1 mtvkan mkrciuxr ttuot hijihvriitit tint in- iiiiiniikiiciil faivinrj in all m lv1 ihiiminj iu wuwl mirit upili mt- iff iilj nmi wlnii lie has opened 4 gemi vatictv el iuh tasi- umt vmityp which lie will make upn atari notnv ready made clothing fur liau coth ctpi clatcd hai slocks cravats handkerchiefs braces tjlove soci nil carpel ua all which lie will sell cheap fertttb kingdatj june u isw loox servants wanted two female servants one to tike charge of a house in the counlryi scotch widow vfoum be preferred the other to live in a small family m town where only one servant kept the roost satisfactory testimonials of moral character will be required apply at mr stanton book store front street kingston kingston june 15182 100 h w rowsell uooselurs stationers rimers kinvttrct kfiifsfon ad kinstrct toronto respecitully invite the attention of bankers merchants and others to ihcir newly imparted slock of account books stationery consisting of ledjecrs journals dav books cash books bill books memorandum bcovc of alt sixes and qualities quills oilier pencils wx wafer red tape steel iens in great ttriety c c c their stock of fancy stationery is also very large coosittinp in pait of drawing papers of a j sizes drowin pencils and books tracing papers tinted colored and jlaed m ir ling boards brulol boards paprr sec color boxes and colors camel anil table hair pencils envelopes of all sizes plain and colored albums scrap books and many other articles too numerous to mention a large and choice selection of p ri nt e d b o 0 ks comprising prayer books bibles testaments thrologiral and other literary works also a great variety of school hooks including those in use in upper canada and jgcnv cullrr book ruled hnund and printed to any pattern ttakbindtn- in oil its branches copperplate enjttivinx and trinttng book and job irinlin etc on reasonjblc ifmax military ledger orderly and defrulteis books always on hand mortiagc deeds uhl memorials c of the most approved form keek mnv article conner led with humjicm inttmvj to oiricv friitu kulmul or the 1 nitrd states iii avtiv litter the numei ojtriuin sfmu im mr tttten nf kmgfitnn imiii june 13 lij wiiekkak it ha become desirable ojii proper to change tho twbm of certain streets be iuhereforoenacteil by lit mayor alder men and commonalty of the town of king inn in common council assembled i thai how nnd after the pjultte of this act the name of certain streets in the said town shall be changed ai follow store street shall be called frontcwit street tiravo street shall be called qhch street ivlnack street shall bccalled wellington street brewerystreel shall be called culantpd street arden street shall be called ferguson street cross street shall be called ordnance street front street shall bo called ontario street grass street and quarry street shall be called sydenham street rear street shall be called bogofstwel bidge street shall he called scaton street church street sball be called kng street throughout william street shall be called srmco street centra etftet shall bo called arthur street point street sball be called f re street school street shell be called lmn street h that hereafter in all ads and insti uments of the tavrn of kingston tho new names of the street aa hereinbefore mrntioncd shall be obser ved and set forth predictions 1 coning event cent thtir shadow before july era 1 r- p re rt aibor afl our fuaiiorroin lhiiiurvn wir t ii i rtr ntnum tiii ll l p i v ptfiitneiont jumi tlo oaitvi hi nif qrti hbv i hsmm pcfi r m ii i n i j ivamin rrv i 1 v ii ib l uj v ill 4 i v i udiiit tirfntiihn i1l tv jri n lit u rvjulttr lkir currcoci on ii siri as eohiidu tn ocirvdcaqd tr liw vrr rutltut prtdlful i r- i t r- 1 ni r il i bk nature we rplh mat knmurac- of lorfo ktsotiiit ut ili r curreocy i oui otcirtuwoti ll v ti i r i ion- ari xiv l ihurowfaliodh 1k wjkbifitoa liioc abmdoncj ihtk 5miivbi 0ii ibf r b irjiiitflau infoion in tbr floauox ctitru ittit hav ti uti ikllc bhiniiikfh in liunibna to aiiii nl jf hlul o c ivmbbi wr tulllr hd lilxiftnril limct j i0 fitlhoitril buie t tinnw ml to mruiuisr donnr wh k if iwafor in fulf in ciilliorffm tbuimtij ojsrt hi sit thoiuij dalliiit an j ihx mlvralurti cn b sby miwiunt ronvinjvj vbcb liu only to bccaetomtl j rtf warded t ni ilw olovvl nlabhiitu ufltc in ihu ii ofnvw york i wbee uv tirtdnl nnj nirt uijtni nt atlcniloa to dinicikn rj be coniidoiir mini ur v tr fi- iii i i i tutorablr lomrrif4 ttfl iiuinnii