoec ofeschsnge freight tn- aurance itc msho- fioemah rojew patent horiiontsl grand rianofortrswitb6l octave wfiaaed 130 t5 140 rale sessgtand 6 octatrs do so 95 ito tne afiovc with circolsr sods 5 extra ctbirvct 6 octave ne tsuic plit and eee front io 10 so do fij ocuvrs do rfo do 73 s 6 rxuvesmeul- lic plate ami aec front ditto 5 66 piccolo 6 oetsves 44 kliigaton akciic for the new world tdlteo at paftk bztijah k 11 i i i naprrtfultr hifarwia the pub- aw that he baa accepted ibc atiwy of tfir nlw ulftjd b oow orrpevd ta reeeita luri fee lha eaedlcvl iftcrtrj journol the pretret it a j adaiarome time to awb aernv a are rfti of the qmrto eoaaeaerieeo o tac janeary nesnd no amelc now to pre rrn nf i- in ute new tvorld will be con- bvl ii anil ad origtiu i extensivk credit sale op drv pst 4y on taridav the viet iostsnt and eotlowins days will or sold nt tho btolea of the 5utcriber to close vsrroua consiunmknts a avnerut aaaortmsot of viy gvsa conttklms i j superiie broad cijtms fo- ihiooabee tweeie besver snd forest cralht printicrey mi slcam loom shitiinxiflannete sod itt with a rval variety of other nrfi- rlei in the tty coado line aso will be aold at the isase tienc two caaee anortrj mihon- eiy throscaws school slates and a quantity of wtappiisjt papeit ate all ot which wilj be jiipokd m wiihoet teaervr fur partirvuif aee hand hills lefsss liberal and made knowvi at the lime of sale 1c each day st 10 oclock peecitly hucil calblil kiagsto i hii uec iktved rain the i wn qvarto volume w eomrmnccd waui rnbelj frcih worts au aeaacfftftl who ard rrom lb coimnrrtrt- raent of ike third lvli jal 3h1i wui ob urn ihe whtae of hs popelar ilory of cu mm omallrt- sstwal ajoae wteih the price un tcaf a eevterirtioit the drat tot tt aold io kivgr- tow al two dollar th colwaaas of new world aee rancsntaw baud bj partt potat and iit ample pigta watuil- cd bt profane an enproper joia rwlir afuitit of armteavi teuuoeaitl thua isn firw uvrtj i nude an nneireptvaaue tamtly ntwfpjpre peetmeo raa wu b eihibitid u iatwd- vb slllttlfc am tvec deisea a eae ittiiriaht in jj tnec c0avre for sk urulhw ilcfurtu htj will be rtcttnd uwd the 20th t john ckntjiiton cbeooxle v ci tcio osve r krgtea dee ft 1wl 500 for sale bbls uflpklnt fio ittii oji meal byt fuuit aiisaolco attfeir ltakery in firock street formerly oc- cupisd by mr john shaw kindlon uhh dec imt a fob 5alf by ww suipsola it bis stores king steel 280 ilk fine and swperftne flour aho 50 boll oatmeal kington ifth otc 1941- ejtsa looking tjlass torthait and rimmr manufatelory rphe subscriber has an band and la prepi subscriber has on hand and i cd to manufaciurc lookiof finvte tor- 10rt f01jws albums cigar cacs csrd cops pocket fioula visiting and playii caha he c fur sale a the chronicle gxuelte ottre be jl e tt sqnare pian- fortes 6 net sad metallic piste 3d do do do jo and d re alar comeis 40 do ocumi bar and mattocant n uw fofiated lewe iirtfe a fttt twre metallic pllli do do do dp 41 snd circular corners 46 patent granej square piano foitcj6oct i do do l art r one riflh of ihe ordering thr wsetlsmsati esy ta ch or appro 40 42 tl 50 55 60 feice mum be psidoei snd thebalsace on dc ed endotjrd notes at 30 days with interest for which 10 per cent diteount wi j be allowed a dikountof is pec cnt tvitl derfne j jf if t h- amonni rt im jeetaw tm r paa ft moo who draire to bate piinoe tent from knflaa4 by the earliit spring vessel itautd ivc their ordvrs immdiaiel knstreet toronto end brocfc sirrcl kin hoo december tsth lll til nd posurwion iven on thc tt jon uarv a room on the enmnil floor nt the ruw atane htuljine fiiciite mrs fnnytrtv rrijcncr in gn sirvei suitable fr an oflire or a simp euuire at this oflkct