f the ohronicle 4 gazette tlrrt 4a rkififrtt stmt- 11 wuf ivft- fv w jaairiri mm aw at tiii omen roan gio it mffl irokti uttuatnlv- a 4 tynck kvrht wconuday saturday rrarrrly smtingi jwr fiiiihm in ddrowrf htfjf vrewy tvvfwrvfivni th iww term will in future be strictly nlhrrj w u h rrdrr oimd be forwarded without tfniljilfdf otc time subscribed joi1k ckkiuhtok r chronicle alette nr fmrrtimmtttt six lines and u r r fifat insertion mid 7jd each abrquent tv a than itrn line and under 1 4d firet mrtioti i ii ltkl eoch aubarqucnt insertion over ten hue i irmf first mertior and d per line cath 4bsruuent insertion wrwf sdirriion letter prcoi printing and kingston commercial advertiser wc ttago wee- pwpnu so ntxocjno jiu rr4niwy mrtrtiumentm from irroiirrrj or t mutt tr pbijfor tfnen frrwtd vol xxiii kingston canada saturday may 21 1812 so 93 nokfat vegetable life medicines- fhf mrilicinr r tntlrbtvd fvr thele nttfaft ibnr nnfeilnbttiiihltknfifirmiwitrn d cmiikii wflr and rond inem wiift fitw inaft til itfomr in iti hu crtulim whir hiff urn raah flihf and in aimm enr sr i vf jfcrrto aitli ttor tunian fme jallaule thr rotrrl jf afait df f ill nt riiithu itivtfr hove been ajraielnt y n4 ootid tmwlrtkin h iii vri jaa v wish k hi m ktiunipiul with tbi i itulj umn wbicli iw ate coin ibl goi hi h ihe eontlaiillt rt ttoufrm4ktcrivimlifcriicwrmh aicvc litrdiui drriiuon tirftui iiwrtfciii j 1lllif n rtn r ti il tli tiiuri n iil uu kr f4ij luv j i i bfilrrp ihii tu frtii rt fnnljitoiirfllicfcilllunnr utlf phjvi fl rktip- tin m anil ilav mvi if j nuin bltno at i piitjvr liv iw nh ll it nift vf rnu ih u4mn dtfhovrnh ir4iiihft lnwrr- tfcia ri i tf1 kpunn i 1 rrti auntaiiifc-t- ifiiftiip ihr liaiqin lfuwrlmr fltiliu ltd wti i prrlm llhfc- tttw h m h- mi ihil ifsuf iihrkkitm s iirmtlt j iti ih- itith hy inorsm privi- thihw mriiii to rwhrlhr 4fdr4ii4l wuwrbl u itmti tbv hvrritfij ih inj ilf hrlthfil nrhfttt t lw chin i j pj oa 4k ffttulort f whfahr bfibti thr thw1 wblvc t j ciwrt frm ui ncnjfle livr uj imlimlibffoteur ifiifttj-lwmli-insmir- lf it ima nol owwrrthnt hi f i coining from civan touifli annr ifbtlf itrm hr rii rrtlva elf- 4ftl irilmphilj nntinutlic ha 4ft f bilthlu iv ttini rhtrk mothi vr jrtwe llv lcjtflflc lv ffl iii hchv l fiftvrf4 rtkvercji rcil ff hlfqpj riatllkocv jlisiiuofl otlll lcl if ppiim dfcrivlkc iljlni pr miiici hojnr fpj mrlanrho1r ciute uiinxi chtrc fcwirf nil win frvwl wnm iir mij roatiimpmia aih ufir inptrft or vcorutttc ttuiilioa mitl bad ftipltnfu 1 rhcuitirt4apru4 tu uiupjlorni aii vh riw talker cmpu i nu 1urh ftltrl ue lih4n rmiit- tni0rv aehthiilievlmlvtiw life 1ikh iwn mo umi it lit htoai l o nmru lm 1 lif fmifci iiitir diiin iliyti alcootl nivcilly pfof in ilrm mottit m1c1 hmiiiihi dfijn mnilfl ci4r lhrljt th htk pmihvl ftlrtm f i- w n 4fmrtitftf iwifmr hrflfrufdi pmd kli m 1imnilhii hi- trfun o i wlih hnuk ll 1 r rairm hi i w i hikf ihmf fr iw rinr iv u mpht tvrfttaltl r tw y tni lmfti f firfnnii f isi wfin ff m 5uiiwf rrkary a a wloctor jayttranlr mkdicises ti j j htdicllfm rrncfldod nj cxlaivvljf utvil hf i1 vat intclltjaoi r i in i ijnirri x n biatrmw pnmnm prcaiuflau orcrtttafc nrt t imfli otlh ami a i j itavf and on hotpluu i aim ltfll- ilit ll liirrr 1 r f m v n4m j i i j li f tjiy arocirrniy prpared fot ftily ae and fcm m uapivr4riiud populariiy ibroithoij i the slalwp ada lhlt fi if alm t nj il l- a -r- rlii an j curr jm no rajhklj 1hutj vtr b v i r r ttemhhf n tnflwtalualrlfpfoparationrocoid e n alnd i yrjti coltrffain ihfl ulutt jli- li ihiljnffn fcafa rxprf ttjc it 4 a niiflvr ditrniard ptutf by whieb be iim daj mht apianiti 4f ri knowkdfc olb rcaxdlcab calrulaitd f fo iibflr tbrm tin a prcpmftaiti roaiul if javkc rxiuiginsr irrrft ctiih ruldl fc lip i rn j boopipfcojjtlloathlkl idtutlatam llllta- ol ibr luajp iioh uil y olhrraihin and t dtcawa ol m p1aantj own f ucfl ah- vv hair toplcrur ihcprtatfrvttofi frwlb aadbnutyofiir hntr nj vitb mju pojuve 1 hit i new bmr on r i and prrvoul tu fabnf uit hi ihfain tficc 1 jayxe4 tohli vcrmiruct a ikwnut if and rutatn piapmfaii fof the rtiot a1 or votnit ily- wptia a01ii atottala fvff soll aui waill ol appcutff ikiwvi- nd ortna ordijelion frlcrsoet javxes scar mutative kal5amj 4 ccnitii f ir bowel ad lurnfurr riiwplinkffti dn- init f hviic f fap aick cadabc lanoibial mad aji dcfne of the twitted ahd bowrk eorvoria affkiiuat fcr javne3 sanative nil ftw tiomu dtmaaf 3l84s- iiotjui ita tramrra lake ontario and river saint lawrence rr cipiinl catr1ircea fvir injlimii bu siuhm kufiov di uf iwiiln v and in all ate toht ao apfdinui altrttiv or ruraiic mtditinc hi rituirihl price ia ct rrrmtrulmlr bi 0 l jaynk no bo oawili 31 itt rpiiftdlmlr by dr l jayne no 30 otl no nd wm mwkmi4ib c4dad by letters patent voder the great jstat of