tut m tjl d iskv i i i iir vi 111 ii i 11 1 n ill ii ii i i i i iu rtfiii iiii ii ilu iii ii rwnjtalty ih hat jlwjjmmj illd mil flllru i hj uul 1 i 11 if j i fhlil i i mi i ri llio lift m f ii li t mnliu kraali tit up ii ii i tte jo n1 lw it ja it j fc ic uawur fur ue tt b pnotln in iltt tiif ud poire vf mr- tlvvd r tinl paito ittrtm demoed he are fir ill mimrdly ft itblitbjn wtnilit iwvti mtjr ft mil wi he ii ejs i tv irui licit y it i- i ii if 1 at ilurlirlir i b vf1j wiwil ihk abl4ji ll v i ir rsxfeb k s towfilrtcf ih pwxjss 71m a nilo brutae ili in u itlhtvttlwipujj if iv luuac it d outtiidi4javardiiig r mumikd um kfciiiiii btihjakef c csjmsttu po or of ilastital llkraturr uvo cullrc hi irton mr tiioinr wabdtots- matte f lint nlwtii ilnuicl4jmfllnr school in aif ywtf w mr ftmi manon kiofam our htror eeni bvd mil ivrii ij ii mat jtffefy lcell ircuiut nircfbiracifcvjici cuuwout the r vll ivlkfl tr find lrm rn any llii lrjwi ih j lux ticiitiu lit tv 1 f tlic fljvde h t triu f io ih vh w rdvri c fur iiii itm ihk sjfij nd ictim rill itmirti li u oi ilw on n c piii 1 1 lo an 0 l i ven mil ih p i jhh th t wii ir pi hk qqtt ofjiwuii hie hrbvr onj luit iiicwkiira ttith u rithhrfck co c ppc3f4of midi a l timur uf rur frlj ctrr tbo whvlc pw ccruinty very un ioif itt it npi a icry ii the iwmi if l cvmin- ikui occrilct the m rmr mi nlikh 1k ice h iimiitj a claiil irdmidxfy frhln htjthbrirbimailitdouhhicb itm n juiovl ulo lilsru cf abuul lurly fci r if j ii ndhtj mailcd rc thcnptvuxm kf which the f htuliifftmoir mfcti the iljijh wd ftf li i pjipc ftnk c itti n j ftnm plouwar tost rctx ftii ihj cry ahrn ukich 4fc aifaufij ui a ii p r nnrafljmmtuf fa what bc4m m cultiwatur r d i r d on moimjiti bm ingf uowlo muhiiav infv 041 fifmuillind cunn ied monihi amj 14 re kc the tiiwn utlrjmd a iil inuf jihjji harbor ia bvailmfa at the jura tioie itt it the albion a in v o flf ihr n v- 6iw coflinwrecj on um m h fjnimif ull tinl it ttortsy of no je thai the eticefpimik piopfklof u hirchtv ise eofyiiubf putjiiltjt tjm curu mod mer lin chiicfkir anj circuulin h ac in hc briiitli lvlikf ttfbw i per joun cftf- nnum ifkkoin- ih pj stufl giiton 4mt or iiid portrait cuuiucs c i t j ow rwllhf fief lw- the j b laucl asi odvudiilie cjlm cftllrrl fromceh chcr aarr which tvto ff i inftfc studied to tliecjbt- and ihiy m hauud uilkihctaliooafy iccbyasaftxijwt liomcn ck tillfouikij ufitlmlf j lttf jrljill ifc iftwoumitclioflvm i ilfl l j cr tj fyanmjrotii manner u have- im tn hit iltolrckoly to mate it m under cmhltfflcmdcnmd by tfh r r mr ftbimll mw tiwsssb c t i i rfhia tjl jpiltr aj kly by thohldftfll the iijc m to b dliclxd after i i- s il in iffn h l i iw chnocl haibcn fmuhtd nd tfih aal owi loaea ciuwn he mvit n joy the ptoiwrc f fiariti h the ebb lldr theiwin frvra 6 io 8 indira in thelail witf w bt w irocwtfd frrn tili ctir 1 cohpwri bf hb ifjlfictioiu il ii looicnhat suij if iii l i i f tj or gaflioftito iridic dcmfhlmtloni in cndi ihe ckuith nj tlie jtiwntr iu9ul4 uoih at rre law fid iixcellcnct sir mltcalfc foreivel ooij fur safi- engraved ral price 0 ii excellency draivn ne kv w locvwooj say armour co auction sajk ty dry joode clltaimg c- jr will lie tuld m ihc u nbor ave- tiwfi itoooii on friliiy nexi teclw u coitttgamcblj 4 asci arid trunk seaon- tkhfa gmoi uiiming mi pan of bbnkftltfi flnnnch iivai glim and mtit tsrrtd cmup vroli rai unli n vunely ufoutcf irltcktf male ul 1 vmirkt list of letters kit poii offle ul win titt j linton w kcuoaryc iii auction sale of newspaper itriodicoh fc illbosotd on monday nextt inc 12th tnatani at tin sukrrjlierd aueiim rrom a iftfp qmnujr of stoicii kngliji i nail canadian anj amrrlrsn ntiwvnjmva alao lifjumic9y reviciv c ilw proiorty vf ifio k nptm con new ltwiti salo ol 1 1 vii j linton x c cm fctruwy 6 isi4- steam between new york u liverpool great britain ano great western railld great wctfem flra mp cofnpaova a sum ijueat oltltain ot3iw ui 11 iaiiifu- lieut j ihlskcn k n trommmider and ff great western i too iww and 4w hrtra nef with w i- 1 p t- tmvvs faquir mc nri tfteri iuutthmmr itc inteinut to nil i r mij i february 3rd il naaexpeed that the skawer briunnb culd d yecrdjy from btoa hy which lime a pac f r her taaea weutd be cut tjjrjujh the ice