tiu chronicle gazette iv imfgttt ami ttaijtfw semi- hva7y ac- wtrim bntith jmriea nplfimkp at tii ornci coajfin gt iku h rock ftftffetf ktnnuom at 4 oclock k cvkht v wednesday it saturday mrmfrtktmt sxuomgi per innum i advance i nrf quuriaty sunset rpfiuni i jvrrtrcd on proportionate termt tho above ttmi will in future be strictly adhcicd lo so thai no orders need be forwarded without the amount for the time subscribed ntvclc tortus roun rzht john cukiuhtoy rtatr price nwwbi six lines and under 1 6d first hitcfuon and 7il each subsequent in- rrtion ten lines ami under 3- id first fapcrtlonj t m- lod neb subsequent iid i tetl y f per line first insertion tnd id per line each 4ubseueftl insertion ftf fraiiftory mrcrlifmciila ro tfroaeev or iwehmrewftfwn mutt be paid for imrw stated anjur hmfrupn lettor pre eh printia t cironiclc octte and kingston commercial advertiser xxmi kingston canada saturday april 23 1842 no 83 moffats stable ufk mep1cixk- nwae medninr m e indebted far tit mmt d it ibmrta1trktil4factiuiitapurtrttilvpmiir4 aschaaatuonikanditmducttn thrinwnhrrir1 ton id tifuur in mmi sjuodfrd cfitinrdtiata wiuj la imafm rol utllh mint wrij incir f 4tueio ul at htmmfi fanr la liable the forcl li ef afunr nic ittu nd rhan kilun hjvr tprin r taliti- lvaw umul sltfhilidri b a prrti iwhiuvi p- h v r pmu uiquinut ilmlt lrauli ruil 0ri1luxopl1rjlpftttcpl- ayou kuml t rrt- pufvo nut i m wajca uk nmiil aet the la mrli recvmmenj lintmltc mdlihfi al every form m drcripuo tlir rtn r td k0co r0p tlfu ttflh ttlt9l 41j tuwrll llir aa i spunttt- and rrudiuca rohklanljt stilling mu in p ad it rml4 t lle blf ikk4 d cvt ht toj- nit ihe convolution uflbr vmllrtl loutunr otbr ftjuirt- h rhittiv tfcrm cnditji- iiuk obuj v rrtpr t la prattucc btdl iimtitr cp i ftjt iii train vf mu oi wbwadirrbir j with imji iufpft tfci ril it nrll iftuun n- all r ti iwuaf urdrma nnd mmf llr muhdil rtfllnf wi miitttfm ch us- n tuhl icjriiir 4r miiiiii r- kd and brjiktlh iti iit hv tfftqmdl lti rnd rft 1 1 if iftr lilr mcjif ilirm i iv ri b it k4ort mi wj irr ami bj tfci mrih lb lvri aihl llv r i r f i ufttt jprlloii a e ituury of lb unfv orfnni tbr hu ul na i6f lunf bfir it pah tntlhr benrt briof furi by i l ft 1 itvuribbi0 b did omibf trutn chmn tw ourrm fatly ibrtfiigh iw rtj rinrhb rvt- m- jtu 014ml tnumpihmlritoubutbc bun kvr orhchjiam the mmihbhk lk- i viimp lita htditlm hitf krn lbi n hmbif pivnouftcrpi b jovcreif rentrd fr i futuknct pnlpkutioti ol uir krnrl lot of rhhrfhhrn 0bcauih pw iurl tngnr inj mclpjntoiv nutiimi cihirtiii lmt r i i tl kmilt ftl worm jihi nj tcrntufnpdon cutvj dm mifrtr ri iciffbuuc fiitnn m4 bj ninoiit iji ffc 0pl timmift mwi 4j 1 lrttiii nr h mtl i fwi outrr dobplmbli whli motiri lit- lunnn frmt ir aucptkubjtt la ltfr mnlittac have br motif mnmly nminfui t to aiiii l oii itic rrxrat iinf uiiifkb ptiriuijni lnwki imctaiilfr fowbrm moftri motl maqjil tiing irpf hb tbn litilc pmphlt cdilh t- w ii tu4tt rrodwa nvw vork upi r ripinnif iti fnll uji as ptbbftbro for ih ii ntbit o fnkfcul i 0dor jayne8pamily uedicjhu thw btjkinri if ffontmcnorj nl riicnmctf utl iftc ail inmhjmi pafinn t ib uniu fluiw bv nutiirw pfoftton nd cfithliinu nf oilvr thyti rhnm arrr nj niity inj n hftiptabi jm almw i ii ibo ibrxc- tiudilicd ocrjfni of aiifnjit iifi tor i us uv nml hrr unpficfjainkt wpuutity tsijjhoot ibr i ic4 tbrtf adcntfabl ttlctitaivd 0 pre h fcnj ccc i o faoitly abould t r be em rrttor o iliw tnlatbk prep mia received in at in i ihr btl jcbi college in tb ll siiin im- hr i r l i which brbainsd kj ii tiitii i or i i j- i i r cftjrj oflbc kbfcrjifibci cjikuuutl to nfta iwoni cniit if expectorant a fmvm rvmml for ida coqumpuon lithfni ptlubf of feloil pqitf knujb biombiubf jktirii nnj maavt- hrlunjft oi broat orbfihinx aiiii i ufthc pafnoitv oraot ricc t tyml hair tonic for thi prrmrvaiioa x ili h m r h i tbbicb wilt potiliyc- rwbair on bjd hhif and puvrni iu uumy is tomc vermitcge pmut mf ptcparatiod fof th itmovat of wormadf a aiouuch fcvr afla mui vant oj i of drbititr chpeoalli ofibr 4t i ortftpn ofjijru0 flictwfu s 5ca m1nat1ve balsam a cxiiah r i ilnstcf lumplimli flibrle dirn j cnnttiikv hicucbr toui iomirhboc rd all drranmut of ibc oiah irvou ffftinslw frit i w w inative tjllfl for ftmaie durtawa j coautanna farcn mflunatwaf ob tiaeaaa of tbokid aad iq ati caaca fappoiouj lrinit or furiatitt n n file la cu i only bfdr d jayne mo 30 sootri j jatlftpbia and may b had f e h lkf tal saclru kaibor and witt kackibtoab t calotte qfflttt klheftoa canaju cjiiuoniciie v uazk1tk stationery warehouse cuuhkii of xtxv h ihock ii trr u avbm u i r r i oatianur on rtand n tiifw t well brief hd hloelr of writing paper8 iioiu siifff noa1 to note and tfrtj avflul ihe atatuticr line -atlo- blank books scho books ilc in all its blanche on it ibe mbovo el- jnliibmcnt a tupertor ruling hachint u in full dpjtfllmi by which uluil hoovt can be rwlcd to any paltcrn and ici i ityle infeiiortonono tht fomlitnafjon 0 printing officer u ook