the province of canada cn anted to c axe3 maitland tate civil engineer rptle nmic rpci6illv iftfonwd iha 1 paiknthave bc41 tikrn nut far lh fjftwing idvffilion k a pitcrtlm nrw hronlletl av pasati i llh fit lftary ft a verily is fiven hiti prbplct n mmi wsich a much realor bt nt mihftil a ivimii lr a rmclt ibtnlpl tam fitrfrnlloil main rnllnl an inii camh by whieh m ls1 ntv lennith culolf jhtifc hy ix mnlr cnti inlrl of a ihirrm pm iinnciiy ftr r4cli now icotfilmv a ialot for n nfw ntflwi of tractinu thk tnin piunciplr fkom ualck hy which a rntrf nmniity i ttiactr firtt a civ ntiirtiiiy of ihrlc than apuiltoits for lio nif iiv if a vihu kiltt r for tbi mrttt iviiiitt of rthf f tlt ibove can u mntlc at the olscc of mtti catm rum rsoli llatriitns kincmofx bv whon tpnni5ii uifoimjiljort will be f fgrdrtl wiitlen communication lo le jitu tchiplw fcimtrj is is g77 ical a l saca4u hhlwf throuu h gfcillc oitlci tcibfaloo dlljaynesepectoranttbii taawt mmlictai dail ffrtcn aodac orrjte m atn- ikhmx nodwonderrul vuk uiai iinvt tr vni bown all mh bavc tri vud 1 ffrf a tlfj mh loi sptuiiur nl d1oa4 ho0fm cojtjb croup or 11m coaauiap 1it pl ji trina pai and n mthf troaii diifrulu at btcailnj andavi ice iiiav ofihe long and urrati tn and iloatir to iti uwfijnea bronchitis m ducat whieb l aanyally wrrital ibovaaiida upon ihavianda o a premaiurr invi io4cr m okiviaacn ihav of coauainuon m- tvaa urdbyit thruitial aytbni ufitii diu oitiidaiarc cotfjb torciit of iuaa or ihtoi lmndi dmjtf f hf ii aiibiim hectic pcvof upofpblrtiuot diallrf aad0tualcawd li n ittbmaaaioa if the 11 akin watch uot iaih- i nf iw waul of lb wind 1ut4 or air vctacla wthh rn ihoufliery pan of w ujv tjft etftecioimn lltlharjpfeurlt opplcttl 1ao cgs pain i- in pli- ii rittind tiijiknliy uj briaibtbak i j nd ihsv curiuij ondactitc ii 0oa rftff id u nl ava ut auut4 w of lhk hrct wiu rlicro4por hv of calwmf nvh u u- i ti ta buri tifne it in molt aid 4ijun ibe ilt ofwboopn coiifh akdaitcrta 4pciut huhft4 whomvbfrivnupblbiipyiifiaaj al inurfbe itb cuaitftrtpiioa hatcbvcu irtlortdto h rw oefiuh hy i kf joiiailian ooi d d nmhhl w qrobthm ikfi oluo aai he fialabooriif nndeia etii tnminiuh 44il uoarvncii a4 iiiai kiiilnvultt- of i ti real i iflibiiitartr in iirtiirm in iirinitirdlalr biirrthiiiioa hl waa perfectly rnrd i- irt thia pitpecit4ni mta oiik iisu n j uaj niim of aiibnii of twraly ytar mni1ifp mini i wo bollla nf tkiatnoltrifif mi waiii isoil aloai waaciirdvflltakairu cotnpl hy our itntur jiuii laitf atooof nalai u br b f r inf wtw cr tuft fv011c ask dtromled twat the followiatc au tiie ia vmlm i tor this season between kingston and turtnta rnrrus itosal colclevch xfaonra elmslet ettjof boronto dicic from tofconto al n oflock noonttinda and ttoradtft nimaka ml xca tttadajandn oot frtda citv of toronto al 13 oclock foon tdariday and saiutjuv princess rqral aod atriv al kiroa iw nc mofdiue ta a6ouc steamers call at cobourg and port hipc wch tcaij between kinsaon and dickinsons auindln 2srotflbiu maxwell jl en 15 cf tutrsutb t bowm prom kingston al 9 twfell a m- sopdar wrdncday aod fda from kingston at oclock rtvaatne moodar and s tiyj princess royal at 8 oclock fltoajcu tortday qj ffkuy niagara al 9ockfk evc4if wrdaeaday a saurdav citv of torofto 5 and arri4 at toronto early hcxt iaj brockviixe at 9 oclock a m tcetday tbunday am 3aturdv inv- gilderslev from dickineona landino at 4 a t on ibr mml nf ib mad front 1ootfil tunjav tnufcv and ttntutdat buoqtville do do wrdacijay fttdw andsvpda enry godersleeve from aturgrmenl which bive been maile with ihe utth canadi stave a4 stcim boat compny of mofilfeaj between kinon and mm tml act tt time phew on the afternoon of the secocif day the ihore bot cijl t tininoqur pnjektlht mdilldiiij prpjcott ogdenbur matilda and williamasurg each way haite and paiccu at the rik of the ownrr unlen bookrd and naui fo is fttitu u- maji packrt oalc kiagilon apfil 10 tou and j rircr st l4rnce 5ua bot oflkr apad 10 10u ti 1 kv her fritnl hv fir ittit wiu tiiatirmmin pi irmb i4tne bt whln di ifmflii fipe the subscnlict having orropicl the apncy uf ihc quoins fire arth- ranrc coutpnpy lilt cddiis west in row preparej to mcivc npfllratioiw ftr intn- dhelobfi effected with iheau ctfttpany al mojcrnic ratc of nrvmnjiu thccurly fliaracier and ln stuul- in odhm nyfl intioi rtrti their prompl- ttul in the fculonkiit of lt i well am favotirawy known to the piiuie os dtactv ig the hiffiictt oonfiihhrr thomas crggr jtfitnt for cndt bva kmnn clt jan is2 m lin i f on u l t jaitv aii ac hi i iniffa boiwbir and antitwaa l inr 14 14 a luiutl ol liu mldicae irnn iim mlowff etfieatr i fma a pi 1 phft i iah pd aoia b mptitrd ilefjnaa vt iaa miihiwl ilnu mrdral twn va al w 14 lu jator dfar a hava ueo uin yo kt i till re iiai tier for