uflinuj fipj i arc sdtfsrd in r nit in rontaidix ourordcf to s j xylvefttrr 1 brudway uj wunhfi kcwvork tff ion lotury dtwf for lwj to n- drawn nt mea- j nnditfi ii con 9aiurdyulv3 ii3 bv utfir- i f law ate 5 wuuibcn 12 drawn ballot grand scheme wo i5 lo 40001 flii 3 oc crt j 0 lw01 6ofl00t iooptijbmi loofaool itloraol taofaoai soofvo wriao eiifiw 1 tkkru only 2 4 orijfic of fa i tifkeia ubc agents fon stodart 9t sons rianofokte manufacturers to narrt mjjkstt akd the bovai ramnv ufa i 6omrrt affhoitj iflfon ii w nowscil kinplnn june 15 is12 li0 m ross1n brothers jewkixeusm- ae vrcci ovwife x d itryrc e coy eg to iifnrm lh l for iu to l vihulinu lattta tottoty- cl w ifrawa at a n v od sniinuy juu iw3 uhuvidm udrawnluiou grand scheme i aooriccoi ooorisot taofaoo imot m siotloo sk tickftaonw0 a r -i- -i- r i i fa j r liw sbarva ib rotortioa i lasaf a 1 oflmf lj mmsmm great arrival k m t it a k spring and slimier goods ncfccuhlilbctcairor b pnbfi ic tuat ihry lve jusl recrivej a poition oftlicir spring iniporutions consisting of u lare and choice ajsorlrnent of silver plate ofthevm bfwrit styles and oial in a few day lliey wilt lie in receipt of the rcmintler of their irin ripply which has arvrd at quebec spine tuys tince which consuls of a very large flock of gold ami silver watches vjagikia b drwo scan almt alluit a utir i for to u1na va t lmi tft num lootlwol emd penknives x hrcqst pifll pdmiw iuflom 4y wliich ii pttiticn to their hewn stock of finer flenw wttehe 4xb iltn ii ik tlhittvmiht n niiolit wtlhany other in canada isl for vjucty and excellence also a number of choice needle work patterns for the ladie and various coloured worsted at li perskrir m r k b repair all kinds of clorks and watches taelbilin lever ahcre kcape- inrnlfaml lkptne also jewels set in watches the subscriber take this opportunity of re turning their sincere thanks for the very lioeial atronae arready extended to tficm hope y always keeping an extensive supply of the very best articles in their line to merit a con tinuance of tiublic favor m- rossik brothera kingston june w 1844 1wz grand capital6 syfxal u 0o0 40001 jwt sotot iso i l1 nool iwoi soriooo aonsooj 6 rnisoi 100 or 600 1 ii isof 100 a ticacuool 10 a iim- it oaeaafa ort tiekou wiu be mt inr 1 w sfctrw in propcrtiao w tlifotf xm iry rlaa id rnrui3 to be dava at u akiandrtalofliaaiilarutrtiillma n m n i 1 1 1 i h 3jrot tf is old ioofqi loof derko400rta0t i j l i a rariilcaie of a feikagv orwtickcta mill bm for l9oica io roportioji state ot i a lotlcry caautfot t2 to c riiawn at jrae city oi afiodw i he tf day of jtil itftt tsuraufi uurann bait on scheme 14000 0ojot eoxt 5000 40001 2scoi sxtft 1t1 1 ttof ujajll asofoxoi orawt sajorzoo cj or ico k kc ticulalq dtilura a ceniaratc ot a package of bfl tickou win c arot fcr 1 3o slr to eroportka vroiuiwlrlotury rlmiklt jrawa at ahriatt3na dc asj tfaimday jut ioili tl2 6skuiabra 10 drawn badota m u 10001 44301 so of 1 coo so of 6ft 1 40 of aft i i vt w i 60 or too i k fcc tkaua10 a oru4alc nf a i f oraa tickaia will ve scat sal in jvofohmk information wanted of john and samufx mccowan who left county armagh ireland about ten years ago and when last heard from about two years since were rafting timber between montreal and quebec any information re sheeting them will be thankfully received by james mccowani son of the aforesaid john mccowan leuetft addressed to james mc owan at the chronicle gazette office kingston will be forwarded to him kingston june 13 im- montreal pipers are repcated to copy the above bkg tuiuiuaii ilicir cuittoiiwfii ami tlio mi- uk riu in unity ncnofal- ly llint notwidkiluliig lu hi if tin gruicr part of tlinr suriii gooihlj ilieir stuck iv ilt be found qm 4enoral anal an wvll i attfortthl m onv trtltcr whulcale huitstt inj tltc tmikt ant an a fivaa tiiply in imwj alhui iwing opfucdt they rvquctt he rarly i attention of into titling nitre hattfr imii confiiltm from the facilities ra i i i them in tie home mrkctvi tliatthey can otiiocj of their oooils tn as reaeniname and ttlvftn ngeous terms oh ony lni wrlrr outility can a i the good now otcning will he fbuntl the following broad cloths all colors plain and fancy cansimcrv fancy tweeds and gmbroons itleached cnttnii and linen drilln printed cotton i drillo cotton and worsted plaid plain and printed moleaking plain and figured i orleans plain and printed saxonion and de laines dainoska and moreens colored rolled jocroneus red white and green