nrt3goru3 op new periodical to be entitxgd rituk forth jmfkm mluai end plituophta quarterly review ris proposed that quarterly periodi cal with the above title be forthwith attempted in brttirth north america thiti work as its name indicates will be exclusively devoted to science inj will embrace tie phnricol featured rf briiih north america n all their known varieties also the mejical statistics of its towns hospitals a prison ltd and lastly an oulhfie or a succinct account so far av its 1 1 in r will permit of all thai in valuable at regards fuel and doctrine in nther and similar work and iwriodicala of the periodical will be edited by dn spear umtmi by oilier literary and sri- entitle gentlemen in various parts of the province it s proposed thai the first number iv published in april 181- or a toon as a sufficient number of subscribers are obtained w warrant the expense of tho undertaking tho terms oi subscription will b l 6 per annum payable in advance person desirous of subscribing are re quested to send notice postage free to the proposed publisher h fc w rowsell 103 king street toronto toronto dor- 16 is3 drjavwksixrctonat mrttifmc n 11 owiin 0sn ul ike mi mlrr uj o4frra ftr ili tavc err ftceu lqti i i t t4ilflnr ailhma cauli 5fltin f hafti katjfkj coub croupor him coktuiitff lon caroiiii fmit i hrrnrt pirt nj ri ftif wem ditttrilir l sfialhinf under iy oilttr ttfce ofjit luti 4 urrail fa and jpttint toil uicfotnv 0rt dli whir u ipinmlu fep- illfjaad jwi iiilj i t o n pecaiilufv im mitur llitf ri1axcn lout f fonuiniithit al wiii furr4bti tfce nul jtiptfiju ofibi iitut qroutbiiafi cotfjt tfiiei of iiiitih r ihoii onrnrsiijrnrf bit i iirrm akinfii uftllcfici 4 pim up cf f blnt or nmt i r fcuj 4ii4i1iik mtl tit an knaiatm4ton uf in iu xi bidt line lbei- etdcof uiuhocf wl tktlir ir ir vef4 wwk mri h rtii vf j irt jfmi lime ytaii eluembjinl imnrfity bjimn lie rut i iitaainvtqti frvttaml 4tvuij rbiblfctj an j projiirn rr imj puiwni ami rurt iou ftrl it jtwi wti a1ii liii oi ibkrujr dnn i1l ruietbtf oonpf lf f tmjd 16 hitu- im 10 n iiour tiinr it ittnttihttr mlhttit tlir i intr or wkft n cuili and ft kprti tfiitv uuftflrfd hliolifettf m up l ihrlr pnliin 4 kriurof4c with i lnf bfn tfrorrjio iiftft bvuh it 11 re jontlitn g 0 d tamul r ctantitlc hfe olnf lr ltfouriii aajrr j iuii tw m 0ifi sad hf ir ah thjl ili tftluit if 4h jr orimrirair nvrnnon li ut rixilyviirr it- if biripfforatii mit oillr sflii ai j fllfcil fhtalllfltto or tcaly hjtt itlci uf tjir lbtilt rihtifcttifipimr wm3 fjv ifrrfw mt foftrfjk tt bur i1 a iufi ly n vtbo be iiiri bt hft rutnd 1fc rf c iiti ciptitafi s prrrrt wl ibiirbftitw i u fo j hh catfihmi mm f mil klffftrj bvnrmrbt korn kiid off r d itr lunjf abt n m ratut tflbl rtkon lor rmm fcf njuuriu re ntorouowtiirlinvauu fnwn jir rbi jrt mbi ft pjmuilflusm cuttmih fttm mrthoii irtiiiviitmvianikk iaai dr jyodcar siri bv brrn uijj our kipre- lnrnt rtmui r in m jrfnre frr ih ui tkrsv month and fo nil iif m otcolda luilafflaikoh or lite luxt roavmpiiivt th ptm nrd wfenfi of tbr tiifmt it j jttidrjl ihv bri ifisfnr i lavt rrt tr j vtff rpiifuju tour iw willlams 0 nifrraui hff rftttuffkir nnfm t kdtlrd liut lti t ariodrrcd unlrirui cttjenct ofii ffrni iim ritr tn pfd oolv bv 0 jijn o t9 3ett tnrt xret rmifiitibim rri ai iir b m lvi r antl i r mw wi mackintosh cintie k j winers comrovnp avtttir v iirthovm and kucinrakri superior alebker at the citv brewery the ciljr brewery company hat now in their celton a urge stock of dottlrd ate which ihty recommrnii to innkeepers jnd private familirs for it rjaality and ehtap- nefct tho qojlity bin nothin- infeiior to that of alloa or edinwsh ale unit 1h price botes 3d per dozen mc tutivc ofoottlfs a discount of 10 per cent btblg allowed on pur chase exceeding 3 doxrn tliri beer is so generally and idvonbty received that they deem it unnecrltmv lo itylrilng in commendation of it any fpjm- lity or 5 camnnkis nwsotil by iheaa t ihe reduced price of lod per fattm the 5 gal lon c held at the usual pnee of is kington 0th january i6vm from tlie jngfa jmcrfcan 9lli dec ib3 the ffra city hrewcry weldcserv no ticf they re following harrln thielah lishmentoo our celebrated albany brwerim l in the manufacture of a very superior article of