Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), April 23, 1842, p. 2

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from hr philadelphia inquirer the cass pamphlet a rviuihid t riakd -j- xtmiafion plad qiefjioa note in aietia- p rrra te i- in and finiia t7orern- avmi mmfliftfjb jufr of search by j a ifluftmn when we doobted we tool the iriefc laao tim jn is42 tniriliiiil we are no aloee isolder wr orrer have been weietcf shall be weatenreealt lla eiiateoee 10 rjrjrvriplr and praj for its abolition eeerynherr wlvrc ihi can beetjvcled justly and pr 1 oafely foe both parties but no wetid hoicarr far and rvaatatjo aod murdrr and ruin mto a peace ful community i to puh on the aceem pigment of the object bt after hating sited the threr quar ter of die eld ceounen- we say before god and the n orw that ne hare een far morr more fright ful mssrrt ivee nr landed in europe omf ire arre nef riried iwonif jrr than w bare err seen amo ihrt claaa of people of the united svatc whaiivcr mar be said there is much of the patriar chal relation betvexo tbe southern planter and the slam atid as 10 the ph sic ildtlrcsi which is teen in futcpo resulting from a want of food and from cirterureio a rioout wiulcr ufchout aovouatc cv hii we believe ii to be o rare a not to form t jutt tlrtnrnt in ihe contsdc ration of ihu mailer but the subject of the emancipation of two aaillfons arid abalfcdhuman brin lising amo another k puliation of dnertnl face and color and with dif- nt habits and feeling bone of liv fratcl quci tktf nhicb can be fubmittrd to tersely to r ll ran be ttftrj srfl ordy to iotr ho are to be to leriatvlj ofveedby ilandihrc ll i kfl by the contfiuition of the united stale- it it n matter wiih whhlhr general government has no oneern atio mlh respect lotru- tine trade- it ia 4 talbr wbirh tin be trierd bark lo the linv of ja ob nkc ton kdikjtin ezpfl i and do n in aomr form or olhrr during ibe aueeetaiie ari hk ijt rrir to tht lam crnlgrr vihen br tnaij arrjijcmeftu itlh pin llnlaiidolainrdi at a tfi eotmefeii faor tle priiilfe ofupli lifiv- saiubcoloaiica kilh iutr and to the pni r hi ifur rnaij jrifi of itfcr oppojiio isr kr jlfh rnrthncnt rj ihe abotiiiori of taw jlarf trade bm whn irne of th ah 1 nairr in littmu ee found in tke nincrhii thcie sumfurc ly ihi ictcfijl ontj pronovneed im iat todrtobe jtalaij t gptdirni bl uorvfalio ofnrainatronironfcrmrd al thai tnc a itdtjvc off jmiuro action tbat kivilksil by the ft at tfri ct public law 0utcvmao nrtr pub- hi or writ litfurnvd man will aeriov cqukfid thnl10 the tmncans op ofbe ita at4t4r i yfrallj aihtinki5rd and ih- obli i ilcnhiiiin slain toraupak i atmotterfy tr tut vffcbtyrd ftul ll ii not permit ed i cr 4lain a rat 00d lo comma real evil in wd r mbreal tn tht ifaffc lobrcav dovn iho iurfvr whwbetnwvie hare been rtinn and b nhhi hnttfcare rtrrrubere peoieetil afiintt ib ucf ilrmfu ajamti ibc narlrv thj it uftumha ia bui pftrii opoian iltitiavj ty att jt i ms latirttfd 15 tint ant tiy uriiti t- nl crbkfn tottth it rvdrir taafl tfa itfle fabric wll dimpprtir kt- uic muam of ihe v tut in tltatf in j j j r i- a u fi t i t 4 i loj mnit 4j n nalioi 1m ihv nht lo for ihrir nay for tie liberation of africa bi tatnitn upon the mdcpcndmcc of other siv i cm the pre- unec of aoemhneni jood bj meant that are unlan fill or lo pec forward 10 a real principle bi breaiiei owoub oihrr real r hieh aland in tvn fi wordr of deep wiadoaa and tolernn warnin and umentame b l that itvlr obltption haa aeareely pvltivcd tbe able and tenerabfe jude by whoin ht nceepronounecd and above all h it to b dcplrcd tbat the ktt public practical duavaira of istv aantimrnu ahould cose from a eourtl7 hoac jaw lkry were ruled to be we hare already adverted to ihe opinion of the dake of wellington in eonnriioti with that of iord lowtft thit we did from memory but at the mmenl of writing thiipatl of our renarki we bare been enabled to refer to 0 debate in the llooie of lordi 10 where hi acnttmenu arc fully dlaetoaed wuh wam of frnvneaa aod aajaei tv vhch are not the icatt eminent t amon uv coan inci of that cmiaenl man he predicted the iaau lo whkh ihit pretenaisn mutt lead he laid ihe elaum in qvrinon mad ii lawful to dvuin av te- aejt nhauer 00 itpieioo on the hh tei and demand their paperaand tt mtvom eaereitio aurh auihofiiy were moreover mdrtnriifkd foe if eonkqoencei wt i ij thu th e- ali of anr power in europe mtght be varcbed and ficrvrinjt allowed to proceed on ihcir tojiw v r w had trcatiea wtth hoae power or not t s kii a law would be 1 perfect novelty in ihe left utlon of thu eowniry and the kouae oojht to well piute before thry adapted it- afainontbr 15th auywrt the duae remarked 11 it waa well known ihit with the lniicd state we had no convention ihere werefndccd rnagr- menu made by diplomatic note but oothin went in ihrw the ttaal dwponuioa ei their part lo permit ihe right 0 uwenfion and rt iratth ofouprri nd if r w4 one poini toore to be avoided than roohcr ll wta ihit nuiin to thr nrtvoua nf e- li bctontn to the union he warned uotern ment not to proceed bwt rather to nruc on order in council or a declaration of war we quote the rem arka of lrd brooham be- eauk they are eeuajly honarnbte lo himtelf to truth nnd lo ih american government it could pot be dcaied that we were peculiarly ittuitcd with reapeet to the united sutea beenuae we had not jfwfctfalfaltoffyf l jt ahould be bome ua eoind that the unttcd state ot the very earlient period they were erabkd 10 d ao by the federal unioa had adopted the abolition of the lac trade ard were in fact 1 axal to male k piraej fof an one of lu auhjeeu to carry it 0 the onrnmeot of lha united suuj a not ro iron- it k monarehieal gotcmmcnt nor had it aueh direct and powerful meant of control kn it tub- jecto aod he remark with respect to the aak of american ihlpa to pcrton cirrjtn- on th alave trtd but the peop te might not after all be an- pwehc for th purpotea to whfth ihey wirekoe ed not more 0 ecftainly than an rglih ahip builder who aow veiarla cccairueted in htfyard rwh were aaerward detpatehed 10 the coaat of africa we vhill net add a word to ihe airtbority of ibeac hih name their decuion need no commenta ry fre u koipirg in iew the precdln- eourte of daeih ton it a ohviuui thai upon the prittciple breto- fore rrcti j amon mankin if thr initcd suua ahnlj peremptorily rrfuc all cooperation in attj effort in put down ihe ilatc trade they would be tt anmiblc only to ihe public oimiiim if naih0mi arfi to him by whvtn naliona riieandfji ii would be bet the runvquenrfj it tu london run of eur forme proceedln- nhkh htfr made it impofiibu for the american to adtnii ih elaiia ly eommitlm- itijutiiee nn njf onn pi nk nr have bred up our olfeen in arfctrari htult uhiih hare mde tbm arbitrary to oilpr nation and