pioaditagotrkne and alrono winj six teen cannon and many small guos were it ktfi sdui i1v later ihc monti of kolotoa imlicbtyof boniwa visile in boat in lhut gcma to ascertain whether any pi rate harhorej iherte no sooner had iheac boat appeared in the bay lhan tliey were fired upon by the inhabitants a general lire then cntuej and a landing wan efleel- od with pl difficulty the pirates fled leaving 23 of their vmel hauled on shure 40 cannon wre taken their dwelling and theresaela were burned and he whole isl and devastated forty persons were de livered from slavery who with ix of the kuaia lot reealkd her minister ft ha don the same and how mueh lher iwd rowera onffll to atab ibe wtl pa tl um country ami bung on aiiirchj m tswfsa lime mull jk-i- female coinage anitiif-fioism- a tllillmm l1ttlk stov tn th raonih of tat a pedlar and hi wife prr- aentcd ihcmsrlvr at iondn at ihe door ofa ul ftrnihoue brir in france and requested pr- mlaiiou of the farmer to stay or nifhf a small room was oined to ir rr- a the r wlfq wa confined to her bed the next ir wa sms dlt and the farmer and hit crrant went lolurrh nih ihe appro l uf sir cilt mu jii il wt be gai lo rhni r ii cahnly mid withcui irejudee tml iiwrtwr retdly diicftmd ii tfftir aiuj ac bkmlt f ilf j iv tl i km l jir ltd o hrponnhle civi mmonl umi it placer hit ic cmtitt potirs too anuih in tla hand or a tafl than a luujd cm rtembie catemmcnt re lfl fetter from laae buchanan wa ba n4 n tie pedlar alto started too and lhec rniainfd charge or parlsa in the hure the fttfi of the farmer a nawb rn in fatil the udtira wife who fvi nrd i11oc ad a tsitd sie ca f sf scarcely had llic per pi f ijaialrtltbti in ufthmhgam r hrl v ptubl wjfe attfted willi 9 pprate vesseta akol were ulen to matt g jj jj lhf w io mr i mm ami dcitimjit lit moit of kt lv tin- three differeni expeditions by whirh pcf notp muij mak j p iee impair ibe dutch had to deplnre aeven men killed d inrf lit link boj to haw ue apim aad 26 wounded wore considered inv wiwot w aod baujlh portant in lher reaults and condm ted irilh i fh owl th room tooted iha dhir- s- hk- tomueh rtllanirv lhal at marassir a my jkj ibtckiuinhif rhil avvc him to brirtj aiiaire t0biw 0i4 no loie a tti- mnt bl by i wpritfog faiit irt ihavmhar on lr roj lio hd loli u from tkeetmrili a 44 3l hia aift in ihr prreatected robbery- nc ped n fiy ki lh irtr wa a cuwory jj poejin rwfrjien jjc imtti ttijt ikii ii ol 1 oternttl ihrout a vmt it doj not fllw iia becfltjfte 1i1 tnrefihnol i athnitn tiered lkwh a mlly it t i v ddmifijrrrdor a itriy- m hc eartraffvitme kmitlcdo pcl fcv ifc pr ly i ulfier hi il lit ofli n of i i ih ciefttb it ere ums lcr hpim ftu into owrr fr- dcr ik t nfit ircimitt 11 ihrir chdvel and lire avtuj l prcrr imrewtcttf fun hti nf 1 hank giving wa set apart the aecoimla are uploihe 1st of jnljv i9v3 when the expedition intended lo act fuftli afto on anmvr eruie and to extend 1 l tsfcd he ehild here ho wt cnint fhl e v k i ij l i i- t rat x m operation east farlgeneer jf java national in from m commrreioj jdtxrlutr island of mext ana paevificx or pta rv trooi tht jbtfml 0 en american trorrfvr oniae li r a- is12 wo embarked tfain isr citj of k r boad 0 rmall aehioner bouid fortbv norihwcaltrn rhorea of the if land nf maraj led iht or the oapiain through the kud ajeacy of jaoao campbell eioj had agreed to ovcy ut lo wir at ihc ripiralio ofnredy ihe wend of mxlana waa tn tltw ird in the do- ltce appeared lkr aosne efichtnud loner emerx jot frooa isc boom of ihc rotlinj deep hot a no rapidle approaonid it gradtjolj rae frona the i un urlil at iaa like a si it it 1 d be- fore v in juiuhant v j we united on the somber n ahoroa ot th iatnd vfore 1 a neailf fl namion tn the rear of hih an fxoiie aaiia liea iprvad in pie- t- r 1 r idiflj ulih flfleta and her and citttdin for t jorid the limtt of our 1mqft tp flowery i1e ii compafaliieljf unknown it kit ran 1j ben vbied by iram ltcra and mi mip or ehari ma ct tnfirmed ih nattjeitf of lla fanee but 1 tt 0 roe of ihe ki tl aeemt deaiiried to b tioaeeoto naate ill aneetncaa on the odativ hlndf i 1 1 1 1 direr1 otdve ih eiator and ia furrudd by the cnltui aiora of mo jreni aanaion it ia about fiftt anile 11 teftfih and fro cfum o ttvealr ba in lfeajlhadeoniaina mny lh na it head of tild cattle ii i hitanta av ut ihioy in autfcbcff are coanpoao of afrieana and mvih i m natiwr nitunin w tthkm 40 pct- iii ai o modern dindr would sii united harani tnc inland ra botdrrtd br a aripolforeal varyifif ha aridth from one 10 three milea and niik an undcr- hro1ftai dcnaemod interwoitn arjih ino a 10 corn tn anool porta icapenetiable barrier hro the li n 1 itj 11 fcrcclouf fanof fannbou in m fvalaecurity and though tb tfavellrrmay be alarm t t- v r lo ibefrarfvl yell of hea mldnijhl prewkta aihko eer ard anon breki hanhlj upon the alienee of the noodt be may and quietude tn the fiei that hey ore oeldum if ever knono 10 acch bu tfnv tbe irre are fonratly larje and latl and are 3 inid wiihriot bfjrui- an infinite faricly of ihe mott ody and delicate to which the rude irdim will l firi pauc lo ply tf iribuie of ma od miraiot the interior nf the uland aprari like one vrand aaeanna illji jd incmjum mea- dorva by teina of frdlifld eitcndig from ihc foeat and runa in vartoua dircetaowj seroio iu plain the oil ia roaipcard of a lounnu otay barren in toroe prolml prineipalty cot rid with trv oaoai luionoua htrbr te ldcnadbo of ie tropica abound hare r 1 may be acen in eery fl r- a 1 i 1 1 r- ihe pljiu wilh a wt ifroaliy hardly auiepibve of imnrotement even be aeen couching benctth iheir branebea or aiori n inilia diaianer lifar iht abadow cf a ef judooort the botonm cfthc it while the ahrpherda ftrect rvft 00 iportin n their hjrj ad croppirg thr low era lehtch the ocean irinda tcaller in frat pfnfuint oter ineoca tbooamdp of arqaaiie bidi miht beoeen f j1- round the neiyborin- ponda which at the report of our jjf woufd riae in tiich count vrit bawhvavi lhal even the arua rye o ihe 01- ifboloat woutj hae touu in vain to diiinuiis onv in itair ethereal rlrmrni vd sicw of ihc injlotoreeontairvnj abaot two hundred arre which it often midc thr tatoatm of um wioat fearfiil ooocl and inceatinf eojoeatriu perfornmnecj lhat arer the ejea of citil- jied anan wrro prrrilcfed lo 7 upn h nf fnd eattc are trcrhly driirn within it confine l rr ibe liam llj i ors n t j foe i he par coar- bet wa r bo more iftleretlinjf lhan xn ive fif een nr twrnty honeieaornd with tod knirco and htnoejtleineahdaaboolhiiftfarfhlhoi tthtch on thrtr approach acaller in every direeuin icavinyj vht fear 14 bwio to tbe hr which cither hind fatloj el the approiehin enemy or eooincrcc tearuie op the carih in