mndviiy and stationery warehouse tha eiluuhmtt it 41 dtktdtd tupcriorilv in point of acconno jafion anj dttpauh chtonicle giftetlt llfllcr k r april i11 british and north american royal mail steamships of l25i tons bmihen and 410 horse powe t under contract with the lord of the admiralty acadia commanded bv e c miller kbclelap faplkmc i i fj i i- nblin ah ma mr tr been viowa coih spittrn mita cfatnp- j iv t intitrrl prw iivii r iit mr mojtict tct- iinmv ta tmr mvtmm rfjttdifffjlvatat faadwtfl ir firnpff a aj cflmirr t ir liftrlmtn j kmittk 1 asfim ff nd fw jit anifmitatria afllt ll 1 4f v- valuable iropcily fitr sale flf portsnula harbour consisting of four water lots on two of which ate new and suoilan tial whuves 140 fed by 0 fctlj rell aoipttd for forwarding or other purposes mil fifty building lots adjoining thr whole lo be dipoid of by viin v fridaythc 13a day of moy ntxt the above propedy is most eligibly ailualed bein wiihin a mite and a h k command n a foil rirw of ihc bay and rirrr the mlamll it known to be he safest on the lakes and within which a laie and increasing busineaa is nnwdone a marine railway and m- t mill are in succrsftil operalion andnodoum can be entertained of the rapij pmltk of 1 1 i- place in consentirnce ofitsna- atral advantage the many wealthy and m- ltlfrua ipwividnfs who have purchased in ibe inoarjiate vicinity and iu proximity lo tbf iiatof tovernmtrl between which he commiuii ration will be excellent when ihc plank wall daw i uioytjja cmnpletej- on the pto ate several springs of excellent wateand the best limestone ijaarttcs in the province correct plans of the town plcl and harbour ay be teen at kastvs hotel monlreal at ihe brkuh american toronto at the ofliec oft kirkpaltkkei atfetii kingston to whom refrrence mv he min and n ihe prnrmnr oa luc wl fx rrii nujc hnuii l ujijc ol tale 01 by application to the subscriber mcleodft logan the montreal gutufr nnd brfthl colmattj ill yit c irl the aboie id the da of sole and send account to thomas kirkpatrielt ew atlbj ijt aiar met uiv mum win cirjbrn tl h cbiuj r fuh py letters patent vnder the great seal of the province of catwla granted to charles maitlam t chit engineer vre thepomk are respectfully informed that patents have been taken oot lor the following inventions i a patent for anew propeller ap paratus giving motion anil efficacy to the propelier in steam boats or other vessels by wbicb a much greater velocity is given than kj any other method 5- a patent for a newly invented camb foreultinofl steam called an expand ing camlv by which method any let iirel cutoff is see 11 red by a single camb instead of a t it one heing necessary for each as now required 3 a patent for a new method of ex tracting the tanin principle from bark hy which a greater quantity n extracted from a ttvea quantily of bark than hitherto performed- applications for the pnrchase of a single rieht or for the entire patent of either of the above can be made at the oifice of messrs cartwkiciit 4 gcdprs barristers kmjeston bj whom the rerjutsite information will be af forded written communications lobe post- fupfm february jlft42 67i to let large room inlhe5uhscribersnew buildin- fronting the flank of british america cilltlkt street with pnvae north nlrance if lequired apply to h john kinptoo march 20 1812 mid calf 752 on sale by the subscriber from 40000 to 50000 leel itoorina lankand vartous other lumber which will be delivered in kinton or at the mill- at the option of the pucw george coutson ft lmi- 74 notice aninsuwncnlofenpfttfnt m ihe capital slk of lh company remainipg n i hettby edited lo and i a lhe a ihe company on or before smurdt lbs 7is day of may nrxu tsi wjenkins 5relary 60oa dkuvne5 exfectorawt tuui hivaim lacmc la daily tcijftl 0aa4 of die oioat amo nondrrful cuv tbat bai t avc i iil it for aiibma sat diincuh oi urrahn- m9vi otur ic lynjp anj bni ran no u altrtt to n bioikkiitt it li- wlikb i annoau tijion oiouiaudi to a prieaatum nuilnvrh iinmt nf inumun i- n ir ukutl atinplfii- ofitm dimnit mii mifiir die imp or uirojt iiauldulhcuffoh 4 i h i hkam or mvlitt an onttiina btvod itt j y r mi i f tsr not akin wntco urn ltn in i iiole of ib wintl iuoc or ii wiu wftifh l afi ofivlmia tliu eiovctoraei iiiintfirl anporom llw muifi o- i ini r 4 j nihvully uf am attain icj prodifr a frtr and capcctoraum and arurc m won cltttiril i nlya cutb alhwa to or three iffc ootc will ruintatcroupor kivra of cniwrrn in from 10 minu te t in hovra utat it iijniri airly mblihi fie ii4fndofwhoopirticauft audrirrcia aapdycar kifldfipj whhavetkaniapyuuii pawauoaal vritk f n ftsvc bra featured to inaiimn it jirfocaiiiid ooined u frailoi nf oraaiiir t i 1 j lie i labounpj andcr a v- d aoaracat ool it bi tliffkulty of tiifc vrojtral tliat bt fvji himacjr a imnunmi rifimimntiotciuffocatkmtiiii wnjicil krj avijtiirttaarxpccuitnc mrs ihtw of sulun k j url of aana or nvroii ra aundmf ls t h i lof itimrkiiiv m wai i i lalim mi cufrtl of ihc bh cocaojainl bf