ihi chronic ftfltri le 0 a ga2 i ette 1 ar stu x nti thi 4 u vlhtu s vi mir i i m 1 ii v nl n if hididul sioncsoa a caturoay hillhrttfiu tofttfm itirinlv lo i- it orvif m u- ftanmfal t iiuoi i- uacllm adbwiwo ilmllt cofiw roph itnck joiix i hkiuiithn ffaijrr ivlyf naveriirvitriff- six liw- thj it wrirt ifiirrtion and 7miih miwuiiu in- nrljsa- trn1iimiftmduikr j id lmiiit id m i aa asstac h i t i w w w jfraet itserlinc liral insertion mj m gn unv irtautfl i insertion 4rtfrttiijry mrtbmt from ttrttn oi is or imcrfsoii lcttor prcs printing cjjtankk 2 aettc and kingston commercial advertiser iftc hefe ncc pepulo scd mi vol xxv kingston canada uiokslhv february 7 1844 no 04 sandss syrsaiaulla rvlaf remoro aj ptftoanmt tuff ifttl jimtit aviriaei dti irfipvjr ttote of flit 6tovd or ftasif of to rrfnanoacfy ck0vula r ttil hfctvmtiip oi culaflombruflq fllrtl tf fo4l 1f tu- sml hri 4 j mtjbl i tire tllt 0i 11 juvri hilti t if m imt s ir s w ht iiiri an v4m1lciu ufvf mruufv avle ftvurtoi i4pivnrr in 11 rtifuw ctaa ltftl lntrrr will femir dj ilm pnifhii urc ofogr tm it whmu a h b r uctjn ntincb itfmvcitic r ir ni ij- difwi mfij iirft ma htfhrtl j ilglv jfw 11 reififi view mvrj ibl fhi w umil ktiyrk u wjfrf will rtpij lril lt kfftcf tfluj id twit lrot hmjiiilit tfr t pnultrlv tti ihni ubifh irjlfi bt kbjmrtmm y 1f fciin iuiiw is lin1ib ilw vluft anil tbttipratmr nf tkruri iim rrmr jicvfrri ihruh il fhtj of wiaitiml hr 4r ihe imfinatati kjic find v luiu4mfprtrcrttob tbivuli ikf it onxt ttttituoft of tutaotyr h fl ratb0la9f prvvultat lkn modi fluim rnntctl xrwhhtitt 1i wn iiifj lo co of iocnrx i ki in if if nitli iw nfftftinito tvfuinc pair ufc cbui of lur a jicii tuv iki ill u pl yhr r nvnin i 4i m4dnt irttflr v flvl ftfli mhflctl m u pihlif m dift noi 4nf jtftlvful lf tuifr ul pruily in cntftbf wttk ibc offfrmin of ti tvrfnj mlffl ui lot vi ntl riii mj ulrllifai rdtnc mml i it uitt utt dhiil rprt wjii1i ciiirton ut mfliml pfi1i tr onbt itini valtiiblr v i4 iw jljtrnii r prr1 ufaatbrinttb the siitipmtilli n fl lb t afjrttbcmll ii4 ib niatl tiutnf pfvjuiiv nihomcij gazette stationery warehoom cuuhkil xihq v n ttiiiti u ifjlcm iork cf writing papers from st iujl to r- r r etor trtku mitiorffj1tii allo blank books school books fcc in jii branrlir car on th atov tublltmfiil anpcri i ruling machine if in full opfhin lj which hlonk hmltf can br ruled to any pillvro and n t ylc infetiorlonone 7c hnpmhoj o pfuntinv hook mnhkny n warenquftin fill tfmmmh pre if a dcttdtd tuptriorify in joiw nccotnfki doon onrf dtipctfth chtcmdf fnif ulticr kinon w office stationery on saturday th i7ih do of ftbrvfj igm 4 m njl rtic lu uptr4rlj i am ma ittcru n il rvotffauoa i litftllb i bj i vi i mifl umr iur inal iliri ctic mr4ir bi cvcn it a xmlll hnftr fu ibitf u it titn chfihfc uilv twn mlfinu vhlr nd ivftmrntip t o bc ojliclrd m irrm itir alltiru n i r i fu kmui ii 4 ban awl mioiit niuraiktai in t at saftltn vbui irdj ttnilur i ibi aw ibni vloum i on f hv lit laoiarb j bort ih lb rvotih j fvc tftmifral brfrtiofl illiwl r lh tlr- riyffvcu4rn lb tjiji afikv- thckiuamonltbf h4r i miiiui rhi4ihr rkawn fritiaffi h mi mbvinku ir ocrcthore tcn mdc by iw ur m rt mvomhc itoii ii4il cfir lc4tynt nilhr b r sheriffs sale of lands mriluml dulrkl to wh will imi ot rbccouft llut in ihe town of ion a 12 oclock nr ibe totloiffin ndt rnl b vifloo of 6xecvlioio to mo directed out of her wsjcftitfceuhorqdeca rmth th willn wilkr t tl arcl ii hthoo vrrtholforloino22 tthcorcuhii ton- hip kr r- r k k u h town lot no ft t d of j slrcct n ff nofthhilfof lot no 19 2od conccmioo 3rd range i g i j lot no 12 7th coo towhip of etichrnofid wcjurn bouodirf and lot con of oard township jane tri tvn ct ah of jacne mtthtwtoti douno d com it ol m jaoitt mtlhowion lot no 1 in the 9h con cf pkubur wtat hfltf of lot no 2 3 eon of pituboish lt no i ui ihe 10th con of ritubiinh anyperaoo or pcraont hating cuioit on ihc above prooertj ore fcoeatcd to make the ftnc known to me on or before the dj of sole thomas a corbett sheriff iff vteltv