fooainf madnrav the horaemew toon af er cnierin ihe heu piac warntngof ihe eilarkin the neat horrid yila that rrf fill 00 ihe aatontahed aeoico of a cbnalian and of ihtbaclrra aunvicm to rrnder a ler doeitr at the aamc titir atrilfln lhcir mawire ipore into ihe fljrdta of ihe raer tbey act otfin rapid or orea aion wbirhix their lauoe ajid keepwit up iheir aurtlint yttt aoon cnconpau ihcir capurc which with dilaed ejeo and headi laaatofl in air aland watehin- ihrir enemy wih all tht delerminrd eour aje for which tbey ore unequatld the horsemen continue twir rapid motron circling in every dr tceiion arcgnd ibcm unlil an opponuniry oflvr rbrn ihrr clor end wilb amating prceirion f4i- tcn each to hi lurn their latfot u0 the rttrna rf ir ririi fve when ainiullaeouly ihc batik cqomfttacra the beuwinj of veh ai were nude priionera aerrrd to infiarhate llto whole and white oomc were botifidint aerom ihe pliin othea were fariauiiy ruhiij upon the hore a b for a moirvcni the duit eiirrj the mizbjy ilrtt in a leery climd but ths aeenc had changed beneh ho coennj tl eloud moerd rapidly away and dlcorcrcd num ber of ltaefiinterraiarcaw if h two la0i extend- n i- ifcr hvrna of each foaming and lavbhanf lp the eio r 1 1 nhilc othrra were ren atrechd upon uie eofth am thcdtanoonid ride ciioilj rrpoaed vfoo their n 1 aldrt tbe wand of miwianeu owned by arcmbau campbell ej rcaidaot of the city of paa we uke oal pleasure in rcmirkin here llat front ihri ecnttcmin and from hi taoiher jatawal campbell en we reeeivid the noil unlimited kiaoncti and ry marked attention duriny two yean aojeum in para gonerotiy ia prarerbiatly their cbaraeuria tie and in intra ihe trarelter wboae errdentiala will entitle him to thorr ocquoinlane f ill tier 6nd vlea tlnx companion eonndn friend and aprri- oaenjoftiod roulcil wrk nuoliaey laid he wet to aeek s r r r j ao attctopl waa raide lo rob ihcoa the ptdtor tid it wa now uncccuary oa c himatjlf would o and pcotrct liu mi her onl takinx the chit 1 by the ha d ihey rclurcd to the farm t i d ai the djo bul the farmer wire not rccunixii the eoice of her htnbawd refbted to opn it i ih y tdlar rnadc aain elfta in iiwjuco hrr aiwl fmnlly hireacn rd lo cul the chllda throat and thon lansak it sp fur tout at brut unable to prevail upm ht he co- eulrd hit horibte llirenl ard killrj ihe cmj after com milting thit okioos crime he tried to j et ino the hour lo aae hi own wife at time rrtfd and the farmer rntetit re urn from thireh hit oltecnpfa failing he mounted the roofaid do aeended ihe cbioiwcy tlic farnatra wife nlmoit btatlrttj now law rvoihjn to deliver hrr fr na cer tain death tne wretch wa almott dawn the chim ney and aboai 10 enter her chamber when cahcct inj all her trrniri thr hf aodden iiiipiraiinn drew ihc pailieaare ttraw bed to the ede of the iwarib and a ejuiekly let are to if the amoke in a few minute enviloped the atarn who noi brin able to rcakerd ery aoon fell into ihe fire tuijf ott ealrd tte furmera courageous wife itartffch bee prcaeneoof mind but in lit half mirdij ute truck mm several severe blow on ihe head with he poker which put him bcyowd the h ineo wf iw- medialcly reeotctn hia ocntca kshanpted wih fjiifue and intntil aonj he hnetf 1 m rn i on the carpet of her chamber and rcniaimd in thii lifuatton nil ihc firmer and t ia eiv reitirh from church thr dnd body of the ebitd at the jrvc of the farmhoue waa the 6rt ivrribu pee- lade hat rock the tfv of ihe imhppy fihir- tfcfl forced nrwn trvr door onj aftr hiinre enfprfd to tire fhr fiifntra wife tliy mixed itr liro euturii and jjvirj thni taer m jtirr the pellr auvivrd li wnotu and brna irik b lh he ard iii partner rertived ihr putinhei du u their crime ft 4lilt t made by a eenirniporarf we dntinetly hal that a juvt and equitable aetilccncnt of the nvcitinn of kirea collect now fn aiitaliona thoeouh re rrm or that inrttitmion 10 renowil arrahli 11 the cireumvtineea of the eotooy will be taiwtt d nn by the couniry nhorrrr may form ihe fxfutt con eil ard it ia needle to appeal to he enti turned of upper cnv1a in ihe hope of reurninf mcntbcri tbot would diaaprinl the jutl cipeciattun of the peorlo on this poiaj when the enjluh and seouih doanr4llm weic eatabllthed j rtry dilfirrttt aute of tltin a preaiu cd from what now ciila in canada whiih ftilly account for ihc cxeluvirc character of the inli lion but with the chaneoreireufnlancr and of to- cicly we allude piricnlarly o sr0laril secret pondini change ha brrn r0mmrdd by the se nuea of he tnnariiy of ihe unierrattwa 10 mert ihe dieter of the rawhkh there can he little doubt wilt be iixn cltcl 10 by pailianenl ir lutein erj- land ihe public clamor for aimiltr chifixeo v loud and incraiant notwhttjndin ihe firurmon thtt waa made sowh year otoruit llwsowm rf on ihi bead by oaubhrhing ihe lnitd n univortiiy how thro can il ho rtpeettd thit wo in canada isthfiraw cowwoa wf the bnrft attd advan tafe cf ihe whufe population ftom hip f ubfic do- main wholly cnjroed and montpoiixd by an ei closivc pirtya icclion of ihe population such on arrangement i at variance with the l ril one in- icnlion of ill onval fw flip f ni of rdu- eation fn vper canada made by kirtj gorc the thfc and it never caw be cvpcclc lo i alifc- lion 10 the roopld of tbi colony- tnal irai ws orilerrd to to art apart in compliance trhh aw ail drr from the reetaive fouteil and awembly of uppir camdi tun ihc noffte of it vra pfierwaralsj vfeietftyieefe ins the lcjiiuturc or mfonii th ourr hjuc nhat waa join on tnc people of ihii province are no onty iru- rlin fur an equjl participation in kiii cuttle lo rid the imlitulton ofiu icctarian aid reeluiirc ehiracicr aid rc are ipey to rfa what we hare aialect btvr that hia jce1tncf sir clnrha mr tcilfe i fully prepnrrd to meet the popular n iih in ihi matrr thi thej will find at the neil tweet in of ptiunenl lm m td m a ii c will eorapiv wth the rrucil of a wfmern eoc- r rripandcni by pumtihinc otc of ihe original rut- lie itocumen conncelcj with thi tn which obi clearly rhow thai il na never enuntptrcl iiiai it ahoutd be enyrod by the chvreh of knjlaml i ut that it wji ict spari by klnf fieoe fht thwi for f ho prncflf and advamae of ell hia f iihfut nj t in upper hanada the nh at rxiafinc evil haa lvn eautrd by lh rcetel peucetdinj of the execuirr council of upper canadi who carrfully cnecaled from the lriijture what they weee about brif fc the evil ran yet to n certain extent he rciwctltoij noujh ihe province will continue to igttrfrom ihc enrrvp ti a of former iinra but fw which the ihabtiani of rppcr canada would nt now be ealhd ur0i to pay a aeorv rtnaoj ox colonist ia no coierntnesit in the cf the civil adminialralion n vj in impvioo with