eiitl by- m u lf eocaomim by ou young utauoofiajrm wio waa bti jkhprfrndtobfatoe wllv conibmation fily rtord by laicn bottk -fbt- jain sfih cif alj tjtb hoararoraa aafll dr harnit uy ajrclcd a a bottle of tbu aiwakiaaffbaiaij attniauetu ro- vin iirmi aretiaaa ph-jot- i j i 4h rrtrioc ckrfjmaa ofthr mrlbadlat i dated mrrtltown va auuattt lld at at eh ar sir i bovt brrft vuof your espec i niiri la any prmttic iv obd fbv all atttrka of cojji xp rpm sri 14 r lor an anal iukx coalpaion liottt w dijjly tha bntm vry rrpc t vhj i r 1 torr aceoaaijcrcd audacicmer filing riroirrdoclyby d jayne j- hn frik fni by e m- luff ofatrml acftl sackru i bj for the laal ihrrt tnaarninahoa of ihr f nd wcaihnraa of tbc tcioe i mfoom trird cfatttv youra w vtllumvi m o ctftifcttea rmiini be added hut tbe vucpcaofiuartat uar- ho xl eouih tlird ujf ion t macktosh wh ciktoaieir it tjaynes ex r l- ib mrti will hoifino cough to far yrtnut ja withool lt ii hrfpt m1 it nu aod iraruhtr dmtc uml otvitrna it dura- litn mole ibao hb half ut frojurr a certain ini p b0rt ffopihulfto ottctra ifjowu fimiiiif cur ciowpiii iafiim atid ouns cuiarcn ball mniar loo lour tle ll bnndiftj nfrh ariatt heatj aaumlj ty ftl laitil tfulr for cvory cmcftii- lor mvtb 1m rtrrt pviullphi tl l v w at pihthrofkicl oautt tftlcr i umn irwi ix on iswmt no 0 w ittms worms worms- to fw llia troijitwonae ai daajfroaia inbabitiata ol the iwmnaild uiwrb u ofua impair he uhn ail4toy ilieliv- f rhwrrn c br iathx1 tomc vekmifuoe crrtaio andfcaft prefaialton for th removal of ibr rariou i ma f wwrjia dwprp ibacsloraarh infaotttr trvcr aau lod debility of ibr atoaaacb and bowel ofn ftvrlby wbi alacblatotb cbrooitte t oamtm oftcki tattoo caaajs ind iatik3 1 ei- exrtctokast kear a collfn mij jfoow dearsir icheerruliy adjcny tii monul to lb nuaaeroat rceoitinir dt miytiombavcaurady bcaptea if di liraffi haterouad h clrmioath i my faaye ica wlr aitvrtiicaia4fim jbave afmao with deri itiltflpflt hat evrclqral 1 svaa i be wiilmu roeltt ii i rubff of tbew medtaoo i jiy ihflut r ijycoaiidcr bllltaiqru caledonia coumtia i c h e jtmjftn s pasiagej money 05 sterling from halifax to liverpool from boston to liverpool 125 from halifax lo bos ton t 20 these ships carry experieoted surgeons the unicom plies between pic to u and quebec in connection with halifax s cunard at co halifax 6b svmes quebec 74z ss lewis boston dales of tailing of the rritiih end north ameri can koyal mail strim ships beinjj at the role of twenty voyjei in tsrcwe roonihi beionin 4ih september 1641 from eiifsnd iod from atfierka camtr catrdooi acadia 8iunaia cotedooii aeadia cotumuio brilannio citedoiiia 1 irlu ixu bfiiannio oakdhla aendla cotfabii ciudoniu acdit columliit riurfi4 iesve liverpool le bono srpteui- j 19 october 5 19 19 decern j january 4 lei ca htlifaa october i uctobcr 4 id 18 fehy mwev a may june july 4 4 9 19 4 li 4 id 5 19 attztiit 4 a 19 nii 16 deeem- i jiouary fcby march er may r june july auguit sepleru 1 6 j 1 i 16 i 16 17 norcov 3 ia dceem 3 is januory 3 feby 3 march 3 atit may jure july is 3 is 3 19 aurut 3 ir scptcai 3 18 boat tit kingston captain harrison is now unoergoin a iborouh repair and will be ready ml the opening of the natija- tion to com m nee her regular trips between kingston and the head of the bay quinte aa follow upward leaves kingston ontulsdys thurs days aod saturdays alsodock a hi dowftwaltnt leaeestheheadof the bay on mondays wednesdays and fridays touching at amherst island and the usual places on thr way up and down kingston l5th february 1s42 66z bay ef quinte 1842a the steam boat vulcan captbin roderick mcswecn will ply oo the day of quinte for the i- i i iricing at the oiiiin of the navigation she will leave kikcstotf for elmvllik touching at the intermediate forts on mon day wednesday and friday at y oclock a m and leave belleville fob kingston on tuesday thursday it saturday at same hour sandrrson tt murray kingston 13th feb x notice the 5team doat i ho ue ftatiflcauoa of fctaoah arnumntafi tilrjam mebaoeaajopufy maaabraoewiy nd uiuiai a bifh rcpuution ia palace loan a a rea- u 4 boful fiyaieiaa f tj abote unly vahiawe mcrtklaoa arc for aak boo- ialr ano tqttj j iff iart sac l k s n y h1luui machint6sh drldf v carrie ojftt xioaiton i i fl m wui ixtohtant news from neaeiorcurraal tvosanj ilirpoblictfiorolliint facw hcfliriv fcy in- imormalioo s i am atsiyfobr yeara ofaa havt u i rjpdtly alhtrlad itb i ba icuna adii ukaa taany certain ndthuutaayeatetale4wantr for iwo iwaa ootabk topajatlia whole pjf i atjw hf md on coaiujiint dr wartbiroftb of tait thy aboui lllfotiiailtl wofm ito i irovidence a card i flv ii au intf rciwd may r a four ycara very tried tfyrra1 p- core all officii 10 nytaar jayor tliib medicine oferatrd aa b told me it kav ukeatva bonw ofil od eoajider aijijjj man tnr cured t tt i cao aowtiacomfottamj all ntsii am fr from uwlianiooi- of toe luo ead xvrnnr pj ibealomacawhirbaodiralfalfy oimetelanj reduffi me ia aliort lift aj beconie fairir