eftbehtr bar st hie andrews society the quarterly mr drew society wifl ho i hotel on tmukbday eepifvmhe 8th issl of the- eld ai si dj lincba dopy iftjurio the clmrehe of which iber ptofttt libc lhe adroeac and iiouj h exhibit- i the ivorat ipirit of any of our prrcdrcilf tlivc jt toil duvravi between ihem lljt the foioer a leait understands hi lubjecl ihc lihir cvijcnlly doc 0l and if now georrjuy lnoivn lo b- dkfta- ed by all rcprctiule v y i a a n iui orrio il ti jmjllh in ojcret profcaarr caropbcir rrlu ira rcftttd at on hl mtclin tf snd 11 it wajtk moed by tr finr r arj rcofidfj by mr ktid thit the fvltoii kcctj- liona be adopted t in that thit synod reenj th etor4i of tht cafrcme jrltf with nh lhey hue metued the ii ulltfcrc that a dimion tmi ialch i- t in thr mother church atd hat j mity of ihv mt if ed ptouf and zealous cfihrir tathf ard brethren hae bei ploced m fwolufaneef m whe thrj loi i i i ih j by m reard lo eomi- leocy d eonieirncc lu t dc from thr ftitonil ettabulioicm ocid toiaefifiro not iidy m temo- rd bitigi but the ivknoaltded dan jchich ihcie e w ith it c ticm fe 0e rt loi initttieiton of ihe peoilr iod that 0ib sjojdeith cotinc d by cljiemrbce i fihe it lun j blc ium ttcrvint from hie urity ofho church auj ihc a lionil etjhlhnitt cf rfujin di aii will wiatl nr r pry thtl tsc god tjiciec may aad cnlaidilub vinit ih ddd church and mi by hit holy spirit and tie i di- of ii ie ard raeiow poiid nee orn up a way to t uliu and to the miinrian ii u cvlirtafw awl t- i of an intiuion hch in nat linftr hi l j fi icuwufblo huaffa to si d ai d jlury aul hr jly of thai uwdl id tlt tht syttod nhlc dfihrip i ahte teoce to the ffat ptmeiflta file lliajni if chrfltj od the iodrperd nee of he cnurh in all thinft ipritoa1 at iet furih in ihe taidtr j tf ihr church re reinj aware thu in iht a in thr- mrihri eeumry hcn tiut w hr tihjii hide ef opinion on ihe praeica1quraiiefimrcud uce- wilh wnrj framing thai mn h re ih c niijtil if i- lated become oecaton nfunsajivy elijhfcwm3l arnonj those wfvte uninn h ihir tirenjih and fo ty ferl deeply he retd which ik cnurelt 1u at tnv preaenl momftii of ihc mtdoni vhiih camcth from nboee ad eorttidertn that ihc brct it la chi biartch of the i mirob oic mlbr of llccrc than of peaeticr considering nho hie iifant aiatc and wcakneo of the uhures taidlbn diid deoidivioi n ihe folevianl eommurity whkh eooirahi i un happily u ilar ctueftaf art iflhccncmiciof the nteod 10 au the mevrbr r and cpieijk 10 the tf leobeafrr uf the church to eireic a tfaft of bovrraried patene and fibvjrtee lovrvd one another and to pnj eamety and perfvriniy fvr ihepearead p0prrit oflm chtrrhr and n ihelmdof ur fjihcr eafvfutl atridnjmmvef whtchinitht nainitc qncva f allr livo gqthj covyinj which ii in faith tv tug electors oy the city of montreal when you conferred upoo roc the dttnuuhcd honour of a seal in ihe lctutatio afttcmbly of iniied canada t etprnacd on the lluiliox ry pciaical ofioions to be tsow of the libera i rhool ihjt no tf pari hi 1 iron could be lolmltdg iird that with the local diiinctioni of party in eoj- lind we had or oorhl to hate nothing todo anj i rxprcaacd a hope that all diflerencca all ditlinc- liacia ahould eeae lo raiit and that brrc we ihoutd hte but one object in tie n- ihe advancement of ttn- provperily of the province j and i rgl gcntk- iwetip my conduct in frjiti itcoi ha evinced the in eerily oflhoac aertmriit and my endeavoura to haatcn ihit period fchen a i tad in addrcvinv rryntfto jou on the 52nd march lwl ihc chil- jl 8 oclock by order blntn feb as- tayi i m mckendrick assistant secrtlaru ii 1314 a and ealth pirentae wool in thii cdooj the appcuatioq drcii nt irian scotch uc willin to aatuaie ofcinadiana 13 my addrrm fotfcltin- yoor anifrase i retcr- rrd to my conueetion niih ihe fi cocnmercil e j umiahmrnl in canada the intereau of ihet inaii tunon no claim my undivided atteoticn and not being in m artuflion lo warrant my difconurciin myself with thai eto r i feel coniiraintd 10 nubqlatl ihe hlfih million you were pkaacd to puce mc in anj fcoin- beaidrj that jog wilt hve no diblculiy in aelectin a much more eilicirn and jn equally icatou repreaeniatire 1 bcj leave i iritis with the moat licly aente of jriitlde iof ihe