the tcottirces of the a ihey arc in canada am it ia tittle too abanrd tlt a p colony in the new ahould act ihe example y cxifavaeauce to the wealthy empires of the old yd to lttcj cotctnor gemral we do not fibjtet ni trhcnitfalu intollc handa rf a tmt ta sir charles metcalfe who aa the ciwrwfjfmlyearriliaacxircvd ilia hapiuhty a vxmh to lh ra- i anj 100 sa princrij a scab atac he eame ihe old praclke of in iwj iln mint lure more than awailowed up in ol rinvitr tij ctii iqtitical tfiicial iircenc ffor do trcovjcci tothc amount of ihe ifijiv ttjisjjrjij or tfmt ihcac as well si the cnernorv houij cnatitme 1 permanent civil lttf- hut ov tiihc rct we think ihc aoenct laasj coonlty ii relicvnlfratn the burihrn the belter for nil partica ihe uiit tar ihr people ae u will ipare ihdr pacw- ea llic irtter for olnciala aa ii wiutcaro lea icmp- tiai to moin flace al lite experwe of inirriy and will allowltwaavapkicoof thcif bctnj wijtinsto ac- ritvce pjitcal prioeipie for ihc aakc of pteuniary ccn- ameratiorra we ari convmeoi ths if thia mstter to ukeo up by the pmidcbl padaaawssyt sod brought under the ttotkeof ik imperial gatemoacnt otrpe wilt immc- diilcly be bkco to rftacdy the jrietanec fee the au- thpiiica at iicmc can be no ckaire m force upon ihe irm i nti ii c11 rtittr ut f pffajdiajar tre mitoio rf nittr pnlitint will wl fiiiure b potird fil tlion it q irr it te tire uti ifttwht rrsr1bm mkinfft in whit rrti liiii tutt tfsnasirjua y ifiral principle u pucid it fiiin daiit ul tn- itim illr valve a j i i tint nr- riki itcd tn pi4ate tli rijhi vf th pi tniitatr ilim in miiittn tin dignity of the criwu univituin dppvrt tlie tjjttc icilvlmiitlc q3actc ratllldav peimiallv 10 tl cm 11w esrjrela the bxbcdtivb council and tut ci vk list i- t 1 1 1 e e a l popl of canada an cxpenae nbch ta uniwecawy wccbaervcm tnc jnaxfrrof cwatrjav of ihc lh inst smc editorial rcmarka upen the lubject cf the cavil mali weirestad to sec cur able nu j ry diaeuai a i ily and cudidly tit ihi im- j ncburitc ecxbh trjttant i there waa n time n hen tho vhfh r thaosht uhcrslae and defend net only the amoiat cf ibe citl ijh bultht principle uf having a proii- oion auhicirntly ample fr all the puroeo of govern ment permancnily ftcd- 1 1 and bf jribomcn 1 ke tarceeiacota froos the abouli rceoember that caakfaaat i lie splayed the cxtitctxc cf a erflnesf cifcil list lulhcitnt fjr thr ordinary rxpences of au mini it ration b incom patible with fupnblc covenmcnt linec the moaemeni rf the eteeiitivc ic beyceid the influ cneccflhe lcitlulive branch of the government untcao the laltcr have nlthin their ccntrolthat uhicri i the ewckec of pitleal pawcr ihc public purr independently vf the error in principle which tjv exritcnec tf a pctminent ciit uat utjwhcijly in lulvet llure b aiiclhir valid ebjvclion to that which ha bccnaincd by tho imperial giiernmrnl w canada viz the dipepjiticn if tbe amunl tolhe rcaourcmcf ihc ccumry ntt y have i iv re been many more nneip llait a lrict reard lo ihe eiuei- eneycf ihe rnibln a- nies aeluslty icgiftd but ibe aituric ivivc leenulofallpropjtutt lo the rciklciml hhrrtr the cmjuenti 4llahcd lo pab- ttc01cc are aa much rcattr than the iuecnibenu eumdcriic tn m anypeitaie ccuprstrei ndxr is in the aaerifiee cf pnneiple for hc ike of place aid ataxic frpccumay prcftt rather than a vanccce dcaito to ere the cninlry it w ia1 1 1 arue that men cf hjh cflteial slatton raut havn nn rctne which wilt enable ihcen to lire in ihc fltal stylo we do n 1 ace thai ihi ti nceeaoarj and if it were there arc tt halfa djen canadiin gentlemen who anrd mere lion a tb jnand a year nnd acme rf cur ctbcuu haie received abut two thuaand per annum in referoiee 1 tlii the courier say t f had oo 0nwaywe wuj n give n aiule cntfo holder in the cjnycxtplin judges mxc thai fix cr seven hundred pund a year a larcr atitn fhm thai ia ni ipe t by one man rut cf a ihcmand in thi cl- tiy in auppjit i7 hia dameatie etibliiiwent and ie bctirve il 1 1 be a mitatiffi idea tsit tho people asitl beiaterl toenable the jcnucnvc n croptbtn ihe faieutiie 10 110 in expense and exlratajance with lite cbt or ten wcallhic indiiidual who live in ihi r any other city in ihe province doc d 11 it ti advanlajjc to the country thr oftalra j of canada are neilvr intricate ney tn manifdd oa torcqtnic hr hflsjlaf cafcaall whhao hitherto been enjad in lh ir adminutrir n h fn tcnr j ta ihc nintj cf induidusueumpvnj the caceutivo ad be lafcen ftim the political bark of republicaniam il aiijii it ihil if njntrrjhy witkajl in any dcfjtc aficcun- tlw orthedoxy cf the uuer tbepopleof tire state base wa rijtuly in oppcsrttoovo the emdumenrof thetf psblie onsetea accordinx to tbe mcinacfth pepe rauvcr than the desires of incum bent and we eannat aree wiih the courier in hi wjkichtc itusalion cf eorruplicn ssinal their pub lic pcparrwcnta in iaatitulifr a eompsrncn be tween the txpeoscf cf civil government in canada and ihoae etthe stales we situ jc chicly to ihe hijjhcr otlke and j not tee that sxreuric ce law cf- fiec cr ainvjsr public aanctknaric cf the latter are a n hit more inclined t crrvotko and dithreioaty ihmlhie canada in the deparmenta having canlrj of ik public incniet it h true lhal pteulaiion dcfreoocm k the sutca but il muat be rcollctlcd cn hotory i not cnlircly free from int4nceof the eame ikee we are nohrifieraof the amerieni bot we cannot ee any objection 10 taktti iimj from tie every day occurrence an acottniry u1iwt nature m tn many reapecti anal gou cf canada tlujcne real featufc in whirh famt between trr proxinee taw tbe tnta is iho youth cf both counuie l the peeuniary rcaceircoa tf etch tn a the sim thai it projucca a aicnilari i at r 1 lo idntity- the our- ureelheobjr zszt paniof iht f in c aod a cf liv alike that wc of wd n wu the one trcm h n mmt tzr eaperirnee cf the other dcpcntlanu on the south they might be 0 under ome circumaloncr and fcr a litne but not long wilt they allow ihe mouth of tbe miiaaippi 10 be in thf hand of any jpavcrnmen noi iheir own their tumultuary papulation yow ensy thank santa anna for the aireac w ill weep jawn the rt tt inoehfehetorwtlriefnrcc a toowwhftm every thing before them tho ohio and muiaipni baattaj will command o very thing nc a tho mouth cf the miaaitolppi trhrfvaeraneeof the sooth ore tworotdthe la riff and sboltuon vt hpc the larift any mr- cal how take from u tnt nroecd of our labvf abo lition atrikc st the labor rhtfi tnr frknd of mr cotioun ay that tbey awoh the event cf the pre nt aeiott they arc ne med netiuau they wait locwhelher the dcenccrau fruoof cton iftrrfa from canada eonaia cf i mo tinarlc tlbt any rf ujirat ia t1o the auti at the ivpil uueaif canadtan ivi occn 1 a per aaek 