Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), May 4, 1842, p. 3

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i till ime ii 11 ii 1nlt mm i w uifinl ii lb mii hp lltr i ilipltiiitlt uri l l i jhv hl tit ir t- i lti 4 imi tin 11 potl i il n k vfii- hmjhnlith npn lumjmtti trilridtt mil ti1 tii tvlif j it 4tr1 mi ii it in imr tn jttifi bi luij uliig in llir rtvit avj4h mttn audit mii itt liiim bun iitiiij 1m1 irt- lirf lii ftiol tnsil illvlr lh hugh it ui lift- lrilj illl hill niiiil t hint jh jri i ht wm sh io rim m rit 4 j v th p h ir luh richly mounted rd iho eornpany hale rcoitd a eiprostuauf mr mim 1 uw of lur rsprmua ihc ork standard tits r rita ml i lldviltirl h ft h r i il ttthlillm ntttv wh lln- jj hltli fcpkwlli wi ivr ml hviri vk a fil wa f pobj l2sijh 2 ll ixjiiji mi iter mwy wwa m i if u i lf wmr moiltr brilliant i li li vt ktniaoil mtjoupvu at i s ikiivtat vjrfw ui t j i utire ill h0a i f r uyti inn f pulfin- rvff mutt n if in pwfwi gvm- modern iyi nerve bag of t vf uur ruriiur jfi ultam parlhulitij ilit- tuowj daiumu a rttxri or 0i ihc public knuw that heir hj urn morf ji in intfioving hie rtrevti of kiitoti iltiriit the hlttcvihmnrjvfnmi lie ltot bimjn hjnlaimnfor ihf pm tiionlh a ulj ofiubcr lhal utt wrn rul in nritrulin- crttif and iilftimp irmnal tlie itlcitghl k ri dmu oc- currrd lo min pcfon thai tur nil ihii lh ir poh tt iouljhaw by icfek uni dot c aw happj 10 iftfwm ihtm that iht frill not be the cmc w f committee 04 tfie corpo ration nacjol cmpkud 4 thoro i ofibrirhnaiciil sfljir aid ihcy jinj ihji ut iho fjocltycttr ihcy wilt hjc abotii x in hand after poirri oil claim iinat thvm atnl fjr all impforcwcnii now ororrd in fel tof tltn ihiftffltfpt novmin lle xixn of uof ji tlnrc will probtblj be oihrr imijifofemrnu ordcnil 10 lite monlof about 3mw ijw ao lhat al iheendnf tbejear ibtffvwifl be clear rjorplh of about 1 400 to rdi rtdnun the corporaiion mlck if aanlrf fcr lhe ore not nrifnble until ibo foilowm- iffinf the market toll hive breri let for x6ftprr annum to be pimttnrkrljr itad- rence and on tlic boat jecurit- itndur tbee eir- r u mfance it vrooable ihtit mrih mil bv taktti orm- ihceomin xinlcr toward eirrtinj the fol lop aeaaon 3 iparinu and hind mine m arke ll07k oil4 towm ltll one llt jsu bi 1 u- lic eonvenirne and an ornamint to th own in tllh ihre ia eau- of rnnratuhiion i nil bertarttrabcrtdtiul bul a verv malt propollcn j the tonn rtrcnue i eipendfu in nhritfv tkilsr ihe major nor any member of the corpora 1 on rccci- inj any thin 0 thtt ihc tc ore laid ogt for the putfie benrfil ith aamtlc deduction si pouible tsr following gentlemen hive been appointed actora for the town the current year ward no i henry citdcralcevc eq 2 samuel muckh alone eta 3 chara ilatn en u a chuk hrath eq their remuneration for their very oncroui duties thi yrar i 6xrd tt 1 per cent wc muttaain remind the inhabitants severally that itb necessary for them to be prepsrvd to 411- rwer the qucationi of tbe ccmus lists and thus fici lilcie the labontfthc atmtora mr a maync tctaina ibe col1ectorliip he- rild maltl tfcrtitkta ir tr u ai no iay sn t r r ww ih4rn atipft ol ilutn vhipfli iberhin miii to mtu ib hjrm iletrr ijrofs la iii mlist ltkioffouovnlof llrrtalvunnari m l 1 1 uartraxpeetd labijwuai itr- auliips1acr j tl lurltiufel f ibc uof lavviil of vciihond uvv 1 mij and iht mora v of if rtiford th l k v sinaiiam and fraoruii ml iru- mnuw iu i 4oa lacurw 1 1 b iiia of hc 1 lo conirlom0 x m r- 1 l hi mtu lsal ktffmvfi mrs barker rf a llauhtjr h a m h 1 o lii r redarieltaburh on tlurday m ui lt bltowpf ol ambaeai lafsri lo miaa maixv aoeod wtlw of mr ocorc cmhttt of rvederku- onuihoi bvthekcv u j craaaeu at he cithedfi ckwjfc rf3i jomet u tocooto mr wilim rmdrj of kln to mi mn uu of toronto it hiardence ei in the 67tb mltebi iw lortuiiair riyuo devout i moral ag herald uf ik 4 lljluiii iftirtsh asltc4h land company oft the 30lb ull ihe ninth annual mreiin of the ropriclor of thia company vraa held si iho undon javcrn biabopgaicalrecl c b robin wo eaq it the chair trom tho report ii appears that th am due by the company to hr majeajva govern tnrnthad ben aetikd by n surrender of pirtof ihcir irrrilory and the expenses of ihc company at home uid abroad had been greatly reduced 1te dainet eofi or shcrbrooke in kover cauida had ai nee then passed bylaw which imposed a tai of one jxminv pee sere on ibe company- land which if noiduallowed would not only abiorb the exiting umdbuuventas1ly compel the ssle of the remain to th tdilor of tne chronicle h amtr sin will yng be pliased to cornel iheerforj vhkh were made m inur papvr of thr ifrh eurrni bj the nwhautc of kuti rtvpecuoc llc oii lion of the circular psrihi did jll wilvc clwltf tlw propokr not notice tho frro- or eati he not hive the lue ittlwft hiinjfl why th variation of the falte9s aerrfrftin the true 23jseee a more than ihe conumi of 0e ofnurlowre couniry mtrwbl loii liere i0 acre oh kt not that me- chxihicturna mechanical surveyor and comedown o ui here to la out our land in larze ciretcs sa ittrmanj wa foriurtly divirlid 