chronicle gazette iv rfrsjsa jijjt 4 nm imirn ar 4 j ocsi ihf j hlxt wtoncioay saturday jv- pi wf wr iwiai tn tfffrmv i tfifytutd vmfivif attf c ri ltxiorr 7n fa ilnwr trmi wil isalum be strictly adhered loaoirut oroyri iircd be frrajaiuyd mtfioat the ouiiwb the tunc iubrfibid sisolc con rov rsxcx joii pliit tent rfittfm9triitmttu six intra anj under 2 od fir inacrtion and til caeh lutarqutm in- rtrtion tenlinc and under 1 41 6m itiacrtion ld lodeaehausfquent iturrhon otrr latitinr id per line fcrat tnscrlioii and jo per line each hmfvcal wcffumu flitroitofy tuemrnia vo ifvircrr 01 frfftritf o hmllcjwmir icaen aungc w for mttrtiom letter pros printiaf chronicle ette and kingston commercial advertiser mec raj m pc w utteo vol xxv kingston canada satikiiw febkuart 3 1944 no 63 saxdss sarsaparlla oruijtcrh rn impuit ttatr of tht mood vr ktil fifth yjf scrofula f ktfmjs ivf kfcipmjll fc ltartbjss cmaafafo krufh pjihik r nf pmntv i itc er dlaie fill chrome vtv kri h wni trorfljllvmuiffn 11 poitit fcnt and jri htuia ikf paim yiitpiift cial f luis cf flob as ifrjutta ut o4 mtiftir atiiei r ffc tx- patnitf or mfim r rir r in ifl i r i u lianl uttotatr will w rftaarrj hj ma prtaaraiioa jmaeaiffarnt in fcfimtrrcr rgts llr fevmimm aod vdfatf 4l oil tc i cttmmiy itfl n 4hhtn rii- frcttan ui wtth aach ft j kh prob ita it artlfnl r ame fvrm fifti icfealnl laiaj aa nratin and tnrct rirt icr nun hiyitni ji- chkun1clk gazktik stalioacry warhoofle com1m of kipo k imci itbbtf liwflt wbr i coti1dllj on htmi eilpl- wrttinq papers atio blank books school books fcc kkkic tttoif aaa i i ij -f-i- y- irr ailhfib t fj ml r a r i rutiof miolliflc it in by wkks blank bookiftii i- r i to a ptturn r i v i iiirf 7 comfinfliw o printwg office ii ook bindery and stationery warehouse thin ettwukment fii if a drnatd tvptricrity in fctnf 0 ifrpi i 1 hxttu j l 1 ki n 1 inid univ ife thc ntrwytr ifvrftt yfr4 iihi4 1 ihi ii f tm litmii it1rm ih vmw haw vflfvftmc j ijifnlk irttu ntcth4 jfj hfruh ic kcmy or lokitlry hav jari tfcilin xtjf ithj qui tv at iw f pij 0 u ilftdj mfimdt14 ihprrrnt liflw t thrwh iw iunifuiiiiiirtsii orrniaiolof yot lhj jjlii prcttckl iftvukwol fcu men c jjf of tf fnmi mti wil ihrrf fl iirimiti iftr vahu nl ifiiklvrr of die j tmoi 1 1 hv lrft taum fui j lf b rr j riacilt tdti ift cemn iwiti ikulmltte o fxprl 4i0f nuilrr il jut f intjn n1 utiitit4 wili1v acuna 1 iu t6r vttjmfyt tioipltij itit mod of irttmml i ooi ftmy ix w fuu nf liirftr ml i r tft lf rf tff but ptrffoty i cotttiaftorr will ibf oo t s turc iiiiltaf lqht virnd fimm frvrfy hftifllifmt m0tinff mnd ii b4i off ttl c mi kill i h1 wilk rttairv nuiui la con fitted ihsl 8tj ftl of f4chtml 1hc1 rttbw muuflfi orrir inuo 1 fonbioct with nnl hlyltp ptodfinn i mithf iijm nni ftampkiilu frtiiibu oni tyf efut 101 vttwflme ft oioa tbr r the i iw 001 tfftftml ioitif matt jhlrrtt trm4i4 l 1- wr hiolifn u unfffc4rmil micfm n lhr ntumntb lo ivtijib ol udm won bfed ap pmrtt oaovr ihr ro jrfn ttidflhc nvtjalo h4 cfvb il an plt40 fc fur bvnmi ti huj ui ii own oiiiiih tpfor 14 lvtaffrjp u lolkt fttnrij id iflim iti nffdl ttl jy ron khwh i tco but importnnt dn4faiiai in ihr -fori- of inrdv nr in iidum iiafdy riilr 10 tbuonr h nvul4 ail o i jtttf btwria witk u iu f l mulw iftijp if i n f fi 1 p n ht i r i- f tpn ifttttt j i4iht fa5f ffmlai fu pint rhtci atctiiitrr iifis ftijf t tle dir i tin h i jtif fklp t 4if l n i li hfliu tt mt nrmftamr tftr praftrfior itvir ail mtr of ll op ofminj m i njff of raua i- ihiioo thai ir air najr irf naai of tvlhtitif ut a m rni wundiruvt tffcctf df hahpsi 5ariara killa iv nurwich coxifi rmt iw ftutivitf tmm mm mm if b 1 1 1 1 aho ft f tf4f4 at ivf fall tw ffl or w kvw io l iko oj c raitlrola ai fajfl n rily mt ft f ai moai miftm ho rfnrr ihi o okvbul fvf lallf 4o tu ifc fl if if i bii4 i fw if f iii fi i tuu w i mpnt ifcroarl i pimli io ll wbo hi kflu ifl ft auty if mcui of umirl 4 and rtaofftt loii hilr ottil l tt minf iaiftl fl 4j hftflc maj a k ilo rtiiali ft 11 ot tli jii ufhittv who nnj o mjff t ruj i h of uit i i vmraik itair it itimvit af af la i aptil a fii f iifi jrfi n vh an lijipha fruun droiclfovthn tn- tlaalrly li atarf otfi lite fnlio putiwf of i j koj anaf afo atj ratlaffraral t ncfl tim a hal i ac f of p jrrb arou iki nm fiuowj uik iij uoh tikfft