1 ml chronicle a gazette i f ftytjtw feast llit a i i 1111 i t i hi imi s bmih t it if i ii t mxi n fc r iuiir i i imih a r m i i nt wroncbdav latuloayt fwi nrmf rkitffagtptt ann in tfrmkf rirtffvvjulff nwf vuijv- 8nstriftumm r 111 vi j h rutfstitionutt jrmi flw assm tvffew will it lulur- lrlrwy udtwrrd lo o im1 nt uruvre tired lr fu wntdtu milhuut hw amuunl ft the liiur aiilwritir imiik tnrsr feulm rkhck- ii wr pf ftjivftifjtftift sift linn ami under ltd fil inaifucn nuil 7d each subsctim lit ei lion tup line utid uiuvr ife 4d drat invcrtlon snd i m each u wcjurul inrrtiohuver ten lint j af per line firl i and id per line radii 4ultqucnt intif tloli tvmimirviy jidttrtiwtntmit fr itantttpr imitar utn l r r j tnur interion letter press friotiojf cfjrontde ftaette and kingston commercial advertiser w ne re nee papal 14 utrino vol xxivj kingston saturday july 2 1842 i no 1 cjiihumcxr a uazettk stationery wareboom uuur or it slocl jti j t lltl- where ii kpt rnnatan o w 4 an cmmh si a well scicrud twk of writing paper8 rom super koyil u noteand ani blank books school books sic in all ib branches carried on at the above ubliiftmcnt a aupetifv rutins mi- hir ilia full operation by wrwh blank bock can be ruled to anv pattern aminiilyle inferior to none jnr cmfrurtm 0 phist1nu tfytt 0 oox uindery and statjosfmy warehouem tl esabtohmtnt if a decided urotoris to ltyinj o ottcomrr0 da f ion ana despatch chronicle gazelle office kingston canada mokfat3 rlvlt life mkdlcivks ri llctlulmi- mr ilwirmiil lfti mh i 1iit i4in i jft ili i idntfiariripctw4bc ttjfhahhiui hir ad vilu i in e iti n vtiin it nr- lovri nl i in i- c 1 1 if- 1 iiriiiic uhul m uri ml fouif ami io aipiui t vprvc or tltfam0 ttll nv ituntn i ttmbu ttia n if hrtdi ul liufinl pbtaafll dltrr hm ucn r jirinl- 1lj umult fltkttkhjriffttl ll ik k4i litlmlltctl mt kwm li uimjflitilru ii ihr nun u frtikl itivei4i upo hhna ta are con unjt j ml u0 whuhihey cotiibll fl tm lir mtjnn- urumiihhtl ihntflv til ite l rvciy m iltteriftiui tln fltt iprratin tw iqiiawtrejmi ifct cama f the ileaimtjaal vartvpftj thr inhnghi niifitikioil iutiii4 eoimvill vlutitf fuu j lvtm 4hil in rrotv ihv tifjtn jh win r ih k iin jlitlnti fc tfn imallr iulriac riimi pm- ikmr iim indlnt lfchcul inuwa lrbtu 10 iwoduvi kaliitml inv iaafc rfmfr tai t i j rr ut 111 vrfll ltov li atc mrn ieell vtliuilirrni ttfiti hafls n ilm rim ihoir wtil- aelbflai on tfcf ilm a uimy or ltf malftftr u lit clc- it ty htt okjfc ta uvrreml ii tw iiimki f ru f src te bn ho a irmrd fuf hrahion af hidit iu rj luur troaiutv mud ihc lj eorcil pjr tsto ifci- hvnvf lmf purl 0r4 fcut e1 uiuriuifr fj comnuj irom ihi tiio crv kvetl laiui ihciein rrot nil hii ft tit- l- hll irtumpumikj utouitu tltc tn itri ofiiiain tv ptthiinc cwett mrttfr veiu4e lrfo mrrfkiaei a jtr aiwtv imxuw oj wrlmikmj liiim jrrhdrx drj lvmof all kid tavrl wrntt uilinia nthj iwtiimjiwt tctirvc ulnr iiuttit r tew ii cmnwn oh- al tnh 4 e fh uhh lohtltlir fcuni hmrc in vocfk a tue pontic uurty dnr life miicmci liaif ltfi nuttcniihhtu 4uttul o mu li iv ifte l bftir limu pjifniia albofl unnemauy fffirtti tiu mhk1 maaual jrind y m k- be t mle l vtjia tlu liitk pnihphlei hrttil h w maftils rruojn ntw yortt m teei esiaaij iwlteftarmku o eaprhntikt mer f nit i mr ffviamt vidtiianafid ill h runj aimy lll ttprlioni taking tivlh it tfrtu tltmlli inc mclilurki and um enihfv fnee 15ccm t n lr ml ifar rrtt cflv ta afaitiii f 4 arf ctvj w lrttmtt atttrl- m fdri an hcaftrmtf- j lrj arf rarth- c aiarraj kmut 4x 4el tiiwf amd iowtui vmitfii rtrz ntw vork albany canada express in connection with haimkm co new york do4inn jnd albany express and for ein filter oftue for thf trunsiorfofioii 0 specie bank notea c valuable goo dn for i4aeuii a general agency ami com- mwsinn di4iii lt wwl from new york albany utwcgo toronto kinmon u c and the intcrme iliate placet bafpocff ft co orrrcc new yojt and itton poatiioi cos ornckf no 5 kjichange diiildin alhanjr t a smith srtaeiik agents s h lathrop at the commercial bank oswego j ii rreer kindlon groro urquhart toronto htxkv uatkewv a a meenjer will leave new york every fiidav arad toronto every tuesday d jvmntosh retailer of jroreiirv team wittcs and spirituous liquors c c mr hickey 9 now buildings althe crouln of store and quarry treeu kington surveying the undertijrned be 10 acquaint the puhlie that he will attend to surveying in all iu drnarlments office in rhe west end of patriot iifnuv irtitooncolhome street david ot ih solth church written iircrtions concennnj 5uiveseft at the chronicle giieue othce will receive prompt a l le nt ion p v elmore kingrtonj lsli 7z port hope whisky the subscriber has received two hundrm and fifty larrrh port hope whisky and will keep tonitantty on hand during the ascm a jaige supply tarsal olthi well known article joseph b halu kinpton 11th april 18 six remo val h w bowsell booksellersakd stationers ave removed fiom their former resi dence in biock street to those new pre mises if king street lately occupied by messrs grenshields and miller next to j yv sreni and drusgtsl kingtov april m rhi h 4 wckeelr attorney at law solicitor in ohaatcmtfi kingston office wit door to james briggs hanl vxtre store in store street notice all person indebted to he estate of the late elijah beach of the township of kingston are hereby requested to rnake im nedtate payment to nic and all persons havj ing lawful claims against said estate are re