1 thought the pro puljnder or tome of ihc surveyora or lileratt of yxr city wnuld itive given a correct nawcf infore monk notn wtuld like 10 gel through ih world in bwth and 1riorsirce did not apply to hint ift nunj other case it miht well be applied in thia 11 liefer irjiin alt preamble will vou hare the odfte throuli iht nn dium of vorir widely drtittd and uvfnl pap r to icl ihtj mtektuc havv slittjc m re tih f allow hoe circtt of j milci in dianeltr to be dnwb or divcribeo toueluit- each utticr ibry ean tueh eieh uihr but in oti- point only and ibe lirtirjil lino joinin- ihcir centre mutt pam through ihe pjinu nf contact by thr i2ih of euclid 3rd nook wrhive ilnin rrjuitakral trinlc oieide of which is 3 mikv multiply th quare uf the aide br ihc tabular trrs iw hich uw ihe eoo- rnl of the triangle 377 miles jn thu triangle rhrvr are 3eq ij sretom nasi h area to am of lot smicirelea vt 33j43 hjitn rnile the diflerenee of he area of ihc sieiuea and the triangle i 3427 huch nuuipkfd by 64u th acnt in a voiurc irle ivei 232 oerea 0 rood l polu which ia the conltfkl of the curvclincat figure or pce bounded bv the circle and which uorc of tbe quanulics re- ouind now if we royld ao order it that 3125 pal could remain between the area ofiltc rqutlalcral ti anfle and lhat of the ardor for fskb quantity multiptrd by wo ires jiat 200 well it h the ouie ofthetsme xd- bv 133 and ajrain by 3927 ute half of wsj lhi t 0403 x2312 or x 23i- ma3at7ms4u3 the nae root of this bit k ktiftn the diameter- of th- oiher circle h1fof which 11 mile- or i mile 690 yard the radio of ihe circle having lual 20 arre between ihcri which ia the other rtiuirrd no one word more mr editor i think it ttty airancr ihjt the mrrhanie did nol prrcrive ihe rt coftgruily having hi rjntka bounding 200 aenr s greater diameter than thw bounding 29 acre for the double or i mile u5uyardi ia more than rnilr a vel rrtneetfully youra ke nadir colesu du lac 20th april isis dfroflhi eoropaiiya tsndj itwn hoped that the secretary tor the colonica would cc the tnioriog cotaequcncc of auchstu after the numeroui losaes tft which um proprietors lvd already been subjected by aerie ofunfortunstc event in that courilrytnd i the ercfil of ils removal tbe directors expected to be able locneet auehsslcaof their landa aa wuuld rwiun the proprittora to receive eone return fur tbcsv urge nod hitherto unprootsble outlay the to the resect time were 2341331 1 7 lod and the jkner in hand was near 600m the chair man then tttcd thit the interview of ibe diecctora iih lord stanley had s yet not enabled them to asy that the lax would be removed the number of acres liable to it 11 as between 50u and 6go00x and iho ta contcqucnlly between 00ui and 30001 annually 1ft answer to proprietor mr craufurd sid there vra tiovx shares and 371 paid out of the 501 ihare some augcatiom having been nude to thcdircciofs in reapeetto a further reduction of the cxpcndjiurtr and the method of telling the hnd the chairman laid the land only needed capital and u- bce to make them rooat proglable and lie thought the period a not remote when the land wnujd be rxtensively aoughl atlet there betns between 700000 and ti atttttftn improvement of 00 ly la per sere were effect d on lhcns a um of x- ooul would stonee come to ihc proprietor mr anjcr informed the chairman that he had re ceived a letter from a gentleman in hamburgh ji funning him that be was coming ovtf to tieat with hc company for 1 number of germ in emigrant mr craufiird aaid he knew from experience that tbe ciermana were the heal aetucrs about the lake on lario and during the war their conduct was excel lent after roots remarks from mr povnder the resort wa adopted on the motion of mr scott and carried unanimously a very complimentary rote of ihanka was then proposed to the- chairman depily hnirrdnsnd director by mr peorhyn brother t to lord stanley for thetr eaf and ability under iha- tfyiiigeireumranceajn which the coinpa ft had been pkced which was aeconded by mr scoitondcrried unanimoualy when tbe meeting c pirated patseyua- it ha often been ktd whal b iial enjclitri paper conlama all that drfghl be aid il contain enough however to make every trotes- lain heart aad when it is remembered that ihc i uteyisfo the extract alale i fa developing itself iu urcst eri chriitlan guardiftn m wht is sgey ism 1 his i 10 say ansjh- ein to 1li principle of proicilsiitism to depart rnore and more from ihc principle of he enjliib reformation 3 to sigh 10 isinltihal e hould be acpsrated fom rome f 4 to r j rome sa otir mother through whom t were bof i it j to denounce the church of enjbrdss being lf in bondage as work- mi in chain rd as tetching with the aummcrtng ip of ambinoui formularkw f 6 it ia to euh- ctzcthe chchof romssa having frecacopw lo ihc feeling of awe myttry tendernsv reverrftcc nd devoted ne 7andsa hsrinf high gift and atroiig claims on our admiration reference love tnd graitude 8 it i to declare that our nrticlc are the offspring of ao uncatholic age and thai tbe communion icrviec i t judgment ro and died ai montreal cm m 28th