Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), December 25, 1841, p. 3

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rftitf j uuuc t h l i i i it iukii i iik idjtfohihiniiii kinwnm os wwnkmqai uvufl i mikmom1n ita tmk fft1 iv j fiklh tt ttlt3 clim in mir last m jpw n wtt 1 ihi ivder ir ilit ily if general rrjvivinp 111 ddfavi tkircirpewiivmi f which taw ax mfv than reatiitvj tiic mcctim akd 1rocf-ic- atiunnsn koyal salute o3 piny wasj fired hy the rvdcinary mili lm auilwy of kinemr wurk wm hvnrd over the ishota ivwwt announcing 10 it turfy loyal inhabitant that the happy day had arrived 10 celebrate the auojm rous btrih of a prince 10 away the acepirc cd these rcalm- when the belu of hc different churrhea in ihe town struck up a mciry peal winch ihey continued to do wiih little inlermusioo ihrutirhoul the day towards ln oclock ciowds uf coming if rih0h team in move iardrtlie town hilt nad market square which toon be came densely reiied all anmout co gel a peep at ihe roasted horned monitor and the her preparations which were jetting on briskly according to anrounreiieni the sueeru new ateanvboai the properly of capu cdderaleeve mi launched at the mi rine railway amidst a lioii of specta lor more than wo ever remember to haw seen on a te occasion in kindlon and as he glided into her neiie clement the uiwat ceremony vreaj performed of uirtiifitie her toe prrnee of rfe n lt iinmcnrc cbcering the inhabitanta of lha i suburban part of he town known by ihc name of lot having aaeeinucd to the number of oboul 7i0 bearing several appropriate banner they marched down store atreei halting in front of ihc rifdcnce of their representative h smith jr eq m p- p rjvinj hla three eheen a then continuing their march with mr smilh at their head ihey proceeded trlbe market square and joined the other inhalhtari where the mayor and corporation the fire company the member of he mechanic institute and knltabiiano ane rail y were already utah bird and all being mmhalled by r jack- eon ctcj- wy took up he line of march for government h e wrlh a buge band ai their head ruiudly cnefeasing in aum and mnn amounted o about 3000 ai tliey ftcml afttrtj- thii vam multnode formed a circle round the lawm in front of the hotiae and after llvo ahlier oke qun had twen drlivrr- ott uurm4lrtlml4 uwn4k the aitmimtfitor iif the gnmwcalti hy 3 lxpolatm exeelv4y and sttad tame em itii ihc tm lr w hen ihnv elnht were eiven fr her mori crar inw maivj and a royaj srimfl wa fil fay tlw fti um arnt1or three xrt were llien fvmw4lh duke of cornwall and rno rheir nioee why ilia worship ihe mayor and three cheer fr iu veteran csmoeiwjr the alumitftrator of dte coermom wlcn the procchion rctraeeil itt mm to totvn the donil about two oclock the roasted ox fully decked out with rilibaadf wai put upon a rlcigh drawn bv two lurc and removed with much ionp to the market place where a umptuov and mibstantial ihnnerof toat bvef mutlon ham veni- roa jte partaken of by the oemltfod multitude who alao did ample jutiiee 10 the ahunjnt anpply of c and beer the bniiquet in the town hal fe the juvenile rxirbon of ihc kipulaion reflected peal credit upon the cncnmitlec of man agement and npprafe l k ihe principal pomt nf aiirartton the deiaiion of the lad tea wer very libera the fine braa band of the uth refu wan italioricd m the tow n hau and played many favorite aim adding murh w the hilarity of the kene the inhbttama of lot m having leturn- ed to their divivon a koyaj salute wat fired on th common they alro had an ox roatied which they partook of m a bowvr taatvfully decornted wilh eveireen he tuamijratiojc at mx ttctutk three t wvre fied aa a menal to fiett vp when like the wort of mte and u the twinkling of an eye the whole town wa vividly lifhied with one or two exeeptioaa but the children amuel thrronetvea by throwing peas at mm of uiem and il ri uppotd a few panes were rrarkej in eonmrjuenre a- mont ih moil bnjhanl delays were thofi of mr- chritfe in the market squarx w ius van irate j bmps tin mtu longlive the km that of dcykc ec co nj wj utefuily g up ln conformity with that viritcd ctfauithment tlte commercial bank tooled well in hvo of the upper window sere conpiruoufy displayed full lergth portraiu of her majeaty the qiartl anj ponct albert and tlvough llw artit ijj o jan imkrvd the rojal cowje in tire wqmpa nh the elicit wa verj toc4- mr belanr front window were lighicd p wiih tiqai acalnrtv and laate the ap- pemnce tf ihc tetter p w ii one of the wnowt not aurpared m beauty bjr thin w nw durinf lite evening monvy o j ni awwed a ud front itt pevfnerowaiwliariagatedlaiitpi honjh khin prime of tvqfaa imfefn tbowed to