ibe tftwcwai nee dhar knund from ftlonin oul her humane taj to pfei lit tut uad opt lh i mtfh ftttltl nfue no uh eirperlijai tvy hit tnvrdirtd a w hate pto llu lriuv to j tlrirririrrn and hire peornl d rttnpljrv finish- menl roe the irantrrqf thr j han fur wont i tear bpt a vjvrvktn upon the eaat nf africa lu ma in it ijpfrtiuh and tvy mr ut matmf ar- nmrflufflr iu untjuijon wcdonni iftrl to eny that a fiikfil rrjhl of teireh wuum aiil 1y- nljiti ahteh all the frlvitiian power- arc p k- ir 0 obtain it would he n oddnioiial anrani of o linn- bui iieh a rih i nvl at all irhtpn emetn vjeefj murhhia ln awodr dne and he work fetfunoj on now it would ue iu promoird if the mmku in enunlrie in whirh okveare yt lnnpnrvd wrr cln i ut ut r if llfttc unhappy iktimt of lantit vaf4rjue enuld hot he 4 ily would nl he hnult ft rental rafarl be mad mill hte spaiuth fotluj- n ami criijtin nt n nut tit to mrr hkhi tn vl twtf in ihoi miltrr hv jviv m 1 innnv rartl vhnne failvultf ivubrdf am4 w cimiiijhi hiil he pujl in nm wifl- bwl ut- ir et j nirhtiw aunl wt i j 1 mifprra ih hie irad- may i ttrilain not oi uch t naiure tint it teovie hh t the adoption of ihia beeu accrvjtd tn hucekpritcd u offerliu fni titkntfretn jueilionm depnjkrard aafeharboi in le7 ihit te tltal ihe effortt ia be rcnderid uccrwul obnocj aca r 1 london eumal th j feelin acel to torj waa er j unwivly pertnttl d to oeeome n aieelthcimpendini r of thia claim of ter of depute like the piorlheiticrn boundary a ad tt arch tint ourtil nfofok thai a ctfiece of ihcy ouhl not to have enicrcd into neotiak bntith and amrricaji l eceipcocally ehcut it but they ahjuld hr taken the frc flhe cfuteer f e reapcetiee nation aauinonc and that ruch oetkf ee lh hlm of reoteh in ihe eeaitltof hit own country ihu tt eertairiint their character and obxl and aeirmt ibem when juhtr irct ny tiolation of the rihtaofaovrcignty we do not atop toexamiue ihiaprcfoaithon we mcy oluje lo u to show isel in 0 apirit o ace onm nation mean m b- foutnl to reconcile alt ato object with naliomal dinliy and mdqidcre such a plan would poo c rn ad3itaee it wouu be iruly rceiproeul nvreaa the profftted power to teareh i but the inoektrv of rceipeocily totord the vrtid slate whce irtitulion wilt fctcr permit imrrcimcnl a a mran of mannin their nicy whiktlkrefore the 8rnuh oftsecr enter to search and imprei and the amrriean orjleer enter to aeareh ihe inequality if too fhnnf to need iilulion bui after ao whjikifd of philanth0t- ia that which treks not mereh to put down the africiu tkte trade but lo put it donn by ihr cmplomcn ofouc mean amnnf many and whieh meant if pertldi a ihrtaienfd uill a lure ineou tnornil notion in wr u lomorrowa n will riae upon both aid who can tell the fttue of aueh awxroat mctrlytoihe partict themtekr thai ww ahitlnot touch bnt 10 the whole eiulitrd ncrm i who cin tell the eju tiaii of maritime rihl which will true during t proe and of man m wron which nll be intlictcd t who eaw tell how oon q phfre ijl be eular d and ihn opf rknr of africa icat arjai of ir the atrujlev nf ejrn ami america t it i lrane indeed but to it i that one of the mod proovdfur i- librration of the neeo fruen the iranae of hi jlvtai end bloody will ncccmarilt lead to the bondage of th ancrvan teaman whirr hi och and blood are nt iadecd aold but where they arc token wilboul price aud miy be awrpt awaj by thecarmonnf hi wwn eouniry whn thev doubled itwy took the trivi ttrd which all am rican ihjiihl eae upon their buirlvwwv wi3tarty ayucal to any jrrtrcra fnjlhinan atj frrnehman and al whl woum be tlvir kflv tion ifmld vine do aciic jour citiin nv will atiac them when we doubt w uke the wick le ear ft ittrcr for hnlf m that amwer win dieluelifcfeclinofth ameriexn fr thh irk ta manan amrrieaneititeri by and by altc law hjl hat worhrd ij ny far enough the ifitt may b me a french eitixn and whit 9et of 0 irurfk will coene when ihat atep i tahre t ut should ihe united slate yield to ihit claim that the claim tet up on uie other aide it a an tempi to plunder the pj state of the mil 10 ub it wa uty entitled they ahnutd hac imislj upon the inipuiame poateaiion of i both from treaty of i and the immutable principle 1 rntand herclf ha laid dawn philadelphia quirer wkal aeenrity r uierc for tbrm or for natoi um yauuoaj a ltitm tntenttrd ii 1 freedceu of ihe e- lhat it conaltubon and lawi wuuld tut br fvhanerl bf another and another pre itwion till ihe driiiah aji rod tnumhant oace th watei of ihr earth i lid fe i he puthed the avwuldj wf wnetolmec hteh would involve eat a duett in one cotnoton calamity in orde to at lain in it own m an object whih ranpl cotre 14 ihit peiwt trwre arc aiymfieah rr a fttf thia h fcul theaminfcitncat ofoay fin 5 ito ton kltt racwaion already th project in hteofuhlicli acuttfd in knbnd a piitinf- a wp to alatrry hy putlmj tf t at v tie of ut pkdult it uyniuppvd in llv ihirnnt and udrerkd arc bclte in puiaakpt 11 vvme hii4vii rtraird uiloahaw tut a- j tin hofoaavauij j f ic itwrtlf to inufiui tkof ther product in fnknil yet nhn etn tell ho oon the ilettian atiycntr in an improirif foemiutothe martlinaceidc of tuton t it woutj be but another ity ar d th f h it mih be accom panied by another tlrnffh leadinj to univrrl war what care tho phimnlhrupiat for tbi t lu uovd uofa if 1 ora trwf sine i rvrong at wtll as tho alave trade ive cannot cnrr upon the territory of another nation to tupprcr it tut we ill iiiac iu podjeu upo thr ocean thry ahatl vvme conlahand of peaee no cotton rier cof fee vi- 1 nor tobacco not the product of free la- hour thill be lawful frrifht- and ihui ihe object bein- iui themeaoimuvt beiutf alon but here we dfp ine dieruttion teattng tvtr re tic t tn- mm to draw hi own eonclunonv mcl tinecrelt do we hjpr that loed abuufton carrot ou 10 he american 01 ernmcnl tome nwmtrd peopotttion it can aeeepl but we freely rncfet looking 10 the pretention of both partlct and know in theferliufaof our counlrtmcn lhat we do noi ee upon what mxtdk round ihey can meet out fi ar art tlroner than our hone and tad will h tldiy nhen t if o urh nation 50 lo war eim if llind were elnrly rh n in our opinion he ckjrly ntoii ae iutl fifhcar mueh wiilioni unon h r i- -ir- she lu won hr 0t by a ih0mtml4vi-iw- nrni an wh1 hit mtlur title to evftonn t rnunh feat tn peace ttinmpht 4 rkil ofiijdtif ardof cnurpern which ruee tamed ur a viamr thai the probdit ma riiir and thai few can hpe 10 cqal sh ha icn bifthto jn empire in tlv w it an empire uhoe riknl and ilnratitin t piv human ieily rven to rnnieeiurr there ptintei hrr lawt hre 1arjn hrc manfwrt kr trivtiiiilioft a lhou4iid t f intcrt i unite tvr undrid proplc ltkntflinl th rih lht ai he nnt elorhout warl ut kt hr reeotleet to thm a tpiril rijail to her own oiitmvet the repmwir and though thr nnj lc ciwhd in wlt not