Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), July 13, 1842, p. 4

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t recpn fd and forsair by the subirn- edition oftdad morks til neatly uoond in ihsi flslus hi itofj 3 two ycaes w tin m i 3 arabui nishuenutinmrnu 3 ftflftcr ef tegkirood forcvt 3 knurs travel in abtssirtio 2 voti uomm companion 2 yoti m- oufi hao 2 trfe irk tcvrv of wlj 2 lsiecf ld brehhn ilo f nspokoo 2 cooks voyages 2 ft 0wh 2 r u ir soor book 2 wiuw wcmse tut chitcttn plau hftofj h eaglimi prt trivelun africa the cow detw rbim culoe wonder of the world burn- porkl work lira of eminent m is r t hoes noriy h h nr cofion doss stiller ai homo who thill fc greatest t sotmctille hh looting cltm for the mind the two defruliert earlj friendships pop mr giove sowing ftkd rripiag a h r and prince roff n hop ever which is the moor failv sc reti bj mrs ellii lucsofpifstei rf memoirs of pin 3 lowioni conptcti furrier 3 unsay armour a co front street two door front the cuitom houie n 8 ohrf cheap editions daijt estded knilei jirr3 i s i lolr cheapest of all cheap books nov poliushtnt and sold by ramsay armour co- 1 t 2 ft 2 3 ft 3 ft 9 ft ft ft m a card rs mccornkbessoreturn her llrt- cere thank to her fiiends ind pilrons for lh libcrahupivrl which she ha hitherto received from them nd would here bet to introduce to their notice he sister mis gale lately arrived from europe with whose assis- lance a teacher she titists lhal wilh strict altenlion lohe tuition arid comfort of pupil nrutd in her care to merit he taint patron- ewhichhretcforebsbecnso liberally ex tended to her kington 54th jnnejcws wx british coffee house late fhostesac front street kingston the proprietor of the ahovc establishment in returning thanks to his friends and the public generally for their past patronas e betf most respectfully to mfornvn bis undergone a i be t a h additions bedroomsi and l nothing shall be watninjcon his part to render the british collre house not inferior to any m kingston the situation is preeminent either for busi ness or pleasure deing within one minutes walk of the steamboat landing wm goodwin n b a porter ill be at all times in rea- dinrif tqsy b4wee to and from the boats h 77 kingston turf club meeting ind j 9 lbs hone 4 lb em that theho l0m ettanm x enair with cmek tnt tatoscz or hit cyfffllvmcv thc covcavon ccstnl first day thuridji t srpictnbc the city plate of x- en to all hos bred i hinh kortt aoierlca rvols tiee roriil the coune diranee hvijafi it tfvi oij 6 stone 4 jir old dlbt 5ycafod a jeaf old none 10 itoi ard 9 o the tirr cllb ptrse of added to asnecpmahe0f xj eiri p kingston march m ticst0xf rh coiiliininr tn parts s con s vvorl t slindjrd librir ont of more edition to miokiok fopulae noves and tates it ihftf erkbal teiu tht foe a wrrc work orixltlr cubturxt at a euiva onj stfj i fotlowin novell tre slreadrpuouihed t6ttifiis at coopers ft j i rikn ivirit hokicih i t liftr4a ri- k rtfrr u lm f iin na othr tw miss porter oh einrs a r r l m 1 i nti v v l wofrji it liiifiiu j pivrr doom fl hlld dly kertedvi 10 mofwsfcc ki ilr ro4tnhe bwt inorama 11 raw krd 1 1 v smollett it rrrno pit 11- yhs ukuffvl it altnhoo tracv5 ravltmg vrockden raowv l ci tflod 4 w tti j charlotte smith 25 old m nor ho aw xeales ta vraiytt laaanoiff mirocairf tt itaawt ftfiw pteeei as a tfp at oi pil not id ism oph1a lees 1 rem mrs helmed m loal at tt- clan or th ilr si fra4fouattmc4fnri judge thomsoni 3t r i i mri rlavejtf x mawwsii follow engraving and copper plate printing- irt peabody late of new york would reapectfutly inform the public that he has commenced business in ibe above line next door above the rein deer inn head of stow street where he will at oil lime be ready to execute order in hislincj either on steel copper or wood and he hope from a thorough knowledge anj strict aliewion to business to merit o hrc of public pattonoge n b uiesinking dnorplateti mark ed visiting and wedding card dcotlt ex ecuted ai the shortest notice the subcribfr atfotf for the trustees of the estate of