pilaff oniaj fof tar to j it m- i ofar foaii ia nt iwaor patli wf vn ft liot1 4 faia ciirourf ovti my falf u4 thci rllt for nr frt by 4aj p lyn wiiiwr fi num 1vot lfrftiufr rooracl attain aul f ji tofihfr w ia aova aotlatl i atnvl annely whfol dtintf ut iimirilf lfjaiu cominwl h4 tat vtajitfrla- hrft thfa two fj hf l unr v donnf lbr amnmi lii wtl lno nun- oj u4j payatfiana tbcor haifalhj jiai- aait wm aiualc4 will a liiair uiti oaj a ufl a ad kim ofj ani hiov a imp l rniopi b r sheriffs sale of lands mduims r it t ian saturday tit 17ih to wit ja 4aj of fwr is44 toi be odd t ihecottrt hojr in ih tows pt fit 12 oclock noon w follotfinr uodo j 1 b vlrtof of r t h i nnt to ofrc dir i i out cft her m i fcaiy j cort of qocov botkk t z wuiffi walkfj eloi arcljbrjd mrnh wctiluirorlot nv22 7theoocfmion town- hip fftdffica burgh i if lot no fll dc of john sikfh itugc of mv north hotf of lot no 19 j ooocejoion 3rd fuao r i of i r 1 lot no tib eoa towiiahip of richoioacl wcitcro boajodflrv lot no 13 7lk coo of olid towofhrp j iti ttii y tt ol ol lioea malhtffoon drltoo d colvio ct jafjkta mftltetrooo lot no k in the 9th eon of piiuburfb wtot hilf of lot no 2 shb con or elii i lot no i in uw tthh coo of piluborxh any pcrotm or pcrtoo hottot cuimi on ht obovc pnfvfj ore najitaled to vukc lh lnn to bkc oa qf fcfffaff tho cloj t silr thomas a corbet district court jobn tvjltk of jaoiea huwct thai curtain tract or piicc of liftd iituilcd bciax io johnson vilr ult in the i i i of j i rl hot now in the town of kinlon the midland district one province of canada being part of n tract of land purchas ed by the late cbarlrs staart from the late magdajto feignon and may be othervise wl a follow that is to ao commerjrinaj t a iostor stone i i junteu on ifie moo real road on the western aide of charlrs street at a point or comer vrhrro chajlet atreel stnvesor tneetithe montreal road thence in a straht line along the taid atrert to a post or stone boundary planted at t distance of one hundred and ihirtylwo feel neither more nor less marked b thence in a itraifcbt line paral lel with the montreal rod sixtyfix feet neither more nor lese to a post or 1one boun dary marked d thence in n straight line paral lel with charles street t diatance of one hun dred and thihylvvo fee neither mote norlcj to a stone boundary marked f thence ttong the montreal roj distance of lyx feet nrithrt more nor lexi to the place of dejcinninf coiitainia- by admeasurement onefjfthof an clta anj pffpon or oeroona hafin ctoifnaon enj of the if docfibtd ffcprni trr ftqvcittd 10 sheriffs sale of lands to wit sjp cf mnrrh 18w will be euld at the court house in the town of kingston the following pro perty lii to john mclean seized by virtue cf two executions issued out of the court of queen- bench at the suit of the president direcloet nnd company of the bank of upper caaida npd one inucj out ufthe midland didland court at the suit of james fraser all the right title and tnte rest of the above name j defendant john mclean in lota no 225 226 227 91 102 104 114 il5 in the town of kingston lot no 22 or gore in the townrthipof pillsburgh loil2 and 3 with belle m and hroken front and now watches an jewelry fcc he suucnoera g to return their thanks to the puilic fu h liberal patronage received durug the ptl season and would inform theawl trcy have tv- eeived a nvoet elegant 1 varied assortment of every article in their line- in the stock will be id a large assod- ment of silver flatkf of the beat quality and ur very low pricca part of lot new 5 aoj 6 on west aide of j rosewood and mahopny drewing case great river caiaraqui in the township of work boxes and tea codies kmgrtod and south kj quarter of lot t lyin wo 9 in the 4lh cooceaaion of kingston silc to commence at 12 oclock noon thomas a corbett sheriff m d sherift office kingston 5th dec 1343- j any person hnving olaimi on the above property will please make known to me on or befuee the thy of sale t a corbett seat of government the common coljncil of kingston aving derated at ibe request of the general 101 irft l 1 nwrd titr 1 1 u 4 aeoia 1 fti rtovitiruc r ii- umhhrtt mtif jtfsf oltti tn i aatti it ilrtfntaf i irfl nni of lie iliria lia wf ifoamntfascfl bfattti4 m fi una it t alirj iiiit faioti fnthaiall i rr- mf i r in tha