c i fmo l lit ti10nicle gazette it htftk fr it nnhiinh a tux iricr vimin ok iintl j vim k rtt r mttut4lfh af i i h f rymly wontsday ft catufloav frhi foiiy htfuj rrr fpjm itjtttt mayiwjif ttrty jtafrlrfjriwa xa jwrtifh nil ifniii 1 rift uihimfcf thtiuu1 it srtvifi imcj he fwutudtil iiihitiul it jnivuul fi the umv iribtl tinititfc roriv ror rics- joux irt ku1i htr vvr af frrif nc nfr sii line and undrr e a tn firl iiifcruon atj ttj caifi ftubortfucrit in- irtiofl tcn1trro and wider 3 4d aral mtrrlicm anj 1m c ach tubciiirfit inacrtiotiotrrr un unci 4f per line tint intcriton inj 1il p tine racli ww insertion m mrtrtiemtt frcm tactr oi jrrrtf fa r tuffloifr ar kfwtf amwrd letter prcat printing chronicle ette and kingston commercial advertiser nc fft nee po 5cd vol xxv k1wcstos canada wbotfliay december 13 813 no 48 stationery warehooie where i kfl csausttlr h aa d 10 fi- wtlt nm m oek v writin8 papers from frbvor kojol 1 v etrr onla the slitwtif iiih ala bunk b00ks scho books ilc tttvbi o2sraua in aii it branches carried on altbeabovo fa- ubliihmei t auptftfh muling machine sin full operation by which blink hooka caji be i r pattern mj iii i llvlf ifffmgiufkuie the conorion of printing office hook bindery and stationery warehouse in thit ivitamuamtn gi if o dtrtded jupenerify in omj o ororp defrsri and ovipafra chronicle ac caxtlle office j km n canada scrokllaor khm sandss sausapaulla for fv rf r afwf v r i if ruc of ait jitawi aoil ov ijicmamwy ifi urtt hiiftibmittjnbiint litvr f ru i ifct itrtlrf 9fj fcrijiiuptfr wi nj hit t f lh haflf bftil jp nil smvwrit uiiib lfpftriluc iypuinn rrc of i m lift a r ihmi miiah vilf1 will w t4tf 4 v tbrt fpfrilmm vrtfrii f 4hjf f i cntinfril an iho imtith i p rtidnftftj mllli rfs lftmt jm tvf v fb it 1 1rr4 off 4r pridtaliuj c uwltj tvm lirnr ii wc uk fwmrfli ijwf lit pfci ivtnif ttjrv hw ihr nitj lfiiv hull bkfli rcivtitt4 hfr i tntirt 1 tfknii uir 10 it hkwljfr gf itif kfimb ijium m brllh hj jl h tfivftttt ht1 itthclk4h 4v tit iftinl hw ti itit4fiunltn kutjlr itl frjrfwitdii 1 atlbe incimmil ta lrr npim lp mdtmf rfrln br frrrl i i thtwufh fllf j ihu rmfcil of prkhl drtfa much tlvftut- vptht 1 itifft fc oon f t 1 ci- cr vtni vcthf 4fi iiititii j twtdrr vf it trm rmtitf bnr ull tflrr 4 jitmhth r 0ifv 10 vtif lithi rtcjl1io mfl wli hlvfta- mail hi ml uifllitl bttftili a in t pur tlic vnim mily i nhji f ifmimin ftml fcrt h mltiwv a dtrtet 0i ipu iimm i lt auarrr hi ffwil ip f out n f tfrillt ibfi orrito f inlcllitl irftiltns iil ii hul tu sj ijtpfn1tb htiil ithftin mfmlbl i i wl iht jwfcl th tintp utuih j winers cnurourrd via- or morehound bt hivm colituhtpl plufujk kmwnut hih 1 1 bf4i r rtbifl uu ii kuiloo n fcoiiopii b d w ftrflict- tmnmj rptpionn fbn imm ron ttil f e auh tortnr of lvp lilftp 0 ih4l 1on 1 ii 4buujr biuin kiktnat bfic fcrer i 11 t up nf anmei f mm ilviam mj it la nnflf mate rbii ipa on or ib n l ir tcbti fbib m uro oyrv in n ib in tb fc lm irm ofl tnmpl httt ff r i ii tb iiummim m flici pt i- i rri bm i of iv 1 iulhuu rkh lo atifl pi 4 ion mtf boo rtiforuj u ii t poncfb iod pumaftflt -rirv- v ir fftvllft t to lb public with fun coo k f i wluo f d vbloibta mcjj i i odoplcd l tji 1 t of too ruflf rkih uk uir i ooi pcffaini mir i 1l 1 ukfntull iho moi imffit i m b4jirrt h tbuo bj itpfmitl f rl nl oilll ulmj pjtufllvnaj rlbm kinclom ol hlt0l bin f4 1 ll m it mo wmi iwnmm l 1t hli of llhfi 3 opt of t pf i kcr m li- htraliol u ittikt tlofj pi f j iji ihf fflml aalofiohv t lu c ii ntlcj vltoroiift f- i iiwrr vi i iftk hlj ioooni ii ii lt ilp sill id i irf m i l1n i d vb1j to v0a im umj lnh 4 htfl ki 1 -iiii- ih pfoitl vt mtkihf 1 i l i j t r1 m 1 of amito iiiin i tivl r iwv llrlr- irftsua fl u mo hi lo youir pcuml l0 t otwolimt of titv ithil i kvpviirullj rnlkl ioiit tlfmmg ciibfiiv ttrtrr ffrti rcni bv boiiivl brn mme in ib u im 1 mi nhill ooicc l mailj txim li-s- irulu n vofmc tr ffvpriidt bn obi ihi pp nlmlty fjin l ib 1 itt mcifi uwi bn bo niooiit ol avfr xrudcnitl electa of as3 h uiata hila l vkwkii irirtclv hvo1 lb rlloornf fkfei mib vfl rmhip vim mi h fti4rj m iht foil tfrl an urlt itttwu lv ol l old fffmrlu til ibm hh r lfe cilf ma- a h indi v c- moot tirfjll ilo ravkimf iwi mfrloim ff iuliii to i lie ficol rrliff t omio ftin iw m u our fritt4 t tbu lj i 4v iiti pbi lo u ah oirvtrdot l4tl l rtlivl i hi ir oo and i vr ovoiltt vjwtl jpaifl orufr mm itbpaiitlul iory ood titiititnl bkvomc b i jafroii il iitt 11 ov o tni wliu uu r u v- i tpu i willlirtpay imi iifmu tiie if dni 1 o jo lm afd o ih wf kiuu ii bw