mil chronicle sl gazette is rraii mmut a ml is ml mhi aimit t i n it i r i rtftnv wconcoday saturday t7 w tfimav we lav abotc tt mi will fofiilwr lctiir nlhcf lo0tliattl taftlrn mvd br flsfwajtfvw u llc amount an llir lunr tutmntaj hit 9i runts ron rcitcv joiifl chkhmitox r prutefjhvcrtntihfhtk si uvmrf uf a arr i eascrtiflr and 7j tarh tuwriumt in- eclton tc n imt bihi uitdrr 3 j fat iiti and ld irli iubequi ht litaertioit over icahrifa i 4 per line brat insertion and id o n cm subatqurnt inaertjui aittranutwy mnrttwmtnti frantrunzmqr irrttir titomrs mutitjmtifr trat iaortnttttiort letter press printing chronicle aictte and kingston commercial advertiser wee iicg 11 poflo scj utrooao i vol xxiv kiho8tok1 canada naturday june 3 is13 fko 07 iiuomcli 4v aritiv stationery warehouse 011 oj iig k 1101 ttlfttr atltost w her m t hatautli on be ltd an klultltl m elt i- l- slocl of writing papers fvojft suvt it a to rwi and ttflffl ertiale ihr mattaftrj line blank books scho books ilc in all u branches earned on el lit above ee- tamithmcnl siaprriftl ha mar i ilin full operalirfi by which blank bookl c an to rut d lo any pattern and in a style infriiorlftflone i the combinofwn of printiso ofrlcs hook hisbery and stationery wareiiousein mb avcuojnwenl gin if o decided tupcrioritf in point 0 ntrotr 0 dafim and deipaleh chronicle guttlf office t kindlon canada new summer goods at till glasgow warehouse whole and retail t rvineesj sttttt fiv cwimr btftafcni a xhsj kerr waddell co rospcchaily intimate lo ibe inhabitants of kingston end surround a s country that ihy hart now oprn for inpfction a ir an uell 5ckcld wrmntof fancy and staple drv goods direct from cbow minthrslef u4 indon comprt5in rrv article in beir line which have all toen bought for cath they fee confident lhat no lioutf in briliih norlh america can supply the puttie at lower rates k w co would take this opportunity of rrurnin thanks lo their fnenrls and the public morally for the liberal support they have reenved since they opened this branch of lhet business and from the novelty style and quality of their slock they hope lo merit a conlinoarcraj public patronage kington miy 17 i5m3- flfc lost between the turnpike gle no 3 and tat village of bath on lundaj the lu inl n clj i- i l -i- pqcktt tfroaitcd nilhablue vtrin eotamin omonj other ptptr kie ndtta nntandfur ofvrhitu n- i jy janairun p parrou nd laae f attchllne and pijable to me dated liih daf of maj tuiuiit aud araewil 10 xl49 r- 6d ad one note aatmt are coptland for 13 ioi h a on cilt ilned by d par rot i and 4mfuinr foeac lo oj uiihoihn frt of no ialii sate 10 the ovoce ah mmont are krrvbf forbad pir- said n s fti ptrtit ij- j fi j- il ff jr td piclut boot and i coaefbli to me at mr mtrhael aii- 11 r- woollen factorj 1 be 1 troll re- wuded prter asselstjne kooiu pupcr a large quantity of ttnom pajr choice pattern just received by the subscriber from new york w eales kindlon my it s3- 9btul galvanic platidggildliig iije suhscriber bes to announce hut bf u uflvr prepared 1o pute or uilts any r 1iee y man of the gilvamc linrittv i imir nilver jtoip and viks enn by tbit iioc ksb mile rxelly 10 resembb tine silver nd th ihirkimss of lb jilvci plating iua- t i i -n- rtuiirr ll 4iicb of plated ware can be repltd anri sifver chain spectacle kycldses fo- ace m nrll 44 hpileu s ami lace irovei il with a eoatm of pure silver or gold plsci luojeiale wm stennetp 54iytmifji onf r ifwfrr r iruem wrotf kington may 15th 1843 sfiui srhhsl rltldlng lots onlhe properly tojopit5 to colooel koiter adjoining ihc vfl- keofprlimvuth htia bt tetmt eaf ailvto thos klftkpatttlck kihston april isih lo3 xqtjce- british aim ric a fire kife assvaanci comfany