ttlu chronicle gazette j v fitfvia fwrffol it flft i rftclvf i v r 4 gviik r el cuv wednesday saturday fh abortoftnaui inftilure bvohicij adlvrc4 10 othjt ih order nerd be forward uiihogl t r n-3- l r f i i i iucl inolk corie roin rfkft j oil m curloiito f tflp tfyf rfiteftfml ll iiik and uinter 4i l-3- ant insertion mij tjd etch ajborqucnt in- ttiop- ttftilintt and under 3o 4d finl jrucrlion 14 njm q l lutcruon ut r urn lines jc rt jnrtior and id pre line each lvwqaicnl iusrruon jomluiuv 4tofftakti von fvmfi or bj7fjppjr caufoewri ujf of yioor vktn ltuted in je iarrt l ottc r press printing cljronide bandit and kingston commercial advertiser nee be- popeu scd ctroooo vol xxv kingston canada saturday december 30 1843 no g3 chronicle k uazettk stationery wtnhowe io op supo at stasr jirtp- 1l ucld atock of writing papers nv huper rojat lo not ecj atlmu tl r iiinrji blank books school books fcc in aijito branches carried on llwumtf es tablishment asupfrior bulin matton til full operation by which blank boolcscaobe ruled lo any pattern ri in yie mmm ix cerurrtoiion c prthttttq qpficl book bindery and mnonm warehouse tku esuuiehmem gh it a decided nperioriitf in pafljf f few e djicn ond depauk crvroniclc gaelte office kindlon canada kin j i j winers cnirovjto svhur of kcneiioiro mp fi too prrdtod ittciu il tfvp f cuht cdui ir- n tlri opn in f if cbjvbtplrtn reuiii m0rlt fsiflf j f arcw of itr brhl buj jiij sronihlii ittrc u wfjlffti btflrcji to pfoifttfl fjvf vil f tr fl- 1 j- ortumfup r 14j iii tftifini tttal ihnoim oiiiii imh- irri t i ooioftiii it idrifi of ifttrtktn- r j r hf of hr ifcffl itklk friht tpiiutl v f tri or rtiiif til flrtiiirrtp w il 1 0bo f 4a 1 of h flftf 1- tumcifcl curnionrf ihe mrtfttt f fe4 bwlt tmti in ifjily w ilv lo ivf l- nl lrif liir frri t jnfv niiii fluttl f i now m m fii taj pffml tbtt mratcifir 10 puwif wtifc fvu rand- dcikf v iu unf wtl foly rcr jilll mill mwifri uiohdrtnflmlun- whrn m ef iuuttiva da i povrom u nuliiioi h i uir bct1 iin ooj ia hn pat aai tfliu b chimim ih pm j jt witamii t rt voirlih tm tbo afd f ll 1 ni n1 mtiifir 11 in in luti iiror t with f housl -i-n- s one- innu on fwmi rh iii iirr ta avmiltr iht hlnai si hia jwn lilt frj n nf itgrr mnl u 4i4w ftttu ibki nar fiqi ihlflktkv lb it4 wiilwi f ld failol w 4im itrptit4 i cm sandss sarsaparlla far v ttmoval and permn4t cur tfcli dtiiou aflfrii cfth t j i 1 ficnofuba t rrmttmiiiam fdmiipti f utskn b chfr sort kp rn wflia p04rr itojpiufr 4d luhit lombof of mtfctj adl k 0 lof fluli rjcf 1 tilb muth ortki prrlfvj top iui i rtfl ifirl l of nitd ttth iitt evn thmn piftvntnnp lore t fftprivfe iiikkit wnkh nr v rmpm4ftud brtlrj b j rrmwatt4klj ifn iinitin w brcii n rlmr 4 cu1s ikth kitifttaiijtit ft3d is 13 kgi r i ali cbrolc iiiili s l lsidrdtb wit borrboj ibt praoomuo r woor rttr4th vrirff gf our rt cntimlj rn ibf rtatcb t frvhn arilbeacb irf- it tiiifil di oiw prfiud tverat ittir fcftviaf n imftbrifens t r t i imfn fw ub vtroptcitn stew lb i iwrntr yoin bow nifi miod iiuck ilb p i f k i bi tcir nj n i mmi iv t pthicurfi til lbi rhh hum 10 it i rt ofibe tufliil ijamtn m l di trni h4w v n tbf tfo ki hifofi ltirft lnty dt fif miif t hevr d tb itrnjnd- kijipi our nlaaiafj0 low nl lh inf tnttiif k no pp itruhdnl op frftfc0norit praciil une t ttrtjf ok rib ji i il i 04 i fcitnco nf lifr ni faubavijy of prcvwni dw nl ftl04tj kvii k f i hm 0d h of berubitoc kqtmiriird l r 1t iihni v tbr mriaua itm and truccufo filo r n i i iifo tyht oftcr d s l r i crttbn ijli iitm- lapel mcftufc flbftlifr tbt oouf if jlotoot ubimmte htflubv ociina in ui puco tb l implicit of tt w wuctor jav llvmkwiciktbfm mfltn n npti wiipw fcitid lfl utimfct it til li ikr ltit tiiusil jh n tbo uim amltntq illlbw bmit d f nor ihrro uilmij i rj j na ft 1 t4 droomii tlq or cl1jrlpiirj rr unu o flb b ajirfil tin ullftiuj frpulrn luiiihni lb vud sum otd rv jr1j rlcnli j t i rfvrbrjhm nod cuttj no fi1y uu vvi br witboui hrw- tbc rrlff 0f u tn tltb ffr kilm hmf br fmnttlm dtfhm 5tnhi nihhflic tltrutfv j j prtit x bit 1 belt rnr nofturto i j- i v 111 t ihorlilc r i c it ffriiie ir i it iti l lltr v 1 aodt i tion ihy iiimflt tbe tr ti coaibtii hit tof fftcfuoj ktdftbcniv ailvurr ptotlucilvot ur mn potrol timpte of bt ccub biodo tad nprorroooird oc in ihr ftinikio o krhi f ih wbyi too fiwj ajtovribr fnoi drt i vimr mvlidtrf ml i nn i ww far- r mi ill pl trif 1 t t vivac uriu laiftnpn ii ivtiifflorjlnc il lo 4n1ctrd lrn4 in ftn bow il bt ton un too i it mldflt in itir praciki of ndiddro ei lpkrrr