f iul 4nin fivrn ar f ipkimf far ihf flf ftllff ooij i r blcrrotiknn nf a k wtii pour io hivmtitibt prpiu a t kir mc ift miiif wm i i h1 n ftn frit upok laxiaf il tocoaf mi mri jinimtlifd a minfltrotji frofa lw moutrff ln j minritfd lakibx lvi j t- t awe to f y tep anil mt io aiam 1- rrfni aa on i eey enjfk in i hfiajia afair j u iu iia ltrt iif if lirt 4 ftm ahihotr ftfiui r fc jnllf alm fvin ifffel had ifltrd m jf a ml ratai m of y i th bkvrt upon fa r hf alrfl ibr jii 1 u tao nf wfol oeil to my fotmr raae he aafoc know oi iitc thomas a of before ih djj cobbett sheriff m d sheriltj office kington isthnov 1843 j i sheriffs sale midland dblricl ftn thuratlay the 10 wit 29thdayol february lev44 will be told at the court hotitc in the tmcnof kinton at ti oclock noon ihf toliwmeunuh fceeo 4iy viuuc e n i kvecationa to me directed om of 1 tys conrt of qneena bench chaa coaveeu stl1 hermaje to euf a d i tfmlll fh r j r k rrtftl cf wfri fiuh malia aia doe tif 15 aaj ar ibf vaaar f l icitf f 10 or efl- ptfeflfi inf ar b eobfmi olj who brpc 0 1 iit o yut iftttmpmnlafh ii t at joof nta jou ibr hapy 004 hnried imtmflu f aivaa atmra m iitram pd- fc a jomi bulbfejkfvf4 ajal erir c lt aic4thmrhiltir 5fw loottoa co fa mifwua not 4 im3 rfrtcralty alfl f ttuumid aafoatb m ptobtao naet nada n rt ucu coumtnm in iba vjriurc ijikntrni cfor me ruhji w mathtlwaon juaiifr ofrte tfaea i fton nfuaiat1 n0i mia rajlupit i fif thai iha atovc aatcith ia fa obiaualtf william h blotlltm mihilf f pf fiopl a i nofkb cobb r r 1 w r t0 hj a fi fand k co bivf u aj caaramp croatia iwpp tiu- oirfr vinifirft na vfb ajrof 1 aubiffji the u 5 riit fi ptf lotik 1 ffrj tle f umif ar rrf ifu f panted 40 if mem m gariapu ibai baa aj a im tri i- tf kme rotf 1 f lb ftl iffltolt riaaa of tfitfatoa 10 whirb the buaa ffofh it iubrt taj atb fpr 4anua sattnparilfn j w arcfiif ani oj apeciaj op pfokiortrr kinjiiu a4 iieiif 41 ibai john mcleod and richbrd loftn jo 1 m pattoh n john mcleod and ricriaud loiiah all the rinht title and inteteat of john mc leod and bichard logan to the broken front of the welhalfoflotno lft in the firrtcon of thotp kintaton john patton vs thomas smith and randolph pearaon jaroes dongal and william keild barrie va thomas smith i mi lot no 202 in the town of kindlon peraoea haiea cuimo 00 aoj anr mfaoa or the nhoea deocrrbed make the ooc koot propertaro arc rcfjueolccl to to j n on or keforc ue day of thomas a c0bbe1t sheria office ktngcterinordylms i sheriff m d 42 nbjiaif aotmi ftctoft javslsramilv nwicoei theaf nea f f refmi i mieufceai peeon otfjnmetawv uaf daiteti 5hei phi of vfl rhyai itinlj rtrrhna ali aj ibf ar m moertof npoffmoiajatnl pieaio fbe aiin lnjhjooff ifcao ibreo i iifui hnhiioii k4ttd an uaerlrnuj pulmtiy siataff invs aiiatu 2zfil rfbjaaafukee tfl fawtj afchfjw trf atihapi tbrai tbereofn- ie4ei bir4utfl0 bofh ttilsaedifl lu sviira d b bnlln p fiteauteal jeritej ft ahlf ooocnuilittei of f4uilinr l ir 1 orih mihdnab oe ttb ttfa pfrffoiinoa ronit i firjtca bxrrrtarant rawji itooninfcuzbmmaiwii if aiaaiwnaa tmafaojlroim f tt akojatira hair jr froffib oj braair t vil fait m hmewiifonlhwhe4t ia4 r- lhl it4 ateivej in ihf- iai no hilb iv nanl eiieal fcnlrl 1 cniam ta oaf j finf m tilnahf j tnflaa- mcam jivts rotc vknm iriip f i iiion fir itr rrinov kaw tour tioao a ff 1 nice so a bfja lo aid abttnu of destbvl w t- r l i rttmul jivjfica car minati v itrtalvt mwaim r2 r1lafal nebrr 1 f all ileraoxnaii c hh k jv sanative fit pfkeoof 1 ftir rpmaf j acli smdlaaaei or bo-a- gjzusm aa aapoiru alutoauve f r re rrk16ca tffitrdoalj hjdf 0 tt l svmaam alt hll w m aaflt 0 oaifiif olofr kmblv 10 fafaikao o c for sale coal tab liverpool salt and newlaotte grate coals marine railway store kiftptoii 17ti jan 1 9c r ji commitlfe on the seat of gorrrnmeot qtira- i l r ibc k u j i- 1 at 4eiu ticiolif to aend jo ritlen rtalcroentt on onh of the auma ihcf hae c eiendeo in pucka i and thfoovhttchti ill of the scot of gof- cronxnt having been beoohi to krnjaion arid eiii daateootihc losias which i be aualamedbv the proposed remoeal in order that their statkuknt and eatixatsaante be litd nt tbo foot of the thfmv tlte undfiatned aoliciti on behalf of ibe com mon covncil uiat the ieihabfianta eoeeattj u comply with the above rcoeitaod that aueh ffrii- lea