Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), May 28, 1842, p. 3

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i i iiaj itili a pttiltl l i ld 1 j v ii jtlt hrum irin lun ikii umi h 1 1 vi tfh uni rtt iitf 1 am h hit itivm ii t llll ii ik iiw i the mtttlkh x tkt u n r0jdrf llu cell r ueol i n ii i i null it ftir wtinmii mhjjili hftufag m i j 1 hm4 i in i tm- j r mania t infanti ai 1 fi nanily hope tint e h iiiiii hi itu day u m julthl when ft i win i to avtiun tahi pin 1 i l i fiijll y i 1 i ffovjac ol coarwien- rjwvd ii llijllfhiu mi in lllw ulw iff hm iii it illhi ttrtllnt 1v ijmhu rl ltlh ihlriii mtfmf h l m1liiliim tl vnfiii i ljliph u llwir lift iii4ltwft llml llwulttla i ii frttinoit fr hr ivhril mjlrt forgrl i il tie- the 10 ul rm it hniuli titpu ilnllli jftipj left iti rn1rj slala for ttium tb ftttlttillitltiudnig lliti ilixomlitm mitj lnr dibl ihr h are iroriii ihil luoervr of cijj juiii iu fail vrnt mouii jtritr ihc wat evrnrtivrl irjree im riwtp he n-m- wi ariiir tmt mere rfltptoiid wrta vrwt lit jrerfsf ll farfaiph trail ayf ta no htijufl foi nlcnm llrr trwnfttiii ihcaamc ait iwutittot d hr ft i it i lib rijliulit kjia kor nil viiht hkboul tclllimeiit t ihru etnw hit rum i i i i v i land in ike lvitih pruicr ji far derrr lhati hi u i ill- tl sliti nrd umu hrn iih jutimrntit trttl gac iocwwf of kt puwk d 11 u 10 ihr hjumfffvi mil iff cft crrtaiti f quilt lions lhci fifixrtk il kai prorlihnrd by rrflm mlifhlul clmtiiiij iifj et iuily on lhr titiuoi i isc lh i ijnif i f ill n i iijuxty m lo nut ill valid at hih price tlpiilr botli for candi ano ihc bittih cmiraiit iheir noi oilj iiublic domain fr irtlprtpttw liul pvblic nviki to tillurd abuttdiurc cf i m ljmcni ihii itltum ffmut lh i 1 i t lo l ltr li i hllk f iii i ih i v jn pij sir n m i i rfilf fprilc thj kfc rtt rj ihi rv lo be kitiicitid m fundi tii hi ini ib9i pet t c aod oti cihiit that nmfc fitlfarc uptitj iot bo nljrdcd lj ihc it u ihioncvof poliitcjl cconauiuu tt ihc ciruuliofi of utijvft and unfouniltd attcriciiti hear j ij hrrfj no dtxvrncitt from becoloikial office iuf diirithil more jov amoi gl people ivi the diiftitji of tord john ft um ii lo liu- mi w r ttcr ft iiiftl eontuiiiinx imopftl filhrr inirrviin pitict iw any iiiature llml oaj be adumid il ruvl be ukrn i of i jilcd tint hif niajtity pomuu in tbottctumioatioti to mnolain at hi f jp ihr trojfil nblhofitt cf ctmdl neillnr uil honor of htf ni ii- i rftwi rtrr ijie opott doe lo l t lol l i- j l i it driuh n is ft h anuria tiof the prii jmti v jrr if iif empire il lafp would jtnrtit any d ia- ifott fcclt 0t fid rii eijlti tt prinh poljet wlui lhff rr cioufjiitjlj iueifiiire iit xreairr bwtvhtll to rhiwc capiiftlimi than ihir freelr to inrl tktir pifim in pomciiona thin no fuaranicd i iv hae no aftrrnailie c ht only ui coittwke ihr rtan of bimhn cjtuda mor firmly to thia eountrt dftelopln hut tr- tourer of ffn5rkh hi bntiah popuuliort of difendif her lfiori md of pupporling and en courasin the loynl ifit ofher peopehear hear 1 when ihen ihry considered ihc rrlalur fituiuori ef unal britain and hr north amiricin noiieitior aid efleied that they tlvcd the most in need of what c had the nol lo jm r r a rtjor out population aid an tinrinplojrd capital that lht p uliliort would iopptj thii counify with the tirotwri fiddilion 0 it food and lake from il m icf ji ila tnhfujfaeiof j good r txdoded from olhcf eountnci txerpt paid for tn bulli00 jd aboe all ihat ihu imporlant irafllc td in terchange would be carried on by our own thipt tnereating tho alrrrtli cfour cotnmtrcial otanitr il arculd be olnogt that the w4irift promotion oi toiratkn naa of panniounl inipoeuhcc lo tb aiafiinr theirwreliaui i be farm r tlttecbiml and ivtc aatcitnan cbicta1 111 ihc rneouiaffc- fnrtt nirtn lo il he 4lcd but juibec hf canada vf admirable rruiion ell ait domain ila frrat a- fubtity il uriboiiiid d frrtihty iu mineral wtillh ittrjuciujtc jilfrki it rtudy aeeej in cheapo nciaof ila hiida ihc riattatl nf ita tratcn the ma j- nituovoftlt l in ihc- number of ita kirbor iv bnjhlneaa cf iu atmoapscrelhjc extern ijrilameriia i t titrate nilh 11 wanu whilu hi- oml jury obaorvvd ilih mueh pl uro that uiorc w aa on dabtor oonfined in iho t4ol rrmarltr viih aorrow iho durabr of rr dijiv r i r 1 i r watll of tw mlabluhnttnt thai uk aocraaat of crime ai in i in naeaaufa keep paco with iho crouih nl our popetlalion jo irtul mat ba dpecleu but on jrond jiiey feci nad that jroal portion or uh l 1 agalnat iho laori aro fonerally looro or ini ttcriimblo to kaliii cf iobempcraoco and that ilic extraordinary number of lkcnacd tarcrna taid rn sbopi in li toirn and suburba cwitribula in no ii au drreo to iho demoraliaatbon of iho in n i- tr thty upon inquiry that in kiiiraton aik ila aubvrba 1 1- t r no fotver than 1 36 lkenaej trfrcrna a rtumboe in