hit annual vwlftvh ij tilt onwia vt k- uvx s vat uvr li rtfinlrr- vii 4 tgi ululuv l inriubrr iirtj in it ivjitlnvfllnu illnt i nhvmtal fta- mlanm itm niaum sar taj faajuvttt jijo rfixlrcf maik trier- ivitlurit vvilavti kh il vktf iwiideut john waifciru esq tiraaum jvhti padon eia ncdiry mr william ruwjell stktomoj kitirsrd hilrhin- iwn ii stnilklmp k mr timari bfi jr cltahltbik j counter cmascr mr noble ilmcr mr walter uic- mr ami lmwflp hu will that r1lj 10 m- proprrlv in canaija bj vboin m will a been proved aer the per- ili within m fit of r t u r r i- erorn major rvkj0 i rxhutlte of i- traletor th foreign fonji and ja properly in scotland and ca i j colonial uatft- mfvh 2 married al k4 r i n ik- il fcur viilnr ki n- lmmiirt li r i iii i t i jiiuiiuy rj ik-hahi- n by lie nt dr kamaj mm r i mri janscs ii bnft mr win stiwrtl jr j mr jiitifi ttumkve committee j star nicfcia raq mr chat w jenkins kdnrd h hanj- dejlo mr mr thomn a letur wat rratl from ihe hon john kirbr qycauri- that he mihl not t f b put in notnini- lion for the office of prttitltnt in cortfmhnc of ill health the society piatvd an uiiimnmua toic otlhanka to mr kifb for hi nnat srrricc tic numbers expressing their reiprcl by riing tihcn a 0 sir walter scott the ole was put aoi directed that a comiiur err stating of fire senior officer of ihe socictr should trail on hira uiih a copy of ihc rctolutort mr k i presided oaer ihc ojradom of tha so ciety ccr airee its formation at foe ihe hal ihrcc lean hsi btxncketcd hj acelamalion the fiocic- ij itfircrwur zn thji in ofllerr uno pote the ifleeliooale esteem ami rcpccl of all hit eoun 1tfiien ahoum be obh d lo lcte thctn vote of thiankj were irc to tl oflr of ut jcar the balance of lh ebnritablf fuml in ihc hmd of the lite tycmircr thiraa aiken ozuounli to 40 the soeklt will dine tojrlhef at on s george day l71 ed on ihe i9ih jantiarr itat at ballinaaloe of pio- tracteddbcateofthe henrt in ihe 70th rear ofhia i- aaron alkjnaon caouire the attthor of several woffcaonihc political and stalbtical hiatorjorire- und father of the iu a f atkinton reeloeof si catherine and of william alkinaon fiaq of mofilrcal at quebec 28ih moieh catherine crawford wife of mr a mcnidcr after a aevere illneaa bich aho endured vth much chrittian forlitodo and reitgnitiofi in orford on the tixa inttanl eli sarah daugh ter of the hon etvard hair ajfid i yeara at bovtofnescrmer on the khh jaauarj llmtlle wife of caslarn williaoi webb r n and debtee of admiral sir willoajhby lake k b c pied al t parith of straiten ayrahire on lv jcui january margaret pitmen in her mnety irnnth year she wa the otdrat pjrlvhioner and daughter of the celebrated robert paieraon tlie qn- auction salk ok mousehoi4j fukn1turk will bowld ms kltlday next itm 81u lortj at llic rmijcnra of aatkt c04l gen itayleyhtuli auleof stuairctt houwlinlil furnlluit kilclirn utoiwtu siovetickc etc tncxvollont onler ali will be put up at 1 1 oviock a gooj htmng hj mtc wetl awtiiuil fur sojolc or tlvr- ncaa sate ot 10 oclock j linton a btc tm klngjlon april 2 isj2 79di old mortality at peittr p 1 rr 11 v r n nf lutm linrtf jv s rit ibe tiut ultimo coravajltv moiiau ot yciira 1 aih and 04 daya wr aforrav wa h flrvi mafi rtitm limn mlliiufwi and bofrtha nanr cf lav itut ov 1 1 rnnr cf ifai prmiam he ai uit ounnt imi ni ili rev juijn korean who wu the ilfi lpikopft t tfymanaiaiint j at luikntiuif ai halicai won beotia a u 6h oun mary b fr atwawm pryor euft 7 utwm craf mnfiffr mon- tat ihrttaittfrlmuafyt 3pti0t4- nrar manehn lei mr wilham grital ottlr ba i fc mmwh 0m d v urtm on j brother mm ai iw lvsficrj nor mvent laraecara the beam o1iicr nf dk prutj- iif to ihr pmutc h on pr of bet refcwco inie irii til mr tatiao hatine leliard lo i air creai an itueaird lo act a lnaa ohl l iel junrh eetirf 7v h af ftmivl find ihe follow ing partieulara of ihc teeond arreal of mr lloran in the roeheater democrat receired thia mornin- rochcilcr april i arrest of iiogan welearolhatthe ootorioua j sheridan i gan who made auch a figure at lockport came to thia city from canada vratriday in the goec avamboat and put p at the national hotel juit a he wa leaiin lat cteninp he naa arrcatcd car ried before jualice warner and aflrr a lew prr- itminanca sent to prison foe eiamrt alien al 1 oclock today thr appearance of thia individual here 0 aoon at- tee ha boast that he weuld trarl any where in the initr delate depending vn ihc picctton ofihe britih geernmel loot terr wch lie a dctjn lo make a lion of himaclf by lieeomina keed me- lrnd he woa cxee4drlv imperiirxnl loaded hrgety of the wooden walu of old rland ke he will not promuy t eair lh umc ul lwepp5 i over attain in ahr iindrr be trharartera of lle u uroiheu c mr umni waa nmivr of ihc iwvih otstrti- l but hteinc allm in eatljf tote in imcvalfo