kineainn dei 13 icht 3 fish 40 bit while fuh 25 do sslenoo troal this falls catch rvok by hcgh caldfist decern i codinieitjinl aeniblif thk maasee of the kingston bmwtiu aittrnbtt inrr pleasure in atinoiinria ihotabalc wilt uke plsec al the biiioi americaa hotel v friday eveetin the 311 inal in coftmenotalron of the au4hviti4aa eeenl of the rrth of the pkince of wales johns creer vef refary kinftlort i 1sil wi sofd by aiktion on msetce ihe i7th anosry rexl at port ope by order of it al t a i bate or jiiikki birth a etaaiat ot ihe isis ctuire aa aoa ml waaia eeeallj ready- o condema wrih see eon- umfoearj the htewte1 herald ed ieurmaof uv mo wnmcaaored fcnd ihc airoeiij of ihe sfeaeewt ho areijd hv fli writ na of thow h ptcmrt ihoao incendiary attaeka wpe owe boedrra we ajmpaljiiiemoittiorerelj with ihoae innocent and iojwrcd kriviuaii who are l their i1 and n inel it etrt areeae haunted t wcneounotd aporc hention that before 4yjihl thrrr dwellng oil- be ihcap of rsma their own nd ihcif cbiureea 1tce jrcpardited a ejj ai ihew priqvrij jrjlfojfj wf cannot however jo tho length o owr cootem eeeary ta uinf 0 sjnd of retaliation which he raeomrnenda there it eoadttbirg in aveh a elate of thtn rrtottio to or beat fvclmf and mveh aa wc deprecate war wioi all hi hoeeora we feet thit aritiil wae would be peeferatrie to it the cwect ftnst he tedrpopulite that part of the tomnlry and eeanoeshut belieee ibst an application ta the britwagoisiiow tor indcaanitj would be b t f ar the beat ovana of their allceboa 0 ao monatrovi an td and aoduoc there to emi nv ankrican ouihontwa to aaeul in detceliaj and pun- hmriuabeitan wr pnll nr- that aeth iiii will not be confined to the woedrr when ihe ice eball enable uvae accvndrcli to poae over ij ajid we monlr recouinmnd all the authceiltea to be aw rjwircuard towateh eeeryatoeebs and ahoou it be neerarary to take the aaeac ennuurea aa rre ukca in i83h to jrercnt anj ewe imdirf ei- eepi nceetftin ptaera aed to compd all forenrnert to obtain a peuportf charging aawueh roreeesjcam- peet at win paj ihc ripenaea of the hoccaaary nlaco- td poukx tcruavt kentiow tweadsy huvd iml trd killj and willtam richardofl weir rukfvr daaleo d dordeftj condueu post 0c kntire- ttlhe ncnsl mail foe enefand will be closed -i- at thi oflteeontuesdsy tbolit instant si 6 oclock pm rout deacon p m tost office kinrilon i4lb decent l84u land o cakes begs to retan has siacere thanks lo his nemcrou friends and the public for the eery libtial cocovrarecoont f has eeceived since hr comaaeoced briainete in vingttn snd wocld intinsts that as ckritmat and safi yeer is fast approachjnf ha will have on hand an abundant lupply of the following arideeajj of which he ftattrrs himself will r found of the bestqualily and can with confideoct reccen- rnencf thean to tin friends and ihe iy vr1 mint confeetioosries in fancy packsees ox- pressly for presents horns ofpuatr in fancy packaeea tor da do seed plucnb cskch plain plueth cake scotch banns scotejt seed coke shott bn4j mlnu pie d k would a intimate that hia shop will be open during christmas snd new year day to sxenmsnodata those parities who will not ind it convenient io pure bass the dsyspretu bssbn n b the laad o cakes is that shop lalelj occapjed by brock street xingiid mr john shsw b i7lh dtc 1841 public notice ir ti uaotertrset on behalf of w tbc aaanrince aaaociatiodo which sve reapccatvely reprsent be leave for ibc secimty of time holding poticiea to remind them thai ihcee polirica dn not cover any rask arhkh roajoceor hy any illumt nation or nee teorfca that not licins a riak contem pjoscd when ihcsse assmnrancea were cscct- ssia d j smith president of the mid diil mntoal fire ajs ri cosnpany