messrs arm- stton greer hereby notiae all parties indebted to the said estate that thomas kiik- pattick esq has been duly authorize and appoittled to collect md jrant receipts for ihe debts due to said tule and immediate pay- mem of the same is guested allclaimsaainst the estate which may nei have been sent m o the subscriber will be re ceivcdby mr kirkpauick khbkrt edaiik iftorthtijot the 7i v wees 1th mn iw2 kin j ton 9 i t 1 9 as i a ta l prove sor loofeilow3 is sedgwjot k sir walter sc0tts m qoweboohalifhi btiit as 1 1 of ibe lt nrrt o lajr otike tir datas si tiro yein befoie uh mmi arthur oordo ryms simhs ai xlftasra aisfc riovnorco ao hofrmalfs h gomtmib of ram godwins n cakb t l v timothy flints d mcvean mercftjxt tailor becs id inform the inlnhilants of kinelm arnf ios ndiney oajc ftenucbmii business in mrs meleods uuddin on broek street opposite mr bradys store where hf has opened a peat variety of cloths cassi meres tweeds doeskin drills gamhronns and vesiinjs which he will make upon short notice also ready made clothing fur hau ci c glazed hals stocks cravats handkerchief braces glove sacfc and carpet bags all which he will sell cheap for cash kingston june i4 it 12 iwh coal tar whiting and white lead bbl coal tar whitinr dry 2gq so 30 catks dry white lead do on nle by joseph r hall kington ontario street june i42 11 tailoring kstnblihjnciit kim strftt j d bifcttf cft rm u1ltqn in returning thanks taadis- n public for the ornted patronage which hftlva ueived smce penins an kmablishmcnt in kington would respect fully inform tbcm that he is now ieceivinliia supply of spking goods consiflin oj a mot splendid assortment of cloth and caisi- meres of almost everv shade puin and fiu- x- p titcl hriee round ih coure and t dtstajkfc ope lo all horr turf clwb weighty tfxi ifcan old 6sioncills i at none 9 lb 5 ycjiis lone 4 ii 6 eaft none 10 lb otfd 9 iione all fojcifh bcd uoeaef to r as n lilbe tun teeond he lo sire hit entrance merchant plate ok etitfonee i 10 os iniee round the coune and a distance uogbu ihe tame ai the iturfclubptirie second da7 frtdj 2d 1iimbef innkcepehs plate of eairarice 2 tu tree for all horse heats iwiecroundihecourteanda distance heierf die same ai the turf cih purse lnitkd seitvice plate of x added lo a secptxkmof 1 ickpp for alt hories bona fide im propertf of olllrer of her mjjtij calsca serte jiut oned it kjt ivo months before lr dsj f anj to be rdden tj omtera or meohbecs cf hie qbee mont el to ronto coboue ard kington tuf clubs a- tntce rovnd the coute and a distance tvrighu 3 learaotdcwlonrfilb 1 jears d store 7 lbs jjea 10 stone 7 ivt liyeara 10 ucme 121b- atei l stone hoiesbrcd in ihe irosinee allow ill i2lb liijtmtf i jtt llur i 4 0 lh wri ijlc in the fear ok jjotd i ibt second hofse to tie his state farmers purse of 11 10s for kofiea bred in the dinner hcati oree round nd a distance catch weijhi tnl ranee lot third day satvrdac 3rd srpeffjcr roval taily1ll htrdld stares ofad 10s with cto added br the club open to all horses liee round s course and a d isnec 4 leap each round hviu 3 jcar tooe lioitr2 1b it sionc ad ajul istwe geauemea r dir ladies ptvt of added to a swceptiatc of 1 1 lu s tiee outid ihe con atirf a dtnincr hwialhc aim as ibo tnitctl seveirt plate the second lf lo s0t bi 4 hlr ac jcljttti sjtffat handicap fur beatev horsed of 1 loi srith added b rbe club htau one round and a dlinee to nme and close sfler the race for the ladies purse marcs and gildings allosied 3 lbs entrance to be made and paid al mr norton turf club ion at he race course on tuesday the 30 auxust be- nvcen the boun of 2 and 4 ovw k all dop found on ihr cotrrse trill be thot the rsccs will crammcc each daj at one oclock all msiiesi relalinr to raelnlo be decided bf hr stenards acrording to the csiablishod rotet and ofdces of the club uhote ikcition lull be bull 3 the slewrds rcke lo themselves the pow er of poitponn- the acc in ho exent of unfaora- lie wraljyr 4a sampson vp ffi mldney sccrtor kmgswn ilh iulj isli great arrival spring and summer goods a o ai prices vporaucledw