jiifaorsr6y aft flfptirliamrnl foonfn- fonu martt fuuonfc this company will he prepared on ibe j5ih instant lo take lisks in the mmauie difimi as entwwerel by act of the provincial lejimiie 6lh viclnria cap 25- the rates ol premium and oilier information may be obtained at this olticc 01 nf the undvr menuoneu who bjvo befit appoiuiid ajnu of the company an auilimtaeil io grant assurance either in the fire or maiine depart ment in the name and on behalf of the com pany viz john macaulay staid joskpii wenham votfreof william stkvkn hamilton by 0jeruf the lion rd 1 wbircham jutoflffav zucefor brilbb amcricn ssurance otbce toronto 19th aptit 1813 great reduction of prices while tlny respectfully solicit conlm- uance of ihm liberal suppoit received by their predecessor c w- dfennan ci co- be to announce lhat 0 mate room for sftfwi imporiationv thev will commence on aedne day hit s6th iat- to offet their present ex- uosive stock of fancy and staple dry goods for csh at prices o greatly reduce that they cannot fail to render it particularly worthy in hawcuiajj princess strert april lsi3- 81 r q v n retyea surgeon dentist hay be counted prolesionliy al the lambton house- kingstoo apiil 7lti j8i3 the albi on tha profhetor ofthe jtbio haa dturmined to orinl a part of the edliion of that journal in a more convenient foro fvr btndiat in ordtr to ineel the vttnea of aoovc of hit snbtciberi the tbaage arlll commeikc ivith u10 r umber of ihe paper pub- liahed lhia davand all near tubieribera am rcueat- ed to hale the att thee prefer intending subaeri bcra lo the amaller ait ahoutd avail themaelvea im mediate of the opoortunil v of en r r the fini number pubbtbed in that form the oir 1- 1 1 i r 1 v appeared in the oionofsat lawhati poatrnlt of nelson 1 we hare a i r to announet that we havo dhj an arrangement frith mr dtfk to en- rare for tbe albion erjjlanda grealevt naval he ro the immortal nilson to be eoinpkted on the lit or a neau the plate itl ba very larye and nearlj doubu the utt ofoor ptevloua prodjc lions it mil be executed in firal rale l in beau liful irne enriavinf oa aleet like that of her ma jeatj the queen ao well knowu and ao pooulir amorf ibe oumerooi rtitr of the albton on the receipt of ibe plate from mr i- we shall in m t d rrc i w h put it to preif and as uival present each of our rtadera wuii a cop prke to noa-oubseri- bert man the fouoarinj as a abort notice of a net piper boot l0 be i j from the jtbtw oftice t th k queen of the isles thia new vttkif journal will appear nett areejf it r- il be a laree and beautiful paper coualtlio of f m i j pages of close and neatl printed mat ler c good paper lie objeot will be to five a faithful and comp- beiuive vkav fne froo at oart apirit or local in fluenee of the affairs of the brittah lalea political commrrcralt cultural and manufieturmj to etne wijh inteveatinf trials and police intelligence the artalra of the turf aod aportia malura rcne raltr will ba recorded the opinrona of ihe preaa of adverse partrrt and the local ewa from all aria of k i inland scotland and wales tvlil duty noticed and placed before the rradrr the paper wilt be eapecj ii j prepared for and adapted to the vac of the briuah rcsideota on thii continent il will be different from the jiiiffn or any otaer jpnma tvrpna rfrrr fatlart mr enram auf to tbc regular luuciuera ofihc ilcion it ntlju- aieox ed at the loir price of one tfotfor of all ibe ftferory journal publiahcd on thta continent ibe atbion ia unqueattonablv the mut rnlereatir ualhe bitith reader aod from the inim with which the enigritf ait conducted while un do the cuouol of doctor barilett there can be no doubt lhat the qtif of hit will aland proroi aenllr