tfcl 1 w 1014 lu mm l lkuiti bhtjl muni f iji54 rinr wlkcokartl kffectff of jand a laltar ittlla ix nhwicii tox rnj ibt fabowmt rm ma wot ruif n 4 ihr ravl twaieta ai will bavwimo 4lmr owiumiw- uihitii tinl tbiril mrtift a d smlaw ko mnl gnurull je rnvralbn ailohy r ultftf i ihm fi hiih ffttnilr k jroor mmffl i tball l fce aomti bh rrt h iuwfmm ill vb iir niit i llplj wf llif lot j ti fj ffiyiulufkif til tiij uiiel aaatro nffrur mif n i iitvi ui ahhinii in nfrti ol ilj lb wc almni w1ivat ir iu rdtfvct i i bwl ri kyhmh i4ic fofttfrt ort li april nfli ibt kftm ilk nillii h4- ifepimit fahltall4rcfmiin nfjifif i rf riir oife ajk f4 tifl hi iftfrmi ilai t iivifhf iv oa4 o ball v the u nf aiy tfrrotr arnunj iha vm vnl cbltowfot unnn nif ina oltri fwittfn bfol i bli it uinnivf ol itw innlp miitmii f y ttnn wn ihhii iftfooriitj apn ibavr fbwti rw w4itr wy lnltt o i cilroli tfi j- wbtlc vly tbf sm itaeivf of auaoi rlb rjyttr mrbt vfhn 4own iac p4jn wu bim ibnmi v toii nwl robp1 mr i ri rr bourt ufihf kk utltt rt i hut j lnvhi miihi drpnr4 j mfvo okiplnribititmr iki kwu ihhiii oij lb merit cnurpe l anpir h lb in i iwo a jfr- llifv rrlfli nsfrl i bt- irt danir 1ii awbtoljr joot j ih ion thv ll p1t- ftiil ullra4t willi am rl4fmi t mhh ii ip i oy a jiim ji rnmimipi tijibrl itr br bto tnm t4 iiwhi iw wrrooitaaf o jrrdwivfopimiiiaiit n rthrf t bl mii mhir j miim iintiohii- in 4rr jbcalrf mt ihi- mhhh ofoeom rreomiliriitlttl l i 0i ff rillfjl4 ifitl i h miil f iniahkiiy wbiir uiht fik1coniiii fiotiilly iindt anj vtus nirlf f hh m ih i utikt inwj iniirpvihim u av iwid wiih yuor uiaintumr ftmfaiilru a italic huk tfct ftr i diu il bi jin wiikt hr i tit ton i bl 0m pjtv mt up- ibm4 lb coea0 mfiuttnraljniillnt ni 11 u rhoiibmhlonftwtmliv imiij vriir a m t i hv iqptkra onulrt i ib ib abmtt nnhrtuj um district court john tuiii oa jaoua howef all that certain traet or parcel of land actuated lyin and being sn jonntontille late ia the township of k i rnmi hjt now in the town of kinlo i i the midland district and pvorincc of canada beinj part of a tract of land purchas ed by the tate chahea stuart from the tale magdalen farguaon and may bo otherwise known as 1 i that ia to say commencing t a jioatoritone rondary planted on the mon treal road on the western aide of cbarle at a point or corner where chiclet street ftihsor merit the montreal ftaad thence in a liagf4 not atoii cfae said uutct lo mi or mono boundary punted at a dittance of one hundred and thirtytwo feet neither more nor icttj marked b thence in a atraight line paral lel with the montreal rovl ixlyii fee neither more nor les lo apostot stone boon- lai marked d thence in a straight line paral lel wilh charles street ailistance of ono hun dred and thirlylwo fcencither more horless to a stone boundary marked f thence along ihe montreal rod a distance of aixtyaix feet neither more nor less to the place of or ftinning containing by ad measure meat onefifth of an acre i ri or nerton hoving ctilfflten anr of ihe aooea dceribd properties ire reqoetlod to the ranie knofin to ae oo or befote ut dor thomas a goftbbtti sheriff m d shetlrta oflicr kindlon 15th nor 1s43- j 41 sheriffs sale district f n thurly the attlboai rinilililt itbohrtmted i ibit hnu tftcj my rl j ioiiii mc of tn otmt hfoir th uleee ipo ai linb rr brkif h ftiy- ifhlu ruicd atj toy hfo rvilvl hih id my inri awiurr tlutklfrtl it puwfr in iritifj o hi ffi rtey of yoor 6 9iriiitm a ikii ibtfiv a from ne borf pmofotl 0 wou pr r ftrttm brafib aic jr uhr g4 i yoi lwrorrbja- lf ajmjiwrt rfoimfrthl ofrco e l tottl rkpiflg nii pr ii itj ihtltuiiunli of vun mkr jm j ocfmridi y muthjilnift nd vet rrful irif m anatliarmllllim km london c nwwb cm4im pcnflt ttr ihe almvrnitiud av ai ralpaj ndfc eaifc nf tb uni wiimiii mibt lrod sheriffs sale of lands midland district saluiday ihe 9ih to wit w day erf march 1844 will be sold ol the court houec in the town or kingston the folloivinp pro- perty belonging to john mclean seized by virtue if two executions issued out of he court of