he d haitourcd awfclstbam lioat ixpmision rk ul kcl tiettlictmkm lives it i out m i mfmj dtity o record thr tnrt f ar fbl aint iita iirambeal lflinn whuh hi- v f i kiipueeon hie wavr of the thaapak th uw ttnjiktmhtstatimoi m 1 i awl f tl ifauj iwtwicn bail eity jui nvifut waa aexer dar rendered a wrrek by rttecplotimtoflier lam benkr atundtd by a fearful iitiucttoii cf human- lift tl- medora wttju rosr w a frpatjl ry tobemy lurnd rut froen hie hand of i ln- ufa a uumlnr of prraom vereitnikd to ni hrr iiant aufarw wat 10 dr tlte rhode island tftr pttudtnvx xcrtle p oviioxc j nal reecired ihit morning pubtihr a letter uk the entkman oppointrd b the ftof rrnor of rkxf itlind to toecrdto wahnlon for the ptiipote f confetrin wiih the pretidni on the hiivurrrc lienor tfrwftoat aooi t hr fthdr lhnd fetottiliorut the journil aue publitht a letter from mr tjk tn uovernor kiitf wleh ire copy below the n lef ef the prcrdvr i in nil icifeei juiirueh drva a it become him lu omit full and ciplfett in dcjration of hitcmyand hi dcterminaiioai f d eh iv e il tho ktiercfilrt j 1 aiton lo nhteh hatr altudrd atate that ihe inemler of ihe paa timil cabimt were untinmou in thcie conv- rcrrcwilh lite view cxpreued in hc pienden aftkv ftuvemoe kinj ha itued hi frvcli mutton ut the pf tidenl i lief anncard adwuuithin the pv file of khodr lluj 10 ccd it ud roiefn tt-i- clt aeeov dnty tlw i 1 unnie1isfiibli nu it nu all afprihtmtoti of tiolrnee lkttea or prcnofcsrr trtir 7o tth btttttswl t4 corrrnor pjt fa sir vout klter of the 4ih iatt ni hn 4 iv on trwlaj by mr tt hippie who in company wih mr rici anil mr poilei eallrd uplri mpcm5a udiy and j c both verbally ami in t rti- in pujction ofinr romineni fact whach hate hd to tli preeal mdupp condition of ihmt it ts iitaitd a af ale of thin wbkh twrf luvcr of weu aimi tod order wnl drplorr i tli ill no adreniii- ihr eiptruhmof an opinion upon lhoe njnettion ii domettic pottei which cem to jute given rite 11 the unfurtunate eontroreeaiea between a porliofi f ikciliin and ihe fitting fijiernnnent or tte atp ivy are cjationt of munlcipil vcjullit ird ilie ailiu ofwlwch btwt clumvety i the peopkof jthouv lhnd aitd nits which th lovernnteet can hate nothing tod tor the ftfir- la i ion of mv eouduckiu any inter pet it ion which i may b- call- rl unon 10 male btfwfe1l the govrr- in- lit of a state and any portion of it eitlrcn nlif may uatl it with domcatic tirfrnc or may be o il i can out look to f k 1 of the i j ulr 1 dainly deelare the ohlition of the k entire fk- partmnmnd hate it no alternative a to the courw it thall pjtihp by thr 4lh seelion of the l ji ankle otthccootte tmionoftho ctiilcdslateatii provided llial ihe i j ilt hall guarantee to every stale in iht union 1 vlkanform of uoteremeet and ihall protre iaeh of linn a2aitl nuaivn and on the aitira- lion ia liic leethture or hveutire iihcn the 1 oature einnolhcconvriitdauijfdotetkvii ttat and hy the act of c 1 approtcd on iv ilit februan iryi it dcclaix dthj i tn rate ati iiiurrreiiun in are stale oeuii mig-n- tktff it thtlt br lawful for ihe present of thr 1 sutovruuil ea lire red hi opinion dtcharjne the prirmer on the ground lhat in faeaberc ooiy freoy rfimiitftitn to tm futbctm rtr rovnlry end grtti flri- jtnjhtrt tea no uufaorfy ro trrttt or ewein mem oi nfti tretreetji w the vane fur the c rr waa e endue ted by jamr h elliott and wan j gravton jr fq her brtlanoie majcrly con- vl wit reprcaentcd by jame m walker tq tvitlikt vpumcrthe h 0 advertiate uj 1- ave learn from wahinrton that the deteaiehca of mr ellk had been rerrited by the hatnli ofipccial mcencr merarind hat iwttrveiioni were imiue- diatvlv made oul to be tranvmitted to mr- thomp ton the tucccaior of mr fjh to dvmjnd peremp torily ihr rgjikdnlc rrkae otll american ciuicru now m eaftnity in mr wo and ihe pivrncnt of ihe award made for emexiem ipottationt by the late mixed comtnittioo j and in thr cet of ihr rcfutat of the mexican govcramcnl to accede to theac jul dtinand our minister i dreeied todmand hit pitiporo and kae the country we ako hare it in our poarr to hate that it adcewjatc force ha been ordered lorcndiou with the tcaal pombk dtlat of the saerilqo 1 vfv oj frkndofvhclouivviljc ad rertifct jie a lowin accint of what he det eribe at a valuable irvcnlion namclyon alrnoi- phcrefaeuuueninc the eontritanccof mr- j h lannin nf that city the power ia produced on the otiftcipte 04atmopberie aewumatid can be ub- tblutcd for tleam power in propcllina boot or any tied of machinery at comparatively a trading ci- perac it oeeupiri hardly a utiih of the epaee re- quircd for a ateam enjine of ihe tame power ukci tery littk fuel it extremely timpteintu comtuc- i n v 1 what l a hill ereakr dotdtratom it prftrtf oft awd remove all danger from life aod prorty captation the adecftiarf add frery maehlnut and engineer who ha teen the almotjewric vacuum tnioe in operation u decidedly of opinion that il it lar iheheat uaotivc power yctinrented and will m a ttw year nper ede th common iteam engine ii would uiikfw ir 1 n not acquainted with the priiteipk on which it a conttueted bi ee how muihoonef iaiten to the tninc with o trifling a nlily of fuu we aw it moved wtlh noaily tho power cf an ablcbodwt 1 pirttlainp llq timpty by the beat of oftoewtf iu pajjouc a letler wa rcermd yettcrdaj afternoon from sf harbor loc5 lluid dated the 14 h initant which iacj thai ilic packrl hip lout phi h pee captain caa tolt hid been tot ott rjrtdchamptoe aouth aide of long mand the wa driven atborr about 3 oclock on the morni of ihe date of the icurr the loulphtlippc wa to uare havre about ihe 9 h of march shr bolonged to mcaan c bolton tox and litingvtont line of llarro packeu and wat built by them four ycara un at a eot of 70- t she wa iuuredfor jico sbe had on t hundred nattcngert all of whom wc ic told ircfoh when the utter woo written the lahip had aii fcrtofwatrrio her bold and tery link eapectuoti tbatahe could be rot 06t the carto i may be lavcd in a damaged mate we hate iwokllcu from eorreapondenu at sag 1 hjrhoe one of which ay lhat there weee over one ihordrrd vtecraee pataengcr all aaied at the lattadttce thethiplay wuh her broad ude to the harc if- v com adtertiicr or aw rvperimenlal trip tht day u f h i upped ihit rjruwlif un kirjn 4 or avetc on 10 rd ineludwi aotne of tiu flnrtnr of ihr steamboat company ad llrir frirndt and a numer ofthchahllinad in fiiitthmg lur to- ret pwitwij in ihe mhtots krv nd ofotwb emneckd nith uic coulruetion or aailiii of th tnat suonaricr ttumrl p m- tht bjai wa athut i in atari fom th- whvf dih- rnjifx iwtwrr mi j johj watchman on thu rhh aide f ilu kiin rm th pro l ivia a acjiwin who wa on ijud khiwm ut hot the ertne htd ewly otdrttdtftmpinoidto lfh m it wtntf uheflthr mlnf nti cjrrjwig upwanh a tntiatti llie ir d rk orel