iat 1 it tvor innullitandfijjallofflaofculdat tu mimuiivn of bm nmitnrtioaartunwlpanjandwftivainiif the j1flal il 11 drfwlt lit t tmrdktu i haict irm vciy vtjpcrtfulfv ml wvtlluma lt williams m0 itirerotitoihrr mifflcatpj aht tc ak hut thr r alnkamm uat1eifljr a ffo 3 souib tbt iho feint li by p jay sirei t numrlpfcta pur jk aral b t m lukk general afot sarkh itaiw mi if vtt mackintosh i o tin oi ociee kiaitm caadn hoopino couoh torarc4utavsfe8 kx ructoltakt wjihnot olmvolli ibt anoat tftnih vreiiarairoal uw li ccovni hoopfif cottfh tntu h mild ud leaftufdr dacne anil ahoitena iu dma- i tv 11 i4u ibaa oac brvf aod pfrtduee a triaiti aod piilt rrrorcey frriahtrto mlei pooafot will ivmahily txtrr domlh infant ad yoona hdran 10 hauuhonrioaa ior th ura oritundinda ofibin ilmiutll braatrd anpttxtl by alwaja korpm it on i itadyfr rvcej mnrc roe xo 10 sni ltd airwt pbilnitlphia nni nwo 1y wni mach iojih cvmwcai oatelie ortt klnihot cna1a british and north american royal mail steamships of ton bui hen and 440 horse powrr under contract vith the lords of the admiralty acadia commanded bv fe 3ivuliu bnttakhia k u ckslako caledonia m columou c h ejvdkihi piimgr money x4s stehifty from halifax to r- v from boston to ttrerpool 126 from hdltfax to bofton 20 theae ship cafry cxpehciiced stiteon the unicon ffiti between pktoa and quebec iu connection with halifax s cunard co halifax u rsymes quebec 74t ss lewis bocioa datei of aatlin of hie hriinh and north ameri can royal ma skipi boin 4i iherateof tneoly lovdn twrue month beeinrttft 4lh seoteraber 1541 fro enjund and from atneika lake ontario tiic tbaf worms worus worms tw t m tin mm p03vieroy cos new york aibanysl canada express in connedion villi hamndks fi co n nw tofki blon anj albany expte ami fot- 5n lmter office hawxkwc0- uutrlo nd chicago exprm for ac traruporofion o socclan buak nolr tauvole goolv for luttsactik a sone arncv nrt corn mission bttifcts lo ftj ftom new york albany otweo tronln kin5lori u- c ant3 the intetmeijiatc placet eltistts fobmnfi rn prl al otrott prwi afcrlaht wajt6 shkflman ki cbauai ambu atbart rtj n a d pachini r caaatf rw vorfc r miw siau 0n s oaii lte e4 caw aiviat sx-taaj-n- rhan 0h iuytos a crorkfri 0ea thomas rlflmtv q i j qrrkh k0t riorum htmtv mathtws mtmcprcr trifakincfriu et auff flt d mcintosh krlxilef of crocciiest teas wlncfj and spirituous liquors c c mri hickcytncw botwins at tho crown of slore an quarry strcou kingston notice david smith and cecil mobti- metthavinjchccn appoiiilil tnisicrato he euate of george kechh miclit nl of picton and millfoh hrwby mlif nil ihtse who hive any claim ainil ine 4id george keojh lo preaet the same immediate y and all thoe whn artr mdemed to the said groro kpoi ar lenuested in com hr- aid ami make immediate pay men l to lite nrt- vuablwfcf cecil mortimer ming 7 1 kcloa fith anrlli i81s- ttr monlreal tae uill ruae neft u- toieprre medfut 0 ntil 0l fh rr xi and danfcion inbnfciiaa of tin- p jnd ihiwh wbitbo of ii intnalrlvka bfatn ami i- tro ibe itvta of hiidf- fe tr javwkis ton ms vermifuge a v r -r- ptp4tion ctrth ienwvbioflliiariomikiadifwfniii iamir tomb want of appall infia r0 m acn laddrbility or ibc ahmarh tm towh itflittirn fialnby wm xuckintovb cbrookl fc carttr oihi r knx1p cahaja 1 avkks kxrrctoranthrar a iiii iraittaaik r-oci- mr- j jfooie- dai ir lcbrcrfjlty od t teati- mixiibl 14 lb nuhietom icionumadationt of ur j at or mmnri wtteji havp nlmy boeahveo 1 iave round 4l ranotnauvvucatia ny favuly 10 caa wlrrc all irfm oirtaa hd failcd 1 ba ho 0ed wiib dti- 1t utfll tihmornl i wouj no be without nibaf uftbeae medtn- in mr iwt rot an cooiwria- i itnve tb xtaiificatinn of a l a willi trafo hci4aiaanplarj i and tiilaio a his reputation rtiladopi u a fi- j s maimati tbe ajo uiuy vahiabkdwdicioia af foe iaio avbole- 9aovtt harhftuin y anlalituiloy w1llum macklmtoljb kiajtloei anailaf mrorltat news from ijflwi uawmtaiii traar fa cwl i iva trovidence ihil4h inufivttu jia m ua folwli4je fft r hnrntltd by tbe iifgfffiation oi4 malvouryr- ofafbavr brea four wffjtm hitmmtlv afllrftdwuh iamabot ukilerfalphj- mmnri oo4tm nianr crtain urt rh ftrtwithotiani raaentialadvaaiafe for two raf1w tor wlo1 ofnmir ld ooroouluaaur wardawortbrtlimtiaul dm i ae he ndviied 10 ke uf ja w fcapciorain tm edieia oprraied m b w nr it woiw dn i h4v ttce boilbta ofit aadonmdr oi nvnnit cured bi il- m40wlieeooiferiald alloihl r rffwn ifcc u4toa r ike un and tatario iiitttwnaelfhtb4diradftilly duuewt tedud aa lo sxort lifr bad bttome mlhl bunjnak bpaaq zlm i cojoj it ifcuuih i aio not rotjiely ff froj fc taliriue dltw- rfptnlene0ci5fl4l all 14 vnvuable mtdteim ptpjed by w fajn fwrnl wholtaak atidtetailby w walssank kiltifl cahv samer caudonla acadia cotumbt driurioia coudotu aitauia columbia t britannia