Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), July 13, 1842, p. 3

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fktfut t stw mi tuud fa 111 pnuvn muiii flit- stimil m4bu4n idt ii mi 1 m itv nnvux fdjl iwih immh n tjitvl i- 44iiwi ml bat act m ami llnl tti n iui ii u i ihm 4 mhlnlr 4sh tmriilitr nf tfit tlutirh illuil imjilil llrmtttm i1 ft 1 ikii in h immrillhi limrmtf it infill iv mod nii iillcil ilv iiitmmi vf ilw ban line i tlir plilulm f ifcf i mmftm unvst il ltvli i nrft md by tin- itrifc juir fthtfiiar- immirni t inrt niailc fr the oi ill r vf biitiim hnljrlhniil tvw during lt pwkml sen j tin- stnihl ihih ijinirtirimtl llii ftjicnotfti ti kri ovtvt mitf rl lamtc july it lorivrwidinc of thr ivimiuon journal and ei bfvfts oxford rirctlun woodstock tucsdjyflignt tim iiiimc i at ne m ihe scrttf of a somewhat ttvroalrd ctttfftii for thv reorientation uflhecuun- ti ol oiforil between tin- hun p ilincfaa and j vl artiutrwi 14 the latter ho drclarrd him kit i uk hi u wwd il trmint reformer tiifvr ibc lnuclor 4viktal on the ground that lusdrscrlvd lite cause of reform and by acrcpiing a scat in tbe prrnt cabinet kcotnr rtcrcant lo the nriivcjplt- yi hose profession rnurcd hi return it tin last electron anubjiflion o fjf a lite acccp luxe of alfice ottwmrf loo weak lu require any tsuudtd replv iee tin six the appotnlutrnt nf men hoc principles coinriuv itiih their oivn it the rvpoinl which ha w 1s bfcnconundtd for ly he reformer a o recently aiiainrt is it not tlaablwiaiiitkrxlfimiiccvilylo rrjeet ihjl njttjcr tthrncffirnl hich we o oftrj though uj iinlt defniiijt mr ilmvk h btcn ooc of ihoc hoc jrrtict i ilv eontnbuird to tkvalc the n term party to htt cminnco nhich tbry ouhl louiioy and toobioinfor lliem i jul conn d riii ton to tfienheye justly cnlitud add to mt the fjet ilia iuimrdijlrly ftficr lc nbclhon hco fttom wisccmidefedynonimou withrwbet- liofij atd all wbi did no arvc nith the ruling prty nrc drnevfd a traitor ur ranie fmard omh jfcdboldl indifrnce of lr librijl nd il iiitlrradily be icnoubdrd thm mr uincka la ttroft rlaini lo ur ymptrir and lupparl there a ji ncn number of peopte prrent l lite optnui of tsc poll on alondav and mr hirdit m an ble and animated apceeb fully itanfd rerr chifjc orinconulene or impropriety he arfucdj that uc charge of hiring scccpled office unovr a lory pornnwni could not fity be brought againit htm miirr there naa lathing from nhich to infer that the prent ad- iiiisiriilcn were inclined to fator toryism but on the coritrart eif if let of the governor general more directed toward our p than anouver ha uoifurmly undid 0 rpresa that cicluiic policy ird du countenance that opprcinj vpirilby whieh r opponvnia have alvrava been distinguished the mfj fjet of h retention of office beins dejeft dent oohia rerktiion to parliament and eontc- ut3t1y onhuobmming thur approbation wai of wiuflicirnt rvidence that the adoaiiist4u0n fujiy f rkionbdied and acted upon that grand prineiple jll jocd oninnkii ropomibiuty lo thi people j dd o cei aa ihi principle ccaed to influence the cdbiarl he veutd eea to bold hia hjl with regard to tbe altered mconsisti ncy of hn conduct in hhoutc and coutepoued in condemning mr lartr jcitace to office and in mmim the j aetptiur a eat in lhjl cjbiikl in wukii m ttnlil in rcfuv d to remain he ronil r that mr p htd adtpltda rourae which the refufmer would noi appro vf indef tin imprcmion he wrote the inter to the iliu or the eountj of middleiex to uhirh he ifikt h itamc in ordr that it might not be aid tie sheltered himtelf behind the hi id of kcrtcy thoecninuyof middlcei being irhapa the mot importini in the province tit aeeounl of in aiie populition and weallh and nnrcularu 0 ilh cor own party on account of ihr hn- and unuirring adhcrcitee to reform nhich ilk uelora lud evinced mr h- ihonght it but fihi appeal o then in order that they might trior ildy yfdcraiarj the question before they record tdlhajr opinion tbal optnicn wji naini him mr h j and rherefrc he considered n- prae lulu juhtilkd in the rouisf hp porued and 6ndin lha aueh were the opinion of the partj whose principle he rrofccd he ccacd to oppotc that ejirih i who eojduet ihty approved to a litnilar tnbunat he mr h riow appealed and by iheir vidielhi uaadct to abide and lhih tru- vd would be belli a tome proof of ihe sincerity with which he maintained ihe true principle of rev ponibilit to the people another complaint made uajbjot win ti vi ituiptr kvf been of- fred the appointment he aiiurrd them a a fcnileaan d a man of honour that ihe appoint ment had only bic offered to him within tht imi four neckv it hd been vtd too that he drpen ded uponihc torirt lo vecure hi election so far from that ic conaidered it would be an inault to the tonta to capret or johcit their support mr 11 poke al my ct imgih and a 1 did not tokv mkffp but now merely write from memory i ran not five juj the whole aubtancc of hii rcmjrl which i ir ret the bmf a hit apcech wh nlremelv intcreiing inatrueiivc of courac i do not pretend to give yotf anything lite hi eiacl exprea iom ibl voo may be avvured that ihe mcanin- conveyed in my own language i perfectly correct i myhale omiued routhbut i have added nothing to iheioliiiinccof hi rcmarera vf anhrwu m siprif in v lv vniwr in