th arj ulo fttn aav ti mrdwa nlci 1 uehl i n rri of rc arel th r upon il iinl iiliwif ih inaoke atari bl fnto ihr 4ir thir iin fiwrv r the cploftin naa ulmum rfcrlittl l loitanl thr itnod tf tin- lteal ami it piwtnan i f ilu uul n m t thcloihr ttcit tnrti twmc htrlmqer itwlf an imnitnte ortef iron vat thrown eetitni oil bv val tl- wa twarallu miauluh i in a rlnnl of e tn sift wl h wa nhih a b ook- with ft- rile hi -pie- uikr4h tulfrdiatfn m v i iffa h itf-tt- opir iiifniwanl wt m ihf afl r iri nl ihr i 1 where it affatn hd nt itiiinitit il rt hi lah 1 thai a t tal tr ujhu liie litbiurr cannot hr convened to cail ferth uih number of the militia of anj otliir saic or xtak a may be appl ed foser n he may judc ujrf 10 uiri iteh kiturrretloit by the 31 riiow of the line tl ll it provided that utvnrtct it may lie rwectfra t in iejudmeninfth- r touiethr mdila ry furce hen by directed lobe ealud furtfc the preti dent fhall fortrw ithby prectamalion ronimmd bueb maurgentaiodttpcrrtand retire peaceably to lluir retpcclivc abode witlwn a rraaonnbk time ev lite act of march 3 167it ipeovield ifcaat in all cite of inturrecuon or obtrurlion to tbe iaw cithrvoftheuriitrd stales or any individual slate ov territory where it i lawful for tbe president of tv tailed slate to call forth the tnilili for the purpotc of suppfesiii- aueh inuffeetion nr of eautingihelawalo bedjly eirrcited it ahilt be lawful for him to employ foe the tame purpotcv nehpart of ihr laud or naral force of ihe vnikd mauathatl he judd nrceary having firl obarrvcd tl the pri requisite ef ik law in that rea- aattu tni i the flrtt orrvtfon i fer at at the coftrn- men of a stale and tl people are coneernej on whtehithtt leoine nreeirj to contidee of the pnpricj ofererriin thvr hih and molt iinpnr- ill constitutional aid kl fmwrtiom flj a car fjl cunttdtf nlion of th oha vrtrvd avt of con 2rew your kreutiic wilt not fatl 10 trr that up powtr it ntmkd in the titrulite f the l fitted siatet to antieipalu inturreettnnity niotmenn agcintl the govirnment cf ksmh ljd o 10 anrlioo the jnterputilion f th- mihtary authority lwt lhat l here mul be aeual inturreeiion mamfrat id by liwkri atemnae of the ptnelf or other witr touhomu pcoelamaiion phi he dt1rr and who may be required to betake themtekee to their rrfpectito abrde hate hnwetrr loatmfc nur lte ih ney liatthouhl thr lime arrive and mr fetveni prater ft that it may nr r eomc when an irrurreetin hall 1 ait aaint ill fjtenrnrnt of ltir land tnw a erritiou ihui be mmleupon ihr rxcvlivc of tt i stale to lun thit pic- lertraii rrhieh i uaranu d 11 starr hr the numtiution add lawl 4nu not fnith hrfsk frfim the pefknanee of 1 duly whieh while it would lie ihe nll painful it at kho 0pte tinar th- moil imprraie i haie aho 10 tar thai in aucli a rttinervi ilr rre nfive rtwjhl wh lil ii eratwf mii rl vwltt ft- i a fp irthmitrthi 11 rf ow othr pi in oftiotrremiefit propoteil tst dn- lienwat better ruitcd lu llv wau nd mo r in eoriluicr wiih the wmthuf any poron nf her cili- tii to ihfuw hk rxieuire pwcr of thit go rctunrnt into any ch ruwtiurr4y would be to vnixr ihr prnikiil the ufmd arbitrator lcneen th t n j n- d tiisfitiiund huirrnmlitut rd anhoiilii and wiim lead to an utairped power dairjtrout alilr to ilu tnhiuy of the state urfn menu awd the lilnrtie uf ihr people it will be tn dufy on iheontraey to tetpeel ihr requititiurt uf the fltrfnmnt whieh h lcn rveoifjtd it the riiitin- uorrnmrnl of ihe sue through all lime pa ii- lo i hll he odtm i in r lat manner iktt il ha k en nltend and uuclnhr if ami anoth r auti ttitntrd tn it pliee i i j pi n a cvtrtid- kip adpttd and urud b w itutlwf kim ud piupliifilv siav nir can i tilm nnu rrad it u in lite that 0 ueli tmm tet mil ufir a vif mr lull renrke ihr ibtetftrrnr- t ihi im rrnvnt t all nrrimrt tfwpejjvfe rflltfl rtalf oflthrd mandliitrluvn a aw tut 1 f uiu iwk ptacc at tvjuwau scoithe 13th in1 eoniuming 23 tore and dwelling and numeroui outbuilirg compritine the moat valuable property in the tonn the loa in building and gx4 i eatimated at 20000x a eontovebkpartfoo of the property eonauoaed waa inturtd lb tar fortif ftnmsait too poet moalee oenrral ha km tr the koue of rrprewenlativca a coniinunication in cefvrene to liao conreyanee of pacrgcr and matk from port to port of tr united staiea by foreign teramoh p he roaer to the act delertni the raa of poauge on abip aettera ood thawi that when law ocl waa poaacd the mlruaion of foreign retielt ini thia branch ofcouveyance wa not cotkmplaicd convquaently there u no eiirt mg prohibiiinei t vpi a regard merchandiae incilbrc i theto ny peovinonof law requiring fweir vetielf to drlirrr ihrir lettrr at the porta hch tbrvarr periwiltcd tortalt without reporting and making entry i nothing to prevent them from carrying ra ot only all the letter they have brought bai alothoar they may be abk m collect at eh port th injtitj lhat would rnult from thi state of thln tothe rrrenuoofthc dcpafuavent direeile bv the an of poouge and indirreilf by drivtn mrriri f ratelt out of the trade if re freifiihr tafcaaroh 0 coitgreu the p01i mae tswral refer to a eoojmunica tm ierifdby hi fro the po1maur at new utteahrtatinyivt ih ritiih contul ha mab- lhcil a it iter eitic lhat eitv for ihe srimh iteam packet atwheh cetkcuktierafor lurope and wiiiu them by a fumbout which he ha chartered lathe movth of ih miwiipp a dialance of m milr where they oc o on hoard the uam park- et inmdprirtng ihedepirtment of the ffrvuge be tween new olean- and the 1 or peitiap ihr ntire postage beltcn new orlean and new vork nr comon the nerlwen port of departure for the atrimpacfcet in l op ttv pott mmtet tnral tggetii the nrccnit f immediate aaf otide for ih new it ate f thin o injuti to the jntrreatt of ih ii0ern memilb iiinnir irrt dy tiic tehjf fnit wes- efrr te rtlili iwr r on monda ma en 7 the armr crtimale were brought lofwaril st material diavrericc from latt vrae avai prop0td m f umatc hetng foe 122a6t rank and hk rid ntoroiwmiitaried oineci iwcreate 1 147 arcn tied for by ihe caiisn uf iho itoaal ljatdun iti iietit and ihe st hhcna eorpa hid an aunintaiioi f ihe 3d wri india rrgitnenl tflcr ntdry oljet the molioia wa agreed to the turn raved waa j u6l not inetwdwg the eipnaefor inuia mr ttfjncy lltrvt obacrtcd thai ocrhapa it meht aetve to alia v alarm which were auene- fiine caprturdon th wl v c h if he mentioned lhat ihn rffvclne foree of 1 trench my wa ot htflrall irol by abooft iotlo m thtn il wa in w with rc toih empf of obtaining hind h re tirtfd thai ann a found very great difficulty in tiling wr tup in i we mallaidlrgr withv rannht aaliiitofth ft chinj ihreoin rhde am tint oine of fum mdmey ttlidiii he i junprd wtwliunrd ilruwcirtl th t utl ii watif mj kr hwtl rud tiir in lit rujil l d fiffwar pat of h wt 1 f jffkil