queen bench at the tint of the president directors and company of the bank of uprer canada and one ieeued out of the midland didland court at the suit of james fraaer all he right title and inte rest of the above named defendant john mclean in lots no- 225 226 027 91 102 103 114 115 and 276 in the town of kingston lot n 22 or gore in lc township of pitiaurgh low i 2 and 3 with belles island and hrofcfll from md part of lot nor 5 and 6 on wei if of jtreal rivsr cattrsqui in the township of kingston and south east quarter of lot no 9 in the 4th concession of kingston sale to commence at 12 oclock noon thomas a corbett sheriff m d sheriff office kingston 5th dee 1s43 any person having claims on the above property will please make known lo me on or before the day of sale t a corbett new watches aui jewelry fcc the so thanks scribcr bv t rcturu their in the pia- fwrthe liberal pjuonage received dift ln pat season and ivotitd inform then ttiai they hove rt cciveda most cteganttnd varied assortment of every article in the line in the stuck will bciound tt large assort ment of silver if late of the bci quality lltojbf very low prices rosewood nnd mnhbany ureeing cases work boxes nd tea addles chandllierforli bgbu a plend with china ornamented centre a large assonmcnldpaucrns for needle work and materials n match and n few large general assobtwght of new fall goods at rosej corbet cos prinew stfttt opposite the jjarnbton house rc o co most fcfcpetlfully onnomn that they are openin- out a rerv iftm ind waried usoilmcnt of dry goods fo the fnlt and winter trade which they are enabled to offer at such low pricra as wit be sure to cotnftiand a ready sale their stock of rinnne nntl scotch pulrls of every description will be found tbc largest in the market r c co would solicit the attention of the ladies to their slock of shawtt amongst which will h found a choice selection of the new striped paisley shawl pathsmzed and worn by her majesty floor and table oil cloth and car petiag in great variety kinstou oct ii i43- 30z mitjuo to wit j vj29lhdyof february ism will be sold at the courl house in the town of kinetbn at i- oclock noon the following lands seized by virtue of several locutions to me directed out ofhcrmsjci- irt court of queens bench cbaj cos n ell scull ss- john mcleod and bichsrd loit john fattom vs jojiv mclcoj and richaad locjak wrigw letctf jrifft 51c nif iloan to ihe smti front of the west half 0 lot no 19 in the first con of tbtpof kingston john pallon vs thomas smith and randolph pearsons james dougall and wtlham keild batric vs thomas smth town lotno20i in ih town of kingston any perse or pcrtos haringcliitd on oof af the above dcrerioed properties arc recjuosted to make m aarae knosrn to so or before the day of jumiritkthc rrr seis stoaiur aciviaied ui mia riiaip l fifif out ilw ae arrico otr ri- uvuiumr wtlllam it richards mlnimn on utr oi oa frcpstetj nl ull kt a p samlt h c uruu ami cithkh orami u1tc rj bwh cmiivfr tnmlkrir ntf votw ajir lc uj dh-ii- uimucsvui ib v s riles st v- ui i votu rr tse mfcw teiperiftrti furfijli ictfrfflwrit ihi lasws stripniu ii tun n fsasiaauj asssvfoisskol remmikni wuvf milttuh sasi ufaifcac i itiiie bjtfiia rcajaru mbp s for rtijltr iiuk i of- 1 jw bteat aim ii pen sfpuislavtm for im ftftiott atntoh nnj htsssiy ki thomas a sheriflaoifice gston nov as 1843 corbett 42 woctorjavnpafamitvmedicikn mcifimo tie rrciftpien4i4 lviv r vau caff ft io omftoooatix i 1f tfuiel i- pi- 1 iliulj vri he m halfworked pieces onl many other articles too numerous to menmn watches jew elry musical boxeflvc repaired in the beat manner am jewjry and silver ware made to order m rossini brothers kingm i 4th nov 1s13 henry laveivder late or io5d0n mercbaiii tailor pespectfcltf informs the gentry of kingston that lie has commenced inisincsi in princers sreel nearly opjinsite the new building ul henr smith esq in soliciting the ptflnrtw the pirny vi kingston h l would rrpecifnlly observe ihat he has recently itnl direet frnm iondnn a very choice sonmenl