flannelsbeaclid perce and purple vel vets black velveteens plain twilled selirias stripes check snd dcrrie cotton and linen tirks brown holland russia duck kinen bagging prims grey and white cotton very low printed cotton crape do laine handkerchiefs emd shawls harness and harness gingham dresses karlston gingham mull jacconel book and crois barred muslins primed jacconclt drese stlfc and cotton dresses silver stripes ladies drwse verona serge vurniiure prints printed quillings cfeimint printed orleans famy chusan and while prints improved canvas cotton yarn wadding batting mack and colored linen thread cotton ball and spools pins needle fluuon tapes coat cord lung white and black la re gloves habits white black and colored do spun glove of all color lace cotton and kid gloves a large an fiurtment of cotton hosiery glazed thrashersi laces st edgings plaih sc figured gros de naples french while black peruche and pink satins black and white sarsneti plain and embnssed per- stan silk and gauze handkerchiefs and veih lace collar slavs prunella hoots and shoes india rubber coau with a va riety of other articles groceries liquors c 5 hilda sherry wine 10 qr cask do do 15 do old porli i hhd superior port i qr cask sweet malaga 15 boxes twankay tea 20 boxes young hyson 10 boxes hyson skin 20 kegs plug tobacco 10 boxes cavendish jo roxes naitroad 20 boxe cut tobacco 30 boxe liverpool soap 20 boxes white scented 5 tierce rce 10 boxes pipes io ikttikj 10 boxen ground do 9 do allspice 30 bladder scotch snuff 5 boxes starch 5 cases loaf sugary 1 htd do do merchant intending togalo montreal would do well to call and examine tltc above as the subscribers feel confident that they can give satisfaciicto bolh 09 to terms price and quality bhraft kingston 10ih june 1842 f9bi a ple u prkt unptifttlhhd vkltv extensive assort ment of fancy andsta- kxcuks10n to tux take olf 7he mouwtaim fat thtbtmflt af the sabbath sthoca in singeiemi in cannection unth the wtthfnm melhodtf church in canio 0 monday mominjc the 27th in at 1 o i to architects builders npbe commonalty of the town of kings jl ton being desirous of crvctin a town hall and market for cncrrasin the conveni ences of the town hereby civi notice that they will receive drawings- or lesiof for the nbove named buildings accomnanied with sral- edscific3iioitsand ertimaust the council uh until the fjim day of aaufl m2 when the varionc dcligns tvill be opened and exam ined and such un selected the council may deem mod eligible the fitt plan selected will entitle the de signer to the sum of 50 the second to x30 andtheihiid 1430 tofxcilitie the estimates and prevent los of time to ocittlcmen anxious to prefer their de signs it it retjurtcd that the probable cost of construction shall not exceed uo0tl the extent of toutid to be aitropritcd i as follows on front street 270 lei fnm flcwl to chotch street 2m fcet any further information minim iil be sjiv en by the clerk of the council if by letter nostftidt hy order f- m hill oak kintptwi j uue l5 19w loygi n b the toronto briliji ccdoiiial llc montreal i ittic the new vwk lnosram imd old counlry- man nfd it dotwi ailx ih pkac copy lh l1k for k in mtth jid aim lbir ccoutu to ll- triatani eftbe ftmurf ktisci fr jrmera o ihe splendid snd apactous bteajner droekvtllc capt msxirelt wilt kttc the coiancr- cij wturf toot of store sterti for he purpoac of eonteying such eraom os desirous otunititrt in lhi ekcoraion to ibat delightful pol and rare phe- mrita of nsture the lako oo tha movnuio and of vtcaring the delightful scctxrj of the bay of ottfestat it is desired that if- children or this school united with look otlhe ulloardl sad bcttcrille schools ahall oft the arrital of the boat at the stone mitta proeecii up the mouatain and after the de livery of addresses and i pcrtake ofa hcpasi i t i- for vn ihecij after riewio lbc uirroodd- ing sccdcrjthe whole party will rettrn to the jjjiv nhcre diihier will be serred up for til having tickets tikt of ticket 6s to ikiu4o the pu4gt up fnd ii urn and dioer on boards tickets to be hod at the chron t gateue book store ihe herald and fowa oiieea mr john llttnphuj stofetroel se4 0oy of the com mittee ilagw j patterson kinpumjotuisi2 9vu 5ooo if lite isjttsl itiipnrtatiuns i nov ubmil- led tn public npprnhotin al tli smi ions stores of dujrkcs company kinqstcn at sura reoiarkbsy lo lrlcc tliol rdritint fail to excite universal commiera- liun lr tire imftrfiunatei tfntiah mannae- turerfi