their cotunatioii l out v m f v to the eiuat of hi pag1au0d or l want of the commuofty the inrd jury troom rcapecifutly alwrt iho court to draw th ot lfalion of ihc rccutata 10 thla fruitful aoveee of inoral degradation and crime in iho hop umi aococ plan may be devited for improrin iho preoonl iya- itin of gaoung lictnar jambs macfarlane afowi grand jury konm 25th may 1842 l rp r mliyllih fel a ii 1m t llljjtf itli itiitoinf at irima uif i n tvnit in aiapwtvl uori 1 vnl i 1 lfh iimb rndci talltfbalaaj deputation of tha hook k cfi io common hountj communiraionf bul abcte all u i r- 1 eotiititution itt uncqu th f livitair rflanifcilltp of eirrumi ikreu lb felsrliuv ju uj vivi thilcomc ui fclid htrnfieftt irrumiltjureii reei- vv i ik moat atnaeiite aa hftttl onooflhe ncirni moil pmrlaf and moal nlaiufl potaemjona of the bri- tith frow hi horded uht rccoiicd at an mu rj farttt the empire canadi tindrr the fuilcins rvor of fir canadi i autoinin arj nrctrciiic powtr ot on at urilalu hh realiielscrtjkruuoit of ihe colon nti mintiun that with i iirlaiurc in canada dirpoud to co operate ith llic queen and lh parliuinenl of thr initcd kirrdom in d rrlopin her ial aid uirr- etrid reaooicrr tlrc i etry hope that arc ihall hold lite fv 1 of that noble province aumrrtl rffiy yrarjiiuj jdd more l atrrnih itabi htycf lav empire unhiheac remnria he lqej in prop filafctoi to the civk of kotijration to uimh north america loud cheetah the toatt nn enrhatiailicallr rcirondfd lo srrcral other toaatv were drank and ihc compa ny did not separate lilt a late hour midland district assizes the cooil brtc tip on thgday etcnin laatt after a uuonou station of iiti daj the folloit- iag aentrncei were prooouneed immtdiatcly before ike cloain- of the court by ilia lloiior mr lattice maeauhy nho priecdd icaterdy morning lo open ihe jthfifion dialriel aawtxei at drockiilk george uordonlarecr cofcaed ooc monih an taol william iu4dj boy of s or lojearaof lfft l eineonr month in tol jameacatcran urcrny nioomooihi in crj wnim fvjtc1 ne william fonell omirr 0fj2dkl bd tami- ic pooaika in f ael jtho batecek r elina babeoek eontcd of f irrin- and utlcrir eodnlfffih orilitli jftlling trvae youn- mm arc mm of 3 repc tabic farmer ja peril 1 and up to their commitment hud uni formly borne a rood character the indtctmcot on ubachihot freoricedoyihc jury chorsejtliem jointly in i o rounta one for forpig and one for nii at l be lime the crown connie prayid for arnlenee mr smith of counsel for ihe bab- tocli mored for arrcal of judgment plricip1ly on the rounda ifelt there wja no c violence of kliahvi forjiirj or cf john utteriiv and lhat though they ere rcafcttfvcj piilij uvo one of ihe fofgrry and lie tdkrf of ihe uuerinj yel iteal they were oi joiotly tuilty on tithcr count and that therefore ttey ihould be diachirjed the court in ihe mean- ir nteaaed the priaoncre and ordered them lo be bouod orer to atrail iho lenlenee of the court at lat neii awrea ihemaclrc in 200 each aod two turttiea in xloo each the queen ta jamei thompion did drn and william nod eompiricy pleaded not prill j mr thowpion prcdeftl and mr ncden the ocereury of ihe tonw society of klulum be- lep vhieb soeieiy and le muter tailor an aroomcnl ai entered into in novcmuf la filing oaealeof priee e the soeicty liavn beard chat mevira dawooo and doj were not comply with the icrmv of the aftcnent eatned a hand- buj to be printed and paaied through the torn an- nouncinglhe fact for hich ihe individual named vreremdieted by mr- dodd the jury found be wo latter gnilty und acquitted dranan rbcy n btediwc pouodi eaeh atid bound orer 10 keep the peace one year aalhe trial u of aome importance precedent t abau lay a foil report of it before our readcra on prfsentmknt by the grand jckv rrovinee of canada the juror- of our ly the midlind dittiel qoen upon their oil pre- to ivftl th y have miud ihc diauiel gaol according cutom and hac ueh akaaurc in repoiung to the owrl 2 fouod ihe cella clean attd under all the ercumatan- eeacomfortame that ihe oriaontn pp con enied hiring no eomplaml ogaimt ihc gaoler tvai on the eontrary they expecaicd jaam vnll pfcaaeel vritb hia irealmenl of ihrm the grand jury hoviroer ngrel thai the diatritl gaol tre- ooenuy oaed for purpoaea al variance nilh the ip rilunudtign of lhat ealabluhmc nl being dailv convrrted into a reerplaek for the idte end disorder ly cf both iraxa th ik grand jury hoeer have oauek pleasure in learning that tha pjutto coinciineoniuneiioft iihiht corpfttoa or ihr town ore no- taking ikeidrd lepa for the ertb- hmchlcri ho ot irduairy in ihu victmlj kk hc rvl in operaiion nil in the oflaim of the tfmdjsj potc cf grcalpulubeot- a plee nam thr idle and lu dtwlute vi be d 10 lbour vihile 1 il a aeamfortablc aalut for ihe agtd ind innrtn reotly regret ibal hf cell rvutjii uiid av pi we have bten