very extensive assort ment ok fancy and sta ple srj soobs of ihe latest imponninn is now tobnif ted public opproatn at ihe spaciou stores of ii company kingston 31 wteh remsikahlv low price that cannot fail tr exciic mivrvm romktiera- lion for ih iinforiiiiiitc brittli mautifar- lorers whn hate hcn compelled to pnrti with their goods at w ruinous a escnilce i so vast red muliiorirtti is this stock j that a will admit of part only being com j pressed within ihe inula of an advertise npfila it comprne r spring and summer mriia5r c hhwedv co hbk io acquaint their custo- gen deyk es raers and the public in eral that they are now opening out heir spring importations consisling of a targe varied and select stock of seasonable fancy and staple 13r eso0 all of which having been pur chased ai unprecedented low rales they are enabled to offer at i greatly reduced prices they would particularly invite the attention of intending purcha ldh3 costulei t0 lheir socc of gros deka o n i rl iti pies satins sattineties saxony pnmojand pian ojttm challu crtpc an 0t cloths mousclm de aricoltoiynsgontn suspn stttattirtj laines printed muslins ana cam crosilexapley bafcrels anj persians brics jinhani- regatta and printejmioiir striped jean shirtings irish lin a fhionabtc vary oflnjinnaj lama i vresrtablf lift rilir ixo x ritih- tfce liaa rtrsriy wlifli mnlsrtiir m vqmrr4 in cnns 1 fi pvee 4saew lni 1 humi lnm tm f a miiirr ufmtlimr wuft albsfevef isrfwtttfesw pf oft taj ihinw sttrt b vhrir rtuu iarr2rj nrnlmttiltrm f in m ih j nvimivf i ia kith otir trtttitii9 uait of otiivrnrs djtfra elniu- m lltvr tr itctn s fks isriileh nisu rbivtiarea r lli inptiie 9lu tkt klatdt lutieilthr ftparftrc f ih fc bjrts otrbtlas tb skbnfs inflsrai in ft mw i sw e heal it tvrt hmt nf wnhfk l ihr ulptsjvf qf f in allcrnrrat dfiancmeau fh1l ibs eikirsbai mvartaajv prrj icim njsr rrvy tfceyrriiw i0 twalih ntbrmoip- std rnnihuufns a tiftlr fal will nt fr tiaml i p i riiftvm rrstb olitwtuuhp n f viirtiaiian nf r ft patiat ttur ltrv r11 lf anm ia trtrtr m m4usniij i1rh nfrniihf toihf mltl ts4f oiitrnii ttaolfa ai nr jlmh itlif rrrtai fnnrrp apif nm wnntslf anj rmn ai wjl b molatmmirtorflr erobdw plrw vrl s sonr arr eii unl uvj iallf4 ssajf iefcfl moct s0 chatlitoo dlhtnhtion an iitvr iliflctt jitnpmirriiitlnl mrtr mofral maatt- a14p ita domiif ouid te wraliaonuinipi acrttraibftftitiminnrnnrenins la t pmalni i1 a til hi mm rpra rrrsrows wm d hu appl rnuiraftrfttt kijnn liquors and tmk svbcfibfi womld tueiilirm nf miv4te fjiriilies to his slnck of wines ifsd lrjuors prin gsff grocetuka res ctriy 4 lw mportet hy lnmselt amongst which may sauces s m eefjv im cn white linen and and grey shtrlings cotton sheetings and cashmere thilt k china cmpe chain stm aiouiresiieuine anj tickings white counterpanes gauze stawhi scarfs fod handkerchiefs fancrand plain borct rifahons thread rutland we tlkcan r dunstable scr a g v furniture cottons a large assort- ment of ribbons thread and cotton laces blonds fancy and mlliam gunr cabinr maker upholsterer and undertaker opposite he residence of h smith jr esq stoa strcrt s5lyr removal john rmaue watekmdtcr f jrmfr has removed his establishment from bis oi stand in kinx street to brock street opptitp d keillers confectionary whetein afwrlxyhe will be able to execute any orders irhis line kingston lay z 1842 882 king according lo lb cr 0 r 1 i wmehwiu craves liorses impounded rpke public are hereby notified that two x horses the one a roar and the other a bay have been committed to my pound the owner whereof i unknown anduolen tbey are cuimed by the owner or some person on his or bet behalf and charm paid thereon be fore the 7th day ofseplember next they will then besoldattbe poond pursuant tolaw john davy ponf feeder 1st concession fredericksburg in may q3rd 1812 lqzz sjtitis cfiene ajaul maflvitm collars b a first d velrete assortment 01 stocks suspendeis soms with every article connected with rate establishment as regard ihe culling and making depart ment it will ofdy he necessary tojty that the amc