Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), December 13, 1843, p. 3

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wr i a i thai tfv iithnl itattilti fun j 1 tw r ml itw moii lmst m rii sltsrtl i iktth milu rh j i i fvfifar mrlw iuf li m tod prti ihrlmmlmh fchil tlttl at 1t iter llttt m hie iitjv is ji4 itur h ii thi c nr hj i lmtr d h- tt i whunhh h it ifth fc etwrvifwal that cuifni 1 irttixikt ittrlmifrj jrj mjrp it mitt hfhtl ihi vi hfs ix rih n m k 16 ratm tfreev ft itafhain irrnc llrr mjrstia etlmsa volrar mtltf4 kingslor mflot rnrjij ml h si thr iii be oastmed t h ocbsllrari hh iiit iblc immuilttot tee birr kfc masirr of crbs ha whh jtri ii grt in ntfmu of ealliftarebe fof fc tv frft- atgae th ijmrlcfc chvmkit of ttstfx4aj am hp mmk i boih nml mahirr m i tral fin of ii rii in fiii lm tl of the ciioflwrrfc ifo f confltt rtn areaeh sd tacnpan be lit em ih willumifr a j tuoittuoop tlitiocw shj noriinvj hh iiotr wmn t of h tw jf n i itwtlln ipvdkclc drfr a rmd f gaiera torn mi u nttfu of ii oba icmjrrcj of turh adisrtlartn ihr untitled autr vf it eountrj ihrre on b mo woim wh u a ftttiltal baluil mfir oimcd mamkr dcon- ohi f coramtllrd f u bj th moii j of ijmfnck o i iy tlwnt1 irmimfniinttv lower hnnofi h won rewrorowl there bei no four irmed rli hta t mm r oimetlie lfnrsor cornel n4 ploio itefcr in with lo breo- lifi nelj eeiifirej m rrf u l mtfumn of ihfl hd nri f the k w b ifc clrclnl tim mluui and snlumka i all thoae emplorcd weeo aquallj ael din and hunea wro dbcluard be i- 1 lift of petaona who had i fr mado thomaf ue tireeaeatrlea who luid hof lofxo been aborr all c4- wh a rrnulae aab of akjon rj look pue it j etiejutio warnhotacaurihccvnrcura ej the jnltulnj onl wit i of tour admitted a ihjrrhaacra towardi eaf h other aa r1 aatonafj iholr r f r r ihej afpmj to have eonducud ucm rtvea with hbcraluy aod ifret jowl tail 71 m holr affair of ihc eoncrrn wf re wound np aod the i bouneodandpfuiu dtidd otory m naontha ifler whteh the wholo book rowthrra and ikeumcnta rferttj tort ere i ken call to aea and auftv and fij ihirtg ii ii- lf fgr the iit jear no i t- ii nvadfl ifpajaie heatl of account were opemej for fi owreij eucd dutv free anal or thoae acquired by f n bribea of court rjre 1 niuud vcrywhee wbeo unluckily ttoamobdof pldftdcr chanced to apjeoaeh ihc fcoro at 14 incooecrment lunc on a f l- j ufoal beinf en the pc4ce conteitcd to rt out of ihc way the hooka nineteen in all hare been tebiiataled ami cvtry bmfl ianow bcioe mide to eeiteou thereakjue of the offender upward otforlj beuie nlrcode in coato- ihr and to vo de evidcoco avfioent for lh conic- ucei of the eapiurcd ihe nucnwr of jerioni darived ofemoluidrnt ut the interruption of the recent cfemma the enor enoua proauthe ftileof booty hipplted anofeallfei- ccedinc in amount the value c ihc wlleof the olurttlcr 1- j ellewbxouh haa faired by not fnore hoocat mean at llfdereoid enoble iheen to bur cetevidence to atanoal anj eaunt where fvrjurj tnae in alt quar ter be i iw j to jut onxint on dmott moderate uroi affairs of scinde a afecial cveieral court of fropeietor of tock n tw eatt india compaox waa held on the 17th of n t r i r l- in piruaco of it call ateittd t j nine pro- peielor the object beiwj to prcafal 1 ci the reccpt m freono a return hat been j aoiltunr fooreenerru in scimfe u uraeallnl for im- ade retpectinj lhee 11llalm ii in great v peditk sod unjiau sir turford jonea brjd- and bank in mr joaeph hume were mbdh the eigncra of the cll nothing w4 done howottr ihc chaurtnan of the covet of orator uu t i t wft that uk papera were not auftetemlj or rrularlj before the nieetin tnd afire t aooewhat acrtcnoniut dicuaaion an adjournment tc aonae future daj waa il v dae not oanaed mj the chairman prctn- taal he h pspcra ahoold be printed f we orraurne that 4a in the case of the ravah of sattara the iii rrnl vr ii s- atated off three or four jeers unljt the ewngs iei scindc eeaoihorourri- kr coaplctcil that diacuaton ill be of no use russia 51 p euribvrgk oct c fcta maiie the purc repjlaliona itiyi foreigner txatcltioff in ruasia still more alrtcl every householder is subject to i bl of mij cobefcs suter for crery dij that he ntccu to intbrath pfosak ooiaee ofthear rifsl or departure of any lodger a aw 7 order hte been reeited from fat rt m to employ double the preaent number of work men on the rctmurr and tcohrorements of the royal rslsce