ivho have been compelled to part with their goods at m rilhous 3 sacrifice so na and muliifaricm i this stock that it will admit of a mftmlj being cenn- ireswd within the limila wf an advertise ment it comprise for ladies custoie ctiijie itnva- cimsan mtwjneilelaine priitexl and plain oreah challi crtpe arienroilynajgortlonsnimt sio ture grofdcnaplev sarcefi and persians printed muslin chintzes tang cluthsaml calicoes tjftht moan furtcrv uwigitf a fifthioname vanciy a indiana lama cashmere thim silk chin crape fjballi svltn miuscelinedeliiine and gsusb smuvht scarfs and fttmlkerchicfs fancy and plain botmetiblxmyi thread gimp and oilier lattjbloquiniflgssiiid edtng lee veils rutland rice tuscaf dunstable all sorts ot white and iluured mtifjiits worked muslin collars fapffj ifutfttiiim anj edging satteen aiidjfufi stay iur- asols and umlmlba j tiattiev boots a shoe a variety of fancy manilttcturc suitable for childrens rescs for gcntlemcris apparel the doc rial drills cantoons sunnier cbiihs sifnl tiveeds cohmereties nil satin vesting superfine ond refine broao cloths andmssimeres london reaver felt anit dunstable hate men ad boys colli c irish lincn ready madeshirtsaitdsot of all descripimns- 1 1 nr m rvs nmr the general house pirniahins de partment will ire fnuhd lo confsjin blmvlal xnsporn and scotch carpels ploli- anj wimfil druggets moreens cliihty dnd striped furniture dantoslt and drtijct table lin ens with napkins io mata bell pulls fringes linen and cotton sheetings from one to ihrte yard fttfr ihaut seam towelling blankets linfi nd cotton bed ttcvs marseilles surrmr quilts c hosiesy haberdashw l c oheaih cloths bombiines crapts motisel r v- 1 n hn and a enenkl assort mem of familv mourning deykes co beg f observe tliat they are prepared to mainit ibe reputa tion of beigone of the caapttt henues m canada and the extemve patronage they have received ttiroulato thein m uch renewed exertions as will stable ibcm lo keep ahead of competition coterms cash onlr and iosccinl price kingston june 10 lt2 99z k owivkits am mas trrtf of sohoonelts lkkukks wilt u received t u spuing ahkivals llfl i il v until ihesucl lit jrsjmis of cnnttiiluii il irum thu office mirll poltitflls 4h for ihe ilru very rt ttthi ioim oi ohmtvtui tbiontoduiin lbs pirscnl season xlhs c to be tkrn mi soaol ut clevehnd and in he drlivrrtf in ihe roiitttofspf imontlw iinl lihoniilurlyii dml for the ui ol ol ihe hvyal mil ml ot ramrrs upon lake ontario bt the utc of m iotas jirr week koyit mail packet otf 3 kindlon june sthlftk wanted as an officers luakthlf a small house or two gnod rooms near the artillery barrsckf a liberal rent trill be given apply n the chronicle office- kingston june 6 1s42 89z miners improved patent pumps lot wells and cistrms breweries distille- i asberies chandleries c c mtnif- fjeluredbyj p gay fit co for kale hy cartk bentley if riiiu coifce lloiihc tatc rrontejcacj front street kingston rphe proprietor of the aboye establishment 1 in reluming thanks io his friends and the piiblit j licrauy for their t patronage hep inosfrespectfufly to inform hem that the house has undergone a thorough cpair together with aildiltonal bedrooms and lf nothing ami be vvauti i on his part to render tbe british coflee iliuse not inferior to any in kingston tbe situation is preeminent either for busi ness or plsasurcf hein witbiooac minuted walkef tho steamboat landing wm goodwin n b a porter will be at all limes in rea diness to convey baggage to ana from the boats kingston mrch21 1842 t7z new world ttfptis jcar in l acnt john ckighton cmsomcle orurc klubit cswi new goods writing paper t aetcunt hook sehoot tiocks yurfs onrfa 6eeroi assortment of fancy stationery ft ilnnisay armour cv co front street kitgiton ttrodoorsrom the cuttom ttmt ke now receiving extensive sannlies of every description and m of writinx drawing caftridefit other papers ledgers joqrnslsday bookscash books letter books bill books quills eve and a complete snort menlof fancy stationery snd school books which they offer for sale at highly adr anta- gcoos ptkci confident that for quality and low- ness of price they willstanj comparison with any lu the province country merchants teachers c will find il their interest to make an early call and jude for themselves n b blank law forms military do defaulter orderly and other military bocks kept constantly on hand kinstonjune7 112 j6z to be leit a genteel cottace situate 5 miles from kingston