atalemenia ntfd cfiimatca on oath may be irn alike tuwnlulf addreaacd to the gutk of the common council on or beforo tho fifteenth day of february next pamia mikbor the aiotcment arc rejueaud to ere that the raid omount of spent ia to bo at eertaincd from uw r reollj aoade foe unprotenaenta ainjoe the grot day of march i a on thtftitkoftt brtiioh govrntotot koriag jutd fae 6v0j 0 corernautf di atoeaioo and ifco loa alfa a splendid chandbiler foe 15 light with china ornaroentedcentre a large assortmcnloffraliemi for needle- work and matenala to match and a few halfworked uiet andraany oiher arliclea too numeroui to tnentioi- watchea jew dry musical boea rcpairefj in the beat manner and jewel and silver ware made to order m r03sin brothers kingtton jithnovls3 lfoaa are to bt b 1 or aorated n the ataleioeu it 1 aoakcated for the aake of contenieocc ihat uvinjc near each othe may join in the aaane alicnciit lepaiaiinr the claim of each indlttdual john counter jweyo totfo mall kitttlon jan 1d is4i i sheriffs sale midland diftnet ofn wedneaeuythe3rd to wit i vf dayof january lw will he sold by auction at toe court hottae in the town of kingston in the midland dislrict all the rifhl title and interest ol hohert breeze ia lo no 20 eut aide of jrjeat river cata- in the township of piltaburxb seed by ticlueolan execution usued out of her ma jesty coort of qaeeoi bench at tlie suit of christopher armstrong sale lo commence at i2ocjocc noon- t a corkett sheriff m d sheriffs office kinsw lat nov 1843 j 3 3m the aalc of the right title and interevt o robert breeze in the above lo is pwponed uottl the 17th day of january inau 3d january 1s44 the sale of mr- robert brmava right tiilcand inlerwt a above advertieed io postponed until thuraday the 6rl day of february next 19th january 1844- sheriffs sale midland diatrict an wednesday lare ac general asobtmcnt or new fall goods at rose corbet cos prinzes struly opposite the lambton house ec co moil respectfully announe that they are opening out a verr urj and varied assortment of dry goods fo the fait and winter trade which they are enabled to offer at aoch low prices as will be sure to command a ready sale their slock of fliuine and scotch pltlds of every description will be found the largest in the market k u co would solicit the attention or the ladies to their stock of shawls amongst which will be found a choice selection of the new striped paisley shawl patronized and worn by her majesty floor and table oil cloth and car- ptins in crtat txiriety kinffn oct llflcw 30 henry lavender late or itlndotf merchant tailor rpespectrttti ternmafrttt imltj ofkiiiplon that he a commenced business in princess stlttt early opposite the new building of hfw smith eaq- in aoliciling ilie patronagtr the gentry of kingston h l would ren ohaerve that he haa recently impncd direct from london a very choice ailment of went of england cloths caamerca venting stc 5tc- all of the bet ayajjlljs ami hep to assure those gentlemen sjw may favour him with their order that the amriest at tention being jiaid lo every department of the bueincm they may reh ml having their garmenu of the bel mavas and workmanship princeaaaireet kiiigntos j decmlcrl2 1813- v 4s thought and dcd ftiu many a libt iboorht man mt csemh futl uuoj an idle deed mar do yet not a deed or thought ahsu periah not one but he nhall bleaa or roe wntf be the n irj the ucc u s- 1 7 pt not n boufjh or leaf 1 fnil but of ita ft i i bfed is ttkca d one ihnt cc and forcrinjj the lrf mj tall and be i o- and buried in the ruth remain yet from lu ike rank and rotten sprmr fcrctitiaj life bgaio the ftor m it v ith creauon tccmote andnouvoccf nboujdic and thtnp that are dcetroyed io i n oilier atupej aod forma triae and nature still unfolds the tissue orwnaecn fforfe bjapirit itrought and not n work but hath it ueue with bleaaio- or moi efil fraught and thou nuyjt accni to utc bchisd ihce alt memory of the alalul pal yet oh be aorc thy tin shall and ther and thou ilultkaotv it fruit ai laat- gqlden opinions li qui a tbthfhi nrh and ir kj ft ill be riai aliiv fo srsh ack icna hm att4frl kimaes aneer ta jvlftf will mr i- tttrr4oiraiaai aito llif lajica av1 uea anl n a ftif1 and all ta wtrll ift fa m ifce fmiirt at nirrntt yoa r n isei vvu sml ail in lle nalluoa