here ensrint the stnoas wsoter so that he works will be completed ra tne berinninr of may neat when hi majcatj is upecud hers lor the purpose of i ii here sod st the coll of stuvcla iht prorniaod tiak froos queon vktorit and hi roysl rdaon- greece eiimt from s letter uie4 jiaeni oct 31 in poliileji 1 rvste scsrcejy sjiytbin tosdd to nay 1st ctfrnnontettscts evcet tht the asme estiafactort iuf 4 vuw aaow r t j throughout the eooniry ncttwiovundirif all the dis eslin- foreqjn intrigue whir h i joing on in this cap- ul in the national assctnur which nseeis on the dwts n jtf fit lii ii i the mode ate constitution i flii ireland te furnbef of p irctanduts the nuanue patii- 3 6t m per annum interest is 4 tb oees les the amount of the vrmci of enifffcsn received a profits is x13 7 5d the amjni ptid s siufkl to the comptolleri clerk and nthr officer emplovcd 6110 li- rentstwd t 743 lk 4d prni- snxand slslionerj jcull if lid othrr rlprfttes 3137 0 3d net urpl profit in iftlo appti eabu toctpesea of mrj1 in ibt3 273 france tw session of the chamber to optn on the 26th of thi month the dute and duehetde ne snourswerc in entbnd enakinj a tisil to queen the- j pfopoird rrisainin ber hen ihcf would jj 1 leopold tvc lorwlon pnpera say ibcf bojm insiialion from louis eiit the former at su tf the llhl1irts4k is henry lavunoer utt os lomdomj merchant tailor ijlkrpectruliy mfxmnihe sayllrjr cf kinflrt f he ho coiuutfiil imsiim- in yrtnvcnn sirret uetl jimiu tq new hiiiltltng nfmvur sintth eeq in nollvittng the ruitrrirtiip f ilir miff f kinghton ii 1 toutim rhn ohecfvc ihut ho hnn few ml y iitrtt4 jirerl imii mmmiqp j a ve ry fhfliu imottmvm nf went f england cntlh oftsumnrrcs vcatirtfa 8tf hc ill tf iiit lsrl fua1ity nd beg lo osstife tltoae gentlemen who may ivmi him with their onjcfn ihsil the alrictesl ot- r petition being jwtid lo tvery tleparlmeoi ofj the tktisjncsfi lliey may re on having riclfl icarments oflhc iwst maictiau tiyle an vorkmanship prineesaslrreii kingitoi decemhcri2 1843 43 t he subscribers will pay cauh tsw amheatiunng the winter c kennedy 6 co kington 12th deccmryr js3 43 for sale a tandem sleigh quite new a william ware agent kingston l3ih dec 1843 48 v tyirtdm sujtp the 27ih of notoo brvatets on a vitit to kin bfoum i i p- 10 t victoria to cloud neat summrr nnt thj not of tyr4 the ferh h n corar 10 uirri spain the queen tot the oah tn the cjnititutito en the 10th of november before the chambers ihc foreign diplomstie frpreirntatite and s xrest evmoourse of nobtes djnitsrie of the church ee tle form of the oath u thus jien i swear before gd snd hy the holy topel that i shall respcet and euw h respected the cwoti mfc sjriwvasa driwftxvrtji s nd on the 28th of june l3t snd that i shall re peet and cause to he rvspextrd he law without hs- mi any other oheet thin v national welfare if i should do either wholly or pirtjy use eontrt- government notice the cammtsdary general will receive sealed tender at montreal until noon or wedrdvy ihc 20ili instant for bill at thirty day igtit on her majest trea- nry payable in mexican or united state dohati lo be depoiitrd in the commiwa- hat chesi- at kingston or toronto tenderp may be made for any turn not below 100 sterling and ihey mtsft mate the rale sterling ier dollar alio the ap point in which the bills are required to be drawn commiawnat canada f montreal 6th dee 1343 m ry to what 1 hate sworn obeaanrj woufd nc r due fuwrn hve n stntu majority the msnama toosc on the contrary 41 rrould be null and oid of ettect snaj ccd aajtst in- q my i be answers bkl4hw from the seat of war there is not much in t1 licence gerosu had capitulated l general prim the insur- rjenta under aantler fleat h acuaunt the puce thes prcceeded howerer to pjuerw with their arm and kws scenersl prim has aji his work todooter sxsm barcelona suhl holdout but ceneral sam had drawn hi bkxiadc ene ctosely around the cij and was prrparcn for a trearh of the wal1t and an sssaull sweden the town ewesoe m sweden whkh was scaree- le yet rebutlt after the dreadful eoniiiration of 185 has aair been complefcly devleryed by fire four teen huttdrcd facnnv had tvir mil snd were with nut shelter the kinj upon betn informed of the disaster had immfl atetj ttrspstetad one of hi aides rieramp wih vimom dlrt frtn his private purse j and prornties further rcltef from tuc east the overland mail hid arrived in due course brin- i- adtices