queued to present such claims for settlement rhoda beach admnistfqtriz tpofkinston may i6th jftu 9213 d s goldey surgeon dentist hasarrivcdinlowh ni ii may lie connlied at ih lambtou house slore street kingaton 17th may 1842 92z l john r- dickson m d 9urqeon accouchcr ajl v for the present 0 the house 0 mr mdermon ifenon dr d pcifnrmaihoifc operations of or- hopoedic surgery fte squinting club feet mnmal curvatyre c kinptmi lili may 1312 91b phtinrm 4 counter scale for sale iv htkhh hentley- a hebit mtaical 1 f i suiib a it j bi fcl after j4f aiatc rileatit nitd dlvefairfcj praticc b wfticli tkiiipeftpoimriifiea of uioat a fiiaeuea octorjayncfifamilv mkotcime time mjirmr n rctbavmpdai anj eitenuily ihe ool 10 iff e at arr4ni iu ie taitr4 slalea by iijinerout prcrioit and ptcitlnu ofcoltfrf rhtw ih of tlte army and navvad on icofptialaatl atma hnn iha uareo tmarej ckcfftatft of tifl dcdonnnaihhia thay nreeipreatlr wprej for family un a0 hare clwffai an uitrerfdaud ponulanli lmrouakui lae united slain ad h aie aunit im flvu 1 to arc trejla a4 t tlirae nofanult ibovlj ever be ihobi beat tw rrofncier n ibete lajuablc pftpeelioarceivt4 hki riurioa at ao oj ihe bit mi4ie coueca tfc ibc ccin in kum bhovrldr 4 dtirac na4 ofuhv micf ibu li iavryuicl o tm9 iben tart iirrfleruina rnfcit i uyataw txvectomant evakraue rcmedi i tmlfti n r-bn- rf blood tup mopm mvi tiortaiu jjhriay mm iaflim mutwn ol ike lunn pc lbre4t4ifllcttltj of tnaialftj nj all tlite 01 the pjifnoqrr oran trie at ahjynes hair t01cicleprecrtab znwib and baut oflh lul end i i- wjh patitive i bring orwbaif an bu head im mwtm m flbrif wfl f mnm jrret tnce ft jivnks tojlic vcrmifuoe a and ffiinb praparatioa for tbe rcnwml ii ormi dja p pu aoor atoawn fevr and nine nani vf apfetne im nndiwnart i i r seivily ombe linpbtxb end buwrra and orjaiofdiffcon riifr ocl jaywks car minativc balsam a crftaiu in rt fot bowel and auiamrr toptainu pmvmm dja tar j auuc cramp tic lieadaeb iiniji tfirr- ii tnoruvf ad all derenfyanai of ili lomaib ead leh pfrvona affeetiont aie trice 60 eu jayne3 sanative pills for i latr complaati coaureae fvr laqataailoaa ab ifuettona of the alia nol laatl eea i cm roquii medieiac d s appointel alternative or pu fed rnafovt preparrjomlr bt or d jatkc jlo scath sd ieei and tnaj- be vad r e m luff cjrtierat egrai saeaeu hatlvr and wm hatikiatvtb ltooicteat gaietteoae kiaaxoa caaada l jayshs expectorant tbinnajkiablr mcdkiae daily effeeuaf tome of tbe uaai attoa- inbiaar aod woadrrfia cum tsiai bavr iter oero kwvwn ailavloliaveeiee oacd it for aiihoi foft spittipf of oloodf llonpinf coufb croupor mw coatump ikitj 4jbroiiic pkuriiy j haaneaeai paia aad mreaeib oftaabreaai dtflkuiir i vrraihia aadeveiv i kifip lii- and brtml a i do atreat te- iu limfotneu n fiiiit p a dueaaa wliicb aoutjjx awcepaas tbouaaodta upoa tboutaiuie to a premature jrair u n- li i aneaa of eoniomj-i- u al i c tire j by il too uatial ayaaptom ortbia dtare bronclibaarr cou1ii aoreama of thetoafi or taroai itoataenou dildcalty pr brcsuiiaf aatbau heclie fever n antliog up o pblrtm r hatltc aad aoeietikiea blood ii m an inxlartitaalinu of the one akin aajcb liaea ibem- itf of the wfcoleoribe win1 tuoea oe air yaaarti which ftt irt nf tr ivfoei hill pfrbfchmmn r iboculty of breathing aad prodacee a free uyeipcetorauon andacu jt alw a ee ai0 cure he croup or hive te io an huura i 1841s itosal iwa 1 1 iijrttwrt raih lake ontario and river saint lawrence a thk aaarvokmicktl mt rvatic ah tkrotr that rm roltciarc for this 3ca3pi 33a a1l ec 53b ks4iaiao between kingston oanj toronto 9rrc5s itooal colcleuch xlagara imsley cftj of coroitto di from auovlee nor ih from kingston at tofhxhevranie moqday ami 9 tlirtda princess royal t at ooclock wfirtii end friday niagara a eocloca create wtria4r aad saturday city of toronto arrive al tofoato early mm day toronto a aliaw aad tfcarvday at tl4eoth xoontediaadia kb r city ok toronto ai isocloek nooawedieaday and saturduj princess rovalj at iliuflon lary nrt morsmf hi if intt the above steamers call at cobourg md port hope each xvay 114 ir jofialhf a goaff d rrcaitrai of grbril diumpiiofl pr htmil- itwtkjbtiiu ii i jmpuib atibiobf poinaad wral dveidejiy tn beat mpliema i hi v very reapeetfuuy it effected two ot three larf doaea will r cbiljreniafnen l naiau- lt tiumpdiaiety ajbduem the olmec of wbootua coua nd rftcili n ipeedv eurc huudradai who hate beau given upbj then phiikiaai a itorurahav with coaiubipuon haep been mtorej to cetvte ohin any viii ubounax under a aerer eow eoajh aad hoarscoeu and that hie difikultyof hiraihiac wm aotrl ikal be fdt fatidaelf in todcunent jner of kaammlf muffocauou but wu pvrcretly eared h uiinf thiaeipeeiorant mra ditlee of 6am n j wae euro of aithmn of twenty year atasrilrir vuiaatwoboiletertaiaediciae mra weed ato 0rajdp wu coretlof tbe ame eompfaiat by one itnitl a youiia ta4yalaoof aajrm lo wu be livvo hy her fluaatt to be far caar witli caavoni prfrtly reatored by three botuv l j r i ni wu ereahly affhted h a eoufh hoaraena i t n t t in n uiaefroltiefihta aaedieiaef round peredeatrr- 1ef the tollawinf certificate ii fmn a praetiaiv fhyai nun end p reapeeiod cscrfypaan of the mfilodtn suti4 dated mndealtawn ve auguet 31 lr jay ae dear 3ir i havraeea ueivg yenr cipee baraart aumnftawa ia jy prffcttcrpfoe the ttit ihre inonuiaanri far all aitaeka afeoida injuamelioo of the ad evrahaeaaof heal a erer iriro ynure iluams m d nai roue