co inrirri iicd nb 11 41 i laid f iviiftiil lootltdr f d t4at xbnruifduabol viro lo rv tb pifp rf javsk txreidhat nioltifcmervftkd f diijbt rlbt 4ihnailtmi pi mwji roap liwbjpjenuihioo rtnr nttd i itim f- rn firaitfl mmllv ivnks m x tonic fr ifc pr irottib buiy r hniul whifb wf it hiinj ot hir on il bid mi j ir oflof iimi0 ic4la 4ve toshlumifuoi n gh safe hinh1 trprnr rtniilo horni viatic ihj liitf r mad iti wnt m ntr lilt ibjailltlurrfa- i mun i 1 ti nt javtvfcv brah nativl calsav cin qlkw nil ft i 1 ur to ilm vl troobl i on w f t iiirtb and bowel wtb ail itfo profiaaioii nod pot j tt oltomitoo nf ihc ibf u mrfcrtftftiycaflrfife fmlwinj crriivumn huotr ttm lrbitvroifnu btrr bchiofora bto made bj ib nac of 1j midifin ytldvtl ttpofkttfe itdrvjl iuii iih ni radorr tbo propriior bri avail lhrmlica of ibe opni i j u i it m n aoorco of c04alt m- fofti ibm b tt md lb onooi orrrjtetkni m if mtrtprinf wunmum tffkcts of adss 5aboapa- k1lla ir pturwlch conn ii ol b riirf mi s wn fbimpa wbth on j r m tbo t 1n tb rcl oir wll bouwu lo m ihf om tovidcot pi iki p nf tbo eiif urofif a 1 insbr 4 bloat frttrroiivdo mi4rcbif ofnotiijaiiv for lulinf w- i rrnnilbf of vouf snf trilli llvfllolaj bbfttipibrviii vojiooualbiobii ho artba tnihr pbuiumi ll ianrnl 0 tbr ouj bawrla oi pu- futf wfl javnfr saxavi flmp inf fiilo ilai b ld i8mu0 0f0klb ttliiic 1 sppoiotfj alnhc i ftwird fii0r rrrnu b o javn lrl hoam b torralntnl finfri if urnnlebcnihtuj kntol rfltp tfl iii u lai t4 mull i riiftiit iiiiuiiti 1 hiitu4l inlcly wa ib ofin t j ondtrraji iw ajoniwbilo dmhtirrd of cotc mioo i n r i toty ooo f i r iiptrmtiav oc lor lh aobn of mtn j ll t rcij w britl mi flat it nturtreo veoyi i apii a fll fniebbron wi with no fltjiitwu truptio dr vuaicnl coboeuoiifl i ipkrrmwnmiifltfi f un aucb on nlrimfni ui it woo axaax lo 1i j tn tb biat of my drcavoi rouod itt woalr xr fotlowrf upon linobo mb irj bf1 jfirrmjit aor foara 6otb m aomoicr 4iiui nviifmlon i i c t r a crovernor slmcoch military journal darlne the var of the aitierlcn uevolotlon bartlett welpord book- elkrj flnj pjbliiher no 7 avtor houae neiv york propose nubliobing by tutachption on imporiam hittorical me moir enlillej a journal o utd optrotims of tie quettft rangtr from tht begin ning of the year 1777 to tfa close of the american har fty lieut colonel sitcoe commander of that corps this work is a narrative of llie mili tary fjprvh l during the content of tlitt period of colonel siucol then an ac tive chivalrcmii mnd jaring partixtn offi cer in ihc briluh rvice hi operaliorn were chiefly in new york tvhere lii namo yel linger in the memofie of the oc- togcrfarian on lvog uland in new jer- bey the environ cf philadclphift and vir ginia hi corpa of ranger were alwaya arnonb the most tmjh n inw iiajitt- hnl cj trg iiir ii th hit f m tliow otfwuj vi ir taie or new york where he wk longest itatiooej a short memoir of the author will ac company ihe work together with ten flop military maps illustrating lht various en gagement of the ranger- the work will be primed in the bet manner on fine paper and will compare with the beat london gumiration tn m respect it will be irmohckl to bubicciuit ai a3 au lo 6u currency with ihe duty added and will be delivered in kingston during the month of december or early in january a subscription lint will be left at the chronicle book store and at itfeoors ram say armour cov november 24h 183 important literary jnntmnctment english reviews amp magazines the sobscfibm havc- made brrang mtnts with ta l kfltlh puwiih- crs for ihe tegular ttsnsmiwionof the hcvitws and maoasikcs iji rceeiv their ursi sop ply by ihe mail jftjnmef which i lo travc liefpool on the 4s of januny and they arc rblificd at bcin ooahlcd to mate thit the prices which have vn fixed on are fully low er than those fornily charged for the now prohibited united sites reprints for the london qinheiiy the edin burgh the fnfrcfii and cst- nilnfxt reviews the price per anntm will bo 22 6d each delivered to subscbcn fue of atl tclurgos and for m- tt sl he rustic hospitality lv sa saltcefltp from godeyi ladja took for doceoar m will you promise ruth noi to yield to your fathers importuflilie pro mine that neither threat of punishment nor offers of reward shall induce you to listen to mr seivall proposals f thr question os the reader will readily suppose came from n young man his garb wa plain and immewhat the worse for wear and it would havn been difficult to infer from it what his profession might b one person might