ale 60 notice the i inrd havinc ditpnd of his mcrctiam and stock in risines to his st keknaltd mrkaul and jkkk- miah etcuilyi emfa who will now cury on theii businrm at his old mind in vvellin- ton hereby request all persons indebted o i him to come forward and pay and all those to whom he is indebted to present their account for adjustment the lodrri net tnittsthat lie same liberal support whii h he has for so many yean enjoy bu mnbls rtitnenwi riiendi will be at gen- 1 i erouly eslraiiletl to his succror archd mcpaul wellington i3ili jan 18 w 60 mi qukkn op the isles rilhe blmnnor this paper has just been j issued t which the attention of the pub lic is requh- prions desirous of subscribe in- may in a copy on application to the undersigned then v iwofi queen of the isles and albion g albert ware wine and spirit merchant commercial mart vomer o prtntth end ontario sfrecu ta5 lalclf rccewed the folloning ckoiee ii iisea t mr francis hunt beos leave to inform the younx gentle men of kingston who are desirous of ac siirinc a knowledge of the french lanuare alhehbs opened a school at mr horn sons street where he attenos every i evening from 7 tilj 10 oclock there are so vent centlerren of clastic education taking private tessons from mr hunt and many of them can after the short period of two inunlhs study read a kreuch author with as much eise at an english one reference can be made to dr allen irock street and to seveial other gentlemen who will fully corroborate this assertion terms made known at the hook store of messrs ramsay armour co ontario st or at the schoolioom at the above mentioned hours n b mb fvxr was educated in france where he spent eht years and possesses the true freneh pronouici at ion kington 2id jan js44 6uhi f thai ibj j lb praful ffi tij rm vfraiifb comb llmnst 41 hlooj wbipn rojlirmi cajmpito iiinj koincnc vain nj j t paf bmfv4 lb orhiorc uw mtj itn tum firiiin rn lr cored bv ibh amirm tftt ipcanta til lb m a iaon- chlt tr bow hnetnf ili lfttt tbtttat h4ttc j dlfkttltv t bittlitipi ibmn brriir tttt t i ititc vp or hkcn r imati mo mnnam tmj i bouiing t hi n vnmm f fif wvrblimf at ipi- tif is tiri ir oftbr i0 tut ur vnth tbtrb llirttiiej ptl lb i- tiir frnuu kilvv vtuita rompiunti lw i a 11 j itnt iihta ib nfirntion trihe m lil i hrtl 4 ul-i- nil b ffrn i ipmifl tr 4 ainl nf utrtf mim pwf b p viltrj nmcbib rffirtf iuf it nw fcbi ia fmif ms pmttll tbi niitn utp ihf fbic lb fiifl f ftftfl tlvmmo ff if hiectbv mfc flnt trilurimr frifli etpf jn i iitmn attbt in4 ttbft fl frhk 4hhtt 4v fvtfa lb i fltlimtt ii as u a i mi bfiif vm ii 1 1 oo4 it hi pfi iifrnef 1ai n4 alhiflej ft biwn ib p4ib itj dra t i- imr ivinf ihrn amhihinc i ibr lnlev rniirrimt ml i on ninyjt fate hirl ftjw wild tbii nw iitil ii noiir piijm n aauk rj n iwai l i ib onr to ib ulmni f ht ptittrt ibt tii igi rf imlurr and in ttnm ibi tmi ibm fbirucjq wirifc tb wiom efrrm hi fj o t iil w in ptffnijrit ibitnirtci lb mfcbvf lb nafbtvlvf tllb mvth fllhiifliiilti bt4al p- i1- fttplm 1 r j lltc lt 4 it- 1 iohtdh br 9f h lib i f rtinif y i ilrdrt tbp momtt botlforihe brrupttlil b nfwlem u i i i l t 1iki oril brfktkfil ttl dki4ini arrrtrnarjylif irh hitliir be iaoribe prupfk wiiiioui iutb tit rffj3jiie vrrg4if4in4 ioipj abonk mtlnlail bj j wtsfauli for sale at the manulaclnrers prices by j- w bnot n palmer and chaa heih binronjune i isi 103 i vt notice acc0ud1ng wd bond passed before b olachemeyer notary public at liuehec beaiin date the 21st of november lal john counter esnuire of kingston retired from the film of caivix took covxtfi here and that of d i calvin h co quebec the whole of th properly ajjets and etteelt of the sairl conartnership revelling to delina dexier calsin hiram cook and charles ed ward dunn who are duly authorized to rccov- ke sutacribor has jut meivej and offcra for aale very rcjucej priie for caeh ir approvcil paper 50 baip logtiira coftve sft cheautsvankavtea 25 itn young ikeon 10 do wpcrior io 10 do pwclldftgj 5 tin souchong 20 gall boxca imperial 10 do do gunpowder chestn do boxes very superior do in cannia- ter barreis olive oil do tanner oil do sperm do tiorcea carolina rire together with a superior lot nf cigars enmprs manilla cheroots linonna refaliai light and dark principcc