hustmmidiaivicmity a u he ittturmj ilk- elector 01 the opertng of the poll once a journey man aimaker and he thought that he had done mnreataaemaking thin everhe should al lawmaking the objcclioni he ld to hi opponent were ihl ikefrftncia llineh of former time naanot the aame pfraoh a the mon- tranci llinck of ih prcknt darthil he t aold hiinclf for s arar nd belxayrd hiuot it had been inamuaicd that he mr armvlionjo did not whir hi own addie but thai made no diffrrencc 0 long tbcaddma contained hi diuinct nnd decided opinion it w no coneolcncc nho wrote il mr armstrong apokc for 4 vcy few minute and uttered nothing but the came qqjrclion which mr ilincba antict- pating had anlwrnd only the moment before mr hwci prrvioo to he opening of ihe poll had reucud thai hi opponent might be propped firit ia be was aware tht nera1 unfounded accusations were abmil to be brought agatnat him which he wished lo have an opportunity of refuting uherea 00 the other hand ne had no accusation to bring against mr armstrong hieh required a reply to ihi arrangement mr htnclte opponent rrfurd toacccov mr hinck speech waiiuch as entirely to remove any hdow of doubt a to the proprsetv of the course he pursued and ereraj who went ta the hurtinr prejudiecd against htm were thoroughly eooiinced by hi lutfid and candid capunaiioin tat or the roiu jlwrfia 1fivrai umsaoa mj wf it jirvv olurm mt t hai w k4ihtilii 1pher rwaifi mu blltit i nlii ihe una riviariiik iimuk hl to fjiu- lmir mi p riinithna n r sjahirtlav ii lind tiumt thiu tiiia ntl uut ivv i luiitit miiiiiri ii niiin o0leini tanid opon iue ernl hwypr and ibr prvhmj w fjyt iortj rvrvfun summjuun rwjpmn n lawlw rraiil in hit nmiir d piu ii4rti luin i j i w hit h wv aumi yeihtpa fiwtm our nrl sinnur a miifiuu ti4hvt itum art utcunni ic ihi louder in vmiuu ru wehavo eri pufrroavm ivbbrie tiiiiinwsm tir hi i lit mihuiol of ihinrflw ru itf hrnlf lwi fpowjvr t liom riirt pufm aronu jl is duty if iho profit n belli idrof ihn tmier dial vt iktuklj oatmim vir aupltua fuaiiwi osi whn u reporuj t re tiiiitr ilimi ihere if x of mirrimiitj protvhoa l ihu lr u hit ltr rr4ibcrir under eoier r utmo bnliionc pn- iitier4nni who hietr thru utniir tmj arvc rrrely romni ir i mhm propet mm money wftattl icuirt tortpkiili lhau pokru hit rtttthnf llwir prudijaif cttrvk thr fit aiul tfcirt itw ounlry too lon ilfed by kc incrndmrycu u owarjlf and ptnflte wnlche rtutrv uitii suah und immrdiiie rlfw h bhslll hr ni4r lo luttttifc uve yenuued wldtf pieml rvbtitrmin htidtlmt uultiuncnl inllkmlkhjh ittrip rt hint intk vt pmnoiifn under wknh y bava lx pcrpiirairri vhur atioeiiira 1 1 i ofiviou ihat the btvi i rirndi of tttaudjii welfare i tih tijesofihr rfuiiti4iio iclyuifl m nj uur togird of hbtnit prineipkr iu the drhtth imnflnij irb4on amy forethlr htortj fr the nmrarkswirnl ho fiiiuih xotth american province thinner of i ic opinion iiomiij in blitam iuu at njl i her oflhmi aid ia tr n tu- of huinrtriiir t not tkal utaiehbr imerrvpuj by ih iaooeil hfwblilf proteu in piojrt liic lav 311 i butjutmee to add i- in uu ytuttinou bunra i he alv fcl fiun- beherihuv rimm 9 noicanido rilc tilt 10ad to the omxff a recent nutobc of the st louisv reporter sve an interesting account of an eprditiou just despatched by ihe unicd state gonmrnl under iihtructions from the war oepanient to ear plore the country between the touav and the heid water of tbe great plailc jiver and the southern pas of the rocky moumnt wilh a view to a line of pusta fnn the fionticr rmisaouri to tho columbia hiver the eaploein itif consisiv of so men under lieut fremont of j topographical lujioccra well equipped with atronomieal and other instruments and diuerrcipe apparalua fur taking view the e aped itfori acjh lohavegrown out of the bill introduced into mi s senate by mr linn from miaouri for lmoccuptivi of the oregon terrilory the report aja albany advcrtiaer the great river phuo is the ft direct line of communication between thia cojiry aod the mouth of the columbia ard that route j known io be prac ticable and eaay m therefore fcomr important to atcerliin thr general character the riser and the adjacent country attd the facilitfa il will be likely to ujford in 1 1 theconteralskdacttlementain tirejon the smlan passer drpreasion in the rocky mountains ia near the force of the extreme western branch of the hirer lallc and afford an caay paaage foe wagon aod her whocl carriage which have freoucnljy pavaedoier uie mountain upoo that route wimoot dimuly or delay ii important aiocrltinrd aa it i tliougntnat u wjii not very much from the line eaabliilii between the united sialea and musco by the trity with spain of 1319 k thi pass vhould fall southjf that line the a2d degree of north latitude it jar become ncccaaary lu examine the country nortlof it the lino of the vcllowafone and aouih brfeh of the columbia would it t ihoutht afford 4e next beat route o 4 v uy i notfot diout swhji u ibc general uovernmcnt should do iu dy in the matter oregon uill be inhabited by a hard industrious andinielli gent population and ihe ecirpriae of our citiicn lid a new channel flraddith tbe talands in the iacioc tbe western coaf of this whole continent and perhaps with eaatcrnista nothwitmtandic the mony obatacfea nl prxint in the way ofuhtact tkcaeni of ibi