cakdooia acaduj cotomuia t- s rr j cilcdonb aeraliau colombtn oriionula caledonia acadia columbia oritattoii lcavca i liverpool 19 october i n noeeai 4 1 decern 4 jjnunj 4 fehy 4 march 4 april 5 learca eoaton leave tlalf5 may iu june 4 19 19 avsvat 4 19 july 4f ociour 2 lo notcoa 1 16 decern- t 16 january j feuj i marrh i april 1 may 1 16 june ig jolj w 17 rawht t 16 scptenv itt october 4 r noem 3 decern 3 ik january 3 feb 3 marrh 3 april 1 may 3 ifi june 3 m 18 july 3 19 aurml 3 ih srpicot 3 19 st george 6aitaiw iirfrttttaitd w ill um kinoatoii or niaaro quen- itnn and lrwirori direct eveiy tuksdw friday eninfl7oclrk and tvill levr nirrr for kinton di reel wrerj monday d thursday al 13 k khi patceli and qase ahat riaai of tho own era tiol booked and pj- f aa fjcihl roval mail packet nm kir may soz the btmer capt charlfis burns will until forthtrice make iwotrinfl a week bflwern and toronto riehtnifboth wavt at vtllinston cohwqf t hope rood hcadf fahinglonand wind- aor as follow- ttpwa lxvinc kindlon monov and thursdays at sodock dowkwfj uaain toronto wetlnf and saturdays at 7 oclock a- m tlh boat will totnmflt ler regtilar lnk on monday the 25th rraft allluaceand iwref l the risk oftm owner unk booked an td for mcphrhsoncrane- kiipton qoth april p mx steam ship are clover seed for sale hy the subkriben of jo barrel clover seed mclherson st crane- 63 kinplofla feb 4 1w2 buckwheat and rymealoi aupe- lior ciualtiy for aalo by carter rentley no4 hardya building front sl kmlon march 1 18 70z book binding 1 all its vorioua branches neatly and expeii execuico at chron- oilbtte office comer of kin ami brtwk sireel a suwnf ruurg machine in constant operation great western j hosken r k coiamaoder tlheaootcsteaoaahip bavin bten cocnplelelj overhauled new coppered wd put in ibe beat order io every reapeet tnu eocnmence her reolar toyajea mtlm of april next on which day abc will uil front bristol or htm york in order iho better loaeeorofjiodaielbelitorpool trade it baa been deterrat ncd hut be ahah takc alicroalc voja- jea bclneen new york aod liverpoot and bow yor k and briatol her aaitint data for the jrar from each pot arc appoiotj as follons y7 avlt mlf 28tb of aoril for liverpook 10th of june for brialol thhof aoat forltvrpook 29th of sptc ether tor ftnatol i7lh nn i for lirerpool from ensbrndt 1 of april frooi e 1 211 of may from liverpool igoiofjulj from brialol 3d of september from liverpool 22d of october from briitol tor freihi or puaagcor any otw itltwrajatasj apply peraocially or by letter to r v maltlandfcco it montreal and quebec richard ik in no m front st new york march 2l 1842 8162 the sterfv 90at flf kington captain b rison is now underioin vlborouh renair and will he ready at the n of the narra tion to comm nee herar i belw- kinno md the headf the bay unfile as follovra vrwaips leath kingston orttlbkoays thurs days and saturdvs aisovlrxk a al dowhwbs lcarahr hcadof the sy on mokdaysi wednesdays anfridays lu al amherst bland arj be usual puces on the wav up and down kintor i5th frbturf iftii the itk soat wa6h1nqt0n irving mr irvlixwaiborn fa now vork in i7rj2 and i now therefoec aboajt iiy yeara of age ha re- ttlrtd oeualeat cdvcaiion aod wai a atudtnt of coluwhia collc-e- in iboi ha aoabarked for floe- rleaux on a toor through france and italy led partly by the love of ua1 natural to youth and partly by the hope otrcrtoria the vigor of 4 conaulutioa aooverthil urtpajrcd it it tatd by the intcntencaa of prrtiou litrry appjicaiioo in 1807 he returned to new york completely restored to health after bivingvijited rome florence no pica switxcrtand r holland ard bnlind tie remained in tbbcounuy until 181 eojijcd in ir l- literary worka which rapldtj advanced kia repulalion and aaerw4nla protcedtd to lotdoo he har however linec thai period oecaiionally re- uiwd hit and report apeak of the markd diauneuon with which in hie ciiy of dreader t in 1822 tie wm treated bj tbe kin- and queen of 4 ny and their court we are not lurpriicd to fearo that a mind ao naturally fertile commenced ti 44 early aje lo pour out iii treamrca in jome of ihc public preaaea troe channel through which lhovht qutia far and wklc a number of catt written ly him al the aje of icrcnlecn 4pjcared ift tlte moroio chronicle under the lillc of lellera of jonathan old sty w toe reader will rerncrnber llltt theae kivc lincc hero very uncrrcmomoutly rnibliahed ia 4 pamuhlel form and trithout the eoit- icm of the auilior by aome uncourteoui ipecubtor in other men talent j tjirj nreacnl hoircvcf to the admirer of mr inini utter production rhary feature prettily charactcmlic of hi future pceult- uhavs and form an antmin- diaplay of those bud- ejine er-icr- whose full blnn beatilie ht4 attriet- 0 auch universal attention