jrcai advautafie hn bow jitnce smiths 1huih amertcoii sahion tho sydenham saliwi da1y lloiet cftjbin gitdcrwuvve real dencog the town hn11 and die court ifuti pwed all extremely wnl lc thorn creee had ft laatofully decorated hnq which brm happdy cx up mr olcott displayed cetera excel un i irarupnreccjem and o did a great many who had ton deaige or other to attract the auention and admiration of lite rating multitude many houaen in lite vicinity were lighted up with peal effect among theae may faj mentioned wiuiamwi1aon vhouao the sydenhamhouepenilhl appearance cs plain durnfordy etc ttie whole affair went off wiih a jerr of epirit highly creditable to the inhabitanta no accident happened and the utmol liar- mony prevailed ihronghoiit the following ore the atldreaaea and ha excellency reply to the queers most excellent majesty mar re fiute toik majiarr we your majeaty coo i deroted and loyal lobjeetvihe lohabitantaofthetown of kioe- 400 ia the protjqce ot ciandi dbflm hambjy approach yoor roral penon wiih thit iluuf vipjetuco of our heartfrli eoneratuaiiuo4 xi the birth of a prince devtiaed wa irvrt ui p netuaie the virion of the royal houte of 8runwick and in due time to wictd the bti- tiah lorptre in eeual tolemjor ad with the u- nal luectii of hn lluiinuua aaceaiock an event which baa cawed general joy and clad- art throughout he whole empire we ataarc your majrtiy that no portion of your mbjecii feel more joy in ihrt outmciuu oceaaioa are more proud d tlicir allegiance caorc determined upoo mainiauiftg inviolate our happy conoexiou wiih our mother cirtintrv or take a deeper interest io any ceent rrgard- iog your koyal houie than do your majcm atrched and faithful lubjcci ia caoad wboac ecnaraat nad ferveni prayer it that yow majevty yovr royal conar and the koyi heir may contioue to eojoy the especial nn lociioc of diviae provideoce aod ihst vour ma jeaty may have length of yeora to reign orpr aod to the hearti and ajtrcuooaora loyal hap py u protperoua people frogttoo dec- 141- to bat rural higeoru fraacit albert aq- 11 charlea emieuel duke of sie prince of saie coburc aotl goiba kj ooh colonel of the 11th orpnuceal- beiiuo hjuara mav it puraw yoea royav hrcbra we her motl devoted aod loynl tubjeeta lha lahauitnt of the town of kinetionto cnnada moit kutnbty lake leatr to prvtent to your royal hrghneta oi heartfelt eonjraiuiiitn upon the aupiciou ereai wbieh i general joe and ladacrt through hrr motyi van domin nihe bulb or a prioec of the ror huoie of srunawiek destined ww uuat 10 perpetaate the virlne of the royal raea 3 v wield the ln vi tceptre in coual iplendtr with the aigoal weeeaa and the jncreaaih glory and renown of hn illuttrions aaeettetn we anaure your royal hihneaa that proud of oar eonotnioo ai aubjecti under lha mild aod fotltringaway of tbehouteol breaiwkk we take a deep interest in any eteni regardieg ita proiperityand 00 im oeeaaioo rrnew the asiuraaee of our m- uchmeatf aad of oor constant and fcrrrni mvera 10 the throne of grace that her maanr vtir ul phc wuh 1 bfiltwr eaae have icntli of vear uncrr leeipcialcareaad blesua of an ftflfnaa provide ace tn hit extttlney sir rickotiljatk kvb adminitirttfar f ikt gocrn- mitt of tht meraee crtirnavt amj hieturnant general eummavting l mttjfty forct4 in british jyerrn lae- rjoj may tt pliasx yoea eicaxifatcy tie inhabiiani of ihe town of kioron be eave wait upon your eiceueoey with their dutiful address of coogratulatioo 10 her aujesty oa ibe autpsraous event of havioggi ven birth to a prince 10 the roval house of bruotwkkaod an heir to ihe british crown also an eddrew to bisroyalhhncwpriijee albert on the sanae oceauoo which addrcrs they moat retnectfolly request your evchlea- ey will be pleaded to traearect throogh ihe oaal channel to belaid at the foot of he throne aaacioued on an event so kwful the 10b ib- itaets of eingstoo take this favorable opportu nity of 1 i to yoor excetlenry the hih wose turr feel of your excellency adro in irvlioq of the government of the province and the peraooal respect ihey enieriaia tee youe excellency the above addmn were aigaed on be half of the inhabitaota by hia worship the mayor xcwt- mr mavor and gentlemen i aliafl have much pleature in iraoscakitioj ihest eddresaea to the secretary of state ia or der thai they may be prtwoted to her majes ty and h r fl prince albert 1 beg you 10 accept cay thaois for the e- preswos which you are pleased to we in re rpect 10 uy ooeduei doriag my lemporary ad miarjtraticc of the goveranaeot of ibis to- latnm muhmtnmmhnh aam ftra it un vut vfavm w4l uhct l tmj pr t ttwj imtmlrt lb ltnw ywlf ii ltlflt i t iwwivfkiwt x m d wt to i a the ao juvlif