nib bm ltfiprtu tiuplioo utilli ciitiot il ih nlii kl il ol ft i hvrtf 10 01 ildv rrd o ilir m ml jv tuj tttr vabbt sval fi41wnd hmltmi uo oktr nnlu boynonl of iipnn kb vii iu ooniiut ood mm tliilf mtleliwn nl htj itft nc vi numl bdurijf tin lluisv i it 10m wi ri m limt i 0i lvmlnfl vfl tut ltlo u1 hlfiijto fr 11 ri ij hv1 lmo lt8j i til ntim ati ff nit ifl f t ihi tfthll i tllfttl mhiu dpjlv4 1 lr a d ovtitti ui v jm btil lltl t lljtt 10 vwll i hjti t olr i im jhuh- lafttfn in t ir fo i t i i r o it io ulwtroon -v- tbolqoil im pordfoo oflitud b cbivdin wiib pbo and unti i ot tbo boah tm i lbm vflohihio tbo 4 r orooturombt wih oo oou wltootj butio oan omirly rtltfto i wild ibeje ie monjl ir on our miji evovy 4oo vhnuld fofl 0 i d 4f lo intvvlipte to iho uifloi oi powtr the ii of ooml ici drow froni anovoo lbat itmir jf lido wbiib lb wiadom of was 10 foikd to ollfejo lo prroftiiiu iti i orlicu lo m iho pprikr it- loaoaikd by 0o iropo thol a ortficioo pipirrj nab mgch cof ood aifirl rron io ib cbeoncol p0 of iit ofvtiol iaro4itoin lofcr iho mm of ihovatibtooftnoaponiicd oouuma oflhodoy wilb uliith tho r i dlutil hi uoc r j f botilc of ii sfup will bo idlcint to a00cc hie fdootcptkotoflt hrorttciol rfftmlf i lccotwpinf mc totil wilb iba a if oo lurt- of va utoprixit wiioool wbkfe ooo oir rnuif ptypaitaodooljwntroolvbodfcuiltby j- wiheu i nmhj apvtktr kinf suert kimil for sate at the blanuuclurer ptiiby j vv bre l n palmer tnd i i- heath khslrtijofii tmdl8h 103lyr a irjooo nirniuhy urd tho uniiim 9lobr it lkjimtrj lurkudof octonjavxksfamilvmcoiclxeftthcb mtdiritit mr iiuhi ini initio rlj ifia r i oodl by u vmiu d00oinatln iiufd ft fotnily hfi nd bm bbmim on uopitftdtnud pmdh uuoofhoul ihf i i lie j biotn ood iho j lie udmirahty talcolaittl in li tvf hciluovdfjd o family ohould tvlbo iviihoul ibbi tlkrtoffihot n ill- vouabfeprtporjumtrcttkidi oo oltfoour imbrit xcdic ii i lib 10- ofloco jo itlmmnil vcftidxd ptkiliy whkbbrboioad iooof oiiinlpl hbowiwe rflbo ramidica boi cnhuuiotj 10 r- mfvmdj liird olaito rtrhli oa4 di htniooiaotlmm pi lwitmf mbi tlirto pirptbiionb coniai nf javftcift expectorant o tbiouvic rmtiy for riih cfdl vnmjmplio- oikma apiitinf or wood if nop i nui t roh iii plcunay ood iorto iilbiioo i oitruh- o ibtoiijdtatcult f fatpaihio and tl dttoa oi ii pojoity orjoo tnco f abo jayne hair t0liforhapr lowtb oiii booiy of ih lttiir wftick will pnviiivu- ly bring vrv hmr on lld r wii onj ptvfl u f jllinj off of ttio troy tlf st i a v tomc veltmifljc pou aof ovot oi mipnii i i l 1 1 rpoovi 4 tiftil fojulnlj m hwjno i oloic lu w fni wu oml lf h m ltimiittb tojtfti tlim biwo ollr4 mj hi idtohllml ot nip 0 h 1 wnk ndd j iii fn 5s ihmlmnt r iniiol 0rallb i iii i u rocaiiiwimlol i fl ihc i ttir oloiiiofn fftrr oat aiiu woolofopriolilo oml llll- il r jf ml rij of ihf fcloillmf tl ood fii n j or3p 0 diacihoo pik 69 clo jayn5 5cah mlxatlve valsav1 crruu ftrofot iffri iitmiiwcfiniolalowdiotthotb dyaen- iiify cbdci cfmniih frdiy t o a toinibu j oil tlcfojifvrnflbl or the ni mah hpoftlli h nut vti i a trc 40 ria jaym sanative llff foi frtpsil jiwun itvvf iom4oint coiirooctfor i- oo itjl if rlfwu of tbo olio ju- ood ih on cow nbece no tppotoicd almfbomie ur rijti ojtdaitio rnivtd pint pt i by ttf- 0- 4ayne seuth id lfo1 ood my he itiul af k w lhff tlincn l 9fkru llofkrtr win alnioioav iijn el i c if r tic tiillt ki i- t conndj b r tn thurntiiy iho j v29thdyl february midtiod duttici to wit ihu will bo told at tbe court houte in the town of kinptoo at 12 oclock aoorij the following lands leiztd br firtuc of several exeoationi to me directed out of hat m lra court of queen bench v coxcu sbiu at joho metood and rieuocd j- j r i pattom t jjifn mclkod and rtcrtahq lucak all the tinht title and iolereat of john mc lcodand kichardlojan to the broken front of he west half of lot no 19 in the grt con of ihe tp of kindlon john sjuon n tbomai diith and kanjolph peajous jam doujall and william ktild barrie a thomas smith town lot no 202 in the town of kingston aof perooti or pcroooo liofing cuiarn on inj of the aboco dckfibed properlici acti rtuociitd to i i lc the in- knowa to me on or btfcrti tho daj of sate thomas a corbett sheriff m d important uurary englishieviews ink maganes era for the r iramw j v ktst eivr ihcir first up to leatc mtf4slw1n b fil and tly by the roait steam 1 i verpooi on the 4th o j aud a gtatihed at beqt ena le that ide pice which hao been h v ff or than am wmtrlfwos prohibited uniud siat wpmto- wr london tfuaitr i bur tiie forrb csf minuter ivlcw cd