hove taken him for a far mer another for on apothecarys clerk and another for an usher in ume not very pros permia academy but alfred stanwood was in fact the son of a poor curate in one of the country towns of england his fa ther wisjied m r i li lr c t ruth will you not save me from ru in t he exclaimed falling upon hi knees before her amj clasping his hand in a par oxysm of excitement no human power my father she re plied can make me take this rep ab what do you tall ruin lota of properly debtimprtonincni disease- dcaib i do you mean eny f the disasters t for your sake i will cheerfully aubmitto any one or all ofthem surely they are easier to bear than the loss of onev selfrespect and peace of mind the serene smile of ones own conscience no man can be ruined while he ha that and without that life has nothing worth the taking brajshaw started to his feel onj nngrily tsked w where the deuce dd you pick up nil this sentimental nonsense girl t 1 wish you to be honourably and comlurtauy roamed 3 and to judge from your tone on wop 1 iii t r tes wl braflb m 1 tvc 0 b m lafca mfbi uno mumftn blrtlkino tt ohtll wu i n kfllm jiw ni1 najriria i iib bn irr li aukfbatrr ir i1mrt i nf quttd 11 lic flo- l- iatii jlbvi 1 n aii l ip r il atatvalimm balamhtibn tit ltrnll l stutline jl nl biomvi mvpiuh h lt l- 4 tulu ninth u tiflbiiatvtoila in i artiimlmf f famitatfm ao a 41 i tbr ifu tin v ilfhntv iif ilnl mafjwfprinaipfj aoibaam heeibf i naswpet f rrmfim uiu urtimit llj lilt ihildnhimhin f tha kn ovlwfc init lltrm- rvflbi uhrlir bvmihva nfllh t 1- lnlt tfcimiibttj uf i ftin- tliifc km mm kftarfiuh win fiielr iii turlnntlftii faitr disloihiy it lma hal yftut fnt uit rl twlmlilma ai cuv kfthall 1 tt plahia tm tbn iti luiirlhir jra will ffgtbrtioilpttittt ajitiliwo iii ff 15 aollfcal- lo q an bihia lime inr aasnam iiv vbkel fwblmtcn iu c itoflilt habot broil lo iitby ibtll mitrina h nrnr wb v law urn ifttujtn ilh v uiikfii winribrnbb ii ftrv jownsilal l rr anient cf olnn ik inwinti a rttblnb na- ji ljt hi utalmaf lit mlldmtath ilaiilit iijl4alr h kn av4itfi m iiioliibiohihi- mr di x eurril vfaoir iwfii 40ra f llp4l avt h t liltiiult nlh ffflom l4ii fa fit i lv ilainf iwnbtil oltbialnim vi wii ifklnj fmi b or ltlti ft tltni h 1 t i t t uua br tllttl li krrfrulml lo 10 ioik viijm4liiliil trf ilyrflii4 by tmnntr f llnttit tii f jrfinf- soilab cmn ultri t4 b- 0 iwirfb vtir omrriio of ibr ivocaud uimrflvuiid jh iiui n frit the rtnwmj fmitbrlo iohi h ii thi i- a4 i irl ihrf irbn mihiji lmlrttiuud movltaitik attjh1moh or- nu jit lb in niis 1uh kioc lootmi rotrtimwttf m mv uerri isv ut nrr aoinni nl r rfflorbt uj- iir i i iil runuiiipiioh nihmaiind ilh a or kr rai bir mw u willi vmmn nfiiikroilt uii vrllfialrbt lw oi1l4 i br brc otcrtnijrft j utfttict itk nrr m n rrbt msc r remrvj 01 hr o jajacn stulb 1 brd rt rbiutmttbio m l swa fc m lvfk arral aaemi wtt hoil hfrilbv wjl mackiosh t u k orixtlv oltlof atlbnai cn woitmiwqns trniimtzni if tu o mi tb if i ht 4aoir slssweft nnl bhrt odjdntlfftf ibtf llt tr r tpmc vfchmtruuk n iu fi fir ibr triovol tf ui arnnt km t otoauriwniirb whttif apa atotiijilvlily wflli if tltirtltrfii r bi ktl iuir uapsiilrptim nj i itui u- niii my rbnk bodto likiir fe ow on teat b u olbl vpoo i- ti ptn taow oboof ibroajb bat ataltot miii omionrutf fur p lofttbffi u bhi iobol i nljooat olnlj dfprttej ofalkp cjm itia nmr the krvatocia coouaoo oeiw- tn lc onuffoj nd o afcvfjv bnro i t rmn tbol fia iwoamlolinlf nn ihoy bnvebo aohiet lo btcd utt i i- i i il iffrpij nra i lave eoniu- i j hklrt phftlciana theac btva tilled ntf tfapf m 4t t oilentfrd wilb an nbviionlc colb onl n lfi biil allnmia n atov dfupektl aonaitoii ml liijb urt i w0o vbklfol i-rtci-i- ibet atr w able lo fpr4 m eje a jtaiikal uiireit rlit bndinanyaxr diuvnuie io coinajieairj io jtttilmt bft0 mm uattd ou rrt i v i betj ftroivna l tfaifra ff tlita j it ibni oil rw d arm tnnai eoil ij i c rji it e nient f onibiino t il- tl mml riprrlino fn mttew flrf hfls 1 njiii i4 nbltaj l fnenihal wib t04r io rae i a ivtili rivcnaroriibvotfhnhh wblct f i i j not one fell upr ifcblftf ur wemd renkiifrofeeniijifitifitbediiod liiwfutip f aib ff oobef wben emaocnipj ialin i blobaapjkl 1 buibelj r p ii l n ii na iinj i netj whtn in f bc4llb batw i lv r aboel ti tooi ilfhf t iihii- otid tfaiktoird iiria iii t aiikd nvdnta oe well on tp rho of ay mjhib itpawa vim ttlerra ojwo my lima ore bmlejj il crr- aj bitbivil inj arc ttjtkcd otailj lo my feiioct iiiiiiro tbne mveb do i feel ii p bphfi li lb