fufih in the oral rank of nevmpapcri for ihe anallavm of 97 in advance the 460 and queen of tht hu will be furniahed for ona rear t i i aj the ation qvtttrf and tha portrait of ntuen thtae are eclaiul real inducemenla lu lubicribe the beautiful annual called the albion oallery ia irrn as a oonue lo every new aobarriber to ihe albbon it conlaina aeeen tpttndtd rrujrtovlnr with latter proaa deaeripuona bound np with taste aud rrtjace ano j a vf to arji ala prodoccdthikaeaton the ptatea iqinuannti a eonaist of the following queen pieforio hvilntrfer aoey stun trtt aew iseuaea of parliament tat jtiubr of u7j- iiftffon banjaam pauut oeneroi wuk- fatap a supplv of the annual bay be ejipoetod a a svoetr oe tvro foe deliver and in the meaatiioe io t aabseribrra and olbera may inapeet a copv on application to the uoderaifoed john cftelghton jgtni cbrwaku gaaelle office kmton may 6 1 843 notice by i mm rdialr attr ouoo at this owke lau e oc four gentlemen of qmet babta can meet with comfortable board aod lodging in a respedable private familyon moderate terana the houae is pleasantly tiuated c so act or aeasr the sl ceorgea aawmbly boom tiluatoj in wellington late quarry tfirttt for particular enquire of has hobrough taron goseffe offict kingaion may 5th 183 89 post office notice as the covers or wrappers of newspapera tat by lfao pear arc eort apt lo get rubbed and destroyed n tbeir transport upon tbc long routri tbe drpuiy fostaaaater general bcee to point out to prioltra aad otbera tha advanlaga that atloods llut precaution uf pulling the addreva upon lb mil of the paper aa well aa opon ita cover thia is e a- peciauf neeesaary with naavapoper intended for the halifei pacjiet from the month of october to may incluaive general potofiee qoebee 26ah april 1843- six mutual fire insurance company of the midland distict- tktotlce il hereby riven thit the annual in metting of the said company for the purpose of elciin- by ballot i jsz recr tbe ensuing ilt hrmjm coqti house monday aothori hjlut of u pit4rtjwjjgg sccfcorj 1843 w li losise in the town of kinajati on k 5th june next at r oclock nooju ilies to voe by poxy must be i kingston mth a fct femtl butter for sale towmirwm waaja iv li apiil ilih lights shadows of factory life ft 3rf to sell cheapor cash one foukth of an acre of land situated near no 1 toll git tho pro perly of the late john scrivent for further particulars enquire of charles hobrough executor kineto may 9th 1843 kingston marine railway the subteribera bavlnx purchased from tbe jfinfffon iawfawj jtwiroy cpamf the whole of their stock on bond aud laaaeo uir prcca iaet ciaalis of lb ship yard and two rajlweve which are lo eoaaaiele working order am ready to uoderiaka all kiftdt ofshipwn work euxldinj and fupaifin frooa ihe lony eipcrieoce of one of tho partea aa practical mawriail and ftuildee ihae mftftdeotlj tniil that ibey will be enabled to uphod the character for rood work earned for this lab- ilihotrnt be the lau mr 6oa and bt alriel alien tionio their buaineaa eniplovini aone but ood ateadv workwen aio tha ulmoat deapaien and chanm aa low for their work aa eao reaaonauij bo eapcu iboy ar detarincd to f gu- hugh hooo kingston april a 184 a vat sate on commiwion two aupenor lant boats and first rate plraaor sailing boat warranted bj bar owner not to have her supenor in tha proviocc he subscriber bet to announce to ihe fumic 0 ha baa cotaraevveed work on has own at lheat in the bailnaj yard hre he itf james bodcer k a wanted aafctrsibaiwb t globe hotel for families and gentlemen by f ii jub1em lata bead cook te ilia cicellenev sir c barot prxmtu strttt tate start strttt ut door to j walking t co this hotel being entirely new has