and a complete and extensive atsorlment or g roc er i es of every description also pork 1 beef i on hand and fur butter and f sale flour j d f campbell commercial wharf and iatjotji hkh he o6ter foe aire tr ood ry win e utmicu we t i tfid b j 10 sail purcbva- 57- john cre1ghton h fc ttlfirtfri mi v asjenl superior rom compile and bropii sherry kingston nclubci 25 1943 fe olopori v- i ordinary do a card tarrxioa do chimo3rre cbre uji ar 1 oitdon porter pjc and brown coaac brandr palo hotterdam cm sclikdam gin in cue also n consignment 100 ca each i dw london bonved prime pom ii qrk brown herj b o do do kiri i8ib nov 1843 41bi 2 2 10 10 10 15 mrs dftew froaa london in returninj thanbitothe inhabtianlsof kiitgalon for the very librat patrona- ihe ha received wishea to mam them that he still continues lorlean kiiiand buck clove lo look ecjual to new free fron aftvffliellfof 7ui kid and av buck per pr at her boarding eitauifbrlttf 1iincew stc ojuie mr watkinr hard ware shop nherc youot men of steady habil may find goot hoard and a comfortable home reference fjuired n b ptron tayin in town for a hort lime can be accommodated with single room by the day or week terms moderate kindlon nov itt it for sale by thesibbcfiber ot tf tho newlv invented ptenirarmnic pfano fortes with alt the iprmiaentt nhleb rcir the towch and tone qual 10 the rxnd seiue vuboul beinj 1 bcriome wbb he ctter fee te 4 an j other ifhuc in ibf tine eo tipccl eura- n all inirumnti manufactured it ihii kroeiti ie rartnlcd to itand tbi ehtoaie hltuqahi piano forte maouricluref wellington 3lrro pjvo fqtextuxed i 3 1813 kingston dec 2 i83 o er receive aod srttle at to and by the late firm kiniton 19th jan debt and cuimsdue d 0 calvin hiram cook j rountflri oiias e dukn 1344 60ii7 notice the businest heretofore carried on at kingston by calvim cook covwteb and at quebec by d d caivit co wilt from thi date be continued by the undersigned under the nrrn of calvin cook fit co kiusaton and diy calvis co tjtehec n n calvrn hi it am cook chas e dcnn ktnfon hlh jan is14 cli7 if 5f governmbnt notice- steam80at transport for the year 1844 rap he subcrroer revpectfully informs the x publie that the hot cold and shower 11 t m s recently erected at the kingston min- oral spring are now open for the public price oneshillinj and liree pence for each bath n b suitable attendance for female in- valid the spaciou saloon and lunch housf recently erected is now open where itbp pvmrr ran be supplied with breakfast toup lufcle umners aodtru oi luc best the market altonjs at the followin prices viz breakfast 1 3d soups 7 lunches 7 ihnnfrs it 3d tea la 3d wines bottled ale and potter c ic a tjuaduue band in attendance every mon day evening the new four horse omnibus will ply between kingston and the sprin every hour fravin the ulohe hotel at 7 oclock a m- nd callus at lh british afliei iean fare lo lit spring id back7j n b any oj the subsenbcis cabs anil canute can be called off the stand it the bame rate tickets for the balhs and omnibus can be rporur j at the sjtoon sii lreirjinis tor lihiri panic j bone igogmon july 7lh ms extensive flouring ahd oat meal 31111s to let will he let from the 1st dajj april next for one or more years the bteam flour- in and oat meal mills belonging lo the estate of ibe lateorg longley esquire siloate in the villaee of maitlan on ihe river st- law fence ine are four run of good burr stones in the flouring mill and two run in the oat meal mill the whole is in mi rate llmotjgti repmf there is also an e is there ii also an storehouse and two i atec ashery siece warehouses attached to the premises which will also be let with the mills if required there is a larce quantity of seasoned wood and flour barrels which wilt he furnished on very reasonable term application if by letter post paid to e made to the mbsciibcis- klth longley executrix robert blakey dunham jones maitland mil november 20th 1813 42 executes s lteoiue uutki- wellington late qurry street mr ii a mills lespectfulty announces to his friends and the public that he ha reopened the above house which has under one a thorough repair and is now teady tbi the reception of travellers mr m has aaved no pains to render bis house suitable in every respect for his