ojrdaaiome to ow how i 40oyu ltiaan i aoi noi enural fr fiom kms webster provides oct- s iwt all ibe lajuabt slrjciaea prepared hy dr javnc are fof aasf volcaala aa1itian hy n luf keru till ale clover seed for sle by the suhwriber 10 baircli of clotcrseed mcpherson crane k 63 uckwheat ud ryemealol o q carter a bentley no4 hud j bui1ding ftool st kinplon mireh i 12 wi b prince edward capt w- t- johkson tvtow receiving ber engine and adveitis- 11 ed to ply on the bay of quinte on the opening of the navigation being con tracted for to be finished by the first day of may ensuing will not of course be ready until that date but owing lo the appearances of a very early opening of the navigation ibis sea- son steam ront has been engaged lo take the place of the prince edward undercharge of the subscribe until the new boat shall bo completed days of sailing upwards from kingston monday wednesday and friday at 9ocoek downwards tuesjay saturday at 9ocock w t johnson kingston march 18 1842 75 n b the belleville intelligencer and prince ed ward cteltc wilt copr the above o n let b lank deed sale at this office memorial lor house to 11 three story brick building in brock street with yard and back premntj oc cupied by messrs h w rowll asa su- tionarystofefmiuble for any largo ailabliih- f kmpton mach 4 wl 76z to be sold rlct loan improring tenant the house at present occupied by ihe briber together with eijshlor ten acres of superior land being part of lot no 19 and ahoui one mile and a rjuarter fioin town there has lately been expended on the house and trremisesa considerable sum of money rpa- kinit to consul of a lar cellar with a well of the vcy li water the 6rsl floor drawing dininf and breakfast hooms kitchen two ser vants bed rooms butlers and cmkspan- iries wtlh a welt arranged water uoset the aecmd poor four bed rooms one dreajing and two house closets all of which arc heat ed bv a single stove the offices are stable coach house wood shed and summer hit- terms of payment will be made to aceomrao- date a purchaser flenry sadleir apartments to let comprising 6 rooms situated in john ston street with a good well of water at tacbed lo the premises- possession give mediately enquire at ibis other kingston april i6ih 1842 w rd im- fashionable straw bonnfats just opened ut foe ih spring tmde ft large aasfitment of tutrany dun mblti rmiand tvvon and coloured straw boivjets of the jictueif sfylrs that ran t brought to canada witclisliallae sold at llic lowesrr cash wifii a lot of fane diltr dti iht grtu est 6argrins evr in any rotitry only 2s 6d each london pilntec cambrics ofsurjerior design rind pernrancnl colon at deykes companys who have this thv made a ailta kt duction in acprictt of thtif kxtcnsie stock ofevery desipuon of dry goods which must be mid orv in orice to make room for their ver large spring iin- portations nlvices of ihe shipment of which they hav now received nb two kiperienced assis tants want1d none but yonn men who thoroughly iodeib heir buines and can be well ntommended need apnjv kington 2d ami 1s42 79x wholesab commission walai10rea no 4 ijahlkv ilijlacj kku 1 s laill the undersuncd respectfully announce that they hte entered into co-partnrr- ship in the whnliile commission busitiess in ihenameof carter bentley on ihe premises above irietftej which having bein consliucted fur tin purpose are both fire and froalproof spaciow and well adapted for the safe keeping of evry description ol goods nf which they ore note prepared to nctftaf txten me ontgnmentjv oc sold ettacr by puuic auction or pnrofiioc tfran the respwlahilily of ihe references and the character ftcy lrus they haveomained inkmgilon thesjr0rihey will be able to give suchsltisfaction as to secure z liberal portion of lie public pationae merchants in craj will nnj it advantage ous to consign to ie care of the subscriber as it is tbeir ialentioito o agents iillojether and not as princip- xjvrkd carter tiomas h bentley kingston marci 10 1812 urawrvh john counter m cinalon richard scobellksq do wm wihon do j fairbanks eq water town mr e barney do mr c kellog charles smith fk sackets harbor albany abraham truai f bochester dr armstrong do j k armstronel co toronto john doualeafi- montreal messrs lssber stevenson hath bilia flint em beitcvlle wm rorkeesq ticlon g- ham esq cobourg e perry e leter 1eiry la ulmby r jusonem hamilton krncb tenders will received for ihc supply of the whole f portions of the following materials for ihe extinction of for stanley piers til 13000 cuoie feci u v t u olialletofcrtiaaludtolou taau rlo do p j w j jo iki it wi lf up jv the squared tioer to be well hewn and free from sap or ay niwoundnws and to be of the forlorn- lcnih or such others as will cross cut into them it may be of the follow ing scantlings 1 12 h 14 13 x lb 12 x 18 but in tie getting of ibem out at tention most be pail to their bcine in corres- nondingproporlionss lhalihe regular cour ses may be preserve one third of llie scv- aral classes of