repeated to pulliih tbc following iuorter u10 comaaiitoo on polke appointed by ihc coionaoo council of kingaion at iho prcaent time there can bo hot one optnton a to ihe uacfol- no of the polkt rorco in peeoerriaig order in tha town and vto can only regrcl thai ihe fundi at iho diipoaal of tbc corporation ore not lufficjtnt lo warrant on ioercaan 10 ihc force capeeiatly for lm porpraeoof a night police tha ute or ihe ir ilouae waa extended to iho town for anoth er year at the late saaiort of the dtatriet counctu the intelligent reader nill not fail to conoid the painful facu 1a tbja polke report with lh prootftl- mr rrt of ihe grand jury which otto appear in our paper to day report of owiintec on joriee or th haif par entiinj lf mfr l l the commillee cm pglice be leave ketpeetfuilt to report that donog the 6 month ending the lit iuy of may inaianl for which period the toliee force waa at firat ciiabliahed lhat force hoa been found ei ir uaeful in prcaerving public order and in fjcililaliftg the arret of eriminff the hate in deed become of ouch arrvice in the rapid incrcoa of ihe trade and population of the to wo hteb ni oecurrrd during the pan year that yoor cocnmillee do not beaiutc to oleic that the breaking up of tbc force would be a public fftjary- du ring ihe half year 344 ovtendera have been 1 monday evening 1 ladder company walled with the following copy f i- t may 2m 1012 2b jyu itwmip m ifoaor onj cvaaaaow ceumt otat ivwa oaingafon gmmmmshf having been directed by iho ktngaton volunteer hook and ladder coiopany to convey to you tbo foltonlnf retolution peaaed u their general meeting at the town hall on wed neaday ihc 4th lnalant we brg re pec if oily hereby to aubtnit lhcam unanimoualy reaolved ttiat ike lhanka of ihe icinrilou volunteer hook and ladder company arejuilly duo to hia woralip the mayor and com monalty oftho town of kmgmoo for their tadca tigakle raertlon iu provkliog tha aavd homptny with auiublo impleoienla tor uic citinguuhnte of fire francis x lstage lli uir joseph evtowwb seertfavy pro fern to which ui werahip ihe mayor relumed ihe follow irg ntrlr ckntlemein iho name of the common counellj i return you thank for hat routioo eon- aeyrd by you you will pteaac inform the member of the hook and ladder company that wo view wiih pleaaure the creditable mawnrr in which they hire equipped ihemaetvei and have no doubt ihould your aertlee be reoulrcd thai you will ajwaya he found in perfect readtnea nothiog bftll be want ing on the part of the council to upnlf the pire department with all tbeapparatu nd implement neeeaaary fjr the extiviguivhin cf fire 1 would itate to yov thai the cuuneil in the new temporary town hall ihcy intend to erect mean lo provide a euttablc place for the afe keeping of the eflfjnca and other material bclonguig u the fire dfpartmentp thoutn it la lobe hoped gcnilemen that you and the oibe membc will have but little oc- caaioi lo ue tbctn hiihi wa 1 in 11 1 nnliav irildi m1 mi muiutay noxl j0u fliremia mhuilpim- of vtiltmble lots on th lots ifttlutfirijrlfie tfrrelrr ml ol flluch v three filallntc vilimle ml mtrij strtel on the wel jifiinmi ritrcet oil thr nurlb l brinx urt of ihr dloclk whenon mr utownr tin- arehttret ha errmird hi dwellinjr llou will be found brttrr fullnrdiil for ihe ereelion hrlrile dvvtllliv ihmn any thai hnve been or dte now to he jt c i eornmiirnlin benud- ful view of the like i 1 iuv aa alto ibe rrar of be town tad ourrcmndint counift ttftfii 0 pmaww liberal safe 1 rtomock kington my i8i iin1yn u a 1 iv in ihe 5taliort houae charged i vilh the fol taiving octrflcco r drunkenncai 529 aiaaulu 70 fclceiko 45 344 ii were diaptraed of aa follovn 1 fined 96 diehargd or forgiven committed to trial or for puniihl 149 74 panic agreoev 5 bound over 13 v- t to hophl 7 toul 3u the rvpenao of keeping up the fokce ice the half im lia amounierl to iiv niiw ho wtn paid uul of uieencral tuni of the town 11k public revenue already insufficient foe the purpose of cor- rjinj on ihe vanoua public improvcmenla impcra- ativdy required ihould be relieved of trw charge nhieh ouhi to be borne in ihc ahape of e oeparate by ihe trader and owner of properly in the tuwm vour coenmittee uual that the new acl of incorporation will contain power 10 that cflecl the period for which ihe station houae waa uh- rn from the divlrict h eapired your coram tt- e luggeat that rt be obtained from the dtvlricl council to cotilinue the uae of tint build irg a the operation of ihe folieo foroe arc of very greal advantage lo the divriel miulale in the dcieeiion and arreit of eriminala your commit tee are induced lo hoc that the waa of the stouon house wifl bo eootinued to the town aalhoritie nithout any charge fop re t tn eonacejuenee of ihe erdooua dutie of ihe chief conatable they rccoeanacnd hot hi allowance be icfta 10 t per