and 2 from waterloo eatled hazelbsnk consisting of 8 rooms and a farjrc fctteben with coach bouse and stabling and 0 acres of land also a good well of irater rent 45 per annum apply to tbe present tenant j f miiddock etq solicitor jnchanceiy on the premises or it his office kingston 10th june i84 99z for sale asplendlu piano forte the pro perty of mrs t w c- murdoch price 55 the instnimentmay be wen at messrs ii a w rowselps kingston jtme 1t 1g4z 99z william stennett wjttchmjiker jeweller silversmith stotsc street klcstom a mr thos jvtlans akes this jvjmi t nity of returning his thanks to tbe inhabitanfs of kinjton and its vicini ty for the very liberal pa tionage he has received since commencing bust ftcssjj ami also to inform thcrrt that he is now receiving a choice selection of goods conned ed with his line and respectfully solicits a con tinuance ot public patronage watches clocks plate and jewellery care fully rcpniicd silver articles of crery description manufac tured and engraved to order al the shortest notice imd gotd and silver bought kingston may 14 ifrt 91 is qalt 300 brls onondago salt for sate low for cash by pccem 1611 most approved fairies ore thtnn skin melbourne ctrnettes itnftf mr coombs trftcctlully anioiincrlhjt he tdkes a limited numbrr of itnnls to instruct in all the branches of i goo1 english and classical eilqcation having touxren this subject much close attention bolh theo retic and practical and having fitted tip a commodious school room mr coombs hopes to affnid parents an opportunity of sreuring to thrirttftsathoiouehly sotind moial and intel- lecludl tnining usual terms mil coomss continues to five private tui tion in ihe evenings in classics llhrew mathematics stenograph v and on the flute rear street june 8 1842 96z to let the upper partt of that large nd com- fiiodious brick building htuntcd in ifrock streel tvcsll adapted for a boarding ktnise oclvo genieel families for par- liciiijrs apply to the subscriber oft the pre miss i keiller kriigtop sth jiiit is42 9sz new grocery provision mid leaf iter 8tufc plle sulvscribrr respectfullv inform ihr el hahitanis of kindlon tlmilhny have npen- ed hit shop in quarry wreelmnvdiately oppo- ili t i oreen fr store with ah extensive stock nf the best crocnirs and evejy article in the piovihonline which they olfw fur 5ale on ihe most reasonable tenns a hate of public patronage if reseclfiily elicited kititnnjime7 irvine 1845 towhs a rs ferns id he card mrs ferns hrslo inform her friends and he ptihlic thnl she hat received tim london her spring supply n ladies and boots and shoes a ijit doz pairs gontlemcn bools and shoes rmtpn may igli vgtai room paper mikslibsctiher be most respectfully in tnfoim ihcladiesaniitjemlrmrnofkinirs- ihjuftl he has removed from quarrv street io qiwffi sltrel late gnrt strert nearly mm iif the residence ot the town mjji where h- hs nn hamt an f lensirc and rhire assoit- hientof room paper in bordkr d t iii tfthvat retdv tn j mtmw lifcttm towu or country walter gales kindlon johe 6 1812 9shi fancy coureclioniry shop in the house formerly oeetpied 4y mr john shato city bajetr hexk street ao 6 smith from qttany street thk sdbscriber begs to inbrm his friend and thr pilblic genrraly thst he i i- opened tbe above bothffi wilhasunerior stock which he ooers wholesil ahl hvtail on the mot reasonable terns h m fitted up his prcsern tslahltslfrncnt in the very best stle ind math anshgemrhl in the united states for a reular supply 6f domestic and koreien ktuiuc the omlrr- sined flatters himself that hss present house will he found worthy of acontnnance of that very liberal patronage which ja been hereto- fore given him and which it vjii be his con stant endeavor to merit ltincrs hot and cold from ic lijf j ale smith kingston june 10 rtt beosi water thbsirbscriher bavin retxntty impnitrd from london j a very superior marliin for the manufacture and botllitt of ihr nhove article vtl have constantly ouhand a supply of soda water and oingr neebr the cm wine aerated sodawctir ii ackiowb ded to be one oftbemot pleasant and wiling summer beverages knbwn and i made mrnnely pa latable by the addition of syupsof vaiious kinds a supply of which wiuvkpt druffpst kmib street sarsjlparilca the cleansing and healing pftfttlllff of the above plant arv well ftow nd fully tm- prcciated aeiated sods water nvoured with a syrup of sarsapanlls ill be found a most pleasant and cseful drinfc for ae by j w fefcrnt fhuccnk