ti lju in iw unltrw bhj uw cfjiimn utr brv4 j ljmmf- tttuvl dlw avl mninuf pfjilpnv nora ir tilt euiroa wc wish every man who deetrw hintavifaflt auhyect fie cofiilolence and rommiterathin and who is x involuntary reiident of kingston to make hinwetf scarce and votunteera in plenly will be found to supply hia rjnro we are pleased to see by tlic lower ca nada paperathat the dedrict council act works well m that section of the province the qeebee dwlrigi conncil has adjourn ed till march next george okill sluart enquire son oflle venerable archdeacon was appointed warden of that dttricl l- the late lord sydenham it will le teen by the following anirie from the mercury ol the 14th inat thai he rrocccdinga were cooductcd in a moai saiiafactory manner rarcirat onvsicv roecil- iv laakrnaaf u suk sf uw peaoudii or t halmoahad on sitbmavt tiui iunt lb ut4 dsv of tht wmui it pmletd hy law h ta waneen artvmaj petition from mr lm- ftvabj th htiiij clerk prating to he one of ihc prnyi nhoc 4hvi ire tn bt mba4ut br le cjnr- to tn fikt fie tl oiitt tf wliikm- clea air- cion eettfiied a iw petition froti air laid c luww ad mr mswim aretrnka oh fol wr il g bhjtau tk tsih 10 be riri roc use him fir- mr tunivu iofuind oartbir h mi orvw 10 tuna tstbtr pero wiihout my prcitan frovn thr indltidbil upon salae urmfj aal uu mr fteenan aainhavivhaaeamefmr tnaeej i a rifort ffon the comkawe of eduratihi u read iid kdcot pn the raotioa el ntr wn- aefte a ti law wh thru rroortcd j mr fr imt pta- ivlmf svi i 0p out ottti ctntnrinca ilnuu hi wm by iv ceuneil sn6 tae li- i 0 ii cewjivri who an out of ofike wire drw tot another fcjdav wai nest resorted crwn iht coia- niilifcsfeiaiekttioru rrjiutmg th ducbirf ccthtdytmi ccgrij vojer lhrouflk4t the dttict whick n psstrd mr gsricpf sune diwrotxnl tku baaasl camniiiw 10 ubirh mu referred br maturcok ncraied psrwsrt of st roe tt4 of qbe whitrd rhcir report nd with it it- irtn to hi rvetrwncy the adfawftrator of nm go faaaaawatf wueb re j j- and fron n p jc ec mr av4ud the wirdco w ai reejkivd to uantftit ihe mm to ii it hierlltnefp thr cworil lhea praerrded is nv- uvca ser- oh tr the of ckrk when m aap0 ihtt mr ifii- hid thf lijjriv mibnr sc vote mr trudtl ihc nn lad mr 8elea the netl ad auditor wtt l mr lhd c l-efr- eots of chawsn rvbe httuw the ttrvrvt uunbee or voli wh declared to be dulj elcctrd u thu of- ace mr rtfiand lubfniltfd t vob4o to the eavtt that 114 werdea be aulboeikt us runw a bvhnr ly the couneil to acl vnultho nealasaiiov wbiebwas aaaaaa a nratiati of itjoyniwerit wa aroicd awj pa- 4 the wares a andc a few c4acrvauout tfrria itiii ihe atiniioci pn to the local want of tfc csuatry pariiigi and the avaaurea the council had adopted tiirtrrd that the couocllora tren wu awari of ihe morurt i t wwh which the ctt ril wa chtd thai ihey knen heir to advance the lolenrt of their rtcetia aardhea in ibt pcrfcrer attces of ihosc duikt and soon thek return to thrw cctwtitfhnta thry rouhl pit there stevrate infar oaboo of uv powtn whch eaa be cireebcd br the cooactt ror ihe adanlaa of the fcoole gvwnllr uvou ui the ihttnct- tko awtsbera ihc tcoir aud to facet ea the ant tuesday id march after htiinr nswrtce out the acute a focd worhtnr trw sd hneerr otflai iw m 1 l r ufudrikmoftattkiirdu nasi 4 tttci4f and aast ti la aluiania 4aauti anilnva arsnagtia anu haj lmiftxy irvjit ioawaw sf uhtrh vai airrett are rttrtd vrtoi ka af tlw tlipprrj rharaekr r f i f 1 1 1 j the wttttsaew hthref atl u hwlj ard e im sid rwcr in froit of utr tew a all areounia outanr ognt tho coni- niilice ofmuiisrement wfflae late nvsniee- ingaronriioie io 1- pveaenied to mr ruw cll on or before w h 8 ad- jlstteucm individuala whohavt contnhutod to llti pmvweal fund ar respectfully reujwta ted to caj ll the trwwh james lkuwn jr kkj aa there will u 0 ovfuiency fpitk subshibutl h on hand a bnja j dijawrtmmm jt- uiftlstmas ig1pts vtw irll vrry low wm vilsoff- cornr of urock snl stroel kineetonasj dcvshmi cord vo0d oaa cohos for tltoi p cord wwaiwwawarsajj cwflbteal bteet and street kingiton 334 ttieprincfl of wales fund flllk jubtcriprion ti u hl f x lies at ibis oiite f jnature chron at osteite 0jci kingston dec 2u i to medical wntlkmen ereenshielo millih have jiial received if linhtng1i a cor rt foment of the tollrwing ran and valu able work which wy will dttjnoe nf cheap i cojiy wars anat0cal plates new and improved edlm rw comovled comainme 103 plait cqunm ajitr failure demy fouo with lett press aire if the plaice 4 copic ijm byetcmor snnjery rft 40 c4pevfev jvofrs the drawinee after ndfc cuade expre- 1y for the work in 2 ntirea kinpton der22lt bant notwet greenslelih3t miller have on hand a