ft r ia rll lira molnt m ihf eotvm ifijr ami uk fniorwrc4ml induatry itiiitft a vcf am- ft nxtunc rrpare to fijh ihe mclcodcoijirnrcrar afnl 2 rxamixatina of ffoqasv hahft a hit i hit h rk n at 4 teiaeipai of fa antjhini li i xha tji j roe ww w real m i i ht lra k uilr lh jiit wiivd bav t ajivfcl l pr fit w i irrnl in hit catf rcd frf mi sftfr nnai- aittti up ff esm n- ay rtrniwtnhi 4tiar i i ruf4ed lijntri r th avlrh li nrrfuh mjui a jiuiit aaflk peakviu ip vmiratii fur ifce atrti f a 4iiffc 4rimhhitf aeiinit to a iouhu rt nl irauf twr jrtufli ikrrnumtfnr il- pftpt a wrviarlti ul a ae n thr pippatau at toviuek i t i r rtamiiinini jai k h fmufd mnrmiir f ilp cuoh twihim ir niran iiqi- mr-fii- thr vj itit04 naked if aniitvr wr mtvrtitt hislm h mj ll 1lr nrinrr iittf jmi r ehirr i ieit tft ritm itr i uefl was him latqcdrr nn md i ilili i i i trtt al v fifbie on the bedy of joeeph talcn tatc pritnv in her majeakfcorjwof kcjal marinta preea- ed in eoteny nilh a euraradv of ihc iitnc itsul- 1om earttc tn0 xhr lonn on sunday afi nrou and aiurliaiiog had aoueihir lo frmutn ft lo lh feiach ihlatf called aj cronna nud there awk about four rjauca of licioer each in ijuiek akccicc after remaining somrtime in the houc deccaxd rote up from kia aeat foe ihc purjioic of toinj ou t n jolti contptuly in- toaicaw a billet of wood waa placed on hr rfaor bnder hia hejd be tvai alloncd to reinin there in that poaition until about 10 o clock at h wbn browo with the atmiance of lurnc nlhtf t radcatoured to raie bm up fur ihe pa of pu- ticg him to ud when il wot difcottrtd that life tiaa extinct the jury after a taigti dditnt ixatni nation into the circumancea fllurmd the fullo inj teidtct that ihedeceatcd joseph tatton came to uu death from dnnliny arni ipfrila lo nern and a tlcttlyauffbcabd the d coated waa a meal defcrmihcd drunkard u chare it en the authority of a letter from en- land from a scjree entitled to credit lhal sir ctergc alflatti lte lieutenant goiernur of ippcr canada will probably mecced lord illrjunttonc in uk cocrnmtniofmodft rilhetubd4riher auonv- for the tnis- jl tees of messrs armtrong gtwr ii3ai to request the immediate payment of all ilcbti due to the otaie and that all parties havingclaims against the estate send their in duly authenticated robert esdaile attonuy for the truster kinplon 3d april 182 fiogi cab for sale we hm on hand at our warehouse in rochester an eastern made cab of suphor wotkminitbip and modern style of manufacture and nearly new having been run only one month the above described article we wish to dw peweofata ry jew pice and any person within a vehicle lobe attached to a hotel will find thi one worthy of notice please address the subscribers at rochester n y hrrrtlh wilder rochester april 3 ltt 80i statutes of canada ctopiesof ihe statutes passed in the late session of the provincial parliament to lnhadatlh oflicial uazette office kington mem h k w rowsell toronto mcstrr armour and ramsay and e r fabre montre al and messrs thoa ciry and co- quebec kingston 5ii fhy is13 80ii wanted a situation as bookkeeper or combined with a business by a married man who is competent lo take charge of a set of itaokshy doubleor single entry respect able references will be riven and security if required address j 0 prepaid at the chronicle office kalori april 6tb j42 qx inction sale n r spring dry goods rjnlle awfrft e artllodcr for sale by auction b at hia ivb ilrtalo warehouae in brock slrccl ot inuraday the 14 h inat and following day xcnsliai atrmct of sefttonablc spring hoods r 1 laat fall ciprculy foe thia snnra trae lb whole of nhieb frill be aold ot mul uhieh oftra an excellent opoortunily not 10 be tot aijhl of foe town and country merchants to rcil niah their spring docks airtongal hia lar and cxteniite astortrnertl to be off r o be i in call their attention to the fotlovr catalogue 5btcsbloachd cuirti from nu i to circulnlln lihrury messrs h k v rowsell respect- fully inform the lenity and bthpuurrts or kindlon ycnerall that they are about moving into heir new prenjiaeson kin street lately occupied by messrs creenshieljs miller next door to mr j- yv brent chemist and druist and in eonsecjuence witl be obliged to close thecirculation of their library for a few iays m tliev aru abocl mvliu large additions to their present catalogue metsrs 1l w r request that all books tioiv in circulation will be returned as early as pos sible that the library may be re op toed with as litte dsfay as possible messrs h w r ikellm opportunity to return their sincere tharks lo their various subscribers and the public generally for the patronage ihey hite received since ihe open in of the library and hope that ihe large id ditions about lobe mode toil will secure continuance of pt fjtots all new works of acknowledged