punctuality and attention to business will be pursued which has already placed his elab- lishment rn tho mot respectame fnotin- n b naval and military uniforms lt- ld in a superior style lost a fise gold chain pinhorsesheaii pattern near store street whoese r will return it lathe store of mr slennelt jewel ler will be liberallj rewarded kinpun jone 25 1842 103r portrait painting mr bradish offer his professional ser tics for a few weeks to ibe citizens of kngmofi they are respectfully requested to call at his studio al daleys hotel and exam ine specimens kingston 99th june 1842 i04ji the large amrinienl of chintz cambrics printed long cloths and calicoes i ver seen in kingston the ncweit styles j and same of them the time patterns r ih most costly london muslms are row sell- in al devices 4csv 1 kuell ower price than taods of this supe- elan were ever sold before i j eiavs kislon june 23 0r bale it3 on tth wholesale warehouse of ihe suh kriser front strl fhert twanay tea oits yotin hyson fouchon uchnnjc illy toas cofer dr im iljson i jn funpivrler also 2- ktseery cswtct lumuwaf uttkimi ll mali kn1in june pr u cukii y stork dry 4 o oils rcirirlr ami ktm4 shftji ae6w lha toit office j uh i fffr ihp ffl vtfmty ini vb in tie 6tfi a farm c is cla for sale concession of pitlsfattvh f 500 acres nf land ttiesoir 4v and andy loam well adaplnj for a stock farm distant from kingston 19 mites and j of a ml from the rideau canal there are 66 or 70 acres of cleared land and fences thereon with a lor house and suh- linsj the farm is ao eligible n ftw an fimirant settler pnisessed of a modi rate capiuk for price and conditions apply to the subscriber reorgk ostoaht kingston june 2l i8k iu ton races kvliiions nf ihe kingston turf club all arrangement roeietco wim the coanvj trjmiti cc to be made frith the sub seriberb stablinanl bce may beenped ancommu niealtqcif altritdcd to ioiin norton torrcibino lh wholesale t mnisswi wakkhouk wo lraftrfllttillgs strckt lobsters davkeson ilifa preserved orepared by a these lobster ats alreadj conud and pul uj in the het order n lin cases hermetically sealed and warranted to retain their ualilv and flavour for a number of years in anj cli- foralc6y josrcni b hall kingston jun l8jt ss to fffi let tgcntkelcottack siiuale mile from kinslnn arvi 2 from waterloo calleii llazelhank ronmilms of s uooms and a ure kitcheri with coach boose and ma mir ttml lu acres of lanl also a ood well of water item 15 pr annum- ajily in the ptraent tenant j f middoek fr solicitor irt chancery on the premises or at bisoflicr kiislon irtlh june le2 09l new nt id rorrry provision lrathtr storr tuk suhscitheis rcipectfislly inform the ii hahtants nf kinston that they have oi-en- 1 the chop in tfitarry strectinimrliatejv opno- vitr mi ein for store wtlh an rtxtensivi ok o the cst groceries anl every arliclv in the ilotiiou luc which ihry offer fur j on the mot reasonable terms a share of ptihtic patronage is rcsprctfullv w 1 cited ikvuse u tnwxk kingston jnnr t w2 is ml lie iii raiti hs iaifpft4 patent ft ups ur mi4 rkifniti buwrrifh lsmrtli- uhiprsre i lihjkrirx k- re m il 111 j i i4f f lo the undersigned respectfohy annoonce that tht have entered into co-partner- ship in the wholesale ommision ruymess in pmnhti above titkiibt which hnir been constructed for the purpose are both fire and frostproof spacious and well adpied ror the safe keeping of eveiy jcscription ofcoodj 0 tcaita thetjert now prepared to reeeiie exfen sire consign men 1 o w ssf either by trunof jucfion or private tcte from the respectability of the references tt the character they tiut ihev barr obtained in kingston the subscriber hope they will be a me to erve sneh satisfaction as to tfure a liberal potlion of the public pitronae merchants in genera wilt rind it advantage om to consign to ihr care of the subscribers as it is their intntin to act as a jents altogether and not as prmutvili alpked carter thomas ii bemtley kington march 101943 hkfaacncc john counter esq kingston richard scnhcll er do win wilson esq on j fairbanks esq