eoncrnent of ihe fol lowing article whkmtew are trwtrnckj to ditpove of at love nnn 30 barrels peel 8 bcei 90 salt 00 boxes tin arj 33 boxes mofltrea fvap very runeeiov 3 iluxcn tanned siirpitns kinstit dee 32 h4 1 mx glass ware u casks temhtri and wines asaortn ir and noamir 50 boxes and half haxa windsor ulssa for sate vtty low for cash rvqrttasjf frft we can safely assert with our old corret m- and withwut dioaragensent or re flection that the accooirnoeaticew io be ui a dalyaerthe oibsr hotels in hjogslon vrill bear compstiscin with any atber lonn in britlih orth america- ii hss bora a aiatur or equal diseusl and r rfi it to oa to nad bat singular ebwtu hre been and rtill continue to be caoaltntly made to bring inu sturvpele not only lha eccomind lions but teen the locality of kineatcn by aaanj iadtvuuab some of whom are em aaoutbed in iboir calitssnus and we baea no beauaiian la aajfcaf that those caluaiawa lake nee u the satineatioo ihey feci st kingtons hariaej been selected for the seat of goeera- mat the allusion asade hy the boston ceetcipond- ent whose lelur we haee aeen la the mid land district to mahabilantt have long since had many ewes to feel lobe the fsel for be last tea or a doten yean all bonarawo snd rea- sonabkcboru have keen used by ibemapitra c v the grand joiors and the isaaenlial phha btusl to induce the jovemmtnt to tattle the wimcrneaatn rear ofitaiton bat uifluehee aarsasoant io fair deahng bare rendered all these tfierta fruitless wa hope better tiroes arc in more for ni and we trott the nrsl and best aluttuan of the ixstriol coeacil uhi be directed le ink object and that the crown ceoimiasionet will farther their shiwa with all the power in his di jrok saltl laraatu l- ohio hvnlsaftbe best iuuriesciirtioo a the suscriaersatore pont barracks kchd ha1ni decern 3 iw- ahchd chambers the american mail due last night u not as yet arrivctl and from ihe winds which now prevail it is probable il will noi reach am today for iho chronicle le caieltr ji ro rae rvsectitow f assat srey vr -v- moaircal trahcrist 11 dee i ire acnuaded mr iw that had the wrftrr sf uv cdoatt aa trdm trsaacripi lee prearai ind w itcd the great proceatkiit to auirtoii rtoost ht esaidrnro of ihe adniiftsirsior af tht co- irtndhai on the oiy of maeffl rtjoctjj or hid he wtlmued ihe aoul allertnf rrjokiap iwantreaard on that dav ha ccwwsliea oflhe popitiou event ef lhrthof a rojsl prlnee wboac rate h it umj lped weaotio awij in baa tlach of 0e the wrariakt uflhe grval andeloricwa draiuh lmvf he woum nxl wilhntj apolepte to he vncdevut mhvvl of ictton for o eratjiout t4wl con- uhvd in the wordi prtcaced lo this crtjiratih onulcwin hw data gaaette job will laithfjn cvunicw the aroecedancs of thai monuc dai and i need not swell jour cscwbh hj any darrip lion ortnr ow mdfcekat ac ilthea 10 ttate that the eiubrsltsn af that aut okioa evssd st worthy ffn roftltt itita k pton jaeloynfbe- rtuk itj 1 1 1 1 y 1 1 an to a wa loyit tubjecta ad vke upon atl oeaaoh uiteuttoctuy dmtii r i thew iiu m m alutianee to ihe criuah crn and w pood twn 0 atacvfors for uw aaw of etvyandiha balicims cum9urf tevcral uwfit in cantda netee found a retfowoe eacrot in chjruj orpttrfor ibu- xmetihcauoo at iutjaic tomsc leeied for the f ure paawaeeui of iw ercat provwee llr 10 tlf f rvud irr nc rf ji of ita iihtblaiilj mi ji of diipujfrj anything lx atwwdtitt they took net wjih eofiierapt bul wtah ennteaaavn aon tb ii in thit exutca the bilter raneeur nhteh in a thmhod ttutes u kvr m at thorn umwnat sed ikavmte effort aro belni con- atanrly aaaoc to prrjwdirv aahltc opuawn at a diaune aatnii uv food of kieplott 00 tyeele of atatruhoaekfluautcdinihauteedmlileatop but upon ihc bjrana oflhe wionhj awutfc wji thoi unvruths recotl with lbrkf jajt nwird oflhiiasafitof rilitkauwn lean gte mfswaj e- denco to uw frflowing eilraet sf a tolrr rseoitod uvo day frosa ftorlon thewinj that the eireiaks of etndowv kfntion traritt to iurad ihti cswsotnfar aad wide and by tucb 6oru aucmot todiiert briiiah tveecu cetng bt the canada hnc from riarung ihe mftrctotw theae rflbrta wilt pcote rrulucw f truth u powerful and umit prt- i l and iho bootcruani or others whs ttu kmt- tcw will lad if not seh rtawuhwcot as rrcaoni house and fiwel hslu but oneh aorr aeu and rsunsal eoaafort and ai much leo trpcnw in hb lienfd town tlwy will aiw honci land- v- ilv rood cfcocf sawal bouar the beat of tvjnrt eirfl acnanta and tery ovderaie perfr and ilftoui refltcunc uyon owh hovhi aa the bis2 trrvcett houte ia noolon he great attor itoukr in rfew yseb st aunitar etiiuiuwacau uwovfweui iho aamw where jow pay oeiofwt price and lure lopvt at wtu earth bwtcitwity