annuo signed j counter chain ktrgtoi may 16 42 t 1 midland district school society the annual general mcetieg of ihe midland divtriet school society waa held this 9th cky of maj leu2ailhe soeieiy school houae in the line barrack the ven afchdeacon stuart waa lolhe chair and t a corbet f- waa ap pointed secretary belt the followiog report of ih prcaidenl and trutue fee ihe part ycarj waa read and avfopied ami ordered to be printed rgpoet the president aid truaue of the midland di- btol school society in aurrenovrlng their important elnree tnto ll hand of the shareholder have the jiifaelionofbelnaweioalate that the sckool of in floekiy hate during the pl year afforded io nrerlj two nthvdrcd ehhfren thoac advantage whch the loeliltliion wa originally dcaigned to eoofcr upjn lhat portion of the community who o well dcacreo the public attention vit the children of ihe poorer claaac tht average attendance of boy a appear by mr hamiltons alatameot waa 80 dcrirtg ihc three winter month aa might bo expected the iinallcr children were f n 1 1 pec rented froo at tending by the acrerity of the weather but during the month of june iho number actually prevent in th scbnrri amounted to fx and at pecacnt ihire are 102 bov under hi inilruction mb maaton lift utea urat ihe average attend ance of girla during the yar ha been about 70 and there are now nearly 100 in the female achool the truitec would tuxtat lhat n third ehoo4 in anoiher part of the tone ihould be eeubtwhed by thii society if iu fund would admit of the arfdiiion- al charge for ote tnritcea ore fully con ioced that in no way can the beat interest cf oeietj be o well advanced a b the rdijiom education of the young circumunctd a etnldren often are eapc- 1 r ihoae whooe ootnt emhapptly arc auvwe of their pamiorj ihey are out of ihc reach of ajeaoat any other charily nor are the truatee without the hope thai by attention to the chriatjen education of their children acccai for good may bo obtained in many caace to heart even of intemperate parenta and tbcrfby oeoe be led by god bkaainp to re- prnlanre and rcrornatioa the trutcea are hape to ule thil by the trea fturero aceoont a balance of nearly 7 u to the eirditof the society ir j they are encowraged to hope that the sbareholdere will authorive their oue ecmorf to proceed with reasonable cipeefition 10 prorjdc for ihe eatabfiahmeol of another achool to be under the charge of a reapeelabfe and competent frmdc teachef the trualeea beg to uprca thetr ilifactio with lheproarnl teacher and conaider the society forlunote ia bevinx ecurcd ihc eerriee of two in- dividual who in uscir opinion aro ao competent lo the uab of ioairvciang youib aa m hsmtutoti and mia mamon the following gentlemen were ehoaen office jren for the cnromg yer j jrviiefewj too verble arehkncon stoirl 7vnfre rcr- j mtefaer rer r d cart- wrlgha rke w m hrrchincr 0 j scaith k v j k foraylh ecf alea prioglr eaq 5eerdoritvow a coebeu aej rreflrorer honble joha ktrty kington dth may 84z we krf 10 draw pubkr aueniio o dae imco uni aalc r vt ut buhax tiliimi to ulf ptarr n noon tlio lw ore dehfkutftlj ailuhted on kinrve tleibw in rear rtae auppoaf j fiiaoribe new raih- nwwl buiuiai large col an ijportcd englteh cow durham breed tbc r s ceitwrigm eq druped a 1 bull calf the other day which weigh ed ji5 iba- mr flnarail boipb wj 1 4r fti firt lat nigtct about ioocloekp m it wav diacovercd thai mr powtlli atore in store slrtet waa 00 fire wucb we apeedily cxunguihcd without the aaitence of tbc fire comnanie the only imli-i- waa a quantity of corn broom which were deetroecd the hook st ladder company and no i en gine compary were on the aoi tn a few minule af ter ibe fint alarm of are and great credit ta due to thcae companiea for their alaeritj in turning out on thii oecaewu particularly tlie hook ladjer com pany which 1 yel in it infancy we would here reapcetfuuy remind the corpora tion of ihe nrccauly of having a lire bell placed in aome central poailion for ihe purpoac of giving an alarm iu caaea of lire a we are informed lhal there pi now no bell thai can be ukd on oceaaiooa of thii uant adjaiant general qglce xioxion i ti m h ii ulltfl rjraarfll ordrr h etcelkncy tka oovrrr of tier baaoccn r ti pcrmt c4ial kormih cncfoo hale atar of ib titli it ihumlflm in retire frm tie ummij of lav fib rflmffm vor mititl reuining lu tank of ca n mi the mtltliit nixr 5r ceamtadi aickaro bullock adhjtaui oaikfmti fmneii hail eae civil itnyiaeer anj d tawbum m j r od vxnef tbeftiuafudlaariei arc m in rwanio umwr the ordera nftli pond of wrka n laa nrp4r off iannmii iblo ih pmm riaeoitie lenriwc fondi for tlir ladni rnad 4iuuil toionti th inaancr ofianr eontrutlivn nl rnrmm n mtiaaacrof ibe amouft required lw ewapuu irrn nil taoh aa if ii gwtrnftrui irufldtd 10 un- ei lake ihe rimpuloa nf iheae worfcl au we have