Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), May 14, 1842, p. 4

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britannia life sc fire assurance company no i princes street bank london powe0 bv ac of parliament an iv samrsoj etfsj meihc it rtftfttr tialmas ohbbbi general iv agencv com mission business 3ion1rcah ottwne imh subscriber mrntc hosine- in ihc above line on iu ajrcotc atet com- ihc ntsl ol mav neat btp respectfully lo ofler hi servicrtlo the merchants ol western canada ik will r particular ilkmioa pur chase ol every description of footlf ami r the tinu nisol projuce e liquor t- sale olcofls excepted losvininrlcrsivccpnenccin illtj- ware and a pood knowledge of groceries and havie engaged the services of a person ll i acquainted with ihe dry good busmrs lit ilaiters himself lhat hii agency in the purchase l of good will ue found advantageous lit beplottylnat for the tail eleven years he has been employed id one of the mcsl ex lenive hardware establishment in thi uily fluting ihe last seven of which he bat had the charge of ihc business and that for ihe seven year preceding he was employed in ihe gro cery line andis determined to make ihe beu an owhc jmlwchrflittlvhteafmma mik real ami tuvhaxtil adiantaet flffufjco 1 uk public by wdlrejulacd imami time nu or tc assurance of loc awd the ouud on which lhce invlitution ar founded arc orgicd iiieotiffimv bv itic eoiwvic and corntiiucd hc mm and by ihc remarkable fal that i no one in tlineehjulhcf etc fail- j in ihrlr caemnis in caocntfcn of in cshaualion uf the rundi s o tided to weet the claim so decided and so mtfci- rel arcihe bcocfiu mulling from the ssslcm of life asturancc in pfltral hoth in regard 10 the fttmiooitadwdt 10 families in inc of nt of pre mature dralh and the sccuntv il site lo creditor for debts otbcrttitc orcctterble lhat wilh every jacrcaicof inuwmation and irict licence uv re ap pear to be ceiled on the pari of ihc public an iiicecatcd desire 10 ntriicipjic in it protective ad- 1 furthering the inlcrcslsof ihose nium so tound awl interring alo arc uk him with their pitiwugc- idoteofihichufeauranec comprii arc will have coiwpondenij in tiikj inl neither canicicrcial ditficuliic and trotl on ihc one hand or fnlitential miladirt o the oihcfhac eter yt tttceicd iheir ttabilily of incii i ihrii tuetf iaui pro tc th diimtcmof ihc britannia lux asv 5uranck company arclh wibficd ihauhe hare rendered an icrcptablcvticc tohc osbatlbl ty by fc injm in r hljtio ih th jf ihc be nenuof life aiurartcc in their ucm eilmt 10 fohcjhohkr and at the amc tiroe offer grotef factliikf and accommodation ihan can be obtained in any similar etabliihnvent they coiicqiicnlly pftfcnkhc outline of the plan of ihe compjoy 10 the pumic in full cor6dcncc 1w ita mcrila will b ppwud ttl until meet nb a decided prtfccnrearid uppoct scccaitvind economy bcin- icic main object to be receded by pcraoru fbatqhc aiwrancci or lci lite lit directori hivr at once dueardcd r tjitcmof mctul affufcixcctfibich not only makei it imperatiie on the pirt of ikt aiurtd pjy much hiberratca or premium m ihe aral in tincc thin uojld othcric be nectjury but al rcndcri them lliblc to a conif ibulion fur the claim of oti- thft hie cffttially ponjed or h sccork of ihe aturedbr au amle pooiclary capital and in order oafford the ircmt of cftvct in aaurancca viith the jrcaleat poiiimc eeonomyt thef have adopted a act of tablet rxtentvcly a- rici to atiii ite eircamitancej and contcnienee or cterj cuta of policy houkt and prncmin ibe cbcipost rates of aasnraficc that cam be offered without cocopromitift the safety of the tnatitution- tabtr i- irtitt t if prtmivm able of premium rrquind for ihc anurancc ef xjiwff the 4hotctrm of a single im n an ftml hlfjcirljor quarterly pahvnl who may favor quebec 1 new york and liverpool chatgcivery moderate will jorcha goods merely as an not in his own name pcmifts cuslornhouse square agent hat the pleasure of referring to mnttti forsyth richardson co mem fnuvth walker c co mrssrs il 4 s jones john watkinseimre t- d harris eiuire daniel macnab etnte mewis hope hod alexander montreal 2sth match 1841 iloiiirrot quebec- toronto huuiiiion st 7noaett br v son 7fflii abehorsk and siliitint aukxcvi or gixhit pntduro nml property o nil vinds arriving from r intcktlol fr shipment to amcnran nml canadian port ami the lftkcaini rwcr sl lbw rcnrc the hay of jnintc btlmvn