of west of england cloth- c vetings jtc otc all ofthe best h beg assure ihose gentlemen wh may favour him with their orders ip ic strides at tention being paid lo ew department nf the business they mayj n having their garments ofthe oeatwrialr siyle and workmanship princesastreett kingsfdn f december 12 1843 i ttl important highly thk itlict of mamy viam naoockd to a m hod mr alexander assa ldo respectfully anooees his arrival in tonaflj iai for a thort period give in- ttrucu r i in fr i aod mt t i thip on hu trmt dacovered principle which have ihe peculiar adaii of ine wont pottt- m scribbler to wihtbuiif free eipediii out add legible hand hassswfbw- rje hochsice made ihe ltfioni cadiei opporunkj ofaequirin lha fuj flrgitu art vhtch intrublf irapltri a ver iopeic andrertaiiilf delracia a jattra froaa cerj oihcr at linnhri termi moderate hundred of epcci mens tobe eft fel montreal fujptu at mk ai r f r st j bowsprioeeii street thi if item differs in ercry rcepec ff arr that ha eer been osttiid in aiiartca ai the ylcenik csprcuion imenled by mr- alesaeder aiiaptige the whotc pfoc to fovr puiei raovecaeal of ihe pen ard tnnc prodoee that nnifofuuty 6nuh aid freedom in execuiion whch charactvriac the per- ormaaee or hit pupil- ii i te at artr aje from rn lo ecreiiif clastic pen making uuhi inonattmon shorthand taught in six uwow on a 11 nc p- that will enable hupili to nrito ard read their n04ea wth eae fiookkecptng bj double eotrjj uveht in iwelir ixaaooi ia which eogce the enp oill open pol ard bstaare a cornpleie act of booh and be made foil quallnvd to act a a boobbeert lo any pjcrtiashlaa eatabhtbinem hon- i i i i i iv htm operalionarnay be sfporau apartmioufor lttditf united statesnew york public voftsl on thia subject governor bouck remark u in view of the large expenditure cm some partt of the public wrrks and tle comparatively small auras required lo com plete them regrets have been felt in some quarters that the surplus revenue nt the itate from all oxteiing rcsoutces mchtdihg roduct of the tax was pbeed bfetofj of lite government nix millions of dullarn she owns one million of atoik nnd fk the balance ia liable for the several corporations which own the works and fir security fue that liability ahe holdi the pledge of the works themselves in relation in which the go vemnr rvmark as bstfwcen her and ibe holders of her sirip the dcm ii her own she will tress it as her own and pay it as her own umler nnprwmhle rirrijminnces v ill he aitemp tn evade oe put it olt fur the pavraeni of every dollar principal and interest her jedged that wosai of rly umii li ihe ot lotrlltgeo rrirt ii t i prflt 4 pttiiifnu i iiie rht ciiai of etie afq ixjt aol hiwiuh am aio- lassss aial st ssstfs ibn three minktj vhra fuioui aaomiatiam tvte prtpd rf rni acoulrrd an uapreerjruul fwialm lsiiii suie ene aad eoi ur tbepincjnelflr a thei i n pffr atstx hi c vandswif s reaml sitne ptukr bvlwt ttuicar mvmitis ftrifl kwwin anl orbt nindabci eakulaih tot t seal uvmfi cxrptohat val- rr caeibicom jfsjsaul itninn ff j a p setam tm bthii u vi audimaartoi r rutmnnrt r ayojaynps hair toxmrp tvatii fsn-aromi-tmliil- wajftvav1 lurhssj -i- ifiia erey si javkk tom vnairvtki frvv j ramta nc etwirissi fr i rnhilf wjrna rt our aiia fmrl jf fj idaiitimafmi aaeiade4imelitifiitu rtijrw javkils scab minativf balai nrrttumeiaiiioiicirtnvi tarcauie fc aam nirua tfli- v iw jayxta hanativk mlis l thttteamfltiut isuvemi if traeiianft m retf ft iheb av an affmtttol a1iiiiaur rrv wrrautred prstes9rl mttttv o t vm tcttfi vm uufartsb sheriffs sale midland district atvn wednesday the 3rd to wit j dayof january 44 wilt be sold by auction at the court house in the town of kingston in the midland district all tbs right title and interest ot robert breeze in lot no 20 east aid of great river cau- raqul in the tftwntbip of pitlsburghseued by virtue of m execution issued out of her ma- vty court of queens bench at the suit of christopher armstrong sale tocomincncc at ij ioclt noon- t a corbett urif t m d shtnfps