salmaypindi waa cooancoced in j7 in conjunc- tioo with a cick ofhwjirtcd pentlcnacn jn-on- vie moal cooapkuouv w44 ijw auhorof the l nna firvwde aoctc of whom hive atneo woo their way to literary eminence and omc to political or profcstions distinction while many hare been vwept ana by death thi ammitt little work received rueh goequivcal mark of favor th4l we my well iuoac lir prlucipal contributor ury td iht proipeet of a future literary career wifh eye not ti holly utidjiruj aeeorditly he icjra to have bracid liimaelfup w il if not with con icfcra- ll aiaiduitjt al kat with increased concdficc in ieio he publiihd kuielicruxkera iliatoay of w vitk ihia iabaaw iihi4hrrnai of cervantca butler and fielding with the tlcgfmt although playful jtace 4 adrfiaoti and jodamith ilia nearly iuperfluuu to deaeanl ujon the apirit j j chaactrr of thja cooipoiilivti it ii a ricb i- lire upon certain cvenla 4wd charaetera 4j wejl 4 ngoteroua of out national peculiar tie no one ever potaesacd a keener perception of the hadtcr- i v 4 writ a the graceful and ihc tender tban our author and though in the vcraciou bia- lory under eoixtdcration but few attempt arc made at the latter requisite thre are ceruin pasac 4nd page of itnuiual eloquence and struck efl witft cnriou facility thai nitrcta the mind like ihc p ctrgance of some natural object flwer opening under a june sun or a vine laying forth ila tcndtiu through which gleam the mantling bunches of the purple grapes- no can be at ouce more un premeditated and inartificial than the flowing ttd utclodious aenteicca ofmr irvii when narmtd iithhia subject the succemof tbe kitickeruokvr ricccdcd he anticipation of even the most sanguine among those who tmmdaiely perceived its real cyeclkace in the sam year lulo the reputation oc ibe writer was advahced by an umtvually cue biographical sketch of cxotpbell prefixed to an edi tion of that charming ports norl tht trifle waa fjjiml by the critic a as a specimen of elegant com tliftomcle tjazettk 3utiobry wanlumit coasrsa or state u sautoft rrutv aia af aj wh4r4 la dbsj amausruy on hauas a kalavatvaujat wall sajoctod ttock ant writing papers from flupar royal to noufl4 overj ijrtipiassj tho ttaiioflcry hoo aiao blank books schoo books c eot ffiasroataw in all il braachei carried oo at ibesboee et- loblithmtnl aaupcridr kuim masija ii in it 11 ope ration t hy which bluik booki onn be roled to any ptturn and in aatylc inferior to none tie comfrtrwvtori of prfntinc office 0 ook bfsdery fjnsl stjtwnet waiteffousem ftocifowuamewr fsja ii 8ovam iwpetsorifj rr poini tf otwm- dation ovui dttyatth cbionicjc fcijaette office kinton canada- rich vein opened in bracebrtdge hall yea there can be no douu of it it u on delications of uiu oaturo that le must real his claima to superiority by tbe way there u yet another rktd opn our view nistory mm later works upon ir not only found onthetotklle ofbeauly and fawiion in the hands of the yourig t of the uu and grave in their leisure mootnta but on the table of the learn ed and wise fcti tbe library of th thoughtful states mantrie severe acholar there la something dig- niftfll in writing history and utii mr iig baa done admirably he has advatteed feartcmty and succcotfully lo 4 higher grade of litesi and fame and as he addresses 4 grave circle of reader and on a mom imporuot theme there 14 ibible in his manner an aprophatc change irunj charac teristic ofthc goodaema otlhe author lie has relaxed the atudttd ejegance of bi atyl fo- penpicuity and manly alrength iv4 miss the smoothness and iotiih but recognise the graceful shape and fine nmjacrfat he has lberefor prooerly modtfied il for the occasion and has commenced 4 most romantic and powerful interesting acrir of evtnla informattraelivo to every readc aid we suspect tbia will carry his name further frito future time than even th f4cn4ting oovringa of his earltar years and more m cited fancy cz freight lo the upper lakes the olive biuxch oi port sorrtia will leave kingston for lake eric rivtm detroit onj st clair and lake ii it n alout the lat alny and will make regular iripa throughout the season u near monthly aa possible- she is a ssfc dry vetfsel well appointed und pails on 4i teetotal principles hooker henderson fit co rn7 i ringitm malcolm cameron ent at port gernia kingslci 19th april 19w vulcan captain l k ucilcr will ply on the ray op quintefbt the season oftstcommencinz at the oprninjof the navirl0n she will leave kihcatox to sfllmttill touching at the intermediate porlt on mon day wednesday and friday at l oclock a m and leaee bcllkviltr ron kictok on tuesday thursday fit saturday al same hour sanderson murray kingston lith feb 1m2 65z tit tiiirnu tship fviiib undenigncd eivf notice that thry a have entered into ctj part ne rah tp