been 6tted up in a style which for neat ness and comfort cannot be excelled by anv other establishment in the province the table dmtote being entirely under the aoperiqendmce of mr jjue public may rely upon its excellence both a regards ihe cookery and the of its supply gentlemen fre- qutntin this hotel may limit their expend tuf as in ihe coffee room which is conducted in the london style every article of retrci-b- meot is suppled otofdwe tbe price of each article being extremely moderate and the ex cellency thereof will bear comparison with any of tbe first rate restaurateurs of paris or lon- dor- tbe wines and litioan have been carehy elected and oblatned from the first houses in london and paris kindlon may 9th j43 90z ptflo be haffled for al head quart era eor- jl nee of brock and wellington streets by i membera at four dollar a ticket a r patavraw aaavtwotfe pianfotu f- b notice wilt be aenl to tubicribcrr nhaa the hit iafull kiagstoo maf gih 1843 9 notice a llperaonaindebtrd lotbe subscriber for j purchased at hi store to bath will e lease call and settle the same at bis store in illusion as no oibet person is aulhvtitro to re ceirc the same wm wilson amgston ma th 143 tq lpt fglhe cellar under tbe mm- store in mr m h ii new buildirte vtartou street jl i 1 front entrance and wtlj aoiwrr for a shop and dentin enquire at the mui store jfineaton oth m 1843 99s h m bowker orricc ovbtr mk nckr dacccist shop mr 0 respectfully brgt to refer to dr samp ondr baker nd her j machar the laadies arc reanertfully informed that tbe sub scriber has just received a select assort ment of women and misses french kid shoes and a very superior desripliou of pninelli tpcc jwaa aaioitment 0 ladies india rubber oscr isnoes a itre assortment of childrens shoes all of which art offered at unpiccedented low prices gentlemens india rubber oyer shoes ins received aitd for sale j a thibodo kingston april 29 1s43 87z stejhboat notice the splendid steamer capt maxwell has during the last wialcr undergone a thorough rtpait and is now fitted up in a stylt equal lo any boat on tho st lawrence will commence plying between kingston and coteau lij lac immediately after the opening of the st lawrence canal at coruwajl kingston may 9th 13 i notice timber ship for sale to be sold by auction at dunntilie cram ritrr lake iieon ihe j5lh june next ii not disposed of by priraio contract before that day tho hull of the steam ship l ronto formetly fiencral pomer sound strong and to ood older eeery way calculat ed to make an excellent timber vessel suitable ancbnts and chain cables can he bought with her if required dlmktfseoxs length 147 feet breadth extreme 29 ft depth of hold 9j feel draft of water 4 feet toinjcc 343 further particulars may he had al the nataf department grand river lake krie kingston yarl 12th may1s43 91 britfab whig will pleaae copy and charge to thii otcs a card the subwcribor htp to intimate to hi fncod and the public lhat he im nov returned from europe and ia ready lr attend to ihcir calls and will he found a uhtiaf to wear the old mttto quick salt and prompt rtturns an has been his practice for the bat 10 yean j linton kingston may 13 1s43 9lz notice a meeting of the members of the batk stkoot society will be held in tne aca- deroy on saturday the twentieth day of may proximo at tbe hourof is oclock roon for the purpose of electing a president secretary aud three trustees agreeably to tbc act of incorporation b seymour wm j fairfield ezra d priest w j ickay peter davy tuih 15th april 1013 83 loi ready made clothing xhe s ubecf ibe r grateful for tho pau ronage ho has hitherto received res pcctfully intimatca to his prienda and the public that he has