1 erl pro ralhec tw vnquircd fx tfpwwjm ralef- 1 bajj wfarai fef canada arc to 30 v ord fr p suto 31 g4in32 forcsn wheat 1 itf ia dearer than nl ihc clcse of last week home ainrkct- txe wilsiinrfcsino trad a menaerial which ha attracted conideawc allenlinn at lierpw has ltat the ppil 7 rtitnm ha ro fr ihe in c ihi pwfp re er frtlol eesai a- y aitcwp thjt mjy toiler vnc f nt ai ntlljf ihe siti f jan to tiui r ne if a tetyfn cwt fcf c mudeudiij b tht cr f ir rt ck 1 if depuic in trf rbers lf hp sfccev which i itwrtiwkulwa ihiiji ii eencliadcs by tay the kins artwnfinj thcne prxmucd u4v tolo to l h- cvitim ciititvee to da ctcrytfm hvabsele ho lry and welfare tf franc trance pnmittd to be faithful to him the king hit ov- aerved his oath- where is the frenchman nbicli been odrewrwrmoeys government by the fmrnftof iwirsy hi ntlvbim i at ihe ceo i chirtnon of the eaat india and china asrcisticn cf f f ibe siwreas the duuo de kielielrftj rce liverpool on behalf of iho auwatirwo praynr f e a pt reapectin- hn lab viail in the duke d- dr- ale ti- f tho willdauoytherotlueycm jeatis in m fate trill bv nt ca the aattor af ihe t osxeaar mtheltntise if all hould rcwh acoordinx lo dafu0 of lea indepndrntly of lh patmem and ccm- mr culy ivavus been otfopta it tahea uk if all ahcld rcuh aceotdiny lo their tion of le indepndrntly of lh mwcaj and ccm- awffm cll tovi been adopted the mm inyaj uwy hill avpport mr- van bren andeewtit meeeial rwulu to be dented from the propcotd da- un diaej and nouid withowl dubt be ao 10 jto en uider th preoenl fevtn of govcrnmetil but irtfxtr wiahes be unheeded 0 ihey probably will be the soulhem ccnfedcraey mul go ahesd- thi eem to be iho precut lajj cf taawei at there ia no res a euaaed in tlte pern a well aa in congro pear tome that iha prfsahaaoflsir fallen far in tbe reor of lb movncnl of ihe public mind oti many aubjcela- illitn- 71c tonfco rerrorn ihc rritl cf the mtvc- iew hadbydcputiliwta of the tobacco trade wilh the clneuar of the fieheciuet it 1 ififrrrcj thai no lo abeamalcd whr the aubjtot ohcjld notbc di- rcdoclioa of th duty 1 conlcm plated but that thei aiwcllaainconftc it ap- will be sn alterolkst in the exeiaoofuw oflceun ihe attkki from ihc rndi globe cf salofday january 6 city ricere eutk the reutnacflhe aki and liobiliiica of the dank of england from the 7th october lo the 30th dceember do not exhibit the mvlbt ataialty epedod al this eaa of the year but thu b certainty no mailer roc orpfc eem- ihsl the money market altogcthef ia in a far diflcteni position the circubtion ha been reduced by 23- 000 but the depoart have inereased byx807000 a proof of the yeal abondanco of onemjiloyed cspttol notwihaunding tho mttent in railway jtrr from the new ychr com advertjset cf nlonday four days later from england arrival of the montezuma the fine ailing packet ahip monte aoma captain nbr arrived itri mominj from ltorool wwwec en ihe sh of january our fila or lorr ana fry tfhee avajlable etcn of donbtm chaaeter ption of propert the fccoriue have tn- un to the 7tb alirc7eodjojbejabn jy ct41 0crj am the bullion alvow the lm incnnnv accident to her majesty hwror friday january 5a alht eidcol which happily proved cf 00 ecettecjuencc hoppcned to her majesty who waa bcin driven in pony car riage il mirif jr the poaulidna took too hort a turn from on road into anathcr and the left wheel of th eamy went into a broad ditch which threw the vehicle againat ihe hedge her mayrety and lady potaro were pedtif rts- cued fcra iheir pcrilou pcoition and returned to tho caatle in a mall raony car driven by colonel arboih not which wa kindly given up by a lady who w driving clcoe by and hi royal h7hnes prince al beit accompanied the ear on hortouoefc wt are ili6ed to karo that her majesty ha oot experienced any inecnvenieetce from lh aceidenj letter from cotuunlinoplc of december 17at dual the fort had sent a conatniaiiceier to mcosoul toenqui- into tho aitaek cf the kurd vpen the ncatorian the m r qui of wcalminalcr ha ri n j- a donation stale i diieeti- whleh awhawwtf tf jy o nc finlcrcal aim cct af revenue eviews and magazines mcair armnur ranvvayj feaat cf benlley minilriln ecnilnur tlte comitr ve vcitr that lh col nttair would be b- ier e tirwd on by a cabinet of fit ce atx iidiviiju- a 1 that by th lary r number thi iavc lately ccoti- ttje1 italkjy wnesn e jt re ii i whatever 1 t t w tui fit the pnacnevcffrur laweottcrof the crown two fareadi ivine ciilwr invh cjbiu t or thr pjr liamcni 1 h- rvat ayalen alsjti tn us nnt only ihff rvtttonl aalarir of thte leal ftnictionarca lh tn h- bulcfthvo qucrn cruneillrr wha an empltd to do their wik whle they on- iivaonj ritij away their lime during thescfaimif raflianvn 1 liere are all other ftiwe lnric aueh ath f kiircnvn rf the bnj rf vrf uhomuat a et ibvpr0wc dt-iescfthn- d parlnacnl if cm bririoli v are indel fr the luerary r rh edinburgh t ft cf msaaine and iur lble in liitl n pcradieale were en ttsbaaaaaaxa 0 n rno hon a moftlh frcni hc d brebccntcxah which nc long a- wcold burrh review f aleoo a miracle the edin- frcen u rfldjb tx well known to require praiae rfttaocbai wen c swiyjujgfjg fa yu u hinielfatiemplertublkarepulatto which byrcn ber bef chdiodcatrty bultn rain the nura- fiewinj 4 a vcjo wf wleeeaim srliele re- tf hour of the nijht e belcher wbjs round the world by capt sir ccndiiioaof the thich enters at kiw length into the pae tho jroajland in the pacific ocean and et arbitrarily taken icffof the french uho hate there b al0 npcseoncf acvcralcf itasai talandi andrew marvamn excellent article co iho life of l 4y irlr 1lj labour in tie mamiafacurit or great britain there i the uiu- admirably nrilien pobtieal eaaay which ibta time lc ut ita theme thai prctific aub jeet iirlanj benicy mriilany i a t0 too general a favcrit with the pubtict require more lhan an introduction to ccr readers ifca 6rt part cf the furl one of the seal krocnv unily nilh which the january cf 300 roihe fund cf the anueernlan icaue ac companied by a letter en which he take atrong ground for free trade and the abolition of protective rnooopo- l nnd the opinl jna eprcaaed in which are thauht likely to hare much weight with the landed intereal wc belieec howcrcr that the property of the mor- qot lie chiefly if not wholly in london lhal he ia net a lare asrieuluml proprvetor the french paper announce the dcalh of crnrral count d father of the illuatriou dandy th rcitcrnt waa amn rf high an dbtittiithh tnetituath fit avil atnj awltis aliiucn- the state trials on the fourth of january the law agent oovanenc- rd the process cf atribitrj the jity thatb 10 ay of drawing frost the whole number on the pan the aiav ef 48 which number waa then to be