a via tiii na ttttltae wt iific ajlt sl1 j tv uv ibotmal lhff i ftallaj awl ah ifc s tot prnvtnn var naata lo i 4dwj on al ike cwaaiaillre lau etiirj in in fac iha pal irt c far wiint foriuj tafn will j m iacca at je aiual atand aaj all ili yuf wif al tiaif will ii tura al a itanj willi col lapdy mur rna set neat land jcffvm rjf itffaeil l br daft voat fariaa phi t stamcal fivuto ntair and all imati inform the officers of ihc arm y and their customers geil1r hat their annual viit to canada been deter red till next year and inl they would much esleem thefavour it aay would kindly transmit their 0rdcw for the approaching spring hytiiepacket or janurry orfebruary at lares ihat they may be evicuted in time mdeapatch them by the t9 shin for montreal and qiitijc mer iv b 3t co ig fw l0 a sure their etiumert that the rfrwo a tiunajiall he given lo the eel of most approved aniclesof alvlc 9 and will be most happy toalfrp to wot direction a regards the con8 of them 3 new buriinfoft atreet london dec 4 183 in fovumiio to i in imff iaa ni rhj ill iff haa id ef thai re ae a-jt4- vsf 4v 4 a mouw vaf r f al youi liia divine ivajn sty all that 4h iw and r paif t rfr wl ia4nege fiiw viwi y wn in rlaa furifcff te auutl n tt crmiie arar ju re a ante of a bare 1 1 j ntudriilr kilou ucilsitand no fnrr n iiia diaiaj ulthfif a fo 4b d aba if aji 1 fl licephf j ifflflff a flul id ibtn t iht aciirta air ijie j at rf an f4ipitiha vowt dnab i ihf apine leetol l eaiialii yir srsbh hiaaair jfi i re afmil ta amre tbaif a a ratatartte ia jraili ia taur asusllj sal bbsotx wbr ka p1 maat tm fa vu haaf sail bad tota rwr oo4 aredv vaui a not a ill amili m aa fa fr ib raa kaaf a mrttr irth ti 1 cffa caat im thahiha la afd w j be tariff trmmaldtaaadf cm 41 ba r4 f iba ui t na cut tvaavj 4l4 irobvlilhalli i pvof- and fiyrons death love warning ibif fo faf irrilri 6y le4y aaao ae4 oea fyoai nloi dtf a r yrw rf its- to wit j mlh j of april mlt will be told di u cwrfhouw in ihe town of knp wlomiij pro- prrtt belobfing lo alias mcdoipii szs br vi rth of execooo 1 ofhir mjre court of qu bc lj nixltfive c of lind r uw tawnibip o eni town known u tm ponl ajjommg kescboolt- sheriff sherifta office m d- i 6th january 18m u peraoiia having any claim on the on or before the dae of sale- 3ve1v goods t b1lt0n merchant tailor is now in receipt by the laat arrival- from england of his regular supply of fall aod winter goods consisting in pari of the best west of kii ii clotm in a variety of shades heavy double milled keraey and beaver cloths in the latest styles hit stock of vest ing consist of a rhoio assortment of nlsin andfienred velvets funcy plushes satins end valencies to his stock of goods for trouseri he would particularly call the atten tions of gen lie men in want of a superior arli cleoof plain or fancy cawimares doeskins and beaver doeskins in great variety in scarfs slocks collaiimd suspenders will also be foond a rood assortment in the tailoring department tt vrill only be necesasry to say that no effort shall be wanting to insure a continuance of the distinguished patronage with which h haa been favoured naval and military uniforms clergymen and barrister robes executed tn a superior trie n b gold and silver lace and corda suitable for uniform and liveries also the best of mackintoshs pattat water proof cloth on hand king atreet next door to deykes at co kingston october 2lih 1843 3 korilj american fyotzu jvinreu tale store strtwi yngttoo wm goodwin gratefully hl thanks to his friend ant xht public generally for the patronage he v trccieed since his com me nee ment in bufirf- nd bczt leave to acquaint them that he h taken the mansion house hotel formeijy pt by the late mr carmino which he inf to p as a first clas haul on tb 1st pq ensuing under the name of the jvbrth jmtrixah hotel thu n fcji flientlvensitdated in the very centre of business inotv unoer- roing a thorough repair and arflitional bed rooms are bein built the fuitu n and rlepnt and every accommel prepared for the recaption of thv trivelliug public the table d hole will be inteiar to nona in america and the bar will fcenupplird wiln the cboicestand rarest of wineartd liquors the stables and yard of thi nlel are very commodious and every attention vill bv pd to the hraes of travellers v pfl