territory eiigranla are rapidly pour ing into it and only demnd of government that protection which ia due imll our citizen wherever ihty may ehooae lo reaidc whdc negotiation are finding at washington tcodjuat al exislinsr dic- cultie- betarceothiaeounty and great britain our fi to this tcrritorf hu4d not be forgotten at preaent it may aceifl a apall matter to the negotia tor but the should rheabcr that every years dtay wilt only rende itf finil adjustment of the disputed northwest cm frundary more difficult we are pleaded to lean that the proper authovitica al weahington evince tdipoaitlon to do something ydt rc- jrii- i r occupation of oregon by rjcrtnacaerjt amcrict acttlert it ia known that many of the intlandi irihe pacific have already been settled by americana trdin-rkie4calab1ih- by arhierj a j r ajd prorlubte buaineaa ia car- ed awiaalth the idifftroa on thw noraretern coast of america with the eaat indie and china there is notfhg to prevent trading rslb ivshmenl io oregon fbm ultimatelr securing a itrn hire of the trade a- adding much to the wealth and proaperky of the whole a nnw v v i m- s v vaat dumber of per aorta aaaem bled it front of the premise of meaara- richard coach aiiwera great newport street long acre lo nine the evolution of newly invented eamagtf wrnch can be propelled by ihoae who ride ibercinwita the greateat facility whether on level girondor aacending a hilt it ia tary tight construct ifi not weighing more than 150 lbs beaulifully fittei op and will hold two persona il rumonihree true and is propelled by two jy the lottery of life a new novel by the vmian of btemhigtqn jiiai rcaivril niafj for mut ut tlii ohm v pfifio is sil sotd for cash only iiihtrucliuti in aiuhic mr a nordheimer professor of music kftom cflmami begs to intimate iff ihe mhabitante of ihia city thai lie intend irin irsaort on ihe iiano fojte violin and in sin in piano fortes tuned rrf r ami milcri recrived al ihe stores of m i if w rovrsell boolisellett mid mrw m roaain si brolhere jtwdlth kin slreh kingston july 13th itui 4ji for sale the renr part of iol nv 2 lat conceasion rilisburgh 130 acres and lot no 33 4th concession aaimc township apply io thomas klrkhatkick- kindlon illh juy is42 4 look at this one of ihe finest english boartol hii ajte in the province for sale one year old and weighs upwaid of scwl asriy at the toll guc near kinatton kington i l july i8i2 4i information wanted of william garbatt ttwj hy trade who lelt kingston bit fall his brother jmei has jul arrived in tbis town from ireland ami is anxious to find hitn out any information will be thankfully received addreasp jmrt gai ritclatk5 mill camden midland dinner kindlon july 9 jcmi will the niagara chronicle and betlciille intel ligence r oblige by copying the above i vtotice hereby riven that sealed tm deis will he govcrniunit coikracf reby riven thai scale received at he cwtotuttariiu manufactured in canadattz 650 barrels of 196 lbs each in jtood and sufficient packages on each of which shall br brandtd the name of the mill at which such flour was manufactured to be ieliverij by ihe contractor into such of the- imjilnvrfi 4otlwujlj iuy tc teuhc0 and in the following rr litiis on the 101 rokirtons odavrt li joui november t81i 10th june m 150 3w do do 00 do dn the whole to be v7arrjntird to keep aweel ltd imiad for six months after each delivery and ihould any part prove infeiior or bad with in the period of warranty either in the depot at cornwall or al any of ihe outpost the lame must he rrplacrd by other flour at ihe cxpcne of the contractor hie tender to state the price in currency per barrel and to contain the real ainauncs of two or more responsible sureties for ihe due fulfilment of any contract that may be entered inlosubject to the approval of the commissariat the conditions of ihe contract and any other information required can be obtained at the commissariat office commissariat cornwall 9th july is42 j 4ri information wanted of susan whitcraft from county monahan ireland who is supposed to be living in kingston her agister jane and bus band have now arrived ii his town and are anxious to find her they may be found at tbe emigrant shed kingston july if 1842 4ii bay of quinte new arrangement tilt sfwji boat iraod three ilitcla and is pro comnynicatirvg with lir o double crank wftovk rsmltf aranilron j 73 35 136 tucoy hincka armstrong 896 to 171 omr armslrongresignrdon wednesday when mr- fltfitka va dtelarcd dub elected 3s ti trom a j oa uarj wlrit- 5lir jaulliicaand wrt foajn unial ovtjarmlsyicniof thr nvlloip 4iijm li urnfii qqjda llral ripn i rtwal rrfmrnfpwlluoauliui nur aliit and unv- ilth ltirmm tnt aisnirnccnicahat- rron lmr m aurt utfjmfi caitr 43rd rcgioi land 1h rrfiaarnleimrciinra jid rigimasil ttraigaa oordon kosi o mrw- cwrnttibol l n rtuni 4in mannr h lahfj ri lwt sana mt minrr tbrjf procfi1tv koajrol ja tiilmvnfirimnile l suamrrnrita miu- otber ni iw liu fipnnnihc l dragoon ouard nhosr arri val m iw riftiaa rreifbt nir anominrrl nur nutcr irftlurriay hrnaipomird io irnop ii unirrcinai ittptmimn wk place rwr nti w paitmefrom bqhajsd ui stsss anrtjwd in ilio v- umtrrotnuv lvnqaoanuiopointnrns rum ber orthupeprr muiy tfcc mlorm olbv have amted in ismn d maiy ginaoi firttntship hi dv ilial