farther reduced to 24 and finally from these 24 the 12 cosa- prsto the jury are to be taken the allorneya for the ifareracr handed an a pro test arainat the panel generally on the grcund that a number cf qualified pcrvon ineludin 10 rcmsn catboiiec had not been pjactd upon it the rcault of the drawing ia iho announced the tit i compos d cf twelve radical and repeal- era and ihiruiii wmgs and torc supocsrnc the radical to b aruck eff by the tacrer the jury will lhwbcopced of twentyfour tctieaand rthv- the alrikin- of the 24 wa to be perfaxd en tbe bill mr otcnnell poid a flying iit toccrkon the 3j of january and made n peech of course from which wc extract as follow aa to an acquit al it tearrcly depend en guilt or tnncene aulno facts look placa tn the open day t ney wt rtjftmronicd to un iterrct ct tsetpuftie press when the ow watchmen were crying the hour it wa n ad way of keeping secret a to tbe a laugh it wa with them they took an intrumcm toeonfdo iheir aeercta toj which cnd its way oil over ihc world acquittal or condemnation all depended on the ccn formation of the jury it wo idle to dcmcritralo pteianl advance ef x3ewcx amounting now lo within x145cwcibirtea mulion lerling the egport of the preeioo metal from london during the week ending tbunrday laat were only 3rv 000 ounce of silver coin to vicbaria and canton al though the exchange on the coniineot have rarbor dooped aain taeo ociock the revenue account have been the object of oatacberiiiciam in the city and while all are gratified at ibe creation of a surplua few ta pre any albficlion at lb manner in which it ha been obtained rix from tho ineotn tav rather lhan from a ffcuriahing trade the amount to be applkd to ihe reduction cf the funded debt i not large 27 j 3 a 200000 go to the redemption cf exchequer dill and altogether oceorun to the ad only one fourth of the aurplu can be appropriated to lh com- mitatoncri purchase th firal puichat uexpeeied lobe madeotit thurday the cstitcaasl and excite show precisely the feature we antic tpated in our arti cleof yeaurrdiy from the east by the overland mail which reached london on the 4ih of january adtreei from bombay to the 11 of december were received wc give a aynepti of the new a sicknea prevailed fearfully at llong kong and in seirde in the laller country 4000 mm cut of a force not exceeding 13000 were in the hopual the punjiub wn ulj diitroetd but aecounla ihcnec were imperfect and con trail ci ory- a britivh illtjwir kmbo ihcsutlri dost mahomel of cabool had not been murdered s was renortcd he had appointed h on akbir khan coventor of the hill country about jellalabad and waiiuppntcd 10 b mcdiiatirg a dceeenl upon pesfiawor with a view of rccofering that province from the sikh in gwajior and bunuetkund thero were commo- lion and divlurbance which aecmed to afford the anlo ihjiati gosernnacnt available prciczt for taking ttfral and open pocion of those coon trte from iho lnndotimc eartract of 1 fritnt in jlrtfurj athens ratlof from the rt ur lijwe to dated at aticmf nov i7h 1843 i nod ot ay i am greatly incoled in athrni we earwe iter joat nt the right tiroo the na- iioml aemb1f mil ihc d iy tvrfro our arrival 1 wcul yeaerdiy to aco ihrtr they appear o iho wole to b rf retpeciable body of mm i wa struck with ih maturity of e and mavk of in tttgrne arparent in the member i w aery fear among tnc wtrnte number 23j who were not otenhiriylim agd by far rv largeat part apjtrarcd u be frfim fjflly to aiaty year of gi 1 he pre- stclcsrt nntaraa uf coonih u aaid to be me hn on hundrrt tie lock ihe chair at the opening of ih a 1 trinity ircue lle otdeai intmu r and it in arjtu cul of m ci to hia ig and eharaeur hf wmi bltrd picaidml thooih one of the four nfyn m yi choirn aljf iayflatit i ju- lof hiiphce manr of ihelwruta of the former itrribirion rrf pretrnt wtlt among thnv at m tinrli th who fcgurd lirrtyin thn wf wih hf tnrh and ciniia wka eond irth the nwthln thii dmroyrd the ttrlrlah alnlak thn f s 11 far bn ttn em diced ih mr- vtlr tnnlnrilrr cimht in atlofraern er vittrnr hvrruii4 bw fn rr rnlrnaitwd imr i m irirrir ftfjcntibk corrrnmrn rfckrxwlzd by nf prtifie- the mot imporlanl rrauli rrobibly which ha nved from the rciifnatieo of the litr minirtry aid the divcuitlon conferjurnt th rern ha been lh unirrraal enunciation of the principle of rtpouirmc oovcmrnchl sir charlr hklcalfe ia ihe 6ret gorernor vho actually and avowedly re- cgnittd ihi prificifr od openly owlired hi in tention to act upn it tle pretftr which o il luatriou an 1 1 ample afforded ha produced the ef fect thai wa aniicipatrd and nw we hear of no 19 reiponiible governments hvery one apel of it aa a thing whte exiitmee enol w dented and woe influence cannot be reiiatrd il ha com to be regarded a an rmiia1 eteroetit of our conalilution od will ere long be coninjted a tiered a ihe irani by jury it rtquicd only to be undrratood in order lo be appreeiatcd and aougbt for there has befn a aplii al work net jn canada onujbut in british america th ha brought nbuiit thi relu in the feeling of the propir it h not lo ttee tho doctnoe of the reponiblity of public officrfs 1 tc people wa seouicd as an uto pian theory who ptaeiical appltcaion would tend iu re public anise the e ll uj1 not at one lime arm that this- principle ss caacntiamy uritlvh and conattutional now howrvfcj people have been taught to regard it in dimcrrr hhf and the gorernor ctorral unntaitaling dfelvh m eoc of rntponibc covernment hai iirdnce many who former oppoacd il to five in llf cardial ad- neion the geneeol aeknon icdmcnt of thi prin ciple by the people in their variou aodrcuc prc- aenttd to r charles metcalfe no more remark- abler ban the irdvlou amkty thil ii t own rrog- ntion of il ahouhl not be quritioncd dbplmd hi hi cacillene replie wherever rrpf tenia live inalitutron eiit th principle that the oovetnment u lo bo ail mini tiered 11 oeeotiljiice with tho well uuderatcod uuhe uf tie people muvt be ld upon fr if not ihoie iwainutfuiia become imfttaavs waywurae thin thai tiny leid to delude tte peopk wih ihe aha- dot of liberty in whore purauil lhy 1oe lb iub lance tl conwrvallwaof th i a eumit ry hare al- way prcfrawd 9n ditpjajrd aluehinent to law critiehcmialilbiiou and ihey had only 10 u lafl whit an 1 ii iiii element in tsal conatitutiuu ii kcipofthto uovnrumenl in order 10 ackiljwhdg iia ihj and ndvocaf it aiaoptio hitlnrto ise conaerratlve havn fcrtn wnttiuing 10 rontidnr the iuhj ct calmly ueauie it thampivna tier thpae oppinnt whom ihey hd iran d la regnfd nitb nitpleion tey dtd not undetfanl ihr tinluro x iti iptniulr frerrmrnl brcute they ditrutril tbe molhei of suae by wliwii il w ututa ami ihrrforn noum it pjly th-tn- 1 to