ihey will andsldikya bwuab aokew hacel bm aecri other novae in kutraten esmeytw deansle lo make a travener be what it taay ha mo or ocrce coodurtabk and saliocd at iraat as naacbioaa any other town in csnsda iftnraion haa hem ajwift ufipreleno and a comnvm noaetty hom bo if not fairly repreecaw not miirrrcat4ird bi lisrs and raluisvuion wid hate thrrf mr editor wirh thr lew hasty rtmirn 1 wdl eonclvdo bapioj yu wdl frewa tiasc to tisw mderukr io chaause tae eahaswiatort and v forth fair repfcaeniausus of ihe true poaiuso of ovr tew a v- a kir dec lth i41- tor ihe chreoclr k ctieue sisone month hit trsntpwrd aasee for ihe crrcuo of a eff rer as gsnsaoewii a v gtictte by l tnd kkci o hatcboen ohmq trndcr erw the canasoaw ri- rruted ise nnw umr an the ihcbwardofworkt re tst puttir ore tbtt brpt rn hfrith 4 autf of iwtpcnce with io tho r nvnvaw ihe uoic ased far uw eowotetion ofihe brrd atcry bceiyjob to tiawled m the wni rjwmwsag ths nwhlae as si a use to know whether board afwarki like toaae of our oad otrewantca aro oter itoctrd wu boauwi or naie sfiajschni orw ue nvhict aaj wfaeoaii mr- uasr on ihc subject will very much omife your amc srrtanti the ruulic salrsejf v4lsblc freehold property thk subscribei heqasrnt ihe pubetr that he hie leceld nrfrnciiockto sell bv pamc auction on tponoay the blh day of january next all lha wimble freehold yt- perty corner or liraassnl joteton ilrrck via no 1 cons attar of cethcre nearly new now orcopied by mr vy d ad tbnwst pu fcr elrii surveyor tjtawrj 6 ftet front hy 70 feel deep st ibe low trwsl f to per annum lend if now vacant en he rented far rjouj dirred opposite th resenct of mr j scobell boilder prn4 the new webnirnrc a erected the epper dories beioe neioccapcd by ihe nws oleice ibt lower sprtsenu bj a drocery m dvellinx hoaiehen2 dont by 35iterp at the small reel of ir91pef annum rand if va cant intne eaiuin sreftcervtdre rmied for 150 ne3 the building recency erected nwi hy the krituh wealryani si aw school mv being w front hy 4fl let deep intending porchasri wilt do well to view the shore lots ssthyaif well sitwattd and the huildines are all i lor farther paitice bra selily af by wtlrriost paidj us ab3tc kinptoe dec 144 itml 19b tractroclety the ktncsronanxiruny to ihz religious twctsocictt or lott dom hmvvs on hand i ther ihraaebavfi a sery extensive stnei oflhe societys ba publicatierrkritabh for sablmthscluol and family libeane kingston i5lh de ism new dry goods store fluiit selai flwftl wc leave muil sropeetfoji i ly irt annuiiwre tlial ihry orrnow uuniu fa ihe new tee otwie al iii turner l ntmr and kesr ttiselt a ttty ralehslve an4 writ thirst ed atoeb ol h uoujt to whu x ihev wvum vile the attentiea ol the uultc iveir slack conutu m psit of a inter iusntity fl u3isaid md w in tttacl sloe brown lm blr iliile snd cw ret htue urown infttble pbhl and iha- mond bnesti and jmmf i nerrr doeilint tweeds klcahmet snl kvrhcs cmu- sergei plaijinrt krnryi and ba tentive astotlwirnt of an ex red and white flannels upviior svrantcien cbovct assorlfice quarto new world r i for the rwrth velaae wvuk wap i tk cottto ov pans ochjamin dkhlst u kh srwm wb s iiipwl ifcp v w it w- l afiriah ku1 h ifc ti r ir ftmt 0rwdav vitai i inp fclt i i4f sti h4kii tuv j i f la lvb f tw im hfyll att tithh mm u msnthswe t lrimtritwi sai b- r aen- vrhh ih it- wi iawevwfa pilfelvrt f i r mil i tie wivi bll i haw row u ii hith a u a tri i iiu i wnha r aiir i- thvkjirmi eai tm t hfal t41twime ttas hb fctrti v ui ifc afa aid w ik tx w tai iae ii iwnty five thousand cores tw i wa isanwwsriwwwiaad ross uodd merfhftnt taikor lateiy from loion where he hss been termsny sear rested in he mem ft- ahieuv ettsbiishnnu yih which he hai lorawd a rcnncelion r ihe purpose ef telne aopplied wilh ihe sslieit twctshhatf ol the chsnrr af faihiomimves ioanrunce to the gent ano irwrbitants of kins- sun jnrffac avtcuvtaraood that hrbs commenedhuainessas a mer chant tailou h quarry strett two doorirroo ire5ir w he vill always keep on hjnj j coetptrte assortment ef west of inguwfc other c10ths kerseys csnumee pdols beavers twrrdi vesiincs ic ex of the newest and moil fsshionanls fahrand eattrn r d flatters hisiatf that fro- the expe rience he hsshad inwalse m1litaky cmforms and tl dlr5 riding h tijts spanish cloaks that he will he we to 0m psrfectmitf io j a with whieh he mv a- hoarired kiunn 15th dcfrrnbcr b to leu rp hat eeatjud iwah house in store a sinreierrkjitherirettiacaof the iwbeerihee foc lnc reaijoncc of thomas ftccr per leens apply co kingston oct 0181 gcj 07 no 21v i aid i j- m currnce sttedti inrnijing sove veov dasony and rl wlth af uiidajt2srtr33avasi2sjos grntlemens fliin