john h greer agent for the phwoix fireol lon- war mackintosh ascot sor the atli a of london chas hales agent for the montresl fire ojiuc dsaeijaj ltthdce- 1841 tj sp rts en etc to be tafjl the executors thc ccxcnaatcd jtcd ae 7qnjvbrtd jtocter mi lately betting lo joha crswfcnj esq ceasrd no- i toon kemhle eh h hy american ecltpwtotjl of furtillaoted shephrdcaa ch by lance oait of aeiatru seed x stsnfopebhoy aiiieraesn eclipse cm of r inrzelle o yrars ifi 4 sanlse hr- m with foat by dan 0 conn- i celebrated foerasniu 3e 4 mile heats on lnc liandtor pedi- jeree refer to the turf fetfafrr w 5 a xrey colt hy vivian tirey out of santa risio- 4 years old wi fx a chef nut cell hy hay day oat of souc rifiog years 7 a half bied bay coll mint 1 year old bv d ocn not of a capital ii- dins mart on same day 1 tpan of notched penieij 3 snd 4 yaarsowt with foal by dan otoetnell 1 pan of draft marrs with tosl be din 0- connell wik s noeaber of worba- f homed catlir ec terms six noa credit by fornlsbaw approved endoracd nedtf sla at 12 oclock precisely and no post pone me at francis mc1phy mnt port hope 6th december is4 the new york seem timee toronto fa- uat kinnton cheoiele snd montreal htratd will pleaae publinh the aboro uwtit the dav of sole and aend their nee to lbs ottco of the ceeeurr star for i i- f latest importations ishinif while iawrl saline and ms4iturz ofa 5tfmjr els- ball dresses fjsaae nell satin and foncy diets carf and hi iirc silk clove kenbtaiiernji plain silk llase white and black a select atsottment of whith ttrivej l 3lavtxsa7 qetta tts it the close of the nevirabon and will he old ftmorkahty coeepor cats and yn sstorj pnru kinpfton decern 15th 1341 48 ti trail ond pklcre frames of gilt on tho variant kiodt of wood in a uyle thst cannot fail lo pirate old fiamrs resi may be found until a nof convenient iocs- linn can he oltiatned in cutrnce st a few doors above mrs hunters catinrt warerooov vm 80vle kindlon ehdvcr tiu 4ftm i for sale tt o l uiuctednn clarence street in the centre of the town of kingilon foe term arpr l tiios kirkpatrick kington dec 1841 47ri io lei rthateliildc dtvellinf howe in store street rtwiitceicil with tlic premises of the shim ribcr formerly tuc resultnee of t aortitis greer khq f term apply lo jamcsbrigos kingtn ort 5 lu xhi playing caltus foralthvthrihkiiiemrtldenam elkd mogul llairrvaod high- lmii i i jis kamsav armour fc co ki drcen 1411 t 1 u l tract sociktv hk xtwdtwii acarunv rv tin rclhiova tkcthi rcrr or lu no ism wn liaaj at iheir drjnathary a ory catensitc slock wf the society hnak rmuiestioni suitable for salibalti fsvhoula snd f mi lr n ii kinptciet rih dee ihil 97 rpi 1 n if it w uookaellti lihocx stfttrt rowsell and stationery kikuaton kin sthktt toitonfq tz suhnrrrliera liave now rcrvitcil nil eir fall iniporuiiuna irorn awndcn roneiiin tf s ery jorge aitd wvll namrrlrd nelt of plain and fancv sta- tioneryono pbintbu hooks tlteir eiear rnrn lion wild the ulil c inbliahcd firm o saml rowsill oi sox sstatiohcns 31 cheavaipc lumo fivcathern advanufes in the purclinae of their slock whit h lew bcnyenf and enurr them oanppli- rf the very larmariicksainl at hie iricwt moovrjie pmes- a can at vahiltv tv aerouni books of all im onj rnltnrv foowap letter and note taper of all qualities plain and gill dermm paper and pencils vm waferv tjmlu br wnrksnf general tltkratihe ami school dooks if all kind ai a great variety nf cimrcn rmhn auiiame foe elitw prizca unl chruirnas and new year gifts boofc and job printing neity an j cfn- diliniaefy exeeulcil ciireerplale eneaving ami prinlipf account ifanepj ruled and hound lu any imtiersi muipk deeds and mrmoeials ivesalc- ortlci from knslond cvc orders rerciieil