ic ilgriir il lii mhin il w sjwi m bfrchin fiawiu nbty indeed a tnueh is number epens 1 ghiy amjing and augur well ihi foil lhal mr kitlaty lh- pritii ijieumhent of for the locrcrdm rhaptcra the inteecaling per- in sonil narrothc fthe enuth cptivc at cabul by one cf thtnalc priiner ii continued in this number andi of ttklf amply urvicienl t repay from j the price of the hrciiine then ibcre ii a contin uation of the tjol chaplain awcllwriuen and very intercating trie of ikctchea thai in the pre tent number ia fay equal to any that have gone be for thii matnc i itotei nith ii uua1 quan luot of poetry anifrcocj both excellent in uicir way messrt armor aod lumiay deterrc the luglicsl ercnit for iheir iitcd cfort lo inircduec the aler ting literature cf treat britain into thi pnwinee and tr truat a liberaiatronagc will remunerate them fcr iheir enterprise lhal cfllee ha reineit ii caivd rovneii in einveoaicncc ivc isinlc thai a cnbmct cmmmwg cf the fl low lw- tnditiirual only vrfvald b f yi ft tuiiv inrrc 1 n t r all uieful purpie lh prevdflt irotiiieial scercary a r tserr each proline and the lnpretce g neral we ixik on a h w thil ahculd eonaial cf more perjn than lh ivieuhibrtti and icully untcccary for th want of thccukn pnw wjili ih we entitvlv agree the nccctaity of hating two uwoflvce fcr each province ha bcert atl ibutd loth fact cf thir tifie betn 10 much oc cupied by their duties as executive ccajnettlor that cne eaild nat attend loibelral bulnescf raeti aeeten cranlfng ihb il b then covmii thai in cruvr ta the dx dieharge of lh dutaea both in tb cucotive council and ihe jw cilice cf thi crown te work tjoum be diiitkd and whjj one ay the alicrncy c neral i engaged in the cabinet ihe other lh 5oadtt ceneral ahauld aticnd the eiieull aril tramict the general legal buainri of the gov- crnmnt th i ik the cxpenac of a multi- tudc of quern counael il i much to the credit of the hie minimry and i to our mind a ineal convanctog proof of their hnly of purpose that they ccntimptotcri a redocikn bhofthe number of ojbciau and ihe amount ofaal ari this i a pccie of reform wtweh u mirc ncidtd ihan any other and it would be wcllfaofne of our pjii v 1 would 0v4i tea in iheorolical pc- ctiblln upon autraei principle and come down to the ajer re il riii of pound shilling and pence moray ha bucn aplly termed tho inew of ivir and il 4 not lea uioaouieccf ptcspcrily in peacr tlieeana ruction efvarioua public week lu open lh in crier cf the country and devebp hee vaat rcsour- cc i by all acknowledged i be ihc grand cmcnliaj totheprcapcrity ajtdhoiiwaof catiada aod ihere- fcer il it ttot unworthy cf remark that fur every xloo per onnum aated from the aalary of our omealr we cn borrow nearly xi 700 lo make road build bridge or dig canal and anrely thia woulj be n wiser il anhancitci appronfiation cibc retcnue lhan that nbrh iquanuvrvil in iho cauavaanluppt oyuae icm rstieiaj iy muit 1 1 pay our ti bulc of rstiluik to sir cliorlra mrtealfc fur ihc goctaes of ivi intention and hi cnleit deairo to enforce ceotumy in ile pr 0- tiiicialcapemjjtmrc the abolaion of lh unneec- aary trttee of chkf scefrlary and the eeueuurnl ain3 olhl aalary ifilspo per annum altaehcd thereto waa ur very imioriaiil ttf lowardi a gene ral rrrrnchftn nt of the ciwnk of the civil gotcrn- ntnl rthl ihr canaolidaiaxai of iin two ouec of iu- txivttnihl liipeetnc general wieh hia ictlknry r aaid ta contoiipjatr u ill u uaiv tl a another proof ufhl amulv to cmiihiii the unet utrrevta ufhv ifnvmr a ttwmore ffu mm sjpjrt will he itspil arnalmy futtl ntll ito more lo corn iiwre iln pri4r ifiat ihry ne lotn muw 4 ttrtmrwj iipjuni lijircl il mlaniic lmtnrr rtf ihr ntfllwnvlm ihal thi preoeetitton wa not intended to put djnn lc rtprctin of cpinicn en a tubject or the enest it lal impcrtsnee lo ireland i merefv wonhfrpin the itecdeemcr tn doblui tbey icjuldfvud many a man with th amo humane poli tic a vincent ihe jury wa to be raek thi day if iha jtity were camoaed of fair and impartial men the whole autair would not last 48 hours- if cn ih contrary bigot nd portlaan composed it ami that wa highly probabv for they were ploying with a ambler who held loaded diee the oonvequenet wa obviou and ho shculd be the inmate of a prwon but iho grated baracfa priton hould net leaten hu nmiely for hi esuntry and hii love for ireland rn iih- contrary that lore ard aflecticn ahould b but deepened and doubled as it waa only human nature to love hia thing fcr which we are peeseculed scnaroaon hi ten rr hi mind could not lumber in a cell or any where euc the reevfxct of repesl were brigmcains ever the land- th occeion cf auului john oneill of bunoweu cattle wa on event in ilaclf of hiih importance smiih obrien wo a hal in himaelf 7ne bank of england quarterly overage of ihc weekly uabilirle and aci of the bank ef eng land frcsn oei 7 lo dee 30 isis both inclusive pwiahed punuanl to the act 3 and 4 william iv ca9rj con1hderacy of states american by the fuowiig taken frn the waihinxton eor- rcapvhlenee 0 bw commrrriii mi tier v it will be n 1ml aoene cf ihc american ststcamco contrmtlato a draion of ihc great confederacy cf the iwentyaix slate the gmernrnent a il eiiai at preaenl i ecrtoidy ultjcicntfy unwieldy to warrant snae change mr cathnanv loiter rf erruc attracla aoeno cb- artrraiinn he inolnnger cn didac fee ihc prwdeney and a belncen mr clay and mr van itiiji he will piccrtc sn armed neu- tratity but it fnot for lueh a man mr calhoun to remain idle hbc latter patlioa cf his letter en currin- at it im with tcntimcnl expreated by mr mcdurfle and mr knell vrculd accm to ibjw that he ha in view omc grand acheme fur a souihtrn eotifcdoraey he is not a rrn lo threw cnil inch hint merely fcr intimidation d till lea for the vain ptirpotc ol difhy tc and hi friend ahowed ua in 133 fchat mft dared lodi and not ihey have a new nj rumi liniltiincc ewbji inetrumeot of cacittinent what tttty prei now may acen uirredtbfe bat c eery thing teem etranje in provpect however na- tural it may annenr an reality 1 he rweaent aiate or thinga tlieae griitlemcn fell u ianut ii br wineh tcngcr endured hint there will be a mjvrmcnl on the part tf a pdrivn of the south icry no doubt if it a made prematurely il will fail j bul in theeotirac of rime it mutt com lo pj ihnt the alacltouiagalatc if t mr mrduti aaj thir interctl contficf nilh ihoae of ihe naaliaaaral late uill fcim a acparale confederacy aeeordiir to hi auppotilirn c pr iton whihevcf you may call it iifiie thi lime anorrlic hoveer the alave hold in- prtkn of the cnbn tiill bcecrtic more reuietri in it nurtjacrii ilnntla maiyland virginia ken- lucky terineaei and nrth carolina will become more nlnhcd m ialerrt