rtipicoitftnilownnan ayior fft4t and four tank and nlr ih itreicdeiiiliruu rrwvainmailiaf vance kafti lwd ccmfwn nl samnir t maffhrrerjihaftd3 taai im fllr bsti rti ciift stewart and milli ttjatirr miatri riufcea and fpp rnjsienainrrrtlkconkvand mt cnoume voirmn ocworl atiiisnt sufronrw ny wmwn ia i4m0m alto t piricrlqlkc mmttfo jntv sih commercial arhkh are oelm motion bf thoae in the carriage aw j ms a ooa fw aaoaaaa ube prrawre trom a amalsr to a larger on aacending a hill the carriage haoocen tried m the preaenco of aeveral of trc w r for a ouuaoce of ten miles and was futnd to anaver in every respect orders have beengiven for eereral such carriages some foe en tlt oha public khoob the stlit of brflx a sister of burns ihe last surrivorofhta fatber family still lives she is now a idow at an advanced age and reside at the rilhgc of traneflt in haddingtonshire with lno unmarried daughter whocrdarour to support hrr b ihe excrcssc of their needles she la a de- crniloobiogold person with a good deal of the pints phf9inorar snd particular his fine dark ejes the youngest of william born children hs was 12 years old al the timr when he died at lschiea a broken spirited man she was one of tie household of mo4gicl during ita occupancy by lobert and gilbert bin in succession and she af- cr ward ma vricd a named begg who for ten year conducted the business of gilbert farm of dunning on the ealftleof sir charle s mon- tcath of cjoseburn since ihe death of her hus band her sons being u removed from her and un able lo assist she haa been dependant upon her iwndaughen who though active and most respec- uutjnbf women are barely able to keep houae for tbemacrvea and their venerable parent in short the sister of bums has falleo in tbe course of providence into poverty the dread or which is the theme of o many of her brothers verses cor- rcf pondence of the inverness courier 0rcoiav3tery- cat eni for emi ranti to canada quebec 2d july iw2 namberof emigrants arrived al this port during the week ending fhis date from england ireland scotland lower potts cabio passengers j not included in the abovf 53 previously reported 32 380 1o corresponding period last year 1066 483 0 5556 22101 27657 18707 increase in farouf of 1842 8950 a cbuchanan cats wfareri pied in uus town oq the i lib in daniel fajlet h grandson cf the celebrated sir wttlum joimi on on the7thuluaiotno- 4 vori street port- man square elraamth mama eucckia wife of stwat dcnaiskrak esq and only child of the lit john mooiagir k al the seigniorial tfouse chamwy on the morn ing of hr 8th iir tan p the honourable samuel at stoneouae deronabire oo the 5lh ofjuot last lkstl wiluass smaovt r n formerly of peterborough upper c ad at- the hripunrr ihr cocanmbcf mtax ef in ssuisssussi summers winter in the pvrennes tuu ri tits i anorfwirame valosir anj enshracaa a joarnai fviir tb it 4ma- tt ma in pai hire m iha author laidsnv amoae shs mousiaibh ana v trn iirt -a- i- r w trrdsn with jrjpbit ataerfftss rii ntnaowvtr iiiah wiilnglaftraiio csns4 m as ronaun laraarg lrd vulcan captain lis r w will commence on monday llth july lo pi as follows do wh wards leavim ihe head of the bay at 4 p m and belleville at 6 p m on monday wednesday ml friday and picton at half past a a- m on tuesday thuisdaynd saturday leaving kinjtmnri at 6 p m on tuesday huisday and saturday touching al the in termediate ports the proprietors trust that this arrangement will accommodate the inhabitants of the bay as it will enable ihcwe from picton and places below to transact business in kingston and re turn the same evning- sandekson murray kingston 7lh july 1842 in a quiet retired ftmily in the country where she trill have twelve pupil shr mtiai be fully capable of teachiug english in nil ita branches french draw ing needle work c experience in teaching is indispensable and a respectable reference required terms moderate application if by letfer post paid to q r s emigrant office kingston july 6th 182 3hi horse for sjle a beautiful jrl black poney riling four years old rn cood order trained lor carried a lady 2r saddle or harness and ha apply at this office kingston 5lh july 1842 iruntumi iiiiviaituimu r vu prujniof- crfl the chronicle i g i ett kstamlahmntut one of theoldcst in the cumilty itrina dussirous ofriliring from the business off r for tr thr premises corner of ktagual 5 r m ivhich is considered the brsl business stand itti kindlon jstjsj the pftlntinu orfue ond the rooi will of ihe chronicle l gaclle the oldest xrcpqptr in canada weal- the office com prises a ood soilrriiit of job and fancy type neatly new and ahc circulnlion nnd ad- vertiicinj patronage of tbe paper exceeds thai of any other in the toifq ajo thuookbindeby which is welt fur nished with every article used in the trade the establishment taken as a whole if not eqiullcd in uppei canada and will bediiposcd ol on very rcaionabt tcrmf will be sold separate if desired kindlon july 1 184 ye iv jjrrrvjlls ihe subsctibot would the attention of their friends the premises s government notice eali tenders will be received at the commissariat office kingston until noon on monday the august aext from persons desirous ol sifpying her msjestjs wrvice with 3200 bis fine flour the flour to be fresheel and sound whea- ten fine flour oftbc