merit ad ded to ihe library aeoii as published term name as lctiire ami due notice wil itc given to the subscribers and the public generally when the library will lr rp opened brhklrecl kingston march 3t 1812 7311 foit sale a valuable property sttualed rn ihe centre of the town of piclon in the district of prince edward consisting of a ihcttting house and garden now in the 0cm mum of pulip low esq a brick store and dwelling tenanted at present by norman haj- lard and thomas koike for terms apply la john fisher esq montreal or to th0 4as kikkpatkick kinirs0nmth march 1842 78ui for sale by private contrac beautiful spot of land contnininj 5 aerisjwcll adapted for a market garden or a summer ridenee in ihe immediate vi- cinityoj trie hnd lately purchased by the hon orable mr kimaly james hnukiik esq and the hon vice chancellor the abore lamed property s divided from that of the hon mr killaly by a proper road of fifty feet the terms of payment are liberal extending over aspace of four years from the 1st august nrt tot further parliculati apply to the aenl collins haines luelionccrs kington april 1st is 12 71 kashionablk straw bonnets just trpcfatid for ihr rprrak trnek- a bri osanrrafjcnt of ttihatiy dun- alahtc rutland ivkui arid cviuurvd straw bonnkts of t fie r yei all am be broufit tu ivaffjldaj whiihehatflic aold al ihc lowest cash price a i d fancy tfiwft- rlill me graf ts 6trgiam ever in qn tnnlrjt only vi cd each lauiiilou printed cambrics ofhupcriordcaigna nd permnnentculortfjat deykes companys who have this da a rcn ke- tluctioit in the ficea of their extensive stmk of every dcrep o dry goods wliuli must lc 0j m orj mflk room for their vcix- spring ini- portallontf n oflh shipmeuts iftvltjch they h w received n b two exfebienced assis tants wanted mmc t1 mtn who thonoglily uidcrsmij llieir business and can he well ttprtm9p4 need apply kington 2j apri 1s 79 to ivuk tear eft 4 su rem cm 46 e wock afir5 of 6 4 g i 1 g 1 tbektra4drraitfd wskstaai heiam aa i 1 t joln wauti k jitor i odmiftimr nar liitrary goriano we have rvccwrd the april number of the caruod trhich auauim the latitat- d character of the maaiioe the foltonjn- is the table of cciileuu the orphan or he affianced orjjriaaj eon tiaued by c m m to r- l c orjnoo by tw aiojtate a poem orifino conclu deal bj mrr i koac murraj or ihc biral freebooters otigihvl by runell nblmav ofterml by rusaetl the jscfovan diughier onpnij conliaued by e l c the moateda call to battle onrnai by jam holmca the detceud brrhl orriaal con- tioed br the earlhuake y mra moo die ml1c uondrau our table trown l sheetiofj bleached a uitbleacbed rusaia duck surmer printa nevrett style steam loom couotia fastor cotton assorted nidusa rpalta shirting a pi on chreka sutitucr grand drills gambroona various patceros brotrn linei drills bleached imperial sunvucr titlni and csmbtctecna asaortrd moleskin some very superior seun boat vhitc counlerpanea bunkelf building lts will be fold hy auetton on the pro mises fcth may next the whole of block w in lot this will bo found decidedly the most eligible situation in lown for private residences a plan may he seen and any necessary information obtain ed by applying to the undersigned the terms of payment will he easy charles hales kinglrn 2j april ibm 7913i sa let nfab kingston thops immediate lntsto or any time btforc f my rnmis- hphe will known towwl pnwm inlh 1 township of p of ml masks 1st eastbrook i i cootainin by adm suneiior land 30 in m lne wiitsd s being made ready b- spring crop with a good loc house on tj peoiios and ftsamll stream running throw the jot 2ul pron part cf farm hounded fa j the calaraui river mile from kotu touching the village bjniei1ld eont shout 150 acres of lidsoor of whih ar in a hiyh stats of eufl f meadow unl pasture til for a dainv hf rcimindr a eooj sheep walk r thcr with a fanners dwetlin ilo nrte coutratpti ccej dury cellar oaristvd conveiiirnt outhms gaod security for b cl will he rmiinr the stock consim of a prime ftsrk m sheep some horses ts com and youn cattle with imprn f husbandry may t taken by the tenants j valuation furtvnur ticulan may be knomon appiiralion to mr nicholas cross of bait lit id- or the subscritier on the premises j h makks calaraqui cftiuge pisburh i a9ul march 18- j gbnbbafi agency cum- ittsston bostness rfk scuscimiklt hrkrfost mencr faaslrirtl m ihc above line nn tliv liisl ol may nel iftttfi respeclfullv to oftr fiii fiervicea lo the mvrrlmtiis ol vytcir canada me will sivo particular itlconltm lolhe nur- cliiseir evrry diwriptam of joola jind the 4le orciioaiomenlsuj 1roluce ot jiquoi excepted iosaestiaii eteitiv experience in i laid- wmcj d pod knowledge of cruccrit am livirxogej the service of a jnon well actaallilrd with ihe dry okhi buiinrs he flilfrs himself that his agency in