ontyipiernttoobetrl2iai j namtr ilia fcu tjim ihvee iiii 10jj4 hl jrf b maje pitraeiai worka ih i4 mn u tbr london andoiacr roartii tatteaj of iu- ah al prmai kenrj bordefl mibr dttnilfcol oaiti haytl on saturday feat mr kiluooa ochoooer the precursor wav launched from the building yrd of town the precurvor i one of tbc precieat model on the lake hc b lliiended to ply direct to montreal and u to be ntled up on iho ericaon prinetple ale ia 88 foot koel is feel fl inehae beem 93 feel oicr all and 93 lone burthenwa built un der tbr j peri 11 tendance of mr cotlioa andia lobe commanded by mr briton late mater of iho perry cobourg slar births on saturday the rev mr w il coorobaof a daughter on friday 20ih iiut mr jamea etwfj of a son married in oiii town on thursday evening laal by the rev juhn maehar ma akoca mcltoo to fhawci atcond daughter of mr thome coaten both of k 1 i at hamilton on the lllh inaianl by iho re alexander gale mr hichakd jooir merchanl of llainilloo to iiamhj tr roungcat daughter of the late mr d mclren raerehani of sterling scol- bl itn the 19ih ultimo at bath cowrroiv cilta- doytvuz eq oth regiment eldei on of sir compton domville barl to iiavslia mian eldeit daughter of sir george arthur baronet k c il governor of bombay end late goremor of upper canada died at albany on sunday morning the 22nd inai cftianlott wile of george dobaroti eiq of kingilon and daughter of the late william dunbar mfcr eac md ofmonlreeliogedtt year end 22 day furniture sale t tbr auction room of ihe subscriber on wednesday next ibe 1st jgne the hropily of mftfhj otfice leaving the city k- 1 i cmtialins of fuknituhr rfobsfa ilorc clothing llarneesfiddlery chins td gta plated ware tunke cwtailvi cede mettratfctj n- fcc- sileel vvtvm thomas a haines a b t c- m kindlon mav 28 istx 9fy s pring goods j 1 biivck x co beg to qt ijuaiht tllcll rrin 1 ruin nil ilia public in gericnl thai they uro nowcrpetiing n rltofvo ieeortmetit of tmncf u4 supio dr ooodm cvo t ni ior shipo coltdhtn mag- mt crirliofit ivejdn cv cirnialjng in pin of l l imilii nilil orktu x miinhii de la incf sensed alualin culbr chlamii ginguum do lttflie lama cranr aiiil lace hondberchier a nirc asortmcni uf caji and bctmrt ritliotim eonnetsilks 4c c also common fine- supcrcne imperial anj stair carpeting r i and bfrnuied can vftk c c ow king stfwt kingtuo islh may 1812 92ui ftvpcr new goods account ituolta c t kmyrinivr aoclluu sale a t the stort 4 hugh frattr ce jk front strega kintton will lake place on tucethy tin 7ili day of junenexi jnd rnlluwinie day ai which lime l in offered lo ihe trade a vt assortment of hfmibiid dtoifc liquors wines teas groceries c sale ul 12 ooi dom each jv pre cisely huch fraser go kingston mav2iilis2 951 1vew goods hpile suueciber 1m- lo inform hi culoch- era and ihe pnblc centrally thai h- if now receivrne per tlw caledonia w campbell jamee doan from uufotv soutcr johnny cotitici anil aljiinv from liverpool und toronto frotn lvntlon his supply of spring goods which hare been vil inrloclees by nn eajbrri enced ageatlfl ihe siitlah market when ihe whole are lo hsnf he will have anejlea live ajjtlion to his cteent slkkbothol ftn- cy and stple goodsal1 of which will be soul ai exceedingly low pice for cah or upprov- ed credit he ejoeeti in a fewelayj to have open in one of hi nrw builiti on quarry street a splendid am ortmcnl of crockery earthenware mul glawara 0 me rr- jat opened and for wfj 0 p- blrcrhed 0arva8 frotn no i b aboaqtantly 0 wh wilson kinstlon 9lh mym- 9 spring arrivals ax tiic glasgow warehouse the subscriber having hemoved to those new and commojiou premlaea ltety oc cupied by mr tvi macntder stort strtety corner 0 quarry jtree he leave ftf intimate lhal they have now open for inspection a very large importation of drv goods which from ibe very deprced state of the british market will he offered at unprecedent ed low priceay- the whole having been careful ly selected hy one of ihe patlnen with every advantage that experience and capital can comimod carpets damaske sc morcena trlx lowfst vhtcc alktp kerr waltdtsll co- kingston 28th may 1840 95116 ft to llet the subfchbrr i1l d 1 ul bj butldme mlb k cxflrw shop and criur four tlviici hih on f4ny bltttl and ihc dwclltnkbul cwwalf s id a cllat of inolhfi nc buildinp hieh will imim tu f arable icjcntc forpfamily g wason kiosston may c8 t cellar storage rphesuhttribcrca w watebooic i on brock strect iork on reasonable lermi wm kington may 28 w wilson 95 in the quwns uencil pamrilva tv vitlue of a vriilof hsnaw jhttrkta jk attachitienl nsued to wit jonther ajrhiscoiitl of queens bench anj to me directed againu alt the kmate reul u trji a personal of ed win l- mjlloryf an afteondinej or concealed debtor at the suit of j- i for ihe um of two w pomh i hav seized all the esuu tj vcrsonail uf ihe sid edwin l itt sud