wjieitown mr k barney do mr g kchoxft jacket ilirbor charles smith esej abraham tuakj dr armstrong j r armstfon co john dousalrmt all awls of white n coloured mirslms worked muslin cothvm capes inseninns anj elglnp satteen jtj jean slay par asols and umbrella ladies boo v shoes a variety of fanov manufacture snjiiabfc for chiliirer dowc- for gentlemans apparel the mo approved cahrir are elastic doeskins mslhournt casxineiuv impc rial drills camoons summer clmhs nml twied cashmeroneaj satin vesting fhtptrifc tt infant broad cloths and cassimeres london beaver felt and duntfobtehats mens and boy cloth cap irish ltncne ready made shirts st stocks of oil descriptions tlentlehens pumps the general house furnishing parlrneru will be found to coiiain bntssela irrpena ond scotch carpet plain and punted druggets moreens chinlx and slrijwd furniture damask and diaper table lin en with napkins to match dell pulls fringes linen and cotton sheetings from one to thrte yards tni without a jean towellings bbnketi ltrxn and cotton bed ticks marseilles summer quilt fee hosiesy haberdashery c c oilcans cloths bombazinen craptt mouselines delamr and a cenerai assort- meot of family mourning deykes co rhg to ohferve that they arc prepared t maintain the reputa tion of being one of the cheapest houses in ctatfaft and ihr extensive potronago they have received stimulates them to uvh renewed exertions a will nihil them to keep ahead of competition gterms cahonly and no second prtre kinpion june 10 12 fl9s ancy ery gloves superfine broad cloths and cassimercs tweeds drills gambroons and jloleskins black and colored bandanas stocks and vesttngs silk and cotton umbrellas and parasols n b- a choice lot of beaver hats also ladies tuscan dun- stable and colored straw bonnets king street kingston 9317i the steam packet uni messrs ljsiipi litla flint eiy 1 u in rorke t ha in em e perry ptrr pc l jusoneij eirytesq sackets alhjnv hochrmcr lo toronto montreal stevenson hath lklkvqe pietoif cohourji dn whitby ihmiuon v capt charles burns will doling the season ply between kinston oswego wellington coboor port hope bond head harbor port drintton whitby toronto and thmillon as folio flip rrwaitost to leave kingston every mondav at 7 oclock a m lo oswfo do- 7 oclock pm and on tuesday call al wellington cobourg port hope bond head harbor port dar lington and whitby arriving at toronto the same nisht i leaving toronto for hamilton on wednesday at 9 oclock a m touching al port credit and oakville nownwanns jtoleave hamillnnevery wednesday evening 10 toronto thursday at 7 oclock a u calling at whilhj port darlington bond head harbor povl hope cobm m wil- linton and arrive at oswego oo friday morning will leave oswego he mine evening after the i arrival of the boats from syracuse jnd reaeh kingston on saturdav rncrmn in time for the sirvn packets for montreal- ri the st lawrence and the kijcau and onawra ca halfi hlm vtmti hamilton toronto v v n porlhfl coburff welling tsslaul haiti 1 ivc ac c tortttostdfftr tern oyras rphat admirablv situated lotbimerly oc- l upied by bamforff notel on market l a v squre in thcrery heart oftbejrowin me- 5- h troslisof canada kingston to those who itikv the lot in question it requires not one woii of commendation to those at a distance it mrybe tutacienltostite here that tne ground in r lotion iswfeelfioolby 133 feel uvrp is in lie vicinity oftho wliarte the pom office baijt anil in fart is the finest situation in the til a hrje holel with yard and stabhn tnjrher with two stores can he erected on it am person anmous to invent money mould fim i admirpm oppoitunily vr particulars applv roost paidl to t bamkokd store strett kwgtton knrsn 5th april ims six lon oswego kington poppprsrcq cunn browne james bron ne john wtus william mitchell f clarke w henderson w h kittson a mcfaul thomas mckeever bronion crocker lewi wright james watt sykes hydrometers nde iy jnmcs adams montreal itso archarometers aqht ton sjiwbtox klnr street mrs knapp respecpully informs her friends and the inhabitants of kingtton that