iihf t eeelirtcaie mteht bea4de4 bat the toe arecouercd tuidcieat evieaee of iti great uie- mippalpu prapated only be d jyne ifo 0 aal third trct fhieadrlphia piire 1 forialr by e luff gcwrei ageat saeleti r by wmj macklnt09tf caiomiele av cautteooce hoopino flouoi to iir r r pectorakt f walkout eeoa the taoei ratubt peeraratrenin tie itcoacrta hooping couch into a mild end tractable diiraae anrl ihoiuat ut dura inn more than oae half nad praduc a certain and pecty teepee ry frotanaxfco one tea epooofulj will erftainty cure croup in infent and youaa ehjmren ia naif n fcouf torn i i nc live of hondttdi ofehil- drcn will heaated amruallj by alwara hepvna iron html ready far ierr rotrfeacy for aahr nt fto pmntvird ua lplittaiitclaaia and nvo v w auuk- tuttnchraniet4t gwoeolirce kiiigalbn cnumle vlirorhs worm 9 worms to trmt inee l trouhlcaobr and dineroua inaabiiaaia r tae hiotnaeb and loweh wvcb oflm ibi pair the health 4 dmroy the live or chimreo tt dr l v tomc vfcrmikuor u certain and afe praparaitoa fur the rcrtovsior ihe ijrioae kind if worm dttprp tiiur stomach went of appetite infantile fever anil as j ad debility uflheakmncbnd hawrtaand organ vf dig re lean fvraaleby wee maekidtoib k ii i n ii between klnsnton and dickinsons itandiiise asrocbbfllf maxwell j en rn eis crsl c ctit bowkj from kingston prom dickinsons ian0in0 at oclock a msuody wednrdiy and frde al aftt tot on tht arrival ofthr mail from montreal brockviixe at oejoek a mtiyeeday taurway and seterdny fc w tttuy svm4 henry cildebsleeve henry gildersieeve from arranreraenu which hare been made with lb upper canada sure and steam boat company of montreal pdwengera between kingston montreal arrire at those place on the afternoon of the seeond day tne above boat c3 at gajianoque brocfcfihe maitlamf freewtt ogdendbur matilda and williariubqrt eaci way bafae and parcel al ihe mk of ihe owner xnle booked and pa rfliat mail farhef r kibataa aaeif h t to oi tjcij tha arrival of the mail from montr r tatiredaj and nrjj t bkqckv1lle j 11 uii n hit at 41 lav rke summ boat oavr apeil i iddj for ai freight i british and north american royal mail steamships of ifim torts burthen and 440 horse power under contract with the lords offa admiralty acadia commanded by c bkjtaktfia h b r i re mtllr clcland colcllblai putagv money liverpool from boston to rv it jl mil 2s sterlior ffom halifax liorpoo151i5 from halifax to boston 20 these ships carry experienced surgeons the unicom plie between piclou and ilr mi connection with halifax s cunard ii co halifax- g b symes quebec 74z s slewis boston datea of biiline of the briluh and north ameri can rojal mail steaoi shipt heme at the rate of tvtcnty torajtca in twelve biontha beiiioin- 4tb september tolfroaa enejarad and from america lake ontario st george captain fiuthertblnd will leave kinejsten foe nagara queen- ton and lewbton fditeclj every tuesday friday eetflffai7oclock and vill leave niaan forkintton di md erery monday and hursda y t is oclock ooon parcels and bagae at dtfefk of the own- era unless booked and paid bf freight roy xl mail packet ojece kinplon may ims 89z from bentleye miaccllenv tor maj the two interviews an tfufaettfir aorrttlitf t a a u e l t a nj ahall wo tuo meet aain f macbetb- i aad mr folloereri arc niruaten ofiile teapeji io altaoat all coonuka the office of ptblie exeeu tiofter u one trhich eictlea m the otind feclini of itnmhialcts loaihinj nod cortlcmpl ntora frocn ii- daudtut iilui ortbefuacuoni ruch ho la re- l than fr tn the lm- that ia eticrel the pereoa ao ocioatioj u hioaiell a vfcrom 04teait a condeotood eriankinl trtmaa aronhlcvi ttfe baa wen conceded to hn up the coodilton thai he attonu hcnccfoflh beeoene tbe inrarumcnt otjiu- lice in lakio- away ihok of hie fcljow in cntue so ln as the pain of death u not abolished ilictc drgrjdrd bemi must be looked upon a indupcma- bte adjunct i of the law thev may be execrated i lieenard miirdererit b1 thev are in fel le mr- fconj oodety whoae loalhaoute aerree m ic qmrcd to check the prof rete ofcormpuoo by topping ott the rotten hen be which would other infect and iprcad their vanxrenc tbroueh tho whole eocial body in france the office of executioner in eatab- lithcd upon an entirely dilfcrni li ailho aub jed to i x r public dcvtjnalionit b opoo jrouod fidutiulf cortlincd to the unrt muu and not to the jftrtionory for tn that covntry the orbce of public executioner a invented with a tort of icrriue digni ty j it v hereditary deacvekdrnr from father to aon male mi ho j l interruption and in default otueue rleiolin io the iwat of lin irho ia invariably ca nceled tu accept the horrible charge which may lljereforr former if oil ru be j 7 reaurr a rule wai obligatory and iih the ulmott rigor of the taw noihti the ittaal 10 ckcoattii a gaietu clover seed for sale by tbe subicribers 10 barrels of clover seed mchherson 4 crane kington feb 4 1842 63z book binding in all it vtriotia branches neatly and expeditiously executed at the chron icle gxztrte office corrrer of king and brock street a superior ruling machine in constant operation j ha townsendi plumber brass founder and copper smith r1ake the liberty of informing the iahabi- m lanti of kinpton and the poblie eeiier- ally that he haa opened an eitablisbttient in store slreetiexl to mr overend in connec tion mlh bit establitfhideut in craig street montreal where he has od band a luge stock of tht elt description