king street iua jiiaaiasr tlhe sobscriber has tect- r- i 0 the above in a fine healthy tonliuon j w mtit kin street fhksnbsciiberisdlycei tmoes oteniltsli d thernfea brushes combs peifamffyi all of which will be of the best description taj noiiy b frsfuiafg kinc street fancy trimmings warehouse ctfmt tnekt orroiirc w witsotr esq- ross dodd atercaont tailor and draper y r espectfolly begs leave io return his sincere thanks to the inhabitants of kingston and the midland district generally luttts tititriawr pataa itefc rrcctvvif ince his establishment in business and takes advairtaqeof ibist oemidq to inform thern that he haf pjst received a rorftf splendid etefrant and varied anortment of fsliioname sprlisjc and sarftmer goods consist i in part cr the following aiticle t fancy chine gambroonj embroidered silk andsafrn vcstings printed qtfiltffiff do military docsftins ulue miliary castirnefes ftr frocks fancy check and other doeskin military imperial and other drills superfine west ot knfand cloths fancy trimmings c fancy silk edging do shk binding ptaltd da vestlatbh enamelled bolt patent spring tab knamrlled straps military stocks cenln fancy satin scarfti natal anil commissariat iilfom fancy tiiltbuunns fancy sacn and twisted do fanev pipe clay for mark -ft- c ic itthe atleniinn orthe trdt is direcld f5 his assortment of plain and f ahej trimmings eapccled tn arrive in a few days i wo casei ot the vcv best london made hats a frlv gnod workmen wanted notfc need pply bnl those who thoroughly undersfarfd their trade kingston juneth 1311 98o glasgow warehouse rilllk snlciithm ha vim llrmovfd l those jl lielv and rninnitvilioiti nmutsni isltfly oc- tufitfil hj mr thos macnidrr suux st ret i rtnurr of qvang titrest ket leaivi 1 intimate that lit have now open jul itimrcliwi a wr lir imkmiiatiun op spring and sununer dry goods which hotrt thr very atrfwd state of the bniisli marktuill lieolfeiej4t unprecdenl d low puce the whole having hreii careful ly selected hy enrol he miners with every advantage that experience and capital can command carpets luuink ac zilorctiim tllb iowksl hugs- tiktd kerr waodell st co kingston 28th may 1312 93il6 spring and summer ckelvivedycoa in acqaailn iheir custo- gen- to old settlers emigrants others- tho millions of avkes of land of the finest descripllon in canada west late upper canada re on sale by the canada company ftp6n the lowest and most favorahte terms posfble atmit 1000000 acres scattered fhtotrh6lil every pait of the frtvrnte payable 6ffe fifth in cash the balance of he r i t- mbrrcj by five annual instalments about 1000100 acres the hifron dis trict which are disposed of by tffay of lease ho money t retpufcd w he rents are spread over twelve years commencing at 5d per acre pavnble at the end of ihe aral year when ihe rents are paid the settler will r- ceive a weed ibr ihe freehold the last and highest sent is 40d per sere these lands are distant ninety miksstaihof owens bay settlement the holon has already population of up wards of woo shlls full particulars may be bad upon application if by mer post paid ho ihecompanys offices lla richard rinhall f- aphodell col- hone dmncl and 16 dr ailing fjdclph wellington itistncl canada companys office 7 toronto godeiich lt jo isi2 9dil j w pttr snlc by the subscrt sf a chaldron of newcastle rt ill so ibrttb of n 1sj ass i sill in kitll anh umiu 4trr and nuuh calokil packmi sail in hulk and barttl table salt in bass they have also a large lot nf pj iron ronsunt macgibbonp fe rc j kmgsldfi hh june i8k lobsters lavidon halifax preserved prkvawtf by a n thrt listers ate already cooked and put tip in the brat order in tin c5rs hermetically seated and watranled to retain their ipiali1y and flavour for a number of years in any c ii mte- for sale by joseph b hall kiogslonjune l8ll 88 meis and the pumlc in u cral lhat they are now opening out hsir spring importations consisting of a large varied and select stock of seasonable fancv and staple toi- csoos all of which having been pur chased al unprecedented low rates ihcy are enabled to offer at greatly reduced prices they would particularly invite the attention of intending purcha sers to their slock of tiros de na ples satins sattinettes saxony and orleans cloths mousselin de laincs printed muslins and cam brics ginghams regatta and striped jean shirtings irish lin en white and grey shirings linen and cotton sheetings and tickings white counterpanes furniture cottons