hf toj uf bonllhicobmios saraapmtlu ji l aij il r- fnni oe0 kto cnthfort nnd ivboer aip of iiimir bnlth aje doo tiatr qoj to ue iotiiuutftnoli- l am oiej ibe aw ftl i il r im ki ooalo wu tbo banjif nd booeted lmnu i l4cj otsera m jteenma end drepturmf onb tluij and ut tt frirn4 afllnathbjphilllpa xrw uboevon co if vorvbpm m 4 1043 rurlt ofanrrd ko tuotonnaocd aoeib m piiili mid moie iviib r m foci tumvnrd id ibo kufus w mathcwson juiifeftrtb peneo dio fkarnoau 1 r t 1 mre r i c i djall ibe bbwrs oaioiledr bic fbcu eobalenlinltj wilham h rtldiand mlnitirrof ibe qiu1 norwich coon 1 f a d bfaode ft co djtj4l nd ih iftii gl biiilji 7t1 brontliany cotor of i 1 1 d r reel ntw yorl nd fof at j lrijii ibinibooiibou pckslprtiibrmloviur tm fimbjic nr inefifnnj f qi ifll u lerormtn f t4 ttk saui saonpviriu ibi ou nnd ra mnaumlr fiinu ifgniknbae ffj 10 or uc 001 ifrtiiiiill rla ofditratoi i- birb uic bomnn lnm ivljnt 1 b fr sojuua bkuaaoorilu onj mbe no o4ki j w r s mil b apucial oppotooaesl fi oil prtprfoili fwr stafttov knd iclnity books fihe sobwrihera beg to draw the attention i of the public to their present stock of books which from recent additioos now com prises a very complete assortment of standard works in ertjry department of science litera ture and the atu- to gemlmea snr to monaers of tovro country bjarf kczimenlal libraries deiirous of adding to their collection a forourablft opportunity is thus afiotded of twrwatas as many of tbem will he disposed of at conjidejably tinted prices tb following work form fart of their stock the woiks of lord bacon a nw edition with life of the author by basil montague eq3 vols 8po the history of napoleon by george moir busiey k with numerous illustrations 41 tan toronto and bamilioo and pa dent in other fur of the province may be upphed on applictffton to the agents in any 0 the above tow as as the expenses oflran- 1 i duties slc ate retv heavy the under signed will require jubscribers in all eases to pay at least half a jear in advance on receipt of the hrst number- it is proposed to add other periodicals to the list should thoir jbjblbhers enable the sub briber- to supply them at the saroo raits as ar0ur kamsay stontrtol ucbttfc t cauv 4 co qveaee kamsav mouh 5 co jrfigsfor huom seotrsx s w r m toronto a h aaspoa b co woon on wo o by vemet 2 vols 8to letters and notes on the manners customs and condition of the north american 1 1 dlsns by geo catlin with four hundied 1 1 lost rations carefully enraved from his original paintiogs 8t0 london lt henry lavender la n op lomoon merchant pespectfullvin 0f kingslort that he winers canadian vehifcjge- ivarranled in avst the bei rooonly 0 diieod ft fow e itnfnloalbe tvnl ju4njfnrririrfikea0rl 4 srorum bt aiomoeb nnfen oonllf uwtttn pnbilk ii i birianvn on mh runi nntllbe kmlib cf lb peoet ntny prv- t ltiynh tfben no wo r diaiuvmd teiediter bofjn puublr oow orill refine o fitke it nr eon ibr matt irlteoi 1j ik i4i obacrtfatinna po dmar e- ioni yor- ri- battue rrtp4ii oaw ale od rri bj railor informs life gentry ngslon that he has commenced lusiness in princess street nearly opposite ihc new building of henry smith esq in suliriiiog the patronage of the gentry of j kmeton h- l would respecifully observe that he haa recently imported direct from l fiij a verychoic assceimcnt of weal of england clothe caasimerea vestings c c all of the beat quality and begs to assure those gentlemen who may favour him with their ordera that the strictest at- leniion being paid to every department of the btisjoeaa lhy mt rely on having their garment of the bet material style and workmanship princtsaeircct kingston 1 december 12 183 j 48 psul and virtfnia a splendid copy illustrated by three uundred and thirty cnvmviurs 1 vol 8vo the ecclesiastical and political hutoryof the popes of rome during sixteenth and seventeenth eenturies by leopold ranke professor university berlin 2 vols 8ro the principles of population and then con- nxion with human happmeas by aich alison 2 vols 8vo edinburgh the prose works of chas lamb esq- 1 vol 8vo the works of lawrence sterne with life or himself i vol 8vo stewart philosophy of he human miad in two parts new edition i vol 8vo ufe of sir walter scott by hi literary exe cutor j g lockhatt eso with por- ttaits t v 1 royal 8vo a summer and winter in the pyrnces by mrs ellis 1 vol iqmo the sportinv sketch book a scries of char acteristic papers by the mot distlnzuwh- ed fporlinjr writers of the day edited by j- w carlelon eq i vol 8vo beau tifully