the purchasr of coods will be found advantageous he hrsto sy that for the last eleven years he lias been employed in one of the rrwvsi ex- tentve hardware establishments in this city during the last seven of which he has had the charge of the butjurst and that for the avin years inecedtn he was employed to the gro cery hnr and is determined to mvke the best use he can of the experience it mis acquired in furthering the intercstsof those who may favor him with their patronage will have correspondents in quebec new york and liverpool charges very moderate will purchase goods merely as an acnt not in bis own name premises si jean ftaptislc street lias ihe pleasure of referring to mms forsyth richardson tc co jtfonlreol rimlfc mjhsct c lee of mcmrs fnrsvth walker co qe6 m- i ii i s joneii hmkwfl jhn watkins esipiire t d harris enquire djniel macnab enire kingston torvnto luifntlton clears hope bz hoif- st tiotfas alexander bbysoiv montreal c8th march ibh 79u kxlcnslvc crji1 sue by atfctox on tudij the lih april nrt and fol low in days at the store of the subset i- ser to close srveral consimnvnls a lare at- oitmrnt of qtoeti w tvafll lhjooif wines crockery and dry tiuods all of which will c od wiliout reserve as ihe stock is very general and consisting offirmvj suitable for the sprint trade mer chants finn the country wilt find it to theit ijwfalisjf to altrmt for parlituursse ca- ukzhes terms liberal lilcii calder lurfoorr in c eaaea printed muiliot i 1 1 i 2 4 i i l 1 1 t j 1 f and chintz dresses m outline de laioc drcssca bombasine cotloo hosicrr slk and kid llabiu and gjoiea assorted muslin j straw i- rir fancj shanja htndkcrehiefa and veils silk bandannas silk and satin stocks aaavrted gros de naples paraaola silk and cotton umbrellas pamiture damaska and friergea to match texas by the new orleans papers we have advices from galveston to the 20lbof mrch that formidable invasion fiom mexico dwindles down sadly in these accounts and seems to be really nothing more than a border foiayfor the sake of plunder when hsl heard from the invadeis were retreating toward ihe rio grande lacn with the spoils of san antonio general burleson with 1 500 men war pursu ing them by forced marches and intended it is said to cioss the rto grande thus carrying the war into mexico president houston declares inn private letter that war shall nowbe waedaaintl mexico andeontinucd untilshe recognizes the independence of texas the army lieut colooel men c b depviiy adjutant general in thia coonnsand has been appointed as- uum adjutant general at cork and cotoatl william rciran formerly military secretary ait canada asaiatant quarter master geneeal at cork coiooet yorke tihonaa sir james kempt secretary in canadsj has received a aimitar appomt- racn lo colonel ronana at eiv m rr cuuc anercmpliucaiioaorthcisillofihc laic lrdsjdcn- nam hn been rtccivrd from t court of probate io caaada and mcd in doctors commons isy this p i f hi made ooly the day before his dath ufl ihc hhotc of his properly 10 hia urouicr mr rovttti scrop abaoluutaubjcci only lothe pay bicriof the fellosrt icracit to hia nrphevr sir william bafin- xioi lo lord john busaeh a rcmvabraiee of hia friendahjp xuo lo mr and mr henry wordaaivrih hia earu r hlmd jl0u each and atvw kaci m tvaili jh aplowitd major thvina tumiind iavmiij mft lsi 1 i t blhd sbccunga and damaska 84 to 10 irish lmrns and diapers 34 and 44 rorn hottaods faocy and scotch gingham beat gossamer and paris hals assorted linen tueoda black vclveu and vcireuetis brown table covers and cloiha tliiif scarlet white and blue foolscap and letter paper irank aaad tamboured and blualin cottars cap and bonnet rbbcna unite and colored star london made boots and shoea to close t consienmcot also g hsds hollands cin fttid brandy and an esicoairc aaioruocnt of crockery and earthenware sale to commence each day at 10 oclock terma liberal vm wilson kinsaton 5th april 1m2 offut of kingston marine railway comoony 4f h april svi at a meeting of the stockholders of 0e kingston marine railway company held at their office this day pusuant to public notice iheaccounu for the past year hainj been submitted and approved john counter tbos kirkpatrick henry gildersleeve chas w jenkins and churlea haeaeaqure were elected directors for the ensuing year at ameetinvof the board of directors held immediately afterwards hmry gilheislef ve esq- was reelected president and chas w jenkins secretary notice aninatalraentof fen per cent on the canital stock of iha company remaining unpaid is hereby called in and is payable at tbe office of ihe company on or before saturday the 7lh day of may next fsijrned 1 chas w jenkins secretary fiqu the ottawa canals grtnvittt chute a bfandeou and carit- ton passing through the townships of grcriville chnihnm and