and oth cr places on llio uidoau canal and ottawa river at llic stir and v- istldf nrrrt- picd by mcr wiiimm dteltiiim frcu- furwqrdcrtf tiich prvmies hemj central cwiimo- ilinus and favttunmy uiatcl fr hniin pcmeij every facility lorrcivivinp sbilthip- ing mid it rtity ltmacj as a luriluf in- diicemrnt ti the mercanite ccmmuniiy thai lry liaise heen appointed llic plare rf depattircihrciuhiutihc season for lite ol- tatva and rideau sream lloat of ma- pherson crane and their scsiners and barges naviptling the kideatj canal the river st la wren re t and lake ene ami ontario the business will be altended la ur llie subscriber who wall devole in lel cfiiru to insure the protection anil prompt tkt patch of all propcrie entrusted to his care kingston annl jjlth 1812 ms watt custom limine mnes alien le i to pig iron liverpool si 17bes find onin jqm salt conl wlirky floor and tork f ihy ouini aiv r- j rtchasrj glasgow warehouse whiwlticiriariruasnwmrt athiincnt of fall and vnnter goods w ihat 14 new an won at cxtivmel v unv rnprin every 1 fr llic tc prieet tlie stttwtriwfi have imponej very heavily in every il virlmont oftietr luifi- ne ami feeling fa iderit that tlierr guilds and prices will star rihamrimii will ativ oiher hour in llrt nfe reperrfiihy wiml jan early call froo tntending pure linden the lowest pneo fcirril- keuk vaddelljcp kindlon c nov hh t47z to iitilit hotel kciimv ii ac a ttb trwifa trttn nftjtirt rwihaf adairavl ay sjlmlcil ia foimeilv oc- eitfvdhy tkvfiwtm htri on mstriul nate in the very ivait of lheioivin me- ircjtnlioi mvs km tonl to ihoie- ulm krnw ihc let in rusiicn it requires not noe ivocj of cnnnvndaiin to ihoie at a riiiuncc il myliemilhrieiimn slate here thai ine ground in miemii is theet front hv 13 fel dej is in t 1 vicinity of the wharvej ihu insi ohw hink and 111 fjet is the finest situation in the cily urrjc hotel with yard and stamlm toelher wilh two stores can be cieclrd on it- any ptri nnxmus to invet money would cind 1 m fir pitu ulit arndv nvt pvnl to t bamford ivorc stmt kinton i 18k 81 i lv iiiiirm himmt nn citii ihmyi rt niitrd ft i4tiifc itti jijm r ii imw tfrvimii k imlir iu lt ti tlv twist timnm oh 11 knal lsrtr ivisvi ulitirilt mi iwt huri i ok l4i v1tdivh ifii 1 imns mi fibitii vtivr airmii rj otmm idmtt 1 ktmtj at hflilnti lil- int oti kli rki4lii uriaruict jsb nlorl1fl mrkm itu l lt k m-i- ti o-li- rmhcftm- iml iikr i ik l2 sliivuf i knnan4u4uh4rklliibffiitn hi id lt oirn km lint hwiisiju rtvn tav rroi lit n lf iuvdlerv mporter of itiitish ta- iis 00 hand and for ric f ihc fcdowift 3ianilii am tarred hope imc siitacimer tent cordage kinln5lh wholesale commission uvukiiolse k0l iiapdv bvildivos fost sraetlt hiiiibnimi4 a ineniiawii h i- t r 11 utl rwiht m 1 oj thi tf ih mr iiih i ti lilt 1 1ilfli1ml1it flordt jtthrumi rot m iwteaffkfasaahi faiitntl rl ttuthn liui- hi4m lrtl ihf 1 jwtfk tiiivfthi ii4iii ur 2jihenruiii 1 i 1 lin vph4 rtj f i r ril mm m wl b moffatamliiiiit- w vik 5 ndh- t imlflr iij1i om j imir imuctr mlnr jtlin muff it ci40ir vor ilatuit01j dl3tnitlttr an nor- rntif milrmfiitltfmivl miikhi lti titesjsffmi i ni itl4 i- nhhh iitihir fjrntririiiroiitriniriiinehr ii friiri th sv lihi iih ml i itfrttv il ri ju b w 0 siokat amliolif tm conitantl on hand tor x s six 7 fg i a 1 i 1 2 i j 5 s 3i tt7 x sj dx a d an 1 17 6 0 1ft 7 0 9 ll ti ass 1 3 1 n 7 40 3 0 1 1 10 0 l- 4 j t 4 a ir t w tt 14 11 3 7 1 11 70ll 3 0 3 13 6t 2 18 d j ii towxsknl plmnhcr brass founder and coppei smithy itiakess ihe liberty of informin ihe inhabi- x lantsof kington and the ptiuic ener- allvtlhathc iias opened an kvubliibmcnt in stoic slreetnejl to mr overend in connec tion with his eslablishrneit in craig street montreal where he has on hand a taie stock n the bnt dekiiplion of jrfrouic pimp iftttr ctotts of all kind htcr engine and apparalus for o cod saotrc r and mtdmm itoth n ft a j h t if ihe manufarlnrer ofall ihe articles in his line of trade he halters him- svll that he can execute any order given him 111 itsiiticiioi style 10 any uialhasyet appeared il canla he isshtaff iho valenlee of the self aitin water closet also a description of wvtf closets for ship and steam buat usr irhkh miy be nxed in ihe boilom or any coo- venicnlpartof the vessel wilh peifrcl safety totlahlc water closet roade lot ihc uae of lnvjiijs- brass casttni in all itt vanrnis bank or itrilisli north aiuc- rlca kinsmon