business and hopes lo sain the approbation of the tra velling community by the most umemitling at tention the ublc will be furnished with the best viands the market affords and the bar suppli ed with liquors from the richest brands com modious stone subits are attached to the remises horses and carnages constantly on and for hire n 8 at tbe request of several gentlemen mr m has made arrangements for the con tinuance of the free and easy which will be opened every saturday evening at 8 oclock kingston may l5tb 1843 92t mr trrtttrr kenneth mackenzie tr vuiiiv tm raajerry clarence street v0rr rfoori doov dauyi hotel at the tffict lot lyoeevpitdhy tfzur burnt 4 jfotoor adcttti 1843 r- british north apiertcak houolillfltlstcmnijotkcts of 1200 tons a 440 horso power m each oder contrartwitutne lords 01 the hibernia emrdav j1ejudkif britannia t caledonia g lorr acadia a rthic wilt sail from liverpool and boston via hatifaxy as follows from boston 1 from liverpool caledonia acadia nov- 19 iuhernia dec 5 ijhitannia jan- 4 caledonia feb 4 march 4 dec dec 16 jan i feb 1 march 1 april i acadia passage money from boston to liverpool 3120 ii to halifax sw these ships carry experienced surgeons no berth secutd until paid for kotc all letters and newspapers mint pes through the post office and all letters found on board the hius will be seized by the admia1ly agent and returned lo the josl office merchandize and specie except for person al expenses shipped under the name of lug- sage will be charged as freight and liable to custom house regulations for freight or pftssaxc apply to m lewis 25ly no u commercial wharfs boston to juel a beautiful twostory stone house tilualed on the montreal koad wilhin a few minutes walk of tbe market tbe build ing will be completed in a few days and it to accommodate one or two families all out houses and improvements made to suit the tenants p3 the house contains two cellar kit chens with two or three acres of ground at tached to it application to be made to alex mcdonald brock sireel- kinston 3rd dfccm 1842 45z carpets the subscriber has iuit received bis fall supply of carpets which arc of tbe newest style ivm wilson wellington buildings kingston october 7 1 k 3 in aul raw boats and light skjit kept j land tor sale a i acres situated on the river trent l yt io the victoria district to be sold at a very low price aplv to d fraser barrister j 22 sale by irv simpsotfl 20 brrels c d oil douglas fraser 8aristeh andlitf one at law oltcltoh akd waster extftaorl- nary in chakccryj c office kingston 29th nov 1842 44z craig st watt accountants mt4jt0 tfirt ofbee next door west of lb coatomheose wholesale dry goods ifofw wisjo 3d jeo isxyt in intimate to their cuuorners o an they are ontario street hon 9j sroteiabcr lx 211 to capitalists merchants and others for sale fj ajlis kxtkxsivt water lots in ports- t mouth harbour near kinxston 2 with mvluivs en which frame nr stone bnildtn mav he rec trl the above m ate fi gornall piano forte tuner onfrr loft n palmers apothecary shop co market square prompiy mtrndel io klitffton april 2d 18j2 ut be z sealed the cm winers canadian vermifuge warranted in all cases- tmr fc1 tmtay 44 r 4trwrr ftt wm i mni tf 4viioit irrrt but m in ij cjrhti j at tnu fe prr 14ii ibe tivuf1t antl rf cji ut ihvf ia mj 01 ii hiri in i coilftn tlf rm t te aha or ihe uttm i always ipv- c by it iiv iff ii vvhcfl n wofhi hfr ltvn i tkc aiftlifae s tnivi n ihi h r htof ra vi ildtfatf puin bit pfkir b ifr net jiqe r ftutti k ana fi i ft bf j xtlx carnttl i- jl himtlin x f iraarmiit mw nj vvplf n i it i ct i uiu 4it iiwl iii fsr sil t lh m jnufaeturers prices by j mt brent n palmer and cha heath knplmintxuj 1813 103iyr tenders will he received at mmissjriil olftcr kinton until innoftonmondlvhe i hh mtrft net teu 4t4 ivcuit fi jrthftrtr iio n ii- it i conlracls tor the fmow 1115 servicer nainrly for the trjnfiorl of riimps ifitrage and covernmrnt jt wc from and to the ranou stations on lake 0itario from kingston up wards during the reason of navigation of isl l f01 ihe trantort of do do do- fro n and to the various nation in the isay of qminte du rini do unexceptionable security tijeet lo the ajp- proeal of thecommissaiir will be rnired and the real sintureiof