illustrated v vols 12mo ramsayarmourco wnvma i j mihea i aupply or tint k cbeomi i a nr sow iil of k flfrfinjo f cnb n for sale it the mimfacluripnces by j ya brent n palmer an chaleath kiogloojunevad 183- 103iye u wmoon tx oak ash erutoly eure croup m fni to let or sell a small farm with cowoodioui houie newly mta up hitios atfca mfln gpoa ihe lw flotglher m r a6l- sbet od oulho well wlal4 or p ftmlw pubbc hootebein five elurtim fntoo coon ih muiduhud rwdand etof toll cm n umber comulmk p onr a if an mtf i fcmf tm liv ri b- j aspaamy j j fbitdfen fje orem- r i i and the tihtceisioft township of kinffloo 1 mites from the said road forparculaearaof nondteadrror ery tqtygtw pnra rd 1 1 ra if w-amao- wtlfsfaavkw hoftce yeomans advertisement bank or british north america ic- corporated bt rotal charter the court of dircetora hereby give notice that a half yearly dividend of 20s per shaic will become payable to ihe proprietors nf shares registered in iho colo nies on and after iho fifth day of morrh 1844 during the usual hour of bumficst at the aeveml branch banks as announced by circular to ihe respective parties the dividend is declared payable in sterling moher and will be payable at the rat of exchange current on the 5ih day ofmarxh 1844 to be fixed by the local boards no transfer can be made bci ween the i8ih february and the 5th march ism aa itifi booka must be closed during that period g deb attwood sccreiarv- december 16 18u- 481 to let a two stnry stone dwellins house with ouboildlnrs and other conveniences situated at the head of princess street being a respectable residence for pbrticularc apply to the subscriber si his lumber yard ontario street john burley kinplon dec 4 1843 46 b- ra sheriffs sxle of lands midland district afpin saturday ihs itih towiu i 1 dij of february m ill be id al tba coort houoe io ibe ton of kinftion tl 12 am noon ihe folloinj tones aoiscd bj finite of tuimm lo km dtrecttat oui of her majcitj cosirt qvecfla bencb e wiuiornwlaef iaj wm afihbid menctllp weal half of lor 22 7ih ssbiapbtastasi taoo bjp fffderkttburx dte lot no a emttido of jvbn ieeot iwasai of apance north hf of lot no j i tjii 3rd jc nr tot or rkmoond lot no 12 7ib eon jv of richmond wester hoindarp aod lot no 13 tlh cii of laid tonehtp j ui s beji forojih et at vi maiheteson ddmo u cambj t al 0 jarneo mathoivaon lot no 1 in the m con or pimabiaes west hf of lot no- 2 ab eon or pinsburfh lot no 1 in he kmi eo of pitubvrsh aoj peo or rragoo having elaima on the above prefwrtf t ae eeojueood h5 hovt bs0fn t roe ooof beftft irodsj of sale tilqaivfi acorberr sbetid m distrlctcolrta john fllm ah thai certain tract or trcel or land situated lying and beine in jomionviltc l in the township of kingston rl now in the town ot kintoniu the midlandjstrici and piovinco of canada heine pauofwct of land purcnas- a by the late chart jsluait from the late maoaten fercnsoh d may be otoenvise known as follows that h ay comrrjencine at a kst or stone hondar planiedonthe mon treal road on the wetem side of charles street al a point or tornrwbere charles mreel strikes or meets the mriral road thence in a straight line alons lheaid street lo a post or stone boundary ptantrf at a distance of one hundred and hirtytwceel neither rrore nor less marked b ihence sia straight hoe paral lel with the montreal 100 statyii fret neither more nor lets toa pst or stone boun dary marked d tfcencei a straight line parat- lel with charles street distance of one hun dred and thiriytro feemeilher more hor lea tf a stone bounrtary mskrd f thencr aong the montreal road dissnee of statyata feet neither more rot less to bt place of oeicinnin containing hy admeasoecnest oneiftb or an acre anj person oe peesoeift hfivf elmmson an of the aboee dcoceibrd proprivi are reqopud to nabo ihe mne kr0h to ot co or before ihe dj of sale thqmra corbett sheriff m d sherirts oftei kington iih i 41 a p sherriff botanic physician l ml iw- 1 jhn ho ucjiguicu in oo out of ikrors in the rt free airbeneoih ihe unobstructed nrch of the heavens anj with ihe unpaved turf under his feet he had a passion for all manly sport was an excellent shot and an adroii angler and the end and aim of hia hopes was v become on independent farmer an intelligent practical agricultu rist better would it be for the world if such lottos were more prtvnteni in civilized com muni ttc- amt ulltoaii ifluli lfaii lhj to iho interrogatory wej have quoted r she lifted her small finely formed head and with a look which was a