tflt antoine street william hkrr ycaf of hi sge at cranlfordon the motninc of monday 26th mi a ihc resrdencs of the mistes mcdoug after an illnea of fourmontha iqihe30 hvear of hia age ceorjce mcdougsll eq formerly of montreal at burlinxlftf vermont on the 2ftd ultimo mn clausa adama relict of the iii hon horiuo gig9 aged 94 year the memory of thi ladj la deaf to all ho kn her amid all the care of life of which ft mors mn odinary hae fell to her lot he ever maiftlaiftcd ibe temper and deportnvrnt of s chriatian and the caoaisicnt affection of a mother and s friend at hia reside ftce caailo toward argyuhreon the llh march kirkan fiilny eq ihk nnucrirwi iyh lo annouticf to hii ctttwairn a in- jtksl removed in iho pro mii in kruht sirel liartely oeeupiadhy cha lissj kv a m luuv fttore ur door iu mai it ilcvt jti where will br found ft vrry extenirr and wll eleetj huvk of uhv goods suiuhlr tor ihe spilna trsdr it prtee tower thsft any good have before been oflered st in hi market in aditoo 10 ihe pfeenl cxten- tire stock couplete sssoiuueftl 1 rxuecled by hr hrtt jrrisau from london lirerpouf and glasgow and s quicl ssje it more an ob- vet than iftiui pfofiii ihe trmde will be offered xi due em cuts heretofore unknown t macn1dkr aemt kingston 2d msy irh bsz d post office notice r next mail for england m h1i- fax w 11 be closed at ihis office on mqtv day ihe 9lh htttaf at 6 oclock p m kobert deacon pm foit ofice kinirsloflj 4th may 18w auctfon sale on wednesday nexl the 1mb insl will be sold at ihc mores of ihe subscriber lo close coniffnrncnt flhhdf brihl museovido susir oubitreb crushed do 50 barrels freh ost meal with a eneral wotimvui of groceries liquors and wines and n thursday the 12ih will be sold the remmm slock of ft rui dry goods store eoflsistin of a way general assort- roenlolcreiy article in the line- terms tety liberal and made known at ihe time of sate hugh calder commercial wharf kingston 4th msy 184 j 6qdi btewaht hmremoted from store jhrtsj lo brock mieel- kirtjplon msyl 142 ssdi government notice wealeij tenders will he received m o the comnimarint oilier kinjraton until bsmiem monrluy ihc itth of may for raktritf out ihc joint of ftbout l0ck ysidi tuperficial masonry of tort henry and liointins the itmc willi roftiii cement and sjnd the koman cement wil b up- plicd by the rojftl enninerr drptrtpamf and aspecificafton w be seen al the royal enri nerr oigce every uy sundays ccuud tweeu ihe hoursof 9 and 3 unexceptionable security iulrct to lbti prortl of thr commiharut will be required commiiftftrislt kirsjrtcjei 35th april 1s43 s7ti 1 extensive premises to let- 10 be let and poeaiotitjreo early in may thoif f 1 r ftnd capaeioiis three slory fire proof hl erected last year and now in the oecuu- 1 l mesn arm atrori and greer the premises consist t larr e shop or stores having undernexvi iwo cellars of irret extenii excavated from a m rock and per- covernment notice jealed tendett will he received al tli fur thf active prose it or retail for sale by the subscriber a chestnut horse if maretx cellent match fat in saddle and har ftrs ann hare been ridden by ladies rfidil atniut 15 hands ihe propeity of hon t w c murdoch also juat arrired for sale ii eases bonnets 9 boxr glass 7 9 and 3 x 10 20 do sperm candle 1 5 do tjlow do for pjtttculai eitquire at mr office thos a haines jvh kinston may 4 l84i ssz on the church t 10 it u to teach thai ihet iron ir ii and aacred ard mot precioua n- i 12 it bio avert that vice- to- quarterly naval ocitcarv nas orticers admiral sir jois roivlcf admiral sir george scotu r ii m h spnce w robiuiord s ham b woodrift j dougle coamanders w boxer j h murraj m a slate bird allen h davrc w alder j ponoi- lieulenaola j jran c goldtmilh w ed- vrsrd h smilhwiek forrman t cultan- ahaw j mill r- oie k wall d h slecmouse masters w parie t foherifvgion t treli- vii j anderson w e l mantev h ilodder uatcs c ludlow a glen w v d anon medical officers l gillespie m d p j mcarthv s h plowman s r eliot s t kidd s c newman a s h h baker a s j thorns a s c r schurcher a s a seotl a s j maclear a s j tar a s w martin a s w cratr a s poracrsw bundock j vallack s brooking p va4 il w cbralcr j httchiftr c woftehsm rovst marines capiairta t mitchell m c marthur h bcnrull second lieut j williams monthly military obituary general r t neuon lieu tgeoerftl shrapnel r art majorgenerata a mkhamilton of late 2 i vet bru couuon late of i iriih art the esl of munasee gov of wiodior castle antl col of the kp own militia colonel tbe duke of cleveland k c- dur ham mil the marqui of hrriford k g rl cornwall and devon mil the marqui of lothian edinburgh mn strtllon h p 4 fr horsier h p 24 p mijoro e duncan daslll thomas mitchell late of r mar caplains walpole r bftfrl mmahon h p f waller h p rt f fcftteo unatl aid of 37 f fjffe fifcshirc mil lieutenant swinburne 18 f plunkct 33 f adam 8 f a a capper h p 13 f tsvossj h p 24 f davies h p 53 f gouldeo b p 82 f obrirft h p 95 f fortune h p 2 car au comet second lirul and enairns ejan h r wit pr fenn do shaw of ule l h ct bn j william h- p r mar