beal ijuahly and warunicd to kep tivpl and ood for six months after delivery each barrel to have the brand of the mum which the flout ws manufactured and to crjitain ltf is 561 barnla to be delivered on or before 3lsl atiptstls42 1600 barrels to be delivered on or befote 31st october 1842 500 bareels to be delivmed on or before 3jlh april 1843 500 barrtl lobe delivued cm or betoie 3st july 1843 the tenders mtul tapres in words at length the rate in cuncy at which each barrel of hour will be delivered inio her ma jestys stores al kinjpw or fort henry un exceptionable security vil be required and the names oftwa pariir wiljint to enter into 1 bond with the priirupat for the due per formance of the contractus be stated on the tender the flour to b impeded at the con tractors expeavr by a itensed inspector ap respectfully snlirit and ihe pub lic to their extrusive arrivals of staple and fancy dry coous which they arc now opening at their store corner of fronlenac and baeol formerly store nnd hear street their stock comprises pan of every thine new and fashionable inladiea and uentleroeii wear a tbe toods have all been purchasrd on the most favorable terms they vrlll be told al the iowcni rrmuneralins propt- lex ruse l co kington juno 18 ltm2 lolz new world proved of by the commiaiil potqifl n tender mri linn uuiiid may be o it this office commissariat ofbce k kingston july 4 1842 jprher inrnrn hi honey the way majce honey sieventy park u for male without reserve affording v opportunity ol thr most favorable nature to e persons who pos sess a small capital and po table return say 100 bfr will he sold at pobli wl r serve at the court h lhc 5h jo 1843 seventv park i from l0 ft acres each belu parts oiy no 6 lfld 6 on the urcjf suie of ihe gtf hlt cataraqui in the township of kin being about one mile and a halt from thrm canada beaulifol for situation 2 prospect as healthy from iu locality at arnp wtd desire and precisely the dims m fu country residence 1be samclime ad placo will be sold e m t no 225 in the town ofs slillle he artillery karracks lwo commodious dwellings thereon onr house suiubje for slone and one frtmc svle residence or i store and dwrjiing beirf chea atoo hundred pounds permit- the title will he unincumbered and uneap one half al 3 months af hitt 6 month credit on furnisbinraprfd note the sale will comn precisely at 19 oclock plans of the above pnf l to be seen at ihe office of ih subscriber thomrfl a haines auctioneer kiqgatori soth june ini to architect builders the commonalty cf the town of kind lon hein derive of erecting a town hcttcnd market fore cotieem- eiwes of the town roucc n3t they will receive draw np above named buldin wttbivel- edspecificauons and flalesal ihe council hall until the first dav ww whe tbe virions designs wrf opened and exam ined and such plan council mav deem most etiible the first plan select wi tnlille tho dr- signer to the sum ofiv tbe sccood to aq and the third to 20 tofaciliule the estil d prevent lom of lime to gentlemen tnv l0 p- thrirde- sinsilis requested rtlm piobpble cost ot construction shall not ni cd xiotoo- the extent of croun appropriated is follows on front street iw from i roel to church street 264 feel any further informal 1 wl b en by the clerk of ihe council if b letter postpaid cferif kinyllonjuue j5 mr l0 otac rime for rpg jhnthoi tm extended fry the cbmctt ft l5 s iso house aud lot forsale the subscriber ofivrs for sale on reasonable term his house and lot on colborne street the house is perfectly uew 2l feet by 30 and is well finished off containing seven flood room tbe lot ii 33 feet on cotborne street by 95 in depth nrnl i pleasntly situated in a quiet partnt the own a few rods north of ihe scotch church the above properly will rent for 40 per annum- apply to the lubsciiber on the premises or at the fcwslon herald offu daniel wright kington june 05 1812 oaiw for sale two aches of land ncr tbe villae of waterloo 2z french paper hanfw ao borders 4 large supply of h owelwiied ajticle latest pa llefi ja received and for sale at t- j- kiem cavendish plor nail sk ladiestwrstand cut tobacco imaccobm- scotch and kappee kingston 2d july 8k 2z for sale by the subsciiber l his store in quarry street from j to 180 barrels of liver pool and onondavo salt low forcash d mcintosh kinetonjuly 3 1842 ui auction sale av catalocec wffhwt ncnv will be sold on thday the 21st loau at ihe wholesale warehouse of ihe sub scriber brock street the contents of nine trunks of mns and b boots and bankrupt etale ftom london and as a ioffla cfirm 1 nvrnian tvtntty nts arj natr r ih hitlnral tnrirfrni nc ar rn i vpi i ft prif upebior lake horon trout herring while fish for sle by carter k bentiey shoes on account of imported jam foil direct suitable for this makct catalogues will be issued immediately and the xoods are open for inlecfon any time pre vious lo tbe sale sale will commence precisely al eleven a m wm wilson kingston 4th julyjicwi maddock hitch1ngs solicitors ix ch a kc erv frn street efinton the lambton house stork j stucity klin gston i v1hc subscriber espectiuuy begs lce lo in- m ii- hi ihe gentry n the mercantile ard ifo vcltinr eommunliy fcnerally that he has again re sumed the ruanarrmctil of ijie abose netlkuovrn a- ublishment tbe limbton