in tleadante w ihe means boals- british coqee i i kingston april 7th 143 i 8i the first volume or the statutes of upper canada to the time of the union containing the public aft re vised and published hr authority under a commission confining of the hnnhle the chief jcarict the honve mr justice macaclat the hofibfo wiluam if dttapf john h camcrom escitiire for sale at the cacette orrtcr 164 king strt tonoro and at r watsom printing ojbc oripoaiu- the public offices ontario tfrf kingstok price fiay shillings csah robert stanton gazette office toronto jcuh january lfru 59a 11 a strange one 1 am aure but i am prejjared foe il i have been forewarned ot it what do you require of me t for i am ready thia is etrnge p exclaimed the man ha an other meehenger uif n none except a epirii fur my heart alone told me that 1 ahonld lie wanted at t ms ho ir speak at once my lord a dying girl hasntror tou 1 do i know her she ha never seen yn will you come al once anj on the- way i will ex plain io you what lean of this singular errand though indeed when il is tirid you vest know nil that i com pre i lei id they were at the tfeof nftlie hackney roach and byron enteml iviiliotit makitig any further remark back again p aaid the alranger nj the roavhman clotted ihe door and drive for dear lite fur we ahal scarce be in ttme i frar p the leavy tongtsenl st- paul rhureh alrtich twelve aa thft lonely vehicle hurried on through the now lonely atreet and though 40 far from the place from whence they alaned neither of the two occupant had apoken byron at with bare head and folded arm in ihe corner of the troach and the stranger with hi hat crowded over hs eyro iteemed repeeajng some violent emo tion arvj it waa only when i hey t lopped hefore a low door in a atreet clcrsc upon the river that ihe tatter found utterance 1 she alive t he hurriedly asked of a woman who rame nut at the attend of the carnage wheel ii9iiv wm- i rtvav vi r quick byron fullowed rtuicklv on the hects of hi companinn and passing through q dimly lighted entry to the door nf a hack room they entered a lamp ehaded by a cur tain of epoticss purity ihrew a faint light upon a bed upno which lay a girl walrlied hy a physician and a nuree the physi cian had just removed a small mirror from her lip and holding il to the light he whis pered that he ill tireatliot aa byron passed the ejge of the curtain however the dying girl moved the finger of the hand iving on the rorlct and vloivly opened on him her languid eye eye ft inexorable depth and tuaire no one had spoken here he ia ahe murmured raic mother while i have tiruc u socak v byron looked around ihr pawstrl ihar trying in vain to break the pell of ave which the scene tlinrtv over him an ap parition from the other world roulj not hove checked more fearfully and complete ly the worldly and scornful under current of ins nature- he alood with hi heart heat ing moat audibly and lir knee trembled beneath him awaiting what be piopheti- utl ifalnu- ihrn vupninj fnni the verr gate of heaven propped with pillowa aod lelt hy her al mc for sale 4 fw hmldinl inlly situatrjd commandinr a charming iew of the lakelonjt island garden islanoj pt henry c ecc c charlbshal kingston 2slhjjn lw2 61 il was getting itmarda midnight wltcti a party olyouttg noblemen came out from one or the club or st jamea street the servo rt of each a he stepped upon the pavement threw up the wooden opron of the cabriolet and sprang to tho head of his horse but a to the destination of tho equipage for the evening there seemed to be aome dissension among the- noble mar ter betwixt the line of the comnctied vehicles tood n hackney coach and a per son in the altitude of expectancy pressed as near the exhilirated group aahej could with out exciting immediate attention m ivajf m lir vehielo wa nearest standing with hia foot on tht tep attogeiher of eooree aaid another let make a night ol il pardon me aaid the clear sweet voir of the last of the club i aefrede for one go your ways gentlemen ftow what the deuce i afoot p aaid the foremoot again stepping back on the sidewalk dont let him off fitz i your cah here byron or will you let mc drive you 1 by jove you rtt kavo us 11 bulyots ahall leave me and o you are not fijravvnm my friend in plain phrase 1 tron go with you and i