lliancli notice this branch 1 prepared lo gistnl rnall lrafton the several itraiuheoftho provincial hank of ireland vix baliittj rtandon triike kwiit ishl fnniikilkii cork kimtrirh ctontii1 ijmidndrr slo wfirord bclfatt ivmimi h alw oy annafh alhloiie coleraine kilfacnnv b j it far id bill men j partem 10 n oonnpalrtck blh hanncrj sirjbaiw illop monryiiiorr co1rliill kilrtoh skihbervin criiieotht anil dumui a 5 lie t kington alarcli 2gih urfataj omah luarvan thomas askbw mvntxtr is12 17k the undersigned respectrully announce thai they have entered into copartner ship in the wholesale commission lvnihes in marline 1ioiielinc imberline uasl line ihe name of carter it bentcev on the sinjk halliard ampun yarn ofallsizck premues above ilescuhedvhiclbavin been eootiiictej fur the purooc are eotn fire am frost proof spacious and well adapted for the iaeliift vain for laneers oikum tar 5 tieepio- or every desctiptlon of goods j pilcli and kftin iih a rat variety ol r4sa thtyqrc not weportd to rereirc cxcn- ulocics tatenl wilh nelina rnlleis an cornu o or rorf eiraer fty pmic mon wkcii rloek jamji binnacle lamiis j or pnnrfe wt compass aatr clrcs and common do fwm tflc rf of the rcfirenccs with almot every lh reiuimtc for ite ovibi n cluraler thev trnst ihev havcohtjincd of sijlnltf cwm 0 cofft o ffrjf tvpcriot finm no n no 6 1 11 of which ill he sold low n 011 meial tmo jt t hunter jy 1 tilths taifjoi t lh alkdoma r he for salt- by private coiuruci a beautiful spol of utsd cbssteliilug h aecvell adapted fr a mirket t ir water- hr h thailr iianemeit h which hie 1nbh aiy be lurntbed willi hove m a icdirim- puce lis valuable piopcrlirs hardsell vtycvtrnstvely tested by the 101 me tons viitors j the springs many uf whom hnvc t est 1 lied ii te most ratcfol man ner tin ir sense of beihit ilerived from a me of the viler the ibtls4l by pr chilion rdjaees hcvond 4 iloum iu vntciii varimis chronic ihsewi a vriyfreiiencc of failure is lismilimiilt lt rettcdy this so far urvjristli calrctafti spiin water wiuit ishopnl be ahted hylie rniiiclifa in piicc the price ivdl hr boys of ihrec l in kinirstoo ihesuwiihers jkop they will be able to pvc such satisfaction as lo secure 2 liberal poilionof the public parronae mrchjot it general will find ii advantage- on to consir to the care of the subsirihris as it is their intention to act as agents alio vlhcr and not 4 nrincipik alfred carter thomas hbntlg kindlon much 0 j84i luvcuavsctp jnhn counter kq richard scoscllksq wm wilson esv j faiihul il- mre barney mng kellos charr smith kf ahraham trnax lcf lr arrnsttoo j r armstroo5 co jnhn denial ym a choice asiioktaientof lhanna and ivmeipe segars sums and tobac co to be had at the kingston cab d ept store iavieiiuoxe kinpston 9lh february iwi 64z will be soli by pu ijlic auc- tiox on tuesday the i7tu may next rshos vnltttbtr building i i h lifully wluatcil in ihc twn of king ston frontioc on ridge and grave strc 1 1 consisting uf loi9 33l332 333 and 3u i containing carh ona fifth of an arrc upon one of which there is a good dwelling nod out i looses now rented at s5 ntr an num likewise a large garden ami or rhard witli n gnttl well of water for sale lots nmkfi fnktwoti4tiiirc 01 the et it ol maia fttini m5v2 lending fiom buv tn inmn mrertin il- itarjm ioktmoitncr ihe ts of kmyton a aso lt oiirohrr two nn the el mill of hafa trei i lyifltj ouih ot front street on eoht moutu harbour forfttfthfi particotars rcspcelin this valm blc 1ioperty pplv lo cakrwnigiitredde kington t 2 ilea jntury ww g mowal b a r r i h t e r a1tokney at law solicitor in chancer fcv kingston omir catihr corner of clarcnec and cm- si- near the court uout- november 1 1 1811 ja fc bfljmidoijx solicitor in c ii a k c fvy and wotaht public kington ro water town 1i0 sackrt harbor albany kochestcr do toronto mnntreat rmir9wrm vi hranches- brjin neatlv executed lackering e c j il townskxd- intston lolh january 1849 5sly table it oerotirn rernoijrc ffottt cprssiina hlc of annual premium r quired for ihc aaiur anecofxloc for tee whole term ofi single life the rale beinr ircrcasedor the ucx auurrd re ji j at the cod of ererj fifth yeax until the twentieth ioeluairc afier wweh period a fivd annual frenium will be parable and a fixed suns aafurei during the rtinsindcr of life 1 il si lit av 30 a d 1 e 1 1 11 1 2 1 a 3 1 7 1 4 ej x a di a 37 1 10 10 1 13 11 1 17 22 4 1 2 0 4l 2 19 6 3 14 41 4 10 5 