of htdraydic pumps ctoteff of all kinds beer engineu and apparatus for cou shorn r and mediated hcths nb a- j h t tin mannfacturer ofalj the articlr in his line of trade be flatten him self tbtt he can execute any order given him in a superior style to any that tusyet appeared in canada be being the patentee of the self acting water closet also a description of water closets for ship and steam boat use which may be tixed io the bottom or any con venient part of the vessel with perfect safety portable water closets made for the use of invilids brass casting in all its various lackering eke c j h townsend 1842 56ly branches brming neatly executed kigaton iq janu 184z the subscriber having recently imported from london a very superior maditor for ihe manufacture and mtlitiat of the above arlicle will htre constantly on hand a supply of soda water and ginger nectar tbe gen um aerated soiawatcr is acknowledged to be one of the most pleasant and cooling summer beverage known and is made extremely pa latable by the addition of sytupsof virions kinda auprvly of which will be kept w j w brent lvttmi kfng slrect leatee leaves leave steaoicr liverpool bos too halifax caudoiua srpteot 4 october 2 october 1 a cadis fi 19 id 18 cot vmbic october 5 ffarem- 1 novem 3 8rltannia h in 16 18 caledonia novbol 4 dectid 1 decern 3 acadia 19 r if 18 colocnbia pecctn 4 january i i january 3 briinnnia jaanwy 4 febj i i fefcvy 3 aassftn1fc ff mm j 1 vfrt acadia msrcb 4 april 1 mv 1 april 3 columbia april maj 3 britannia c 19 16 8 caledonia mav 4 jane i june 3 acadia 19 16 is columbia june 4 july 1 july a britannia 19 17 a 19 catrdoniat julr 5 august 1 aim 3 acadia 19 16 ik colombia auguit 4 scpteru j septem 3 britannia 19 16 ib steam ship tora- great western j hosken r- n comnander the above steamship baring been compktciv overhauled nere coppered and put in the best order io every respect will commence her regular voyages on tnc 2d of april next on which day she trill sail from bristol for new york in order the better to accommodate on- i trade it has been determined that abc shall make alternate vo 1 between new york and liverpool and york and beiatot her sailing dnys for ihe tear from each port are appointed as follows- from arw yerar 28th of april for liverpool 16th of june for bristol llih ofaugost for liverpool 29ih of september tor bristol itlhofnorerabertfor ijverpnof from england 2nd of april frooi briilol 21st of may from liverpool 16th of july from bristol 3d of september from liverpool 22d eoclover fioni brinol for freight or passage or anj other ioformitico apply personally or by letter to k rmaltlanditco agents montreal and quebec richard irvin no 98 front st new york march 24 1841 dlbj freight to the upper lake the olive biwjych of port simn will leave kingston for lake erie river deiroit anil st clair and lake huron about the 1st may and will make regular trips throughout the season as near monthly- aa possible she ia a vafe dry vessel well appointed and sails on teetotal principles hooker henderson st co agents- in fcingstmr malcolm cameron affpti at port santia vulcan captain lr r vhin will ply on ihe bay 01 quinte for the season of i8t2 conmcrtcinr ot the oprninjof the navigauon she will leave klncstoar foft bftllihlli touchin at tbe intefmediau pu on mon day wednesday aodllhiday at y oclock a m and feare bcltevillk ron umstos on tuesday thursday saturday ait same hour saivdessvveos mvrray kingston 12th feb 12 s5r copartnehip ttwte undersigned riw notice thai they x have entered into cf for the purpofe of carrying on thei tng betwrren montreal end xmijon under ujc firm of atkinson matth1e co al montreal and ross mxfthie co nt kingston and brockville thev will have efti- cient means at their comriano and hy ctrici attention to tbe intervuoraeirculorrters they hopeftorecciveaahaxeoflao patronage of the trade matrhiefksston s co james ross william atkinson biocwille 5th april 19ft 81 valuable psopertv for seafe rphe new stone store in sorestreet belong inp to the subscriber csactly onnosile mr james powells hardware store toother with the frame building in rmr the builjins contain a store parlour jlnin konm 7 bcj room 2 kitcheni and sure house with 5 good cellars under store snl dwellinc ground rent only 8 5s per annun with a lease of 18 years unexpired impnvrmenu to te paid for at the expiration oftheujrm or ihe lease renewed on the same conditnrt apply to wm johnson in the premise kingston lh april ise 84 svsawura x38esa tlhe subscriber has revived a supply tbe above in a fine healthy conililion j w brent of lrvgtt king street kingstcn j9th april 12 k fblhe subscriber i daily rceivint his spring supplies of enlith ftiigs chemicals brushes com hs perfumery tc all of which will be of the best dcscriplicu and quality j w brent druggist king street fur salt by the subscribers i hjrofnewcssll smith coab ou sobanelsofnos iil mackrel packing salt in bulk and ha table salt in bae they bare ai a lare lot of pi iron whaii mactibbonfe kingston 9th june ten feci very superior table itanlly on sale bv joseph b kii5i ontario street tly on hand gusonfcco in wood con- r hall me iw anaftvem could ab solve the sons of iieareat relation of these furtiion- vries from the dreadful cslling of their fa- ibcrs and m more instances than oae where na ture has recoik4 from the task this imposed upon them joun rrtcu hae bceo koo to expatriate ihemselvei rathrr than