house being siluale i nearly the centre ot fronlenac street which i ihe reatest thorobfare in ihecity render it adnxirsbly tonre niefit or the man ol buiwa- the house is large commodious and airfi and it sr the present proprietors intention to base il really ell furnished to those who formerly paronitrd this house nhen kept by him be iscoisadcnt it is unnecessary io say s single nord but io lhue hare roi he bee leave most respectfully lossy that it will be lepl in a slyte commensurate ttjlh the crowing impoiunce of the canadish metropoh a aljle nhiih willrot be surpassed he plcdji s himself bj anv ohcr hotel in the city to effect nhich desira blr object neither expense mr attention will be spa red on hi pari active and obliging pottrr ill be coostnilr in attendance to corner p a actige luggage to and from ihe steam fioiu and to attend mcsl assiduously to etvr call horsrs and carriste will b at all time read to rotivcy his gocsm lo any pirt of the city and sub- iiru o the adjacent eountrf lv asiduoui and kind atintr0i he hopes to me ii the paironacof the respectable commnuiiy gen erally and o make hia guests feci at alt limes real ly al home kincston 11 jul hiram wekks rrwr trs m i i f-jrjturnlrfiurlitcmttr- jx lspomjhmjftfry siittmo mainrbua a ft nit i- i iii ihaat of it si ii iwo r1jta rw aariuni of i mu i a ml p end ta acj auaibr eoniaina avtnuni ut rvadih t lo a ijuitrimo vnluro tw ktw tola r i lary lif pnntlad our l ay the autor nf chrki omallar t iuw pbmm iu u columni will 4ihti by lp br- wtltrr ot itie sj s efllj i f tuper ltji on w a new volume rjlht fina voi irr quih ililtft r la- ncw world coaimrio on ft lit of july tvi srreai aoiber favorabla epporluany w bubcrjbatt kia taf inter aflftonc ai but a ery lew ami pininjarroatunraf vuaar and atit wll i tm- eonb4s to tupply bstik nss to snr esleaf fttr taa ucas commence- j oidsr to tifpjy al faw alilwri urr wih our tfoan ranof ama tet ibt mi- aeridaghie thr it ire prtvtoui cans of il ito- rir- hav boo repattihd sw duabt aieh wiubefcnio on saw subscrthr pna oovr ue new world rrom jut otn tor oa nfae picfrroi volane compjefesrucsaao i ura rd term s ar m ajraane posttft wtsarj i winchester fljltssboy so am snect trw volk john crlttlohton iu o mi notice tenders will be received at ihe office of the provincial peniienliary of canada until 12 oclock at noon on monday the nisi dayofaueusl nexl irom such persona as sjc wilting to hire the rope walk and machinery hereunto helonfin with tbe exception of the tar kettle- at the ahove men tioned establishment torether with the tjhnur of such number of convicts ai may he aereed upon for three yean from the firl day of oc tober next the form of the tender with other parlicu- lais will be made known on application at the office of the institution h smith ifotow provincial penitentiary i july isw hi govebjmswt sjle ity public auction wrlll be sold at the oidnaoet dcpof point henry on fnday the id july next a quantity of condemned stores con- wsuilf tf setts of aitillery hoise harness killing saddle holster with flounces round trail blanket qolster cases sheets haver sacks hoi shoes and nails dra ropes caipenters whceletsn fimitbs and coop- vat and casr and a variety of other articles the above will be sold without resrive and pat up in jots to suit purchasers sale to commence at 1 1 oclock a m- j linton q kingston canada 27th june isi- tolri for montreal direct through in one day the steamer ericsson will leave kn ion every thursday at 12 oclock noon for montreal calling at itroekvil pitscotl and coteiu da lac passenifer by this conveyance will not only be saved the trouble and inennvenience attend ant flpon transhipment arvd land carriage for 30 or 40 miles but will alto hare an opportu nity of passing with perfect aafeiy thtouh the whole of the rapids of thr st lawrence f be iwcen litis place and laehinc for fteighl or passage atinlv to 8anderscn murray kingston lit inly 1s iz st george iragos qlarftt street kingston t davis respectfully informs the inhabi- tants of kingston and ii vicinity that he has uken the above establishment and hopes by unremiltin attention to metit ashare of public patmnate winrs and ljijuofs of the choicest rianls boarding sc 6tc kinitslon june 18 1842 10lz cheap sate at thc outflow warehouse kerr waddell co lake leave to return their cordial thanks for ihe ex tensive rationale they havr received and in timate that they have removed to those lare and commodious premises store st corner of quarry street where they have received itiilber additions to their already v er y e x tensive w e u u and selected new boarding house head op bbocle street this house as mote particularly desert- hrd in former arivrliement is new very commodious and situated in a pleasant part of the town the subscriber in returning his sincere thanks n ihe rv v f samhhs pfsnr pf tjueens college and tht young gentlemeu under his charge who have patronized hito len leave to intimate that in consequence of the first session of the collide avina termina ted for ihe present those enl1cmeii return to their respective homes darinf the vacation therefore a limited number ol gentleman can now he accommodated on reasonable terms directions for finding the hrjnse will ho inrntsh- ed at the office of this paper or at