confirmation more convincing than bond and acai could have rendered ahe replied 11 come what may alfred do not fear that i will ever consent to be anothers w h me bowker jhojv sdaaywastp orncc ovstk miu i r m prvucisr shop mr b reipectfully bgs to refer to dr 5p ould rrtpccifulti inform the inhabi tants of kinntonand iti vicinity that h has taken the south lalf of the pew stone dnilding beknine to mr john holmes in rideau street near tie british wesley an mclhodiol chapel wheat he will be ready at all times to attend to those who may please to favoui him with stall from his long ex- p rience and general eoo4 succcjs in ireatine the sick on the thomsoniah botanic system of medical practice and particularly those who have becniven up as incurable from decry other source he hupei lo share the pa tronage of the sick and afflicted patients from a distance can be accommodated witr board and attendance at hi residence respectable ptrtonal references can at all times he given a large awrlmeni of boijnic medicines con tntly on hand wholcsal tn retail kingslon december is43 46 the mysteries of paris a few rfpks have b rtceived and for saltaichronre fc gazette circumitanees nwy compel roc to refuoe lo unite my fortunes with yours bul never never will i call anv man but you tny hu- band it was the old story the obeiruciiuns in iho way of the course of true love far mee bradshow was of the higher order of english tenantry and held a beautiful farm belonging to the estate uf lord bcoadmca- dow but times grew hard tnipforlunoj entered the farmers family and ho was in arrcare i a large omoiint of rent ha he- gin to feel thai he shnulcj hove to abandon the old homestead one day lor broad- meadow fatigued with hunting called for refrebhmenls at his house and ruth was summoned to serve him with ale and bread his lordship aeeroed se much charmed with his fair attendant thnl he detained hry in conversation fur upwards of an hinir and oa his way home could think of noth ing but her beautiful face and her graceftil ways his lordship was a widower with two or three doueliter as many non- he waa in folitica a tore ami m rclrgion a staunch churchman he reverenced the opinion of the world anil would not have done an indiacreet nr immoral thing for a dukedom that ir if them waa any proba blity of its being found out in his lcw ard scuall he had ti most eongenial and convcnienl ally j doe who agreed with him fully in th aeniiment ufah vice vml no vice so y was kept veiled from observation or wore tbo vixor of derorom sewall harj a son named wellington who with a hand some exterior possessed hardly hraina enough to keep his bodr from decomposing in vain hud the father labored to teach him the multiplication inble wellington could not master anything so complicate for no nameablc employment did ho seem to have an aptitude nay i do him injus tice brumwcll himself could not have tied a cravat morej nncxceptionohly wel- lingtnn was great at tying cravats a day or two after lord it rnad meadow accidental visit mr sewall junior man aged to become acquainted with farmer bradthaw ond his pretty daughter and week had nm parsed before he made the latter an offer of marriagr ruth rejected him and his offer with nost unhesitating frankness hut when ihe proportion ih nil its bearings was laid before her fathee he did not so unceremoniously dismiss the young mans pretentions by the proffered marriage it was made apparent that not only would the fanners arrears of debt be canw celled but that his houso would be repair ed his grounds improved and the rent of the whole form reduced one half further more ruih would have a suite of hand snmo apartments appropriated to her use at the castle j and bo in a position to render many services to her father and hi family bradnhaw waa not perhaps a more sel fish man than hia neighbors but ho could not be blind to the advantages of this ar rangement he did not for a moment sus pect the origin of the scheme for though willing to marry hi j daughter toa man whooa she did not love he coumnotbut have shrunk from lending his countenance to any plan by which she would have been dishonored in the eye of the laws of society there ore some pcopla who will strain at a gnat and swallow o camel bui an unexpected ohsuclo now resent ed itself io ihe accomplishment of father svishes ruth who harj rjlwaya been so traciablo and compliant who had been awayed hy the tightcat wishes of her parents oppn- j an iron will to the proposition that sho should marry tho