subeoil to u tjrannous law whtcb doomed ihetn to become spjiers of mood and falbers who have found that rears of practice hare not recoiled their 0r miodi to the sutguiuary orsce have vent their sons rrhile yet children j to dntint cosntriev and hare eroaited trxnsetres ai trwiatabwartjhthwfaj hriiclr 4uennarc their eicinptson fruoi a profeasiun nt onlv rerdtin to humsmtv but the brat operation of which is to place a social bane upon those exercising it nod to put them bevond the sympathy and fellovslup of the whole human creation caocpt the members of heir own ljuf nitv with whom alone the associate and intermarrj but these inslancci hjve been rare and although ihe hcredilarr owtgauewi h no longer su uiexorablj imiited upon as in frwmer vears it tould that io nineteen ensca out of tnrcntv 1 ai the twir has been bent ao doe it grow and that son succeeds in i- in the office oe eaccafevr sairrav eves with as little compunction as though it were that of grand referendary olltc chamber of peers the otnet of public executioner of paris haa for essny generations remained in the c family and use race otsanson or monties de pa ri i aa he i uioajlycajicd for the headsman and the arch biabop of paris share in common ific simc title may claim the horrible pririlcre cfhaioj during the last iwo centuries not only sptlted the mood of all that was atrociously criminal and ignoble in the ea- piioj but also tn more recent limes lhit u all that sras purest noblest beat in he aindotn the blood of the royal martyrs and of those whose fi delity to their eiusc led io iseir being snvolrcd in ihe same cruel fate what an awful ehroniclc might be eornpited from the obscrrsiioeis of this fa- mity and yel these sansons born sod bred to to detestable an inbentence that the heart sickens at tha mere thought of it and the imagination cannot dt- cjt itself oftbeidc thai persons elcrci sin their function mutt nccrsiarity be charaeteried by ecu- i fly and brutality j these mennho sre svoided as sod and at mm ijm to u movr th house rrnmihssh totonwnutt j her favorite biro i c couruiut app roach kg atrains proceeded and which was externally of 3 u ocrior description lo those that surrounded it uiey peeped through the jzowsiei of a room on the kvojndeoor and perceived a numerous eitcoibe of person t n by their dress appeared to be res pectable uodrspcoplr giriog ihernsche up with iwart and soul 10 the pirn kite- of a ij dance tbas four yijuths in ideation arerc not one of hem above tw jit of tjfe a 13 bej jejre4 te utc ivartlcsa indtacrction that characterises unit r ly staje of life a presumptuous confidence in tmm- sclvei which wsi bated upou a couviction of their high rank ami personal adtanlaves and considera bly augmented by ihe quantity of wine which fhr had drank at their pay supper they therefore deemed that it would r sn excellent joke were thet i to honor those simple citizens wilh their cornpsny and presentii themselsca uninntcd imon toem share in the f aielks of their ball no sooner was j lb gjdilr i juon uttered than it was acted upoa they iiaaxdiately proceeded to try the fastening of j the dor which not being locked within vide yield ed iniuntly to their touch ind ooeseksslr lrdig uito thr house ihcy contnrcd to minute with the crowd of moat aitcmbled in the baqrooui wtb- 0t thear cntft hatioj bees noticed by an one amonv them therie hid been giren lo eelcvfate the marriage of the son of the house which vud been aolenmiitd that morninj the numerous con- nccuous of tht bride and bridegroom were present and each having received fermisison to brirtt friends with them to the ball the four itranccrs nben first remarked were naturally supposed locate been introduced under these auspices j and so far for a time everything proceeded smoothly 4 faith said one of tbe youo nobles lo the other tbeae cits appear to nw to be the most fti- oectable twaddlers in the world i y- p repeated his friend eraftd jou mean to lilen to them one would finer at a council of bishoos it u monsieur de riiurn here monsseipc de betuvaii there end hesveii forgive me the mailer of the house i believe ia stled xotuuttr dt prup 4 sathrirtit i awn catr rejoine i the other do look at their wosnen what densuie airs they ptay of titt it rranerfr ly aa wall as the ingenucc of the comcdie krsn- eaisc let tu find uut what stuff they arc made of and try whelbcf they hic wit enough to appreciate oar allsntrv i while lha two friends were thus pasiln their oh serrations upoo the people thai surrounded then with all the license that character td the period another of their eompsnioni had exceeded them in impertinence and bad taste hating already at ihe other end of the rooeo put into practice the iaicn lion their last worda had manifeaied struck by ihe beauty of the jouny bride whose natural gra ces were enhanced by the elegance of her weddix drvie and the air of modest happiiics that pervaded her mbolc per too the youn nobleman had apryoach- ed her and invited her lo dance whh him i and she suipectirrg rto evil hid willingly acceded out wlsen during the pauses of the dance her partner scrupled not 10 pour into her cars com pjimcau the most exaggerated ard icnlimenu and docurattfna of the most uncquitocil nature tbe timid girl in- absa to silence him and bshtn and ucmbuog at language so new 10 her at lost crduuvorid to put an cod to it by scaping from the dance he wa rash enough to prevent her attempt by