il- riiriioii uf ut and lmb nfikiu t hiard wire blown lih in th ml- l m 1 i tint ti ttu- ti ii i by ft in 1 1 wr erudp d nilh ttu ntnuth th t a imd wifmli kamt w k bin th 4ne tiffin lime t rvrwfu nir anif ritd by the all tiw or ikowivd wh ir it imt hr re sfvmr ir 11 kh ivti 1 1h n iri tin mnm91 shllr tihrtf athttlari ileertrttlir thwl rk r ntirt fr ik nrrjt hi hhwjfrom ham fim lit 1 he nii iiin uf ltiirtand ih 1 lrj ilv in m in e of i lfnn lofiftry atd ft- 11 rlurtr fiiwal tmuj itenhd tk t rt 4 ii tii rnm rrl in rl l rrfih 1 itwl inn dbtinwihihl fiir tka loie of nruw a id of n uur got r mne nl lorudi iitlo revrlnthon tn nnkv n m1uiii a tfiln- of fvi jnee r l or upprd hhehacote unikr uhicli their mkrlo ill pevee miijhl int frfhtf eaof4 rvdrii no por fem ef ir r lopk wilt k williti 1- dfewh hr fjir fim wiih 1 h mvd 1 if 1 bertl in urd r lo otitain a ridrvtaof jrkiinc wluth th it rtwuliu lniiit aniixtiw raiinnt fc am knth nf time fc- mni ifpropi il appejlid k by il- pyilir toflvee n jneoflktrpwlll uillrir to t an emmpav til tfi hn of im iftaiin ftwtrh frightful jaorjer ti irh imw dkua ntitii1nn nfmcirly aueh dati- t htfe ixity and prnpry ami likmy toln ta c 1i1 mi- rliieeire of4 wltt tfovrtnimwl mi retmraffwen the rwru ml lliimrr ami pvrivi iiua ff h r eii n- h it ami abiding ami i will rt it jni tut thai a pnt f tm ihmwwi will pm 14 iifili rrliiiril ihii j rttail si iincri mil hr j ipu rlrid h the iti- trrcn- ni- and that iwlbi 1 bright rtmipli wilt he adtl nt in lb iia alnndv prailin amon ihr nwia awkirm kteuiwh h ehane nitknut nnwnin mid 1 rdtinf rutafrctt nithoot titiir 01 lit knee i t nw tt ymvr ktelknrv anraner nf myhivh fcrtlvrct and miltiihiaho lmin t liil u iiirreirnm april i iftl ii 1 fftl 1 ih r 1 h m niuti iithii in i j iki lir t ki hn i vloilmti wi til mm t iti o ih i ii iitahti ill tt ih i j ik il i h 1 i 1 m- tl it iffaa n tnnin imuvfwf 1 i 1 111 hicrl u i i ihr vrir i ha wire rafrtufjifj pralrhlth ittlm liiliili i1vrt um n t 1 m it up t n lht mi irh fu il hlrdi tm 1 hi bttnifti ik mi iraialp it m ii nth ifwve lit la i wht td i 1 h ll 1 tu i ihr 1 n 1 11 r w ii 1 th lit hi ii i m i ii l u imnihk rk i i l t lllt a th- iitf id i4wh m i ii hd 1 1 il i iiti fnr tvr iiifl fi 3 1 m c i it ilv ti4iien rtirkr ia jwl rwir- lwd r conrl i tta 111 vmmary 11 ihe rrrw fit ii leiiikhcr f ihr unlit tmpiiatnt ii il i kttt mat r after 1 tainintfmn werr ewn r hi nl d 1 hi cita by 11 s pfrt ko itlrali at ifr inalaner itatllvr ikilkli rnnnl hirj id miimt nn lltr kli a ik f htvm lul frd nmoltwj aar nianti with himriita and 1 luii mkt ti ihr afekin f hi itiloea u4 ii ixinii t if il th faatare nflhr a m ur nt malltr nth nil ik mavvrmnikialhhe- wtnie hial to ffh h own life ltt 4 1 hip nt mlil lie wlari iril if 1 hi in pi o 1 an 1 mw iw nt wtv wlnihf deci- beew lrwo r li miitrd mi mi a i r mi n hwlk x mil 11 i i will k ii 111 u it l nll titnl 1 1 am 1 n ii km 1 ii 4 itn tail m rrr i hi- r 1 hf ixiiiil tut 1 kill hi j tit p i- patwvai daetnn t kfimu k rit hwli l en wivl ii id 1 if kltlr a lii tl ilrwl t t wil f iu hin tptritti v a 1 1111100 ih ii d iwcd the llmtr lhat i erd siew him 10 hitl imfa n tneom and inlentiitn that h to il a welt at thne 1 h oik edomgt 1 ptrititflr minnr iv ran k w n the contrary d inanied dfii four hip difficulty within the lal me ad bren eommitiioned mofnhlrhhad been hthd ttiihn iktn or iihtru day se riuk rii rrjp wa d hakil at great loiglh from wight m im uniil the cid of march whin the opponent rt the kro rorceturd in ihronii it oier lei i th- patr hljdit in rjleufih pniwwr rmra atcrturou rwla to have th nt- mlrlvt viti u ll before ihe ml jnrnnrt the dmc wl 10 be kumrd 4l ihr ihofapril ir the eotirt cflv ittlitiiri sir fjbrt inlbr- t tnen had of her own ac- jttiad utal if parliament vnir4arr l w at r r nh iiieore vhould brvuvebd f vr pefpk ptrtiiiwnt hnhofeom tr n not umrhpw inrl att ihf hrtrfli mr tt ir ji mokfi f r hiitnifrr nature nrd rejort aihrther there iv piculur bwil n aiteetiitg ihe landd inlrr tl n whrhrr ouj intifh etuuij prcnliar earm1iju ir v3ftidrahk uvla wa ifatltml matoitv tk llfjrnr i vkarly ntnk vidtn goon withsi btrt peel in prrfeettng ht rnrn law sit jam t hrarum infhr pari nf ih otrrnmrm nwiiownecd diminctly ith that ran farther iitni wotiht he mjjeto airnir maiferm h rnfeeaaibnard rorwiliatinai with ihe naknutmta of the srottith churth andlhal the her uf ihe law would bradhe- rid 10 awd enforced a ttmairhit allrni wt mail ma liehnkf of ihe opium iwrehantt in tnn 10 obintn an eprrimn of the lloute iw farn otimr eltim to the cnlun innom maney hi i of caarhytbwilkwt hut le chancellor of the etrrjnrt jre them in 111de t maid ihit ihe itvonr rnidd he pprnprijted to the tiiflieculio of the wa md lht ihey ntuti wait fur their rtrnjienili0 uij it could hr vrxmg from th tihifwte thrmtrlna tl hill to irpalifeniirilmariagfitn ireland f- ter i amgr m the twnmoo ittd atide m ihr upper hiv to wait i in return of the juile frnm eirruil a erc intuiig ih kjtl norafpnn wat likely to come hrfurt he hfwiie oa a fir of mu- prat mr hut i oblaiiwd l ir to hriag in a bill prrmit ling lntcit in br hitmiutid foi foeign nheat in buawi u lidltnle aji h ramwll0t0 iteft nrdrrad in tiiuirr wai lr nt thn flnltth pn einn no ik wi ii ij afur 0 and into fli ni iv iv in m n trant i hw w j n ri lihlyillii loi a urge emigration from africa lo the went ndie lord stanley gave a lieoentabk aeeooni of ihe pret- rnt ttate of thutg in ibe driktheoloniea sir kobcvt perl announced that hi cor btu would be token up for paago ota the 5th uf april the laouac of lord adjourned for ihe eafter howdty to ihe tth and the common to the 4th of april the earl of flgin newly oppotnlcd goverfer of jamaica had taken pataage on board the we in dia mail ateamer t a new veaael sir george arthur hai bten appoioled to the oor- emment of bombay tvapacioui amphitheatre at manehetrr wa de- itroycd by fire on ihe mht of march 23 ah the hoc e were got out in mil 7c acvaarr i3rafiia qew the aicamahip bri- lith queen cap mckeane i odvertiaed lu leave sonlhampton for new york at follow saturday may 7ih sunday july 10th and saturday sep- tetnhcr iftih ai 3 p m the diruer in acfjhaniatan have neecerj in duced gceal activity in toi r- rjr r ir cop lo india t7ie fccfve companica of the 2bih reginvenk ta tioncd in waki ond the cr compantea of the ame reimcnl eow n the cape have been ofderrd to ihe eaal the kgth augmented to i floo ha ako been ordered to india j ihe oot goarjt 5ih 67lh and 7hh reimcnl are 10 be enl frovn canada t n ii 111 it n itiiud toflx men are to beforwafdd to the cal iiilhlhc kut potiible delay juictoe or the ratir or aicsat on sunday match 00 the carl of muntter ohot himelf through the head the following ecnden ed account ia from the speetaloe on ike prciiou thursday cieoln- he altcoevd the houc of lord