each ia of all charges shi kingsloi rtitn otrco i nor 391843 42 bi r sheriffs sale of lands midland dlnet fn saturday the i7ih to wit s j jl f fcwiiuy will be aeld ot iho court haw an the toun of kizlon at 12 omock noon ihe foltonior h- mafyito hrtqw ro wwvi vm w her oujctj oon of quco a uenth tlj williom wblker et al w archibald menehi weharorlat no 22 7th cone- un to-n- m frtdcriclborh tovn lot no 5 et aide of john street tilufcof nioc nfotb ho if of lot no 19 2on coocfmton 3d i j township of ricbnoad lot no 12 7ih eon totirvihio of richmond weotem boundarj tnd lot ho 13 7lh eon of baid townomp jamci bell focijih et u rt i mlthcnaon d v im at mo i 11 11 it i ibll tl vm1m kotj ivn lakin ihe no4 it inth- i lobiaf vr nl hv oihl rai 4 f i ii v h l fitinf to in ibt tmitat tbnitiu iti- y m tif d onjtir4iim3 fvr u rttrf nil in jjnua i 00 l lb lmah iomtnmh irakmifl i m h ruruitnrd oih jnt iw numlr laoptiiti a iiila ooliu ac tn o oiioiivr vtlivntil toltttfc io irbi mti i rd not omf ml fvii4 hiv rntiif miii mimhid s fivn the mb i40aii iiro i mm jrou alf iitn i ii nhar i i tlffh ii ob rrfrrm i i 1 er im wh knlih bhttl i wm ii ilvia mhhp i1c liif piii- tm n hdtriaid int llfrt hdd oflnuj ub o tfbl lit j of il o rar tnc pfroca moti li m h h d r pu4 eotol in ttv ifjiirl til ii hi j fuiobcr thi hltfl d fol ii o iilrfr in ltf l ijn rav nf fur til 1 4i thil ft r il a i- ibakw aimfivnl oii whotr chftl and b iir f fviiirr hiimb aic docvndr ui- iaoi imithaowl m i aoj aj ilbctiniite rinvukn atni ud mrlt joof nm m ou lb bmo v timnifl ii i- f llrio vmhvib dirj4t nia dnoii it alrdutm dty tffvi naj toioo of iba not ooto hit nd njertn cofo hoi oo ee veto to h wlu liove tr uncoil lo ajm cos l iqujjhinf frtcbt crounor hivra dobmf njfi ubiciti t lorrt i -tmciie- r oren o f jk- not diflkuji f mreoiliin ooocvtir oirt ioof u lfinai oid artobl con ood do okeot to i a noifisr flroirckiuo o wbieb i ooniiolly nnia iftriwoaiio- p huoomto w o ooo ovr hpjiitiboinutnuw oonf cd eonuurtpin rtojiudbh tltooaool ojpo ofiam i0tcm f bt4fltih uriohhiiil tt roojb ntra of if biiot ro of foftihn ab nrrklcjmoi oivtoitllfviu he liftlei co nd cij jriii im rr aknath b1 i wii nit oi itirj cvrav apftitiiif i tv fc m rknip nl mi4 io ihe ru anttn4 a be kufu4 w mathkwhox jmi m 11 r aiii with lii rbillfr i triui ar fwi ajtimlftlly pi i of jirriohtt ceid ihai if i ifftat hint rrfpnf d and 4l i hnoitria gtant umiit vnitvrtit n o wfllt 4 h mcllawt rfiln jmitfui siiicn low- a t bimi ft- c j jir its lo0l0 aojlni uuf oiupi lunfo or if ihnio mclk v ainliiof ffrukfafor jnlliutd ftrtimoa wtmd t in ianhloru- im kiu thchtioa lb in dnidtihawhitori myhr rorvcia wbicb fiin ibrouhririy jmtl of tfcolnojt tu xoremron1 i r iuirr iho couch oaiof io4omoihiii iier dildcuu f limmfnf ood ptodnfn o frc j t v kinrii andutdrtksooneowirxl it olwa cuiro auihnn tvi or lt ure doia s i en hire or chjtitreo lo fmm 15 bhu iib io bo hovri iiaif fl lmoc4tald ohdo ihr i o4fnrnrvlioopo coih kj effect nopredf rure ffuiidrv whhotc cor jt upb iheli diyirioii irnroldo wilb ctfnbiiirtpuin uum jeloriio u- ji ir iy4aei d piviin or oroivllk lidhfo ohio mtvio tiubohritjx acyrro roll rtjh ij uirwi bftl llul hi difutully of hiiai r i iwol b fli hituetf in imotinent ilio0ofanotuuneoiton i i uu ljnepeclobolf mro diio of flojem x j wb eurdl of ahwo of went jearo b taini two hotilci of ibmiktiieiuoi mro vt tuavf 9bjjm aroo fnmf klit aon- eofbploiot bo one ntnlr a 0ij ituyauiof i ibo wm be iia4 bt her fftond to h tin feana wi vohmmhlj mrir ihtoo ono- haauu f j im r froagreotly oocbrj deuno u cato al al oe jamei maibcwoofl lot no i in th r c of pilubwih weil hotf of ul no 2 fhh con of pitubvrjh lol no i in the ifm coo of piitoboetb- aoypertoq or peroono hatioj claim on the above propertf a ace mttteotod lo nuko iba r knonn to ma on or before iho day of sale thomas a corbett sheriff m district court john tollk n jimea huucr all that certain uacl or parcel of land lituated lying and hfin in jnhntonrille late in the townahip of kindlon hot now in the town of kington in the midland district and prorince atfadabeid part ofatract of land porcnax eof 6y ffl hte ctnj awrt aw fu h magdalen ferguson and may bt otherwiac known m followa that is to tay commencing at a irnat or atone henindary planted on the mon tnat road on tbo weatem side of charlei street at a point or corner where charles rtrcel irikerof meets the montreal roadlhenee in a straight n alonz the said street lo a post 1 or stone boundary ptantcd at a distance of one hundred and i v- fret neither more nor irst marked