for the nufpfne of carry 40 on ltte buaineai offorvorrf- wg between montreal aavari viiuton tinder the firm of atkinson hlatthlefc coat montreal and kosii wlatthiegic co al kington andbrockvillt they willhateefb- cient means at their ctmrnand and by atrict attention to he intereitof their customers they hope to receive a share nf the patronage of the trade matrhjje james iltoss williaxt atkinson- btotkiille 5ib april tj uosition scarcely surpaiacd in the 4ngu4e to hrpe were soon afurwarda ajded brief narrative ejf the live of ihc most diunuishcd ant afa our ioral ofticers during tbe late war they were published in the anatectic magaxtrw al ihc earnest rotieiu- moti of tho proprictora fjr which tlvey were written nc sketch dook and us sequel eraecbride llalliwerc the neat and more imporiant uidaria- fcittgj ofthc author fcti literary production have been received wilh morcticr mai unwcrtil curios ity and adoii ration j j have been transited into a variety of lanuae every body h read tnem and they wi1lalwasbe considered an induptniablc ornament in the library of every lora of eloquence wit end scmimtnt on the year following ihc nub italian of braccbridc hall tthieh appearetj in 1323 he completed and sent forth the tales of a traveller these scemhatiy com pot lions but ol- utouh has enrally euloied than iheir predeo- ors are frenuently cnlucoed by stroke nluifcinj humor and gleawilngf of elrjant faney and resem ble those loose skelchci 1 it the porlfotio ofa fine pntfltcr which however careless the outline or eom mon plce the subjret pourtrayed neve rthelcss evi dent touches of the master han4 with hi more recent contribution 10 the litera ture of our country the first of which ia the valu able irfe of columbus our reader are of cvjunc acouaitilcd ftcipeetin the superior excellence of i hi composition there eems lo br but one opinion anvon- the learned circle it alto 4 vacancy in nlrh history ntod no 0e tiin2 could have uc- eceded belter the oldtn matcriali foe the lliory of columbus could not hire been committed to any more appropriate individual for he stand nearly in the same relation to our literary at his immortal mjltjeldoc to our natural hembpherc both having in iheir own dcpartmcnialcfred boldly into regions untiplored and prosrculed their discoveries to ihc wtonuhmcni of the eastern eontincul his worlis vary perhaps more in character than those of any other lis it- writer others have alt hern distinguished in some peculiar department mr iriin with the cay conodence of grnios has struck into aevtral of n- mot opposttc dcscrlpuon and it h difllcult if not impovatbte todeeade in which he baa manifested the most poiier the per- fid beauty ofhisaentintrntal pieces iheir touc hi ny pathos and under refinement claim for them the mark of luperiorily there is a trifle of hi a brief story of common life called the wife which aironvly tempts any other aoi he must hare e quired fame in this yea thi i hi forte but then thia humor of which he is perfect master tho boad and irresistible burleouc of koreberbockcr fraught with sly drollciy 4nd good nalurrd puar j ihc ludicrous drawing inurapcraed through the 5keieh uoa the 61x wit insatmagurdi and the first impressions in india ny msi w antjutcafit tht first ifflproaiioni of a itrinrr arrmttg in 4 foreign land will generally be the mot accurate for the evil charm of custom soon makes the most ealrioidinary objects common and fimiliir tbua btjntioj the povraea of perception such imprct- sjom will form tlic ircaaury of the poet and the pain ter not the valuable mind of the philosopher yet the rapid glance ef the former should precede tbe dividing of the latter for the botanist will appreciate the beauty of th rose less after the investigation which makes him discover the canker within than when firal gaaiag on its octal in the frcahocrs of iheir bloom those only who have z in aiijpa ofl the 7c4i aster of the sea can 4pprcciatc thedtlighc with which mariners hail ihc sight of latavat toe joy of parting with paaaogera with whom they have been cooped unwillingly for months ia similar 10 that which people feel tahen extricated from ihc embrace ofabcar and the joy of being again on urrajh- inn without rolling and pitching u bay ond desert p fan we anchnred in the rosdtlead of madras about 4 oclock in the afternoon aid 1 e gated upon the in dian shore flooded wih rcaplcridant goldvrt hght it applared not only in ihc language of poty but io reality ibe land of the on m the irat view of the abovenamed city ha been an wi ii drpicted in 3 or 4 lines by in r aruttthat it will ifjurd more enterlsiriment tothjreadr to cite hi description thati to attempt oic uf my owu tho splendid edifices of madfaj irvd at 4 diaunea they have on appearance or catrcmo splendour