in company with two uc bit dujh lera ood it wa then obiervcd thai he wa than utually dejected on sunday evening hr cnaftibeaa waa called in at about nine oelck he found the earl ittin in ihe library with lady nttat- ater lord adolphui fltacanricr and mr ham mertoe hi oaual medical attendant me waa ihcn ta a flale of reat mental and phyakal drprcmlon and hit manner wai oacilcd though hit rcpltra were ratioaal after liar interview iho medical gentlemen retired to eooivlt and aa toon a ihey were alone both ex claimed surely hetgoior road i thryth- it proper to communicate their ear to hi fafy bwl a ho had committed no nverl act of infinity ihcy did noi recommrnd lhat hr ahould be put any retttaint medicine waa ordrred and drcham- bera adtitcd the patient to go to bed early j upon which he very aharply replied i ihall not jo to bed till my uinal hour eleven oclock at ten minute to ekeen lady muniter went up to tbe bed and lord muntter dimicd bii olc mr miller who wa alto hi ate ward about half pool t snook a footman heard ihe report of a pi to and prcaeratlv lord muniter ran down into the pantry and aid that he had ot wiih an accident and ahot hi hand whieh wa eor- ered with blood at hi dcaire the footman folia wed him into the library with a liht and then wa 0 for mr hammertofi 6rlcal1inx mr miller but ulmoit ifamediatcly after he heard a aeeond re port mr miller the under bulk r and ihrfootrttan ran up into ihe library where they foud lord httrt- ter layiwr on hi bock dvlufcd in blood ho had hol bunieifin ihe mouth and oia head wa shatter ed mr hammenon waa 1 for but tho earl died after giving a few groan a large pitol lay on a tabic near another wa in a box tn the corner of the rvtttt tc reipd thot accvarrd r hvvri tvu 11 uicbartd bjihokit hand r itickncc r jlaminerton tjid 1 have een hit lnrdfjvp daily for tho la ti fortnighl he had tome timptom of goul which h wat rctf dettrou of haring removed a he aid he had wj important butwte to perform the aymptoma were rrmotcd hat ho contitiued to be drprctacd he p- pea red very much affected by the late new from in dta aod often apohf on the rubject epretnghifrr aetfin atrong termi about ihe female who had been taken a hotageat cabul he wa 00 theae oeca aiowa much eicilcd he appeared deeply rmcreeted in the fate of the women thcac thirgt i hive no doubt iocreaoed tbe depeeaoion he freejuenlly id 41 suppoao one own family hod been in aueh a it u 1 wht n dreadful than lo reffeet upon it it well known thai george f itaclarence fah of munttrr wa the ctdcat ton of william th- koiih and mr- jordan the celebrated aclren he waa raited lo the peerage in 1uby the title of earl of monaler viteount fiticlarence and garoo oft keabure the other children of william the fouh were lady sophia fitzelarcoec who married lerd de lille t and dted in js37 hcnre a captain in ihr army who died in lnda in 9l7i lady maiy houtekerprr at windtor caale marrkd 10 colarel foi a natural eon of iord holund m p for the tower haoiki lord frcderiev g c ii a ena j ir general in the army married to auutta bnjlc fourth daughter to the taitof glaow elaabeth married to ihr firt of krrol iord adotphua fan ner ofwindtor home paiki and a captain ir the naty lad airvla iioutekeeper at itcninton palace marrii d firtl 10 the llonerabtr john kew nrdr frakmc and mi hrt d ath to lnl john frcir ick gordon m p for for fariture and amelia married to vltcouol falkland uotcrnor of no a eotia 1 for the foeeo in canada wett by the dbti cen- eral order dated toeonto i6ih april idd whenever any reduction may be deem eipe dicntf the government reete to itaelf ihrifht of n lh erico of any part or t whol cf ihe provincial force embodied and the assets coruialta of w 00 t 11 loofxhil n lelufaod paper from madrid of thu 26th oa announce the cecal of mr turwbull the bnuah conaulat u 1 they add that he baa bet rcrnoredat the inttanee of ihespnuh the undermentioned eorp now ervinricanada fi 1- understood thai x90 will be tent west h eaal will be diaeontinucd on the 3fch o cease drawing pay after lhat dale ti lt proewieial regime nf mitiouoi frontier company sltcrbrook infantry company thr commander of the force thank ihofever nunfrommttaioned oifieer and men of the ecrp for their active teal and ood cooductdurirthe lirae they have been cfabodkd signed john edfn d g c foster a a zanoni siib 9 m edward lytton buyers icw work the above nam novel for sale at ihe chtotikle cgaiete comnle ohice piiec is 3d- kindlon 23rd apr iftia arrival of the britamiai three oays later from onoon wo hae 0 jam to ejprea our wartaei thank to our button frier j who futrjihcd ut th mornin with ihe new brought by thi arrival itd hour from thai city jmval 0 rte ocrrend wfrm ndiond 0 no coarmofiowoac uttttigrnft t iht dt lucfionomcfteu ni ciqv- i v fafcr nn roro the steamer britannia capl hcwiltrrited at eaal boiton on wednesday morning abut 7 o clock haiinf kfl liverpool on ihe 3th nl shr liaamaik rtr paae from liverpool toflotton in nidtyi the only intelligence of any important that he branga ialhc confirm 1 lion of the rcoorl olthe 0cr throw of the engliiq totee in aprhaniitan we have alaodatci from china up to january i7il being 3 wee later than previously reeelvcd n oolhin ha occurred of importance parliament the house of commona atacmmrd aeordme to adjournment on the 4ih inat th houof lordi were to meet on the 7th rkfahccand commerce at the instance of sir robert peel afiei a ten debate upon ihe peiiktplo and ei pendency c the in come tat the house rotolveditrelf into ommittee iwi wij n0imi4 nilttrxi1d in r-tadi- h resolution on i manco and commerce vnhch had been ietroduecd by the minister prciioujfv lo the hotidayt the nrvt rcoaltjtion anvoring the princifcof ihe income u wa agreed to without a deriiin thin thrjtiei mielh jenee from china 10 to la nf jao n hi rr antesr utir waii m rmtuait and i- ffrr sstttfi wnt rn h the it lloa cw tnii en- t jtihi t cietv at ia nifantt aw ijfpftre nf iii tti tor tlinhaaibhedutibpfirierit jnk t j m tnr vtonlkrw ll hiiiuinin il tiji jfini at to enxtand to pay of legion claim thrta ad teeeonlain no other oewt of the ltghtrat inurtwi letter from cenlanlinoplc of the 5 mate that a reconciliation wa about to take place between turkey and fi recce and that both power had con oented to withdraw their troop from thair respe tire frontier the new envoy ali eflcnji wma to leare in a few 1 for f n he ia the bearer ofaprcaent froen ihe sultan lo thr prince of wati of amaoifc nt djmaaeu btaje the scabbard of pure gold aed the hilt if ute rarest brillianta hic rapidly irvcrcating importance of ihe trade between the british american coloniea aid taj united slatea is illutcated in the couimiltec of com tierce referred to in our lati a- turda rrumbrr by the following agurca cairaeted from tbo commerce and