timm l be dtlivered on or before the fust dayf july nother third on or before the first j of aunt and the re mainder on ot bfor ibe first day of septem ber next but thetir may be dehveied as soon as may be conenient lo ihc contractor by whom it must landed and hauled out of the teach or high watr payments in full will be made upon the livry of each instalment or the timber demting 30 percent which will be retained as scurily for the tine comple hon of the conlraa pm will be forfeited if the contract is not iriclly fulnlied tenders will alsobe loccived for the deliv ery of sx hundred cords ofruhblc stone of the heaviest class wo hundred cords of which ii to be delivered b the 1st of july next and two hundred cords ft month after thai date until the entire is diivered the tenders addressed 0 the undersigned are lo be sent in toihe ollice of the board of work kingston omr before th tenth of april next and are ia me the talc in halifax cur rencv for which ii is proposed to deliver the tender per 100 fil oibic or lineal as the case may be anil iki that for the stone per cordandlhe qtianlh procsed to be contracted hamltox h killaly london 10th mieh 1812 75 rbihe bubcriw attorney for ihe trim m tees of mswf armstrong 6t greer haa lo reqijest the mmediaie pnyment ofall debia due to the dtflte and that all panic having claim agaiist llie estate send thcira in dulv aulhenticiuil robert edaile jltuxnty for the trustees kingston 3d april 182 sogi wanted a tautajim as mookkeejier or combined with a business by a married man who is eompeienl to lake charge of a set of books hv double sinele entry respect able rrfermees will c ari1 security if required addie j f pnfiu al the chronicle office- kinjslon april bin 4 fin circums1antial evidence a talk iv ci v i axci esq horn the london keepsake for lsl2 in the reign of an ancient iinjj cf great briutn vhoae name wii grorje and tvho comcquenlly i aupposcd to hare flourbhed on uiia aide both of ihc conquest by ihe norman william aik the kerorma- i l of our church under the renowned britiah blue- heard henry the wifekiller emi about the pcrhat at irhich ihe britiah ttaeccoach ijfil iprune into tiiilcncc under the foim and condition uf a nm jixt ihc title of a ditic- ner ihere appeared by the ide of a hijtmav vibwh ran olunj ihe aoulhcm coaal of enlaod ond hdlo thatapt with an aufut namr alill called ihc laud end a solitary public hoiiir willi a little circular pfott of ground before it and an apple orchard thickly planted with ire ikiooij it beyond wukh waa a place eallid the garden though il mual be schnon kdged that hose who did call it eo were very couricoua nj liberal tbeir eoithcts erery one ho hjt seen mount edecucftbe knowa well that die moat lux uriant teetation wbkh it ia portable to imaioc can be produced at the very vcre ct old ocean reign m no inch palna as ore there bc1ocd had been inn the tejctable kmdihn af the carckn of which 1 apeak and a scanty array of cabbage turnip and carrots va all that the spot of ground could bo et co thai was looked upon in those da all btit miraculous consider that the garden crept to ihc very ejc of the cliulitch overhung ihc sea i irf vpue na it winalit r theprcuinp of ue llmig huulj conic angrily up tv ihc try lml- tom of the bank athik water during all season of ihc year bur when he got choleric in the spring and autumn would beslow obuflvt with his trident upon live cliff itself nliatlt awept anay from time to lime a row of cabbages ct a bed c onions to gclhrr wild ihe aoil in which thej were efjoted the lioue itself had an aipcct somewhat gloomy and its rabies were turned toward tho road the entrance bcng reached by a ttcp cot up but down the face of the landlord was a merry face and a gaj i but with att that he a a prudent man took care that his w it should o as fr at it would mid one joke serve many cuttcmtr had a loud langh to aiwer any qurstion that he did not choose to give a more dcriuite reply t eked out his meaning by a knowing look which ia not tangible to the fanxs of ihe law and always spoke well of ihc utkc of ihc peace his wife looked as if she could hate been a qwifccr she was an anabaptist however and tl u apposed j or at icat was supposed hy the pcoplo in the nciglibourhood thai ihe beer in that house turned more rapidly tour than in any other in ibe count v it was a nasty tqually rainy afternoon and the dilicnec was winding slowly alou upon the afore aaid road it llie average pace of ihree mile and a half an hour white the rain kept bearing in at va rious point of the crazy and illcon crjied vehicle when one traveller in the intidc said to another forty miles more frederick forty mile more aye said ihc other and thin vooil of a ma chine 01 on a if it never intended to arrive at the end of ihr journey while your heart fjica on wiih ihc wings of love replied the first w ho spoke and yet cannot reach mars tvri in favcr than iv mlrerec llni twogtniteiaicu who tba contcnkl wcec tlie aolc lenanls c the machine