stewards son to his amazement iho farmer discovered that he could neither terrify nor coax hr irte ecmpane iil xhmrr returned bradshaw ai de grading is not wellington sewall as res pectably born and bred aa your fathers daughter does he not offer yuu a com fortauo maintenance wealth and influen tial friends while the only down you bring him is your face nnd person t true must true said ruth could i bring him a fnc soul and a dcvolcd heart it would be all well u what childisli flummery interrupted the father j yvu will tcjl itml f itmpuse lial oirlan oomc ruse esc tlsot ydurjg vagabond stanwood most protably with hts fishing rods and arti6dol flie and with out a cupper in his pocket to jingle on a 41 am i oni homeless 1 the rrrled 41 and even were il not so we alj ilie loxtjries mitke which wealth could collect would i not forsake them to live with you in a wilderness i believe you ruth and now icl ne conssder i have a sister living about nine mires from diss place wrv though poor ts devoid v attached to mc have you strength think you to walk that dioiance toiirghll yes alfred i was tymt for ih fir time if my life a short time aince but i am strong now itut what would you dot would you leave your fathers house t ab i he haa not treated you as mine has me nevertheless hj will itrcnunutly op- poe the aicp i am about to take m and what sa that f in the first place i will conduct you lo my sisters when fi igut uruvi ni4 ttxit i ti j v rrv tomuatone a preuy match for you tha would be truly come kuth my dear daughter act like a girl of sense sod jet me lell young scwnll that vou ore ready to be his wife never do noiurge it never ncv- crwill i content not to aave the universe and all iis inhabitants from devouring barries would i consent exclaimed ruth for a moment bradshaw waa startled and ailencod by the energy with which she spoke at length with constrained calm ness he aaid a parents curse is not the most encouraging legacy with which lo be sent forth into the world beware ruth beware how you tempt me lo curse vou a parent curse she replied is a terrible thing but if unmerited terrible only to him who utters il my dear father do ndtbccaot down because fortune frowria a little we maybe driven from our com fortable home but he who feeds the spar rows will provide us shelter and food and raiment pshaw h is all very well lo quote scripture said the farmer but i never coulj get tny waggon out of ihe mud hy calling upon jupiter byt if wo obtv ms live if wcarc qc- ivc and vigilant if ue put our own miouu deti to the wheel ire shall easily gel out of our troubles did not the preacher tell ua last sunday that gud hclp those who help themselves i 1 never knew you so olntinalesjd farmer breiuhawt and as if he half relented in ivs importunrnes he put on his hat and quitted the room but he was not allowed to re main long unrtifiteated hy thusc who held him in their toils that very dav the ci der sewall threatened him with an eject ment and the young man renewed his pro posals with pom iic of additional advan tages bradshaw resolved to utakn one fi nal appeal to his daughter it was unsuc cessful ond in 3 storm of rage and despair he lurried her nutof doors commanding her if sho wished to escape his curse not lo see him again unlessshe was ready to com ply with his reasonable request trembling and in cam she hurried seized her shawl and bunnei and rusheil fiom the house it wan a clear autumnal ay uu not tremble i onu ifj cl marriage stich a terrible thing 1 the moment i can call rou my own we will procure from my outer the few clothes that wilt be necessary for our purpose and start for ldfltlun and in london alfred what will yon do there i the few shillings i bare with rtc laill be by that lime nearly exhausted i will oiraifjlilway find out the captain of somo 1p that la to sail for new york vngago with him in do iiailfjresabe wboltj voy age on condition tht he aivea yjs qop p sl- w 11 av then alfmd what will yuu do then t- wo will do the ural we can tnd irost to providence will you ventore rmh v yes my dear alfred she eadmased heartily placing her hand in hi and step- pin on wilh nbcfity alfred had not been ektravagant in his expectations and they did not pruve illuao- ry- hid plans were all uccssful1y ear ned intoeltcct with kuib for hip vnjo he tjuitted england and after a few month of hardship and disappointment in the great commercial metropolis of america tue ceeded in makinp r amftoymcnt with a private lanu company by which with very limited