oarlation tabic fumith- ed to conjreaa by the treasury dcparuocnt in 18js the import from ihe british proviree lo tho united sulc were lo the vaiuoof flaiw lo irwo do do yw in 13- the eiporta of tfometrac oroduee frees tho stair to the briibh province acaoisnted to th value of do do of foreign product stot toul va5i in 1840 eiport of doinctlie prodocej from ihe suict to the briiiah prov ince fotcjn prod eta awawil 2i u03 1 t1ti trill fri uart taeohiih t fnr law remfi riitifi h fi nf atbrid cniia naval comatr u- ikrtetrnre o4 cnrn weee buiv tt t rtire at pn fir wtiia tbe aat 1- nntun j rfti nash or exclave thr average of the cirrolation of the hank of j jan j jotnt stock end private banks for the four wvfci erdmg on the ath of march wa puhliihd eh ihe loedo laelte of tle ih march the re- turn fumithrt painful record nf the avclinr uf our commercial tranaettonaa evinced bv fatlinc oil in thr imivunl of ihr clteutilioa 1 which as compa- ri d wiih thr acr as of ihe four weekt rodint 3h fcbruarthat tltrd i dtoatnuhun ofxii tinder thr fullovtiiig lrad rsiit vr rtihli a rrmkwdj xmrt ri frirate banis 0 3oi joint alock banks 7791 a iy7j icottwd chartered private and joint stock unl llltlw i a 1 uc hanhof ifrland wijs5 pmate and joint stock bankt iclll shm9 uu 11 1 an serifll to flt tat 1 ainete 1 taibvit wilfi i llie lemrl fmpi read with nil hand mi- nli jr hi ahii mfc la mtt itpril iwidu tnm naniairc van am 11 vnrliiov 11 jrftfmii j iivecil and reeijiniiriae rnlnr atuwtv y kit hiir malt id lae provioew he kat 4 iar tjr pr ie in tbr prut mer tel in wait ia un iji jnittilhton 10 rniti htniti it ih t- nraei rirr nivtt n i d a ttatti f cp 41411 hi a- k itr1 f l i in ai lthe letb trrte nltrflej in the tfrwwnwj air tliixb rmiih ttiarti m h 9t l j ii hituoivn ilitt piuoa tkctamirat hlwm lake 1w1 w kwrnet horn hr wi ci ntnt aaoriiocrr ir knv m n lite ep jiliot lu mm i merta hie l e4 jwxtr aod si c aam iaf r iuia isib ihhlii wru ilnmrr ujfltp t lijnh mx 1 naiinlriif iwrnilnrroied l nt ht til- 4i lahsnt nn br tttm irwti iihst nrin ii eiw tvnnr tl- n tae atanpj itinfin- ifm iamer iw in wl initaun- fe hramrrt ai arrimi vt ijr 11 th viavpm xu iriaii urrlarwwa i ai 3 s 11 yi ti pritita j ail mi rl ibe in alii flier thr rt il 1 ipfii h anwl 4ih arii mtltjni lit u in l ttwllli mi waei m l thi tel rw it mb j aavavailw mford m hi pi nr mi ravat uiut wafaajpy rjao iaaiiw tia t i ih tuale lntbra h jrti ah if wfii xi2s7ltt thr bullion in the bvik uf enland hti rnerrrd mmdolp r ihr same prriodj and ia nnw xtfu ow at the eorrcpoiuin- period or lil lerf it amount d to x43w at thein- pteiod in i- 4fl to x 471mo lctdon stretator fjrrrrtoof torn eirk a cr friday ifril i i ijthe trade lu bten tcry fifm since tueji and a our market ihit inornin llre wat fir av for wheat at tey full pcirn some pirerl f ehoirr fori1n wat laken for ahipmmi lo lr and tl to to per 7t lb nai paid fin ih l stettin tlere wi ic not many oat buyer in the rntiket hut lr t ore held frru at full pricrt thrir uat a modt ar for amrriran in and in some inlane anadtanccof ca per bbl iat ob4a thr ro nf oatmrol wan rurt aclive tlun t iv kxiniu2ef ihe week but lhrr natiiorna- irtial rlnc in ihr tattir sitirr turrdat alnul sohl witt nf ilunr in kld have been told at lo f7 per hbl vrlerday a sanall rarf of hdiro wheal laiidir lorj irtt old al fi 3d per 70 lbs- today ihrn- wat itnri ii- il of mqurj but lao trnil flrs iverr reriortf if linv mt k frtr rra the lnh iuuid ajiit isnta uv teeivl tfivmiialh ibihi mwk airemlsipii put mi luiftj- in nuakr11lww 1j fr iaui lh rtkimli trcill iibsitttiwihvirha4l atcitii hm it mt kh nn 1 i x i j i mio riv m 1 ll rm tri hi imi- iu ni rjiltaiimil ilrismstl iijihtniuii id u4ix n rmti ne nf ih ntiii di ti ieii 1 i bilil ii ui iji iv mixviiiie fimfn ah ith me 1 at ratinlai mnvthn tbur- r wtwk he kan thi mlvwiar ne i ilia a 1 1 ih ii tlrtl m n r- in l4 t 1 i ii fmeitiif jrrtatnhpilj fimi 1 i ia purtiuaei tartafd uw trip 1 mil an j wvr- u i a ht inn lovasah eati i thi rim dit tniiil ht in riathrli iibile tnv pa fw irln t wh rl vintiu tlsutu tn r tiwa ht ii- r ip 1 iiii y ih 1 ihe lit i o 1 ni rf iivtm r nt r the hi nl nil rjrmils u ihj lkitv th imlii fii i i i if t ertipint lur- h rs nn ts frwui ihnti 1 aotavi hut m vrihi t tin ma w ii mbit ma ibtnaii t licrr vluiaiiic h iet ibtrr wit ivhim pla lris t 1 ntril ta ftmuiiic etiiiei h ihr 1- in il lane wt i ii 1iwae w mvt 1ih tipvtlj ir hve a iav iriin ril l lklmllidia pii1 inatiklr but me lo- im mlmhib i1 hitr ltd two ihre m foeeal iv- 1 h njv w it ptifirrl fira iimwi4i nee i iiii k hthiititj luw4t iihai khan th- p ti ifrbta mill 11 vt lffl ii irfa hr pwrti 4i 1- n 1 l llri 1 mti 1 uu t jhiiin s t4 knitww t- 1 u p nlnlimitvith i ii flil- iln ill i imit tnmi u11vm ntffitwaih0fuatha kbhinmii rvtrt tiling ith ill viiiur a 0rcft flrdrr h 1 il lieen riij f rum head r m 1 real rniiumin eral rnrp nf thr prttnt neoimhalrd mdiui and ii haiulinx ntlirrs thr 1 1 earael froo ir litrwral lfdr will iaoihe paitscuttr lleail uartrft mnetrral april ll lirnratt oarra llir fnmmtmtr of thr torre haw wiihlh- anc- linn 11 it t retffiry ihr governor tivairral ln phad to dirret lhat ihr uwdirnaentinneil turnj of iv prntmenl lrrn now rerainj io iht prnvirhreof cansila and wlioe irriod ofrriec will npire ji trp vb intl shall he eonlinued emlchliednn a ipr- tw nf 71- me nt frar t0 teamtrrminnlle ihr ip tn tif imnrirnmenl il the rnd of twelve monim or nt riayialrrtmdimr prriod ihihtrf nfwiifo ivisf stinlrod tiontier cavalry mirflwrd ivniilcr ftaly qjra i thl urapnon itiil mtmrr d iatahy ifununritiii lf nmii r cat ilry meolh i iuiim 1 iiitu ltiii lltiiwn trneiiier ioanpanv 1 1 hjart mdu4a i r unt 11 r t onpa nt jinr wftf iwuifw llvtf 11 trnfp rf hurinratri tlranont iiirtoii tidiibterr artillrry rosnpanf hie tt tifermralrd haltalloli j he lnlird 4itnpaiiy idrnairi lthl infantry tiimpany the wwilr nl ihit ivi will le intjtd fnrerwrf nt iwrtii in iuiia th r 1 11 sjit frtvid rarsjs- raletofpiv and uowanerelhhnc nthihlfd ld ii d mm-i- n l mi lpsjll l nw id tun rkpthl rtteni l ieo j mi atr rutil j v ii 1 inn 14 is- llhlf lwi nl ibmr mhsthsf n tlmjt t tthimr wifd iti bar ititujrft m xlttfluid tr ntt ii- iiitw4at miillnr in lawrrasriv stmfl bali tvnjv tiniwi vhiiii nt kin allmhea- lti kaih i4 li ainterv air litr t jitnl walbr mr umu um a 1 ufi rint i ehim r rt n ihlti m nn a lt 11 h tshia eraafi t 1- 1 iiih fliffi ti si rh nw nivijk u tuwh i pw4i will refidalid 14 ikil dlhr fifee i i imiojiji i tj ihi r rnitni la mutra ati air wilmtun irili mlhscmhl in vlarfvi unvti llh a ib knip ii niri dwf it in a r-mr- anah hit v 1 1 i i vih tirti liniiimti- i 1 lili i it in rmt ni 11111 ii it appears therefore that io 183 tflo value of the articl imparled and crnorted to and from the british american province and tht united