removed to the aland lately known an iho sydenham saloon where be will keep on hand 0 rcnorel at wrtroent of iiawy wade clothings and wbre ho will bo happy 10 rwceive a vrii from his former pouooo geo brown king 12th may im3- to let ok to be sold with immediate possession given a commodious family resi dkncef sitried five mile from totvn on the n4nanee m road the house cont ltvrnt tnl dininz room j seven be1 roomst an rf llcnt kit- chen a pantry sf im s0l lar theie are al cwtfmimi outbutu ings consisting ol hitchj for ffcolrn du ring the summer i stable for three ita a gtirlih hotrse t zo6 barn ther a wo pums tiih an abundance of go- brsw tbe man of securing at all w plentiful supply of rain water tv u asoul eiisht acn ol land attached tol ptoperty mcjudin- a vty ornamental shtubtry anj a mol rzcf4oiil garden for particulars ibieoffic kindlon may si 813 cz cottje to let acenterj rough cast collage situate on wesingion stfoet beartv ftoevj containing rpsnmtrnta well rnvu iftttd for a rerfpecbc family rent mod trate apps 10 kingston may j lixtox s3- da tdrpenvine cheap f casks jtrl received and for sale at 1u is pet ttjirat alao 40 boxes pmiis w flvils anil a jarre and klccl yrortment 01 nui x thibodo kingston may 1813 9lit steam betveex nkw york and mverpool great west e rn reducticc1 of fares per great wesuern steamship ult j ifokljn ju v romxakdct lavctt afar ler tbiftf v tuibeastenwdle favt oaa aear lor j one hundred dotr i steward ftv hi is iitst lp to aart fnn bft voste rj 1 ivoanri salunfay apiil 29 saturday june i saturday august j saturday sept 43 from new ttrk foft liverpool thursday hy 25 thursday july 13 thursday au 31 thursday oct 19 for freight or passage from naur york to lirepool apply u bk altjtlandkco agents f r motatstv qftare mm smoataaaht may 10 for montreal direct a 1 low tlltlt 1tamooat wijcllt v robert gilpira haslcr ill leave gaxtv wharf hincn rjj taesdaj afternoon al 2 oclock ganaueqoe do 5 da brock ilk do 11 do freseou and 0deofburxb weeoaj morning j octocb cornwall oclock and arriee at montreal aarre ajitaiie rtoppine at coteau du lac aod beauharaoiecai orwaao witlleaeeh jones otcoaanrc canut whaif montreal ercry thursday afteme at 6 oeler lacwne friday aoroinc early arnir- al ejtown saturday wnkliace ah uilllkavc iomrdtalely for kasavmw this boat propelled by oor f rtr itar ea coa aoperaor angular enyoe a d u ore of ihe featcst boau tuakin the trip to ad from mentrral she u fitted up with coaafgitablr cabin mannid by an obliinj captain an rsperatierd filot aad carcmcrew erery attention oe paid to tw cemtart and convenience of faawtfeft apply to itfes lonelv or j il greer tlkiston li et s joneh jbroekijte li jones k caw montreal kaocaton may 1843 olive oil tyf gallons superior ollvt oil ftr n p kingston april 2stb stt bgbi to be let and immediate ibtrtsrton rirenj thai large stone house in warnefiem with cokii house stables root and ice house and oiher olfices also an elegant gardnt well slockvd uilh fruit of a supeiior desciiption furnicrly occupied by the otore kcrptr general and now in possrssionof aifjulani general uuljocfc apply to the propiietor walter vicunipfe kinslon april 2j is13 67x new confectiunary thk blbcklber mosi trpetufttlly in- form his friends and culirh thai ho has removed his establish ment to ihe market square in the samelujijin with ms john murray where he will cowliftaq ii buine as uftial and in older to enable l4 0 fft m similar buiiuess in montreal hn ba enarol lite services or his brother in u m jokph wheeler who will be found ti g ntutt 4lisfaetion to orders enttuitty i0 f i takes ihe present npporltinrv u relmninff hi mosl aincrrc thanks to triose fajii hithcrt supported him and h