with inelr lofty verandahs and lert4ted roofs the tall white col umns which are seen in suibing relief agaui 1 f blue fby and theaesurroundd by the broid rnai- t fort the laihing aurf foaming and busing over 4 ton tine of beach which the eye follow til it is baf fled by the distance the variety of bark dotting the mootli urfae of lite waters beyond the influ ence of the surge the troops of dark figure fath ered on the taratwefj thejc are objects not to be seen wuhindiflcrcnca by a atraugrr pointiny 4a they do to a new page in ihe vast and varied vj ume of nature the extent to which the city when rst observed from 4 distance acerns to atrclch bc- yottd the walla gives it an appearance ofvastnesa at oie unexpected and imposing aa soon a wc hid anchored iho ship tvaa aur- rounded by musaoolah boats 6hed with n alive of the very lowctl caale 4ftd it i impaisiblc to delin catc the horror which tho first aim of them pradu- cea appearing in natures garb fonscwoff and with the least covering imsgi able their dark tln covered with oil ihdr vehement aod incessant juo ncor it cattnot bo called peaking their lin gular gestures lead the beholder to suppose them icmc ofthc monkey tribe rather thanhurtim bcingi after having disposed of their stock of plantain mangoes and ivinc- a pole and exhibited ajiakes wilh two headland other using euriositiri they depar ted leaving us to enjoy the slill bright evening j whimlhe sptendourofa uopic nct gave addi tional beauty lo tbe scene the rscb colon point ing lbs ky were imaged in ihc m waves that enfold the pearls round in ui bore and the magic iaaet of tho placid waters reminded me of a dream 1 r r 1 1 n 1 rainbows u9- pended in the air which pouring sloly on the round enabled me to distinguish every gradation of color from the rich orange to the pie primrose from the dark green of the cyprca to the soft hoe of the larch from the scarlet of a poppy to the deli cate pink of a roac the brown shadows of the twilight quickly ahouded hc whbk scene in dark ness which toon became visible again in all ibe ra diant beauty of cistern night the ncil day we went on shore in n mussoolah boat it being the only aafe convayance actuai the surf they are constructed of pieces of wood tied logolhcr and without a aioglc nail the exass led account given ofthc astrf at madras la absurd such aa its being so tremendous thst ladies often r- turn to england rather than encounter it ind ihal people cannot land without being drenched to the skin we crowd it without getting o drop of wa ter and auch is uaunllv the case imiead of being tcrrine spectacle the billows of feathery foam dashing slong tmyc 4 beautiful effect aa wo went across the surf 1 v boatmen rowed and shouted with equal rigour their idea being that if they an msko more noise than the wave ibey will overcome their fury the first coatpclivt as we landed was en peries toldcd round toe graceful 4d creel forma at tho women walking teadily 4long v piteinira of tbe prettiest hpe or piles ofglaaa on their head the numbers of men 4mb drtaed tecordaog 10 ami caste but all wearing turbana iba gay jnlform of the englistt oleccr and the dark tmii sepoy t ricbaapect ofthc goveroora bodyguaid on liwjr beautiful cbargera tso aulely eamela un iin ihornsnaptd native carriages drawn by bvlloeks the beautiful appe4r4oe all the bijitlmp 4monav from being rvnosft which male thcoi look u polished wbite marble the vitlaa noatlinjr isj gar den fdled with the most gorgeou sowers whoa cxquiaitf mrfume etnbajm rffc sir tho patanavlmw public office the rojasarc u and pagodaa last aasd- ome cathcuccaowdral with iu inay ssjyaj rainy ruaj above the bcathen urnpiao ii ita buosbu eros atonur predicting that thsj u r lull eoac for iu universal u over iw crevertt of tha ftfo- lam and the idols of the hindoo flun ed on ctlhtr aidi with trtca iv p with ii broad leaves spreading forth like banner una gracefully drooping bfaydbo the fanuil of rbogi- ganlie palm and the majestic banian conttiultn aiaemblage hchformi tbe 6roai of an asiatn city the oconnell anncitt fnma pomyhtet by rcoctt snrsyvy too etrt of sariosotiry sot i wih not convent that coy claim to 6w rmi should be tnisuncteratooct that tlsitn osoy bo rt jceied but it is trnderaloocf ireland and it ahnll not be miitaledanyhcr without retutajicn my claim is this for more than twenty yeara beore emancipation the burthen ofthc 0404 waa throw upon no i had to arrange the faceting to pre- parc the reolutionnto furnish supplta tc the eos rcipondentelo examine tbe cauic of each pcroo complaining of practical gricvaneeo to rotate taw torpid to animate the lukewvra to cascjlnl um violent and taoaraatory to avocibe sesoaia and breaker ofthc u puaid aairast mukjaiied traenctynd at nil tinana to caapoajj at nvy fsr- n