quarter masters sheahan 6 f wserhour i bn 60 f cocnrnmssriat department dcp aas com gen t d k irhl medical depart men lsur 14 dr sittsur 2d clsss dr an wood nnnh ri1ol a a preeioui rhiithemivasjia a niment of ihe notl 4 the ruleof faith 13 that ihr oral tradition of the ehurehia alao aneipoaition ofcjdarovealrd troth 14imt ihc bible pla ced without note or comment in the hand of unin- trurtcd person unot calculaicd fo ordinary ca- vei to make ihem wie unto saltation 16 it ia to atierf thai in the lord supper chriat b pre- uiderihe form of bread and wine 16 that then d that umolisyj and mvitciou gift of chonsine ihc bread and j chrtii body and llood is il i notice he undersigned have entered into co partnership in the dry goods business at kindlon under the firm of hainej font of svoasrcaco sihlev forstek john j haines mary f- haines kington may 2 1842 sssti notice david smith and cecil morti mer hating hern appointed trustees to the estate of george keogh merchant late of picton and millford hereby nolif all these who bare any claims aeinst the said ueorjj krogh to present the same immediate ly ami alf those who are indebted to the laid george keogb re requested 10 come for ward and make immediate payment to the im denigned cecil mortimer icftrtrt trtufre picton 29th april 1812 88nt tthc montreal cszcllc w11 plcsre inacrt the above once a week for three week and charge c m to let hex a peraonaltr and bodily with u are enlruaied with the or nrhj wine imo vnruu a oooy and wood rjo 11 1 intttaifl the lawfvlnett of prsrer for ihe dead fl9lo make a dititiclioft between renui and rririil vn f2f and lo aaarrl that ft person s ijelioio that ihcra ia s purjatory thai relic may be rcnrralcd ihataainia may be invoked that intre are oeven aaerament and that we mar with a zood oonscianec auhacribe the 39 article of the church of englaod osford chronicle and possession given immediatele the store dwelling house and premises on slow street oppnsite messrs j watains i co hardware ettab lately occu pied br mi james graham applv at the office of john a macdonald esq kingston 2d msy is4s s8ni iurgdr d gbmbiuti her maj accept in me moal graeic hrrwlf and her royal con td by the thomeplate oil td in glass in a novel and hut are rained on one plat it iflvtntad strongly rn ground ia sightly tinted rni the plsfe i aorrov lorerfdie whole tan ntdht t tllnrrcrtr n pleased lo the buita of were present t it i tanner both oition recent- labaaur ihr if ia tranapa thase wreathed t de miikio a derm ckwc viocam society rcxkintiint wa held ycttcrday afternoon in the city hall for tho purpose of farming ihc church society of the dio cese of toronto the lord buhop took the chair mr kent acted aa secretary a larje proportioo of the ckrev from alt parta attended m their robes and ihe hail was oiled with the laity of the church many admirable apeeehes were delivered and some resolutione were paeddrwn up with rreftt care for ihcffesjiiiftiioaoi the socielt we will notice the meelifts fully irj our nest itoronlo colonist coiomtry h u our melancholy du- ty to record the auddeo and violent death of mite ellen mtkee the daughter of a widow lady i thia town who came by her death in conacqueoce df the accideoul discharge of a atroigon on the oipole of which hr brother hadjusl placed a cap when the fatal iftatrument went off and lodged its contents m the side of the deceased medical sssiatance was promptly obtained but the hemorrhage being toward ihe woiod wo beyood the altill of the faculty and the a uflcrer expired about 20 minutes after it wes received no blame can atueb to her ua04fp u j ther in dae astsir a orourr jury sat upon the body today sa turday nd returned ft rerdict of accidtvtl rcath the deceased wlrose death happened on fridiv will be interred thi afternoon western herald dtpbrahu cciirnf yesterday evening be tween 8 and 9 oclock mr a vidal hipbuwer accidentally aret with hia death in the following manner mr vidal had launched n teasel in ihe morning nhicri tooortd at diamond harbour wharf short distance from mr monos netf ves sel in the evening he weot on board to ace that all ws right and afterwards proceeded to visit mr munna vessel for a like purpose bet wo regret to stare that on leaving the latter he fell overboard and was ifbrluntely drowned the bodr was found hi morning and will be interred on friday afternoon next at three oclock the deceased was a son of post captain vidal now atationcd at port sarnia canada wesu quebec gaiette 27lb april notice ryihe annual meeting of lb share- holders of the midland district scimoi socieljr will be hld in the school house of the society on monday nesl ihe 9lh dej of may inst atone ovtock for the purpose of elecline olficrri for tbe ensuing year rv order f ihr president kington 2d may 184 ssdi the subscriber has to request that all parlies whnarein debted to the estate of messrs- am- strong grten will pay the amount on or before the 10th day of may next otherwise they will be placed in tbe hands of a lawyer for collection all parties having claim against thr estate ftre requested to send