two t pr so- willing to eiter into a bond with the principal the faithful pnformanre of the conlmci must he iven in the tinder payment wtlt be made in mexican or cut- ted mts dolir at 5i- id currency eatboi hy ch- etc on a chattered bank at the option of tne sfcimi commissariat oitieer fvrmsol tender may he ebt lined on appli cation at the commissariat otfice wlteic auv further information may he btained committariat kingston i 224 january lth4 oli hntwrisg inirh rttcromxt u tiitti tatta l lrijt rli tfirr fraiaislfio am ionan rerlrtiflly ij infant jnl i rbiiir 1 nilf a iifqi lotirtm lve hlnl nrtl dff wtm lit jainl naiitll lr lkipfi 4 siitarjticc eiutitm nj i wi ikii eieeyhimif iiv ii nft ir- rif ri nt lrthcfi iu iltri rtfr a reio hi ill the rirl jibhsbvil new map of canada c now enravin in england in siyh of the artand will be early n ihe civiuintpnn a hap of canada and the lower provinces oinun asn uuawx nr mr edward stavelev civil engineer an aeenrate map of the biitish noilh ame rican proincs he ion- been a dixidcratum ant the ptbl slier leel eonjident that anced will alfuj ie one tatisfactiofi to the for sil a fev htiitlin- lm4qfj htfutly situateit commandin a charming view of ihv ufetwj hlandjfiardeouujij fori llentv c otc a charles hales kington vithjan lr12 61 owen miller mills coach builders from london corner of princkks oakrie st- kiivostoiv ahu klnrj rtkfttvt toronto now am ptiblie the rnmphef nnj dfaflwaq hasfnllilleil io task w teat fidelity and ahi lily every romeirnt inde who iim tn hiiuodiielioii i having pronounced it an atmiralile specimen flfcnphtcilit mr slnveley a access to the lnvlojiees of mtoimalion ami was ui- liculaiiy indebted to the purveyor 4 kneiat mr petite and the chairman of the hoard of wochs ihe hem ii ii killaly for the use if the fcbtihuia materials in tbeir reective de- paitments the map u ill he on a senlc ol a rmlei to the inch it wu ihew the new municipal difimonic in both sections of the province together with a force amount of other matter not introduced intoy map published luthrito in the margin map showing the fiiiea of momnal quebee twooto nivl khimoh wiih their repecuve envltmu on a convenient tr ale with a ufon of tbe ks ol niagara and its vieiftily will lie introduced the map will be sold in a ronvenjent form for the rocket for the use of emisiantn tra ycllrn 1 and 1 r i iuuftlirik llosjtea id public tiitiees the pikei will be low mi a t cmuic u ready and eatenttve sale armodr t ramsay led in a safe haibnur in the rnotl entral it nation hi canada tor an extensive gimt ai ill or any other buines reitiiin the convent enee el w t r eommunieation il hem situated at tne rut of hy qiine and lfe lake md head of the trn r and ftidcau navigation -also- ho rnimin lt in the village of imtmouth whih ftom it natuiat portion i iipiily be- cominj a nlaee ol extensive rrtlitiev lbe anl rot nre all the ptojierty nf the im of mcleorl and laani ami will sold on moderate term aiiplv to the fuhscrihei i portsmouth or to timtn kirkpatriek eq kington richard lotlak kiivjpufls lth atjpill 1si3 illy atcst news from china great reduction jw te1s the sutacrilcr have jlm received at ihe cheap cash store rorncr of ktftf unj brtkk streets on the market spmn formerly oceupieil by h hirp in athhtion to their former stock vis 10 cli twankay tra 3 to 3 hl perlh 10 tb ou hyann jo 3f l to 4s gj if half gilrtm gunpowder s to 5a 10 ito atiipcnor coiihifa young hy- ffon 3 to 6j ntrt1i 10 iln hj 10 i the alirave to be let sutia- and unnttdiau possession giva f tpllat largo commarliotm house jjjl rcicntlr nrrupied by the hn p il ivbopiivrr fnrnilicd vnh 1 patent yvsttrf twx h niumitrin np4tet with spring water rent moderate appy to ftc prrprielor g browne artlnlccl i the trade generally that now receiving a very choice assortment ol staple and fancy dry gocos suitable for the season which hare been selected in the london msnihctcr leeds and clesow markets by an experienced buyer on the most advanta- fceom terms and which they will dispose of at low prices fot cash or approved credit pcincrss street kingston 7ui october 1413 j sm a just received w illiam simpson choice 11 of the following liquois vi4e maraschino cuncoa double ic hollande eamvvie de dnlick ratiffelu eau