from bombay to he 2nd of october trierr is no ns of peijl tnumt from chins scindc india or indeed anywhere except froen the rr -i- and the ntetloce fr cm thi quarter is only s fultltnent of hat via been u eipeeted it was fjeeseen that the death of old runject sintb would be the urnal f dissention jnd stulr arson ih- numerous mrinber of hit fasnly the ui- sfai of which would probably be such an interven lti hv the nftoirftlrin linvernmnt i- ltod bitjiiv reduced j j mtic puhtra tu uio cvwulilwn uij tributaries runret it may be remembered was succeeded by his si ktarmck sinh who died sesi sftor with s ronf utpteicrts ofpjison hu son then aseonded the murnud but be was killed as it was aid by the fall of a beart a his fathers funrrsl sheee stnflh called himself a eiof runjeet stnh then rained posacsm of the throne a prerli- nte and much sdoie ed to intemperance and his paternity moreovee was disptsitd it now sppears thai mnrjnt sinjjh ha been assssai- nated with his son and all the members of hut fsmilj and that dhyan sinh his principal minister has warned the throne of course the anlolndisn government will be pjild to for asttance by the runject family probably by dhyan sinh sl ant and we can casd understand that ihc iutrmls of the anytolndtsn emptre will so knperstitely re quire tranquility in a netjjhtixinc country u tomslte st almetst indisornaable trr the oiernrnet to inlcr- fere trie tcft nature cf the britiah dominion in the east creates ihe necessity of eitmsion frcsn ine hombay time extensive system of robbery foe many years pat the strongest mspieion hat eiittcd that the rncrratjus amourii of dcprtdalions eansmutl on ihc transfer of goods fiorn lbs shippin to the thore could only be accounted foe by snc deep hd and widely ocgaticd scheme of plunder and from lime to lienc ijic rumors ere that such an orsaniration did actually eats oan cxlcsit tirerlj to be rmatnedh some three years since a foreign cr a cerraan we believe when on h dcauvbcd con f cased with deep rernorsr that he for sometime had been a partner in istco 4 confederacy but hi depo- aitson vs too confused and indttinct to lead to any practical bcnonctal rcsull aai the bemnins of march last two notatca waited upon mr- howell mpcrintenden nf hunovrs describinj tacaiaeues s part of naby whohadw emryintona system of regular plunder awnsi ihe snipping for two years prciioos thtj crntumej 111 if cstmeni and dwai to ie informslion ss to the partners of their juilt ii nun been taken mp htr spens their depoi ions were wrtlten dmr amd a coreh warrant tamedtauly erantcd to ciam orrlatn prcmbes wkere vt quantiies of ttosrn ere said to b conumed enher ihreujb f or by misuke the police ogcn r mace j a small aw only wei rn- ibk amount of rfusceuaneotys fu it atsal i forsmonlh xaairaa rfaadse the autisoritaeawe 3 prccavakai waaukefttop j universal venality and cotrof ccn arc coruidercd and tt ts recn is an ntewt ofhsbor of nearly three ru a hundred ajnm british merchant hp live craft constantly ladmc snd unlsdmf ehormge nearly half mu frean the shore wooderful that foe a time inquiries abput the mikofjuly election of general sir richerd church lor the coun ty of zigo in ths protince of cetofia without cus v- if r speaks rolucnea as to the popujarity of iho en pi ed yesterday morning at 9 oetock after iseas roatar talpot fw on old and ble rtadent of kingston ajed 6i- at fc vn on the 1st n i r mrs e b wdson relict of the- lstr capt aneu v t r n g7 year a sssort ill rearpeeu sjei on the 21st ttliisno phcbe wife of mr thomas carson of marysburfh aed 49 yeses f aa- menlrd by a larre circle of relation and friends but in sore and certain hope of a glorious resurreetiorj sod etrrnsmu throogh faith n the aehtaof the redeern- er of mankicrel fna rpo let till the ji of may jsl svbxl the stowi horjs lately rkxupiesi by ihe siibnerilter in bame st rent moderate and po can be given immediately apphcatiod to be made at ihe printing office corner of ontario and union street r watson kirem 24th nwmbcr 183 lost llir inutniruf nf mvfidiufttliit tlir filli nt rjettveeu samftrda fitn ipnj- atnn ami napanee five ten dollar bills auppnaed to be of thsj cnmmereial bank m d any frann who may hsvc found ihe aoitl billa and will leave them at thia office will receive a reward otten dollars kingston 13thdec 1843 o adyertisemknt 1844 a chapter on chances or past present ftt future rlhedosecjl63moiexcwia