edwin u malloryn v j dlelion of ih said couri and r in bail to the clion ihe nirf to aelicharscf wiihm three calendar hv a uw al real and perroial or m he necessary will be kw hable for the pay ment hencnt and lfu hriff w d sheiirts office kinetoit wrn robertson maon lately from aber- deenscoflsnd who landed innew york last may and inst hi trunk there will apply lo flfr archil mcintyrecalaniqut j r j kinston he wi be pat in nnssessron otit kingsiou26th my 81 9mi lodinfr to let corner of store an j quarry street consoling of 5 rooms and a kilcfon commanding one of the finest vifiva around i i government notice sieaied tendetwhlbe receitrd m f the commiatiat wce emeslnn until lacycloclc on monjayhe30h hoj for ihe supply of 1724 afaaiir or birch brooms samples of the above m appti- cation at ihe marracko oib and ilic whole lo be delivered 01 before the i5ih june and to he wbjerlto ihc anrtoval l a bpard of smeer pavrnt will be made by the ordnance storekrd according lo he prescribed forms the names of iwo perors williii- to become wcurily with the piincl must be suted on kinefmay im2 the tender commisnrhf kingston houee may 2s 1842 apply at live c wane s tnllorln ktoblilment atni5 street opportfi d biyce if co t hilton in rctifi thanks lo a di- o ccrnintj tublie tor ihe unprecedented patrotate which helmsted since opening an enabliihmenl in kif- w jccl- fully inform them lhat ic i now reccieinlif ply of sriunu coods conaistinjf ol a notice general meeting of the k v hook and ladder company will he held at the town hall on wednesday at rralfpast 5 p m kingetcm may 28 1w2 a wanted to ie trustees of st borrow moil splendid asvorlmrnt f cloths and cassi- meres of klmoal every shad i plain anj fiu- rd velvets sjtins chene and marseille vesting of ihe choicrit slylrs- at excellent assoilmrntol slocks sospenden colin bo oms wiih every ailclconnccled with a first rate establishment as irgaidalhe culline and makiue depait- ment it will only be necery to ay that ihe i same pnnclualilv and atcvnlion lo buiiness will bepuisued which hss ldy tilaeed his estab lishment on the most resectable fooling n8 naval and military uniform execu- airojiews chuhcu j led in a supeiior style thj are desirous of borrowing w cy fori waned immcdialcly two years for which undoubted security wi bogiven for further parliculars lo i f mar who hat ft ue subscribers have recerved a portion of their apriiif anplies by he rcolar tra der lately arrived at moulfcal and ate ill ex- pclaionof receiving ihe remainder within a few day m a aumsaya armour u co fronf strttt ki ma 24th li adjourned merting ij itijuauail tnlliemaiteiof eilward dickinson benk rupls the second meetinst of the creditors of ihe aitl bankrupts was adjourned to monday ihe thirtieth day of may lust at ilw hottt of eleven in the forcno n at ihe oftiec of c undersign- dcooiniiaiofiir in unl city when and where the crvdiiors who hare ml ulteady proved thilr debts ate tocom prepared to prove the aasne nml with ihoaa who havet already proved iheir ilehu lo ascertain the actual ute of the aid bankrupla estate be preaenl at the finul rxniinaiioii and ihe grantin of their cetti6- etj w bapgley comiii toto cf ivuiatioi mohlrealmay 20 isli 9ldi will be ihr u splendid opportunity sold al the auction rooms of hlteiiher in lols to suit hmsst- ets the mrew previously adverlifcd and for pnrttcnbrs of which s another col in i of this piper consisting a a lar col- leetion of tuied bint do do animal a variety of wax heads window sashes diuin an oran a urge number of shells minerals indian curiovities e on tutsday the st may 1843 without reserve sale lo commence precisely al 10 cauxk a m tiioma5a halnes a b c h kinelnn mav 19 ima vii x ui ithv- atsvtujktk mu irtiisalswr revious to the sale lands for sale on lake erie to he atd pursuant lo the will of the late jvhtx jlrfr ev deceased ihe rear pat ta of ir nhfi 5 nnd 5v tn fae jirtt concession o far lotmjai ccvcacee aiiuatrd within three quarter of a mile of ihe lake hcreand fouitcrii miles from amhrrethurgh end on the load from that town to st thomas each lot contains about 100 ttm but will be old by actual survey a good and perfrct title will he given lo the purchaser of the ahoveaud fiocru time granted to wmjiiw mcpoumcni an unlocated orurtf of 500 qcrcs of land tnms cash fot forlher patliculam apply to ihe under- j eaccotois rt lo aleir dtifl f oar lister etc amherslhuteh thomas hawkln john brush jiu colchester canada west may 9 1844 rr the steam packet union capt uhakltao fevltavvj will during the season ply between kinmon oswen wellington cobnurs porl hope bond head hail r pot daflintfon whitby toronio and hamilton as follows vrwain to leave kinstoti every mondav at 7 ovioek a m- ki do ostvcco do 7 oloc pm and on tuesday call al wellington cosouic foil hope bond head hrboi port dar- luigtnn