the ofqce ot mr t a haines commimon merchant and auctioneer francis h mackenzie kindlon 1st july l84i u lost a note of hand for the numof 150 drawn by t a haines esq 10 favor of wm iliycock any person hringin the above note to fhc subscriber will teccivc a handsome restart w kingston july l 843 haycock lii w ants a situation as foreman to a build- v t er or gentleman a person who under stand plans and the laying uut buildings m all ils branches ani who will work at hia trade as bricklayer and mason if by letter post yard to he addressed lo g iv atlhisorhce kinston 1st july 184 fit town lots town lots the sttbsctiber has several town lots for sale in the immeliale vicinity of mr ilroivn the archifect on very libeinl terms of payment and those gentlemen desirous of sc- ctiiin a building in a ood vicinity and near to the government hoose wall do well to jose no lime in securing a lot hefne they are all deposed of a plan of the eround and forther information can be obtained by applying at my oflice also one or two houses aid lois fo be dis- posed of rndesirablcsrtuatitfns at a ery cheap rale thomas a haines jucronccr kinsimi 30lh june 3842- 1 tm importations of plain and fancy dry goods by far two various to enumerate here consist inijof every thin novel and uilabve for tbe season amongst their fancy articles the hare just received a splendid assortment of an i flowers every variety of straw brvn nets cap and bonnet kibbofts cbiri grosie naples satins and satinetfs cotelle armure parasols brussels late veils shawls and mushn and lace and tamhoured collars and capes silk and cotton hosiery snd gloves plain and itinted moushne de raines printed orlean saxonies chine chusans and an immense vatietj of silk and thihel shawls faixy dreses of every des cription itow slin ortat prices unprecejenl- edly low to which k w i co request the attention of the public and solicit an early call in order to secure thr best choice wanted two active boys klnfston 18 lti spring importatlonr h vv rowskll moolifffutrs acsilloxtrs kinstreet kingston ctstostlclf tomiro 1espectfully invite tht ttttnliou o x k merchanli and otben to f newly imparted stock of account book matione 77 consisting of ledgers journal dy books cash qooki bill bvtoks memorandum bojr of alt sites and ouafiiies quills office pencil wax wafers rei tape mcl eoi in peat variety fti ice- 4c their stock of fancv stationery auo very ure cnnsislina in prlof drawing papn of all sites dfatvinkkeiicllrind llooks tracing papers tinted colored and glaavd mounting boards milstol boards papers fcc color boes and colors camel and table hair pencils envelope ol all sifes plain and colored albums scrap hooks and many other articles loo numerout to mention a tr and choice election of pri nte d books comprisinr 1rayer book bibles testaments 1 heolnjfical and other liteiary rvorkt ako a gieal variety of school books iiirluiinihote in use in upper canada and queens cohtgari itoofe rned bound and printed to any pattaraf bookbinding in all its branches copnerptate f djiavins tiid irintifif f book aad ob pnntin c on reisonaue terms mflitry udm orderly and defaulters rooks always on band w r 1 deeda and memorials c of tbe most appioved torm boqks or any article connected with the hum nrss nported to order ffom etlslaud or the fnltcil stafts agents fos stodattt s01ts pianoforte manufacturers to ufl majcstr akd the gotal tamtlt no 1 golden squore london a w rowsell kinestoo june 15 1812 100z u tv rowsells king street kjkgstotf h w k in returning tbanki for the en con r a emeni tby hnve received since the opening of their circulating 14 brary have great pleasure in announeing to tbe h extensive catalogue of new and inltrestsnr pubtications consislin of history biography travels novels tales c i j v vv k hope that ine patronage which hssbeeh so liberally extended vail be continued to them for the future and they pledge them selves that no aafns shall ho ps on their part lo make the library worthy of puulic patron terms of subscription patale in avai frr irrir trr r tut s irr stttjbott ik it x a 1 10 1 ii 0 18 0 7 6 time of sobscrihinz tbe fia for i 0 0 d 0 a lolz emigrants beware take care of your morcj llld do not part with it ontilyou have called at my ofnee where you will soon asceiuin i hve several parcels ol land end for sale but m particular a farm containini 100 acres r superior land with 80 acres improved he sod of the best ttotittj a good two sin frame house a vrcfamtssfcop with iare barn and stable complete the above farm i situated in the township of sidney only 7 miles from bellevihe in the mtlst of the best settled pari of the country and a good road to il from belleville tha price is very moderate nnd the terms of pay ment liberal a liberal discount will be allow ed for icddy money for fuither particulars apply at my office thomas a halnts avr ticntrr kington s0h juna 1642 l m aflvaflwstldtta riivpitnivttta extensive sale of real 4f ate will to old by publir aocuon in the town of niagara on monday the 32d day of august 1842 commencing n ten oclock a- m bv order of the trustees of ihe estate 0 rj cryslch the followrnj eligi ble estates offering opportunities for invest ment to capitalists nd men of business such as ac seldom fa be met wiilf vl the valuable property