pnrt of the seigniory of argentlrul all bordering on the hlafwa batcfp in the dihrid ofmon- iwala whereas several persons consider that ihey have claim upon gov ernment for land taken or resumed by ihe crown somcoftne bnuodarica of ivhirli arc in dispute- or damage sustained in ronstquence of the tonatruciton of these canals notice is hereby given that ul outstanding claims nrc to be notified ju wriiing to the re- spkctive officers of the ord nance at carillon on or be fore the is day of june 182 after which date no claim wll be received or admitted the honorable the board of ordnance being desirous ofhaving their property clear ly and distinctly degnej and of rendering due justice to all parties have appointed george adams esq the government arbitrator on the rideau canal with the assistance of a sworn provincial sureynr to investigate and settle all disputed points lo fix the boundary stoned and finally ad just such claims and prompt payment will be made to those persons who shall be found entitled to equitable compensation claimants will be expected to produce their titles hould the same be deemed ne cessary office of ordnance head quarter montreal 24th march 182 7922 notmea tohewld by puldc auction on uvdors- rfuy ihe will yi ntst if not prir vouy disposed of that newk nished two story mist- on the maeadamixh koad situated oti lol 22 with htlf an acre o ground atlchd atie hotie is finished in i ic fit for the reception of any rpectablcfany for further pitic ulars applt to the projnrlor on the ptemiscs william hcnrv or t- hnton liiniiston arch isfcl knclnnoj mteh i li rt turkic swy llrick bnildinin btock strecl wiltnard and back premises oc cupied by mctsull- w rowsell as a via- tionaty sloresuitb1e for any large establish ment- appy tote subscriber john shaw kindlon mjrci 3 1813 76 government sale n thursday nftll the 7ih inrt will be sold a i the cwinimariul stotxry on strauges wluirf 1000 empty flour barrvls 73 vor tierce 100 candle boxes oil caskr hlical r sjfe at i2firlocl privisch benjamin cole tlulit aim ylutrhrriiii- mrrii almsliott oier uftvrs lraife the wlute t ihrit ifj r atock of dry goods groceries eilhcr toelhrr or ihe dry fiw rif lflocalsl cparately a purchasers tiftci dieposesr iho aliotv stnrh ne imiderd tu t tle fmeat and most cmcnivc iu ktnttou anl con aistuflho niol simple and whjmn rile its iu both hidnchra and such amppuiluuily of put- clmsina stock to a iiilipks in ihtf trill ket seldom occuo tml frt iim purcfmseof ihe jtove shtca wui be receive j hy mrascriwl al ihe office of mera hroilinii tfrccr up is ihe itch of apiiu suonld the stocks net be diotted of bv tbe i hit of april ihe whole will b exposed at pumic sale the ctocny stock on the i8h of apri and the dry f foods tin ihe sslhattim month the extreme length of credit will be 4 months on the jrocerie and 6 months on ihe dry coots and approved endotsed notes will be required in alt cises the loventoiy may be seen at any lime previous lo the lllh april on application lolhe subscriber rohert esoulf attontqf far the ftufte xinlon asth march icmtt 73oi the colonitt tomnto jwrtwt bjpr hamilton arwl qrvaifrrvp rtmtrn arc reqacafed toeopy he aboiriill pih april and sviad their ae- eouru to tlie subecnbtr at messrs a rjs ultce kington clumcc tfji mcchanick aiul other su4eribr ottera for sale on the most ressoitable terms the following tery vatu- am- nulluing lots most eligibly siluikj within a rnmilcr of a mile of kindlon on the macadamized koad the lot will be dispos- rdofin a block or singly r to suit purchaxr if not disponed of pievicua to the l5lh april neat they will be sold by public auction of which due notice will h given term of payment one thiid in hand one third in three months and the tcirtaimnr- thud in si months plan slirjtlfps sale of o tltof aj r ihiemied nno john fisher kiiilftf march 15 1812 to be sold by auction at ihe town of bltvillt if wl previously solil by private slc 011 monjiv the 2d of may rat broken lol not 35 and 36 on ihe ya side of front ptreel in ihe taid town of brlktille lately bid rut in town lots w to tlie an- kirgton lt aitrl 182 7yi v m mi f au no i f for particulars apply to john s cabtwbwht john r forsyth esqrs kingston kington march 9 1813 72ui wedsiraauy tcp wits i w tl ftrtli day ul may iicai 181v ai vi uvuuk noon will lc vxld hj puhl auotofi at ire shcnir ottetsitlllhi tmm of kioaaawrt inheii ii ilw following tu 1 1 vik tlif pieaideni directum aiid itunpanj of ihe cdmmrn ial uank w jjbtt melean and ari hihahl mclcoiip wdharn ixrimsiown juhri pvn r hiyre jainca ilayiair john mvmurrick and willi m 1-v- uiii is julin mjv james frasvr ts john mellon tiw prtriiidcnl dirertora and coflrfiany flhu t of upper canada f john mcifonn the right till and interest of the above i defendant jnhn melcan in lota no 