b thvnce in a straight line paral lei with tht montreal roirl eialytx feel neither more nor less to a post or stone boun dary marked d thence in a straight line paral lel with charles street a distance of one hun dred and thirlytwo fee neither more nor les to a atone boundary marked f thenca alone the montreal roar i distance of sixtysix feet neither more nor it to the place of orejinning containing by admeasurement onefiflbof an acre a7 prfenn or -m- t daimon any et the abot deribcd properlka arc rerfueoled to ino d rreoali rotoaot tae jun foud peemancuirc- ibj v u fric pi peioviiitr ui ttoiiir fat 1 tw j ar ifullj tu 4 ti imrfinwflsl kio 94dta jirviimi ifcot h m 0laolv el 11114 ji h fh eoin hf n 11101 hni u i irfdiijfj i khub ihe btnotiii iio o jmt aoj i ff btnvdta a11j ta k oilit j w brn aeror 1 pnal ofpniolmcol tt ur fiir ki on oaa iicirtiu ei4ii vkkuctj rp o4 jrairi timt vkhibxukfo itiuf iiai c b uolof apfvliliarjniir fvut ovr 4nl dabiiti vf i1ioiafoti ooi hnrrnid jjoi f il hoqplmi couuilto nrcnujayt x rkctorant wilhinit vihat ihrmi jlwtim pttoiioaiit ye ieoniibll- i aailtl j n j nflao lw tid hii lri il 1 ii hjam iiiiar4ni ivear i iiiti t rooa tiaoraenra ond i irniobiui0fhi mcoacl tefnlwimetinvoiiu f mm a prt- rhjl- wn and o mil h reaper i cj vkrajmon fu mriait4ui tlti dlet ma4rtwi v amqblntj iwd- flf 104 pforfiir lahno wlbf fml cipef arnpltttihy lo my b fnc tie tor u mi ibrjc lun- eonbr fcm nd wrokoeoa f io jlitamu il 11 teiddlj iho bi mxlicln i oevet winl verj mpoerait w 5tw williams l d ifr 1 pibf ef liflrawo michl ta oddoil nit ibe sm fnnjideroj iuoeieoi denco oiia fl rftsh oolr bf d jojo ko booth tturd ifartef aovbt m mackintotfh roklo ov oeoeiio ooco attoan cyod kmgston and napanee maca- damized road svuofthe lmnstfuu tiatgattsfvr 18 bfctrfrircihnrphv siwn lhat on the islh fif 14- llifd i c mka tot aanc known to ma 0fsle thomas shciilti office kingston 15tb nor lrl3 or before live dj corbett sheriff m d extensive flouring oat flh h cllfl winers canadian vermifuge vorranjf in a cases m tl i llrl- d l st b rriaa ale tod r it y r ytfr cbeotttti itine niiho for sale t ih m p by j w breilnpli ki 1813- i n offick to let ear o c h- s jtisk doctor or dentil aj3 kinjrton ih notmbcf t 1 re difle- i load wtfl tc t tip o atif hijlwaiv ako meal mills to let will bo let from the 1st day april nexl for one or more years the steam floor- ins and oat meal mills belonging lo ihe estate ol the late george longtey esquire situate in the village of mail land on ihe river si lawrence there are four ron of good buir stones in the flouring mill and two ran in ihe oat meal mill the whole is in firat idle thorough renair there is also an extensive aihery store storebouse and two large warehooses attached to the premises which will also bt lei with the mills if required there is a large quantity of lessoned wood and flour barrels which will be furnished on very reasonable terms applicatioo if by letter post paid to be made to the subscribers in tw w the p ice per annum w delivered lo subscriber and for blackwoods bueys and ihe uublln unlveray lagnzlnesa 8 fij each delivered manner the deliveries will be in m qbec slon toronto and hami od nariici dent in other parls of i resi province may be luvpliedonapnlicaiictnt ajeau in any ol the above town a pauses of iran- port duties ca are f0mtw twder- sisned will require subv r cfls pay al itwl half a yenr o on receipt of the firtl nutiber il is proposed lo add o piflw the list shiilil hirpum the sub- mfifcei i uiii tarin i iiibsi thoio fove mentioned aftmoclt st rxmwyi -wwlrtof- 40mti t catct co qurter kamsay anxot ico ivingsloti- u f il toronfo h a w rowb i a h- aopfoul 00- nmdfort extracts from the presidents message stncc ilic laat adjournment of congres the executive lias relaxed no effort to ren der indetrtrucliw the relations of oroity tvliich so happily exist lattween ihe uniied stales and other countries the treaty late ly concluded with greal briui has tended greatly to increaso the good understanding which a reciprocity of interest is calculated to encourap and it i host inleiitty to be liotwd lhat nothing may iranapire to inler nipllhc relations of amily which it is so oh- viuii1y the policy of both nations lo culti vate a question of much importance bid rt- toainsto be adjusted between ihcm the territorial limits of ihe two countries in rela tion to what is commonly knovn at the or egon icrntorc still remain in dispute tlie united stales would be at all tunes indis- poied o aggrandise themsclvcflut the eat pensc of