pecuniary meant he was enabled to remove in uwa here lo tue cotrjw of two year he found qimaelf the proprietor of a noble and exteuaiva domarni upon which ho had erected a small but cofnort- abl cottsge after an english ancdel prosperity attended all his labours ap plying his practical and txitrotific intelli gence upon agricultural aobjecm to the cul tivation and improvement of hid grounda bo toon made ihe wildemca atound him to t lihe the rose game taaa ao abundant that t recjuired hut little skill to uppy hitnstlf with enough fur ha wum 1ui with health oned oa un ririrwk i tj uuojracqej fy q il beset tlic paths of the majufity of mankind nor wja ruthd lot a less happy one al hough her temper was naturally less buoy ant and bright twu daughter and a son had appeared to bets the emigrant couple and how welcome to their parents hod they been liille anxitiy had alfred experien ced how he shoud provrde for ihem aa many more and as many more again might come and slid they would be hailed as hajs vcnochukcai gifts fivo years had pawed since euih atood an outcost from her home on ihe little otooe lridge how bad i fared with farmer bradshaw during that time snow ebx months after rutins departure mr weltirlg ton sewall had in a state uf inebriety com- muricaied to the former certoio tacts is re gard to ihe motive which led him to aeek an alliance with hit daughter which were neither very honourable lo himself noc to his employer lord broadmeadow oa receiving the intelligence bradahiw nalu- mght nndthenewmnon aaiim gmtlcnng rally fifa deep at his treatment of rulhaod ejreivcatf hung over ihe western horizon as he crossed ihe arched bridge which marked the noundary of hef failicr bddaj hc aw a wellknown figure loaning ovct the aide apparently watching the ripplca of the brook as they fjashej and hurried away beneath the sunlight it was alfred stan wood nteaainjs upon you rulh if i tarled at your step it waa not thai i did not know it was yours but you ore weeping what has happened i nay compose yourself- what has happened my own ruih r with much difficulty for her speech waa interrupted hy bitter sons ruth communi cated the intelligence of sewaips renewed persecutions and her fathers recent eon duel as ehrj finished her rerilol stan wood claaped her enthusiastically to his breast as if thero he would shield her from all trouble and alarm 11 let tie consider what we had best do under these circumstance said he link ing his arm about her waiat and eaoniering on wilh her toward the main road u had it not been for jove of you roth i would longsinco have loft this crowded landwhere all ihc avenue m occupation seem lo he filled and pilched my lent in some now un cultivated tract in the united state 1 have thoroughly acquainted myself wilh iho pri vations and liabilities to which an adventu rer subjects himself by auoh a iep but i betave that i have the onergy nd perseve rance to overcome all ordinary difficulties tell mo ruth would ou eroes the atloo- tic with mev cfr experienced a thrill of eattsftjefran that had resisted his attempts to unite her to r man who proved to bo ad utterly udwortby and contemptible from thai moemnt it became the paramount object of hia esitv tence to relieve himself of hia lubiliuesj in ejgtand ond seek out hi daughter america thai he mifcht receive her feepvev ncsa erehedied ho had writlee many letters which had never reached their desv tination he had clue to the discovrry of stanwdoil who hnd not been lonf aeuled in his forest homo wheo he sent for his fa ther and sisters and bad them cocortawj settled in his neighbourhood at length the moment arrived when bradohaw found himself freo to quit tbo land of his fathers he eavotled ia whole property into gold and eilvrafid em barked for new york here bo adwisaad in several of the daily pajierabut waa one ble to procure positive in formation in regard tohif sontnlaw fatnily he finally rreohr- edto travel on foot through some of thelpew if aeuled atolca and tcrritoriee and inaka the moot exact inquiries on a beautiful day in june ho earne to t6h of a cottage in one of the moe c-r- tile and picturesque paru of iowa he had been walking several hour and was fsiot with fatigue and thirst the eonliouol failure of his earch had affected hi pitj and he had begun to despond and to frar that ho should never again aeo hia only i ij he seated himaelfon a log in frooiof the cotuge and leaning hi woatiietbeauin chock upon hia hand give up hi uioufctlis to tbo bitienrrtretroapcctioruj m