223 226 227 91 102103 14 ll997vin the town of kingaun ll no 2s or gore in the townrhip of ptita- hurgli lota noy l 2 and 3 whrr bellen labitd and broken frunt no 5 c nn wert tdo tf great river cataraqoi in ihe township of kiftgrrn and souh east quarter of lv xo 7 in the 4th coneetv siun of kingston all lenton having any rlairna on the ahove properly will please make the rnamt known to me on or before the day of e allan mcdunell sheriff m d sherilpn oltice kinpfon j 25th january ifu2 t go for stic or lo lr prom ihr 1st la ot may aext thr water loo hotel situate in the villace of waterloo near kiolon it is now occupird bymr philip whdply the house is hrand hassuilahle buildups with an rvccllrnt weil of ocd wiltrt an a lre ijen attache to it a prl of therurchase money may remain unpaid fir a term if years apply to jwei carser darlington josi otnce cartvrrit machil 1812- rmi builwxg lots to be lbasid for the term of twenty- one year itortrier particulars can be known by iptyiltto the proprieior taohas rogicks srr kinslongthwarcb iwi pi as f ine old american cheese a few t just received and for aalc by the aubarribers at their commission store no 4 hardya building front street aleo dried bacon smoked homa both pork and mutton dried and green a- pies hickory nul corn broomn fine wheat rye and buckwheat flour potatoes c n carter bentley ktnprton 2d april js42 il son i i lair r ft fvt mi l 8 13 a si butldingtots wbulldinrj lots adranlairronsly si- silculed ruar stuarts point to be leased for the trro of twenty oue yeata or sjld ftirtbn parttcuurscanhe known on ajiplying to the ninnritor lavmas rogers sen rgornall piano forte tuner order left n poiraery apothecary kj kindlon 26lh kirch 1812 bank of biftislt noiilmc- rlca knralystod drnnclia notice this branch ii prepared to grant small oralis on lie several llramlic of ihe provincial bank qwrci artd ixt cork i ltmcrrb ctocmcl t londoodrrry 5lieo waffard bclfaal shop corner market scuare will be promptly allendcd to kington april 2d 1842 42k information wanted of noady shurdoo who left ireland several years ago any intrllienee from or repeciinr tier will be thankfully received by her sisterrose shuidon now in kingston ajdresa to the care of mr johnstrachfln kingston 2sth mch 1s12 mhti v toronto editors are respectfully requested to insert the abort doctor allen offlce cottage no 3 wrxt doo0 to the kingston cab depot n b dp atrwr performs the minor ope rations of dental surgery viz sea- iii stopping and extract in fc kingston february i7 li2 67 armagh athlon cokroiiv k ballhtj tralv vourhal ennijtea mof buteiawj ball farmiovrn dopalriekj lmsrs umai dainbrtiaj tiirjmas bahdon rlallfahaimoo strjbanr mjiow coolrhill kiuk skiubrrern eitucorth anil kluhin asmcfi k i ii march 20th askew 1s2 ir lank deeds and 5 sate ftmhb office por sale by w simpson kingstreet a choice lot of painfa blaclr blur while memorials or crrm c in ood order kntoft3ih april 1812 brillii ioflvs holism late ipomrstar front sutt kingston rpile proprietor ot henhovo ftamishmrnt in returning ihka to uis friends and tbe public enerally for beir past patronae be most respectfully to if hem that ihe house has undergone a tfcoj repair lojelber with additional bedrooms and that nothing shall be wauhnxon his parttt rcn the british cofloe noiiienottnfenorlo m in kinston the situation is preeminent either for lusi- ness or ptoasure b- wl one minutes walk of the iteambojt i vm goodwin n b a porter u be at all limes in re dm to convey n to jrofn lirboill iton h -mjsk- 77a go vernment notice ea led tender will be received nt the oflicc of ordnance kingion till the 1 1 tin iy of april is12 for the hire of sulhiantial well hiiil stone or brick houses n this lown rcriiircd for officer quarrcr for lufwntnand cnvalry fte twojcf rrtfrmn the 11 may 1842 the pivmitv must he jpotriotw with siuitalde fmvoni for the climate viz double door nnd windows with jalou sies also stauing nnd out0liccj fcr the bnihli rigs miit he in o complete stale of repair both inlcrnaliy and exier- dftllvg and during the period the said bmhl ings nrein charge of the oruit3ner that ocporliiionl will perform all ncecsnry in ternal repair conctjucnl on occupation such as repairing ola- locks piaster ing or malting good defects in the pamiing or conrinjr but z external repairs requi red to ih hudtling fence yard ftooft pumps c uuisl i e executed by the land lord on being applied to by ihc barrack master which if not duly attended to will le pcrfirnie i h the ordnance dipfiinen1 nod b tncwmcs charged ajainsl the r ri of the said buildings for further parlreutam as to the extent nflhe accommodation stc wqtiircj at thi pot apply at the barrack office king ton olire of onnanec krnstnn morchslfmrus 79 a sma by a yoon man stands hiibusiueish lost small spaniel dog