aalisfaetory m and pteasursbsc rcuospeetive vtev to many of our pairoaa aod friends vrho 1 1 n sought fortune twelve capital prizes araoonlmr to m minn vex xxnr wn lars n the ajarojte uaxlea aundreds of priiaa of leas tnocnitcjde hate been i od jd through otft the united stales snd britiah provioees and la many tmusaota the freaks of u fickle ydeas hare pstduced the happiest results the joting uptrant tn busineas haa been put mtopscsiortof awsajj cap 1 r to follow out his enterprise the i has bteco ensbled sriih peide ano pleajore to meet his eftpeements and many of w aajmvtmmsml bokkrsof state stocks and other oondivkdrnd paykig accuri- tam who retired from the carta of buiusraa to lire on tajbr assauttier fmveajarfi ruirtcd their scuuered fortunes neither bsve our canadlan friersds any cause to complain as lately tw too base bad a fair sksctheapcal tbu moeh toe tbr put the afore najt aovr to for i84d bids fsb- to be as beiltiant aa the departing year and no plsincr dvoaonatratjon can be stforded thsn by reference to the surnssaur majrjiav cent i r which hat e been arratfred for mr any further remark is n v r and kt it be ft- ntmbered that there h be drawn in this month one capital of forty thousand dotlara s three do thirty thousand dollars f pour da tvretayfttetrirjaaandimtm kc all of which wol be drawn without postpooemenl and kthbcusiacr twrd that in order lo eosure s chance in j of live sebcasca tt is iodis- i knaibly neccsjsry that appucuoa he nsdc forth tttla to the okleat and lucket rftaffiahrrrti in the united siaea addreaa s j sylvc6tr 130 broadway sod 22 wajlst n vork- auction sales j v william wark tkas wines 1 jquors tvc k thursday uih december atlhr corner co4swrelaj halt rinld- iaxsij l sold will kvil reair con- sijrnirtn1a jj waea tvanka tea firel ah do yfiuim iit n 40 do do do fifw 4altyj 10 liotaounpowdcitfa 0l caddtes do do 5 chcsu conen do 5 llrls biijiitmtl- mw1 bhda losl do ti osgs line lihcn cnce 10 do heaairc da 15 barrels dn do 10 uftta gromil do 10 k plain toao 6 do caveiiiuht 5j boxaa ci ickl boxea luchr mkvc 30 do buncjhaisinf 10 do cumnu 10 ricaaks jamaica 9pl 10 a nr do du flnndy hcinbheny uclaves d aa tt casta clarrib cut tumbler tfd wine trttm bolllcd pattered letlh ate fooucaii poll l i cases pancrllamea and iu0 hatratacper sale at 1 1 octk willmm wawr kinealonthuccemhcr 1843 auition sale of tllj 5tcat ooat tja q3 a sj o o wedwjsday iho 2tth dec at the cofnccommercial mod build inga will be sol tnvaoti vsmvw ih well known low pr slvm boot vul can complete w lcs below u cataraqui bridge she ia tvell alapled for the ridcau ca nal river andiva of quiote trade for further inannalion apply iocharlmts stuart erj terma libera and will ue made known at ihe sale sale at 12 rfjock william ware uciionrer kinpton stidcc 1843 athibodo families supplied in ji lttantilic at ihc lowest wholeaalr ricc with the nnrat of country and uarlan teas wine5 liquors tobacco crockery ck and iit factcvary aiticla ia thcgiaecry lin india rubber over srtfes mens womens and childrens lsjificr shoea ki dec 8 lft vi ladies a re tetpeclfouy iofoim lhat tha sub actibar baa ttcrivtd a w i selected and estenstve amortment of ladies and children shoes kindlon dec 8 im3 athisodo 47o alexandria lottery class 1 for 1s44 lobe drawn at alexandria p ctj on ssujr- dylher ui 1s44 75 nuaaberswlo drawn mamrasl splrlvdm scbrlwe a000 1000015000 4j00 3400 23001 2 100 10 prises of koooeacht 10 of 500 loofim loofjoo 200ofl00 tickets only ten dollars a certiftcate of a packaga of 25 ticket will be sent for f 120 sham la proportion jttm rc be tan it is aat proved fotil i man called at tbe office of a nstisc naapafer and catcrcd 0 p ft count of the whose matter he was swke smhstratca and the rrault was that aaena is taken for acsin the fj ther ocok and papers hieh stas on ihe cvenn of imui jaw caaied mtorftect- m trl cooarwry numbered about indido ssmft rssrss a great sale of books stationary at auction this wednesday evening the public is rejaeetfuliy informed that one of the best invoices of books ncr of fered in thas city will be sold at tbe store lately oc cupied by mr f ionoyhuj on prwcestre shore basot street coowhencin on tuesday evenirrj next hslfpast 6 oclock peeciaetrsnd to be continued ctcrj evertios at the same hour till the entire strek is diioscd of caulocuea frill be ready and the books can be exstnjned on tuesday morning this collec