6 5 ij 7 2 fl i d 2 1 9 2 12 4 3 12 3 1 0 11 1 1 9 9 3 2 s 3 2 6 11 19 jttjcjtjrg blackixgu waterproof paste ivory black blue ft black wmtisg faa5 oreic 11hl 5owivsatitulihimcr u ilrf taw f ta lilel ibwm iiie 1 ininfjrrnils jjiwl f iii lr i i ti t- tnilm t 1wii fh i ihv ftlt j tjvnl tdrfifri mf slj tvlinximlifrlii4 jirjfjlpvmvine lrr lk bfinr li w iff l mfkkamm ahj51mrk awhv i vb mhsalj m we or a summers residence in the cinity of ihc land lately mtthtf orable mr killaty james the hon vice chancellor propetty ts divided from thl of ihe lion mr killiily by proper road off fly fee l the terms of ruyment ire liberal cmrmjinx over aspace ot four years from the 11 august nevt for ftnlher puliculais apply to ihe aewt collins iiaines avctivntctt kinptofi april la 1815 7f will he bovsoi three don s5 of 011 itorn s m witbntii tle kx 8 piilirsacndin thrir ivii uohlr5 will he fur lnnwikfc nd wlit doze the awixnimed kingston ofcembeuh ll engraving and copper plate printing m- pea body late of new york ivottld rcpcfifully infarrrr the mi wit thai he ha ronirncnrrtl hiimnos nhelhhrtivta- w lno tbow line nexl donr above llie rem iwanrtrrfccr inn head of store street where he will nt jii times be reads- lo execute orders m in tifk rkiii ii ri vri riu a if rri it rti i irrfvnjni brext agtnl messrs lusher a stevenson bah billa flint ei wm hotk evj- o mam e1 iuviryksn letr pvttjr ef r inn- eh iihictii lleton col ti ure do whilhy 11imiljoo foc 1 a few bav inj lkimihiiully mlaaltd e a tlufinin virw t hn luke lo island carjeti uluj fori henry e c ic charles hales kingston sstiijani ll fiu uritiii coffrc llone- iatc fjtomauc notice rphk pnmic are iiifoimed lhat the mail i sjeamfrs lelivetn kingston dickinsons landing will on 2iiesl ihe 12lh coininenee plyin rcjlarly leaving here at 9 oclock morning steam lloal office commercial wharf kindlon april 8lh lu3 tract society he kirgrron auxiliary to thi rciiciui s tn act society or lon 21 fifi 2 1 r 0 gatja9 v orctafl dwrl cm 66 cibhl ft sl of- fhh ilftltu m 3b 331 8hi y 34 grave street thrrrhitvinilwen a mtmher of applications to sumivije ihe lrl4itirtieiilly from the pfaitnow tlmwit tney iri on ac eftfy oswe he laid out snas losnitiniendinjiurchaseii sale at 19 oclock tcmtt liuwt for ptftirubf itdy io j0i111 r fttot rli bqj or the proprirtor thomas a cohbett jltnton kinnrtii marh ii ifili t rpiik ntoprietor of ik oye k1ahishmrnt 110h have mi hand al their leimfcojary in rrtuiniru ihairts j h friintfa aintlhe verv cmcnhe slork oflho socviyv bo thu insiea j of the remote a nj continent aj vantage artjej bj companies dividing projit amon ihc aiaurcdan irnmcilulc antl a rt u x dnm bgrirtai by ihcbriuiiacopantrhe eslent of whuhmay be aarcelaintd bj referenco a ih tied scale an is iotrt rv- kf fim u rij ru bui ane juferti i p tin oil riir bikineia rrsrt als ilirp -ir- otir1 lljiluiein tiiiitn1 1jnfci i 1 t wmiiptfttftp prr f iiiil i- kn r mw j- t l1iy l tin msi fr tii 4 itiai j- itwht m-ii- ot lttlrhmliae6- v rdtj 0 a jii- filikmr vfallon oi6 im u nv i c v mi mtri l k wfime raks iiit me lahfcratiitr 4miu hlimltj r i int mfd mtfifmht niirdimiftc infw nv4m tr xj i up w wiftm miocijttiqtljvouftl ut i ftrf frihm llt jtiuitmwl rxiv l oti iih njfii ftts prr rme mj twmliwiflii mi aoir pirlioit fiftf u4ilidljf alurn lw f r14hr rurrtv fmj -i- jf rwsss whlicenraliyor ihc at patrcnarr hes t mosdemecifuflyloinlw the motive in hit fane either on steel copror wnotl hw i tboo0 rpair urtt uith and he liopcb rrom a uioroup h knoivrcdgc idroor aad ainnhiir shall be ond strict attention to business lo merit share of public patronage n b diesinking dooplatcc mark ed visiting and wedding cords really ex jcruicd at tlie sbortesl tiotire ivcca k elk attorney at law chancery soli ty hr fire siilrtehht having firerpcd tht pmv cl 11 it ywtiet tircassu ranre company for canada west is noiv prepared lo receive applicntionfllor inso nnceto be effected with the said company the security chancier and long slnnd- iflf of this spoliation and their prompli ttstlc in ihe seltfemcni of losses l ell and favourably known to llie public as ticjcfir- ing ihe highest confidence thomas greer rfgtnt fnr cnnttln wnt kinpion2ut jan is2 capital th t n u aupoorted bj capiul et oxc mtluox 1 will beihteatedinsucji a maimer at moderate rates of iieemiort sa alwap tobc iiuatdiitelr available u the cuiosa t death ariae tables table l eeftul the equal ralei