fnr every article con ncrtcd tvilli tbc buvraesa lo he importetl frum england or the uniteo states to ensure the arrival by the early sprine iwaesvs of any arihle resjtrel from en1anil tlcorilerastioidd lie given on or before ihe coili januare next kington dee 1 1 tel 47a boahding and lodging three irsueetame gentlemen terajit convenient to the iluw and the new path ajifjy al this office kiuton decern 8lh isii for two or on awoiisfste of assembly btgs lo it au for sale at the slum risers an rlejn rtsjs wejij mend cornered ml action pino forte metal lic plat no j99 manufactured hy pjcsr ten cv c york and h heo pro- natsnead by eenrhnl juirj nnc of the sweet- rsi lotico mil mol himy fijuihcd ftios itsev evei ken aim an eteellel olae walnut dinint tabic wiih octanuui bcs 3 leaves and 2 ends a i so i v lr ksswfd with pedemab and driauets snd bett pilml locki usssj a vrryiopeiior rlsck lvuasjt sofawtih rotind arma and lejfeaihrr ihowi and damask coveiin tjblvl ulrlsf toji mhoaay with rcckeie mahogany defjf and frrnch hecmeadfk clocki looking guf tee and a va riely of other furniture bv hr too coanphcated ed her in three public place al hat time j lo d tail- to be eojd low for cash al osit stoics j ww yivc rurther noiice that i wish tne owner collins at haines 0 prove profertj ay chsrses snd take hee kington nov 17 lomi 40 j 1 atn cbaira it r ii molntohh iv1nu opeoeilastnfcinmta n fjw tluiliii st the c fitting of ftoee acr qnsrry street under the sijn of its thite lucar losses tn tvnicb a tirril nj will sc lecttdassoitmeni of groceries at lupiti l quality if now njercd for se bv him at naoderat peicrs he takea ike liberty of rtiprttftiuy wfititinj publk mrt kinpton8th dec iml 46wi jiscobeu architect surveyor im tbc inhabitants of kineaton ud its vicinity that he intendi i- r ihe mofeiflon of an architect measurer and valuator havine had a long e iperience in the leaclkol tepaitment he rlalterv himself of jir ins the desired sat is lac lion ta those gentlemen who may honor hioi with their favors h inrites those who intend to guild to rail st hia olfcee in john ton street and c wweffeat- k t i tlkicy milltaity surglra1 lnttriarienl stoke ik sutatlibef f i i i f rj i j irf n4 the intnbitantt v time rmrlly ibm he nirieotovrd hrfbutnsu liiock street a few doets aorlh of the cbeorn- d ifvsett office ha the house owned by jackaon whrre it will ksep cooslactly and a feed osaoetotrnl of me snd eoeaanwi tdble cutleey bett ousliiy of pen u4 pocket knives german sifter pialed snd bnunnii mrtil ware with saanyvteer ooji too some- fnua tomrnioeistlucbsiersdvlrtbrncd to sell en moderate terene mrada of fsfliiltea and hotel keepers wiu find i i ttteir mileiett ucall befora rthaainf ajsaejitstlpi alto ro sasc a onnatity of lb b m wtiranicd carl aat from has factory in toronto at ttio low- eil iii4tstr price samuel shaw are ejttwi am a nreaf 4tio toaonra ill g r quetiei snd montreal ioa jfc i arrltej jftrta wiih an me etapsea iftlc tolkirnne tterrko 24 edition nf the syuni of lu creatioti planets and san qnabecf icsu lire thcor of the mraje nf tnpply of lie waste f the strns ligbt and heat es asne tncj hy fole r nf the celebrated nrcivatero fn lrejtl j tbe work cahej cnmifenftom on the a present and future condition if tfce csnajaa nnipri9ini the uniert of the canajas toe numter montreal 140 atspvfj 1c00 copiea of ihw vort bare ueit sijjj journal of a tour front m tbroiigh part nf the eastern tnwsliifis ontainirej tltc dlffveryoc a lady toe prevenlin tltc i eeoirueiioti of wluat by ihc wheat fly hekby taylor kingslon dee 1s4i 44r om n came into my tnclosurc ahot midiuv acr a i ii red f m sdverti 1st ok lftteuis reaaaiaj mj ostceat kapane araaiure fruoio ii john