de areur c c also a fine atsorlment of pirkle spites saikv koinii kim cariii pe sz- time anchoviesc a few packages chain- stin hrandy ntario street kinjon iew goods o merchant tailor would respectfully call the attention of the public to his superior assortment of winter stuffs consisting of blue black brown olive green and gray diamond beavers pi lots broad cloths of alt colours cassimeres doejkintwceds kerseys buckskins a ryo v lar-ee- vavretv nf vrlin figure i m mackintosh coats made to order and a great variety of readymade clothing hals caps braces cravats stocks gloves shirts collarsmufflers drawers sockswhich he will sell cheap for cash kingston oct 5th 1812 28z peabodys engr ving esubushment removed to burtcys new stone building on lvcllingfon street ad joining the fur store of m l green 5c co map chart diploma portrait landscape engraving business invitation wedding ami visiting cards die sinking notarial council corporation and crest seals door coffin platvs and silver wart marked c kingston jon 3 isw 5lz w1luam johnson e s v l c t f u l t y intimatcto h friends and the public dial hfthas3rr nmved to the chmntrlc building wond north inr fimn ihe rirner on brork street kington 30 iv deeem tind ssloi em goods t bilton merchant tailor i now in tr hyhe 1 1 1 arrival from dancing academy no i welllogtoo baildings wr i crerarj janri begs to intimate that in addition lo his af lernoon class and select quadrille par ty he has at the request of a number nf me chanics and others commenced a select school and a his rooms are large few collides more can be accommodated attendance tuesdays and thursdays from s till ii tftftmf mookoare gentlemen desiioos of subscribing to the seltei quadrille paily may do so for the last half of thr quarter private lessons given in dancing and fen cing daring the day kingston january 5h 1814 s5z cheap cash so ointon young tiij par it teas are warranted hyon la fh is the suwiihers have opened i up retail tinnccnv and store 4 whole having boo impoilcd thia seanoo direct from uhma via sew york aod will be found on esmnination to fcc inferior lo none in town jno kink co kintnn july 19 143 6a 1 enland of mi teuur ipny of fall and winter cood comiminj in nn ofllicbot westof famonavaneiy of shades isiv storr heavy omf r vev and bavei ui v r 1 an ihe corner or km and brock street r the market srjuare they would respectfully re- request the inhabitants of kington and sor ing consist and figured veil t he s hi imtniier will ay aur luutny tho wllltafi f kennedy t krn kvl i fuln r hii i mintosii krtaakr i nafa jmtruniks ivn- wlmfu spirituous liquors 8tc c ill key it- huililuffi 1u fflflltlv st 1- j mo r til lb iii if i 111 foinr mmii little richardson merchant tailors phthcrtis strlkt kingston befi to return their gmteful acknoiv- loignoun to their friends and nu dtcrrtus iuhinirrd fot tho very libera sup port they have received einco their eonv nionrcnjent in ruiincsr and atdl ini t liv pttrot asnluity to merit 0 eontuiuanco nf that patronage with which they have hith erto hem lawred l 5c i i io enll attention ryi their pjveat elm k of broad cloths plain nnd figured ivaver caksimer ioo skiua twecde fancy and clan tnr- tan mid u tliono atiaortinrnt nf y as trass s vhih wilt le made to order in tho lalem isni ii 1 approved fntthionaldo rtvle on rno4hrale koiii nml nt tho shortcut pinihte rirdice kindlon i7ih january irvm wk a st it ac ii a n c am ikin m a i of r k llvltorh ivi hnm4ry tullcintti i hi jiii 1 kirn cloths in thelal ljl- his stock of vel 0 a choice afortment of puin it l fancy plushes satins and vtencies to his stock of rood fr troueis he wolm pwimliilj eall ihe atten- tionsofoenllemr in want of a superior arti cles of plain or w9 cassiineie ljoe5linv and beaver pnafkin in rteat vaiiely in scarfs stocks 1 s and suspenders will also be found a assoiiment in the tailor lparlmenl it will only be necessary 10 ay m vffoit shall he wanting to insure a contir t ihe distinzuished palronaee with nr ha hen ftoured naval and mi umhrsiifc clergyman and barristers es executed in a superior style n il cold r 5 lace and cords suitable for umf ani1 liveries also the best of mackiik palrnl wattl proof cloth on hand kin street nr oor to devkes fa co kingston oct w ij