honour conferred upon me to rcaivn luy acat in he li i c aai nbbly i luve ihe honour to be geoitewien with all rnpect your mot obtjdieolhiivtble rvini monrcal iji rttrtry leill to let desirable family residence known as grove ioust fronting the bay containing lcn foriru9 room with two excellent collar 3 good garden stab iiv fcr- fur ftifihcr paniruar apply to ihe subsffihor on ihc iiremitrs pivbicion ivcn 1st may next e cressall kingston fchninry 5ll s4 6i w auction saifi of leasehold pwperty ill be j on ttkmby the 13tfi nftanlf on the nrcnik the hnuac and is year tinefircd imc uf the pre- mii bltfly owned by kiclurd port daw ociuni d at a rental f 10 pt annum this property its wvji ptuajvi awl private rvi- jcnti being oil arthur pfmf on lot 2 near the rev archdeacon sioj t pixtei i nnd direvily oppom ihe im ioii condilions made knoait at aic j lltonicx kingvlon february cij k44 irom gtsta wnleui guat riiuin ckui vvratim orrml uriiam greai wimvrn great brjtaj great witvra crciit riiaiii 1 tr al wurn msw vornt thuraday t thunjdny thurj ihurjjy thurtlay f tburvu- thuruay tliuraday may june juw auiaiit ah auguvt hh jrd solli nth oct nov dec 96u i7h mill jth bfimainihojof february 1844 fcraoea calling foe ad rtived ultci te particular to aa fvr nicn a andvraon lt andrcwajuv v arcbnrr artiu1 arfnlu 1 r iv j iv aavln andfcw lnry liver ruol aturdny saturday studav solurjay 1 sattjrdhy saturdnv salunjay atoiday fietghl c vajajge cr an- other rtifjroaaticji to maftlandi tvlee ot co acna fw montreal qicttc and kinitoei tjifml crvat gnat uroal great great great gnat great tptfj rom wemern itrilin wr-tmi- itrilaia woatcm irtuin wm kritaiii wcwfn aped 1 fiy june juty aoguat august nuv 27th 2fth i5th inh 3rd slut 2m lihit mb the annual misting f the kingston meciamcv isstx tvtion will ijc held a the rmm of 1i10 iovtilttliod on monday livening next ihe 1 1th insfani at hllfmllcfcli nvwk s d fowler ken secretary kingston february 7 lfw removed c kennedy sc co have removed lo the siore formed v oe- ctited by mer5 r h t t rac oita- rre stfwti kingluti 7lh ftohrtniyj 18 64ni fresh oranges jusl received at dumrles confectronrry kfngton feb 3 13 6tii ve tfcrowin- moan he iruh dj ttm llj rrorn- kumt ahv ft jrtrdlitjr f n c ttie syned had rra 1 tht ilrft of dll vide for the mana mrnl of ihi teinoral cortion at reported by ihe ovnfii fifotfrncd csiitt coav- wc inrndrd an atiff notice of the adjiurnrd criminal ooorl ui iordhip ihe citikriuartcc opened ihe cowt o monday tht 22nd of january not many fievh is si aroic hi jibip pro nuneed ibe jodmrn the bench 01 two crca of 1 tfrtticta of ir r had been rrndrrrd at the fall aaaeiea and certain atttl objecbnv uben sfj h dtciidana caantcl th pral ri iin in licinient by the cammuilonera of the weatero turnpike road a3inat it dennbon eao for pntlin down a fence creeled by ihe cmaunotcra alin ih garrlcon common many dufuc hid arlrcn belweca the partie at ihe anitet th pvevmcwtkl waa eoeducted foe tha croht by wi il dtafce eaq and mr itaffahyand mr g t dtnniton jf th drfendiit tvav found guilty unit r thrj duxclion of m juatlee maeaulay se veral law point r everved ai ubseteritly lt learned counarl tae chief juaiicf nrenaenetd iwdmrnt in ihe irril question aainvl ihc provecutora aivd mr denniaon wii diehird th other eao waa the celebrated wcjfstah 1 00 certain maictrate the prinerv were fcunj guilty and 1 ii obtrctton taken by thir cne mr 8rt1 ohjrcuotia praitidnd wkmbtittmktofw a remark ible rrinjehrxcaainat an wufoitu- n younj man muvajd gilletpie trai tried the prisoner wa ably defended by m elake and aeinii- ed a an named henueraanwas ami to the feni to pro itiea in rationtf ai rrpovted by ihe cmnliee aj pointed at lat mcctm of synoil fee obhinw h anetion of tha lfgialnurc m aueha bttt the aaid r j fw 0 ovaftbrrn-atvcndcdhvlheintroduoio-iof- hon wm draper conducted 1 nilion of ihc office 1 f dcjcq wai utanutwu aiotc ad the clerk wa ordered to rce ly a- allot i wo beg to acknoncde with thanks the receipt from the pobhahr of a epy of the thid ml oli provincial slatotea ccnlainin- the acta pacd at ibe lartsravion cf the iegialaiurc and the aihburlon treaty the work ha bcencarcditbuilypublbrd aodbgot up in tbe neat lylc which chjrrcter itca the