a large assort ment of ribbons thread and coltoh laces blonds faiicy and nwttivuu muojou otmwcw de scription a great variety of shawls and fancy handkerchiefs hosi ery gloves superfine broad cloths and cassimeres tweeds drills gambroons and moleskins black and colored bandanas stocks and vestings silk 4hd cotton umbrellas and parasols n b a choice lot of beaveh hats also ladies tuscan dun- suible and colored straw bonnets king street kingston 9317i klostonracesr the kingston races will ccm off ovrr the kingston kacc course on tlmrsdav i 4th friday 5ih ami saturday 6th days at august brtt due notice will be given oylhe weights c w murney secretary il t c kingsonlvfay 24 is12 wr en i inn to let nphe dwrllin part of the premises now oc- occupied by mrs e hickey in brock street two doors from mr sharps corner market srjwti these picmises arc well adapted lor the residence oi a genteel family and alterations will he made to suit ihe views of the tenant application 4 be made to mrs- itiekey or at thu office kntm hth may ims wx tailoring imahiiuunit king street opposite j d btyce ff cfo fll hilton in returnin thanks io a dis i jinn- iublic for the unprecedented palionage winch he has revived since opening n establishment in kingston would respect fully inform them that he is now receiving his supply of sprintl goods consisting ol a most splendid assorfment of clolhaand caasi- tnerc of lmo5t every shade plain and fiti- rd velvets salins chetie and maiaelljes vestings ol the choicest styles an excellent assoitmeni of stocks stapendetfli collars bo soms with every aiticle connected with a am rate establishment as tejatds the cuffing and making depart ment il will only be necessirr to ay that the ame punctuality and alteftfiotfw business will be pursued which hay already filatcd ins estab lishment nn the most repcclanle footing n b naval and military jnifotms execu ted ia a snpetior style wancj immediately a man whd ha a iwrfcct knowledge of win biiaiflvra to potv- man none need apply who emm pro duce fatiifaclcrj reference kington may 2tfh lti 94z citottn lands offictfj kroatin march mimat notice h t mtthum plmali0oj will u leejvn dining lh wnjnlla af miy june and jiliv nrat and licences wilt b mmlrdattnc ltiaiamsiv tatta uiui limber upon the surveyed jnd unsurvrytd lands of he crown iter ibe ensuing ttasou at tha fotlowin olliceh vi at ihe crown tlmbrr office bytow for hoth idea of the olmwa and iii h i kimr fvn urenville npwatds includi14 ihe townahipi of fmch winchester ami vfotjn f the kaiu etiomfhl ihe landa noclh of th rmeau ki ver and cjimi aud m ihe townships of kmt u buls ami north crosby in ihr jobrss- lottn ttstiirtalso patmeraton and the nnltir- veved land lolhe north ni he towiish and c owiishin of luvif fntht otdrn nvunrbrc kaladar midland dlsliict atid tl the office of the rpetive diaiilri afrnuwilhirl that pait ofthi province fnrifiri ly uprrtijadji at the jfure ot wm morrison kaoiref beithierfor he north side of ihe l law teuci hclween montreal and monlmorency at liie dffice of c l marl ewjuit nic utfor the south side ol the t fwt sorcl to tbe hiver chaudiere at the office of c p foutoier esrnilre st jean port jolt irorh the ri chaudiert to the river metis and fcr tit distiict of gaapr at tho office of william mcdonald bquire new carlisle john davidson 1 1 augl ngtice the subscribers are nov laying 6tt ftiat extensive prderty of about 200 jfctes formerly belongmtr fo sir j johnsfootvilbln the city iimi1 and adioinin thr new jail in to hutldinc a pask lots 3nd propose selling the fionf 4d acres so lanl 6dt by pub jic sale in july next terms of payment cash am the balance in five year with inteiest fonsvrn mcgill it co- riliespies buitdtngt moftrreavjklhmayjlma ni awrencaroo notice to owners of wild lands in the ottwa district the district council f thp district of ot tawa in quarterly meetinx ajecdblrdon slh uay of fehruaiv lm2 pasted a bylaw o increase tbe assessment chatfeahle on w j lands in the till disitict which by reason rf ihe same remainin unoccupied or other own- may not b rethrhed on the asaeaaoi ifril tef tlierate or sum ofone penny and one halfpenny currency oer acre annual ly for two ears from ihe 1st day of january 1842 subject however to ah abatement ol 33j per tent upon full paymebu of such increased rate made within ftvo calendar months next after tbe expiration ot the two years within which the sama ahall have bc- cured and remained unpaid iut no ahsfemvftt