of premim pajibu eilher annuallj halfearlj or euartcrle foe the whole urn or life the potieyhddc i not cocsoclled aa in other companies to make hi etcciioa al the tine the assurance is effected he iher be wol pa annual half- jeahy or quartfl and having once ssade an tltclien to adhere lo 0 as long a ihe police resnaina in foeee on the con craey he will ba the option in ihia orfice of a kiog lueh election at the beginning of each fur pajozt ihe think prop lha nnual premium d- rinj the iral jeaf two hatfrearls premioma during the sccomi and four quarter i prrmiunv durinr iho third car aryinc ihe eaoikof pajaacht in each eocevsriae car as aaj beat iuit lui pleaiun ar con e iik nee thriaira hate been deduced with reat care and labour from all the valuable and authentic rccorik relalirt to the contingencies of human life tvfcuh hare rrccnltt been published thy are accurak jraduicd aceordinj to ihe diftvent axs and vmv little cxcccd tiic lowest stu of pftl tvm tz ytt rtiustro to tmc ptrplre table ii prcseaiaanew and remarkable plan for the aaturidce of lr iccmkar to an trrrcin scale of preaiiurak tncter esiatinj table of in- creating kates ok poticybaldr 11 exited to the rery rvi incaotrnkncr of payia- jfu a period a cco aid cable advance ofpremiura orfjr- vitin bil awurancc altcthcv- but in ihc- hr m- aia be woold by reaorfiar to tbi table eonmene ptr twoihirijs onlr otuac premium al the am ajc i tabic i and have the option at tlw end utf each aucceatite period of iu rca either uf fiatiii the incrcaacd rale atated in the tble orofconuu ji thrprevioirr patainl and haitne ihc sum as mred dtrwntifad according to an ruiuldc seali t kxduction the iaaaoruncc of ibis iprovcovti nn lh plan hiuvto advplrd id the cifttl ncuon of in erewinjaatcaoflremiyin i icoobiiouiionccd al rrr j lo aaujn to the pymiih d rate an ricnuve wi or tables has ven eompiiu j for aswruace on mm- uvea lhc survivor of two or njfjrchvf a andfurcn- lincra ajrance a ho fr kereratnnarf anngv u llndowmnu for widows and cthiurrrs and foecvvrjpftibkcol aftvetmr hanaari faf aamii vihiehjt maj be prwdiitoecxtnditill lo van- sio r tablet have hltrwuthirn cmntructrd fo varjtfu rorri5nclnaiys and fu ditf ctrnl chnmk hssh ovn not attrnd wtth imtndhl danr 0 lih tn riira nstfjftd btft in iiffvv mur than 1 aa1ytt i nccntier to rmr rhr incfan d rlak te neeetarr formi and cfvrr rnithc ff- mitisn aito uv ind- mfrri a1atiroairf1 ni ellherbyliiir or rsita applicniinn tiiomak okkkiv afttmt kttr- 1 1 r atewhf 59 4m provincial kupk factory kingston nphe l5ciilcr slanufacluier of patent cord all k keeps constantly on sand and for sar conac n ihe folio vinie fcscriplio turret and manilla ropes marline house line hani lead line signal halliard line trace and filter kpe plough anj hamhro lines tied ctirjs and cloths lines tiamrn an masndo fih ultfiual twine of dilfrftnt ses also ttabuna paeuin yarn rf all sies ttte abore coraj- i r a t j 1 1 ftoffi ihe hel matenil and wiilhesold on lirh term tar pitch and hosin for vile hy lh- hsrrek joiln mritiur march inch isw j tdi tv torcdo fmvnim and n c1tor i sjngstoiv ojfxtt next door lo jomtt bri ifard- vnrt strt in store strut kemgvalt british sadolerv warehouse kobkrtchanoinhouse siddle llames manufirt h wanting en iiit pail to frnr ihe hritish coluc hemcp not inferior lo an 1 kingston the mtimlion i prenifm cilher fnr bu- ness 01 ideawre bel wiiwn one minutes walk 01 ihe tlcailoal jarvmir km faonnwix n b a porter itill h al all timet in rea j mm to convey baml ana fioui llichoald kinsion march si if 77x 1 piihlirntion9 suilnlilc lor sti onl fdittily iihenri kinxion lmh ik frop atah schools steam kngine riyeii uuiiula west f o r s ale situated within three miles of the flmir- wiiotown of bvlnwnanj on ihellanjisof jhe o flawa of which and i it mkruiituiin cvtiily eonrnamlt a beautifully roinaniir ami rcnire rlfw it cimtwofakorm of about 15h acres ol land woi vhich are lajtaler cullifalott there of 100 flrrm power ur sale on lake erit 1 lhat sealed tin until vftilnisfiy rtvon frtwrt siri is also an ijccthtnt stone ivr 0 ntniiln tbfct notirtislievby iv dns will be ittt- tneti irer renrcilv inlortn ik 4vrnto ml i us imblb ikwl ut h llit- his kftahlihment lo the hou which has been rrcrnity built opposite mr kourkes quarrv kinon not 13 ism- 3d t hk subscriber is prepared to altctnl to all order or ihe xljiiliim or rcpainv of rovr or sail lioats at hi former