eaubltvhment of the queen piinteiv meaira dcrbiahuc and dcabaraa hi hon ineva pi ivm dra nt the britannia frozen in boston barbouft thecold haa keen o mlcnto that the harbour u coonplculy frcien up the steamer britannia would not be able to aail until a paajajo lvaa cut uvcuh the tec the fc4ioinx are the particular boston january 3ulh the acnta of mratra ilamdcn sl co repcrt that the britannia itftozta up and ao far a can bo aeon atrc wa ttfcely to remain ihec ff aome daya to eonir the harbour vu froicn over to ihc narrow the ibcrmamelct on monday morning at bcaven otd iwo dereea balffw aero salem harbaur is frvaenup y a to present vcaaeu frctt 0n out or cooiing m tbeiccitiaaaideitcndaaafaf a dacra uund portland harbor ia froicn over ao lhat thr pohu croaaonihekctoandrcm care ehtabcih whkh haa not been the caac before fcr ccl year the beaten mail oftucaday remnka the britannia b advertiaed to atcam for liverpool tnmrrow i but tm ahf to get cut of the harbue m nqueavanfor the membrra of the aionn hmi 11 charleaton to c4 apparently irekcd m ice u n were last h in the artna cf murphcua tlw weather fr kn or twelve p h ihc coldcal that lever experienced the 1 tee at 8 oclxk utla mvnn indicated icdrreca be bw cro the r father thjugh cold hi rdcaenni and 0 akihins eacellcnl i at boatcn on tuctday lkrc sfitss merchant hew at which a3000 m mi defny the esrena cfcpctnn- a tpvg v ice i the harocr to curc llvr ifjgkm ad caacb the rcalt of the experiment iii far tatoo wdl be found in tin mlowtng rmrraplm tnni tnc f bcwtontfaiacriptcf wedncady operation ere cmcnccd yoalrnjy bnmediatejy after the mrebns crincrrhnnt l bee 1 the thermcnn wiajjililf ancr mc metuivi t en- i hw the lot 1 undertook ibe pcaitc aakrmbk progrcaa rnde tjfa saiw2 work iffii- uc rrojrct 0 rcoanyutn 0 iroaftingloa the fo lowing paragraph give but a htimiliatin view of kc itala of manner and moral at washington the rev dr edward nraa coughed dan in waotington on sunday oight while attempting to define a sermon on l the end and importance of chtutian sabbjih somo rowdica notlikinthe aubjret of the ducourie rcaolrrd to atop it by lhrir 1 beatily bchavir and vijececdeddr edward bc- hi eompellril lo ait down in the oaidtt of great con- fuien and dbordrr the ctteel and tendency of nartiiati poliiie and nhtt mr o a brownaon atje demaotuiien n their influence on manner and moral on the vrnie of decorum and rrapect for the rijhta and ferlinaof olhcra are well ilhuiratcd by the abeve dtractful outrage on them all in eoay tarfaod fo cban letftvm aiow lep and ron ride toou aa ihe acaton of tbe year haa arrived when ice upon ihe door teo i houieyarda on aide v1ka u tubjcaoano and daocrou 10 uralktfpaan i will atatc for informaton a afmplc encap and cflrctuat meana of melting tbe ica at oner even while the cold b be low the temperature of zero take amall cjoaotity of floe el and apmiklauotcrtho lee and it will immediately be in 10 liquify and ha a ahorl time ditarpaar the promt ia more cocelv1 than it would be to acaitcr hurim coola upon the aurface of the ice the au n hen rt cornea in contact wib tbe ice lcgm to de and a crocking noiao ea made fumpv in 11 hieh the water b froaen hard can bo cleared of ice in a abort time by throwing joto tht pump a quantity of fine aalu bcliinc lb mfgw will be oieful to many i eat motive for giving it pub lication i have myaelf made a thorough w ihii mode of removing ice and tho teatcd it by tha standard of eiperieoec j of coenmerce fwcriron cvpptr the detroit advrriiaeraaya mve art inlormcd by e gentleman cfhijh intelli jrncr connected wilh be government agency that at the ontonagon river in the vicinity of ihc loeali ly of the famoua copper rock one hondred ad twen uoco pita or abafta have been dug in all of which with two ciceptiona native copper ore ha bcrnfouiid at copper harbor one of the loci liticiof the united state agency aeveral toni or ore late been obtained and aent to una city the ttcranrthe ore u they eame from the bed hu wen reduced here and produced over twenty per of poc copper in the itfem fr imoorlaal dikovenc of copper have been made sits worked at eagle river twenty mile nlaii now tafe orked at hie royale ap ele river fortyfive mdr north a vein to been found thu ha bean