and whithy arriving i toronto the mine ntabt leaving toronto lor hamilton on wednesday al 9 oclock a m touching t port credit and oakvilre cowswaant to leave hamilton every wrdrtesday eveniny do totonio thursday at7 oclock af1 caltin- at whitby port daritnton bond head harbor port cobursand wel lington and arrive af oswer oh fiijay morninj will leave oaweo ihe same eveniftc after the arrival of ihc boats from yiacose and reach kingston on saturday mcrnirix in lime for iho f team packet for montreal m the st lnwtenee the rideaoand ottawa ca nals agents and ifamrllon toronto whitby porl l4tlinilon bond head harbor port hope cobur wellington osivego- kinmon k ngtonma brreftenb9i uunn browne james browne john welsh william mitchell f clarke w hendeison w h kttlson a mcfaul thomas mckeeter h ronton ft ciocker lewis fc wright james watt ht is 19 h kingston hacks the public in gcu nrc now open og spring and summer mwnt mm kbivnicdv dkc0 ml- io acquaini iheir cuaio- rn und eral ihat ihry oui their spring importations consisting of a larje varied and select stock of seasonable fancy and staple urs eocft all of which having been pur chased al unprecedented low rales they are enabled to offer al greatly reduced prices they would particularly imite the attention of intending purcha sers to their slock of gros de na ples satins sattinetles saxonv and orleans cloths moussclin de laincs printed muslins and cam brics ginghams regatta and striped jean shirtings irish lin en while and grey shirting linen and cotton sheetings jfcj tickings white counterpane furniture cottons a large assort ment of ribbons thread and cotton laces blonds fancy and plain kelts muslins of every de scription a great variety of shawls and fancy handkerchiefs hosi ery gloves superfine broad cloths and cassimercs tweeds drills gambroons and molesktas black and colored bandana stocks and veslingsj silk aitd cotton umbrellas and parasols- n b a choice lot of beaver hats also ladies tuscan dun stable and colored slraw bonnets street kingston 93171 peremptobt hale u valwfalcj frerwld ffriprfaf illberrm j aurtoini tmr jay the 3d f jtim neal im dwelling irvari hm rperer let- puhj it w 3 97 ft a 3 fi slfut no l tot eontaiea a dieellinf hoejar rr of urn it dreiif and t inni bed roea h- ii i aerranla apartment with the ervooto0 frieellcut neiural srriti iti ine cellar no 2 end 3 are vacant lot no 4 eontaitta a new dwcuiog lseae csveiafiag of fire room the boc peooertt lanacot cbrsal aiicaued vr- acnljoa aitea daairablr bk preeiaelj et on m l of rejl adapted or rvpaetajjia re- r oelck tot fvrtksjbe tllomas mtjaer t a haines 4vcionrer king john r dickson m 1 surgeon sc accoucher ficircfcnce for the present at the house of sir mderman ivcnsvn dr d performs ihrnc operation or ihirpoejic surgery for squinting club feci spinal cnrvaiurea c kinjslon 13th mar ims 91si will be offnid fm sale by iomic auc tion on 1 1 i ii y he iil ilay of june ntxti at vi ovioek on the prernises ninety building lots pleaiuiv litnled ailroinine thi toten the proiicrty lormeily occupied by t ualton esq saltiatetl between the eontinoation at church street and the lake shore in fiont of he uropcrlic ol k a ilrter s uarttc i- chaileshalei eaquirr eastofmr tr tons breweiy also several valublt v im lou nnd btlihlinx lota in the town foin t i by t molsoti esq and adjoining ie eretcnl residence cf william wilson esquire oc raiticnlats apply tot mosson eq the propiietor montreal oral ihc office in this town of 0 a cl1mmin0 kington 19th my l- 93ni carriages sleighs hah- ness for sale the property of an officer an english built chariot in excellent onler two seated phartoas with top clhariol body sleigh wilh robea open sir ieb with hobes 2 hotse jj nir for particulais and price applv to owen miller mills rllllcr at kinisfort 01 toronto mayai toz doctor al lent office cottaofi no 3 next door to the klnc5 cab depot n b 1 aims prrfotms ihe minor opo mlionsof dental ubokhv vx-sca- lin- slofpinjt and eliac1in k ir- r febmary 17 lrl 67 just pluliheu mil for salc t trie sfe- aenberaa talc nfhe batca or- juries on goods rat and mcrctrandjac lenported into canada from the united states of aeacrira im- 1 3j ramsay armovb h co itlnaitti may 21 1812 torfi sealhu fteiimta mlii ej the 11 nntil noon of wrjnriday use imh of june ileal for the eteavation oca bnwtl lo connect ihe feeder at the wellan canal wlatatacrtsifi the construction of an fvjranet leek tn iho ame i85 hy 45 feet a guard lark al dunn ville 45 fcrl wide j and or o the loria be- hveen sf catherines and thorou 1m by m feel j the plans and sjwificatioasof the aboe w oik can be seen at the oigee uf the board tfwutks fcmstonor at this oigee sorciats rident in ihe province will be irqulred yviunil canal p st catharinea 12lh may 180 y of spring importations new goods we itfg lo thhouflto a otif