any other nation 5 but while ihey would be rolramcd by pnnciples of honor winch should govern tite conduct of notions as well as thai of individuals from setting up a demand for territorv whirl does noi new watches and jewelry c- t he subaeribers hh town their thanfcs tothcpui for the liberal patronage received duriif he past season and would inform themhat they have re iiveda most elegant um id mtimcnl of evert oniclc in ilicirinc in the siocfc vitl be itmd a large asscrl- mchl o silver plate of the bct walitt and of verr low pricett roaewool and mahogrny urejfiing cases work boxes and tea cnmicf mid chandelier for 15 sbwi a nplot with ciina ornamented cenlrc a loo asworlment of patterns for needle work md materials lo match and a few halfovirkfd piwftn ondmanv oilier articles iik numerous lo mentioo watches jew- hit musical boxes c repaired in ihe best manner and jewelry and silver ware made order- h r0ss1n t brothers kiffpion i4ih novl83 mow macdonalo campbell barrstersattorniesat law pf1wfss street kingston john- macdosald alexander campbell i i9 2m dr a robinson has rfimorto to tie roijcnce over urquhail it mc1vrrs siott wflai side olluistreet betwren brock and prin cess strclo whrrc he nay be consulted as usual kindlon october 25tb 1913 s3m stbachan cameron mad dock etliriors in chnncci tororlto 443 m d s goldev dentist 1 tltl br l m t v it which ihe aevaral calea have cen rtaieu x iu a il for the present year via 1 toll gate no 1 near kingston il4i0 h0rii s mr m the libblon fjoimc 1 j 1 1 t4 olj do do do do tbe sal no 2 near waterloo 385 no 8 near mill creek 301 no 4 near foorcorners 63 ernesto wn no 5i near napanee 73 arill take placojl waterloo at 12 the purcbasars vri iffcrtnt sureties at lot l nooo practsely be reaoired to have two the pface and at ihe time of sale in order that tbe leases may be signed and seated when ever the sale u completed by order of the board chas cumm1ng c m fi tforemher 6 1843 jusr received wiot other buiuhictl ru ktprle pamsav ll iiu aivwol k k c i to let or sell a small fakm witb a commodious house newly rilled up having sercn rooms upon the lower iloof together with uil- able sbeda and oulhouse well situated fora private family or public house being fire mileafrom kingston upon the macadamized road and east of toll gala no for sale abo a quantity of seasoned lumber comiatinjr of pine oak ash and basswood at tbe subicribers saw mill in ike 4lh concession towmhip of kinjnuon u milv from the laid road for particolara ennuire of horace yeomans walsiloo nir 16 ls43 4tui black beaver bonnets t1hose lodicb who have been aitinx forthe a trnai are recttcd 10 oiioke an coriy colt ot ihyhcs fy co j 8 1 the aiwrimcnt u too itcnilcj to aupotf ihe ik eel demand fw thia fthonaw aruck co- biiima wdfuri ulility ood ccoomj a liig anlfy 0 uk fungu ad gywipt kiajmon nor 1 1 lej43 39 just received the pitionaltraies the illustrated news and punch of dates october 2lat and 2scb anil november 4th ramsay armour co dec 2 183 hie mysteries or paris a kv copies linve bem received and fur salehltechronicie gazette orrite j f t received and for seeone 5 caova tl a ariiae article low for cook p campbell c wtarai wtoui u3 belong to them they would as unwillingly consent to 1 surrender of their rights after the most rigid and as far as practi cable unbiased examination of the subject the united stales h3vc always contended thai iher rights appertain lo the entire re gion of counter laying on the pacific and f mbraccd wittiin the forty ktowj and firty- juunii u nun vi uuiui uliiudc tui cucua being controverted by croat britain those who have preceded ihu present executive actuated no doubt by an carnot desire to adjust the matter upon term mutually sat isfactory to both countries have caused to be subrmttqd to the british government pro positions for settlement and final adjust ment which however have not proved heretofore acceptable to it our minister at london has under instruction again brought the nubjecl lo the consideration of that government and while nothing tvill be done lo compromise the righis or honor of the united states every proper expe dient will be rcsoned to in order to bring ihe negotiation now in the proper of re sumption la a speedy and hippy termina tion in the mean time it is proper i n- mark that many of our citizens jiv either already eatauishcd in the territory or are on their way thither for ihe purpose of form ing permanent settlement while others arc preparing 10 follow and in view of these fact i rnuat repeat the