breauworia snurl bernhut wdji borjrt john bell sjtnuel bowen george bowen thomat bwrtr bhrd ri rr peter caliou my conner feter i r t pnthek crullnon jokw cooncj edward dice a seam drd chorle djwtk davwi dolman awabs iii jane donejf solomon devrtna jahn emhkitt elmore v p emburry aon edear sdra fraaer croejre rjiii jjl tho gvahem robcn gcrdon mr hkk walter hill john hera ftkhard 1 j imon hawujwiusi henrj jajnee john m jar nea jamea kinf whliam if co kukpaltcb tsfleflton n b urhofthe ab foe wtuun sis weafea pasejstej isaj ikirwin danad ikilearan tbwaaa krtke dseal fclpaugeerje allaawjiaa ixaeoford jtpk i i rrm t oln m r awthasrr milwr vauiei jr miller carrtt jr memwt alchard mecornucti bndrr mekrtusek urzv mcwinu p j melrwi alael nebotljl ty oloaae jec pwrden c 6 pkiuipa in aunnie ruiun john hnwashaj jagl b e spcneer lasif beaitk jaeea siwith ed tnosjiam k d ross oohd mcrehnnt tnllois lately froos london where he haa been for amy years eneayed in tho mil a- sbionsbte esubfitbrnenltj with which he has forrnd i conoeciion for the purpose ol beln loprjicd with the earlieat intrlltence of the change of fashiont bert lo snnrspec to ihe gentry and inhabitants of king ston and the ivfiasaurftoor thst be bis commenced hotinen as a mer chant tailor in quakry strket ttwo doors from tfioea street where he arr slwsys keep on rund a complete afsectinent of west of england other cloths kersevs cassirooes ptlolt bcaveta tweiu veslines sec cof the newesi and most ftuhioaabu fabcrc and pattern ic d ftatters lumielf that n- the r rtence he has had in naval and military unjkorms and in ladies rlulnf itv bits and spanish cloaks that he will be able loeive perfect aalisfaction in any otce with which he may be hfonecri h i 71 15th dcccnbcr jm1 48ji notice irftonboatd the steamer itrockvillr 4 n black leather trunk ilh a lirast plate addrraed to samuel ueriy aitd a card atlached to a strsn over the lock addrrairc thoaoas rlon the owner is lequeated to prove ptopeity pay chsffn sod take it asy lake and kivet sleatuboal ottice kinploe 4lh december 1811 to let aclooaa shop snd i utile accantmo jatij eliinr with on in rnr rrceotlt hnitt by the ssnatctsbet opposite xlr rourks mitjkthfrh si foe wiiculars aasaly to r ciiananilouse kinealoinnv 13 irml 39 w wkke ir fiek waauocfc ri warner chr wstaa hoeotv wiitiasbaoo r vsrneetho e leitcra a arv j ll be tent tt ucfiierso lb dee pm tenders ill be received at tine si ire of walter mccinh inc esq un til moxdat tho tih auatanl ol noun fnn perrons tvilline to contract fro the delivery nf five thousand bushels of sand at the new seminary in ihe pari of sclma before the first day of may pat the sand to be nf the bevt quality rlean sharp and free from loom kingston dee lb 1641 b utter 30 kees packed butler of a at perior caality for sale by huchcaldlr prrem ichl galt 300 brh ononda sslifoi sale hugh colder fevt for cash by drcern ls grind stones 10 tons ohio bail tirind stones allotted srei foe sale by hugh caldelc decern l8tt ries kc- a eeneial sssortment roceries liquors and choice wines fie wood and bottle for sale unusually low for cash or approved credit by decent 1 91 groct of g iugh caldlr- glass ware and wine i oi 10 casks tomhjcrs ed sires snd qoali ties 50 boxes and half boxes windsor glass for sale very low for cash hugh calder decern uml verenh oynlera for satt onef kept consfanfty on atnsfj qi keillers confectionary bkols iipllt caledoma water t i jcrihei has made atranremrnts hv x which the public rin be furnihed wilh ihe above at a reduced price its valuable peopeitlrs luvcbecn vcryealeruwely tejtrdhy the numrrous visitors st ihe spring many of whom haw irttihed in the rhi grateful rir- ner their aensr of bcocl derived