them in on or before the time above specified robert esdaile attomtyfor the trvstrn kindlon april 30 m ssdi pig iron for salf 400 tons no i gartshite pig ironaod4no0 fire bricks john eraser hannwanc mnnn ston sfreef kinaton may 3 182 88ui information wanted of peter gibson carpenter ft na- tirr of scotland who left ihe parish of stoney kirk calloway shire in 1831 and when last heard of was in kinziton any informa- lion rrspectinshim would he thankfully receiv ed by his brother alexander who could tell him something to his advantage if of let ter diriect to wm bepgs barrirfield near kingston fectly dry lolly adeuuitt rution of any business whoirs ani the upper part of 19 bothinxs is capable of bein used as a famin mansion or convert ril into a boarding hotw of the firt clah the pmitfi aie situat iht j p of store street and next to tere ironfimn- gery warehouse of jsiinwatwnsco to whom all applies afe nferred kingston april 2cthj8i 87 dissolution of partnership the copartnerip heretofore exist- ing between wlhi fswler collins and thomas augusts haines jun id tin day dissolved by mi r0l tht business will infuliir coted fn by thomas a haines jut- whm n due ih firm of coigns haines are requested to le t an dinw ngainsl the said firm to be presented to him for liquidation w f eourlns thos haines jvb kngton april x0 842 homas a iixines jtn t to rrturn hta hncerc llanks li hi friends and the pulih generally ftir the very liberal patronage afforded id him tltir- ng ihe lute copartnership and bee rc itpectfiilly lo solicit a onttnuarce of ilteif favour which it wiil be hi endeavor to merit bv a constant rojard to their mtr eaft thos a haines jln ivviiorkcr o comoiissanat office kingston qmu noon on monday the 23d may for the performance of builders work for ihe service of the royal engineer department at the following places 1 k ion and dependencitsand iananoiue 2 prescoll and vck illr 3 cornwall and kftjieasler schedules inav be seen on application at the ojhce of the koyal engineers unexceptionable security subject lo the ap proval of ihr commissariat will be required commis3srialkinfcttod 30th april 142 7nl herald ivhi- and new please eopv wanted immediately a vaster for the eastern distkict school n b candidates to send iheir irstimonials i paidlo the ttev huh utquhart chair- snan nf the boaid of trustees for the eastern district school cornwall april 19 istt 85hi t salh a lriw i 1 itttti stla ertoihc oj 3h ii power apply 10 if acphersun crank kinspion april i9ili isw hu rrtifihl to hit upper laks the olive bmjfch ol port sarnji will leave ktngnum for lac erie jtivem detroit diui st clair and lake huron alxmi the im may and will n 1 like regulor irihlhrounhoullhe waioft3i near monthly ns ponriblc she i a afc dry vessel well appointed aiid mils on 14 teetotnt prmcipie- hooker henderson co jlmnhin kinnum malcolm cameron jffuql port sttrttfa kingston 19lh april 1s42 i n hrreliy gieen thai the courts notice midland district tvt 0 t c e n wit 11 girr of assize and nisi print md oyer and tr mincfiand general gaol dlirery in and for thr sid district will d hofdrn at the court house li kingston on monday the 16u1 may ii thr hour oftrn of ihe clock ot the hrcnoon of which ji coionli justices of the peace uailitr constable and all ouitri hi any risc concerned arc rrqulrei to take notice a mcdonell shfil office kingston 23rd april 1642 remo val h i w rowsell booksellers and stationers tjave removed fiom their fornr rest ifenc in btock street to those new pre in kiojr blrcet temjf occupieil b port hope whisky ihe subscriber has received wnundrrd and jtty barrets port hope whisky and will keep constantly on hand during the season a n e supnly for sale of this well known article joseph i hall kindlon ulh april 1s z d mc n tosh rrtailcr or groceries tens vincs and spirituous liquors ic c mrs hickeys new buildings t the crossinx of storr and quarry street kingston public notice is hereby ven that m kingiion april 30 is42 s7 dissolution of partnership jsctotice i herehyven lliatllie pan- j vj nerhip hilhcto mating under ihf firm of g h haines co d kig- on and s forste co at mon treal ia thia jay disolttd s forster j i- l r i g h haines kingston 30th april is42 876i all dehts due to the into firm are re quested to be paid on orfcfoet the 1st june is42st kmgston to haaes forsier 5tco and at montreal lo s prater co after which lime they wjh i pot in the solicit or hands for collection thos augustus haita mary kosbrook halvc commercial bara mid dku notice is hereby jiveo that the annu al meeting of the stockholders of this inslilulion wilt be held the bank n mon day tre 6lhday of june roxt at lloclocv a m for the purpose of ehcline director for the ensuing twelve month by order of lb- board t a harper cashier kinslnn 28th april 12 s6iia mutual fire insuramee company of ike muiand thrir notice is herev the annual merlincf thr said company for ihr purpose of eledin ty wo of di rector for ihe ensuini will he held at ihr t town of kington on of une next at ii oclock court house in monday6lhdaj noon authorities to writing by