reeninniendalion contained in previous messages for die es- tablish mem of military posts at such pla ces on the line of travel as will furnish security and triccton to our hardy adven turers agvinsi hostile tribe of indiana in- jtfjiusllmv vimvrt ft t jj juv should foleow them so modified as the circumstance of the ease may seem to re quire under the influence ol our free sja- lem of government new republic are dee- tincd to spring up it no distant day on the shores of tbe pacific similar in policy and feeling to those existing on this aide of the rucky mountains and giving a wider and more extensive spread to the principles of civil and religious liberty i am happy 10 inform you that the casea which have arisen frcm lime to tmc of the detention of american vessels by brit ish cruisers on the coast of africa under pretence of being engaged in the slaw trade have been placed in a fair train of adjust ment in the case of the william and francis full satisfaction will be allowed in the caacs of the tygrts and sea mew the british government admits thai sausfao lion is our in ibe case of the jones the sum accruing from the sale oftbat vessel and cargo will be paid lo ihe ovncra whde 1 cannot but flatter myself that full indemnification will be allowed for all dam- ages suatjined by iho detention of the ves sel and in tho case of ilic dougto her majestys government has expressed its de termination to make indemnification strong hopes arc therefore enterlaincd that moal if not all of t bm cases will be speedily ad justed in new cases have arircrj aince ihe ratification of the treaty of washing ton and it is confidently anticipated that the slave trade under the operation of the eighth article of that treaty will be alto gether aupprewd the occasional interruption experienced by our fellow citizen engaged in the fiah- cries on ihe neighboring coasts of nova scotia ha not failed lo claim the attention of ihe executive represcritaiiooa upon this subject have been made but aa yet no definitive answer 10 those repreaeriutions has lcn received from the british govern ment two other aubjecuofiomparatively mi nor imp3rtance but nevertheless of too much consequence to bo neglected remain still to be adjusted between ihe two coun tries by ihe treaty between ihe united states and great britain of july 14i5 it m provided that no higher duiiea shall be levied in either country on articles import ed from tlie other than on the aanie arti cles imiotted from any other place in 1836 rough rice by an act of parliament was admitted from tbe coast of africa into great britain on the payment of a duty of one penny a quarter while thesame artiele from all other nine including tbe uni ted states was subjected to ihe paymeul of a duty of twenty shillings a quarter our minister at london has from time to lme brought this aubject to ihe con 1 on of the british government hut go farj some reara nince a claim was referred iii- the british government on ihe part of certain american merchants for the re turn of export duties paid by ihem on ship ments of wollen guuds to tho united stales after the duly on similar article exported to other countries had been repealed and consequently in contravention of ihe com mercial convention between the iwo na tions securing to us equality in such cae the principle on which the claim rests has long aince been virtually admitted by great britain but obstacles to a settlement have from time to time been interposed so thai a large portion of the amount claimed lias noi yet been refunded our miniatcr is now engaged in the proaecuiion uf the claim and i cannot but peraiiade myself thai the british government will 110 longer dolay its adjustment i communicate hcreihcertaindispslch- e received from our minister at mexico and also a correspondence which has re cently occurred between ihe envoy from that republic and the secretory of stale it must be reganled a not a litlle exiroor- dinory that the government of mexico in anticipation of a public discussion which it has been pleased lo infer from newspaper publications as likely to lake place in con grew relating to the annexation uf texas lo ihe united states should have far antici pated the result of such discustion as to have announced its deivrininalion to visit any such anticipated decision by a formal declaration of war againi the foiled slate ifdtrojgnacj io prcvcih fjuugtvta from in troducing thai question as a fit subject for its calm deliberation and final judgment the executive has no reason lo dnubl that it