razored by extenivc sale ok teas sugars liquors and other groceries at the stores of commercial wharf on tuesday the 27th february will be sold without rksehve the followin- itipli groceries 40 boxes superior twankay tea 35 do do v m 50 ceddit do gunpowder poxes ppwchon 50 bbls btiht muscovado soar 30 ban tine grerncoftve 5 ola roasted do 20 bbls rice 23 hcs pnij tuhaeco i6a io boxes cavcndiah 10 do naihod jo jars miccaboy snuit 30 thouaand spanish ctam 5 bbls ocrmorl 25 boxes ground pcpjt 5 do ground gin 5 boxes ground cloven 5 do do pimento 40 malts cjmjj 10 boxes cmtije saor l jovtprjkspliv 5 boxes superior mumard 10 do assorted pickles 10 dm patc bucmnft 10 corn whbaus so reams wrippin paper 6 boxes chocolate 5 do cocoa 5 do ri- iir 10 do2citnic powder also 60 bobls cider 30 keg superior table butter terms liberalj and made known at ihe sale sale at ii oclock william ware aqclionccr kingston 7tb fcbruary ism mm british reviews and magazines just received a supply f thr piincipil british reviews indmauaztnxs fnrjiii um isll kditions printed expressly for the use oflhe colonics at uicvi lower ihnn whdtthcy aie furnished at by united suus puidih s tic lollovtinhaae been received t the kdiiibtirujh review jtbaunaiivrlf dol the kamub colonial rhr fortin qoiiteiy jlackwrshl m iaiine ali frf no government notice cjealed tenders ttukfft v at ivtj wicc kngiton m inataiiu tut iwri tde de gstufit tort the cciimifnriat 1 1 j i ij ii on monday tsc ilu rrpair of tto qnryiw pool and tor ciitptyin a pi henry lkrlicaiiorit nay ik e engineer oifuv brtttveil i ami 3 ovork dniy rltef t fiundnvt ercu i lie rilua in rwati4nl trie signaturts nf iwn rv trc lo bo auaviiej tj lliajl for ihc due jvijutiitanrc of cnnlrac may be cttlml into puymeiit will ire made r ciliinl u ilic work io tbe saiufaiit 1nc frtm minding royal enfneor by ordnance draft on the stmiiocivmotariai olricr mjrabli h mexican ic fjiiicd stale 1mi- lant at vs ij currency eiri- coin nissa rial canndo kingston 6lh feb j341 v 1 ili rovu 1 imnri of 10 i ill intftadfj vhi li 1 inttfiirle wrni uler at kurvlifs wl glni to let those extensive bre proof premises belonging to the undersigned on on tario street extending to ihe wharf and now occupied by m -r- crmi and walt an a wholesalecom mission warehojtere to lei together with the dwelling attached eonlaining nine large apartmentd and a good ttell of water in ihe cellar with pump conveying the water up into the kitchen with sink and water pipe the store ha two floors of 31 w 80 feet and will be let bcparately or togciher for a term of year from 1st may next tho location is supe rior to any in- tho city and the premitwa well calculated for large ant respectable business rent moderate apply lo n j coons kingston 6ih feb 18m 6 tcrtl pirtica otcili iovfoundtobo a productive at robot fewoflho points which xencaacamfd tbe comparison ork was received cemmenem- wm c coseroaicol ajc and mo mm but oh uis to the imense c ld ad tnc ra km nns to u- 3tt f lt y t swib k ws ih acic maj njf g sfit5stws3 fa hc ice plwijh apfaralw g nto from 9 tlwm tf cn t ji be put on the k ssmtwarssasi rtoafl britannia uill february 2nd tn eri ti ibe wfctc fm has never cscccdcd 12 per svwfriai8tt i8itr h but prope 2pcroanu it rbauvarninationa or other jn f cur ore rjveuhiner courx of chancery england poutton and others p heltcn by the decree in this cause it was referred to the master to enquire and slato to ihe court whether robert pour- toif deceased ihe intestate in the plead ings named laujof conford near cntches- tcr in the county of essex england far mer and formerly residing at nr near sandwich in upper canada north ame rica left any will or any wife or child or children in canada notice is therefore hereby given thai any information touching same or concern ing any properly of the saiij robcrt pout toc in canada or elsewhere is requested to be immediately forwarded to air etl- trauf burdtty of curriers hall london solicitors to the plaintiffs or to spit- ttr 5 grays inn square london or lo smart of 19 austin friars london solicitor to the defendants montreal january 29 lsw 62 tit t keeles provincial justice for sale at the canada ga zette office price 25 kinjeton jan cf lfi44 lz commtssantat kicitox 5th