situate on catfiab creek in the township of yarmoulh in fhe london district canada late u c contain ing 166 acres of excellem lnd with a crist mill having 4 tun of stones twn saw mills and an ctlcniive distnfery surrcfinded by a beautlfnl wheat country catfish creek 11 na vigable for schooners of a large site fo within half a mile of the villi and boats containfng 000 barrels of flour can reach the mw dam without obstruction 30 scboonen could lay up and down the creek vqlb aley tbe dis tance from the milu lo ihe lka shore by the creek beinc about 3 mites above tbe mills i a tine wooded country and in tnv spring of the year saw lots can be flooded down the creek lo the mills thit property is named james town it is hrantifully situated and some lois have hren laid nnt for a village whereoa several buhdinr have already been erected it forms altogether a hirhly desira ble estate and oflers an advantageous opnottrj- nily to an capitalist desiring an extensive and profitable investment also an extensive and well cultivated farm known as the turn fam aituate tn the township of yarmouth in the london district coniiin of 200 acres within a short disance of the flourishing village of st thomas also tbe west half of lot no 14 in the 4th concesion ofzorrinthe pislrict of brock containing 101 jtra also an cxvnsivc storewith stcrre houses dwclliog house and sevefal village lois c in the village of si thtfmas in be lon don district amo 2 dwelling hfmiei liluate on queen stteel in niagaraat present occupied by mr simpson and mr latfimbre lo which are at tached a good yard onthousea and well of water afao th rxiensivt ibareantile estab lishment altaehed thereto al prvfent occupied by messrs dovvn co eoriitine of a dry goods and hardware store store room office ami bedrooms in good repair and well fitted up fronting 6n the corner of jneen street well situated in ihe business part in the town and in every respect adapted for a extensive trade aiso the following vacant lola in naera pan of no 71 on qoeen street and lot no- 32 33 and part of 200 all which ara well situated in the town ttuior sale onefourlremh down onefoorth six months ontf fourth twelve months and onefourth eighteen months crrd- for further parllcolars apply o c l halt eq barrister niagara ko jas lockhart esq niagara lo edwd ermatinrr e st thomas or to joseph shuteresr maa- treal niagara june 28 iw2 one year 4 s11 months 1 three mopths 0 one month 0 if not paid at the terms will be ill for tavo sm and x lhree sets for every throe mofiths kohsuiscrlbta3 to deposit the value of the book anj to pay for a single volume 4o for four days for a work in 2 or 3 vols 7el for 04k eek for a work in 4 or more voluiocss at the rate of 3d per volume kingston jane 15 1842 100x pianos for sale a splendid sgnarepianftforfe av agtind piano forfe by proadwood aod sons for price 4c apply af the tobacribers where thef miy he seen hw rowsett ittnir srt kingston jone 29th i8u im2 j 8c0bell amultcfft el surwevw bejs to inlsrm tbe inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity that he intends followrns the piofcasion of aft architect measurer antf valuator having had a long e5pe rience io the practical department he sailers himself qf giv ing the desired utistactioti to licit genuemv who mav honor him with their favors j s invites those who intend tp votld call al his ooiee rn johnson slier and examuie hitnlana of buildings c c kingston dec 7 1841 46a removal the subscriber beay lave to inform tfae r iohahitanu of kingston aid iu vicinity hat ho baa removed from froait td stofsr street to quarry street right w 0 mr- greens for store and next door to ctaik writrht- hat pactorv tshfie be will he ready atall times tu repairianofcrhw puiura vio lins accordebosj musical snuu bojces and sqvical instruments irv gehcrslj or the most favorable terrna francis hg mulligan pianoforte jranuflcirret kingston april 6 1812 slz public notice is hereby give thai application will bemaovte mtdlartaj district council t its next fievion for authors to eirect toll bars oti vh ream wading tomn tarsqui bridzc to ihe town of kincston iff ftht to 8 front of the first concession of aw nsbtp and also lo levy certain tolls on wheetetf vehicles horses fcc ptfcinp same june 20th 1842 through tht ifmti iconsighment of fifty casks whltlno thirty do dry white lead just received and for sale by joseph b hall kinrslonjune 151842 fancy confectionery simp in the hoih formerly ocrtfferf by mr john shnw city bolter brock street jfft 6 south from quarrif strat rphe sobsctiberbegslo infhtcn his friends 1 and ihe public generally that he has opened the above house with a fbpcrior slock medtoersts hlchhe orjers wholesale and retail on tho mnt reasonable term- having ailed up his present eslarskshiaenl in the very best style nd made vranyemenlsv u the united slates for a rostsilar sipplj of domestic and foreign fruits irfthe uodrr sipnrd fiatlers himself that his present noes will he found worthy of acwtiinuviee of that very liberal patronae which h been hereto fore given him and which il w be his con stant endeavor to merit ltioais bol and cold from 12 lilt 2 alex smith kingalorijar 10 1 9ft platfofm and counter scales for aale bv orter hentley

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