will cnlircly fail of its object the repre sentative of a brve and patriotic people will suffer no apprehension of future con sequences to cmbarrj them in the course of their proposed deliberations nor will the executive depariment of the govern ment fail for any vuch cauav lo discharge its whole duly lo the country the war whirli has existed for so long a lime between mexico and texas has since ihe battle of san jacinto consisted for the most part of predatory incursions winch while they have been attended with much suffering to indtvdoa and have kept ihe borders of ihe two countries in a state of constant alarm have failed to approach to any definite result mexico has fitted out no fonnhtahtc 1 bj j hy sea for the subjugation uf texas eight years have now elapsed since texas de clared her independence of mexico and during that lime he has been recognized as asovereigvkpower by several of the pritici pal civrliated states mexico nevertheless perseveres in her plana of reconquesi and refuses to recognise her independence i-r- jfrtdar crimnw4iviriichl ubiva alluded hove been attended in one in- atanrc with the breaking up of the courts of justice by the seizing upon the persons of ihe judges juiy and officers of the court and dragging them 4toftg wiih unarmed and therefore noncombatant citizen into a cruel and oppressive bondage thus leav ing crime to go unpunished and immorality to pasa unrcproved a border warfare is evermore lo be deprecated and over such a war as baa existed for so many years be tween tbesc two states humanity has had great cause to lament nor is auch a con dition of things t b deplored only because of the individual suffering attendant upon it tbe effect are far more extensive the crcaior of lie universe has given man the earth for his resting place and its fruits for his bubatatence whatever therefore shall make the face or any part of it d scene of desolation affects injuriously hit heritage and may be regarded asa general calamity wars may sometimes be necessary but all nations bave a common interevl in brirg- tng them apeedily lo a close tba united state have an immediate interest in tee ing an end put to the state of hostilities ex isting between mexico and texak tjey are our neighbors ofihs same continent with whom we are not only desirous of cul tivating the relations of amity but of tbe mnsl extended commercial intercourse and to practice oil the rights of a neighborhood huspdatity our own interests are deeply involved in the maticrsince however neu tral may lie our course of policy we cannot hope to escape the effects of a spirit of jeal ousy on the part of both of the powers not can this government be indifferent to the factlhat a warfare such as is waged ociween those two ntioos is calculated to weaken both powers and finally to render ihom and especially 1ie weaker of use two the subjects of interference on the part of the atrorger and more powerful nations which inleni only or advancing their own peculiar views may sooner or later attempt to bring about a compliance wiih terms as the condition of their interposition alike derogatory 10 the nation granting them and detrimental to ihe interests of tho united states we could not be expected quiet ly to permit any such interference lo our disadvantage cunsidering that tcxaa is separated from ihe united stales by a mere geographical line that her territory in the opinion of many formed a portion of tho territory of the united states that it is hom ogeneous in its population and pursuits with the adjoining tte makes contribu tions lo ihe commerce of the world in ibe same articles with tbm and that most of her inhabitants have been citizens of tbe united stales speak the same language and lo act capecia1v in regard 10 her domestic affairs una wed by force and unrestrained by tbe pulley or viewi of other countries in futl view nf all these considerations the executive bas not hesitated to express to the government of mextcolirtv deeply it deprecated a contirruance of tho war and how anxiously it desired to wilnesa its ter mination t cannot but think thai it be comes ihe united states aa the oldest of the american republics in hold a language to mexico upon this aubjeel of an unambig uous chararo 1 it is time thai this war had ceaaed there must be a limit to all wars and itlhe parent state aft ran fcght years struggle has failed to reduce to sub mission 1 portion of its subiecu standing mi in revolt against ft and who hive not oolyprorlaimcd thena selves tb be independent i ut have