with tie same ausnfin te merit a conti ois pa iron a len my 4th davin 1841 kf-ilier- ifi cheap store second door below the post office wo 7 prlnceasst fflnsston just arrive j uirccl al ihe above siorr a large and vei selected stock of ibo filfowing anicra west india goods sic c 100 boxcaof ordngcaand lemony 30 drums ci fig 50 boxe of malaga rajiirtio itfind 1- boxen 5 cases went india preserxoin jar 10 boe of prune groceries a superior article in sugar tcaawine mj liquors lso a fine article in fancy french liqueurs lemon syrups rotbcrry do slrawbcny jo pine apple do sam- pff iis a iucftor ortiohf in tobacco ad ct7 ciidibh plug nnj nailrod and jrtit nfirly a surterwlot ofjeenuin hjvanapnrtipc anj regalia segarof iht tlitiircst brand tltrecl from the i inponcrs a few rose preserved oyten ondlob- willow and blouses anj go da ccntlcrncn straw vm lf mmti and a fesv nticf tweed coai rr j carrlthers mjy 17 is43 tin new whotmle kslablishmtnt uc sybsrnera hove removed lt m4a feej rr 4 rji f ihn ullnu cu w here l hi are now open ing out their spring importations which they will ttcll whntewle only ftr coh or approved credit c kennedyc kingston islh may is3 l l6i received scfor sale by the subsciber scales of fine mocha a few caiea of mcrachmo cttraro eu oa vie dr oatite and other linuaura awo- a few tiercea brihl and dark mutcorado sugar jo barrel ontda salt w simpson ontario srcir yoihjlat l13 03 for sale english grate and nmith coal tarhy the harrel archal mai kerol no 2 flic alov will lie od 2l cost price for cash app ly ol llic quebec forwarding com pnnv store ktncmort20t1imay is3 93m princess royal saloon received a few dozen jar ft served oytfrf nod lobalers oran- uj 0awvkr f aj fkmr o ttj french liqtirtin- j carrlthers kingston may 17 1343 ftz coal jvew spring goods per ships great britain cale donia and hrly deykes c0 in announcing their second display this season of new goods wo4d re mark that tluir assortment embraces every description cf dry goods to be found in an extensive establish ment additional supplies tut con- tinucto arrive until the close of the navigation the whole of which will be offered to cash purchasers at the loto est prices tliat goods of a supirior fa brie and fashioiuibu style can be im- ported an immense variety of ladies and childrens boots and 80 n b term- cash cjiy and no second price kiriioa ma 20 1s13 93s to surveyors or unglnccra for sale a superior new level by dshxaapj with all the motlhiuimprorr- mertts allowed by judirrs to be the lvm in slrumentef the kind in the province apply lo h e n1culls toronto piice 20 cash eol lis sutlin toronto may 15 1843 tfj st ikoiiu hotabalf ivellingtm tttle qawrry stretl mr ii a mills respectfully announce to his fiirlids and the public thai he has rcopened the above house which tus ttnder cone a thorough repair and is now ready foi ihe reception of travellers mr m has saved no paint to rendrr bis itouve f uitaltle in every respect for his business ami tiopvs to ain the approbation of the tra- vellin- community by ihe ten i ton the able will bo furnished with the best viands ihe market aftoids ami ihe bar suppli ed with liquos finrn iho richest hranrlr com modinus stone btable are attached to the premises hotcs anv can aes constantly on hand for hire n b at the leqattal ofsevcial gentlemen mr mi has made ajnrifpamais fur the con tinuance of ihe free and easy which will be opened ererv saturday evening at soclock kinttoimjy lath 1813 2j uitm 1 li al ibis i ihe 6 jvatice to contractor tenders will he received at the oifice of the board of works kindlon until the i6lb of jtine next for pilatfejn iwcniy rive rnilcsoftbe wclland canal including the deep cut also for the masonry