amtlies t applied in small quantities at ihe low l wholesale prices with the rounding country lo call and examine their stock of coods which will be found in ferior to none in town and at such pnecs as cannot fail to ive general satisfaction they would particularly solicit ihe attention oftavirnkeepctstown and country dealers to their superior selection of teas sugars fruity ww lienors ffee gfitm tooitc- co paws di oft sfijfcsnfa toelhei with every other article usually kept in a grocery and lioviion srorc john kinceco- ainmonjily 11 1wi u happv to wail upon all who call upon inm kingston sept i 1840 wholertle warehouse the subscriber begs 10 call the attention of tho commercial publc to bin stock of paper and staple dry gooda imported direcl from the manufacturers in engand j s grundy commen ial wharf foot of princes street kinguon june 10th 183 99 ly barley wanted the cily brewery company will pay cash for choice samples of barlkv at their brewery west end of ontario slreet kingston 5lh sept 1843 m f finest of cm c teas wn lull tnh c kkry e- and in fact everv lrip rncery line india rubber vkr ok mm wometvind ch kingston der im3- 47 cbftk to lkt comfofrtabik dnekud rmas-h- cnjtt 1iv llnme rotatrii h roomf kuchcn wlar wiih iwwmnry ljuthilding- vvlni1ntnvl ivrll adapted fiw mrtll fnmily awr- iin srivch iiimt appff let james mnton 1 mil black heaver bonnets tlllosf ltiilir who luve been waitinc for ihe bote until arc recommended to mitt 14 f cu at ofhjkcs co8 lfltwfuawtqmib loo litntlvd to m uf n ctrfthi uvmandtor im faakmame rlick coin tuning toffllvrt uidity and cconooij irie iuaiily ttf sk rvtne id gympt klt wor ii t sks3 j salt fortbla iy in siniiei hqfl buveli livrrpool salt very jow for cabhor provfil piper thomas nnrkk aue iccnrn mer klnfftlifti iih nnv ifil il or kick to let m h hie i iii if r i 1 rnp lij ikk for iftnte nrr ni rm ri hardware rp he sulweriber bep leave to inform his x fiiends and the pblicgencraliythat he has opened a hardware estabusiaaatt on the premise lately occupied hy john mowal ejir where he will keep constantly on hand alj articles connected with the hard ware linr and trusts that frcm the superior quality of his jjoods and ihe very ow prices lor which they will be offered to merit a share of public patronage philip talbot kinstonnov 16 843 40 heir wanted should ihis notice he seen by david cargfll somvtime lawyer clerk in aibroalh north britain aftcrwaids in edrn- burh son of thomas cargill lite baker arbroath he ne any paily who may know anything conceininti him tvill please commu nicatc either with the subseriber or with mcsstf j j hvaih l co at quebec or mtmfceal david caritl left eiliiibnrh lvr america about theyear is3t and f even nreiht vears so it vas reported be wj employed about a nteamboat at quebec or mcntreal his fattier and mother are since dead i and as he is in terested in some property heorbishetis are required to cooperate with the rest of tho family in the management of the property left t them hy the said thorn a carill peat livingston solicitors arbroath isj- 3l3n cjrickkto prepakinii fob the press and will bc puminlioil rnrly in bfj wawnwt rnr about st cnumtfsn dav tho crfokktkks hand h1fk price in id hv ft mttttn u tr- m1ir tniinnfo r 1 rial o r at to p siik i r i fp botanic rhyfclun would respectfully inftum the hbli tanlsol kingston and its ricirjttj iti be has taken the south half of the new sioi builjinc helouiu lo mr john ilmftt n rideau slieel niar the british wesleynn meihodist chapel where he will bo readi all umes lo attend to those who may m tq favoui him ilh a call fiom his lon- perience and general goou success in trealin the sick on the thomsoman kotanic 5yjtj of medical practice anil particularly the who have been given up as incurable fi every other source he hope to srurc the l tronaxeofthesickandatltictril pitienlahoo a disuuce can he accoimrmjjted with ijoirj and attendance at his residence- respect personal references can at all times h p a large atsorlment of loiicmelieintie stantly on hant uliolcale and tclatl kingston december 6 is ix 46 wines liqlohs aixd gro- ceries the ubsckibek respeclfully htomt the public that he has commenced in the above line in the uremiexcn ontario street formerly occupied by mr