order of the vou by proxy must be in pfajdent and dirrrlnr w tw1cg 5ecrerflry kington 28th ajrfli 1812 87lh just mffbived 2 tons very auprrpf american cheese ditect torn buffnl for sale by d christie mrktt souore miula5d drsraicr 7b wit by rirtue of certain writs to mc direct shall attend at the court house in the town of kington on wednesday the 27lh day of april next at the hour of eleven oclock fnre nwn beinij the second day of the silling of the couit of the general quarter sessions of the 4 in vi1tnsim ihrv rpr fat ep in conjormtty with the insl clause of the 2nd action of th provincial statute 7th william iv chap 19 thr lands in the townfhijwof camden fredrricksurfji ksladar kmslon pittsburgh portland louxhboronsh bedford kenebec oso olden and advertized by the treasurer of the said district as in arrears for aes and htad tix up to ihe aral duy of july 1810 and previously olfrred for sale on the 26th january last past unless such ar rears ajc sooner paid allan macdonell shnff m d sheriff officej kinpton march 3 1812 f 7ll2i the above tale is postponedtill the 1 mjsrs mrisrs creenshlehjs and miller nev1 lo j v brents chrmist and dmlsl kinston april 20 is42- slz bank of upper canada- public notice is hereby riven that a general meeting nf the stockholders of this hank will be held at ihe bank on mon day the 6th day of june next at ten oclock in ihe forenoon for the annual election of iimtiflyorj as the directors lo serve for ihc act directs dy order of ihe board thomas c hidoit caafatlfi toronto iolh april iftl2 rshi la day of may nct al twrlre oclock allan mcdonell sheriff m d sheriffs office i kingston april 29 1v2 a kinpton 30lh april t survrtng he undersimed ok acquaint ihe public that ha veil attend to surveying in all its departments office in the west end of patrick lindseyshuseoicolhrne slreet north of the scotch ciurch written directions eeacermo- surveys irft at the chronicle st gzelc office vritl receivr prompt attention p v kinsonmay4 l8i2 ssdi impromptu on hearing that coloxil lovs73d rejl rho i 1 uu- tried certain ehsrjrea a predent of a rreertt courtharlul at chslaam one of which afficumtheefraraeusrofsyounajladf had been catted to brigbloo to attend her majesty and hid boeo succeeded in uspresideocy by colonel home to thciieesofallrwwu loveresjajvjieaaof veou dcterssined to roam dtcmjntawabuessoo doodcouid oershadovrher beauty r he jf a her beneath the protoctioo of home yfodett xiu a bacbeloe saya that ail be ahootd ask for in a wife would b a teper hesltn jood unewstandjof atreeabas phralognoay ogurr good eonnrclioos doenestic habits resources of aoiumefll ri iprdj cntfi tsienls ele- manners noesssv vrue and meney removal john ramage rtafcamoaet shversmuh e jeweuer has removed his establishment from his old stand in kins street to brock street opposite d keilleri confectionary where in fevrdavsjhewillbe able w execute anv orders in bis line kinfiton may 3 1842 8sa for sale by the subscrl bbr 1 a a d0z br0wd e milk plins i also a larc assortment of jars crocks and jus expected by the firt spring vessels a splendid assortment of crockery glassware ic wm wilson kingston april 23 1842 just opened a few cases of christy best white and black beaver and jowmar hats also 2 cues of mens and boys cloth caps and 6 cases of fancy and dunstable straw bonne its a splendid variety of gentlemens stocks scarfs and opera ties at greatly redoxed pri- wm wilson kingston april 23 ims kingston 182 elmore s7z card shth begs leave lo feiurn hi grateful thanks to the ladies and gentlemen of kinpion for the very liberal patronage which he haa received for the last six years that he has been in busi- hh in this city and wishes in iiifurin them that he has retinqutehed ihe keeping of boarders iu order ihal 1e may lie enabled to devoir the whole of hi attention to his confertionrry business and saloon ivhich he has removej to the premst lately occo- fiiod iv mr keiler wherf all order wir tendrd to il i the intention if a s to keep con atantly on hand a vupply of confectionery of all kind lolh wholesale and retail uejj the lact fureipn fruits which the new york market will afford kingston april 27 12 iisz just received and for sale by the sub scriber 2d door below the post office 50 bocs oranges and lemons in prime order a large quantiv of cobourg and port hne whiky alto cobourg and ogdenshurgh beer and will ffflp constantly on hand a sup ply of ihe ahove whisky an j iwr hv the uarrelj low for cash or approved credit j carbuthers- kingston april 27 1sk 6 am transport direct from tlnebec to kington touch- in at inlermedaie places thence hy steamers and schooners to any port on the h lakes and vrrc versa the sulscrihers established a forward ing office at quebec last year since ihen and in addition to their former establish ment there they have rented larjre and conve nient premises from james gibb esq and will he amply prepared on thr opening of the na dividual or parties ol peasur cam o nasi j viation with steamers and other craft best mod a ted on the shortnt notice by application suited lo ihe trade to