nume rou custneners ami ihe publir in general oiai in ihe rciuree of a few dayo ive frlial be in rexcipl of an extensive ngw stock of dry goods per fhe followinf vessel which hov ar rived al montreal oamcty dougtamer- aey maajrick c jelailj a whieh ifrall deykes 6l company spaciavi whoitmu and retail dry goods store corner of king and store streets kinveton 1 4th may 1s42 9u a rhe klagaml races will eome off over the kingston ltace conrse en thursday the lh fridav stli and saturday fith diyi at aubeust ne vl weights kc due notice will be ejfctl of ihe jverfect knowledge of itihtisinrm fore- j 1a m kington may 94 w muhney vareforjf k t c sv2 mi tr lake huron trout heiung ssle hy cartekfc huntley at a mretm- of the stockliolders of the vitamer aixcstok held t this olfice on l6thinsunt a dividend of three pounis fif teen ahihinjca per share we declared payable at this office on and aftci the ut ja of ajnc neli d prentiss chairman rnyal mail pcket office ifioaton may l9 istf mil newpyivafboakding house kad of biiock r r rphe honse itself r nvw and commodious and pleasantly situmed commaodinc an extensive view ol ihe lake and suburbs of the city il is within three miontes walk of the scotek church five ttiridtea walk of tlfe par rtament house and bul a short walk from any of the banks post office market squate and ooter public office ia town he newly coo- ajructed plank foot path lead tn if to dilterenr directions and the place is clean and airy there ia an excellent stable hay lofty and coach houeatuchril to ihe house with in a securely enclosed yard rn rear and ao abundant supply of water on the premises thetermfand rttlci of this kiublistment may be known by applying o the subsciiber at five houae where ihe applicants will have an opportunity ol seein the accommodations orered and directions for findine the house will be furnished at the chronicle gazette office francis h mackenzie kinslon 16th may i43 mii wanted sitimtiov rf c a jr rf cil v ih tflfsj wj hlr aire o t 6 kingston 14th may 1842 uvf rt- cltfcfi 91a a wanted smart active lad to attend a grocery store in town one acquainted with the city and accarmrd lo the business will ba preferred satisfaclovr iclerence aetocbarac ler will be required fenqoire al this olfice qmre kii min 1 7l may 1s42 2i pise buildvtg he scaeon having aryiirct ftr ui construct an of hourt in pist i wnuld rail tlie sffcnffcrat of ftfjsje wlto iff- tend erccllni flooiee this year totftfem vantagia oflhia mode vf building aov rhv ific first time inrrlncrfinio wlurh for cheapness dornlnlily comfort il j i i i vc r iv country gentlemen irirnin ic iwald rtns entfoo rrray have drawing sivecificfttovrt and the rtinutcm infurmflcm aerft ftrrvi ifj filniinj tmr tvihra in a loiter jiiaafap pahl adjrcawd c p dwybb bnmfitvla- hutcl kirefton 9r stfjftom aiwist ha arrived in toteft nnd nvy in cftniulted at ihc lambtoo house store sfrwh kingaton 17lh mat ichsa 92z ifri notice is hereby jrivenvfhat a uivi of four per cent has nit day been t auction sale here will lo j on flic premise the frame cottages and barn on queerts college ground on friday nexi the 3rd of june a 12 ovlork noon pur chasers io remove the same within one week after the talc by order of the trustees a orummond seereifiqi kgvlunmov i 1sh to let 1uie uwei1iupart at the premise no ot- occrjplvd by mrs r rtikc ft rrock street two doors fwit mr sharp eotnen market scuate theia msjuasef tie avflr adapted for the resale ace of geriteer family and altelliinstwjjb mae to anil list of the tenant application lobe maieto mrf hfckey or at thi office hiflefoo 17th may 1812 frii commercial bank si b frividend de lated on the capiat 1ock of fhts lostitntioo paytfble at the bank and its office on and jur the 6it day of july next the transfer p trl bo closed from iho ih dayofjuov by mdtrorftt board f a harper cosaier kirryiton 18tv may 1s42 ftm3i y sale horse power steam efriiff be disposed of in whofe or in parts there are thice goiters of sia fforse pow ereach the cylinder is perfectly new and warranted excellent of il ktalv as the pro- peily must be told immediately even at a lithe of its valor it is worthy the attentioo of dear er in iron were il not required for immediate use application to bo made io mr thomaa greer kingston an eiphtern which will nfnton may 21 1812 93hi the oswego rallarluea vritl pleaae copv the above for one month new goods tiic suucnber have revived by uietauarri- ru froml03doklivarooi end glas- coiva general imoi or staple arvd fan- cv dry gocus audabie for the sfrias and summrr i i i tv pcron eonoeetrd with lavj eoncaro whuh tbey olter at very redu- l prices on a credit or nake a liberal dat- eount for eavhas tbej itod lorloeethe k af all iheir stock in the courae of tha aevi robert armorrfc co mf ik 53i

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