oftce kingston 1st nov 1843 j 37 3m the sale of the right title and interest o robert breeze in the above lo is postponed until the 17th day of january in 3il january 1844 the sain of mr robert breeds right title and interest a advertised is postponed until thursday the first iuy of february next 19th jantrory 1844 reai til n rts iii fl riii rii i i ii new goods mmakt merchant tailor is now in leceipt by the last arrivals from england of his regular upply of fall and winter goods consisting in pn of the beat west of efleiand clotbsin a variety of shades heavy double milled kerseys and bearer cloth in the latest styles his stock of vest ing consist of a choice assortment of plain and figured velvets fancy plushei satins and vrlcuctcs 7b his stock of good for trouseis he would particularly ch the alien tions of gentlemen in want of a superior arti cle of plain or fancy csssiineres doeskins and beaver doeskin in great variety tn scarrs stocks collars and suspenders will also be found a good assortment in ihe tailoring daparlment it wit only be necessary tossy that no effott shall be wanting to insure a continuance of the distinguished patronage with which he has been favoured nsraland militsty uniforms clergymen and banisters robes executed in a superior style n b gold and silver lacs and cords suiuble for uniforms and liveries also the best of mackintoshs patent water proof cloth on hand king street next door to dcvkes co kingston october 241b ich3 31 the first volume of the statutes of upper canada to thk time of the union containing the public acts re vised and published by authority under a commission consisting of jivrcc macmtmy draper nortl amcttan gold macci ihu stortf amjsic nh goodwin rtfhy returns his thanks lo hisfri and the public enerally for the patron be bis received since bis commencementm business and beg leave to acquaint them tl be hsa taken the mansion house hotel fowy kept by the late mr carmino which intends to open as a first class hotel t 1st may ensuing under the name of the jvbrtk jlnrrican uottl this house which is eshitly well situated in the very centre of bya i now unler going a thorough repair j sildilianal bed roomj are heln built mr fornllute is new and ekgasit and every avcommmliiiion will be prepared for the recepliot of the travelling the tabled hole wrh nieiior lo none in america and the ban w b supplied with the cboicoslano rairsl rf winrs and liquors the stables and yaroaf this hotel are very commodious and every mention will be paid to ths horses of iririm porters in sltotdance at the steam boats british corlee hoe kingston april 7ih 13 82a mr fratfcis hunt begs leave lo inform the young gentle- rienof kingston who are desirous of ac- quirine a knowledge of llic french language lul tie ha opened a school at mr roni- ort ptinress street w lie re he attend every evening fiom 7 till 10 oclock there are several ofbttm en of classical rtuejition iswinv pnvite lessons frm mr tlut ju uijmv vi ltjt tiht -j- 111 viw j period of two months stulv read a french author with as much erse a an english one keference can be made to dr allen brock street and to sevetal oiher gentlemen who will fully corroborate tins assertion tetm made known at the book store of messrs ramay armour 4l to onurio st or at the schoolroom al ihe above mentioned hour nsb mr hukt was educated where he spent e year nnd pi truf french pronouiciation kington ud jan lah n fiance sesses the coht superior aletbaeer at the city brewery t ie city brewery company have now in their crllar a large stock of botttu atvj which thry recommend lo innkeepers nd private families for it quality and cheap ness the quality bein nothing inferior to llut of alloa or edinbnrgfi air and the price but 0 3d prr dozen exclusive ofbottles a discount of 10 per cenl being allowed on pur chases exceeding 3 oien their brer is so generally and uvorably received that ihey deem it unnecessary lossy anyihiii in commendation nfitaiiil nny quan tity over 5 villous is now sold by them at the reduced price