and embroidered svmn and cnavarr bucb brueli iuf snd india tuncuonas ulaek snrf colored aicnwri led s stony figured orleans french indianas mounelinrs de laiitr sad chslle tar rss manchester hriolrdcaucots fi j- j aisd biown cottons i maintains 34 bedlkh t jaconet moll and book mismaa helled joeo- hcvfj twillej snd ptiin mcih end recalls anirtm- lsmba wool sj wonted panta loons snf froeki worst ed cotton and jodu ruboer bnacca black beaverkid snd wool- tn groess blschsnd colored v ivrleens dark crosiovers uapafi huccnlnick nm linen rouia duvk twilud batnf aad canvass a splnid tsnrlnwnl of pkh lahtot mihnvouj tluwet rluek lace anh kfmd ohawis i blsck coid fieured and main cies de naples black and cold sls velvets cautfj al0 and kuteilrine rifc- hnni biilish chmtiluv soft and wire jrownd veils blond taxe ttlk and crape ilkfw and scarfi wroueht muin coueriendcui linen and scotch camntic hks a choke tortnirn f sjvony tsrun ctoain puj shawi ftc torrllerwtha rntrslasaottaienior small wares tbr ahovr uou hstm been carefauy se lected hv one of ihrmielvei io ihe tkilnh mar tela and nujichairj wnder eery fatoravte cit cumtlsncefj they del ronaderit thai ihey will be found as cheap ol cheaper than can be pro twred in kindlon and they hex to sohcit a cat fmni those looking fcr sech articles before peeehafllit rhcwhrrtt a rose k co kifintan dtc 16 isti so albany boston new york agency the owtarvbr intendiimt io leae kirrinn un mondae anist for the above citirt relurniar irirncdialely would orcerrt furrher coenownne in law or other bnvnrw unexcerd ion able refer ence can he riven edward b almer jvofory ptrbtic ne oiiv at tike hoicfvnrierly occupied by t a ctrhelt esq grave strcei koyrton dec 8el nt b a gen to in englond for ihc recen- lurt rf norumrnis and ttc tranoriiiin nf f wsssjete out eti lamea it itwwsits lower thames slreei london and j c wehalre esc srdkilor deecks hbllt shopauilpart of a dwelling hi ui to let pr ataeery rnedrrate rent immediately in a ononlhthe 5hon and put or the jw nn honte now ocevnteu hy thr sassrriherin store street aeal to ihe pol oferurinr nell liiustod tor say kind of botinru the tlork rontittine or ury coeds cbxhint and gieee- ne will abe be sold st the vllnn ol men la teehosen en a liberal credit by givinc ecaritv j ltnton furkwerr 4 broker kieiton dec jit t isn 50x christmas newvears presents tiiesuatriheislisvecopirsnf the followinj annusu tor 142 tot ssle tn tk tn vwil nu rs or tfajso trie kosetnedartlu and a uree variety of ammineand iwidariivo books suitable for mfcienu hi ttioi aoiulrtie ramsay akmourtlt co feesn street- thf ynjersined hiin trenrd hb nation in the cecwtahalary rolke koree of this town strut respeclfully bes to relnrn hit tincere thanks to messrs the hon j kiiby and j macaulsvt and ol her eentlemen who kindly interested tbemshvea in recommending him to that ajihtln he further 10 make hiiacknowlremrnts to ihp civff i hawemr shaw fur the kindvia he rerei- rd al the handhofthat active and eflkirnt offi cer and also to he men placed undn kb cnhtee foe tbeir friendly conduct jamesdborm kinsitoft 130th pec 1841 new store messrs m rostin brotlrersfrom montreal bef reepreifutly in inform ihe inhabitants of kingston that hey have ofntdastorein ki next to messrs devkee co ond invite the pnwie to an inffeeimn of iher larje and valunnle assort ment ol clocks watches andevery deaerintion nf jewvln- all of whkh they willdianose rfat ihe naosi rrtoderaie prioee and hope io he favoured with a share of puhlk tvalrorofe also a chnie aaaortuicrit of new patterns for needle work kindlon coth deeemur i4l toll gates auction lv irfcrma cf or ihc pari f ihc purchjwea y which seta in oaapcsfsnaaa ajaanwaeja of s ef tael cite no j and i waterloo en iho 1mb intl thr tad tn iahw wnlbepolupst n and told to ths hihc hioler on ironday t the 27ta raf at mr oh phneletsn rrapinre al fovlocb aercnehr fan of ni no- u ihas star xlvh urntsftlekodthiajese pr 10 two ouflirwnl rurouea will he required and ihnr nssaes fjks in tee approval at the umc of saj dt ordrr cf ihr board chas ctwminc c af an bwdofiee errauohh dre isii cbr15ta1as k nkw years offfik- willhe sold si the suuicrihers auction rooms onthnrsday and friday eecn- int 3d and 24th initby auction a qasnlity of new and resujifeliyheunpl iboks smon- whkh wdl be fonnd manv sat table for ckrt mat snd new veals olfrfinrs abo mspi irdcbsrts drawiabook te collins it haines sale at 6 oelockcach evening clsjwur tin be had on tnurtjay kineston ud dtceobf issl atfr ntif rr t rm 0kta i uw ltn4 lait ttat thtsf hfhth hraosnshhwruio reaataum ssj iv ujmw paat avih r44 tin tt ilwk4 shmji h if rtrtt b t rt fnt tail j ym iti ottwmt f w