and poltcy wiih the north em potssm of las iwiut teva will beyftnn n d vm nwm pari rtthe pw- figured nthvtvirrn crffrrtrraey and a very ft apeclable aitl rtafw 1 mpirr can thua he nud i 1 1 1 e 1 wanihof ihe mltatiiij a nil ihe iutf but ihi tiny nripaj an 1 la gsj aiat fell aikinur u risk iridr wilt be rtkaid n r mercy mftwf luteil fvr aliht thr wraiem m- trreata arennt to t a m alupnanl of aalhey led btiiti8y the laal arrinal it wa mentiored om the spainah tcrteahnd been prrngued prcpofatrry to iheir disc4u lei tins evevil uck plsoe on the th december aud appear to hare been wholly ucxi- pcetcd by the rnembers mr fiulwer the lauly appo mmialte plrm- ipotentiary tram the coorl of london to that af madrid had been prrtented to lh president cf u cuuncil poavogal corlc wa opened hie ui by a ipricb ii 1 donna maria in peraoo ontario stkvcks having bcexne corneetnl with tte editorial ilerrtrncntof thi paper drircij tatc that he hai vritno rfl- ihao coolrewersy offr- evv r i huecnscetkrr- with the chronicle garetie wlae lirsitcd to the literary and political departoariu i therefore he hope no ortjclcs of ibcaauuaatjioawlsy trill b ailribuud to hiov a meelin of supporter of ihe bt p i n 1 lion wa adrenircd totake place at sydcjrasasi wednesday lavl but in eonaequenre of a aumbtr of peraoo from kirgiioo who were entirely uoesa- neeled with that part of ihe county and had aoba- aioeai there having iotruded tbemelre for the par- poe of interfering with lh rroceedinra of tbe mcef ing the refcrovcr eery wifely deferred it tfll arv turedty much to the chagrin of lb party fro kiogaton ta canrtioa lojsaftt tb editor of lh ca nadian loyaliit ha been mialed in rtfereoee to tb communication igncd supporter of lh 11 canadian a dm in a ir at ion we nature ewcoa- lemporary that ihey were not written by avr dvf- kit or any one connected with ihe corcroesentof tar china the nen frona china cklrndi to the beginning of cciwbr tbe moat imnortnt inleltigenec wa the arrangement of a rupnlrmctittry treaty bcttvern the chiiwf and the british government one clauac of which fa for the puejoo of guaranteeing to all fo reign nation the same pmvilrfe of trode aa lo ihe britiui themaclvea thi will hare ihe cctcet of rendering unaeecssary all negccislion belween the chine emperor and the other power the chi- neie government i taid to be vnrrc now in it de lerminaiton to abide by hi regulation of the trea- ly which will prevent all dieuioi with other fo- ltaaflltje circulation tm dcpoits xlljatooo arra sccuritic 2 067000 buliicn 12855000 x33 x3o840oo downing ctreet jan 5 ims te itriynaetlicolneim alalement fee the quar ter and year endm jan 5 a cfubliabed in ihc lon don papera of ihc 6th total jncrmo of th year ending jar h 1814 im071943 the previcua year 4437903 inereaar for ihi year x5745078 thlt inercae ariae prinei parly from- ettastj m703 property ta 467b04 miaecllaneou ifitefliq from which deduct a deeresec in ifm x4ad tie 83100 pott ctliee 13000 crown land 6aou toial if enve of rjuartcr jut ended 12211777 correpondtng njuarlcr of ul year 11488107 exhibiting an inereaae fr this ouor lrr of 1752670 thh increaac hai chiefly proceeded frecn the cuaujtn c351k79 properly 1 m203 1 he principal decreaae ha been in nasssmh 38101 tasc 17313 crown landr xofioo nrnrtry air mclli kfb ir 1 it ff tvwlll kn nlfl- 1 1 pint a the increased reeeirvt from the exew for ihc quarter mnounl ualy to xbb3 the pcot crticc how on improvement cf 2000 but the ovficiency of ihe latter on the yesr ia l3 tlvia dcficiciy it however atlribuld 10 km being now charred umhr ihie ttlikft were formerly placed to another txecunt tv sotionel j t 7 hr actual aumfua rrvenue or ihe tailed kingdom of great hritoin ami irelaml uynntl the ktusj eincnttiturc thcrcof fvr th year ertdinj- ihcloihdiy uf october 84 amounted lj ilrumof objm u d the enmmibikner for ihc reduction of tricnaiion- ul dcht httoffiven notice thai one fourth of that aum will be nr j in the rjuartee ending ihe oth jay of april 1411 lothcfoilciildgirpoec via to ihn purrhaie uf lcrt 7 l toihe ptirehatetf lclicnticrbill no0ihi 7 0 0 the ircaly i loolfcd upon in ihe eat a the meat aignal triumph of the british punipolcniiiry for it render nugatory atl the attempt of ihc french nnd american diplomatic miroton lately aent wiih ueh noanp to the chirtic court laujhtcr ha already bfunal lh appearance f two ambassador sent t iihcr kfjtc il waa bnonn whether ihey went j be received in order 10 ztro a rupore which wa granted before il appeared they new have no ground tur neorinion and mmt return to iheir own country in o dir lo be bugbrd al at h w america frigate brandywine h anrnoweek at bombay to wait for mr cuahlng lh minitter wro wa gotnr loee the sea frontier of ihe iculbof lheclell empire he had tailed from macao on the 27ih of november it i a tub- yel of curioily t know how h awl the french mfnialer uill act on their arrival for ihry will liaro nothing to dcmrd and nothing to complain of sir henry pollingcr ttho liad gone to macao to attend to the funeral of mr morriton i tcd to hare regatdrd the aupptementary treaty with tueh importance a 10 hare a lcamer acnt vpeeially with il to sue the mte of trndo al canton wo noi aatitfactory ot ing to the trick o the old hong mrrchao1 and their adherent lh linguitu tn atato cf trade ting il eoat i said to be aaliafaetory hoacqui ihc celebrated hn merchaot dird al the ago of 75 leaving 15000000 dollar worlh of property th celebrated mandarin lin bs alto paid the debt of ulinh the rev mr gutztaft ho been appoint ed chincae keretary in the room of mr morrion amongst the deaths in china arc mentioned p- r pootr deputy comertiuvy general and captain hatiland of nee mjcy 56th fool a letter dated macao september 22 aay re peeling the working of a new ytom lhal matter nrc becoming daily more unsatisfactory owing part ly to ibe miimanacmenl of the consul ir cltblish- mmt and partly to lh araping ovarice of the pro- rlnejal authorities the first by injudiciously inlro- ducinj a nuonucr of pelly rcgulaltona ecu ally ineon aislent with their 0 duly and chtnctc eualom thn aeeond by extortion nhich have driven lh es hong rperchanta the only men who have utable narehuuacsaud competent calablishments to clot iheir door ord refuse to transit i butincsa uniil freed from burden whieli they havo no longer ihc oeam ofmeeting in conarcjucnce of thi i ale of thing it a with the utmost difficulty hip are discharged and iha iradcsenersllyia quite naratyicd tho ttanfon vr of the 30th of september rej ports a riot al macao which waa of such a nature thi the j tcrtr chirrie and on been billed th hong merchant had let or were about lettingtheirwarchourca to foreign merchant the