forcibly de taining her at his side but no sooner did she feel her hands violently grasped in those of her uukuoo persecutor then bursting into on indgnant pjssion of tears she ahfieked aloud for help and her h- band and hi father imoatdiilrly rushing to her aiiancc collared the imprudent youth who had dared to iniult her and notwithstanding his pc erful atrugglca w get free hhd him fast in their iron grips the confutsort which this iftcident occarioned st- loli pariat forbidden to enter a public vehicle or a l trscted uw atteniiow of the other inlrodera to the public thcare repulsed wilhrfaucninioui scorn from b who prrccliing tbxt their friend had been is- ise bosom ov the community condemned to asno- isaullcd qtisclly dcew their swords and would have cule only with those of their own ptofessjon and in commenced an attack on lv person who surrouidl short treated in way but too well calculated to make their minds overflow with bitterness towards ihe rest of mankind are said to be good mild be- nesolcm beings ccplat in their domestic rela tiois and cruriiablf in the highr- dtgyr so the poor i 1 remembci having occasion a few years back to call on a ieoiman nhoie workshop was iluaied in the street iuhabiled by the executioner of pans exactly opposite to hit house ard that cu rious to know it s of his i jrful neighbours i questioned the man about them fully expecting to hear lhlthcy crc ofrrs of the nw-rwid-and- bloody bone tribesobjects of terror and execrs- liooto the whole ncighbuurljood what was ray i lonikhmcit al learning that the patrrarchil family of sjriion of which three fenerations imulited the same dwelling were full cm tho milkofhuman kind ness respected ihrohout tlw district for the purity of their lives and ii- cxtenuvc charities lo th pnor and thai the oottrrcau himself was remaiki- blc for a certain dcrce of rrjjnencnl in het tastes and habits hii leisure hours being devoted to the cultivation of cower acd plsvuig on ihe mano the man further added that aftmiiicur uv pant lived in very solid comfoit hat hii house was very hand some and that ihe inccmve accruing from his salary sod perquisites amounted to above twenty ibouurid francs a year a lif pnrtioit of which was given away in alms lo unj deslituie altei midsme sard my infornunl itf concluiion si tout le monde faisiit aulanl de bkn que vc bourroiu dc paris u ivy aurait gwercs de molheurcux at thai period there was a sort of morbid feel ing prevalent in france ogainst the whole race of executioners whose unfortunate moral position was seized wpou as a pretext be many philanthropist and advanced as a reason by many dislingumhed writers for abolishing the puin of death novels and dramatic pieces appeared in quirk lucccai ion having for their heroes ooarrrov ho were mcdcli uf bene voir nee and rcftnemeni and o course w r miserable and unwilling victims to their compulio- ry and inevitable duties anecdotes otf remark xble individusls among that profession went ihe round of society and many uaits of the sanson family came to tight among octwn a strange coincidence coo- netted with one of the ancestors of ik present vbn- ittur dc ptttii and s noblnnan distinguished in the list ccnturv for hii bavevy his lalentr and his mis- fturiri atruck mo being an inlcrcstinv illus- iraiion of ihe mysterious working of fate and as its subject at noi a matter ofdoubt but has received the stamp of authenticity as it belongs to the pro vince of history and rot of romance 1 have not scru pled io iiretchinx the anecdote to ive at full length ihe names of usose to whom it relates durm- the latter years of ihe rrgency of philip of orleans when ribaldry and liccntioavnrsi were thinks to the example of thai dissolute prince the order of the diyil had become part of the fashionable code of iuprrme 601 ton for the court gallants of paris to dwtiitguub themnlves in drunlccn brawls and vulgar orgies and even to amimihle ihcir pro- nounciation to that of the populace whose slang ihry dolled a haul which the elegant mircchal dc itichelieu was never able entirely to divest himself of in later vean to sup at a tavern wilh a parly of merry roysterers jriok until reisvn had become obtcurcd and then sallying forth into the streets to insult the sober citiscna beat the watch and lagtriflg inlo some fripof finish the night amour gamblers and shifpc was the mode of life which the noblest and illualsou in kranee then gloried in avowing and which not lo hive adopted would have been to parade a singularity of conduct that would have insured noi approbation but ndicule these were the exesses which obtained fbr the jiom of that day the joonouef of roues one nihl during that period four joupj rvobla- men belonrng to the oral families in the kingdom wmt reluming on fooljjfler midnight from a supfe mm had ihcy no uvesnielves been immtdislety over powered by numbers and disarmed tbe master of the house then with all the indignatioo in his voice and manner which conduct so reprehensible was i j l m fi fikiricni ui eiruirw lsalbxua motives thicn lijd induced them to forget lhtia- i r nj ihoi to mar the harmony of the enter tainment of whsch they were partakers but what was his astonishioent as well a tnst or hi guests when he learned from the tips of the drnqicnta that they had preiumed to introduce uiemselvcs invited to vv- and were unknown to even per son assembled three lodigaani al imuuwieh appeared to refect noi