oa dwaut kfttttri n hrfwmj vrw ripfi oh wmettrt nmtautij iu 41- r n w whaahnwioadhw atatm tt tj i td4w hml l ihmi4 a r fe44mut r -i- 1 1 j v rrf iw ripai ima twipa h tfciaj ahii ll u wvi4 ui m vupnttf- te art ii j pee ww mt fft nf iei a aasao f mm- riiwwm t widufrj mavswwawaw inensreasersveswl d4hld matron fkifrcal j gseicn in f tl i fsss ia ujw n iwrpaeff ras imir hscwaaynsi w aad ari ie cmh rm t u- wmiatie h4 h tr ifr e i 11 t- ti n fc ewutww at what vturbijv 1 m a ta aw hl wtasa j r a1 wiih tuunw frtah j rphai t hicwra ttas n aawr and flahium4tpac 4pfftwihf torij iii tat f t4 iw vilpft vn- tffh faasj afsfeet w iisv ww c r u uix pw a awar a nii mism w kiv- wl aad sa hut vi evaf awrwnaut c v lrwtpw j i ttlti isrr re wiht tjr tarp44teftai vbmi nti4 uhjfs hit aure ifti u eowtr a t hmih4t k mm u f rfiim awl pn- rnmjiri44ae original articles vj h tot arwncan micro wtll enira not ia fcsnwisp ittftif lauiivf tivtabi iivii irf i j i r 1 up ur iar psratw tn aw i aautty inat ttuhrixhtij a rkw jaoeax ti iiis ff h- mw wwhl adcttnico tf sht pahsomiastolir or th till 7 rn 11 b j h raj uhirete4ia-uf- at ht h p phm wtlft m- ti4nl aduarllf litta lt mttn trf ihr ovhptrl miu iyiimh to ftka f ilrp iaal lu ti m nhfif ttuwii frtnf ritrt- t4ulmlwuvjsrtm uham rhmtraaaarwtalt twtiw u rwtf thr new w il 1 toan- w st jriuiawdh klcoaut wqtavlllqi oh wooo rnjw wt mil tfrkvj daatru taw isree irf iwr wju ln k i a rfjw papf il it alw mvj ht vr r lh pilfarwrvwrrilli atsr rradrrt 4 the h w til w in t rt il on r4 ah aufapwe a ctuklia ouaiur an rwhtriweti wha dca rmm at rwaiwciktwwai t tm tsifs valvar j s krilosufe ik fwnawj ahjf panuwf i n t nwr hlrtipsttf to tw vj i t fotkudlce i 1 r 1 r kr ashtthm tfvb pnwivt tt hti nte t sm r itif latiaxa w i iuwmh i ar hiiv tffel v mtr ih or nuiuij htd llk n ir ftew tot la k lft rvirxm r rethivtsr a utc n wral wp w fmlif iwham 1 1 as ariaai w rtatwawrt i lfni aawtttrtcd u nil ahh vast c we ifkv ljat tiiii rttftfibf trarw awrlhrrt u rtuac tt vw 1 k wr irra la irra vt jn tlm f tita pi i au ewe yv a 1 m h l l rmvwi sb l tf yvs john crriffhtwn vrmi co n tn 1 ivihcavofr- land 0 cares da kellelaer beos te rrlern hit inccre thsaks to his niunereo iwnd and the public for ibe ten liberal rn courser men i he has received liner h conrneced buineis in kmwn and wihjld aatlntniranl as f nriofmos and avie yenr iafwl sfnioahin he will have on hand an jhunjanl soppl uf ihe followine artitrtsllof wwh he nailers hrelf will be tonnd of the best riiality and can wiih confidence recom mead tliem l hrtrarndi and ihe uiov nt mini confrctlonarwi tn fancy iackr ta peessltt ior present homs nf plrntr in fsnvy psckaes for de co seed plumh cakes ptaio itemb cake scotch ttunni sreteh seed cake short lirt mmu flan d k wef j ah inlmalc that bis aen will be ooca duiint chriumm sad new year dy to acre module ibuie families who wdl ool and it reiivtaicht tepnrchase the days previ ous n r th land 0 cakes is that shop lately hy llr john sbaw hsker urock street kingston i7ib de itml i ai r rniiilon wajltvtli of ma jies howell abool mm afajfe a native of scotland he lrfiu rerwkil in 1 8s7 h recond msle oflhe iskip henry hliis fa f4er left tlreie for lau ontario and was last beard of a luin- matier of a smalt scheoner on lake etse if this tliili meit bis eye be eaineaily reiuraled to eeturn neane as his presence there will be of advantsee whiaucusa well as hra f rkndi and by annyihp to mr lousdale couhaeltor fjeetei pmuc ha1ifasbe willreeeie any asswtsnee rn r u- will return bame aod heat vrhat may be of use te bias any perioo sending iafbcmslkn oflhe said person lojmr 1 iasle will confer a favour ihnl will be thankfully received hilars htease lo cony ihli dec 17th u d9 if it w ho avukiels hiiukllim iinil ht a tei lit re btem k r ii i 1 msomo uwq htfcfcu ttrttrt tlltsiiferrderahaverjiwreevedih llataf rail fnhvisimnr frnn lyihdiwi cuiwshnf of vers laree nn wrll aasrrie stock of vlain and fancy htas tlontkyoml pbitkd books tlbetr near connccirur with tle olden roldiahed ifwrnf snml rnwachl da soar station iaa f cm ispsitn m vweelheti dvatitaam m the jnrrhaae f their stoek wlnrh few eoiaeso and eweare them asupply nf the wff hca4aviiejob and at ihemtrsi moderate nrteee a vhaht vsaiitv 0 aienunt livudae of all oiwe und rani j foomai jeiter and nude pspen nf at i iualitce plain aaal fill drnuin lsper and pencils utiar wafer qnills or kr waefawl general lftkratlheo and school books of alt kinds atao a peal varwly of childreno ivtuka aunahle ft siw- ivrwfi snj chriaimaa and ne yeare gifts book end juto prjaj inj nrady and cape ditivuety enccuul conpcrjmase ensjovinj and printme account books ruled and hound tv any rtatiern