and they were both ou men of five or aisaijlwniy year of ae the cue who waa called frederick and whose name waa mofeovtf lrcvot waa by far the hundiomeat of the two and upon ih whole a very goodlooking loan though there wis a certain gnvc and oniiou look about hii countenance which those who loved him an hia frvcrid sister mary wis one of those who loved turn most called deeply inlcreating while those who did not love him pronounced it 10 be gloomy and i tillen sullen he was not for his wa tn truth a very quick and impetuous nature but he had a strong imagination and waa by no means addctcd to over bright hopes after hia friend had ipokcn he remained silent for a minute or two and then said well willy when will ihc diligence arrive after all 1 not till lhi lime tomorrow rep lied hi com panion laughing nonsenie william gore witl frederick you do not mean to say that the wretched tiring ill like four -and- twenty hour ro go forty mile t why it alops at a little inn a mile or two far ther replied william core for eight boon to sleep is it bcallcd and you may think yourself very lucky if you do the reat of the journey in ia teen houra move frederick pre vol bit his lip and said cannot we get a chaise v not in aixh a night a thia replied hi compa nion fieaidea there is none tobc had here how ever in consideration of your lovcrlike anxiety ill tell you vihat nc wilt do we wilt sleep here ibis night hac a good botik of burgundy if it can be procured let our things follow hy the diligence hire two hofiea and in five hours we will be at home thia waa all agreed 10 by hia companion although lo ay the truth ivrjinrl if he had had his own will would bac mounted a horse as soon as he got to the inn and ridden on at full speed toward the end of hi journey fjy this time it wa beginning lo grow dusk so thai he would hive hid a dark some lidc il waa raining a hard as it could pour ao that he would have hid a colj one and he him self was already cilremcly tired so lhat everything lecmcd to show that though contrary 10 m own inclination hi stay at the inn would be for hia ben efit on arriving al the place or public reception we hate dcaeribed the iravcllcra made known lher purpose both to the driver of the diligence and use landlord of ihe inn the grat of these two person ages a he intended to charge full price for ihc vhole way cared very little whether they went on with him or not the landlord on his pail vowed that he could give the tiavcllua the bcsi of everything but that ihe gentlemen muvt put up with a large double- be jded room at every other room in the place aa occupied frederick aavd thai las hoped that it was at the back as they aboold be out of the way of all the noise mj disturbance which was even hen goig on in me front this th lc dc- room lhat they could have and that wis in front it waa a capital room howrer he satj large and roomy uid they were consequently obliged to make up their miods to their fate as to the food act before them the landlord kept hia word the dinner was most tactllml and though cither claret or burgundy was an unknunn commodity in the place yet mine host declared that he had some port ufa very superior uuatily some madeira which had made more voyigei round the worid rhn cook and anton another and some brandy which alto had been as much improved by iraicllitig is any peer son in the realm a crackling fire of dry wood cwrful lights ihouh ihey were but tallow candles some cievsteiit fish some game fur it was now autumn wiih broil ed fowl and other accompaniments ofihc son greatly chcred die lavcllera and although tin landlord could procure no wine except port which prortd of a very doubtful and unpleasant character and a puriion of which might well be amucctcd of growing upon english hedges rather than in torm wese vineyards he offer cd to bring forth ruin of such as they had never tisud before in their dai that wa an age in which punch waa considered at one of ihe most urbane and polished of all bevera ge the iravcllcra willingly agreed tu betake them setvea to the boivl and the rum product d by the landlord even exceeded hia promise in excellence and made boih the travellers marvel at finding any thing so eict llent in a country inn they ware deep an their potations when lic landlord entered with the coachman of the diligence who knowing that the traveller did not infrim o i nn ivilli tnii now appt jird tu demand his tare built pul lhi u hands iu tlvir pockets and william gore spcidity oettkd his own pari of th rxirge frederick pre vot however foil in his pockrls in vain be drew out a number of letters and papers and then laid witli a laugh h lend me same money william i mut hao lefl my pocket book iu my portmanteau after a fleeting fur i moment to refuse so as to make hi companion somewhat angry william gore gave the money that was wmud and ihey went on with their supper the lender ate and drank more than the borrower and towards ten oclock they re tired to rest in the double