only uon the master of the revets but upon ev ery individual cnposis hts society the younger port of the male pncsls prepared 10 pumib luch in- soleut temerity in the movt excmpury manner tha culprits however in order to avert the cnat- litcmenl they so rvehly merited deemed it advisable lomskcthcmselvcs known and announced thi i thev belonged lo the noblest families attached to t court one of them was the duke de gallon t another the marquis dc la fare and the greatest orttnder of the part was the count de lally tol- icndil ucnilenten sx id the msstcr of the house to them with diguiiy lhe higher jour rank it the greater is the obligation k imposes upon you to in spare respect by your con duct thai vhich vou have manifeatcd would be unbecoming in the lowest and most ignorant class of society in uo it is unworthy of pardon and t ooght to luuvrmf friend to avenge the ixsulu you have offered o mi children and which not rven ihe sscrrdness of thetie whkh has just united ihem nor the hws of hofcntslity which you have so shimefut- ly violated couhl duce you 10 forego but when at yiux early time of life juung men betray tucb lawless inclinations is you this night have evin ced ihcy sooner or lalir brin duhrvwr ind disiraco upon the name ihcy bear from fault to fault the descent is rapid until they sink into crime and al kit they fall mlo ihe twnds of ihosc nhass province it ks tofulnl the justice which the inwi of mm have meted out lo irvfnv in thia world vou say thai to j are noblemen belonging to the court a j am the ececuiioner of paris f leave this house instantly and reform your conduct or tremble lent hi should one day mccl ogan tremble lest dae hind of the executioner should once more be jud upon you p ay exclaimed the ounx bridegroom rehoin the last seniimeni go end pray to god jul iht may be the last lime you pass through the bourrcsus hands saying whkh the father and ton ihmvt ihe coun4 de lally tollendal csralserly out of their house aad hia friends hiving been ejected in i ho name unceremonious manner the door was closed upon them and the found ihcmtejves in the street well f lb pare to lally tbit it an im that will not redound much to our credit at court tu be kicked out of the boorrrtua house like mid jcu iff 1 would v hid them to dogs is but a sorry joke t pard iw give a thousand touis dorv bribe these good people to silence pooh tsooh replied lilly lrt ihem boast if they will i it csn only be among ttorruwlm there is a devil of a distance from the bourfcaui circle lo that of the pauis royat the tub sequent ad ventures of arthur count de lally tolundalihe ficismtudcsof his evcnlfut ca reer and the in is fortunes which id to rscriih hive become subjects ofhitlory dereendrd from a div- lingulvhcd frislicsthoikiamity his fstner sir ge rard lilly was one of the fiilbful adlierenls of the stuarts and having accompanied jamc the second into exile settled ia trance and became natursliicd there rlhjr born in france and at a very early age enterrd into the military service of thai eouvrv ho nrsl sprolntnum ecm espnin ofgrer- in this mitsion hiving been fulftlm to the perseet salivtaction of the trench court the young count wm on hia return tofn id o if rank of cotorxi of an lrih regiment bearing his own name al the bxltle of fonienoy hit chivalrous rl v and tcentie masuvria contributed grrstly to the itteceas of the french sno ai c euess ai his thn dthi vrj io traa ue- i l- m t h il t if l idt i briridicr oil utc field of usjlle- u m that rank that be it ulrjh d himaetf to the voung pretender charles ed- issrd whom he followed into scotland and served as ardeecirnp during the disastrous period of the rebellion- once more in france he was msdo mareebxldc camp and after the taking of mae- atsielj vtas further pronoted to the rank nf f hiu nanlgriieril finally he wa nomimltd to ibo d i ting dished post of comma adcrin chief of dd iho french forces in the lail indictpond embarked fur pondicnerry hit first steps cm tending there wrra followed by those orilliant reiut u which had hither- li iavaiiably act ihe stamp of eueccss upon all hs u nder takings for tn thirty ightdiys after his inu- dingh mido himself master of fort s davfs commonly called the ecrgen0p2oom oftndia am of ihe whole southern coast of coromandel but here ibf proivroui career of lilly tullenda n ing iltsioed iu extreme height received a atrddtii and uftrookedfor check which shook to ill very foundation the brilliant and solid reputation that c had achieved for htmself at the point of the inord alihoyhenabld to vanquirh ihe ohtlaeles vhicu were oppoied lo hn mibtarr rkffl and courage ut found ijaa1 he coutd not so cstilf triumph over ih enmities which he drew upon himself bv hii ungov- rribkcharacurrndihcliauhhcst and impvtuosi- lyof hi disposition on his arrival at pmdic berry he hid i- that numrrous abittcs had crept into im administration of the cotooy sod inflexible in has principles and guided in evrvj action of hit lfe by the moal uncomprvmiiing provuty he ovtrrnitned toclfoct a complete reform by cutting al once at the root of the evil unfortuftstrty to many per- sou i wnro interested in opposfng these situury men- surer that he met nilh no honcm cooyerstion in nv hftsastf imruiml htr wg sourer and not only bolalect but set up as a faark against whfch the barest intrvgucs were iryiumiu cilly directed the title of hi good fortune having turned an uninterrupted