feb 14 tenders for fuel wood fttpftpf atsltlr lowwftiafel office nn m on 1a v hid llth manh 1944 fmm person willing lo enter inloo contract for supplyirk and delivering into tho undermentioned fri yards enrn- tnencing m june and ending tlie 30ih november nexl suhjecl in approval by tho senior commissariat outxci or person ap pointed by him 3300 cords at tfc trfc de pont fuel yard the deliveries to be made it the rate of 550 caais per month with permission to deliver a larger supply in the carter months but not lo exceed in tic tvhule 3300 cents 1170 cords at fort hmry fuel yard deliveries beuyvch july augusf and september in oeaniities not less titan 390 cords earl month 170 cords at point tredtritk fuel yard tn july august and sep tember the wood to cqutftf of loir propnrtions of sotind merchantable harll maple hick ory black and yellow uintt and beech to be cut two months prevuus to delivery each stick to be four feet bng fmm scarp to point and none less in diameter than 3 inches at the sovill end to lie straight and every cord to cruain 2s cubic feet lo be piled ol the expense ef ibe contrac tor in slacks of one cord high and after- wards repiled in stacks 3 cords high in ihe tele de pont vftrf and in plea of cord high in the two other yards the piling to be subject to iho epproval of the commissariot officer or person appointed by him knotled log of larje sixe will no be admitted unexceptionable security snhject to ihe apfrnval of ihe senior commissariat officer will be required and the real signaltircs of two responsible persons willing to enier inlo a bond for 700 for the faithful performance of the contract must bo given in the tender forms of tcnow ond cnnlitionh of con- tnct ran bn obiaincd at trie commissarial office where any further varticulars will be afforded tenders to express in tiices and in words at length the rate er corj in currency and jinymcnl vvj be made monthly for the quantities uv by a check on a chartered btfc or in dol lars at 5s id currency each at the option of the senior commi aiine invvuilli afagjzitie a 3d nr no- dumiit uiiverify vaazine 1 bonllcv m isctdlany 3j cd- per no coltxinis new monthly c0 unit d s tvice jotlmsl 3 per no ramsay ammouu co kiiiftnii fhnury 3raj ifeiu to agrlgtllaturists 2c0 of coarse grain wanted annually til k siihsrrilitr having nmv completed trtul leady lorrpeiatiiin his new and extonite lmtilirt eitidtitanunt which ii intriwawi ti eommme five hundred will require two hundred thou saxd uushcu of grain annually and wuhesto acquaint the farmers generally lhat ihvv can now depend on at all tunes a 1 steady market fr the sale of cnarse rain i of every description nt the highest cash prices and truslo that this new unit cxtcn ruve tpentflst for lle conaumpliou ofplm l whieh lian hitherto btcn but limited will meet with a spirit uf enterprise on the prut ofeaeh farmer lo supply iho vlesirvd i quantity thereby srtuiing in tho country the orvtdation of a urge amount of cah ivhich no dotiht our american neighbor i would like very well to porkei james morton kingston drewerv el dwtillerv t january 3vl 13h fftz i corporation of montreal i to architects i pvre cnrpnrulion of the ciy of mon jp tivbt tivamr i idti erection of a new market hall a pttn of the site and other particulars will be furnished nn application to the city surveyor at tiia office a piemium nf fiay pound currency will he awarded lor the design lhat may be ndopled and tweniyfivc putted will be paid for the second best design the pre mium lo bo determined by a committee ap pointed for the purpose the designs may he lodged at the office of the city clerk on or before the first of march next by order j p- sexton ci7y clerk city ha montreal jan 16 1su 09 postponemknt tllkpeito within which it s stated irr tbe foreoin advcitinemcnt that catu must be fuinished has been extrude march nek dj orderi lor the market hall from tbe riri q ihe 15th j p patxt a pubiiahinj the ioarrl i hi hone fcbtuaiy i sexton city clerk ufvtfttavasjtij will p4cm d s gofdey dentist at the lambj ttend to piotraaion b wanted vscotchosaft a si mums manarof a farm- tfabtl pciied ltu u of rarmirtc m ihc ivfm or i fj p irft at the oftcc u in ctnjji afthia payer h kn juo address j ciou is now