she haa opned a day school in the houe femerly oecupiesl by mrs- robenion on lo corner of crass and school street were rrhe purposes lo teach renilinjj writing arithmetns geography- history english irammar rhelorick na tural ond moral iiilosopby also plain anjjrnamcnnl needlework clove and bend vdtfc mczsrilinto paint- em indion japaning wax fruit and flowers krnpsion na je r s ii m caledoria water he subscriber hi made arrangements by which the publi may b fomihed mil also family gratifr r he found tas pice pickles fruiu ecr c rent varietv he also intends to keen conti- iy on banrltsmr col fish loch finr gaujafc i north shore herrinjcs alo an assortmenirfs cut and plain tiawaie such as tomhwj wiie iiases dewtersetc wholesale and retail net door lo mc bjji h t fcj riney store street robt mccnrmfck kingston igrti june ir42 nb a few thousand choice brand c also english and plaits cheese for sale br w r hvt w for sale lots number one two and threj on the east side of main street andv tendinfrom bav to union street in the ti lageplotof portsmouth neat ihe to of kinston arso lot number two on the east side of mai slreel lyinjt south of front street on porti mouth harbour forfurthcr particulars rcspeclin this vlni ble property applv to caktwright ceddes kingston mth january 1b4l w o- mo wat barrister attorney at law solicitor in clianceit f k1scston orrrckitthe comer of claresce4nj cnsi near the court house novembrr 16 1311 he above at a redcei price with its valuable kiftflrton my2stjtu2 bta properties have been vry extensively tested by the numerous visitors i the springs many of whom have testified inthe most grateful man ner their sense ofbennt derived from a use of the water the analyi by dr chilton place beyond a doubt its raie in vanotn chronic diseases a very frerj cnt cause of failure is discontinuing the use nla remedy this so far regards the caledoni spun water will it is hoped be abated by tr reduction in price the price will he boxe of three dozen 5 of one dozen 8 ld without the box 8s parties sending theit owrbottles will be fur nished at tjs per dozen i w brent agent kingtofli december 411 i4i 42aj lands for sae on lake erii to be sold pursuant tohe will of ihe late john litte esq deceased the rear parts f of im ivos 96 orrrf 5s m te first concession of the tovnvhip nf cjitiir situated within ibree cjnarlersof a mikoflh- lake shore and fourteen miles fiom amherctbtrgh and 00 hie road from that inwn to st thmas j each lot contains about if ml acres but vill be sold by actual survey a good and perfect title will be ifiven to the purchaser of the above and febcroj fioie granted toeompttte he payment also a ppimiu r mmm rf eutrs v aj terms cash for further particulars apply to ihe under signed executors or to alexr dut eso bar rister c amherstburth thomas hawkins b john brush j colchester canada west may 9 1si2 solicitor in chancery 410 notahy rublic ntxi to janes frasers frontstreet kingston t 2i the subscriber has on hand and selling at very low prices an exckllekt assortment of staple and paacy good in the new stom adjoining mr wtltanlt kixc stackt duxcan mckat- kington 26th janiiarj 181 60 boat for sale ood seasoned materials s d fowler- kington 1st jane i42 vfij l a for sale a few building lots delightfully situated commanding a chiifmin i nf the latelonj island garden island fort henrv tc stc c charles hales kington 28th jan s cu owen miller milis coach builders store street kingston amu al the old eslabtiihed stand rhtrae of doitisu a roisxign dut goods kinoston 93 o old settlers emigrants others tivo mtluoxs of acres of land of the finest deserintion in canada west i laic upprr canada are on sale by the i iv ihe in ptfj mot livomhle terms nosibte- 1 abrrtt 1010000 acres scattered throughout cvets pail of the province payable one filth rtv valuable propt for salo j i k hiw sore store in sloe street hrlon int to the subsciibf r evactly opposite mr fanesi inwells i iwwmk sloie lolher wilh the frnme btiihliu in tear the builtlin contain a stoji jrlonr dinin room 7 lel rnom 2 kilcbem