from a use of the water the analysis by dr chitton places beyond a doubt ti value in eaneui cbronie diseases a very frequent caws of failarr is ditconlinuine ihe nee or a rmedy j this so far aa regards the caledonia snnr water will it is hoped be ahatrd hy the rejactiui in ptice i he ptie will he boxes of three doaea 5j efoee dozen ov w withovt the bos 8f paitie sending tbeiioivn botlleip mill be for- niihed al gs tei doscn j w brent attt kinciton december 41b lsei 42 the sultfcriber ji now reeei viae large coet- rinmenls of the following article which he will sell nt the montresl wholesale price and chercet vu 1c ix kc tn platea canada plstrs in wood hose crawtfcsy sheet iron no 1211 i31h 15jfi 17 jo tons hoop lien inch to 3 iucbesj cbin cabtcst fey in- pros hrllird pon cnp orens with or wilbent feel sojjr and otah cooters and kettles c us petty naicjtsoik turpealinef cutnaib ofthebel qualities recks and ikcefew wrooht nailt hoesc nails strstons iapetior stoves do cooking do 3 river cookiiie do sandersons cast ttcel axe tton c wilh a jreocral assotlment ol english scotch snd amcricsn nnle hsrdware isfpbovea canada ptsies is prorr pocrypay chsr away she if in eoojorder jonathan ferris kingston and napanke htacada- mizedroah notice isitawj nai at a meel- tnf of the commuttoneri nf the midjnd piairict turnpike trusl held in kinaton the alterations and moiiilies- latin lo the tails nod toll tfjoofirr bricks 100 tons scotch pip kinpton nov 27th iron johnfraser sure strtct 1811 4i xm ultimo eevrra lions were made n cales en the above named road and tfirrefore the followia rates of toll will on and sfler the tint day of january iw2 se collected at off the gates eslablhahcd on ihn road vu i cniri drawn hv three of more fcoraes with tire under 4 inekea in breadth la 3d do with tire 4 iatbri in brdlh fid do do 6 do do 3d do do 9 do do free caniaerf drawn hy two horvs with tire under 4 iuche in hreadth 9d do with tile a inches in brrmllb dd do do 6 rlo io ud do- do s do do free citrisres drawn by oaie hotarj w hen men 2d os or cow icj sheep jdj the present rale of totucc on mu il s5 8 risfcs e returnint by ihe bath road and on the road leading lo collins tby to conti no the uoar thotolunallslemlis whether drawn by reie or more hones shall he rated at 4j on siiths from lha bath hoad at uste net 1 3d and on sleigh from cullin bay at liate no 3d lenecis era wine timher on iwo s1ciehs to pay ut wtlti ihe privilee of returning free tiulil the expiration of the second day i bundled weight silowed for a foadcarrura incladed for every bondrrd weirhl over c5 ewt and under 30cwt one halfpeisny iddilional tallage for every cwl over 30 cwt one penny addi tional tollers v2 huadted sveibl alwiwed lor wmirw drawn by ooe horse for extra weight the same as sheet no extra toll for addluonal weight to be charged on woeesis willi tiers 4 inches or up wards in width the toll oate no 4 litustrd near mr lit tlci tavern ernest town will on and after the above mentioned date be opened io ibe puhlvaod fieeoftoll until further notice toll cafe so 3 silusw al peeseni st mill creek to be moved lo the east side of conces sion road which meets the macadamized road nesr mr laablons farm ernest town the removal of thi gale wilt lake place immediate ly the extra toll on over weights will hence farto he ripdly rnfotced by orderofthe board charles cummlkgic m r december 3 184l af notice orncc or crerut orttii peace kr november 29 i8tl- jotice is herceby given that lac ciurf otewrrof qltr stniont of tkt reorrnillbehrkdslthecneit hvui in eliarv- toet on the juth day of dm mher neat at io netorh in the fbrrnorei puirnsul lo sdnurn- inesil for the pitpose ofreceivioc sppltcauona from