stau amxmudin value 10 1279001 1 and that it u only two year afterward this trade had increased to w10l 017 in fact hod nearly doubled and form ed an amount of commercial tranoaetioni eiceed in ai regards the trade of ibe united states that with any other part of ihe world england franc and cuba only excepted that the eatent of thia trade wotih fce fostered and tnonnoualy enereaaed by tho eitenaion of tho prmlc of drattback to all ohipnunu whether hyse or inland navljation to the britiaf north american colonic ia obvitu the advantage great a it will be lo tbe commerce of the coiled state j will he largely participated in bj tse trade ofthese colonic nor will use brilian manufac turer nor ihe b ilish shipowner without uvjr rctpeetive share bufky and heavy article coutd still be transmitted through the caaadiad takt and riterbut many article nhieh tho jnereafina at kinsatf i irrfjowimjca and in the irooiit of nhich core and r woukl be circumstance of primlfy iosportaaer would unq jeslionibly reach v throdgh dto amerf iron atlantic port aod the caeil and roalroaji of the united salea thi subject wo placed uforo ceogvxaa in dgkt o clear and decided in 1856 that we are aifprird lhat the nceeaaarv alteration io the i ji- cutiomt ia cf thrt aalc ha- i til ihe preent late period the delay however pcrhapt fummhi a an additional argument in ftor of iht ehane f ar i it not more than finsaalo that the rxteiiton of the inland tadc of the he4 state whath would unuettaonably have ken ef fected thereby would hate tetidod in an ioaforiaol derer to modify if not altogether to prereot tae eiircmc proiration of ibe cemrrrrcial eeicfshcd of the american porta and edict hear the wtjri of our lake which now ttiti votl benefit tr ber itate not to say must hae resulted to all partiri in tcretted n tho rha and will still be reatvi from it th enerarr ihe enterpriscj the lofaeeaot nsrful riv if rv that would he cieited wh inlore nt rtuting interest and ihe atimulu thai mitm ha given to the circulation and caploment of e ifllll and of crery branch of induiiv wdtd for and nid and ttith atlovmg rapidity thr froa peril which ihe fertile eegon of thi puliun of america i d tired by prorijenee lo enjoy wo ar glad that the sublet has been mooted at the present time fir no period eoutd be more fa- vocable for bringing mto praetaral opeeitton the view of the committee of commerce tbe preo rnce of ctd athburtnn at wathingiem of itself a highly fa von r able rfrfawlla1i hit ail doujt not thai the rnlihrnd and ibe memtvn of that crn- miltir mil avail ihrhtirtfit of the ranfritawc aod jreilpraeliralkiiowudae oftul nablemm tn r fhrret ssa- avniin rf f av ft- fie 1 9 l l tt rt c- eern thr nclfare cf some of the mt inilueiitui and impocam of the ameran aica ad scarce ly us so thai of thi province ati miin ii ilc ihi ne ipi wh h w fern liamrtihtia t- w- ih lmif f hr iiihv fitler i iii ii i an ti 1 mli tib ariimri ij t1 hthl aim i it rrwni m vhi b h h thr t im tre srpo t rlwrtly kilh d by iiunr e jd i janda and fdl wiim man imnartitr nin owd rrndirtd themanearihlrrifinrti tadhrlp hie poorfcl- lim and my atirh ittfdicr rilnrinli ifrtr lufal nr thr ftilliinirvj may he erfd a cornel meinorondum nf the miniber of vlf-eer- wlrjhavr fat- kfl rilhry j hi mayttyi imi itmrnt iiltnlrj r eel ii 13 ll i j rtfrull firhrhond iiittmtttivi ithllrttll1i n k i lstdh ilth dilftrrnt lpartrrciita lhuii the villi wimenlquatttrij nt harraeks llnldiii ha feeritnl art lhat ihe renneitl i intended for eirl eitilurk- fltioit fw liaija imd thai il will hr cniniilr r te av iwdih eauhtithmenl witfioul deus knlitttnrnl ii ojnoti willi the s4hl fine ifiiivoeil ncert in irublin nnd emrnlli thrimighottt helhd thr failure nf the iitrewliiri- htnk ot tiveenock wliieci lmk jilacr itt wnlnrailay hat tvtfl protlurtivr rf mi rdiiimntmn an tihrui in ihu lnwn nf i i ir euru k ftht ihi he ad oilier vvartahlihrd thrro tern null lhrrp iiitiirr in ihr hunk whn uito edlrel irly irtdohlril in the rinimih- tllthi tin linhtirtid un fnirti ai tt led at jiw lat tvrrktxt torre a rather lrnuiy elrtvcry has arin on of a i gift of a site at holland landing near lake suncuc for therrtction of a wesley aa mehdit chitreh by chktjutlter robinson the partift to the eonlroirray are iho editor of is- chritini ruardian and ihu chjfrh ncwjpper and the chief juatiec himtelt the controversy potieiv litua gencfal inttr liae mol rcligioa dispulvion it tt atialliiu out rdfsn to a chfialiaoj puble aid ne should hare abaiscd from notice of it were it not that it auuda a proof of the bapv and iieerttwlintlueneelsi the uvsern portion of cana da of ihe rolky of lord stdrnham the time late ly so wma tie tnhl hare lorlrd in vim far an interchange of courteaic between ute reat badrr of influential rrlijiov aeelr a belter and hippier state of ihinxs now eeit to what it thi chadf a lo be ascribed but to the rncaurc and tolicf whirh iho saaciiy iho ood en and ihe patriot iten of1ord svd nhimdetikd and successfulh car- r tn hvijrrn canada tle abjotned a tmct from the christian guardian honorahe to thr talented hriter and io ihe object of the well inrntid rulogitim il contains we copy il in iho hoe that it may ud to the difft of a of tikralily am ri all nligious proferor w re jotee to find the chief justice so catholic in iw principle and practice ll leads ui to hope that the tame pint may be applied to other anaiirr and that a time may arrive when many who i 1- rd themvelre from ihe eerier of ihrir country jg an ill jttdedoppoitinii to ihr healing rneuuretof the lato uoirnior ueneral will again be enabled to breomo the servant of oscar ftotcrvirit and to de vote their tajetit and their patriotism to the puhrc srrvier trii intatn iaieiab ihe httrrair loiimios itineh l- 4trmnnt iaai i r j iipjiia 1 p m or ant t wthimwt swrai nuniiltt et nf shrsatf p- ptianlflprol tlw if ternni 4tv tirijefhrir ij-a- n wihmi nifliiip 4ni4ihrvrriihi laev rpiml nrr wnlt lietntiiirt rnm lj hmu4 wot of tw unr rhuhh hi bhii m iw riaernifnf tft- iltfll 4iri i 1 j i i a wtii i i i iimfti nmi amtitait tw snieinri r ii h lae tifiit- tevtti ami uivrnlirc m llli i mht h 1 i 1- ilu 1 l1 ft 1 j ami liiliiuine i m rr itwir p nttwtmee i a rati iinvin ti i aa ii aip liie fr e n in iteiiti efifle irjiiie f ta a ii ma id tit b 1 ii ii4v brii tn vwiwleae ml iv lhr- npb- ihi iimiji ihfi mttii ihe inn ipilliniw ahirh aitr iniyid i riaft- vl rsrioimi 1 t itdiiii iavir it arw- hihjininiihai n nl 1 imraip ri lmmlb triithe wl k ihm ti f i4l j iti nt le it r nn titnli- fin iheneitlethihei hmiaof ht nn i4ln heair ikara e ivt n if i lalii ttj wr- 4plu4 hl wi iwi it vv lllil 1 ivi il v aitt l tkiiiifi if fer tftfl ttu tnm hn ei iffe h hwk lllmd tmflfu fam r l4 m- entlil l ww piw r no i ihr pl j i ihi

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