and store llour tyilh rood fjeltar under slorc and divellmc lround rent only 6 5s ner annum with a lease of 18 vears unexpired improvement t te paid fnr at the evniration ol ine term or he lease renewed on the same ctwdtlion applv lo wm johnson on the nicmitr kirimon lrih apnl ispi si rmwt i ml 1 iir i daily ktivm hi lie fit knngsb hax in imh niu alulwl ajusflily fosfrhf ivrlimety rve i ilf h ti itrrriftan u 1 w brknt kin- 1 1 snhscrihrr has received a supply of the above in a line rallhv condition j ws hrknt k1114 street forty lots jf sale tllll itlnltl or n t itlork house m finii i hi vemi mimdbctwvn wtiit w t mnivrly eqnl th- tjuneiy and mr jamhv itllvll which has leen lmt out in mt imi lii 11 rv tlf mititcnwr lo whom iptdicaliun not bviuma ftfhe siason having arrived fl construttiiriorhoiie5 c i nvtim rail ihe afleotkm of ihoc who in- h a of p w the red store bclongir 1mbllm 11 t 1 r tve inuiial insialmentf ip 4ril u mfd fcrd vrcciin him ini year in the aj- alw umfl0o acres in the huron dis- v4ttr afoi 1 his hirhleot uuiluine mm frr t which are deposed or byway ofletmj ijsrst lime introduced into canada anl xo money jeered dirr ihe bents are wit ji for etteapncsxt iurahijity- ciinfirl 5pieat over twelve years commencing at id tier acre- paiabk at the end nf the riest year when the ken is are pvid the settler will iej eive a deed for ihe freehold the lt and highest kent is 40d pcraerc thcelmdsj ninety miles south of owen hay j on ppcararicci linrmi urpafed i untry prnoen en witliihg 10 luih thn h iiavi drtvitic picilu-atjrin- 3it use nmtiii iiiftirnoiirin sent ihern by sialic ihcr svmir in n leilcr poitae pa new auction commis sion warehouse the subscriber respectfully inorma his friends 3nd the public thai ht has commenced the auction and commisiion business at his old stand in store stet where he will be reajy at all tirnei 10 receive eontignment from his lorg residence in kingston and general know- leilgenf the country he confidently trust be will he enabled to transact business to the satisfaction of all parties concerned additional storage has been engaged at to wm garratt esq directly in rear of messrs ferguson 3c mcffihbons forwarding establishment wm thirkell ac k kington may js2 91 hi rgornall piano forte tlner order left n palmers apouieciry shop corner market scuare will be promptly attended to kingston april 2d sv2 4j cjalt atlo brls unondao salt lor salt j ovt for cash hv pccem lmt tstrii j adilrevcd p mvykr sfefiihe fjmford hotel kinimtn i la in birr nnv br tuaxspokt irkctt iron jiirt te m kirjitofi tone inai intemeilatr picm tbener any port on ai i schooneis iris 11tr ttcftroner in an rue vtt4t i siiseihrr eiamishi opfii 2 ate distant settlement the huron has already a population of up- wirds ol tutio ssntic full arlieujarmy he had upon appletion- ifhy letter pcl paidmo ihecompanv orficev m richard irsall k asphcnlell lol- honif district and lo ir ailing tneld wellington histricl canada companys olfice toronto k tjodeirchlst june ifti3 j98il y j a forward yurc si year ine ana in addition totlini iittnet fsttll4i- there thy hre rentrd laie and eonve- premises from ames mii r auil will ply prepared 00 tlir sppssthiaif it sa wilh steamer nnd oiher 1 mil ih trade to r ire ilewrtth to all entrusted to lheir care ft funbttf inrlii lajily at any f tw fraers quelae- mamiialhyiwn ivscolt or king ston suit to prory notickto twnkksnf wild lands in the ottwa district tjik district council of the district ol ot tawa in ijiurlerjy meeting aisrmbleilfon jtlhday of fchruaiy ituj tassed a rylawto increase the assessment chargeable on lanes in lb said lisuict which by real to r hi nil kmrhlnn vsktlhf j7tjimr 111 11 mmtki a nil mil n lank isnih trial m s- mtln illii 1 a l l- k b marpiifrsfjn cr am t ix rvntreal apnl j3 hm fffr wn me iiam illso 3tsftrr ikiiit ill tll- kill i ll i iln ilirimid hiiimiij 1 hiiri ni i m rj pi m iri irn 1 if rll hi mml wltj tt hi iiitl irrp iii tip wlnlim liaw rs t nirrth wll im 11 nth 1 m i p i ih 1 t 11 n wild on of ihe same remaining unoccupied or other cause