e of the aqueduct ovev the wellam river and lhal of the locks at port dalhotisje sl catharines allanburh ami poti colborne plana and specifications can be sen after the 5ih jnne ocxl either at ibis office nr al the wellan enursedfener fomhrvvlbttcyane thomas a wycv v stcrtlary board nf works kionton 18th may 1813 j 9p itoardins ilouscf smtuated in a very pleaaanl pari of the 7 town only one door above ihe scotch church and out a short walk 0 ibe parliament house where a few respectable boarders may meet with good accommodations by applying scon to mrs- lapish kinston may 18th 1813- 94i wines liquors ano gro ceries the subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has commenced in the above line in thr premises on ontario street formerly occupied by mr joseph bruce and hopes by ihe keeping of the vciy it a strides lo merit a share of public patronage john sffrachak kingston tttnd may 1813 h ice ice ice fnhs nndersitneil in returning to his nn- jl mcrous customers his thanks for their past generous and steady patronage heps leave to intimale that from luvins made nan ctea sive arranemtnls be will he enabled durin ihe present aon to aitord them a daily uppy of iceon very reasonable aud moderate term delivered at their tesuectlfe residences it is particularly requested that all who may feel dipoied to encourage him in his present under takiti- will please leave their names at ihe viciotua saloon in kins street in order lhat no dif appointment may lake place either a to tho quantity icquired or thr tilace of delivery john belanger kiojilon may 2 1w3 94ii iakc ouinrio and hicc lake uoadu tenders will be rcrired allhisoice until 10th june next for the excavation ot ihe eitlhwork im culveiuollhe lke ontario and rice lake road the tender mtthl l in the form prescribed printed copiri of which may he had ofi appli cation at the qificeol n jl bafrel kk co bnut- o1 w the 0tice of the board of vorks iininon tbc entire lenclli s itvidert inr four see- tinna which are maikcd out on the line of roif hy latjje p-5u- the length of each section with the detail ed meatuicinrnt ot tli several clasrs of work and other ittsil ate paitieulily sl forlb in ihr schedule atltcli1 n the farm above al- linled to and ihe tmdei fit thr earthwuik are to ktale thr hid k sum fir which it is pro posed to ecvte the section or sections in atrirt acrordance with the specification thetendnsforihe culverts are instate the price pr ctioicoofof timber and per nm drtttfttl suprrlicial of inch pine plank for which it i propoteil 10 buihl the culverts and lire i loemsrjce the coat of excavating untfation anf placing ihem comptrle in ihcir berths ami iclillin around them the tenders are to h aresed srcrela- 1 ry to the board of woilcs kmcstin and n- rored tender for thr rice lake road thr y must have attached to them the names of two solvent persons who ar willint- to b- coie aecutity fur the euc futnlment nf the cofirael i thomas a peglev cerrery board of wrrlore 1 1b mam sit wi confectionary store the subscriber would most respoetfutty inform the public that ho has purchased lite stock c of mr u keilterand will con tinue the business in his own name and trusts by atiiei attention 10 merit a continuance f the veiy liberal palronazc extended to mr kciller joseph wheelefl kingston 2th may i ml point a oaoau mrs ferns la to nfurm her friend- and tbe pubtk lhat tie haa rrerlied from loudon her saving aufplt of ladiaa and cbmjrcni boots ano shoes a few doien ccrth nurna boon ard shoes kiiiarto may 27ih 143 wl new musits at the music store wellington street the sl6sck16er rcapectlully informs tha public ibal he baa jutt rrccircd a large aiert ment of ttic nffcal and oiott faihionabla