white with red and red ears had no collar on when ol answers to the name f dah any person resloiinlhe same to mr t 13 harper will be llberallv rewarded kindlon 30ib mateh 1812 73 vaaitert who thoroughly under- a situation as salesman or book keepfe tu a wholesale or retail dry goods establuhmenl the mont satisfactory re ference esn le ei n a to chatacter and ability address e f pot oirice kincstors 23d march 1m2 76oi information wanted imfis lkndkum a nalive of per- h iietand who hriljrnttj to ca nada about it ireajf ao wan last heard of xi yeais ao train nnnee mills midland district since which time nnlhfn has been heard of him any inlormaticn addressed to his sister mary leiidruin cue of mr kobe r i mekrlrry kingston canada will be thank fully received kindlon 21th march 1612 8dt of jam man ay i kins tumasqnsasd carpen ters tvexdbks will i rcceivtd at iho of q ficc of the undersigned on or before the seventh day of april next from any fit proper persona willing lo contract for the finishing and completing of a ccrlain con tract entered into by joseph seohcll liuim erof this town wiih william wilson esq for building four houses ond shops on the corner of quarry and brock alrceis accor ding to certain plana ond secificaiions drawn lor the ame plans and specifications may br een and rvery information may be obtained by np plying to george browne superintending an hiltct building lots rrpo bf sold by auction on the 2d may next if not previously disposed of by private tale the lots or land as or plan situated on barrie brock and store streets at the ufptf avchtvfn io tsi rnsdfu john miocalp or to j linton jawfertf kihston larc rojvats likg h3 184 ruii 13 tkrh ts wuvit tufgikf pills a0 ptlctmx hit r 1 urofats hill ul 0mllf nv iliovcana jminr li irtiu m ii at mi 4ikr lirt mruictna nim rcrrirrlv ui riitt rnva- tn ilt aaufrtcluril pio uutm tltwit naaih ur huwftl ww ln rnmi roui kiiawl lrmr attti ik rwnoi a li till 4lif mtiv tltttol il pnhiianrit imii fcf isc rtluwtj ami il4iwm utifrt uat plediomf h vhaw riitil or las laf tir kail hrrnrohtiiviml ahjaeil fll ravfoi hj lhatr nia1i al tirnjani- s jh itppf rauli ac 4 loturcar icn fh arr ui sir ai ana ihsii4 sum trlln hi w rnnotl nr tu irrnunaotw mt uckla aarjtaiuiio ilia ivwiftiav tslif mkuiclxrs-r- frtrrl verltabll tfrf4iaiwo 1 m rvoj ofht hawtio iu llur uprru tivtiaaov no minr hinaiaaiatiea-ami- rajdtj df m tirrtint l ikr uni rnttun i ill hnntu m r i l- with aui ihirirt th- ids iir ik rhr in amarj rr- iiur ra tli lirr milkir will five nlirr iu a it jmti- 11f ur aitwr frracnituft u frtet- ntsc ittartwuiiirv itln urati- rvirj ilicriitun- sa jltlm jluriliiru dtlltwxt ia id- ljrinm iltr cst hiuvlmi r ap umrnnj in wnfilivntf r4na fruu an iiupuriit it llir btwl u ltrlfl nttc rtk mbmmt- ii r vl iwr miiicitalm ajr ir anntsa jtrtitu itimidtruxr tiiktf tiuvvorirtauitait all mrmirikom fjktuai4ia 11 pariiraiar a takiit- ilub stikslf roilhf t tsm anfaims il lnil by a nwiitrr mitirarni ky uuytktuj tvt kr kinitra ant aioahr ft ikal krhp-t- imfa ritjit h la h1ut- k ikiiivlta ofa fr uril la il iiurntatiralolili toknjwfc4krtul lilv mnjjiiax witlauil k owa carl ii ai wi kin rull or l t mr mtaflarf nl in hia jiliui anj rrn- rtir rie i mk mitiait manual sciui n 0- mianc oiiklr ko lliltli eumihrl raimiw ha aill ihiir tiit j fiuiirntxl vrtj hiauy mftneatalaawy fijt rri i mfllnaa mm esactl snwlamo a w m4fmrjial6atlcein ns yk ji cml ololasd e j a e itll f t fulc nolic i 7o litl j- herrby pirrn ihct by virtue of certain wiiti to me directed i shall attend at tbe court fftate in the ton of kingston on wednesday ihe otib day of april next at the hour of eleven 1 clock fore- mw beinjc the soeond day of the attllny of lb couit of the general quarter hesasons of the peace and shall then and there ocvr for sale in conformity with hit last elauae of ihe 2nd section of the provincial statute th wiiim iv chap 19 ihe lands in the tosmship of camden fredencloburh knladar kinrttn pitliburab portland louxhborouh bdforrl kcnebec ho olden and adrertited by the treasurer of the said district aljh ilira tor loursarnents and road taj up to ibe fitsl day ui july 1840 and urevioosly onvred fw sain on the sslh jinuan last past uuleia such ar- rcas are sooner pr allan hacdokell shenff j d sherilta 0ir- kingston march 3 im2 j 71lfli mijund district ty virtue of an alias to wcti i writ of fie facial li out of her marsty district court nf ihe midland dinner against the lands and tenement which weie of robeil wiluonde- eeased at ihe lime of jiu death in ihe bsndaof james williimi and duncan mcdonald kxec- ulora of the last will and testament of the said robert wilton to be administered at the suit of john kannie i have aeiztd anrl tanrn in v vi is i i id the said lomts v il liirs and duncan mcdonald eiecnton u ojoreaaiilpart