may 101 bi returned on ihe asesois iol1 tn literal nr sum ofonk penny and one iialfpknny enrrrnry psi achk ftimuan i lvfr r two ynis fincn ihe 1st thy of january i idiert how f vetj to ahalernent of ta per cent upnn foil payments of such increanrj faie midr willun two eatenrfar nfhllhnei after tli expiration of the livo ymrawlthih wbiti ihe same shall have oc- rikeslaisd teusttitlerl unpaid hl no abatement xlsill lie iillriwil ifhr the petm i nimilmnept thn said llvliv nlo provide uail two tum pmil id use rifbl iiwbi rale shall be expi inlrt n llie impivritirnl nt ifhd itoails iil lliit witlimi ihe townships wfieie ihe ntirjhtu ht ispie lively raised ii hmkiijlhrthlfkilt imtvwii mlitinmif thl 1tr commercial bank af d votice is hereby iven that a dividend ol kojr per cent has this day been de clared on the capital stock of this institution payable at the rank and its oifices on and after uv fust day of july next the transfer book will he closed from the isth davof june by order of the roard f aharper cosnict kinpton icth may 1842 9-2-13- sal1 liverpool s h alt for sale bv s jones iooji 500 bbls june miv18 to let the upper part of that large and cow modious brick building situated rn brock street well odnptcd for a boarding house or two genteel familiee for par- linihtiw apply to the hubscnber on the pee- mm d keiller kingmon sthjtm 182 fsz stone anltelme the ubscriher having leased ihe quarries ndlimc kilns at portsmouth belnninjr to mcleod ioan be leave lo inform the public that he will have at oil times on hand o uf cr supply nf ronli stone for cutting buildiritc stone and bnlast for vessels on ihe wharfal so n conctanl supply of pure welt burnt lime and on the mit reasonable terms all nrderc prompttv attended to anouotmeteon portsmouth fth may ik42 t0s very superior table ueer in wood con stantly on sale hv joseph nhail hiijjlan junr wt a choice as50ktment of hiom and principe seats snuft and tobac co to he had at the khycstojv cj1b depot store james hone kingston 9th february 184 64r tiik chronicle sl gazelle is published every wednesday and satur day at the ojhce coiner of kifiand brock street kingston u c terms per ortnunt 7icenjtr satlrru in cdianee fn of aswissavssawa six lines and under l 6d tirst insertion and 7j each subsequent insertion ten lines and un der 3s a first insertion and lod each snbse- nuent insertion above ten lines id per line for the nrst insertion and id per line fores try subieque til insertion advertisement without written directions in terted ttilfcrbidt and charged acco iniy it is rroucsfed that oil ahretttvmcnts he rvindcd in on or pmiom to 7ucfsfru and fri- rfsy evening none received after 1 rs oclock or the mriuini of publication a liberal discount made to merchants nd th en who advertise for three months and upwards any person procuring six sobtrrihej- to the paper and paying unnualty tor th sameshall be entitled to a seventh copy croi u country produce received in pavmeft at the market price agents the mcmahenesq wj mckay es- d cameron f m henry jone esq gw baker esn samuel clarke esq thomas scon p m joseph a keelei esq thomas demorest esq p anderson esq ameiivbureh bath belleville brockvillt by own camden east cnbonrs col bo me lemerctvilr ftcderieksbntgq messrs cs j mcdonald can noque john taylor esq haljmand wm rorke esq pieton william macintosh esq linnster george broose esq matilda andrew port cows esq chailrs biar tso allan mcpnerson esq dviitson esq alev fras allen p m david smart eq aluheus jones kaq jobnscwell p m w bnhermn esq irnrfc lvon esq i- mcdoiiell rnq k mcmiehuelp m james shaw ksq jnhn robeiison m rhs iierey p m nell nltiait esq archihtd mrfnnl fsq 1 menivrrttksa sidnry wainereq 1 tameron p m j prysdale p m puncan mactarlniid iv won rvra rii r sffpinei 1 montreal mm ray nanmce niaram perth port hope presvott im ee river trent riddneni hu andrews shinneoville smitl fulb thre- river toishim vastllwh hill well in jjleii wriin1iti wilon itelbmlle franlttwvti vnnuibit iiok m in ie mriie

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