bedded room which the landlord had mentioned frederick prevot bad one quality which u njt verr unusual with ouiek and impetuous men he slept when he waa asleep like a stone though it was often long after his head touch ed the pillow ere slumber visited hia eyes it was ihua on the night which i have mentioned for an hour or more he lay awake listening to at ihc notsc of the inn and iherc were many but after that he felt in- a sleep which seemed as sound as death it self we must now like up a new oonoje in ihe drama and ipeak of the booti of the inn who at an early hour of the fuhoning morning went 10 ibe door of the traveller room to wake them as he hod been told at first he modestly knocked but no snswer being returned he went in and opened ihc window shutters what was his surprise however to find the bed next to the windows in which wil liam gore had slept if the poor wretch indeed had been allowed to kcp at au now vacant though sadly tossed and tumbled about ihc pillow and ibt bedctotbcs deluged in gore and all the oigns in fact of socao terrible act having been committed the boots looked round the room and into the villi ac jiilwul 4jukltltj lac cmulvvr iu italic 1 old the landlord what he had beheld the land lord the undlady ihe chambermaid and the ostler all instantly rushed towards the stairs but the laud ord stopped the progrrs oi the oilkr by sending him immediately for a constable and a neighbour ing justice the rest of the party thea returned with the boota to tho doublebeded room where tbey found ctxry thing as bcota had described ond moreover discovered that the towel and biu which frederick prevot had uved ihc night before were tiained with blocd and on peeping into the bed where bcvy sound asleep hia face and pillows were founu to be sligftly bloody while his right hand and arm which was stretched out above iba bed elcihes had a good deal of blood upon the fin- grrs and upon the shirt the landlord wisely de termined not to wake him till the com tabic came and in llie meantime further perquisitions were made the stairs were covered wuh drop of gore traces of the same kind were met with all tho way through ihe garden to the top of the bank above the sea foolslepa were arcn deeply sunk in tha plavhy ground as if a man heavily laden had pasted along and in aome places long trailing marks were found which might very well have been prodoced by a per son drzzint along a dead body to ihrow it into the sea below at length ibe constable arrived fred crick pfcvot waa awakened with difficulty and ga- aed around with a look of astonishment which if feigned was certainly very well put on that look of astonishment changed to indignation on being e with the murder of his friend and he had wfcil nigh knocked down the man who hod made tho accusation but he refrained f and what was hia horror when co rising and dressing himself aa he wastuld to do the pocketbook of william core marked with a bloody thumb and finder waa found under hi pillow i to be concluded 7 never units in cese of illnea gets ap onof goea out in time of mmkc cut f rieeeaatty eoaw pel him lodo ao goes so quietly that hut very moa ner is on apology far the act 8 does not engage in conversation crface ten commencement of service 9 does not whisper or laugh or cat fruit in the houte of god or lounge j 10 doea not rush out of church tike a tmplig horse the moment the bencdicties is prawotsoeed hut rrtirc slowl in t noiveloa cnslct manner 1 1 does all h can by precept and aampte to rocnou decorum in other roat geornjaicat soeiefy a very numerous and interesting meeting wis held on mufulay even ing w r hamilton esq pravdent to the chouv it was staled by the president lhat notwitbatijiding tho urgent engagements os baron von humboldt la attendance upon the king of pruia ha had fowno time to visit the library of the society where he ww met by tr john batuw the pridnl and oocm of the leading members hceipreascd hsosaelf kwv i r i aa i t i wi bul onr dreorum nf church it would be well for those particularly who believe themselves to be eitteac to observe ihc following direction for the sake of the mrj il is hoped no 2 will not be forgot ten the rjcxtle at church may be known by the following marks s t comes in good season so a neither to inter rupt ihr pastor nor congregation by a late arrival 2 doc not hop upon iheaepsor in uic portico cither to gape at the ladies salute friends or diaplaj hi coloquial powers 3 opens and shuts the door gently and walk deliberately up the oule of gallery stair and gel to his scat quietly and hy making a few people re- osoie as possible 4 takes hi seal either in the back part of the slip or btepaout into ihe aisles when any one wish- ea to pais in and neter thinks of such a thing as making people crowd past him white keeping lis place in ihe seal 5 is always attentive to strangers and gives up hi seat to such seeking another for himself never thanks of defiling thehousoof cod witn lotacco apiitle or annoying