of lolno win the jstconcee- slon ofcamdcotin the said district nhlch 1 will offer for sale at tbe court htae lo the town of kingston on tuesday too 14th day of juoe nejit at the hour of lovloelu nooii allan macdonelu saeiirt m d shcritt office kingston tth march lu 72131 midland district to wit notice ii hereby gi ven that t virtue of wairant of attachment itsurd out of her mitjrsty court of querns bench at toron to and tome directed against if the eaute zs well real aa pcnonal of grort j shuhj n attowlats ihc sum of twelve l eleven 5hillina and fseren fence 1 have seized all ihe es tate as well ltal as personal of ihe said ceorjca j sclick and unlew the said george j selwk rrtum within the jurisdiction of the aaii court and put in bail to the action or causa tbe claims of the uij sisautl morlry and cbtrlea w jenkins to be ischrcrd within ihiea calen- ilai months 11 the enli real ani rtefional of thesaid eore j selletor so rftuch thereof ns may be necessary wilt be held liable for the payment bent ft and tatisfsciiao of tha said claim a mcponell- sbnhftlljx sherirtf oibce kington 16lh march lkl j 76131 midland district to wit a warrant of attachment titled out of her majesty court of queens btnch at toronto and to me directed against a i the dste aa wwell real as personal of gcor- j sellelt an absconding or concealed debfor at tbe mil of william henry daey and bermniin f iravy fur the sum of forty eibt pounds i bav seieil all the estatr as well real aa personal notice iihtrebj iv- en that by virto of d s ooldey dentist respect fully informs the inhahiiantsuf kington that he is now on a vinitoiomvego and purposes returning io kinpinn immediately on ihe opening or the navigation mnrvli 11 lsts 73z for sale a case ol london made stationery and leooks well assorted ifnol sold by private sale the whole will te disposed of by auction on the ilh of april uext also 20 casks superior spirits of turpentine hugh calder kingston r march 1342 76a o sinlnt gcotgn dinner n saikt gsonoits dav a public dinner urili he provided by wiuiam cross at the saint ucorc assembly room when ilioic friendly inclined lo honorthe pation saint are respectfully invited to attend tickets 10 shillings each including nine may be obtained by applying to mr richard smith inn leepcr corner of church and king streets sn at thcuar of wdtiam crosss saint georges inn quarry street kiarsion n b tickcumustbe obtained by the 9tb of april next william cross kindlon march 23 lbm 7uai ellck and dhtt tht of the said ge re j said -t- i sil return within ihs jbris miction of the said court and put in bail toflio action or croie thr claim cf the mtrl vtlfty henry davy and brnjamin f davy tobt dov charged within three calendar months all the estate real and personal of the said ticorgt j sellek orsomuch thereof aa may be necessa ry will be held liable for the payment benefit and satisfaction of h t said claim a mcdonfll sheiitj m d sherifpa office kingston 16th march 112 j wol midland district y vlrtnr rf a writ ol to wit j vaiejirteae exronaa issued out of her majesty dtsfttet court of the tvidland dislrict afaiou the lands and tenements which were of jobs gconner tie ceased at the time of has dealb ia tha unnda of anne oconner eaectftrijt ol ihe last will and testament of the said john ovfsnne lo be administered al the stilt of timothy siv moos i have seized arsr taten frt eecvuon as belonsiny tolhesawl xfla oconnor exec- tri a aforcsaid parfof l sdrabar ttiree in the first concession ofjthr township of ttnr- low in the victoria district which i will ex pose for sale st the cot house io tbo town of kington in tbe raid midland district nn saturday the sth day of june next at tbn hour of 12 oefctfrvrtrr a mcdonell sheriff oruce kindlon 19u match llil riff m d 76131 i im boxes lc tin for sale by joseph b hall kpton fmiary 1933 mfc midland distritt jtiajotice is berely gu to wil y l 1 ven that by virtue of a warrant of attachment issoed out of her j couit of tueen bench at toron to and to mt directed against all tha estate an ml real as personal of grace j scl l in absconding or ccuctaled debtor at the suit of william fowler pollina and thomas aug lus haines for tha turn of filly two pounda and eighteen shillings 1 have saiaod all the estate as well real as personal of iho tall gore j selleltand unless the said qmrjn j seilek return within the jurisdiclior of the said court ana nut in bail lo the acttotf or eause the claim of tha said wflltarrt fowser collins and thomas aujusius irainea ss be discharged within thee calendar rnonthn all iho estate reai aroj ftrnaal of t aaid george j scirtk nr much tawrenf an may be necessary will be held liatsk fav the pay ment berreht aerd satplactloo of the said claim a mcdonell ktenlf h d- sheriffs ojccc stinjswnjethmjrehll j 6i3i