resident nar per usons point wolfe 111 a tid opposite kingston au orders left with mr ltichard scobejl will be punctualfv attended in tvillfam h- smithers fergusons poinl 1st novemer imi h3 ihc 1st day of jim nc versona as mav he trilhri wfcia the m ee ilinjr ilousoa ri sitlin and ten bed kqomsj kilehcnai celhivand eiery oiher convtnience rrqiiuilr ffwilw a hoti eivnfuo obu tlicrci aunoii the uremics at ci jcnt garden a smali orchard qim rii m raf fxp and all bitter outuouse reuiule tu t lnrn tr abnul 4 country kfitlrtkti the ponitlfii woclnnj fanning utenk can be had by the piclier al a valulibn and iumri jfer litu- mho xqfwlwj allirand itivpi laltt erie the tend lo be addressed m mr marks naval kh u p ed it lobe sut in word at len0h lialiax posstsstoh riven wnhirt two weeks afterlne currency wilh l names of two surcti fnr tsconcuded asiheahrtvepropnly isihe es- tlic pavmeutel tnonev the eiine is of late of a lady asoul to travel th term of 1011 ibisc vwtt cylinder 46 inches iaymenlcnu te mailc ray appjkatinn for diameter andsctttrkelor superior muu- on iter particulars at the officc of the uvtown faclufeaiidin condition with boilers and gvcltt a lmv phe5st snuu brtoiu os lurc powvr apply to kingstun apni llfth is2 s4bi di bfotleea removal rlilhk would most respeclfolly re- urn his grateful thanks to bis nume rous customers ami ihe public for past favors and he to inform them thit lie is rmovinr his wintralr iiul retail confectionery cttab- hsiniknl lallul hm llrick bnildin lately sccnpid mr messrs il w-howscilascool- tellers ind stationers he flanrtshiinselllhal from the acrn r n the shop and niemises iffiiid lilies ik will he enabled to execute any tdi willi mm h more suisfietion lo his cits tomeis ttin lirhs iheiiubccit able to k kintlin april it ju sjz notice midland uislric t aj o t i c e is hereby tnwir it iriven thit the courts of tal anil iisi uttff mil oyer and ter miner anil 4rneral saol delivery in and for he said iksliirl will be homrti al iv chlrt linn in kington on monday ihe iblhmav neiat ihe hour oftn nflltc ciookol the forenoon nf tvhkh rih cornneis justices of the peace baittft conuhle5 and all others in any wise cvcicerned are renuired to lake notice a- mcdfinxl meny tf d shcrifl oliie kingston mrj april iftii t iajai chrqtiirlt br oli la in to 81 keshydrmeters wtmle l jiiiiir- aliins mlntkkal ilso raiiruaromktkits a r ajjiltktif will ften inss rl up above 3 aunlltf uid s nd iwctl areuniv 10 j mufrat foe pttntnt villus v lurk imu tor salt- jiie sulisvliber lii fnr sale a few 4e- btrvmi village 3ml park lrt near he tmvtit wltieli he will dispose of on ac- ututr tiatu5 lorm smith bartlett kiniein jutv sjfilh ish kx it corn all pi a no fortk tun hlers left n pi simp iiirnv murkcl pf mjiv ttemhvl in kunlii april sl nierv apnthrrnry sinn will lc ciiejip htqr8 lry ifooilsi rornit- li4llvhs mac ami scind minif hi i w ihep lui 1n l llllicf j faickutiikkn lrury luli ln 514 f ml riallmm stairs 1aiiiftii fvra tn kittlm it sl iei ntslh lh d 4l met f vmimtdmm d riiimi crnilrtlmc 1 aft v ditm miki i will lire mi ii iminithift sm evnt i mm mirrl iu dilli trtil iluuitet nr d iv nehlrlwrp 1- k i mini llfcvilkv jnl ihl hi the subscriber will dmin- ihe asoule eoitslantly inlhereceijhnf drugs chc- aiicab perfumery c ifec the ttrttcbu cw- 1115 from the mol respectahle- knhh houses may he depended njwn as ftrhlun tlie com founding depatlmenl will hir cindueied under the immeuifile suoer in tendance 01 the snlurri her whose object is by the use of jrnod mate rials by a careful manipulation tn induce con- hdence as regard this most imnoilant baitth of tfccbuinos j w drbnt druggist jc jhsuartt kinjslreel kiccston u william johnson b nirfbsi msaasas ijesprctfr machinre eor m6 m j plcalioi 10 ihe ncer in etiare on hoaid ihe tciocttatchaj wteft where fmlher riic- ularsmay be irni at also al ihc navjl vjrd kincilon 8th april 44 sulb lly intimatestohirj fncntl anil the pumie that lie lias iv- rnnwj ti llic 0rmieti building t4njltl itnr rroin4hccurmr nn brrt striti nrih tale of the market sqinre where he will lie happy in wail upon all whn call mm him kinfislirt sept h 18w felhto 4fftrliin ttrlf futllhl lif t iflll f ll uit ciiiihim rfrtm iumjlt wr r un itllil at ll- to i vk iditf 1 rtub vlm clin lr 4th 1 t1tp mri mviam hihomsv i til 1 i ltur r thr 1rd i i ntt ind klhf nia- ii 1 vtioi buih dppor canada public notice js herrby iivenihai