give despatch to boats p3r hire n timber the subsciiber ha a 1 sail and rowboats f pleasure of various sixes which he will bf out by the hour or day as may be require to persons competent lo manage and take prrptr care of thrm in dividnala or parties of tleasurc can be ateom- to him oppposito the grvernmenf omers mkhael griffin kingston april 14 fh2 87 loi the wdt knoirn turf horse late the property of john crawford de ceased will stand tais season for a limited number of good mares at the stables of mr john norton adjoining tbe race course near the town of kmtston t five pound for the season and fire shillings i ihe srroom j mtrphy a cent april imc 7h ktajtaij vw afili 1 properly entrusted to their care for further information apply at any nf their offices at quebec montieal bjtown prescott or king ston macpherson crane stcn montreal aprils 1812 87z notice dividend ofx6 on each share in the steamer coubourg has been this day declared and will be payable after this date al ihe office of messrs- gamble boultok toronto clarke gamble cftoirmon april 1842 87hi a to let the dwelling house next door to messrs t j rigneya store and recently occupied by j- wat- kinti eoq applv to f j riojev sfr sheet properly in cauuila west for sale sjituated within three miles of the flour- 9 ishincrowoof bylownand on tbebanlcsof ihe ottawa of which and the surrounding country it commands a beautifully romantic and extensive view it consists of a farm of about 150 aeres of land 50of which are under cultivation- there is also an excellent stone dndlfne houm c auiiiin fhrcc lare ittin irsd ten jjrd noomskilchen and cellars and every other convenience requisite to renders house comfort able there i aljoon tbe premiieaatxcejient garden j a small orchard stable for eiht horses a coach house and all other outhouses requisite on a farm or about a country reridence the furniture stock and farming utensils can be had by the purchaser at a valuation and possession gieen within two weeks after the sale is concluded as the above property i the es tate of a lady about to travel the terms of payment cait te made easy application for urther portitftilars at the ofjice of the bytown uazctte april 21 l6li 66ii notice notice is hereby given that the tartom ship carried on for some time past at ihe own of kingston by geore billon and thomas biltnn a merchant tailors under the style of j t bilton has this day been dissolved by mutual consent and in fuiute the business will be carried on in kingston by the said thomas bilton on his own account who is authorized to receive and collect alt debts due and owinr to the late partnership and will pay all debts du by the same dated ai kinstof this 19h april 1842 thomas bilton 8ihi oeorge bilton tejt dollars reward lost kv hvajej sv v3luliii how lti kj prrmm findin the above and bringm it to this office will be handsomelj rewarded kingston april 0 1cm2 8tni rind trones7u tont blitcrbett utind stones assorted sies for al hy iiuuh caldek decern ictfl g to let stone corrace bead of street containing 8 apartments urocw apply to kinrtm 23rd april 1613 noble 85x good pasturage en for quiet horses cattle and sheep rjitirenrwrn glloway bath road 10 k miles from kintftm kinrston april 123 si 85i aaetioafale of valuable lota will he sold on tuesday the ifhh day of may next on the premises 5 valua ble building lots lying and being on the eut side of the grand river cauraqui in the vil lage of barrieneld hounded on the oae side by the qucenj highway or commencement of theroadleadiiizto the property of j li marks esq on the olherside by regent street and immediately in the rear of the stone tavern recently erected on the corner and opposie ihe late residence of the hon d daily tbe site of the louaverage u front byl05 fret depth sale at 12 oclock for further particolars apply to j linton ablt cm kingston april 19 ltt chut ljpp i p tmt tcamaflt lmon will until flriar no1kr lerotloaf at wvek lrtw k i r lc- aftd torobu lotttmni soth wv al wahmjrlon cotywtff pori llrj- bona ikjj datiitajto and wia4- aoi 41 follow srwasptt leaving k r mondavs af a tooradi m 5 oclock pm uowpwatti leaving tornnlo wrdnrsdsyi and aaturdaya m toelnek a m tfie rkat mill cvnmrnce her ifgu u on v tbe 25lh instal all lugar and parcelaat ibe ritk fthe owners uijess bookrd ano paid for macpherson cftank kiiin 30th april j642 vrrehoutand hipping agency for coodi- prlure and property of all kindai arriving frm or inieodej for shipment ro amenron and canadian pnnv and the lake and river st lasv rtnrtj the bay of qulnte bytimn and otb cr placen nn the rideau canal and una a rjwfs a lh store and wharf lately ocm- sd by mcaofs willmm dickinson co or warder i the pmfllbm mag central commo- dious and favourably aituated for buajneas evciy facility furrreeivieiaj and ship ping and il sit y be slated d a urtlier in duoement to the mtrromilei coannqaity that ihey have bem oppmrfted ibe place u departure ihroughaii the season for the ot tatva and flideau steam bmta of mac thereon fit crane and their stsormcri aod bar rtavigatinihe ridrau canal itie river