of 10j- per gulum ihi 5 gal lon cask held at the usual piicc of is kingston flolh january 844 from the angte american 9lh dic 1343 thcnrwcily lire wee v well luservec no- ltte atc jilomlii tmjhittost lnhmenton our celchslrd albany biewrries li the manufacture of a eery superior article of ale 0 notice is hereby riven thai missrs r ii t kae did on the 1st day of november lb3t assign all and singular theiroulstsndin debts is the undersigned for the purpose mentioned in the deed of assignment and all persons indebted to the said k h- u t bat will please aylllfl thetr respective debts i or such persons a and account wilh they may appoint kinlon 23d january j king wm cun 184 tjilni r 4amvr i ua- m n rttpftrdonla by dr u j nk fssjnifiiiaaitjahaa i av owealktfai pviu llurit ufvaulc av tor salh coal tar livbkvooj and newvamle orat ie marine rvilwny stov kinnon i jan salt coals sheriffs sale midland dimriet i w wednesday to wit fihe 2vth day of april next will be aold at live counhouse in the town of kiogslon the following pro perty belonging to allah mcdoncll rtwd by virtue of an execution 0m of her majestys court nf qiiecit beeh nnd 10 mc directed at the auit of joseph daley sixltfive acm in lhc 7 p 0f ernest townkiiown as ihe point adjoining sheriff sheriffs office md 6th january is- the honble the chiki the honbte mr justice the iwble william h johk h cangroiv esquire for sale at the c orncc 164 king strett toronto and 01 r watsons printing office opposite lhc public offices ontario strel kisgstom price fifty shillings cash robert stanton gazette office toronto 18lh january 1844 59t claim on tbo rtthe difrfaw- atl pensons having properly 0 before ibe tuy a thibodo families supplied in small quantities at the lowest wholesale prices with the finest of country and canton teas wines liquors totucco crockery itcb and in tact every article in the grocery line locus rubber over shoes mens womens and children leather shoes kinguon dec 8 113 47 teas teas teas the subscriber respectfully notifies families whrare in the habit of using the best teas that he has tow on hand art asrortmeni uf black and green teas imported direciiroift china not to be equalled in the provnre for strength and 8avn and sold fu cash on moderate term jamb williamson n b the stibsovhrr having made hi arrangements is now aide to supply coun try merrhnnt by tht chest or half chest at montreal prices 75 barrels bftgbimuscavado sugar princess street jin 1s44 62 ri notice accohding a dond passed before e glachemeyr notary pumic at yiebec berine date ths 2 1st of november last john conntrr esquire of kingston retired from the film of calvik coor couktcn here and lhat of d d caivin co quebec the whole of the property asseis and rfficu of the sain copartnership levertinf lo dtliu destet calvin hiiamcook and charles ed wrd dunn who are duly authorized tn recov er receive and settle all debts and claims do toandhv the tats firm 0 t calvin hiram cook j counter chas dunn nvrrii but nrthacrag di7 prrasent su te us or disregarding the public failh the former i deem highly inexpedient and the latter entiiely inadntissihle il is certainly much to be regretted that the sate has so much unfinished unfit now entirely suspended some of u uridr circumstances ofauctt unavoidable expo sure as must soon materially adect its dura bility tolls the tolls collected frnm the canal fur the last season of navigation amounts to 2031000 ond show such a large increase of business with the western slates that it is hoped the trade of lake erie will be doubted within a short period stat debts the state debts amount to about 5 mil lions of dollar and the interest payame thereon to 1377261 tht mil revenue fir the slate for the fiscal vear ending 30th september 1r43 tew the expenditure was fr the stale canals t- wi jm vi tf tfli 027 in all 249s2bo leaving 0 sur plus of 300000 whirh was required 10 meet certain demands specified taxation the number of seres oftand charged with taxes in 1832 was 27176943 valued at 504254029 and the personal