duly and col of ahipping uf lea i boaviir un dr ihe new y stem and two taeli more per pieul lhan during ihc company time at atnoy tlicrc wa a good demand for cotton one or two cargora wcro diapered cfl23to3fl dllur per bale tlie demand u confined to henr1 and made qualitic tho market it rluttrd with lorc1oth and price am nominally 3 100 lo 3 cxdo1lira i 1 ti s i h 10 3 13 dollars fr cotton yarn i quoted st 28 lo 0 dollar per pf- cnp ihc loneat number in most rrruct al chu- an th principal marl for british manufacture cify thing wa pvoceedlrg aaiiifaetoruy t th talocc wa perfeetly healthy and otiiel- wvtfilt k of mt jamelelie merchant of iiut city will ceuduet tl for th future ciimj tbj cawasff 0 ifrrtf trorrt in another column r bo found an advertisement of a requisition from l- c servo and 120 oihen frsholdera of the coooty of weniworlh addreed to j wrr u eq of stoncy creek and calling on hat gtntlema lo stand for the rcpreacnlation in parliammt ofth county mr sero we bliere lobe an honors ble man but a can easily learned from reading the requiaition he it a lory of ihe u olden school and a il ia no bad way of judlng of nan accord ing to tho company he keep w suppose that hr t iltiamaon i content to run on th old tor ticket of thia wc cannot bar any objeinj the reform er of id w have no fear will be all ready si ihe propr lime tosupportthe man of unit choice bul we hare aoencthing to do with the allegation contained in ihe rt quiailion respecting tho araef ment bill the abuse orthe lit council 1 an ae companitnent of which we would raol deprive the lories for without il they would bore no tune i play the aetmenl bill a read in ihe rmrmily was not an iuiquitou maasure il had for it ob ject tn enorc coial aluatior and uaation or prcper ly in fact to do away stu ihe inkjuiiy of ihe pre sent law by which ihe poor man 1 made to pa the itwt the rich that t farm worlh only 00f dollar ahould not be tased a high as a farm rrih 2000 wtiich i iho t at nvsacnr wtiai arc call ed ihe inquisitorial rt ofth bill were ibindcned when tho opinion ihe country was found to bo against them th lories taking advantage ofth general disinclination of the people on the subject of taxation have moil unfairly inainuated fact aid that the object of ihc awioctai bill was purely local that the maehinerr only af forded to the people lo tax themaewea if ihey lhouht proper to do and thai the tare thus raiurd by ihemtclte were to be expended for their owt ben rfiij 00 the pot where they were raiaed lhrouth and by cfeccr elected by themaelvc not otto copper was to be relumed lo the general rereou of the country thia la iho truth and ought to thame lhoe unsernpuloiii persona nho an indusirf cutty circulating alorie to le t -v- ii ton journal fiat belwef r ave and six oclock lat areniag a rt broke oul in lh atabl belonging to mr cal- braith tn the rear of hia atoro and dnejurur cpoo- site dcvcrrois hotel king street id the town of hamilton tbe fire company wa qukklr la tlten- dance bul from 1 bo eombutlibtc matenati which formed the back building together with a deficient upply or water the btoclc of brick hooe occu pied by mr hiram clarke 4 furniiux ware house mr myers do aod mr calbrmith pro vision dealer were oon enreloprd in liam and finally burnt to the ground leering only lb bar wall atanding the upper porta of the boo were occupied a dwellings weorly u lb pro- pert wa saved bul tn a damaged aiat mr clarke wj iniurcd in be mutual fur t0 and in buffalo fee 600 mr galbraiih was insured in the mutual for 3m on hi rwd- the houo wo not ioaured anj belong to mjj jamc cage mi myers iawv j isured and bis lo w91 ft consderabe k the went of lbcrlgcdcd arraogernaul contem plated by the board of police wa fully prorcd 6r the calamity of laal night had there l n foil supply of water and a good ngie lh dm ri havo been arretted in time to oar ihc brick butlding the board of police we team horc oedervd a urge and cmcicul engine end are doing tery thing iq their power to guard in future gaial lh aertoui dcsiruoiion of properly by ore iq thia laudiuc y had bete called upon u fire object tuc eintena will n doubt cordial and 0 european are sjid 10 have 1 promptly cooperate the person connected with tb a denortmcnl last nighty exerted thomaeive in a ronnr whicb cktervra the thaok of the community il 1 not known how th fire wig iudib ix aa ty drwnmu our poiofut duty to re- eotdih death of w e william son of mr p iittitam of bjoomhvtd who wa unfortunaiely uronnedin lake ontario on the evening of satur day laal it appear that the deceased who was a alumni in ictotia college cobourg was skating on iho ijkc opposite the wjndmitlincomptnrwith anumucrofhifellowludenl hut baring rotur- ctlcutfirtber than thereat lh ic auddanly give way and k precipitated into the water hi still later companion him hut in the alum tlic amp awssssulr copl luce arrived at beaton oft tuciday aflernecrn in i dnya frcm utrrrooli wlencc hc lailtd en the mih ult tho folluwing aro ihc only iletn of intcrcit brotighl by this arrival it ha aaid hat the otccmncnt was really m car- neat in it proecedin agaiosf ihc flrical otitators reland the trial were torouamrneo m mon daft january i3h juries had been emp 1ow ln day drtiuallr aimiiiiird iinelled at dublin fur that pur- inlrrrat rreeivahle en account nf iliitioiw nrwl hcrjursfa to ho ij iiad to ihr purchuvr itf ilek ianm i 77 u jo a tl nl mamttyin cowing l i now pitlicly fiird if it m chine mbii i a nal lite clu- no mnndarn tlrputrd by hi retettbl msjraty the imperial brother lo tho ain and c uitin jnrr man to the mwn hi ahovit fcrlhtiith to raldbil h i tail nnt lvcclwrd drngnn bts ptaccekafeiiihrr and rr bit- irei akhg the blue ribbumlt buek red- whiir 1 1 tftl court ctrtrt makss lnu virlmia haitetacd to tho spot and tried to ae vain lie had sunk to riao no n wo renin town and evr eaxrtion uirdto recofrr tho body but we belie it ha nm yetueenfuunj the mcuncholy inthlfgnererh- el rioomfvij n erprc about 6 ocloet on sun- uny mornitig ficton sun since wmitingih wr learn thil lh blr 1 t t w bau j c irrrtd at thi plat today by the ur dr rjeraon swarwa- jfkidauatori noon on satuydiy iimrj 0t t boyabotil 10 year ld nuira a young horse alongthc otoovitm rmnl m wa alcigh pasalog at iho aam urn wiih h t ln u or wh0 0 k th t wfl hib eauacd im pin ge hi aueh a manner that th boy wa throw h 2 fty tow tho a uj in ottrunplinff tn riaeihelwraoalrirekhin on ih head with hu hit j s tn hi ac odnedfuirr thoi pe- 1011 pt ilia brain protruded from ii wovjanf iu taken up in n i l htathcr a t m mltruvdluhy p mooif itrralna al prtnt a ho ihai n n the rciutc lti 11 ofinacnaieiliiy d otrfarw nee nlier fc was immvkiavtr ha wa are l j a7p