snd yrsniin eeilincata lo inn au end fleer house kerprrsin tbia disirtcl foe the en suing j ear st which lime s rnraj attendance i m iii allesm on from ewh torch ihipbreceesied versona receiving rstlifi- ccts ate requirert by lbs statute to take not their licenses on r helbre the 5lh day of jn- osry next oihrtwiso the cnitkaua wilt be null ami void appjeaat foe a reaewnl of their will have io predoce a cerfht- cat aecoidioe lo the form no 1 sad i who hive not been ikenaed the pirsent year according in form no 2- kerry sarrson w ill nilrmllli rlrijfil cilr ta provide himself with a copy of ihe ameodco rulr snd re jpu la lions lor the eoeeta- ment of inn keepers by order of the conrt james nllkalt cntri of tkt i oftkt midtart vittriet certificate no i we do hereby certify thai a b hsscondoct ed hii bouse for which he obtained a license tail vear tolhe salitfsclioa of ihe lenfwsj and ihathehas maintsiord hi rood chonetel rot jgff fnd j license yesr titixi n renewtd fa tbs aii a c r d e r 7 p g h certificate no 2 we do hereby certify hist a h r a peismt of tuvci hafrita r fame n tmreesallnof snd rbo a ejood and loyat tujjct ef her mj r- nd that he is a pro r penon lo be oltutted with s license to keep an inn which we for ibrr certify ii much renuired in the nrihtoe- hnod of the house foe which he desirca to ob- lain a kcensc snd wo aho declare that to our liowlrdec he hj secern tibodt i ion for traveller required by law we twerfore recommend bin to the justices as a proper person in kep an ion 4ui tare notice lrchaseicrwdryciuiaa are re cjueoteil to try the glasgow warehouse corner of stort muf shntrtal slrttu where they will find an extensivo and vnrieij ardcmttneni of fall and winter goods comprising every tliinp i hat is new one faah- ionalple fr the seaaon at extremely low nrtres the stibmribera rsftal imrwted very heavily in eery ilrportntenl otltteir busi- nes anil ftetfngcon6dint that their bjoacis anil prices will stand comprisoo with one othesf house m ihe trvov tespecirully olieil an earlr call from inlending nurchaoatse tuv lowest peiee nebed kekrwaddeluco kicptcn nv 1s4k 37x commercial bank m d dividend of fovr per cent on the capital stock of this instiiution has ih day been dcclarcrj payable at use dank its office and agencies oo anil after moinlay the thiri day of january next the transfer book will he cloned on ihe loth doc and reopened on tho 3rd jany by order of the board f a harper c kipghvn 2dd nov isvl 2 caution whereas my wife ha lea my bed sod herd wiihoet any jul cans of on vo cation hereby cautum the public nraiost hstbouiine or ttucfine her en my sceooni josevhcunne fituiu decern 1 1ii 4si latbsr fall importation grfensimelus miller king street near ctahtktc k gvtu ore ave jum opened direct from lonjon h fresh lot of sat sable suiner hack lnatcred mosk and filch mutti and boas aoirrel tail itoas ck siberian lamb skins grej do do do aoatrican dox do lustre cennett do do folmit do do white sjo dn orleans cloths of all shades all of which will be submitted at very how prices william gunn cabinet maker and upholsterer aexf door fo mr jtwayi new jfummf t ovaslat itutt kufoston n r all sorts of fumiiurs mads atw fu of dcretitionsdonc to 0tcr st georges assembly room rrille subscriber bavioe been solicited by x hw nitmerous friends to open a faxa and asr for respectable ucchanws annonce lusinteotioooiccaaayiag with the solicits lion by coaowncint on salcrday eveniny neat i and il willhf his entire tlj loadd lo the com fort of those who may psttoture the sentimrnte so conterijal to the inhabitants of our native iii william cross quarry street kingston r decern 7th isii f w

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