been recognized as such by other piwrs she ought not to expert that other nations will quietly look on to 1 ir obvious injury upon a protraction of hoofiluies these united sioll threw off their colonial dependence and ctfablished ioderendfent governments and great britain after hav ing wasted her energies in the attempt to ubdue them for a less period than mexico has attempted to suhjugate txae bad ibe wisdom and justice 10 acknowledge their independence thereby recognising the obli gation which rested 00 her as ode of tho anuly of nations an example thus set by nne of the proudest al well as most pow crful nations of ihe earth it could in noway dspamge mexico to imitate whit there fore ihe executive would deplore any col- librtun wtin mttfrico or any jloturbanco of the friendly relations which exial between the wo countries it cannot permil thai go vernment to contro its policy whatever it may be towards texai bui will ireothcr a by ihe recognition of her independence ihe united states bve long since declared they would do at entirely independent of mexico the high obligationa of public duty may enforce from the constituted au thorities of the united stwtesa policy which the ccmirse persevered ib by mexico will have mainly contributed to produce and the execulivo in such a contingency will with confidence throw iucitupon the pa triotism of the people to sustain ike gov ernment in its course of action measures of an unusual character havo recently been adopted by the mexican go vernment calculated in no small degree to aflecl ihe trade uf other nations with mexi- rt and tperai injiirioiuly to t united sin- ah foreigners by a deereoj of the 23d day of september and after six months from tbe day of its prom ulgs lion ate fm- bidden to carry nnihebusinevs of tilling by retail any goods wtihio ihe confines of ftlex ico against this decree our mmttcrhal nol failed lo remonstrated wu learn by llie boston mercantile jour nal lhauhf british vessel lost off goldabo- rough merefcired to yeilerday was the hark carolineuf greenock 548 t- mt 26 doys from grenada bound to st johns n b she struck on cranberry point eas tern side of prrwpect harbor dunng a hea vy souiheaat gale went to pieces and enptain juhn crawford his ofgcrra and 1 b of his crew were drowned four per sonsnnly were saved tho portland argus gives the following additional particulars exlraetofa letter from wilson godfrey esq cnmmiestoticr f wrecks daied goldsbnrough maine nov 23 1843 the vessel is a total loss the hull masts parr and sails and rigging are ground ftp in one solid mass together among the roekik the following are the names of the fi cers and rrtw viza- a john crawford msaier max tlew daugle first officer david petty- crew second officer john spendlow boatswain john sinclair seaoaan hufeh card do cturies green do edward wilson cook wirt williams seaman josph roberts do david griffiths do john net i do john imanvel do john scott i john wilson do j chi stew- ward apprentice john jemiaoti clb taose saved art frederick smttb sea man wm moore do francis william sndo georgq williams steward we have to record tbo occurrence of a firewbich occattoood the lata rfestruction of ihe church ofsr aiinausfaines in ut seigniory of terrebonne on wednesday last between 5 and 6 oclock tho fire wab supposed to have bcn caused by a lamp placed near the attar tbe organ vestmenuand even tbe rrg stars wiredr av troyed monireal courier ive under similar political institutions wth ourselves this government is bound by ev without success he i instructed o renew lry confederation of interest as well as of his representation upon it umpathy to see that he thai be left freel af individual was iat week arrested on tho wetland canal charged vmh being a party to iho death of one of the two men killed at tho thorald qtoarfii as io- liccd by us some tirho ago when con- ductinghim to st csiberiora for examina motion before elias s adams esq by whom the warrant was isaauerj tbe police were attacked by a party who were bent on rescuing the prisoner and who to far succeeded as to placo bin temporarily at liberty but by tho exertion of mr benson he was recaptured two policemen we regrci to say were beaten by their assail ants in 4 very savage manner when ihe case was broggfai on for hear ing before mr adamf yesterday it tmi diacoverojd that the person on whose infer- matinn the warrant was isaued and who was himself seriously injured in the quarry affray was not to be found of course tho pisoner had to be discharged niagara hrooide