those who air nvar hta by evening ths nausrou ed in church 5 fa the society and givrnjr some highly inlrresuafj aaj tieulars from capt ilorria who bvav lately lefl basw- bay foe abysinnia- amougat other particulara u described ankobcr which is oituitc 8200 feet above the level nf llu sea wmlat in tht vveioity food uo hilin are so ehein tint a man mv live comfor tably una dollar or wo i jrar alcllerwaa then read from capt stanley ofher majcatys ship brit omnrf dated november i 1841 in wriehbe iiui- d the results of his cruise in the indian archipel- ogo in which be had visited the arron anct ke is lands ihe native of which ac well diipoaed to iw tercourse with uie english amongst oustcs bo visited the island of lcrnback a place of eonatderi- bte v j y and frcm which mr king a resident had sent out within the year no leoa thin 20 vraaels la den with rice a letter waa neit read from capt stokes of the btale who dcaeribed two eivcfa falling into the gulph of carpentaria wbkh he dca eribed under the namea of carpentaria owd flinders rive ra the licit communication waa from capt bcicroft on ihe city of benin on lwlmss eoaal of africa with some interesting details of hia oacinl up tho niger in the auamer faiope- at benin there was the moat revolting sight of human bodir de capitated or otherwise cruelly put to death imv king would not listen to any treaty for the abobtiorr of the stave hade which b cxtenairely court on in bi dominions but put himself in a great rage say- in- that the kifttfof englaod was a very bad aaan t for stealing vcascis on tho sea in ijluaiosi lo soma slavers which were captured and that mo wotdd send him a letter on the subject is one of ipeoo4a could write english on being uafocmed dat eaw gland waa governed by a queen he cspreaoed ssv surpriac still further lhat the hing of kn-tfand- waj one pioawws the eipdjiion whscb gone six monih scended the wirre brmncb ot tht nigtrindreachcdaboulhijfway between raoit and bouaaa where mungo park tost hi lafe its further progress being intercepted by the roeka tt lever the navigation was dcaeribed aa way stitaj- cafe and ihe oieknev of the country radfrcaesj f ul to hie udmduals who were however veil inu red lo the climate colonel cawler ihc lafe go vernor cf south australia who was present gave a lengthened account of the progress of reograpriicai discovery in thai colony he stated dial t plan suggested for the inlroduc i of camcla to be aoed at beasts of burden ia internal communication bad in the only milance in which it had beco tried pro ved highly successful ftlhat the greatest adraouffna n outd probably result from their iatroductl on he also alluded to the recent vduobk expedition of mr eyre who amongst other discoveries whilst cc ing along ihc whole of the southern part fron to west had found two or three hundred milca of high table land where not a drop of wtlcr could ha ob tained colonel cawler alao im j ii i full uk rancc that nothing but pcruniiry means ind thooe not very great were winiiug to inverse aisvoalia from the south to ihe north and thus oolvc one of the must interesting gcogrophjcal prcblcuas of ust pr event day an loecdote ia told of mr roger oi wcrodec ia munmouththire which cxhibi la the pride of iocc try in a alrikiftg point of tiew hit houoa waa ta such a state of chlipidilion lhat the proprietor arm in danger of perishing under the rulta of the aautirt mansion which he venerated even in dotay a stranger nhom he aecidentallj met it the foot joi the skyrrid made varioua ineuirvet reapectic uaa count the prospect and the neighbouring bouses and among oibers aalcd whoso ia thia abucm manaioo before et v that aar b werodvsa a vttj ancient house for out of it came the earla ofpen broke of the irrvl tine and u earia if peaslirou oftheaecuod tine ibe urd herbert ofcberbury the herberts ofcoldbrook ramacy cardiff mj vork tho morgana of acton the eirtof hrjavt- don the houses of ircowrn aod lanarthp and ill um rowella out of this house alao by the faavaaai line came the duke of beaurorl and pray tlr who live there now i i do sir trvn porusvei mr and accept a piece of advice come out of it yourself or youh toon be buried in the rutaa of iu the bajoueti of nova- scotia a rtvceaoriaj on behalf of the baroricuofscotlaodarnorascvtsa has been presented to i j j stanley relative to their claim oti lands in the emeveni provaact of nova- scotia including of courae the peteoot pi ehouu 0a new brunswick our readers will remvr lhat ihe claim of the baronet arises under the grant u lbs earl of stirling wlioae cum it ijao bcioea iha lovcrnmcnt steam kmwtg otton hon mr uniuka laid m the table an extract from a deapateh from sir j harvey respecting steam communication k ncttfoundland oad halifu mr uoiaadat tpuin- ed that lha object teemed to bo lo ascertain waawi- cr the legislature would iriereaao the grant of 1300 aycar it waa moved that -va- com- mtttce of supply tht motioo was isoffmhtd tw dxumea waa referred io a select cootmrtlte