dont know where i shall go so apare your cunoaiiy the trouble uf asking i have a presenti ment that i am wanted bf devil nr angel 11 1 ace a toi cannot f and a very pretty hand it is i dare swear said the former speaker jumping into hi cab and marling off with a spring of hi word horse followed hy all the vehicle at the club door avr one byron stood looking after them a enomen and raised his hat and pressed hi hand hard on his forehead the unknown per- non who had been lurking near seermd wilhng to leave him for a moment io his thoughts or was embarrassed at approach ing stranger a byron turned with hie hailing step to descend the stepo however he came suddenly to his side u my lord 1 he aad and wa aitenl a if waiting permission to go on well replied byron turning to him without the lesurt urpeie and looking cloatly into hi face hy tho light of the street lamp 14 1 am come to you with an errand which perhap tendanif the dying girl turned wr head towards the proud nollt poei standing by her bedside and a slight bliihh overspread her features while a smile of angelic leauty stole through her lip in that irude the faro reawakened foils former luvcl ne and feldbro had hr who now gazed breathlessly upon her looked on such ffri tual and incomparable beauty the pa- ciotn forehead and nobler roulnur still visi ble of the emaciated lip bespoke genius impressed upon a tablet oil feminine in its tho phy iin crept close to in bedside but with hi hands in his breast and hn head luwel he seemed ttut watching for the moment when the soul should take flight she ri v mired beraelf on the pillow her long brovn treeses fell over tier shoul ders and a irriflhineas unnatural and lmot fearful kindled in her eye she seemed cncvavoring lo speak and gaxed steadfastly al i f i slowly then and tranquilly he sank hark again upon her pillow anj aa her hand fctf opart and her eyelids dror- pvd ulie nnrsnuwili 4t to heaven and ihe liilnew of death was in the room the spirit hnd fled new mirror nrw rifle shooting ilis a fdcl not generally known in this country thai in switzerland the national i i ritle shooting tlere ia ecarcely a boy or girl ttf fourteen year of apt wbo does nut slioot well while i a natien no other under the sun ran tope vith ihem in ihe use of tho rifle it is said that the swiss clubs were never beaten in a nation al matih until july 1b42 when their clampion was bcavn hy capt s lloyd of thi city the rvioit of which from ibis paper has been copied half ibe world wr it i nol surprising that the swise should excel m the uw of the rifle their principal game tin chamois and hcir local vitua- hon in ihe heart of europe urroundvd hy powerful nation with no other defence than the mountainous character of their couniry and llieir etliviency in tle use of cilhifriivcnftil drath hefne vetif winch would alone ai count for hj but oilier indutetnenis are preeemed in addition to their patriotic nr ejimng impufoes the government annuallv appropriates urgo num ol monev to be distributed in numer ous prizes some of them as hgli as 5000 to tho beet marksman and which arc open tn bo shut for by every native riiizrn wilh- out excertion last year lord venoo an engliah nobleman wasybya ierial act of government made a mcmlstr of the national ki2e club his lordaliip ia known as one of ibe best shot in england and while in switzerland shot o match a parallel to which we have never heard of he shot 1000 rounds a joy for six aay using six ne and having four men to load for brm but though he phot remarkably a ynnng swis win ne lownia icl lanspjagc and in the motion of her hand and even in the slight movement of her graceful neck there was something that still breathed of surpassing elegance it was the shadowy wreck of no ordinary mortal posing away humble a were he surround ings and strange a had ben his summons to her bedside and this is byron v he said at last in k voice bewildering sweet even through it weajthes my lord i could not die without see ing you without relieving my oul of mission with which it ha long been burden ed- come nearer for i have no lime left for ceremony and i must aay what i have to iy and die beautiful she oid beautiful a tlic jrtatn of him which haa so long haunted me the intellect and the person of a spirit of light pardon me my