ibatl be allowed after tbe period lut abore meiitlonid the said byliw also ptovules that two third parts ot tile said increased rate shall be expended in ihe impi6vement of the roads and bridre fcifhln the township where the same shall be respectively raised fcjmeronv council donald md0nald f xkalrtcl curk longtitijj may 24 tii wni tkavspout direct finfti quel ec 16 kingston loacb- hijat intermediate places thence hy steamcts and schfaners t ay port on ibe laltesvnd vfoerio the sut icfjhtti eiablishrd a forward ing office at qmm lasl year since then and in addition to tneh former establish ment there they have rented larre and conve- 61 amply prepared on the opening ot the na vigation with steamcis and other craft best stilted to the trade to rite despatch to all property entrusted to their care for further infornrmtion apply at any of their offieet at fuebee montteal byiowir presc6lt or king- macpmfhspn craicelt co montreal april 23 lehi 87i the steam packet itnlofff caw cuxnits 6urifs ittfll dorin- the season ply botwrrv tt kinptooswewtweniitponbofjtt port hope bond head harbor port darlington whitby toronto and hamilton aa follow- uewaius to leave kingston every monday at 7 oclock a m do osweeo do 7 oclock pm and on tuesdar rail al wejiinlon cososjef foil hope ifend head harbor port dar lintoaaod vvhilbj mvirtf toronto tba same nixhf ltavinsr torntrtoor hamirton on wedoaodav at 9 oclock am foucftlrfr al port cndit and oakttfk dowrvnn toleata hamilton every wedresdav vrnfnrl do toroafo tbrlndjy a i 7 o k a m calling at wbuy port ph bm head hafnor nd hom cobflrjr snd wov llnrton and arrive at oswefe on friday mornina will leave oswreo bo sam e vewne after the arritar of the boas from yractrw rvaeb kjotdnon sattfrday rrrwrffei la time for the steam packets far homteaktm ihe btv lawrence and the rideaej arid ottawa ca- agents abb fifefebences hamilton torofilo wbilby port dartinefon bond head htrbft port hope ellington oswego yonn l browiiet james browne john watt william mitchell f clarke w henderecm w h p a mcfaal thomas mckecar rronson i crocker uwis 1wm james waff engraving and copper plate printing mm peabody late of new yark would respectfully inform he public thai lie haa commenced busincsa in the above line next door above the rein deer inn head of store street where lie will at all time he rr ady to execute nnlers in hislinc either on steel copper or wood and he hopea from a thorough knowledge and atrict amotion lo businese to meit a shore of public patronage n b diesinking dnorplato aarfc- ed viaiting ami wedding cards ntally ex ecuted at the shortest notice the subsck1bek alorne for the trustees of the esute of messrs arm strong greer hereby rvbtitio all parties indebted to the said estate that thomas kuk- patiick esrj baa been dtrly aulhorio and appointed to collect anf eeant receipts for the debts due to said estate and immedfau pay ment of the same is requested a claims against the estate whitb fray not have beensenf in io tbe subscriber will be re- ceivedtrv mr rirkpatrick kobert esdaile atiameyfoi the tiustccs kioptoi mlkmayjiafri riipcrtoft kngrton ma 21st 1m2 c to let rphe subscriber will have rady lo l by 1 the 1st of aagtssi aeir a cat mmi burldinje with aa titettiaf shop and cella four rtoriee high on quarry street and tbe dwellinjrmrt conaiatias tntea jcooaj ifsw and a cellar of anotber al bis new baiuracpv which will make m fty desirable residrac foe a private familv atrplt to 7 fth waak kington may 2g 163 gg removal the subscriber bega leave tolvfotm iw jababltants or kinplvn and hi iiettitjf that he haf femoyed from vtemi mhi store streeloqoarvy street rifht aftemia to mr oreena for store and neat dior fo cuvlc vvrjchli hat far lev where be ylte ready ntftnfiaw to repair visnbfovfrj tgitar lins accordeons mnsfcil stuift boxes aeirf muftcat fnstrumenta in raera1 on the nvosf fav6ra6lerros francfs h g mtlligan pionfjcru manufacturer ftfngfton april 6 gfl wc fok sale iiht wooden luiisin occupied bf tw subscriber as a retail dry gtmf aoaf crockery store on the corner of brock and qnarryistreell should they not be disposed of by the 1st al nearl they will then be pas up at public auction and sold to the highest bidder terms iftade known by epplyioe to wlav hjw the owner kingtoftjone4 184x just arrived for salt ii cues bonnets 50 boxes olaan 7 x 9 end 8 1 at 20 do spers catyhesv 15 do tallow dos for particulaii euaujre at my eftrce thos a ii a inks h kingston mm 4 lsi v