tioo contains roany raluble architectural medical scientipic standard and miscellaneous works also annuals and flee illustrated v- gcnoemen are tea peetfully requested to call and eianlne jijnton auctioneer kinesoft doc 0 h ltu3 advertisement barst of british north amcrica in corporate rt royal charter the court or directoi a hereby r nofiee thai a half yearly dividend of 20a jwv ahaw will become payable to ihc pivwrieioeaofaharw retiatered in the colo- niea on and after the 6fth day of mareh isii drrringlhe usual hnura of bttftineaa at he aeveral branrh banka aa announced by circular to the reaper live portiea the dividend ia deelaretj puyable in slehifif rooney and will be payable at the rate of exchange current on tbe 5th day of march 1844 lo be fixed by the loeal boards no transfer can be made betvacen the 18th february and tbe 5th march 1844 aa a brokantuatbecloeed during thai perrod gdtbattwood secretary pcmi rh 48di 330000 alexandria lottery class 2 for 1s44 lo be drawn at alcurdria d c on satur day 13 hcfjanoa 1844 75nombcr udrawn ctsllota grand capitals aaojooo 12jooi 6000 3w 2300 40 of 1000 a0ofa00xor40063or3co63 63 of 1601 63 of o 1 6tc stc tickets tea dollare a certificate of a package of 25 tickets will be sent for sl3j shares in rportioo an 23oofji delaware state lottery class i for 1s44 to be drawn at wirainpon del wednesday 17lh of january jr4 to nu 5 drasrn ballots grand scheme 250001 75001 4000 20001478 10 pn l5o0each1 10 of 1000 jo of 400 i 20 of 30ot200 j70ofl2f 63oflu0i be racatuccily b dollara a certificate of a package of 26 ticvela win be aeot for s100 shares ie prfjeortico to mt a two 5j hjic erilboutbai titrjatcd at the bead tjcpeeuh reaidtnea tlin and r lire rfr- ici sit irjsobartaer at his lombe v strt john dec 4 1843 kinraton house ml f nt burla 46 awoooo alexandria lottery class 3 for 1844 to be drasrn at alei i d c on satur ia jan 20tb 1844 78 numbers 14 drawn bal lots grand scheme 12000 6000 5000 3300 t 2500 20 prises of 1000 each of000 20 of 400 40 of 300 250 ot 150 fee- r tickets tt dollars a certiavau of a paeksaje of 25 tickets will be col for si 30 shares an proportion 404x0 2fj0o 3of siojoo delawarestate lottery class b for 1844 to be drawn at wilmiaton dei on wrtiescuy use 24th of jaj jvr 78nircabers 14 drawn baiaota grand capitals 5 crises of 10000 each i ekoo 2495 30 of 10017 each 50 of 20 75 of 500 75 of 150 j25of 125 64 of 100 c stc c tieketa ten dollars a ccrtilkato of a paejsae 36 whole ticket wdj be sent for sl30sharca m profortion vndria lottery cusad tor 1844 mt at akausorts d- c satur- ufi 4 78nuitjeral2drawft mi- saltt for sml by tht sokscribef b00 uml lipoel hu miy low w euhw p- p swtr- thqmas greeri an ac corn hfr kingataniblh nnv 143 41 me t30 100- 1900 200 pr cse t7 20c0 british k north flertoan ftofiollail str an packets of 1200 tsrassvajkl 440ijorm each isder c0str1ct w1t8 tbe losds of tdb 1b1uilti hlbernfa cmibylaejudkirfst britannia j hewitt caledonia e g lott acauia rtrie av jmdixrp9o and gbataiu via finai as fouvwoi t rom lwerpaul from boston caledonia dec 1 acadia he 19 dec ifc mina bee 5 jjt i bftltannia ian 4 fh 1 caledonia fsb 4 march 1 acadia starch 4 april j paasaee mooc ton boston lo liar rpool 5131 h m u 44 to halifax w thta ships aany cxpeiieaced soreeona nrj berth u onttl pairj for note all latter aad ncprraanera iirvaf paas through the post hitv aod all letters found oa board ua abipa will be seized by ihc admiralty agest and rclurncd to the post office mcicoantiixe specie for person al expenses siujin onder the name of lug gc will be chewed aa freight and liable ta custom house rernlsfrons for freight oinausaee apply to ss lewis 25iy wou commcrcuii wharf boaon books fbh england and the contint of europe messrs raoiaay armour fc co will aenttoff their firat order oft the 20lh dccembet aoj gentlemen deairnia of importing boosvby the eahjeat apring eeaacla vill he gooj vinrph to hand in hata the aeecwtj order vail he despatched on l8ih rehrvary and ihe last on 20lh mareh mr armour u now n england and will punctually execute all ordera aeut to him kingston dember i 1sh3 to let i new hotse suitable for a small tea- peclable lmily sit oatcd on ih iet ad- jaininx lhat of ar samfrsooi fronting wil liam street rnt 25 pet annum apply to h trlldersleeve kinpton6tijdac 143 4c w anted a aleadj ainvle man of sober habit wo hasliejrd with families in this country in the