esisle at 116595533 making an aggregate ef 62067534 on thia aggregate was collected fur state tsx and country and town charges 4246487 or about 7 mills ir every dollar of valuation eduoatioic there are 10860 organized school dis trict in ihe state from 10673 nf which reports having been received during ihe past year pursuant 10 the number of children who have leen umw instruction in these schools for a longer or shorter period dunng the year embrared en the re port exclusive of those in ihe oily of new york was 610354 being an increase- of upwards of thirty nine thousand over the number during the preceding year and con siderably exceeding the whole number of children between lhc ages of 5 and 16 re siding in ihe districts reported the num ber under instruction in the several public school ofthe city uf new york ie about 40000 the whole nmount of public monec received and expended in lite several oaw vwrm xvhvhalrwa during the year ending on the dote ok the report was upward of of 660000 of which 66763 79 was appropriated to lhc payment of the wages of teach ent and about 95000 for the purchase of suitable books for the several district libraries the amount raised on ralehills fnr teachers wc in addition to the public money ap plicable 10 that oljcct was 509475 97 making an aggregate of upwards of one mil lion of dollars paid to teachers during he year for the instruction ofthe youth in at tendance 00 ihe romnvm schools baflks there are at present 140 batiks in the stoic with a eapital nf 43369151 the bills in circulation 17213101 there are 57 associations and individual bankers wiih 0 nominal capital of 5139776 of which 3547352 is in actual circulation ptusosbi asd crtma there are in lhc mount pleasant tvn tcntiary 79s maid and 76 female convicts receipts for the jew ending with the 30th september last from prison sources 46970 37 from ihe state treasury 73044 44 kingston 1 jan 1844 6ki7 79470 37 expenditure for same period 7304 44 rxffxtfn daily tiic rttort nar views of montreal by samst uvxqak jtue tluts nomtker ccnlurn s view of notre drre soxci west j janas cr montreal in usc diaunre ad mcntreal from the incuan encamp ment point chart iiee 5s tmtav armour h co of w 1u0 may be hsd eomc cooica of fart no 1 ja i the notice undersigned bavins diiposed of his merchandize and slock in business l0 bis son bernard mcfaul iere- miah bcullyj esq who will now cany fn their business at his old stand in welling tonhereby requests all persons indented to him to come forward and pay and all those to whom he is indebted to present their account for arfjummcni the undersigned trusts lhat the same liberal support which he has for so many year oy d irem hi numerous friend will he as geo etoualv extended lo hi succnrt archd mcfaul 1844 60mi wellington i3tb jan notice heielofoir balance 5fis 93 tliere were confined in the auburn penitentiary on the 21st of december last 762 convicts receipt for the fear ending with the 30th september last exclusive of a balance fnm the preceding year 5541 36 expentliture during the samo period 5600 04 balance on hand ihe preced ing year balance on hand 967 6s 1235 30 267 62 fob sale at ihe chronicle fc gazette office the m- lowing aeu of u jt session o partia ment common school u agricultural piet duuet parly procession ne p ang kingston dec t843 tiic buainess kinufftby caintr carried on ai coos cetfatvm and at quebec hy d d calvin aco from thi dale be continued by tbc undersined mnde hr firm of calvin coos co kineton and diss calvin co- quebec kington itban d d calvin hiram cook char e dunn leu wn earnings of lite convicts 47240 89 ordinary support of the convicts 49322 2s pro caprrtl apto comattatcat mnsaelitiseua haw at this lime a topilal invested in tna 11 y far lures of 42000000- asa commercial slate she is second in the pnmn only ts her ncighbriur new york with her three tnilinn nf people her citizens huv nearly 12000000 in vested in the fisheries which is stated 10 he more than twice as much as all the rest of the union new jersey