at hie lambton house attend to potriooal calls- col mctauhlin and vr anpnn i d s i- jry lorrrrriciibem kuivioa loh nov js43 prrparvd to hate kindly lu government propfrty to ist notice is hereby given that tender will be received at this office ajdressc j to the respective officer of ordntnceunttl x oclock ut tflntlutj stfa february next from sllukot desirous nfkeiitiitg by the month the tosk iiotjr and premises on lot no- 21 adjoining waiiswnmhn garden in rear of the archdeacons house late the property of mf john heslip the offer to atatc the rate of rent in sterling money at is 2d the dollar olfice ej ordnance kiaci ton 29th january bit fijdi bahrr jr ltatkcro11 mr urihrm jjhr bcnpniln uro rntei john boll ity hiatiop jf n- i i bonr william bojlr wm korean llcnrj- bocro junea cuike ivm urrau jdhd broivf wm uojtrh luhu wuiroiv rvli c partten chriatahar carter ciore carrol mary co jamca cjvne 1 1 cimbridf ftch crrulliira edward m caecaevt maohi pauler bella cjvrrut ttiotnji churrh hvraco chfrwrr jtastft coulirr c cviiiutjjrftca cvlkim win coucns aarao cridiivr mr rnrfued trs urontnil samel rralm mm camorr c u crjt arlhur croirlrv jibcs cummin c d darav scnr ftn dllriih j lines daley maij darlrr jwhii 0v hoanrns davjcaon jauns davidion juhu diwson wm- utacon waltrr d tap miss rscbtl i km john i if daniel i r win i snor tjmpqr vm durcy t dui dridrt nltv wm lihon jamta taiivood juhn loncan r letkr mr lntt jjmra m marlu iv h marahallcron- m 1 t mm manhall thontaa maaiman vmkksil mijfip j i i a mikij ivm 3 tkomaa mutitn robt mill tluxh tillijan wm miniaur tho mills jairra mvonry pa mi fa ii thomas imorifijudiih vluiri win 1 t ii ah i murr lvmpficrc i i i t jane me xfcanjiij mc arthur jvhn mccorniark j micurdtr djniil mr dowell ar mihomatd a me donald join hdvrnl4 c j medewtsill p mckaib pt alex mclll john heirjc edad xfelnlfra hnh mef j- hn mpiirn allan mrmirra j m mcmurrsi ssrutl mcnubb ihr ifosf mrncrlv ceo mcphrrson djiihi mcttitdiiw jajfs n nawp jm n uon jcthn nourr j nonlicauvr joscfli 0 obrirn m tcinncr daitnl oconurr fnorn extensive auction sal or household furniture c cn tburaday tha fllh tmbruutt at the v reaidonco of 3tic 0lt jt tjiiuks raradr ho orr it uii dinis or tnuojas cijd ofnsgows building sydenbtm s ijiposile ihc residence of gen armstrong will he sold withnui renerve lha a hide of hi househnld pumitursi iin1 other eflvris rompnain furniahinrs of a suit of drawing room dining and bear room furniture of very superior manuftea turo and rnnl modern styles incitldlrsj dining and centre tables mahngmy card and pembroke jwc i iibrary tables anj book caava sntcboord and fstmg3ny chcffonier murttif drawg room chnirs frenehj itming red itnom ckairm sofa- couchei ami tsj cbairti a ijrgc quantity of sorvrior crpetinjj nearly new elegant vier anl other loukin glasses lledstendjv single and donbte bed bedding and hair mtuisttte kicli damssk moreen and tiintz cur tains i kleganl plono forte willi warilrvtbr bureau- drvwingtihlesf wash srand other bej rrcm ftimiture glassware crocfcerfc parnur and box stoves siove pipes and a general aunment of kinhen fumitare jl quantify of valuable books and a fciv very choice samples of pdrtl sherry and madeira wines iinporied id onhr almivst nil tit lite almve furnith1nvi wilt he found neary new and in excellent order catalogue of the whole will be ready foe delivery and the furniture cmeri ro innpec lion hvo davs priivr to ihe safer suto at 10 avioek unrtuallv thomas greer fiicftoimtr kingston fith jan l4 6 towfr ipurdy michael vahnn ujjus g a v frri jonathan p rsnlsfa wa rithrr gout furnr john fineiv mr flint mr folt dally fowron j c fowler h fraer c1m iv iter jthn b ij tiarland mrs sarah call grr jocph uall joha gitlrnan mr ctlkcir r mar gibson richard tljnr jaoiea claao j iaodwin mr hokn anb rirmp it grave g urahca wm c cw bin dauirt grey uabvtu j joucr ptter jones mf ft irnin jotu tl hajan ji mam vvm ilaiavrwm llseaett mvj hrmry s rrin i ttrrtrlrr thns ltsawarit hrndrmon mr ilrarr rdfrt hrmptkll ihrtmaa llorja fairick lllvn patrick emj wfa flofditchttatnvvl f i or a ii calliarino hirne caoiaritse moiibjac itonr ceo hot owrn ltubn titnii lltmloon mr electa hunter geo k katlntj mauu kvanah juhn kennrdt jmra kendal miss kelly