capacity of butler or in door servant and perfectly understands the duties he aw be of on exceptionable char acler and a arfire ef england or scolfand the latter will h preferred none other need offer apply a iht chron 4t gazette office- kiagaian d 5 1543 4s tkkej0sbavcasi a certificate of a facajofe of 2d i servtfer 1 30 sharra an treeertion sr private sale 20 kega srvikea dodveya 10 doae spadea do shovela 0 frying pans s stoeea ea j- c tin wm ware awl nd december 1843 20 2d 100 50 sisteavaai afiiarnmai aa unave drevsary f mr james mortony who haa long been known in the vrcmuy rj kiisffaftjfi fnimiht t aajw hnj i ptatiltery aucccafully ranrluctetf by him for many yeara on the ahore of lak onurii iki a fuf fclj f lt rpitlence of hia excollency the grrverfsor general iawvefod in iho courms laat ar tn lornw dttrpoam of hia dittilfary a mnioral spring the efficacy of whkh in thj cure of vnruiiia jitnpljinia aij cl t j has been tested bv a lavff portfoa of the rraidenta in kintraion and by numerous airanra wh fr asavcfavl hamt nt rvbl rti v 1 f asttwsm uiwasasi 1 aj irvit uw ivu wltlt t y ns n 1 1 also in ro f f hi f oxtenivc and perfect as the rubltc spirited proprieuir uesirnu r itivurioua ami costly nrraiigcinenta of the long ejuablibed and proeperijin watering ptorra d kuropc hnd hie bllh1 sinua the badrt hnvc proved the source of iminonac bcrselu to hurrdred wfco vjave rcaortod lo iliem airvrc iheir erettiofi from ll rjarttofxitli and ihc united slates with the vtov of rendering ihe diatovcry of this mineral water wnefidal to a much scaler numbrr rrf mvalula lhaii could bo provided with accommodation by any reasonable outlay of capital bv a aingha individual and i nuking tonnutt in an eminent degree lo the advantage of the town of kingston mr morton waa wjkeiied by several gtsksikllsw ititeremi t in thtj prosperity of the district to associate himself wilh them for the purpose of forming a company lo be iocoffortted by an act of the provincial legislature and empowered in taise a capital adequate to ihe erection of baiha and other aewofijmo- dations which from their convenience comfort ami oxlcnt might rival the splendor and luftufy of the baths of tfai most celebrated watering places in the uniled slates or europe an application has accordingly been made to the legislature of the province and a bill in now in frrragresa through the provincial parliament lo incorporate a company to be called u kingslon mineral wells company tor effecting ih above objects wilh a capital of 2500 divided into 1231 aliarcs of 20 rarilf wilh power in ratc if thccvffsiy a further capital there are two wells thefirm is near the edge of the iakcand wuconstrucl6tla veaf by borinic through a tlepthof 145 feet to tho primitive rock the other is higher up the bank and at no great distance from the road leading to the resideoc of the g vernor general the waters of bjth springs have been analyzed by prufcaarrr williamson of queens college whnt high attainmcits as a chemist and a scholar it is unnecessary here to eoriigize the water of tho first v m the protossor pronounces after a careful ana laborious avrtdyais to be of the saifae class and he sam component paxu as those of cheltenham and lcainingtun in errgfurid it alsv feemblea lafrowgate in its taltne nature and strength but is not impregnated so extensively with common aim it rewmlea airthrey water in scotland in the quantity of chloride of calcium but it is distinguished from it by ihe absence in the latter of the sulphate of soda the water of ihe second well was found by iming at about 65 feet from the surface it b nroca otronger ihan any other minerril water wilh which professor williamson is acquainted bromine as well a iodine is rxscnt aa tvaa found on imvi a stream of chlorine through a largo portion of the water eoncentrated to a small quantity and filtered the analysis of the water of both wells by professor willtamsvjnyissobjoined the medicinal prxyprtics of the water have been investighted and asrruinerf by nairmiyjjs nlwficaf prjtttroder waw havs resorted to tbe wells either as invalids or for the purpose of making tlieinaelves arurifdeef with the nature of a dbc very so interesting aod important to their art but it may be sufficient here ftr awrte the substance of he evidence of df dunlop given before acomrmtlee of tho legislative assembly appointed to inquire into and report uporv tlse