si latvreisce and losea rie and ontario the business will he attended to by the suwriler whotfrlll devote hi best effort lo irihlire theproteeiinn and prompt de- pawi of all properly emrtisted to his care kintflon april lsilt 1b42 jas watt custom hrtuse liuiinesa ottcnded to- pig ifnn lverponl si ubea and oran- dnga salt coal wlivkv flour and pork ronrtonth on hand ftr sale siz notice removal dkeiller would most respectfully re turn his grateful thanks to his nume rous customers end the public for past avora and bep to inform them thai be is releasing his wholesale and retail confectionery estab lishment le that lare brick building lately occupied by messrs h l w howsell book sellers and 5falionrr he flatters himjell thai from ihv accommodation the shop and piemisea afford him he uill be enabled to execute aaj orders with much more satisfaction to hb co tomeca than he has hitbetto been able to do kingstnn a 16 sd2 83a copartnership hnmtanmb rvrflp1r4 iftir jl have entered into copartnerahip for the purpose of carrying on the business ofbrvorrj- rna between montreal and anjufon under the firm of atkinson niatthieii co at montreal arid koss watthie co at kington and brockville tliey will have effi cient means at their command and by strict attention to te interests of their customers ihey hope to receive a ahare of ibe patronage of thajr trade matnile easton co jame8 ross wjujam atkinbon biockvllle 5th april lcu2- 81e a card p dwyer architect has my his office hotel kinpton april 27 is42 returned to thia city and has for the present at bamfords 86 hpo be sold by auction if not prci building lots on the 2d may next iously disposed of by private sale the lots of land as per plan situated on barrie brock nd storestreets at the upper end of ihe park of selma aifilr 10 be made to john midcalf nt to j linton iuwiocer 7117s further very profitable and safit speculation to any ptrson or pcrsoni mth a tmatt ca pital awovow of securing to tfuvtselvt an eastf and tertain livtliaood f subscribers offei for sale at the trtj lov price of one hundied pounds the following large and select collectioa of beasts birds reptiles shells minerals india swiss sandwich islands and chinese curiosities al together comprising a museum of great value aad extent c- is h art anxi ous that the above should fall into the hands of some public institution or company rather than separate what has lovolred a large amount of labour and time lo collect the original cost of tbe above cotlectiotj is stated to bava been 3o00 dollars below h given a detailed account of tvhal comprises the museum now offcrrd for ale bsssnr- very fine leopards lrox i lamb 2 skunks 2 guinea piss i enflish ferret 3 lynx or wild cats i dor 1 t- uicr i moose deer i elk 1 english hare weasels muskrals fercetti kc ffipaioious frumai t haii seal 1 uwtw mar 2 alllasalmv wirds pheasants dor es quails 1 english phrjsanu i woodclmck sryeral ducks 1 crane 2 loons 1 snow gnose i wild loose 2 mud hens 1 corlieu 1 horned owl gtff and snow owls t eagle 1 vulture 1 powe 1 crowhuzzard 1 wild turkey 1 ostrich i solon goose i night hcrron english and american plover guinea hrn parrots corkatoos 20 to 30 small birds c te wonaejfs several east india apes larfo bahoonc chinese monkeys various monkeya outrreis black white tirty srjoirral ftepfdes 10 to 15 snakes 2 south aeatri car i go lamas i egyptian do rorioui 1 handoran 1 ricellenl druirti 15shea with ulm panes 12x20 ft 19x in 9 cosmoraina glasses a lare lot of gtsa lamns and sconspes cejor inrtiaa paddles swiss shoes petrmed pork indian war bet sharks saw and many other curioslrica lry great varietji a variety of wax ficures shells minerals curiosities the head of a new zealand chief in excellent presrvatiqnr and a great variety of small matters too com plicated to detail collins haines kington april 19 1642 m n b if the above should not be disposed f ins body by the 20th may they will then be sold separately at public auction sheriffs sale hinjuta district tn the queens br neb to rf iiohn richardson for sylh vs isaac carscallan si vlrtsje of a writ of fieri facirs issued out of her majesty court of qiteen brnch and to me directed against the lands and tenements of the above defendant i have seized and taken in exeeff lion the following property lot no 12 in the 4th concession of frrderteksbftr containiit 200 acres which lands and tenements i shall offer for sale at the court home in the town of kingston on tuesday the 26th dayesf jorjr next at tbe hour of 12 oclock soon allan if acooneliat wmlgm sheriffs office kinrslon april 2 1541 1 ft5- ki kingston march 3 the above sale i notice postponed until william gunn cabinet maker upholsterer and undertakers offofafl rtr residence of h smith ir fiq i rt tun ivr offueofktrmtm manna rmluay co 41b april 1842 t an instalment of tan per cent on tlva capi tal stock of the company rensainiac am id is hereby called in and it payable at tbe office ol tbe company on or btfara sarudar ibe 7th day of may next signed tha w lensutfs vretrcvj

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