lord tha a moment ao impottanl to your self the remembrance of an earthly feeling bus been brtrayed in expression she paused a moment and the bright color that had hot through her cheek and brow faded and her countenance resumed it heavenly serenity i am near enough to death hc re timed near enough to point you almost to heavon from where 1 am and it is on my heart like the one errand of my life like ihe bidding of god m implore you to prepare for judgment oh my lord with your ghiriou powers with your wondroo gift ue not loot do ml for the poor pleasure of a world like this icse an eler- ftiiy in which your great mind will outstrip the intelligence of angel measure thia thought acan the worth of angelic bliss with ihtj intellect that ha ranged so glori ously through the universe do not on this nne mornentou subject of human interest on thia alone be not abort sighted what ahall i dor suddenly burt from byront lipo in a lone of agony but with an effort a if struggling with a deathpang he again drew up hts form and resumed tho marble ealmnessj of hit countenance the dying g meantime aeemed to siruntaitieerwjoac name unfartunaielt becapedlhe memory m jsr was ihe winner the yming mn shot ono hundred rounds per day usirg but one rifle loading for himself j after two dayhot-i- in lord vernnn oqered him 1000 franc for hu rifle and another thousand if bo would draw the maid boib nf which tho high spirited young swiss refused wc are icdd that il i nni unusual bj sec mx ie senert lumnsnd i ifrrrrrr or llrv ground at nnc lime on the ovi aion nf the ii i i 1 1- fur the gowrnment pnxes some fxfiy or sixty shinning gallcics are laid vu and the disiaire is mi fcti tle alioot off anni the annua matches for the aovernnhnt inzca lake plaie generally in ihe month of lilny and tlic shooting conti nues for a week the gentleman from whm we derive thi information states that in july 1844 is expected lo ctunc off ihe grandest display eser known in the country the govern ment have already selected oie plavo of the mcciing which is al si jarqnes near basle and have increased the prize try town and corporations ono town alone r r i p 40000 a member of the national quh now in this city apprize our inform ant that it i expected that no less ihan 15000 riflemen will be assembled from every town and canton of the h a the confederacy ia styled n y spirit of the timer- have lost htmlf in pnyor with w hec atfed hands ejasped on her boaom and her eyna turned upward the alight motion nf her hm hetraved tn those aronnd her that hc was pleading al the throne of mercy lisiii in a mi mil perhaps the most cliaractervathieculiar uy of the social enndilion of england al pre sent is lire unhealthy want of repose travelling by railroad is merely typical of the headlorjg burvy with which all the affair of life are transacted in btiiet men rein a hurry to get rich they cannot lub- mit u iht tedious proces of adding one year pauent and icgiitinate n to those of its predecessor but seek by bold specu lative combinations by anticipation if in telligence received ui rough tlu ordinary channel io make or mar tbsme1vx hy ono bold stroke the devotee of pleasure seek a il were to multiply their personal preenccaot only by rattling to a dozen assemblies of a mgru avtraslsctt- shipful practice in london during the gay season fit- some hundred years hut by shooting in the north of scotland ord yachting in the channel during the home week visiting palestine and the pyramid during the parliamentary reees and other eats of celerity the rnechanicaj wheels revolve with accumulated peed to corres pond to iho hot haste of those who impel them the long hour of factory and mil liner drudges the gang of night and day labourer relieving each other in printing offices and coal pita all the uninter mining eager go ahead pressure of society are but so many symptom of ihtj excitement which impels men to live in a hurry- lti a paradox only in form to ay that wo are in avch a hurry to live that wtj do not lies at all lifetdip through our finger un felt unenjoyed in the bustle of preparing to live a day of business i a dy of breath less haste the duties of tho toilet are hur ried through the breakfast is gulped down without being tasted tho newspaper f skimmer th a vague idea of ita contents