pthitioo nfthc applicants for tbe projioscd act of incorporation as tbe service of dr dunlop a an army surgeon in every pavf of the world and in every climate and his ercquaintance with the most celebrated w3ters of the old world inlitle hint to a with confidence of th coniparalive efficacy of this water whilst ihu eminent position long enjoyed by him amonee scientisc and uterarv mn cannot ut give such weight to hia testimony as to rejrsder it unnecessary to extend this prospectus by llie additiort of other medical certtscales which have been given of ihe curative properties of ihe water dr dunlit c before the comroillee was hi substance as follows 1 have examd lnc kingston mintiral waters titid personally trietf them- tisotrgh- 1 hrrve no analyzri frvtu the ruttlt is that i cnjkfe n water of the lower weir xs rrtre powerful than the cheltenham aers and contairting neasfry tho same ingredients though te jw ffopvftnaie orfnfifyr it has a specific effect on the lias mi i j 1 would therefore rfrcommend its use etirnallv and internally to all persms ufa durin under ck ittsaganitton of the viscera from residehce in a htx elirute or tor other cause and particularly to persons coming from the t b k fe sf amric that the undertaking will yield a itberal worn upoii errjwked trt it theto can be wwjfil donar use applications from persons desirutisr using ihe waters but whose sute g fc l building in which the baths arc erected whilst no less than seven hundrjt n il been suprtad with water aince may last the prills accruing from the bntht and the waters thus daily dispensed in the satoorf w teamply safficiem to defray the expenses of the establuhmcnt and to yield a handsome interest on the sum requisite for w jyovcnt and extension but the income of the company would be greatly increased from other sources the situation of ui 1 l lake ontario commanding eklcnsivc views of the surrounding scenery is such as to render it fiv to ihe stranger and as tt ia part of the design of the company to creel a spaciou hotel and to lay out the potraw about the weils in ihe most ornamental manner and to provide every kind of arrrusement that is likely to render a sojourn at ihe wella agreeable it may reasonably be anticipated that 4 very considerable portion of the summer travellers from the united sfatea and europe who have hitherto passed djwn the lake and ihe st lawrence tn montreal without slopping at kingston will be tempted to make a visit iothc kittoatow minium wells a prrjminetit olnrct of tbeir journey and thus by adding to the revenues of the company insure the imans hnh of paying a handsome ovidena and catthsg stilt furtlter the ktatcstosf mimehal wclm compawtv prrjposed improvements persons desirous of contributing he proposed undertaking and of taking shares in the contpany will fiorj wlwi- lion lists in the osiceofthe sheriff of iha mldund district also in the otbxct ciimih stoasit eaquire brirriater at law nnd at the kingston mihcuac wellsj salook amd baths near tm government house analysis op the lower well i analysis of the uppeb well specific gravity w- iw ai sasveaxyasv f1t chloride of sodium sulphate of soda chloride of calcium chloride of magnesium gases carbonic acid giui anda tratctytrf sulphuretted hydrogen 1010 grains irfflfti 4564 v vi 2136 t t v 3509 ljii 1543 11742 kingston upper canada november 184s specific gravity hi jto txtttout fan carbonate of lime carbonate of magnesia sulphate of ljbi chloride of sodium sulphate of magnesia chloride of calcium gmorirmoflsugivemum iodine and bromiiw tracea gasea carbonic acid gas 10431 grain 3w31 112653 34716 2613108 409 m 29035 467700 merchant tailor voen the rxtaanacb or his ixcsxlerct ths covfftkoa gestzail hatlns removed ta nr 3 wellington building opposite his eld scand returns bis siacore ihaalti lo his friends and tie fublk fer the distin guished patronage he hia received since his commtncemrnl in baines ami hoprt by atrict assidgilj lo retain the patronage already be slowed ri d has received direct from eniand his fall and winter supply rz wert of en land supeinae broad cloths milted sopernaedc plain and fipired bea vers of the moat fashionable colors superfine casiirreiea doe sltina twetda tartans and also a quantity of fancy french tmuis of tbe latest fashion and he also be to stau that he has opened a corresoondeaee in lcndoa and paris in order to oblaia ihe earlier style or change