muaic also two splendid fiano rortc5 treat taricly of other mmtkbi ufiruaarru a nordheimcil kifipiontih may 1 43 ox royal mail stcampackels 1las3s ktajbii the following arc tho arrange menu fur the seaon of 1s43- bttwtn kingston a toronto ratnc98 rotal carr caxcavtm sovereigncamaw elmsltt citv of tor0ntocaitai5 dice fmm kingston at etdil oviock ettn- tn monday thursday vfilncess royal fmm kingston ar eigm oclock even- tnp tpcaahr ond frijst sover eign from k 1 ngston at eighi oviock e en- inp wejnettilair and saitinlar cit of toronto and arrive al toronto early next day the above steamer await the arrival nf tho montreal mail at kingston from toronto at tivritwclock noon monitor ami thurvitoy so v foreign from toronto at twelve oclock non timjay and friday- city of to ronto from toronto at twelve ovlock noor wrhnifrtor ond saturdav pbinccss royal anj arrive at kingston eoriy oeit morning the royal mail sieom pockets roll at co anurg anil poftt hope each tvoy vaii rfffjfr nllhe ria nfihepwh rj uncia rrtnajlv hitoked anil paj cor kingston april is43 93 lake ontario lch3 the steampacket union captain c- duflhsf wl l l dutin the season ply between kingslonjoswego wellinion cobourg port hone bond head harbor port darling ton wrtitby toronto and hamilton m follows rewanof crot kinston e m at so tmaday call at wellington coboor port hope lond head hatbor port d-miin-tck- 1 whitby arriving at toronto tbe same night leavin toronto for hamilton on wednesday at 6 oclock a at toachingat fort credit and oakeille do wx wards to leave uamiltcn every wednesday even ing toronto thuisday at 7 oclock a at call ing at whitby port darlington bond hrad hurbor port hope cobouri and wellington and arrive at osurego on friday morning will leave oswego he same evening after the arrival of the boat from syracuse and rrattsj sjiv- f4thm fwrlfflfl h wf for 1 he steam parkns fur montreal ita the t lavrtence an ltiileau and uttowa canals accnts am rcrcrcnc3 cvss daowke hamilton james linoivsi t uuuuiun i joitsr wcrsn wliitbv w miicukix porl dartinlen f clwuiki koud head harbor w i i y pott hope wi m kitisorr cohourg broxsom cxoeaen oswego jjis il gkccr kingston ktnttonmay 5lh i43 1 843- bay of quinte steamgoat akkanjment prince of wales captain chy5lcr kivgston captain harrison- will on saturday the 20tb may com mence thrir rearlae tripaou ti- bay of quiote performing seven trip each week aa follows leave kinslon every monday tuesday vrdnesdavtid fridav mom in t at 9 oclock and every friday and saturday eeeninj at 7 oclock leave belleville ever monlay toeaday wednesday tbtiisday and friday momini at 7 oclock j and every fttdiy and saturday evening al 7 oclock 1 the head of the bay on monday wednesday and saturday morning the boats on leaving kinjalon will atatt from greers wharf kingston may 1813 books k plain x fancy stationary thk subscribers aie now teccivine their spriisasopply 1 writing papers account boots fancy suiionary and books to which they would be to call tbc attention of the public il will bo found to be exceed ingly varied and many of the article at prices considerably cheaper than tax mrtly the atock of school books and books generally is al present very exten sive and to patties pore basing in quantities liberal discount will be marie ramsay armour co kinslon may md 1813 94 h notice a respectable private family is ftv sirousofenfirte a few gentlemen tore iide with them the situation of the houeis healthy an i pleasant the rooms commodioas the comfoiu of ahone may be expected for 1ataviookvt tomet the lomet of ihe advertiser can besecn ilmjotrated with ellvl aonaviwoa kinpahmay 160 95 irvlafaea tresh okangcs just reeeied at dumbles confectionery