john keelrr john knihi fancl knarin mr jame lory mkbael lipriec bent rri margaret lewi fcosannah lewir israel r rr robrl raiimx wm abtrom gm itca smart re a j an ttrjan j rrtno1dsaisiutl ttjnot1 ceo f wm k r jnhn rb rtron john rtunrn wm itr mr d itubuison 7m jthodis clua riltan daniel h4t jl 8jrpnan william aaileri mr fanij ftsarase mam i rr john scoti mr s mere jhn shepkcid mr c fi lufroi i shunifr nora stacker wlunejr supd tho sloov ttwli smith tho plummer sumcr william 2ftih trrranco si h thimnion s iim michael m tilliim stephen wm ilea fiiuhtt arthur jsteviart lva isrevvsrr mit sicvart jrhi atone urjvi spencc geo nccci mitnail t muhpjay jlngaji i it rnlland jotm tout tho tooje annual tr juhn trwler jaeaes 1 tjnr khaii v vantuven hnry w warren mr fratcr ward win wtsh jatne ward cath walertoo ward john f do whriion jamea z white mia isabella winter mrs h or edwin wtlboii wjlsonjano wihon jeannah vvijjm v thomas william tho jr inlaw jon williams ivm v 2 y cur ii t j hn rated vtia tht unittd stattt woe mecarly v- ii flcory p rjorcm arthur c caoirrori john i lii n james craif a w mi r a i coe e a d dajlf michael foravth wilsam h hariky thomas hinnettey coleman uomsmiih w ttthfivim j ephriaan k kanar michael keep henry krllojlaer kiprtonj t ijttlt johi m 1 m mccamt- mcqanald a- mcdonald neil mcdonald p m doi rli ucary mcdoual 1 c j mclntofh pir run mckteio john trkrii edward mcnaoura d r reiriladrr john kobitvaow t seotl isanc seother w sleuth samuel sm jih terence tewn jonn m0t mr t thomas mr trcoacre a t uckcr juhn w wallen grorjn waellef w tvapcfei josepb wilson john wilson t wooccock vm r deacon p o information wanted f samuel ross a native of the scotch quarter county of long ford ireland any information respecting him would be thankfully received by ha brother arthur bose royal engineer de partment montreal kin5toajans3 ish leas sugars liquors sfc by auction at the corner cocnmrrcial mart buihlinfs on wednesday hit february will be anltl wiluoot rraeits 17 boes ttvaiiksy tea 30 do young hyson 30 hjrrefs j d tt ubdt 1 t mukovado sujar bas ureen cnffre ritrels kofted cnffcs k jiu tnimeeo 8oxf cavendish do boxrs cijfaitf bnls rice iiattcr cssks jamaica knot asks gomlrd ioiter 3 6 10 10 50 10 6 6 4 v do ale jtfnnwi stamtny lo keg cuirmh with n vaiictv of other groceries sale at il oclock william ware anctionrer atiti kmgsta 23d january 1s44 60 fpfle subeiisertbeit to inform the pub ho i that the firm hitherto known as eiua i winn- alganaaoqu is this day diasolrrd by rnu1uatronent ah acts that may hare btn transacted a rtcr thr name of emis white will be settfed byeil ellis 1 e h tufa john white oanaitftcinc jan 20 1844 the subscriber betxs alco to inform the pub lic that the eltensifrc factory for manufactur ing fail tubs and chums will be carries on by e il e lis- liuir jan 50 ml aonr cant dwelling hooe containing 6 lrmin ktlrhcn hbtl cellar loith nece outhuildingssiiatd on welti nglonsiroet well adapted for a small family posaea- smn gncn iminedialelf applv tr james lintojt kinptton january 29 1sw 62 a large assortment or ladies f boots snores of the latest importations cornprx- inp fur lined boots and shots srxotn do xxfuh cork soles pruneila sotin and kid do all o which arc selling for very low prices at king strett corner cf princat 6f- store street n b foot mufftfor sleighing university of kincs college 3y 11 just publishfcd ii h v rowsell xing tkkrt toooto mm lli shillivc proceedings me cerewony of laying ike foiruov tion stone jtpritvi 1842- and at the opening of ihe univenitj j ld43 r containing tho addresac dellfer- r l hy ihe hon and rght fcvettiod the lord bishop of toronto preatdentof the univemtly the rev- john mrcaiil l ld- vieepresident the hnn irw chief justiro robinson aod the hon mr jtjsx ticc hvirermarel tbe eoitor of those paper in wbh the tfeav raeota of kiisja college have uuuj apfmred ara reaueteito insert the above for ihr send tbfpioaonl to mesars h ft w toronto january 18 8v3 l and rowabll 6lri for sale tre scuoonert iriabklu 55 tons bnrdc ii nearly new and in complete sailinr ordeer for particulars apply to joht mowat eq or to the subscri ber jas swanson kingston january is 1s44 57gi b lank oeeds and memorials m cijlf at the chronicle office