of faahion- n b naeal and military uniforms ladies habits he weltinshen streei ksmsta 926 not imfc i commercial bank mid dlflt isktotice ia herebe given that a semi- jt annual dividend of three per cent hsra ihii day been declared en ihc capital sfoek of this institution payable at tbe bank and ite ageneiea on and after ihe se cond da of january next thetranafer book will bo closed from the 7th proximo until the date at which ihe dividend rapajable br order of the board f a harper cashier kinasto 25th kov ims 43m noticbr ornetorciaaortaj kinatoa noaeoaberlftthlw notice is hereby vbihatibe cvitrtof general qunrtet 8cion of the peoce will be held ar ihe coort houae in kiogsion on the 20ib da of december iaai at 10 oclock io ihe forertoon puytaaot to adjogrnmeni for the purpose of receitrtig applicsiions from and grsniing ceiltficarev to tnftj ale and beer house keeper ta jhia districi for the manioc v at which tioae general attendance of masisiraietfat leaat one for rach township is requested pr- aoni receiviag certitieaiea at- required by the statute lo uke out their licenses on or before tbe 5th day of january nen oilier vir ihe eeniheatea will be null and find ap- plicatrts will understand ibat the liceaae will gut be reneweil as a matter of course aod that they will have to produce a cerirficate according io forrtiino i and ihose wbobava not been licensed ihr present year sceoruirsg io fam ho dl eeery aeraora aritl be rqu- red at iue litne ol raking uet i n vertificie to brrvide himself wih a eopy of the aaaeoded ute and regulatioaa for the gofernuieat of inn keefera be orrfer of the court james nick alls curltothe peace of the itsidtand dietnct certificate no 1 we do hereby certify thai a bbascoet ducttd tiis bouse fur which he obtained a liceuse last year 10 tht aaitsfaciion of the public and that he has roainiaided his good erjaraeler fur loyalty aod aobvieiy aod we re- commend that ma license shoold be reaew ed for lha coming rear a b cj p d efj p g h certificate no 2 we do hereby eeriify that a b ia per- aon of sober habita good fame and coovera tiooj and also a good and loyal subject of her majesty and that he is a proper peraon to be entrusted with a license to keep aa lon whteh we further certify is rnueh required ia the neighborhood of the house fur which vie deatres to obtain a license and wa also j tlar that to our knowledge he baa accom modation for travellers requited by law we therefore rtcommend hint to the julie as proper peraon to keep an inn office tolct nub the caeajstfasaariuuftra uvytr docter or daatist eaoiro at ihlsxrqt r s nosaaaaar r4 gotcrnor simcoe8 milltor journal during fb war of fh american kcvolatlon bartlett welfoftd book- ellera and pviabera no 7 aalor hoesae new yxi fpo- jtimim by aubariotssmi imassaaassi aaear emiiled jl osstswoiu ofae querva rxmgm jvassa ning of the year 17tt fa fast ericm war oy linu colomt sti commander of tlud corpi thra wotb iff a sumtitw rjf tv tntli- tary amc dtirimj tbe eontcm oc that period of colunel smcot tbe ia ac tive chivalrous and daring amtaavn offi cer in the britiah scrvtee j ha optxiions were shiefly in new york wterrj hias name yet lingers in the uwrmjisw of oc togenarian on lg ulead in 3ew jr aery th enviroaa cf pniladphia mj tir- giaia saia coqia arf dangnaa wes afrvm among the moat rnaprrnmoa no io hu hajeatya sarviro left s rac be wo rrame behind him thati col sttscrxt and hi memory ia bull hld in high resjpect in those aectiona of tho stale of new tork where he waa lottgee gtatioood a ahort mctnovv of thea a whsr wtti j company the tvrjrk together with ten fine military maj ihuauatiog ibh varioua en- gagementa of the ibngerr tha work will bo pnrte in tht boat manner 00 fine paper and vriil comraara with tho beat senator publcatiocui io all rtapdtb it will bo furniebed xo surjsxribr at 250 12a cucreocy with the duly added and will oe delivered in kiosssaoo t the swfcsft of december or early io january- a subacnrnron list will bo left at the chrofticle book storo and at meaasra fia n- ay armour ftu coa notember2wi law for sale br the sobacriaer one of tlt rsjassri llarwcakfiaetb t lassrotanersts stbkh rtriajra tsav asiaa ar racsitucrrsrfoatiaati- t aarsotsthhbeasswehaaaa sfisjai asv u n hua talk au svfr iwlilllmaiuub uultahttasasasrvanattmtosurasl taiadtu f tent hiiuftrcrtwjlntan baptaat ev wx rw

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