ucccsiiin of un looted for miiforiuncs apccdily followed puodicherry was attacked by ihe english after hving defended it to uic lattrttrrniity wit h hia se customed galbntry lallj totlrndoj was utilised to surrender and bavin- been made prisoner of war wji immediately aem to engljud there ae ncarsl that a drcidfut eahal had been ccguitxad vgains him in france and ihtl tbe liltcfr of his enemies were in the ministry and openfy tnumphect in hit mirortunes he obliinrd cwcinistioti from tltc co gtith government lo go over d versailles on cj and justtfy htmself from the mass of j tulior that had been accumulated against him far strong inijhr eootciousrwjsofhi innoceoce he rfesrianded only that his conduct thonld be fuly and rmpartialjy i and without teir of ihe consequcjicea l laid his head ind his conscience at the feel of his so verergrf he was immediately thrown into die basilic and preparation for his trial were forthwith moifw up on use triple charge of collusion with tri etiemtss of france high treason and hivui- sokl powdichcrry to the etigitib cuuntcl was refuted him and ho 4s obliged to pltjd hisown caue toe unpolide impetuosity which had ever been hit keduvg elulrvc- lerittic breathed in every afllahk of ma defence and scrved only to advmciit the general irrilaiioti gainst hm n short has deal ruction had been prcoouilr ovtcrioined on and ntwiihsandin- his ion and brilliant tcfvicci aotwithitflftfin the el oejueot defence of the attorney gcnerul signer bss enemies iriumphed and ihegslhnt laity tojlendil was condemned to be dragreo on a hurdle to uii paltce dv there tognetcro a traitors death when live courts eenlcnce was ceusmunicatcd to him he was nlono in ms prison employed in draw ing out military ptart nod unable to subdue iho indignatiofi and despair whlh vun cruel injustice calkdforlh h in a mneoent offrsnay phlttasj u wtetro r- o i i i j 4htf drawing it forth covered with blutd would have iti dieted a second blow hid he not been quickly kix- cd and ktdcufttd the wnuml however wet not a mortal one and ihit incident served only to accelerate tie preparations fir hit execution at the last fatal day arrivrd atone with ins con fessor fa hi cell abandoned by the nhote world for among hia formrr fiiends and setociaue there were none rttessej of moral courage sufficient 10 induce ihem lo mark their sympathy for tins ilfaud victim offiohtici intrigue by osung iho eono- latious of friendthp upon his last moments iho once brilttint ever-onr- lilly tojkfidalth oittcrexl hr followed admired no reviled de serted anj eoodemntd with a list effort endeav ored u abstract hn thoughts from thr bitter retro pection ihs crowded upon i nd to yshd up tua undivided attention to the holy words nlachbiscon- feasor brestlvd to him ofnojics whiehthe injuttice of man could not deprive him of wsich couid alone enable him to support without shrink ing the lefroia of the last scene suddenly iho door ofutecdt wis thvorrn open and a man wilh grave and downessi mien entered brarirj in his hand a gas which hid been prepared for the prison erj eaouth i for his enemies fairing ihji he wevild raise his vojee upon the scsffvlcf and wake a public protest igsiust the iuiquhy of his sentence had in ihcpleniluieoflheir ouligniiy demised this cruel nrtbodof insuring ihe lilenei of iheir ticimb- trst nun tivenlty approached and prepared to accom pltth his tcrribtc office i but the coumtieldin lo an irrepressible burnt uf indignation surlcd back and haughtily waved bim from him my ton sd his eoafesaor let ibis one list act of submission prove the entireties of your return tioii to the divine will j lumembcr thai mir btrs- sed lord 8 saviour itiffacd even greater indignities than these the unfortunate count bowed hi head in token of submission without furdwr r s toned the tn to approach iswafrr lh first timo touking into his face their eyes me d a long scrulinixin gate patsed between irsem a cry of horror bum from the dps of ihe dosnvcd mui no sound no cxclaoution from use other responded to it but lhefc arts ihil in ms look which had render ed words tjpcrdoout and wltich toht that the recog nition hod dcen mutual it woa ijuj executioners son whoso joung britk hod been iiitulled an many years before by the count de lally tollrndal in the wanton flush or youthful spirit aavd the ominous words that accompanied hit expulsion from the scene of his dclimjicney relumed to the rccotkrtiow of both attjksxmemomcn and with the tixne star tling distinction bui this was not all half stifled by the gag which hid pern applied lo his moolh his head ass corertu and hia hands bound behind hia buck ihe fallrn hero was placed h in open rf nod con- ductcd to the fuee de crwe where inakfictors art condemned to die hb courage did not desert him in utat awful snomcnu arrived al the place of execution he ouiucd the carl unassitted ascended the step ol the scaffold with the tread of one to whom fear vvis a stranger and knee tvng down laid h head on the bloet and gave use signal to strike tnoevxculioswrs stood by the jchiiijcji of whom a nrec vouth ho wasdmtined tu oaciatr raised his axe aad amed a blow at uhc tveum but so ill- dtrectcd and wilh so unsteady a hand ihil it fill upon tha skull and merely wjunded bros the el der oim angrily pushing aweyhis awivvird vn sol seuetl irpon his axe wnh bis two hinds and sv reeled his roe nith uen hfm dvtrervty i bit tic sufcrer was a dice p cucf hityup led