this slate owe no public debt other than one iif 99566 57 doe iron the general to the school fund the receipt into the treasury for the tear ending october 23 from ordinary sniirvet were v2z19 88 the amount raided by tax wan 40000 the expenditure for ihe ordinary pur poses ofthe government were 61102 1 the balance in the treasury was 5706 32 and the sum of 15011 42 ofthe ifj source nf the state together with 1465j and 10871 4 the bilime on hand of the preceding year were applied to the viv 1- til of inter nnd temporary loans the receiptu of the school fund lat year were 45638 14 and the expenditure 30227 18 lovtsiasaat ihe assembling 0 tbsj louisiana legislature on the m u mr felix garcia wa elected president of he senate and horatio davis somitry the message of gov muulnn is taken up chief ly with the itabihtie of the slale which he thinks shnuld he met without delay and as ilieir works of rnlcrnal impfovenven have been a failure he recommends the sale ofthe new orleans and nash ville railroad the port hudson and clinton railroad the mexican gulf railway with all the land and privileges attached to them ar well as the staves impomcnl and ma terial telonging to ihem also the interesll uf ihe stale in lb- barralaria and lafurchej canal company and in making the sates all ihe direct liabilities of tht state should be receivable in payment of the pnee i recmnmend further thai lae bond ofthe slate iwued in favir of the oinion ami pon hudnn railwsy compaq ny shnufd be receive on payment of the mortgage nnd other assets pledged qrlraas- ferred lo the state toaccttre their partrjerit he nlso recommends for lite same res- oti miialllieanvoe bwjiuik ao property of the sute under the supehitten- danre ofthe sure engineer should be sold that ihe office of engineer hi atlished and thai appropriation fvr all r l worta except those of the laat iwcessiie hsrl ceax the 500000 acre of public unds m the state he also recommend lobe sold for the same nhjeci as nothing an fetters and degrades a slate as a heavy public debt with no mean provided lo meet it he recommonds a revitrmcnl of the law ol taxation and the abolishment of capital puno4nent for duelling arson and burglary us the law cannot be enforced so tongas these crimes are punishable with death retrenchment the mostihoruugh and com plete in every department of stat i urrcj asof paramount importance as almost any sacrifice are preferable m a crushing debt a convention is recommended to be cal led for the amendment ofthe coqatitutioo of the state- tribune coratnjrrj jot tht monlrtal gwiu wlue or colonial monies all quotations of prices in the nonlraxal gazette for tde britioh provinces of north america are in currency and the following information will be valuable to uranggrs nnd particularly lo emigrants bringing with them sterling mnney the basis ofthe currency is the imperial gold standard differing from sterling money in the dirterehl nominal value ofthe pound and its constituents the pnund tteriing ia by lave fixed af ttovriy-foto- shillings nnd fcrpeioet currency at this rate all large trsmsactions are settled and remittances with the cor rection of the duty for cschangei ore calcu lated one pound currency one dollar do one shilling do one sixpence do one penny do balance against ihe earnings 208 36 massachusetts dcdt from the message wc learn lhat massa rhusetls by a direct interest in the works of reni improvement within her limits and by tend worv na incurred a debt a fraction over 1 away enntainafour dollars dn fivrhillin do 2 aixpencea do six pennies do two copporsj the value in sterling of tle pound curren cy t rather over loo 5jj the dollar currency rather over 4e ii shilling ratbeiover saxpehce rather under butinrelsil iransaclions an approxima tion in mnov 10 ihe value of tho coins cor- n britain and the united state and small purciiasjes the following am tb mprovcmeniwiihin her limits and uy lend- 11 aroait purcnoaes uw iwiow ngher credit 10 others to complelo ihowlrate at which strth coina are usually paid