the porrcfut and mdutueunous rnrmrnf of ttse eauae u to deaeend lo eortietrlars- m a period wbsw my minuuaj counted by ike guinea wbw my eoso- lumeota wm limiteet only by tho nxum of my pbj sicst and waiting power nben tm meal wcrn shortened to the narroweai spsee 4nd y ajcesa re rietcd to ihc rartiesl hojrs before dawfi at riat mod and for more than twenty fcsjji- tncr was no day that i dtd not devote from on to two h u r often much more to iho working out of the cathnlie eauae and jaoi withmit reciving or alluwmg ua offer of any rem une ration even fur ul- pcfaonal ci- pcaiditare incurrsd in the agiutlon of use cms ktanlf r four ye i bore tho entire eipamse nf cabn- tic agiulion without receiiing the eoniributkna of others to a rc4ur amount than itun tho wnole who shall repay me for tho year of ri buotut youth and cheerful manhood 1 ivfe alasjl nspaf mo for the lnsj opoortuniliea of acquiring prolaaa avaall cclobrity orfor the w call h which njh d jimmicn would ensure 7 n oracr bonor i could not thco enjoy taanei p came you 4doiil that it was i who brought it about the ye4r before emancipa tion ihougb wearing 4 alurtgown beloogrrig to the outer bir my profaaalonal eanolueoenta aoucened x8o0x an amount rttvtr before r j n ireland to the same apace uf lime by an ourr hiaitcr- had i adhered to my proftiiiooj i muat oon bavi hocn called ewhih in the bar and obuined the preee- dency of a ilk gown the icvtrity of my uboura would have been 4l onoa mitigated whilst tha etnv lumenta would have been considerably tnercacd i would have done a much greater variety of biralnes with le toil ond my prrfiawionjj income mux haie necessarily been augmented by probably one- half- ifl had abandoned politic even the honoeiofrny piofcaiion and ha highest station uy fairly before me but i dreamed 1 da ovcana it 4 dswarn i that lrclr4 aiill wanted me that nltbough uva catholic aristoeracy and gentry of irctand had ob uincd most valuable advantages from rmindonlson yet the benefit of good government had not reaxbed ise greal oaaaa of irish people mj could not reach them onle the union should be either made a re ality or urdta ihc hdou measure ihould bo abro- fiatcd 1 did not heniute aa in my course my fttasast aucceas garc me personal idrantagca whtcb no ouaer man could easily procure 1 ftong 4way the nrofns aion i pre ila emolirortols to thj srinds i doacw the viau of its bonor onet agnilcavl cmbranod tbn cause of my country 1 and coin weal or coaan woe i haye made a chatce at wfekh i have ncvar repined 11 r never shall repcul an etm occurred wkieh i eowld not rum rorc seen onec more lt- fofcanaoaul promotion win placed within my reach the -v- of lrd chic karon of the exchequer beeanie vacant i arm of fered it orhad i preferred la ot of imaalar of the k the ohernative waa prpened to aae it waa 4 icmming otter its v4luo trsa enhance by the nvanncs ia which it raa uude end premment- 1 r 1 by toe person through whom it ami an do- the bestl engliibman that ireland aver saw ami marquis of normanby but i dream td 4g4in nday in in vu it dream t am i refused the offeft aod here aa i now v v r i by yon with mean and sordid motives i do nol think i am guilty of the least unity when i assert that no nan over mad4 grtnur aaerincc to what he deemed tbe causa of hai coun try than i havo done i care not how i may b ri dkafted or maligned i feel iho proud conic voua- nca that no public man has midc more or penler or own redy aacrincea still there linger behind one source of relation and sorrow one evil pcrbap greater tha all tbe real one cki i believn kber chanting many of tho commonest dcuita of life j iban my other upon the grntiludo or my eountry in the east hare ao ideal grace which u the imamen it conatsu in tho bitter th vlfvhinr thw ginatire is particularly charming webad n kind mercenary and therefor the mor cavennraed ho- inviution to the house of sir md lady about jtility towards too which ray lore for inland and for 7 miles from madras during our drive- therefor liberty has provoked what uunl what rcproar v people do oot imagine 4lw4yaitouot cam- je what calumnia have i not muuoedt what cbor dephanuinlndi andncrerin hub city i lokiof abuse i irhat vluiperaaon i what altrwkr much struck arith the novelty of asssjy thing hart boeo eabsustcd agsjnst mot whed fiala of around an rtutiaulyu4vrllmg in the- east con wlterne bav been poumd on my haad what sideredthe aitire of the people of madra morn plr- coarsorteniorianguago hrnxbnen awnslg abased turesqoe than any ho had een the dark hue of and worn out in aasniling me 1 what dornftnry 1 their skmsgirrsincrau4appc4rarceofbrortt4 sg- peltalion hj beenawrv1 hat issssjajsayj nf aaw- btt4 be bright blue oranfrcarle- or white da- olenec haiebeer eipcoded 1 what follle havn not