m 1 n- and m- ii for oalo ortlcrn from kuslaml ave- orders received tor every annie ew- neeied wnii ihe uinineoe io le imported from englanooft tht united states to en ihe arrival by the ert spring veiwle of any hrthth reuirel from england the ordera should hejiveo on ir befrv tlte t0th january neit kingy oee ii 1941 47 wm stodart is sons pianoforte manutourers to iriai h4jc17 i i r t r a 1 1 i wo- l golden enje ivenwm hb w rowsell havnebeen ss- oinlrd aenis by measn 5lsdart i sns for the sale of their planofortics m canada w dl be bsppj to receive ordera foi of tbeir laslnamrnla to be fon kn land the mlowur is a list of the vrioue invirujnrnta with tiriecv in stertint money m whkh 50 per cent oniai be added for cost of packages ifilfrrence of eiehanee j t i i t uraace ilc mjoo fioemsh rose 6uineow gumens guenc4a patent horitonlal grand ptsno fortes with 61 ocuves isanrjo 2s i falent semicrand 6 ocuves do co no ths above witncitcelar rni 5e ealra csvnet i ocure me tallic ptalc snd nee front do 70 80 da 6 otueeide node 75 85 cot u re 6 oc laser mr tal lic bwhl and oeee front ditto 55 gg piccolo w octsres 44 rvond f l l juse square piaoofarles k ft rek imul do do do do and circular cnrnris 40 42 do socuves bar sod metallic plale 44 46 48 do do da do snd c ire i- i corners 4fi 4b 50 patent fi rand sjnre piano foelrsbnci do da do fljori 60 fv one hf oflhe pnte aaaad be ajall on ordtrmx ihe muromeni and ibe balance en d lively in caih or approved endorsrd nolev at 9u dayt with ileref for which 10 per cent discount wvu be allowed a diecount of 15 pr cent wdl be drdoetcd if the whole asnoent t paid st ibe lime ef eiviar ihe order v fersani who descre to base ptanns sent from enjlanl hy ihe esrlwel sprin vreaelt ahoutd eivo their orders immediuely kioirrettoronlo end brock suett kinj ilea dscemecr 15th 1s4u klutstou agency for the new world 11he fvawej resprelfultr unvwa the uh- uc ihat he has accepure ihe alerter ef new would and lr now perpend h rent awassenjawna for ihat ajfahl wres rj jowwoj tv aesscnt is a mry adanlaeoona usns tn snv acribe aa a new tetwaar of uw qwarto swwwwnstes an its january gtav- nd oo artiest now k j rreaa of puhbeatwu in the new wi bo i fotelh uuarlo vokmo hat a ay he aaaiassjjssd l intbxty and sejeasi wort ah aflhacvibera who senr from ths iisuu je of ihe third vocoeae tjojy e 1wi nil ah ue ibe whole of uw popvlar esory af cisnnaxi o fvsjw north use rwn af 4 pears sns tna irvt vsl ia onsd n ajw it ai wo doman seeuwew wwa wiu w salwaw orntcra rtwatwee dlars s year mtsrvanly as j0hj cpfigwton boat folios albums cpr case ml card case pocket books vunting and i i i r carda t etc for sale at the chronicle gazette 0ee to be let and poseion given on the 1st jan uary next a room on the ground floor of tne new stnnn hrenstw opposite mn forsyths readence in grnan street larke khanl auitahle for an oftee oe a shop cnqeire at thia offiee kineiondcc 13 1641- 48bi chrooick c oaaetu otve kirru dee 10 ibml list of rlttm vwaa ht oaveal nspaetah lchcr ifu amutare franc anhn john 1 n saaaucl bteaham wdltuo foceicnn ftcv sanwj 8em goaeijb bowen thenar iism eobib wbita fh i 25 do sslatnn trout lki falls caub for sale by decern 1841 nimi caldfjl tenders will be reeeiveil at ihe slot of w i i mccuftmrrt ry li lil monday the 27th rnaianl at aoonp from perrons t to conlrael for the delivery of five thousand bushels of sand at the new seminary in the park of selma before oie first day of may batt tho sand tn be of the betl quality rlean sharpfond free from loan kinaaioh dee 1 1sik butter sokepfsckedbultsrofasu- neriot rimj for sale br decern iml aaanj fraw calaaw aiary foaore teter v rith i 4ijfjjft john conncl cdward dwe abnw dodfc twelet durwtv ihvkl li ahru dty done j ftolovaoo dewiap joa enborrr andrew tloaore v p emlpujit aon edar rrawr waan firapavwk t graham robert lieedoo mr hickiyvalwr hill juhn hajl kichard hanohoissoa n- vr m in acuaran tvwa hcw ui1 kpauick wnerfi ljuntjanaa 2 linefeed joeepb umotnoasn lmrl amhonj m muaw oamt jr htehfaan richard mrcaraakn besdo vkri wb ale who m- r haessh j mrttn alar frrooiltuw olearte john 0nrillsrks 0 5uaash pwnsecaav rhdupt ln ltajhwfiavsahsj roujo jobs rnwai- auaney cirotina sfwr ttese n jacob spencer kof no j n i edwvd m wjhapt f thtton robert d wkr rrcdcewb v t whicoes richard vvarorr ctwrtca wrlu hoesee wiuitir si hnbrn j alt 300 tirls unceidaeo slt for sale low lor cash by lice err iftu htch calif jofcnalon henry jajntijwl jamet tc ituaic kithps thoeaaon n b suenofohs sboie lettm as iraboiesom ae within st tfotxs will bt sent to lha dsaol if iter q qwthee allak jaucpherio t m

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