a licncral nleetinx n ihc mockliolders of this cank will se held at the bank on mon day the 6th day of june next at ten oviock the ftticnoon the annual ejeetinn ol 1a mij t tkmoval hk stttntcr iave lo inform inhabilar directors to serve faf ihc eiuuin act direct bf miff cf the board thomas c kidolft vwarer torontocolh april fll3j s5hi ih cabinet maker upholsterer and oppotitc tic refill nrc ol il smith jr eq stonr sttiett sslvr removal jomn rmauk irwjiirrmreriniifa cv 4 his rmnted his lisllhtneni doin nit u ilal kin slre1 lo bfock street oru kcillns confectionary wherrrn tfew jv he will be able lo execute anv dfrvavih lifeimw ktiiinnnlavv- sw s 100 oi kindlon the and il vicinity jul he has trm it kwil and slofc sfrntloutufre sttl fimoywiic la mr tireens fur w nrxt 0 cmi wrihl hat fttov when- he will be ready alalftiinc tf auofaii iiiuatt vio- mnical nufl lsoxes ml w hn aecordeo port polios albums ciprcw cftri cases pockel ijonk viitin it ik and playinc carj r kc for sale chnmiilo n frizetteortiee- salt tim llrls ononia sail fot sale low f m cash hy drcem iad ui7filiamiu tn fckti atriytxk cottark heal of itmrk mreel cnntainiri r apartrnenti apply kinvlnn mtj april sh v ollrr ikt otick is hereby civen that he parlurr l dun for snme lone jiast jlute swflvl kmnnhy onto hilton lid lltinua- llillon u mtehiit tiilors undrr thr itleof j t- iiiltl h this jay heeji dinlve lv mulual etitisetil nt in fulu the immii s will lie eatiied mi 111 kinilen bv hie vid hennas liiltn m in own imiml wlu ii mlhitrird t receive nil eidhel ilt drills due md nwiiit in the late iiiieihip ni will tay till dents dn ls ihe vini lutc j 4 kitu iiih rlli prtllhl ilinrtl vs miltlix mio ririiuflb imjhix mnxical rnrfru- swi the mtl sfsckikfmiw knlon ap on sale hv rlkflfh other 1 11 mtei kinslon or at 1 pur chaer kiejcrifksl uu1ld1ng lots ill lc solj hy auciinn on llieprc- mses ffitli mit ncxl flic cvpule of rwk iv in lots this will irt fottl tlccitlelly themnslcliiulcstuiation in lown for private rcilenct a pbn may be xvn ami any nrccary infummiin ohtain ctlf liy spplyii tn he unjefvmil the terms nf qyrrient will lie eosv charles hales kingmnn 2d apnl ifim 79l3i for sale bvthe subscri ber ikiz rrown karthesl ma rnft ato a lufc asoitmnt pi jzt cmckf and juc expectej hy thi firsi ytni vessels a splendid assortment of crociv wm viilsox kiuon apiil 3 tssl the siihscrilicr has on hnml onj selling at very lw prices an excellent assortment op staple ari fircy goods in the new slop adjoining mr tvjdftnjf king street duncan mckay kingstnn 260 january ish m maduock hitt mings solicitors in chancery fvnt strut aviaij public notice is herehv iven ihu meeting of the trustees of the bath acaukmv will he hnlden on ihe ij day nf may ittxlj for ihe pninse of chnotin j a prri dent sectvtaryand ihrcc truiee directs colin mackrnjr pifiidrnl hath march 17 1812 751 rossin hrfithers ihj to inuiiie in ido puhlic thnl tvy jpj pre- pared le rep rail knsl- jbspswv of cloeks ansl wowhci inclmlin lcsers anere ecakuk and lepintalsojwvln in wulrlwv kiiisiivtft kinpton 4th january iss2 owemv filler mills coach builders stoiie street klffbsrof and at the old estabtiihed stand notice renders will be receive1 hy thcunw- sirned at his olhcc until m lay uto hh day of may nevt irem virn prmri iv ire wilin ti jfcu itlf inildinj lormeilv copied as a court holsk at ailnlpjm- towu tivielhri with the land mi which tl is attuate the trwcy to state ihe ktftm of pay- ment pnpivted rv ordroftbe district coop il of the mid- lainl distiicl khtnclsvhill ittt vittk kinyjiton february 2ttth itsli ii i for sale by the sudscribehs mw 30 bids v rcanawloekcy r h t kak r ht rah qf britisij c rorcign dky goods kingston doctor allen rvf-va- rxt oooh to run kingston icau ncityt n u d ami f rfoims itm mtikcr je- laliotjwf okntal suimseky vixe sci- liniff ytnnjiin arid kliailinf ktnton fehmry 17 lsl h7 lironlc l am ihe viihciier frnni luto lo t itootii lanknd vanous umh will k wvrel in rd mill it iheoptioti ufthc iioi ift modi i re t ih12 cftulson ii em if a l ilv w rowsell wiokskwaxi stttloxkbs hr v i iwlll itiifr ret i nee in mrim l 1- iwpre nave dene i scobell architect fit survevor bi 10 inform the inhabitants n kingston an 1 its vicinity lhat ik intends following the juofession of nn arehitecl meaitifei and valuator having had a ion experience in ihe- practical rienaitment he halters himself ef tv- in- the desired