joseph bruce and hopes by the keeping of the very best articles tometit a share of public patronage john stkachan kingston 22nd may 1613 tfi winter arraxgeaientr the subscriber respecuully notifies tbe inhabitants of kington and its vicinity thathc purposes holding an avttfftk salco household furniture and other effects on the tccsdav of evert week daring the winter months at bis exten sive ant commodious sate room in the nnpf 1 sirl of tbe large red brick buiedlnjc corner of rock and ontario streets hitheest cororr of the new market house known if coltia- sl haines auction commission warehouse sale to commence each day at 1 1 oclock ax t a haines auctioneer com bffft kinston dec 22 1813 51z n b any parties having a large quantity of goods to dispose of can be accommodated any day that will suit their own interest best john carrutheksbes respectfully to inform his friends and the public that he has opened au extensive grocery liquor establishment in the premises formerly occupied by wait ifccturakj esq corner of king and prio cess streets immediately opposite deykes k coa dry goods establishment in soliciting an extension of public patron- kcfefeftnsl1i tftfl flfivse kindsuppoit whiehtht have hitherto render ed him in his old stand below the post office and he assures them as well as the public that nothing shall be left undone on his pait lo mer it aeontinuancc of that patronage be has hith- erto received his present slock lac been carefully select ed in the best houses in the montreal ind new york markets under his own immediate in spection a fact which he thinks will warrant the assertion that they are tbe choicest good in this market and will he viusc of at the veiv lowest remunerair prices for cash kington sept i tfel3 13i ilk chaulilfe6 attorney ano barister at law solicitor in anntery oc jas opened an oai n aingston mm coor to mrs ferns shoe ces formerly store siiecl lore pr 1 r jcarrlthekbcgs iraw lo in ructa the public that he ha taught the ciicesedairvof mr damclhavln of cananoriuc well known as tho iks iii the countrj tho cheese made ii season amounted to 0oo iu and will btf kent constant ly on hand and fur srlo if w n for sale at the cheap cash store comer of king one brock streets e boxes superior brown soap jj 10 boxes candles 5 bbls spiri turpcnt cheap fot cash jno king co kingston jwlv 19 1m3 fa me chronicle gazette is published every wednesday and satur day aitheofbceccmcrof king and brock street kingston u c terms per annum j twenty shillings in adcante six lines and under v6d first insertion and 1 eachsubseciuent insmion ten lirteyad un der 3s 1d first insertion and lod eh soke ojtient insertion shove ten lines id per jin lot the nrrf insertion md id prr tine for ev ery subsequent insertion advertisements without written directions in setted tmferrbid and charged accorfinlv u is reouesfed that iu advertisement bt bonded in on or pfevio to tuetdogcrut fri- rny ertning nontf reci ived after try oclock 011 the mornings of publu aton a liberal discount made lo merchants and the crs who advertise for tbjie months and upwards any person procuring ix subscriber to the paper and paying unnvvlhj for ihe same shall be entitled to a seventh copy rors f country produce received inpayment at the market price agents thcmcmalonecj- vv j mr kay t esq u cameron p u henry jones en uw baker emj samuel clarke i thomas scoit p ml joseph a keeler es thomas dcrnorest ei i afiih mii fmj mosivcj mcdoti john taylor esq wmrorke esq william macintosh f george brouse esq andrew 1orteous esij- chartes bijmr kttu allan mtlnerson ks alexoavidson esq fras allen p m oaviil smait eq alphrus jnnctf johnkewellp m w huhetimvn esq oi lyots ivm r mermell esq k mcmrehaekp m jamrshaw eq john kooeitmtf pm ch itcrcy p m nell ktnait km aiehilm mekanl mcnicoi eq sidney waiierem j pnadple pm liuuimn mailul 11 j worn h li r 1 ji a i 1 t k 1 1 1 i ameliaburch bath belleville brockville bylcnsm camden e cbour olborne dcmorestviljc ficileiickburh t tananeque uahtimaud picton la ne aster matilda montreal murray ivpanee niiara pnth port hope pnseoti cqctiee rivrr trent hvhmvml m aodtetrv shannoujsthv snnilin palls lhrr ifiirr ttntilo i iirnvwfc mill wttmclm ivilhammih ii ivilttn r anirnt4 ivi4ktbniip x i ill um