saiisfaclioti lo itmie ienilcinen who may honor him wilh their lavors j s inviles hne who intend to rtiim to call at his olfice in jnhnii mitel ud extmmc his iilim of uiiilhtis etc oic klnlofi lec 7 iftll information ii anted of peter tilllmln carpettvr a na itvcoi sroiuml who trft the vamh of stonykirkcahowoyshire 1531 and when lasi heard nf wat in kinemon any informa tion teclin him would le thankielly receiv ed hy in htolher alexander who could tell him something to his advantage if by let- ler diiicct lo win be ita rrie field ncjii knsoti km lvn may 4- m2- rai pic iron ail ten no itiock mi l th mri utv rhmdmtl iiitm in km mi loeen nreiiivriiesiii lji ktluna kj valvaihi for llklmo iluilvf hmlwif m- ljm in rr 11 t4w r mm li j w 1 iik neir si in to tin- jam utrcir the friirii iti eonlaiu 4 stner it iv i kii end fil-iii- lenl mily h v k vens une ler at llie ei lln propfiltty in miirel ifslnn lltlipwil to lkt- asiacirtcs stwji ami siolaldr a imilt uy ihe sufviihei npntilc mr in qipttrt m fot nailirutais apply to k chananiiousr 3y dwelhnj with jy ronrkv lenewid on kit mil 1 1 si- ler i i mill i li i iv mti ii ti ru h r ml hu r ifmi firiiniiia it 1ii1 4 impvemeifls li i ill i i til lit th tlllrh illism i ihl lui itll rtvl hfpi lllilisll rjf 7 ii i wilh j i ffiiiiiiil i e kintin ner 13 ihil tor sail ml ciuulry r t hi tl 1 1 ie rieianl country riileiiri sutrrrrilwtf inc mile from rlir lrtki- slum eiiiisiminjf of n siulrj iknlliiic llfjtw- stride ifinim e vviili twoneres oflurnl liu ii7tr4 wliieli will in neeomiutnlnlin of ihe town nnftvi arriaet for sale hk ton no t jattshiic pig lion and loirl fire ruck john frasek llandwartt mkrciiat store street kinrtlo mav 3 13 w 5sui ft let tub dwelling house noxi ilmf to messrs t st j ripney store and rcceuily orefjiicd hy j ivou itim esn apple lt t j rignbyt slort slretlm inlon 30ilt april i s7x notice oivloknhnfxk on each share in ihe steamer couliuure has heen this day ud will he psyaldc after this date 1 derltrctl at thcotlicc lor only f m gamftmg clarkk i ma bitvt ros miile chi new tin klhi april taovpriilstt vnali iiovkknkss eimminf reaehm 11 te ii w r 111 i rf rmpun n ihe pn ni kmiti1 hartlett k011 jntv vilh kh u i- w vsk li ik itt ikliir meini lor v ajjautl hrane hful wilh freiiih nd muir is wintrd it mi p r inlmd lh rditealieii o iww 1 iiin liilii aed iii and vcati a4l ly lllrr ll pail stslitt- letni and iua1ili rbhiiriit in j i ki imici l iti kijdin rinnhiilr lid i lelle iii4mi vpul i isi zcllr s pumiiil every yycdnrti y and satqr day ilthe oiace comer ot king an j hiock mrecl kingston u u terms jwrmiitv twenty shuit ti cjrone six lines ml under is fid- hvt oiserlion ml 7j eaclisuliscrjuent insertion t- n line ami ja iler 3i 4d rim invilion im etch ae one nt insertion utavc iii 44 iitt line tui ihc first inseiliou and id irliiir lorev vrv sulvuiientinvitto advrtiseinenls without lerithh directimt in si led titlforouly xtut rhararcd areonrmfly- it it reaueiuil faof ott wifjmenfj ir ac trfro in on or nrcrumafo 7udnvwj fn- rfv vtwt none rceeivcil all r tt oclock onh iww ol pwtli0ft- a litter l liuroutit madelooierhoits4ntolh ctj who ahvi riir lir three menlh- and upwanlc aaywrfor pwtriiti ill uicrihn loth paper anil payili mmottjf for the same sha he entitled to sevi th copy jffcftf cpcountry product rcccivid in pay men alike maikcl price agents tjic mrmalion kq w j mckay esq 1 cameron r m hcmy jones ksij li w haker ei samuel clarke esq thomat seolt i m joseph a keelet kt thoma drmorral llsi i audctsoo en aiwtwjwrsflt pat uelkrilt biwktllliv llylwn caniden eat cntjoiirs ollurrne ueitmireslville frcdeiichshutjh mer t j akdonaldaineiiie johntnylor esq wm roike rsj william macinloxh esl tieore bfnuse tq andrew ivoleous bft fhilcs bictrar em allan mclherm 11 ksej alex rivtisonei fw almfpmi david smalt fm alplicus jenc kl- jnhit sewelu f m ruherton km crconcc ivon km il medoiiell km il memichacm m jamesliwv km jldlll itidifllmiti r m ti tvicy v m kril shioi k areliikim m fatal lsr- il menienl k- sidney lyntnrti rs k v tim v m j nrdm- pm- liiiiuiii lu liilmd i wuh 111 av ii fc mrrt i i i i 111 i l 1 haldimami picln lw it- r- mirttliu morilitwli murray najmiiee nietra peillr poit hee iv i ijiiekw itnet trenl ri hiiiond sl mlrew shithvmil1 smilhv fdks p iiityos tntin vanlwl hib v- hlllcliwli vitiiln u tletllir kfaahiu m ikehieee x rsii- i i

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